Word of the Day
(E?)(L?) https://www.dictionary.com/e/word-of-the-day/
Erstellt: 2022-02
- Dec 31, 2024 - novation
- Dec 30, 2024 - cognate
- Dec 29, 2024 - torpor
- Dec 28, 2024 - animadvert
- Dec 27, 2024 - carpophagous
- Dec 26, 2024 - riant
- Dec 25, 2024 - fulgent
- Dec 24, 2024 - frolic
- Dec 23, 2024 - proximo
- Dec 22, 2024 - campanulate
- Dec 21, 2024 - argent
- Dec 20, 2024 - confabulate
- Dec 19, 2024 - imprimis
- Dec 18, 2024 - epicure
- Dec 17, 2024 - brabble
- Dec 16, 2024 - tonsorial
- Dec 15, 2024 - plaint
- Dec 14, 2024 - froward
- Dec 13, 2024 - rime
- Dec 12, 2024 - brusque
- Dec 11, 2024 - nowhither
- Dec 10, 2024 - addle
- Dec 09, 2024 - procellous
- Dec 08, 2024 - kudos
- Dec 07, 2024 - flavescent
- Dec 06, 2024 - scuttle
- Dec 05, 2024 - lickerish
- Dec 04, 2024 - prorogue
- Dec 03, 2024 - askance
- Dec 02, 2024 - hardihood
- Dec 01, 2024 - augury
- Nov 30, 2024 - diurnal
- Nov 29, 2024 - footle
- Nov 28, 2024 - cornucopia
- Nov 27, 2024 - soigné
- Nov 26, 2024 - gobbledegook
- Nov 25, 2024 - munificent
- Nov 24, 2024 - admonish
- Nov 23, 2024 - calcimine
- Nov 22, 2024 - saturnine
- Nov 21, 2024 - edentate
- Nov 20, 2024 - dungaree
- Nov 19, 2024 - farrow
- Nov 18, 2024 - prehensile
- Nov 17, 2024 - gelid
- Nov 16, 2024 - sprechgesang
- Nov 15, 2024 - ab initio
- Nov 14, 2024 - mosey
- Nov 13, 2024 - ramiform
- Nov 12, 2024 - asyndeton
- Nov 11, 2024 - valorous
- Nov 10, 2024 - vinaceous
- Nov 09, 2024 - hyponym
- Nov 08, 2024 - cap-a-pie
- Nov 07, 2024 - alliaceous
- Nov 06, 2024 - quid pro quo
- Nov 05, 2024 - plebiscite
- Nov 04, 2024 - anon
- Nov 03, 2024 - spancel
- Nov 02, 2024 - canoodle
- Nov 01, 2024 - incandescent
- Oct 31, 2024 - samhainophobia
- Oct 30, 2024 - unceremoniously
- Oct 29, 2024 - abraxas
- Oct 28, 2024 - disabuse
- Oct 27, 2024 - yarmulke
- Oct 26, 2024 - manqué
- Oct 25, 2024 - beatification
- Oct 24, 2024 - doggedly
- Oct 23, 2024 - tardigrade
- Oct 22, 2024 - coagulate
- Oct 21, 2024 - quipu
- Oct 20, 2024 - olid
- Oct 19, 2024 - mettlesome
- Oct 18, 2024 - jounce
- Oct 17, 2024 - sabaton
- Oct 16, 2024 - expository
- Oct 15, 2024 - verbatim
- Oct 14, 2024 - pemmican
- Oct 13, 2024 - ethnocentric
- Oct 12, 2024 - guidon
- Oct 11, 2024 - battologize
- Oct 10, 2024 - poseur
- Oct 09, 2024 - per se
- Oct 08, 2024 - fulvous
- Oct 07, 2024 - subsume
- Oct 06, 2024 - gumbo
- Oct 05, 2024 - ergatocracy
- Oct 04, 2024 - impermeable
- Oct 03, 2024 - strafe
- Oct 02, 2024 - gavage
- Oct 01, 2024 - assiduously
- Sep 30, 2024 - haughty
- Sep 29, 2024 - druthers
- Sep 28, 2024 - denigrate
- Sep 27, 2024 - savvy
- Sep 26, 2024 - indolent
- Sep 25, 2024 - apathy
- Sep 24, 2024 - bungalow
- Sep 23, 2024 - tootle
- Sep 22, 2024 - craven
- Sep 21, 2024 - yuppie
- Sep 20, 2024 - juke
- Sep 19, 2024 - mendacious
- Sep 18, 2024 - tweak
- Sep 17, 2024 - catawampus
- Sep 16, 2024 - iconoclast
- Sep 15, 2024 - blinky
- Sep 14, 2024 - ripsnorter
- Sep 13, 2024 - goad
- Sep 12, 2024 - helter-skelter
- Sep 11, 2024 - Kafkaesque
- Sep 10, 2024 - levity
- Sep 09, 2024 - banish
- Sep 08, 2024 - piffle
- Sep 07, 2024 - gainsay
- Sep 06, 2024 - googol
- Sep 05, 2024 - forsooth
- Sep 04, 2024 - feckless
- Sep 03, 2024 - hangry
- Sep 02, 2024 - solidarity
- Sep 01, 2024 - mackle
- Aug 31, 2024 - kerplunk
- Aug 30, 2024 - opsimath
- Aug 29, 2024 - erudite
- Aug 28, 2024 - tomfoolery
- Aug 27, 2024 - nephogram
- Aug 26, 2024 - disingenuous
- Aug 25, 2024 - squeegee
- Aug 24, 2024 - nidificate
- Aug 23, 2024 - maelstrom
- Aug 22, 2024 - splendiferous
- Aug 21, 2024 - clepsydra
- Aug 20, 2024 - endemic
- Aug 19, 2024 - skedaddle
- Aug 18, 2024 - scrofulous
- Aug 17, 2024 - exculpate
- Aug 16, 2024 - riffraff
- Aug 15, 2024 - tenebrous
- Aug 14, 2024 - ambivalent
- Aug 13, 2024 - pandemonium
- Aug 12, 2024 - foppish
- Aug 11, 2024 - seismic
- Aug 10, 2024 - cobbler
- Aug 09, 2024 - zephyrean
- Aug 08, 2024 - diatribe
- Aug 07, 2024 - rubberneck
- Aug 06, 2024 - zarzuela
- Aug 05, 2024 - lethargic
- Aug 04, 2024 - bumfuzzle
- Aug 03, 2024 - amanuensis
- Aug 02, 2024 - fractious
- Aug 01, 2024 - folderol
- JUL 31, 2024 - brume
- JUL 30, 2024 - credo
- JUL 29, 2024 - zonked
- JUL 28, 2024 - hullabaloo
- JUL 27, 2024 - vapid
- JUL 26, 2024 - yahoo
- JUL 25, 2024 - logorrhea
- JUL 24, 2024 - theocracy
- JUL 23, 2024 - foozle
- JUL 22, 2024 - ulotrichous
- JUL 21, 2024 - churlish
- JUL 20, 2024 - timbre
- JUL 19, 2024 - frabjous
- JUL 18, 2024 - hobnob
- JUL 17, 2024 - parsimonious
- JUL 16, 2024 - sibylline
- JUL 15, 2024 - nebulize
- JUL 14, 2024 - joie de vivre
- JUL 13, 2024 - estival
- JUL 12, 2024 - incontrovertible
- JUL 11, 2024 - elevenses
- JUL 10, 2024 - marmoreal
- JUL 09, 2024 - hermitage
- JUL 08, 2024 - noetic
- JUL 07, 2024 - redondilla
- JUL 06, 2024 - heliolatry
- JUL 05, 2024 - glabrous
- JUL 04, 2024 - e pluribus unum
- JUL 03, 2024 - chockablock
- JUL 02, 2024 - feinschmecker
- JUL 01, 2024 - tautology
- JUN 30, 2024 - dovetail
- JUN 29, 2024 - doppelgänger
- JUN 28, 2024 - metonymy
- JUN 27, 2024 - foudroyant
- JUN 26, 2024 - gestalt
- JUN 25, 2024 - bulbul
- JUN 24, 2024 - expeditious
- JUN 23, 2024 - sapphirine
- JUN 22, 2024 - hinterland
- JUN 21, 2024 - diffident
- JUN 20, 2024 - beek
- JUN 19, 2024 - jubilee
- JUN 18, 2024 - eyesome
- JUN 17, 2024 - duplicitous
- JUN 16, 2024 - coadventure
- JUN 15, 2024 - sierra
- JUN 14, 2024 - venerable
- JUN 13, 2024 - facetious
- JUN 12, 2024 - dulcify
- JUN 11, 2024 - abrogate
- JUN 10, 2024 - mistral
- JUN 09, 2024 - ergo
- JUN 08, 2024 - eyewinker
- JUN 07, 2024 - dumbledore
- JUN 06, 2024 - interdigitate
- JUN 05, 2024 - buttinsky
- JUN 04, 2024 - ebullient
- JUN 03, 2024 - cogent
- JUN 02, 2024 - bagatelle
- JUN 01, 2024 - ennoble
- MAY 31, 2024 - backronym
- MAY 30, 2024 - ablution
- MAY 29, 2024 - bafflegab
- MAY 28, 2024 - repine
- MAY 27, 2024 - engram
- MAY 26, 2024 - acumen
- MAY 25, 2024 - natto
- MAY 24, 2024 - ad nauseam
- MAY 23, 2024 - spondulicks
- MAY 22, 2024 - capriole
- MAY 21, 2024 - salmagundi
- MAY 20, 2024 - hugger-mugger
- MAY 19, 2024 - umlaut
- MAY 18, 2024 - Neufchâtel
- MAY 17, 2024 - illimitable
- MAY 16, 2024 - impromptu
- MAY 15, 2024 - en famille
- MAY 14, 2024 - appellative
- MAY 13, 2024 - delve
- MAY 12, 2024 - irenic
- MAY 11, 2024 - stratum
- MAY 10, 2024 - mid
- MAY 09, 2024 - self-effacing
- MAY 08, 2024 - gambol
- MAY 07, 2024 - tutelage
- MAY 06, 2024 - piscine
- MAY 05, 2024 - clamor
- MAY 04, 2024 - dendroglyph
- MAY 03, 2024 - skiplagging
- MAY 02, 2024 - preponderant
- MAY 01, 2024 - haku
- APR 30, 2024 - jouissance
- APR 29, 2024 - smorgasbord
- APR 28, 2024 - shacket
- APR 27, 2024 - nebulous
- APR 26, 2024 - desuetude
- APR 25, 2024 - firkin
- APR 24, 2024 - gallimaufry
- APR 23, 2024 - inveterate
- APR 22, 2024 - steadfast
- APR 21, 2024 - absquatulate
- APR 20, 2024 - flabbergast
- APR 19, 2024 - tortuous
- APR 18, 2024 - petrichor
- APR 17, 2024 - axolotl
- APR 16, 2024 - poetize
- APR 15, 2024 - remunerate
- APR 14, 2024 - primordial
- APR 13, 2024 - eustress
- APR 12, 2024 - unputdownable
- APR 11, 2024 - zetetic
- APR 10, 2024 - kinkeeping
- APR 09, 2024 - subterfuge
- APR 08, 2024 - totality
- APR 07, 2024 - fard
- APR 06, 2024 - juggernaut
- APR 05, 2024 - plethora
- APR 04, 2024 - umbrage
- APR 03, 2024 - rangy
- APR 02, 2024 - chagrin
- APR 01, 2024 - naiveté
- MAR 31, 2024 - dragée
- MAR 30, 2024 - wistfully
- MAR 29, 2024 - synchronicity
- MAR 28, 2024 - biblioklept
- MAR 27, 2024 - connoisseur
- MAR 26, 2024 - jubilation
- MAR 25, 2024 - bedizen
- MAR 24, 2024 - malamute
- MAR 23, 2024 - bumbershoot
- MAR 22, 2024 - jabberwocky
- MAR 21, 2024 - mellifluous
- MAR 20, 2024 - onomatopoeia
- MAR 19, 2024 - whippersnapper
- MAR 18, 2024 - cacophony
- MAR 17, 2024 - duende
- MAR 16, 2024 - prink
- MAR 15, 2024 - defenestrate
- MAR 14, 2024 - tourtière
- MAR 13, 2024 - octothorpe
- MAR 12, 2024 - persnickety
- MAR 11, 2024 - sumptuous
- MAR 10, 2024 - propinquity
- MAR 09, 2024 - assuage
- MAR 08, 2024 - resolute
- MAR 07, 2024 - kvell
- MAR 06, 2024 - tricksy
- MAR 05, 2024 - modus operandi
- MAR 04, 2024 - pilcrow
- MAR 03, 2024 - cachet
- MAR 02, 2024 - bellwether
- MAR 01, 2024 - grok
- FEB 29, 2024 - bissextile
- FEB 28, 2024 - adumbrate
- FEB 27, 2024 - denouement
- FEB 26, 2024 - esculent
- FEB 25, 2024 - kismet
- FEB 24, 2024 - galligaskins
- FEB 23, 2024 - whoosis
- FEB 22, 2024 - sycophant
- FEB 21, 2024 - oxymoron
- FEB 20, 2024 - sesquipedalian
- FEB 19, 2024 - coffee nap
- FEB 18, 2024 - ailurophile
- FEB 17, 2024 - oblique
- FEB 16, 2024 - zither
- FEB 15, 2024 - taradiddle
- FEB 14, 2024 - bed rotting
- FEB 13, 2024 - stellar nursery
- FEB 12, 2024 - perambulator
- FEB 11, 2024 - audible
- FEB 10, 2024 - wyvern
- FEB 09, 2024 - discombobulate
- FEB 08, 2024 - carte blanche
- FEB 07, 2024 - quotidian
- FEB 06, 2024 - amalgamate
- FEB 05, 2024 - orotund
- FEB 04, 2024 - stipulate
- FEB 03, 2024 - jalopy
- FEB 02, 2024 - Weltschmerz
- FEB 01, 2024 - risible
- JAN 31, 2024 - cavil
- JAN 30, 2024 - imponderabilia
- JAN 29, 2024 - jannock
- JAN 28, 2024 - commodious
- JAN 27, 2024 - insouciant
- JAN 26, 2024 - heteronym
- JAN 25, 2024 - pareidolia
- JAN 24, 2024 - gullywasher
- JAN 23, 2024 - buttonhole
- JAN 22, 2024 - somnolent
- JAN 21, 2024 - polyhistor
- JAN 20, 2024 - tussie-mussie
- JAN 19, 2024 - susurrus
- JAN 18, 2024 - CAPTCHA
- JAN 17, 2024 - nonplussed
- JAN 16, 2024 - aberration
- JAN 15, 2024 - de rigueur
- JAN 14, 2024 - queue
- JAN 13, 2024 - tmesis
- JAN 12, 2024 - enigma
- JAN 11, 2024 - swank
- JAN 10, 2024 - muster
- JAN 09, 2024 - aplomb
- JAN 08, 2024 - largess
- JAN 07, 2024 - dernier cri
- JAN 06, 2024 - ad hockery
- JAN 05, 2024 - nigh
- JAN 04, 2024 - jammy
- JAN 03, 2024 - avatar
- JAN 02, 2024 - flapjack
- JAN 01, 2024 - bonanza
- DEC 31, 2023 - felicific
- DEC 30, 2023 - bespoke
- DEC 29, 2023 - kerfuffle
- DEC 28, 2023 - homebody
- DEC 27, 2023 - wanderlust
- DEC 26, 2023 - grandfamily
- DEC 25, 2023 - serendipity
- DEC 24, 2023 - zeitgeist
- DEC 23, 2023 - mountweazel
- DEC 22, 2023 - cromulent
- DEC 21, 2023 - transmogrify
- DEC 20, 2023 - jollify
- DEC 19, 2023 - perspicuity
- DEC 18, 2023 - vibe
- DEC 17, 2023 - boilerplate
- DEC 16, 2023 - en masse
- DEC 15, 2023 - kenspeckle
- DEC 14, 2023 - salubrious
- DEC 13, 2023 - pernicious
- DEC 12, 2023 - hallucinate
- DEC 11, 2023 - POV
- DEC 10, 2023 - judder
- DEC 09, 2023 - impeccable
- DEC 08, 2023 - glissade
- DEC 07, 2023 - coruscate
- DEC 06, 2023 - roux
- DEC 05, 2023 - wunderkind
- DEC 04, 2023 - gauche
- DEC 03, 2023 - armillary
- DEC 02, 2023 - bosky
- DEC 01, 2023 - exsiccate
- NOV 30, 2023 - gâteau
- NOV 29, 2023 - soi-disant
- NOV 28, 2023 - enervate
- NOV 27, 2023 - vertiginous
- NOV 26, 2023 - smithereens
- NOV 25, 2023 - auberge
- NOV 24, 2023 - cavort
- NOV 23, 2023 - convivium
- NOV 22, 2023 - toothsome
- NOV 21, 2023 - finagle
- NOV 20, 2023 - bombastic
- NOV 19, 2023 - wakame
- NOV 18, 2023 - verdure
- NOV 17, 2023 - Brobdingnagian
- NOV 16, 2023 - galore
- NOV 15, 2023 - da capo
- NOV 14, 2023 - monadnock
- NOV 13, 2023 - dacker
- NOV 12, 2023 - refulgent
- NOV 11, 2023 - reverence
- NOV 10, 2023 - entre nous
- NOV 09, 2023 - mawkish
- NOV 08, 2023 - seriatim
- NOV 07, 2023 - semaphore
- NOV 06, 2023 - copacetic
- NOV 05, 2023 - zeitgeber
- NOV 04, 2023 - phub
- NOV 03, 2023 - curmudgeon
- NOV 02, 2023 - retrospection
- NOV 01, 2023 - machinations
- OCT 31, 2023 - phantasmagoria
- OCT 30, 2023 - crepuscular
- OCT 29, 2023 - haimish
- OCT 28, 2023 - dapple
- OCT 27, 2023 - unfalsifiable
- OCT 26, 2023 - smaze
- OCT 25, 2023 - sanguivorous
- OCT 24, 2023 - gaffe
- OCT 23, 2023 - panacea
- OCT 22, 2023 - concatenation
- OCT 21, 2023 - arcane
- OCT 20, 2023 - pumpernickel
- OCT 19, 2023 - shower orange
- OCT 18, 2023 - screaming-meemies
- OCT 17, 2023 - bloviate
- OCT 16, 2023 - multiverse
- OCT 15, 2023 - traipse
- OCT 14, 2023 - incunabula
- OCT 13, 2023 - macabre
- OCT 12, 2023 - lekker
- OCT 11, 2023 - invaluable
- OCT 10, 2023 - arvo
- OCT 09, 2023 - chiaroscuro
- OCT 08, 2023 - coriaceous
- OCT 07, 2023 - decision fatigue
- OCT 06, 2023 - gastrodiplomacy
- OCT 05, 2023 - aole
- OCT 04, 2023 - horripilation
- OCT 03, 2023 - nepo baby
- OCT 02, 2023 - papadum
- OCT 01, 2023 - profligate
- SEP 30, 2023 - interlocutor
- SEP 29, 2023 - pithy
- SEP 28, 2023 - spumescent
- SEP 27, 2023 - eudemonia
- SEP 26, 2023 - Pavlovian
- SEP 25, 2023 - modicum
- SEP 24, 2023 - garrulous
- SEP 23, 2023 - bachata
- SEP 22, 2023 - receipts
- SEP 21, 2023 - selcouth
- SEP 20, 2023 - debuff
- SEP 19, 2023 - tea
- SEP 18, 2023 - eggcorn
- SEP 17, 2023 - disparate
- SEP 16, 2023 - badinage
- SEP 15, 2023 - evince
- SEP 14, 2023 - globular
- SEP 13, 2023 - skookum
- SEP 12, 2023 - schadenfreude
- SEP 11, 2023 - vicissitude
- SEP 10, 2023 - quetzal
- SEP 09, 2023 - circumlocution
- SEP 08, 2023 - sartorial
- SEP 07, 2023 - grandiloquent
- SEP 06, 2023 - jolabokaflod
- SEP 05, 2023 - extol
- SEP 04, 2023 - crapulous
- SEP 03, 2023 - morass
- SEP 02, 2023 - deep learning
- SEP 01, 2023 - egregious
- AUG 31, 2023 - seersucker
- AUG 30, 2023 - zedonk
- AUG 29, 2023 - pogonophile
- AUG 28, 2023 - cleek
- AUG 27, 2023 - pawky
- AUG 26, 2023 - borak
- AUG 25, 2023 - luddite
- AUG 24, 2023 - obstreperous
- AUG 23, 2023 - collywobbles
- AUG 22, 2023 - antepenultimate
- AUG 21, 2023 - pulchritudinous
- AUG 20, 2023 - bedevil
- AUG 19, 2023 - brouhaha
- AUG 18, 2023 - vamoose
- AUG 17, 2023 - littoral
- AUG 16, 2023 - abscond
- AUG 15, 2023 - plaudit
- AUG 14, 2023 - palsy-walsy
- AUG 13, 2023 - cacao
- AUG 12, 2023 - fartlek
- AUG 11, 2023 - mixtape
- AUG 10, 2023 - demur
- AUG 09, 2023 - cupidity
- AUG 08, 2023 - ikigai
- AUG 07, 2023 - clout
- AUG 06, 2023 - festoon
- AUG 05, 2023 - antihero
- AUG 04, 2023 - cantankerous
- AUG 03, 2023 - empath
- AUG 02, 2023 - quiddity
- AUG 01, 2023 - zhuzh
- JUL 31, 2023 - skullduggery
- JUL 30, 2023 - twee
- JUL 29, 2023 - legerdemain
- JUL 28, 2023 - natter
- JUL 27, 2023 - nibling
- JUL 26, 2023 - beguile
- JUL 25, 2023 - amorphous
- JUL 24, 2023 - syncope
- JUL 23, 2023 - agog
- JUL 22, 2023 - glower
- JUL 21, 2023 - ennui
- JUL 20, 2023 - supine
- JUL 19, 2023 - gourmand
- JUL 18, 2023 - mizzle
- JUL 17, 2023 - tyro
- JUL 16, 2023 - equilibrist
- JUL 15, 2023 - a vuestra salud
- JUL 14, 2023 - sternutation
- JUL 13, 2023 - ahu
- JUL 12, 2023 - indecorous
- JUL 11, 2023 - emoticon
- JUL 10, 2023 - elsewhither
- JUL 09, 2023 - deltoidal
- JUL 08, 2023 - tiramisu
- JUL 07, 2023 - turbidity
- JUL 06, 2023 - pasteurize
- JUL 05, 2023 - artiodactyl
- JUL 04, 2023 - rampart
- JUL 03, 2023 - noctilucent
- JUL 02, 2023 - Stygian
- JUL 01, 2023 - sewellel
- JUN 30, 2023 - miasma
- JUN 29, 2023 - derecho
- JUN 28, 2023 - yestreen
- JUN 27, 2023 - casefy
- JUN 26, 2023 - olykoek
- JUN 25, 2023 - debouch
- JUN 24, 2023 - enisle
- JUN 23, 2023 - esperance
- JUN 22, 2023 - bremsstrahlung
- JUN 21, 2023 - craic
- JUN 20, 2023 - tintinnabulation
- JUN 19, 2023 - uhuru
- JUN 18, 2023 - omnia vincit amor
- JUN 17, 2023 - haplotype
- JUN 16, 2023 - immensurable
- JUN 15, 2023 - snollygoster
- JUN 14, 2023 - banderole
- JUN 13, 2023 - katabatic
- JUN 12, 2023 - Jugendstil
- JUN 11, 2023 - Hobson-Jobson
- JUN 10, 2023 - coquettish
- JUN 09, 2023 - terricolous
- JUN 08, 2023 - hadal
- JUN 07, 2023 - écossaise
- JUN 06, 2023 - alley-oop
- JUN 05, 2023 - girasol
- JUN 04, 2023 - ecotone
- JUN 03, 2023 - andragogy
- JUN 02, 2023 - animalcule
- JUN 01, 2023 - prismatic
- MAY 31, 2023 - tzatziki
- MAY 30, 2023 - gazetteer
- MAY 29, 2023 - anamnesis
- MAY 28, 2023 - ginkgo
- MAY 27, 2023 - ferdutzt
- MAY 26, 2023 - xerophyte
- MAY 25, 2023 - skrik
- MAY 24, 2023 - première danseuse
- MAY 23, 2023 - chelonian
- MAY 22, 2023 - jarabe tapatío
- MAY 21, 2023 - kvetch
- MAY 20, 2023 - Heiligenschein
- MAY 19, 2023 - proceleusmatic
- MAY 18, 2023 - quidnunc
- MAY 17, 2023 - ferhoodle
- MAY 16, 2023 - logophile
- MAY 15, 2023 - paronomasia
- MAY 14, 2023 - cosher
- MAY 13, 2023 - nickelodeon
- MAY 12, 2023 - supergiant
- MAY 11, 2023 - bai
- MAY 10, 2023 - chryselephantine
- MAY 09, 2023 - pervicacious
- MAY 08, 2023 - lilapsophobia
- MAY 07, 2023 - ipse dixit
- MAY 06, 2023 - quincunx
- MAY 05, 2023 - orrery
- MAY 04, 2023 - telekinesis
- MAY 03, 2023 - nearlywed
- MAY 02, 2023 - mauka
- MAY 01, 2023 - fioritura
- APR 30, 2023 - reboant
- APR 29, 2023 - jambalaya
- APR 28, 2023 - retrograde
- APR 27, 2023 - oneiromancy
- APR 26, 2023 - pluviophile
- APR 25, 2023 - equipollent
- APR 24, 2023 - extravasate
- APR 23, 2023 - bibliogony
- APR 22, 2023 - mycorrhiza
- APR 21, 2023 - radiant
- APR 20, 2023 - rort
- APR 19, 2023 - northpaw
- APR 18, 2023 - chrestomathy
- APR 17, 2023 - jacal
- APR 16, 2023 - sui juris
- APR 15, 2023 - farouche
- APR 14, 2023 - aurora
- APR 13, 2023 - quadrivial
- APR 12, 2023 - cakeage
- APR 11, 2023 - somatopsychic
- APR 10, 2023 - consanguineous
- APR 09, 2023 - bloviate
- APR 08, 2023 - bahuvrihi
- APR 07, 2023 - polyped
- APR 06, 2023 - pwn
- APR 05, 2023 - haroseth
- APR 04, 2023 - appassionato
- APR 03, 2023 - ignimbrite
- APR 02, 2023 - czardas
- APR 01, 2023 - nincompoop
- MAR 31, 2023 - hypnopompic
- MAR 30, 2023 - Aesculapian
- MAR 29, 2023 - feirie
- MAR 28, 2023 - scintilla
- MAR 27, 2023 - macédoine
- MAR 26, 2023 - amethyst
- MAR 25, 2023 - humicolous
- MAR 24, 2023 - fructify
- MAR 23, 2023 - aliquot
- MAR 22, 2023 - solemnize
- MAR 21, 2023 - deuteranopia
- MAR 20, 2023 - hyson
- MAR 19, 2023 - purloin
- MAR 18, 2023 - quaere
- MAR 17, 2023 - gallinipper
- MAR 16, 2023 - ceilidh
- MAR 15, 2023 - bewray
- MAR 14, 2023 - pion
- MAR 13, 2023 - humuhumunukunukuapuaa
- MAR 12, 2023 - abat-jour
- MAR 11, 2023 - zabuton
- MAR 10, 2023 - Io
- MAR 09, 2023 - futtock
- MAR 08, 2023 - Junoesque
- MAR 07, 2023 - wanderwort
- MAR 06, 2023 - shalach manoth
- MAR 05, 2023 - bowdlerize
- MAR 04, 2023 - qiviut
- MAR 03, 2023 - pluvial
- MAR 02, 2023 - prolegomenon
- MAR 01, 2023 - clarsach
- FEB 28, 2023 - vigesimal
- FEB 27, 2023 - oolong
- FEB 26, 2023 - oppugn
- FEB 25, 2023 - cranreuch
- FEB 24, 2023 - vellicate
- FEB 23, 2023 - ejecta
- FEB 22, 2023 - skijoring
- FEB 21, 2023 - romaji
- FEB 20, 2023 - nonpartisan
- FEB 19, 2023 - pizazz
- FEB 18, 2023 - modus ponens
- FEB 17, 2023 - syzygy
- FEB 16, 2023 - bulwark
- FEB 15, 2023 - jouissance
- FEB 14, 2023 - quixotic
- FEB 13, 2023 - aorta
- FEB 12, 2023 - gridiron
- FEB 11, 2023 - caravel
- FEB 10, 2023 - nomophobia
- FEB 09, 2023 - lambent
- FEB 08, 2023 - rasorial
- FEB 07, 2023 - in medias res
- FEB 06, 2023 - superannuated
- FEB 05, 2023 - alluvion
- FEB 04, 2023 - gul
- FEB 03, 2023 - eruct
- FEB 02, 2023 - repristinate
- FEB 01, 2023 - tenacious
- JAN 31, 2023 - peri
- JAN 30, 2023 - rabble-rouse
- JAN 29, 2023 - retcon
- JAN 28, 2023 - rangoli
- JAN 27, 2023 - pandiculation
- JAN 26, 2023 - strigiform
- JAN 25, 2023 - cryptomnesia
- JAN 24, 2023 - chicanery
- JAN 23, 2023 - trachle
- JAN 22, 2023 - leveret
- JAN 21, 2023 - ewer
- JAN 20, 2023 - paresthesia
- JAN 19, 2023 - sitzmark
- JAN 18, 2023 - sklent
- JAN 17, 2023 - nainsook
- JAN 16, 2023 - dithyrambic
- JAN 15, 2023 - welkin
- JAN 14, 2023 - asinine
- JAN 13, 2023 - bombogenesis
- JAN 12, 2023 - schmatte
- JAN 11, 2023 - snye
- JAN 10, 2023 - malinger
- JAN 09, 2023 - jeu d'esprit
- JAN 08, 2023 - steppe
- JAN 07, 2023 - horchata
- JAN 06, 2023 - germinant
- JAN 05, 2023 - eristic
- JAN 04, 2023 - acmesthesia - https://www.dictionary.com/e/word-of-the-day/acmesthesia-2023-01-04/
- JAN 03, 2023 - Janus word
- JAN 02, 2023 - epigenetic
- JAN 01, 2023 - rejuvenate
- DEC 31, 2022 - vaudevillian
- DEC 30, 2022 - ignescent
- DEC 29, 2022 - smaragdine
- DEC 28, 2022 - rubricate
- DEC 27, 2022 - precocity
- DEC 26, 2022 - jamboree
- DEC 25, 2022 - luminaria
- DEC 24, 2022 - lebkuchen
- DEC 23, 2022 - esculent
- DEC 22, 2022 - brume
- DEC 21, 2022 - posole
- DEC 20, 2022 - niveous
- DEC 19, 2022 - bobèche
- DEC 18, 2022 - shammes
- DEC 17, 2022 - hauteur
- DEC 16, 2022 - deglutition
- DEC 15, 2022 - androsphinx
- DEC 14, 2022 - dwy
- DEC 13, 2022 - momentous
- DEC 12, 2022 - utilidor
- DEC 11, 2022 - oleoresinous
- DEC 10, 2022 - cistvaen
- DEC 09, 2022 - algorithm
- DEC 08, 2022 - zaffer
- DEC 07, 2022 - barococo
- DEC 06, 2022 - moiré - https://www.dictionary.com/e/word-of-the-day/moire-2022-12-06/
- DEC 05, 2022 - mehndi
- DEC 04, 2022 - decalcomania
- DEC 03, 2022 - netsuke
- DEC 02, 2022 - Ganymede
- DEC 01, 2022 - xeriscaping
- NOV 30, 2022 - roentgenize
- NOV 29, 2022 - mansuetude
- NOV 28, 2022 - trothplight
- NOV 27, 2022 - zinfandel
- NOV 26, 2022 - succotash
- NOV 25, 2022 - génoise
- NOV 24, 2022 - cucurbit
- NOV 23, 2022 - kreplach
- NOV 22, 2022 - olfaction
- NOV 21, 2022 - dolma
- NOV 20, 2022 - swizzle
- NOV 19, 2022 - malic
- NOV 18, 2022 - petrichor
- NOV 17, 2022 - aegrotat
- NOV 16, 2022 - shillelagh
- NOV 15, 2022 - arrivederci
- NOV 14, 2022 - desegregation
- NOV 13, 2022 - gouache
- NOV 12, 2022 - perennial
- NOV 11, 2022 - Oort cloud
- NOV 10, 2022 - pantoum
- NOV 09, 2022 - democracy
- NOV 08, 2022 - vote
- NOV 07, 2022 - baetyl
- NOV 06, 2022 - cannikin
- NOV 05, 2022 - calash
- NOV 04, 2022 - yeuk
- NOV 03, 2022 - rhotacize
- NOV 02, 2022 - bazaar
- NOV 01, 2022 - Samhain
- OCT 31, 2022 - preternatural
- OCT 30, 2022 - pishogue
- OCT 29, 2022 - shaman
- OCT 28, 2022 - horripilation
- OCT 27, 2022 - metamorphose
- OCT 26, 2022 - uraeus
- OCT 25, 2022 - cantrip
- OCT 24, 2022 - ensorcell
- OCT 23, 2022 - selcouth
- OCT 22, 2022 - tawpie
- OCT 21, 2022 - white hole
- OCT 20, 2022 - pharyngeal
- OCT 19, 2022 - umpteenth
- OCT 18, 2022 - obelize
- OCT 17, 2022 - diglot
- OCT 16, 2022 - rizzar
- OCT 15, 2022 - opalesce
- OCT 14, 2022 - frondescence
- OCT 13, 2022 - scarper
- OCT 12, 2022 - pensée
- OCT 11, 2022 - osculate
- OCT 10, 2022 - terraqueous
- OCT 09, 2022 - ansa
- OCT 08, 2022 - mezzaluna
- OCT 07, 2022 - areology
- OCT 06, 2022 - evection
- OCT 05, 2022 - canicular
- OCT 04, 2022 - apastron
- OCT 03, 2022 - plastique
- OCT 02, 2022 - gingerly
- OCT 01, 2022 - phoenix
- SEP 30, 2022 - gamboge
- SEP 29, 2022 - saponify
- SEP 28, 2022 - radiant
- SEP 27, 2022 - prevaricate
- SEP 26, 2022 - geitonogamy
- SEP 25, 2022 - de novo
- SEP 24, 2022 - cacimbo
- SEP 23, 2022 - segue
- SEP 22, 2022 - ratoon
- SEP 21, 2022 - pax vobiscum
- SEP 20, 2022 - torrid
- SEP 19, 2022 - corsair
- SEP 18, 2022 - ersatz
- SEP 17, 2022 - doughty
- SEP 16, 2022 - phlogiston
- SEP 15, 2022 - folklorico
- SEP 14, 2022 - muffuletta
- SEP 13, 2022 - xocolatophobia
- SEP 12, 2022 - selenography
- SEP 11, 2022 - gallantly
- SEP 10, 2022 - hadron
- SEP 09, 2022 - majesty
- SEP 08, 2022 - scholarch
- SEP 07, 2022 - tessellate
- SEP 06, 2022 - swain
- SEP 05, 2022 - chaise longue
- SEP 04, 2022 - fauna
- SEP 03, 2022 - andante
- SEP 02, 2022 - menology
- SEP 01, 2022 - juku
- AUG 31, 2022 - cognoscenti
- AUG 30, 2022 - intramundane
- AUG 29, 2022 - muon
- AUG 28, 2022 - brattice
- AUG 27, 2022 - musaceous
- AUG 26, 2022 - amendatory
- AUG 25, 2022 - xenial
- AUG 24, 2022 - krumkake
- AUG 23, 2022 - macadamize
- AUG 22, 2022 - vajra
- AUG 21, 2022 - diphthongize
- AUG 20, 2022 - varmint
- AUG 19, 2022 - meliorism
- AUG 18, 2022 - arcane
- AUG 17, 2022 - zophorus
- AUG 16, 2022 - arioso
- AUG 15, 2022 - eagre
- AUG 14, 2022 - vaticinate
- AUG 13, 2022 - sinistrorse
- AUG 12, 2022 - iatrogenic
- AUG 11, 2022 - yé-yé
- AUG 10, 2022 - veracious
- AUG 09, 2022 - gens du monde
- AUG 08, 2022 - ailurophile
- AUG 07, 2022 - perse
- AUG 06, 2022 - ukiyo-e
- AUG 05, 2022 - wizen
- AUG 04, 2022 - lido
- AUG 03, 2022 - cottagecore
- AUG 02, 2022 - flokati
- AUG 01, 2022 - ogham
- JUL 31, 2022 - phantasmagoric
- JUL 30, 2022 - archetypal
- JUL 29, 2022 - intercalate
- JUL 28, 2022 - hoary
- JUL 27, 2022 - chagrin
- JUL 26, 2022 - litigate
- JUL 25, 2022 - prefatory
- JUL 24, 2022 - mbira
- JUL 23, 2022 - heliotropic
- JUL 22, 2022 - approximate
- JUL 21, 2022 - keiretsu
- JUL 20, 2022 - laureate
- JUL 19, 2022 - abseil
- JUL 18, 2022 - stevedore
- JUL 17, 2022 - kaomoji
- JUL 16, 2022 - trinary
- JUL 15, 2022 - hobbledehoy
- JUL 14, 2022 - inspirit
- JUL 13, 2022 - voltaic
- JUL 12, 2022 - monsoon
- JUL 11, 2022 - mano a mano
- JUL 10, 2022 - adze
- JUL 09, 2022 - convivial
- JUL 08, 2022 - Bifrost
- JUL 07, 2022 - circumambulate
- JUL 06, 2022 - ganache
- JUL 05, 2022 - borborygmi
- JUL 04, 2022 - egalitarian
- JUL 03, 2022 - suffrage
- JUL 02, 2022 - liberation
- JUL 01, 2022 - galvanize
- JUN 30, 2022 - autonomy
- JUN 29, 2022 - draconian
- JUN 28, 2022 - dissent
- JUN 27, 2022 - choice
- JUN 26, 2022 - opprobrious
- JUN 25, 2022 - prerogative
- JUN 24, 2022 - fortuitous
- JUN 23, 2022 - vanguard
- JUN 22, 2022 - engarland
- JUN 21, 2022 - capoeira
- JUN 20, 2022 - ubi sunt
- JUN 19, 2022 - jubilant
- JUN 18, 2022 - patronymic
- JUN 17, 2022 - ghibli
- JUN 16, 2022 - triturate
- JUN 15, 2022 - flageolet
- JUN 14, 2022 - vexillology
- JUN 13, 2022 - volplane
- JUN 12, 2022 - inamorata
- JUN 11, 2022 - zooid
- JUN 10, 2022 - churrasco
- JUN 09, 2022 - cygnet
- JUN 08, 2022 - hokum
- JUN 07, 2022 - rathskeller
- JUN 06, 2022 - stravage
- JUN 05, 2022 - caterwaul
- JUN 04, 2022 - pagoda
- JUN 03, 2022 - hypnopedia
- JUN 02, 2022 - piebald
- JUN 01, 2022 - dauntless
- MAY 31, 2022 - syncope
- MAY 30, 2022 - sinsyne
- MAY 29, 2022 - foehn
- MAY 28, 2022 - descant
- MAY 27, 2022 - kowtow
- MAY 26, 2022 - fichu
- MAY 25, 2022 - macramé
- MAY 24, 2022 - meunière
- MAY 23, 2022 - victorine
- MAY 22, 2022 - carapace
- MAY 21, 2022 - tisane
- MAY 20, 2022 - hootenanny
