Sitemap geordnet nach Ländern
P (Länder)
- Länder geordnet nach Länderkennzeichen
(DE, ES, FR, IT, UK)
- Länder geordnet nach Ländernamen
(DE, ES, FR, IT, UK)
Länder geordnet nach Länderkennzeichen
(DE, ES, FR, IT, UK)
- PA Panama
- PA Panamá
- PA Panamá
- PA Panamá
- PA Panama
- PE Peru
- PE Perú
- PE Pérou
- PE Perù
- PE Peru
- PF Französisch-Polynesien
- PF Polinesia Francesa
- PF Polynésie française
- PF Polinesia francese
- PF French Polynesia
- PG Papua-Neuguinea
- PG Papúa Nueva Guinea
- PG Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
- PG Papua Nuova Guinea
- PG Papua New Guinea
- PH Philippinen
- PH Filipinas
- PH Philippines
- PH Philippines
- PH Philippines
- PK Pakistan
- PK Pakistán
- PK Pakistan
- PK Pakistan
- PK Pakistan
- PL Polen
- PL Polonia
- PL Pologne
- PL Polonia
- PL Poland
- PM Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
- PM San Pedro y Miquelón
- PM Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
- PM Saint-Pierre e Miquelon
- PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- PN Pitcairninseln
- PN Islas Pitcairn
- PN Îles Pitcairn
- PN Isole Pitcairn
- PN Pitcairn Islands
- PR Puerto Rico
- PR Puerto Rico
- PR Porto Rico
- PR Porto Rico
- PR Puerto Rico
- PS Palästina - Palästinensische Gebiete
- PS Palestina
- PS Palestine
- PS Palestina
- PS Palestine
- PT Portugal
- PT Portugal
- PT Portugal
- PT Portogallo
- PT Portugal
- PW Palau
- PW Palaos
- PW Palau
- PW Palau
- PW Palau
- PY Paraguay
- PY Paraguay
- PY Paraguay
- PY Paraguay
- PY Paraguay
Länder geordnet nach Ländernamen
(DE, ES, FR, IT, UK)
- NL Paesi Bassi - Regno dei Paesi Bassi
- NL Países Bajos - Reino de los Países Bajos
- PK Pakistán
- PW Palaos
- PS Palästina - Palästinensische Gebiete
- PW Palau
- PS Palestina
- PS Palestine
- PA Panama
- PA Panamá
- PG Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
- PG Papua New Guinea
- PG Papua Nuova Guinea
- PG Papúa Nueva Guinea
- PG Papua-Neuguinea
- PY Paraguay
- NL Pays-Bas - Royaume des Pays-Bas
- PE Pérou
- PE Peru
- PE Perú
- PH Philippinen
- PH Philippines
- PN Pitcairn Islands
- PN Pitcairninseln
- PL Poland
- PL Polen
- PF Polinesia Francesa
- PF Polinesia francese
- PL Pologne
- PL Polonia
- PF Polynésie française
- PR Porto Rico
- PT Portogallo
- PT Portugal
- MC Principado de Mónaco
- MC Principality of Monaco
- MC Principato di Monaco
- MC Principauté de Monaco
- PR Puerto Rico
PA Panama, Panamá, Panamá, Panamá, Panama, (esper.) Panamo
- PA Allgemein
- PA Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj - province_provincia / intendancy_intendencia
- PA Region - Bocas del Toro, Bocas del Toro, Bocas del Toro
- PA Region - Cocle, Coclé, Cocle
- PA Region - Chiriqui, Chiriquî, Chiriqui
- PA Region - Colon, Colón, Colon
- PA Region - Darien, Darién, Darien
- PA Region - Herrera, Herrera, Herrera
- PA Region - Los Santos, Los Santos, Los Santos
- PA Region - Panama, Panamá, Panama
- PA Region - Veraguas, Veraguas, Veraguas
- Territoire spécial
- PA Region - San Blas, San Blas, San Blas
- PA Stadt
- PA Berge
- PA Dialekt, Dialekte, Umgangssprache
- PA Ethnologie
- PA Geld, Währung
- PA Geographie
- PA Ismen
- PA Linguistik
- PA Palindrome
