Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Zoologie, Zoología, Zoologie, Zoologia, Zoology, (esper.) zoologio

Logo Etymologie-Portal




Antbase now provides for the first time access to all the ant species of the world, one of the ecologically most important groups of animals worldwide.

Antbase is a collaborative effort between scientists from around the world, aiming at providing the best possible access to the wealth of information on ants, to fulfill the conservation needs of the "International Union for the Study of Social Insects" ("IUSSI"), and the "Species Survival Commission of the World Conservation Union" (IUCN).

Antbase, together with the Hymenoptera On-line Database, is the data provider for ants to the "Integrated Taxonomic Information System", "ITIS".

Antbase is being built and maintained at the American Museum of Natural History (Donat Agosti) and the Ohio State University (Norman F. Johnson).


Actual List of the Ants of the World

This database allows to download the lists of currently valid subfamilies, genera and species. For details and original publications, enter the respective name into the taxon search engine above.

Aenictinae Genus | Aenictogitoninae Genus | Agroecomyrmecinae Genus | Amblyoponinae Genus | Aneuretinae Genus | Apomyrminae Genus | Armaniinae Genus | Brownimeciinae Genus | Cerapachyinae Genus | Dolichoderinae Genus | Dorylinae Genus | Ecitoninae Genus | Ectatomminae Genus | Formiciinae Genus | Formicinae Genus | Heteroponerinae Genus | Leptanillinae Genus | Leptanilloidinae Genus | Myrmeciinae Genus | Myrmicinae Genus | Paleosminthurinae Genus | Paraponerinae Genus | Ponerinae Genus | Proceratiinae Genus | Pseudomyrmecinae Genus | Sphecomyrminae Genus | Aenictinae Species | Aenictogitoninae Species | Agroecomyrmecinae Species | Amblyoponinae Species | Aneuretinae Species | Apomyrminae Species | Armaniinae Species | Brownimeciinae Species | Cerapachyinae Species | Dolichoderinae Species | Dorylinae Species | Ecitoninae Species | Ectatomminae Species | Formiciinae Species | Formicinae Species | Heteroponerinae Species | Leptanillinae Species | Leptanilloidinae Species | Myrmeciinae Species | Myrmicinae Species | Paleosminthurinae Species | Paraponerinae Species | Ponerinae Species | Proceratiinae Species | Pseudomyrmecinae Species | Sphecomyrminae Species | Formicidae Subfamily | Formicidae Genus | Formicidae Species

Erstellt: 2012-11


Glossary of Entomology, Crop Protection, and Integrated Pest Management


Total database output requested: Total number of records: 1023

Erstellt: 2012-11








iastate - Image
Iowa State Entomology Image Gallery
Identify insects


| Ants, Bees and Wasps | Sphecid Wasps | Thread-waisted Wasps | Beetles | Bean Leaf Beetle | Bean leaf beetles on early-emerging soybean | Bean leaf beetle | Bean Leaf Beetle | Bean Leaf Beetle Feeding | Bean Leaf Beetle (red phase) | Bean leaf beetle without spots | Bean leaf beetle (yellow phase) | Bean leaf beetle (yellow phase) | Counting Bean Leaf Beetle | Sampling bean leaf beetles | Blister Beetle | Black blister beetle | Margined blister beetle | Click Beetle | Wireworms: pests of corn seed | Click Beetle | Wireworm damage to corn seed | Wireworm (hard-bodied species) | Wireworm (soft-bodied species) | Colorado Potato Beetle | Colorado Potato Beetle feeding | Corn Rootworm Beetle | Corn rootworm larva | Corn rootworms can injure corn roots | Female Western Corn Rootworm beetle with eggs expressed | Heavy feeding injury caused by rootworm larvae | Northern corn rootworm | Northern corn rootworm adult | Ovipositor expressed from a Western Corn Rootworm | Western corn rootworm beetle | Flea Beetle | Corn Flea Beetles on Leaf | Flea beetle | Ladybird Beetles | Coccinella septempunctata | Coleomegilla maculata | Cycloneda munda | Hippodamia convergens | Hippodamia tredecimpunctata | Scarab Beetles and White Grubs | Annual and True White Grub | True White Grub | Japanese Beetle | Southern Corn Leaf Beetle | Southern Corn Leaf Beetle | Seedcorn Beetles | Seedcorn beetle | Slender seedcorn beetle | Weevils | Alfalfa weevil larvae | Alfalfa weevil larvae | Alfalfa weevil size | Alfalfa Weevil | Claycolored Billbug | Clover leaf weevil larva | Cloverleaf Weevil | Imported Longhorned Weevil | Southern Corn Billbug | Butterflies and Moths | Armyworm | Armyworm | Fall Armyworm | Yellowstriped Armyworm | Black Cutworm | Black cutworm | Black cutworm and dingy cutworm | Black cutworm (closeup) | Black cutworm moth (adult) | Black cutworm with damage | Close-up comparison of black and dingy cutworms | Leaf feeding from cutworm | Bronzed Cutworm | Bronzed cutworm | Cattail Caterpillar | Cattail Caterpillar | Corn Earworm | Corn earworm | Corn earworm | Corn Earworm | Corn Earworm (dark phase) | Heads of armyworm, fall armyworm, and corn earworm | Dingy Cutworm | Dingy cutworm | European Corn Borer | Adult European Corn Borers | Beauveria fungus | European corn borer shotholes | European corn borer larvae | European corn borer stalk tunneling | European corn borer larva | European corn borer larva on corn | European corn borer egg mass | European corn borer in ear shank | European corn borer tunneling | European corn borers hatching | Newly-hatched European Corn Borers (closeup) | Newly-hatched European Corn Borer larvae | Fall Armyworm | Fall armyworm | Fall Armyworm | Glassy Cutworm | Glassy cutworm | Green Cloverworm | Adult green cloverworm | Green cloverworm | Hop Vine Borer | Hop vine borer | Hop Vine Borer | Io Moth | Io Moth Caterpillar | Monarch | Monarch butterfly | Monarch caterpillar on milkweed | Sandhill Cutworm | Sandhill cutworm | Sod Webworm | Sod webworm | Southwestern Corn Borer | Southwest Corn Borer (winter) | Southwestern Corn Borer (summer) | Stalk Borer | Burning grass to kill stalk borer eggs | Older Stalk Borer | Stalk borer | Young Stalk Borer | Variegated Cutworm | Variegated cutworm feeding on corn | Variegated Cutworm | Western Bean Cutworm | Western Bean Cutworm | Wollybear Caterpillar | Woolly Bear | | | | Cicadas and Leafhoppers | Aphids | Aphid mummy | Aphids and molted skins | Cicadas | Periodical Cicada | Periodical Cicada (closeup) | Leafhoppers | Potato Leafhopper | Flies and Mosquitoes | Seed Corn Maggot Flies | Seedcorn maggot | Crane Flies | Crane fly larva | Mosquitoes | Aedes dorsalis | Aedes sollicitans | Aedes triseriatus | Aedes triseriatus (scales) | Aedes trivittatus | Aedes trivittatus | Aedes vexans abdomen | Aedes vexans (male) | Anopheles punctipennis | Anopheles punctipennis | Anopheles punctipennis wing | Coquillettidia perturbans | Coquillettidia perturbans | Coquillettidia perturbans (close) | Coquillettidia perturbans scutum | Culex pipiens | Culex pipiens (male) | Culex pipiens (male antennae) | Culiseta inornata | Culiseta inornata wing scales | Psorophora ciliata (leg) | Seed Corn Maggot Flies | Winter- or spring-applied manure | Grasshoppers and Crickets | Differential grasshopper | Grasshopper Damage to Corn | Grasshopper Density on Corn | Grasshopper injury of corn | Grasshopper nymph | Grasshoppers on Corn Ear | Red-legged grasshopper | Lice | Ventral view of Pediculus humanus | Two head lice with dime for size comparison | Lateral view of Pediculus humanus | Human head louse head close-up | Whole body view of Pediculus humanus | Dorsal and lateral views of Pediculus humanus | Dorsal and ventral views of Pediculus humanus | Pediculus humanus claw | Body Louse | Cattle Louse | Crab Louse or Pubic Louse | Hog Louse | Miscellaneous | Removing seed plate | Turning the seed meter | Burndown | Herbicide spray nozzles | Rotary hoe | Mites | Two-Spotted Spider Mite | Two-spotted spider mite | Plant Diseases and Damage | Alfalfa | Alfalfa crown rot | Alfalfa weevil damage | Alfalfa Weevil Damage | Aphanomyces | Common Leaf Spot | Downy Mildew | Heaved alfalfa plants | Hopperburn | Leptosphaerulina Leaf Spot | Spring Blackstem | Winter-injured alfalfa | Winter-killed alfalfa | Barley | Ergot sclerotia and barley grain | Corn | Anthracnose | Armyworm Damage | Aspergillus | Billbug Damage | Black Cutworm Damage | Cladosporium Ear Rot | Common Rust | Corn Earworm Damage | Corn Rootworm Damage | Corn seedling infected by fungi | Crown Rot in Corn | Diplodia Ear Rot | European Corn Borer Damage | Eyespot | Fall Armyworm Damage | Flooding | Frost Damage | Fungicidal Efficacy | Fusarium Ear Rot | Geese Damage | Gibberella Ear Rot | Grasshopper Damage | Gray Leaf Spot | Hail Damage | Herbicide Injury | Holcus Spot | Hop Vine Borer | Nitrogen Deficiency | Nematode damage | Nigrospora Ear Rot | Northern Leaf Spot | Potassium Deficiency | Purple Corn | Replanting | Rhizoctonia | Seedling Diseases | Seedling Diseases | Slug Injury | Southern Rust | Stalk Borer Damage | Stalk Rot | Stewart's Disease | Stink Bug Damage | Striped Corn | UAN and Urea Burn | Uneven Corn | Western Bean Cutworm Damage | Western Corn Rootworm Beetle Damage | Oak Tatter | Oak tatter | Oats | Crown Rust | Yellow Dwarf Virus | Soybean | Bacterial Blight | Bean Leaf Beetle Damage | Bean Pod Mottle Virus | Black Cutworm Damage | Bean Pod Mottle Virus | Brown Spot | Brown Spot | Brown spot vs. bacterial blight | Brown Stem Rot | Cercospora Leaf Spot | Damping-Off | Downy Mildew | Frogeye Leaf Spot | Green Cloverworm Damage | Growth Regulator Injury | Herbicide Injury | Imported Longhorned Weevil Damage | Phomopsis | Prosulfuron (Exceed) Injury | Root Rot | Seed Rot | Seedling Blight | Soybean Cyst Nematode | Soybean Mosaic Virus | Soybeans with Phytophthora root rot | Soybeen seedling disease | Spider Mite Damage | Stem Canker | Stem Rot | Sudden Death Syndrome | Top Dieback | White Mold | Wheat | Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus | Leaf Rust | Molds | Powdery Mildew | Wheat Scab | Plants | Alfalfa | Healthy alfalfa taproot | Seedlings of fungus-resistant alfalfa | Splitting alfalfa taproot | Corn | Corn silking | Corn silking | Weeds | Field Pennycress | Waterhemp | Weed Control | Woolly Cupgrass | Practices | Riparian buffer systems | Riparian buffer | Slugs | Field slug | Springtails | Suborder Arthropleona | Family Entomobryidae | Family Hypogastruridae | Family Isotomidae | Suborder Symphypleona | Family Sminthuridae | Ticks | American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis) | American Dog Tick | Deer Tick (Ixodes scapularis) | All four deer tick stages | Deer tick larva (closeup) | Dissection of a deer tick | Engorged deer tick nymph | Female deer tick | Female deer tick crawling | Female deer tick (with dime for size comparison) | Larval deer tick crawling | Larval deer tick (with dime for size comparison) | Male deer tick | Male deer tick crawling | Male deer tick (with dime for size comparison) | Nymphal deer tick (with dime for size comparison) | Lone Star Tick (Amblyomma americanum) | Lone Star Tick (larvae) | True Bugs | Stink Bugs | Stink bug

Erstellt: 2012-11

Iowa State Entomology Index of Internet Resources
Insect-related Links


The directory and search engine of insect-related resources on the Internet.

By Content Type
Bibliographies | Blogs | CD-ROM | Checklists | Collections | Companies | Databases | Directories | Image Galleries | Institutions | Integrated Pest Management | Job Opportunities | Journals and Newsletters | Keys | K-12 Recommended Resources | Lesson Plans | Mailing Lists | Meetings and Conferences | Online Courses | Professional Societies | Research Programs | Software | Sounds | Video

By Taxonomic Group
Blattodea (cockroaches) | Coleoptera (beetles) | Collembola (springtails) | Dermaptera (earwigs) | Diptera (flies) | Embiidina (web-spinners) | Ephemeroptera (mayflies) | Grylloblattodea (rock crawlers) | Hemiptera (true bugs) | Homoptera (aphids, scale insects, leafhoppers, cicadas) | Hymenoptera (wasps, ants, bees) | Isoptera (termites) | Lepidoptera (butterflies, moths) | Mantodea (mantids) | Mantophasmatodea (heelwalkers) | Mecoptera (scorpionflies and hangingflies) | Neuroptera (lacewings, ant lions, dobsonflies) | Odonata (dragonflies, damselflies) | Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets) | Phasmida (stick insects) | Phthiraptera (lice) | Plecoptera (stoneflies) | Protura (proturans) | Psocoptera (psocids) | Siphonaptera (fleas) | Strepsiptera (twisted-wing parasites) | Thysanoptera (thrips) | Trichoptera (caddisflies) | Zoraptera (angel insects)

By Entomological Subdiscipline
Biology, Ecology and Behavior | Apiculture (Beekeeping) and Social Insects | Behavior and Ecology | Biological Control | Insect Pathology, Microbial Control | Insect Vectors, Plant Disease | Quantitative Ecology | Crop Protection | Host Plant Resistance | Urban Entomology | Extension | Medical and Veterinary Entomology | Physiology, Biochem., Toxicology, Mol. Biology | Regulatory | Systematics, Morphology and Evolution





MVZ (W3)

"MVZ" steht für "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology".



The "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology" ("MVZ") at the University of California, Berkeley, is a center for research and education in the biology of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Founded in 1908, the Museum's mission is to document and increase understanding of the diversity of terrestrial vertebrates, with particular emphasis on western North America. The superb collections are at the heart of the MVZ program, where methods of field biology are combined with modern laboratory techniques and analytical methods in a comprehensive, synthetic approach. Our goals are to remain at the forefront of international research on evolutionary biology from the perspectives of systematics, ecology, behavior, functional and developmental morphology, population biology, and evolutionary genomics, and to lead the way in developing and using major natural history collections for research, education, and solving problems in biodiversity conservation.

Erstellt: 2010-12









Uni Bucknell
Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition (MSW3)


Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition (MSW3) is a database of mammalian taxonomy. It is hoped that this database on the World Wide Web can be used as a convenient on-line reference for identifying or verifying recognized scientific names and for taxonomic research. The names are organized in a hierarchy that includes Order, Suborder, Family, Subfamily, Genus, Species and Subspecies. Records include the following fields:



Erstellt: 2012-12

Uni Nebraska Lincoln
Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology


The complete dictionary is a PDF document available for downloading and browsing. The newest version (loaded 10/20/2005) is a much smaller PDF file (under 4 MB) and has a functioning "Jump to" page that sends you directly to the start of the clicked-on letter.

Separate letters (or groups of letters) have been added. These are smaller files that will download faster.

The Dictionary is now available for purchase in an 8.5 x 11" hardcover edition, 381 pages, for a price of $90.00.