- MAY 19, 2022 - tenebrific
- MAY 18, 2022 - agglutinative
- MAY 17, 2022 - aegis
- MAY 16, 2022 - cherubic
- MAY 15, 2022 - toxophilite
- MAY 14, 2022 - bilious
- MAY 13, 2022 - baksheesh
- MAY 12, 2022 - tantivy
- MAY 11, 2022 - colcannon
- MAY 10, 2022 - auriferous
- MAY 09, 2022 - porphyry
- MAY 08, 2022 - nurturance
- MAY 07, 2022 - tatterdemalion
- MAY 06, 2022 - disambiguate
- MAY 05, 2022 - paso doble
- MAY 04, 2022 - saber
- MAY 03, 2022 - communiqué
- MAY 02, 2022 - Saturnian
- MAY 01, 2022 - makai
- APR 30, 2022 - rebec
- APR 29, 2022 - sardonic
- APR 28, 2022 - teapoy
- APR 27, 2022 - guerdon
- APR 26, 2022 - disjecta membra
- APR 25, 2022 - paludal
- APR 24, 2022 - euxinia
- APR 23, 2022 - caoutchouc
- APR 22, 2022 - ultramafic
- APR 21, 2022 - ab urbe condita
- APR 20, 2022 - carouse
- APR 19, 2022 - harlequin
- APR 18, 2022 - ineluctable
- APR 17, 2022 - paschal
- APR 16, 2022 - indite
- APR 15, 2022 - almsgiving
- APR 14, 2022 - hacek
- APR 13, 2022 - sennachie
- APR 12, 2022 - defenestrate
- APR 11, 2022 - chaparral
- APR 10, 2022 - quasar
- APR 09, 2022 - subgum
- APR 08, 2022 - xyst
- APR 07, 2022 - viscid
- APR 06, 2022 - esemplastic
- APR 05, 2022 - hieroglyphic
- APR 04, 2022 - misnomer
- APR 05, 2022 - hieroglyphic
- APR 04, 2022 - misnomer
- APR 03, 2022 - saccade
- APR 02, 2022 - iftar
- APR 01, 2022 - raillery
- MAR 31, 2022 - septentrion
- MAR 30, 2022 - abient
- MAR 29, 2022 - jornada
- MAR 28, 2022 - ballyhoo
- MAR 27, 2022 - rosolio
- MAR 26, 2022 - apparatus
- MAR 25, 2022 - rufescent
- MAR 24, 2022 - philtrum
- MAR 23, 2022 - nubilous
- MAR 22, 2022 - mise en scène
- MAR 21, 2022 - waka
- MAR 20, 2022 - verdurous
- MAR 19, 2022 - teocalli
- MAR 18, 2022 - polychromatic
- MAR 17, 2022 - felicitous
- MAR 16, 2022 - bucchero
- MAR 15, 2022 - quagmire
- MAR 14, 2022 - transcendental
- MAR 13, 2022 - duniewassal
- MAR 12, 2022 - reconnoiter
- MAR 11, 2022 - ferrule
- MAR 10, 2022 - cenote
- MAR 09, 2022 - démodé
- MAR 08, 2022 - tour de force
- MAR 07, 2022 - azimuth
- MAR 06, 2022 - sciamachy
- MAR 05, 2022 - enumerate
- MAR 04, 2022 - pindan
- MAR 03, 2022 - sylvan
- MAR 02, 2022 - bibliophile
- MAR 01, 2022 - accelerando
- FEB 28, 2022 - metronymic
- FEB 27, 2022 - feijoada
- FEB 26, 2022 - frowzy
- FEB 25, 2022 - coronach
- FEB 24, 2022 - barchan
- FEB 23, 2022 - oenology
- FEB 22, 2022 - guillemet
- FEB 21, 2022 - togated
- FEB 20, 2022 - acequia
- FEB 19, 2022 - jovial
- FEB 18, 2022 - descry
- FEB 17, 2022 - andiron
- FEB 16, 2022 - avouch
- FEB 15, 2022 - bipartisan
- FEB 14, 2022 - cordiform
- FEB 13, 2022 - quoth
- FEB 12, 2022 - awning
- FEB 11, 2022 - conundrum
- FEB 10, 2022 - erlking
- FEB 09, 2022 - eggcorn
- FEB 08, 2022 - laisser-aller
- FEB 07, 2022 - ichnite
- FEB 06, 2022 - pinyin
- FEB 05, 2022 - telluric
- FEB 04, 2022 - aver
- FEB 03, 2022 - yakka
- FEB 02, 2022 - gnomon
- FEB 01, 2022 - ataraxia
- JAN 31, 2022 - ungulate
- JAN 30, 2022 - forfend
- JAN 29, 2022 - xebec
- JAN 28, 2022 - sídh
- JAN 27, 2022 - pruinose
- JAN 26, 2022 - mystique
- JAN 25, 2022 - whigmaleerie
- JAN 24, 2022 - elytron
- JAN 23, 2022 - inveigle
- JAN 22, 2022 - palingenesis
- JAN 21, 2022 - contumacious
- JAN 20, 2022 - yurt
- JAN 19, 2022 - epicurean
- JAN 18, 2022 - firth
- JAN 17, 2022 - altruistic
- JAN 16, 2022 - circumstellar
- JAN 15, 2022 - violescent
- JAN 14, 2022 - trailblaze
- JAN 13, 2022 - will-o'-the-wisp
- JAN 12, 2022 - corvine
- JAN 11, 2022 - skookum
- JAN 10, 2022 - cantillate
- JAN 09, 2022 - tchotchke
- JAN 08, 2022 - Bildungsroman
- JAN 07, 2022 - wintle
- JAN 06, 2022 - kinesthetic
- JAN 05, 2022 - distelfink
- JAN 04, 2022 - haphephobia
- JAN 03, 2022 - perilune
- JAN 02, 2022 - autosomal
- JAN 01, 2022 - revitalize
- DEC 31, 2021 - golem
- DEC 30, 2021 - wynd
- DEC 29, 2021 - diasporic
- DEC 28, 2021 - kith
- DEC 27, 2021 - inspissate
- DEC 26, 2021 - enkindle
- DEC 25, 2021 - paean
- DEC 24, 2021 - wistful
- DEC 23, 2021 - cavort
- DEC 22, 2021 - encumber
- DEC 21, 2021 - hiemal
- DEC 20, 2021 - ecliptic
- DEC 19, 2021 - matcha
- DEC 18, 2021 - somersault
- DEC 17, 2021 - volant
- DEC 16, 2021 - angst
- DEC 15, 2021 - atoll
- DEC 14, 2021 - neurodiversity
- DEC 13, 2021 - evanesce
- DEC 12, 2021 - bezoar
- DEC 11, 2021 - filiopietistic
- DEC 10, 2021 - babushka
- DEC 09, 2021 - eradicate
- DEC 08, 2021 - fomites
- DEC 07, 2021 - allyship
- DEC 06, 2021 - cockade
- DEC 05, 2021 - imp
- DEC 04, 2021 - ransack
- DEC 03, 2021 - stewardship
- DEC 02, 2021 - prerogative
- NOV 30, 2021 - epilogue
- NOV 29, 2021 - nebbish
- NOV 28, 2021 - unguinous
- NOV 27, 2021 - ankh
- NOV 26, 2021 - spendthrift
- NOV 25, 2021 - repast
- NOV 24, 2021 - hominid
- NOV 23, 2021 - asterism
- NOV 22, 2021 - persnickety
- NOV 21, 2021 - tesseract
- NOV 20, 2021 - cenotaph
- NOV 19, 2021 - nugatory
- NOV 18, 2021 - circadian
- NOV 17, 2021 - avgolemono
- NOV 16, 2021 - ostracize
- NOV 15, 2021 - pampero
- NOV 14, 2021 - desolate
- NOV 13, 2021 - brackish
- NOV 12, 2021 - dojo
- NOV 11, 2021 - curlicue
- NOV 10, 2021 - crapulous
- NOV 09, 2021 - brasserie
- NOV 08, 2021 - serein
- NOV 07, 2021 - angakok
- NOV 06, 2021 - melancholic
- NOV 05, 2021 - vendetta
- NOV 04, 2021 - bellwether
- NOV 03, 2021 - maringouin
- NOV 02, 2021 - busk
- NOV 01, 2021 - columbarium
- OCT 31, 2021 - grisly
- OCT 30, 2021 - sepulchral
- OCT 29, 2021 - nyctophobia
- OCT 28, 2021 - sanguivorous
- OCT 27, 2021 - ravenous
- OCT 25, 2021 - Faustian
- OCT 24, 2021 - prestidigitation
- OCT 23, 2021 - verst
- OCT 22, 2021 - cryosphere
- OCT 21, 2021 - shivaree
- OCT 20, 2021 - burgeon
- OCT 19, 2021 - manticore
- OCT 18, 2021 - mojo
- OCT 17, 2021 - colubrine
- OCT 16, 2021 - quickhatch
- OCT 15, 2021 - penumbral
- OCT 14, 2021 - chaebol
- OCT 13, 2021 - empyrean
- OCT 12, 2021 - hex
- OCT 11, 2021 - fartlek
- OCT 10, 2021 - toujours perdrix
- OCT 09, 2021 - armscye
- OCT 08, 2021 - vespertine
- OCT 07, 2021 - pariah
- OCT 06, 2021 - gramarye
- OCT 05, 2021 - inculcate
- OCT 03, 2021 - fetching
- OCT 02, 2021 - dolmen
- OCT 01, 2021 - scrimp
- SEP 30, 2021 - aureate
- SEP 29, 2021 - cordial
- SEP 28, 2021 - rout
- SEP 27, 2021 - chernozem
- SEP 26, 2021 - perfidy
- SEP 25, 2021 - codicil
- SEP 24, 2021 - butte
- SEP 23, 2021 - trident
- SEP 22, 2021 - muliebrity
- SEP 21, 2021 - serotinal
- SEP 20, 2021 - iridescent
- SEP 19, 2021 - freebooter
- SEP 18, 2021 - yore
- SEP 17, 2021 - wampum
- SEP 16, 2021 - azure
- SEP 15, 2021 - repentance
- SEP 14, 2021 - camion
- SEP 13, 2021 - testudinate
- SEP 12, 2021 - spelunk
- SEP 11, 2021 - yclept
- SEP 10, 2021 - exclave
- SEP 09, 2021 - glitz
- SEP 08, 2021 - cathartic
- SEP 07, 2021 - lucubrate
- SEP 06, 2021 - indefatigable
- SEP 05, 2021 - vicinage
- SEP 04, 2021 - connubial
- SEP 03, 2021 - moratorium
- SEP 02, 2021 - lodestone
- SEP 01, 2021 - alma mater
- AUG 31, 2021 - gorgonize
- AUG 30, 2021 - nostrum
- AUG 29, 2021 - memoriter
- AUG 28, 2021 - cruciverbalist
- AUG 27, 2021 - orogeny
- AUG 26, 2021 - Xanadu
- AUG 25, 2021 - mishpocha
- AUG 24, 2021 - rapprochement
- AUG 23, 2021 - prelapsarian
- AUG 22, 2021 - beastie
- AUG 21, 2021 - arete
- AUG 20, 2021 - mickle
- AUG 19, 2021 - Phlegethon
- AUG 18, 2021 - vamoose
- AUG 17, 2021 - minatory
- AUG 16, 2021 - zugzwang
- AUG 15, 2021 - saltigrade
- AUG 14, 2021 - fustian
- AUG 13, 2021 - ambisinister
- AUG 12, 2021 - flump
- AUG 11, 2021 - skerrick
- AUG 10, 2021 - saudade
- AUG 09, 2021 - hegira
- AUG 08, 2021 - chuffle
- AUG 07, 2021 - ruminate
- AUG 06, 2021 - apopemptic
- AUG 05, 2021 - tohubohu
- AUG 04, 2021 - penetralia
- AUG 03, 2021 - satori
- AUG 02, 2021 - integument
- AUG 01, 2021 - totemic
- JUL 31, 2021 - tocsin
- JUL 30, 2021 - irrefragable
- JUL 29, 2021 - celerity
- JUL 28, 2021 - Fletcherize
- JUL 27, 2021 - noetic
- JUL 26, 2021 - hugger-mugger
- JUL 25, 2021 - perorate
- JUL 24, 2021 - natant
- JUL 23, 2021 - brouhaha
- JUL 22, 2021 - furphy
- JUL 21, 2021 - verklempt
- JUL 20, 2021 - stentorian
- JUL 19, 2021 - perambulate
- JUL 18, 2021 - toplofty
- JUL 17, 2021 - encomium
- JUL 16, 2021 - flapdoodle
- JUL 15, 2021 - insouciant
- JUL 14, 2021 - Gallicism
- JUL 13, 2021 - zeitgeist
- JUL 12, 2021 - velleity
- JUL 11, 2021 - gormless
- JUL 10, 2021 - droke
- JUL 09, 2021 - infinitesimal
- JUL 08, 2021 - omnium-gatherum
- JUL 07, 2021 - fantast
- JUL 06, 2021 - wampish
- JUL 05, 2021 - au fond
- JUL 04, 2021 - spangle
- JUL 03, 2021 - girandole
- JUL 02, 2021 - lilt
- JUL 01, 2021 - stalwart
- JUN 30, 2021 - cunctation
- JUN 29, 2021 - sacrosanct
- JUN 28, 2021 - belvedere
- JUN 27, 2021 - shivoo
- JUN 26, 2021 - paucity
- JUN 25, 2021 - neophyte
- JUN 24, 2021 - non sequitur
- JUN 23, 2021 - inimical
- JUN 22, 2021 - farraginous
- JUN 21, 2021 - estivate
- JUN 20, 2021 - nonpareil
- JUN 19, 2021 - vermilion
- JUN 18, 2021 - tickety-boo
- JUN 17, 2021 - prothalamion
- JUN 16, 2021 - manavelins
- JUN 15, 2021 - terpsichorean
- JUN 14, 2021 - billow
- JUN 13, 2021 - fiddlesticks
- JUN 12, 2021 - dissilient
- JUN 11, 2021 - picaresque
- JUN 10, 2021 - ravelment
- JUN 09, 2021 - predilection
- JUN 08, 2021 - schwa
- JUN 07, 2021 - banausic
- JUN 06, 2021 - amphibious
- JUN 05, 2021 - agglomeration
- JUN 04, 2021 - deliquesce
- JUN 03, 2021 - stultify
- JUN 02, 2021 - hebdomadal
- JUN 01, 2021 - interlard
- MAY 31, 2021 - remembrancer
- MAY 30, 2021 - acme
- MAY 29, 2021 - pièce de résistance
- MAY 28, 2021 - skylark
- MAY 27, 2021 - bovarism
- MAY 26, 2021 - peradventure
- MAY 25, 2021 - palaver
- MAY 24, 2021 - lacustrine
- MAY 23, 2021 - dentifrice
- MAY 22, 2021 - sartorial
- MAY 21, 2021 - plenipotent
- MAY 20, 2021 - hapax legomenon
- MAY 19, 2021 - moonshot
- MAY 18, 2021 - judder
- MAY 17, 2021 - pecuniary
- MAY 16, 2021 - nudnik
- MAY 15, 2021 - derring-do
- MAY 14, 2021 - pulchritudinous
- MAY 13, 2021 - sine die
- MAY 12, 2021 - boondoggle
- MAY 11, 2021 - ubiety
- MAY 10, 2021 - oligopoly
- MAY 09, 2021 - nonesuch
- MAY 08, 2021 - obnubilate
- MAY 07, 2021 - lackadaisical
- MAY 06, 2021 - machinate
- MAY 05, 2021 - hardscrabble
- MAY 04, 2021 - thrawn
- MAY 03, 2021 - equanimity
- MAY 02, 2021 - apothegm
- MAY 01, 2021 - polliniferous
- APR 30, 2021 - arboreal
- APR 29, 2021 - refractory
- APR 28, 2021 - mammock
- APR 27, 2021 - exonumia
- APR 26, 2021 - sumpsimus
- APR 25, 2021 - celluloid
- APR 24, 2021 - bibliopole
- APR 23, 2021 - versal
- APR 22, 2021 - sustainability
- APR 21, 2021 - Parnassian
- APR 20, 2021 - alfresco
- APR 19, 2021 - brummagem
- APR 18, 2021 - longanimity
- APR 17, 2021 - specious
- APR 16, 2021 - pandiculation
- APR 15, 2021 - hydra
- APR 14, 2021 - foofaraw
- APR 13, 2021 - lucida
- APR 12, 2021 - propinquity
- APR 11, 2021 - vibrissa
- APR 10, 2021 - putative
- APR 09, 2021 - behoove
- APR 08, 2021 - cupidity
- APR 07, 2021 - megillah
- APR 06, 2021 - adminicle
- APR 05, 2021 - bricolage
- APR 04, 2021 - leporine
- APR 03, 2021 - cackleberry
- APR 02, 2021 - passe-partout
- APR 01, 2021 - jocular
- MAR 31, 2021 - campestral
- MAR 30, 2021 - brabble
- MAR 29, 2021 - effulgent
- MAR 28, 2021 - palmary
- MAR 27, 2021 - matzo
- MAR 26, 2021 - fustigate
- MAR 25, 2021 - concatenation
- MAR 24, 2021 - peduncle
- MAR 23, 2021 - emulous
- MAR 22, 2021 - abecedarian
- MAR 21, 2021 - foozle
- MAR 20, 2021 - vernal
- MAR 19, 2021 - gasconade
- MAR 18, 2021 - nescience
- MAR 17, 2021 - macushla
- MAR 16, 2021 - haimish
- MAR 15, 2021 - lickety-split
- MAR 14, 2021 - flummoxed
- MAR 13, 2021 - foible
- MAR 12, 2021 - avant-garde
- MAR 11, 2021 - waesucks
- MAR 10, 2021 - pleonasm
- MAR 09, 2021 - Panglossian
- MAR 08, 2021 - honcho
- MAR 07, 2021 - sweven
- MAR 06, 2021 - proceleusmatic
- MAR 05, 2021 - grubstake
- MAR 04, 2021 - confabulate
- MAR 03, 2021 - cromulent
- MAR 02, 2021 - comeuppance
- MAR 01, 2021 - verbicide
- FEB 28, 2021 - perdure
- FEB 27, 2021 - cheeseparing
- FEB 26, 2021 - bamboozle
- FEB 25, 2021 - zeugma
- FEB 24, 2021 - frumious
- FEB 23, 2021 - polyglot
- FEB 22, 2021 - darg
- FEB 21, 2021 - decussate
- FEB 20, 2021 - pharaonic
- FEB 19, 2021 - snollygoster
- FEB 18, 2021 - prosopopoeia
- FEB 17, 2021 - rueful
- FEB 16, 2021 - paczki
- FEB 15, 2021 - proclamation
- FEB 14, 2021 - oeillade
- FEB 13, 2021 - camaraderie
- FEB 12, 2021 - lunisolar
- FEB 11, 2021 - galimatias
- FEB 10, 2021 - parlous
- FEB 09, 2021 - meritocracy
- FEB 08, 2021 - badinage
- FEB 07, 2021 - plashy
- FEB 06, 2021 - limerence
- FEB 05, 2021 - lustrum
- FEB 04, 2021 - lachrymose
- FEB 03, 2021 - uitwaaien
- FEB 02, 2021 - harbinger
- FEB 01, 2021 - diegetic
- JAN 31, 2021 - holophrase
- JAN 30, 2021 - fantabulous
- JAN 29, 2021 - alembic
- JAN 28, 2021 - torrential
- JAN 27, 2021 - shibboleth
- JAN 26, 2021 - grouse
- JAN 25, 2021 - ad hockery
- JAN 24, 2021 - flocculent
- JAN 23, 2021 - belly-wash
- JAN 22, 2021 - cause célèbre
- JAN 21, 2021 - macaronic
- JAN 20, 2021 - inaugurate
- JAN 19, 2021 - mammonism
- JAN 18, 2021 - inextricably
- JAN 17, 2021 - beamish
- JAN 16, 2021 - terrene
- JAN 15, 2021 - ergo
- JAN 14, 2021 - discombobulate
- JAN 13, 2021 - umbrageous
- JAN 12, 2021 - bunkum
- JAN 11, 2021 - aoristic
- JAN 10, 2021 - guileless
- JAN 09, 2021 - whithersoever
- JAN 08, 2021 - bel-esprit
- JAN 07, 2021 - prolixity
- JAN 06, 2021 - procellous
- JAN 05, 2021 - shenanigans
- JAN 04, 2021 - nimiety
- JAN 03, 2021 - frazil
- JAN 02, 2021 - handsel
- JAN 01, 2021 - carpe diem - https://www.dictionary.com/e/word-of-the-day/carpe-diem-2021-01-01/
- DEC 31, 2020 - sayonara - https://www.dictionary.com/e/word-of-the-day/sayonara-2020-12-31/
- DEC 30, 2020 - bonbonnière
- DEC 29, 2020 - eidetic
- DEC 28, 2020 - amity
- DEC 27, 2020 - fainéant
- DEC 26, 2020 - fistic
- DEC 25, 2020 - merrymaking
- DEC 24, 2020 - sugarplum
- DEC 23, 2020 - matutinal
- DEC 22, 2020 - swivet
- DEC 21, 2020 - brumal
- DEC 20, 2020 - snuggery
- DEC 19, 2020 - cordate
- DEC 18, 2020 - eleemosynary
- DEC 17, 2020 - gravitas
- DEC 16, 2020 - scintillating
- DEC 15, 2020 - plotz
- DEC 14, 2020 - paraselene
- DEC 13, 2020 - misbegotten
- DEC 12, 2020 - lyceum
- DEC 11, 2020 - avuncular
- DEC 10, 2020 - mitzvah
- DEC 09, 2020 - abscond
- DEC 08, 2020 - infodemic
- DEC 07, 2020 - ambit
- DEC 06, 2020 - verbum sap
- DEC 05, 2020 - tirrivee
- DEC 04, 2020 - antediluvian
- DEC 03, 2020 - doomscrolling
- DEC 02, 2020 - hebetude
- DEC 01, 2020 - beneficence
- NOV 30, 2020 - consequential
- NOV 29, 2020 - immemorial
- NOV 28, 2020 - fussbudget
- NOV 27, 2020 - lagom
- NOV 26, 2020 - bounteous
- NOV 25, 2020 - ambrosial
- NOV 24, 2020 - pother
- NOV 23, 2020 - ingenious
- NOV 22, 2020 - regale
- NOV 21, 2020 - crankle
- NOV 20, 2020 - obstreperous
- NOV 19, 2020 - imagineer
- NOV 18, 2020 - willyard
- NOV 17, 2020 - irenic
- NOV 16, 2020 - zeitgeber
- NOV 15, 2020 - friable
- NOV 14, 2020 - triclinium
- NOV 13, 2020 - volte-face
- NOV 12, 2020 - modicum
- NOV 11, 2020 - fidelity
- NOV 10, 2020 - lagniappe
- NOV 09, 2020 - duplicitous
- NOV 08, 2020 - satisfice
- NOV 07, 2020 - ex libris
- NOV 06, 2020 - garboil
- NOV 05, 2020 - perfervid
- NOV 04, 2020 - tarriance
- NOV 03, 2020 - public-spirited
- NOV 02, 2020 - leviathan
- NOV 01, 2020 - agonist
- OCT 31, 2020 - eldritch
- OCT 30, 2020 - gloaming
- OCT 29, 2020 - extramundane
- OCT 28, 2020 - prescient
- OCT 27, 2020 - mal du pays
- OCT 26, 2020 - autoschediasm
- OCT 25, 2020 - wherewithal
- OCT 24, 2020 - indelible
- OCT 23, 2020 - supercilious
- OCT 22, 2020 - psephology
- OCT 21, 2020 - nimbus
- OCT 20, 2020 - desideratum
- OCT 19, 2020 - clement
- OCT 18, 2020 - mardy
- OCT 17, 2020 - ambivert
- OCT 16, 2020 - diction
- OCT 15, 2020 - totis viribus
- OCT 14, 2020 - doldrums
- OCT 13, 2020 - scunner
- OCT 12, 2020 - Indigenous
- OCT 11, 2020 - roister
- OCT 10, 2020 - newfangled
- OCT 09, 2020 - discommode
- OCT 08, 2020 - idiolect
- OCT 07, 2020 - zinger
- OCT 06, 2020 - capacious
- OCT 05, 2020 - ecoanxiety
- OCT 04, 2020 - asunder
- OCT 03, 2020 - leitmotif
- OCT 02, 2020 - élan
- OCT 01, 2020 - finagle
- SEP 30, 2020 - susurration
- SEP 29, 2020 - argy-bargy
- SEP 28, 2020 - avow
- SEP 27, 2020 - illation
- SEP 26, 2020 - supernumerary
- SEP 25, 2020 - whillikers
- SEP 24, 2020 - cachinnate
- SEP 23, 2020 - butyraceous
- SEP 22, 2020 - caducous
- SEP 21, 2020 - yare
- SEP 20, 2020 - alimentation
- SEP 19, 2020 - probity
- SEP 18, 2020 - mellifluous
- SEP 17, 2020 - festinate
- SEP 16, 2020 - quondam
- SEP 15, 2020 - spang
- SEP 14, 2020 - blatherskite
- SEP 13, 2020 - lapidify
- SEP 12, 2020 - threequel
- SEP 11, 2020 - ineffable
- SEP 10, 2020 - vale
- SEP 09, 2020 - somnambulism
- SEP 08, 2020 - doddle
- SEP 07, 2020 - Promethean
- SEP 06, 2020 - squib
- SEP 05, 2020 - scherzando
- SEP 04, 2020 - olericulture
- SEP 03, 2020 - verisimilitude
- SEP 02, 2020 - legerity
- SEP 01, 2020 - scofflaw
- AUG 31, 2020 - gorp
- AUG 30, 2020 - kindred
- AUG 29, 2020 - metrophobia
- AUG 28, 2020 - schmaltz
- AUG 27, 2020 - vituperate
- AUG 26, 2020 - ikigai
- AUG 25, 2020 - aroint
- AUG 24, 2020 - juberous
- AUG 23, 2020 - inanition
- AUG 22, 2020 - epizeuxis
- AUG 21, 2020 - sobriquet
- AUG 20, 2020 - comity
- AUG 19, 2020 - zhuzh
- AUG 18, 2020 - hortatory
- AUG 17, 2020 - limn
- AUG 16, 2020 - vicarious
- AUG 15, 2020 - jubilee
- AUG 14, 2020 - de facto
- AUG 13, 2020 - sinistrality
- AUG 12, 2020 - rodomontade
- AUG 11, 2020 - backlins
- AUG 10, 2020 - plaudit
- AUG 09, 2020 - tome
- AUG 08, 2020 - diphthong
- AUG 07, 2020 - axiomatic
- AUG 06, 2020 - faux pas
- AUG 05, 2020 - esurient
- AUG 04, 2020 - simulacrum
- AUG 03, 2020 - vacillate
- AUG 02, 2020 - sororal
- AUG 01, 2020 - bonanza
- JUL 31, 2020 - obfuscate
- JUL 30, 2020 - evanescent
- JUL 29, 2020 - whinge
- JUL 28, 2020 - verecund
- JUL 27, 2020 - scattergood
- JUL 26, 2020 - anfractuous
- JUL 25, 2020 - coffers
- JUL 24, 2020 - taciturn
- JUL 23, 2020 - clamber
- JUL 22, 2020 - fungible
- JUL 21, 2020 - mirabilia
- JUL 20, 2020 - singularity
- JUL 19, 2020 - fain
- JUL 18, 2020 - catalyst
- JUL 17, 2020 - rebus
- JUL 16, 2020 - adamantine
- JUL 15, 2020 - sojourn
- JUL 14, 2020 - déjà vu
- JUL 13, 2020 - bellicose
- JUL 12, 2020 - rhathymia
- JUL 11, 2020 - ductile
- JUL 10, 2020 - slugabed
- JUL 09, 2020 - discomfiture
- JUL 08, 2020 - kaput
- JUL 07, 2020 - posterity
- JUL 06, 2020 - bailiwick
- JUL 05, 2020 - hitherto
- JUL 04, 2020 - egalitarian
- JUL 03, 2020 - vox populi
- JUL 02, 2020 - repudiate
- JUL 01, 2020 - staycation
- JUN 30, 2020 - bolide
- JUN 29, 2020 - anchorite
- JUN 28, 2020 - megafauna
- JUN 27, 2020 - bight
- JUN 26, 2020 - lugubrious
- JUN 25, 2020 - mondegreen
- JUN 23, 2020 - ad hominem
- JUN 22, 2020 - lassitude
- JUN 21, 2020 - agnate
- JUN 20, 2020 - tête-à-tête
- JUN 19, 2020 - inflection point
- JUN 18, 2020 - risibility
- JUN 17, 2020 - antepenultimate
- JUN 16, 2020 - Augean
- JUN 15, 2020 - dilly
- JUN 14, 2020 - Samaritan
- JUN 13, 2020 - stridulate
- JUN 12, 2020 - panivorous
- JUN 11, 2020 - klatsch
- JUN 10, 2020 - skulduggery
- JUN 09, 2020 - osmatic
- JUN 08, 2020 - alligate
- JUN 07, 2020 - Croesus
- JUN 06, 2020 - jury-rig
- JUN 05, 2020 - shambolic
- JUN 04, 2020 - caseous
- JUN 03, 2020 - glower
- JUN 02, 2020 - ex-voto
- JUN 01, 2020 - spirituel
- MAY 31, 2020 - plaintive
- MAY 30, 2020 - escapism
- MAY 29, 2020 - unctuous
- MAY 28, 2020 - doover
- MAY 27, 2020 - scilicet
- MAY 26, 2020 - celestial
- MAY 25, 2020 - salute
- MAY 24, 2020 - whelked
- MAY 23, 2020 - syncopate
- MAY 22, 2020 - soupçon
- MAY 21, 2020 - jawbone
- MAY 20, 2020 - eftsoons
- MAY 19, 2020 - indemnity
- MAY 18, 2020 - weal
- MAY 17, 2020 - dishabille
- MAY 16, 2020 - chariness
- MAY 15, 2020 - melee
- MAY 14, 2020 - insufflate
- MAY 13, 2020 - blarney
- MAY 12, 2020 - cleek
- MAY 11, 2020 - crepuscular
- MAY 10, 2020 - materfamilias
- MAY 09, 2020 - aeolian
- MAY 08, 2020 - garth
- MAY 07, 2020 - proxemics
- MAY 06, 2020 - solace
- MAY 05, 2020 - peregrinate
- MAY 04, 2020 - Jedi
- MAY 03, 2020 - domicile
- MAY 02, 2020 - sedentary
- MAY 01, 2020 - inflorescence
- APR 30, 2020 - saponaceous
- APR 29, 2020 - ylem
- APR 28, 2020 - iwis
- APR 27, 2020 - soi-disant
- APR 26, 2020 - precipitate
- APR 25, 2020 - succedaneum
- APR 24, 2020 - silvics
- APR 23, 2020 - fardel
- APR 22, 2020 - stewardship
- APR 21, 2020 - taradiddle
- APR 20, 2020 - ambages
- APR 19, 2020 - kitsch
- APR 18, 2020 - chockablock
- APR 17, 2020 - breviloquent
- APR 16, 2020 - panacea
- APR 15, 2020 - taxonomy
- APR 14, 2020 - idoneous
- APR 13, 2020 - quidnunc
- APR 12, 2020 - daffadowndilly
- APR 11, 2020 - cosset
- APR 10, 2020 - hero
- APR 09, 2020 - force majeure
- APR 08, 2020 - chyron
- APR 07, 2020 - perigee
- APR 06, 2020 - Jabberwocky
- APR 05, 2020 - erstwhile
- APR 04, 2020 - assiduity
- APR 03, 2020 - personalia
- APR 02, 2020 - aperçu
- APR 01, 2020 - credulous
- MAR 31, 2020 - felicific
- MAR 30, 2020 - transliterate
- MAR 29, 2020 - apoplectic
- MAR 28, 2020 - wont
- MAR 27, 2020 - sciolism
- MAR 26, 2020 - Cinderella
- MAR 25, 2020 - moue
- MAR 24, 2020 - longevous
- MAR 23, 2020 - schlep
- MAR 22, 2020 - hypermnesia
- MAR 21, 2020 - bromide
- MAR 20, 2020 - stir-crazy
- MAR 19, 2020 - primaveral
- MAR 18, 2020 - lunker
- MAR 17, 2020 - greenth
- MAR 16, 2020 - muzz
- MAR 15, 2020 - scordatura
- MAR 14, 2020 - à la mode
- MAR 13, 2020 - hobgoblin
- MAR 12, 2020 - punctilio
- MAR 11, 2020 - stownlins
- MAR 10, 2020 - moil
- MAR 09, 2020 - hypethral
- MAR 08, 2020 - confidence
- MAR 07, 2020 - cavil
- MAR 06, 2020 - tantamount
- MAR 05, 2020 - cacoethes
- MAR 04, 2020 - sic
- MAR 03, 2020 - delegate
- MAR 02, 2020 - astronaut
- MAR 01, 2020 - habitué
- FEB 29, 2020 - intercalary
- FEB 28, 2020 - echelon
- FEB 27, 2020 - vug
- FEB 26, 2020 - corrigible
- FEB 25, 2020 - krewe
- FEB 24, 2020 - realpolitik
- FEB 23, 2020 - thersitical
- FEB 22, 2020 - gullywasher
- FEB 21, 2020 - farthing
- FEB 20, 2020 - phronesis
- FEB 19, 2020 - détente
- FEB 18, 2020 - plethoric
- FEB 17, 2020 - Lincolnesque
- FEB 16, 2020 - soniferous
- FEB 15, 2020 - asana
- FEB 14, 2020 - jo
- FEB 13, 2020 - chocolate-box
- FEB 12, 2020 - quiddity
- FEB 11, 2020 - blench
- FEB 10, 2020 - grandstand
- FEB 09, 2020 - pinnacle
- FEB 08, 2020 - tantivy
- FEB 07, 2020 - zephyr
- FEB 06, 2020 - vis-à-vis
- FEB 05, 2020 - philippic
- FEB 04, 2020 - desuetude
- FEB 03, 2020 - caucus
- FEB 02, 2020 - gree
- FEB 01, 2020 - fictile
- JAN 31, 2020 - sagacious
- JAN 30, 2020 - mizzle
- JAN 29, 2020 - definiendum
- JAN 28, 2020 - canting
- JAN 27, 2020 - fettle
- JAN 26, 2020 - EGOT
- JAN 25, 2020 - murine
- JAN 24, 2020 - hobnob
- JAN 23, 2020 - autodidact
- JAN 22, 2020 - caprice
- JAN 21, 2020 - quorum
- JAN 20, 2020 - beacon
- JAN 19, 2020 - langlauf
- JAN 18, 2020 - synonymous
- JAN 17, 2020 - riposte
- JAN 16, 2020 - flinty
- JAN 15, 2020 - trangam
- JAN 14, 2020 - mythomane
- JAN 13, 2020 - nival
- JAN 12, 2020 - euchred
- JAN 11, 2020 - pacific
- JAN 10, 2020 - sidesplitter
- JAN 09, 2020 - beaucoup
- JAN 08, 2020 - imponderabilia
- JAN 07, 2020 - oneiric
- JAN 06, 2020 - rax
- JAN 05, 2020 - orbicular
- JAN 04, 2020 - welp
- JAN 03, 2020 - hibernaculum
- JAN 02, 2020 - splore
- JAN 01, 2020 - twenty-twenty
- DEC 31, 2019 - finito
- DEC 30, 2019 - retrospection
- DEC 29, 2019 - gawsy
- DEC 28, 2019 - réchauffé
- DEC 27, 2019 - shilly-shally
- DEC 26, 2019 - ephemeral
- DEC 25, 2019 - big-hearted
- DEC 24, 2019 - atiptoe
- DEC 23, 2019 - gemütlich
- DEC 22, 2019 - kvell
- DEC 21, 2019 - halcyon
- DEC 20, 2019 - effervescent
- DEC 19, 2019 - flâneur
- DEC 18, 2019 - deipnosophist
- DEC 17, 2019 - tintinnabulation
- DEC 16, 2019 - welter
- DEC 15, 2019 - peripeteia
- DEC 14, 2019 - esculent
- DEC 13, 2019 - festal
- DEC 12, 2019 - Brobdingnagian
- DEC 11, 2019 - forby
- DEC 10, 2019 - concinnate
- DEC 09, 2019 - tinselry
- DEC 08, 2019 - ology
- DEC 07, 2019 - fastigiate
- DEC 06, 2019 - bonhomie
- DEC 04, 2019 - snarf
- DEC 03, 2019 - benignity
- DEC 02, 2019 - existential
- DEC 01, 2019 - vicissitudes
- NOV 30, 2019 - roman
- NOV 29, 2019 - corybantic
- NOV 28, 2019 - foison
- NOV 27, 2019 - postprandial
- NOV 26, 2019 - stargazer
- NOV 25, 2019 - horologium
- NOV 24, 2019 - copacetic
- NOV 23, 2019 - gusto
- NOV 22, 2019 - usageaster
- NOV 21, 2019 - avocation
- NOV 20, 2019 - controvert
- NOV 19, 2019 - rhapsodic
- NOV 18, 2019 - oppidan
- NOV 17, 2019 - simony
- NOV 16, 2019 - spruik
- NOV 15, 2019 - chutzpa
- NOV 14, 2019 - ipso facto
- NOV 13, 2019 - lacuna
- NOV 12, 2019 - gallimaufry
- NOV 11, 2019 - devoir
- NOV 10, 2019 - cucullate
- NOV 09, 2019 - strepitous
- NOV 08, 2019 - salutary
- NOV 07, 2019 - picayune
- NOV 06, 2019 - turophobia
- NOV 05, 2019 - thither
- NOV 04, 2019 - Sprachgefühl
- NOV 03, 2019 - obumbrate
- NOV 02, 2019 - squee
- NOV 01, 2019 - Lilliputian
- OCT 31, 2019 - ghost word
- OCT 30, 2019 - ghoulish
- OCT 29, 2019 - requiescat
- OCT 28, 2019 - macabre
- OCT 27, 2019 - horripilation
- OCT 26, 2019 - chthonian
- OCT 25, 2019 - psychotronic
- OCT 24, 2019 - numinous
- OCT 23, 2019 - consternation
- OCT 22, 2019 - solipsism
- OCT 21, 2019 - bon vivant
- OCT 20, 2019 - pepita
- OCT 19, 2019 - canny
- OCT 18, 2019 - minutiae
- OCT 17, 2019 - erumpent
- OCT 16, 2019 - wordie
- OCT 15, 2019 - flagitious
- OCT 14, 2019 - recherché
- OCT 13, 2019 - aplomb
- OCT 12, 2019 - historiated
- OCT 11, 2019 - felicitate
- OCT 10, 2019 - biomorph
- OCT 09, 2019 - lambent
- OCT 08, 2019 - expiate
- OCT 07, 2019 - tellurian
- OCT 06, 2019 - flexuous
- OCT 05, 2019 - realia
- OCT 04, 2019 - slumberland
- OCT 03, 2019 - foliaceous
- OCT 02, 2019 - coalesce
- OCT 01, 2019 - extenuate
- SEP 30, 2019 - emporium