- PA Religion
- PA Rosen Sorten
- PA Sprache - Sprachen
- PA Suchen, Suchmaschinen
- PA Wirtschaft
- PA Years
- PA Years - Month YYYY-01
- PA Years - Month YYYY-02
- PA Years - Month YYYY-03
- PA Years - Month YYYY-04
- PA Years - Month YYYY-05
- PA Years - Month YYYY-06
- PA Years - Month YYYY-07
- PA Years - Month YYYY-08
- PA Years - Month YYYY-09
- PA Years - Month YYYY-10
- PA Years - Month YYYY-11
- PA Years - Month YYYY-12
- PA Zeit
PE Peru, Perú, Pérou, Perù, Peru, (esper.) Peruo
- PE Allgemein
- PE Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj - department_departamento / constitutional province_provincia constitucional
- PE Region - Amazonas, Amazone, Amazonas
- PE Region - Ancash, Ancash, Ancash
- PE Region - Apurimac, Apurímac, Apurimac
- PE Region - Arequipa, Arequipa, Arequipa
- PE Region - Ayacucho, Ayacucho, Ayacucho
- PE Region - Cajamarca, Cajamarca, Cajamarca
- PE Region - Callao, Le Callao, Callao
- PE Region - Cusco, Cuzco, Cusco
- PE Region - Huanuco, Huánuco, Huanuco
- PE Region - Huancavelica, Huancavelica, Huancavelica
- PE Region - Ica, Ica, Ica
- PE Region - Junin, Junín, Junin
- PE Region - Lambayeque, Lambayeque, Lambayeque
- PE Region - Lima, Lima, Lima
- PE Region - La Libertad, La Libertad, La Libertad
- PE Region - Loreto, Loreto, Loreto
- PE Region - Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios
- PE Region - Moquegua, Moquegua, Moquegua
- PE Region - Pasco, Pasco, Pasco
- PE Region - Piura, Piura, Piura
- PE Region - Puno, Puno, Puno
- PE Region - San Martin, San Martín, San Martin
- PE Region - Tacna, Tacna, Tacna
- PE Region - Tumbes, Tumbes, Tumbes
- PE Region - Ucayali, Ucayali, Ucayali
- PE Stadt
- PE Atlanten
- PE Berge
- PE Botanik
- PE Dialekt, Dialekte, Umgangssprache
- PE Diktionäre
- PE Ethnologie
- PE Fremdwörter
- PE Garten
- PE Geld, Währung
- PE Geographie
- PE Geschichte
- PE Grammatik
- PE Ismen
- DE PE-Ismen
- UK PE-Ismen
- PE Kultur
- PE Lernen
- PE Linguistik
- PE Musik
- PE Mythologie
- PE Natur und Umwelt
- PE News, Nachrichten
- PE Orte
- PE Religion
- PE Rosen Sorten
- PE Sprache - Sprachen
- PE Statistik
- PE Suchen, Suchmaschinen
- PE Übersetzung
- PE Wirtschaft
- PE Wörter - Wörterbücher
- PE Years
- PE Years - Month YYYY-01
- PE Years - Month YYYY-02
- PE Years - Month YYYY-03
- PE Years - Month YYYY-04
- PE Years - Month YYYY-05
- PE Years - Month YYYY-06
- PE Years - Month YYYY-07
- PE Years - Month YYYY-08
- PE Years - Month YYYY-09
- PE Years - Month YYYY-10
- PE Years - Month YYYY-11
- PE Years - Month YYYY-12
- PE Zeichen
- PE Zeit
PF Französisch-Polynesien, Polinesia Francesa, Polynésie française, Polinesia francese, French Polynesia, (esper.) Franca Polinezio
- PF Allgemein - Französisch-Polynesien
- PF Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj
- PF Region - Australinseln (Tubuai-Inseln), Îles Australes (Îles Tubuaï), Austral Islands (Tubuai Islands)
- PF Region - Marquesasinseln, Islas Marquesas, Îles Marquises, Isole Marchesi, Marquesas Islands
- PF Region - Inseln unter dem Winde, Îles Sous-le-Vent, Leeward Islands
- PF Region - Tuamotuinseln, Îles Tuamotu-Gambier, Tuamotu Archipelago (Paumotu)
