Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Wörter des Tages, Des Mots du Jour, Words of the Day, (esper.) vortoj la tago (?)


Word of the Day
WritingDEN's Word of the Day!



The more words you know, the more you can say. So why not sign up for our Word of the Day mailing list to get some extra info on words used in our feature topics?
Here's how it works: you sign up for the mailing list by entering your e-mail address in the box below. Then, each day we will e-mail you a new word and its definition. This way, you'll have more words to choose from when you are speaking and writing - both in school and in everyday life.

Ein Archiv konnte ich nicht entdecken.

Word of the Day
Aaron Rene Ezis


Das letzte Wort scheint am 27.10.2004 eingestellt worden zu sein.

Die sehr grosse Wörtersammlung ist zwar recht interessant, enthält jedoch keine etymologischen Hinweise.


Name Days

In many cultures there are first names associated with the days of the year. The associations between the days and the names have arisen through many reasons, but primarily because the church held a festival for a saint of that name on that day. For instance, the church feast of Saint Michael was held on September 29th, and as a result the name day for Michael is on September 29th. In some countries one's nameday is more important than one's birthday, and sometimes gifts are given.

Search the Name Days...

Kids Word of the Day


Increase Your Vocabulary
Make up a sentence with the word of the day. Then close your eyes and spell it aloud. You'll be amazed how fast you will increase your vocabulary that way.
Learn a new word every day! Your friends will envy your intelligence. Some words are hard; some are easy. What will the word of the day be tomorrow?

Leider gibt scheint es keine etymologischen Hinweise zu den Wörtern zu geben.


Fact of the Day
Quote of the Day
Word of the Day
Today In History
Birthdays of the Day in History

Die Pop-Ups nerven zwar sehr, aber es gibt einiges zu entdecken.

Cool Quiz Network, Inc., a privately owned business, is the largest trivia site on the internet. Through its network of content-rich web sites, the Company provides quizzes, games, surveys, recreational information and related products to a prime demographic group of people aged 13-65 years. The business is located in Jamison, PA and launched in March of 1999.


word burst
Suchbegriffe des Tages


Word Bursts are heightened usage of certain words in weblogs within the last couple days. They are indicators of what webloggers are writing about right now, in contrast to Top 40 and Top News which are indicators of what webloggers are linking to currently. Word Bursts can frequently indicate current events of interest that are not usually accompanied by links. Sample weblog posts accompany each word burst.

"Word Burst" - A rapid rise in both the frequency with which a word is used in a particular context, and the rate at which the word's usage increases over time.

Example Citation:

At a recent conference, Professor Kleinberg conjectured that word bursts could be used to track what people were discussing in personal Weblogs. Daypop, a search engine focused on news sites and Weblogs, quickly added a list of top word bursts. By comparing this list with Daypop's Top 40 links, one finds topics that are popular but may not depend on a link to a specific site. For example, news articles about the recent suicide of the French chef Bernard Loiseau did not make the list of top links, but his death was a high-ranking topic on the burst list.
—Pamela LiCalzi O'Connell, "Online diary," The New York Times, March 13, 2003

Suchbegriffe des Tages

News Bursts are heightened usage of certain words on the front page of news sites within the last couple days. Check out the Daypop Top Word Bursts page for an indicator of what webloggers are writing about.

top (W3)

What are the hot topics in the weblogging community today?

The Daypop Top 40 is a list of links that are currently popular with webloggers from around the world. Check out the Daypop Top News Stories for the top news articles of the day. The Daypop Top Word Bursts is an indicator of current events of interest that are not usually accompanied by links. If you want to follow the conversations happening specifically in the blogging world, the Daypop Top Posts page is your best bet.




"Word of the Day"



Google sucht nach Begriffen in News (z.B. "Etymologie") und liefert die gefundenen Stellen per E-Mail.



Suchbegriffe des Tages

voyeur - Here you find - randomly selected - keywords, that other users are searching for...




Learner's Word of the Day



Suchbegriffe des Tages

Voyeur - Current MetaEureka searches. Click on "Refresh" to get new searches.


Photo of the day

New York Times
Daily News Quiz
Who is Who of the Day
What is What of the Day


See what you know about today's news. Each question and image below relates to an article published on The New York Times on the Web. Play every Monday through Friday. Good luck!
New York Times
Word of the Day

