Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
CH Schweiz, Suiza, Suisse, Svizzera, Switzerland, (esper.) Svislando, Svisio, Svisujo - Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft - Confoederatio Helvetica
eXterne Wortlisten, (esper.) eksteruloj vortlistoj
XIDIOA - Schweizerisches Idiotikon - Anglizismensammlung von Peter Dalcher
Idiotikon - Schweizerisches Idiotikon
Anglizismensammlung von Peter Dalcher
Idiotikon - Schweizerisches Idiotikon / Wörterbuch der schweizerdeutschen Sprache
Über die Anglizismensammlung von Peter Dalcher
Die Ursprünge der Sammlung
Die Sammlung wurde vom Anglisten und Germanisten Peter Dalcher (1926–2010) während vierzig Jahren (s. Abb. 1) angelegt. Dalcher, seit 1955 Redaktor und 1974–1991 fünfter Chefredaktor des Schweizerischen Idiotikons, widmete sich 1964/1965 im Rahmen eines Urlaubsjahrs ganz der Erforschung des «Einflusses des Englischen auf die Umgangssprache der deutschen Schweiz». Um herauszufinden, welche englischen Wörter (sogenannte Anglizismen) DeutschschweizerInnen in alltäglichen Situationen schriftlich und mündlich verwenden, rief er mittels Zeitungsinseraten dazu auf, ebendiese Wörter einzusenden. Parallel dazu wandte er sich mit derselben Aufforderung an DeutschlehrerInnen an Mittelschulen. Diese Methode erwies sich jedoch schnell als wenig ergiebig und Dalcher begann darum, selber nach Anglizismen zu fahnden: Er notierte Wörter und Mehrwortausdrücke angelsächsischen Ursprungs, welche er im Gespräch, in Büchern, in Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, in Reklamepublikationen, im Radio usw. hörte oder las. Er beschränkte sich dabei auf schweizerische Quellen, da er nicht den gesamten Sprachkontakt zwischen der deutschen und der englischen Sprache analysieren wollte, sondern sich im Speziellen für die Situation in der Schweiz interessierte. Diese Arbeit führte er bis 2009 fort und übergab schliesslich die auf 6531 Anglizismen angewachsene Sammlung dem Schweizerischen Idiotikon. Diese Schenkung stattete er zusätzlich mit einem Betrag von 10'000 Franken aus und verknüpfte das Legat mit der Bedingung, dass sein Werk (elektronisch) erschlossen und der Forschung zu Verfügung gestellt werde. Seit Dalchers Schenkung blieb die Sammlung unverändert. Sie ist daher als historische Sammlung zu verstehen, welche die Anglizismen im Schweizerdeutschen hauptsächlich in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts dokumentiert.
Mit a* wurden 272 Stichwörter gefunden:
- a
- aback
- Abbotsford
- abolitionist
- about
- above
- Abraham
- absolutely
- absorbes
- Aby
- acceptable
- access
- account
- account chief
- accounting clerk
- account director
- account executive
- account supervisor
- accumulation
- achiever
- acidity
- acid mix
- acquisition
- acre
- act
- acting out
- action
- action film
- action painter
- action painting
- action power
- action stunt
- active
- active cream
- active mask
- active moist
- address
- advance-division
- advantage
- advantageous
- adventure
- adventure bike
- advertising
- advertising manager
- advisor
- aerobics
- affair
- after
- after all
- after dinner
- after hours
- after lunch
- after shave
- after shave emulsion
- after shave lotion
- after shaving
- after shaving lotion
- after six
- after sport
- after you
- age
- agency
- agent
- agreement
- ahead
- ahead of time
- aid
- aid to developing countries
- air
- air-bag
- air-brush
- air bus
- air condition
- air conditioner
- airedale
- airedale terrier
- air fix
- air force
- air fresh
- air hostess
- air-lift
- air line
- air-liner
- air mail
- air-miss
- air play
- airport
- air self
- air sun
- air terminal
- air-test
- air-to-air missile
- air-back
- air-walk
- air way
- airwool
- Albert
- Albion
- alder man
- ale
- alien
- alienationist
- alive
- all
- all american boy
- all climate
- all day eye cream
- all day throat clean
- all day rally
- alley
- alligator
- allocation
- all of us
- allover
- all right
- all risk
- allround
- allround coat
- allrounder
- allround man
- allround slang
- all show man
- all square
- all star
- all state
- all time high
- all time record
- alltransistor
- allweather
- all weather operation
- aloofness
- alpine club
- altitude
- always
- always gentleman
- ambassador of gin
- American
- american bar
- american blend
- American cut
- American dentist
- american drink
- american express
- american foxtrott
- american look
- american rack
- american selling price system
- american size
- american style
- american way of life
- amusement
- analysis
- analyst
- anchorman
- and
- and his red devils
- and let's go
- and off they are
- and so what
- angel
- angel dust
- angle
- Anglo-American
- anglo saxon
- anglo swiss
- angry young man
- Augus
- Anne
- announcement
- annul
- annullation
- anonymous
- another
- anti baby
- anti baby pill
- anti missile
- antiroll smooth riding
- antiskating
- anti slip mat
- antitrust
- anybody ball
- anyhow
- any questions
- anyway
- AP
- apartment
- apartment house
- a perfect pleasure
- a pint o' porter
- appeal
- appeasement
- appeaser
- appetizer
- apple
- apple blossom
- apple pie
- application
- appointment
- approach
- Arden for men
- aquaplaning
- area sales manager
- American-Bar
- armchair adventure
- arms
- Armstrong
- army
- army beatle
- army boyfriend
- around
- arrange
- arrival
- arrive
- arrow
- art
- art center
- art directing
- art direction
- art exhibition
- art gallery
- artist
- artist of hair
- art poster
- as
- Ascot
- Ascot-House
- ass
- assembler language
- assembling
- assembly
- assembly language
- assemblysystems
- asset allocation fund
- asset stripping
- assigner
- assist
- assistant
- assistant manager
- Associate Press
- association
- a star is born
- Aster
- astringent complexion milk
- at
- at home
- ation
- Atlantic
- atomic
- atomizer
- attack
- attorney geneal
- attractive
- aussies
- austerity
- Austria
- automatic
- automation
- automation center
- autumn look
- autumn in New York
- autumn time
- avenue
- average
- aviation look
- award
- away
- away team
- Axminister
- ay
- ayer tint
- a young English lady
Mit b* wurden 544 Stichwörter gefunden:
- baby
- baby bar
- baby beef
- baby boom
- baby bottle
- baby car
- baby cream
- baby doll
- baby grow
- baby jet
- baby look
- baby news
- baby-set
- baby shop
- babysit
- babysitter
- babysitting
- baby skyscraper
- baby stop
- bachelor
- back
- backbenches
- backboard
- backchecking
- background
- background briefing
- background music
- backhand
- backhand drive
- backlash
- backlist
- back-office
- back page
- back porch
- back room
- backroom boy
- backspin
- back to normal
- back-up
- backwards
- bacon
- bad
- bad boys
- badge
- bad girl
- bad man
- Badminton
- bag
- baggage
- bagger
- bagpiper
- bag type
- bailiff
- baitcanteen
- baked potatoe
- Baker
- baking powder
- balance
- balance of power
- balance of terror
- balancer
- ball
- ballboy
- balline
- ballooning week
- ballyhoo
- ball-winner
- Balmoral
- ban
- band
- bandleader
- band-wagon
- bang
- bank
- banker
- banking
- banteam
- bar
- barbecue
- barber chair
- barber shop
- bargain
- bargaining democracy
- barkeeper
- bar lock
- barmaid
- barman
- bar mixer
- barrel
- barroom
- base
- baseball
- basement
- baserunner
- basic english
- basket ball
- basketballteam
- basket grill
- basset
- basset hound
- batch
- bath
- batman
- batter
- battle
- battledore
- battling
- bay
- bazooka
- be
- beach
- beach club
- beach coat
- beach master
- beach skirt
- beam
- bean
- bear
- Beardsley
- beast
- beaster
- beat
- beat-and folk-festival
- beat band
- beat boom
- beat cap
- beat cup
- beat cut
- beat fan
- beat generation
- beat girl
- beatle
- beatle perm
- beatles fan
- beatles-show
- beatles song
- beatnik
- beat party
- beat sound
- beautiful
- beautiful people
- beauty
- beauty bag
- beauty bar
- beauty box
- beauty case
- beauty center
- beauty contest
- beauty corner
- beauty cream
- beauty line
- beauty mask
- beauty miek
- beauty pack
- beauty parlour
- beauty rest-lady
- beauty shop
- beauty sleep
- beauty spot
- be-bop
- bed
- bedside manner
- bedtime song
- beef
- beefalo
- beefburger
- beef club
- beef master
- beefsteak
- beef tea
- beefy
- beer goes west
- beer-in
- beets and turnips
- beg your pardon
- behave
- behaviour
- behind
- be-in
- believer
- beloved
- belt
- Ben
- bench
- bench cleaning
- bencher
- benchmarking
- benign neglect
- Bently
- Bess
- best computer man
- best friend
- best guy
- bestknown
- best maid
- best-of
- best of five
- best-of-Three
- bestseller
- best selling
- be sure
- Betty
- between girls and boys
- Beverly Hill
- bicycle
- big
- big apple
- big bag
- big band
- big band jazz
- big band leader
- big bang
- big board
- big boss
- big brother
- big business
- big fine
- big five
- big foot
- big gun
- big house
- big Mac
- big money
- big save
- big science
- big three
- bigtimer
- biker
- bike patrol
- Bikini
- bikiniparty
- bill
- billings
- Billy
- Bird-society
- bird
- birdie
- birds eye
- birdwatch
- bird-watcher
- birthday
- biscuit
- bit
- bitch
- bite-wing
- black
- black and tan
- black and white
- black bean soup
- black bird
- black bottom
- black bottom stompers
- black box
- black boy
- black bull
- black coffee
- black jeans
- blackmail
- black market
- black music
- blackout
- black panthers
- black pants
- black possy
- black power
- black tailed deer
- Blacky
- blade
- blade slap
- blast
- blazer
- bleach
- blend
- blend-club
- blended by
- blind date
- blister
- blizzard
- block
- Bloodhound
- bloody
- bloody Mary
- bloom
- bloomers
- blooming effect
- blossom
- blow out
- blow up
- blue
- blue baby
- blue bar
- blue chips
- blue grass music
- blue-jeans
- blue leaders
- blue pearls
- blues
- blues boogie
- blues breakers
- blues shouter
- Blue Star
- bluff
- bluffer
- blushing powder
- blush on
- board
- board-case
- boarding card
- boarding house
- boat
- boater
- boat people
- bob
- Bobby
- Bobby Baker
- bobbysoxer
- bob cap
- boblet
- bobrun
- bobsleigh
- bobsleigh-derby
- bobtail
- body
- body bag
- body building
- body check
- body-fit
- body guard
- body lotion
- body painting
- body pass
- body shaped
- body shirts
- body stocking
- body wear
- bog
- boiler
- bomb out
- bombast
- bombastic
- bond
- bone
- Bonnie and Clyde
- bonnie look
- boo
- body trap
- boogie
- boogie woogie
- book
- bookies
- booklet
- book market
- book shop
- book twins
- boom
- boom town
- booster
- boost glider
- boot
- bootlegger
- bop
- bord case
- border collie
- border line
- born
- borough
- borstal boy
- boss
- boss-appeal
- Bostitch
- boston
- boston terrier
- bottle
- bottle-head
- bottle store
- bottom
- boulder
- bounce
- bouncing ball
- bound
