Translation Directory
Articles for translators and linguists
Translation Articles
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Articles for Translators
Categories of the Articles
The Translation Profession | Translators and Computers | Machine Translation | Payment Practices in Freelance Translation | How to Market Your Language Services | How to Buy Translation and Localization Services | Translation Theory | Quality Assurance | Translator Education | How to Teach Translation | Languages | Linguistics | English Grammar | How to Work as a Freelancer | How to Run a Translation Company | Project Management | Translation Industry | Translation Job Market | Localization | Globalization | Countries | Legal Translation | Scientific Translation | Financial Translation | Medical Translation | Literary Translation | Interpretation | Cautionary Tales | Translator Associations | Subtitling | German | French | Portuguese | Spanish | Italian | Chinese | Japanese | Arabic | Persian | Russian | Esperanto | Terminology | Dictionary Reviews | Translators Worldwide | Press Releases (Ads) | Miscellaneous
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- 2580 The Science of Translation: How Our Brains Process Different Languages
- 2579 5 steps to improve your Trademark registration chances
- 2578 From Freelance Translator to Starting a Translation Company
- 2577 Celtic languages
- 2576 Scottish Gaelic language
- 2575 Cornish language
- 2574 Manx language
- 2573 Top 10 Translation Tips for Beginners
- 2572 ????? ??????????? ?????? - ?????? ??????? ???????????
- 2571 The land of the midnight sun - Alaska through the eyes of an interpreter
- 2570 How to build a successful translation business in Kazakhstan (responsibility, vehement love to your business and the spirit of innovation)
- 2569 ????????? ????????????? ?????? - ??? ??? ????? ??? ????????????
- 2568 The Shift. An extract from the book "The Shift" about work of translators in the field (based on a true story).
- 2567 Translation memory programs – evil or benefit for a translator?
- 2566 Check your knowledge - how well do you know well drilling process?
- 2565 How lack of special training affects translation quality and translator’s career
- 2564 Petrotran: looking forward. Key areas of our work and trends of translation industry development.
- 2563 When Apple Transcreates Headlines, and When it Doesn’t
- 2562 How to Win Clients by Providing Certified Translation Services
- 2561 How to Build an Interpretation Career
- 2560 E-mail Etiquette: 65 Tips on How to Improve Your E-mail Communication
- 2559 Dogrib language
- 2558 Slavey language
- 2557 Inuktitut
- 2556 Inuinnaqtun
- 2555 Gwich'in language
- 2554 Cree language
- 2553 Chipewyan language
- 2552 Inuvialuktun
- 2551 Diversifying Your Translation Marketing Channels to Increase Revenues
- 2550 Athabaskan languages
- 2549 How to build up a translation career from scratch
- 2548 How to Build up a Translation CV that Will Make Clients Notice You
- 2547 Going Global? Investing in Translation is Not an Option
- 2546 The Ultimate Guide to Running a Translations Company
- 2545 LGP vs LSP - The Language of Medicine: Vocabulary and Terminology
- 2544 Keeping the Lines Open: The Importance of Communication Between Academic Translator and Scholar
- 2543 Healthcare Terminology Teaching/Learning
- 2542 10 real ideas to market your translation service
- 2541 11 Tips to Save on Translation/Localization Costs
- 2540 How to Create More Content Faster
- 2539 The length of December 22 day in different cities of the world
- 2538 Average wages in European countries
- 2537 Technical translation tips
- 2536 Le rôle du traducteur dans les projets de développement communautaire
- 2535 L’interprétariat participatif
- 2534 Tok Pisin
- 2533 Torres Strait Creole
- 2532 Trinidadian Creole
- 2531 Sranan Tongo
- 2530 Singlish
- 2529 Liberian Kreyol language
- 2528 Krio language
- 2527 Jamaican Patois
- 2526 How to Create Clearer Translations and Save on Translation Costs Using Simplified Technical English
- 2525 Translation of “Matti ki Mona Liza” Into “Mona Liza Made of Clay”
- 2524 Hawaiian Pidgin
- 2523 Guyanese Creole
- 2522 Gullah language
- 2521 Bajan Creole
- 2520 Running a translation company
- 2519 Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends too
- 2518 List of official minimum wage rates in different countries
- 2517 GDP per capita in different countries in 2013
- 2516 GDP growth rate in different countries in 2013
- 2515 Certified Translation. Getting your Documents Certified the Right Way
- 2514 Online Translation Services: a Guide to Buying Translations on the Internet
- 2513 Belarusian language
- 2512 Rusyn language
- 2511 Sardinian language
- 2510 Romansh language
- 2509 Picard language
- 2508 Occitan language
- 2507 Norman language
- 2506 Mirandese language
- 2505 Leonese language
- 2504 Latin language
- 2503 Ladin language
- 2502 ??? ??? ??? ???
- 2501 Translation Shifts in English and Arabic
- 2500 - ???