- PF Region - Inseln über dem Winde, Îles du Vent, Windward Islands
- PF Stadt
- PF Berge
- PF Ethnologie
- PF Fremdwörter
- PF Geld, Währung
- PF Geographie
- PF Ismen
- DE PF-Ismen
- UK PF-Ismen
- PF Linguistik
- PF Religion
- PF Rosen Sorten
- PF Sprache - Sprachen
- PF Wirtschaft
- PF Years
- PF Years - Month YYYY-01
- PF Years - Month YYYY-02
- PF Years - Month YYYY-03
- PF Years - Month YYYY-04
- PF Years - Month YYYY-05
- PF Years - Month YYYY-06
- PF Years - Month YYYY-07
- PF Years - Month YYYY-08
- PF Years - Month YYYY-09
- PF Years - Month YYYY-10
- PF Years - Month YYYY-11
- PF Years - Month YYYY-12
- PF Zeit
PG Papua-Neuguinea, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, Papua Nuova Guinea, Papua New Guinea, (esper.) Papuo-Nov-Gvineo
- PG Allgemein
- PG Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj - province
- PG Region - Zentralregion, Centre, Central
- PG Region - Chimbu, Chimbu / Simbu, Chimbu
- PG Region - Enga, Enga, Enga
- PG Region - Eastern Highlands, Eastern Highlands, Eastern Highlands
- PG Region - East New Britain, Nouvelle-Bretagne-Est, East New Britain
- PG Region - East Sepik, Sepik-Est, East Sepik
- PG Region - Gulf, Golfe, Gulf
- PG Region - Milne Bay, Milne Bay, Milne Bay
- PG Region - Madang, Madang, Madang
- PG Region - Manus, Manus, Manus
- PG Region - Morobe, Morobe, Morobe
- PG Region - Hauptstadt-Distrikt, District de la Capitale Nationale, National Capital
- PG Region - New Ireland, Nouvelle-Irlande, New Ireland
- PG Region - Nord, Nord / Oro, Northern
- PG Region - Bougainville, Bougainville, Bougainville
- PG Region - Sandaun, Sandaun / Sepik-Ouest, Sandaun
- PG Region - Southern Highlands, Southern Highlands, Southern Highlands
- PG Region - West, Ouest, Western
- PG Region - Western Highlands, Western Highlands, Western Highlands
- PG Region - West New Britain, Nouvelle-Bretagne-Oust, West New Britain
- PG Stadt
- PG Berge
- PG Dialekt, Dialekte, Umgangssprache
- PG Ethnologie
- PG Fremdwörter
- PG DE-Ismen
- PG Geld, Währung
- PG Geographie
- PG Ismen
- PG Linguistik
- PG Religion
- PG Rosen Sorten
- PG Sprache - Sprachen
- PG Wirtschaft
- PG Years
- PG Years - Month YYYY-01
- PG Years - Month YYYY-02
- PG Years - Month YYYY-03
- PG Years - Month YYYY-04
- PG Years - Month YYYY-05
- PG Years - Month YYYY-06
- PG Years - Month YYYY-07
- PG Years - Month YYYY-08
- PG Years - Month YYYY-09
- PG Years - Month YYYY-10
- PG Years - Month YYYY-11
- PG Years - Month YYYY-12
- PG Zeit
- PG Zoologie
PH Philippinen, Filipinas, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, (esper.) Filipinoj
- PH Allgemein
- PH Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj - province / chartered city
- PH Region - Bicol, Bicol, Bicol
- PH Region - Valley of Cagayan, Vallée du Cagayan, Valley of Cagayan
- PH Region - Calabarzon, Calabarzon, Calabarzon, Cavite, Rizal, Batangas, Laguna, San Pablo
- PH Region - Cordillère administrative, Cordillère administrative, Cordillère administrative
- PH Region - Caraga, Caraga, Caraga
- PH Region - Davao, Davao, Davao
- PH Region - Ilocos, Ilocos, Ilocos
- PH Region - Lucon central, Lucon central, Lucon central, Tarlac, Bulacan, Pampanga