- bowie knife
- bowle
- bowler hat
- bowling
- box(1)
- box(2)
- box(3)
- boxboom
- box calf
- boxer
- boxer club
- boxer-shorts
- box fan
- boxmatch
- box meeting
- boy(1)
- boy(2)
- boy center
- boycott
- boyfriend
- boylook
- brain
- brain drain
- brain scan
- brain storm
- brainstorming session
- brain trust
- brain washing
- branch
- branch manager
- brand
- brand image
- brand new
- brandy
- bra
- brass band
- brave new world
- bread
- breadpudding
- break(1)
- break(2)
- break-down
- breaker
- break-even
- break-even point
- breakfast
- breakfast lunch
- breeches
- breeze
- brick
- brick pack
- bridge
- briefing
- brig
- bright
- bright boy
- brinkmanship
- Bristol
- Britain
- British
- british fair
- British Fortnight
- british games
- British go home
- British news
- broadway bar
- broadway boy
- broke
- broker
- brouze
- Brook
- Brooklyn
- broth
- brother
- brow
- Broadway
- broken home
- broker age
- brother
- brow beautiful
- brownie
- Brown-Boveri
- brownie
- browning
- brown swiss
- brown sugar
- brunch
- brunch-time
- brush
- brush and soap kit
- brush on
- brush up
- brutal
- brute
- bubble
- bubble-grunge
- bubble-gum
- Buchingham
- buckskin
- buddy
- budget
- budget supervisor
- Buffalo
- buffer
- bug
- bugging
- buggy
- build
- builder
- building
- bull
- bulldog
- bulldozer
- bullshit
- bullshot
- bull terrier
- bully
- bully boy
- bump
- bun
- bunch
- bundle
- bungalow
- bungy-jumping
- bunker
- bunny
- bunny club
- bunny girl
- Burberry
- burden sharing
- burn out
- bus
- bushel
- bush ranger
- busing
- business
- business as usual
- business fashion lunch
- business grill
- businesslike
- business lounge
- business lunch
- business man
- business minded
- business opportunity
- business talk
- business unit
- business wing
- business woman
- busy
- busy daddy
- butcher
- butler
- butterfly
- button
- button down
- buy
- buy out
- by
- by all means
- bye bye
- by-pass
- byte
- by the way
Mit c* wurden 679 Stichwörter gefunden:
- collar worker
- cab
- caban
- cabby
- cabin
- cablegram
- cable transfer
- cabman
- caddie
- cafeteria
- cake
- calf
- California
- Californian look
- call
- call center
- call-address-tracing
- callfilm
- call girl
- call it a night
- call money
- call option
- call monitoring
- calm
- cambric
- camel
- camp(1)
- camp(2)
- campaign
- campaigner
- camp dress
- camper
- camp fever
- camping
- camping center
- camping dress
- camp meeting
- campus
- can
- canada dry
- canada dry orange
- canadian
- canadian storm coat
- Canadian relax
- Canaveral
- can-can
- cancel
- candle
- candle light
- candle light dinner
- candle light waltz
- can do
- candy
- candy short
- cane
- canned dress
- cannibalize
- cause
- cant
- canavassing
- canyon
- cap
- cape
- Cape Canaveral
- capeless
- cap sherry
- captain
- captain's dinner
- captain style
- car
- carat
- caravan
- carbon
- card
- cardigan
- cardigan suit
- care
- career alienationist
- career girl
- career style
- career woman
- cargo
- cargo agent
- cargo jet
- cargo reservations assistant
- car hire service
- Carlton
- Carlton pub
- carnaby
- carnaby street
- carnaby tan
- carpet bagger
- carport
- carrier
- carry
- car sharing
- cart
- carter
- carting dress
- cartoon
- catoonist
- cartoon star
- case
- casement
- case study
- case worker
- cash
- cash and carry
- cash cow
- cash drain
- cash flow
- cashmere
- cast
- casting
- casting club
- castle
- casual
- casual look
- cat
- catch
- catch-as-catch-can
- catcher
- cater
- catering
- caterpillar
- catgut
- cat-suit
- cattle
- cat up
- cavendish
- cash and carry
- cedar wood
- ceiling
- cent
- center
- center of merchandising
- Central Broadcasting Corporation Center
- centre court
- centreforward
- centre half
- centre-house
- century computer
- chair
- chairman
- chair person
- challenge
- challenger
- chamber
- champion
- champion cowboy
- champion jockey
- championship
- chance
- change
- change management
- channel balance
- chap
- Chaplin
- character
- charcoal
- change
- charger
- Charles
- Charleston
- charleston night
- charleston time
- Charly
- Charly's Tearoom
- charming
- chart
- charter
- charterflight
- chase
- chase chorus
- chasuble
- chat
- chat box
- chat-line
- chat room
- cheap
- Cheapside
- check
- check-in
- check-in-counter
- checking
- check list
- check out
- checkout methods
- check-pilot
- checks and balances
- check up
- Cheddar
- cheek to cheek
- cheer
- cheerio
- cheerio club
- cheer leader
- cheer leading
- cheese
- cheese crispies
- chelsea
- Chelsea boot
- chelsea calf
- Chelsea club
- Chelsea Gallery
- chemical engineering
- chemical mace
- cherry
- cherry and fruit cake
- cherry brandy
- cherry cooler
- cherry tooth paste
- ceshire cheese
- cheviot
- chew
- chewing gum
- Chicago
- Chicago-John
- chick
- chicken
- chicken curry
- chicken nugget
- chicken restaurant
- chicken salad
- chicken tail
- chief
- chief executive
- chief risk officers
- chief shoot the puck
- chief whip
- child
- chill
- chill factor
- chill out
- chinese sugar cane
- chintz
- chip
- Chippendale
- chips
- chiropody
- chock
- chocolate
- choke
- choker
- chop
- chopper
- chorus
- chow-chow
- christian science
- christmas candle
- christmas power
- christmas tree
- church
- Churchill
- church of Christ
- cider
- Cif
- cigar box
- cinema
- Cinemascope
- cinema trailer
- co
- circuit
- circuit court
- circuit-training
- citizen
- city
- city bar
- city-big-boss
- city guide
- city house
- city jacket
- city lift
- city lines
- city loafer
- city lot
- city man
- city of Chicago
- city parking
- city service
- city shopping
- city shows
- city style
- city trip
- civil rights
- claim
- claim tag
- clam
- clan
- clarify
- clarity
- Clark Gabel
- Clark's chewing gum
- class
- classic
- classical
- clean
- clean desk man
- cleaner
- cleaning shop
- clean shop
- cleanser
- cleaning cream
- cleaning lotion
- cleansing milk
- clear
- clearance
- clear and hold
- clearing
- clear skin
- Clementine
- clergyman
- clerk
- clever
- cleverness
- client
- client server
- climate
- climb
- climber
- climbing tape
- clinch
- clinic
- clip
- clipper
- clipper service
- cloak room
- clock
- close
- closed shop
- closet
- close up
- cloud
- clown
- club(1)
- club(2)
- club and pub
- club belt
- club-boss
- club brandy
- club-gig
- club privacy
- club sandwich
- club socks
- cluster
- Clyde
- Co
- coach
- coal
- coaly
- coat
- coat dress
- Central Office Bureau
- Coca Cola
- coca drink
- cock
- Cocker spaniel
- Cockney
- cock pit
- cockpit check
- cockpit voice recoders
- cocktail
- cocktail lounge
- cocktail party
- cocktail pick
- cocktail shaker
- cocktail stripper
- coconut cream
- cod
- coddler
- code
- coffee
- coffee break
- coffee house
- coffee shop
- coffee taste cup
- cohabitation
- coke
- cold cream
- cold cream bath
- cold war
- cold wave
- cole slaw
- collar
- collar feeling
- collar service
- collateral
- collection
- college
- collie
- colossus
- colour
- coloured man
- colouring pencil
- colt
- column
- columnist
- come back
- comecon
- comedy
- come on
- comfort
- comic
- comic freak
- coming out
- coming up trailer
- commodity
- common knowledge
- common sense
- community relations
- compact
- compact car
- company
- company image
- compensate
- competitive
- competition
- compiler
- compiler system
- complete
- compliance
- composer system
- compression
- compulsory
- computer
- computer aided design
- computer man
- computer science
- computer terminal
- computing
- concentrate
- conception
- concern
- concent
- concentration
- concerted
- condense
- condition
- conditioner
- condom
- confederate states
- confessional writing
- confidential magazine
- confirm
- confirmation
- confirming
- connection
- conscience
- consols
- conspiracy of silence
- constable
- constant speed
- construction point
- consult
- consultant
- consultation
- consulting
- consume
- consumer education
- contact
- container
- containment
- content analysis
- contest
- continent
- continental
- contingency
- contour
- contractor
- control
- control center
- controller
- controlling
- control loop
- control unit
- convenience food
- convention
- conventional
- convertible
- conveyor
- cookie
- cooking
- cool
- cool drink
- cooler
- cool green
- cool jazz
- cool look
- cool man
- cool white
- Coop
- coop center
- Cooper
- coordinate
- coordinator
- co-ownership
- cop
- co-pilot
- co-production
- copy
- copyright
- coral
- cord
- cordless
- corduroy
- corky
- corn
- corned beef
- corner
- cornerkick
- corn flakes
- corny
- corporate client
- corporate culture
- corporate identity
- corporation
- corps
- corral
- correct
- cosmopolitan
- cost
- cost and progress controllers
- cost-effectiveness
- cost-effectiveness-theory
- cost-sharing
- costume
- cost-utility
- cosy
- cosy-corner
- cottage
- cotton
- cotton club
- cotton feeling
- cotton maid
- couch
- council
- count down
- counter
- counterpart
- country
- country club
- country dance
- country disease
- country inn
- country look
- country mainstream
- country manager
- country-music
- country music star
- country raincoat
- country shop
- country sound
- country town
- county
- county convention
- county court
- court
- courtesy
- courtesy office
- cover
- cover coat
- cover girl
- cover up
- cover version
- cowboy
- cowboy-champion
- cowboy film
- cowboy song
- coxcomb
- crab leg
- crab meat
- crack
- cracker
- craft
- craftman
- crash
- crawl
- crawler
- crawl sprint
- crazy
- crazy band
- crazy boy
- crazy horse
- crazy store
- cream
- cream gold
- creative
- creative director
- creative team
- creative writing
- credibility gap
- credit
- credit card
- credit crunch
- credit point
- creek
- crestliner
- crew
- crew assigner
- crew cut
- crew disponent
- crew-neck
- crew planning
- cricket
- crime
- crime and sex
- crime doesn't pay
- crinkle
- crisis management
- crispy
- criss-cross
- criticism
- crocket
- crooner
- cross
- cross bencher
- cross check
- cross-country
- crossing
- cross over
- cross word
- crouch
- crowd
- crown
- crucial point
- cruise missile
- cruiser
- crumpet
- crunch
- crunchy
- crushed ice
- crusher
- crust
- crystal
- crystal palace
- cuckoo-clock
- cue
- cultural lag
- Cumberland
- cunner
- cup
- cup fight
- cup fighter
- cup final
- cupholder
- cup-match
- cup of tea
- cup team
- curd
- cure
- curl
- curler
- Curlfix
- curling
- curling club
- curling teachers cup
- currency
- curriculum
- curry
- curry inn
- curry powder
- curtain
- custard
- custodian
- custom-house
- cut
- cut away
- cuticle
- cuticle oil
- cuticle remover
- cutlass
- cutline
- cut price store
- cutter
- cybernetics
- cyberspace
- cycle
- cyclist juggler
- cyclo cross
Mit d* wurden 313 Stichwörter gefunden:
- dad
- daddy's chair
- daily express
- daily herald
- daily mirror
- daily news
- daily telegram
- daily telegraph
- daily working
- dainty
- Daisy
- dale
- dally
- dame
- damn
- damned yankee
- damper
- dance
- dance band
- dancer
- dance floor
- dancing
- dancing band
- dancing bar
- dancing hall
- dancing tea
- dandy
- dandyism
- danish pastry
- Danny
- dark green
- dark horse
- dark purple
- darling
- dart
- dart club
- dash
- data
- data crime
- data glove
- data line terminal
- data mail
- data processing
- date
- dater
- Davidson
- davis professional
- davit
- day
- day care center
- D-day
- day dream
- daylight
- dead
- dead as a doornail
- dead center
- dead end
- deadline
- deal
- dealer
- dealer gang
- dear
- debunking
- decent
- decision
- decision maker
- deep
- deep freeze
- deer
- deerhound
- deering
- de-escalation
- defence
- defence man
- deficit brother
- deficit spending
- defroster
- degree
- delay
- delicious
- deliquency
- delivery
- delivery slip
- demi blushing powder
- demi translucent face powder
- democracy
- dental floss
- dental hygienist
- dentist
- deodorant for men
- deodorant spray
- deodorant stick
- department
- department of defense
- department store
- depth interview
- derby
- desaster
- de-segregation
- desert boot
- desert brown
- Desert explorer
- desert look
- desert room
- design
- designer
- designer drug
- desk
- desktop publishing
- destroy
- destruct
- detective
- deterrence
- developing country
- development
- devil
- devon
- dew
- Dick
- dictaphone
- diction
- difference
- dig
- digest
- digger
- dignity
- dilly-dally
- dimmer
- dine around
- dingy
- divers club
- dingo grey
- dining room
- dinner
- dinner dress
- dinner for one
- dinner jacket
- dinner skirt
- dip
- directing
- direct mail
- director
- directory
- disaster
- disc
- disc dance
- disc jockey
- disco bar
- discount
- discount center
- discounter
- discount house
- discount shop
- discount trend
- discover
- discoverer
- discussion
- disease
- disengagement
- disk drive
- disk pack
- Disney
- disney land
- dispatcher
- dispatching
- dispenser
- displaced person
- display
- display print
- disponent
- dissenter
- distinguished people
- distributor
- district
- ditch
- diversification
- diving
- division
- dixie
- dixiecrat
- dixieland
- Dixieland-band
- dixieland jazz
- dixieland jazzband
- dixieland revival
- dizzy
- DJ
- DJ culture
- do
- dobb's for men
- dock
- docker
- dodge
- doer
- dog
- dog call
- dog fight
- dog leg
- dogooder
- dog stop
- do it yourself
- do it yourself center
- doll
- dollar
- dollar drop
- dollar rally
- Dolly
- dolly girl
- dolly high
- dolphin safe
- don
- Donald Duck
- done
- doodle
- Dooley
- door
- doorman
- doornail
- dope
- double
- double check
- double eagle
- double face
- double fur blend
- double hair
- double mixed
- double set
- double skiff
- double think
- dough nut
- Douglas
- doubtless
- dove
- dover street
- Dow Jones
- Dow Jones closing
- down
- down grade
- down grading
- down-hill
- down sizing
- down town
- down under
- dozen
- draft
- drag
- drag queen
- drain
- draw
- drawback
- drawing room
- dreadful
- dream
- dreamer
- dreamland
- dress
- dresser
- dressing color
- dressing gown
- dressing table
- dressman
- dribble
- dribbling
- drift
- drift tide
- drink
- drinking saloon
- drinks, women and sea
- drive
- drive-by-shooting
- driver
- driver fresh
- driver style
- drive in
- drive-in-center
- driving casuals
- driving range
- driving test
- driving in service
- drivotrainer
- drop
- drop-in
- drop-kick
- drop out
- dropstone
- drug monitoring
- drug store
- dream
- drummer
- drummer meeting
- dream clinic
- drum stick
- dry
- dry and wild skipper
- dry sand
- dry shaver
- dual purpose investment
- dual use
- dub
- dubby
- Duck
- duffle coat
- dump
- dumper
- dumping
- Dunlop Matchpoint
- dushkind
- dust
- duster
- duster corner
- Dutchman
- duty
- dyna flow
Mit e* wurden 160 Stichwörter gefunden:
- eagle
- early american
- early cup of tea
- early morning coffee
- early twen
- early victorian
- early warning
- earn
- earning
- east
- eastbound
- eastern test range
- east side kids
- easy
- easy case
- easy fix
- easy-off
- easy rider
- easy-way-of-life
- eat
- eat and go
- eater
- economist
- economy
- economy class
- Eden
- eden hat
- Edgar Wallace
- edge
- Edinburgh ale
- edition
- editorial
- edmonton dress
- educated guess
- education
- education centre
- Edward
- effect
- effectiveness
- effectly
- efficiency
- efficiency club
- efficiency lunch
- egg
- egg coddler
- egg head
- egg nog
- egg roll
- egg shell
- einsteinium
- Eisenhower
- elastic top
- elect
- electoral
- electric
- electric shave
- electric truck
- electric brain
- electrowriter
- elevator
- elevenpence
- eliminate
- Elizabeth
- Elizabethan
- Elsy
- embassy
- embassy dancing
- emergency procedure
- empire
- emulsion
- enamel
- end
- energy-drink
- enfield
- engagement
- engineer
- engineering
- England
- english
- english beafsteak
- english feeling
- English girls
- english look
- Englishman
- english style
- english tailor
- english tea
- English waltz
- enterprise
- entertainer
- entertaining
- entertainment
- entity
- entrepreneurship
- entry
- equalization
- equalizer
- equipment
- Erin
- escalade
- escalation
- escort
- escort service hostess
- especially made for
- esquire
- establishment
- establishmentarian
- estate car
- ethnic food
- Eton boy
- Europe
- european
- European manager
- Eurovision
- evening
- evening class
- evening dress
- event
- ever
- everbloom
- ever clear
- everfix
- everfresh
- evergood
- evergreen
- ever ready
- ever sharp
- evertwist
- every
- everybody
- every day
- everyman
- exactly
- exactly said
- excentric
- exception
- exchange
- exclusive story
- executive
- executive socks
- exercise cream
- exhausting policy
- exit poll
- expander
- expeller
- experience
- explorer
- export sales manager
- express
- extension
- extra large
- extruder
- eye
- eyeball-to-eyeball
- eyebrow pencil
- eye cream
- eyeliner
- eye movement
- eye shadow
Mit f* wurden 411 Stichwörter gefunden:
- fabulous
- face
- face lift
- face lifting
- face powder
- facial
- facility
- fact
- fact finding
- fact finding mission
- faction
- factor
- factoring
- factory girl
- facts and figures
- fading
- fair(1)
- fair(2)
- Fairbanks
- fair lady
- Fairlane
- fairness
- fair play
- fair play man
- fair way
- fairwaybunker
- fake
- fall flat
- falling ice
- fallout
- Falstaff
- family
- family banker
- family package
- family set
- family style
- famous
- famous Pall Mall
- fan
- fan box
- fanion
- Fanny
- fan stop
- fantasy
- far
- fare
- far east
- fare well
- farm
- farmer
- farmer market
- farmhouse
- far out
- far west
- fashion
- fashionable
- fashion club
- fashion designer
- fashioned
- fashion for all
- fashion girl
- fashion house
- fashion show
- fashion treasury set
- fashion view
- fast
- fastback
- fast beat
- fasten seat belt
- fast food
- father image
- Fatty
- fault
- favorites from Britain
- favorite son
- fax
- FC
- feather weight
- feature
- federal reserve
- federal reserve board
- feed
- feedback
- feeder
- feeling
- fellow
- fellow traveller
- fence
- ferry flight
- festival
- festival and dinner
- festival snob
- festival strings
- fever
- few
- fiction
- fidelity
- field service
- fifteen
- fifth column
- fifty ager
- fifty fifty
- figure
- fight
- fighter
- file
- filibuster
- film
- filmer
- film fan
- film festival
- film-in
- film maker
- film muscial
- film opening
- film script
- filmstar
- filter and flavor
- filter tip
- final
- final act
- final set up
- financial times
- fine
- finepoint pencil
- finest flowery
- finding
- fine
- fine tuning
- fin fish
- finger painting
- finger print
- finish
- finisher
- finishing school
- fir
- fire
- firefly
- fireplace
- fire side
- fire wire water
- first
- first class
- first class award
- first families of Virginia
- first kiss
- first lady
- first quality
- fish
- fish chowder
- fisher
- fisheye
- fishing
- fishing tour
- fit
- fitness
- fitness center
- fitness club
- fitting
- five
- five o'clock
- fix
- fixed odds
- fixed jet
- fixer
- fixing
- fixing price
- fixing session
- fizz
- flag
- flag competition
- flair
- flair Judia
- flake
- flannel
- flap
- flapper
- flash
- flashback
- flashlight
- flat
- flat-look
- flavour
- flawless
- fleet in being
- flex
- flexible response
- flick
- flight
- flight attendant
- flight engineer
- flight operation manual
- flight recorder
- flight research center
- flip
- flip chart
- Flipper
- flip flop
- flip open box
- flipper
- flip top box
- flirt
- float
- floating price
- floodlight
- floor
- floor show
- floor trading
- flop
- floppy
- floppy disk
- florist
- floss
- flow
- flower
- flower center
- flower girl
- flower power
- flower print
- flower shop
- flowery
- flubber
- fluid
- flummery
- flush
- fly
- flyer
- fly fishing
- flying beef
- fly bridge
- Flying Dutchman
- flying fortress
- flying margins
- flying ranch
- flying saucer
- foam
- foam back
- fog index
- folded story
- folder
- folk
- folk blues
- folk blues festival
- folk jamboree
- folklore
- folklore band
- folklore show
- folk music
- folk rock
- folk singer
- folk song
- follow up
- food
- food business
- food design
- foolish sixties
- foot
- football
- football club
- football match
- football spleen
- footing
- footing dress
- for
- for a change
- forage party
- for beauty
- for business men
- force
- forcing
- ford
- for daylight
- forechecking
- forehand
- foreign aid
- foreign office
- for ever
- for every man
- forfeit
- for gentlemen
- for hair
- for ladies
- form
- for men
- for men of action
- for men only
- formfit
- forming
- form line
- formula
- formula selection fund
- fortnight
- fortress
- for the record
- for top men ruly
- for total action
- forty
- forward
- Fosbury flop
- foul
- foulplay
- foundation
- foundation cream
- four
- four crowns
- fow letter word
- foursome
- fox
- foxhound
- foxterrier
- foxterrier club
- foxtrot
- frame house
- frame up
- Frank
- freak
- Fred
- free agent
- free base
- free belton
- free cash flow
- free cinema
- free climbing
- free funk
- free jazz
- freekick
- free lance
- free mover
- free media
- free ride
- free soloing
- free state
- free state party
- free style
- free trapper
- free system
- freeze
- freezer
- freight way
- french dog
- french fashion
- frenchman
- french style
- fresh
- fresh air
- freshener
- fried chicken
- friend
- friendly
- friendly match
- friendship
- frigidaire
- Frigomatic
- frisbee
- frock
- from
- from yesterday
- front
- frontier
- front page
- front runner
- front side turn
- frosting
- frosty brown
- frosty green
- frosty lavender
- frosty white
- frug
- fruit