- SEP 29, 2019 - spitzenburg
- SEP 28, 2019 - maugre
- SEP 27, 2019 - viridity
- SEP 26, 2019 - simper
- SEP 25, 2019 - isobar
- SEP 24, 2019 - outré
- SEP 23, 2019 - gossamer
- SEP 22, 2019 - Roscian
- SEP 21, 2019 - prévenance
- SEP 20, 2019 - galvanize
- SEP 19, 2019 - swashbuckler
- SEP 18, 2019 - à gogo
- SEP 17, 2019 - Preamble
- SEP 16, 2019 - clamant
- SEP 15, 2019 - refugium
- SEP 14, 2019 - contranym
- SEP 13, 2019 - bona fides
- SEP 12, 2019 - Ciceronian
- SEP 11, 2019 - epistolary
- SEP 10, 2019 - slubber
- SEP 09, 2019 - ikebana
- SEP 08, 2019 - embosom
- SEP 07, 2019 - rarefied
- SEP 06, 2019 - chirography
- SEP 05, 2019 - magnanimous
- SEP 04, 2019 - daffing
- SEP 03, 2019 - hive mind
- SEP 02, 2019 - operose
- SEP 01, 2019 - elide
- AUG 31, 2019 - adventitious
- AUG 30, 2019 - banalize
- AUG 29, 2019 - wiredraw
- AUG 28, 2019 - sanguine
- AUG 27, 2019 - peacherino
- AUG 26, 2019 - electorate
- AUG 25, 2019 - dvandva
- AUG 24, 2019 - textlationship
- AUG 23, 2019 - snoot
- AUG 22, 2019 - hyperbolic
- AUG 21, 2019 - omphaloskepsis
- AUG 20, 2019 - punditocracy
- AUG 19, 2019 - xeric
- AUG 18, 2019 - luminary
- AUG 17, 2019 - redoubtable
- AUG 16, 2019 - beadledom
- AUG 15, 2019 - golden
- AUG 14, 2019 - plebeian
- AUG 13, 2019 - donnybrook
- AUG 12, 2019 - subitize
- AUG 11, 2019 - utopian
- AUG 10, 2019 - shivaree
- AUG 09, 2019 - fascicle
- AUG 08, 2019 - cat's-paw
- AUG 07, 2019 - manqué
- AUG 06, 2019 - spondulicks
- AUG 05, 2019 - intellection
- AUG 04, 2019 - stolid
- AUG 03, 2019 - vinculum
- AUG 02, 2019 - slake
- AUG 01, 2019 - august
- JUL 31, 2019 - dumbledore
- JUL 30, 2019 - dégringolade
- JUL 29, 2019 - nisus
- JUL 28, 2019 - fulgurant
- JUL 27, 2019 - heterography
- JUL 26, 2019 - tripping
- JUL 25, 2019 - Svengali
- JUL 24, 2019 - ben trovato
- JUL 23, 2019 - abusage
- JUL 22, 2019 - qua
- JUL 21, 2019 - popple
- JUL 20, 2019 - daedal
- JUL 19, 2019 - jollier
- JUL 18, 2019 - cosplay
- JUL 17, 2019 - ideogram
- JUL 16, 2019 - Barmecidal
- JUL 15, 2019 - remora
- JUL 14, 2019 - raison d'être
- JUL 13, 2019 - infare
- JUL 12, 2019 - federalese
- JUL 11, 2019 - peccable
- JUL 10, 2019 - eye-minded
- JUL 09, 2019 - donnish
- JUL 08, 2019 - caducity
- JUL 07, 2019 - everywhen
- JUL 06, 2019 - ansa
- JUL 05, 2019 - thalassic
- JUL 04, 2019 - John Hancock
- JUL 03, 2019 - paradisiacal
- JUL 02, 2019 - tmesis
- JUL 01, 2019 - orgulous
- JUN 30, 2019 - jubilate
- JUN 29, 2019 - prismatic
- JUN 28, 2019 - symposiarch
- JUN 27, 2019 - strawhat
- JUN 26, 2019 - minimoon
- JUN 25, 2019 - venal
- JUN 24, 2019 - ex cathedra
- JUN 23, 2019 - demur
- JUN 22, 2019 - apologia
- JUN 21, 2019 - summer
- JUN 20, 2019 - insipience
- JUN 19, 2019 - shog
- JUN 18, 2019 - epiphonema
- JUN 17, 2019 - caterpillar
- JUN 16, 2019 - dada
- JUN 15, 2019 - fruitlet
- JUN 14, 2019 - undulate
- JUN 13, 2019 - lulu
- JUN 12, 2019 - hangdog
- JUN 11, 2019 - esprit de l'escalier
- JUN 10, 2019 - nebulated
- JUN 09, 2019 - Delphic
- JUN 08, 2019 - stymie
- JUN 07, 2019 - virtuoso
- JUN 06, 2019 - bastion
- JUN 05, 2019 - appellative
- JUN 04, 2019 - fictioneer
- JUN 03, 2019 - fecund
- JUN 02, 2019 - jactation
- JUN 01, 2019 - disinvent
- MAY 31, 2019 - persiflage
- MAY 30, 2019 - foment
- MAY 29, 2019 - equity
- MAY 28, 2019 - otiose
- MAY 27, 2019 - decoration
- MAY 26, 2019 - seriatim
- MAY 25, 2019 - hermitage
- MAY 24, 2019 - proselyte
- MAY 23, 2019 - overmorrow
- MAY 22, 2019 - self-possessed
- MAY 21, 2019 - stellate
- MAY 20, 2019 - scaturient
- MAY 19, 2019 - buckram
- MAY 18, 2019 - jockey
- MAY 17, 2019 - alameda
- MAY 16, 2019 - whataboutism
- MAY 15, 2019 - consent
- MAY 14, 2019 - expatiate
- MAY 13, 2019 - JOMO
- MAY 12, 2019 - mother wit
- MAY 11, 2019 - motte
- MAY 10, 2019 - popinjay
- MAY 09, 2019 - perspicacity
- MAY 08, 2019 - blossom
- MAY 07, 2019 - camp
- MAY 06, 2019 - wilder
- MAY 05, 2019 - avenaceous
- MAY 04, 2019 - organon
- MAY 03, 2019 - vigesimal
- MAY 02, 2019 - bombinate
- MAY 01, 2019 - guddle
- APR 30, 2019 - sesquipedalian
- APR 29, 2019 - clown car
- APR 28, 2019 - brainchild
- APR 27, 2019 - groupthink
- APR 26, 2019 - pseudepigraphy
- APR 25, 2019 - frisson
- APR 24, 2019 - rhubarb
- APR 23, 2019 - bardolatry
- APR 22, 2019 - Anthropocene
- APR 21, 2019 - Easter egg
- APR 20, 2019 - exodus
- APR 19, 2019 - yealing
- APR 18, 2019 - facultative
- APR 17, 2019 - lese majesty
- APR 16, 2019 - umami
- APR 15, 2019 - gabelle
- APR 14, 2019 - conlang
- APR 13, 2019 - tootle
- APR 12, 2019 - unicorn
- APR 11, 2019 - alacrity
- APR 10, 2019 - flimflam
- APR 09, 2019 - polysemy
- APR 08, 2019 - funemployed
- APR 07, 2019 - vade mecum
- APR 06, 2019 - plasticity
- APR 05, 2019 - anthophobia
- APR 04, 2019 - multiverse
- APR 03, 2019 - hamartia
- APR 02, 2019 - versify
- APR 01, 2019 - fool
- MAR 31, 2019 - velutinous
- MAR 30, 2019 - nadir
- MAR 29, 2019 - metathesis
- MAR 28, 2019 - knackered
- MAR 27, 2019 - impedimenta
- MAR 26, 2019 - skimble-scamble
- MAR 25, 2019 - optics
- MAR 24, 2019 - isolato
- MAR 23, 2019 - plumbeous
- MAR 22, 2019 - earthshaking
- MAR 21, 2019 - palimpsest
- MAR 20, 2019 - wellspring
- MAR 19, 2019 - obscurantism
- MAR 18, 2019 - bracketology
- MAR 17, 2019 - green-eyed
- MAR 16, 2019 - viator
- MAR 15, 2019 - fantods
- MAR 14, 2019 - upper crust
- MAR 13, 2019 - diffidence
- MAR 12, 2019 - facetiae
- MAR 11, 2019 - myopic
- MAR 10, 2019 - temporize
- MAR 09, 2019 - eyewinker
- MAR 08, 2019 - regina
- MAR 07, 2019 - Heiligenschein
- MAR 06, 2019 - nice-nellyism
- MAR 05, 2019 - voluble
- MAR 04, 2019 - pettifog
- MAR 03, 2019 - melic
- MAR 02, 2019 - animus
- MAR 01, 2019 - tergiversate
- FEB 28, 2019 - petrichor
- FEB 27, 2019 - divertissement
- FEB 26, 2019 - cozen
- FEB 25, 2019 - evenfall
- FEB 24, 2019 - halidom
- FEB 23, 2019 - prodigal
- FEB 22, 2019 - futilitarian
- FEB 20, 2019 - behemoth
- FEB 19, 2019 - mare
- FEB 18, 2019 - fourscore
- FEB 17, 2019 - milieu
- FEB 16, 2019 - snowbird
- FEB 15, 2019 - onomastic
- FEB 14, 2019 - attractancy
- FEB 13, 2019 - synastry
- FEB 12, 2019 - marvy
- FEB 11, 2019 - amphiscians
- FEB 10, 2019 - prebuttal
- FEB 09, 2019 - inculpate
- FEB 08, 2019 - roborant
- FEB 07, 2019 - dullsville
- FEB 06, 2019 - temerity
- FEB 05, 2019 - hoggery
- FEB 04, 2019 - rigmarole
- FEB 03, 2019 - hygge
- FEB 02, 2019 - prognosticate
- FEB 01, 2019 - sirenic
- à gogo
- à la mode
- à la mode: in or according to the fashion.
- 'sblood
- ab ovo
- ab urbe condita
- abaft: to the rear of; aft of.
- abate: become less in amount
- abattoir: a slaughterhouse.
- abdicate: to give up or renounce (authority, duties, an office, etc.).
- abecedarian: a person who is learning the letters of the alphabet.
- abed: in bed.
- aberrant: abnormal.
- aberration
- abeyance: suspension; temporary cessation.
- abient
- abiogenesis: the theory that living organisms can arise spontaneously.
- abject: utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliating, or wretched
- abjure: to renounce, reject, or shun.
- ablactate: to wean.
- ablaut: vowel change
- ablution: the washing of the body or some part of it.
- abnegate: refuse or deny oneself; also, to give up (rights, claims, etc.).
- abominate: to detest intensely.
- aborning: (while) being produced or born.
- abrade: to scrape off.
- abrazo
- abrogate: to annul; to do away with.
- abscond: to depart secretly.
- abseil
- absquatulate: to flee; abscond.
- abstemious
- abstemious: temperate; abstinent; refraining from indulgence.
- abstergent: cleansing.
- abstinent: self-restraining
- abstruse: difficult to comprehend.
- abubble
- abulia: loss or impairment of the ability to act or to make decisions.
- aburrirse
- abusage
- abut: to be adjacent; touch or join at the edge or border.
- acabar
- accede: to agree or assent; also, to become a party.
- accelerando
- accidence: the rudiments or essentials of a subject.
- acclaim: approval
- acclimate: to accustom or become accustomed to a new climate, environment, or situation.
- accord: agreement; harmony.
- accouterment
- accrete: to grow together; adhere.
- acephalous: without a leader or ruler.
- acequia
- acerbic: sharp, biting, or acid in temper, expression, or tone.
- achromic: colorless; without coloring matter.
- acme: the highest point of something.
- acquiesce: to accept or consent passively or without objection.
- acrid: sharp and harsh; bitter.
- acrimony: bitter, harsh, or biting sharpness.
- acta: official records, as of acts, deeds, proceedings, transactions, or the like.
- acuity: acuteness of perception or vision.
- acumen: quickness or keenness of perception or discernment.
- acute: serious; pervasive
- ad absurdum
- ad hoc
- ad hockery
- ad hominem: appealing to one's prejudices or emotions rather than to one's intellect or reason.
- ad infinitum: to infinity; endlessly; without limit.
- ad rem: without digressing; in a straightforward manner.
- adage: an old saying.
- adamant: not susceptible to persuasion; unyielding.
- adamantine: utterly unyielding or firm in attitude or opinion.
- additament
- addle: mix up or confuse
- adduce: produce evidence for
- adenoidal: being characteristically pinched and nasal in tone quality.
- adiaphorous: doing neither good nor harm.
- adjuvant: serving to help or assist; auxiliary; also, a person or thing that aids or helps.
- adminicle
- admonition: gentle or friendly reproof; friendly warning.
- adrenalize
- adret: a side of a mountain receiving direct sunlight.
- adscititious: added or derived from an external source; additional.
- adulterate: to make impure
- adultescent
- adumbrate: to foreshadow; prefigure.
- advent: a coming into place, view, or being; arrival.
- adventitious: added extrinsically; not essentially inherent.
- adventive: not native and usually not yet well established, as exotic plants or animals.
- advert: to remark or comment; refer.
- adytum: a sacred place that the public is forbidden to enter; an inner shrine.
- adze
- aegis: a shield; protection.
- aeolian: of or caused by the wind; wind-blown.
- aeon: (in Gnosticism) one of a class of powers or beings conceived as emanating from the Supreme Being and performing various functions in the operations of
- aerie: a nest or dwelling built in a lofty place.
- aeromancy: the prediction of future events from observation of weather conditions.
- Aesopian
- aesthete: one who cultivates great sensitivity to beauty.
- aestival: of or belonging to the summer.
- affable: easy to speak to; also, gracious.
- affectation: exaggerated display; pretense
- afflated: having inspiration; inspired.
- afflatus: a divine inspiration.
- affray: a tumultuous assault or quarrel; a brawl.
- aficionado: an enthusiastic admirer; a fan.
- afterclap: an unexpected repercussion.
- afterglow
- agape: unselfish love of one person for another without sexual implications.
- agemate: a person of about the same age as another.
- aggiornamento
- agglomeration: a cluster or mass.
- agglutinative
- aggrandize: to make or make appear great or greater.
- aggress: to make an attack.
- aginner
- agita: agitation; anxiety.
- agitprop: propaganda.
- aglet: a metal tag at the end of a lace used for tying, as of a shoelace.
- agley: off the right line; awry; wrong.
- agnate: a relative whose connection is traceable exclusively through males.
- agnize
- agnomen: a nickname.
- agog: in eager desire.
- agon: struggle; conflict.
- agonist
- agora
- agrarian: rural; agricultural.
- agresi¢n
- agrestic: pertaining to fields or the country.
- ahistorical
- ailurophilia: a liking for cats, as by cat fanciers.
- aioli: a sauce made of oil and eggs, usually flavored with garlic, from the Provence region of France.
- al desko
- alacrity: a cheerful readiness, willingness, or promptness.
- alameda
- alamo
- alate: having wings; winged.
- albatross: large web-footed bird chiefly of the Southern Hemisphere; a worrisome burden.
- albedo: the white, inner rind of a citrus fruit.
- albumen: the white of an egg.
- alchemical: pertaining to the transformation of something common, usually of little value, into a substance of great worth.
- aleatory: pertaining to accidental causes; of luck or chance; unpredictable.
- alembic: anything that transforms, purifies, or refines.
- alexipharmic: warding off poisoning or infection; antidotal.
- alfombra
- alfresco: outdoors; outdoor.
- algid: cold; chilly.
- algod¢n
- alight: to settle or stay after descending.
- aliment: nutriment or sustenance.
- alimentation
- aliquant: contained in a number or quantity, but not dividing it evenly.
- allegiant
- alligate
- allochthonous: not formed in the region where found.
- allocution: a formal speech, especially one of an incontrovertible or hortatory nature.
- allyship
- alma mater
- almohada
- almsgiving
- alpenglow: a reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains.
- alphitomancy: the use of barley meal as a means of divination.
- also-ran: a person who loses a contest, election, or other competition.
- altercation: a heated, noisy, or angry dispute.
- altiloquent: high flown or pretentious (of language)
- altruistic: unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others.
- alveolate
- amain
- amalgam: an alloy of mercury with other metals; also, a mixture.
- amanuensis: one employed to take dictation or to copy manuscripts.
- amaranthine: unfading; everlasting.
- amative: pertaining to or disposed to love.
- amatory: expressing love
- ambages
- ambisinister: clumsy or unskillful with both hands.
- ambit: circuit or compass; also, sphere of action or influence.
- ambivert: one whose personality type is intermediate between extrovert and introvert.
- ambrosial: exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell; especially delicious or fragrant.
- ambsace: the smallest amount or distance.
- ambulate: to walk about or move from place to place.
- ambuscade: an ambush; also, to ambush.
- ameliorate: to make or grow better.
- Ameslan: American Sign Language.
- amicable: characterized by friendliness and good will.
- amity: friendship; friendly relations.
- amok: in or into a jumbled or confused state.
- amour-propre
- amphibious
- amphiboly
- amphiscians
- amygdaliform: shaped like an almond.
- anacoluthia: lack of grammatical sequence or coherence, esp. in a sentence.
- anacoluthon: a construction involving a break in grammatical sequence.
- anagnorisis: the critical moment of recognition or discovery.
- analphabetic: not alphabetic.
- analysand: a person undergoing psychoanalysis.
- anamnesis: the recollection or remembrance of the past.
- anathema: a curse; a person or thing cursed, or intensely disliked.
- anatine: resembling a duck.
- anchorite
- ancillary: subordinate, subsidiary; auxiliary.
- andar
- andiron
- andragogy
- anecdata
- anfractuous: characterized by windings and turnings; sinuous; circuitous.
- angakok
- angst
- anhedonia
- animadversion: harsh criticism or disapproval.
- animadvert: to comment unfavorably or critically.
- animalcule: a minute animal, nearly or quite invisible to the naked eye.
- animus: a feeling of ill will; also, animating spirit; disposition.
- ankh
- anneal: to toughen or temper.
- annulate: having rings or ringlike bands.
- anodyne: serving to relieve pain.
- anoesis: a state of mind consisting of pure sensation or emotion without cognitive content.
- anomie: a sense of loneliness and anxiety.
- anon: in a short time; soon.
- anopisthograph: a manuscript, parchment, or book having writing on only one side.
- ansa
- antebellum: before or existing before a war, especially the American Civil War.
- antediluvian: extremely old.
- antemeridian
- antepenultimate: third from the end.
- anthesis
- anthophilous
- anthophobia
- Anthropocene
- anthropocentric
- anthropogenic: caused or produced by humans.
- antic: ludicrous; funny.
- antigodlin
- antinome
- antipathetic: opposed, averse, or contrary.
- antipode: a direct or exact opposite.
- antiquarian: one who collects, studies, or deals in antiquities.
- antitype: something that is foreshadowed by a type or symbol.
- aoristic: indefinite; indeterminate.
- apellido
- aperture: an opening, as a hole, slit, crack, gap, etc.
- aperçu: a hasty glance; a glimpse.
- aphesis: the loss of an unstressed initial vowel or syllable.
- aphorism: a terse saying embodying a general truth, or astute observation.
- aphotic: lightless; dark.
- aplomb: confidence; coolness.
- apocopate: to omit the final sound or sounds of a word
- apocrypha: various religious writings of uncertain origin regarded by some as inspired, but rejected by most authorities.
- apocryphal: of doubtful authority or authenticity.
- apodictic: necessarily true or logically certain.
- apogee: the highest point.
- apologia: a formal defense or justification.
- apopemptic: pertaining to leave-taking or departing; valedictory.
- apophasis: denial of one's intention to speak of a subject that is in fact named.
- apoplectic: intense enough to threaten or cause a stroke.
- aporia: difficulty determining the truth of an idea due to equally valid arguments for and against it.
- apostasy: desertion or departure from one's faith, principles, or party.
- apothegm: a short, witty, and instructive saying.
- apotheosis: a model of excellence or perfection of a kind.
- apotropaic
- apparatus
- apparition: a ghost; also, an unexpected appearance.
- appellation: a name, title, or designation.
- appellative
- appertain: to belong as a part, right, possession or attribute.
- appetence: intense desire; strong natural craving; appetite.
- apple-polish
- applesauce
- apposite: of striking appropriateness and relevance.
- apprise: to give notice to; to inform.
- approbate: to approve officially.
- approbation: formal or official approval; also, praise.
- approximate
- appurtenance: an adjunct or accessory.
- aquiline: curved like eagle's beak
- arbiter: one having the power of judging and determining.
- arbitrage: the nearly simultaneous purchase and sale of an asset in order to profit from price discrepancies.
- arboreal
- Arcadian
- arcane: understood or known by only a few.
- arcanum: a secret; a mystery.
- arch: cunning; crafty; sly.
- archetypal
- arctophile
- ardor
- ardor: great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion.
- arete
- argonaut
- argot
- argot: a specialized vocabulary peculiar to a particular group.
- Argus-eyed
- Argus-eyed: extremely observant; watchful.
- argy-bargy
- aright
- aright: rightly; correctly.
- ariose
- arithmancy
- armamentarium
- armamentarium: a fruitful source of devices or materials available or used for an undertaking.
- armistice
- armistice: a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement of the warring parties.
- armscye
- aroint
- arraign
- arraign: to call or bring before a court to answer to an indictment.
- arrant
- arrant: outright; thoroughgoing.
- arriviste
- arriviste: an upstart.
- arrodillarse
- arrogate
- arrogate: to claim or seize without right or justification.
- arroyo
- arroyo: a small steep-sided gulch with a nearly flat floor: usually dry except after heavy rains.
- arsy-varsy
- arsy-varsy: wrong end foremost; completely backward.
- artifice
- artifice: an artful trick, stratagem or device; also, cleverness, skill.
- arvo
- asafetida
- asana
- ascetic: one who practices extreme self-denial; also, austere, severe.
- ascribe
- ascribe: to attribute.
- aseptic
- aseptic: free from the germs of disease, fermentation, or putrefaction.
- askance
- askance: with suspicion, mistrust, or disapproval.
- asomatous
- asperity
- asperity: roughness of surface, sound, or manner.
- asperse: to sprinkle; bespatter.
- aspersion
- aspersion: a damaging or derogatory remark.
- assay
- assay: to examine or analyze.
- asseverate
- asseverate: to affirm or declare positively or earnestly.
- assiduity
- assiduous
- assiduous: constant in application or attention.
- assoil
- assoil: to absolve; acquit; pardon.
- assuage
- assuage: to soften; to ease, or lessen.
- asterism
- astir
- astir: moving or stirring, especially with much activity or excitement.
- astringent
- astringent: sharply incisive; pungent.
- astrobleme
- astronaut
- astroturfing
- asunder
- asyndeton
- asyndeton: the omission of conjunctions.
- ataraxia
- ataraxia: a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety.
- atavism
- atavism: reversion to a remote ancestral type or to an earlier form.
- atavistic
- atavistic: reverting to or suggesting the characteristics of a remote ancestor or primitive type.
- atelier
- atelier: a workshop; a studio.
- atemporal
- athenaeum
- athleisure
- atiptoe
- atoll
- atonement
- atrabilious
- atrabilious: irritable; ill-natured.
- attar: perfume or essential oil obtained from flowers or petals.
- attenuate
- attenuate: to weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity, or value.
- atticism
- attractancy
- atweel
- au fond
- aubade
- aubade: a song greeting the dawn.
- Augean
- augur
- augury
- augury: an omen; prediction.
- august
- august: venerable; eminent.
- auld lang syne
- aumildar
- aumildar: a manager or agent.
- aureate
- aureate: characterized by an ornate style of writing or speaking.
- aureole
- aureole: a radiance surrounding the head in the representation of a sacred personage.
- auriferous
- auroral
- auscultation
- auscultation: the act of listening to sounds within the body as a method of diagnosis.
- auspicate
- auspicate: to initiate with ceremonies calculated to ensure good luck; inaugurate.
- auspicious
- auspicious: favorable; also, prosperous; fortunate.
- austral
- austral: southern.
- autarky
- autochthonous
- autochthonous: indigenous; native.
- autocrat
- autocrat: a ruler with unlimited authority.
- autodidact
- autodidact: one who is self-taught.
- automaton
- automaton: a mechanical figure or contrivance constructed to act as if by its own power.
- autonomy
- autoschediasm
- autoschediastical: something that is improvised or extemporized.
- autosomal
- avant-garde
- avarice
- avarice: an excessive desire of gain; greediness.
- avatar
- avatar: an incarnation.
- avenaceous
- aver
- aver: to assert as true.
- avgolemono
- avidity
- avidity: enthusiasm or dedication.
- avocation
- avoirdupois
- avoirdupois: weight; heaviness.
- avouch
- avow
- avuncular
- avuncular: resembling an uncle, as in kindness or indulgence.
- awning
- axial
- axial: situated in or on the line about which a rotating body turns.
- axilla
- axiomatic
- axiomatic: self-evident; obvious.
- azimuth
- azoth
- azoth: the universal remedy of Paracelsus.
- azure
- Babelism
- Babelism: a confusion, as of ideas, speech, etc.
- babushka
- baccate
- baccate: berrylike.
- bacchanalia
- bacchanalia: a revel.
- bacciferous
- backlins
- backronym
- backstairs
- badinage
- badinage: light, playful talk.
- bafflegab
- bagatelle
- bailiwick
- bailiwick: a person's specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work.
- bakemeat
- baksheesh
- baksheesh: a tip, present, or gratuity.
- balderdash
- balderdash: senseless, stupid, or exaggerated talk or writing; nonsense.
- baleful
- baleful: full of menacing or malign influences.
- balk
- balk: to stop, as at an obstacle, and refuse to proceed or to do something specified.
- balladmonger
- ballast
- ballon
- ballyhoo
- balmy
- balmy: mild and refreshing.
- balneal: pertaining to baths or bathing.
- balsamaceous
- balsamaceous: possessing healing or restorative qualities.
- balustrade: staircase railing
- bamboozle
- bamboozle: to deceive or get the better of someone by trickery.
- banal
- banal: commonplace; trivial.
- banal: devoid of freshness or originality; hackneyed; trite.
- banalize
- banausic
- banausic: serving utilitarian purposes only; mechanical; practical.
- bandbox
- bandbox: an area or structure that is smaller in dimensions or size than the standard.
- bandersnatch
- bandersnatch: an imaginary wild animal of fierce disposition.
- bandog
- bandog: a large and fierce dog.
- bandy
- bandy: to pass from one to another or back and forth; give and take.
- barchan
- bardolatry
- Barmecidal
- barnburner
- barnburner: something that is highly exciting or impressive.
- barnstorm
- basquetbol
- bastion
- bathetic
- bathetic: displaying or characterized by insincere emotion.
- bathos
- bathos: triteness or triviality in style.
- battology
- battology: wearisome repetition of words in speaking or writing.
- bauble
- bauble: a showy, usually cheap, ornament; trinket; gewgaw.
- beacon
- beadledom
- beamish
- beanfeast
- beastie
- beatific: giving joy
- beatinest
- beatitude
- beatitude: supreme blessedness; exalted happiness.
- beau ideal
- beau ideal: a perfect or an idealized type or model.
- beaucoup
- bedash
- bedash: to dash or spatter something all over.
- bedaub
- bedaub: to besmear; also, to overdecorate.
- bedizen
- bedizen: to dress or adorn in gaudy manner.
- bedlam
- bedlam: a scene or state of wild uproar and confusion.
- bedraggle
- bedraggle: to make limp and soiled, as with rain or dirt.
- beek: to bask or warm in the sunshine or before a fire.
- beforetime
- beforetime: formerly.
- beget
- beget: especially of a male parent, to procreate or generate offspring.
- beguile
- beguile: to influence by trickery, flattery, etc.; mislead; delude.
- behemoth
- behemoth: any creature or thing of monstrous size or power.
- behindhand
- beholden
- beholden: obliged; indebted.
- behoove
- bel-esprit
- bel-esprit: a person of great wit or intellect.
- belabor
- belabor: to explain, worry about, or work more than is necessary.
- beleaguer: force to quit; upset
- belie
- belletristic
- belletristic: related to literature regarded as a fine art.