New York Times
Question of the day bei der New York Times


New York Times
Today's Science Question and Answer


New York Times
Word of the Day used in New York Times




a dermatologist, on a trend toward giving extra amenities to patients seeking beauty procedures | abandoned | aberrant | abhor | abhor | abide | abnegation | abnegation | abolishing | abridge | absolve | abstemious | abstract | abstract | abstract | abstruse | academia | accessible | acclaimed | accommodate | accompaniment | accomplice | accomplice | accomplice | accountable | accurate | acerbic | acerbic | acknowledge | acquisition | acrid | acumen | adapt | adapt | adjourn | adjourn | administrative | adulation | adulation | adulatory | adulatory | adumbrate | adumbrate | advantage | advantageous | advantageous | adversary | adverse | advocate | aesthetic | affable | affable | affable | affectionate | affectionate | affirm | affirmative | affluence | aggravate | aggravate | aggravating | aggregation | agile | agility | agility | agility | agility | agility | alert | alienate | alienation | alienation | allay | allay | alleviate | alleviate | alleviate | alliteration | alliteration | alluring | allusiveness | aloof | aloof | aloof | alter | alternative | altruism | altruism | altruistic | altruistic | amateur | ambidextrous | | ambition | ambivalence | ambivalence | amble | amorphous | amorphous | amorphous | amplify | amulet | anachronistic | anachronistic | anachronistic | analgesic | anarchy | anathema | anemic | angular | animosity | animosity | antagonism | antagonism | antecedent | anthropocentric | anthropologist | antidote | antipathy | antipathy | antipathy | antiquated | antiquity | antiquity | aphasia | apiary | apparent | appease | appraisal | apprehension | apprehension | apprehension | apprehensive | appropriate | apropos | apropos | arbitrary | arbitrator | arbitrator | arcane | archaic | archipelago | ardent | ardent | ardent | ardor | arrogant | arrogant | arson | arson | arson | articulate | articulate | artistic | ascend | aspire | assail | assessment | assiduous | assiduous | astronomy | attain | attribute | attribute | attribution | audacity | augment | augment | augment | augment | auspicious | auspicious | auspicious | authentic | authoritarian | autocratic | autonomous | autonomy | autonomy | avant-garde | avant-garde | avenger | averse | averse | aversion | avert | averting | averting | aviator | awkward | awkward | balk | banal | banal | banality | base | bastion | bastion | beckon | beguile | beguile | beheld | belatedly | beleaguer | beleaguered | beleaguered | belie | belie | belie | belittle | belligerent | belligerent | belligerent | benevolent | benevolent | benign | benign | berate | berate | berate | bestow | bestowed | bewilder | biased | biased | blanch | blockade | blotches | boast | bolster | bolstered | bombastic | bombastic | boon | boor | botanist | braggart | budgetary | burnish | burnish | burnish | bustling | cacophonous | cacophony | cacophony | calculated | calculated | callous | callous | campaign | candor | candor | candor | cantankerous | capacious | capitalism | carnivorous | castigate | castigate | castigate | cauldron | caulk | cease | cede | cede | cede | censure | cerebral | chagrin | chagrin | chaotic | charlatan | cherished | chronically | cinematic | circumspect | circumspect | circumspection | circumvent | citadel | civilian | civilian | civility | clairvoyant | clairvoyant | clamoring | clarify | clarity | clinical | coagulate | coax | codify | coincidental | colloquial | colloquial | colossus | combative | combative | comely | commingled | comparable | compelling | compensate | compile | composite | composure | comprehensible | comprehensible | comprehension | compulsive | compulsive | compulsory | conceal | concealment | conceptual | conciliate | conciliate | concise | concrete | condone | conducive | conform | confront | confrontational | congenial | congenial | congeniality | conglomeration | conglomeration | conglomeration | conjecture | conjecture | conjugal | conjugal | connoisseur | conscientious | consecration | consensus | conserve | consternation | consternation | consternation | consternation | consumption | contamination | contemplate | contemplative | contemporaneous | contested | contradiction | contradiction | contrivance | contrivance | contrivance | contrived | controversial | controversial | conventional | convoluted | convolution | convolution | cordial | corporeal | corpulent | corruption | costly | counteract | counterbalance | counterproductive | counterproductive | counterproductive | courted | courteous | covet | covetous | credibility | credible | credulous | criticism | critique | crypt | culpability | cultivate | cumbersome | cumulative | cumulative | cupidity | cupidity | curative | cursory | curt | dank | dank | daunt | daunt | daunting | dearth | dearth | debacle | decimate | decimate | decorum | decrepitude | decried | defame | defective | deficient | deify | deify | deign | dejected | dejected | dejected | delectable | deliberation | demagogue | demagogue | demagogue | demise | demolished | demonstrable | denial | denigrate | denounce | denounce | dense | deplete | depreciate | depreciate | depreciate | depress | derange | deride | deride | deride | derision | derivative | derogate | derogate | derogatory | descendant | desecrate | desecrate | despicable | despondent | despondent | despot | destitute | detrimental | devastate | deviation | deviations | devious | devoted | devout | diagnosis | dialect | diffident | dilatory | dilatory | diligent | diminish | diminutive | diplomat | disarm | disavowal | disavowal | discard | discard | discipline | disconcert | discordance | discordant | discordant | discrepancy | disgruntled | disheveled | disheveled | disloyal | disparage | disparage | disparate | dispel | dispense | disperse | displace | displace | displace | disposition | disreputable | disrespect | dissemble | dissembled | disseminate | disseminate | dissident | dissuade | distinct | distort | distort | distraught | distress | dither | diversified | divert | divination | divisive | document | document | dogma | dogmatic | domestic | domestic | dormant | dote | doting | douse | downsize | drab | drabness | dramatic | drivel | dubious | dubious | dupe | durable | durable | dwindle | dynamic | dynamism | earmark | ease | ebb | eccentric | eccentric | eclectic | ecological | ecologist | economical | economical | effusive | egregious | egregious | elation | elation | electrified | elevate | elevate | elicit | elicit | elicit | elongated | eloquent | eloquent | eloquent | elucidate | elucidate | elude | elusive | emanate | embellish | embezzler | emerged | eminent | emit | empathy | employ | emulate | emulsify | enact | encompass | endear | endeavor | endemic | endorsed | endowment | endure | enervated | enervated | engraved | enigma | enigmatic | enigmatic | enlighten | enlist | enlist | enlivened | enmity | enmity | enrage | entangle | enthrall | enthrall | entranced | | entrepreneur | ephemeral | ephemeral | ephemeral | epic | | | | equilibrium | equitable | equivocal | equivocal | equivocal | eradicated | erroneous | erudite | erudite | erudition | escalate | eschewed | espouse | espousing | esteem | estimate | estrangement | estrangement | ethereal | ethereal | ethic | eulogize | euphoria | euphoric | evade | evident | evolution | exacerbate | exacerbate | exacerbated | exactitude | exasperation | exemplary | exemplary | exertion | exigency | exonerate | exonerate | exorbitant | exotic | expansion | expansive | expatriate | expatriate | expedite | expedite | explicate | exploit | exploit | exploit | extended | extensive | exterminate | exterminate | extol | extol | extrapolate | extrapolate | extrapolate | extravagant | extricate | extricate | exuberant | exuberant | fabricated | fabrication | facade | facetious | fallacy | fallibility | fallible | fallible | falsify | familiarity | famine | famished | fastidious | fastidious | fastidious | fathom | fauna | fecund | fecund | feeble | feign | feint | felicitous | felicitous | felicitous | feral | ferocity | festive | financing | flabbergasted | flabbergasted | flagrant | flattery | fledgling | flexibility | flicker | flora | florid | florid | florid | florid | floundered | floundered | flourish | flourish | fluster | foolhardy | forbade | forbade | forbear | forbearance | forbid | forbid | forbidding | forensic | foresee | foresee | forger | formally | fortify | fortuitous | fortuitous | frail | frivolous | frivolous | frivolous | frugal | frugal | frugal | fuse | futile | gall | garrulous | garrulous | gawking | genial | genial | geniality | geniality | germinate | gesture | girder | glimmer | glimpse | goad | grandiloquence | grandiloquent | grandiloquent | grandiose | grandiose | gratify | gratitude | gravity | gregarious | gregarious | gregarious | grimy | guarantee | guile | guile | guile | gullible | guttural | habitat | habituate | hailed | hailed | haphazard | hapless | hapless | hapless | harbor | harsh | hasten | hasty | haughty | haughty | headstrong | headway | heedless | heft | heft | heredity | heretic | hermit | hinder | hoard | holistic | homely | homogeneous | hone | hospitable | hostile | hostility | humane | humanitarian | hydrate | hyperbole | hyperbole | hypocrite | hypothesize | hysterical | iconoclastic | idealize | ideology | idiom | idiosyncrasy | illicit | illicit | illumine | illusory | imbibe | imbibe | imbue | imbue | immaculate | immense | immoderate | immorality | immortal | immortality | immortality | immunity | immunity | immunity | immutable | immutable | impartial | impartiality | impassive | impassive | imperil | imperiled | imperious | impersonate | impertinent | impervious | impetuous | impetus | impetus | implicit | implicit | implicit | implicitly | importune | impoverished | impromptu | impromptu | impromptu | impropriety | improvident | improvident | impudent | impugn | impugn | impugn | impulsive | inadvertent | inadvertent | inaudible | incandescence | incarcerate | incendiary | incendiary | incendiary | incensed | incentive | incentive | incisive | inclination | incongruity | incongruous | inconsiderate | inconsiderate | incredulous | indefatigable | indelible | indentations | indicative | indict | indifferent | indigenous | indiscriminate | induce | induce | indulge | indulgent | industrious | ineffable | ineffectual | ineffectual | inevitable | inexplicable | inexplicable | inexplicable | infamy | infamy | infamy | infantile | infiltrate | inflammable | ingenious | ingratiate | inhibited | inimical | inimical | inimitable | initiating | injustice | innocuous | innocuous | innovation | inquire | inquire | inquire | inquire | insensate | insistent | insomnia | insulate | insurgent | insurgent | intact | intangible | integrity | intemperate | interaction | interim | interim | interim | interlocutor | interminable | interrogator | intersperse | interwoven | intricate | introverted | intuition | intuition | inure | invalid | invective | invective | inverted | irascible | irascible | irascible | irascible | irrelevant | irreproachable | itinerant | jagged | jarring | jovial | jubilant | jurisprudence | justify | laborious | lacerate | lacerate | lackadaisical | laconic | laconic | laconic | laconic | | languid | languid | lapse | laud | laud | laudatory | laudatory | laudatory | lavish | lax | legislation | lethargic | levity | levity | libel | liberate | liberate | licentious | liquidate | listless | literary | litigation | loath | loathe | loathe | longevity | lucid | | lugubrious | lugubrious | lugubrious | luminary | luminous | lustrous | lustrous | lustrous | luxuriant | lyrical | magnanimity | magnanimity | magnate | magnify | malevolence | malevolence | malice | malice | malicious | malleable | malleable | malleable | mandatory | manifest | manifestation | manumission | marginal | maritime | martinet | maturing | maudlin | maudlin | mawkish | meager | measured | mechanics | meddle | medicinal | mediocrity | mediocrity | melancholy | melancholy | melancholy | melodious | mendacious | mendacity | mendacity | merit | meticulous | milestone | ministry | minuscule | mirth | mirth | mirthful | misconstrued | miscreant | misdemeanor | missionary | miter | mitigate | mobilized | mockery | modesty | mollify | mollify | momentous | momentum | monarch | monitor | monotonous | morbid | mottled | multifarious | multifarious | multifarious | multifarious | mundane | municipal | munificent | munificent | musty | musty | mystify | mystify | mystifying | narcissism | narrative | narrative | nascent | nascent | nascent | native | navigate | naïve | naïve | nefarious | nefarious | negate | negation | negligible | nocturnal | noisome | noisome | nomad | nostalgia | nostalgia | noteworthy | notoriety | nourishment | noxious | nullify | numerous | obdurate | obfuscate | obfuscate | objector | obligation | obscure | obsession | obsession | obstacle | obstruct | obtuse | obtuse | odious | officious | omniscient | opaque | oppressive | optical | optimistic | optometrist | opulence | opulence | orator | orbit | orchestrate | ornamental | ornamental | ornamental | orthodox | orthodox | ossify | ostensible | ostensibly | ostentation | ostentation | ostracize | ostracize | outlaw | outstrip | overindulgent | overpowering | overture | overwrought | overwrought | pacifism | painstaking | painstaking | palatable | palatable | palate | palliate | pallid | pallid | paltry | paltry | paradox | paradoxical | paraphrase | pariah | pariah | parity | parsimony | partisan | pathologist | pathologist | patronize | patronize | patronizing | paucity | paucity | paucity | paucity | pauper | pawn | pedagogy | pedantic | pedestrian | penchant | penetrate | penitent | pensive | peremptory | peremptory | peremptory | perforated | peripheral | perjure | perjury | perpetrate | perpetrate | persecuted | persevere | perspicacious | perspicacious | perspicacity | pertinent | pertinent | peruse | pessimist | petulance | petulance | philanderer | philanthropic | philanthropic | philanthropist | philanthropy | philanthropy | phonetic | physiology | pining | pious | pique | pique | pittance | pivotal | placate | placid | plagiarist | plagiarize | plausible | plausible | plea | plethora | pliable | plod | plod | plumb | plummeted | poetic | poignant | poignant | polarize | polemic | pompous | pontificate | porosity | | posit | | poverty | practical | practically | pragmatic | pragmatic | precarious | precipitate | precipitated | preclude | predetermined | predilection | predilection | predilection | preening | preface | prejudice | premature | premeditated | premeditated | premonition | premonition | preservation | president of the Urban Institute, on the presidential candidates' economic plans. [A24] | presumptuous | presumptuous | presumptuous | presumptuous | presumptuous | pretense | pretentious | pretentious | prevalent | prevalent | prevalent | prickly | pristine | pristine | privation | privation | probity | procure | procure | prodigious | prodigy | proficient | profligate | profligate | profligate | profound | profundity | profuse | progenitor | progenitor | progenitor | prohibitive | prolific | prolific | prolific | prolong | prolonged | prompt | prone | prone | prone | prone | prophetic | prosaic | prosaic | prosaic | prosecute | prosecutor | prospective | protagonist | protract | protracted | protracted | protracted | provincial | provocation | provocative | prowess | prudence | prudence | pseudonym | puerile | puffery | pugilist | pulchritude | pungent | purge | purging | purports | pursuit | pyromania | quack | quaint | qualify | qualify | qualify | quash | querulous | querulous | querulous | quibbling | | radiance | radiant | rampant | rampant | rancid | rancor | rapt | rapt | rarefied | rarified | rarified | ravenous | realm | realm | realm | rebellious | recant | recluse | reclusive | reclusive | recoil | reconcile | reconcile | reconciliation | reconciliation | reconciliation | reconciliation | rectilinear | rectilinear | redolent | redundant | redundant | refract | regenerative | regret | regulation | rehash | reinforce | reiterating | relentless | relentless | relevant | reliant | relinquish | reluctant | reluctant | remedial | reminiscent | remission | remonstrate | renaissance | renewal | renounce | renounce | renunciation | repast | repent | repentance | reprieve | reprobate | reprobate | repudiate | repudiation | repugnant | rescind | reserved | resilient | resilient | restoration | restrained | restraint | resuscitate | retain | retain | reticent | reticent | reticent | revere | revere | revere | reverence | revision | revision | ribald | ridicule | righteous | righteous | rigidity | rigorous | rogue | romantic | ruddy | saccharine | sacrosanct | sacrosanct | sallow | sarcastic | sardonic | sardonic | sardonic | sardonic | satellite | satiate | savvy | scandalous | scenic | scorch | scorn | scoundrel | scruple | scrupulous | scrupulous | scrupulous | scrutinize | | secluded | seclusion | seclusion | sedate | seedy | seedy | seedy | seedy | semantic | semblance | senility | sentimental | sequester | serrated | servile | servile | sever | severance | shallow | shelter | shouldered | shrewd | shroud | shroud | shun | sidestep | simpleton | simulate | singed | sinister | skilled | skirmish | skirted | skirted | slander | slipshod | slothful | slothful | socialism | sodden | solidify | solitary | solitary | somnolence | somnolent | somnolent | somnolent | sophomoric | sordid | sordid | sorority | sparse | specimen | speculate | speculate | speculative | spontaneity | spontaneity | spontaneous | sporadic | spore | spore | sprout | spurious | spurious | spurn | spurned | stabilize | stagnation | staid | staid | stalwart | stalwart | stance | static | status quo | steep | stentorian | stentorian | stentorian | stoic | stoic | stolidity | stopwatch | strata | strata | strident | strident | stringent | sturdiness | stylistic | stymie | stymie | subdued | submerge | substantial | substantiate | subtle | succor | sufficient | sully | supercilious | supercilious | supercilious | supercilious | superfluous | supersede | supersede | supersede | superstition | supplicant | suppress | suppress | surmise | surmise | surmount | surpass | surpass | surreal | surrender | susceptible | sustain | sustenance | sympathy | symposium | synopsis | synthesis | synthetic | taciturn | tact | tact | tactic | taint | tantamount | taper | tardiness | temerity | temerity | temerity | temerity | temperate | tentative | tenuous | tenure | tepid | tepid | terrestrial | terse | terse | terse | testy | thrash | thwart | thwart | thwart | thwart | timid | tirade | tortuous | touchy | toxic | tractable | tractable | tranquil | tranquil | tranquil | transgressing | transient | transitory | transitory | transitory | translucent | trenchant | trickle | trite | trite | truculent | truculent | truculent | truncate | tundra | turbulent | turpitude | unconditional | unctuous | undermine | understated | unethical | unfazed | ungainly | ungainly | uniform | unitary | universal | unmitigated | unorthodox | unorthodox | unreliable | unruly | unsolicited | unsullied | unsullied | urbane | utilitarian | utility | vacuous | vacuous | validate | validity | vanguard | vanguard | vanguard | vapid | vapid | venal | venal | venerate | venerate | venturesome | venue | verbatim | verbose | verbosity | verdant | verifiable | verify | verify | vestige | vestige | vex | vex | vex | vexatious | viable | vicarious | vigorous | virtuosity | virtuous | virulent | virulent | virulent | viscous | vital | vital | vitality | vocal | vocalize | volatile | volatile | volatile | volatile | volt | voluble | voluble | voluble | voluminous | voluminous | voluminous | voracious | voracious | voracious | voracious | vulgar | vulnerable | waived | wariness | warped | warring | wary | wayward | wayward | whim | whimsical | whimsy | wholesome | wince | wince | wizened | worldly | writ | wry | zeal | zealot