- PH Region - Capitale nationale, Capitale nationale, Capitale nationale, Manila
- PH Region - Mindanao central, Mindanao central / Soccsksargen, Mindanao central, South Cotabato
- PH Region - Mimaropa, Mimaropa, Mimaropa
- PH Region - Mindanao Nord, Mindanao Nord, Mindanao Nord
- PH Region - Region autonome du Mindanao musulman, Région autonome du Mindanao musulman, Region autonome du Mindanao musulman (Sultan Kudarat), Iligan
- PH Region - Visayas centrales, Visayas centrales, Visayas centrales, Cebu City, Lapu-Lapu
- PH Region - Visayas occidentales, Visayas occidentales, Visayas occidentales, Negros Occidental
- PH Region - Visayas orientales, Visayas orientales, Visayas orientales
- PH Region - Peninsule de Zamboanga, Péninsule de Zamboanga, Peninsule de Zamboanga
- PH Stadt
- PH Berge
- PH Biologie
- PH Ethnologie
- PH Fremdwörter
- PH DE-Ismen
- PH ES-Ismen
- PH Geld, Währung
- PH Geographie
- PH Ismen
- DE PH-Ismen
- UK PH-Ismen
- PH Kontakte
- PH Linguistik
- PH Medizin
- PH Personen
- PH Politik
- PH Reisen
- PH Religion
- PH Rosen Sorten
- PH Sprache - Sprachen
- PH Wirtschaft
- PH Years
- PH Years - Month YYYY-01
- PH Years - Month YYYY-02
- PH Years - Month YYYY-03
- PH Years - Month YYYY-04
- PH Years - Month YYYY-05
- PH Years - Month YYYY-06
- PH Years - Month YYYY-07
- PH Years - Month YYYY-08
- PH Years - Month YYYY-09
- PH Years - Month YYYY-10
- PH Years - Month YYYY-11
- PH Years - Month YYYY-12
- PH Zeichen
- PH Zeit
PK Pakistan, Pakistán, Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan, (esper.) Pakistano
- PK Allgemein
- PK Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj - province / administered area / capital territory
- PK Region - Baluchistan, Baloutchistan, Balochistan
- PK Region - Azad Kashmir, Azad Cachemire, Azad Kashmir
- PK Region - Nördliche Region, Zones du Nord, Northern Areas
- PK Region - Nordwestliche Grenzregion, Frontière du Nord-Ouest, North-West Frontier
- PK Region - Pandschab, Penjab, Punjab
- PK Region - Sind, Sind, Sindh
- PK Region - Stammesgebiete, Zones Tribales sous administration fédérale, Federally Administered Tribal Areas
- Hauptstadtbezirk, Zone de la Capitale fédérale
- PK Region - Islamabad, Islamabad, Islamabad
- PK Stadt
- PK Berge
- PK Ethnologie
- PK Fremdwörter
- PK Geld, Währung
- PK Geographie
- PK Ismen
- PK Linguistik
- PK Religion
- PK Rosen Sorten
- PK Sprache - Sprachen
- PK Wirtschaft
- PK Years
- PK Years - Month YYYY-01
- PK Years - Month YYYY-02
- PK Years - Month YYYY-03
- PK Years - Month YYYY-04
- PK Years - Month YYYY-05
- PK Years - Month YYYY-06
- PK Years - Month YYYY-07
- PK Years - Month YYYY-08
- PK Years - Month YYYY-09
- PK Years - Month YYYY-10
- PK Years - Month YYYY-11
- PK Years - Month YYYY-12
- PK Zeit
PL Polen, Polonia, Pologne, Polonia, Poland, (esper.) Pollando
- PL Allgemein
- PL Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj - province_wojewodztwo
- PL Region - Niederschlesien, Basse-Silésie, Dolnoslaskie
- PL Region - Kujawien-Pommern, Couïavie-Poméranie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie
- PL Region - Lubus, Lubusz, Lubuskie
- PL Region - Lodsch, Lódzkie, Lodzkie