- bellicose
- bellicose: inclined to or favoring war or strife.
- bellwether
- bellwether: a leader or leading indicator.
- belly-wash
- bellyache
- belvedere
- bemoan: regret and complain
- bemused
- bemused: bewildered or confused.
- ben trovato
- benedict
- benefaction
- benefaction: the act of conferring a benefit; also, a benefit conferred.
- beneficence
- beneficence: the practice of doing good.
- benevolence
- benighted
- benignant
- benignant: kind; gracious; favorable.
- benignity
- benison
- benison: blessing; an utterance of good wishes.
- bequeath
- bequeath: to dispose of (personal property, especially money) by last will.
- berate
- berate: to scold severely or angrily.
- berceuse
- berserk
- berserk: violently or destructively frenzied; wild; crazed; deranged.
- beseech: ask for earnestly
- besot
- besot: to infatuate; obsess.
- bespeak
- bespeak: to show; indicate.
- bespoke: made to individual order; custom-made.
- bestiary
- bestiary: a collection of moralized fables about actual or mythical animals.
- bestow
- bestow: to give or confer.
- bete noire
- bete noire: something or someone particularly detested or avoided.
- betide
- betide: to happen to; come to; befall.
- betimes
- betimes: early; also, on occasion.
- bevel
- bevel: the inclination that one line or surface makes with another when not at right angles.
- bevy
- bevy: a group; an assembly.
- bewhiskered
- bezoar
- bezonian
- bibelot
- biblioklept
- biblioklept: a person who steals books.
- bibliophage
- bibliophage: an ardent reader; a bookworm.
- bibliophile
- bibliophobe
- bibliophobe: a person who hates, fears, or distrusts books.
- bibliopole
- bibulous
- bibulous: of, pertaining to, marked by, or given to the consumption of alcohol.
- bicameral
- biddable
- biddable: easily led or commanded; obedient.
- Bifrost
- bifurcate
- bifurcate: to divide into two branches.
- big-hearted
- bight
- bijou: something small, delicate, and exquisitely wrought.
- Bildungsroman
- Bildungsroman: a novel about the education and development of a young protagonist.
- bilious
- bilious: of or pertaining to bile; also, ill-tempered.
- bilk: defraud, cheat, or swindle.
- billet
- billet-doux
- billet-doux: a love letter.
- billet: to provide or obtain lodging.
- billet: to quarter, or place in lodgings.
- billingsgate
- billingsgate: foul, abusive language.
- billow
- billow: to rise or roll in or like a great wave; surge.
- bilocation: the state of being or the ability to be in two places at the same time.
- biomorph
- biophilia
- bipartisan
- bird-dog
- bird-dog: to follow, watch carefully, or investigate.
- birl
- birl: to spin or cause to rotate.
- birr
- birr: force; energy; vigor.
- bivouac
- bivouac: a usually temporary encampment; also, to encamp.
- blackguard
- blackguard: a scoundrel.
- blamestorming
- blanco
- blandishment
- blandishment: flattering speech or action.
- blarney
- blather
- blather: to talk or utter foolishly; blither; babble.
- blatherskite
- blatherskite: a person given to voluble, empty talk.
- bleb
- bleb: a bubble.
- blellum
- blench
- bletting
- bletting: the ripening of fruit until the desired degree of softness is attained.
- blighter
- blighter: British Slang. a chap; bloke.
- blinkered
- blithe: carefree and lighthearted.
- blithesome
- blithesome: lighthearted; merry; cheerful.
- blossom
- bloviate
- bloviate: to speak or write in a pompous manner.
- blowzy
- blowzy: having a coarse, ruddy complexion.
- bluestocking: a woman with considerable scholarly, literary, or intellectual ability.
- bobbery
- bobbery: a disturbance or a brawl.
- boffin
- boffin: a scientist or technical expert.
- Bogus
- bole
- bole: the stem or trunk of a tree.
- bolide
- bollix
- bollix: to do something badly; bungle.
- bombast
- bombast: pompous or pretentious speech or writing.
- bombinate
- bombinate: to buzz, hum, or drone.
- bon mot
- bon ton
- bon ton: the height of the fashion; fashionable society.
- bon vivant
- bon vivant: a person with refined and sociable tastes.
- bona fides
- bonanza
- bonbonniŠre
- bonbonnière
- bonce
- bonhomie
- bonhomie: a pleasant and easy manner.
- boniface
- boniface: any landlord or innkeeper.
- bonny
- bonny: pleasing to the eye.
- bonzer
- booboisie
- booboisie: a class of people regarded as stupid or foolish.
- boobook
- boobook: a small, reddish-brown spotted owl.
- boodle
- booklore
- boomlet
- boon
- boon: something to be thankful for; blessing; benefit.
- boondocks: a remote rural area.
- boondoggle
- boondoggle: to do work of little or no practical value merely to keep or look busy.
- bootless
- bootless: unavailing; useless.
- bootstrap
- borborygmi
- borborygmus
- borborygmus: a rumbling or gurgling sound caused by the movement of gas in the intestines.
- bordereau
- bordereau: a detailed memorandum, especially one in which documents are listed.
- boscage
- boscage: a mass of trees or shrubs.
- bosh
- bosh: absurd or foolish talk; nonsense.
- bosky
- bosky: covered with bushes, shrubs, and small trees; woody.
- bossdom
- bough
- bough: a branch of a tree, especially one of the larger or main branches.
- boulevardier
- boulevardier: a man-about-town.
- bouleversement
- bouleversement: complete overthrow; a reversal.
- bounteous
- boustrophedon
- boustrophedon: an ancient method of writing in which the lines run alternately from right to left and from left to right.
- bovarism
- bovarism: an exaggerated, especially glamorized, estimate of oneself.
- bowdlerize
- bowdlerize: to remove or modify the parts considered offensive.
- boŒte
- boîte: a nightclub; cabaret.
- brabble
- brabble: to argue stubbornly about trifles; wrangle.
- brachylogy
- bracketology
- brackish
- brackish: somewhat salty; also, distasteful.
- braggadocio
- braggadocio: empty boasting.
- braggart
- braggart: a person who does a lot of bragging.
- brainchild
- braird
- braird: to sprout; appear above the ground.
- brannigan: a carouse.
- brasserie
- bravado
- bravado: a real or pretended show of courage or boldness.
- bravura
- bravura: a showy display.
- brazen: shameless or impudent.
- breviloquent
- bricolage
- bricolage: construction or something constructed by using whatever materials happen to be available.
- brightwork
- brindled
- brindled: gray or tawny with darker streaks or spots.
- brinksmanship
- brio
- brio: vigor; vivacity.
- brisance
- brisance: the shattering effect of a high explosive.
- Brobdingnagian
- brogue
- brogue: any strong regional accent.
- brolly
- bromide
- bromide: a commonplace or conventional saying.
- brontide
- brouhaha
- bruit
- bruit: To report; to noise abroad.
- brumal
- brumal: wintry.
- brume
- brummagem
- brummagem: cheap and showy; also, spurious.
- brusque
- brusque: abrupt in manner; blunt; rough.
- brusquerie
- bucchero
- buckram
- bucolic
- bucolic: rustic; pastoral.
- bugbear
- bugbear: any source, real or imaginary, of needless fright or fear.
- bulbous
- bulbous: bulb-shaped; bulging.
- bulwark: a protective structure
- bumbershoot
- bumptious
- bumptious: crudely, presumptuously, or noisily self-assertive.
- bunglesome
- bunkum
- burble
- burgeon
- burgeon: to grow or develop rapidly; also, to put forth new buds or greenery; sprout.
- burke: to suppress or get rid of by some indirect means.
- burled
- burled: having small knots that produce a distorted grain in wood.
- burlesque: involving ludicrous or mocking treatment of a solemn subject.
- burnish: to polish and make shiny
- bushwa
- bushwa: rubbishy nonsense; baloney; bull.
- bushwhack
- bushwhack: to defeat, especially by surprise or in an underhanded way.
- busk
- busker
- busker: a street musician or performer.
- buss
- buss: a kiss; to kiss.
- busticate
- busticate: to break into pieces.
- butte
- buttery
- buttress
- buttress: to give encouragement or support.
- butyraceous
- buzzwig
- byzantine
- byzantine: complex or intricate.
- cabal
- cabal: a group that seeks power usually through intrigue.
- cabeza
- caboshed
- cabotage
- cabotage: navigation or trade along the coast.
- cached: hidden, stored
- cachinnate
- cachinnate: to laugh loudly or immoderately.
- cackleberry
- cacoepy
- cacoethes
- cacoethes: an irresistible urge; mania.
- cacography
- cacography: poor penmanship.
- cacology
- cacology: defectively produced speech; socially unacceptable diction.
- cacophonous
- cacophony
- cacophony: harsh or discordant sound.
- cadence: recurrent rhythm
- cadge
- cadge: to beg; to sponge.
- cadre
- caducity
- caducous
- caesura
- caesura: a break or pause in a line of verse; also, any break or pause.
- caf‚
- cahoots
- cahoots: in partnership; in league.
- caitiff: a cowardly and mean person
- cajole
- cajole: to coax.
- cakewalk: something easily accomplished.
- calentar
- calescent
- caliente
- caliginous: misty; dim; dark.
- calliopean
- callithump: a children's parade, with prizes for the best costumes.
- callow
- callow: immature.
- calorifacient
- calorifacient: (of foods) producing heat.
- calumny
- calumny: malicious misrepresentation; slander.
- calvous
- calvous: lacking all or most of the hair on the head; bald.
- cama
- camaraderie
- camarilla
- camarilla: a group of secret and often scheming advisers.
- cambiar
- camelopard
- camelopard: a giraffe.
- Camelot
- Camelot: any idyllic place or period, especially one of great happiness.
- camion
- camp
- campanology
- campestral
- campe¢n
- campo
- canard
- canard: an unfounded or false report.
- candelabrum
- candor: honesty
- canine: doglike
- cannikin
- canny
- canny: careful; cautious; prudent.
- canonical
- canonical: authorized; recognized; accepted.
- canonize
- canonize: to glorify and honor.
- canorous
- canorous: melodious; musical.
- cansar
- cant
- cant: empty, solemn speech.
- cant: to talk hypocritically.
- cantankerous
- canticle
- canticle: a song, poem, or hymn especially of praise.
- cantillate
- canting
- cantrip
- cantrip: a magic spell; trick by sorcery.
- caoutchouc
- cap-a-pie
- cap-a-pie: from head to foot.
- capacious
- capacious: able to contain much.
- caparison
- caparison: to dress richly; deck.
- capitulate
- capitulate: to surrender under agreed conditions.
- capoeira
- capriccio
- capriccio: a caper; prank.
- caprice
- caprice: a sudden, unpredictable change, as of one's mind or the weather.
- capricious
- capricious: whimsical; changeable.
- caprine
- caprine: of or pertaining to goats.
- capriole
- captious
- captious: disposed to find fault or raise objections.
- cara
- carapace
- carapace: a shell; a protective covering.
- cari¤o
- carking
- carne
- carom
- carom: to strike and rebound; also, a glancing off.
- carouse
- carp
- carp: to find fault or complain querulously or unreasonably.
- carpe diem
- carte blanche
- caseous
- castigate
- castigate: to punish or criticize severely.
- casuistry: specious or deceptive reasoning, esp. in questions of morality.
- cat's-paw
- cat's-paw: a person used to serve the purposes of another; tool.
- catachresis
- cataclysm
- catalyst
- cataract
- cataract: a large waterfall; also, a downpour, a flood.
- catarrh
- catarrh: inflammation of a mucous membrane with increased production of mucus.
- catastrophize
- catawampus
- catawampus: off-center; askew; awry.
- catchpenny
- catchpenny: made to sell readily at a low price, regardless of value or use.
- catechize
- catechize: to question closely.
- cater-cousin
- cater-cousin: an intimate friend.
- caterpillar
- caterwaul
- caterwaul: to make a harsh cry or screech.
- catharsis
- catharsis: the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions.
- cathartic
- cathect
- cathect: to invest emotion or feeling in an idea, object, or another person.
- cathexis
- cathexis: the investment of emotional significance in an activity, object, or idea.
- catholicon
- catholicon: a universal remedy; panacea.
- caucus
- cause célèbre
- causerie
- caustic
- cavalcade
- cavalcade: a procession.
- caveat
- caveat: a warning or caution.
- cavil
- cavil: to raise trivial objections; also, a trivial objection.
- cavort
- cavort: to bound or prance about.
- cede
- cede: to yield or formally surrender to another.
- celadon
- celadon: a pale gray-green.
- celebrar
- celerity
- celerity: quickness; swiftness.
- celestial
- celluloid
- cenotaph
- cenote
- censorious
- censorious: harshly critical.
- censure
- censure: to criticize severely; also, an expression of disapproval.
- centenarian
- cerebrate
- cerebration
- cerebration: the act or product of thinking.
- cerise
- cerise: moderate to deep red.
- cerrar
- cerveza
- cervine
- chaebol
- chaff: seed coverings; detritus
- chaffer: to bargain; haggle.
- chagrin
- chagrin: acute vexation or embarrassment.
- chambray
- chambray: a fine cloth of cotton, silk, or linen, commonly of plain weave with a colored warp and white weft.
- champers
- chansonette
- chansonette: a little song; ditty.
- chanticleer
- chaparral
- chaptalize
- chaptalize: to increase the alcohol in a wine by adding sugar.
- chariness
- charlatan
- chary
- chary: wary; cautious.
- chatoyant
- chatoyant: changing in luster or color.
- chattel
- chattel: a movable article of personal property.
- cheechako: a tenderfoot; greenhorn; newcomer.
- cheeseparing
- chelonian
- chelonian: belonging or pertaining to the order Chelonia, comprising the turtles.
- chernozem
- cherry-pick
- cherry-pick: to select with great care.
- cherubic
- chevelure
- cheville
- chevron: a badge or insignia in the form of an inverted V.
- chiaroscuro
- chiaroscuro: the distribution of light and shade in a picture.
- chicanery
- chicanery: the use of trickery to deceive.
- chichi
- chichi: affectedly trendy.
- Chile
- chimera
- chimera: a mental fabrication.
- chimerical
- chimerical: merely imaginary; fanciful.
- chinwag
- chirk
- chirk: to cheer (usually followed by up).
- chirography
- chockablock
- chockablock: extremely full; crowded; jammed.
- chocolate-box
- choice
- choler
- choler: anger.
- choleric
- choleric: easily angered; also, indicating or expressing anger.
- chortle
- chortle: to utter, or express with, a snorting, exultant laugh or chuckle.
- chow
- chow: food, especially hearty dishes or a meal.
- chrestomathy
- chrestomathy: a collection of selected literary passages.
- Christmastide
- Christmastide: the festival season from Christmas to after New Year's Day.
- chronometer
- chthonian
- chthonian: of or pertaining to the deities, spirits, and other beings dwelling under the earth.
- chthonic
- chthonic: dwelling in or under the earth; also, pertaining to the underworld.
- chuffed
- chuffed: annoyed; displeased; disgruntled.
- chuffle
- churlish
- churlish: boorish or rude.
- churrasco
- chutzpa
- chutzpa: unmitigated effrontery or impudence; gall.
- chyron
- ci-devant
- ci-devant: former.
- cicatrix
- cicatrix: new tissue that forms over a wound.
- cicerone
- cicerone: a person who conducts sightseers; guide.
- Ciceronian
- Cimmerian
- Cimmerian: very dark; gloomy; deep.
- Cinderella
- cinquefoil
- circadian
- circadian: noting or pertaining to rhythmic biological cycles recurring at approximately 24-hour intervals.
- circumambient
- circumambient: surrounding; encompassing.
- circumambulate
- circumbendibus
- circumferential
- circumlocution
- circumlocution: the use of many words to express an idea that might be expressed by few.
- circumspect
- circumspect: cautious; prudent.
- circumstellar
- circumvolve
- claddagh
- clairaudience
- clairaudience: the power to hear sounds said to exist beyond the reach of ordinary experience.
- clamant
- clamber
- clamber: to climb with difficulty, or on all fours.
- clandestine
- clandestine: kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose.
- clangor
- clangor: a loud, resonant sound.
- claptrap
- claptrap: pretentious but insincere or empty language.
- claque
- claque: a group of fawning admirers.
- clarion
- clarion: a kind of trumpet; also, loud and clear.
- clavier
- cleave
- cleave: to adhere closely; stick; cling.
- cleek
- clemency
- clemency: disposition to show mercy; also, an act of mercy.
- clement
- clement: mild or merciful in disposition or character.
- clepe
- clepe: to call; name.
- clerisy
- clerisy: the intelligentsia.
- climacteric
- climacteric: a critical period.
- cline
- cline: a scale of continuous gradation; continuum.
- clinquant
- clinquant: glittering; tinsel-like; also, tinsel.
- cloister
- cloister: to confine in retirement; seclude.
- cloudburst
- cloudland
- clowder
- clowder: a group or cluster of cats.
- clown car
- cloy
- cloy: to weary or become distasteful through excess.
- coalesce
- coalesce: to blend or come together.
- coaptation
- coaptation: a joining or adjustment of parts to one another.
- cockade
- Cockaigne
- Cockaigne: an imaginary land of ease and luxury.
- cockalorum
- cockalorum: a self-important little man.
- cockcrow
- code-switching
- codger
- codger: an eccentric man, especially one who is old.
- codicil
- codicil: any supplement; appendix.
- codo
- coetaneous
- coetaneous: of the same age or duration.
- coeval
- coeval: existing during the same period of time; also, a contemporary.
- coffers
- cogent
- cogent: appealing to the mind or to reason; convincing.
- cogitate
- cogitate: to think; to ponder.
- cogitation
- cogitation: concerted thought or reflection.
- cognizant
- cognizant: aware (usually followed by of).
- cognoscente
- cognoscente: a person with special knowledge.
- cohort
- cohort: a group; also, a companion or associate.
- colcannon
- coleopteron
- collegial
- collegial: characterized by or having authority vested equally among colleagues.
- collogue
- collogue: to confer secretly.
- collop
- collop: a small slice of meat.
- colloquial
- colloquial: characteristic of informal spoken language.
- collude
- collude: to act in concert; to conspire.
- collywobbles
- colorado
- colubrine
- columbarium
- columbine
- columbine: dovelike; dove-colored.
- comely
- comely: pleasing to the sight.
- comestible
- comestible: suitable to be eaten.
- comeuppance
- comeuppance: deserved reward or just deserts, usually unpleasant.
- comity
- comity: a state of mutual harmony, friendship, and respect.
- commensal
- commensal: eating together at the same table.
- commensurate
- commensurate: equal in measure or extent; also, proportionate.
- comminate
- comminate: to threaten with divine punishment or vengeance.
- commination
- commination: a denunciation.
- commissure
- commissure: a joint; seam; suture.
- commix
- commix: to mix together; blend.
- commodious
- commodious: comfortably spacious; roomy.
- communiqué
- compathy
- compeer
- compeer: close friend; comrade.
- competencia
- complaisant
- complaisant: exhibiting a desire to please.
- complement
- complement: something that fills up or completes.
- comport
- comport: to bear or conduct (oneself); behave.
- comport: to behave (oneself) in a particular manner.
- comportment
- compotation
- compotation: an act or instance of drinking or tippling together.
- compunction
- compunction: anxiety or unease from guilt; also, a scruple.
- compŠre
- compère: a host, master of ceremonies.
- Comstockery
- con amore
- con amore: with love, tender enthusiasm, or zeal.
- concatenate
- concatenate: to link together; unite in a series or chain.
- concatenation
- concatenation: a chain; a succession.
- concertina
- concertina: to fold, crush together, or collapse in the manner of a concertina.
- conciliate
- conciliate: to overcome the distrust or hostility of; placate; win over.
- concinnate
- concinnity: elegance - used chiefly of literary style.
- concomitant
- concomitant: accompanying; attending.
- concupiscence
- concupiscence: lust.
- concupiscent
- concupiscible: worthy of being desired.
- condign
- condign: deserved; adequate.
- confabulate
- confabulation
- confabulation: familiar talk.
- confidence
- confiscable: liable to be taken by an authorized party.
- conflagration
- conflagration: a large and destructive fire.
- conflate
- conflate: to bring together; to meld.
- confluence: a flowing or coming together.
- confrere
- confrere: a colleague, comrade, or intimate associate.
- confusticate
- confute
- confute: to refute conclusively.
- congeries
- congeries: a collection; an aggregation.
- conglobate
- conglobate: to form into a ball.
- conk
- conk: to slow down or stop; lose energy.
- conlang
- conniption
- conniption: a fit of hysterical excitement or anger.
- connubial
- connubial: of or pertaining to marriage.
- conocer
- conocimiento
- consanguineous
- consanguineous: related by blood; descended from the same ancestor.
- consanguinity
- consanguinity: close relationship or connection.
- consent
- consequential
- consortium
- consortium: any association, partnership, or union.
- conspectus
- conspectus: a sketch, survey, or outline of a subject.
- consternation
- consternation: a sudden dread
- constitutional
- constitutional: a walk taken for one's health.
- consuetude
- contemn
- contemn: to scorn; to despise.
- contemporaneous
- contemporaneous: originating, existing, or occurring at the same time.
- contextomy
- contiguous
- contiguous: touching; in contact.
- contradistinction
- contradistinction: distinction by contrast.
- contrail
- contrail: a visible condensation of water droplets or ice crystals, occurring in the wake of an aircraft.
- contranym
- contravene
- contravene: to act or be counter to.
- contretemps
- contretemps: something inopportune or embarrassing.
- contrite
- contrite: feeling or expressing grief and regret for sins or offenses.
- controvert
- contumacious
- contumacious: obstinate; stubbornly disobedient.
- contumely
- contumely: rudeness compounded of haughtiness and contempt.
- conundrum
- conurbation
- conurbation: an aggregation or continuous network of urban communities.
- convivial
- convivial: relating to feasting, drinking, and good company; festive.
- copacetic
- copacetic: very satisfactory.
- copious
- copious: large in quantity; also, affording an abundant supply.
- copse
- copse: a thicket of small trees or bushes; a small wood.
- copse: a thicket of small trees.
- coquetry: flirtation.
- coquette
- cordate
- cordate: heart-shaped.
- cordial
- cordiform
- cordillera
- cormorant
- cormorant: a gluttonous or greedy person.
- cornice
- cornice: a mass of snow, ice, etc., projecting over a mountain ridge.
- cornucopia
- cornucopia: the horn of plenty; also, an abundance.
- coronach
- corpocracy
- corpulent
- corpulent: very fat; obese.
- corrigible
- corroborate
- corroborate: to strengthen or make more certain with other evidence.
- corsair
- corsair: a pirate, especially formerly of the Barbary Coast.
- cortege
- cortege: a procession, especially a ceremonial one.
- coruscant
- coruscate
- coruscate: to emit vivid flashes of light; sparkle; scintillate; gleam.
- corvine
- corybantic
- corybantic: frenzied; agitated; unrestrained.
- cosher
- cosher: to treat with special fondness.
- cosmogony
- cosmogony: a theory or story of the origin and development of the universe.
- cosmopolis
- cosmopolite
- cosmopolite: a cosmopolitan person.
- cosplay
- cosset
- cosset: to treat with excessive indulgence; to pamper.
- coterie
- coterie: a group of people who associate closely.
- coterminous
- coterminous: of equal extent or duration.
- couchant: lying down; crouching; reclining.
- countenance
- countenance: appearance or expression of the face; also, to tolerate or encourage.
- counterblast
- counterblast: an unrestrained and vigorously powerful response to an attacking statement.
- counterfactual
- counterfactual: a conditional statement the first clause of which expresses something contrary to fact, as "If I had known."
- countermand
- countermand: to revoke (a former command) or recall by a contrary order.
- counterpoise
- counterpoise: to balance by an opposing weight; counteract by an opposing force.
- countervail
- countervail: to counteract; also, to offset.
- coup de foudre
- couthie
- couthie: agreeable; genial; kindly.
- couture: the high-fashion clothing created by designers.
- couvade: when the husband of a pregnant woman acts as though he were bearing the child.
- coxcomb
- coxcomb: a conceited, foolish dandy.
- coxcomb: a vain, showy fellow.
- coze
- cozen
- cozen: to deceive or obtain by deceit.
- crabwise
- crabwise: sideways; also, in a cautiously indirect manner.
- craic
- crambo
- crankle
- crapehanger
- crapehanger: a person who sees the gloomy side of things.
- crapulous
- crapulous: given to or characterized by excess in drinking or eating.
- crapulous: sick from, or marked by, excessive drinking.
- craquelure
- crasis
- crasis: composition; constitution; makeup.
- crawfish
- crawfish: to back out or retreat from a position or undertaking.
- credence
- credulous
- credulous: inclined to believe too readily.
- creed
- creolize: to combine local and foreign elements into a new, distinct whole.
- crepitate
- crepitate: to make a crackling sound; crackle.
- crepuscular
- crepuscular: pertaining to twilight.
- crepuscule
- crepuscule: twilight; dusk.
- cri de coeur
- crib
- crib: to pilfer or steal, especially to plagiarize.
- crinose
- crinose: hairy.
- criticaster
- crocodilian
- Croesus
- cromulent
- crotchet
- crotchet: an odd fancy or whimsical notion.
- crucible
- crucible: a severe, searching test or trial.
- cruciverbalist
- cruciverbalist: a designer or aficionado of crossword puzzles.
- crump
- crux
- crux: the essential point or feature.
- cryonaut
- cryosphere
- cryptesthesia: allegedly paranormal perception.
- cryptozoology
- cucullate
- cucurbit
- cudgel
- cudgel: a short heavy stick.
- cuittle
- cuittle: to wheedle, cajole, or coax.
- cull
- cull: to choose; select; pick.
- culturati
- cum
- cum: with; along with; combined with.
- cummerbund
- cummerbund: a wide sash worn at the waist, especially a horizontally pleated one worn with a tuxedo.
- cumshaw
- cumshaw: a present; gratuity; tip.
- cumulus
- cumulus: a heap; pile.
- cunctation
- cunctation: delay; tardiness.
- cupidity
- cupidity: eager or excessive desire, especially for wealth.
- curio: something unusual that is collected
- curlicue
- curlicue: an ornamental, fancy curl or twist, as in a signature.
- cursory
- cursory: hastily or superficially performed.
- cusp
- cusp: a point or pointed end.
- cyclopean
- cyclopean: gigantic; vast.
- cygnet
- cygnet: a young swan.
- cynosure
- cynosure: a center of attention.
- dabster
- dactylogram
- dactylogram: a fingerprint.
- dada
- daedal
- daedal: skillful; artistic; ingenious.
- daffadowndilly
- daffing
- daily-breader
- dais
- dais: a raised platform.
- dalles
- dalles: the rapids of a river running between the walls of a canyon or gorge.
- dalliance: a trifling away of time; dawdling; also, flirtation.
- dandle
- dandle: to move (a baby, child, etc.) lightly up and down, as on one's knee or in one's arms.
- dandy
- dandy: something or someone of exceptional or first-rate quality.
- dapple
- dapple: a small contrasting blotch; also, to mark with spots.
- darg
- darg: a day's work.
- darkle
- darkle: to grow dark, gloomy, etc.
- dastard: malicious coward
- daunt: cause to lose courage
- dauntless
- daven
- daven: to pray.
- day-tripper
- daymare
- de facto
- de profundis
- de profundis: out of the depths (of sorrow, despair, etc.).
- de rigueur
- de rigueur: strictly required, as by etiquette, usage, or fashion.
- deadpan
- deadpan: marked by or accomplished with a careful pretense of seriousness or calm detachment.
- deadwood
- dearth
- dearth: an inadequate supply; scarcity; lack.
- deasil
- debonair
- debonair: courteous, gracious, and having a sophisticated charm.
- debouch
- debouch: to emerge; to issue.
- decamp
- decamp: to depart quickly, secretly, or unceremoniously.
- decant
- decant: to pour a liquid from one container to another.
- decathect
- decathect: to withdraw one's feelings from something in anticipation of a future loss.
- deciduous
- deciduous: falling off or shed at a particular season, stage of growth, etc.
- decir
- declaim: speak against
- decollete
- decollete: (of a garment) low-necked.
- decoration
- decorous
- decussate
- defalcate: take fraudulently
- defenestrate
- defenestrate: to throw out of a window.
- definiendum
- definiens
- deflagrate
- deflagrate: to burn, especially suddenly and violently.
- degage: unconstrained; easy, as in manner or style.
- degust
- degust: to taste or savor carefully or appreciatively.
- deiform
- deiform: godlike or divine in form or nature.
- deign
- deign: to condescend.
- deipnosophist
- deipnosophist: a person who is an adept conversationalist at table.
- deipnosophist: one skilled in table talk.
- dejar
- deke
- deke: to deceive (an opponent) by a fake.
- dekko
- delate
- delate: to inform against; denounce or accuse.
- delectation
- delectation: great pleasure; delight.
- delegate
- deleterious
- deleterious: harmful.
- deliquesce
- deliquesce: to melt away or become liquid.
- delitescent
- delitescent: concealed; hidden; latent.
- Delphic
- demagogue
- demagogue: a leader who obtains power by means of appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace.
- demassify
- demesne
- demesne: possession of land as one's own.
- demimonde
- demimonde: a group characterized by lack of success or status.
- demiurge
- demiurge: the creator of a world.
- demonym
- demotic: of or pertaining to the common people; popular.
- demulcent
- demulcent: soothing or mollifying, as a medicinal substance.
- demur
- demur: to object; also, to delay.
- dendrochronology
- denigrate: belittle, attack maliciously
- denizen
- denizen: an inhabitant.
- denouement
- denouement: the final resolution of the main complication of a literary or dramatic work.
- dentifrice
- deontology
- depone
- depone: to testify under oath; depose.
- deprecate
- deprecate: to disapprove of; also, to belittle.
- depredation
- depredation: an act of plundering or ravaging.
- deracinate
- deracinate: to uproot.
- deride
- deride: to laugh at with contempt.
- derogate
- derogate: to deviate from expectation; also, to detract; also, to disparage.
- derring-do
- desarrollar
- descansado
- descant
- descant: a discourse; also, to discourse.
- descry
- descry: to catch sight of; to detect.
- desideratum
- desideratum: something desired.
- desiderium
- desiderium: an ardent longing, as for something lost.
- desinence
- desinence: a termination or ending, as the final line of a verse.
- desolate
- desuetude
- desuetude: disuse.
- desultory
- desultory: jumping from subject to subject; erratic; inconsistent.
- detente
- detente: a relaxing of tension, especially between nations.
- detritus
- detritus: debris.
- deucedly
- deucedly: devilishly; damnably.
- deus ex machina
- deus ex machina: an agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an apparently insoluble difficulty.
- devoir
- dharna: the practice of exacting justice by sitting at the doorstep of an offender until the demand is granted.
- diablerie
- diablerie: sorcery; also, mischievous conduct.
- diacritic
- diadem
- diadem: a crown.
- diapason
- diapason: a full, rich outpouring of melodious sound.
- diaphanous
- diaphanous: allowing light to pass through.
- diasporic
- diathesis
- diathesis: a constitutional predisposition or tendency, as to a particular disease or affection.
- diatribe: a bitter verbal attack.
- diction
- diction: choice or style of words in speech or writing.
- dictum
- dictum: an authoritative statement.
- didactic
- didactic: conveying instruction; teaching some moral lesson.
- diddle
- diegetic
- diffidence
- diffident
- diffident: bashful or unassertive.
- diffluence
- diffluence: the act of flowing off or away.
- digerati
- digerati: persons knowledgeable about computers.
- diglossia
- diglossia: the widespread existence within a society of sharply divergent formal and informal varieties of a language.
- diktat
- diktat: an authoritative decree or order.
- dilatory
- dilatory: given to, or marked by, procrastination or delay.
- dilettante
- dilettante: an amateur; also, an admirer or lover of the fine arts.
- dilly
- dilly: something or someone regarded as remarkable, unusual, etc.
- dinkum
- diphthong
- dipsomania
- dipsomania: an irresistible, typically periodic craving for alcoholic drink.
- dirigible
- disambiguate
- disambiguate: to remove the ambiguity from.
- disbosom
- disbosom: to reveal; confess.
- discombobulate
- discomfit
- discomfit: to disconcert; also, to thwart.
- discomfiture
- discommode
- disconcert
- disconcert: to disturb the composure of.
- disconsolate
- disconsolate: hopelessly sad; also, saddening; cheerless.
- discrete
- discrete: constituting a separate thing; also, consisting of distinct or unconnected parts.
- discursive
- discursive: digressive; rambling; also, marked by analytical reasoning.
- disgustar
- dishabille
- dishabille: the state of being carelessly or partially dressed.
- disheveled
- disheveled: in loose disorder; disarranged.
- disinvent
- disjecta membra
- disjune
- Disneyfy
- disparate
- disparate: fundamentally different; also, composed of dissimilar elements.
- disponer
- disport
- disport: to frolic; to amuse (oneself).
- dispositive
- dispositive: involving or affecting disposition or settlement.
- dispuesto
- disquisition
- disquisition: a formal discourse on a subject.
- dissemble
- dissemble: to hide under a false appearance; also, to assume a false appearance.
- dissent
- dissever: to separate into parts
- dissilient
- dissilient: bursting apart; bursting open.
- dissimulate
- dissimulate: to hide under a false appearance; also, to feign or pretend.
- dissolute
- dissolute: loose in morals and conduct.
- distelfink
- distrain: to seize the property of (a person) in order to compel payment of debts.
- distrait
- distrait: divided or withdrawn in attention, especially because of anxiety.
- dither
- dither: to act irresolutely; vacillate.
- dithyrambic: wildly enthusiastic.
- diurnal
- divagate
- divagate: to wander; stray.
- divertissement
- divulse
- divulse: to tear away or apart.
- doblar
- doble
- doddle
- doff
- doff: to take off; to remove; also, to rid oneself of.
- dog-ear
- dog-ear: to fold down the corner of a page in a book.
- doggerel
- doggerel: (of verse) comic or burlesque, and usually loose or irregular in measure.
- doggo
- dojo
- doldrums
- dolmen
- dolorous
- dolorous: marked by, causing, or expressing grief or sorrow.
- domicile
- don: to put on or dress in.
- donnish
- donnybrook
- donnybrook: a brawl or dispute.
- doodlesack
- doomscrolling
- doorbuster
- doover
- dopester
- doppelganger
- doppelganger: a ghostly double.
- dornick
- dorp
- dorsal
- dorsal: situated on the back.
- doss
- dotage
- dotage: feebleness of mind due to old age.
- doublethink
- douce
- douce: sedate; modest; quiet.
- douceur
- doughty
- doughty: valiant; brave.
- doula
- doula: a woman who assists in childbirth.
- dour
- dour: stern or unyielding or gloomy.
- dovetail
- dovetail: to join or fit together compactly or harmoniously.
- dowager
- dowager: an elderly woman of stately dignity, especially one of elevated social position.
- dowie
- dowie: dull; melancholy; dismal.
- dox
- doyen
- doyenne
- doyenne: a woman who is the senior member of a group, class, or profession.
- draconian
- draconian: excessively harsh; severe.
- draggle
- draggle: to soil by dragging over damp ground or in mud.
- dragoman
- drawl
- drawl: to say or speak in a slow manner, usually prolonging the vowels.
- dreamboat
- dreck
- dreck: worthless trash; junk.
- droke
- droke: a valley with steeply sloping sides.
- droll
- droll: amusing in an odd way; whimsically humorous; waggish.
- drupe
- druthers
- druthers: one's own way, choice, or preference.
- dubiety
- dubiety: the condition or quality of being doubtful; also, a matter of doubt.