Word of the Day



Every hour a computer program selects five words that get an unusually large number of searches on our site. These words tend to reflect topics that have appeared in the world news or in discussion groups across the Web. Each morning the top word is featured as the Word of the Day on our home page. The top five daily words, as well as the top five words for the current hour, are shown to the left. An archive of the daily words is shown below.

The OneLook Word of the Day is

Unter den Links zu verschiedenen Online-Diktionären sind meist auch einige Links zu Seiten mit etymologischen Hinweisen.



prosperity | systemic | nepotism | glorified | spatial | senectitude | fidget | fidelity | savant | | feckless | blizzard | enjoin | quidnunc | grateful | bandy | garth | sine die | obdurate | indefinite | turgid | sylph | invictus | quixotic | schism | abide | petulant | impute | transgression | bluebird | blooter | minarets | advent | flick | turkey | unprecedented | cummerbund | compunction | obtuse | verismo | animus | expatriate | pertinent | unfriend | basso | unitard | rogue | advice | armistice | spirit | ingress dearth | flagitious | axiomatic | buggery | miscarriage | sommelier | vague | study | hautboy | costume | mooncalf | sinister | contumacious | course | graven | quelea | ladette | pecksniffian | macabre | tartar | hallow | rosebay | tulle | garish | omnibus | befog | integrate | oratorio | surreptitious | doubly | rouse | nephew | queue | leech | pledge | deltiologist | caste | renege | gamut | audience | soiree | nemesia | skulk | croup | tinkle | jackass | austerity | tirade | abdicate | admonish | hermaphrodite | stampede | elucidate | fervid | indolent | votive | osseter | furrow | chopper | saute | briar | assay | assoil | eulogy | vassal | repose | fervor | homicide | penury | guile | avatar | implications | lichen | decry | paravane | reveal | neper | astute | bough | piety | deluge | ketch | acajou | ardent | millefeuille | arctic | gyrate | weevil | modish | boulangerie | palmistry | clunker | lunge | plait | spurn | coxcomb | treaty | skylarking | solvent | affray | feint | eclipse | frisk | bower | smelt | avuncular | objurgate | quakebuttock | assiduous | hansom | elegy | nascent | conchologist | odious | whinny | poignant | chiper | quango | casuistry | diprivan | grisly | penman | sedative | hearth | emaciated | autopsy | | cardiac arrest | larynx | vigorish | icily | jobber | merle | signior | redact | adjoin | | consensual | pequod | monodic | rancor | rajah | finis | waylay | noggin | supercilious | ostensibly | insecta | exordium | chaff | debris | harrow | forage | propitiatory | mealy | laodicean | frugal | treadmill | stinch | piker | rotor | cordierite | coterie | fabled | subtly | retrieve | thane | thanage | civil | engulf | flout | singultus | resent | inevitable | idola | nihilism | | whoop | seraglio | souse | befoul | paigle | mendacious | imminent | sabotage | tange | epidemic | pandemic | swine | livid | hawker | cravat | advise | gaily | topaz | ching | gobsmacked | leaven | rummy | elope | bauble | rock salt | undercroft | entail | easter | vestry | flogged | venin | flogging | seaman | extant | socle | exposition | waterfront | filial | skeet | gallimaufry | agate | shiny | pigeon | axilla | panhandler | gaffe | alight | feeble | angina | cabal | franc | complicit | allonge | lancer | jocund | sheaf | travertine | imbibe | myrtle | xeric | exult | swoon | stoic | shrapnel | hovel | jejune | doodle | marmot | stingray | mutiny | savvy | fungible | superintendent | ocelli | seize | laxity | palliative | intone | vicuna | spiffy | unguis | avowal | chasm | stimulus | strays | immeasurable | furlough | octuplets | defame | golliwog | covey | cress | shied | scilicet | elicit | original | salient | impel | exhort | mangetout | extortion | creche | vellum | frenetic | inauguration | unilateral | anarchist | encamp | otalgia | biped | tidiness | chides | raghead | tempo | kowtow | fantan | inflated | demeanor | foist | ruing | seizure | wrath | tranche


