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Delphinus (W3)

Lat. "delphinus", dt. "Delphin", frz. "dolphin", geht weiter zurück auf griech. "delphín", "delphís" Gen. griech. "delphinos" und ist vermutlich gebildet zu griech. "delphýs" = dt. "Gebärmutter" (mit Bezug zu der gebärmutterähnlichen Körperform).

Da der Delphin in der griechischen Mythologie eine bescheiden Rolle spielte, mußte er natürlich auch einen Platz am Sternenhimmel erhalten. Mit viel Phantasie soll man an dieser Stelle des Sternenhimmels einen aus dem Meer springenden Delphin erkennen.

Als Wurzel findet man ide. "*gel-" mit der Bedeutung dt. "ballen", "sich ballen", "Ball", "Kugeliges". So ganz sehe ich den sprachlichen Zusammenhang nicht, aber der Bedeutungsumfang kann sich durchaus zu griech. "delphýs" = dt. "Gebärmutter", "Leibesfrucht"; griech. "delphís" = dt. "Delphin"; lat. "delphinus" = dt. "Delphin"; altengl. "delfin" weiter entwickelt haben.

Das Sternbild "Delphinus"

Bei Adelung findet man:

Der "Meersäbel", des -s, plur. ut nom. sing. ein Meerfisch, welcher zu dem Geschlechte der Delphinen gehöret; 10 bis 12 und in Amerika bis 30 Schuh lang ist, und außer den zwey Seitensinnen einer 3 bis 4 Schuh lange Rückensinne in Gestalt eines Säbels hat; "Delphinus Gladius marinus L.".

Der "Nord-Caper", oder "Nordkaper", des -s, plur. ut nom. sing. eine Art Wallfische, welche zuweilen zwanzig Fuß lang wird, und wenigstens halb so dick, als er lang ist; "Delphinus Orca L." der "Butzkopf", wegen seines dicken unförmlichen Kopfes. "Nordkaper" heißt er, weil er sich am häufigsten in der Gegend des "Nord-Cap" in Norwegen sehen lässet.

Der "Tümmler", des -s, plur. ut nom. sing.

1. Eine Art Delphine, welche sich mit großer Geschwindigkeit im Wasser herum tummelt, wovon er auch den Nahmen hat; "Delphinus Delphis Linn." Nieders. "Tümelev". Es gehöret mit den Meerschweine zu Einem Geschlechte, ist aber von demselben noch verschieden.

2. Eine Art kleiner Tauben, welche sich im Fliegen oft herum werfen, oder tummeln.


"DELPHINUS" ("THE DOLPHIN"), in astronomy, a constellation of the northern hemisphere, mentioned by Eudoxus (4th century B.C.) and Aratus (3rd century B.C.); and catalogued by Ptolemy (10 stars), Tycho Brahe (10 stars), and Hevelius (14(14 stars). "ry Delphini" is a double star: a yellowish of magnitude 4, and a bluish of magnitude 5.


"delphin", inis, m. (acc. sing. -ina; acc. plur. -inas) : "dauphin" (poisson).

"delphinus", i, m. : - 1 - "dauphin" (poisson). - 2 - "le Dauphin" (constellation). - 3 - "tête de dauphin" (ornement de vases, de lits...). - 4 - "dauphin" (un levier de l'orgue hydraulique).

"delphis : 1 - "Delphis", idis, f. : "prêtresse de Delphes". 2 - "delphis", inis, m. = "delphin".


"DELPHINUS" ("Delphin")

When Arion of Lesbos, the most famous lyre player, was doomed by the sailors and forced to cast himself into the sea, a "Dolphin", charmed with the music of his funeral dirge carried him on its back, and bore him safely. It was for this characteristic of friendliness to man and philanthropy that earned the "Dolphin", "Delphinus", a place among the stars.

The nine stars in the constellation were also considered to be the "nine Muses".

"Delphinus" and "Dolphin" comes from Greek "delphis", genitive "delphinos", "dolphin", whence Greek "delphus", "womb", (referring to its shape), Sanskrit "garbha", "womb". Greeks called siblings born of the same mother "adelphoi" (singular), "adelphos" (brother), and "adelphas" (sister), literally "from the same womb".

Greek "delphus", "womb", Sanskrit "garbha", "womb", is cognate with Gallic-Latin "galba" and Gothic "kil-thei" "womb". The word "child", from Old English "cild", is cognate with Gothic "kilthei", "womb". Plural "children". Related to the word "kilt".

The name "Delphi" from Greek "Delphoi", is connected with "delph", "hollow" or "delphus", "womb". Greek "delph" "hollow", is cognate with our word "delve", from Old English "delfan", meaning "to search deeply and laboriously", or "to dig the ground", as with a spade, and comes from the Indo-European root "*dhelbh-" "To dig", "excavate".

The city "Delft" or "Delf" in Holland is related to this root from where we get "delft", "glazed earthenware".