- ducky
- ductile
- dudgeon
- dudgeon: a state or fit of intense indignation.
- duende
- dulcet
- dulcet: melodious.
- dulcify
- dulcify: to make more agreeable; mollify; also, to sweeten.
- dullsville
- dumbledore
- dundrearies
- duniewassal
- duple
- duple: having two parts; double; twofold.
- duplicitous
- duplicity: deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.
- durance
- durance: imprisonment.
- dvandva
- dyad
- dyad: a group of two; couple; pair.
- dyslogistic
- dyslogistic: conveying disapproval or censure; not complimentary or eulogistic.
- dyspeptic
- dyspeptic: pertaining to or having indigestion; also, irritable or ill-humored.
- dysphemism
- d‚j… vu
- d‚tente
- dégringolade
- déjà vu
- démodé
- détente
- e pluribus unum
- earthshaking
- earthshine
- earworm
- Easter egg
- ebullient
- ebullient: high-spirited.
- ecclesiastical: churchly
- echelon
- echolalia
- echolalia: the imitation by a baby of the vocal sounds produced by others.
- echt
- echt: real; authentic; genuine.
- eclat: brilliance of success, reputation, etc.
- eclectic: varying in style
- ecliptic
- ecoanxiety
- ecru
- ecru: very light brown in color, as raw silk, unbleached linen, etc.
- ectopic
- ectopic: occurring in an abnormal position or place; displaced.
- ectype
- ectype: a reproduction; copy.
- edacious
- edacious: given to eating.
- edacity
- edacity: voraciousness; appetite.
- eddy
- eddy: a current running contrary to a main current or in a circular direction.
- edentate
- edify
- edify: to instruct and improve.
- educe
- educe: to draw forth or bring out, as something potential or latent.
- edutainment
- edutainment: television programs, movies, books, etc., that are both educational and entertaining.
- efface
- efface: to cause to disappear by rubbing out, striking out, etc.
- effervescent
- effervescent: high-spirited; vivacious; lively.
- effete
- effete: infertile; also, worn out; also, decadent, effeminate.
- efficacious
- efficacious: producing, or capable of producing, a desired effect.
- effloresce
- effloresce: to burst into bloom; blossom.
- effluvium: a slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, esp. one that is disagreeable.
- effrontery
- effrontery: shameless boldness; insolence.
- effulgence
- effulgence: the state of being bright and radiant.
- effulgent
- effusive
- effusive: excessively demonstrative.
- eftsoons
- egalitarian
- eggbeater
- eggcorn
- egregious
- egregious: outrageously bad.
- egress
- egress: the act of going out or leaving; exit.
- eidetic: pertaining to visual imagery vividly experienced and readily reproducible.
- eidolon: a phantom; apparition.
- Eire: the Irish name of Ireland.
- eisegesis: an interpretation that expresses the interpreter's own ideas, bias, or the like, rather than the meaning of the text.
- eke: to gain or supplement with great effort or difficulty.
- élan
- eldritch: unearthly; weird; eerie.
- electorate
- eleemosynary
- eleemosynary: relating to charity; charitable.
- elefante
- elegiac: relating to the mourning or remembering of the dead.
- elevenses
- Elicit
- elide: to suppress; omit; ignore; pass over.
- ellipsis: omission of word(s)
- elocution: an expert manner of speaking
- elucidate
- elucidate: to make clear or manifest.
- Elysium
- Elysium: paradise.
- elytron
- emanate
- emanate: to flow out, issue, or proceed, as from a source or origin.
- embarazada
- emblazon
- emblazon: to display pompously; to decorate.
- emblem
- embonpoint
- embonpoint: plumpness of person.
- embosk
- embosom
- embroil
- embroil: to bring into discord or conflict.
- embutidos
- emend: to free from faults or errors; correct.
- eminence grise: powerful person
- eminent: above others in quality, position
- emollient: cream or something which softens
- emolument
- emolument: the wages or perquisites arising from office, employment, or labor.
- emporium
- empurple
- empurple: to color or become purple or purplish.
- empyrean
- emulous
- en bloc
- en bloc: as a whole.
- en masse
- en masse: all together; as a whole.
- en rŠgle
- en règle: in order; according to the rules; correct.
- enceinte: pregnant; with child.
- enchiridion
- enchiridion: a handbook; manual.
- encomium
- encomium: expression of praise.
- encumber
- encumbrance
- encumbrance: a burden, impediment, or hindrance.
- endemic
- endemic: belonging exclusively or confined to a particular place.
- enervate
- enervate: to weaken.
- enfant terrible
- enfriarse
- engarland
- engram: a hypothetical physical trace of memory in the brain.
- enjambment
- enjoin
- enjoin: to direct or impose with authority; also, to forbid.
- enkindle
- enmity
- enmity: hatred; ill will.
- ennoble
- ennoble: to elevate in degree, excellence, or respect; dignify; exalt.
- ennui
- ennui: a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction arising from lack of interest.
- ensconce
- ensconce: to settle securely or snugly.
- ensconced: fixed firmly
- ensorcell
- ensorcell: to enchant; to bewitch.
- enspirit: to infuse life into; enliven.
- entelechy
- entelechy: a realization or actuality as opposed to a potentiality.
- enthrall: to captivate or charm.
- enumerate
- enunciate
- enunciate: to utter articulately; also, to state or set forth precisely or systematically.
- environs
- environs: the surrounding parts or districts, as of a city.
- epexegesis
- epexegesis: the addition of a word or words to explain a preceding word or sentence.
- ephebe
- ephebe: a young man.
- ephemeral
- ephemeral: lasting a very short time.
- ephemeron
- ephemeron: something short-lived.
- epicene
- epicene: having the characteristics of both the male and the female.
- epicure: devotee to food, drink
- epicurean
- epigamic
- epigamic: attracting the opposite sex, as the colors of certain birds.
- epigone
- epigone: an inferior imitator.
- epigrammatic
- epilogue
- epiphonema
- epistemic
- epistolary
- epistolize
- epistolize: to write a letter.
- epithalamion
- epithalamion: a song or poem in honor of a bride and bridegroom.
- epitome
- epitome: a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class.
- epizeuxis
- epoch: the beginning of a distinctive period in history.
- eponym
- equable
- equable: equal and uniform; also, not easily disturbed.
- equanimity
- equanimity: calmness; composure.
- equanimity: mental or emotional stability or composure; calmness.
- equine: of horses and hoofed animals.
- equipo
- equipoise
- equipoise: equilibrium; also, counterbalance.
- equity
- equivocate
- equivocate: to be deliberately ambiguous or unclear.
- equivoque
- eradicate
- eremite
- eremite: a hermit.
- ergate
- ergo
- ergo: therefore; consequently.
- ergophobia
- erinaceous
- erinaceous: of the hedgehog kind or family.
- eristic
- eristic: pertaining to argument for its own sake.
- erlking
- errant
- errant: wandering; deviating from an appointed course, or from a direct path; roving.
- erroneous
- erroneous: containing or characterized by error.
- ersatz: being a substitute or imitation.
- erstwhile
- erstwhile: former; formerly
- erubescent
- erubescent: becoming red or reddish; blushing.
- eructation
- eructation: the act of belching; a belch.
- erudite
- erudite: characterized by extensive reading or knowledge.
- erumpent
- escapism
- eschatological: regarding last, or final, matters, often of a theological nature.
- eschew
- eschew: to shun; to avoid.
- esconder
- escuchar
- esculent
- esculent: something edible, especially a vegetable.
- escutcheon: a shield or decorative covering
- esemplastic
- esoteric: intended or understood by chosen few.
- esoterica
- esperance
- espinacas
- espousal
- espousal: adoption or advocacy, as of a cause or principle.
- esprit de corps
- esprit de l'escalier
- espy
- espy: to see at a glance.
- esse
- esse: being; existence.
- estimable
- estival
- estivate
- estivate: to spend the summer at a specific place or in a certain activity.
- estivate: to spend the summer, as at a specific place or in a certain activity.
- esurient
- esurient: hungry; greedy.
- eternize
- ethereal: light, airy, or tenuous.
- ethos
- ethos: the fundamental character or spirit of a culture.
- etiolate
- etiolate: to blanch or bleach; to make sickly.
- etiology
- etiology: the study of the causes of diseases.
- etymology
- euchred
- eudemonia
- eudemonia: happiness; well-being.
- euphonious
- euphonious: pleasing or sweet in sound.
- eurhythmic
- eurhythmic: characterized by a pleasing rhythm; harmoniously ordered or proportioned.
- eutaxy
- euthenics
- euthenics: a science concerned with bettering the condition of human beings through the improvement of their environment.
- euxinia
- evanesce
- evanesce: to disappear gradually; vanish; fade away.
- evanescence: a gradual disappearance.
- evanescent
- evanescent: fleeting.
- evenfall
- everywhen
- evince
- evince: to show in a clear manner.
- ex cathedra
- ex libris
- ex-voto
- exacerbate
- exacerbate: to aggravate; to make worse.
- exalt
- exalt: to praise, glorify, or honor.
- exclave
- excogitate
- excogitate: to think out; devise; invent.
- excoriate
- excoriate: to express strong disapproval of; also, to flay.
- excrescence
- excrescence: something growing out from something else; also, a disfiguring or unwanted part.
- exculpate
- exculpate: to clear from alleged fault or guilt.
- exculpatory
- excursus
- excursus: a digression.
- execrable
- execrable: detestable; extremely bad.
- exegesis
- exegesis: critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text.
- exegete
- exegete: one who explains or interprets difficult parts of written works.
- exemplar
- exemplar: an ideal model or type.
- exhort
- exhort: to urge strongly.
- exigency
- exigency: state of requiring immediate action; also, that which is required in a particular situation.
- exigent
- exigent: requiring immediate aid or action; also, demanding.
- exigir
- exiguity
- exiguity: smallness; thinness; the quality of being meager.
- exiguous
- exiguous: extremely scanty.
- exiguous: scanty; meager; small; slender.
- exilic
- exilic: pertaining to exile.
- eximious
- existential
- exodus
- exonumia
- exordium
- exordium: the beginning of anything.
- exoteric
- exoteric: suitable for or communicated to the general public.
- expatiate
- expatiate: to speak or write at length.
- expeditious
- expeditious: characterized by speed and efficiency.
- expiate
- expiate: to make amends for; to atone for.
- explicate
- explicate: to explain.
- expostulate
- expostulate: to reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done.
- expropriate
- expropriate: to deprive of possession; also, to transfer (property) to oneself.
- expunge
- expunge: to strike out or erase; to obliterate.
- expurgate: to remove offensive parts
- extant
- extant: still existing.
- extemporaneous
- extemporaneous: composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment.
- extempore
- extempore: without premeditation or preparation.
- extemporize
- extenuate
- extirpate
- extirpate: to eradicate; to destroy.
- extol
- extol: to praise.
- extramundane
- extraneous
- extraneous: coming from the outside; also, not essential; also, irrelevant.
- extricate
- extricate: to free or release from a difficulty or entanglement.
- exurb
- eye-minded
- eyesome
- eyetooth
- eyetooth: a canine tooth of the upper jaw: so named from its position under the eye.
- eyewinker
- fabricate: make up
- fabular
- fabulist
- fabulist: a liar.
- facepalm
- facetiae
- facetious
- facetious: playfully jocular; humorous.
- facile
- facile: easily done or performed.
- facsimile
- facsimile: an exact copy, as of a book, painting, or manuscript.
- faction
- faction: a usually contentious group or party; also, internal dissension.
- factious
- factious: addicted to form parties and raise dissensions.
- factitious
- factitious: artificial; not authentic or genuine.
- factotum
- factotum: a person employed to do all kinds of work.
- facultative
- fain
- fain: gladly; willingly.
- fainaigue
- fainaigue: to shirk; evade work or responsibility.
- faineant
- faineant: doing nothing; idle; also, a do-nothing.
- fain‚ant
- fainéant
- fait accompli
- fait accompli: an accomplished and presumably irreversible deed or fact.
- falcate
- falcate: curved like a scythe or sickle; hooked; falciform.
- falderal
- falderal: mere nonsense; foolish talk or ideas.
- fallacy
- fallacy: a deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief, etc.
- fallal
- fallible
- fallible: liable to make a mistake.
- fallow
- fallow: not in use; inactive.
- Falstaffian
- famulus
- famulus: a servant or attendant, especially of a scholar or a magician.
- fanfaronade
- fanfaronade: empty boasting; bluster.
- fantabulous
- fantast
- fantast: a visionary or dreamer.
- fantasticate
- fantod: a state of extreme nervousness or restlessness.
- fantods
- farceur
- farceur: a joker; wag.
- fard
- fard: to apply cosmetics.
- fardel
- farouche
- farouche: sullenly unsociable or shy.
- farraginous
- farrago
- farrago: an assortment; a medley.
- farthing
- fartlek
- fascicle
- fascicle: a section of a book or set of books published in installments as separate pamphlets or volumes.
- fastidious: hard to please
- fastigiate
- fastigiate: rising to a pointed top.
- fathom: to penetrate to the truth of.
- fatidic
- fatidic: of, relating to, or characterized by prophecy.
- fatuous
- fatuous: inanely foolish; stupid; also, illusory.
- Faustian
- faux pas
- favonian
- favonian: pertaining to the west wind.
- favonian: pertaining to the west wind; soft; mild; gentle.
- fe
- fealty
- fealty: fidelity; allegiance; faithfulness.
- featly
- febrile
- febrile: feverish.
- feckless
- feckless: ineffective; weak; worthless.
- fecund
- fecund: fruitful; prolific; also, marked by intellectual productivity.
- federalese
- feign
- feign: to represent fictitiously; put on an appearance of.
- feijoada
- feinschmecker
- feint
- felicific
- felicitate
- felicitate: to compliment upon a happy event; congratulate.
- felicitous
- felicitous: apt or appropriate; also, delightful.
- felonious
- felonious: wicked; base; villainous.
- feminacy
- feminacy: feminine nature.
- fen
- fen: low land covered wholly or partially with water.
- fenestrated
- ferly
- ferly: something unusual, strange, or causing wonder or terror.
- fermata
- fermata: the sustaining of a note, chord, or rest for a duration longer than the indicated time value.
- ferret: to search out, discover, or bring to light.
- ferrule
- fervent
- fervent: having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.
- fervid: marked by great passion or zeal.
- festal
- festinate
- festoon: to adorn with hanging chains or strands of any material.
- festschrift
- fetching
- fete
- fetial
- fetial: concerned with declarations of war and treaties of peace.
- fetid
- fetid: stinking.
- fetor
- fetor: a strong, offensive smell.
- fetter
- fetter: a restraint; also, to impose restraints on.
- fettle
- fettle: a state or condition of fitness, order, or mind.
- feuilleton
- feuilleton: a part of a European newspaper devoted to light literature, fiction, criticism, etc.
- fey
- fey: possessing or displaying a strange and otherworldly aspect or quality.
- fiat
- fiat: an arbitrary or authoritative command or order.
- fichu
- fictile
- fictioneer
- fiddle-footed
- fiddlestick
- fiddlestick: anything; a bit.
- fiddlesticks
- fiddlesticks: (used to express impatience, dismissal, etc.)
- fidelity
- fiducial
- fiducial: based on or having trust.
- fiduciary
- fiduciary: relating to the holding of something in trust for another.
- fiebre
- filch
- filch: to steal (especially something of small value); pilfer.
- filial
- filial: of, pertaining to, or befitting a son or daughter.
- filiopietistic
- filiopietistic: pertaining to reverence of forebears or tradition, especially if carried to excess.
- fillip
- fillip: a snap; also, a stimulus.
- fin de siecle
- fin de siecle: characteristic of the close of the century; sophisticated; world-weary.
- finagle
- finagle: to trick, swindle, or cheat (a person)( often followed by out of).
- final
- finical
- finical: finicky.
- finito
- fink
- fink: to inform the police; squeal.
- firth
- fisc
- fistic
- fizgig
- flackery
- flageolet
- flagitious
- flagitious: grossly wicked; scandalous.
- flak
- flak: criticism; hostile reaction; abuse.
- flakelet
- flaneur
- flaneur: one who strolls about aimlessly; a lounger; a loafer.
- flapdoodle
- flapdoodle: nonsense; bosh.
- flapdragon
- flapdragon: a game in which the players snatch raisins, plums, etc., out of burning brandy, and eat them.
- flavescent
- flaxen
- flaxen: of the pale yellowish color of dressed flax or linen.
- fleer
- fleer: to grin or laugh coarsely or mockingly.
- Fletcherize
- fletcherize: to chew (food) slowly and thoroughly.
- flexitarian
- flexuous
- flexuous: full of bends or curves; sinuous.
- flibbertigibbet
- flibbertigibbet: a gossip.
- flibbertigibbet: a silly, flighty, or excessively talkative person.
- flimflam
- flinty
- flippant
- flippant: showing inappropriate levity; pert.
- flit
- flit: to move lightly and swiftly; flutter.
- floccinaucinihilipilification
- flocculent
- florid
- florid: flushed with red; also, excessively ornate.
- florido
- floriferous
- flounce
- flounce: to go with impatient, exaggerated movements.
- flounder
- flounder: to struggle clumsily or helplessly.
- flout
- flout: to treat with contempt and disregard.
- flubdub
- flumadiddle
- flummery
- flummery: mumbo jumbo; nonsense.
- flummox
- flummox: to confuse; to perplex.
- flummoxed
- flump
- flƒneur
- flâneur
- fob
- fob: a short chain, usually with a medallion or similar ornament, worn hanging from a pocket.
- foehn
- fogdog
- foible
- foible: a minor weakness or failing of character; slight flaw or defect.
- foison
- foist
- foist: to force upon or impose fraudulently or unjustifiably.
- foliaceous
- foment
- foment: to nurse to life or activity; to incite.
- fomites
- foofaraw
- foofaraw: a great fuss or disturbance about something very insignificant.
- foofaraw: excessive or flashy ornamentation; also, a fuss over a trivial matter.
- fool
- footle
- footle: to act or talk in a foolish or silly way.
- footless: lacking substance
- footloose
- foozle
- fop
- fop: a man who is vain about his dress and appearance.
- foray
- foray: a quick raid, usually for the purpose of taking plunder.
- forbearance
- forby
- force majeure
- forcible
- forcible: effected by force used against resistance; also, powerful.
- foremost
- foremost: first in place, order, rank, etc.
- forenamed
- forenamed: named before; mentioned before in the same writing or speech.
- forfend
- forfend: to avert; also, to protect or preserve.
- forgetive
- forgettery
- forgo
- forgo: to do without.
- forlorn
- forlorn: sad and lonely because deserted, abandoned, or lost.
- formication
- forsooth
- fortitudinous
- fortuitous
- fortuitous: happening by chance.
- fossick
- fossick: to search for any object by which to make gain.
- foudroyant: sudden and overwhelming in effect.
- foundling
- foundling: a deserted or abandoned child.
- fourscore
- frabjous
- frabjous: wonderful, elegant, superb, or delicious.
- fracas
- fracas: a noisy, disorderly disturbance or fight; riotous brawl; uproar.
- franchise
- franchise: the right to vote.
- frazil
- freebooter
- freegan
- frenemy
- frenetic
- frenetic: frantic; frenzied.
- fress
- friable
- friable: easily crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder.
- fribble
- fribble: to act in a foolish or frivolous manner; trifle.
- frigorific
- frigorific: causing or producing cold.
- frisson
- frisson: a brief moment of intense excitement.
- frisson: a sudden, passing sensation of excitement.
- fritter
- fritter: to squander or disperse piecemeal; waste little by little.
- frivol
- frivol: to behave frivolously; trifle.
- froideur
- frondescence
- frondescence: leafage; foliage.
- froward: willfully contrary
- frowzy
- frowzy: habitually unkempt
- fructify
- fructuous
- fructuous: fruitful; productive.
- frugivorous
- fruitlet
- frumious
- fr¡o
- fugacious
- fugacious: lasting but a short time.
- fugitive
- fugitive: fleeting, transitory, elusive.
- fulcrum
- fulcrum: the support, or point of rest, on which a lever turns.
- fulgurant
- fulgurant: flashing like lightning.
- fulgurate: to flash or dart like lightning.
- fulminate
- fulminate: to issue or utter verbal attacks or censures.
- fulsome
- fulsome: offensive from excess of praise.
- fumarole
- funambulist
- funemployed
- funereal: pertaining to or suiting a funeral; gloomy; mournful.
- fungible
- fungible: interchangeable.
- funster
- furbelow
- furbelow: something showy or superfluous.
- furcate
- furcate: to form a fork; branch.
- furl
- furl: to gather into a compact roll and bind securely.
- furphy
- furtherance
- furtive
- furtive: obtained or characterized by stealth; sly; secret; stealthy.
- fusillade
- fuss
- fussbudget
- fussbudget: a fussy or needlessly fault-finding person.
- fustian
- fustian: pompous or pretentious language.
- fustigate
- fusty
- fusty: old-fashioned or out-of-date.
- futilitarian
- futilitarian: believing that human hopes are vain and unjustified.
- futz
- futz: to pass time in idleness (usually followed by around).
- gabelle
- gadabout
- gadabout: one who roams about in search of amusement or social activity.
- gadzookery
- gaffe: tactless act
- gainsay
- gainsay: to contradict; to deny.
- galenical
- galimatias
- gallant
- gallant: brave, spirited, noble-minded, or chivalrous.
- Gallicism
- galligaskins
- galligaskins: leggings or gaiters, usually of leather.
- gallimaufry
- gallimaufry: a hodgepodge; jumble; confused medley.
- gallinaceous
- gallinipper
- gallinipper: any of various insects that sting or bite, especially a large American mosquito.
- gallivant: to wander about, seeking pleasure or diversion; gad.
- galluses
- galoot
- galoot: an awkward, eccentric, or foolish person.
- galore: in abundance; in plentiful amounts.
- galumph
- galumph: to move in a clumsy manner or with a heavy tread.
- galvanic
- galvanic: pertaining to a direct current of electricity; also, having the effect of an electric shock.
- galvanize
- gambit
- gambit: a remark made to open or redirect a conversation.
- gambol
- gambol: to dance and skip about in play.
- gambrinus: a mythical Flemish king, the reputed inventor of beer.
- gamine
- gamine: an urchin; also, a mischievous girl or young woman.
- gammon
- gammon: to deceive.
- gamut
- gamut: a complete extent or range.
- ganache
- ganar
- gander
- gander: a look.
- gangle
- gangle: to move awkwardly or ungracefully.
- gangrel
- gangrel: a lanky, loose-jointed person.
- gapeseed
- gapeseed: a person who gapes or stares in wonder.
- gaposis
- garboil
- garboil: confusion.
- garbology
- gargantuan: huge
- garrulous
- garrulous: talkative; also, wordy.
- garth
- gasconade
- gasconade: extravagant boasting; boastful talk.
- gaslight
- gaslight: to cause a person to doubt his or her sanity through the use of psychological manipulation.
- gasser
- gasser: something that is extraordinarily pleasing or successful, especially a very funny joke.
- gastronome
- gastronome: a lover of good food and drink.
- gastronomy
- gastronomy: the art or science of good eating.
- gauche
- gauche: lacking social polish; tactless.
- gaucherie
- gaumless
- gaumless: lacking in vitality or intelligence; stupid, dull, or clumsy.
- gawsy
- gazump
- gazump: to cheat (a house buyer) by raising the price, at the time a contract is to be signed, over the amount originally agreed upon.
- geep
- geep: the hybrid offspring of a goat and a sheep.
- gelid
- gelid: extremely cold; icy.
- gelt
- gelt: money.
- geminate
- gemtlich
- gemütlich
- genethliac
- genethliac: of or pertaining to birthdays or to the position of the stars at one's birth.
- genial
- genial: sympathetically cheerful and cheering; kindly.
- genuflect
- genuflect: to bend the knee, as in worship; also, to grovel.
- geomancy
- geomancy: divination by geographic features or by figures or lines.
- gerent: a ruler or manager.
- germane
- germane: appropriate or fitting; relevant.
- germinal
- germinal: being in the earliest stage of development.
- gerontocracy
- gerrymander: the dividing of an area into election districts so as to give one political party a majority in many districts while reducing the strength of the othe
- gest: a notable deed or exploit.
- gesticulate
- gesticulate: to make gestures or motions.
- gewgaw
- gewgaw: a trinket; a bauble.
- ghibli
- ghost word
- ghoulish
- gibber
- gibble-gabble
- gibbosity
- gibbosity: a protuberance or swelling.
- gibbous
- gibbous: (of a heavenly body) convex at both edges, as the moon when more than half full.
- giblets
- giblets: the heart, liver, gizzard, and the like, of a fowl, often cooked separately.
- gimcrack
- gimcrack: a showy but useless or worthless object.
- gingham
- gingham: yarn-dyed, plain-weave cotton fabric, usually striped or checked.
- girandole
- gizmo: a mechanical device or part whose name is forgotten or unknown.
- glabrous
- glabrous: without hairs or projections; smooth.
- glace
- glace: ice placed in a drink to cool it.
- glanceable
- Glaucous
- glean
- glean: to learn, discover, or find out, usually little by little or slowly.
- gleed
- gleed: a glowing coal.
- gleek
- glib
- glib: readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so.
- glissade
- glissade: to perform a sliding or gliding step.
- glitterati
- glitz
- gloaming
- gloaming: twilight; dusk.
- globular
- glocal
- glower
- glower: to stare angrily or with a scowl.
- gloze
- gloze: to explain away.
- glut
- glut: an excessive supply or amount; surfeit.
- glutch
- glutch: to swallow.
- glutinous
- glutinous: gluey; sticky.
- gnathonic
- gnomic
- gnomic: uttering, containing, or characterized by maxims.
- gnomist
- gnomist: a writer of aphorisms.
- gnomon
- goad: to prod; incite.
- gobbet
- gobbet: a lump or mass.
- gobsmacked
- golden
- goldilocks
- golem
- gopher
- gopher: to mine unsystematically.
- gorgonize
- gorgonize: to hypnotize; petrify.
- gormandize: to eat greedily or ravenously.
- gormless
- gorp
- gossamer
- gossamer: a fine, filmy cobweb seen on grass or bushes or floating in the air in calm weather, especially in autumn.
- gourmand
- gourmand: one who enjoys good food in great quantities.
- grabble
- grabble: to feel or search with the hands.
- gramarye
- grammatology
- grammatology: the scientific study of systems of writing.
- grandee
- grandee: a man of elevated rank or station; a nobleman.
- grandiloquent
- grandiloquent: expressed in a lofty style; pompous; bombastic.
- grandstand
- grangerize: to add to the visual content of a book by inserting images not included in the original volume, often by mutilating other books.
- gravid
- gravid: pregnant.
- gravitas
- gravitas: high seriousness.
- gree
- green-collar
- green-eyed
- greenth
- gregarious
- gregarious: seeking and enjoying the company of others.
- grimalkin
- grimalkin: an old female cat.
- grinch
- grisly
- grok
- grok: to understand.
- groupthink
- grouse
- grouse: to grumble; complain.
- Grub Street
- Grub Street: the world or category of impoverished literary hacks.
- grubstake
- grumphie
- gubernatorial
- gubernatorial: of or pertaining to a governor.
- guddle
- guerdon
- guerdon: reward or payment
- guff
- guff: empty or foolish talk; nonsense.
- guile
- guile: insidious cunning in attaining a goal.
- guileless
- guillemet
- guisard
- gull
- gull: to deceive, trick, or cheat.
- gullywasher
- gumption
- gumption: initiative; aggressiveness; resourcefulness.
- gung-ho: wholeheartedly enthusiastic and loyal.
- gussy
- gustatory
- gustatory: pertaining to the sense of taste.
- gusto
- gynarchy
- gynarchy: government by women.
- ha-ha
- ha-ha: sunk fence.
- haberdashery
- haberdashery: a retail shop dealing in men's furnishings, as shirts, ties, gloves, socks, and hats.
- habiliment
- habiliment: clothes or clothing.
- habitue
- habitue: one who habitually frequents a place.
- habitué
- habitué: one who frequents a particular place.
- hacek
- hacienda
- hacienda: a large estate, especially one used for farming or ranching.
- hackneyed: repeated too often
- hadal
- hadal: pertaining to the greatest ocean depths.
- hagiography
- hagiography: biography of saints; also, idealizing or idolizing biography.
- hagridden
- haimish
- haimish: homey; cozy and unpretentious.
- halcyon
- halcyon: peaceful; undisturbed; happy.
- hale
- hale: free from disease and weakening conditions; healthy.
- halidom
- hallow: to make holy; sanctify; consecrate.
- hallowed
- hallux
- hallux: big toe.
- hamartia
- hamartia: tragic flaw.
- hamlet
- hamlet: a small village.
- handsel
- handsel: first encounter with or use of something taken as a token of what will follow.
- hangdog
- hapax legomenon
- haphephobia
- hapless: deserving pity
- happenstance
- happenstance: a chance happening or event.
- haptic: relating to the sense of touch; tactile.
- harangue
- harangue: a speech addressed to a public assembly; also, a noisy or pompous speech.
- harbinger
- harbinger: a precursor; one that presages what is to come.
- hardihood
- hardihood: boldness or daring; courage.
- hardscrabble
- hardscrabble: barren, marginal; also, marked by poverty.
- harlequin
- harridan
- harridan: a scolding, vicious woman.
- harrowing
- harrowing: extremely disturbing or distressing; grievous.
- harrumph
- harum-scarum
- hasta
- hauteur
- hauteur: haughtiness; arrogance.
- haw
- haw: to utter a sound representing a hesitation or pause in speech.
- heart-whole
- hearth
- heartsease
- heartsome
- heartstrings
- hebdomadal
- hebdomadal: taking place, coming together, or published once every seven days.
- hebetude
- hebetude: mental dullness or sluggishness.
- hector
- hector: to bully or harass.
- hedonism
- heebie-jeebies
- hegira
- hegira: a journey to a more desirable or congenial place.
- Heiligenschein
- heliolatry: worship of the sun.
- heliotrope
- heliotrope: a light tint of purple; reddish lavender.
- heliotropic
- hellion
- hellion: a disorderly, troublesome, rowdy, or mischievous person.
- helpmate
- helpmate: a companion and helper.
- helter-skelter
- helter-skelter: in headlong and disorderly haste.
- hematic
- hematic: of or pertaining to blood.
- hemidemisemiquaver
- hemidemisemiquaver: a sixty-fourth note.
- hempy
- hempy: mischievous; often in trouble for mischief.
- hent
- hent: to seize.
- hermetic: airtight; protected
- hermitage
- hermitage: a secluded residence; a retreat.
- hero
- hesperidium
- heterodox
- heterodox: holding unorthodox opinions.
- heterogeneous
- heterogeneous: consisting of dissimilar elements.
- heterography
- heterotelic
- heterotelic: having the purpose of its existence or occurrence apart from itself.
- heuristic: serving to indicate or point out; stimulating interest as a means of furthering investigation.
- hew
- hew: to uphold, follow closely, or conform.
- hex
- hibernaculum
- hibernaculum: a protective case or covering, especially for winter.
- hibernal
- hidebound
- hidebound: stubbornly conservative
- hiemal
- hiemal: of or pertaining to winter; wintry.
- hieratic
- hieratic: highly restrained or severe in emotional import.
- hieroglyphic
- hierogram
- higgledy-piggledy
- higgledy-piggledy: in a jumbled, confused, or disorderly manner; helter-skelter.
- highfalutin
- highhanded: with haughty disregard
- hippophile
- hippophile: one who loves horses.
- hircine
- hircine: of, pertaining to, or resembling a goat.
- hireling
- hirsute
- hirsute: covered with hair or bristles.
- hirtellous
- hirtellous: minutely hirsute.
- historiated
- histrionic
- histrionic: theatrical.
- histrionics
- histrionics: behavior or speech for effect, as insincere or exaggerated expression of an emotion.
- hitherto
- hive mind
- hoary
- hoary: tedious from familiarity; stale.
- hoary: white or gray with age; hence, extremely old.
- hobbledehoy
- hobbledehoy: an awkward, gawky young fellow.
- hobbyhorse
- hobgoblin
- hobnob
- hobnob: to associate familiarly.
- hobson jobson
- hobson jobson: the alteration of a word borrowed from a foreign language to accord more closely with the linguistic patterns of the borrowing language.
- Hobson's choice
- Hobson's choice: a choice without an alternative.
- hocus-pocus
- hoggery
- Hogmanay
- Hogmanay: a gift given on New Year's Eve.
- hoi polloi
- hoi polloi: the common people; the masses.
- Hoick
- hoity-toity
- hokum
- hokum: out-and-out nonsense; bunkum.
- holograph
- holograph: wholly written by the person in whose name it appears.
- holophrase
- holus-bolus
- holus-bolus: all at once; altogether.
- homily
- homily: a sermon or lecture; also, an inspirational saying or a platitude.
- hominid
- homograph: a word of the same written form as another but of different meaning, whether pronounced the same way or not.
- homologate
- homologate: to approve; confirm or ratify.
- homologous: corresponding in characteristics
- homunculus
- homunculus: an artificially made, miniature person or creature.
- honcho
- honorific
- hoodwink
- hoodwink: to deceive or trick.
- hooly
- hoosgow
- hoosgow: a jail.
- hootenanny
- hopscotch: to journey quickly and directly from one usually far place to another.
- hornswoggle
- hornswoggle: to swindle, cheat, hoodwink, or hoax.
- horologium
- horology
- horology: the art of making timepieces or of measuring time.
- horripilate: to produce a bristling of the hair on the skin from cold, fear, etc.; goose flesh.
- horripilation
- horripilation: a bristling of the hair on the skin from cold, fear, etc.
- horripilation: goose bumps
- horsefeathers
- hortatory
- hortatory: serving to encourage or incite.
- hotchpot
- hotchpot: the bringing together of shares or properties in order to divide them equally.
- hotsy-totsy
- howdah
- howdah: a seat or platform for one or more persons placed on the back of an elephant.
- hoyden
- hoyden: a boisterous, bold, and carefree girl.
- hsien
- hsien: one of a group of benevolent spirits promoting good in the world.
- hubris
- hubris: overbearing pride or presumption.
- hugger-mugger
- hugger-mugger: secret; also, muddled, disorderly.
- humblebrag
- humbuggery
- humdinger
- humdinger: a person, thing, action, or statement of remarkable excellence or effect.
- hunky dory: about as well as one could wish or expect.
- hurdy-gurdy
- hurdy-gurdy: a barrel organ or similar musical instrument played by turning a crank.
- hustings
- hustings: the political campaign trail.
- hyaline: glassy or transparent.
- hydra
- hyetal
- hygge
- hyperbole
- hyperbole: extravagant exaggeration.
- hyperbolic
- hyperbolic: using hyperbole; exaggerating.
- hyperhidrosis
- hyperhidrosis: abnormally excessive sweating.
- hypermnesia
- hypethral
- hypethral: wholly or partly open to the sky.
- hypnagogic
- hypnagogic: inducing sleep; of or pertaining to drowsiness.
- hypnopedia
- hypnopompic
- hypnopompic: pertaining to the semiconscious state prior to complete wakefulness.
- hypocorism
- hypocorism: a pet name.
- hypogeal
- hypogeum
- hypogeum: an underground burial chamber.
- hypostatize
- hypothecate
- hypothecate: to pledge to a creditor as security without delivering over; mortgage.
- hypozeuxis
- iambic: having two syllables
- iatrogenic: (of a medical disorder) caused by the actions of a physician.
- iceblink
- ichnite
- iconoclast: critic of ideas
- iconoclastic
- idee fixe
- idee fixe: a fixed idea; an obsession.
- idem
- idem: the same as previously given or mentioned.