- PL Region - Lublin, Lublin, Lubelskie
- PL Region - Kleinpolen, Petite-Pologne, Malopolskie
- PL Region - Masowien, Mazovie, Mazowieckie
- PL Region - Oppeln, Opole, Opolskie
- PL Region - Podlachien, Podlachie, Podlaskie
- PL Region - Karpatenvorland, Basses-Carpates, Podkarpackie
- PL Region - Pommern, Poméranie, Pomorskie
- PL Region - Heiligkreuz, Sainte-Croix, Swietokrzyskie
- PL Region - Schlesien, Silésie, Slaskie
- PL Region - Ermland-Masuren, Warmie-Mazurie, Warminsko-Mazurskie
- PL Region - Großpolen, Grande-Pologne, Wielkopolskie
- PL Region - Westpommern, Poméranie-Occidentale, Zachodniopomorskie
- PL Stadt
- PL Anthroponyme
- PL Berge
- PL Essen, Nahrung
- PL Ethnologie
- PL Ethnonyme
- PL Fremdwörter
- PL DE-Ismen
- PL Geld, Währung
- PL Geographie
- PL Geschichte
- PL Ismen, Polonismen
- DE PL-Ismen
- PL Kaffee
- PL Lernen
- PL Lexika
- PL Linguistik
- PL Literatur
- PL Medizin
- PL Namen
- PL Neologismen
- PL News, Nachrichten
- PL Orte
- PL Patronyme
- PL Personen
- PL Recht, Rechtssprache
- PL Religion
- PL Rosen Sorten
- PL Sprache - Sprachen
- PL Sprachperioden und Sondersprachen
- PL - Altpolnisch ()
- PL - Mittelpolnisch ()
- PL - Neupolnisch ()
- PL Suchen, Suchmaschinen
- PL TV, Fernsehen
- PL Wirtschaft
- PL Wissen, Wissenschaft
- PL Wortart
- PL Wortart - Partikel
- PL Wörter - Wörterbücher
- PL Years
- PL Years - Month YYYY-01
- PL Years - Month YYYY-02
- PL Years - Month YYYY-03
- PL Years - Month YYYY-04
- PL Years - Month YYYY-05
- PL Years - Month YYYY-06
- PL Years - Month YYYY-07
- PL Years - Month YYYY-08
- PL Years - Month YYYY-09
- PL Years - Month YYYY-10
- PL Years - Month YYYY-11
- PL Years - Month YYYY-12
- PL Zahlen - Zahl 00002 in Alltag und Sprache - zwei, dos, deux, due, two, duo
- PL Zeit
- PL Zeitschriften
- PL Zitate
PM Saint-Pierre und Miquelon, San Pedro y Miquelón, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Saint-Pierre e Miquelon, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, (esper.) Sankta-Piero kaj Mikelono
- PM Allgemein
- PM Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj
- PM Region - Miquelon-Langlade, Miquelon-Langlade, Miquelon-Langlade
- PM Region - Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre (Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre)
- PM Stadt
- PM Berge
- PM Ethnologie
- PM Geld, Währung
- PM Geographie
- PM Inseln
- PM Linguistik
- PM Marken
- PM Religion
- PM Rosen Sorten
- PM Sprache - Sprachen
- PM Wirtschaft
- PM Years
- PM Years - Month YYYY-01
- PM Years - Month YYYY-02
- PM Years - Month YYYY-03
- PM Years - Month YYYY-04
- PM Years - Month YYYY-05
- PM Years - Month YYYY-06
- PM Years - Month YYYY-07
- PM Years - Month YYYY-08
- PM Years - Month YYYY-09
- PM Years - Month YYYY-10
- PM Years - Month YYYY-11
- PM Years - Month YYYY-12
- PM Zeit
PN Pitcairninseln, Islas Pitcairn, Îles Pitcairn, Isole Pitcairn, Pitcairn Islands, (esper.) Pitkarnaj Insuloj
- PN Allgemein - Pitcairninseln
- PN Stadt
- PN Berge
- PN Ethnologie
- PN Geld, Währung
- PN Geographie
- PN Linguistik
- PN Religion
- PN Rosen Sorten
- PN Sprache - Sprachen
- PN Wirtschaft
- PN Years
- PN Years - Month YYYY-01
- PN Years - Month YYYY-02