- fruit cake
- fruit cocktail
- fruit salt
- fruit sherbet
- fruit short cake
- frust
- frustrated
- frustration
- fuck
- fuck for peace
- fuel dumping
- full
- full agency
- fullback
- full face
- full fashioned
- full house
- full power
- full range
- full service
- full time
- full time job
- fully-fashioned
- fun
- functional food
- fund
- fund raising
- fun fur
- funk
- funky
- funky broadway
- funny
- funny chap
- fur
- fur blend
- fur clean
- funiture
- fuss
- future city
- futures
Mit g* wurden 309 Stichwörter gefunden:
- Gaby
- gadget
- gaff
- gaffer
- gag
- gagman
- gallery
- gallon
- Galupp
- gamble
- gambler
- gambling
- game
- game bird
- game of chicken
- gaming simulation
- game over
- game show
- gang
- gangster
- gangsterboss
- gangster film
- gangster story
- gangway
- gap
- garden
- garden center
- garden party
- glas light club
- gate
- gate crasher
- gather
- gate keeper
- gay
- gay action
- gay dating
- Gay Gibson
- gay people
- GC
- GE
- gemologist
- general
- general manager
- general motors
- general purpose simulations system
- generation
- genius
- gent
- genteel
- gentlemen
- gentleman-bar-keeper
- gentleman driver
- gentleman driver collection
- gentleman scholar
- gentlemen's agreement
- gentle when stroked
- gentlemanlike
- gentry
- George
- german
- german spoken
- Germany
- Gertie
- get
- getter
- get together
- ghost town
- ghostwriter
- GI
- giant killer
- Gibson
- Gibson girl
- gig
- gigger
- giggle
- Gillie
- gimmick
- gin
- gin and tonic
- gin fizz
- ginger
- ginger ale
- ginger bread
- ginger snap
- gin gin
- gin sour
- gin tonic
- gipsy
- girl(1)
- girl(2)
- girl band
- girlfriend
- girl's shop
- girl wanted
- give
- give a man a lucky
- give away
- glamour
- glamourgirl
- glamourous
- glamerous
- glamour stock
- glass center
- Glastonbury
- glencheck
- glide
- glider
- glimpse
- global player
- global village
- globe air
- globe dress code
- globe trotter
- gloss
- Gloucester
- glove
- g-man
- go
- goal
- goalgetter
- goalie
- goalkeeper
- goalkick
- goal line
- go and stop
- go between
- go bronze
- go cart
- goddamn
- godfather
- God save the king
- go east
- go gay
- go-go-girl
- go-go-party
- go in
- going concern
- going public
- going up, all floors
- going west
- gold
- goldcap
- gold digger
- golden cup
- golden curl
- Golden Delicious
- golden dolphin
- golden gate
- golden girl
- golden life club
- golden nugget
- golden pin
- golden sand
- golden toast
- Goldfinger girls
- gold nugget
- gold pool
- gold run
- gold rush
- gold star
- Goldwater
- golf
- golf and country club
- golf course
- golfer
- golfergreen
- golf rink
- golf week
- Golly
- going
- good
- good bye
- good design
- good food
- good looking
- good luck
- goodman
- good mood
- good morning
- goodness
- good news
- good night
- good night cup
- good night sandwich
- good old heaven
- good old man
- Goodrich
- good stone
- goodtempler
- goodwill
- good will service
- goodwill tour
- goodwill trip
- good year
- go on
- go please
- Golden James
- Gordon Ray Girl
- Gordon's dry gin
- Gordon Setter
- gospel
- gospel song
- go-show
- Gossip
- gossip columnist
- go swing
- gothic
- government
- governor
- go west
- go western
- gown
- go young
- grabble
- grade
- grading
- grader
- graduate
- graduate gemologist
- Graham
- graduate student
- graduate study
- grain
- grain kid
- grammo bar
- grammy
- grampus
- grand
- grand design
- grandma
- grand national steeple chase
- grand old lady
- grand old man
- grand old party
- grand slam
- grand society
- grand tour
- granny look
- granny Smith
- grant
- granulated
- grape
- grapefruit
- grapefruit juice
- grass
- grasshoppers
- grasshoppers club
- great
- great equalizer
- great event
- great event of the season
- great society
- great society program
- green
- greenback
- green cotton
- greenhorn
- green keeper
- grey
- greyhound
- grill
- grill room
- grillparty
- grillroom
- grill room bar
- grill swiss
- grill toaster
- grip
- grizzly
- grizzly bear
- grog
- groggy
- groom
- groove
- ground
- ground control
- ground hostess
- ground service
- ground-to-air-missile
- group
- groupie
- group planning manager
- grove
- Grufties
- grung
- grunge-look
- guard
- guardian
- guess
- guest
- guide
- guide line
- guide service
- guide step
- guide through Switzerland
- guidehall
- guinea
- guinness
- guinness stout
- guitarshowband
- gully
- gum
- gun
- gun control
- gun fighter
- gun man
- gut
- guy
- gym hall
Mit h* wurden 344 Stichwörter gefunden:
- habit
- haddock
- hair
- hair color lotion
- hairdresser
- hair grooming
- hair shop
- hairspray
- hair stop
- hair styling
- hair styling corner
- hair styling service
- hair weaving
- hake
- half
- half and half
- halfcast
- half crown
- half dollar
- half full
- half penny
- half pipe
- halftime
- hall
- hallo
- halloo
- halloween
- ham and eggs
- hammock
- hammond-orgel
- hammond show
- hampshire
- ham steak
- hand
- handbagging
- hand-ball
- handbill
- hand care
- handfeed table
- handfinish
- handle
- handler
- handling
- hand lotion
- hand-scram
- hands-free
- hand shake
- handspenalty
- hand tailored
- handy look
- handy wipe
- hang around
- hang it
- hang loose
- hangover
- happening
- happiness
- happy
- happy birthday
- happy boy
- happy day
- happy dream
- happy end
- happy face
- happy few
- happy landing
- happy winter to you
- hard
- hard and heavy band
- hard bop
- hard-boiled
- hard-boiled-school
- hard-core-fan
- hardcore manager
- hardcorer
- hardcore-rap
- hardcover
- hard edge
- hardliner
- hard point
- hard rock
- hard science
- hard selling
- hard steel
- hardtop
- hardware
- Hardy cut
- harlem
- Harley Davidson
- Harleitrappmeinsohn
- harmless peeling
- harmless peeling mask
- Harmonics
- harmony tint
- Harry
- hat
- hattrick
- have
- have a cigar
- havelock
- haven
- have not
- hawk
- Hayworth
- hazard
- H-bomb
- head
- head hunter
- head hunting
- headline
- head master
- headquarter
- health
- health hazard
- hearing
- heart
- heartstorming
- heart transplanter
- heaven
- heavy
- heavy division
- heavy duty
- heavy sound
- hedge
- hedge fund
- hedging
- heel
- hell
- hellfire
- hello
- help
- help yourself
- he-man
- hemlockfor
- Henry
- herald
- hey
- hi
- hickory
- hidden persuaders
- high
- high altitude cream
- highball
- highbrow
- high class
- high-communicative
- high desert
- high efficiency
- high fidelity
- high flyer
- high heel
- High kick
- highland
- highland green
- high life
- high life club
- high light
- high light trailer
- high look
- high noon
- high risk
- high roller
- high school
- high sider
- high singer
- high snobiety
- high society
- high speed
- high stick
- high tech
- high way
- highway code
- hijack
- hijacker
- hike
- hill
- him
- himself
- hint
- hip
- hip hip hurrah
- hip-hopper
- hippie
- hippie-band
- hippie-dress
- hippie-end
- hippie-happening
- his finest hour
- hipster
- hire
- hire and fire
- his
- his masters
- his strangers group
- hit
- Hitchcock
- hitchhiking
- hit nuts
- hit parade
- hitty
- hobby
- hobby box
- hobby center
- hobby house
- hobby job
- hobby shop
- hockey
- hockey club
- hockey ground
- hockey match
- hoe down
- Hogarth
- hold
- holder
- holding
- holding company
- holding position
- hold up
- hole
- hole in one
- holiday
- holiday cruiser
- holiday inn
- holiday in Switzerland
- holiday on ice
- holism
- holster
- Holywood
- hollywood-story
- home
- home-base
- home economist
- homelife
- Homelite
- home made
- home page
- home rule
- home ruler
- home-run
- home spun
- home-story
- home team
- hometrainer
- hometwist
- home work
- homicide squads
- honey
- honeymoon
- honeymooner
- Honeywell
- honky tonk
- honourable
- hook
- hooked rugs
- hula hoop
- hooligan
- hoop
- hoosier
- Hoover
- hopper
- horn
- horn-market
- horror
- horror chamber
- horror comics
- horse
- house-ball
- housemanship
- horse power
- horse race
- horse shoe
- horse show
- horse's neck
- horse tail
- hostel
- hostess
- host master
- hot
- hot and sweet
- hot as hell
- hot breadpudding
- hot custard
- hot dog
- hotdogger
- hotel
- hot jazz
- hot line
- hot money
- hot player
- hot point
- hot potatoes
- hot spot
- hot ten
- hot war
- hound
- hour
- house(1)
- house(2)
- house dress
- house of commons
- house of lords
- house party
- house warming
- house wife
- housing development
- hovercraft
- how
- how are you
- how do you do
- how much
- how to catch a man
- hub
- hug
- hula hoop
- hully gully
- human approach
- human engineering
- human interest story
- human relations
- human resource
- human story
- human touch
- humbug
- humour
- humpty-dumpty
- hunt
- hunter
- hunting calf
- hunting coaf
- hurrah
- hurricane
- hurry
- husband
- husky
- hustle
- hustle game
- hyde park corner
- hydrant
- hydro-jet
- hyperlink
- hypocrisy
Mit i* wurden 152 Stichwörter gefunden:
- I
- I am
- I am no virgin
- I am sure
- I am the greatest
- ice
- ice box
- ice cream
- ice-hockey
- ice-hockey-match
- ice hockey sport
- ice hockey team
- ice mint
- ice pie
- icerink
- icing
- Idaho
- idea man
- identify
- I feel fine
- I guess
- I like
- I love
- image
- image building
- immigration
- impact
- impossible
- impeachment
- imperfect
- important
- impondment
- imprinter
- in
- inc
- include
- incorporation
- inclusive
- incompatible
- indeed
- India
- Indian dances
- indicator
- indoor
- indoor-pool
- indoor swimmingpool
- industrial design
- industrial designer
- industrial relations
- inefficiency
- infight
- inflation
- info
- information desk
- information explosion
- infotainment
- infotainment-show
- infrastructure
- in front
- ing
- inhandle
- inlaid
- inland sea
- inline-skate
- inn
- in no time
- in people
- input
- inputer
- insert
- inside
- insider
- inside story
- instamatic
- instant
- instant change
- instrument landing system
- integrated data processing
- integrationist
- intelligence
- intelligence quotient
- intelligence-service
- intelligence trawler
- intercepter
- inter city
- intercotton
- intercourse
- interdependence
- interdiction
- interest
- interlock
- international airport
- international board
- international escort
- international living
- international look
- international sporting club
- international style
- internet
- internet relay chat
- interrupt
- intersport
- intervention
- interview
- interviewer
- in the cloud
- in town yesterday
- investment
- investmentbanking
- investmentclub
- investment trust
- investor
- investors' club
- invoice
- involve
- ion-charger
- Iowa
- Iowa boy
- Iowa city
- irish
- irish coffee
- irish coffee set
- Irish party
- irish setter
- irish stew
- irish terrier
- irish whisky
- iron
- iron curtain
- iron man
- iron woman
- iron worker
- is
- Isenhower
- is it ?
