Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
eXterne Wortlisten, (esper.) eksteruloj vortlistoj
XAFFIX - Dictionary of affixes

XAFFIX - Dictionary of affixes
Michael Quinion
The building blocks of English


This dictionary contains more than 1,250 entries, illustrated by some 10,000 examples, all defined and explained.

It’s based on my book Ologies and Isms: Word Beginnings and Endings, published by Oxford University Press in 2002.

That went out of print in 2008 and I immediately made it available as a free service.

These pages contain examples of all four of the types of affixes that appear in English: "prefixes", "suffixes", "combining forms" and "infixes".



This site is about some of the building blocks of the English language, those beginnings and endings that help form a large proportion of the words we use.
It was in the summer of 1995, while my former business partner and I were studying the displays in a medical museum in order to advise how to improve them, that he remarked that one of the things needed to enhance visitors’ enjoyment would be an explanation of the mysteries of medical terminology: the difference, say, between an "-itis" and an "-algia", or between words starting in "haemo-" and "hepato-".
... "palaeophytogeography" and "psychoneuroendocroimmunology", ...
The entries on this site cover most of those active in the language today, as well as others that have contributed to the language in the past; only the most specialist, obscure or archaic have been left out. However, place-name affixes ("-burgh", "-ham", "-thwaite", "-wick") have been excluded. Personal name affixes such as "Fitz-", "Mac-", and "-son" have also been omitted.


About the author

This dictionary has been compiled and edited by Michael Quinion.


The types of affix

prefix: an element placed at the beginning of a word: "de-", "non-", "re-", ....

suffix: an element placed at the end of a word to form a derivative: "-ation", "-fy", "-ing", ...

combining form: can be either a prefix or a suffix. The difference is that the combining form adds a layer of extra meaning to the word.: "bio-" adds the idea of life or living things to words, as in "biochemistry", the study of the chemical processes which occur within living organisms; "-cide" adds the idea of killing or a killing agent, as in "pesticide". Compare these examples with a prefix such as "ex-" or a suffix such as "-ic", neither of which add meaning, but only modify an existing meaning.

Combining forms only appear as elements in a compound. If it can stand alone as a word it is not a combining form. For example, "carbo-" only appears in compounds to indicate "carbon", but there are many related words that begin with "carbon-"; these are considered to be compound words and "carbon-" is not listed on this site as a combining form. Having said that, in some cases a combining form has at some point in its life taken on the status of a free-standing word ("cyber-" is an example), but if its primary function is as a combining form, it appears in its place in the text.

To be a combining form an element must be found attached to stems that also have intrinsic meaning; this excludes stems whose only compounds are grammatical variations, such as "intense" (intensive, intensively, intensiveness).

infix: placed within a word; these are rare in English, though "cupful" can be made plural as "cupsful" by inserting the "plural s" as an infix; infixes sometimes occur in facetious creations like "absobloodylutely" (which some grammarians would rather describe as "tmesis"). Infixes often appear as linking vowels between prefixes and stems, for example the final letters of "narco-" and "calci-". They are also found between a stem ending in a consonant and a suffix beginning with one, as with "-ferous", which frequently appears as "-iferous", or "-logy", which is commonly seen as "-ology". The only examples of such linking vowel infixes here are "-i-" and "-o-".

No formal identification is made in the text of the class of affix to which entries belong. The position of the hyphen is sufficient indication whether it is placed at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word: "neo-", "-i-", "-graphy".

Many prefixes that end in a vowel can lose that vowel when attached to a stem that begins in one, as for example "phlebo-" loses its final letter in "phlebitis". Such cases are marked by enclosing the final letter of the headword in parentheses: "phleb(o)-".

The term "productive" has a special sense throughout the site: it refers to an affix which is active in the language and which is being used by writers today to create new words.

Erstellt: 2022-01

XAFFIX - Themes
Index of selected themes


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XAFFIX - Number
Number words and prefixes


Words for large numbers

By a curious historical confusion, two different systems for naming large numbers exist, one in the US and the other in Britain and other parts of the English-speaking world. This could be troublesome, but these days such large numbers are much more often given in unambiguous scientific notation, and the US usage is in any case coming to dominate, as it has almost completely with "billion" (10^12 (UK) - 10^9 (US))



Number Latin Greek
Half semi-, demi- hemi-
One uni- mono-
Two bi- di-
Three tri- tri-
Four quadri- tetra-
Five quinque-, quinti- penta-
Six sexi- hexa-
Seven septi- hepta-
Eight octo- octo-
Nine nona- ennea-
Ten decem- deca-
Eleven undeca- hendeca-
Twelve duodeci- dodeca-
Twenty viginti- icos-
Hundred centi- hecto-
Thousand milli- chili-


International system of number prefixes

The standard system of prefixes for multiples these days is that laid down in SI units (Système International D’Unités), an international agreement dating from 1960, which defines standard units for quantities and the names for the decimal prefixes to use with them. These are widely used.

The standard SI prefixes for multiples are:

deca- 10^1 Greek deka, ten
hecto- 10^2 Greek hekaton, hundred
kilo- 10^3 Greek khilioi, thousand
mega- 10^6 Greek megas, great
giga- 10^9 Greek gigas, giant
tera- 10^12 Greek teras, monster
peta- 10^15 Greek penta-, five
exa- 10^18 Based on Greek hexa-, six
zetta- 10^21 Based on Latin septi-, seven
yotta- 10^24 Based on Latin octo-, eight

The standard SI prefixes for fractional quantities are:

deci- 10^-1 Latin decimus, a tenth
centi- 10^-2 Latin centum, a hundred
milli- 10^-3 Latin mille, thousand
micro- 10^-6 Greek mikros, small
nano- 10^-9 Greek nanos, dwarf
pico- 10^-12 Spanish pico, literally a little bit
femto- 10^-15 Danish or Norwegian femten, fifteen
atto- 10^-18 Danish or Norwegian atten, eighteen
zepto- 10^-21 Adapted from septi-, seven, on the pattern of other multiples
yocto- 10^-24 Similarly adapted from octo-, eight

Binary multiples for computer purposes

The use of decimal prefixes to describe the similar — but not identical — binary multiples used in computing (such as megabyte or terabit) has caused confusion — as a result of various conventions, a megabyte can be 1,048,576 or 1,024,000 or 1,000,000.