prosperous | belie | jaundice | macromolecule | colliery | abbot | chary | feign | endemic | peignoir | outre | omelet | invocation | interest | ducat | diocese | ontological | estro | ponzi | tarry | temporal | troth | postpositively | nemesis | paddle | sedition | ossify | toxophily | libel | demarche | incog | calque | siege | hostage | impend | armer | limpid | detente | divot | veridical | rebuke | squib | heuristics | benumb | demain | rayon | nether | quash | facile | callow | janitor | fulgent | seance | heifer | mulish | concede | innate | quantum | taverner | gleeful | halloween | eunoia | assail | solace | barbel | rogue | appall | synecdoche | bulgy | socialism | dowdy | bedeck | idiom | mapping | peripatetic | ardor | especially | gauge | julep | ident | soapstone | turpitude | basso | lithe | discrete | crepe | seismograph | folksy | bandy | sesquipedalian | celerity | discreet | reprise | existential | frothy | adduce | belle | aliquot | notwithstanding | ovule | ovation | ignoble | purvey | journalism | flora | umping | puteli | tuffet | surly | inchoate | hadron | annul | bailout | outsell | shrug | someday | dally | wedged | peptic | levee | obtuse | maverick | promiscuous | acclamation | jetsam | umlaut | credulity | vetted | indignant | imbue | repechage | vacuous | tacit | pursue | gravid | snarl | skein | duchy | foible | intimated | narcissistic | catharsis | impeachment | poppet | pileous | stampede | studding | titan | essene | kapok | aweigh | parody | farina | copestone | uraei | tawdry | tierce | pylon | eviscerated | reeve | lemanderin | facility | mordent | steatite | befog | talus | rabbitfish | bacchanal | zither | gingiva | riposte | pepsin | ennui | affront | cereous | snowball | forgo | skulk | mendicant | stubble | earthlier | kinetics | byword | evert | grubby | dearth | splenetic | pernicious | wallaroo | penury | moven | insidious | handover | dementia | coulometer | gregarious | antiphonal | skirret | vetting | icterus | redoubtable | tondi | penang | cloying | ketch | midge | bodice | guile | repudiate | numnah | courty | karma | protean | assay | inflation | amoretti | macule | harrow | orpine | bosin | xenophobic | occamist | verve | appeasement | clamant | dryly | squab | adjoin | adonic | vital | lisle | florid | finis | mealy | martyr | euthanized | tanga | unnilpentium | creel | plait | homophone | divisive | proscribe | ottoman | ouvrier | guerdon | gawky | obliterate | synod | palay | borage | indole | subtle | boffins | eructation | elitist | dendrophile | antipathy | misogyny | misogynist | frieze | measly | sublime | polygamist | thurible | aberrant | cubit | acquiescence | compromise | cringe | ensorcell | hansom | abash | sputter | mansuetude | icily | famed | easter | barista | breach | execrable | efface | abject | piker | barre | reaver | gambol | atrophied | enbody | winnow | rarefy | perdition | icarius | facade | pygmalion | clinch | streaker | kismet | colmar | ricin | incumbent | strabismus | denounce | obnoxious | rubric | papyrus | cobbler | plagiarism | rendition | becalm | symphony | ungulate | humble | solipsism | whetstone | incendiary | platitude | solus | spurn | crimp | tract | blooter | delegate | erudite | paltry | belladonna lily | monadnock | mordant | | lackey | gravitas | servile | roadrunner | troubling | flout | minimus | malignant | acrimonious | sardonic | in tandem | onset | sheaf | recession | tying | gaily | inveterate | benevolent | dropsy | progress | cotte | lynch | fitful | oxford shoe | atonement | evangelical | diffident | molested | auld lang syne


caucus | cantankerous | loofah | scion | cress | requiem | smitten | causerie | holiday | prosperous | fatuous | intone | cravat | hovel | skolia | jupati | befell | seize | lacing | hippophobe | trace | terrene | matte | parity | apostasy | versatile | practice | tawny | altruism | range | obfuscate | ouija board | purview | swash | poignant | anarch | syrah | rubato | thanksgiving | pensive | interest | siege | antares | marmot | isatine | cyclone | indict | pederasty | hubris | terpsichore | pundit | imagoes | trivet | khaki | cathartic | tender | avowal | trough | werewolf | sylph | ordinal | needlecase | calumny | aureate | | quadrillion | laavu | naive | advise | altruistic | examine | predator | scruto | cloisonne | red tape | discombobulated | nether | spelunker | nonet | heresy | stodgy | ossify | fetid | profound | abbot | alhagi | petit mal | quaver | query | discrete | ducat | | vozhd | junta | troth | queue | springle | cower | sycophantic | delineated | ephah | esculent | nooses | taser | scintilla | poise | prevaricating | vespiary | extol | damask | plunder | mutual | bleary | balti | zinco | impend | trill | issue | beefeater | arkwright | mewing | phalic | caliph | seethe | elaborate | triteness | pachisi | apathetic | indefinitely | precarious | piquancy | patronage | valerian | | obtuse | mache | facile | sepulture | tesseral | innate | micronesian | basso | gouge | nestle | endeavour | heifer | original | protracted | twill | bulgy | patience | nexus | folio | seizure | exorcism | cabin | clench | sabotage | draconian | randomity | tumulus | secular | vacillation | gigot | assertive | concur | mirth | interminable | drole | deltiologist | quixotic | through | gratis | ginormous | temporal | sputum | totemic | auto-rickshaw | chutzpah | adduce | bandy | commute | nadir | rasher | rancidity | imbue | dally | ermine | homicide | apode | saccharine | talus | stupid | | foible | abhor | tartan | father | viand | pennae | nougat | feral | centerpiece | dinghy | filly | cloture | wintry | impugn | bacchante | jetsam | amorphous | serrefine | catkin | purloined | acrid | insipid | picosecond | unfold | wistful | jejune | meliorate | mouse | cicada | phyla | caltrop | fallow | commiserations | verbose | claptrap | transcriber | paigle | hedonism | jornalero | copacetic | atheroma | festal | mashie | motet | scope | bishopric | skulk | ketch | nutria | decuple | barrel | nitrogenous | knell | vapid | choleric | subaltern | hokie | diatribe | manifesto | debauchery | convocation | pithed | dixieland | opprobrious | nimbi | congruent | caravan | nappy | resurrection | romance | fomenting | condescend | pithy | aphorism | kapok | operettist | jacquerie | finis | artel | pusillanimous | wolfram | camel | redoubtable | fratricide | strangled | strangulated | midge | polemic | wiseacre | prodigal | stook | gamut | croup | fertility | umaga | evaluate | panini | raccoon | virago | azure | zygote | faggot | soiree | infante | nymph | entremets | tuition | trapezoid | dryly | babel | rondo | rechabite | harrow | cubit | autodidact | gambol | aloof | assize | feckless | rendition | efface | martyr | thresh | savvy | phalanges | lisle | octogenarian | contiguous | phallic | deviate | estimate | nucleus | loach | cudgel | gourami | guile | creel | sappy | pariah | embolden | quotidian | hogwash | nonpareil | quagmire | mesencephalon | pedologist | trapa | sheaf | reticent | amity | manipulation | decapitated | huckleberry | graip | strident | venture | idiom | savory | bandicoot | avalanche | glory | exigent | enteral | lugubrious | resolution | reveler