- island
- isolation
- issue
- I still smoke
- it
- Italy
- item
- I think
- it's
- it's clear
- it's great
- it's new
- it's wonderful
- it's party time
- I vote radical
Mit j* wurden 114 Stichwörter gefunden:
- jab
- Jack
- jacket
- jackpot
- Jackson girl
- jade
- jade east
- jail-house-band
- jam
- jamboree
- James
- James Bond
- James Bond fan
- jam session
- James Scotch
- J and B
- Jane
- Jankee
- Japs
- jazz
- Jazz band
- jazzband skimmy
- jazz-clown
- jazz cocktail
- jazz corner
- jazzer
- jazz fan
- jazz feeling
- jazz festival
- jazz film
- jazz house
- jazz parade
- jazz school
- jazz show
- jean
- jeans
- jeansbar
- jeans overalls
- jeep
- jellyswiss
- Jenny
- jerk
- Jerry
- Jersey
- jet
- jet age
- jet clipper
- jet liner
- jet look
- jet-prop
- jet propulsion labaratory
- jet service
- jet set
- jet stream
- jet trader
- jewel
- Jim
- Jim junior
- Jitterbug
- jive
- job
- Jockey
- jockey club
- jockey feeling
- Jockey shirt
- jockey slip
- Joe
- jog
- jogger
- John
- John Birch Society
- John Bull
- John Gallant
- Johnny bar
- Johnny bar dancing
- Johnny Walker
- Johnson
- joint chiefs of staff
- joker
- jolly
- Jolly go
- Jones
- judge
- juggle
- juggler
- juggling
- juice
- juke box
- july
- jumbo
- jump
- jumper
- jumper suit
- jumping
- junction
- June
- junior
- junior account
- junior account executive
- junior clerk
- junior executive
- junior executive style
- junior golfer
- junior like
- junior merchant
- junior partner
- junior shop
- junior size
- jury
- just
- justice
- juvenile delinquency
- juveskin mask
Mit k* wurden 67 Stichwörter gefunden:
- kangaroo
- keep
- keeper
- keep smiling
- Kennedy
- Kentucky
- Kentucky express
- kept busy
- ketchup
- keynote
- khaki
- kick
- kick down
- kicker
- kickiboy
- kickoff
- kickstarter
- kid
- kidcalf
- kidnap
- kidnapper
- kid sterling
- kill
- kill artist
- kill devil
- killer
- killer girl
- kill ratio
- kill whitey
- kilt
- king
- king chair
- king Charles
- king Henry eight
- king lobster
- king of
- king of cowboys
- king of souvenir
- king of the underworld
- king of twist
- kingsize
- king size box
- king size coddler
- kingsley
- kingtwist
- kippered herring
- kiss
- kit
- kitchen
- kitchen aid
- kitchenette
- kitchen print
- Kitty
- Klu-Klux-Clan
- knack
- knickerbocker
- knife
- knit
- knock
- knock down
- knock in
- knock out
- know
- know how
- knowledge
- know nothing
- know why
Mit l* wurden 229 Stichwörter gefunden:
- lavatory
- label
- labor relations
- Labour
- labour boss
- labour day
- lace and lycra
- ladies' corner
- ladies first
- ladies' hairdressing room
- lady
- lady doll
- lady fair
- lady jazz
- ladykiller
- ladylike
- ladymatic
- lady styled
- lag
- lake counties
- lamb curry
- lambswool
- lame duck
- lament
- lamp
- lance
- lancer
- land
- landbox
- landrover
- language
- lanstar
- lapidary shop
- lare
- Larry
- laser
- lash
- lassie
- last
- last but least
- lasting
- lasting spring
- last, not least
- later
- late show
- late supper
- launch control center
- launch tower
- lavender
- law and order
- lawn
- lawn boy
- lawn tennis
- lawn tennis association
- lawn tennis racket
- lawyer
- layout
- layouter
- lead
- leader
- leader team
- learning
- lease
- least
- leather neck
- leave
- lee
- left back
- left side
- leg
- leggins
- Leghorn
- leghorn
- leg make up
- lemon
- lemon curd
- lemon meringue ice pie
- lemon-twist
- lens
- less
- letkiss
- let me go
- let's change to Marlboro
- let's dance
- let's go
- let's pretend
- let's start with
- letter shop
- lettuce brand cleansing cream
- let us pray
- level
- levelling off
- liberation
- liberty
- liberty automatic
- licence
- lieutenand
- life
- life beer
- life lift
- life line
- life long education
- life must go on
- life pool
- life saver
- lifeseeing
- life story
- lifetime
- lift
- liftboy
- lifter
- lift girl
- lifting
- lifting body
- light
- light coral
- light division
- lightening
- light pink
- lighttown octet
- like
- Lily
- lime
- lime juice
- limit
- limbo show
- limited
- Lincoln
- live
- line ball
- liner
- linesman
- link
- linnen type
- lino type
- lip dew
- lip frosting
- lip gloss
- lipstick
- lip stick bar
- lipton
- liquid asset
- liquid eyeliner
- liquid polish
- list
- literary minded
- little
- little fox
- little home
- live
- live in
- live like an American
- Liverpool
- Liverpool sound
- living
- living room
- living theatre
- load
- loafer
- lob
- lobby
- lobbying
- lobbyist
- lobster
- local manager
- lock
- lockout
- locky twist
- loco motion
- lofty
- logistics
- London
- London look
- London look bus
- London sour
- long
- long chew
- long drink
- long life
- long line
- long look
- long pass
- long play
- long range
- long run
- long seller
- long set
- longshore man
- longstreet
- look(1)
- look(2)
- looker's digest
- look out
- loop
- lord
- lord mayor
- lorry
- lose
- loser
- lot
- lotion
- lounge
- lounge chair
- love
- love in
- lovely
- lovemaking
- love out
- love story
- loving care
- low
- lowrey
- lox
- luck
- lucky
- lullaby
- lunch
- lunch check
- lunch counter
- luncheon
- lunch mix
- lunch place
- lunchroom
- luxurious girls
- lynch
- Lyndon glide
Mit m* wurden 328 Stichwörter gefunden:
- macaroon
- Mac Carthy
- Mac Gregor
- Mac Gregor corner
- Mac Kenzie
- Mackie
- Mackintosh
- Mackintosh-Clan
- Mac Iver
- Mac the knife
- mad
- madam
- made
- made in
- made in Switzerland
- madison
- madras
- Mae West
- magazine
- magic pin
- magic silk
- magnetic tape
- maid
- maidenform
- maiden speech
- maid of cotton
- mail
- mailing list
- mainstream
- mainstreet
- main theme
- make
- make love
- make love not war
- maker
- make sense
- make up
- make up artist
- making
- male
- malt
- malt whisky
- mammy
- man(1)
- man(2)
- manage
- management
- management by exception
- management consulting
- management games
- manager
- manchester
- manchester jeans
- manchester overall
- Manhattan
- manhattan grey
- manned spacecraft center
- man made fibre
- manner
- manning
- Manny's reaper
- manpower
- mansion house
- man size
- mantelpiece
- manual
- map
- marching five
- margin
- Marilyn
- Marine
- marine coat
- mark
- market
- marketing
- marketing consultant
- marketing-manager
- marketing mix
- marketing research
- marketing team
- marker research
- Mark Twain's bar
- Marlborough
- Mary
- Mary Ann
- Maryland
- Mary's old Timer's bar
- mascara
- masculine support
- maser
- mask
- massage
- massive retaliation
- master
- master tailor
- master tailor department
- mass storage operating system
- mastiff
- mat
- match
- match box
- match maker
- match play
- matchpoint
- match winner
- mate
- maternity
- maternity corner
- matter of fact
- maximum orderly effort
- may
- maybe
- Mayday
- Mayflower
- mayor
- me
- meal
- mean
- means of delivery
- meat
- meat soup
- mechanical art
- media
- media man
- media planning
- medical unit
- medium
- medley
- meet
- meeting
- meet the press
- melodist
- melody
- member
- memorial trophy
- men fit
- men's and ladies' fashion
- men prefer Pringle
- men's shop
- merchandiser
- merchandising
- merchandising manager
- merchant
- mercury
- merry
- merry cherry
- merry makers
- merry old England
- mesh
- mew
- message
- methodic
- Ma
- Miami
- mick
- mickey mouse
- middle and top management
- midland oil co
- midnight blue
- midship man
- mid weight
- midweight time
- Mike
- mild
- mild ocean blue
- militant humanist
- military
- military-look
- military government
- militarystyle
- military tattoo
- mick
- milk drink bar
- miller
- million look
- mince pie
- mind
- mini
- minibob
- minibox
- mini car
- minicare
- mini cooper
- mini cramming
- minigolf
- mini-iron
- mini lunch
- minimal art
- mini miss
- mini multiple
- mini playboy
- mini pullover
- mini racing
- minister
- mini stretch
- mint
- minute man
- minuteman missile
- mirror
- misnomer
- miss
- miss Evelyn's band
- missile
- missing link
- mission control center
- miss Mary of Sweden
- mister
- mister Adonis of Switzerland
- mister Jacket goes to town
- mistress
- mix
- mix a shake
- mixed double
- mixed grill
- mixed pickles
- mixer
- mixture
- mob(1)
- mob(2)
- mobbing
- Moby Dick
- mockturtle
- mod
- mode
- Modeling
- modern
- modern hit festival
- modern home style
- modern jazz
- modern living
- modern painting
- modern snack
- modern sound
- modern style
- modern times
- modern way of life
- modesty
- Mohair
- moist
- moisture balm
- moisture oil
- moisturizing cleanser
- moisturizing lotion
- mole
- moment of truth
- money
- money clip
- moneymaker
- money policy
- monk
- monkey
- monobikini
- monocycle
- monokini
- mondre
- monster
- mood
- mood music
- moon
- moon drops facial mask
- moon drops lipstick
- moon drops moisture balm
- moon drops moisturizing cleaner
- moon drops treatment program
- moon eight
- mop
- more
- more or less
- morning
- morning after pill
- morning coat
- morning tea
- morris
- most famous
- motel
- mother's help
- mother to be
- motion
- moto cross
- motor
- Motor Inn
- motor oil
- mountain
- mouthful
- move
- movement
- movies
- much
- muck-raker
- muffin
- mug
- mulch
- mullet
- multi active cream
- multilateral force
- multiple
- multiplication
- mum
- mumpf
- murder
- musher
- music
- musical
- musical clown
- musical comedian
- musical exentric
- musicalfilmremake
- musical melody
- musical show
- musical star
- music-box
- music center
- music hall
- musicshow
- must
- mustang
- must see
- mutton broth
- mutual funel
- my
- my darling
- my fair lady
- my goodness
- my home is my castle
- my lady
- Mylord
- myself
- May
Mit n* wurden 132 Stichwörter gefunden:
- nail
- nail builder cuticle massage cream
- nail enamel
- napping
- narcotic squads
- national
- native
- natural
- nautic
- nautic jacket
- navels
- navy
- navy blue
- navy champion
- nearly new shop
- necessary house
- neck
- negrio song
- negro spirituals
- Nelson
- nepotism
- net average use
- netball
- network election service
- never mind
- neverrip
- never on Sunday
- new
- new baby
- new comer
- new criticism
- new deal
- new frontier
- new image
- new look
- New Orleans
- New Orleans' Jazz
- New Orleans' Jazz band
- new pence
- Newport
- News Chronicle
- news management
- new sound
- news paper
- news story
- news ticket
- new style
- new timer
- new top
- New York
- New Zealand
- next date
- nice
- nice and easy
- nigger
- night
- night bag
- night bikini
- night club
- night life
- night opening
- night shopping
- nipper
- no
- nob
- no bra look
- no brown after six
- no carbon required
- nog
- no-iron
- no iron shorts
- noiseless
- no killing
- nolandsman
- nold
- no more drinks
- non
- Nonalignment
- non fiction
- non fiction novel