In 1998 the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) agreed an international standard for a new group of prefixes that removes the ambiguity; names use the first two letters of the SI decimal prefix, followed by the letters bi, for binary. These are only slowly coming into use.

kibi- 2^10
mebi- 2^20
gibi- 2^30
tebi- 2^40
pebi- 2^50
exbi- 2^60

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


a- (1) Not or without.
a- (2) Towards, of, in, into or at; marking some ongoing process or state; movement onwards or away.
-a (1) Forming singular words of various types.
-a (2) The plural of certain nouns of Latin or Greek origin.
-a (3) Informal terms in spoken English.
ab- Off, away, or from.
abdomino- The abdomen.
-able Able to be.
-ac Forming adjectives and nouns.
acantho- Spiny or thorny.
acaro- A mite or tick.
-acea Groups of animals.
-aceae Families of seed-bearing plants.
-aceous Forming adjectives.
aceto- Acetic acid or the acetyl group.
acido- Acid; sharp or sour.
-acious Inclined to, given to, or having as a capacity.
acousto- Sound or hearing.
acro- A tip, height, or extremity.
acrylo- Acrylic.
actino- A ray or beam.
-acusis A condition of the hearing.
ad- Motion or direction to; reduction or change into; addition, increase, or intensification.
-ad (1) Collective numerals; nymphs.
-ad (2) Indicating a direction towards some part of the body.
-ade Denoting an action, its result, or something associated with it.
adeno- A gland.
adipo- Fat or fatty tissues.
-ado Forming a variety of words based on Portuguese, Spanish, or Italian originals.
adreno- The adrenal glands.
-ae Forming plurals.
-aemia A substance present in the blood, especially in excess.
aero- Air or another gas; the atmosphere; aircraft.
afore- Before or previously.
Afro- Africa; African and …
-age Forming nouns.
-agogue Leading or promoting.
-agra Pain in some part of the body.
agro- Farming; cultivation.
-aholic A person excessively fond of something.
-aire A person characterized by or linked to the idea in the stem.
-al (1) Forming adjectives and some nouns.
-al (2) An aldehyde.
alb- White or bright.
aldo- An aldehyde.
-ales Orders of plants.
-algia Pain, usually in a specified part of the body.
algo- Pain.
-alia A collection or group.
allo- Other; different.
alumino- Aluminium.
ambi- On both sides; around.
amido- The CONH2- group in chemical compounds.
amino- The amine group, NH2—.
amnio- The amnion.
amphi- Variously two, both, on both sides, or around.
amylo- Starch.
ana- Variously up, back, or again.
-ana Things associated with a person, place, or field of interest.
-ance A state or quality; a process or action.
-and A person or thing to be treated in a specified way.
andro- Male or maleness.
-androus Maleness.
-ane (1) Saturated straight-chain (aliphatic) hydrocarbons.
-ane (2) Forming adjectives.
anemo- The wind.
angio- Blood or seed vessels.
-angium A container.
Anglo- English or British; English or British and …
aniso- Unequal, asymmetrical, dissimilar.
ankylo- Bent or crooked; stiff or fixed.
-ant Forming adjectives and nouns.
ante- Before or preceding.
antero- Nearer the front of the body; forward in time.
antho- A flower or flowers.
anthraco- Coal or carbon; a carbuncle.
anthropo- Human, or of a human being.
-anthropy Human, or humankind.
anti- Acting against, resisting, or opposing something; the opposite or reverse of something.
apico- A point or apex.
apo- Away from; separate from.
apres- A period following some activity.
aqua- Water.
-ar (1) Forming adjectives.
-ar (2) Forming nouns.
arachno- A spider or spiders.
arbori- A tree or trees.
arch- Chief; principal; pre-eminent of its kind.
archaeo- Ancient or prehistoric times.
-archy Government; rule of a particular type; a chief or ruler.
-ard Forming nouns.
areo- The planet Mars.
argento- Silver.
-arian Forming adjectives and corresponding nouns.
-arious Connected with; pertaining to.
-arium A place or container connected with, or employed for, some purpose.
arseno- Arsenic.
arterio- An artery.
arthro- A joint.
-ary (1) Forming nouns.
-ary (2) Forming adjectives.
asco- A bag or sac.
-ase An enzyme.
-asis A disease or other medical condition.
-ast A person connected with a pursuit or activity.
-aster Inferior; a poor imitation.
astro- A star or other celestial body; outer space; star-shaped.
-ate (1) Forming nouns.
-ate (2) Forming adjectives.
-ate (3) Forming verbs.
athero- An atheroma.
-athon An event long in duration, usually for fund-raising purposes.
-ati Groups of people.
-atic Forming adjectives, and some nouns.
-atile Possibility, potential, or ability.
-ation An action, or an instance of an action.
-ative Characteristic or predisposed.
atto- In units of measurement, a factor of 10-18.
audio- Hearing or sound.
auri- Gold.
Austro- (1) Austria; Austria and …
Austro- (2) Australia; Australia and …; southern.
auto- (1) Self; oneself; by itself.
auto- (2) An automobile or motor vehicle.
auxo- Growth or increase.
avi- A bird or birds; flight.
axo- An axis.
azo- Nitrogen; the chemical radical -N=N-.

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


bacill- A bacillus.
-bacter A genus of bacteria.
bacterio- Bacteria.
baro- Pressure.
basi- A base or basis.
basidio- A basidium.
bathy- Depth.
be- Forming verbs and adjectives.
bene- Good; well.
benzo- Benzene.
bi- Two; having two; doubly.
biblio- A book or books.
bili- Bile.
bio- Life; living things.
-biosis A mode of life.
-blast An immature or embryonic cell.
blasto- Germination.
blepharo- The eyelid.
boro- Boron.
-bot Automatic or autonomous device or software program.
botryo- A bunch of grapes.
brachio- An arm.
brachy- Shortness.
brady- Slowness.
branchio- Gills.
Brit- British.
bromo- Bromine.
broncho- The bronchi.
bryo- Moss.
bucco- The cheek.
but- Four-carbon chains of atoms.
by- Subordinate; incidental; secondary.