taunt | gallows | thoroughwort | pugnacious | upheld | perpendicular | fawning | elegy | hallow | hallows | fatuous | moviefone | iniquitous | funambulist | | louse | countenance | nihilistic | reticulated | career | calcite | vandal | kowtow | flatulence | confidence | indigent | papilla | candytuft | nawab | abuse | orison | whoop | hawker | cress | wolverine | zostera | thanksgiving | elicit | tower | chandler | nonchalant | tetracuspid | rarefy | abetment | light | bulrushes | tumefaction | lumbus | iconoclast | fitful | thumping | incumbent | befoul | swash | travesty | nepotism | toledo | veteran | gaily | halloween | chary | angst | no-brainer | pensively | berth | stigma | printer | window | medeiros | lanyard | sternutation | copyright | corposant | righteous | monolith | codswallop | dulcet | dropsy | indulgence | brazen | unctuous | paramorphine | flout | austere | fiasco | amish | panegyric | execrable | charlatan | forsooth | kismet | celebre | frieze | spleen | mettle | typhoid | hegemony | fiord | apostasy | paramount | | tesserae | grace | satori | mohawk | advise | cravat | phoebe | mendacious | frikadeller | | petulant | caliphate | crikey | stingray | larghetto | folivorous | scold | whether | foist | waylay | agate | refinement | amigas | vying | newsy | quash | sylph | forfeit | bowdlerize | trapeze | garrote | expatriate | clinchpoop | repugnant | kudos | squiffed | vicuna | fascism | thwart | pitied | caste | schadenfreude | avowal | acrimony | nether | scrod | bigot | raita | semitic | dogmatic | cogent | chastity | vestige | effete | chide | troth | polygonum | sassy | panache | nescience | trite | platitudes | | inscape | pontificate | bladderskate | piquant | hedonistic | capon | jocund | latinum | google | advice | provocative | gobsmacked | brooch | remission | surpass | prada | caldera | hatchet | reprieve | philanthropy | besteads | malodorous | fetid | stolid | staid | redia | vodka | thought | fever | nefarious | extol | trill | sepiolite | handpress | javelin | discrete | ichor | laxity | adipose | strepitous | | ursprache | lollapalooza | covey | unguis | shiloh | nouvel | tchotchke | hubris | sustain | saligot | moratorium | herald | promiscuous | cuirass | savant | secular | guerdon | bower | allocution | junket | mother | vulnerable | loose | tacit | enjoin | assertive | wisdom | insight | vellum | tryst | sedition | | skulk | maxims | adonis | plagiarism | emmets | sorghum | hackneyed | duchy | sweetbrier | blithe | brochette | bonasera | decider | placenta | breach | egalitarianism | mumps | maundy | easter | aesthete | augur | befog | circumspectly | ennui | gnostic | pristine | garish | incle | perianth | polemics | advocacy | facile | martin | mirth | swish | limpid | yeasting | pellucid | dinghy | obang | plate | opaque | cyclone | rishi | petit | anear | cloven | intransitive | teeming | censure | subsellium | misericords | dolichocephalic | garrotted | relinquish | plane | noyaux | faboideae | mendicate | weevil | festal | shrove | finis | tickseed | idola | proleptic | zither | dissident | sectarian | cyprinidae | fungible | impugn | | kimono | adduce | sheave | rectitude | bandy | auspicious | obtuse | florid | reluctant | summonses | stampede | affluent | groundhog | balky | ketch | tallow | perdition | formidable | antiphon | libertine | faire | appropriate | banco | chaff | peripatetic | truce | apologize | bourse | annul | chalcedony | etude | organza | insidious | knell | endemic | varlet | poplin | boucle | pteris | smote | bulimia | rescind | forgo | prosperous | resolution


danaid | fardel | introvert | jaded | parody | schism | yuletide | pettifog | euthanasia | niece | lisle | holiday | geisha | eavesdropping | apprentice | protean | aldea | redemption | fishmonger | putti | chiliad | order | bipolar | stimey | rendition | integrity | travel | lixiviate | estranged | staurolite | natterjack | proceed | anise | sward | clemency | fetor | gobble | lallation | webzine | cataplasm | blackbuck | stanhope | vixen | decadent | natal | avarice | guarantee | spirea | battery | midge | light | | cutter | rondo | fascist | pandemic | malfeasance | interest | vassal | halloween | indicted | elicit | gawky | biped | esculent | sliver | flank | tropism | cabal | gambol | pathfinder | ovine | bacchanalian | lepton | alter | terse | scatology | atmosphere | dissolute | emigre | expostulate | alley | proximity | cronyism | | capsize | aseptic | reprehensible | account | indictment | volume | osmose | umbles | nigger | pariah | crucible | stirring | delta | continent | corallines | pizzicato | ideologue | geography | hypothesis | theme | ecology | | canoga | provincial | period | matter | parish | katrina | triage | decollete | anarchy | refugee | untenable | hurricane | levee | elegy | prideful | hygroscopic | abrasive | pithy | mainland | fealty | equisetum | punitive | fanon | triteness | secede | aberration | pique | anasazi | extradition | savvy | shrubs | bellicose | pansophic | urbane | scilla | nonpareil | lynch | luddite | ravine | celebrity | inapt | bobbery | maelstrom | relieve | senile | harness | trident | chitinous | bellum | derision | strife | smith | pessimist | stannum | rased | onegry | scrub | advise | indigence | invoke | lubber | panache | sycophants | divulge | allay | inculcate | errata | bludgeoned | forfend | habituate | drudge | befoul | boffin | | gracious | scientology | quagmire | interminable | pumiced | ducat | chicane | father | eponym | appraise | rarefy | aesthetics | acquitted | fistula | anted | alfheim | retaliation | recluse | liqueurs | torticollis | propagator | gourmand | foist | appoggiatura | dissemble | concerto | ballad | primp | staid | wanton | gulag | effusive | epyllion | heckle | cembali | vicuna | concern | | cavalier | retract | colloquial | amphibole | stodgy | impervious | errant | inamorata | mnemosyne | whose | viperine | ornithologist | tenure | plain | plenary | psocid | generic | philistine | cravat | fjord | aloof | challenge | phenomenon | filibuster | sumpter | larceny | augment | gentrification | insipid | pochard | izard | ensorcelled | bootlick | threep | pious | tellurium | yashmak | anima | homily | hackneyed | recherche | nebulous | basilica | cardinal | conclave | pontiff | rites | enamored | laconic | futile | schizanthus | diastema | anomie | maundy | sonant | morganatic | perjury | stadia | catamount | shamrock | indigene | assimilate | blogging | brazen | anonaceous | shank | fatwa | cyclone | hibernate | secession | catkin | thole | factotum | plaintive | congruent | recalcitrant | nelly | epidemic | avatar | blithe | tracheotomy | sociopath | embargo | vapid | acerbic | yester | hiver | livid | relief | advice | binge | heart | duchy | consort | laxity | rooster | ratel | dynasty | presa | dogma | promontory | emaciated | pernicious | schedule | impetus | larrups | nimbi | verve | dongle | stampede | emphysema | blizzard | gallimaufry | tyranny | inauguration | impugning | rainbow | halitosis | torus | misanthropy | lactation | reference | dilettante | transportation | fruticose | ambivalent | repudiate | tarsi | sooner | hokie | soporific | peerage | noodge