- 2499 - Top countries with biggest foreign-currency reserves, including gold, special drawing rights (SDRs) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) reserve position
- 2498 - Top countries with largest foreign-currency reserves (excluding gold)
- 2497 Social Investments
- 2496 Scribal abbreviations
- 2495 Tironian notes
- 2494 Gaelic type
- 2493 A Glossary of Olive Oil Taste Testing (Spanish-English And English-Spanish)
- 2492 Indo-Pacific languages
- 2491 Indo-Aryan languages
- 2490 Indo-Aryan superstrate in Mitanni
- 2489 Making preparations for the big bike trip
- 2488 Rosetta Stone and Translation Rates
- 2487 Two New Chinese Translations of Hamlet Introduced and Compared
- 2485 Indus script
- 2484 Kharosthi script
- 2483 Gupta script
- 2482 Brahmi script
- 2481 Brahmic family
- 2480 Average yearly wages in 28 countries
- 2479 Average monthly wage in different European countries
- 2478 Prakrit
- 2477 The Pali language
- 2476 List of languages by number of native speakers in India
- 2475 Linguistic history of the Indian subcontinent
- 2474 Languages with official status in India
- 2473 Siddha? alphabet
- 2472 Substratum in Vedic Sanskrit
- 2471 Languages of India
- 2470 Sanskrit grammar
- 2469 Sanskrit
- 2468 Vedic Sanskrit
- 2467 Translation - an Ageless Profession
- 2466 Have Language, Will Travel
- 2465 The ONLY Thai girl I am attracted to
- 2464 Miscellaneous letters
- 2463 I have always felt I will be a writer one day...
- 2462 About freelancing and travelling
- 2461 Thai girls are like demon possessed little witches
- 2460 From Laos back to Thailand
- 2459 How to publish a book
- 2458 Back in Thailand
- 2457 Feeling increasingly uncomfortable here on the island in Malaysia
- 2456 My belongings
- 2455 Staying in Malaysia
- 2454 About running a blog
- 2453 A short travel update
- 2452 Planning to publish a book about my travels
- 2451 In Thailand, God’s hand
- 2450 Getting ready to go to Asia. In the airport
- 2449 Escaping from Galia’s place
- 2448 About Bulgarians, earnings, plans
- 2447 Starting to earn more after approaching thousands of translation agencies
- 2446 About writing and publishing content online
- 2445 How to find really cheap plane tickets
- 2444 The girlfriend: would like to find THE ONE
- 2443 Still staying in Bulgaria but planning to go to Thailand
- 2442 A Comparative Study of Translation Teaching in Iran and Spain
- 2441 The Ukrainian Cornucopia of Tools
- 2440 Networking 101
- 2439 Strategies of Translating Metaphors in Foreign Movies employed by Iranian Subtitlers
- 2438 GDP growth rate in different countries in 2012
- 2437 How to say hello in different languages
- 2436 10 Things to Do in Order to Obtain Lots of Website Traffic from Facebook
- 2435 Living on a mystical island of Koh Phangan in Thailand
- 2434 From Malaysia to Thailand
- 2433 Advice to freelance translators on MT post-editing projects
- 2432 Human Translation vs. Machine Translation: Rise of the Machines
- 2431 Translation Can Be Fun
- 2430 La innovación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior vs. la tradición educativa: la terminología y la fraseología del ámbito académico (español ? inglés)
- 2429 Hints and Links for Medical Translators
- 2428 Déchéance d’une marque communautaire: récupération du nom de domaine
- 2427 "Found in Translation" book review
- 2426 Mispronunciation in Subtitling
- 2425 Siri vs. Windows Speech Recognition
- 2424 Free Online Translators: A Comparative Assessment of www.worldlingo.com, and www.translate.google.com
- 2423 Teaching Translation: A Look at the Way It Is in Iranian Universities and the Way It Should Be
- 2422 Translation on the Basis of Frequency: Compliment and Compliment Response
- 2421 The Illusion of Transparency
- 2420 Who’s Listening/Reading?
- 2419 The Booming Localization Industry in the People’s Republic of China
- 2418 Derecho continental y derecho anglosajón: la terminología y la fraseología propia del ámbito sucesoriol
- 2417 The Most Prized Possession of All
- 2416 List of countries by population in 2012
- 2415 Translation Failures: What’s The Worst That Can Happen?
- 2414 The World Wide Web and Translators
- 2413 Olympic Targets
- 2412 Letter to a would-be translator
- 2411 The Transposition of Form
- 2410 How to do business in Australia
- 2409 Funny but Costly Localization Mistakes
- 2408 Compatibility of Languages and Other Restrictions in the Statistical Translation by Google Translate
- 2407 ? ??? ?? ??? ? ???: ??? 7 ???-???
- 2406 Travel outline
- 2405 About translation industry
- 2404 About female friends
- 2403 About computer, online marketing, translation, CAT tool
- 2402 About blabber - waste of time. About wanting to be a writer.
- 2401 About God
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- 2400 More about Software sales
- 2399 More travel updates
- 2398 Staying at a pension
- 2397 About borders etc.
- 2396 Software sales
- 2395 Travel update
- 2394 Translation job industry
- 2393 Partying is a waste of time
- 2392 How much they pay etc.
- 2391 Translator charges, programming etc.
- 2390 Working as a translator and travelling
- 2389 Travel life
- 2388 Why NOT to cheat Google...