- non food
- nonfood supervisor
- non-iron
- no nox
- non profit
- nonproliferation
- non resident
- nonsense
- non stick
- non stop
- non stop flight
- non stop publicity
- non stop show
- non survivable
- non violence
- non-woven
- noon
- no problem
- nor
- no restrain
- normal
- north pole
- norton
- no show
- not
- note
- nothing
- nothing box
- notice my collar
- novel
- novelelectric
- novelty
- now
- now and then
- nuclear balance
- nuclear blackmail
- nuclear missile
- nuclear rocket
- nuclear stalemate
- nude look
- nugget
- nuisance value
- number
- number one
- nurse
- nursery
- nut
- nutrive
- nylon
- nyloncord
- nylonmesh
- nylon slip
Mit o* wurden 149 Stichwörter gefunden:
- oat cracker
- object
- observer
- obstacle clearance limit
- ocean
- o'clock
- O'Connel
- octet
- odd
- of(1)
- of(2)
- off
- off Broadway
- off Broadway musical
- off day
- office
- off off Broadway
- offset
- offside
- off they are
- off white
- oh lord
- oh yes
- oil
- oil company
- ok
- okay
- ok-pyjama
- okay tufted
- old
- old boys
- old England
- old fashion
- old fashion bar
- old fellow
- old gangster
- old John bar
- Old India
- old inn
- old lady
- old man
- old scotch bar
- Old Shatterland
- old smuggler
- old spice
- old stifis ramblers
- old time
- old time jazz
- oldtimer
- old timer's bar
- olympic
- omelet surprise
- omnibus
- on
- once more
- one
- one by one
- one design
- one man show
- one piece telephone
- one step
- one two three
- one woman show
- on holidays
- on leave
- only
- on the map
- on the rocks
- op
- op-art
- open
- open air
- open air nightclub
- open ditch
- open end
- open house
- opening
- opening of the happening
- opening tournament
- open mind
- open sandwich
- open shop
- open theatre
- open tournament
- operating
- operating system
- operation
- operation catch as catch can
- operations agent
- operations research
- operator
- opinion
- or
- orange
- orange blossom
- orange cream
- orange grove
- order
- orderly
- organ
- original teddies
- originator
- orlon
- orpington
- ounce
- our
- out
- outboard
- outcast
- outdoor
- outdoor girl
- outdoor jacket
- outfit
- out handle
- out in
- outline
- out of bound
- out of question
- out of the mode
- out patient
- out put
- outrigger
- outside
- outsider
- outspan
- oval
- over
- overall
- over coat
- overcrowded
- overdrive
- overhead
- overkill
- overlock
- overlocker
- overmanning
- over sea look
- over seas branch
- over statement
- overtime
- owner
- ownership
- Oxbridge
- oxer
- Oxford
- Oxford blue
- oxtail
- Oyster
- Oyster-bar
Mit p* wurden 392 Stichwörter gefunden:
- pa
- pace
- pacemaker
- pack
- pack easy
- package
- package deal
- package passport
- package unit
- packet boat
- pad
- paddle
- paddock
- Paddy
- paddy
- page
- pager
- pain expeller
- painter
- paint in
- painting
- pair
- pair of boots
- palace
- pale
- pale ale
- Pall Mall
- pan
- Panavision
- pan cake
- panel
- panel discussion
- panoramic sound
- pantry
- panty
- paper
- paperback
- paper book
- paper dress shop
- papermate
- paper shop
- passionfruit
- pastry
- par
- parade
- paradise run
- paradise run lunch place
- paraglider
- pardon
- park
- park and ride
- parkcoat
- parking
- parking house
- parking lot
- park ticket
- parking timer
- Parkinson
- parlament
- part
- partner
- party
- party-case
- party crasher
- party dress
- party girl
- party pick
- party snack
- party time
- pass
- passing
- passinggame
- Pat
- patch
- patchwork
- path-finder
- patient
- Patrick
- Patrick day
- patrolman
- patt
- pattern
- pattern of lovemaking
- passport
- pay
- pay as you earn
- payhauler
- paying guest
- peabody
- peace
- peace corps
- peaceful change
- peace keeping force
- peace keeping operation
- peach
- peak
- peanut
- peel off
- pearl
- pearl room
- pebbled ice
- peccary
- pedigree
- peeling
- peer
- Peerless
- Peggy
- pen pointer
- penalty
- penalty killer
- penalty killing
- pencil
- penny
- pensioner
- pentagon
- penthouse
- people
- pep
- peppermint
- percent
- perfect
- perfect finish make up
- performance
- performer
- perhaps
- period piece
- perl
- perma lift
- permanent address
- permanent press
- perm
- permit
- person
- personality
- personality poster
- personality show
- persuade
- Peter
- Peter Pan
- petticoat
- physical fitness
- piano jazz
- Piccadilly
- pick
- pick away
- pick-up
- pickle
- picnic
- picnic-bag
- picture
- picturephone
- pie
- pie crust
- piece
- pile
- pill
- pillage
- pilot
- pilot capless
- pilot plant
- Piltdown
- pineapple
- pineapple beefburger
- ping-pong
- pink
- pink thirties
- pink grape
- pink lady
- pin point
- pint
- pin up
- pin-up-girl
- pipe
- pipeline
- piper rock
- piss-in
- pit
- Pitt
- place
- plaid
- plain girl
- planning
- planning center
- plant
- plant engineer
- plant manager
- plastic
- plastic cape
- plastic pool
- plate
- platform
- platoon
- playback
- play it cool
- playboy
- playboy club
- playboy empire
- playboy music corporation
- playbuck
- player
- playgirl
- playground
- playground disco club
- playmate
- play room
- please
- please another
- please yourself
- please yourself dinner
- pleasure
- plot
- plowshare
- plumcake
- plumpudding
- ply
- pocketbook
- pocket memo
- point
- point of interest
- point of no return
- pointer
- pointman
- poker
- pokerface
- poker game
- pole
- police
- policy
- policy making
- polish
- polish up
- poll
- Polo
- polo-neck
- Pond's compensating Cream
- pony
- pony bar
- pony jerk
- pony tail
- pool
- poor guy
- poor uncle
- pop
- pop art
- pop artist
- pop-beat
- pop corn
- pop fan
- pop music
- pop rice
- pop sound
- poppy
- porch
- porridge
- port
- porter
- porthouse steak
- position
- positraction
- post
- poster
- post experience
- post experience studies
- postgraduate
- post graduate school
- post office
- poster
- poster shop club
- pot
- potatoe
- pound sterling
- powder
- powderbox
- power
- powerglide
- powerplay
- power slide
- powerstop
- power wind
- power zoom
- prairie
- prairie saloon
- pray
- precisely
- precrisis managment
- pre-electric-lotion
- pre electric shave
- prefer
- preference
- preferential
- preparation
- preprint
- pre season collection
- presence
- present
- president elect
- preshave
- press
- pression
- pressure group
- prestige quality
- pretend
- pre theatre dinner
- preview
- price
- price earning ratio
- price of democracy
- pride
- primary
- prime
- primordial
- pringle of Scotland
- print
- printer
- print out
- privacy
- privilege
- privy council
- probably
- problem
- procedure
- processing
- produce of Switzerland
- producer
- product management
- product manager
- product policy
- professional
- profit
- program
- progress
- promotion
- prompt
- proof
- propeller
- property of
- propulsion
- prosperity
- protest button
- protest song
- protestant
- provo
- provo town
- psychedelic
- psychedelic art
- psychedelic light show
- pub
- pub waiter
- public affairs officer
- public appeal
- public conscience
- public hearing
- public image
- public opinion research
- public relation
- public relation manager
- public relation minded
- publicity
- publicity advisor
- publisher
- puck
- pudding
- puff
- pull
- Pullman
- pullover
- pulli golfer
- pulli shirt
- pully
- pumps
- punch
- puncher
- punching ball
- punching club
- punt
- pupil lens
- puppet
- puppy-biscuit
- pure meet whisky
- purple
- purpose
- purser
- push
- pusher
- puss
- pussy cat
- put
- putting
- puttting husband through
- puzzle
- pyjama
- pyjashort
Mit q* wurden 23 Stichwörter gefunden:
- q-tip
- qualification
- quality
- quarter
- queen
- queen Mary
- Queen's quinine water
- question
- question master
- quick
- quick dinner
- quicklunch
- quickly
- quick steak
- quickstep
- quick treatment
- quiet
- quilt
- quinine water
- Quiz
- quizmaster
- quote
- quotient
Mit r* wurden 238 Stichwörter gefunden:
- race
- racer
- rache
- racing
- racket
- racy
- radar
- radical
- radome
- rag
- Raglan
- rag time
- raid
- rail
- rain coat
- rain drop cocktail
- rain jacket
- raker
- rally
- rally dress
- rambler
- ranch
- random access
- random number
- range
- ranger
- rap
- rapid eye movement
- rare quality
- raspberry
- ratio
- rattle snake
- ray
- raygrass
- razor
- reader's digest
- ready
- ready for use
- ready made
- real
- real first class
- realize
- real jazz
- really
- really refined
- real sheepskin
- real time
- real time clock
- real time computer
- real time system
- reaper
- recent
- recession
- record
- recorder
- record man
- recovery room
- red
- recycle
- red bird
- red delicious starking
- redingote
- redistribution
- red line
- red line offside
- red ox
- Red Sox
- red star
- redundancy
- reeducation
- referee
- reference
- refined
- refractor
- refreshment
- regency
- regency look
- regular
- relation
- relation man
- relationship
- relax
- relax calf
- release
- relegation
- reliance
- remake
- remember
- remington
- remote access computing system
- remover
- rent
- rent a car
- re-nutrive
- repeat methodic
- repeat test
- report
- reporter
- reporter coat
- representative
- repressiv
- reprint
- require
- research
- research about research
- research and development
- research review
- research team
- research engineer
- reserve
- reserve crew
- reservation
- reserve
- residence
- resident
- respectable
- response
- rest
- restaurant
- restrain
- retalliation
- retriever
- retro fire officer
- return
- reverberate
- reverend
- revers
- reversal film
- reversible
- review
- revival
- revival meeting
- reviver
- revolver
- rhapsody
- rhode island
- rhythm and blues
- rhythm and blues scene
- rhythm makers
- rice
- Rice crispies
- rich
- ride
- rider
- riffle
- riffle volunteer
- rigger
- rigging
- right
- right honourable
- right honourable gentleman
- right or wrong my country
- rink
- rinse
- rip
- ripple
- risk
- river
- Riverboat
- road
- roadster
- road to
- roar
- roarer
- roaring twenties
- roast beef
- robidog
- robin
- Robinson
- rock
- rock and roll
- rocker
- rocket
- rocking chair
- rockoon
- rocky
- roll
- roll back
- roller
- rolling star
- rolling stones
- roll stop
- roll out
- roll shirt
- Rolls Royce
- roll twist
- roof garden
- room
- room at the top
- room service
- rootsheet
- rope
- rotary
- rough
- round
- round neck
- round table
- round up
- rover
- rowdy
- rowing club
- roll twist
- roll up
- rolly
- romantic look
- romantic thriller
- romper
- royal
- royal blue
- royal club
- royal society
- royal twen
- royalty
- royal worcester
- rubber
- rubber boot
- rug
- Rugby
- rugby boss
- rugby match
- rugby star
- rule Brittannia
- ruler
- rum
- rum colling
- rumpsteak
- rum punch
- run
- runabout
- run after money
- runner
