(E?)(L?) http://www.antbase.org/
Antbase now provides for the first time access to all the ant species of the world, one of the ecologically most important groups of animals worldwide.
Antbase is a collaborative effort between scientists from around the world, aiming at providing the best possible access to the wealth of information on ants, to fulfill the conservation needs of the "International Union for the Study of Social Insects" ("IUSSI"), and the "Species Survival Commission of the World Conservation Union" (IUCN).
Antbase, together with the Hymenoptera On-line Database, is the data provider for ants to the "Integrated Taxonomic Information System", "ITIS".
Antbase is being built and maintained at the American Museum of Natural History (Donat Agosti) and the Ohio State University (Norman F. Johnson).
(E?)(L?) http://www.antbase.org/databases/ant_list.htm
Actual List of the Ants of the World
This database allows to download the lists of currently valid subfamilies, genera and species. For details and original publications, enter the respective name into the taxon search engine above.
Aenictinae Genus | Aenictogitoninae Genus | Agroecomyrmecinae Genus | Amblyoponinae Genus | Aneuretinae Genus | Apomyrminae Genus | Armaniinae Genus | Brownimeciinae Genus | Cerapachyinae Genus | Dolichoderinae Genus | Dorylinae Genus | Ecitoninae Genus | Ectatomminae Genus | Formiciinae Genus | Formicinae Genus | Heteroponerinae Genus | Leptanillinae Genus | Leptanilloidinae Genus | Myrmeciinae Genus | Myrmicinae Genus | Paleosminthurinae Genus | Paraponerinae Genus | Ponerinae Genus | Proceratiinae Genus | Pseudomyrmecinae Genus | Sphecomyrminae Genus | Aenictinae Species | Aenictogitoninae Species | Agroecomyrmecinae Species | Amblyoponinae Species | Aneuretinae Species | Apomyrminae Species | Armaniinae Species | Brownimeciinae Species | Cerapachyinae Species | Dolichoderinae Species | Dorylinae Species | Ecitoninae Species | Ectatomminae Species | Formiciinae Species | Formicinae Species | Heteroponerinae Species | Leptanillinae Species | Leptanilloidinae Species | Myrmeciinae Species | Myrmicinae Species | Paleosminthurinae Species | Paraponerinae Species | Ponerinae Species | Proceratiinae Species | Pseudomyrmecinae Species | Sphecomyrminae Species | Formicidae Subfamily | Formicidae Genus | Formicidae Species
Erstellt: 2012-11