- 2387 About opportunities for working as a freelancer
- 2386 Above advantages of working as a freelancer
- 2385 Strategies in Subtitling Black English Movies
- 2384 How to do business in South Africa
- 2383 How to do business in Thailand
- 2382 GDP growth rate in 2011 in 185 countries
- 2381 How to structure and streamline the in-country proof
- 2380 Blunders Made by Cross-Cultural Businesses
- 2379 Leadership across Cultures
- 2378 How to Localize Your Software Products in Order to Go Global
- 2377 The Xerox Translation Quality Assessment Process
- 2376 Milengo leverages Google Translator Toolkit with Google Adwords
- 2375 The Value of Translation
- 2374 A Typology of Derivatives: Translation, Transposition, Adaptation
- 2373 From the Colonial to the Anti-Colonial: Marathi Reception of American Literature
- 2372 Planning and Passion
- 2371 The Joy of Translating
- 2370 Language Resources for Translation in Multilingual Question Answering Systems
- 2369 Is every bilingual a translator?
- 2368 The Dark Side of Translation Revision
- 2367 The best freeware corpus analysis program for translators?
- 2366 Mr. *** was not amused!
- 2365 How to Make More $$ without Really Trying
- 2364 The Art of Poetry and its Translation
- 2363 Patron saints of places
- 2362 Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2361 ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? Google Translate
- 2360 The Problems in Translating ‘Literary Prose’
- 2359 McElroy’s In-Country Review Process
- 2358 How to Do Business in Spain
- 2357 About the Word Counts
- 2356 The English Legalese under Scrutiny: Genre-Based Approach to Legal Translation
- 2355 Building Blocks
- 2354 Good Proofreaders / Bad Proofreaders
- 2353 The Financial Crisis and Translator's Math
- 2352 We are Still of Two Minds about It
- 2351 Towards an inclusive mould of translation and interpretation requisite competence
- 2350 Functional Equivalence Revisited: Legal Translation in Persian and English through Parallel Corpus
- 2349 More Reflections of a Human Translator on Machine Translation in The Field of Patent Translation
- 2348 How to become a translator
- 2347 Libya: History, facts, and culture
- 2346 Germany: History, government, and culture
- 2345 Brazilian Business Practices
- 2344 Japan: History, facts, and culture
- 2343 Countries by credit rating
- 2342 File optimization - Prepare yourself for better results
- 2341 Cost and Time Implications for Varied Formatting Services
- 2340 Differentiating Translation Quality
- 2339 Legal Structure of Your Company
- 2338 Response to "We Want a Discount…"
- 2337 Check-list for starting your own business
- 2336 A Short Guide to Advertising
- 2335 How to Sell by Mail Order
- 2334 How to Research Your Market
- 2333 How to Sell Creatively
- 2332 A Snapshot of Literary Translation and its Practitioners
- 2331 A comparative study of 9 reviews on Why Translation Matters
- 2330 Towards more efficient courses of translation
- 2329 Online Shopping's Pros and Cons
- 2328 How do you Deal with Requests for Discounts?
- 2327 We Want a Discount…
- 2326 Overcoming the Digital Divide through Machine Translation
- 2325 One Translator's Journey
- 2324 Computer-assisted Translation Tools: a brief review
- 2323 Into Brazilian Portuguese: Culture and the Translation of The Glass Menagerie
- 2322 Another Accidental Translator
- 2321 A Taxonomy of Human Translation Styles
- 2320 An Analysis of Google Translate Accuracy
- 2319 Translator Training: The Need for New Directions
- 2318 Interpreting the Remarks of World Leaders
- 2317 Specialization in Translation - myths and realities
- 2316 English Prepositions Explained (EPE)
- 2315 Rekindling the Spirit of Exploration
- 2314 How to Camp Smart
- 2313 How to Manage a Family Business
- 2312 How to Prepare a Business Plan
- 2311 Questions & Answers Sites
- 2310 Desarrollo de la competencia traductora de Silvia Roiss
- 2309 Traducción automática y software libre en la formación de traductores
- 2307 10 Prominent Achievers in Business
- 2306 Help Christianity to Spread Worldwide
- 2305 Mobile and Cloud Computing - Will It Change Small Business?
- 2304 Dravidian languages
- 2303 How to WOW Your Customers
- 2302 How Not To Write Your Resume
- 2301 Proto-Dravidian language
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- 2300 Tibeto-Burman languages
- 2299 List of social networking websites
- 2298 Myspace
- 2297 Facebook
- 2296 List of Catholic orders and congregations
- 2295 Devanagari
- 2294 How to Grow Your Small Business - 10 Tips
- 2293 Brahmic family of scripts
- 2292 How to Manage a Remote Sales Force: a View from the Trenches
- 2291 Nasta?liq script
- 2290 Spanish: The Living Language. When Spanglish goes mainstream
- 2289 Middle Indo-Aryan languages
- 2288 12 PowerPoint Presentation Mistakes
- 2287 How to Participate in Forums
- 2286 Chance Favors the Prepared Mind
- 2285 Agop Hacikyan's A Summer without Dawn
- 2284 Un modèle de traduction basé sur les proverbes et leurs métaphores: Une position cognitive descriptive
- 2283 A Model of Translation Based on Proverbs and Their Metaphors: A Cognitive Descriptive Approach
- 2282 How to Optimize Your Site: 10 Steps
- 2281 Interview with ATA Board Candidate Ted Wozniak
- 2280 English Translation of Chinese Dish Names
- 2279 Tonality in Subtitle Translation
- 2278 How to Drive Your Translators Crazy without Really Trying
- 2277 Hybridity in Immigration Literature and Translated Literature
- 2276 SEO Tools
- 2273 Comparison of Linux distributions
- 2272 Comparison of file managers
- 2271 Comparison of mail servers
- 2270 Lionbridge Partners with IBM for Real-Time Multilingual Solutions (Interview with Satish Maripuri, COO of Lionbridge)
- 2269 InterpreTalk Mobile App - On-Demand Telephonic Interpretation for Android and iPhone
- 2268 US Health Care and Medical Interpreting Certification
- 2267 Interview with Ralph Strozza, CEO of Interpro Translation Solutions
- 2266 Interview with Olga Beregovaya, CEO of PROMT Americas (Machine Translation Solutions Supplier)
- 2265 Acquisition of Celencia by Stoquart During Turbulent 2009
- 2264 Five Localization Myths
- 2263 Multilingual SEO: Is its lack hampering your business’s growth?