- runner up
- running mate
- run-up
- runway visual range
- rush
- rush hour
Mit s* wurden 927 Stichwörter gefunden:
- sabbatical year
- sacred song
- sachet
- safe
- safe file
- safety
- safety first
- sage brush
- St.-Charles-Hall
- salad
- salary
- sale
- salesman
- sales manager
- salesman society
- sales promoter
- sales promotion
- sales promotion man
- sales representative
- saloon
- salmon
- salt
- Sam
- same to you
- sample
- sampling
- sand
- sandalized pump
- sandalwood
- sand bay
- sandblast
- sand pearl
- Sandwich
- sandwich bar
- sandwich man
- sandwich order
- Sandy
- sanitized
- sapphire
- Sassoon
- satisfaction
- saucer
- Savannah
- save
- save our souls
- saver
- Savoy
- saw
- Sawyer
- saxon
- saxony
- saxophone clinic
- say
- saying
- scan
- scandinavian look
- scandinavian way of life
- scanner
- scape
- scat
- scene
- school
- school of languages
- scholarship
- schoolmaster
- schoon
- science
- science fiction
- science fiction story
- scientific subroutine package
- scientist
- scissors cut
- scone
- scoop
- scooter
- scope
- score
- scorer
- scotch
- scotch band
- scotch club
- scotch egg
- Scotch flex
- scotch pipe tobacco
- scotch tape
- scotch terrier
- scotch whisky
- scotland
- scotland yard
- scott
- Scottish
- scout
- scraper
- scratch
- screen
- screen education
- screen play
- script
- scriptgirl
- scrub
- scull
- sculler
- sea
- sea boy
- sea club
- seafood festival
- sea jeans
- seal
- sealy ham
- sealyham terrier
- Seamaster
- search and destroy
- season
- seat belt
- sea touring
- secession
- second
- second car
- second class award
- second hand
- second man
- second strike
- second wind
- secret
- secret light
- see
- see what I mean
- see you
- seersucker
- seesaw
- segregation
- select
- select committee
- selection
- selective
- selectshift
- self
- self control
- self drive
- self made man
- self making
- selfservice
- self shooting
- seller
- selling
- selling price system
- semi racer
- service partner
- senior sales promoter
- sense
- sense of humour
- sentimental
- separate
- sequence
- sergeant
- sergeant at arms
- serial
- serious
- serve
- service
- service ass
- service center
- service engineer
- service included
- service man
- service room
- service with a smile
- session
- set
- set lotion
- setter
- settle
- settlement
- set up
- sevenday
- seventeen
- seven up
- sewing
- sex
- sex and crime
- sex and crime strips
- sex appeal
- sex business
- sexgirl
- sex life
- sex show
- sexy
- sexy girl
- sexy guy
- shak
- shadow
- shag pipe shop
- shake
- shake hands
- shaker
- Shakespeare
- shampoo
- shampooing
- shampoo on a rope
- shamrock
- shanghai
- shaping
- share
- shark
- sharp
- sharp compete
- shave
- shaver
- shaving cream
- shawl
- shed
- sheen
- sheepskin
- sheer look
- sheet
- shell
- Shell pink
- sherbet
- sheriff
- Sherlock
- sherry
- Shetland
- shield
- shift
- shift grill
- shilling
- shimmy
- shine
- ship
- shipper
- shipping
- shirt
- shirting
- shirty
- shit
- shiver
- shock
- shocker
- shock fashion show
- shocking
- shocking colors
- shocking girl
- shocking pink
- shoe
- shoeshine boys
- shoe shop
- shoot
- shooter
- shop(1)
- shop(2)
- shopping
- shopping center
- shopping club
- shopping list
- shore
- short
- shortama
- shortbread
- short cake
- short coat
- short drink
- short game
- short overall
- short pyjama
- short slip
- short story
- shorty
- shot
- shouter
- show
- showband
- showboat
- showboat party
- showbusiness
- shower
- show like
- showman
- show room
- show stopper
- show time
- shrimp
- shuffle board
- shunt
- shutout club
- shuttle
- shuttle cock
- shut up
- sickleave
- side
- side board
- side car
- side light
- side line
- side order
- side step
- side-winder
- sightseeing
- silence
- silent
- silk
- silk and silver
- silkworm gut
- silly
- silver
- silver blue
- silver kilt
- silver king
- silver king polish
- silver link
- silvering
- silver ranch
- silver stone
- silver white
- simscript
- simulation
- simulator
- singe
- singer
- singing
- single
- sing out
- Sing-Sing
- sip
- sipper
- sir
- sirloin
- sirloin steak
- sister
- sit
- sit in
- sitter
- sitting
- situation
- six
- sixday
- six days races
- six pack
- six pence
- sixty
- sixty-nine
- size
- skate
- skate boards
- skating
- skeans
- skeet
- skeleton
- sketch
- skill
- skilook
- skimmer
- skin
- skin conditioner
- skin dew treatment
- skin driving
- skin food
- skin freshener
- skin life cream
- skin milk
- skin rubber
- skin soap
- skin tonic
- skin toning lotion
- skip
- skipper
- skunk
- sky
- skylight
- skyline
- skyscraper
- skyworker
- slacks
- slam
- slang
- slapshot
- slap-stick
- slapstick comedy
- slathound
- Slazenger
- Slazenger Challenge power
- sleep
- sleep coat
- sleep dress
- sleeper
- sleep in
- sleeping beauty
- sleep learning
- sleep well
- sleepy
- sleeve
- slender look
- slide
- sliding delivery
- sliding tackling
- slightly imperfect
- slimfit
- slim tie
- sling
- slingpump
- slip
- slipeasy
- slipover
- slipper
- slippon
- slipstreamer
- slogan
- sloop
- slop
- slopper
- sloppy
- slot car
- slot racing
- slow
- slow fox
- slum
- small
- small loan
- small talk
- smart
- smarty
- smash
- smash hit
- smashing
- smile
- smock
- smog
- smoke
- smoked haddock
- smoked salmon
- smoke house
- smoking
- smoking center
- smoking mixture
- smooth
- smuggle
- smuggler
- snack
- snack bar
- snack corner
- snake
- snap
- snap out
- snap shot
- snare drum
- sneakers
- snipp
- snob
- snob appeal
- snobbish
- snobiety
- Snobnik
- snoopy
- snow baby
- snow bird
- snow boy
- snowcalf
- snowflash
- snowking
- snug
- so
- soak
- soap
- sober
- soccer
- social background
- social climber
- social costs
- soical engineering
- society
- sock
- sockless
- soda
- soda water
- so far, so good
- soft
- soft drink
- soft feeling
- soft-ice
- soft leg
- soft music
- soft ware
- softly
- solicitor
- so long
- some
- somebody
- some like it hot
- so much
- son
- song
- song star
- sonic
- sonic boom
- sonny
- sophisticated
- sophisticated comedy
- sophisticated hippie style
- sorry
- sorter
- S.O.S
- soul
- soul brother
- soul group
- soul king
- sound
- sound level
- sound track
- soup
- southern way of life
- sour
- sour drink
- sovereign
- so what
- space
- space art
- spacecraft
- Space Detection and Tracking System
- spacemobile
- space shuttle
- spam
- spaniel
- sparkle
- sparring
- sparring partner
- spare-ribs
- spat
- speachwriter
- speak
- speak easy
- speaker
- spearmint
- special
- special beauty cream
- special center
- special corner
- special drink
- special food
- special formula concentrate
- special lotion
- special relationship
- special situation
- spectacular
- speech
- speed
- Speedfit
- speedfit easy
- speed fit rocket
- speedfit standard
- speed-freak
- speedliner
- Speedmaster
- speedway
- spencer
- spending
- spice
- spider
- spike
- spin
- spin doctor
- spinner
- Spinnerbait
- spin off
- spinster
- spire of California
- spirit
- spirit rapping
- spiritual
- spiritual foundation
- spiritual song
- spitfire
- splash
- splash down
- spleen
- splint
- splendid
- splendid isolation
- split
- splitdrain
- split level
- splitting
- spoiler
- spongy
- sponser
- sport
- sport bar
- sport club
- sport corner
- sport dress
- sport-girl
- sporting
- sporting bar
- sporting club
- sporting goods
- sport-jacket
- sport look
- sportsman
- spot
- spotdealer
- spotless clean hotels
- spotlight
- spray
- spray and shower bath
- sprayer
- spray polish
- spree
- spring
- springer spaniel
- spring is coming
- spring time
- sprint
- sprinter
- sprinter printer
- spun
- Spurs
- spurt
- spy
- squad
- square
- squash
- squash court
- squatter
- stableford
- stableford match
- staff
- stage(1)
- stage(2)
- stagnant society
- stake
- stalemate
- stacker
- stalking
- stamper
- standard
- standard run
- stand by
- St. Andrews mixture
- starking
- star
- starlet
- starlifter
- starlight
- starline
- starmanager
- star quizmaster
- star rest
- star and stripes
- start
- star team
- starter
- state
- statement
- state of the Union
- state trooper
- station
- station manager
- station waggon
- stayer-race
- steady boy
- steady friend
- steady state
- steak
- steal
- steamboater
- steamer
- steel
- steel band
- steeple
- steeple chase
- steepler
- Steinway
- Steinway and Sons
- stencil
- step
- Stephen
- sterling
- sterling balances
- sterling pool
- Stevens stretch corner
- stew
- steward
- stewardess
- stick
- stick checking
- stickhandling
- stiff
- stiffness
- still
- still flying strong
- still going strong
- stimulator
- stingray
- stingray swingpearl
- stitch down
- stock
- stock-car
- stock exchange
- stock exchange news
- stocking
- stockkeeper
- stockmaster
- stockpile
- stomper
- stone
- stop
- stop and go
- stopper
- storage
- store
- storekeeper
- store open
- storm
- stormy weather
- story
- stout
- straight bonds
- stranger
- strap
- strategy of forward defence
- strategy for peace
- stratojet
- stream
- stream corner
- streamer
- stream line
- street
- street furniture
- stress
- stretch
- stretch-bra
- stretcher
- stretch-nylon
- stretch pants
- stretch strap
- stretch-wool
- strike
- striker
- stringing modern jazz
- strings
- strip
- stripe
- strip tease
- strip-tease-club
- strip-tease-girl
- stroke play
- Strompers
- strong
- strong guy
- structure
- structured panel
- struggle for life
- Strutters
- studebaker
- student
- student cohabitation
- student power
- study
- stunt
- sturmey archer
- style
- style store
- styling
- stylist
- stylograph
- subliminal
- subroutine
- substandard
- subteen
- suburb
- suburbia
- suburbian
- subway
- success
- success story
- sugar
- sugar cane
- sugar daddy
- sugarless candy
- suit
- suit case
- sulky
- summer
- summer time
- summer vest
- summit
- summit conference
- sun
- sun air cream
- sunbeam
- sun bronze
- sunday
- sunday time
- sundowner
- sunlight
- sun look
- sun look spray
- sun mask
- sunny
- sunny boy
- sunny corner
- sunny dale
- sunny pant
- sunny side up
- sunray
- sunset
- sunset pink
- sunset strip
- sun side
- sunshine
- sunshine girl
- sunspray
- sunspree
- sun tan
- super
- super bang
- super boss
- super discount
- super eye cream
- super final
- super fine
- super gang
- super girl
- super highway
- superior
- super jet
- super kingsize
- super long mascara
- superman
- supermarket
- super marketing
- super match
- super moist
- super nice
- super playboy
- supersonic
- super sonic centre
- super spy
- super thriller
- super traction
- supervision
- supervisor
- super western
- supper
- support
- supporter
- supranational
- supreme court
- sure
- surf
- surf rider
- surprise
- surprise party