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


caco- Unpleasant, bad, or incorrect.
-cade A procession or show.
calci- Lime or calcium.
calli- Beautiful.
carbo- Carbon.
carboxy- The carboxyl group.
carcino- Cancer.
cardio- The heart.
-cardium Tissue related to the heart.
-carp A fruit or fruiting body.
cata- Movement downwards; figuratively, wrong or inferior.
-cele A tumour, swelling, or hernia.
-cene A division of geological time.
-centesis A puncture or perforation of a body cavity.
centi- One hundredth; a multiple of a hundred.
centri- A centre.
-centric Having a specified centre.
-cephalic The head.
cephalo- The head.
cerebro- The brain.
cervico- The cervix; the neck.
ceto- A whale.
-chaete A bristle or seta.
chaeto- Hair.
chalco- Copper.
cheilo- A lip.
cheli- A claw.
chemo- Chemistry; chemical compounds; chemical reactions.
chili- A thousand.
chiro- A hand.
chloro- The colour green.
choano- A funnel.
chole- Bile or gall.
chondro- A cartilage; a grain.
chorio- The chorion or choroid.
Christo- Christ.
-chroic Having colour of a given type.
-chrome Colour.
chromo- Colour; chromium.
-chronic Time.
chrono- Time.
chryso- Gold; gold-coloured.
-cide A person or substance that kills; an act of killing.
cine- The cinema; film.
circum- Around or about.
cirro- A tuft, curl, or tendril.
cis- On this side of; on the side nearer the speaker.
clado- A branch or branching.
-clase Minerals showing characteristic cleavage.
-clinic Oblique, reclining, at an angle.
clino- Inclined; monoclinic.
cocci- A small spherical body.
-coccus A spherical bacterium.
-coel A body cavity.
coelo- A cavity.
colo- The colon.
-colous Living in or preferring a given environment.
colpo- The vagina.
com- Joint; mutual.
contra- Against, contrary.
copro- Dung or faeces.
-core A musical genre.
cosmo- The world; the universe.
costo- A rib or ribs.
counter- Opposition, retaliation, or rivalry.
-cracy Government, rule, or influence.
cranio- The cranium.
cross- Movement or position across something; transverse; interaction; cross-shaped; marked with a cross.
cryo- Involving or producing cold.
crypto- Concealed or secret.
crystallo- A crystal or crystals.
cteno- A comb.
-cule Forming nouns.
-culture Cultivation or husbandry.
cupro- Copper.
-cy An abstract state, condition, or quality; a rank or status.
cyano- The colour blue, especially dark blue; cyanide or a derivative.
cyber- Computer-mediated electronic communications.
cyclo- A circle, circular movement, or regular repetition.
cyno- A dog.
cysto- The urinary bladder.
-cyte A cell.
cyto- A cell.

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


dacryo- Tears.
dactylo- Fingers or toes.
-dactyly Having fingers or toes of a given type.
de- Forming verbs and their derivatives.
deca- Ten.
decem- Ten.
deci- One tenth.
-decker Having a specified number of decks or layers.
dehydro- Loss of hydrogen.
-delic Of attitudes or activities relating to a given type of experience.
demi- Half; partially.
demo- The people.
demono- Demons.
dendro- A tree or trees.
-dendron A shrub or tree.
denti- A tooth; tooth-like.
deoxy- Loss of oxygen.
-derm Skin; covering.
-derma A disorder of the skin.
dermato- The skin.
desmo- A bond or chain.
deutero- Second; secondary.
dextro- On or to the right.
di- Twice, two, double.
dia- Through, across.
dicho- In two parts; paired.
dictyo- A net.
digiti- A finger; finger-like.
dino- Terrible, frightful; dinosaur.
diplo- Double.
dis- Expressing a variety of negative senses.
disco- A disc; disc-shaped.
docu- A documentary programme.
dodeca- Twelve.
dolicho- Long.
-dom Forming abstract or collective nouns.
dorsi- The back.
-dox An opinion or view.
-drome Running or racing; proceeding in a given way.
dromo- Movement; speed.
duo- Two; having two.
duodeci- Twelve; twelfth.
duodeno- Duodenum.
dynamo- Power.
dys- Bad; difficult.

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Dictionary of affixes


e- (1) Electronic communications.
-ean Forming adjectives and some nouns.
echino- Spiny.
eco- Ecology; the natural environment.
ecto- Outer; external; on the outside.
-ectomy Surgical removal of all or part of a specified organ.
-ed (1) Having; possessing; affected by; characteristic of.
-ed (2) Forming the past tense and past participles of regular (weak) verbs.
-ee Forming nouns from verbs.
-een Forming diminutive nouns.
-eer Forming nouns and verbs.
eigen- Proper; characteristic.
eka- Unknown elements.
elasto- Elastic.
electro- Relating to, caused by, or connected with electricity.
-ella Genera of bacteria and algae.
-elle Forming nouns.
-ellum Forming nouns.
embryo- An embryo.
-eme Linguistic units that are in systemic contrast with one other.
en- (1) Forming verbs.
en- (2) Within; inside.
-en (1) Forming verbs from nouns and adjectives.
-en (2) Forming adjectives from nouns.
-en (3) Forming past participles of strong verbs.
-en (4) Forming noun plurals.
-en (5) Forming diminutives of nouns.
enantio- Opposite, opposing.
encephalo- The brain.
-enchyma Cellular tissue.
-end Forming nouns.
endo- Internal; within.
-ene (1) Hydrocarbons.
-ene (2) An inhabitant.
-enne Nouns denoting females.
ennea- Nine.
-ennium A period of years.
entero- The intestine.
ento- Within; inside.
entomo- An insect or insects.
eo- Early, primeval.
epi- Upon; above; in addition.
equi- Equal; equally.
-er (1) Forming nouns.
-er (2) Forming the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs.
-er (3) Colloquial or humorous nouns and adjectives.
-er (4) Forming verbs.
-ergic Involving, releasing, or mimicking a specified substance as a neurotransmitter.
ergo- Work; energy.
-eroo An informal and often humorous intensifier of nouns.
eroto- Sexual desire or excitement.
-ery Forming nouns.
erythro- Redness.
-esce Forming verbs, often denoting the initiation of an action.
-ese Forming adjectives and nouns.
-esis Nouns of action or process.
-esque In the style of; resembling.
-ess Forming nouns denoting the female gender.
-est (1) Forming the superlatives of some adjectives and adverbs.
-est (2) Forming the second person singular of verbs.
-et Forming nouns, originally diminutives.
eth- A two-carbon chain of atoms.
-eth (2) Forming the third person singular of the present tense of verbs.
ethno- A nation, people, or culture.
ethoxy- The ethoxyl radical.
-etic Forming adjectives and some nouns.
-ette Forming nouns.
eu- Well; easily.
Euro- European; Europe or European plus another country; Europe; the European Union.
eury- A wide variety or range of something.
ex- (1) Out; upward; thoroughly; removal or release; former.
ex- (2) Out
exa- In units of measurement, a factor of 10^18.
exo- External; from outside.
extra- Outside; beyond.
extro- Outwards.