- PN Years - Month YYYY-03
- PN Years - Month YYYY-04
- PN Years - Month YYYY-05
- PN Years - Month YYYY-06
- PN Years - Month YYYY-07
- PN Years - Month YYYY-08
- PN Years - Month YYYY-09
- PN Years - Month YYYY-10
- PN Years - Month YYYY-11
- PN Years - Month YYYY-12
- PN Zeit
PR Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, Porto Rico, Porto Rico, Puerto Rico, (esper.) Porto-Riko
- PR Allgemein
- PR Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj
- PR Stadt
- PR Berge
- PR Dialekt, Dialekte, Umgangssprache
- PR Ethnologie
- PR Geld, Währung
- PR Geographie
- PR Linguistik
- PR Religion
- PR Rosen Sorten
- PR Sprache - Sprachen
- PR Wirtschaft
- PR Years
- PR Years - Month YYYY-01
- PR Years - Month YYYY-02
- PR Years - Month YYYY-03
- PR Years - Month YYYY-04
- PR Years - Month YYYY-05
- PR Years - Month YYYY-06
- PR Years - Month YYYY-07
- PR Years - Month YYYY-08
- PR Years - Month YYYY-09
- PR Years - Month YYYY-10
- PR Years - Month YYYY-11
- PR Years - Month YYYY-12
- PR Zeit
PS Palästina, Palestina, Palestine, Palestina, Palestine, (esper.) Palestino
- PS Allgemein
- PS Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj - Governorate
- PS Region - Gaza, la bande de Gaza, Gaza Strip
- PS Region - Westjordanland, la Cisjordanie, West Bank
- PS Stadt
- PS Berge
- PS Ethnologie
- PS Fremdwörter
- PS Geld, Währung
- PS Geographie
- PS Ismen
- PS Linguistik
- PS Religion
- PS Rosen Sorten
- PS Sprache - Sprachen
- PS Wirtschaft
- PS Years
- PS Years - Month YYYY-01
- PS Years - Month YYYY-02
- PS Years - Month YYYY-03
- PS Years - Month YYYY-04
- PS Years - Month YYYY-05
- PS Years - Month YYYY-06
- PS Years - Month YYYY-07
- PS Years - Month YYYY-08
- PS Years - Month YYYY-09
- PS Years - Month YYYY-10
- PS Years - Month YYYY-11
- PS Years - Month YYYY-12
- PS Zeit
PT Portugal, Portugal, Portugal, Portogallo, Portugal, (esper.) Portugalujo
- PT Allgemein
- PT Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj - district_distrito / autonomous region_regiao autonoma
- PT Region - Azoren, Açcores, Azores
- PT Region - Aveiro, Aveiro, Aveiro
- PT Region - Bragance, Bragance, Braganca
- PT Region - Beja, Beja, Beja
- PT Region - Braga, Braga, Braga
- PT Region - Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco
- PT Region - Centro, Centre, Coimbra
- PT Region - Alentejo, Alentejo, Alentejo, Evora
- PT Region - Algarve, Algarve, Algarve, Faro
- PT Region - Guarda, Guarda, Guarda
- PT Region - Leiria, Leiria, Leiria
- PT Region - Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Lisbonne et la Vallée de Tage, Lisboa
- PT Region - Madeira, Madère, Madeira
- PT Region - Portalegre, Portalegre, Portalegre
- PT Region - Norte, Nord, North, Porto
- PT Region - Santarem, Santarém, Santarem
- PT Region - Setubal, Setúbal, Setubal
- PT Region - Viana do Castelo, Viana do Castelo, Viana do Castelo
- PT Region - Viseu, Viseu, Viseu
- PT Region - Vila Real, Vila Real, Vila
- PT Stadt
- PT Atlanten
- PT Awards
- PT Berge
- PT Diktionäre
- PT Essen, Nahrung
- PT Ethnologie
- PT Fotografie
- PT Fragen und Antworten
- PT Fremdwörter
- PT BR-Ismen
- PT DE-Ismen
- PT SA-Ismen
- PT Fühlen
- PT Geld, Währung