- survey research
- survivable
- Suzy baby
- swan
- swan oil
- swap
- sway
- sweater
- Sweden
- sweeper
- sweeping
- sweeping score
- sweepstake
- sweet
- sweet dreams
- sweetheart
- sweet music
- sweetness
- sweet nothing
- swimming pool
- swimplay suit
- swim shop
- swim suit
- swing
- swing band
- swing boom
- swing-boy
- swinger
- swing-girl
- swing-in
- swinging
- swinging Britain
- swinging sound
- swing line
- swing parade
- swingpearl
- swing tease
- swing time
- Swiss
- Swissair
- swiss army
- swiss beat live long play
- swiss center
- swiss collegians
- swiss cheese
- swiss craft
- swiss craft house
- swiss drop
- swiss fashion club
- swiss fashion day
- swiss folklore band
- swiss folklore show
- swiss fortnight
- swiss girl
- swiss jewel
- swiss lady
- swiss lamp
- Swiss made
- swiss mansion house
- swiss milk chocolate
- swiss minicare
- swiss plate dinner
- swiss pool
- Swiss roll
- swiss singer
- swiss times
- Swisstool
- swiss toboggan
- swiss tweed
- switch
- Switzerland
- sword shield
- synchromatic
- synchromesh
- synthetic
- system
Mit t* wurden 413 Stichwörter gefunden:
- to steal a person's thunder
- tab
- tabacco shop
- table
- table mat
- tackle
- tag
- tail
- tailor
- tailor style
- taken aback
- take it easy
- take off
- take out
- take over
- take over panel
- taker
- talk
- talky
- tan
- tandem
- tank
- tanker
- tape
- tape recorder
- target
- tartan
- taste of honey
- tasty late supper
- tattoo
- taxameter
- tax free
- tax have
- taxi
- taxi way
- taylorism
- T-bone-steak
- tea
- tea- and lunch room
- tea biscuit
- teacher
- teacher's eye
- teach in
- tea dancing
- tea for two
- teak
- teak show
- team
- teamspirit
- teamster
- teamster boss
- teamwork
- tea party
- tea room
- tear drop
- tease
- tea totaler
- technicolor
- technological gap
- Teddy
- teddy boy
- tee
- teen
- teen age
- teenager
- teenager bikini
- teenager meeting
- teenager party
- teen shop
- tele flash
- telegestion
- telegram
- telegraph
- telephone
- teletyper
- teletype-setter
- television
- television party
- telstar
- telstar-Jackie
- temperance
- templer
- ten
- tender brown
- tenderloin steak
- Tennis
- tennis court
- tennis-fan
- tennis racket
- tentative
- tent look
- ten years old
- teppi
- terminal
- Termofor
- terms of trade
- terrier
- terror
- test
- test ban
- test case
- tester
- testing
- test training
- Texas
- Texas girl
- text
- texter
- textolite
- thank
- thanksgiving day
- thank you
- thank you very much
- that's comfort sir
- that's it
- that's right
- that's that
- that's the expression
- that's why
- the
- theatre
- the bar bagpiper's corner
- the beautiful people
- the blacks
- the black birds
- the dearest child
- the flying beef
- the four Teddies
- the genius
- the happy swiss boys
- the happy Swiss players
- the Jockey feeling
- the juggling star
- the merry boys
- theme
- the moles
- then
- the old maid
- the omelet surprise
- theory
- the perfect gentleman
- the playboys
- the red house
- the red millers
- the red star jazzers
- the rubber boots
- the rex collegians sextett
- the sapphires
- the see saw
- the sliver
- the singing dutchman
- thesis
- the sisters
- the sky dreamers
- the sockless one
- the swiss singers
- the teddy boys
- the trembe kids
- the unlikes
- the winning team
- they
- thieftaker
- think
- think agency
- think ahead
- third stream music
- thirdtimer
- thirsty
- this above all
- thistle
- thousand
- three
- three, two, one, go
- three, two, one, zero
- thrill
- thriller
- throat cream
- through
- throw
- throw in
- thunder
- Thunderbird
- ticker
- tickertape parade
- ticket
- ticket counter
- ticket imprinter
- ticket system
- tide
- tie
- tight money policy
- tilt
- tilt song
- Tim
- timber room
- time
- time budget
- timer
- time is money
- time-lag
- time out
- times
- time sharing
- timing
- tin pan alley
- tint
- tip
- Tipperary
- Tippomatic
- tips
- tipsy nipper
- tiptop
- tissue cream
- T-man
- to
- toast
- toaster
- tobacco
- to beat or not to beat
- to be perfectly dressed
- toboggan
- today
- toffee
- togetherness
- toilet soap
- toilet-water
- tollroad
- Tom
- tomahawk
- tomato juice
- Tom Collins
- Tom Dooley
- Tom Jones
- tomorrow
- tonic
- tonic water
- tonight
- toning
- toning lotion
- tonk
- tool
- tooth paste
- top
- top account
- top act
- top air
- top band
- top business minded
- topclass raincoat
- top coat
- top crystal
- top fit
- top hit
- top lady corner
- topless
- top man
- top management
- top quality
- top secret
- top service
- top spin
- top spin drive
- topstar
- Topsy
- top twenty
- tory
- toss
- total action
- total camp
- totaler
- total look
- total performance
- touch
- touch and go
- touch down
- touch line
- touch table
- tough
- tough guy
- toughness
- tour
- touring
- tourist
- tourist station
- tournament
- tower
- town
- town and country
- town in town
- townscape
- township
- track
- tracking skip
- trackless
- traction
- tractor
- Tracy
- trade
- trader
- trade mark
- trading floor
- trading post
- traffic
- traffic agent
- trailer
- train
- trainee
- trainer
- trainer job
- training
- training camp
- training-center
- training partier
- tram
- tramp
- tramway
- tranquilizer
- transfer
- transistor
- translucent
- transplanter
- trap
- trapper
- trapper cabin
- trapper coat
- travel
- traveling sales manager
- traveller
- traveller's check
- travel-sleeper
- trawler
- trax
- treasure
- treasury
- treatment
- treatment chair
- treatment program
- tree
- tremble
- trench
- trenchcoat
- trend
- trend girl
- trend shop
- trend shop opening
- trial
- tribalism
- trick
- trigger
- trigger happy
- trip
- trip to Europe
- triumph for two
- trolley
- trolleybus
- trophy
- tropical
- tropical suit
- tropic dress
- trop shot
- trotter
- trouble
- trouble shooter
- truck
- trump
- trundle bundle
- trust
- truth
- T-shirt
- tubeless
- Tudor
- tufting
- tumbler
- tumper
- tune
- tuner
- tunnel
- turf
- turkey
- turnaround situation
- turtle
- turtle wax
- tutoring
- turnip
- TV
- TV-center
- TV-lounge-chair
- TV-show
- TV-spot
- Tweed
- tweed costume
- tween
- twen
- twen curler
- twen shirt
- twenty
- twenty-girl
- twenty-one-bar
- twice over long
- Twiggy
- twill
- twin
- twin box
- twining
- twin set
- twin tip
- twist
- two
- two step
- two step multiplication
- type
- typist
Mit u* wurden 54 Stichwörter gefunden:
- ugly American
- ulster
- ultra lash
- umpire
- uncle
- Uncle Ben
- Uncle Tom
- uncontrolled cinema
- underdeveloped country
- under dog
- underground
- underground movies
- understatement
- underwood
- underworld
- unfair
- unidentified flying objects
- union
- union jack
- unit
- united
- united states
- unitend artist
- university extension
- unknown flying object
- unlabelled quality
- unlike
- un-person
- up
- up and down
- up down town
- up hill put
- upper class
- uppercut
- upper shop
- upper ten
- upper ten thousand
- upside down
- up to date
- us
- U.S.
- US-army
- US-beef
- use
- useful
- user
- US-marines
- US-government-control
- usual
- utility
- utilitarian
Mit v* wurden 55 Stichwörter gefunden:
- vacuum cleaner
- vacuum packed
- valet
- value
- vamp
- vampire
- van
- vanishing cream
- vanity fair
- variomatic
- v-deep
- vegetable curry
- velvet
- ventilation
- ventriloquist
- ver juice
- very
- very bad boy
- very fair
- very good
- very important person
- very much
- very nice
- very old
- very soft old pale
- very superior old pale
- very useful affair
- very well
- vest
- victoria
- Victoria and Albert
- victorian
- view
- view master
- vigil candles
- violence
- VIP-look
- virgin
- Virginia
- virgin lambswool
- visible music
- vision
- visual
- visualiser
- visualizing
- vitality
- V.O.
- volley
- volleyball
- voluntary
- volunteer
- vote
- voting cattle
Mit w* wurden 176 Stichwörter gefunden:
- wages
- waggon
- wait and see
- waiter
- wait list
- waldorf
- waldorf towers
- walk
- walker
- walking bag
- walkman
- walky talky
- Wallace
- wall street
- Walt Disney
- Walt Disney festival
- waltz
- wampumpeag
- want
- wanted dead or alive
- war
- ware
- warehouse supervisor
- warhead
- warm up
- warming
- warner's safe cure
- warning
- wash and wear
- washing
- wasp
- watch
- watcher
- watch maker
- water
- watch closet
- water jacket
- waterproof
- waterproof leg make-up
- waterstream
- watt
- wave
- wax
- way
- way of life
- wealth
- wear
- wear and throw away
- weather
- week
- weekend
- weekend house
- weekend sneakers
- weight
- welcome
- welfare state
- well
- west
- westend
- western
- westman
- West of England
- westside
- what
- when
- whig
- whime
- whip
- whipcord
- whippet
- whippet match
- whisk
- whisky
- whisky chart
- whisky cocktail
- whisky fizz
- whisky punch
- whisky snob
- whisky soda
- whisky sour
- whisky time
- whist
- white
- white anglo saxon protestant
- white backlash
- whitecoat
- white collar people
- white collar worker
- white fit
- white horse
- white House
- white jeans
- white shirt
- who is who
- why
- wick
- wide
- wide oval
- wife
- wigwam
- wildcat
- wild life
- wild west
- wild west pictures
- wild wester
- wildwest-like
- wildwest thriller
- will
- William
- Wilson
- Winchester
- wind
- winder
- wind music
- wind of change
- widow dressing
- Windsor
- wine boys
- wing commander
- winner
- winning
- winning team
- winter
- winter look
- winter time
- wipe
- wire
- with
- wobbler
- woman(1)
- woman(2)
- woman doer
- woman napping
- women's lib
- wonder boy
- wonderful
- wonderlift
- wood
- wood carving
- woogie
- wool
- wool flight
- wool woven
- wop
- Worcester
- word
- word processing
- work
- workaholic
- worker
- work in progress
- workmanship
- workshop
- worksong
- workteam
- world
- world famous
- world seller
- world's fair
- worldwide
- world wildlife
- worsted
- Worsted mohair
- Worsted special
- worst writer
- would be
- woven
- wow
- wrap
- wrestling-show
- wrinkle stick
- write
- writer
- write in
- write in vote
- wrong
Mit x* wurden keine Stichwörter gefunden.
Mit y* wurden 44 Stichwörter gefunden:
- yacht
- yahoo
- Yale
- Yankee
- yankee doodle
- yard
- yeah, yeah, yeah
- yeah-yeah brothers and sisters
- year
- year book of world facts
- yearn
- yellow
- yellow boys
- yellow jackets
- yellow party
- yes
- yes sir
- yesterday
- yodel
- yorkshire meat soup
- you
- young
- you are welcome
- you go
- you got it
- young
- Young Boys
- young fashion hit
- Young Fellows
- young lady
- young look
- young men's corner
- young men's shop
- young shop
- Young Sprinters
- Youngster
- young style
- young style set
- your
- yourself
- youthcafe
- youth dew
- youth hostel
- youth sheen
Mit z* wurden 6 Stichwörter gefunden:
- zap
- zero
- zest
- zip
- zip out
- zoom