- 2262 Date conversion in translation
- 2261 How to Obtain Top Spots in Google
- 2260 How to Hire the Right Bookkeeper: 8 Interview Questions
- 2259 Some Other Ways to Receive Much-Needed Cash for Your Business
- 2258 Tax Tips For the Self Employed
- 2257 How to Start an RV Lifestyle - Several Tips
- 2256 How You Might Improve Your Resume
- 2254 How to Avoid Conflicts at Work and at Home
- 2253 Are You an Entrepreneur Like Christopher Columbus?
- 2252 Money - The Currency of Unhappy People
- 2251 The Database: Your Most Valuable Asset!
- 2250 Some Time-Saving Tips For Moms
- 2249 Wikipedia about contextual advertising
- 2248 Wikipedia about AdSense
- 2247 Advertisement as a Writing Style and Strategies for its Translation
- 2246 Señoras y Señores diputados/'Onorevoli deputati'. Un estudio contrastivo del léxico político español/italiano.
- 2245 A Prototype System For Machine Interpretation
- 2244 Ideological Interference in Translation: Strategies of Translating Cultural References
- 2243 Quick Corpora Compiling Using Web as Corpus
- 2242 Will Human Translators Be Here Tomorrow?
- 2241 Hostile Takeover? Welcome Addition? Machine Translation Enters the World of the Translator
- 2240 How can you differentiate your company in a competitive market?
- 2239 The Translator and his Client: Factoring external determinations into the translational activity
- 2238 The most widely spoken language and the countries they are spoken in
- 2237 The Language Olympics
- 2236 Time Zones
- 2235 How to Get Through University
- 2234 Tocharian
- 2233 Maltese
- 2232 Guarani
- 2231 Getting paid for translation work
- 2230 Translator Charges and Rates
- 2229 Formatting in Microsoft Word
- 2228 Protect your Computer and Windows
- 2227 Total Commander Help
- 2226 Gone treeplanting
- 2225 First friends visiting me to Cyprus
- 2224 Leapfrogging the Drabby Cyprus Winter
- 2223 How to Make the Visitor Click the Link
- 2222 Escaping the Cyprus heat
- 2221 How to Do a Presentation
- 2220 How to Prepare to a Job Interview
- 2219 How to Backup Your WordPress Site
- 2218 Escape from boredom
- 2217 How to Create HTML Links in WordPress - Several Tips
- 2216 How to Become a Professional Resume Writer
- 2215 5 Facebook Marketing Mistakes
- 2214 Poetry Translation: Critical Analysis of “God’s Patience” Based on Vahid’s Model
- 2213 Audiovisual contextulization and the (non) translation of grammatical gender
- 2212 10 Tips for project managers working with non-native speakers
- 2211 Barelling to Bodrum
- 2210 Tommy the Party Preacher in Montenegro
- 2209 Internet connection while traveling
- 2208 Caravan survival tips
- 2207 How to construct a caravan - Beautification
- 2206 My flat in Prague
- 2205 How to construct a caravan
- 2204 Designing the truck
- 2203 Traveling through Bulgaria
- 2202 Cultural Approach to Translation Theory
- 2201 Problem of Equivalence in Translating English Articles into Tamil
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- 2200 Translation services and the 2012 Olympics
- 2199 My Life in Prague
- 2198 Czech Republic: My Reflections
- 2197 Back to Czech - buying a travel van
- 2196 Mexico Trip - Off to Yosemite and Beyond
- 2195 How to use solar panels to electrify your caravan
- 2194 Laptop Sunscreen and Sun Shade
- 2193 Pegasus Mail Help
- 2192 Email Solution
- 2191 Mexico Trip
- 2190 How to use two monitors with one PC
- 2189 Mexico Trip - Getting a Driver’s License
- 2188 Handling Abbreviations and Acronyms in Medical Translation
- 2187 How to Buy a Used Car
- 2186 Cross-Cultural Context Ambiguities Case Study: Polish and English Commercial Advertisement Translation
- 2185 A Professional (and Geographic) Journey
- 2184 Subtitling: The Role of Trans-modal Translation in Global Cinema
- 2183 Cultural Issues in the Translation of Tourist Guidebooks in Iran: Problems and Solutions from a Skopos Theory Perspective
- 2182 The Application of House’s Model on William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and its Persian Translation by Ala’uddin Pasargadi
- 2181 Syntax - Who Owns the English Language?