The word "dolphin" is related to "dauphin" (the French word for the "eldest son of the king of France" from 1349 to 1830), "Philadelphus", "Philadelphia", "calf" ("young of a cow", and various species of mammals including dolphins), "chilver" ("a ewe lamb", a "chilver lamb", Old High German "kilbur", "chilburra" "mother lamb"), the surname "Chilvers", the second element in "dagoba" which is the short form of "dhatu-garbha", a Buddhist shrine or stupa, a beehive shaped building.
History of the constellation

"Delphinus", the "Dolphin" is "Dauphin" in France, "Delfino" in Italy, and "Delphin" in Germany: all from the Greek "Delphis" and "Delphin", transcribed by the Latins as "Delphis" and "Delphin". This last continued current through the 17th century, and in our day was resumed by Proctor for his reformed list. Chaucer, in the Hous of Fame, had "Delphyn", and later than he it was "Dolphyne".




Double Stars in Delphinus

The Dolphin

Here is a listing of the 37 or so best doubles in Delphinus.





In the shape of a Dolphin, this constellation also called Job's Coffin consists of 5 stars. It contains a variable star, a double star and a spectroscopic binary star.

One seldom sees Altair during the first four months of the year. It takes about 13 hours for Altair to make its journey across the sky. Its color is white or yellowish white. Its surface temperature is less than Vega but greater than Capella. Altair is actually 11 times more luminous than sun and 17 ly away from us. Altair is approaching the earth at a speed of 16 miles per second.


"Delphinus" is a small northern group of stars, the 69th in order of area of the modern 88 internationally recognised constellations. It is bordered by Sagitta, Aquila, Aquarius, Equuleus, Pegasus and Vulpecula. What is noteworthy about "Delphinus" is that it actually resembles, when the stars are joined in the imagination, the creature it is supposed to depict - a dolphin jumping out of the sea.

There are no Messier objects in Delphinus, but there are some remarkable binary and multiple star systems, five extrasolar planets, a couple of planetary nebulae and two globular clusters, including Caldwell 42.


There are different stories about the origins of the dolphin constellation. In one, Delphinus is the dolphin sent by the gods to save the drowning musician and poet Arion. He had been thrown overboard by sailors who were supposed to be giving him safe passage, so that they could keep his personal effects and considerable wealth. The gods had been listening to Arion's music earlier in the voyage, so witnessed the treachery taking place. Apollo was so moved by the plight of the gifted musician that he sent Delphinus to his aid.

Another version of the tale concerns Amphitrite, one of the the Nereids (sea-nymphs) being pursued by Poseidon. As she was trying to escape his attentions, a dolphin persuaded her to accept the sea god's marriage proposal. Poseidon was so grateful to the creature he placed the dolphin's image among the stars as a constellation.



*gel- (1)
Weiterleben: s. griech. delphýs (delphýs), F., Gebärmutter, Leibesfrucht; griech. delphís (delphís), M., Delphin; vgl. lat. delphinus, M., Delphin; altengl. delfin?, st. M. (a), Delphin;



  • Nominativ Sg.: delphinus
  • Genitiv Sg.: delphini
  • Genus: m.
  • Deutsche Übersetzung: Delphin
  • Deklination: o-Deklination
Singular Plural
  • Nominativ delphinus delphini
  • Genitiv delphini delphinorum
  • Dativ delphino delphinis
  • Akkusativ delphinum delphinos
  • Ablativ delphino delphinis
  • Vokativ delphine delphini


Limericks on "Delphinus"


Dauphin d'Afrique du Sud, Dauphin commun à long bec

[Cape Dolphin or Longbeaked Common Dolphin]


Dauphin commun, Marsouin à ventre blanc, Sattleback, Dauphin commun à bec court, Dauphin camus, Dauphin à bec d'oie ou Dauphin des Anciens

[Common Dolphin]



"Delphinus", the "dolphin", is a small constellation of the family of the "Heavenly Waters" lying north, but close to the celestial equator.

The four main stars form an asterism known as "Job's Coffin". The names of the two main stars, "alpha Del" and "beta Del", "Sualocin" and "Rotanev", were first mentioned in 1814 in a star catalog, published at the Palermo Observatory in Italy. Read backwards these two names resolved to "Nicolaus Venator", which is the latin version for the italian name "Niccolo Cacciatore", who was the assistant director of the observatory in this time.


Gemeiner Delfin - Delphinus delphis - Mammalia


Langschnäuziger Gemeiner Delfin - Delphinus capensis - Mammalia


Gattung Delphinus


DAUPHIN, delphinus, (Hist. nat. Ichthiol.) [Histoire naturelle , Ichtiologie] Daubenton, Louis Jean-Marie (Page 4:645)

"DAUPHIN", "delphinus", s. m. (Hist. nat. Ichthiol.) poisson cétacée; on l'a aussi appellé bec d'oie, parce qu'il a les mâchoires allongées & ressemblantes en quelque façon à celles de l'oie. On donne à ce poisson différens noms, dont la plûpart signifient en diverses langues ou jargons, "porc de mer" ou poisson - "porc", parce que le dauphin a de la graisse & du lard comme le cochon, & qu'il ressemble, dit - on, à cet animal par la conformation des parties intérieures, c'est - à - dire qu'il ressemble à cet égard, comme les autres cétacées, aux quadrupedes en général.


DELPHINUS, (en Astronomie) [Astronomie] unknown (Page 4:795)

DELPHINUS, en Astronomie, nom d'une constellation. Voyez Dauphin.








Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Dt. "Delphinus" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1780 auf.


Erstellt: 2017-08