ledenin (W3)
Das Ethnonym altpoln. "ledenin" wird mit der Bedeutung dt. "Mann der bisher unbearbeitetes Land pflügt" in Verbindung gebracht. Die Bezeichnung hat überlebt in ung. "Lengyelország", lith. "Lenkija", pers. "Lahestân" = dt. "Polen".
(E?)(L?) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_name_etymologies
"Poland": "Land of Polans", the territory of the tribe of Polans (Polanie). When the Polans formed a united Poland in the 10th century, this name also came into use for the whole Polish country. The name "Poland" (Polska) expressed both meanings until, in the 13th/14th century, the original territory of the Polans became known as "Greater Poland" ("Wielkopolska") instead. The name of the tribe comes probably from Polish "pole": "field" or "open field".
"Lengyelország" (Hungarian), "Lenkija" (Lithuanian), "Lahestân" (Persian) all derive from the Old Ruthenian or Old Polish ethnonym "ledenin" (possibly "man ploughing virgin soil") and its augmentative "lech".
(E?)(L?) http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lengyelorsz%C3%A1g
(E?)(L?) http://lt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenkija
Erstellt: 2014-10