ecdysiast | pyres | stingy | ascetic | tidal | tsunami | hawser | unctuous | prosperous | oenophile | | perusal | maxim | plumbic | prescient | readiness | beseech | otorhinolaryngological | mistletoe | dioxin | canter | discrete | cracker | palpable | tacit | interim | incarnation | defenestration | peloton | personification | ragstone | reliquary | copse | cloven | thanksgiving | hmong | pertinent | kafir | bacchante | pomade | conspicuous | hierarchy | provost | abate | memoria | maroon | capric | pusillanimous | armistice | motif | jingoism | conservative | caltrop | memory | mandate | concede | precinct | incumbent | pandemic | ifrit | pteridologist | platelet | viable | contrast | halloween | interest | cavort | ostensibly | lateral | explicit | surfeit | drosophila | light | ragnarok | handy | indignant | liberal | ictus | cacophony | pressure | pseudologue | facile | october | gravitas | incentive | disdain | anxious | pteridophyte | vociferously | proliferation | contemptuous | coccyx | alerion | magnanimous | amoroso | balance | clowder | neolithic | variable | scumbag | demos | xerophyte | hansom | state | rivulet | jocund | confidence | inference | malwa | retene | meekly | science | symbol | auster | scarp | lagomorphic | dependent | castigate | macle | perspective | natterjack | wistful | intrepid | creel | synthesis | sweetheart | benumb | pachisi | thwarted | recidivism | expiate | gracile | repechage | oxeye | buphthalmum | cozenage | sylph | galoot | tryst | podagra | billingsgate | collateral | eugenics | exculpatory | discharge | vindicated | ciphered | mashing | censor | galore | indiscreet | profess | imputing | shove | feign | shipworm | gasconade | frontier | surge | suffice | feral | pretence | plight | exhausted | unseemly | nerve | confidant | dryly | terse | impend | osculate | agitator | sorrow | witness | vacuous | medieval | victor | analgesic | | bindlestiff | precipice | swash | pedant | resolute | grassland | jobbery | amnesty | frantic | adrenaline | notes | pastiche | paladin | plebiscite | martinet | accretive | pastille | compromise | polemical | jockey | mercurial | caisson | synopses | repose | gipper | d-day | alopecoid | autochthonous | choate | epixylous | postpone | sedulous | tirade | truckle | underhand | alliterative | franc | persevere | issue | imbricate | camphor | draconian | troth | vertigo | botulism | governessy | bouse | triangle | incumbency | rampant | tantamount | rectitude | mother | propitiate | arduous | abhorrent | khayyam | reprimand | equanimity | scroop | reproach | aments | supine | fickle | ornithologist | paroxysm | eructation | indict | indicted | tribunal | putative | mediocre | cadge | purlieu | fungible | truce | smith | scorch | hentai | volkswagen | scorification | feckless | ethereal | skulk | passover | glioblastoma | gadded | flunky | lixiviates | toque | marxism | raconteur | attribute | spike | domain | facet | | bloviate | lichen | cognisance | pregnant | ducat | probity | fiasco | species | sedna | surname | spider | cilium | opprobrium | quixotic | patriotism | stoic | skeet | exonerated | intone | ingress | matter | umlaut | fabio | shriven | shrift | shekel | netiquette | passion | wherefore | relevant | pangram | imbroglio | antediluvian | sycophant | ingenious | manicure | semitic | censorship | barista | congeal | grave | describe | excoriate | sapodilla | convey | bivalve | nepotism | dogmatic | delineate | arboreal | ricin | nimrod | vitelline | grippe | goatish | foray | formidable | dymaxion | petiole | bangtail | indigenous | anomaly | before | proctor | acrimony | lammie | influential | arraignment | caucus | concord | nucleus | concur | discourse | contumelious | clandestine | indigent | binary | aloof | annul | annulment | modicum | corpulent | reveler | appropriate


tautology | finis | indigo | scups | embedded | yuletide | peritonitis | trill | epithet | pariah | imbue | connoisseur | basso | palliate | riddance | haggard | svelte | honolulu | rubricate | share | vague | polygamy | existentialism | ochlocracy | parvenu | expended | homicide | ketch | epidemic | avatar | noodge | extant | turkey | liason | abbot | thanksgiving | pummel | picea | gallimaufries | lascivious | molestation | bower | advent | liverleaf | vetches | thrombocytopenia | insurgent | veteran | pieta | mcjob | statice | tarabu | practicum | elude | moliminous | obligation | hematuria | cleek | samhain | axiom | substrate | application | | gamut | halloween | lenient | elite | | rebuke | pacifism | beatification | vulgar | aerate | proxy | jettison | estoc | tarry | collation | stasis | eponymous | decadence | ennui | recall | symbiosis | estrogen | cytoplasmic | apoptosis | grope | courteous | omentum | impact | mordant | plangonologist | swain | blatant | beget | fanon | garrulous | laconic | phagocytosis | incandescent | hurricane | brash | gregarious | photosynthesis | saxicolous | pilchard | ecaudate | thurible | censure | geography | sullen | observation | cataplasm | misogynist | risible | science | jargon | mendacious | crash | timorous | sprawl | gentry | stampede | modish | ingenuous | kerfuffle | prurient | lisle | clodpate | panglossian | effrontery | drivel | avifauna | arctophile | blackout | outage | boisterous | schadenfreude | sardonic | milldam | james | erroneous | humor | vegan | plait | expiate | forte | posit | anomphalous | codify | martyrs | halcyon | mutiny | ochre | confute | yclept | subjective | weest | plotz | serai | bogart | contrite | barrow | stipend | mendacity | platitude | casuistry | peloton | sloth | quadriplegic | faustian | immure | pianissimo | jejune | liberty | lutrine | eviscerated | olivaceous | diabetes | stymie | staid | bulrush | winnow | xeric | lucky | shot | muggle | turgid | pinguid | chalcedony | bark | retromingent | torchere | father | onager | greensward | promontory | nettle | ling | plush | skate | leatherwood | sylph | callipygian | puerile | threnody | catkin | wolfsbane | saturnine | pococurante | kismet | ostensibly | diet | cantillate | homophobe | civet | chaff | strident | mundane | matrix | rotunda | unctuous | vicinage | voluptuaries | | expatriate | hegemony | intrepid | censer | oscine | hazing | jitney | pygmalion | recuse | apostasy | gelding | soliloquy | acrimonious | verve | vituperation | mocha | chevon | goanna | sars | bellicose | packing | dropsy | google | assize | koel | palliated | gaiter | maundy | pragmatic | hosanna | detente | anarchy | beaux | ordnance | embolism | regime | martyrdom | vise | choler | malaise | delphic | quagmire | siege | blog | paramilitary | sortie | prester | fragging | coalition | capitulate | socle | decapitation | ultimatum | pandemic | pneumonia | polygamist | sledging | rubberneck | | drone | unilateral | trustworthy | quahog | veto | despot | solipsistic | solidus | sciolist | dendrological | perdition | innocuous | profligate | sloth | jovial | pyrotechnics | treacly | latent | arson | armistice | paroxysmal | maladroit | osculation | apostate | infidel | mercenary | prognosis | internecine | farrago | humility | nexus | demagogue | gainsay | mawkish | mach | dyscrasia | penible




Word of the Day

"cu(m)(b)" words | "sh" vs. "s" | 's (apostrophe-s) | (browser) cookies | (fish)monger/fishwife | -able vs. -ible | -age | -alm | -ed, the vanishing suffix | -en, -s | -eroo, -aroo | -ful | -ic, -ical | -ish | -lived | -ly | -nik | -orama | -rrh- | -ship | -stan | @ (at) | a cut above (and high on the hog) | a or an | a- | abacinate | aberrant | abracadabra; hocus pocus | acronym; initialism | ad hoc | adamant | adjectives | affect, effect | aftermath | agenbite of inwit | agitprop | aglet | agonistes | | albatross | albeit | all told | alright | alumnae (possessive of) | amathophobe | ambrosia | amnesia | anal retentive | anfractuous | angst | anniversary | anon | anthropocentric | antidisestablishmentarianism | Antilles | antsy | anymore | anyways | apheresis | apothecary | apposite | arch, arch- | Arkansas | as you wish | asinine | aspire, aspirate | ass over teakettle | attrit | aught; naught; ought | augury | autodidact | avoirdupois and troy weight | awe, awesome, awful | awhile/a while | ax - ask

bachelor | bachelor's degree | backstory | baggage/bag | bakery | balderdash | ball the jack | ballpark | balls-to-the-wall | bamboozle | bandersnatch | bang for the buck | bangs | barbarian | barbecue | barrelhead, cash on the | basket case | bastardize | bated breath | be + intransitive verb | be-all and end-all | beadle | bears and bulls | bedlam | beg the question | behead | behoove | bellicose | bells and whistles | bellwether | beside oneself | betide | between you and I | beyond the pale | bi- | bigwig | Bildungsroman and Entwicklungsroman | bill of goods | bimbo | bin, ben, ibn | bit | black box | | blackguard | blatherskite | bleachers | bleeding edge | blindman's buff | bloke | bloviate | blow job | blue | blue revisited | Bob's your uncle | bodacious | bogart; John Wayne | bombshell | boon | boondocks | boot, to | bootleg | bootless | booze | borborygm | boss | bouncing baby | boustrophedon | boycott | brand new | brand-new | brass ring | brazen | bring and take | broad | Brodie | broke, bust | broker | brown-nose | buck | buck naked | buffalo | bug (computer) | bugaboo | bullpen | bully pulpit | bum's rush/bum rush | bummer | bunch | bunco (squad) | bunkum | bupkis | bureaucracy/bureaucrat | burn the candle at both ends | butch, butch/femme | butter wouldn't melt in her/his mouth | butter wouldn't melt in someone's mouth | butterfly | buxom | by and large | by hook or by crook