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: Complete Work, Mary Ann (Basinger) Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Lyell Gardner (Editor)


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: A, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Lyell Gardner

abactinal abambulacral A-band abapertural abapical abaxial abbreviate abcauline abdomen abduct aberrant abient abiocoen abiogenesis abiology abiotic abjugal ablation aboral aboriginal abortion abranchiate abreptor abscission absorption abterminal abullate abyssal abyssobenthos abyssopelagic acanthaceous acanthella acanthocephalans acanthocyst acanthodion acanthodrilin acanthoparia acanthophore acanthophorites acanthopod acanthosphenote acanthostegous acanthostyle acanthozooid acariasis Acarina acarinarium acarocecidium acarology acarophily acaryote acaudal acclimation acclivous accretion acelomate acentric Acephala acephalocyst acephalous acerata acervate acescence acetabulum achaetous achlamydate achroacyte achroglobin achroic achromasia achromatic A-chromosome achroous acia acicle aciculiform acidic acidobiontic acidophilic acidophobic acidotheca aciduric acies aciform acinacicate acinaciform acinarious aciniform acinose aclid acline aclitellate Acoelomata acoelous acone acontioids acraein Acraspeda acrembolic acridophagus acroblast acrocentric acrocyst acrodendrophily acronematic acroparia acroperiphallus acrophilous acrorhagus acroscopic acrosome acrosternite acrostical acrosyndesis acrotergite acrotrophic acrydian actine actinenchyma actinobiology actinoblast actinochitin actinodont actinogonidial actinoid actinology actinomere actinopharynx actinostome actinotrocha actinula actomyosin acuate aculeus acumen acuminulate acupunctate acutilingual acyclic adactyl adambulacral adanale adapertural adapical adaxial adcauline addendum addorsal adduction adecticous adelaceratous adelocerous adelocodonic adelomorphic adelonymy adelphogamy adelphoparasite adendric adeniform adenine adenoblast adenocheiri adenodactyl adenophorean adenose adenosine adenotaxy adenotrophic adeoniform adermata adesmatic adetopneustic adfrontal adhesive adiabatic adiaphanous adient adipocytes adipogenesis adipohemocytes adipose A-disc adiscota aditus adiverticulate adjustor admedial adminiculum adnate adneural adnotale adolescaria adoral ADP adpressed adradius adrectal adrostral adsorption adsperse adsternal adtidal adultation aduncate adust advehent adventitia adventral aedagus aedoeotype aeneus aerate aeriduct aeriform aerobiology aerobiont aerobiosis aerophore aeropyle aeroscepsin aeroscopic aerostatic aerotaxis aeruginous aesthacyte aesthesia aestivate aetiology afference aflagellar afterbody afternose agameon agamete agamic agamobium agamodeme agamogenesis agamospecies agamous agar agastric agenesis aggenital agglomerate agglutinate aggregate aggressin agigeriate Aglossa agminate agnathous agnotobiotic agonist agriotype ahermatic ahermatype aileron aitiogenic akanth akaryote akinesis alabastrine alacardo alacercus alacoxasuture alacrious alacrista alaglossa alaria alarima alarm alary alassostasy alatate alate alavertex albinism albumen albumin aleatory aletocyte aleuritic algicolous algophagous alienicola alifer alima alimentary alinotum aliquant aliquot alitrunk alivincular alizarin alkaline alkanes allaesthetic allantoin allatectomy allatum Allee's allele allelochemic allelomimetic allelomorph allelopathy allelotropism allelotype allesthetic alligate alliogenesis allobiosis allochore allochroic allochronic allochthonous allocryptic allogamy allograft alloheteroploid alloiogenesis alloiometron allokinesis allomeristic allometry allomixis allomone allomorphic alloparalectotype allopatry allopelagic alloplasm allopolyploid alloscutum allosematic allosome allosynapsis allosyndesis allotetraploid allotherm allotopotype allotriomorphic allotriploid allotrophic allotropy allotype allozygote allux alpha alpha-chlorophyll alpha-female alpine altaceratubae alteration alternation altricial altruism alula alulet alutaceous alveator alveolar amacrine amastigophore amber ambifenestrate ambiguous ambisexual ambital amblychromatic ambosexous ambrosia ambulacral ambulate ameba ameiosis amensalism ametabolic ametamorphic amethystine amicron amicroscopic amictic aminosugar amitosis amixia ammochaeta ammonotelic ammophilous amnion amniotic amoeba amoebocyte amorpha AMP ampherotoky amphiapomict amphiasters amphibiotic amphiblastula amphicoelous amphicyrtic amphidelphic amphidetic amphidial amphidiploid amphidiscs amphigean amphigenesis amphigony amphihaploid amphikaryon amphimixis amphimorula Amphineura amphineuran amphiodont amphion amphiploid amphipneustic amphipyrenin amphisternous amphistome amphitelic amphitoky amphitriaene amphitrocha amphocyte amphodynamous amphogenous amphophile amphoteric amphoterotoky amplected amplexiform ampliate amplification ampulla anaerobe anamorphosis anandric anaphase anaphylactic anaphylaxis anaplasis anapleurite anapolysis anapterygote anaptychus anarsenosomphic anarthrous anascan anastomosis anastral anastrophic anatomy anatoxin anatrepsis anatriaene anautogeny anaxial anaxone ancestral anchialine anchorate anchylosis ancipital ancistroid ancyloid andric andrium androconia androecium androgamete androgenesis androgyny android androsperm androsynhesmia androtype andry anecdysis anecic anellifer anellus anelytrous anemochorous anemoreceptor anemotaxis anenteric anepimeron anepisternum aner anestrus aneucentric aneuploid aneuronic anfractuose angiogenesis angiostomatous angle angstrom angulation anguli angustate angusticorn angustirostrate anholocyclic anhydrobiosis anhydrous Animalia anion anisochela anisocytic anisogametes anisogamy anisoglottid anisognathous anisomorpha anisomyarian anisotropic ankistroid ankylosis anlage annectent annelet Annelida annidation annotinate annular annulates annulet annulus anodontia Anodontoda anoestrus anomoclad anomphalous anoprocess anorganology anorthogenesis anosmatic anoxybiont ansa ansiform antafossa antagonism antealar anteapical anteclypeus antecostal antecoxal antecubital antecurrent antefrons antefurca antehumeral antelabrum antemarginal antennae antennaria antennifer antennomere antennua antennular antenodal anteocular antepectus antepenultimate antepleuron antepronotum antepudendum antepygidial anteriad anterior anterobiprostatic anterodorsal anterolateral anteromesal anteroposterior anteroventral antesternite anthelmintic anthobian anthoblast anthocaulus anthocodium anthocyanins anthocyathus anthogenesis anthophilous anthostele anthoxanthins Anthozoa anthracene anthracine anthraquinones anthropochorous anthropogenic anthropomorphic anthropophilous anthropozoic anthropozoonosis antiaposematic antibiosis anticlinal anticlypeus anticoagulant anticrista anticryptic anticus antidiuretic antidromic antigeny antilysin antimere antimetabolite antimitotic antimorph antineural antiperistalsis antipodal antipygidial antirostrum antispadix antisquama antistyle antitegula antithetic antitoxin antitype antizoea antlered antlia antrorse antrum anucleate anural anuria anus aortal apatetic apertum aperture apex aphagia apharyngeate Aphasmidia aphelenchoid aphideine aphidicolous aphidilutein aphidivorous aphins aphodus aphorism aphotic aphototropic aphrodisiac aphytal apiary apicad apicalia apices apicobasal apiculture apid apisthognathous apitoxin apivorous aplasia apneumone apneustic apobiotic apocentric apochete apocrite apodal apoderma apodome apoenzyme apogamy apolar apolegamic apolysis apomixis apomorphy apophysary apophysis apophystegal apopore apopyle aporrhysa aposematic aposeme apostatic aposymbiotic apotele apotome apotorma apotype apparatus apparition appendage appendicle appendifer appendix appendotomy appressed aprostatic aptera apterergate apterodicera apterogyne apterygogenea Apterygota aptychus apyrase apyrene aquamarine aquatic aqueous aquiferous arachnactis arachnism aragonite arakoderan araneiform araneology arboreal arborescent arborizations arbovirus archaeocytes archaestomatous archebiosis archecentric archedictyon archegenesis archencephalon archenteric archeocyte archetype Archiacanthocephala archibenthic archicephalon archicerebrum archidictyon archigastrula archigenesis archinephridium archiplasm Archiptera architomy architype archoophorans arciform arcticoid arctogaea arcuate arculus arenaceous arenicolous areocel areole argentaffin argentophilic argillaceous argyrophil arista aristopedia Aristotle's aristulate ark armature armillate arolium aromorphosis arrhenogeny arrhenoidy arrhenoplasm arrhenotoky arsenosomphic artatendon artefact artenkreis arterial arteriole artery arthral arthrium arthrobranchia arthroderm arthromere arthrophragm arthropleure Arthropoda arthrostracous articulamentum articularis Articulata ascaridine ascarylic Aschelminthes aschelminths ascopore ascus asemic aseptic asetal asexual asiphonate aspection asperate asperulous asphyxiation aspidium aspidosoma asplanchnic asporogenic associes assurgent astacene astaxanthin astegasimous astelocyttarous aster Asteroidea asthenia asthenobiosis astichous astigmatic astogeny astomate astragal astral astrocenter astrocyte astrorhizae astrosphere astrotaxis asymmetry asymptomatic asynaptic asynchronous atactotrichy atavism ataxia atelia athecal athericerous athermobiosis athrocyte atoke atoll ATP atracheate atractoid atrial atrichosy atriobursal atrium atrocha atrophy atrous attingent atyphlosolate atypical aulaeum aulostomatous aureole auricle aurophore austral Australian Austro-Columbian autecology autoagglutination autochthonous autocopulation autodeme autoevisceration autofecundity autogamy autogenesis autogony autohemorrhage autoheteroploid autoinfection autointoxication autokinesis autologous autolysis automatism automixis automorphic automutagen autonomic autoparasite autopelagic autophagocytosis autophagy autoploid autopolyploid autoskeleton autosome autospasy autosynapsis autotetraploid autothysis autotilly autotoky autotomy autotriploid autotrophic autotype autozooecium auxiliary auxoautotroph auxocyte auxoheterotroph auxotroph avesiculate avicularium axenic axial axis axoblast axocoel axone axoplasm azoic azurophil azygobranchiate azygous


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: B, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Lyell Gardner

baccate bacillary bacilliform back-cross back-mutation bacteremia bacteriophagous baculiform baculite baenomere baenopoda baenosome Baer's bailer balanced balancers balanoid balantin balantine Balbiani Balbiani's bald Baldwin ballonets ballooning band barb barbate, barbatus barbula bark baroceptor, baroreceptor barotropism barrier basad basal basalar basalia basalis base basement bases basicarnal basicerite basiconic basicosta basicostal basicoxite basifemoral basifemur basilaire basilar basilateral basilemma basimandibula basimaxilla basimetrical basinym basioccludent basiophthalmite basiperiphallus basipharynx basipod basipodite basiproboscis basipulvilli basirostral basis basiscopic basiscutal basisternum basistylus basitarsal basitarsus basitergal basitibial basitrich basitrichous basivalvula basket basopinacocytes batatiform Batesian bathmis bathyal bathylimnetic bathymetric bathypelagic battery batumen bave B-chromosome, bdelloid bead beaded beak beaked bean beard bearded bedegar bedeguar bee beebread bees beeswax belemnoid bell Bellonci belonoid benthic benthopotamous Bergmann's Berlese's berry besomiform beta beta-chlorophyll beta-female bialate biangular biarcuate biareolate biarticulate biaxial bicanaliculate bicarinate bicaudal bicaudate bicellular biciliate biconcave bicondylic biconic biconvex bicorn bicornuate bicron bicuspidate bidactyl bideficiency bidentate bidenticulate bidesmatic bidiscoidal bidiverticulate biemarginate biennial bifacial bifarious bifasciate bifenestrate bifid bifilar biflabellate biflagellate biflex bifoliate bifollicular biforate biform biformes biforous bifurcate bigeminal bigener bigeneric bigigeriate biguttate bijugate bilabiate bilamellar bilaminar bilaminate Bilatera biliary bilineate bilobate bilobed bilocular bimaculate bimarginate bimineralic bimuscular binary binate binervate binocular binodulose binomen binomial binotate binovular binucleate bioassay bioassay biocellate biocenose biochemistry biochore biochrome biocoen biocoenosis biocommunication biocontrol biocycle biodemography bioecology bioelectricity bioenergetics biogen biogenesis biogenetic biogenous biogeny biogeochemistry biogeography bioherm biological biology bioluminescence biolysis bio¬lytic biomass biome biometeorology biometer biometry biomorphotic bion bionomics bionomy biont biophagous biophor biophore biophotogenesis biophysics bioplasm bioplast biopoiesis biopotentiality biopsy biordinal bios biosis biospecies biospeleology biosphere biostasis biostatics biostatistics biostrome biosynthesis biosystem biosystematics biota biotic biotonus biotope biotular biotype biovular biovulate biparasitic biparental biparietal biparous bipartite bipectinate bipectunculate bipennate bi¬penniform bipinnaria biplicate bipocillus bipod bipolar bipolarity biprostatic bipupillate biradial biradiate biramous birostrate birotulate birth bisegment biseptate biserial biserrate bisetose bisexual bisinuate bistrate bisulcate bithecal bituberculate biuncinate bivalent bivalve bivalves Bivalvia bivittate bivium bivoltine bivulvar bladder blade blastaea blastema blastocephalon blastocheme blastochyle blastocoel blastocyst blastocyte blastoderm blastogenesis blastogenic Blastoidea blastoids blastokinesis blastomere blastophore blastopore blastostyle blastozooid blastula blister Blochmann's blood blotch blunt boat bodies body bolsters bolus bombifrons bombous bombycic bombycinous book bopyridum Bordas' border boreal borer boss bosselated bosses bothridial bothridium bothriotrichia bothrium bothronic botrucnids botryoidal botryology bottle-shaped bouquet bourrelet bourses bouton bowlike box brachelytra brachelytrous brachia brachial brachidia brachidium brachiolaria brachiole brachiophores Brachiopoda brachiopods brachitaxis brachium brachycerous brachydactyly brachymeiosis brachypleural brachypodous brachypterous brachyptery brachystomatous brachytrachea brachyurous braconid bract bracteiform bracteose bradyauxesis bradygenesis bradytelic brain branch branched branches branchia branchial branchiate branchicolous branchiform branchiocardiac branchiopallial branchiopneustic branchiostegal branchiostegite branchireme branchitella branchitellum breakage breastbone breathing brephic brevaceratuba breviate brevicaudate brevilingual breviorate breviped brevipennate brevirostrate brevissimate bridge bridging bridle brin Brindley's bristle brit brochosomes bromatium bronchia brood broom brown brownian Brunner's brush brushes brush-organs brustia Bryozoa bryozoans bucally bucca buccae buccal buccate bucciniform buccopharyngeal bucculla buccullae Bucephalus Buchner bud budding buffer buffered Bugel bulb bulbar bulbose bulbous bulbus bulla bullae bullate bulliform bundle burden burrow bursa bursae bursal bursicon bursiform buschelformigen butt buttress byssaceous byssal byssi byssus byssuses