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


-facient Producing a specified action or state.
facio- The face.
-faction Nouns of action or associated state.
falc- Sickle-shaped.
fascio- A bundle.
-fashion In some specified manner.
febri- Fever.
femoro- The thigh or thigh bone.
femto- In units of measurement, a factor of 10^-15.
-fer Bearing or carrying.
-fera Animal orders or phyla.
-ferous Having, bearing or containing something.
ferro- Iron.
-fest A festival, gathering, or activity.
feto- The fetus.
fibrino- Fibrin.
fibro- Fibres.
-fic Forming adjectives of action.
-fication Nouns of action.
-fid Divided in a specified way or into a specified number of parts.
Finno- Finland, the Finns or the Finnic languages.
-flation Economic inflation, especially in a particular field.
flavo- Yellow or yellow-tinted.
-flop Measures of computing speed.
flori- A flower or flowers.
-florous Having flowers of a certain type.
fluoro- Fluorine; fluorescence.
fluvio- River.
-fold A number of parts or facets; multiplied by such a number; relating to folding or to a folded object.
for- Forming verbs and adjectives.
fore- Before, beforehand, going before, in front of, leading.
-form Having a specified form or number of forms.
-formes Orders of animals.
Franco- France or French.
franken- Genetically modified.
-free Free of or from something indicated by the first element.
fronto- The forehead or front part of something.
fructi- Fruit; fructose.
-fuge An agent that dispels, drives away or eliminates something.
-ful Full of; having given qualities.
fungi- Fungus.
-fy Make or produce; transform into; become.

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


galacto- Milk; galactose.
Gallo- France or French; French and …
galvano- Electric current.
gamo- Marriage or union, fertilization or reproduction.
-gamy Marriage, fertilization or reproduction.
ganglio- Ganglion.
gastro- The stomach; feeding.
-gate A scandal, especially a political one.
-gen Generation or creation.
geo- The Earth.
Germano- German or Germany.
geronto- Old age or old people.
-gerous Bearing some specified thing.
-geusia The sense of taste.
giga- In units of measurement, a factor of one thousand million or 10^9. In computing, often a factor of 2^30 (1,073,741,824).
giganto- Great size or extent.
gingivo- The gums.
glacio- Glaciers.
glio- The glia.
-globin A globin compound.
-glossia Speech or language.
glosso- The tongue; speech or language.
-glot Language.
glut- Gluten.
gluteo- The buttocks.
glyco- Sugar.
gnatho- The jaw.
-gnomy Knowledge.
-gnosis Knowledge; recognition.
-gon A plane figure with a specified number of straight sides.
gonio- Angle.
-gonium Organs of reproduction.
gono- Sexual; reproductive.
-gony Production, genesis or origination.
-grade A division; a method of locomotion.
Graeco- Greece; Greek and …
-gram Something written or recorded in a particular way.
grand- The second degree of parentage or descent.
grano- Granite.
granulo- A granule.
grapho- Writing; the production of images.
-graphy Writing; the production of images; descriptive sciences or studies.
gravi- Weight; gravity.
gymno- Bare or naked.
gynaeco- Female; relating to women.
-gynous Having female characteristics.
gyro- Rotation.

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


haemo- Blood.
hagio- Saints or holiness.
halo- Halogens; salinity or salt.
haplo- Single or simple.
hapto- Binding or fastening; touching.
-head The head, in various senses, often figurative.
hecto- One hundred.
-hedron A geometrical solid with a specified number of plane faces.
heli- Helicopter.
helico- Spiral; screw.
helio- The Sun.
hemi- Half; a part.
hendeca- Eleven.
hepato- The liver.
hepta- Seven.
hernio- Hernia.
hetero- Different or other.
hexa- Six.
Hiberno- Irish; Irish and …
hidro- Sweat.
hiero- Sacred or holy.
hind- At the back; posterior.
hippo- Horse.
Hispano- Spanish; Spanish and …
histo- Organic tissue.
holo- Whole or complete.
homeo- Similar.
homo- (1) The same.
homo- (2) Man; human being.
-hood A group of people; a condition or quality.
hyalo- Glassy or transparent.
hydro- (1) Water.
hydro- (2) Hydrogen
hydroxy- Hydroxyl; hydroxide.
hygro- Moisture or humidity.
hylo- Woodlands or wood; matter.
hymeno- A membrane; the hymen.
hyper- Excessive; above normal.
hypno- Sleep; hypnosis.
hypo- Under; below normal; slightly.
hypso- Height; elevation.
hystero- Uterus.

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


-i- A connecting vowel.
-i (1) Forming plurals.
-i (2) Adjectives and nouns relating to countries.
-ia Forming nouns.
-ian Forming adjectives and nouns.
-iatric Medical practice or treatment.
iatro- A physician or medical treatment.
Ibero- Iberian; Iberian and …
-ic Forming adjectives and some nouns.
-ice Forming nouns.
ichthyo- Fish; fishlike.
-ician Nouns denoting occupations.
icono- An image or likeness.
icos- Twenty.
-ics A subject of study or branch of knowledge.
-id (1) Forming adjectives.
-id (2) Forming nouns.
-ida Taxonomic groups.
-idae Taxonomic groups.
-ide A binary compound of a nonmetallic or electronegative element.
ideo- Idea.
-ides Plant and animal genera.
-idine Organic ring compounds containing nitrogen.
idio- Personal; own.
-idium A structure in a plant or animal.
-ier A person engaged in an occupation or activity.
-ile Forming adjectives and some nouns.
ileo- The ileum.
ilio- The ilium.
-im A plural ending of words from Hebrew.
imido- Various amine derivatives.
immuno- Immune or immunity.
in- (1) Not; without.
in- (2) In, into.
-in (2) A gathering of people having a common purpose, typically as a form of protest.
-ina Forming nouns.
-inae Animal subfamilies.
Indo- (1) India; India and …
indo- (2) A chemical substance related to indigo or an indole.
-ine (1) Forming adjectives.
-ine (2) Forming feminine nouns.
-ine (3) Forming nouns.
infra- Below, underneath, beneath.
-ing (1) Forming nouns derived from verbs.
-ing (2) Forming the present participle of verbs, and adjectives from nouns.
-ing (3) Forming nouns.
ino- Fibrous tissue or muscle.
-ino Forming diminutives.
inter- Between or among; mutually or reciprocally.
intra- On the inside; within.
intro- Into; inwards.
iodo- Iodine.
-ion Forming nouns denoting verbal action.
-ior Forming adjectives of comparison.
irido- The rainbow; the iris.
ischio- The ischium.
-ise (2) Forming nouns.
-ish (1) Forming adjectives.
-ish (2) Forming verbs.
-ism Forming nouns.
iso- Equal; isomeric.
-ison Forming nouns.
-ist Forming personal nouns and some related adjectives.
-ista A supporter of a person or organization.
Italo- Italian; Italian and ….
-ite (1) Forming nouns.
-ite (2) Forming adjectives, nouns, and verbs.
-itic Forming adjectives and nouns.
-ition Forming nouns.
-itious Forming adjectives.
-itis Inflammatory disease.
-itive Forming adjectives.
-itol Polyhydric alcohols.
-ity A quality or condition.
-ium Forming nouns; chemical elements.
-ive Showing a quality or tendency.
-ize Forming verbs.