- ideogram
- Ides
- Ides: the fifteenth day of March, May, July, and October, and the thirteenth day of the other months.
- idioglossia: a private form of speech invented by one child or by children.
- idiolect
- idiolect: a person's individual speech pattern.
- idoneous
- idoneous: appropriate; fit; suitable; apt.
- idyll
- idyll: a poem or prose work depicting rural or pastoral life; also, a carefree episode or experience.
- iftar
- igneous
- ignoble
- ignoble: not noble.
- ignominy
- ignoramus
- ignoramus: an ignorant person; a dunce.
- ikat
- ikat: a method of printing woven fabric by tie-dyeing the yarns before weaving.
- ikebana
- ikigai
- illation
- imagineer
- imago: an idealized concept of a loved one, formed in childhood and retained unaltered in adult life.
- imbroglio
- imbroglio: a complicated and embarrassing state of things.
- imbue
- imbue: to dye; to instill profoundly.
- immemorial
- immiscible
- immiscible: incapable of being mixed.
- immix
- immix: to mix in; mingle.
- immolate
- immolate: to kill or destroy, often by fire.
- immure
- immure: to imprison.
- imp
- impassible
- impassible: incapable of suffering; also, unfeeling or not showing feeling.
- impassive
- impassive: devoid of emotion; also, showing no emotion.
- impawn
- impawn: to put in pawn; pledge.
- impecunious
- impecunious: habitually without money; poor.
- impedimenta
- impedimenta: baggage or other things that retard one's progress
- impervious
- impervious: impenetrable; also, not capable of being affected.
- impetrate: to obtain by entreaty.
- implacable: incapable of being pacified.
- impolitic
- impolitic: not politic, expedient, or judicious.
- imponderabilia
- imponderable
- imponderable: a thing that cannot be precisely determined or measured.
- importunate
- importunate: troublesomely urgent.
- imprecation
- imprecation: a curse.
- impregnable
- impregnable: able to resist attack.
- impresario
- imprest
- imprest: an advance of money; loan.
- imprimatur
- imprimatur: approval or sanction.
- improbity
- improvident
- improvident: lacking foresight; negligent; thoughtless.
- impugn
- impugn: to call in question; to make insinuations against.
- inamorata
- inamorata: a woman whom one is in love with.
- inanition
- inanition: exhaustion from lack of nourishment; also, emptiness.
- inaugurate
- incarnadine
- incarnadine: pink or red; also, to redden.
- inchoate
- inchoate: partly but not fully in existence or operation.
- inchoation
- inchoation: a beginning; origin.
- incipient
- incipient: beginning to exist or appear.
- incisive: penetrating, sharp, cutting.
- inclement
- inclement: harsh; severe -- especially said of the weather.
- incogitant
- incommodious
- incommodious: inconvenient, as not affording sufficient space or room.
- incommunicado
- incommunicado: without means or right to communicate.
- incondite
- incondite: ill-constructed; unpolished.
- incongruous
- incongruous: lacking in harmony.
- incontrovertible
- incontrovertible: indisputable; unquestionable.
- inculcate
- inculcate: to teach and impress by frequent repetition or instruction.
- inculpate
- incunabula
- incunabula: the earliest stages or first traces of anything.
- incunabulum: the earliest stages or first traces of anything.
- incursion: entering another's domain
- indagate
- indagate: to investigate; research.
- indefatigable
- indefatigable: untiring.
- indelible
- indelible: incapable of being removed or erased.
- indelible: that cannot be eliminated, forgotten, or the like.
- indemnify
- indemnify: to compensate for damage or loss sustained.
- indemnity
- indemnity: security against damage or loss.
- indigence
- indigence: extreme poverty.
- Indigenous
- indigent
- indigent: extremely poor.
- indite
- indite: to compose or write, as a poem.
- indolent
- indolent: lazy; inactive.
- indomitable
- indomitable: incapable of being subdued or overcome.
- indubitable
- indubitable: that cannot be doubted; patently evident or certain; unquestionable.
- indurate
- indurate: to make hard; to harden.
- ineffable
- ineffable: incapable of being expressed.
- ineffectual
- ineffectual: without effect; weak; useless.
- ineluctable
- ineluctable: impossible to avoid or evade.
- inexorable
- inexorable: unyielding; relentless.
- inextricably
- infare
- infinitesimal
- infinitesimal: indefinitely or exceedingly small; minute.
- inflection point
- inflorescence
- infodemic
- infomania
- infra dig
- ingeminate
- ingeminate: to repeat; reiterate.
- ingenious
- ingenue
- ingenue: a naive girl or young woman, or an actress representing such a person.
- ingenuous
- ingenuous: demonstrating childlike simplicity; also, open; frank.
- inglenook
- inglenook: a corner or nook near a fireplace.
- ingratiate
- ingratiate: to establish (oneself) in the favor or good graces of others.
- ingress
- ingress: the act of going in or entering.
- inhere
- inhere: to be inherent.
- iniciar
- inicio
- inimical
- inimical: unfriendly; unfavorable.
- iniquitous
- iniquitous: characterized by injustice or wickedness; wicked; sinful.
- inkhorn
- inkhorn: affectedly or ostentatiously learned.
- innocuous
- innocuous: harmless; also, unlikely to offend or provoke.
- inscape
- inscrutable
- inscrutable: difficult to fathom or understand.
- insensate
- insensate: lacking sensation or awareness.
- insipience
- insistir
- insouciance
- insouciance: lack of care or concern; indifference.
- insouciant
- insouciant: marked by blithe unconcern; nonchalant.
- inspirit
- inspissate
- instantiate
- instauration
- instauration: renewal; restoration; renovation; repair.
- insufflate
- insuperable
- insuperable: incapable of being passed over, surmounted, or overcome.
- integrant
- integrant: making up or being a part of a whole; constituent.
- integument
- integument: a natural covering, as a skin, shell, or rind.
- intellection
- intemerate
- intemerate: inviolate; undefiled; unsullied; pure.
- intenerate
- intercalary
- intercalate
- interdigitate
- interlard
- interlard: to insert between; to mix.
- interlocutor: a person who takes part in a conversation or dialogue.
- interloper
- interminable: seeming to have no end
- internecine
- internecine: destructive; especially, mutually destructive; also, relating to conflict within a group.
- internuncial
- internuncial: serving to announce or connect.
- interosculate
- interosculate: to form a connecting link.
- interpolate
- interpolate: to insert between; also, to alter or corrupt by insertion.
- interpolation
- interpolation: the act or process of introducing something additional or extraneous between other parts.
- interregnum
- interregnum: the interval between two reigns; also, any breach of continuity in an order.
- interrobang
- interrobang: a punctuation mark that combines the question mark and the exclamation point, indicating a mixture of query and interjection.
- intersectionality
- interstice
- interstice: a space between things or parts.
- intestable: not legally qualified to make a will, as an infant or a lunatic.
- intimation: indirect suggestion
- intractable
- intractable: not easily governed, managed, or directed.
- intransigent
- intransigent: uncompromising.
- intrapersonal
- intrapreneur
- intrapreneur: an employee of a company who is given freedom to create new products.
- intrepid
- intrepid: fearless; bold.
- intromit
- intromit: to introduce; to send, put, or let in.
- introspection
- introspection: the act or process of self-examination; reflection.
- inure
- inure: to make used to; also, to take or have effect.
- inutile
- invective
- invective: insulting or abusive language.
- inveigh
- inveigh: to rail (against some person or thing).
- inveigle
- inveigle: to persuade or obtain by ingenuity or flattery.
- inveterate
- inveterate: deep-rooted; of long standing.
- invidious
- invidious: tending to provoke envy or ill will.
- inviolable
- iota
- iota: a very small quantity or degree.
- ipso facto
- irascible
- irascible: easily provoked to anger.
- irenic
- irenic: promoting peace.
- iridescent
- irredentist
- irredentist: a member of a party in any country advocating the acquisition of some region included in another country.
- irrefragable
- irrefragable: impossible to refute.
- irrefrangible
- irrefrangible: not to be broken or violated; inviolable.
- irriguous
- irriguous: well-watered, as land.
- irrupt
- irrupt: to burst in forcibly or suddenly.
- isobar
- isolato
- isolato: a person who is spiritually isolated from or out of sympathy with his or her times or society.
- isopolity
- itinerant
- itinerant: traveling from place to place.
- iwis
- iwis: certainly.
- Jabberwocky
- jackanapes
- jackanapes: an impertinent, presumptuous person, especially a young man.
- Jacobin
- Jacobin: an extreme radical, especially in politics.
- jactation
- jactation: a restless tossing of the body.
- jaded: exhausted
- jamboree
- jamboree: a carousal; any noisy merrymaking.
- jammy
- jannock
- Janus-faced
- jape
- jape: a trick or practical joke.
- jaundiced
- jaundiced: affected with or exhibiting prejudice, as from envy or resentment.
- jawbone
- jawbreaker
- Jedi
- jejune
- jejune: lacking in nutritional value; also, immature; also, dull.
- jeremiad
- jeremiad: a doleful story; also, a dolorous or angry tirade..
- jettison: throw away or over
- jigger
- jigger: any of various mechanical devices, many of which have a jerky or jolting motion.
- jiggery-pokery
- jilt
- jilt: to reject or cast aside (a lover or sweetheart), especially abruptly or unfeelingly.
- jnana: absolute insight acquired through study.
- jo
- jobbery: the conduct of public or official business for the sake of improper private gain.
- jockey
- jocose
- jocose: given to or characterized by joking.
- jocular
- jocular: given to or characterized by joking.
- jocund
- jocund: light-hearted; mirthful.
- joggle
- joggle: to shake slightly; move to and fro, as by repeated jerks.
- John Hancock
- Johnsonese
- jointure
- jointure: property given to a woman upon marriage, to be owned by her after her husband's death.
- jollier
- jollification
- jollification: merrymaking; revelry.
- jornada
- jovial
- jovial: merry; joyous; jolly.
- joyance
- juberous
- jubilant
- jubilarian
- jubilarian: a person who celebrates or has celebrated a jubilee.
- jubilate
- jubilate: to show or feel great joy; rejoice; exult.
- jubilee
- jubilee: any season or occasion of rejoicing or festivity.
- judder
- juggernaut
- juggernaut: any large, overpowering, destructive force.
- jujitsu
- jujitsu: the ability to accomplish a task with no apparent effort or resistance.
- juju
- juju: an object superstitiously believed to embody magical powers.
- junket
- junket: a trip, usually by an official or legislative committee, paid out of public funds and ostensibly to obtain information.
- junta
- junta: a governmental council or committee, esp. one that rules after a revolution.
- jurisprudence
- jury-rig
- juvenescent
- juvenescent: being or becoming youthful; young.
- juvenilia
- juxtaposition
- juxtaposition: the act or an instance of placing in nearness.
- Kafkaesque
- kaleidoscopic
- kanone
- kaomoji
- kaput
- katzenjammer
- keek
- kef
- kef: a state of drowsy contentment
- keiretsu
- kelpie
- kelpie: a water spirit, usually having the form of a horse.
- ken
- ken: knowledge, understanding, or cognizance; mental perception.
- kenning
- kenspeckle: conspicuous; easily seen or recognized.
- kerf
- kerf: a cut or incision made by a saw or the like in a piece of wood.
- kerfuffle
- keysmash
- kibbutz: collective farm
- kibitz: to chat, to converse.
- kibitzer
- kibitzer: a giver of uninvited or unwanted advice.
- kickshaw
- kickshaw: a tidbit or delicacy, especially one served as an appetizer.
- kinchin
- kinchin: a child.
- kindred
- kinesthetic
- kinetic: moving
- kismet
- kismet: destiny; fate.
- kith
- kith: acquaintances, friends, neighbors, or the like.
- kitsch
- kitsch: art in pretentious bad taste.
- klatsch
- klatsch: a casual gathering of people.
- klaxon
- klaxon: a loud electric horn, formerly used on automobiles, trucks, etc.
- kloof
- kloof: (in South Africa) a deep glen; ravine.
- knackered
- knavery
- knavery: unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest dealing; trickery.
- knell
- knell: the stoke of a bell tolled at a funeral.
- koan: A nonsensical or paradoxical question to a student for which an answer is demanded, the stress of meditation on the question often being illuminating.
- kobold
- kobold: a kind of domestic spirit in German mythology.
- kosher
- kowtow
- kowtow: to act in a subservient manner.
- krewe
- krummholz
- kvell
- kvetch
- kvetch: to complain habitually.
- kyoodle
- labile
- labile: open to change; apt or likely to change.
- labyrinthine
- lacerate
- lacerate: to tear roughly; mangle.
- lachrymose
- lachrymose: given to causing tears.
- laciniate
- laciniate: cut into narrow, irregular lobes; slashed.
- lackadaisical
- lackadaisical: lacking spirit or liveliness.
- laconic
- laconic: using or marked by the use of a minimum of words.
- lacuna
- lacuna: a blank space; a missing part.
- lacustrine
- laden
- laden: burdened; loaded down.
- laeotropic
- lagan
- lagan: anything sunk in the sea, but attached to a buoy or the like so that it may be recovered.
- laggard: wasting time
- lagniappe
- lagniappe: a small gift given with a purchase to a customer, by way of compliment.
- lagniappe: a small gift given with a purchase to a customer, for good measure.
- lagom
- laicism
- laisser-aller
- laissez-faire: non-interference
- lallygag
- lallygag: to spend time idly; loaf.
- lam
- lam: to beat; thrash.
- lambaste
- lambaste: to scold sharply; also, to beat.
- lambent
- lambent: brilliantly playful.
- lambent: playing on the surface; flickering.
- lampoon: composition that imitates or misrepresents someone's style
- land of Nod
- land of Nod: sleep.
- langlauf
- languid
- languid: lacking vigor or force.
- languor
- languor: lack of energy or vitality.
- lapidary
- lapidary: of or pertaining to stone cutting; also, terse or refined in expression.
- lapidify
- lardy-dardy
- largess
- largess: generous giving; also, gifts of money or other valuables.
- largesse
- largesse: generous bestowal of gifts.
- largo
- larrikin
- larrikin: disorderly; rowdy.
- larrup
- larrup: to beat or thrash.
- lascivious
- lascivious: lewd; lustful.
- lassitude
- lassitude: lack of vitality or energy.
- laterigrade
- lateritious
- latitudinarian
- latitudinarian: having or expressing broad and tolerant views.
- laudable
- laudable: praiseworthy; commendable.
- laureate
- Lavation
- lave
- lave: to wash; bathe.
- layette
- layette: an outfit of clothing, bedding, etc., for a newborn baby.
- lazo
- lea
- lea: a tract of open ground, especially grassland; meadow.
- leeward
- legerdemain
- legerdemain: sleight of hand.
- legerity
- leitmotif
- leitmotif: a dominant and recurring theme.
- Lenient -
- lenity
- lenity: the state or quality of being lenient.
- leonine
- leporine
- lese majesty
- lese majesty: an attack on any custom, institution, belief, etc., held sacred or revered by numbers of people.
- leveret
- leveret: a young hare.
- leviathan
- leviathan: anything of immense size and power.
- levigate
- levigate: to rub, grind, or reduce to a fine powder.
- levity
- levity: frivolity.
- lexicography
- lexicography: the writing or compiling of dictionaries.
- lexicon
- lexicon: a dictionary; also, the vocabulary of a person, group, etc.
- libation
- libation: the act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice; also, a beverage.
- liberation
- librate
- librer¡a
- lickerish: fond of and eager for choice food.
- lickety-split
- lickspittle
- lief
- liege
- liege: loyal; faithful.
- Lilliputian
- lilliputian: extremely small; tiny; diminutive.
- lilt
- lilt: rhythmic swing or cadence.
- lily-livered
- lily-livered: weak or lacking in courage; cowardly; pusillanimous.
- limacine
- limerence
- liminal: relating to the point beyond which a sensation becomes too faint to be experienced.
- limn
- limn: to draw or paint; also, to describe.
- limpid
- limpid: clear; also, serene.
- linchpin
- linchpin: something that holds the various elements of a complicated structure together.
- Lincolnesque
- lineament
- lineament: a distinguishing or characteristic feature.
- lingua franca: any language that is widely used as a means of communication among speakers of other languages.
- linguaphile
- lionhearted
- lionize
- lionize: to treat or regard as an object great interest or importance.
- lipogram
- lipogram: a written work composed to avoid the use of specific alphabetic characters.
- lissom
- lissom: supple; nimble.
- listless
- listless: having no desire or inclination.
- literatim
- litigate
- litigious
- litigious: inclined to dispute or disagree; argumentative.
- litotes
- litotes: understatement, especially that in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary.
- littoral
- littoral: on a coastal or shore region.
- littoral: pertaining to the shore of a lake, sea, or ocean.
- llevarse
- loblolly
- loblolly: a mire; mudhole.
- locavore
- lodestar
- lodestar: something that serves as a guide or on which the attention is fixed.
- lodestone
- logogriph
- logomachy
- logomachy: a dispute about or concerning words.
- logophobia
- logorrhea
- logorrhea: excessive talkativeness.
- logrolling
- logy
- loll
- loll: to recline or lean in a relaxed, lazy, or indolent manner; lounge.
- lollapalooza
- lollapalooza: an extraordinary or unusual thing, person, or event; an exceptional example or instance.
- lollop: to move forward with a bounding or leaping motion.
- lonely-hearts
- longanimity
- longevous
- longueur
- longueur: a tedious passage in a work of literature or performance art.
- loquacious
- loquacious: very talkative.
- lorn
- lorn: lost, ruined, or undone.
- lotus-eater
- louche
- louche: of questionable taste or morality.
- loup-garou
- loup-garou: a werewolf; lycanthrope.
- lubricious
- lubricious: lewd; also, slippery or smooth.
- lucent
- lucent: shining.
- lucida
- luciferous
- lucifugous: avoiding light.
- lucre
- lucre: money; profit.
- lucubrate
- lucubrate: to work, write, or study laboriously, especially at night.
- lucubration
- lucubration: laborious work, study, thought, etc., esp. at night.
- luculent
- luculent: clear; easily understood.
- Lucullan: profusely extravagant
- Luddite
- ludic
- ludic: playful.
- lugubrious
- lugubrious: mournful; gloomy; dismal.
- lulu
- luminary
- luminary: any body that gives light; also, a person of eminence or brilliant achievement.
- lummox
- lummox: a clumsy, stupid person.
- lumpen
- lumpen: those individuals cut off from their normal socioeconomic class.
- lunation
- lunisolar
- lunker
- lunker: something unusually large for its kind.
- lunula
- lupine: savage; ravenous; predatory.
- lustrum
- luxate
- luxate: to put out of joint; dislocate.
- lyard
- lyard: streaked or spotted with gray or white.
- lyceum
- lyceum: an institution for popular education providing discussions, lectures, concerts, etc.
- macabre
- macabre: gruesome and horrifying.
- macaronic
- macaronic: composed of a mixture of languages.
- Machiavellian
- machinate
- machinate: to contrive or plot, especially artfully or with evil purpose.
- machination
- machination: a crafty scheme intended to accomplish some usually evil end.
- mackle
- mackle: to blur.
- macramé
- macrobiotic: promoting longevity
- macushla
- madcap
- madcap: wildly or heedlessly impulsive; reckless; rash.
- madeleine
- madrugar
- maelstrom
- maelstrom: a large, powerful whirlpool; also, a violent, disordered, or turbulent state of affairs.
- maffick
- magisterial
- magnanimous
- magnanimous: generous and noble
- magniloquent
- magniloquent: lofty or grandiose in speech or expression.
- mainour
- mainour: a stolen article found on the person of or near the thief.
- majuscule: of letters written either as capitals or uncials.
- makai
- makebate
- makebate: a person who causes contention or discord.
- Mal de mer
- mal du pays
- maladroit
- maladroit: awkward; unskillful; inept.
- malaise
- malaise: a condition of uneasiness or ill-being.
- malapert: unbecomingly bold or saucy.
- malarkey
- malcontent
- malcontent: one who is discontented or dissatisfied.
- malediction
- malediction: a curse.
- malfeasance
- malfeasance: wrongdoing, misconduct, or misbehavior.
- malign
- malign: to speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander; defame.
- malinger
- malinger: to feign illness or inability.
- malinger: to pretend illness, especially in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc.
- malleable
- malleable: capable of being shaped; also, adaptable.
- malodorous
- malodorous: having a bad odor.
- malversation: misconduct in public office.
- mammock
- mammonism
- mammonism: the greedy pursuit of riches.
- mana: a generalized, supernatural force, which may be concentrated in objects or persons.
- manavelins
- Manichean: pertaining to a strongly dualistic worldview.
- manifold
- manifold: of many kinds; numerous and varied.
- manna
- mano a mano
- manqu‚
- manqué
- manse
- manse: a large and imposing residence.
- mansuetude
- mansuetude: mildness; gentleness.
- mantic
- mantic: of or pertaining to divination.
- manticore
- manumit
- manumit: to free from slavery or servitude.
- mardy
- mare
- marginalia
- marginalia: notes in the margin of a book, manuscript, or letter.
- maringouin
- marplot
- martial: pertaining to war
- martinet
- martinet: a strict disciplinarian.
- marvy
- mascara
- maslin
- maslin: a mixture; medley.
- masscult
- masticate
- masticate: to chew.
- matador
- matador: the principal bullfighter in a bullfight; a torero.
- matcha
- materfamilias
- materfamilias: the mother of a family.
- matriculate
- matriculate: to enroll in a college or university as a candidate for a degree.
- matrifocal
- matrifocal: focused or centered on the mother.
- matrilineal
- matrilineal: inheriting or determining descent through the female line.
- matte
- matte: having a dull or lusterless surface.
- matutinal
- matutinal: relating to or occurring in the morning.
- matzo
- maudlin
- maudlin: excessively sentimental.
- maugre
- maugre: in spite of; notwithstanding.
- maunder
- maunder: to talk or wander aimlessly.
- mavourneen
- maw
- maw: the symbolic or theoretical center of a voracious hunger or appetite of any kind.
- mawkish
- mawkish: sickly or excessively sentimental.
- mazuma
- mazuma: money.
- mazy
- mazy: resembling a maze; intricate or confusing.
- mbira
- me-tooism
- mea culpa
- mealy-mouthed
- meander
- meander: to proceed by or take a winding or indirect course.
- megafauna
- megalomania
- megalomania: a mental disorder characterized by delusions of grandeur.
- megillah
- megrim
- megrim: a migraine; also, a fancy or whim; in the plural, low spirits.
- melancholic
- melee
- melee: a confused conflict.
- melic
- meliorism
- meliorism: the doctrine that the world may be made better by human effort.
- melismatic
- melismatic: characterized by the singing of several notes to one syllable of text, for emotional impact, as in blues and other musical styles.
- melliferous
- melliferous: yielding or producing honey.
- mellifluous
- mellifluous: flowing sweetly or smoothly.
- membranophone
- memorist
- memoriter
- menagerie
- menagerie: a collection of wild or unusual animals; also, a diverse group.
- mendacious
- mendacious: untruthful; also, untrue.
- mendacity
- mendacity: a tendency to lie; untruthfulness.
- mendicant
- mendicant: a beggar.
- mensch
- mensch: a decent, upright, mature, and responsible person.
- mephitic
- mephitic: offensive to the smell; also, noxious.
- mercurial
- mercurial: changeable; temperamental; volatile.
- meretricious
- meretricious: tawdry.
- meritocracy
- meritorious
- merrymaking
- mesmerism
- mesmerize
- mesmerize: to spellbind; fascinate.
- messan
- meta
- meta: consciously referencing its own subject or features.
- metaphrastic
- metaphrastic: having the quality of a literary work that has been translated or changed from one form to another, as prose into verse.
- metathesis
- metempirical
- metempirical: beyond or outside the field of experience.
- Methuselah
- Methuselah: an extremely old man.
- meticulous
- meticulous: extremely careful about details.
- metier
- metronymic
- metrophobia
- mettle
- mettle: courage and fortitude.
- meunière
- mewl
- mewl: to cry, as a baby, young child, or the like; whimper.
- miasma
- miasma: a thick vaporous atmosphere, often noxious.
- mickle
- mickle: great; large; much.
- microcosm
- microcosm: a smaller, representative system having analogies to a larger system.
- middlescence
- middling
- mien
- mien: demeanor; also, aspect; appearance.
- mignon
- mignon: small and pretty; delicately pretty.
- milieu
- milieu: environment; setting.
- militate
- militate: to have force or influence.
- milksop
- milksop: an unmanly man.
- milliner
- milquetoast
- milquetoast: a very timid, unassertive, spineless person.
- mimesis
- mimetic
- mimetic: imitative.
- minatory
- minatory: threatening; menacing.
- mind-pop
- Minerva
- minim: the least quantity of anything.
- minimoon
- minnie
- minutiae
- mirabilia
- mirada
- mirar
- mirepoix
- mirth
- mirth: gaiety or jollity, especially when accompanied by laughter.
- misbegotten
- miscreant
- miscreant: a scoundrel, a villain; also, a heretic.
- mise en scène
- mishpocha
- mishpocha: a family network comprising relatives by blood and marriage and sometimes including close friends.
- misnomer
- misnomer: a misnaming.
- misology
- misology: distrust or hatred of reason or reasoning.
- misoneism
- misoneism: hatred or dislike of what is new or represents change.
- misprize
- misprize: to despise; also, to undervalue.
- missive
- missive: a written message; a letter.
- mistral
- mistral: a cold, dry, northerly wind.
- mithridate: a confection believed to contain an antidote to every poison.
- mitigate
- mitigate: to lessen in force or intensity, as wrath, grief, harshness, or pain; moderate.
- mitzvah
- mizzle
- mizzle: to rain in fine drops; drizzle; mist.
- modicum
- modicum: a small or token amount.
- modish
- moggy
- moiety
- moiety: a half; a small part.
- moil
- moil: to labor; to toil; to drudge.
- moira
- mojado
- mojar
- mojo
- mojo: personal magnetism; charm.
- mollify
- mollify: to reduce in intensity; to soothe; to soften.
- momento
- momism
- monad
- monad: a single unit or entity.
- mondegreen
- mondegreen: a word or phrase resulting from a misinterpretation, as in misheard lyrics.
- moniker
- moniker: a person's name, especially a nickname or alias.
- monomania
- monomania: obsession with a single subject.
- monsoon
- monta¤a
- monticule
- mont¢n
- moonbow
- moonshot
- moonstruck
- moor
- moor: to fix firmly; secure.
- moosemilk
- moosemilk: homemade or bootleg whiskey.
- moot
- moot: open to discussion or debate; doubtful.
- moppet
- moratorium
- moratory
- moratory: authorizing delay of payment.
- morceau
- morceau: piece; morsel.
- mordacious
- mordacious: sharp or caustic in style, tone, etc.
- mordant
- mordant: biting; caustic; sarcastic.
- mores
- mores: customs; habits; ways.
- morganatic: pertaining to a form of marriage where a person of high rank weds someone of lower station without claim to the property of the high-ranking partner.
- moribund
- moribund: dying.
- moschate
- moschate: having a musky smell.
- mosquito
- mostrar
- mot
- mot juste
- mot juste: appropriate expression
- mot juste: the exact, appropriate word.
- mot: a pithy or witty remark.
- mote
- mote: a small particle or speck, especially of dust.
- mother wit
- motte
- motza
- motza: a large amount of money, especially a sum won in gambling.
- moue
- moue: a pouting grimace.
- mountebank
- mountebank: a quack; also, a charlatan.
- moxie
- moxie: vigor; verve; pep.
- muckrake
- mucro
- mucro: a short point projecting abruptly, as at the end of a leaf.
- mufti
- mufti: civilian clothes, in contrast with military or other uniforms, or as worn by a person who usually wears a uniform.
- mugwump: a person who is unable to make up his or her mind on an issue, esp. in politics.
- mulct
- mulct: to defraud.
- muliebrity
- muliebrity: womanly nature or qualities.
- mulligrubs
- mulligrubs: ill temper; colic; grumpiness.
- multifarious
- multifarious: having great diversity or variety.
- multitudinous
- multiverse
- mumbo jumbo
- mumbo jumbo: senseless or pretentious language, usually designed to obscure an issue, or the like.
- mump
- mumpsimus
- mumpsimus: using an erroneous use of language, out of habit or obstinacy.
- mundify
- mundify: to purge or purify.
- munificent
- munificent: very generous.
- murine
- murmuration
- musette
- mushyheaded
- mussitate: to silently move the lips in simulation of audible speech.
- mussitation
- muster
- muster: to gather, summon, rouse.
- mutable
- muzz
- mXtier
- myopia: nearsightedness
- myopic
- myriad
- myrmidon
- myrmidon: a loyal follower.
- mysophobia
- mysophobia: a dread of dirt or filth.
- mystique
- mythoclast
- mythomane
- mythomane: a person with a strong or irresistible propensity for fantasizing, lying, or exaggerating.
- mythopoeic
- métier: an occupation, especially in which one excels.
- nabob
- nabob: wealthy person
- nacreous
- nacreous: lustrous; pearly.
- nadie
- nadir
- nadir: the lowest point.
- naif
- naif: a naive or inexperienced person.
- naissance
- namaste: a conventional Hindu expression on meeting or parting.
- narcissism: self-love
- narcolepsy: sleep disorder
- narcotize
- nary
- nary: not any; no; never a.
- nascent
- nascent: beginning to exist.
- natant
- natch
- natch: of course; naturally.
- natheless
- natheless: nevertheless.
- natty
- natty: neatly or trimly smart in dress or appearance; spruce.
- ne plus ultra
- ne plus ultra: the acme; also, the most profound degree.
- neatnik
- nebbish
- nebbish: a weak-willed, timid, or ineffectual person.
- nebulated
- nebulize
- nebulize: to become vague, or indistinct.
- necropolis
- nefarious
- nefarious: wicked in the extreme.
- neologism
- neologism: a new word or expression; the use or creation of new words or expressions.
- neologize
- neologize: to make or use new words or create new meanings for existing words.
- neophyte
- neophyte: a novice.
- neoteric
- neoteric: recent in origin; new.
- neoterism
- neoterism: an innovation in language, as a new word, term, or expression.
- nepenthe
- nepenthe: a drug or drink having the power to bring forgetfulness of sorrow or trouble.
- nepotism
- nepotism: favoritism shown to members of one's family.
- nervios
- nervure
- nervure: a vein, as of a leaf or the wing of an insect.
- nescience
- nescience: lack of knowledge or awareness.
- netiquette
- nettle
- nettle: to irritate, annoy, or provoke.
- nettlesome
- nettlesome: causing irritation, vexation, or distress.
- neurodiversity
- newfangled
- newspeak
- nice-nellyism
- nictitate
- nictitate: to wink.
- nidificate
- nidificate: to build a nest.
- nimbus
- nimbus: a dark gray rain cloud; also, a halo, an aura.
- nimiety
- nimiety: excess.
- nisus
- nitid: bright; lustrous.
- nival
- niveous
- niveous: resembling snow.
- ni¤o
- noblesse oblige
- nocent
- noctambulous
- noctilucent
- noctilucent: visible during the short night of the summer.
- noctivagant: pertaining to wandering at night.
- nocturno
- nocuous: harmful
- nodus
- Noel
- noetic
- noetic: of or pertaining to the mind.
- noisome
- noisome: offensive or disgusting; also, harmful; unwholesome.
- nolens volens
- nolens volens: whether unwilling or willing.
- nomothetic
- nomothetic: giving or establishing laws; legislative.
- non sequitur
- nonage
- nonage: a period of youth or immaturity.
- nonagenarian
- nonagenarian: someone whose age is in the nineties.
- nonbook
- nonesuch
- nonesuch: a person or thing without equal; paragon.
- nonevent
- nonpareil
- nonpareil: having no equal.
- nonplus
- nonplus: to render utterly perplexed; puzzle completely.
- nonviolence
- noodle
- noosphere
- noosphere: the biosphere including and modified by human activities.
- normcore
- nosegay
- nosegay: a bouquet.
- nosh
- nosh: to snack or eat between meals.
- nosophobia
- nosophobia: an abnormal fear of disease.
- nostomania
- nostomania: an irresistible compulsion to return home.
- nostrum
- nostrum: a questionable remedy.
- notabilia
- noticia
- notionate
- novation
- novation: the introduction of something new; innovation.
- novitiate
- novitiate: the state or period of being a beginner in anything.
- Nth: being the last in a series of infinitely decreasing or increasing values, amounts, etc.
- nubilous
- nubilous: cloudy or foggy.
- nudnik
- nugacity
- nugatory
- nugatory: insignificant; also, ineffectual.
- numen
- numen: divine power, especially one who inhabits a particular object.
- numinous
- numinous: spiritual.
- numismatics
- numismatics: the collection and study of coins.
- nummary
- nunca
- nuptial
- nuptial: of or pertaining to marriage.
- nuque
- nuque: the back of the neck.
- nurturance
- nyctophobia
- nyctophobia: an abnormal fear of night or darkness.
- nympholepsy: a frenzy of emotion, as for something unattainable.
- obdurate
- obdurate: hardened in feelings or in wrongdoing; unyielding.
- obeisance
- obeisance: an expression of deference.
- obfuscate
- obfuscate: to make obscure or unclear; also, to darken.
- objurgate
- objurgate: to scold or rebuke sharply.
- oblation
- oblation: an offering.
- oblique: diagonally arranged
- obliquity
- obliquity: divergence from moral conduct, rectitude, etc.
- oblivescence
- oblivious
- oblivious: forgetful; also, unmindful.
- obloquy
- obloquy: ill repute.
- obnubilate
- obnubilate: to cloud over; becloud; obscure.
- obra
- obscurantism
- obscurantism: opposition to the increase and spread of knowledge.
- obscure: less visible or clear
- obsequies: funeral rites
- obsequious
- obsequious: servilely attentive; fawning.
- obsequy
- obsequy: a funeral rite or ceremony.
- obsolescence
- obstreperous
- obstreperous: noisily and stubbornly defiant; also, boisterous.
- obtener
- obtest: to supplicate earnestly; beseech.
- obtrude
- obtrude: to thrust out; also, to impose on others.
- obtuse
- obtuse: not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect.
- obumbrate
- obverse
- obverse: the side of a coin, medal, flag, etc., that bears the principal design.
- obviate
- obviate: to anticipate and dispose of or make unnecessary.
- Occidental: Western.
- occlude: to shut in, out, or off.
- oceanicity
- ocellated
- ochlophobia
- ochlophobia: an abnormal fear of crowds.
- ocultar
- oculto
- od
- od: a hypothetical force formerly held to pervade all nature and to manifest itself in magnetism, mesmerism, chemical action, etc.
- Odious
- odium
- odium: intense hatred or dislike.
- odontoid
- odontoid: of or resembling a tooth; toothlike.
- odoriferous
- odoriferous: yielding or diffusing an odor.
- oeillade
- oeillade: an amorous glance; ogle.
- oenology
- Oenophile -
- oeuvre
- oeuvre: the works of a writer, painter, or the like, taken as a whole.
- offal: the edible internal parts of an animal, such as the heart, liver, and tongue.
- officious
- officious: meddlesome.
- ogham
- ogle
- ogle: to look at amorously, flirtatiously, or impertinently.
- oillionaire
- ojal
- ojo
- oleaginous
- oleaginous: having the nature or qualities of oil.
- olericulture
- olfactory: pertaining to smell
- olfato
- oligopoly
- olimpiadas
- olio
- olio: a mixture of heterogeneous elements; hodgepodge.
- olla podrida
- olla podrida: a kind of seasoned stew; also, a mixture, a hodgepodge.
- ology
- olvidar
- ombudsman
- omnibus
- omnibus: a volume of reprinted works of a single author or of works related in interest or theme.
- omnifarious
- omnific: having unlimited powers of creation.