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: C, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Lyell Gardner

cadavericole caddis cadre caducous caecum Caenogaea caespitose Cainogea caisson calabar calamistrum calamus calathiform Calcarea calces calciferous calcipala calcospherites calice calicle calicoblastic caliology callous callow callus calobiosis calomus caloric calorigenic calorimetry calotte caltrop calva calx calyciform calycine calycle calyoptis calypto calyptra Calyptratae calyptron calyx camarodont camera camerostome campaniform campestral campi campodeiform campus Canadian canal canalaria canali cancellate cancrisocial cancroid cane canella canines canities cannibalism cannula canthariasis canthus capillary capillitium capita caprification capsule capuliform caput capylus caraboid carapace carbohydrates carcinoid carcinology cardate cardiac cardines cardinosternal cardinostipital cardioblasts cardiocoelomic cardo cardosubmental caria caridean caridoid carina carious carmine carnivore carnose Carolinian carolites carotene carotin carpi carpocerite carpophagous carpopod carpus carrefour carrion cartilage caruncle cary caryolytes cast castration cata catena catenulate caterpillar cation catoprocess cauda caudalabiae caudalaria caudocephalad caudula caul caulescent cauliculus cauligastric caulis caulome cavate cavernicolous cecal cecidium cecidogenous cecum cell cellifugal cellipetal cellular celsius cement cenchrus cenenchyma cenogenesis cenosis cenospecies Cenozoic centigrade centimeter centrad centrale centric centrifugal centriole centripetal centris centro centrum cepha cephalic ceraceous cerago ceral cerambycoid ceraran cerarius ceras ceratheca ceratophore ceratotheca ceratuba cercaria cerci cercobranchiate cercocystis cercoide cercomer cercopod cercus cere cerebellum cerebral cerebri cerebro cerebrum cereous ceriferous cerinula cernuous cerodecyte cerotegument cerulean cerumen cervacoria cervices cervinus cervix cesious cespiticolous cespitose cestiform Cestoda chaeta chaetiferous chaetiger Chaetognatha chaeto chainette chaintransport chalastogastrous chalaza chalceous chalimus chalone chalybeate chalybeous chamber chank channeled chaperon chaplet cheilorhabdions cheilostome cheironym chela chelenchium Chelicerata cheli cheloniform chelophores chemiluminescence chemo chevron chiasma chiaster chiastoneural chilarium chilidium chilognath Chilopoda chiloscleres chimera chimney chimopelagic chink chironym chirotype chitin chitino chitosan chitose chlamydate chlorag chloro chlorophyll choana choano chondrio chondro chone chord, chorda chordotonal chore chorion choriothete chorology choronomic chorotype chroma chromato chromidium chromioles chromo chromosome chronic chronocline chronotropic chrysalis chrysosymphily chyle cibarial cibarium cibivia cicatrix cilia ciliograde ciliolate cilium cimier cincinnulus cinclides cinclis cinct cinereous cingu¬late circadian circa-equatorial circinate circlet circomyarian circulation circulus circum cirral cirri cirriferous cirrophore cirrose cirrostyle cirrous cirrus cisternae cistron citrine citron shaped cladism cladistic cladocerous cladogenesis cladogram cladome cladose cladotylote clads cladus clamp clandestine Claparede organs clasp filament clasper claspette classical taxonomy classification clathrate clathrose claucilium claustrum clava clavicle clavicula clavola clavus claw clear-zone cleavage cleft cleidoic cleme cleptobiosis cleptoparasitism climatic climax climograph clinal cline clistogastrous clitellate clitellum clithra clithrum cloaca clone clonotype clonus club shaped cluster clypeiform clypeolabral clypeolus clypeopalatum clypeus clypofrons Cnidaria cnido cnidus coacervate coactus coadunate coagulation coagulocyte coagulum coalesce coalite coarctate cocardes cocci coccinellin cocephalic cochineal cochleate cockle cocoon code codominant codon codonocephalus coe coecum Coelenterata coelenterate coelo coenenchyme coeno coenure coenurus coenzyme coevolution coexistence cofactor cohabitants cohesion cohort coila coinductura coition coitus colacobiosis cold-blooded cold-light coleopteroid coleoptery colla collabral collagen collagenase collar collare collateral collaterial collatoria collenchyme collencyte colleterial colleterium colletocystophore colletric colliculate colliculi colligate colloblast collophore collum colon colonial colonici colony colubrine colulus columella column comarginal comate comb comet comitalia commensal comminute commiscuum commissure comose complanate complexus complicant Comstock Comstock-Needham Comstock-Kellogg conarium concameration concatenate concave concavoconvex concentric conceptacula conceptive conch Conchifera conchin conchiolin conchology conchophora conchostracan conchula conchyliomorphite concinate concolor concrescence concretion condensation conditioned reflex conduction conduplicate condyle condyloid cone conferted confluent congeneric congenetic congenital congested conglobate conglomerate congression coni conical conico-acuminate coniculus conispiral conjoined conjugate conjunctive connate connective connector neurone connexiva connivent conoid conotheca conscutum consensual conservative consociation consocies consortism conspecific consperse constancy constriction consute conterminous contiguous continental drift continuous contorted contour contract contralateral contranatant conule conulose conus convergence converse convex convoluted convolution co-ordinate copal coparasitism copepodid Cope's rule coprobiont coprophagy coprophilic coprozoic copularium copulate copulatrix copulo coquina cor coracidium coral coralliferous corallum corbel corbicula corbiculoid corbula corcula cord cordate cordon cordotonal cordyli cordylus core corema coreum coriaceous corium cormidium cormopodite Cormopoda cormus cornea corneagen cornein corneous cornicle corniculate corniculum corniform cornu cornua cornutus corona coronary coronate coronet corporus corpotentorium corpus corpuscle corridor corrode corrugate corselet cortex corti coruscant corvinus coryogamy corypha corysterium cosmiotaxy cosmiotrichy cosmopolitan cosmotropical costa costella costiform costoradial costula coterminous cotyla cotyliform cotylocercous cotylocidium cotyloid cotype counter¬evolution countershading courtship covariation coverage cowled coxa coxacava coxepipodite coxifer coxite coxocerite coxomarginale coxomeres coxopleure coxopod(te coxosternal coxotrochanteral cranium craspeda crassus crateriform craw cremaster crena crenulate crepera crepides crepis crepitaculum crepitation crepuscular crescentic crescentiform crest cribellate cribellum cribrate cribriform cribrimorph cribripore cribrose crinite Crinoidea crinoids crinome Crinozoa crispate crista croceous crochet crook crop cross crotchet crown cruciate crumena crura crus Crustacea crustaceous crustaformeria cryophilic crypsis crypt crypto Cryptozoology crystal C-shaped ctene ctenidium cteniform cteno Ctetology cubical cubital cuboid cucullate cucullus cucumbitate cuiller cuilleron cuirass culmen culmicolous cultellus cultrate culture culus cumulus cuneate cuneus cup cupola cupreous cupula cupuliform curculionids cursipeds cursoria curvate curvinervate cusp cuspidate cuspidoblast cuspis custodite cutaneous cuticle cuticulin cuttle Cuvierian cyaneous cyanescent cyano cyathiform cyathotheca cybernetics cycle cyclo cydariform cydippid cylindrical cymbium cymose cynopodous cyphonaute cyphopod cyphosomatic cypraeiform cyprid cyrenoid cyrtoconic cyrtoconoid cyrtocyte cyrtopia cyst cystacanth cystenchyma cystencyte cysti cysto cytaster cyto cytula


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: D, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Lyell Gardner

dacryoid dactyl dactylethra dactylognathite dactyloid dactylopodite dactylopore dactylozooid dactylus dance daphnid dart dart sac Darwinism dauer larvae dauermodification daughter daughter cells daughter cyst day-eye De Vriesianism dealate dealation death deaurate decacanth decalcification decamerous decapodid larvae decathecal decephalic deciduous deck declinate declivitous declivous deconjugation decorticate decumbent decurved decussated dedetermination dedifferentiation defaunate defecate deferent deficiency definition definitive host deflected deflected front deflexed defoliator deformed degenerate degenerate code degeneration dehiscence dehiscent deirids delamination delimitation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis delthyrial delthyrium deltidial deltidium deltoid demanian demarcation deme demersal demibranchs demiplate demiprovinculum Demospongiae denatant dendriform dendrite dendritic thickening dendrobranch dendrogram dendroid dendron dendrophagous dendrophilous denematize denizen dens densariae density-dependent factors density-independent factors dentacerores dental dentate dentatelirate dentate-serrate dentate-sinuate dentes denticle denticles denticulate dentigerous ridges dentition denuded depauperate deportation depressed depressor muscle crests depuration derived character derma dermal dermalia dermatoblasts dermatozoon dermis dermoptic dermosclerites dermoskeleton descending desclerotization description, diagnosis, differential diagnosis desegmentation deserticolous desiccate desiccation desma desmacyte desmen desmergate desmoneme desmosome Desmospongiae Desor's larva desquamation desynapsis desyndesis determinant determinate determination detorsion detoxication detoxification detriophagous detritivore detritivorous detritus detrorse deuterocere¬bral deuterocerebrum deuteroplasm deuterostome deuterotoky deutocerebral deutocerebral region deutocerebrum deutogyne deutomalae deutonymph deutoplasm deutoscolex deutosternum deutovum development developmental deviate devolution dexiotorma dexiotropic dextral gastropods dextron dextrorse diacresis diactinal diactine diaene diaeresis diagenodont diagnosis diagnostic diagonal diakinesis dialyneury dialysate dialyses dialysis dialyzate diamorph diapause diaphanous diaphragm diapolar diarhyses diarthrodial diarthrosis diarticular diastase diastatic diastole diastolic diastomatic diastomian diathesis diatom diaulic di-axial diaxon diblastula dibranchiate dicentric dicerous dicerus dichogamous dichogamy dichopatry dichoptic dichotomize dichotomous dichotomy dichotriaene dichroism dichromatic dichthadiform dichthadiigyne dicondylic dicostalia dicranoclone dictyonal dictyonalia dictyonine dictyosome dicyclic didactyl didactylism didactylous didelphic diductor didymous diecdysis diecious diel dietella differentia differential diffracted diffusate diffuse diffusion digametic digenesis digenetic digenoporous digestion digit digital digitate digitated digitation digitelli digitiform digitules digitus diglyphic dignathan digoneutic digoneutism digonic dikont dilacerate dilatated dilate dilator dilute dimeric dimerous dimidiate dimorph dimorphic dimorphism Dimyaria dimyarian dimyaric dinergate dinergatogyne dinergatogynomorph dinophthisergate dioecious dioecious dioptrate dioptric diorchic diphagous diphygenetic diphyletic dipleurula diplobiont diploblastic diplocotylea diplodal diploergate diplogangliate diploid diplokaryon diplonema diploneural diplont diplophase diplopod Diplopoda diplosegment diplosome diplosomite diplostenoecious diplostichous diplostomulum diplozoic dipneumonous diporpa dipterocecidium dipterous direct directive disaccharides disc disc discal elevation scutellar bristles disciform discinid discleritous discocellular discoctasters discodactylous discohexaster discoid discoidal discolor discolour discontinued discontinuous discooctasters discordent discorhabd discota discotriaene discrepant discrete discrimen discus disease disjugal disjunct disk dislocate disomic dispersal displacement disposed dissect disseminule dissepiment dissilient dissimilation dissoconch dissogeny dissogony distacalypteron distad distadentes distal distalia distich distichous distiproboscis dististipes dististylus distome distribution ditaxic Dithra ditrochous diuresis diurnal divaricate divaricator divergent diverse diverticulum divided dixenic dixenous DNA docoglossate dolabriform dolichasters doliioform dolioform doliolaria Dollo's rule dome dominant dormancy dormant dorsad dorsal dorsal arms of the dorsal margin/border dorsal tubercles dorsal tubular spinnerets dorsal tuft dorsal valve dorsalia dorsiferous dorsiventral dorso-alar region dorsocaudad dorsocentral dorsocentrals dorso-humeral region dorsomedian dorsomesal dorsomeson dorso-pleural line dorsopleural suture dorsoscutellar bristles dorsoscutellar bristles dorsotentoria dorsoventral dorsoventralis dorsum dorylaner dorylophile double doublure Doyere's cone drepanoid drill dromotropic drone D-shaped larval stage duct ductule ductus Dufour's gland dulosis duodecathecal duodenum dupion duplaglossa duplex duplicate duplicato-pectinate duplicature duplivincular duraphagous dyad Dyar's law dynamic dysodont dysphotic dyssaprobes dystrophic Dzierzon's rule


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: E, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Lyell Gardner

ear eave eaves eburnean ecalcarate ecarinate ecaudate ecbolic eccentric ecdemic ecdysial ecdysis ecdysone ecdysotrophic ecesis echinate echinating Echinodermata echinoderms echinopaedium echinostome echiopluteus Echiura echiurans ecitophile ecium eclectic eclipsed eclosion ecoclimate ecocline ecogeographical ecological ecology ecomorph ecomorphic economic ecoparasite ecophene ecophenotype eco¬phenotypic ecosite ecospecies ecosystem ecotone ecotype ecsoma ectad ectadenia ectal ectally ectoblast ectochone ectocochleate ectocommensal ectocrine ectocyst ectoderm ectodermal ectognathous ectohormones ectolecithal ectomere ectomesenchyme ectomesoderm ectoneural ectooecium ectoparasite ectopara¬sitic ectophagous ectophallus ectopic ectoplasm ectoproct Ectoprocta ectoprocts ectoptygma ectosomal ectosome ectospermalege ectostracum ectosymbion ectosymbi¬ont ectothermal ectotrophous ectozoon ecumenical edaphic edaphic factors edaphon edeagus edentate edentulous edge editum edoeagus effect effector efferent effete effluvium effuse eflected egest egesta egg egg funnel egg guide egg-burster egg-burster egg-calyx egg-cap egg-case egg-membrane egg-pod egg-pouch egg-tooth egg-tube egg-valve ejaculate ejaculatory elabrate elaeocyte elaphocaris elastes elastic elate elater elateriform Elatobranchiata Elatocephala elattostase elattostasic elbowed electropism electrotropism eleocyte eleutherorhabdic eleutherotogony eleutherozoic elevated elevator elimination elinguata elite ellipsoidal elliptical elongate elute elytra elytral elytriform elytrin elytron elytrophore emandibulate emarginate embolar embolium embolus emboly embossed embryo embryogenesis embryology embryonic embryophore embryos emendation emergence Emery's rule eminence emmet empodial empodium emtomotomist enamel enantiomorphic enarthrosis encapsulation encephala encephalon encrusting encyst endemic end-hook endite endobiotic endoblast endocardium endochorion endocoel endocoelar endocoele endocommensal endocranium endocrine endocrinology endocuticle endocuticula endocyclic endocyst endocytosis endoderm endodyogeny endoenzymes endogamy endogastric endogean endogenous endogeny endognath endognathite endolabium endolecithal endolymph endolysis endomembrane endomesoderm endomitosis endoneurium endooecium endoparamere endoparasite endoparasitic endophagy endophallic endophallus endophragm endophragmal endophytic endopinacocyte endo¬plasm endoplasmic endopleural endopleurite endoplica endopodite endopolyogeny endopolyploid Endoprocta endoprocts Endopterygota endopterygote endopuncta endosiphuncle endoskeletal endoskeleton endosmosis endosome endospine endosternal endosternite endostome endostracum endostyle endosymbion endosymbiont endotergite endotheca endothermal endothorax endotoichal endotokia endotoky endotoxin endotrachea endozoic endozone endozooidal endysis energid enervose engraved ennomoclones ensate ensheathed ensiform entad ental entelechy enteric enterocoel enterocoele enterocoelic enterocoely enteroic enteron enteronephric enterosegmental enterostome enterozoa entire entoblast entobranchiate entocodon entoderm entognathous entolecithal entoloma entomiasis entomochore entomochoric entomochory entomogenous entomography entomolin entomoparasitic entomophagous en¬tomophilic entomophilous entomophobia entomophyte entomosis Entomostraca entomostracan entomotaxy entomotomy entomurochrome entoneural entoparasite entophyte entopic entopleuron entoprocessus Entoprocta Entoprocta entoprocts entosaccal entosternite entosternum entotergum entothorax Entotropha entotrophous entozoa entozoal ento¬zoan entozoic entozoon enucleate envelope environment enzootic enzyme Eogaea eoplasmatocyte eoplasmatocytoid eosinophil eosinophilia epacme epalpate epandrium epaulet epaulets epaulett epaulettes epedaphic epharmonic epharmony epharmosis ephebic ephemeral ephippial ephippium ephyra ephyrae ephyre ephyrula epiandrium epiandrous epibenthos epibiont epibiotic epiblast epibolic epiboly, epibole epibranchial epibranchial lobe or area epicaridium epicaridum epicnemis epicnemium epicole epicole epicondyle epicranial epicranium epicuticle epicuticula epidemic epidemiology epiderma epidermal epidermis epididymis epifauna epifrontal epigaen epigamic epigastric epigastrium epigean epigenesis epigenetics epigenotype epiglossa epiglottis epigynial epigynium epilimnion epilobe epilobous epimegetic epimera epimeral epimere epimeron epimorpha epimorphic epimorphosis epineural epineurium epinotal epinotum epiopticon epiostracum epipelagic epiphallus epipharyngeal epipharynx epiphragm epiphysis epipleura epipleural epipleurum epiploon epipod epipodial epipodium epiproct epiprosoma epiptygma epipygium epirrhysa episematic episite epistasis episterna episternal episternum epistoma epistomal epistome epistomis epistomum epitheca epithelial epitheliomuscular epithelium epitoke epitoky epitorma epizoa epizoic epizoicide epizoon epizootic epizootiology epizyga epizygal epizygial epizygum epoch epomia epupillate equal equatorial equidistant equilateral equilibrating equimeric equipedal equipotent equivalve era eradiate erectopatent ereisma eremobic eremochaetous eremology eremophilous eremosymbiont ergastic ergastoplasm ergatandromorph ergataner ergate ergatogynandromorph ergatogyne ergatoid ergatomorphic ergatotelic ergonomics ericeticolous erichthus erosion errantia eruca eruciform erucism erucivorous eructation eruptive eryoneicus escutellate evolution excyst exite exobiotic exochorion exocoele exocrine exocuticle exogamy exogenous exoic exonephric exopodite Exoptery¬gota exoskeleton exotoky exotoxin exploratory explosive exsculptate exscutellate exserted exsertile exsheath exsules extend extensile extension extensor extenso-tendon extenuate exterior external external cortical layer external thickening externomedial externomedian exteroceptors extogenous extra-axial skeleton extracellular extraconic extracorporeal extrados extraembryonic extraenteric extranidal extranuclear extraocular extraoral extrapallial extratentacular extratropical extrazooidal extremity extrinsic extrorse extrude extrusion exudate exudatoria exude exumbilicate exumbrella exuvia exuviae exuvial exuviate eye eye brush eye cap eye-bridge eyespots eyestalk


