Aéroport international O.R. Tambo
O.R. Tambo (W3)
(E?)(L?) http://www.anc.org.za/people/tambo_or.html(E?)(L?) http://www.dac.gov.za/speeches/minister/Speech31Aug06.htm
Today I am formally announcing that I am approving the name change. The name of the "Johannesburg International Airport" will be changed to "O.R. Tambo International Airport". After consultations with the Ministry of Transport, a formal naming ceremony will be performed, hopefully to coincide with the late O.R. Tambo’s birthday, 27 th October (2006).
"Oliver Reginald Kaizana Tambo"’s place in history is secure. He was a great South African and an even greater son of Africa. More than this, he belonged to all humanity. As he himself said, the campaign against apartheid was humanity’s own cause; and by playing such a pre-eminent leadership role in the defeat of this evil system, he contributed decisively to the removal of one of the greatest blots on our common humanity. That was what made his life such a blessing and a benefaction.
(E?)(L?) http://www.jeuneafrique.com/fluxafp/fil_info.asp?art_cle=32602
L'aéroport de Johannesburg devient "O.R. Tambo"
City of Johannesburg
Selon le ministčre sud-africain de la Culture et des Arts, l'aéroport de Johannesburg a été rebaptisé vendredi "Aéroport international O.R. Tambo", du nom d'un héros de la lutte anti-apartheid, qui fut aussi président de l'ANC (parti au pouvoir), en présence du président sud-africain Thabo Mbeki et son prédécesseur Nelson Mandela.