cache | cahoots | cake-hole | calculus | California | call a spade a spade | callipygian | calque | can/may | canard | canker, cancer, chancre | canoodle | Canuck | cap, set one's | cardinal | careen | careen, career | carnivore, carnival | carpet, (call) on the | carpetbagger | caryatid | cash | cat's fur to make kitten britches | cat's pajamas | catalpa | catawampus | catbird seat | catholic | chad | chagrin | chair(man) | charcuterie | charley horse | Charlie | charwoman; chore | chauvinist | cheongsam | chew the scenery | chi | chiaroscuro | chicanery | Chinese fire drill | chinoiserie | chip on (one's) shoulder | chippy | choad | chock-full | chops | cicerone | circular definitions | cleat | cleave | clichés and idioms | clicks-and-mortar | clique, claque | clobber | close to the vest | club | coach | coast | cock a snook | cockamamie | codger | cohort | cold turkey, talk turkey | coleslaw | collective noun | collective nouns | collocations | colonel | come-to-Jesus meeting | commonwealth | comparative/superlative | compass | compleat | complicated and complex | comprise | comptroller | concerning | condone | confusticate | conjunction beginning a sentence | consummate | cookie | cool and groovy | coolie | coonass | cootie | cop | copacetic | corny | cotton to | could care less | counsel, council, consul | cowabunga | cozen | cracker | cream of the crop | crestfallen | criminy | crisp, crispy | crocodile tears | crone | cropper, come a | crotchety | crow, eat | crux | cup of tea | curmudgeon | curse, cursive, cursory | cut to the chase | cutting edge

dégagé | D-Day | daft, deft | darb | dasn't | de-brief | dead | dead ringer, doppelgänger | deadbeat | deadline | deadpan | dear | deasil | decant | decimate | Deep Throat | defenestrate | deipnosophist | deke | denouement | desert(s), dessert | desultory | deuce | diacritics | diaeresis | dialog(ue) | diaper | | diatribe and invective | dibs | dickens | dicty | didgeridoo | die is cast | different(ly), think | dight | ding | dinner, supper | dint | dip | dis | discombobulate | disgruntle | disinterested, uninterested | disk or disc | distaff | Dixie | Dodge, get out of | dog days | dog, v. | doggerel | dogsbody | doldrums | dollar | dollars to doughnuts | donkey's years | doublet | dram | dree | dribs and drabs | driveway | droit du seigneur | drop of a hat, at the | drop-dead | druthers | ducky | dude | dudgeon | duff | duh | dukes | dumb/dizzy blonde, part 1 | dumb/dizzy blonde, part 2 | dumbbell | dunce | dungarees | Dutchman's breeches | dys-, dis- |

earring | Earth to X | Easter | eavesdrop | egg on | eidetic | either, neither | eldritch | elephant, see the | ennui | enormity | enquire, inquire | ensure, insure, assure | epic, epoch | epicene | epigonic | epiphany | eponym | eremite | eschew | Esquire | eve | even-steven | eventide | excogitation | expeditious | extravaganza

f*ck | f*cking A | factoid | familiar (noun) | Farewell | fartlek | fascinate | father | fatwa | faunch | favor of a reply | favorite | fear | feckless | feet of clay | fell swoop | felon | fetter | fettle | fiasco | fiduciary | fie | fifth column | fifth wheel or third wheel | filibuster | fin | fine | fire | first lady | firstly vs. first | fish or cut bait | fit as a fiddle | five by five | fixing | flak vs. flack | flannel | flash in the pan | flibbertigibbet | flivver | float (in a parade) | floccinaucinihilipilification | floozy | flotsam and jetsam | flow; fluid | fluke | flume | flustrate | fly | folk etymology | foo | football | for free | for-, fore- | forte and fort | fortnight | fourflusher | fourth and fifth estates | frank | freak (out) | freelance | French | freshmen | fritz, on the | from whence | front, verb | frou-frou | full-court press | fulsome | fun | further/farther

G-2 | gainsay | gallivant | galoot | galore | gamut | gander | gangbang | gangbusters | gauntlet/gantlet | gay | gear | geek | geezer | geis | gender | Generation X | gerrymander | gesundheit | get-go | gewgaw | ghetto | gift horse | gig ('em) | gird one's loins | girl | gist | give your eyeteeth for | glamour | glom | glyptic | go ('to say') | go (or head) south | go ballistic; go postal | go to the mat | Godspeed | goldbrick | gonna | Goody Two-Shoes | gool | goombah | gorgeous | got vs. have | got/gotten | gourd | graduate | grapefruit | grass widow | gravitas | gravy train | gremial | gremlin | grimoire, grammar | gringo | grody | grog | grok | gross | gruel | gubernatorial | guinea | gullible | gumption | gumshoe | gun moll | gung-ho | Guts | guy | gyp | gyre

haberdasher | hagiography | Hail Mary pass | hair of the dog (that bit you) | hair shirt | halcyon | half seas over | hamstrung | hand over fist | | handle | hands-down choice | hanged/hung | hapax legomenon | happy as a clam | Happy Holidays! | Happy Thanksgiving | harelip, v. | hash mark | hat trick | have | haywire | heads-up | hear, hear | hebetate | heckle | hector | Hector (the pup) | heist | hell in a handbasket | Hell's Kitchen | hella(-) | hellacious | hello | helter-skelter | hey | heyday | high-octane | highbrow, lowbrow, middlebrow | highfalutin | hinky, hincty | hippie | hissy (fit) | historic, historical | hobnob | Hobson's choice | hoi polloi | hoist on one's own petard | hokey | Holy Grail | holy moly | home in | homeboy | homogeneous and homogenous | homonym | honcho | honeymoon | honi soit qui mal y pense | honky | honky-tonk | hoochie | hoodlum | hoodwink | hooker | hooky, play | hoosegow | hopefully | horns (cuckold's) | hornswoggle | horny | horrific | horse of a different (or another) color | horsefeathers | hose | hot dog | how come? | how's tricks? | huckleberry | humanoid | humble pie | humongous | hustings | huzzah | hypocoristic

i.e., e.g. | ichor | ickle | ill wind | impact | impeach | in like Flynn | in- as a prefix | inamorata | incarnadine | incent | incunabula | Indian Summer | indict/indite | Indo-European | inept/inapt | inflammable/flammable | infra dig | ingenuity | intrusive r | inveigle | iota, jot | irregardless | is is | isograms | It is raining | its, it's

Jabez | Jackson/jack | jailbait | jalousie | jawbone | jaywalking | jealous, envious | jeans; denim | jeep | jerk | Jesus H. Christ | Jew's harp | jibe/gibe/jive | jiggy | Jim Crow | Jimmy crack corn | jingo, jingoism | jitney | joe (coffee) | John Doe | joke | Jones | josh | joystick | juggernaut | juju | juke | jumping the broom | june (around) | junkie | jury-rig

kahuna, big | kangaroo | kangaroo court | keek | keister | kerfuffle | ketchup | khaki | kibitz | | kick the bucket | kick the gong around | kidnap | king's X | kinship terms | kismet | kit and caboodle | kitty-corner | klick | kludge | | kowtow | Ku Klux Klan | kvell

lamb's tail (--- shakes of) | lambaste | lame duck | landlubber | larrup | latch-key children | late | Latin America | lay on, Macduff | lb. | lede | legacy | less/fewer | letch | liaise | libertine | lie and lay | lieutenant | like | limbo | liriope | literally | livid | | lobby | loblolly | lobster trick/shift | lock and load | loggerheads, at | logo | logophile | logy | lollygag | long in the tooth | long-hair(ed) | loogie | louche | lousy | luck and Lucifer | luck out | lukewarm | lullaby | lush