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: F, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Lyell Gardner

face facet facette facetted facial facialium facies facio-orbital factor facultative faeces Fahrenholz's falcate falces falciform falciger falcis falculate falsadentes false falx famulus fan fang farctate farinaceous fascia fasciate fascicle fasciculus fasciole fascio-maculata fascio-punctate fastening fastigiate fastigium fat fate fauces fauna faunal faveolate feces fecula fecundate fecundity feedback feeder feeding feeler feet felt female femoro-alary femorogenu femorotibial femur fenestra fenestrate fenestration fenestrella fenestrule fente feral ferment fermentation ferreous ferruginous ferrule fertile fertility fertilization fertilizin festivus festoon festoons fetid fiber fibril fibrillar fibrin fibrinogen fibrocyte fibroin fibroplasm fibrous fibula fide filament filamentary filaria filariform filate filator file filial filiation filibranch filicornia filiform Filippi's fillets filose filter filum fimbria fimbriate fin finger firmatopore first fissate fissile fission fissiparous fissure fistula fix fixation fixative fixed fixed-wall fixing flabellate flabelliform flabellum flaccid flagellate flagellated flagelliform flagellomere flagellomere flagellum flame flammaules flange flank flaring flatworms flavescent flavid flavones flavous fleshy flex flexor flexuous flexure float floatoblast flocculent flocculus flora floricome floscelle flosculus fluted fluviatile fly-blow foci focus fold folded foliaceous foliate folioles folium follicle follicular folliculate fontanel fontanelle food foot foot-shaped foramen foramina forceps forcipate forcipiform fore forebrain foregut forehead foreleg forfex forficiform forficulate form formaldehyde formalin formation formative formic formicary fornent fornical fornicated fornices fornix fossa fosse fossette fossil fossoria fossorial fossula fossulate fossule fossulet founder fourth fovea foveola foveolate fractate frame frass free free-living free-swimming free-walled free-wax frenate frenna frenulum frenum frilled fringe fringed frogga frondose frons front frontal frontal/pretentorial frontalia frontes frontoclypeal frontoclypeus frontogenal frontolateral fronto-orbital froth frugivorous fry fugacious fugaciously fugaciousness fulcral fulcrant fulcrate fulcro-cranial fulcrum fulcrums fulgid fulguration fuliginous fultella fultelliform fultura fultura fulturae fulvous function functional fundament fundatrigenia fundatrix fundatrix fundus fungicolous fungiform fungivorous fungus fungus-growing funicle funicular funiculate funiculus funnel furca furcae furcal furcapectinae furcasternal furcasternum furcate furcella furcilia furcina furcocercous furcocystocercous furcula furculate furrow fuscescent fuscous fused fused-wall fusiform fusion fusulae fusules fusus


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: G, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Lyell Gardner

galea gallery gallicola gallicolae gallicolous galliphagous galvanotaxis galvanotropism gametangiogamy gametangium gamete gametocyte gametogamy gametogenesis gametogenetic gametogeny gametogonium gametogony gametotoky gamma gamobium gamodeme gamogenesis gamogonic gamogony gamones gamophase ganglia gangliate ganglion ganglionic gap gaper gaping gas gaseous gaster gasterostome gasterotheca gastraea gastraeum gastral gastralia gastric gastrilegous gastrocoele gastrocoelus gastrodermis gastro-ileal gastrolith gastroorbital Gastropoda gastropods gastropores Gastrotricha gastrotrichs gastrovascular gastrozooid gastrula gastrular gathering Gause's gelatigenous gelatin gelatine gelatinous geminate gemma gemmate gemmation gemmipara gemmipares gemmule gemmulostasin gena genacerore genae genal genaponta genatasinus gene genera generalized generation generative generitype generotype Gene's genesiology genetic genetics genic genicular geniculate genital genitalia genitointestinal genocline genocopy genodeme genoholotype genolectotype genome genostyles genosyntype genotype genovertical genu genua genus geobionts geobios geochronology geocline geocoles Geoffroyism geographic geographical geology geometrid geophagous geophilous geotaxis geotropism geoxenes geratology germ germarium germ-balls germiduct germigen germinal germogen germovitallarium gerontic gerontogeous gerontology gerontomorphosis gestation geusid giant gibber gibbose gibbous Gicklhorn's gies gigantism gill Gilson's ginglymus gintraps girdle gizzard glabella glabrous gladiolus gladius glairy gland glandiform glands glanduba glandulae glandular glans glassy glaucothoe glaucous glenoid gliacytes globate globated globoferous globose globular globuli globulin globulus glochidium glochines glochis glomerate glomerule glomerulus glossa glossarium glossate glossotheca glottis glottoid glucoprotein glue glumes glutinants glutinose glutinous glycocalyx glycogen glycogenesis glycogenolysis glycolysis glycoprotein glymma gnathal gnathites gnathobase gnathocephalon gnathochilarium gnathopodite gnathos gnathosoma gnathostegite Gnathostomulida gnathothorax gnotobiote gnotobiotics goblet goblets Golgi golgio-kinesis gonad gonadial gonadotrophin gonadotropin gonaduct gonangium gonangulum gonapophyses gonapophysis gonarcus gonatocerous gone gongylidia goniatite gonoblast gonocalyx gonochorism gonochoristic gonocoel gonocoxa gonocoxite gonocoxopodites gonodendron gonoduct gonoducts gonogensis gonomery gonopalpon gonopericardial gonophore gonoplac gonopod gonopody gonopore gonosome gonosomite gonostyle gonostylii gonostylus gonotheca gonotreme gonotrophic gonotyl gonozooecium gonozooid gorgeret gorgonin Gotte's Graber's gracile gradate grade graft grained graminaceous graminicolous graminivorous granose granular granulated granule granulocyte granulose granum graphiohexaster graptolite grasping gravid gray greater green green gregaria gregarious grege greige gres gressorial gribble griseous grooming groove grooves group growing growing-molt growth grub gryphaeate guanine gubernaculum guest gula gulacava gulamental gulamentum gular gullet gustatory gut gutta guttate gutter guttiform gymnoblastic gymnocephalous gymnocoel gymnocyst gymnocystidean gymnocyte gymnodomous gymnogastra Gymnolaemata gymnolaemates gymnoparia gymnopterous gynaecaner gynaecoid gynaecomorphic gynaecophoral gynaecotelic gynander gynandrarchy gynandromorph gynandromorphic gynandromorphism gynandry gynarchy gynecaner gynecoid gynecophore gynergate gynes gynetype gynocophoral gynogenesis gynomerogony gynosynhesmia gynozooid gynozooid gyral gyrate gyration gyratory gyre gyricerebrales


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: H, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Gardner

habitat habitude habroderes hackled haem haematodocha haemocoele haemocoelous haemocyte haemolymph haemolysis hae¬mopoietic haemostatic haemoxanthine haft hair haliotoid Haller's halmatometamorphosis halocline halophile halter halteres hamabiosis hamate hamatype hami hamiform hammock hampe hamula hamular hamulohalterae hamulus hamus Hancock's hapaloderes haplobiont haplo-diploidy haploid haplometrosis haplometrotic haploneme haploneural haplont haplophase haplosis haptolachus haptomeri haptomerum haptor Hardy-Weinberg harmonic harmosis harpago harpagones harpes harpoon hastate hastisetae hatching haustellate haustellum haustrulum Hautkorper Hayes' H-band head head-fans heart heautotype hectocotylus heel height heli helical helices helicocone heliophil heliophilic heliophilous heliophobic heliotaxis heliotropism helix helmet helminth helminthiasis helminthic Helminthology helocerous helotism helus hem hemal hemapoiesis hematacyte hematal hematocyte hematodocha hematogenic hematogenous hematophagus hematopoiesis hemelytral hemelytron hemerophilic hemerophobic hemianamorphosis hemibranch hemicephalous hemidesmosome Hemimetabola hemimetabolous hemiomphalous hemiphragms hemipneustic hemisepta hemiseptum hemispondylium hemisyrinx hemitergite hemitrope hemizonid hemizonion hemizygous hemocoel hemocoelous hemocyanin hemocyte hemocytoblast hemocytopoietic hemoglobin hemolymph hemolysis hemolytic hemophagous hemopoietic hemozoin henidium Hensen hepatic hepatopancreas herbivore herbivorous hereditary heredity hermaphrodite hermaphroditic hermaphroditism hermatype hesmosis heteractinal heterauxesis heterchromatic hetergonic heteroacanthus heteroallelic heteroausecic heteroblastic heterobrachial heterocentric heterochelate heterochromatin heterochrome heterochromosome heterochronic heterochronism heteroclite heterocotylus heterodactyl heterodactyly heterodont heterodynamic heteroecious heterogamete heterogametic heterogamy heterogeneous heterogenesis heterogenetic heterogenic heterogomph heterogonic heterogony heterogynous heteroicous heteroideus heterology heterolysis heteromedusoid heteromerous Heterometabola heterometabolous heteromorphic heteromorphosis heteromyarian heteroneme heteronereid heteronereis heteronomous heteronychia heteropalpi heteroparthenogenesis heteroploid heteropod heteropycnosis heteropycnotic heteropyknosis heteropyknotic heterorhabdic heterosis heterosomal heterosome heterostrophic heterosyllid heterotaxis heterotopy heterotrichous heterotroph heterotrophic heterotropic heterotypic heteroxenous heterozooid heterozygosity heterozygote het¬erozygous hexacanth hexachaetous hexactinal hexactine hexagonal hexamerous hexanephric hexapod Hexapoda hexaradiate hexaster hexicology hexose hexuronic hiatus hiatuses hibernaculum hibernal hibernation hibernestivation Hicks' hierarchy hill hind hind-gut hindunguis hinge hingement hirsute hirudinin hispid hispidulous histoblast histochemistry histogenesis histohaematin histohematin histology histolysis histones histopathology histozoic histrichoglossate hive holandric holandry holarctic holaspis holidic holism holistic holobenthic holoblastic holochroal holocoen holocrine holocyclic holoenzyme hologamy holognathous hologynic hologynous hologyny holoic Holometabola holometabolous holomyarian holonephridia holoparalectotype holoparasite holophyletic holophyly holopneustic holoptic holosericeous holostomate holostomatous holotaxy holothuriids Holothuroidea holotrichous holotrichy holotype holozoic holozygote homelytra homeo homeoacanthous homeochilidium homeochronous homeodeltidium homeomerous homeomorph homeomorphous homeosis homeostasis homeostrophic homeotely homeotype homeotypic homo homoallelic homoblastic homochrome homochromy homodactyl homodont homo¬dynamic homodynamous homoechronous homoecious homoeochilidium homoeodeltidium homoeomerous homoeosis homoeotic homoeotype homoesis homogametic homogamy homogeneous homogenetic homogenic homogenous homogeny homogomph homogonic homoideus homoiosmotic homoiothermal homolecithal homologue homol¬ogy homomorpha homomorphic homomorphosis homomyarian homonomous homonym homoplassy homoplast homoplastic homoplasy homopterous homorhabdic homorpha homosequential homostase homotaxis homotene homotenous homothermis homotrichous homotype homotypic homotypy homozygosity homozygote homozygous homozygos honey honeycomb hood hooded hook hooklets hoplochaetellin hopopleural horiodimorphism horismology horizontal horme hormone horn horny horotelic host Hoyle's humeral humeri humerus humor hyaline hyalogen hyaloplasm hyaloplasma hyalopterous hybrid hybridization hydatid hydranth hydrarch hydra-tuba hydrelatic hydric hydrobiology hydrobiont hydrocarbon hydrocaulus hydrochoric hydrocircus hydrocladium hydrocoel hydrocoles hydrocyst hydroecium hydrofuge hydroid hydrolysis hydrophanous hydrophile hydrophilous hydrophobe hydrophyllum hydrophyton hydroplanula hydropolyp hydropore hydropyle hydrorhiza hydrosere hydrosome hydrosphere hydrospire hydrostatic hydrostome hydrotaxis hydrotheca hydrotropism Hydrozoa hydrozoans hydrula hygric hygrokinesis hygrometabolism hygropetric hygrophilous hygroreceptor hygroscopic hygrotaxis hygrotropism hylogamy hylophagous hylotomous hymen hyoid hyote hypandrium hyperandric hyperandry hyperapolysis hyperdiploid hypergamesis hypergynous hypergyny hyperhaline hyperhaploid hypermeric hypermery hypermetamorphosis hyperparasite hyperparasitoid hyperplasia hyperplasic hyperploid hyperpneustic hyperstomial hyperstrophic hypertely hypertrichy hypertrophy hypistoma hypnody hypnosis hypnote hypnotheca hypnotoxin hypobenthos hypobiotic hypoblast hypobranchial hypocerebral hypodactyl hypoderm hypodermal hypodermic hypodermis hypodigm hypodiploid hypogean hypoglossa hypoglossis hypoglottis hypognathous hypogynium hypohaline hypohaploid hypolimnion hypolithic hypomegetic hypomere hypomeric hypomeron hypomorph hyponeural hyponeuston hyponome hyponomic hyponym hy¬pop(i)al hypoparatype hypophare hypopharyngeal hypopharynx hypophragm hypopi hypoplasia hypoplax hypopleurite hypopleuron hypoploid hypopneustic hypopolyploid hypoptera hypoptere hypoptygma hypopus hypopygial hypopygium hyposcleritic hypostasis hypostegal hypostegia hypostigmatic hypostoma hypostomal hypostome hypostracum hyposulculus hypothesis hypotome hypotype hypovalvae hypozygal hysteresis hysterodehiscence hysterosoma hysterotely hystrichoglossate hyther H-zone


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: I J K, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Gardner

I-band I-cells ichnotaxon ichthyophagous iconotype icotype ICZN ideotype idiobiology idiochromatin idiochromosome idiocuticular idiogamy idiogram idiomorphic idionymous idionymy idioplasm idiosoma idiosome idiosphaerotheca idiotaxonomy idiotaxy idiotrichy idiotype idorgan ileocecal ileum imaginal imagination imagine imago imagochrysalis imbricate imbrication immaculate immarginate immature immersed immunity immunogenic imperfect imperforate implex implicate impregnation impressed imprint impunctate inaequipartite inanition inappendiculate inarticulate inaxon inbreed inbreeding incased incertae incidence incidental incipient incised incisions incisor incisura incisure inclinate inclivous inclusion incomplete incrassate incremental incrustation incubation incubatory incudal incudate incudes incumbent incunabulum incurrent incurved incus indented indeterminate index indexes indigenous indigoid indirect inducer induction inductor inductura indumentum indurate indusium industrial inequal inequilateral inequilobate inequivalve inerm inermous inert infauna inferior inferobranchiate inferolateral infero-marginal inferomedian inferoposterior infertility infestation infiltration inflated inflation inflected inflexed influent informosome infra-anal infrabasal infrabranchial infrabuccal infracalyptral infracapitular infracapitulum infraclypeus infracoxal infracted infraepimeron infraepisternum infra-ergatoid infraesophageal infragenital inframarginal inframedian infraneuston infraocular infraorbital infraorder infrasocial infraspecific infrastigmatal infrasutural infumated infundibuliform infundibulum infuscate infusoriform infusorigen ingest ingesta ingestion ingluvial ingluvies inhalant inheritance inherited inhibitor injector injury ink innate inner innervate inocular inoculation inoperculate inosculate inquiline inquilinism inquilinous inquirende insect Insecta insectan insectarium insectean insectivorous insectorubins insectoverdin insects insemination inserted insertion insolation inspissate instar instinct intectate integration integripalliate integument integumental intensity interambulacral interantennal interantennular interbasal interbrachial interbreed intercalary intercellular intercervical interchange intercheliceral interchordal interchromomeres interchromosomal intercostal intercostate intercoxal interdentum interface interfrontal interfrontalia interganglionic intergenic interior interkinesis interlamellar interlaminate interlobular intermaxilla intermedia intermediate intermitotic internal International interneuron internode internum internuncial interoceptors interosculant interpetaloid interphase interpleural interpleurite interplical interradial interradius interramal interrugal interrupted interscutal intersegmental intersegmentalia interseptal intersex intersomitic interspace interspaces interspicular intersterility intersternite interstices interstitial interstrial intertentacular intertergite intertidal intertrochanteric interval intervals interzonal interzooidal intestinal intestine intima intimal intorted intra intra-alar intracellular intrachange intracoelomic intracristal intracuticular intrados intrahemocoelic intralecithal intraparies intraparietes intrapetalous intrapulmonary intrasegmental intraspicular intratentacular intrauterine intrazooidal intrazooidal intrinsic introduced introitus intromittent introrse introvert intumescent intussusception invagination invalid inverse invertase invertebrate investment involucrum involute involution ipsilateral irides iridescence iridescent iridophore iris irises irregular irreversibility irritability irritant irrorate isauxesis ischia ischiocerite ischiomerus ischiopod ischium islet isoallele isobrachial isochela isochromosome isocies isocytous isodactylous isodiametric isodictyal isodont isoenzyme isogametes isogamy isogenes isogenic isoglottid isograft isolate isolecithal isomer isomerases isomeric isomerogamy isomerous isometry isomorphic isomorphism isomyarian isonym isopalpi isophane isophena isophene isophenon isophenous isopodus isopycnosis isopygous isorhiza isostrophic isotomy isotrophic isotypical isozyme isthmiate isthmus iteroparity iteroparous jacket jaculatory Johnston's joint Jonstonian jordanon Jordan's jubate juga jugal jugalis jugo-frenate jugular jugulum jugum Julien's juliform junctional junior juvenile juxta juxtacardo juxtacoxal juxtaposition juxtastipes kairomone kalymma karyochylema karyoclastic karyogamy karyokinesis karyolymph karyolysis karyomere karyon karyoplasm karyorhexis karyosome karyotheca karyotin karyotype katabolism katagenesis katakinesis kataplexy katatrepsis katepimeron katepisternum katharobic kation Keber's keel Keferstein kenozooid kentrogon kentromorphism kentron keratin keratinization keratose kermes key kidney kinaesthesis kinase kinesis kinesodic kinesthesis kinetoblast kinetochore kinetogenesis kinetogenetic kinetomere kinetonema king kingdom kinomere kinoplasm Kinorhyncha kinorhynchs kitchen klinokinesis klinotaxis knee-segment Koelliker's kolytic koriogamy Koshevnikov Koshewnikow Krause's Krebs' K-strategist kyphorhabd