- omnipresent
- omnipresent: present in all places at the same time.
- omnishambles
- omnium-gatherum
- omnium-gatherum: a miscellaneous collection.
- omphalos
- omphalos: the central point.
- omphaloskepsis
- omphaloskepsis: contemplation of one's navel as part of a mystical exercise.
- oneiric
- oneiric: pertaining to or suggestive of dreams.
- onomastic
- onomasticon
- onomasticon: a list or collection of proper names.
- onus
- onus: burden; also, blame; stigma.
- oology
- opacus
- openhanded: giving freely
- operose
- operose: done with or involving much labor.
- ophidian
- oppidan
- opportune
- opportune: suitable for a given purpose or occasion.
- opprobrious
- opprobrium
- opprobrium: reproach mingled with contempt.
- oppugn
- oppugn: to assail by criticism, argument, or action.
- optics
- opuscule
- opuscule: a small or minor work.
- oracular
- oracular: obscure.
- orbicular
- ordinario
- orectic
- orectic: of or pertaining to desire; appetitive.
- organon
- orgulous
- oriflamme
- orison
- orison: a prayer.
- orogeny
- orotund
- orotund: full in sound; also, bombastic.
- orrery
- orrery: an apparatus for representing the planets, satellites, etc., in the solar system.
- ort
- ort: a scrap or morsel of food left at a meal.
- orthoepy: the study of correct pronunciation.
- oscitant
- oscitant: yawning, as with drowsiness.
- osculate
- osculate: to kiss.
- osculation
- osculation: the act of kissing; a kiss.
- osmatic
- osmose
- osmose: to gradually or unconsciously assimilate some principle or object.
- ossature
- ossify
- ossify: to harden or to become bone.
- ostensible
- ostensible: appearing to be true, but not necessarily so.
- ostentation
- ostentation: excessive or pretentious display.
- osteopath: therapist who manipulates body structure
- ostracize
- ostracize: to banish or expel.
- otiose
- otiose: ineffective; also, being at leisure; also, of no use.
- outrance
- outrance: the utmost extremity.
- outre
- outr‚
- outré
- outré: unconventional; eccentric; bizarre.
- overmorrow
- overslaugh
- overslaugh: to pass over or disregard (a person) by giving a promotion, position, etc., to another instead.
- overweening
- overweening: overbearing; also, excessive.
- overwinter
- ovine
- oxter
- pablum
- pablum: something (as writing or speech) that is trite, insipid, or simplistic.
- pabulum
- pabulum: material for intellectual nourishment.
- pachyderm
- pachyderm: a person who is not sensitive to criticism, ridicule, etc.
- pacific
- paczki
- padecer
- paean
- paean: a song or other expression of praise or joy.
- pagoda
- paisaje
- palabra
- palabra: a word.
- paladin
- paladin: a champion of a cause.
- palaver
- palimpsest
- palimpsest: an object or place whose older layers or aspects are apparent.
- palingenesis
- palingenesis: rebirth; regeneration.
- palladian: pertaining to wisdom, knowledge, or study.
- palladium
- palladium: anything believed to provide protection or safety; safeguard.
- palliate
- palliate: to make an offense seem less serious; also, to relieve or lessen without curing.
- pallid: pale; faint or deficient in color; wan.
- pallor
- pallor: unusual or extreme paleness.
- palmary
- palmy
- palpable
- palpable: plain; distinct; obvious.
- palpebral
- palpitate: to pulsate with unusual rapidity from exertion, emotion, disease, etc.; flutter.
- palsy-walsy
- palter
- palter: to talk or act insincerely or deceitfully.
- paltry: contemptibly small
- paludal
- pampero
- pan
- panacea
- panacea: a cure-all.
- panache
- panache: dash or flamboyance in manner or style.
- panchreston
- pandemic
- pandemic: affecting a whole people or a number of countries.
- pandiculation
- pandiculation: yawning and stretching
- pandurate
- pandurate: shaped like a fiddle, as a leaf.
- panegyric
- panegyric: a lofty oration or writing in praise of a person or thing.
- panegyric: an expression of formal or elaborate praise.
- panegyrize
- panegyrize: to eulogize; to deliver or write a panegyric about.
- Panglossian
- Panglossian: excessively or naively optimistic.
- pangram
- pangram: a sentence, verse, etc., that includes all the letters of the alphabet.
- panivorous
- panivorous: subsisting on bread; bread-eating.
- panjandrum
- panjandrum: an important or self-important official.
- panoply
- panoply: a splendid or impressive array.
- panoptic
- panoptic: permitting the viewing of all parts or elements.
- pansophy
- pansophy: universal wisdom or knowledge.
- pantal¢n
- pantheon
- pantheon: the collective gods of a people; also, a group of highly esteemed persons.
- pantofle
- papel
- paphian: of or pertaining to love, esp. illicit physical love.
- paradisiacal
- parageusia
- parageusia: an abnormal or hallucinatory sense of taste.
- paragon
- paragon: a model of excellence or perfection.
- paralipsis
- paralipsis: the suggestion, by deliberately brief treatment of a topic, that much of significance is being omitted, as in "not to mention other faults."
- parallax
- paralogize
- paramnesia
- paraph
- paraph: a flourish made after a signature, as in a document, originally as a precaution against forgery.
- paraselene
- parecido
- paregmenon
- paregmenon: the juxtaposition of words that have a common derivation, as in "sense and sensibility."
- parergon
- parergon: work undertaken in addition to one's principal work.
- pari passu
- pari passu: at an equal pace or rate.
- pari passu: without partiality; equably; fairly.
- pariah
- parley
- parley: a conference or discussion; also, to confer.
- parlous
- parlous: fraught with danger; hazardous.
- Parnassian
- Parnassian: pertaining to poetry.
- paronomasia
- paronymous
- paronymous: containing the same root or stem, as the words wise and wisdom.
- paroxysm
- paroxysm: an outburst; a fit.
- parry: deflect a blow
- parse
- parse: to analyze.
- parsimonious
- parsimonious: frugal to excess.
- parsimony
- parsimony: excessive sparingness in the expenditure of money.
- parturient
- parturient: bearing or about to bear young; travailing.
- parvenu
- parvenu: an upstart; one newly risen in class or economic status.
- pasar
- paschal
- paseo
- paso doble
- pasquinade
- pasquinade: a satire or lampoon, especially one posted in a public place.
- passe-partout
- passe-partout: something that passes everywhere or provides a universal means of passage.
- passé-partout
- pastiche
- pastiche: a hodgepodge; a potpourri.
- paterfamilias
- paterfamilias: the male head of a household; the father of a family.
- pathos
- patina
- patina: a superficial layer.
- patois
- patois: a regional version of a language differing from its standard, literary form.
- patrician
- patrician: a nobleman; also, a person of refined upbringing, manners, and taste.
- patronymic
- patzer
- paucity
- paucity: fewness; insufficiency.
- Pavlovian
- Pavlovian: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Pavlov or his work, especially of experiments with animals.
- pavonine
- pavonine: of or like a peacock.
- pawky
- peacherino
- peacock
- peacock: to make a vainglorious display.
- peccable
- peccadillo
- peccadillo: a slight offense; a petty fault.
- peccant
- peccant: sinning.
- pecho
- pechuga
- peckish
- peckish: somewhat hungry.
- pecksniffian
- pecksniffian: hypocritically and fervently affecting kindness or high moral principles.
- peculate
- peculate: appropriate fraudulently
- pecuniary
- pecuniary: relating to money.
- pedagogy
- pedant: person holding books in esteem
- pedestrian: walker; also, unimaginative.
- pedir
- peduncle
- pelagic
- pelagic: of or pertaining to the open seas or oceans.
- pelearse
- pelf
- pelf: money; riches.
- pell-mell
- pell-mell: in a confused or jumbled mass, crowd, manner, etc.
- pellucid
- pellucid: transparent, shining through; also, easily understandable.
- penchant
- penchant: a strong liking.
- penetralia
- pennyworth
- pensée: a reflection or thought.
- pentimento
- penultimate
- penultimate: next to the last.
- penumbra
- penumbra: an area in which something exists to an uncertain degree.
- penumbral
- penury
- penury: extreme poverty; also, insufficiency.
- pepino
- pepita
- peplum
- peplum: a short full flounce below the waist, covering the hips.
- pepper-upper
- peradventure
- peradventure: chance, uncertainty, or doubt.
- perambulate
- perambulate: to stroll; to walk through or over.
- perambulator
- percipient
- percipient: having perception; discerning; discriminating.
- perder
- perdition
- perdition: a state of final spiritual ruin; loss of the soul; damnation.
- perdurable
- perdurable: very durable; long lasting.
- perdure
- peregrinate
- peregrinate: to travel or journey, especially to walk on foot.
- peregrination
- peregrination: a traveling from place to place.
- peregrine
- peregrine: foreign; alien; coming from abroad.
- peremptory
- peremptory: precluding or putting an end to all debate or action.
- perfervid
- perfervid: ardent; impassioned.
- perfidious
- perfidy
- perfidy: faithlessness; treachery.
- perforce
- perforce: by necessity.
- perfunctory
- perfunctory: done routinely.
- pericope
- pericope: a selection or extract from a book.
- perigee
- perilune
- peripatetic
- peripatetic: walking about or traveling from place to place.
- peripeteia
- periphrasis
- periphrasis: the use of an unnecessarily long or roundabout form of expression.
- perlocutionary
- permeate
- permeate: to spread or diffuse through.
- pernicious
- pernicious: deadly; destructive; exceedingly harmful.
- perorate
- perorate: to conclude or sum up a long discourse; also, to speak at length.
- peroration
- peroration: a long speech characterized by lofty and often pompous language.
- perpend: to ponder; deliberate.
- perquisite
- perquisite: a benefit in addition to a salary.
- Perseid
- perseverate: to repeat something insistently or redundantly.
- persiflage
- persiflage: frivolous or bantering talk.
- persnickety
- persnickety: overparticular; fussy.
- personalia
- personalia: personal details such as biographical data, reminiscences, or the like.
- perspicacious
- perspicacious: having keen mental perception and understanding; discerning.
- perspicacity
- perspicacity: clearness of understanding.
- perspicuous
- perspicuous: clearly expressed or presented; lucid.
- pertenecer
- pertinacious
- pertinacious: holding obstinately to a belief, purpose or design; also, stubbornly persistent.
- pervicacious
- pervicacious: stubborn; obstinate.
- pervious
- pestiferous
- petrichor
- petrous
- pettifog
- pettifog: to bicker or quibble over trifles or unimportant matters.
- pettifogging
- pettifogging: insignificant; petty.
- phalanx
- phantasmagoria
- phantasmagoria: a shifting series or succession of things seen or imagined.
- phantasmagoric
- phantasmagoric
- phantasmagoric: having a fantastic or deceptive appearance.
- pharaonic
- pharaonic: impressively or overwhelmingly large, luxurious, etc.
- pharisaic
- pharisaic: advocating strict observance of religion without regard to the spirit.
- phatic
- phatic: denoting speech used to create an atmosphere of goodwill.
- phenology
- phenom
- phenom: a phenomenon, especially a young prodigy.
- philippic
- phillumenist
- philogyny: love of or liking for women (opposite of misogyny.)
- philology
- philology: the love of learning and literature.
- philomath
- philomath: a lover of learning; a scholar.
- philosophaster
- philosophaster: a person who has only a superficial knowledge of philosophy.
- philter
- philter: a potion, charm, or drug supposed to cause the person taking it to fall in love.
- philtrum
- Phlegethon
- phlegmatic: not easily excited to action or display of emotion.
- phosphoresce
- phosphoresce: to be luminous without sensible heat, as phosphorus.
- phraseology
- phrenology
- phrenology: a psychological theory based on the belief that mental faculties and character traits are indicated by the configurations of the skull.
- phronesis
- phthisis
- phthisis: a wasting away.
- phub
- physiognomy
- physiognomy: the face or appearance.
- piacular
- piacular: expiatory; atoning; reparatory.
- pica
- pica: an abnormal appetite for substances that are not fit to eat.
- picaresque
- picaro
- picaro: a rogue or vagabond.
- picayune
- picayune: of little value or account; small; trifling.
- piceous
- piceous: inflammable; combustible.
- Pickwickian
- piebald
- piebald: mottled; also, mixed.
- pied
- pied-a-terre
- pied-a-terre: a temporary or second place of lodging.
- pied: having patches of two or more colors, as various birds and other animals.
- piffle
- pigeonhole
- pigeonhole: to assign to a definite place in some orderly system.
- pigsney
- pigsney: a darling.
- pilar
- pilar: of, pertaining to, or covered with hair.
- pilcrow
- pilcrow: a paragraph mark.
- pilikia
- pilikia: trouble.
- pillory
- pillory: to expose to public derision, ridicule, or abuse.
- pilose
- pilose: covered with hair, especially soft hair; furry.
- pin money
- pin money: money for incidental expenses; also, a trivial sum.
- pinchbeck: something that is counterfeit
- pindan
- pinguid
- pinion
- pinion: a gear with a small number of teeth.
- pinnacle
- pinyin
- pip
- pip: to peep or chirp.
- piquant: agreeably stimulating, interesting, or attractive.
- pithy: concise and forceful in description.
- pittance
- pittance: a small amount or share.
- pièce de résistance
- placate
- placate: to appease; to pacify.
- plage
- plaint
- plaint: an expression of sorrow; also, a complaint.
- plaintive
- plaintive: expressive of sorrow or melancholy.
- plangent
- plangent: beating with a loud or deep sound; also, expressing sadness.
- plantigrade
- plantlet
- plantlet: a little plant.
- plash
- plash: a gentle splash.
- plashy
- plasticity
- platitude
- platitude: a banal, trite, or stale thought or remark.
- plaudit
- plaudit: enthusiastic approval.
- pleach
- pleach: to interweave branches or vines for a hedge or arbor.
- plebeian
- plebeian: common; vulgar.
- plebiscite
- plebiscite: a direct vote of the qualified voters of a state in regard to some important public question.
- plenary
- plenary: full; complete.
- plenipotent
- plenipotentiary
- plenipotentiary: invested with full power.
- plenum
- plenum: a full assembly, as a joint legislative assembly.
- pleonasm
- pleonasm: the use of more words than are necessary to express an idea.
- plethora
- plethora: excess.
- plethoric
- plethoric: overfull; turgid; inflated.
- plexus
- pliant
- pliant: easily bent or flexed; also, easily influenced; compliant.
- plication
- plication: the act or procedure of folding.
- plisky
- ploce
- ploce: repetition of a word or phrase to gain special emphasis or indicate an extension of meaning.
- plonk
- plotz
- plotz: to collapse or faint, as from surprise, excitement, or exhaustion.
- plucky: having or showing courage.
- plumbeous
- plutocracy
- pluvial
- pluvial: of or pertaining to rain; rainy.
- pneumatic
- pochismo
- pochismo: an English word or expression borrowed into Spanish.
- pococurante
- pococurante: caring little; indifferent; nonchalant.
- poetaster
- poetaster: an inferior poet; a writer of indifferent verse.
- pogonip: an ice fog that forms in the mountain valleys of the western U.S.
- pokelogan
- pokelogan: marshy or stagnant water that has branched off from a stream or lake.
- pol
- pol: a politician, especially one experienced in making political deals, exchanging political favors, etc.
- Polaris
- Polaris: the North Star.
- polemic
- polemic: a controversial argument, as one against some opinion, doctrine, etc.
- polemology
- politic
- politic: political; also, shrewdly tactful.
- polliniferous
- polliwog
- polliwog: a tadpole.
- Pollyanna
- poltergeist
- poltergeist: a ghost or spirit supposed to manifest its presence by noises, knockings, etc.
- poltroon
- poltroon: a wretched coward; craven.
- polychromatic
- polyglot
- polyglot: speaking or containing many languages.
- polyhistor
- polymath
- polymath: a person of great or varied learning.
- polymathy
- polymorphous
- polymorphous: having, assuming, or passing through many or various forms, stages, or the like.
- polysemous: having a diversity of meanings.
- polysemy
- poner
- poniard
- poniard: a small, slender dagger.
- pontificate
- pontificate: to speak in a pompous or dogmatic manner.
- popinjay
- popinjay: a vain and talkative person.
- popple
- porphyry
- porpoise
- porpoise: to move forward with a rising and falling motion.
- portend
- portend: to foreshadow; to bode.
- portent
- portent: a sign or omen.
- portmanteau
- posit
- posit: to postulate; also, to suggest.
- posterity
- postern
- postiche
- postprandial
- postprandial: happening or done after a meal.
- postre
- posy
- posy: a flower, nosegay, or bouquet.
- potable
- potable: drinkable; also, a beverage, especially an alcoholic one.
- potboiler
- potboiler: a usually inferior literary or artistic work, produced quickly for the purpose of making money.
- Potemkin village
- Potemkin village: a false front or facade.
- pother
- pother: a commotion; a disturbance; also, a cloud of smoke or dust that chokes or smothers.
- pother: a heated discussion, debate, or argument; fuss; to-do.
- potlatch: a ceremony at which gifts are bestowed on the guests in a show of wealth that the guests later attempt to surpass.
- potvaliancy
- potvaliancy: brave only as a result of being drunk.
- poultice
- poultice: a soft, moist mass of cloth, herbs, etc., applied as a medicament to the body.
- powwow: to confer.
- practicable
- practicable: feasible; also, usable.
- prate
- prate: to talk excessively and pointlessly.
- pratfall
- pratfall: a fall in which one lands on the buttocks, often regarded as comical or humiliating.
- praxis
- praxis: practice, as distinguished from theory; application or use, as of knowledge or skills.
- Preamble
- prebuttal
- precipice
- precipice: a very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging place.
- precipitancy
- precipitancy: headlong or rash haste.
- precipitate
- preconcert
- preconcert: to arrange in advance or beforehand, as by a previous agreement.
- predilection
- predilection: an established preference.
- prefatory
- prehensible
- prehensible: able to be seized or grasped.
- prelapsarian
- prelapsarian: pertaining to the time or state before the Fall.
- prelusive
- prelusive: introductory.
- premio
- premonish
- premonish: to warn beforehand.
- premorse: pertaining to the end of something irregularly shortened, as if bitten or broken off.
- preponderate
- preponderate: to exceed in weight, influence, importance, amount, etc.
- prepotency
- prepotency: predominance.
- preprandial
- prerogative
- presage
- presage: an omen; also, to predict.
- prescience
- prescience: knowledge of events before they take place.
- prescient
- prescient: knowing or anticipating the outcome of events before they happen.
- presentime
- presentiment
- presentiment: a premonition.
- prestidigitation
- prestidigitation: performance of or skill in performing magic or conjuring tricks with the hands; sleight of hand.
- preta
- preterition
- preterition: the act of passing by or over; omission; disregard.
- preternatural
- preternatural: beyond of different from what is natural; inexplicable; extraordinary; abnormal.
- prevaricate
- prevaricate: to depart from or evade the truth.
- prevaricator
- prevaricator: a person who speaks falsely; liar.
- previse
- previse: to foresee.
- prima facie
- primaveral
- primaveral: pertaining to the early springtime.
- primogeniture
- primogeniture: the state of being the firstborn; also, an exclusive right of inheritance that belongs to the eldest son.
- primrose: pale yellow.
- prink
- prink: to primp.
- prismatic
- prithee
- prithee: (I) pray thee.
- privation
- privation: the state of being deprived of something.
- privity
- privity: participation in the knowledge of something private or secret.
- probable
- probity
- probity: complete and confirmed integrity.
- proceleusmatic
- procellous
- procellous: stormy, as the sea.
- proclamation
- proclitic
- proclitic: (of a word) closely connected in pronunciation with the following word and not having an independent accent.
- proclivity
- proclivity: a natural inclination.
- procrastination
- procrastination: To put off doing something.
- procrustean
- procrustean: tending to produce conformity by violent or arbitrary means.
- prodigal
- profesor
- profligacy
- profligacy: reckless extravagance.
- profligate
- profligate: shamelessly immoral; also, recklessly wasteful.
- profluent
- profluent: flowing smoothly or abundantly forth.
- profuse
- profuse: plentiful; copious.
- prognosticate
- prognosticate: to forecast or predict.
- prolepsis
- prolepsis: the anticipation of possible objections in order to answer them in advance.
- proliferate: to increase or spread at a rapid rate.
- prolix
- prolix: wordy.
- prolixity
- Promethean
- Promethean: of or pertaining to Prometheus; also, boldly original.
- promulgate
- promulgate: to make known by open declaration; publish.
- pronunciamento
- pronunciamento: a proclamation; a pronouncement.
- propine
- propinquity
- propinquity: nearness.
- propitiate
- propitiate: to appease; to conciliate.
- propitious
- propitious: presenting favorable circumstances.
- proponent
- proponent: an advocate.
- propound
- propound: to put forward for consideration.
- proprioception
- prorogue
- prorogue: to defer; postpone.
- proscribe
- proscribe: to forbid; to prohibit.
- proselyte
- proselytize
- proselytize: to convert (someone) to another religion, belief, etc.
- prosopography: a description of a person's appearance, career, personality, etc.
- prosopopoeia
- protean
- protean: readily assuming different shapes or forms.
- prothalamion
- protoplast
- protoplast: a person or thing that is formed first; original; prototype.
- provenance
- provenance: origin; source.
- provender
- provender: food or provisions.
- providential
- providential: resulting from divine providence; also, peculiarly fortunate or appropriate.
- proxemics
- prudence
- prudence: caution with regard to practical matters; discretion.
- pruinose
- pr‚venance
- prévenance
- psaltery
- psaltery: an ancient musical instrument consisting of a flat box with strings which are plucked.
- psephology
- pseud
- pseudepigraphy
- pseudepigraphy: the false ascription of a piece of writing to an author.
- pseudoclassic
- pseudoclassic: falsely or spuriously classic.
- pseudology
- pseudology: lying considered as an art.
- pseudomorph
- pseudomorph: an irregular or unclassifiable form.
- pseudonymous
- pseudonymous: bearing a false or fictitious name.
- psittacine
- psychomancy
- psychotronic
- public-spirited
- publicidad
- puckish
- puckish: whimsical; mischievous; impish.
- puerile
- puerile: juvenile; childish.
- puffery
- pugilist
- pugilist: a boxer.
- pugnacious
- pugnacious: combative; quarrelsome.
- puissant
- puissant: powerful.
- pukka
- pukka: genuine, authentic, or good; proper.
- pulchritude
- pulchritude: beauty.
- pulchritudinous
- pulchritudinous: physically beautiful; comely.
- pule
- pule: to whimper; to whine.
- pullulate
- pullulate: to exist abundantly; swarm; teem.
- pulm¢n
- pulverulent
- punctilio
- punctilio: a fine point of exactness in conduct, ceremony, or procedure.
- punctilious
- punctilious: precise; exact in the smallest particulars.
- punditocracy
- punnet
- punnet: a small container or basket for strawberries or other fruit.
- punto
- purblind
- purblind: having greatly reduced vision.
- purdah
- purdah: social seclusion.
- purlieu
- purlieu: a place where one may range at large; confines or bounds.
- purloin
- purloin: to take dishonestly; steal.
- purse-proud
- pusillanimous
- pusillanimous: cowardly.
- pusillanimous: cowardly; faint-hearted; timid.
- putative
- putative: commonly thought or deemed; supposed.
- putsch
- pyknic
- pyknic: having a rounded build or body structure.
- pyrophoric
- pyrophoric: capable of igniting spontaneously in air.
- qua
- qua: in the capacity or character of; as.
- quacksalver
- quacksalver: a charlatan.
- quadrennial
- quadrennial: occurring every four years.
- quadrille
- quadrille: a square dance for four couples.
- quaff
- quaff: to drink heartily.
- quaggy: marshy; boggy.
- quagmire
- quagmire: a predicament.
- quail
- quail: to lose heart or courage in difficulty or danger.
- qualia
- qualia: a quality, as bitterness, regarded as an independent object.
- qualify: prove capable or fit
- qualitative: based on qualities
- qualm
- qualm: an uneasy feeling or pang of conscience as to conduct; compunction.
- quandary
- quandary: a state of difficulty or perplexity.
- quaquaversal
- quasar
- quash
- quash: to annul; also, to crush; to subdue.
- quean
- quean: an overly forward, impudent woman; shrew; hussy.
- quell
- quell: to suppress; put an end to; extinguish.
- quench
- quench: to slake, satisfy, or allay as in thirst, desires, or passion.
- querulous
- querulous: habitually complaining; also, expressing complaint.
- quibble
- quibble: to equivocate.
- quickhatch
- quickhatch: a wolverine.
- quid
- quid: a piece of something to be chewed but not swallowed.
- quiddity
- quiddity: the essence or nature of a thing.
- quidnunc
- quidnunc: a gossip; a busybody.
- quiescent
- quiescent: at rest; still; inactive.
- quietus
- quietus: final acquittance, as from debt; also, rest; death.
- quillet
- quillet: a subtlety or quibble.
- quincunx
- quincunx: an arrangement of five objects in a square or rectangle, one at each corner and one in the middle.
- quinquennium
- quintessential: being the most typical.
- quisling
- quisling: a collaborator; a traitor.
- quittance
- quittance: recompense or requital.
- quixotic
- quixotic: foolishly impractical; also, capricious, impulsive.
- quodlibet
- quoin
- quoin: one of the stones forming an external wall; cornerstone.
- quondam
- quondam: former; sometime.
- quorum
- quorum: such a number of the officers or members of any body as is legally competent to transact business.
- quoth
- quotha
- quotha: indeed!
- quotidian
- quotidian: occurring daily; also, ordinary.
- raconteur
- raconteur: one who excels in telling stories and anecdotes.
- raffish
- raffish: gaudily vulgar or cheap; also, characterized by a carefree or fun-loving unconventionality.
- railbird
- railbird: any kibitzer or self-styled critic or expert.
- raillery
- raillery: good-humored banter or teasing repartee.
- raiment
- raiment: clothing in general; garments.
- raison d'ˆtre
- raison d'être
- rakish: smart; jaunty; dashing.
- rallentando
- rallentando: slackening; becoming slower.
- ramose
- ramose: having many branches.
- rampart: fortification.
- rampike
- rancor: deep anger and ill will
- rankle
- rankle: to cause keen irritation or bitter resentment in.
- ransack
- rapacious
- rapacious: grasping; greedy.
- rapine
- rapine: the act of plundering.
- rapport
- rapport: relation characterized by sympathetic understanding.
- rapprochement
- rapprochement: the establishment or state of cordial relations.
- rapt
- rapt: deeply engrossed or absorbed.
- rara avis
- rara avis: a rare or unique person or thing.
- rarefied
- rarefied: extremely high or elevated; lofty; exalted.
- Rasputin
- rataplan: to produce the sound as of the beating of a drum.
- rathskeller
- ratiocinate
- ratiocination
- ratiocination: the process of logical reasoning.
- ratiocination: the process of reasoning.
- ravelment
- ravelment: entanglement; confusion.
- ravenous
- rax
- raya
- raza
- raze
- raze: to tear down; demolish.
- razz
- razz: to deride; make fun of; tease.
- razzle-dazzle
- reacio
- realia
- realizar
- realpolitik
- realpolitik: political realism or practical politics.
- rebaja
- rebajar
- rebarbative
- rebarbative: repellent; irritating.
- rebec
- rebeca
- rebus
- recalcitrant
- recalcitrant: stubbornly resistant to and defiant of authority or restraint.
- recant
- recant: to withdraw or disavow a statement, opinion, etc., especially formally.
- receta
- rechazar
- recherche
- recherche: exotic; rare; also, affected, pretentious.
- recherch‚
- recherché
- recidivism
- recidivism: a tendency to lapse into a previous condition or pattern of behavior; esp., into prior criminal habits.
- reci‚n
- recondite
- recondite: difficult to understand.
- reconnoiter
- reconnoiter: to make an inspection or observation.
- recreant
- recreant: cowardly; also, unfaithful or disloyal.
- recrimination
- recrimination: a counter accusation.
- recrudescent
- recrudescent: breaking out again.
- rectitude
- recumbent
- recumbent: reclining; lying down.
- recusant
- recusant: a person who refuses to submit, comply, etc.
- redact
- redact: to edit.
- redivivus
- redivivus: living again; revived; restored.
- redolent
- redolent: having or exuding fragrance; also, evocative, reminiscent.
- redoubt
- redoubt: a stronghold.
- redoubtable
- redoubtable: formidable; also, illustrious; eminent.
- redound
- redound: to have a consequence or effect.
- redress
- redress: to set right.
- refractory
- refugium
- refulgent
- refulgent: brilliant; resplendent.
- regale
- regale: to entertain with something that delights.
- regina
- regnant: prevalent; widespread.
- rejectamenta
- rejectamenta: things or matter rejected as useless or worthless.
- rejoinder
- rejoinder: an answer to a reply.
- relaci¢n
- relegate
- relegate: to assign or remove, usually to an inferior position.
- remembrancer
- remit
- remit: to slacken or relax.
- remonstrate
- remonstrate: to present and urge reasons in opposition.
- remora
- remora: an obstacle, hindrance, or obstruction.
- remunerate
- remunerate: to pay an equivalent to for any service, loss, or expense.
- remunerative
- remunerative: profitable.
- renascent
- renascent: rising again into being; showing renewed vigor.
- rendezvous
- rendezvous: to assemble at an agreed time and place.
- renege
- renege: to go back on a promise or commitment.
- repasar
- repast
- repast: a meal.
- repentance
- repine
- repine: to feel or express discontent.
- repletion
- repletion: the condition of being completely or excessively full.
- replevy: to recover goods or chattels wrongfully taken or detained.
- reponer
- reprobate: someone without scruples
- repudiate
- requiescat
- requisite
- requisite: required; indispensable.
- requisition
- requisition: a demand made.
- residuum
- residuum: the residue, remainder, or rest of something.
- respite
- respite: an interval of rest or relief.
- resplendent: having brilliant color, beauty
- restive
- restive: resisting control; stubborn.
- reticent
- reticent: inclined to keep silent.
- reticulation
- retrograde: having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating.
- retrospection
- reverie
- revitalize
- rewild
- rhapsodic
- rhapsodize: to talk with extravagant enthusiasm.
- rhathymia
- rhubarb
- rialto
- rialto: an exchange or mart.
- riant
- ribald
- ribald: characterized by, or given to, vulgar humor.
- rictus
- rictus: a gaping grin or grimace.
- Riddle -
- rident
- rident: laughing; smiling; cheerful.
- rifacimento
- rifacimento: a recast or adaptation, as of a literary or musical work.
- rigmarole
- rigmarole: an elaborate or complicated procedure.
- rile
- rile: to irritate or vex.
- rime
- rime: a coating of tiny, white, granular ice particles, caused by the rapid freezing of water droplets.
- rimple
- rimple: to wrinkle.
- rinc¢n
- riparian
- riparian: of or pertaining to the bank of a river.
- riposte
- riposte: a quick and effective reply by word or act.
- ripsnorter
- risibility
- risible
- risible: exciting or provoking laughter.
- rivulet
- rivulet: a small stream or brook.
- roborant
- roborant: restoring strength or vigor; also, a restorative.
- robustious
- robustious: boisterous; vigorous.
- rococo
- rococo: ornate or florid in speech, writing, or style.
- rodilla
- rodomontade
- rodomontade: pretentious, bragging speech.
- roger
- roger: all right; O.K.
- roister
- roister: to revel; to carouse.
- rollick
- rollick: to move or act in a carefree, frolicsome manner.
- roman
- rosarian
- Roscian
- rosolio
- rotund
- rotund: round; rounded in figure.
- roue
- roue: a man devoted to a life of sensual pleasure.
- rout
- rubberneck
- rubicund
- rubicund: inclining to redness; ruddy.
- rubric: a title, heading, or the like, written or printed in red or otherwise distinguished from the rest of the text.
- rubricate
- rubricate: to mark or color with red.
- ruck
- ruck: a large number or quantity; mass.
- ruction: a disturbance, quarrel, or row.
- rue: to wish that (something) had never been done, taken place, etc.
- rueful
- rufescent
- rufescent: somewhat reddish.
- ruminate
- ruminate: to chew the cud; also, to ponder; to reflect.
- runic
- runic: having some secret or mysterious meaning.
- runnel
- rusticate
- rusticate: to go or send to the country.
- rusticate: to go to the country.
- ruth
- ruth: pity or compassion.
- rutilant
- rutilant: glowing or glittering with ruddy or golden light.
- réchauffé
- sabbatical
- sabbatical: any extended period of leave from one's customary work, especially for rest, to acquire new skills, etc.
- saber
- Sabot -
- sabulous
- saccade
- saccade: the movement of the eye when it makes a sudden change, as in reading.
- saccharine
- saccharine: exaggeratedly sweet or sentimental.
- sacerdotal
- sachet: a small bag containing perfuming powder, to impart a pleasant scent.
- sacrilege: blasphemous behavior
- sacrosanct
- sacrosanct: sacred; inviolable.
- sagacious
- sagacious: having or showing keen discernment.
- sagittate
- salaam
- Salchow
- Salchow: an ice-skating jump in which the skater leaps from the back inside edge of one skate, making one full rotation of the body in the air.
- salida
- salient
- salient: noticeable; also, projecting; also, leaping.
- sallow: unhealthy looking
- sally
- sally: an excursion or trip, usually off the main course.
- salmagundi
- salmagundi: a mixture or assortment; also, a kind of mixed dish or salad.
- saltigrade
- salubrious
- salubrious: healthful.
- salutary
- salutary: beneficial; also, healthful.
- salute
- salvific
- salvo
- salvo: something to save a person's reputation or soothe a person's feelings.
- Samaritan
- samovar
- samovar: a metal urn, used for heating water for making tea.
- sanctum
- sanctum: a place where one is free from intrusion.
- sang-froid
- sang-froid: coolness in trying circumstances.
- sangre
- sangr¡a
- sanguine
- sanguine: optimistic, cheerful
- sanguivorous
- sapid
- sapid: having flavor, especially a strong pleasant flavor.
- sapient
- sapient: wise; sage; discerning.
- sapiosexual
- saponaceous
- Sardanapalian
- Sardanapalian: excessively luxurious.
- sardonic
- sardonic: scornful, mocking.
- sartorial
- sartorial: of or relating to a tailor, tailoring, or clothing.
- sashay
- sastruga
- satiety
- satiety: fullness to or beyond the point of satisfaction.
- satisfice
- satori
- satori: sudden enlightenment.
- satrap
- satrap: a subordinate ruler, often a despotic one.
- Saturnian
- saturnine
- saturnine: sluggish in temperament; gloomy; taciturn.
- saudade
- saurian
- savoir-faire
- sawbones
- sawyer: a person who saws wood, esp. as an occupation.
- saxicoline
- sayonara
- scabrous
- scabrous: full of difficulties.
- scapegrace
- scapegrace: one who is wild and reckless.
- scaramouch
- scaramouch: a rascal or scamp.
- scattergood
- scaturient
- schadenfreude
- schadenfreude: a malicious satisfaction in the misfortunes of others.
- schatzi
- schatzi: sweetheart, darling.
- scherzando
- scherzando: playful; sportive.
- scherzo
- scherzo: a movement or passage of light or playful character.
- schism
- schlemiel
- schlep
- schlep: to move slowly, awkwardly, or tediously.
- schlockmeister
- schmaltz
- schmaltz: fat or grease, especially of a chicken.
- schuss
- schuss: to execute a straight downhill run at high speed, as in skiing.
- schwa
- sciamachy
- sciamachy: an act or instance of fighting a shadow or an imaginary enemy.
- scienter
- scilicet
- scintilla
- scintilla: a tiny amount; a spark.
- scintillate
- scintillate: to twinkle, as the stars.