- 2180 Further computer tips
- 2179 Crowdsourcing
- 2178 Computer Tips
- 2177 The study of address terms and their translation from Persian to English
- 2176 The Untold Sixties—When hope was born an Insider's Sixties on an International Scale
- 2175 Productive Bilingualism and Translator Education
- 2174 An Assets Investigation: Several Tips
- 2173 Certification is Not Enough to Become a Good Project Manager
- 2172 How to create a sitemap
- 2171 Legal actions creditors may take in the UK
- 2170 How to Sell Insurance - Dealing With the Top Three Objections
- 2169 How to Reduce the Amount of E-mail You Receive - Several Tips
- 2168 20 Low Cost Marketing Ideas for a Small Business
- 2167 5 Steps to Take if You’re Losing Sales and Don’t Know Why
- 2166 RAW, JPEG or TIFF - Digital Photography for Beginners
- 2165 How to Generate Ideas: 5 Ways
- 2164 Your eBay Business: How to Deal with Handling and Shipping
- 2163 5 Pieces of Important Information Missing From Your CV
- 2162 How to Make Your eBay Listing Attractive
- 2161 5 Easy Steps to Set Up a Free, Yet Powerful, WordPress Website
- 2160 6 Mistakes When Moving Overseas
- 2159 35 Tips for Your Sales Presentations
- 2158 A Critical Study of the Translation of 1984: A Comparative Textual Analysis Model
- 2157 Strategies for translation of English advertisement into Persian
- 2156 7 google tools for translators
- 2154 15 Web-Design Tips
- 2153 How to Regain Control of Your Time and Your Life
- 2151 Pondering and Wondering
- 2150 The Efficacy of Round-trip Translation for MT Evaluation
- 2149 English Language Teaching Through the Translation Method
- 2148 Translating a Patent: Translator's Templates (Part II: The Specification)
- 2147 Automatic Web Translators as Part of a Multilingual Question-Answering (QA) System: Translation of Questions
- 2146 Translation of Proper Names
- 2145 Empirical Study of Subtitled Movies
- 2144 How to Minimize the Risk of Getting Serious Diseases
- 2143 Saint Roch
- 2142 5 Top WordPress Plugins For Business Blogs
- 2141 Do you really need translation memory programs?
- 2140 How to Design Landing Pages
- 2139 Return Christ to Christmas
- 2138 How you can learn almost any language
- 2137 List Building and Social Networking Sites
- 2136 10 Startup Mistakes
- 2135 Advertising and the Lifetime Value of Your Customer
- 2134 How to Make Money Selling Your Junk
- 2133 Should We Pray to Mother Mary?
- 2132 How Facebook can be used in your business
- 2131 How to advertise on YouTube
- 2130 Marketing Tips for the Growing Business
- 2129 15 Ways to Promote Your Webinar
- 2128 New Language Services Industry Research Details Web Marketing Best Practices
- 2127 SEO for google
- 2126 Teaching translation
- 2125 Translating poetry: based on textual and extra textual analysis
- 2124 What Is to Be Considered as A Unit of Translation?
- 2123 Corpus Linguistics Approach: A Novel Framework for Translation Studies Research
- 2122 Add Flair to Your Audio and Video
- 2121 How a medium-sized LSP survived an economic crisis
- 2120 LSPs during recession: by Larry Gould, thebigword
- 2119 Recession survival in the language industry by Nabil Freij, Globalvis
- 2118 Keys to success during downtime: by Rina Ne'eman, Hebrew Language Services
- 2117 Globalization Technology, Services, and Business Models: Predictions for 2010 by Common Sense Advisory
- 2116 Social networking from the perspective of a language professional, part 2
- 2115 Machine translation: integrating automation into an effective localization strategy
- 2114 The importance of accurately globalizing your message for new markets
- 2113 Social networking from the perspective of a language professional
- 2112 Plunet integrates Trados TM Server on the Plunet BusinessManager platform
- 2111 An interview with Larry Gould, founder of thebigword
- 2110 Translation of Extralinguistic Culture-Bound Elements In Persian Movies Subtitled Into English: A Case Study of The Lizard
- 2109 How You Can Recycle Your Cell Phone
- 2108 The Application of Catford’s Shifts on the Persian Translation of Oliver Twist by Yusof Gharib
- 2107 What is server load?
- 2106 RSS Feeds: Pros and Cons
- 2105 10 Blogging Mistakes
- 2104 A Comparative Study of Molavi’s “The Song of the Reed” And Its English Translation
- 2103 A comparative analysis of Persian and English translation of “The Sea”: A piece of poetry by Fereydun Moshiri
- 2102 The translator as an entrepreneur: an Indian perspective
- 2101 How to Develop a Business Plan for a Small Service Company
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All All articles - categorized
- 2100 Human Resources Management
- 2098 How to do presentations properly
- 2097 How to obtain more RSS subscribers
- 2094 How to optimize audio
- 2093 CAT Tools for Beginners
- 2092 CAT Tools für Anfänger
- 2091 Translating a Patent: Translator's Templates
- 2090 A Comparative Review of Two Monolingual Dictionaries of the English Language
- 2089 The State of the Translation Industry in Saudi Arabia
- 2088 How to Translate Personal Names
- 2087 Teaching Evaluation of Classical Chinese Poetry Translation
- 2086 Saving not spending, can save the economy
- 2085 Literary Approach to Translation Theory
- 2084 The Golden Middle in translating from Arabic, e.g., into English
- 2083 Brave New World Revisited
- 2082 How to Earn Money with a Membership Site
- 2081 How to Manage Your Online Reputation
- 2080 SEO Myths
- 2079 How to Be Green in Your Business
- 2078 How to Create Professional PowerPoint Presentations
- 2077 Google Search Engine Can Do Much More!