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: L, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Gardner

labella labellum labellar abductor apodeme labellar basal sclerites labellar mesial sclerite labellar sclerite labellum labiate labidophorous labiella labiellum labile labiostipes labis socii labium bia inner lip labral labropalatum clypeopala¬tum labrum labra labrum-epipharynx lac lacerated lacinia lacinea laciniae lacinia mandibulae lacinia mobilis lacinia mobilis laciniate lacteous lactescent lactic acid lacuna ae lacunar system lacunose lacustrine laeotorma ae laeotropic lagena utriculus Lamarckism lamella ae lamellar ligament lamellate lamellate antennae Lamellibranchia Bivalvia Mollusca lamellibranchiate lamellicorn lamelliform lamellocyte plasmatocyte lamello-fibrous lamellose lamina nae lamina lingualis laminae linguales lamina of insertion insertion plate lamina phalli laminar laminate laminiform lampbrush chromosomes lanate lanceolate lancet lancinate Lang's vesicle lantern Aristotle's lantern lanuginous lapidicolous lapidrous lappet larva ae larval larval-pupal apolysis pupal-adult apolysis larval shell larval stages larval stem nematogen larvarium larvate pupa larvata larviform larviparous oviparous larvipositor larvivorous lasiopod acanthopod ctenopod coloblast last whorl latera latus laterad lateral lateral abdominal gills lateral ala lateral apodeme endopleurite lateral bar lateral carina lateral cilia lateral comb lateral commissures lateral cups lateral denticle lateral facials lateral field lateral line lateral ridge lateral filaments lateral frontal organs lateral gonapophyses lateral hearts commissural vessels lateral hinge system lateralia lateral line supraspiracular line lateral ridge lateral lips lateral longitudinal carina lateral mesentaries lateral ocelli stemma lateral organs dorsal organ lateral oviduct lateral penellipse penellipse lateral ridge lateral skeletal projections lateral teeth laterigrade lateris pygidial fringe laterocranium laterofrontal lateromarginal expansion lateropleural area lateroproximal marginal region laterosternite laterotergite lateroventral lateroverted laticorn trumpet angusticorn trumpet laticostate latigastric cauligastric latirostrate angustirostrate latrodectism latticed latus latera carinal inframedian lower lateral plates rostral and upper latus Laurer's canal leaflets leberidocytes lecithin lecithotrophic lecithotrophic development lectoallotype lectotype left valve lek lemniscate lemniscata lemniscus lemnisci lemnoblast Schwann cell length lens lenses lentic lenitic lotic lenticular lentigerous lepidopterism erucism paraeru¬cism cryptotoxic phanerotoxic metaerucism pseu¬doerucism lepocyte gymnocyte leprous leptiform campodeiform larva leptoblast leptoderan peloderan leptonema leptotene leptopelagic leptophragmata leptostraterate leptotene leptonema pachynema leptotrombicula leptus lerp lesion lestobiosis cleptobiosis lethal factor balanced lethals lethargy gies letisimulation leucine leucoblast leucocyte plasmatocyte leucon leuconoid grade or type leuconoid grade or type asconoid grade synconoid grade leucopterine pterine (pteridine) pigments levation levator levels of integration levigate Leydig cells life cycle ligament ligamental area ligament fulcrum nympha ligament groove ligament pit ligament sac ligament strand ligament suture ligneous lignicolous lignivorous ligula lae ligular lobe ligula ligulate ligule limacel limaciform limb limb limbate limbus limicolous liminal subliminal limited chromosome limiting factor limivorous limnic limnetic limnium limnobios limnology limophagous limivorous limpid linea lineae linear-ensate lineate lineola lineolate lingua lingual lingual ribbon lingual sclerites linguiform lingula lingulid larvae discinid linkage linkage group linkage map linker gene liocyte chromophile lip lipase lip cap lip gland lipids lipin liplets Lipocephala Bivalvia Class, Mollusca lipochromes lipogastry lipoid lipoid membrane fertilization membrane lipolysis lipolytic lipomerism lipomicrons lipopalingenesis lipopolysaccharide lipoprotein lipostomous lipotrophic lip ring lira lirae lirate list listrium lithistid lithite statolith lithocyst lithocyte lithocyte lithodesma lithodomous lithophagous lithosere xerosere hydrosere lithostyle rhopalium lithotomous littoral litoral lituate litura liturate liver-pancreas hepatopancreas livid living chamber lobar lobate lobe lobiform lobopods lobula lobular complex lobular complex medulla interna opticon lobulate lobulate glands lobule lobulus li alula local population population loci locus lociation lock and key theory loco citato locomotor rods ambulatory setae adhesion tubes locotype topotype locular loculus loculi locus ci lodix logarithmic phase logistic curve logotype longicorn longipennate longirostral longirostrate longitudinal longitudinal canal longitudinal tube longitudinal muscle longitudinal rugae longitudinal section longitudinal septum longitudinal tube loop looper lophobranchiate lophocaltrops lophocytes lophophoral fold lophophore lophophore neck lora lorum loral arm lore lorum lorica ae cuirass loricate loricifera lorum lora lotic lentic lower lower latus plate loxometaneme lozenge lucid luciferase luciferin lucifugous photophobic lucipetal lucinoid teeth lucipetal lucifugous lumbar ganglia lumbriciform vermiform lumbricine perichaetine lumen lumenate luminescent bioluminescence luminescent organ bioluminescence lunate lunellarium clausilium lung books book lung lunula lunulae lunular lunule lurid luteous lycophore lygophil lymph gland lymphocyte plasmatocyte lyocytosis Lyonnet's glands lyra lyrate lyre lyre-shaped lyrifissure lyriform organs lyrule lyse lysigenoma lysin lysis lyssacine lytic


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: M, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Gardner

macerate machopolyp machozooid macraner macrergate macrobiota macrocephalic macrocercous macrochaetae macrocilia macrocnemes macrocyte macroesthetes macroevolution macrofauna macrogamete macrogametocyte macrogamy macrogenesis macrogyne macroic macrolecithal macromere macromesentery macromitosome macromolecule macromutation macronotal macronucleocyte macrophage macrophthalmic macroplankton macropore macropseudogyne macropterous macrosclere macroscopic macroseptum macrosiphon macrosymbiont macrotaxonomy macrotrichia macrotype macrurous maculate madrepore madreporic madreporite malacoid malacology malacophilous malapophysis male male-cell malella malleate malleations malleolus malleoramate malleus malli Malpighian maltha mamelon mammillate manca manchette mancoid mandible mandibular Mandibulata mandibulate manducate manica maniform manitruncus manna manometabola mantle manubrium manuscript marble margaritaceous marginalia marginate marine marita marker marmorate marsh marsupium masked mass mastax mastication masticomorphic mastidion mastigobranch mastigobranchia mastigophore mastigopus maternal mating matrices matricidal matrifilial matrix matrone maturation mature maxapontal maxillary maxillipede maxillulae maxim mayrian meatal meatus mechanical mechanoreceptor meconida meconium mediad medial median mediator medio-cubital mediolateral mediotergite medioventral mediproboscis medulla medusa megabenthos megacephalic megaclad megaclone megadrile megalaesthetes megalolecithal megalopa megalopore megalops megamere megameric meganephridia megaplankton megapore megasclere megascolecin megascopic megetic Mehlis' meiocyte meiofauna meiolecithal meiomery meiosis meiotic meiotrichy melania melanin melanism melanoid meliphagous melittology melittophily melivorous mellifera melliferous mellisugent member membrane membranization membranous membranula membranule Mendel meniscoidal menognath Me¬norhyncha menotaxis mental mentasuture mentigerous mentum meraspis merdivorous mereopodite meridional meristal meriston meritrichy mermithaner mermithergate mermithized mermithodinergate mermithogyne mermithophore mermithostratiote mermitoid meroandry meroblastic merocerite merocrine merognathite meroic meroistic meromyarian meronephridium meropleuron meropodite merosome merospermy merus mesadene mesadenia mesal mesanapleural mesanepisternum mesaxon mesenchymatous mesenchyme mesenteron mesentery mesepimeral mesepimeron mesepisternum mesiad mesial mesic mesinfraepisternum meskatepimeron meskatepisternum mesobasisternum mesobiota mesoblastic mesobranchial mesocardiac meso¬cephalic mesocercaria mesocerebrum mesocoel mesocole mesoconch mesocuticle mesoderm mesodermal mesodont meso-epinotal mesoepisternum mesofacial mesofauna mesofurca mesogastric mesogloea mesohyl mesolamella mesolecithal mesology mesomere mesomerites mesomeron mesonephridium mesonotum mesopelagic mesopeltidium mesophragma mesoplankton mesoplax mesopleural mesopleuron mesopleurosternal mesopleurum mesopostnotum mesopostscutellum mesopraescutum mesop¬sammon mesopseudogyne mesorhabdions mesoscutellum mesoscutum mesoseries mesosoma mesosome mesospermalege mesosternal mesosternellum mesosternum mesostome mesostracum mesotarsal mesotarsus mesotergum mesothoracotheca mesothorax mesothyridid mesotriaene mesotroch mesozoans mesozona metabiosis metablastic metabola metabolic metabolism metabolite metabranchial metacentric metacephalon metacercaria metacerebrum metacestode metachemogenesis metachromasia metachromasis metachromasy metacnemes metacoel metacorporal metacorpus metacoxal metacyclic metacyst metaepisternum metaerucism metafemale metagastric metagenesis metagnath metagonia metagynous metagyny metakinesis metamale metamere metameric metamerism metameron metameros metamorphosis metanauplius metandric metandry metaneme metanephridium metanephromixium metanotal metanotum metaparapteron metapeltidium metaphase metaplasis metaplasm metaplastic metaplax metapleural metapleuron metapleurum metapneustic metapodeon metapodium metapodosoma metapolar metapon metapostnotum metapostscutellum metapraescutum metaprescutum metapygidium metarhabdions metascolex metascutellum metasoma metasome metastasis metasternal metasternum metastigmata metastoma metastome metasyndesis metatarsus metatentorium metatergum metathetely metathoracotheca metathorax metatroch metatrochophore metaxyphus metazoans metazoea metazoic metazona metazonite metecdysis metelattosis metenchium metenteron metepimeron metepisternum meter metinfraepisternum metochy metoecious metope metopic metopidium metraterm metrocyte micelle micraesthetes micraner micrergate microbe microbiota microbivorous microbody microbotroph microcalthrop microcaltrop microcentrum microcephalic microcercous microchaetae microclimate microcnemes microcotylate microdrile microelectrode microergate microevolution microfauna microfibril microfilaria microgamete microgametocyte microgeographic microgram microgranular microgyne microhabitat microhexactine microic microlecithal microleucocyte micromere micromesentary micrometer micromillimeter micromutation micron micronekton micronephridia micronicus microniscus micronucleocytes microorganism micropaleontology microphagous microphthalmic microphthalmy microplankton microplasmatocyte micropore micropredator micropseudogyne micropterism micropterogyne micropterous microptery micropylar micropyle micropyrenic microsclere microscolecine microscopic microsensillum microseptum microsomes microsomia microsomites microspecies microspines microstome microsymbiote microthorax microthrix microtome microtomy microtrices microtrichia microtubules microtype microvillus microxea microzoon mictic micton midbody middorsal midgut midintestine midventral migrante migrational milk millepunctatus millimeter millimicron mimesis mimetic mimicry mines minim miolecithal miracidium missense mitochondria mitochondrion mitogen mitosis mitosome mitotic mitraria mixocoel mixonephridium mixoploidy mnemotaxis modifer modification modioliform modulation moiety molar molecular molecules Mollusca molluscicide molluscs mollusks molting moltinism molula monacanthid monactinal monaene monarsenous monaster monaulic monaxonid monecious monila monilicorn moniliform monoallelic monobasic monocentric monochromatic monocondylar monocondylic monocrepid monocule monocyclic monodactyl monodelphic monodesmatic monodisc monodomous monoecious monoecism monoembryony monogamous monogamy monogenesis monogonoporus monogony monograph monogyny monohybrid monolayer monomeric monomerosomatous monomerous monomers monometrosis monomial monomorphism monomyarian mononchoid mononychous monoparental monophagous monophyletic monophyly monoplacid monoplacophorans monoploid monoplont monorchic monosiphonous monosome monospermy monostichous monostigmatous monostome monostome monothalamous monothecal mono¬thelious monothely monothetic monotrochous monotrophic monotropic monotype monotypic monovalent monovarial monovoltine monoxenic monoxenous monozoic montane monticolous monticule morgan moribund morpha morphallaxis morphism morphogenesis morphological morphology morphometrics morphometry morphopathology morphosis morphospecies morphotype morular morulation morulit mosaic moschate mother motile motor mottled moult mound mouse mouth movable mucid mucific mucigen mucilaginous mucin mucivorous mucoid mucolytic mucopolysaccharides mucoprotein mucoreous mucous mucron mucronate mucrones mucus mulberry Mullerian Muller's multiangular multiarticulate multicamerate multicarinate multicellular multicolonial multifactorial multifarious multifid multiforous multilocular multinucleate multiordinal multiovulate multiparasitism multiparous multipartite multiple multipolar multiporous multiramous multiserial multisetiferous multispinose multispiral multistriate multivalent multivalved multivincular multivoltine multizooidal mumia munite mural muricate muscidiform muscle muscularis musculature musculus mushroom mutafacient mutagen mutant mutation mutationism mutator mutein mutic mutilate mutilous muton mutualism muzzle myarian mycelium mycetangium mycetocyte mycetome mycetometochy mycetophagous mycohelminths mycophagous mycosis mycotoxin myelin myiasis myoblast myochordotonal myocytes myoepithelial myofibrillae myofibrils myogenic myoglobin myohaematin myohematin myoid myology myomere myoneural myoneure myonicity myophore myoplasm myosin myostracum myotasis myotome myrmecobiosis myrmecochory myrmecoclepty myrmecodomatium myrme¬cole myrmecology myrmecophagous myrmecophile myrmecophilous myrmecophily myrmecophobic myrmecophyte myrmecoxenes mysis mystacine mystax mytiliform myzesis myzorhynchus