Mac/Mc | macaroni | mack | mack daddy | mad | mad as a hatter | mad money | Maisie | make love | make no bones | mall | man alive | man, woman | man, you the | manifest | manner/manor born, to the | marlinespike | marmalade | maroon | marzipan | materteral | mauger, maugre | maven | mawkish | may and might | mayhap | McGuffin | mediocre | meme | mensch | merkin | mesne | mess | meta- | | mickey mouse | middle-aged | middling | miffed | might could (double modal) | milquetoast | mince | mine and my | mint | misandry | misprision | Miss, Mrs., Ms. | mocha | moggy | mojo | mokita | mollycoddle | momentarily | mondegreen | months, names of | mooch | mook | moonshine | moot | morals vs. ethics | mosh; mosh pit | mother lode | mother of all | moxie | much of a muchness | muck-a-muck(, high) | mug | mulligan | mumpsimus | mung | must needs | mustache | mustard, cut the | My bad! | myself

namby-pamby | namesake | narc, nark | narcissus, narcolepsy | nasty | natch | naughty | nauseous | neck of the woods | nee | neither, nor | nerd | new new thing | New York minute | newfangled | nice | nick of time | nickel | niggard(ly) | nightmare; mare | nimrod | nincompoop | nines, dressed to the | nitpick | no. | noggin | nonce word | none | | normalcy | nose to the grindstone | nosebleed | nosopoetic | Nosy Parker | not worth the candle | nother | nuclear | nugatory | nunnery | nuts

o'clock | | Odd's bodkins | off-color | often | ollie ollie oxen free | on or off the wagon | one time | one-off | onomatopoeia | oops-a-daisy | operandi | opprobrium | orange | orc | orientate | ornery | ourself | out of pocket | outside the box thinking | outsource

p's and q's | P.U. | palooka | pandemonium | Pandora's box | pants, pair of | pantywaist | paparazzo | parlous | party (verb) | passing fair | passing strange | pat | patriotism/nationalism | patronymics | peachy | peacoat | penthouse | per | per se | peruse | | phat | Philippic | phonics and phonetics | phony | phony war | picnic | piebald | pig in a poke | pig Latin | piggyback | pin money | pink elephants | piping hot | pismire, pissant | piss and vinegar | pissed off | pitchfork | pizza | placebo | pleonasm and tautology | plight | plumb | plurals of compounds | ply | pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis | po-faced | point man | point-blank | politically correct | | Pollyanna | Ponzi scheme | poppycock | portmanteau word | possessive, double | possessives | postprandial | potsherd | potshot | pray and worship | preempt | preposition at end | prequel | presently | prestidigitator | pretty | private language | proactive | propaganda | propinquitous | props | psychomachia | pumpernickel | Punch, pleased as | punctuation within quotations | pundit | punk | pupil | purple | purser | push the envelope | put on (the) dog | putz

| quark | quiz

racebait | rack/wrack | ragamuffin | rain check | raining cats and dogs | randy | rape and pillage | rapscallion | Rashomon | raspberry | ravel and unravel | real McCoy | Realpolitik | rebarbative | | red-handed | red-letter day | redd (up) | redneck | redolent | reduplication | reformation | reiterate | relationship terminology | restaurateur | rhetoric | rhetorical terms | rhotic | rhubarb | rhymes for orange | right and left | rigmarole | rip off | roger | roger wilco | roman a clef | romance | rook | rubber | rule of thumb | run of the mill | Ruth/ruth

safe as houses | sally | salt | salubrious | Sam Hill | same difference | sanctimonious | sanction | sandwich | Santa | saturnine/saturnalian | saunter | sawbuck | say/says | scalawag | scales fell from eyes | scan | scapegoat | scarf | scarlet | scat | schadenfreude | schm- | schmaltz | schnickelfritz | schwa | scimitar | scot-free | scotch | scumbag | scuttlebutt | sea change | seashore, coast | secesh | seed and love (tennis) | send-up | septentrional | sere | serial comma | service and serve | sesquipedalian | shabby | shag | shebang | sheila | shiftless | shindig | Shinola | shoestring | short shrift | shotgun (seat) | showstopper | shrink | sic | sideburns | Silk Stocking district | simoleon | simplistic | sinister | siren | Sisyphean | site/sight | skanky | skedaddle | skell | skin of the teeth | skinny | skinny dip | skirt | skive | skosh | skulduggery | slang | sleep tight | sliding pond | slob | slut | smart (v.) | smith | smoot | snail mail | snarky | snickersnee | snuck | snuff | snuff (revisited) | so | soap opera | solipsism | soluble/solvable | sophomore | sound | soup to nuts | spam | spark | spelling bee | spendthrift | spider | spill the beans | spin doctor | spoof | spring | square the circle | squash | squaw | squawk | stable | star | star-crossed | stationary/stationery | stemwinder | Stepford | sthenic | stiff | stillicide | stint; stunt | stitch | stiver | stone, adjective | story | straits, dire | straw man | stultify | subjunctive | suborn | subpar; par | sucker | suffice | Svengali | swan or swanny | swan song | swashbuckler | sweetbread | swive | swound | sycophant | sylph | synchronicity | syncope and assimilation | synecdoche | synesthesia

T-shirt | tabby | tad | take a powder | take another tack | tandem | tank | tantamount | tar | tar baby | tarnation | tartar sauce | tattoo | tawdry | taxi | tease | teetotal | television | tenterhooks, on | term of art | termagant | testify/testicle | than (usage) | the (dropping of the article) | the dozens | the proof of the pudding | there's | therefor(e) | they (singular) | thigmotropic | thirty or XXX | thou/you | three sheets to the wind | thru | thug | thumbnail | thunk | thusly | tidal wave | tie one on | till death us do part | till, until, 'til(l) | tip | tit for tat | tit for tat 2 | tithe | titillate | to a T | to wit | toast | toe the line | tomfoolery | tony | toot sweet | toothsome | tour | toward | towhead | township | trainspotting | traipse | transparent | travel | treacle | tribulation | trip the light fantastic | truck | truffle | try and | tumbler | turbid and turgid | turn to | twee

ugly | ultracrepidarian | unawares | underdog | understand | undertaker | underwhelm | unique | upshot | Uriah Heep | usage/use | used to | utilize

vamp | | vegetarian | verbal/oral | vet | vexillology | vice versa | vig | vignetted | villain | vis-à-vis | voodoo | vowel-less words

wake | walm | wanker | warhorse | Wassup? | wax (e.g., poetic) | Wednesday | week, days of | ween | weird | Wendalyn and Enid | wh- | whammy | what goes up | wheelbarrow | which vs. that | whinge | whip (legislative) | whip a louie | whipper-snapper | whipping boy | whipsaw | whisk(e)y | whistle stop | white | white elephant | who and whom | whole cloth | whole nine yards | | | widow | widow's weeds | wife beater (shirt) | wincey | window | winkle/winkie | wiseacre | with bells on | withers | Word up! | word, definition of | words ending in -gry | worm has turned | worrisome | worst comes to worst | wort | wreaked, wrought | wrong-foot


yadda-yadda-yadda | Yankee | yawn | yay and yeah | yclept | yellow journalism | yellow-dog Democrat | yeoman | yonic | young lion | young Turk | yuppie

zed or zee | Zeitgeist | zenzic, zenzizenzizenzic | zetetic | zoom | zydeco |

Erstellt: 2010-09


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Word Of The Day


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Am 17.08.2007 enthielt das Archiv zu "Word Of The Day" Einträge von 01.05.2006 bis 17.08.2007.

Am 03.02.2008 konnte ich das Archiv nicht mehr finden. Nun muß man sich auf der Startseite rechts im Frame "Visual Thesaurus Word of the Day" durch die Monate und Tage hangeln. Immerhin kann man noch einige Hinweise dort finden.
Word of the Day


Erstellt: 2016-01


Term of the Day



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Begriffe und Abkürzungen aus der Welt von Computer und Internet

Täglich verschickt Webopedia einen Newsletter mit dem "Term of the Day" - eine (englische) Beschreibung eines Begriffs aus dem Bereich Internet und Computerei.
Die Beschreibungen enthalten keine Hinweise zur Etymologie.Allerdings kann man aus der Beschreibung oft die Wortgeschichte dahinter Ableiten (Stichwörter: Neologismen, Abkürzungen, Kunstworte, und gelegentlich auch Patronyme).
Und die meisten Begriffe sind möglicherweise erst im Zusammenhang mit dem Internet entstanden und können somit als "Neologismen" doch im weitesten Sinne unter den Aspekt Etymologie fallen.


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und hier das Beispiel vom 20.06.2003.:

C# (W3)

Pronounced "see-sharp." A hybrid of C and C++, it is a Microsoft programming language developed to compete with Sun's Java language. C# is an object-oriented programming language used with XML-based Web services on the .NET platform and designed for improving productivity in the development of Web applications. C# boasts type-safety, garbage collection, simplified type declarations, versioning and scalability support, and other features that make developing solutions faster and easier, especially for COM+ and Web services. Microsoft critics have pointed to the similarities between C# and Java.

The Worthless Word For The Day


Erstellt: 2011-06




Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Wörter des Tages, Des Mots du Jour, Words of the Day, (esper.) vortoj la tago (?)