- PT Geographie
- PT Geschichte
- PT Grammatik
- PT Ismen, Lusitanismen
- DE PT-Ismen
- FR PT-Ismen
- PT Kalender
- PT Linguistik
- PT Literatur
- PT Medizin
- PT Metanalysis
- PT Musik
- PT Orte
- PT Personen
- PT Recht, Rechtssprache
- PT Religion
- PT Rosen Sorten
- PT Security
- PT Sehen
- PT Sprache - Sprachen
- PT Suchen, Suchmaschinen
- PT Wasser, Gewässer
- PT Wirtschaft
- PT Wörter - Wörterbücher
- PT Years
- PT Years - Month YYYY-01
- PT Years - Month YYYY-02
- PT Years - Month YYYY-03
- PT Years - Month YYYY-04
- PT Years - Month YYYY-05
- PT Years - Month YYYY-06
- PT Years - Month YYYY-07
- PT Years - Month YYYY-08
- PT Years - Month YYYY-09
- PT Years - Month YYYY-10
- PT Years - Month YYYY-11
- PT Years - Month YYYY-12
- PT Zahlen - Zahl 00002 in Alltag und Sprache - zwei, dos, deux, due, two, duo
- PT Zeit
PW Palau, Palaos, Palau, Palau, Palau, (esper.) Palauo
- PW Allgemein
- PW Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj
- PW Stadt
- PW Berge
- PW Ethnologie
- PW Geld, Währung
- PW Geographie
- PW Linguistik
- PW Religion
- PW Rosen Sorten
- PW Sprache - Sprachen
- PW Wirtschaft
- PW Years
- PW Years - Month YYYY-01
- PW Years - Month YYYY-02
- PW Years - Month YYYY-03
- PW Years - Month YYYY-04
- PW Years - Month YYYY-05
- PW Years - Month YYYY-06
- PW Years - Month YYYY-07
- PW Years - Month YYYY-08
- PW Years - Month YYYY-09
- PW Years - Month YYYY-10
- PW Years - Month YYYY-11
- PW Years - Month YYYY-12
- PW Zeit
PY Paraguay, Paraguay, Paraguay, Paraguay, Paraguay, (esper.) Paragvajo
- PY Allgemein
- PY Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj - department_departamento
- Westen, Occidental, Western
- PY Region - Hoch-Paraguay, Haut-Paraguay, Alto Paraguay
- PY Region - Boqueron, Boquerón, Boqueron
- PY Region - Presidente Hayes, Presidente Hayes, Presidente Hayes
- Osten, Oriental, Estern
- PY Region - Hoch-Parana, Haut-Paraná, Alto Parana
- PY Region - Amambay, Amambay, Amambay
- Zentralregion, Centre, Central
- PY Region - Asuncion, Asunción, Asuncion
- PY Region - Central, Central, Central
- PY Region - Caaguazu, Caaguazu, Caaguazu
- PY Region - Concepcion, Concepción, Concepcion
- PY Region - Cordillera, Cordillera, Cordillera
- PY Region - Canindeyu, Canindeyú, Canindeyu
- PY Region - Caazapa, Caazapá, Caazapa
- PY Region - Guaira, Guairá, Guaira
- PY Region - Itapua, Itapúa, Itapua
- PY Region - Misiones, Misiones, Misiones
- PY Region - Neembucu, Neembucú, Neembucu
- PY Region - Paraguari, Paraguarí, Paraguari
- PY Region - San Pedro, San Pedro, San Pedro
- PY Stadt
- PY Berge
- PY Ethnologie
- PY Geld, Währung
- PY Geographie
- PY Ismen
- DE PY-Ismen
- FR PY-Ismen
- PY Linguistik
- PY Religion
- PY Rosen Sorten
- PY Sprache - Sprachen
- PY Wirtschaft
- PY Years
- PY Years - Month YYYY-01
- PY Years - Month YYYY-02
- PY Years - Month YYYY-03
- PY Years - Month YYYY-04
- PY Years - Month YYYY-05
- PY Years - Month YYYY-06
- PY Years - Month YYYY-07
- PY Years - Month YYYY-08
- PY Years - Month YYYY-09
- PY Years - Month YYYY-10
- PY Years - Month YYYY-11
- PY Years - Month YYYY-12
- PY Zeit
- PY Zeitschriften
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