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: N, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Gardner

nacre nacreous naiad nail naked nanism nanoid nanitic worker nanometer nanoplankton nanozooid narcosis nasale nascent naso Nassanoff's gland Nassanov's gland Nassanov's gland nasus nasute natal natality rate natant natatory natatory lamellae nates naticid naticiform native natural classification artificial classification natural decrease natural increase natural group natural increase natural requeening supersedure natural selection naupliar eye nauplius eye naupliiform nauplius eye nauplius larva nautilicone nautiliform nautiloid nautiloid navicular neala neallotype neanic neap Nearctic neascus larva nebulous neck neck organ nuchal organ necrobiosis necrocytosis necrophagous necrophoresis necrophoric behavior necrosis necrotize nectar nectobenthic nectocalyx nectophore nectochaeta larva necton nekton nectophore pneumatophore nectopod nectosome nectozooid nectophore Needham's sac/organ negative geotropism negative phototropism negative tropism nekton seston nema nema curds nema wool nemaposit Nemata nematodes Nemathelminthes nematicide nematocide nematize nematization nematoblast nematocide nematocyst cnida spirocyst nematocyte plasmatocytes cnidocyst Nematoda Nemata nematode nematode wool nema wool nematogen rhombogen m Nematoidea Nemata nematology Nematomorpha nematomorphs nematophagous nematophore nematopore nematosis nematosphere nematostat nematotheca nematozooid nema wool Nemertea nemerteans nemertines or rhynchocoels Nemertini Nemertea nemic nemin nemoricolous nemoricole neobiogenesis biogenesis neoblast Neo-Darwinism neogallicolae-gallicolae neogallicolae radicolae neogea neotropical region neogeic gerontogeous neonatal neontology neophorans archoo¬phorans neoplasm neoplasia neosistens neosome neosomule neosomy neosomic neostigma neotaxy neoteinia neoteny neote(i)nic neotenic neoteny neotenic plerocercoid neotenic procercoid neotenic procercoid neotenic reproduction neoteny neotenin neoteny enoteinia neoteiny hysterotely neotenic neotrichy neotropical region neotype neozoology neontology nephridial papilla nephridiopore nephropore nephridiostome nephrostome nephridium protonephridium nephroblast nephridioblast nephrocytes nephrodinic nephrogonoduct nephromixium protonephromixium metanephromixium mixonephridium nephropore nephrostomal lips nephrostome nepioconch nepionic nepionic constriction nepionotype NEPO virus NETU virus neritic zone nerve nerve cell neuron nerve ending nerve fiber nerve net nerve ring circumesophageal commissure nerve root nervicole nervicolous nervous nervous system nervulation venation nervules nervures nervures nesium nesia nest nestlers nest odor colony odor nest parasitism nest robbing cleptobiosis NETU virus NEPO virus nettle cells nematocysts neuraforamen neural neural arc neural canal neural groove neural lamella neural ridges neuration venation neurilemma Schwann cell neurite axon neurobiotaxis neuroblast dermatoblasts neurocirrus neurocyte neurofibrils neurogenic myogenic neuroglia neurohemal organs neurohormone neurohumor neurotransmitter neuroid transmission neurolemma Schwann cell neuromere neuron neurone neuron neuropile neuroplasm neuropodium neuropore trichopore Neuropteroidea Holometabola neuropterous neurosecretory cells neurospongium neuropile neurosynapse synapse neurotransmitter neurotropic neurotubules neuston seston neuter neutralism neutral synoekete new name niche nictation negative geotropism nictitant nidamental gland nidicole nidificant nidifugous nidus nidi niger nigerrima nigrescent nisto nitid nitidus nitrate nitrite nitrogen nitrogen cycle nitrogenous nits niveous nocturnal diurnal crepuscular nocturnal eyes nodal furrow node nodicorn nodiferous nodiform nodose nodular nodular sclerite epaulett nodule nodulus nodus nomadism nomenclator nomenclature nomen conservandum nomen dubium nomen inquirendum nomen novum new name nomen nudum nomen oblitum nomen taxon nominalism nominate noncelliferous side of colony noncellular outgrowth noncoelomate acoelomate non congression non conjunction nondimensional species non-essential amino acids nonincubatory oysters non-medullated nerve nonsense codon nonsense mutation nonsense mutation normalizing selection nosogenic nosography nota notum notacoria notal comb genal comb notate notation notaulix lices notocephalon notocirrus notodeltidium chilidium notodont Notogaea notogaster notonectal notopleura notopleuron notopleural notopleural bristles notopleural suture notopodium notopterale notoseta nototheca notothyrium delthyrium notum notal nucha nuchal nuchal caruncle nuchal cavity nuchal cirrus cirrus nuchal constriction nuchal organ nuchal papilla nuchal tentacles nuclear envelope nuclear plate nuclear sap nucleoplasm nuclear whorls nucleate nucleic acids nuclei of Semper nucleolar chromosome nucleolar organizer nucleolinus nucleolonema nucleolus nucleoplasm nucleoplasmic index nucleoprotein nucleoside nucleotide nucleus lei nudibranchiate nudum nulliplex numerical phenetics numerical taxonomy taxonomy nuptial flight nurse cells nutant nutricial castration castration nutriciale alimentary castration nutricism nutrition nyctipelagic nymph nympha phae nymphal phase nymphipara pupipara nymphochrysalis nymphoid nymphoid reproductive nymphosis


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: O, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Gardner

obconical obcordate obese obimbricate obsite oblanceolate oblate obligate facultative obligate parasite facultative parasite obligate symbiont facultative symbiont oblique oblique muscles oblique vein obliterate oblong oblong plates oblongum obovate obpyriform obscure obsite obimbricate obsolescence obsolete obtect obtected obtect pupa exarate pupa obturaculum obturator obtuse acute obtusilingues acutilin¬gues obumbrate obverse obverse side of colony obvolvent occasional species occipital occipital arch occipital carina occipital cilia ocular seta occipital condyles occipital foramen foramen magnum occipital ganglion occipitalia occipital margin occipital notch occipital suture occipital tentacle cirrus occiput occipital occludent margin occludent teeth occlusion plate occlusor occult oceanic zone ocellara ocellus ocellar basin ocellar bristles ocellar bulb tentacular bulb ocellar centers ocellar group ocellar pair ocellar bristles ocellar pedicels ocellar plate ocellar triangle ocellar triangle ocellata apharyngeate ocellate ocellus ocelli nauplius eye stemma ommata aesthete ochraceous ochroleucous octactine octamerous octoploid octopod octopody octoprostatic octothecal ocular ocular bulla ocular emargination ocular fleck ocular fringe ocularium ocular lobe ocular papilla ocular peduncle ocular plates ocular sclerites ocular seta ocular sinus ocular suture ocular ocular tubercles oculiferous oculomotor oculus oculi odona odonate odontium onchium odontoblast odontoidea occipital condyles odontophore buccal mass odontostyle odontostylet odoriferous glands scent glands odor trail oecium ooecium oeco eco oedaeagus oedeagus oedoeagus aedeagus oenocytes oenocytoid oeruginous oeruginus aeruginous oesophagus esophagus oestrus estrus official index official list ogival ogive oikosite olfactory olfactibon olfactory cone sensillum basiconicum olfactory hair aesthetasc olfactory lobes olfactory papilla olfactory pits olfactory pores sensillum campaniformium oligogene polygenes oligogyny oligogyral paucispiral oligolecithal egg centrolecithal egg telolecithal egg oligolectic oligomerous oligonephria oligoneura Oligoneuroptera Oligoneoptera Endopterygota oligophagous monophagous oligophyletic monophyletic oligopneustic oligopod polypod proto¬pod oligopod larva campodeiform larva oligopyrene apyrene eupyrene oligosaprobic oligotaxy oligothermic oligotokous oligotrichy oligotrophic oligotropic monotropic polytropic oligoxenous oli¬goxeny oligozoic olivaceous oliviform olynthus omega-ramule ommata ommatidium ommateum ommatidium ia ommatochrome ommochrome ommatoid ommatophore ommochrome ommatochrome omnivorous omphalian omphalium diastomian omphalous onchial plate onchiophore odontophore onchiostyle odontostyle onchium onchia odontium esophastome onchomiracidium onchosphere oncosphere oncogenic oncophysis Tragardh's organ onisciform larva platyform larva onomatophore ontogeny ontogenetic phylogeny onychaetes onyches claws onychii pulvilli onychium Onychophora onychophorans ooblast ooblastema oocapt oocyst oocytes ooecia ooecial vesicle ooeciostome oogamy oogamous anisogamy isogamy oogenesis oogenotop columella oogone oogonium oogonium oogonia ookinete oolemma vitelline membrane oophagy oophore ooplasm oopod oosperm oosphere oostegite oostegopod ootheca cae ootid ootocous ootype oozooid blastozooid opaline opaque open cell open coxal cavity open population opercular membrane opercular plug or spot opercular scar opercular valves operculate operculiform operculigenous operculigerous operculum opercula mandible opere citato operon opesiule opesium ia ophiopluteus ophirhabd euler¬habd ophiurida Ophiuroidea ophiuroids ophthalmic ophthalmic somite acron ophthalmocercaria ophthalmopod ophthalmotheca opisthaptor Baer's disc opisthocline opisthocyrt opisthodelphic amphidelphic monodelphic prodelphic didelphic opisthodetic amphidetic parivincular opisthogenesis opisthognathous opisthogoneate progoneate opisthogonia opisthogyrate opisthohapter opisthaptor opisthomeres opisthomerite opisthoparamere proparamere opisthosoma protosoma metasoma mesosoma opisthosomatic appendages opisthosomatic scissure opsiblastic tachyblastic optic optical isomerism optic lobes opticon optimum orad oral oral oral cavity oral cone oral disk oral hooks oral lappet oral lobe oral plate oral segment oral spear stomatostyle odontostyle oral styles oral surface oral tentacles oral valve oral vibrissae orb orbicular orbit orbital bristles facio-orbita orbital carina orbital fossa orbit orbital hiatus orbital plate genovertical plate orbital region orbital tooth orchitic order ordinal uniordinal crochets biordinal crochets triordinal crochets multiordinal crochets ordinate oreillets organelle es ae orange rouge organism organization center organizer organizer organ of Bellonci frontal eye complex organ of Berlese mesospermalege organ of Bojanus organ of Hicks sensillum campaniformium organ of Hoyle Hoyle's organ organ of Johnston Johnston's organ organ of Kolliker Kolliker's organ organ of Ribaga mesospermalege organogenesis organogenetic organogeny organogenesis organoid organoleptic organotroph heterotroph organs of Tomosvary organs of Valenciennes orichalceous Oriental Realm orientation orifice aperture orificial wall original description orismology ornamentation ornate cercaria orphan nest orthocerous condition gonatocerous condition orthochromatic orthochromatin orthocline orthodont hinge orthodromic antidromic orthogenesis orthognathous orthogyral orthogyrate orthokinesis kli¬nokinesis orthometaneme Orthonectida orthonectids orthoneury detorsion orthoploid euploid orthoselection orthosomatic orthostasy orthostrophic orthotaxy orthotriaenes orthotrichy os ora osculant oscular chimney osculum osculum oscule apopore osmeterium osmeteria osmiophilic osmophilic osmium osmosium osmoconformer osmomorphosis osmoreceptors osmoregulation osmosis osmosium osmotaxis osmotic osmosis osmotic pressure osphradium osseous ossicle axillary sclerites ossiculum ostia ostium ostiolar peritreme ostiole ostiola ostium ostia ostial ostium bursae ostium bursae ostium oviductus ostracum otidium statocyst otocrypt otocyst statocyst otolith statolith otoporpae outer coelomic space outer face outer leaf crown corona radiata outer ligament lamellar ligament outer lip outer pigment cells accessory pigment cells outer plate quadrate plates outer squama alula outer vertical bristles ova ovum oval ovarial ligament ovarian balls ovarian tube ovariole ovariotestis ovotestis ovarium ovary ovary ovarial ovarian ovate ovately-conic ovate-oblong ovate-subquadrate ovejector ovijector overdispersion ovicapt ovicell oviducal gland oviduct oviducal oviferous ovigerous oviform oviger ovigerous ovigerous frena ovigerous lamella ovigerous frena ovijector oviparous oviporus oviposit oviposition ovipositor ovisac oviscapt oviscapte ovivalvula ovocyte oocytes ovogonium oogonium ovoid ovotestis testes ovovitellarium ovoviviparous oviparous viviparous ovum oxea oxyaster oxydiact oxygnathous oxyphil oxyphile oxyphilic oxyphilic oxyphilous oxyphobe oxyphobic oxytylote ozadene ozopore


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: P, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Gardner

P-1 pachynema pachyodont pachytene paedogenesis paedomorphosis paedoparthenogenesis pagina pagiopodous palate palette palidium paliform palingenesis palintrope palisade pallial palliobranchial palliolum palliopedal pallioperitoneal pallium palmaria palmars Palmen's palmula palpation palpifer palpiger palpimacula palpus paludicole palule palus pandemic panduriform pangamy pangenesis pan¬mictic panmixia panoistic panthalassic pantherine pantropical panzootic papilioform papilla pappus papulous parcidentate parecium parenchyma parenchymella parenchymula paria paries parietes parieto-basilar parivincular parocciput paronychium parsimony parthenapogamy parthenita parthenogenesis parthenote partite parturition paruterine parva parviconoid pastinum patabionts patagia patella pathogen pathogenesis pathognomonic pathology patocoles patronymic paturon paucispiral paunch Paurometabola Pauropoda paurostyle Pavan's Pawlowsky's paxilla Pearman's pecilonymy pecten pectunculate pectus pedalium pedamina peddler pedicel pedicellariae pedicle pedigerous pedipalp pedisulcus pedium pedofossae pedogenesis pedothecae peduncle pelagic pelagosphera Pelecypoda pellicle pellions pellucid pelma peloderan pelopsiform peltate peltidium peltogonopod pendent pendulous penellipse penetrant penial penicilla peniferum penis pennaceous pentacrinoid pentactula pentaglossate pentamerous pentaradiate pentazonian peptonephridia peraeon peraeopod percurrent percutaneous peregrine pereion pereon perfoliate perforate pergameneous perianal periaxial peribuccal pericardial pericardium pericaryon pericentric perichaetine perideltidium periderm perienteric periflagellar perigastric perignathic perihemal perikaryon perilemma perilymph perimetrical perinaeum perinductura perineal perineum perineural perineurium perinotum period periodomorphosis periopticon perioral periostracal periostracum periparturient periphallic peripharyngeal periplasm peripneustic peripodial periproct perisarc perisomatic perispicular peristalsis peristethium peristigmatic peristome perisympathetic peritoneum peritreme peritrophic perivisceral permesothyridid peronium peroral perradius pervious petaloid petasma petiole petraliiform petricolous phacella phagocytosis phagosome phagotroph phallic phallobase phallocrypt phallomeres phallosome phallotheca phallotreme phallus phanere phanerocephalic phanerocodonic phaneromphalous phanerotaxy phanerotoxic phaosome pharate pharyngeal pharynges phasic phasma Phasmidia phena phene phenetic phengophil phengophobe phenogram phenology phenome phenomenology phenon phenotype pheromone phialiform philopatry phlebedesis phoba phobotaxis phonation phonoreceptor phoresis phoretomorph Phoronida phoront phospholipids phosphorescent photic photochemical photogenic photokinesis photophil photophobe photophore photopic photoreactivation photoreceptor photosynthesis phototaxis phototelotaxis phototonus phototropism photropic phragma phragmocone phragmocyttar¬ous phragmosis phthiriasis phthisaner phthisergate phthisodinergate phthisogyne phyla phylacobiosis phylactocarps Phylactolaemata phylacum phyletic phyllidium phyllobombycin phyllobranch phyllode phyllophagous phyllopodium phyllosoma phyllotriaene phyllozooid phylogeny phylogerontic phylogram phyloneanic phylum physa physergate physiogenesis physiology physogastry phytoalexins phytobiotic phytoparasite phytophagous phytophilous piceous pigmenta pilei pileus pilifer pillared pilose pilus pinacocyte pinacoderm pinaculum pincers pinnacoderm pinnae pinnafid pinnate pinnules pinocytosis pinosome pinule piptoblast piriform piscicolous pisciform pisiform pith pivotal placids placoid plagae plagiosere plagiotriaene plagula plait planaea plane planidium planipennate planispiral plankton planktotrophic planoblast planorboid plantae plantar plantella plantula planula plasma plasmagene plasmalemma plasmatocyte plasmon plasmosome plasmotype plastic plastids plastosomes plastron plates platyform Platyhelminthes platymyarian plectanes plectolophe plectrum plegma plegmatium pleiomorphic pleiotrophy pleomere pleometrosis pleomorphism pleonic pleophyletic pleopod pleotelson plerergate plerocercus plerocestoid plesioasters plesiomorphy plesiotype pleural pleurella pleurembolic pleurepimere pleurergate pleurobranch pleurolophocercous pleuron pleuropodium pleurosternal pleurosternum pleurostomal pleurotergite pleurothetic pleuston plicate pliciform ploidy plumate plumbeous plume plumicome plumoreticulate plurilocular plurinuclear pluriseptate pluteus plyopod pneumatization pneumatocodon pneumatophore pneumatosaccus pneumostome pneumotaxis pocket poculiform podeon podilegous podite podium podobranch podocephalic podocyst podocyte podomere podophthalmite podosoma podospermia podous poecilacanthous poecilandry poecilocyttares poecilog¬eny poecilogony poecilogyny poecilonymy pogonophorans poikilonymy poikilosmotic poikilotherm poiser polian pollen pollex polliniferous pollinigerous polyact polyadenous polyandry polyarthric polyaxon polybasic polycentric Polychaeta polychromatic polydelphic polydisc polydiverticulate polydomous polyem¬bryonic polyembryony polyethism polygamy polygenes polygigeriate polygonadal polygonal poly¬goneutic polygyny polygyral polyhaline polyhedron polykaric polylectic polyloculate polymeric polymerization polymorphic polymyarial polynemic polypalmate polypary polyphagy polyphenism polyphyletic polyphyly polypide polypidom Polyplacophora polyploidy polypneustic polypoid polyprostatic polysaccharides polysaprobic polysiphonous polysomatic polysome polyspermy polystichous polystomate polytene polytesticulate polythalamous polythecal polythetic polytopic polytrophic polytropic polytypic polyvoltine polyxenic polyzoan pons population porate porcate porcelanous pore Porifera poriform porocalyx porocytes poroid porophore porose porphyrins porrect portal potamoplankton pouch praecoxa praesoma praniza prasinous pratinicolous Priapulida primaxil primibrachial primogyne primordial primordiotrichy priodont prionodont prisere prismatic protobranchite protocephalon protocerebral protocnemes protocoel protoconch protocormic protodichthadiigyne protogastric protogyny protologue protoloma protomesal protonephridium protonymphon protoplasmic protoplast protopod protoscolex protosoma protospecies protostasy protosternum protostome protostracum protostyle prototaxy prototergite prototheca prototrichy prototrochophore prototrochula prototype protozoea protractor protriaenes protrusile prouterus proventricular provinculum proxagalea proximad prozona pruinescence pruinose Przibram's psammon psammous ptenoglossate pteralia pterate pterergate pteridine pterine pternotorma pterocardiac pterodinergate pteropleural pteropleurites pteropleuron pteropods pterostigma pterote pterothecae pterothorax pterygium pterygobranchiate pterygoda pterygogenea pterygopolymorphism pterygostomial Pterygota ptilinum ptychoidy ptycholophous pubescence pubic puce pudendum puerulus puffs pulmonarium pulsatile pulverulent pulvilliform pulvillus pulvinulus punctae punctum pupae pupal pupiferous pupiform pupigerous pu¬pillarial pupillate pupipara pustule pycnosis pygal pygofer pygomere pygophore pygopods pygostyle pyllopod pylorus pyraform pyriform