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Dictionary of affixes


jejuno- The jejunum.
Judaeo- Jewish; Jewish and …
juxta- Near to.

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Dictionary of affixes


karyo- The nucleus of a cell.
kerato- Horny tissue; the cornea.
keto- Ketone.
kilo- In units of measurement, a factor of a thousand.
-kin Forming diminutive nouns.
kinesio- Movement.
-kinesis Movement.
-kinin A hormone.
klepto- Thieving.
kypho- Humped.

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Dictionary of affixes


labio- The lips.
lacto- Milk; lactic acid or lactose.
laevo- On or to the left.
-lagnia Morbid sexual arousal.
-lalia A speech condition or disorder.
lamelli- A thin scale, plate, or layer.
lamino- A thin layer.
laparo- The abdominal wall.
laryngo- The larynx.
latero- Lateral; to one side.
-latry Worship of a specified thing.
-le (1) Forming nouns.
-le (2) Apt to; liable to.
-le (3) Forming verbs.
-lecithal Having an egg yolk of a given kind.
lecitho- Egg yolk.
-lect A variety within a language.
leio- Smooth.
-lent Full of; characterized by.
lepido- Scales.
-lepsis A figure of speech.
-lepsy A seizure.
lepto- Small; narrow.
-less Without; unaffected by; failure or inability.
-let A thing of a smaller or lesser kind.
leuco- White; whiteness.
ligno- Wood.
limno- Fresh water.
-ling Forming nouns, often with diminutive or depreciatory implications.
lipo- Fat.
-lite A mineral or fossil.
-lith A stone or stony structure.
-lithic Stone.
litho- Stone.
-logical Relating to a branch of knowledge or experience.
-logist A person skilled in, or involved in, a branch of study.
logo- Words or speech.
-logue A type of communication or debate.
-logy A subject of study or interest; speech or language.
lopho- Crested.
lumbo- The lower back or loin.
luteo- Yellow; the corpus luteum.
-ly Forming adjectives and adverbs.
lympho- Lymph.
lyo- Dispersion; dissolution.
-lysis Disintegration or decomposition.
lyso- Disintegration of cells.

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Dictionary of affixes


-machy Fighting.
macro- Long; large.
magneto- Magnetism or a magnet.
magni- Large; great.
mal- Improperly; badly; wrongly.
-malacia Abnormal softening of a tissue.
malaco- Soft.
Malayo- Malay; Malay and …
mammo- A breast or breasts.
-man A male person of a specified type.
-mancy Divination.
mangano- Manganese.
-mania Mental abnormality or obsession; extreme enthusiasm or admiration.
-manship Skill in a subject or activity.
masto- Breast.
matri- A mother.
maxi- Very large or long.
maxillo- The jaw.
mechano- Mechanical.
medico- Medicine plus another field.
medio- Middle.
mega- Large or great; a factor of one million; a factor of 2^20.
-megaly Abnormal enlargement of part of the body.
meio- Less or fewer.
-meister A person regarded as skilled or prominent in a specified activity.
melano- Black.
-melia An abnormal condition of a limb.
meningo- The meninges.
meno- Menstruation.
-ment Forming nouns.
-mer Part or segment.
mercapto- The chemical radical —SH.
mero- Partly or partial.
mesio- A midline.
meso- Middle; intermediate.
meta- Change of position or condition; behind, after, or beyond; of a higher or second-order kind; chemical substitution.
metallo- A metal.
-meter Measuring instrument; unit of measurement.
metho- The methyl radical, —CH3.
methoxy- The methoxyl radical, CH3O—
-metric Measurement.
metro- (1) The uterus.
metro- (2) Measurement.
metro- (3) A capital city or other large urban area.
-metropia A condition of the eye.
micro- Small; a factor of one millionth.
mid- Middle; medium; half.
midi- Medium-sized; of medium length.
milli- One thousandth; a thousand.
mini- Very small of its kind.
mis- Various senses with negative implications.
miso- Hatred for or a hater of something.
-mo Book sizes.
-monas Simple microorganisms.
-monger A dealer or trader.
mono- One; alone; single.
-mony Forming nouns.
-morph A specified form or character.
-morpha Animal groupings.
morpho- Form or character.
-most Superlative adjectives and adverbs.
muco- Mucus.
multi- More than one; many.
musculo- Muscle.
-myces Bacteria or fungi.
-mycin An antibiotic compound derived from fungi.
myco- Fungi or fungal.
myelo- Bone marrow; the spinal cord.
myo- Muscle.
myringo- The eardrum.
myrmeco- An ant or ants.
mytho- Myth.
myxo- Mucus.

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Dictionary of affixes


n- Normal; number; negative.
nano- In units of measurement, a factor of 10^-9.
-nap Abduct in order to extract a ransom.
naphtho- Napthalene.
narco- Stupor, drowsiness, or insensibility; the illicit production and use of drugs.
naso- The nose.
-nasty Nastic movement.
natro- Sodium.
-naut A literal or figurative voyager.
necro- Death; a corpse.
nega- Negative.
nemato- Thread-like in shape.
neo- New.
nepho- Cloud.
nephro- A kidney or the kidneys.
-ness A state or condition.
neuro- Nerves or the nervous system.
neutro- Neutral.
nigro- Black.
-nik A person associated with a specified thing or quality.
nitro- Containing nitrogen, nitric acid, or nitrates.
noci- Pain.
nocti- Night.
nomo- Law.
-nomy A specified area of knowledge or the laws governing it.
non- Not.
nona- Nine; having nine.
noo- The mind.
nor- An organic compound that is the parent of another.
normo- Normal; close to the average.
noso- Disease.
nuci- A nut.
nucleo- Nucleus; nuclear; nucleic acid.
nudi- Naked.
nulli- Nothing.
nycto- Night.