- 2076 12 Tips for Effective E-mail Communications
- 2075 Your Cherished Dream of Writing - Fulfill it When You Retire
- 2074 10 Time Management Tips
- 2073 ABC's of RSS Feeds
- 2072 Translation - tool in the process of cultural globalisation
- 2071 How to become a sworn translator in Spain
- 2070 Risk Management in Translation
- 2069 Building a Legal TM and Glossary from an English-Malay Parallel Corpus
- 2068 Think-Aloud Protocols; A Method to Investigate the Translation Process
- 2067 Different Approaches to Translation Processes
- 2066 From Translator to Chief Language Officer
- 2065 The Influence of Directionality on Interlingual Translation Processes
- 2064 Automatic Translation in Multilingual Electronic Meetings
- 2063 The Google Translation Center That Was to Be
- 2062 The Issue of Direction of Translation in China: A Historical Overview
- 2061 Tips for Presenting and Public Speaking
- 2060 Success through Lifetime Learning
- 2059 Basic Tips on Using Sound Effects
- 2058 How to Minimize Threats from Viruses, Hackers and Spam
- 2057 The Applications of Keywords and Collocations to Translation-Studies and Teaching
- 2056 To charge or not to charge for your info products
- 2055 Communication Strategies Do Work!
- 2053 Translation of Medical Terms
- 2051 Cultural Untranslatability
- 2050 On the Dubbing of Humor. Tidying Up the Room.
- 2049 Doblaje audiovisual y publicidad. Reflexiones en torno al concepto de manipulación.
- 2048 Teaching Interpretation in BA Program of Translation in Iranian Universities
- 2047 What’s Cooking: Translating Food
- 2046 Thirteen Days in June (Adventures with SDL/Trados)
- 2045 Corpora in Translation Classrooms
- 2044 A Glance at the Ailing System of Teaching Translation in Iranian Universities
- 2043 Necessity of tech integration into translation training programs
- 2042 La Traduction d’une oeuvre littéraire : Le cas de Chroniques de Mvoutessi 2 : Na Mongô ou Le Voyage à Ebolowa de Guillaume Oyônô-Mbia
- 2041 Linux adoption
- 2040 Investigating the Role and Variability of Miscellaneous English Cohesive Devices Across Registers
- 2039 Teaching foreign languages: grammar training ineffective and harmful
- 2038 How to design a logo - main concepts
- 2037 The Language Software Revolution
- 2036 Translation Quality Assessment: The Examination of a Literary Text by Baker's Taxonomy
- 2035 What Christians can learn from Muslims
- 2034 XTM for Language Service Providers
- 2033 The growth and evolution of audio and video localization
- 2032 Website globalization - tips by A2Z Global Inc.
- 2031 Twelve Ways to Enhance Translation Quality
- 2030 Proofreading a graphic novel
- 2029 Ethics 101 for Translators
- 2028 Translation from Hallidayan Perspective
- 2027 Translation Quality Assessment
- 2026 The possibility of language: a discussion of the nature of language, with implications for human and machine translation
- 2025 Formal vs. Dynamic Equivalence in Subtitling: The Case of English Movies with Persian Subtitles
- 2024 Functional Grammar in English-Japanese Translation
- 2023 How to Globalize E-Learning
- 2022 10 irresistible potholes writers find on the road to globalization, part 2
- 2021 Glearch.com - New Global Search Engine
- 2020 The European Library Opens Up 48 Jewel Boxes using TransiBar
- 2019 Linguistic Approach to Translation Theory
- 2018 Translation Tips: OCR, Developing a Strategy
- 2017 Translation Tips: Setting up Your Surroundings, Learning How to Type, Dividing up the Screen, Using Translation Memory Tools
- 2016 Translation Tips: Setting Up Your Monitor, Your Translation Workstation
- 2015 Be Healthy Consuming Only Natural Foods
- 2014 Translation Tips: Actually Translating, Finalising your Document, Counting Words, Sending your File
- 2013 From Mechanics to Managers
- 2012 Japanese Technical Translation a Quarter of a Century Ago
- 2011 Translation Tips: Staying in Touch, Saving and Autosaving, Spellcheckers, Keyboards, Translating outside with your laptop
- 2010 How to Naturally Cure and Prevent a Cold
- 2009 How to Perform a Healthy Fast
- 2008 How to Be Healthy
- 2007 Translation of Poetry: A Case Study of Shamlou’s “The Song Of Abraham In Fire” Through Vahid’s Practical Model For Translation Analysis and Assessment of Poetic Discourse
- 2006 The Cultural Transfer in Anime Translation
- 2005 Bringing the Best Western Classical Literature to Turkish Masses
- 2004 The Sounds of Clinical Medicine
- 2003 Is Translation a Rewriting of an Original Text?
- 2002 Detección de problemas en traducción cientifica
- 2001 Uncontrolled Terminology and MT: The Importance of Making Good Comparisons
(E?)(L?) http://www.translationdirectory.com/article_index_1901_2000.htm
- 2000 The Effect of the Translator's Gender on Translation Evaluation
- 1999 Uniquely Typical or Typically Unique?