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: Q - R, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Gardner

Q-technique quacking quadrangle quadrat quadrate plates quadricapsular quadricolumella columella quadridentate quadrifid quadrilateral quadrimaculate quadripartite quadripinnate quadriprostatic quadriradiate quadrithecal quadrivalve quartet tetrad quasisocial queen queen control queen substance Quenstedt muscles quick muscle phasic muscle quiescence quiescent quincuncial quinone biochrome cochineal quinones quinquedentate quinquefarious quinquelocular race racemose racemose glands rachidian rhacidian rachiform rachiglossate rhachiglossate rachis rachides rachises radial radial radial apophysis radial cell radial gashes radial growth radial lirae carapace costae radial masses radial-medial cross vein radial muscles radial plates radial processes radial ribs radial sector radial skeleton radial symmetry radial vein radianal plate radiate radiate radiate veins radicate radicicolus radicolous radicle radicular radicola radicolae radicolous radii rays radiobiology radiocarbon radioecology radioisotopes radiole radiomimetic radioresistant radiosensitive radius radii radix radula radulae radula sac raster radulifer raft egg-rafts rake rastellum ramal rameal ramate ramate mastax ramellose ramellus ramet rami ramicorn ramicostellate ramification ramiform ramify rami valvularum ramose ramp random fixation ranking rapacious raphe rhaphe raphide raptorial raptorial claw rasorial rasp strigulating organs Rassenkreis circular overlap rastellum rastellus raster rastri rastrate rataria larva ratite carinate rat-king cercariae rattenkonig rat-tailed larva maggots ray reafference afference reborded recapitulation theory recent receptacle receptaculum receptaculum seminalis/seminis seminal receptacle receptor recessive allele double recessive dominant allele recessive character reciprocal feeding reclinate reclivous reclivate verticle inclivous recombinant recombinant DNA recondite recrudescence recrudescent recruitment trail rectal rectal caecum rectal gills rectal glands rectal matrix glands matrix glands rectal muscles rectal pad rectal papillae rectal pouch rectal tracheal gills rectal valve rectate rectification rectigrade rectilinear rectimarginate rectum rectal proctodeum hind-gut recumbent recumbent spines recurrent recurrent collateral recurrent nerve recurrent vein recurved procured recurved ovary reflexed ovary redia rediae reflected reflex reflex arc reflex bleeding reflexed ovary reflex immobilization hypnosis, stereokinesis refugium ia regeneration regenerative budding regenerative cells regression regressive character regressive evolution regressive molting regularization regular triact regulator gene reinfection relic remiform remigium remigial remigrant foramen remiped remotion renal renal appendage renal cells renal sac renette reniform reniform spot renopericardial canal renopericardial pore nephrostome repagula um repand repent repetition-molt growing molt replacement name replacement reproductive supplementary reproductive replete replicate reproduction isolate repugnatorial repugnatorial glands reservoir ampulla reservoir host resilifer resilin resilium resinous resonator resonator ridge resorption respiration respiratory funnel respiratory horn respiratory movements respiratory siphon respiratory tree respiratory trumpet respiratory horn response responsiveness stimulus restiform resting eggs resting stage growth stage restitution restitution nucleus resupinate rete retecious reticular membrane reticulate retiform reticulate evolution reticulosome reticulum reticula retiform retina retinal retinaculum la retinal cell retinal pigment cells accessory pigment cells corneal pigment cells retinular pigment cells retinula lae retinular retinular pigment cell/basal pigment cell corneal pigment cells, accessory pigment cells retort-shaped organs retractile retractive opisthocline retractor protractor muscle retractor gubernaculi gubernaculum retractor preputii hood retractor retractor spiculi retroarcuate retrobursal probursal retrocerebral endocrine system retrocerebral organ retrocerebral pore retrocerebral sac retrocession retrocurrent opisthocline retrofection autoinfection retroflected retrogressive development retrorse antrorse detrorse retrovesicular ganglion retuse reunion reversed dextral reverse mutation reversion revertant reviviscence reviviscent revolute involute revolving rhabd rhabdiferous cell rhabdion cheilorhabdions prorhabdion mesorhabdions metarhabdions telorhabdions rhabdites rhabditiform rhabditoid rhabditoid bursa bursa rhabditoid larva rhabdocrepid rhabdoid rhabdom rhabdome rhabdomere rhabdus diactinal monaxon rhachidian rachidian rhachiglossate rachiglossate rhagon rhammites rhamphoid rhaphe rhegmatocyte spherule cell rhegmatocytoid spherule cell rheogameon rheophile rheoreceptor rheotaxis taxes reotactic rhinarium ia rhinophores rhipidoglossate rhizocaul rhizocaulome hydrocaulus rhizoclad rhizoid rhizoid spines rhizome rhizomorphous rhizophagous rhodopsin rhombogen Rhombozoa rhombozoans rhombus rhomboidal rhopalium lia rhopalocercous cercaria rhopaloneme rhopalostyle rhynchocoel Rhynchocoela rhynchocoel villus rhynchodaeum rhynchostome rhynchoteuthis stage rhypophagous rhythm circadian diurnal rib Ribaga's organ mesospermalege ribbon riblet riboflavin ribonucleic acid ribose ribosome ridge right valve rimate rimose rind cells ring ring canal ringed gland ringent Ringer's solution ring gland ring nerve nerve ring ring segments ring septum ring vein ambient vein ring vessel ring canal ring wall anellus riparian ripicolous rivose RNA robust rod border brush border rod-shaped organ organ of Bellonci rooting tuft root stalk ropalocercous cercaria rhopalocercous cercaria rosaceous rosette plate rosettes rostel rostellum rostelliform rostellum rostel rostellar rostellate rostrad rostral filaments rostralis rostral incisure rostralis rostral latus rostrolateral rostral notch rostral incisure rostral plate rostral tooth rostrate rostriform rostrolateral rostral latus rostrulum rostrum tra rostellum compound rostrum beak rotate rotation rotelliform umboniform Rotifera rotifers rotundate round dance royal cell royal jelly royal pairs r-strategist R technique rubescent rubiginose rubiginous rubineous rudiment anlage precursor rudimentary vestigial rudimentary posterior uterine branch postuterine sac ruffles rufous ruga rugosissimus rugosity rugula lae rugulose runcinate rutella rutellum rutellar rutilous rypophagous rhypophagous


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: S, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Gardner

sabulose sabulous sac saccate saccharobiose sacciform saccule saccus sacoglossa saddle Saefftigen's sagittae sagittocysts saliva salivarium salivary saltation Saltatoria saltatory saltigrade sanguinivorous sanidasters sapphirine saprobe saprobiont saprobiotic saprophagous saprophyte saprozite saprozoic saprozoite sarcobelum sarcode sarcolemma sarcolysis sarcomere sarcomeric sarcophagous sarcoplasm sarcoplasmic sarcosomes sarcostyle sarcotheca sarothrum saxicavous saxicolous scabellum scabrous scalariform scalaroid scalids scalpellum scalpriform scansorial scape scaphe scaphiform scaphium scaphocerite scaphognathite scaphoid Scaphopoda scapula scapus scarabaeiform scarabaeoid scarified scariose scatophagous scavenger scent sceptrules schemochrome schistosomula schizeckenosy schizocele schizochroal schizocoel schizodont schizogamy schizogenesis schizolophe schizopeltid schizopod schizorhyses Schmidt's Schwann scissorial scissure sclerification sclerite scleroblasts sclerocyte sclerophagous sclerosepta sclerotic scoleces scolecid scoleciform scolecoid scolex scoli scolopale scoloparium scolophore scolopidium scolopoid scolopophore scolopophorus scolops scolus scolytoid scopa scopiform scopula scopules scopuliferous scopuliform scopulipedes scotopic scrobe scrobicula scrobicules scrobis scrotal scrotiform scrotum scuta scutel scutella scutellum scutiform scutigerous scutoscutellar scutulis scutum scyphistoma scyphomedusae Scyphozoa sebaceous sebific secereneteans Secernentea secretion secretory section sectorial secund secundibracts securiform sedentary seductor seed segment segmental segmentation segregation sejugal selection selenaster seleniform selenizone self-cleansing self-fertilization selfing self-sedimentation sellate seller selva selvage sematic sematophore semelparity semelparous semiaquatic semidominant semifenestra semigeographic semilunar seminal semination semiochemical semipupa semisocial Semper senescence senility sensilla sensillium sensitization sensorium sensory senti sentus septa septalial septalium septasternum septate septiform septula septulum septum sere serial sericate sericin sericose sericterium serictery serific serology serosa serotinal serous serpentinous serra serrate serration serratulate serriform serrula serum sesquiocellus sessile sessoblast seston seta setaceous setae setal setate setiferous setiform setigenous setiger setigeris setigerous setireme setula setule setules setulose sex sex-limited sex-linked sexprostatic sexradiate sexthecal sexual sexuales sexupara shaft shagreened sheath shelf shell shield shoulder shovel sibling Siebold's sieve sigilla sigillum sigma sigmaspires sigmoid signum silicalemma siliceous silicious silicoblasts siliquiform silk silvan silvatic silvicolous sinciput sinistral sinistron sinistrorse sinuate sinuatolobate sinuosity sinupalliate sinus siphon siphonal siphonoglyph siphonoplax siphonostomatous siphonozooid siphons siphuncle Siphuncula sipunculans sipunculids sistentes sitophore sitopore situs skeletal skeleton skin skototaxis slavery slime slit slope snout social society socii sociobiology sociotomy socket sodium soldiers solenia solenidion soleniform solenocyte solenomerite solenophage solid solitaria solitary solute soma somatic somatoblast somatocoel somatocyst somatoderm somato-esophageal somato-intestinal somatome somatoplasm somatopleure somatotheca somite sonication sonifaction sordid sorotrochous spadix spado spanandry spanogamy spanogyny sparganum spat spatfall spatha spathulate spatula spear specialization speciation species specific specificity specophile spectra spectrum specular speculum sperm spermaduct spermagonium spermalege spermarium spermary spermatangium spermateleosis spermatheca spermathecal spermatid spermatocyst spermatocyte spermatodactyl spermatogenesis spermatogonial spermatogonium spermatolophis spermatophory spermatophragma spermatopositor spermatotheca spermatozeugma spermatozoon spermiducal spermiogenesis spermoduct spermora sphaeridium sphaeroclone sphecology sphecophile sphenoid spherasters spheres spherocyte spheroidocyte spherula spherule spherulocyte sphincter sphingiform sphragis spicate spiciform spicula spicule spiculiferous spiculiform spiculose spiculum spigots spiked-tail spina spinasternum spinate spination spindle spine spiniform spiniger spinigerous spinneret spinning spinose spinous spinulate spinule spinulifer spinulose spinulous spiracle spiraculiform spiral spiralia spiralium spiramen spirasters spire spirignath spiritrompe spirocyst spirogyrate spiroid spirolophe splanchnic splanchnopleure splendent splicing spoile spondylium sponge spongicolous spongiform spongin spongioblasts spongiocoel spongioplasm spongiose spongocoel spongocyte spontaneous spoon sporadic sporoblast sporocyst sporogony sporont sporosac sporozoite spout spraing spur spurious squama squamiform squamose squamous squamul squamulate squamulose squarrose squat stabilamentum stabilimentum stadia stadium stalk staphyla staphylae stase stasis stasoid statary static statis statistical statoblast statocone statocyst statocyte statolith statorhabd stauractine stegasimous stellate stelliform stelocyttarous stem stemapod stemma stemmata stenobathic stenobenthic stenocephalous stenogamous stenogastric stenoglossate stenohaline stenohygric Stenolaemata stenomorphic stenonoty stenophagous stenopodium stenopterous stenosaline stenosis stenotele stenothermal stenotopic stenovalent stenoxenous steppe stercoral stereoblastula stereogastrula stereoisomer stereokinesis stereom(e) stereotactic stereotaxis stereotropic sterile sterinx sterna sternacosta sternal sternannum sternapophysis sternaulus sternellar sternellum sternite sternopleural sternopleurite sternopleuron sternum sterols sterrasters sterrula stethidium stethosoma Stewart's stichic stichocyte stichosome sticklac stigma stigmata stigmatal stigmatic stigmatiferous stigmergy stimulus sting stipe stipiform stipital stipple Stobbe's stock stolon stolonate stoloniferan stoma stomach stomatodaeum stomatogastric stomatostyle stomatostylet stomatotheca stomoblastula stomocnide stomodaeum stomodeal stomodeum stomogastric storage strahl straight-hinge strangulated strata stratification stratum strepsilaematous streptasters streptoneury stria striation stricture stridulating stridulation striga strigate strigil strigilation strigilator strigose strigula strike string striola stripe strobila strobilation strobilization strobilocercoid strobilocercus stroma stromata strombiform stromboid strongylaster strongyle strongyloxea strophe struma strumose stupeous stupulose stylamblys stylate stylet styletocytes styli styliferous styliger stylocerite styloconic styloconicum stylode styloid stylopization stylose stylostome stylote stylus subalar subalternate subanal subantennal subapical subapotorma subapterous subassociation subbasal subbiramous subbranchial subcapitular subcarina subcarinate subcastes subcellular subcephalic subcerebral subchela subchelate subclass subclimax subclypeal subcolony subcosta subcoxa subcutical subdentate subdiscal subdiscoidal subdorsal subesophageal subfamily subfossorial subgalea subgenal subgenera subgeneric subgenital subgenual subgenus subhepatic subi¬maginal subimago subjective subliminal sublingual sublittoral submalleate submargin submedia submedian submental submentapleural submentum subneural subocular suboesophageal suborbital subphylum subquadrangle subradular subrostrum subscaphium subscutellum subsocial subsocies subspecies substrate substratum subtegular subtegulum subtorma subtriangle subtribe subtylostyle subulate subumbrella subventral subvibrissal succession succursal sucker suctorial suffusion sugent sugescent sulcate sulcation sulci sulciform sulculus sulcus superclass superfamily superfemale superficial supergenus superior superlinguae supermale supernumerary supero-marginal superoptimal superorder superorganism superposed superposition supersedure superspecies supertribe supra-alar supra-anal supra-apical suprabranchial supracerebral supracheliceral supraclypeal supraesophageal supraneural supraneuston supraorbital supraspecific suprasquamal supratidal supratympanal suranal surpedal surstyli suspensor suspensory sustentacular sustentor sustentator sutural suture swarming swimmeret swimming sycon sylleibid sylvan sylvatic symbiology symbiosis symbiote symmetical symmetry sympathetic sympatric sympatry symphile symphilous symphily symphynote symphysis symplesiomorphy sympod symptomatology synanthropism synapomorphy synapse synapsis synaptene synaptic synaptinemal synaptorhabdic synaptychus syncerebrum synchronic synchronizer synclerobiosis synconoid syncyte syncytia syndesis syndiacony syndrome synecete synechthran synechthry synecology synectic synergism synergistic syngamy syngenesis syngenic syngonic synhaploid synhesmia synistate synizesis synkaryon synlophe synoecious synoecius synoecy synoekete synoenocytes synomone synonymy synopsis synoptic synscleritous syntagma syntelic synthesis synthetic synthorax syntrophy syntype syntypic synxenic synzoea syringe syringium system systematics systematist systole syzygy