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Dictionary of affixes


-o- A linking vowel.
-o Marking informally shortened or slang nouns.
ob- Towards, to, on, over, or against.
occipito- The occipital bone.
-ock Forming nouns.
octo- Eight; having eight.
oculo- The eye or the sense of vision.
-ode (1) Like; of the nature of.
-ode (2) A conductor of electricity.
-odont Teeth; toothed.
-odontics Specialisms in dentistry.
odonto- A tooth or teeth.
-odynia Pain.
oeno- Wine.
oesophago- The oesophagus.
-oic A carboxyl group or its derivative.
-oid Like; resembling.
-ol An alcohol or phenol.
-ola Diminutives; trade names; humorous or dismissive formations.
-ole (1) Organic chemical compounds.
-ole (2) Forming nouns.
oleo- Relating to or containing oil.
oligo- A small number; having few.
-oma A tumour or other abnormal growth.
ombro- Rain; moisture.
-ome Having a specified nature.
omni- Of all things; in all places.
omphalo- The navel; the umbilical cord.
-on (1) Subatomic particles or quanta; molecular units.
-on (2) Inert gases.
onco- A tumour.
-one Various chemical compounds, especially ketones.
oneiro- Dreams or dreaming.
-onic Organic acids.
-ont An individual or cell of a specified type.
onto- Existence or being.
-onychia A condition of the nails.
onycho- The nails.
-onym A name.
oo- An egg or ovum.
-oon Forming nouns and derived verbs.
oophoro- The ovary.
ophio- A snake.
ophthalmo- The eyes.
-opia A visual disorder.
opistho- Behind; to the rear.
-opsia A defect of vision.
-opsis Observation or perception; likeness.
-opsy Medical examination.
opto- Vision; light.
-or (1) Someone or something that performs a given action.
-or (2) Forming nouns denoting an abstract state or condition.
-orama A display or spectacle.
orchido- Testicle; orchid.
organo- Bodily organs; organic chemical compounds.
-orium A place for a particular function.
ornitho- A bird or birds.
oro- (1) Mountains.
oro- (2) The mouth.
ortho- Straight; correct; upright.
-ory (1) A place having a particular function or character.
-ory (2) Relating to or involving an action.
-ose (1) Having a specified quality.
-ose (2) Sugars and other carbohydrates.
-osis Abstract nouns of action, state, or process.
-osity Forming nouns.
-osmia An abnormal condition of the sense of smell.
osmo- Osmosis.
osteo- The bones.
-otic Forming adjectives and nouns.
oto- The ears.
-our Forming nouns.
-ous Forming adjectives.
out- Surpassing; external; away from.
ovario- An ovary.
over- Excessively; extra; outer; above.
ovi- Eggs, ova.
oxy- (1) Sharp, acid.
oxy- (2) Oxygen.

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Dictionary of affixes


pachy- Thick.
paedo- Child; relating to children.
-pagus Conjoined twins.
palaeo- Ancient.
palato- Palate.
palin- Again.
pan- All-inclusive.
pancreato- The pancreas.
papillo- A papilla.
papulo- A papule.
para- (1) Beside; adjacent to.
para- (2) Protection; parachuting.
parieto- Body cavity; hollow structure.
-parous Bearing; producing.
partheno- Without fertilization.
patho- Disease.
-pathy Disease or disorder; treatment of disease.
patri- Father.
-ped Having feet of a given type or number.
pedi- Foot.
-pedia Compendium of information.
pedo- (1) Soil or soil types.
pelvi- The pelvis.
pene- Almost; nearly.
-penia Deficiency in a component of the blood.
penta- Five; having five.
per- Through; all over; completely.
peri- Round; about.
pero- Deformity.
-person Gender-neutral alternative to ‘man’ in compounds.
peta- In units of measurement, a factor of 10^15.
-petal Seeking; moving towards.
petro- Rocks; petroleum.
-pexy Surgical operation for fixing an organ in position.
phaco- Lens of the eye; lens shaped.
phaeo- Dusky.
phago- Feeding, eating.
-phagy Feeding or subsisting on a specified food.
phallo- Penis.
-phane Having a given appearance.
phanero- Visible.
pharmaco- Drugs, medicines.
pharyngo- Pharynx.
-phasia Speech disorder.
pheno- Benzene compounds; showing.
-phile Lover of or enthusiast for; having an affinity with a given thing.
philo- Liking for a specified thing.
phlebo- A vein.
-phobia Extreme or irrational fear or dislike.
-phone Sound.
phono- Sound.
-phore An agent, bearer, or producer of a specified thing.
phospho- Phosphorus; light.
photo- Light; photography.
-phrenia Mental disorder.
-phyceae Alga.
phyco- Seaweeds and algae.
-phyll Leaf.
phyllo- Leaf.
phylo- Race; group.
-phyre Porphyritic rocks.
physico- Physical; physical and …
physio- Nature; physiology.
physo- Air or gas.
-phyte A plant or plant-like organism.
phyto- A plant.
pico- In units of measurement, a factor of 10^-12.
picro- Bitter tasting; picric acid.
piezo- Pressure.
pilo- Hair.
pinni- Wings, fins, or feathers.
pisci- Fish.
-pithecus Genera of fossil apes.
placo- A plate.
plagio- Oblique.
plano- Level or flat.
-plasm Growth or development; living substance; tissue.
plasmo- Plasma or plasm.
-plasty Reconstructive surgery.
platino- Platinum.
platy- Broad or flat.
-plegia Paralysis.
pleo- More.
pleuro- The pleurae; the side of the body.
-plex Having a given number of parts or units.
-ploid The number of sets of chromosomes in a cell.
-ploitation Commercial exploitation in film and other media.
plumbo- Lead.
pluri- Several.
pneumo- The lungs; air or gas; spirit.
-pnoea Breath, respiration.
-pod Foot or feet.
podo- Foot.
-poiesis Production, formation.
poikilo- Variegated; variable.
polio- Tissue in the nervous system; grey matter.
-polis A city.
politico- Politically; political and …
poly- Many, much.
porno- Pornography.
poro- A pore.
post- After in time or order.
postero- Posterior.
-praxia Action; practice.
pre- Prior to; before; earlier; in front of.
presby- Elder; aging or old age.
preter- More than.
pro- (1) Favour or support; forwards, out, or away; substitute or deputy.
pro- (2) Before in time, place, order, etc.
procto- Anus or rectum.
prop- A three-carbon chain of atoms.
proso- Towards, forward, anterior.
prosopo- Face; person.
proteo- Protein.
proto- Original or first; primitive or ancestral.
pseudo- False; imitative.
psilo- Bare, smooth.
psycho- The mind; psychology.
-ptera Winged animals.
pterido- A fern.
ptero- A wing.
pterygo- Wing-like.
ptyalo- Saliva; salivary gland.
pur- Forwards, out, or away.
pycno- Compact; dense.
pyelo- The pelvis of the kidney.
pygo- The buttocks.
pyloro- The pylorus.
pyo- Pus.
pyro- Fire.