- 1998 The love of money is the root of all evil
- 1997 The Application of Juliane House’s Model of TQA in Persian Translation of the Book “Pride and Prejudice”
- 1996 Brain Gets Smart but Your Head Gets Dumb. Stop Borrowing!
- 1995 Managing a Growing Business
- 1994 On the relationship between listening comprehension motivation and listening comprehension among the Iranian EFL learners
- 1993 How to Design a Good Website
- 1992 Royalty Free Sound Effects
- 1991 Word Formation Processes in English
- 1990 Cultural and Linguistic Equivalence in Translation
- 1989 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God
- 1988 10 irresistible potholes writers find on the road to globalization, part 1
- 1987 How to save the US economy?
- 1986 Stairway to Retail Heaven (or Hell?)
- 1985 The Unbearable Life Without God
- 1983 What else may influence the ranking of your website?
- 1982 Find Jobs Using RSS Feeds
- 1981 When United States ruled the world
- 1980 A Corpus-based Study of Units of Translation in English-Persian Literary Translations
- 1979 How to Design a Bad Website
- 1978 Public Speaking - 5 More Tips
- 1977 Public Speaking - 5 Tips
- 1975 List Building - 10 Ways to Build Your Subscriber List
- 1974 Webmaster Toolkit
- 1973 Response to Atheists: The God I Know
- 1972 What RSS Feeds Can Be Used For
- 1971 Web 2.0 Alphabet
- 1970 LinkedIn - the Localization Industry’s Favorite Network?
- 1968 Project Management Software for In-House Translation Departments
- 1967 Machine Translation Used by the US Government
- 1966 Gerhard Preisser, Translator
- 1965 ATRIL signs an agreement with PowerLing to extend its commercial network throughout Europe
- 1963 The state of the language within the state of the industry
- 1962 The Federal Reserve - Grand Illusion
- 1961 The Translating Problems of Pro-forms from English into Persian
- 1960 List of Antivirus Programs
- 1959 Effective Terminology Management Using Computers
- 1958 The Mechanism of Anime translation
- 1957 Financial Crisis: How to Save the Economy.
- 1956 La Búsqueda Documental En La Interpretación Consecutiva Y De Enlace
- 1955 Literary Translation Quality Assessment - Review
- 1954 A Comparative Study of 'The Old Man and the Sea' With Its Two Persian Translations
- 1953 The norms and beliefs governing English-Japanese translation - A case study
- 1952 SEO guide by Google
- 1951 How Parents Can Save Some Money
- 1950 RSS Conversion Tools
- 1948 Selling Your Services to Government
- 1947 What Happened to the American Dream
- 1946 Buying Translation Services: How to Always Stay Within Budget
- 1945 Machine Translation: Ingredients for Productive and Stable MT deployments - Part 2
- 1944 EN 15038 Can Help You Assess Translation Service Providers
- 1943 Latin American Language Services Industry Overview
- 1942 Perhaps the Best Time-Saving Advice
- 1941 Machine Translation: Ingredients for Productive and Stable MT deployments - Part 1
- 1940 10 Ways to Reduce Localization and Translation Costs Without Sacrificing Quality
- 1939 Why & How We Developed Our Own Translation Management System
- 1938 OAXAL
- 1937 What Multilinguality Has to Do With Falling House Prices
- 1936 Vowel length
- 1935 Vowel harmony
- 1934 Vowel
- 1933 Verb phrase
- 1932 Universal language
- 1931 A Peaceful Stay in Stoliv Montenegro
- 1930 Universal grammar
- 1929 T-unit
- 1928 Transfer-based machine translation
- 1927 Tone
- 1926 Systemic functional grammar
- 1925 Entering Montenegro
- 1924 Programming language
- 1923 Photovoltaic power station
- 1922 Periodic sentence
- 1921 Non-finite clause
- 1920 Natural language processing
- 1919 How to Face Challenging Symbols: Translating Symbols from Persian to English
- 1916 List of open source software packages
- 1914 List of language regulators
- 1913 Navigating in a New Era: What Kind of Education and Training for Translators?
- 1912 List of constructed languages
- 1911 Linguistic typology
- 1910 Linguistics Markup Language
- 1909 Language planning
- 1908 Language family
- 1907 Meaning: The Translators’ Role in Clarifying Some Misconceptions
- 1906 History of machine translation
- 1905 Grammatical polarity
- 1904 Globalization Management System
- 1903 Formant
- 1902 Epenthesis
- 1901 The Acquisition of Translation Competence through Textual Genre
(E?)(L?) http://www.translationdirectory.com/article_index_1801_1900.htm
- 1900 English spelling reform
- 1899 Elision
- 1898 Diglossia
- 1897 Constructed language
- 1896 Areal feature
- 1895 The Exporter's Handbook
- 1894 Place of articulation
- 1893 Tonal language
- 1892 Spelling
- 1891 Assimilation
- 1890 First language
- 1889 Traveling along the Coast of Croatia
- 1888 Transformational grammar
- 1887 Subject
- 1886 Terminology
- 1885 Predicate
- 1884 Sentence
- 1883 ??? ??? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ??? ?