- scintillating
- sciolism
- sciolism: superficial knowledge.
- scion
- scion: a descendant; an heir.
- scofflaw
- scofflaw: a person who flouts the law, especially one who fails to pay fines owed.
- scop
- scordatura
- scrabble
- scrabble: to scrape or scratch with the hands or feet.
- screed
- screed: a long discourse or essay, especially a diatribe.
- scrimp
- scrimshank
- scrooch
- scroop
- scrum
- scrum: a place or situation of confusion and racket; hubbub.
- scrummy
- scrutator
- scry
- scunner
- scupper
- scupper: to prevent from happening or succeeding; ruin; wreck.
- scurf: the small shreds of epidermis that are continually exfoliated from the skin.
- scurrilous
- scuttle: to run with quick, hasty steps; scurry.
- scuttlebutt
- scuttlebutt: gossip; rumor.
- sectile
- sectile: capable of being cut smoothly with a knife.
- sedentary
- sedition
- sedition: incitement of rebellion against lawful authority.
- sedulous
- sedulous: diligent in application or pursuit.
- segue
- segue: to proceed without interruption.
- selcouth
- selcouth: strange; uncommon.
- self-possessed
- semaphore
- semestre
- sempiternal
- sempiternal: everlasting; eternal.
- senectitude
- senescence
- senescent: growing old.
- sennachie
- sennight
- sensorium
- sententious
- sententious: abounding in pithy aphorisms or maxims.
- sentient
- sentient: capable of perceiving by the senses.
- sentinel: a person who watches out
- septenary
- septentrion
- sepulcher
- sepulcher: a grave chamber
- sepulchral
- sepulchral: proper to or suggestive of a tomb; funereal or dismal.
- sequacious
- sequacious: having a sequence; following
- sere
- sere: dry; withered.
- serein
- serein: fine rain falling after sunset from a sky in which no clouds are visible.
- serendipity
- serendipity: the faculty or phenomenon of making fortunate accidental discoveries.
- seriatim
- seriatim: in a series; one after another.
- seriocomic
- serotinal
- serotinal: pertaining to or occurring in late summer.
- serpentine
- serpentine: having a winding course, as a road; sinuous.
- serry
- serry: to crowd closely together.
- sesquipedalian
- sesquipedalian:
- sesquipedalian: (of words) long; having many syllables.
- sesquipedalianism: given to using long words.
- sessile
- sessile: permanently attached; not freely moving.
- Seven
- shambolic
- Shangri-la
- shavie
- shenanigan: mischief; prankishness.
- shenanigans
- shibboleth
- shilly-shally
- shilly-shally: to show indecision or hesitation; be irresolute; vacillate.
- shindy
- shindy: a row; rumpus.
- ship
- shirty
- shiv
- shiv: a knife, especially a switchblade.
- shivaree
- shivaree: a mock serenade with kettles and other noisemakers for a newly married couple.
- shivoo
- shoal
- shoal: a place where a sea, river, or other body of water is shallow.
- shoat
- shoat: a young pig.
- shofar
- shog
- shrievalty
- shrive
- shtick
- shtick: one's special interest, talent, etc.
- shunpike
- sibilant
- sibilant: hissing.
- sibilate
- sibylline
- sibylline: prophetic; oracular.
- sic
- sidereal
- sidereal: pertaining to stars, constellations
- sidesplitter
- sidle
- sidle: to move sideways or obliquely.
- siempre
- siesta
- siesta: a midday or afternoon rest or nap.
- silver-tongued
- silvics
- simoleon
- simonize
- simony
- simpatico
- simpatico: congenial or like-minded.
- simper
- simper: to smile in a silly, self-conscious way.
- simulacrum
- simulacrum: a representation; an insubstantial or vague semblance.
- sine die
- sine qua non
- sine qua non: an indispensable thing.
- sinecure
- sinecure: an office or position that involves little work or responsibility.
- single-hearted
- singularity
- singultus
- singultus: a hiccup.
- sinistral
- sinistral: left-handed.
- sinistrality
- sinker
- sinsyne
- sinuous: having many curves, bends, or turns; winding; also, indirect; devious.
- sippet
- sirenic
- sirocco
- sirocco: any hot, oppressive wind, especially one in the warm sector of a cyclone.
- Sisyphean
- Sisyphean: endless and unavailing, as labor or a task.
- sith
- skedaddle
- skedaddle: to run away hurriedly; flee.
- skeigh
- skeigh: proudly.
- skerrick
- skeuomorph
- skeuomorph: a design on an object copied from a form of the object when made from another material or by other techniques.
- skimble-scamble
- skirr
- skirr: to go rapidly; fly; scurry.
- skookum
- skookum: excellent; first-rate.
- skosh
- skosh: a bit; a jot.
- skulduggery
- skulduggery: devious, dishonest, or unscrupulous behavior or activity.
- skulk
- skulk: to hide in a sneaking manner.
- skylark
- skylark: to frolic; sport.
- slacktivism
- slake
- slake: to allay (thirst, desire, wrath, etc.) by satisfying.
- slake: to satisfy or quench; also, to cause to lessen.
- slaver
- slaver: to slobber; to drool.
- slimsy
- slimsy: flimsy; frail.
- slipshod
- slipshod: careless, untidy, or slovenly.
- slubber
- slubber: to perform hastily or carelessly.
- slugabed
- slugabed: one who stays in bed until a late hour.
- slumberland
- slumberous
- slumgullion
- slumgullion: a stew of meat, vegetables, potatoes, etc.
- smackeroo
- small beer
- small beer: weak beer; also, matters of little importance.
- smaragdine
- smattering
- smirch
- smirch: to discolor or soil.
- smithereens: small pieces; bits.
- smorgasbord
- snafu
- snafu: a badly confused or ridiculously muddled situation.
- snarf
- snarky
- snarky: testy or irritable; short.
- snollygoster
- snollygoster: a clever, unscrupulous person.
- snood
- snood: a netlike hat or part of a hat or fabric that holds or covers the back of a woman's hair.
- snoot
- snowbird
- snuff: to extinguish or suppress.
- snuggery
- sobersided
- sobersided: solemn or grave in disposition, attitude, character, etc.; serious-minded.
- sobersides
- sobriquet
- sobriquet: a nickname.
- sociolect
- sockdolager: a decisive blow or remark.
- sockeroo
- sodality
- sodality: fellowship; comradeship.
- soi-disant
- soi-disant: self-styled; so-called.
- soign‚
- soigné: carefully or elegantly done, operated, or designed.
- soiree: nighttime party
- sojourn
- sojourn: to dwell for a time; also, a temporary stay.
- solace
- solace: comfort in grief.
- solander
- solander: a case made to resemble a book and having the front cover and fore edge hinged.
- solatium
- solatium: something given in compensation for inconvenience, loss or injury.
- solecism
- solecism: a breach of good manners or etiquette.
- solecism: a nonstandard usage or grammatical construction.
- solicitous
- solicitous: manifesting, expressing, or full of care or concern.
- solipsism
- solipsism: the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist.
- solipsistic
- solipsistic: of or characterized by the theory that only the self exists.
- solitudinarian
- solmization
- solstice
- somatic
- somatic: of the body; bodily; physical.
- sombrero
- somersault
- sommelier: a waiter, as in a club or restaurant, who is in charge of wines.
- somnambulism
- somnambulism: sleepwalking.
- somniferous
- somniferous: causing or inducing sleep.
- somnolent
- somnolent: drowsy; also, tending to cause sleepiness.
- soniferous
- sonorous
- sonorous: yielding sound; impressive in sound.
- sooth
- sooth: truth, reality, or fact.
- soothsay
- soothsay: to foretell events; predict.
- sophistry
- soporific
- soporific: causing sleep; also, something that causes sleep.
- sororal
- sororal: of, relating to, or characteristic of a sister or sisters.
- sotto voce
- sotto voce: spoken low or in an undertone.
- sough
- sough: to make a soft, low sighing or rustling sound.
- Soul mate -
- soupbone
- soupcon: a slight trace, as of a particular taste or flavor.
- soup‡on
- soupçon
- sozzled
- sozzled: drunk; inebriated.
- spagyric
- SPAM tsuris
- SPAM vis-…-vis
- spang
- spang: directly, exactly.
- spangle
- sparge
- sparge: to scatter or sprinkle.
- spatchcock: to insert or interweave, esp. in a forced or incongruous manner.
- specious
- specious: apparently right but not so in reality.
- specter
- specter: some object or source of fear or dread.
- spelunk
- spelunk: to explore caves, especially as a hobby.
- spendthrift
- spigot
- spigot: a small peg or plug for stopping the vent of a cask.
- spindrift
- spinebash
- spirituel
- spirituel: showing or having a refined and graceful mind or wit.
- spitzenburg
- spleenful
- spleenful: ill-humored; irritable or peevish; spiteful.
- splendiferous
- splendiferous: magnificent; fine.
- splenetic
- splenetic: irritable; peevish; spiteful.
- splore
- spondulicks
- spoor: a track or trail, esp. that of a wild animal pursued as game.
- sporadic
- sporadic: occurring singly, or occasionally, or in scattered instances.
- Sprachgefühl
- sprat
- sprat: a small or inconsequential person or thing.
- sprechgesang
- sprechgesang: a vocal style intermediate between speech and singing but without exact pitch intonation.
- spruce
- spruce: to make neat or dapper (often followed by up).
- spruik
- spruik: to make or give a speech, especially extensively; spiel.
- spry
- spry: nimble.
- spumescent
- spumescent: foamy; foamlike; frothy.
- spurious
- spurious: not genuine; false; illegitimate.
- squamous
- squee
- squelch: to put down, or suppress, as with a crushing retort or argument.
- squib
- squib: a short and witty or sarcastic saying or writing.
- staid
- staid: steady or sedate in character.
- stalwart
- stanch
- stanch: to stop the flowing of; to check.
- stanchless
- star-crossed
- star-crossed: thwarted or opposed by the stars; ill-fated.
- stardust
- stargazer
- stark
- stark: extremely simple or severe.
- starveling
- starveling: one who is starving or being starved; also, poor in quality.
- stasis
- stasis: a state of balance, equilibrium, or stagnation.
- statecraft
- staycation
- stellate
- stemwinder
- stentorian
- stentorian: extremely loud.
- sternutation
- sternutation: the act of sneezing.
- stertor
- stertor: a heavy snoring sound.
- stertorous
- stertorous: characterized by a heavy snoring or gasping sound.
- stevedore
- stewardship
- stickybeak
- stinkaroo
- stir-crazy
- stiver
- stodge
- stoic
- stoic: indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain; also, one who is stoic.
- stolid
- stolid: unexcitable; unemotional.
- stonewall
- stonewall: to block, stall, or resist intentionally.
- stormy petrel: a type of seabird; also, one fond of bringing strife.
- stour
- stour: tumult; confusion.
- stownlins
- stravage
- strawhat
- strepitous
- strepitous: boisterous; noisy.
- strident
- strident: making or having a harsh sound.
- stridulate
- stridulous
- stridulous: making or having a harsh or grating sound.
- stripling
- stripling: an adolescent youth.
- stultify
- stultify: to make, or cause to appear, foolish or ridiculous; also, to allege to be of unsound mind.
- stygian
- stygian: dark and gloomy; also, infernal.
- stymie
- stymie: to hinder, block, or thwart.
- suasion
- suasion: the act of persuading.
- sub rosa
- subaltern
- subaltern: subordinate.
- subaudition: an act or instance of understanding or mentally supplying something not expressed.
- subfusc
- subfusc: dark or dull in color.
- subfuscous
- subfuscous: slightly dark, dusky, or somber.
- subgum
- subir
- subitize
- subitize: to perceive at a glance the number of items presented.
- subjoin
- subjoin: to add at the end, as of something said or written; append.
- sublimate
- sublimate: to direct the energy of a primitive impulse into activities that are considered to be socially more acceptable.
- sublunary
- sublunary: situated beneath the moon; terrestrial.
- suborn
- subrogate
- subrogate: to put into the place of another.
- substrate
- substrate: something that is spread or laid under something else.
- subterfuge
- subterfuge: a deceptive device or stratagem.
- subtilize: to make (the mind, senses, etc.) keen or discerning.
- succedaneum
- succinct
- succinct: brief; concise.
- succor
- succor: aid; help; also, to help or relieve.
- succorance
- succorance: the act of seeking out affectionate care and social support.
- suceso
- sudoriferous
- sudorific
- sudorific: causing sweat.
- sudser
- suffrage
- suffrage: the right to vote, especially in a political election.
- suffuse
- suffuse: spread through or over; to flush.
- sugarplum
- sui generis
- sui generis: unique.
- summer
- summerize
- sumpsimus
- sumpsimus: using a strictly correct term, as a rejection of another form.
- sumptuous
- sunder
- sunder: to break apart.
- sundog
- sundry
- sundry: various or diverse.
- superannuated
- superannuated: old; discharged or disqualified on account of old age.
- supercilious
- supercilious: disdainfully arrogant.
- supererogatory
- supererogatory: going beyond what is required or expected; also, superfluous, unnecessary.
- superfluous
- superfluous: more than is wanted or is sufficient.
- superlative
- superluminal
- supernal
- supernal: being on high; celestial.
- supernormal
- supernormal: in excess of the normal or average.
- supernumerary
- supernumerary: exceeding a necessary or usual number.
- supervene
- supervene: to take place or occur as something additional, extraneous, or unexpected.
- supine
- supine: lying on the back; also, indolent; listless.
- supplant
- supplant: to take the place of.
- suppletory
- suppletory: supplying a deficiency.
- supplicate
- supplicate: to make a humble and earnest petition.
- supposititious
- supposititious: fraudulently substituted; also, hypothetical.
- surcease
- surcease: cessation; stop; end.
- surfeit
- surfeit: an excessive amount; also, to supply to excess.
- surfeit: excess; an excessive amount.
- surly
- surly: ill-humored; sullen and gruff.
- surreptitious
- surreptitious: done, made, or gotten by stealth; also, marked by stealth.
- suspiration
- suspire: to utter with long, sighing breaths.
- sustainability
- susurrant
- susurrant: softly murmuring; whispering.
- susurration
- susurration: a whispering; a soft murmur.
- susurrus
- susurrus: a whispering or rustling sound.
- svelte
- svelte: slender, especially gracefully slender in figure.
- Svengali
- swaddle
- swaddle: to bind an infant with long, narrow strips of cloth to prevent free movement.
- swain: a male admirer or lover.
- swan song
- swan song: a final or farewell appearance, action, or pronouncement.
- sward
- sward: the grassy surface of land; turf.
- swashbuckler
- sweeting
- sweven
- sweven: a vision; dream.
- switcheroo
- swivet
- swivet: a state of nervous excitement, haste, or anxiety; flutter.
- sybarite
- sybarite: a person devoted to luxury and pleasure.
- sycophant
- sycophant: one who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people.
- sylph
- sylph: a slender, graceful woman or girl.
- sylvan
- sylvan: pertaining to woods or forests.
- symposiarch
- synastry
- syncopate
- syncope
- syncretic
- syncretic: uniting and blending together different belief systems.
- syncretism
- syndic
- syndic: a person chosen to represent and transact business for a corporation.
- synecdoche
- synecdoche: figure of speech
- synergy
- synergy: the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements.
- synesthesia
- synonymous
- syzygy
- sídh
- tabernacle
- tacit: necessarily indicated
- taciturn
- taciturn: not inclined to talk.
- tal
- talisman
- talisman: lucky charm
- Tannenbaum
- tantamount
- tantivy
- tantivy: at full gallop.
- tantivy: swift; rapid.
- taradiddle
- taradiddle: a small lie.
- tarantism
- tarantism: a mania characterized by an uncontrollable impulse to dance.
- tardigrade
- tardigrade: slow in pace or movement.
- tare: the weight of the wrapping or container that holds an object.
- tarn
- tarradiddle
- tarradiddle: a fib; also, pretentious nonsense.
- tarriance
- tarry: to remain or stay, as in a place; sojourn.
- Tartuffery
- Tartuffery: behavior or character of hypocritical piety.
- tatterdemalion
- tatterdemalion: a person dressed in tattered clothing.
- tattersall
- tattoo
- tattoo: a rapid, rhythmic drumming or rapping.
- tautological: needlessly repetitious
- tautology
- tautology: needless repetition of an idea.
- taw
- taw: a large marble.
- tawdry
- tawdry: gaudy, showy and cheap.
- tawpie
- tawpie: a foolish or thoughtless young person.
- taxonomy
- tchotchke
- tchotchke: a trinket; a knickknack.
- teapoy
- technophobia
- teem: to abound or swarm.
- teetotaler
- teetotaler: one pledged to abstinence from alcoholic drinks.
- telegnosis
- telesthesia
- tellurian
- Tellurian: of or characteristic of the earth or its inhabitants; terrestrial.
- telluric
- temer
- temerarious
- temerarious: reckless; rash.
- temerity
- temerity: unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger.
- temporize
- temporize: to be indecisive or evasive in order to gain time; also, to go with the times.
- tempus fugit
- tendentious
- tendentious: marked by a strong tendency in favor of a particular point of view.
- tenderfoot
- tenebrific
- tenebrific: producing darkness.
- tenebrous
- tenebrous: dark; gloomy.
- tenet
- tenet: any opinion, principle, or doctrine held to be true.
- tensile
- tensile: capable of being stretched or drawn out; ductile.
- tenterhooks
- tenterhooks: in a state of uneasy suspense or painful anxiety.
- tenuity
- tenuity: thinness of consistency; rarefied condition.
- teocalli
- teratoid
- teratoid: resembling a monster.
- tergiversate
- tergiversation
- tergiversation: evasion; also, desertion of a cause, party, etc.
- termagant
- termagant: a scolding, nagging, bad-tempered woman.
- terminus
- terminus: the end of a transportation line or route; any finishing point.
- terpsichorean
- terpsichorean: pertaining to dancing.
- terraform
- terrene
- tertiary
- tertiary: of the third order, rank, stage, formation, etc.; third.
- tesseract
- testudinate
- tetchy
- tetchy: peevish; testy; irritable.
- tete-a-tete
- tete-a-tete: a private conversation.
- textlationship
- thalassic
- thalassic: of or pertaining to seas and oceans.
- thanatopsis
- thanatopsis: a view or contemplation of death.
- thanksgiver
- thaumaturge
- thaumaturgy
- thaumaturgy: the performing of miracles or magic.
- theine
- thersitical
- thetic
- thetic: positive; dogmatic.
- theurgy
- theurgy: the working of a divine or supernatural agency in human affairs.
- thewless
- thigmotropism
- thimblerig
- thimblerig: to cheat or swindle, as in the traditional shell game known as thimblerig.
- thingamajig
- thingamajig: a gadget or other thing for which the speaker does not know or has forgotten the name.
- thither
- thrasonical
- thrawn
- threequel
- threnody: a poem, speech, or song of lamentation, esp. for the dead.
- Throttlebottom
- thrummy
- thunderstone
- thunderstruck
- thwart: to oppose successfully; prevent from accomplishing a purpose.
- tickety-boo
- tidings
- tidings: news, information, or intelligence.
- tiffin
- tiffin: to eat lunch.
- timeserver
- timorous
- timorous: full of apprehensiveness; fearful.
- tinselry
- tintinnabular
- tintinnabular: of or pertaining to bells or bell ringing.
- tintinnabulation
- tintinnabulation: a tinkling sound, as of a bell or bells.
- tipple: to drink intoxicating liquor, esp. habitually or to some excess.
- tirade
- tirade: a long angry speech.
- tirrivee
- tisane
- titivate
- titivate: to make decorative additions to; to spruce.
- tittle
- tittle-tattle
- tittle-tattle: idle, trifling talk.
- tittle: a dot or other small mark in writing or printing, used as a diacritic, punctuation, etc.
- tittup
- tittup: an exaggerated prancing, bouncing movement or manner of moving.
- titubant
- titubant: a disturbance resulting in an uncertain gait and trembling.
- tmesis
- tmesis: in grammar and rhetoric, the separation of the parts of a compound word.
- toady: someone who is servile
- tocsin
- tocsin: a warning.
- todav¡a
- togated
- toggery
- tohubohu
- toile
- toile: any of various transparent linens and cottons.
- tome
- tome: large scholarly book
- tony
- tony: high-toned; stylish.
- toodle-oo
- toothsome
- toothsome: delicious; attractive; luscious.
- toothsome: pleasing to the taste; palatable.
- tootle
- toper
- toper: a drunkard; a sot.
- toplofty
- topos
- topos: a convention or motif, especially in a literary work.
- torpid
- torpid: dull; sluggish; apathetic.
- torpor: lethargic indifference; apathy.
- torporific
- torque
- torque: the moment of a force that tends to cause rotation.
- torrefy
- torrefy: to subject to fire or intense heat.
- torrential
- torrid
- torrid: drying or scorching with heat; burning; parching.
- tortuga
- tortuous
- tortuous: marked by repeated turns and bends.
- totem
- totem: a natural object or an animate being assumed as the emblem of a clan, family, or group.
- totemic
- totemic: pertaining to an object or natural phenomenon with which a family or group considers itself closely related.
- Totidem verbis
- totidem verbis: with just so many words; in these words.
- totis viribus
- totsiens
- toujours perdrix
- tour de force
- toxophilite
- toyetic
- trachle
- trachle: an exhausting effort, especially walking or working.
- tractable
- tractable: docile; manageable, governable.
- tractate
- tractate: a treatise; essay.
- traduce
- traduce: to vilify.
- trailblaze
- traject
- traject: to transport, transmit, or transpose.
- trammel
- trammel: something that impedes activity, progress, or freedom; also, to hamper.
- tramontane
- tramontane: being or situated beyond the mountains.
- tranche
- tranche: any part, division, or installment.
- trangam
- transcendental
- transfigure
- transfigure: to change in outward form or appearance.
- transliterate
- transmogrify
- transmogrify: to transform.
- transmundane
- transmute
- transmute: to change from one nature, form, substance, or state into another.
- transpontine
- transpontine: across or beyond a bridge.
- travail
- travail: painful, arduous work; also, agony, anguish.
- treacly
- treacly: overly sweet or sentimental.
- treen
- tremulous
- tremulous: shaking, quivering; also, affected with fear.
- trenchant
- trenchant: forceful and vigorous; also, caustic; also, clear-cut.
- trencherman
- trencherman: a hearty eater.
- trepan
- trepan: a person who ensnares or entraps others.
- trepidation
- trepidation: a state of dread or alarm; apprehension.
- tres
- trice
- trice: an instant; a moment.
- triclinium
- trident
- trig
- trig: neat, trim, smart.
- trimestre
- trimming
- trinary
- tripping
- Triptych -
- triskaidekaphobia
- triskaidekaphobia: fear of the number 13.
- triskaidekaphobia: fear or a phobia concerning the number 13.
- tristful: full of sadness; sorrowful.
- triturate
- triumvirate
- triumvirate: any group or set of three.
- troglodyte
- troglodyte: someone who dwells in a cave.
- troth
- troth: one's word or promise, especially in engaging oneself to marry.
- trothplight
- troubadour
- troubadour: one of a class of medieval lyric poets who flourished principally in southern France.
- trousseau
- trousseau: an outfit of clothing, household linen, etc., for a bride.
- truant
- truant: a person who shirks or neglects his or her duty.
- truckle
- truckle: to act in a subservient manner.
- truculent
- truculent: fierce; savage; ferocious.
- true
- true-blue
- true: to make true; shape, adjust, place exactly or accurately.
- truepenny
- truncate
- truncate: to shorten by cutting off a part; cut short.
- trundle
- trundle: to move or walk with a rolling gait.
- truss
- truss: to tie, bind, or fasten.
- truthiness
- tryst
- tryst: an appointment (as between lovers) to meet.
- tub-thump
- tumid
- tumid: swollen; bulging; also, bombastic.
- tummler
- tump
- tumult
- tumult: the commotion or agitation of a crowd.
- tumultuary
- tumultuary: confused; disorderly; haphazard.
- tunesmith
- turbid
- turbid: muddy; not clear; also, confused; disordered.
- turgid
- turgid: swollen, bloated; also, bombastic, pompous.
- turncoat
- turophile
- turophobia
- turpitude
- turpitude: baseness; depravity.
- turtledove
- tussie-mussie
- tutelage
- tutelage: guardianship; protection; also, instruction.
- tutelary: guardian; protecting.
- tutoyer
- tutoyer: to address familiarly.
- tutti
- twain
- twain: two.
- twenty
- tyro
- tyro: a novice.
- tzedakah
- tzimmes
- tête-à-tête
- ubi sunt
- ubiety
- ubiquitous
- ubiquitous: being everywhere.
- ufology
- ugsome
- ugsome: horrid; loathsome.
- uitwaaien
- ukase
- ukase: an edict.
- ullage
- ullage: the amount by which the contents fall short of filling a container, as a cask or bottle.
- ultimate: furthest or highest
- ultracrepidarian
- ultradian
- ultramafic
- ululate
- ululate: to howl; to wail.
- umami
- umber
- umber: shade; shadow.
- umbra
- umbra: the invariable or characteristic accompaniment or companion of a person or thing.
- umbrage
- umbrage: offense; resentment.
- umbrageous
- umbriferous
- umbriferous: casting or making shade.
- unalienable
- uncanny
- uncanny: having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis; beyond the ordinary.
- unconscionable: lacking conscience
- unctuous
- unctuous: marked by a false or smug earnestness or agreeableness.
- undercast: something viewed from above through another medium, as of clouds viewed from an airplane.
- understory
- undertone
- undertone: a color modified by an underlying color.
- undulant
- undulant: resembling waves in form, motion, or occurrence.
- undulate
- undulate: to move in waves.
- undulation: a wavy form or outline; also, a wavelike motion.
- unfledged
- unfledged: not fully developed; immature.
- unguent
- unguent: an ointment.
- unguinous
- ungulate
- unicorn
- univocal
- unquiet
- unreality
- untoward
- untoward: not favorable or fortunate; also, improper.
- unwitting: lacking knowledge
- upbraid
- upbraid: to scold or criticize harshly.
- upcycle
- upper crust
- uptalk
- urbane
- urbane: polished and smooth in manner.
- Ursprache
- Ursprache: a hypothetically reconstructed parent language.
- usageaster
- usageaster: a self-styled authority on language usage.
- usufruct
- usufruct: the right to use the property of another as long as it isn't damaged.
- utile
- utile: useful.
- utopian
- uxorious
- uxorious: excessively fond of or submissive to a wife.
- vacillate
- vacuous: inanely foolish
- vade mecum: a book or other thing that one regularly carries about.
- vagarious
- vagary: an extravagant, erratic, or unpredictable notion, action, or occurrence.
- vagility
- vainglory: excessive pride or vain display.
- vale
- valediction: a farewell speech
- valetudinarian
- valetudinarian: a weak or sickly person.
- valorous
- vamoose: to leave hurriedly or quickly; decamp.
- vamp: to patch up; repair.
- vane: a person who is readily changeable or fickle.
- vanguard
- vapid: flat; dull; spiritless.
- varia: miscellaneous items, especially a miscellany of literary works.
- varicolored: having a variety of colors.
- variegated: having marks or patches of different colors; also, varied.
- variorum
- varlet: a knavish person; rascal.
- var¢n
- vastitude: vastness; immensity.
- vatic: of or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy.
- vaunting
- vehement: marked by intensity of emotions or convictions.
- veinte
- velitation
- velleity: a slight wish or inclination.
- velleity: volition in its weakest form.
- vellicate: to touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements.
- veloce: played at a fast tempo.
- velutinous
- venal: capable of being bought; also, corruptible.
- vendetta
- venerable: commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity.
- venerate: to regard or treat with reverence; revere.
- venial: capable of being forgiven; excusable.
- ventifact
- ventose: given to empty talk; windy.
- veracity: truth, truthfulness.
- verano
- verbiage: an overabundance of words.
- verbicide: the willful distortion of the original meaning of a word.
- verbigeration: the constant or obsessive repetition of meaningless words or phrases.
- verbose: wordy.
- verboten: forbidden; prohibited.
- verbum sap
- verdad
- verdant: green.
- verde
- verdure: greenness.
- verdurous
- verecund
- veridical
- veriest: utmost; most complete.
- verisimilar
- verisimilitude: the appearance or semblance of truth; likelihood; probability.
- verisimilitude: the quality of seeming to be true.
- veritable: real; true; genuine.
- verklempt
- vermilion
- vernacular: the plain variety of language in everyday use.
- vernacularize: to translate into the natural speech peculiar to a people.
- vernal: appearing or occurring in spring.
- versal
- versicolor: changeable in color.
- versify
- verst
- vertex: the highest point of something; apex; summit; top.
- vertiginous: causing dizziness; also, giddy; dizzy.
- vespertide: evening.
- vespertine: of, pertaining to, or occurring in the evening.
- vespine
- vestigial: relating to a body part that has become small and lost its use.
- vesuvian: volcanic, or pertaining to a fierce or fiery disposition.
- vet: to subject to thorough appraisal; to evaluate.
- vexatious: instituted without sufficient grounds and serving only to cause annoyance to the defendant.
- vexillology: the study of flags.
- vez
- viand: an article of food, now usually of a choice or delicate kind.
- viator
- vibrissa
- vicarious
- viceroy: a person appointed to rule a country or province as the deputy of the sovereign.
- vicinage: the region near or about a place; vicinity.
- vicissitude: a change in condition or fortune.
- vicissitudes
- victorine
- victuals: supply of food
- viejo
- vigesimal
- vigilant: keenly watchful to detect danger; wary.
- vigorish: interest paid to a moneylender, especially a usurer.
- vilify: to speak ill of; defame; slander.
- vilipend: to regard or treat as of little value or account.
- vim: energy; vigor.
- vinculum
- vinous: of, resembling, or containing wine.
- violescent: tending to a violet color.
- virago: an ill-tempered, overbearing woman; also, a woman of great strength and courage.
- viridescent: slightly green; greenish.
- viridity
- virilocal: living with or located near a husband's father's family.
- virtu: love of or taste for fine objects of art; also, productions of art.
- virtuoso: exceptional performer
- vis-à-vis
- visage: the face; also, appearance; aspect.
- viscid: having a glutinous consistency; sticky; adhesive.
- vitiate: to make faulty or imperfect.
- vittate: striped longitudinally.
- vituperate: to overwhelm with wordy abuse.
- vituperation: abusive language.
- vivify: to endue with life; to enliven.
- vociferate: to speak or cry out loudly or noisily; shout; bawl.
- vociferous: clamorous; noisy.
- vogie
- volant: moving lightly; nimble.
- volitant
- volplane
- voltaic
- volte-face: an about-face.
- voluble: characterized by a ready flow of speech.
- voluptuary: a person devoted to luxury and the gratification of sensual appetites.
- volute
- votary: one devoted to some pursuit, worship, study, or way of life.
- votive: offered, given, or dedicated in accordance with a vow.
- vox populi
- vug
- vulgarian
- vulnerary
- vulpine: cunning or crafty.
- waesucks
- wag: a humorous person; a wit.
- waif: a person, especially a child, who has no home or friends.
- waka
- wamble: to move unsteadily.
- wampish
- wampum
- wan: pale; also, lacking vitality or intensity.
- Wanderjahr
- wanderlust: a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.
- wanderlust: impulse to travel
- wanion: curse; vengeance.
- wanton: behaving lewdly
- wassail: an expression of good wishes on a festive occasion, especially in drinking to some one.
- wastrel: a person who wastes; a loafer.
- water
- watershed
- waxing: to increase in extent, quantity, intensity, or power.
- wayfarer
- wayfarer: a traveler, especially on foot.
- waylay: to ambush or accost.
- wayworn: wearied by traveling.
- weal: well-being, prosperity, or happiness.
- weald: wooded or uncultivated country.
- welkin: the sky; the vault of heaven.
- wellaway: used to express sorrow.
- wellspring
- welp
- welter
- wend: to pursue or direct (one's way).
- whangdoodle: a fanciful creature of undefined nature.
- whataboutism
- wheedle: to entice by flattery.
- whelked
- wherewithal
- whiffler
- whigmaleerie
- whillikers
- whilom: former; in the past; erstwhile.
- whinge: to complain; whine.
- whippersnapper: an unimportant but offensively presumptuous person, especially a young one.
- whipsaw: to subject to two opposing forces at the same time.
- whirligig: something that whirls or revolves.
- whithersoever
- whitherward: toward what place; in what direction.
- whizzo
- whodunit
- whoop-de-do
- whoosis
- wight: active; nimble.
- wilder
- wildling: a wild plant, flower, or animal.
- will- o'-the-wisp
- williwaw: a violent squall that blows in near-polar latitudes.
- willowwacks: a wooded, uninhabited area.
- willyard
- winnow: to separate or distinguish valuable from worthless parts.
- winsome: light-hearted.
- wintle
- wiredraw
- wiredrawn: finely spun; extremely intricate; minute.
- wiseacre: a smart aleck.
- wisenheimer: a wiseacre or smart aleck.
- wistful
- wizened: shriveled; withered.
- woebegone: woeful; also, run-down.
- woke
- wonk: a stupid, boring, or unattractive person.
- wont
- woolgathering: indulgence in idle daydreaming.
- word-hoard: a person's vocabulary.
- wordie
- wraith: a ghost; also, something insubstantial or shadowy.
- wrest: to take away by force.
- writhen: twisted.
- wroth: stormy; violent; turbulent.
- wuther: to blow fiercely.
- wynd
- Xanadu
- xanthic: of or pertaining to a yellow or yellowish color.
- xanthous: yellowish
- xebec
- xenogenic: to be completely different from either parent, or from the source of an object's creation.
- xenophilia: an attraction to foreign peoples, cultures, or customs.
- xenophobia: fear or hatred of what is strange or foreign.
- xeric: adapted to a dry environment.
- xylography: the art of engraving on wood, or of printing from such engravings.
- xyst: a garden walk planted with trees.
- y
- ya
- yaff
- yaff: to bark; yelp.
- yakka
- Yarborough: a hand in which no card is higher than a nine.
- yare: quick; agile; lively.
- yarely: with quickness or agility.
- yaw: to move unsteadily; weave.
- yawp: to utter a loud, harsh cry; to yelp, squawk, or bawl.
- yclept
- yealing
- yeasayer
- yeasty: frothy; foamy; spumy, like yeast.
- yegg: burglar or safecracker
- yen: a desire or craving.
- yestreen
- yeuk: an itching sensation.
- yielding: giving in
- yin: a principle in Chinese philosophy associated with negative, dark, and feminine attributes.
- ylem
- yoho
- yoho: (used as a call or shout to attract attention, accompany effort, etc.)
- yore
- yule
- yurt
- za-zen: meditation in a prescribed, cross-legged posture.
- zaftig: full-bodied; well-proportioned.
- zakuska
- zakuska: an hors d'oeuvre.
- zeal: fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor.
- zealous: very enthusiastic
- zedonk: the offspring of a zebra and a donkey.
- zeitgeber: an environmental cue, as the length of daylight, that helps to regulate the cycles of an organism's biological clock.
- Zeitgeist: the spirit of the time.
- zenith: a highest point or state; culmination.
- zephyr: a gentle, mild breeze.
- zephyrean: full of or containing light breezes.
- zetetic: proceeding by inquiry; investigating.
- zeugma: the use of a word to modify two or more words when it is appropriate to only one.
- zhuzh
- ziggurat: a temple of Sumerian origin in the form of a pyramidal tower.
- zinger
- zither: a musical instrument, consisting of a flat sounding box with numerous strings stretched over it.
- zoanthropy: a mental disorder in which one believes oneself to be an animal.
- zooid
- zugzwang: a situation in which a player is limited to moves that have a damaging effect.
- zymurgy