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Dictionary of affixes


quadri- Four; having four parts; square.
quasi- Seemingly; apparently but not really; partly or almost.
quinque- Five; having five parts.
quinti- Five; the fifth in a series.

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Dictionary of affixes


rachi- The spine.
radio- (1) Radiation; radio waves.
radio- (2) The radius bone.
re- Again; back.
recti- Straight; right; correct.
recto- The rectum.
-rel Forming nouns.
reni- The kidneys; kidney-shaped.
reticulo- Net-like; reticulated.
retino- The retina.
retro- Directed backwards; behind.
rhabdo- A rod or rodlike structure.
rheo- Current or flow.
rhino- The nose.
rhizo- A root or roots.
rhodo- Rose-coloured.
rhyncho- Snout or beak.
roentgeno- X-rays.
Romano- Roman; Roman and …
-rrhagia An excessive flow or discharge.
-rrhaphy Surgical sewing or suturing.
-rrhoea Discharge; flow.
Russo- Russian; Russian and …

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


-s (1) Noun plurals.
-s (2) Third person singular of the present tense of verbs.
-s (3) Nicknames or pet names.
-s' Plural possessive nouns.
saccharo- Sugar.
sacro- Sacrum.
salpingo- Fallopian tube.
-san Japanese honorific.
sangui- Blood.
sapro- Putrefaction or decay.
sarco- Flesh or fleshy tissue; muscle.
-saur Reptiles, especially extinct ones.
sauro- Lizard.
-scape A specified type of scene, or a representation of it.
scapho- Boat-shaped.
scapulo- The shoulder blade.
scato- Dung or excrement.
schisto- Fissure or split.
schizo- Divided or split.
sclero- Hard; hardening.
-scope An instrument for observing, viewing, or examining something.
Scoto- (1) Scotland or the Scots; Scotland and …
scoto- (2) Darkness.
scypho- Cup-shaped.
se- Apart; without.
sebo- Oil, fat, or grease.
-sect Divided or cut.
seismo- An earthquake.
seleno- (1) The moon.
seleno- (2) Selenium.
self- Oneself, itself.
semi- Half; a part.
semio- Sign; communication.
-sepalous Having sepals of a given type.
septi- Seven.
Serbo- Serbian; Serbian and …
seric- Silk.
sero- Serum; a serous membrane.
sesqui- One and one half.
seti- A bristle.
sexi- Six.
-ship Forming abstract nouns.
sialo- Saliva; salivary gland.
sidero- Iron.
silico- Silicon.
sinistro- Left; the left side; left-handed.
sino- (1) A sinus.
Sino- Chinese; China and …
siphono- Siphon.
sito- Food.
Slavo- Slavs; Slavonic languages in relation to others.
-smith A skilled worker with a specified material.
-soever Of any kind; to any extent.
-sol Soil.
somato- The body.
-some (1) Forming adjectives.
-some (2) A group of a specified number.
-some (3) A part of a body, especially a cell.
-something A person whose age falls into a given decade.
somni- Sleep.
sono- Sound.
-sophy A system of thought.
sous- Subordinate; beneath.
spasmo- A spasm.
-speak A manner of speaking.
spectro- Spectrum.
-sperm Seed.
spermato- Semen or sperm.
spheno- Wedge-shaped.
-sphere A broadly spherical object or region.
sphero- A sphere; spherical.
sphingo- Compounds isolated from the brain and nervous tissue.
sphygmo- The pulse.
spini- Thorn or spine; the spine or spinal cord.
spiro- (1) Spiral; coiled.
spiro- (2) The breath; breathing.
splanchno- The viscera; intestines.
spleno- The spleen.
spondylo- A vertebra.
spongio- A sponge; sponge-like.
-spore A spore.
sporo- A spore.
squamo- A scale.
stanno- Tin.
staphylo- The uvula; a bunch or cluster.
-stasis Slowing down; stopping.
-stat Something that maintains a controlled state.
stato- Resting; equilibrium; balance.
steato- Fat.
stego- Covered; hidden.
steno- Small; constricted.
step- A relationship resulting from a remarriage.
-ster A person or thing associated with an activity or quality.
stercor- Faeces; dung.
stereo- Solid; three-dimensional.
sterno- The breastbone or sternum.
-sterol A sterol.
-sterone A steroid hormone.
stibo- Antimony.
stomato- The mouth; a opening.
-stome A mouth.
-stomy A surgical operation to create an opening in an organ.
strati- A layer; layered.
strepto- Twisted.
-stress A female person associated with a specific activity.
-style (1) In a characteristic manner.
-style (2) Having columns of a specified type.
stylo- (1) Style; stylus.
stylo- (2) A column, pillar, or tube.
sub- A lower level or position; somewhat or nearly; secondary action.
sulpha- A drug derived from sulphanilamide.
sulpho- Sulphur.
super- Above, over, or beyond; great or large; of a higher kind.
supra- Over or above; transcending.
sur- Over, above, beyond; additional.
-sy Forming nouns and adjectives.
syn- United; acting or considered together; alike.
synchro- Synchronous.
syndesmo- Connective tissue, especially ligaments.
syringo- A tube or long cavity; a fistula.