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: T, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Gardner

tabula tachyauxesis tachyblastic tachygen tachygenesis tachytelic tactic tactile tactoreceptors taenia taeniate taenidium taenioglossate tagma tagmata tagmosis tail tailfan Takakura's talon talus tandem tangent tangoreceptor tanylobous tapetal tapetum tapinoma-odor Tardigrada tardigrades tarsal tarsation tarsite tarsomere tarsungulus tarsus taste tautonomy tautonym taxa taxes taxis taxis taxodont taxometrics taxon taxonomic taxonomist taxonomy tectiform tectostracum tectum teeth teges tegillum tegmen tegmentum tegula tegular tegulum tegumen tegument tegumentary tela telaform telamon telegonic teleiochrysalis telenchium teleoconch teleodont teleology teleotrocha telepod telescope telescopic teletrophic telioderma teliophan telmophage telocentric telodendria telofemur telogonic telolecithal telomitic telophase telophragma telopod telopodite telorhabdions telosonic telostome telosynapsis telosyndesis telotarsus telotaxis telotroch telson template temporal tenacipeds tenaculum tenent teneral tensor tentacle tentacular tentaculocyst tentaculozooid tentilla tentorial tentorium tenuous teratocyte teratogen teratogenesis teratogyne teratology terebella terebra terebrant terebrate teres terete terga tergal tergite tergolateral tergopleural tergopore tergum tergum termen terminal terminalia termitarium termitophile terranes terrestrial terricolous territory tertiary tertibrach tertibrachial tessellate test testaceology testaceous test-cross testes testis testisac testudinate tetanus tetany tetractinal tetractine tetrad tetradelphic tetramerous tetramorphic tetraploid tetrapod tetrapterous tetrasomic tetrathyridial tetrathyridium tetraxon tetraxonid thalassophilous thallus thamnophilous thanatocoenosis thanatosis theca thecae thecal thecate thelycum thelygenesis thelygenous thelyotokous thelyotoky theory thermocline thermophile thermophobe thermoreceptor thermotaxis thickness thigmotactic thigmotaxis thigmotropism third-form thoraces thoracic thoracomere thoracopod(ite) thorax thoraxes thread thylacium thylacogen thyridial thyridium thyroid thysanuriform tibia tibial tibiotarsal tibiotarsus Tiedemann's tiled timbal tinctorial tine tissue tissue titilla titillae titillator tocopherol tocospermal tocospermia tocostome tokostome tomentose tomentum Tomosvary tone tonic tonofibrillae tonus topochemical topogamodeme topomorph topomorphic toponym topotype tori torma tormogen tornote tornus torose torpid torqueate torsion tortuose torulose torus totipotent totomount toxa toxicognath toxicology toxin toxinosis toxoglossate toxoid trabecula trabeculate trabeculated trachea tracheae tracheal tracheate tracheoblast tracheolar tracheoles trachychromatic tract Tragardh's tragus transad transcoxa transcurrent transect transection transformation transient transitional translocation translucent transmission transposed transscutal transstadial transtilla transverse trapeziform trapezium trapezoid trema tremata Trematoda trenchant trepan triact triactinal triad triaene triage triangle triangular triangulate triaulic triaxial triaxon tribe tribocytic trichite trichobothrium trichobranchia trichobranchiate trichocerous trichodes trichodeum trichodragmata trichogen trichoid trichomes trichophore trichopore trichosors trichostichal trichotomous trichroism tricolumella tricomes tricostate tricrepid tricuspid tricuspidate tridactyl trident tridentate trifid trifurcate triglycerides trignathan trigonal trigoneutism trilabiate trilateral trilobate trilocular trimorphic trimorphism Trinominal triordinal tripartite tripectinate triplet triploblastic triploid triquetral triquetrous triradiate triradiates tritocerebral tritocerebrum tritocerebrum tritonymph tritosternum triturate triungulin triungulinid trivial trivoltine trixenic troch trochal trochalopodous trochantellus trochanter trochanteral trochantin trochi trochiform trochlea trocholophous trochophore trochosphere trochus troglobiont troglodytic troglophile trogloxene tropeic trophal trophallactic trophallaxis trophamnion trophi trophic trophidium trophobiont trophobiont trophobiosis trophobiotic trophocytes trophodisc trophogeny trophoporic trophorhinium trophosome trophotaxis trophothylax trophozooid trophus tropis tropism tropotaxis trumpet truncate truncation trunk trypsin tryptic tryptophan tryptophane T-tubule tube tube-feet tubercle tubercula tuberculate tuberculose tuberiferous tubicolous tubifacient tubule tubulus tubus tuft Tullgren tumefaction tumescence tumid tumulus tunic tunica tunicary tunicate turbinate turgid turreted turriculate tychoparthenogenesis tylasters tylenchoid tyli tyloid tyloides tylosis tylostyle tylote tylus tymbal tympanal tympanal tympanic tympanum Tyndall type typhlosole typologist typolysis typostasis


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: U V, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Gardner

uliginose, uliginous ultradextral ultrasinistral ultrasonic ultrastructure umbel umbilical suture umbilicus umbilicate umbo umbones umbos beak umbonal umbonal angle umbonal cavity umbonal depression umbonal fold umbonal pole umbonal reflection umbonal region umbonal spine umbone umbo umboniform rotelliform umbonuloid umbo-veliger umbraculate umbraculiferous umbrella exumbrella subumbrella umbrella organ sensillum campaniformium unarmed unarticulate uncate unci uncus unciform uncinal plate radula uncinal seta uncinate uncinate mastax uncini uncinus uncus unci undate underbridge undifferentiated undose undulate ungual unguiculus unguiculi unguiculate unguis unguifer unguiferate unguiflexor unguiform unguis ungues ungual uguiculus homodactyl unguitractor unguitractor tendon ungula unguis uniauriculate unibranchiate unicameral unicapsular unicarinate unicellular uniciliate unicolonial unicolorate unicornous unicuspid unidentate unidiverticulate uniflagellate unifollicular unigeminal unilabiate unilaminate colony unilateral unilocular uniloculate unimucronate uninominal uninominal nomenclature uniordinal crochets ordinal uniparous uniplicate unipolar unipolar cell uniradiate uniramous uniramous appendage uniramous parapodium uniseptate uniserial uniserial circle serial crochets uniserrate unisexual unispire unit character univalent univalve univariate analysis univoltine unjointed seta unmyelinated unspecialized unsuitable host upcurved growth line upper latus upper lip labrum upsilon furca uranidin pterine urate urate cells urceolus urea ureter uric acid uricotelic urinary vessels Malphigian tubules urine urite cirrus urn bodies urocardiac ossicle urogastric groove urogastric lobe or area urogenital urogenital opening urogomphi urogomphus uromere uropatagia uropod(ite) uropolar cells uropore anus urosome, urosoma urosternite urotergite urstigmata urstigma urticate nematocyst urticating hairs urticator urzellen prohemocyte U-shaped notal ridge scutoscutellar suture ustulate uterine bell uterine vagina vagina uterina uterus uterine utricle utriculus lagena uvette vacuole vagile vagility sessile vagina vaginal vaginate vagina uterina vagina vera vaginipennate vaginula vagus stomogastric nervous system valency valid name valva valvae harpagones valvate valve valve coverage valvelet valvifers valvula valvulae valvular valvular process style vannal fold vannal lobe vannal region vannal veins vannus vannal region variance variate variation varicellate varices varix varicose variegated variety variole variolate varix varices vas vasa vascula vascular vascular markings vas deferens vasa deferentia vas efferens vasa efferentia vasiform vector vegetal pole vegetative functions vegetative reproduction veinlets veins velarium veliconch veliger velum vela velutinous venation venom venomous venom apparatus venom gland apid venom gland braconid venom gland vespid venom gland venose venous vent venter ventilation tracheae diffusion tracheae ventrad dorsad ventral ventral brush ventral cardo ventral cirrus neurocirrus ventral comb ventral cup ventral diaphragm ventral frontal organ ventral gland prothoracic gland ventral groove ventralia ventral membrane ventral muscles ventral nerve cord ventral pharyngeal gland pharyngeal gland, ventral ventral plate ventral process sternal coxal process ventral prolegs ventral scale ventral setae ventral sinus ventral stylet ventral sympathetic nervous system ventral thickening ventral tube ventral groove ventral vessel ventricle heart chamber ventricose ventricular valve auricular valve ventriculus ventricular ventricular valve ventrite ventrodorsal ventrolateral ventromedially venulose verge Vermes vermian vermicide vermifuge vermiculate vermiform vermiform cells plasmatocyte vermiform embryos vermiform larva pronymph vermifuge vermicide vernacular name scientific name vernal vernicose verricule verriculate Verrill's organ funnel organ verruca verrucae verruciform cells verrucose papillate versatile versicolor Versonian glands Verson's glands Verson's cells apical cell Verson's glands vertebra vertex vertical vertical bristles vertical classification horizontal clas¬sification vertical triangle ocellar triangle verticillate verticillate antenna vertition vesica preputial sac vesicating vesicle vesicula vesiculate vesicular vesicular cell vesicula seminalis seminal vesicle vesparium vespid venom gland vespoid vessel vestibular organs vestibular pit vestibular wall vestibule vestibulum bula stoma cheilostome vestibulate vestige vestigial vestiture vexillum illa viable vibraculum vibracula vibrissa oral vibrissae vibrissal ridge vibrotaxis vicarious vicarious polymorph vicinal vicinism villi villus villose microvillus vinculum vinous violaceous virescent virga virgalium virgate virgate mastax virgula organ virgulate cercaria viridis virion virology virulence virus viral viscera visceral visceral ganglion visceral hump or mass visceral nervous system stomogastric nervous system sympathetic system visceral pouch visceral segments visceral sinus visceral trachea visceral tracheal trunk visceropallium visceral hump or mass viscid viscosity vis¬cous vital staining intra vitam vitellaria larva vitellarium vitelligenous vitelline vitelline body yolk nucleus vitelline duct vitelline membrane vitellogenesis vitellophages vitellophags vitellophagic vitellus vitreous vitreous body crystalline cone vitreous humor vitta fascia frontal vitta vittate vitta frontalis frontal stripe viviparous oviparous ovoviviparous volant volatile volsella ae voltine voluntary muscle volute volution whorl volvent desmoneme vomer vulva vulva cone vulva fenestra vulval bridge vulval flap/membrane epiptygma vulvar lamina


Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: W X Y Z, Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, and Scott Gardner

Wagener's larva waggle dance walking leg pereopod wall warm-blooded homoiothermal warning coloration sematic aposematic pseudaposematic wart verruca tubercle water pore hydropore Waterston's organ water vascular system wax wax gland wax layer wax-plate wax scale web weighting Weismann's ring ring gland wheel organ white body Hensen's gland white cuticle yellow cuticle wholemount whorl width wild type wing ala winter egg summer egg With's organs workers worker jelly xanthic xanthophyll xanthopterin xanthopterine X-chromosomes xenagones xenic axenic polyxenic synxenic trix¬enic xenobiosis xenoecic xenogamy cross-fertilization xenogenesis heterogenesis xenomone allelochemic xenomorphism xenoparasite xerarch succession xeric xerophilous xerophobous xerosere lithosere hydrosere xerothermic fauna xiphidiocercaria microcotylate cer¬caria microcercous cercaria xiphiform x-organ organ of Bellonci frontal eye complex frontal organ xylanase xyloid xylophagous xylotomous xyphus Y-chromosomes yellow body yellow cells chlorogogen cells yellow cuticle white cuticle yolk yolk cells yolk duct vitelline duct yolk gland vitellarium yolk nucleus Y-organs Y-vein Z-band, disc, line Z-chromosome zeitgeber synchronizer Zenker's organs zeugobranchiate zigzag zoaea zoea zoanthella zoanthina Semper's larva zoanthina zoanthella zoarium zoea, zooea, zoaea mysis phyllosoma protozoea schizopod larva zoecium zooecium zonate zone zone of growth vitellarium zonite, zoonite zonociliate zooanthroponosis anthropozoonosis zoobiotic zoocenose zoochlorellae zoochromes zooea zoea zooecial compartment zooecial lining zooecial wall zooeciules zooecium zoogamy zoogenic zoogeography zooid zooidal zoology zoonite zonite zoonosis zoonotic zooparasite zoophagous zoophilous zoophyte zooplankton zoosemiotics zoosuccivorous zootomy zootoxin zooxanthellae zoochlorellae z-organ zygocardiac ossicles zygogamy isogamy zygogenetic, zygogenic parthenogenic zygolobous zygolophous zygomorphic zygonema zygoneure zygoneury dialyneury zygophase diplophase zygosis orthoneury zygote zygotene zygonema zygum zyga zymogen

Erstellt: 2011-01






Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Zoologie, Zoología, Zoologie, Zoologia, Zoology, (esper.) zoologio








Gordh, Gordon (Author)
Headrick, David H. (Author)
A Dictionary of Entomology

Hardcover: 1000 pages
Publisher: CABI; Second edition (January 9, 2010)
Language: English

This fully updated new edition of the Reference Reviews Top Ten Print Reference Source 2004 is a comprehensive, fully cross-referenced collection of terms, names and phrases used in entomology, incorporating an estimated 43,000 definitions. It is the only listing which covers insect anatomy, behaviour, biology, ecology, histology, molecular biology, morphology, pest management, taxonomy and systematics.

The origin, etymology, part of speech and definition of each term and phrase are all provided, including the language, meaning or root of each term and constituent parts. The common names of insects, their scientific binomen and taxonomic classification are provided, with diagnoses of pest species in many cases.

All insect order, suborder, superfamily, family and subfamily names are given, together with the diagnostic features of orders and families. With new and updated terms, particularly in molecular biology, phylogeny and spatial technology, this is an essential reference for researchers and students of entomology and related disciplines.

Erstellt: 2012-11

















Williams, Tim (Author)
A Dictionary for Entomology

Paperback: 508 pages
Publisher: (October 23, 2009)
Language: English

With over 13,600 entries, this dictionary is the most comprehensive reference work of its kind available today. It fulfills the need for an entomology work that combines the concise presentation of a dictionary, a brief etymology for each term, and the inclusion of the general terms one would meet during an entomology course.

Entomology is not studied in isolation, therefore the more common terms from the fields of Anatomy, Animal Behavior, Ecology, Embryology, Endocrinology, Evolution, Genetics, Physiology, Taxonomy and Zoogeography, as well as many terms covering sizes, shapes, colors, forms and textures have been included. There is comprehensive taxonomic coverage of every family and many species that are of particular interest. Appendices give a synopsis of the subphylum Hexapoda and an alphabetical list of the families.This dictionary is the standard reference and will be invaluable to those with an interest in entomology. For more details see


Erstellt: 2012-11