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Dictionary of affixes


tacho- Speed.
tachy- Rapid.
taeni- Ribbon; tapeworm.
talo- The ankle bone.
-tard Mainly in the US, a stupid or annoying person.
tarso- The tarsus.
-tastic Something outstanding, superb, or excellent.
tauro- Ox or bull.
tauto- The same.
-taxis Arrangement or order; movement in response to an external stimulus.
taxo- Order, arrangement, classification.
-technics A technology or skill.
techno- Technology, especially its impact or implications.
tectono- Tectonics.
-teen Forming the names of numerals from 13 to 19.
tele- To or at a distance.
teleo- Perfect; complete.
telluro- Tellurium; the earth.
telo- End; purpose.
temporo- The temporal bones.
-tene Stages in cell division.
teno- A tendon.
tephro- Ash; ash-coloured.
ter- Three; having three.
tera- In units of measurement, a factor of 10^12, a million million.
terato- Monsters or abnormal forms.
-teria A self-service establishment.
tetano- Tetanus.
tetra- Four; having four.
-th (1) Forming ordinal and fractional numbers.
-th (2) Forming nouns.
thalamo- The thalamus.
thalasso- The sea.
thallo- A thallus; thallium.
thanato- Death.
thaumato- Wonder or miracle.
-thelium A layer of body tissue.
theo- God or deities.
therio- An animal.
-therium An animal genus.
-therm Temperature; heat.
thermo- Heat; temperature.
thio- Sulphur
thoraco- The chest or thorax.
thrombo- Blood clotting.
-thymia A condition of the mind.
thymo- The thymus.
thyro- The thyroid.
tibio- The tibia.
-tide A festival of the Christian Church; a specified time or season.
titano- (1) Gigantic, huge.
titano- (2) Titanium.
toco- Childbirth; reproduction.
-tome An instrument for cutting; a section or segment.
-tomy Cutting.
-tonia Muscle tone or tension; a personality state.
tono- tension; tone.
-topia A place with specified characteristics.
topo- Place; position.
toxi- Toxin; toxic.
tracheo- The trachea.
trans- Across; beyond; through.
tri- Three; having three.
tribo- Friction.
tricho- Hair.
-trichous Hairy; having hair.
trito- Third.
-trix Forming feminine agent nouns.
trocho- Wheel-like.
-tron A subatomic particle; an instrument or device.
-trope Form; type; affinity.
-trophic Nutrition; feeding.
tropho- Nourishment.
-tropic Turning; changing; affecting.
-tropism Preferential growth or movement of an organism.
tropo- Turning; change.
-tropy Forming nouns that correspond to adjectives in -tropic.
tubo- A tube.
-tude Forming abstract nouns.
turbo- A turbine.
Turco- Turkish; Turkish and …
-ty (1) Forming nouns.
-ty (2) Groups of ten.
tympano- The eardrum.

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Dictionary of affixes


uber- Superior.
-ula Forming diminutive nouns.
-ule Forming nouns.
-ulent Abounding in; full of.
ulno- The ulna.
ultra- Beyond; extreme.
un- Negation; reversal of a state.
-uncle Forming nouns, chiefly diminutives.
undeca- Eleven.
under- Below.
uni- One; having or consisting of one.
unnil- Certain transuranic elements.
up- Up; upwards; higher; increased.
-up An activity.
ur- Primitive; original; earliest.
urano- (1) The heavens; the palate.
urano- (2) Uranium.
ure- Urea.
-ure (1) Forming nouns.
-ure (2) Forming nouns.
-uret A binary compound.
uretero- The ureter.
urethro- The urethra.
-urgy The art or process for working with something.
-uria A substance present in the urine, especially in excess.
urino- Urine; the urinary system.
uro- (1) The tail or the tail part of the body.
uro- (2) Urine or the urinary organs.
utero- The uterus.
-ution Forming nouns.

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Dictionary of affixes


vagino- The vagina.
vago- The vagus nerve.
-valent Combining power.
varico- A varicose vein.
vaso- A vessel.
veno- A vein.
ventriculo- A ventricle.
vermi- A worm.
vesico- A blister; the urinary bladder.
vibro- Oscillation; shaking.
vice- Deputy; assistant.
viginti- Twenty.
-ville A fictitious place indicating some quality.
vini- Wine.
viro- A virus.
viscero- The viscera.
visco- Sticky; thick.
visuo- Sight; vision.
vitelli- The yolk of an egg.
vitro- Glass; glassy.
vivi- Alive; living.
-vore An organism living on a given type of food.
vulvo- The female external genitals, the vulva.

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


-ward In a specified direction.
-ware Items of a specified type or for a given purpose; classes of computer applications.
-ways Way, direction, or manner.
-wide Extending throughout the specified area or scope.
-wise In a given way or manner; with respect to or concerning.
with- Away, back, against, in opposition to.
-woman Woman.
-word In reference to a word that may be offensive.
-work Things made of a specified material or in a particular way.
-worthy Deserving; suitable or fit for.

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


-x Forming the plural of many nouns ending in -u taken from French.
xantho- Yellow.
xeno- Foreign; different.
xero- Dry.
xipho- Sword; sword-shaped.
xylo- Wood.

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


y- An archaic form marking the past participle.
-y (1) Full of; having the quality of; inclined to; apt to.
-y (2) Forming affectionate or pet names, or nouns that imply smallness.
-y (3) A quality, state, action, or entity.
yester- Yesterday.
-yl Forming names of chemical radicals.
-yne Hydrocarbons containing a triple bond.

Erstellt: 2022-01


Dictionary of affixes


zetta- In units of measurement, a factor of 10^21 or one sextillion.
-zoic (1) Relating to a given geological aeon or era.
zoo- Animal; animal life.
-zoon Types of animal.
zygo- Joining or pairing.
zymo- Enzymes or fermentation.

Erstellt: 2022-01

Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
eXterne Wortlisten, (esper.) eksteruloj vortlistoj
XAFFIX - Dictionary of affixes


















Quinion, Michael - OaI
Ologies and Isms
A Dictionary Of Word Beginnings And Endings


Ologies And Isms A Dictionary Of Word Beginnings And Endings (Oxford Paperback Reference)

by Michael Quinion

ISBN 13: 9780192801234

ISBN 10: 0192801236

Paperback; Oxford: Oxford University Press, USA, April 3, 2003; ISBN-13: 978-0192801234

Sprache: Englisch
Broschiert - 288 Seiten - Oxford University Press
Erscheinungsdatum: 13. Oktober 2005
Auflage: Reissue
ISBN: 0192806408

Over 10,000 examples of word affixes to help you to decode word meanings.

This book covers topics such as Aquaculture, Haemophilia, Isochronous, Neuralgia, Polyunsaturated, and Rodenticide. How often do we see a technical word without quite knowing what it means? If we can decipher it - undo its language code - we can start to understand others of a similar kind. For example, if we know that words beginning with "aqua" are to do with "water", then we are half way to understanding the word "aquaculture". "Ologies and Isms" is about the building blocks of the English language - the beginnings and endings and sometimes the middles - that help form or adapt many of the words we use.

Whether you're a student or a practitioner, a teacher of English, an inveterate word-user, or just a seeker-out of linguistic trifles, the book should help you understand better the language of your workplace and the world around you. The text contains over 10,000 examples within 1250 entries and a selective thematic index breaks prefixes and suffixes down by theme, including biochemistry and drugs, living world, places and people.

We all have a childlike love of playing with words, adding bits, Lego-style, to create new ones. And we often wonder where words come from and how they are formed.

This book fills a gap we hardly knew existed. Ologies and Isms is about the building blocks of the English language—the beginnings and endings, sometimes the middles—that help create many of the words we use. How often do we see a common technical or medical word without quite knowing what it means? Does your blood run cold when you hear haemophilia; do you pale at paleobotany? If we can decipher such words, we can start to understand others of a similar kind.

Erstellt: 2022-01