- 1882 Phoneme
- 1881 List of writing systems
- 1880 Head-driven phrase structure grammar
- 1879 Finite verb
- 1878 Accent
- 1877 Working while travelling: The dream comes true - off to Croatia!
- 1876 Postalveolar consonant
- 1875 Retroflex consonant
- 1874 Higher order grammar
- 1873 Syllable nucleus
- 1872 Dependency grammar
- 1871 Multilingual SEO: a Eurocentric perspective
- 1870 Fricative consonant
- 1869 Dental consonant
- 1868 Ambiguous grammar
- 1867 Alveolar consonant
- 1866 Affricate
- 1865 The Seven Steps
- 1864 Voiced alveolar fricative
- 1863 Stop consonant
- 1862 Sonorant
- 1861 Role and reference grammar
- 1860 Principles and parameters
- 1859 In Love with Words
- 1858 Lexical functional grammar
- 1856 History of linguistics
- 1855 Generalised phrase structure grammar
- 1854 Continuant
- 1853 The Serbo-Croatian Language(s) Today
- 1852 Voiceless apicoalveolar fricative
- 1851 Vocal tract
- 1850 Stress
- 1849 Prosodic unit
- 1848 Phonotactics
- 1847 Getting Graphic
- 1846 Prosody
- 1844 Nasalization
- 1843 Intonation
- 1842 Lateral consonant
- 1841 Skopos in Practice: Building an Appealing Brand Image in the Translation of Soft News
- 1840 Word
- 1839 Generative linguistics
- 1838 Morphophonology
- 1837 Coronal consonant
- 1836 The Comparable Corpus-Based Chinese-English Translation - A Case Study of City Introduction
- 1835 Localization - the art and science
- 1834 English phonology
- 1833 Consonant
- 1832 Clause
- 1831 Cherology
- 1830 Absolute neutralisation
- 1829 Open source translation management system
- 1828 Computational linguistics
- 1827 Ingressive speech
- 1826 Egressive
- 1825 Comparison of machine translation applications
- 1824 Retroflex consonant
- 1823 Initiation
- 1822 List of research laboratories for machine translation
- 1821 Sibilant consonant
- 1820 Interjection
- 1819 Vocal folds
- 1818 Internationalization and localization
- 1817 Epiglotto-pharyngeal consonant
- 1816 Phonation
- 1815 Stylistics
- 1814 Evaluation of machine translation
- 1813 Linguistic prescription
- 1812 Functional grammar
- 1811 Applied linguistics
- 1810 Morphological dictionary
- 1809 Pharyngealization
- 1808 Null subject language
- 1807 In-Country Review
- 1805 Translation Project Case Study: Interpro Translation Solutions & Zebra Technologies Corporation
- 1804 Palatalization
- 1803 Of Translation Jobs and Glossaries
- 1802 Syllable
- 1801 Currency Exchange Fluctuation in Localization
(E?)(L?) http://www.translationdirectory.com/article_index_1701_1800.htm
- 1799 Voice
- 1798 Implosive consonant
- 1797 Aryepiglottic fold
- 1796 Generative grammar
- 1795 Schwa
- 1794 Sanskrit vs. European languages: The tie that binds east and west
- 1793 Obstruent
- 1792 The Irish Language
- 1791 Palate
- 1790 Labiodental consonant
- 1789 Beyond Translation Theories
- 1787 How to start an online business in the USA - questions and answers
- 1786 Epiglottal consonant
- 1785 Small Business in the USA - Statistics
- 1784 Radical consonant
- 1783 Interlingual machine translation
- 1782 Velarization
- 1781 Word sense disambiguation
- 1780 Uvular consonant
- 1779 6 Ways to Maximize Startup Success: Hire an Employee from Day One
- 1778 Velar consonant
- 1777 Can you be location-independent and enjoy travelling while making money?
- 1776 Palatal consonant
- 1775 Layout features of English legal documents: English Lease Contract as a model
- 1774 Glottal consonant
- 1773 Motorcycle Safety
- 1771 How to choose a worthwhile charity and get involved
- 1770 Laminal consonant
- 1769 Unicode
- 1768 Dorsal consonant
- 1767 El análisis crítico de traducciones literarias en la formación de traductores
- 1766 Manner of articulation
- 1765 Individual Differences in the Translation Process: Differences in the act of translation between two groups of ESL Japanese students
- 1764 Discourse analysis
- 1763 Some lexical features of English legal language
- 1761 Air Purifying House Plants
- 1762 Apical consonant
- 1760 On Becoming a Translator
- 1759 Morphology
- 1758 Everything’s Comin’ up Roses (with apologies to Stephen Sondheim)
- 1757 Formal grammar
- 1756 Meaning: The Philosopher's Stone of the Alchemist Translator?
- 1755 Stop consonant
- 1754 Corpus-based Study of Differences in Explicitation Between Literature Translations for Children and for Adults
- 1753 Transcription
- 1752 The Influence of the Market on Translating - A Tentative Study of the Market-oriented Translation in China
- 1751 Sub-apical consonant
- 1750 Pinning Down Creativity in Translation: The Case of Literary Texts
- 1749 Moving abroad
- 1748 How To Negotiate Your Salary & Get Paid What You Are Worth
- 1747 The Encyclopedia Britannica 2009
- 1746 Example-based machine translation
- 1745 Allophone
- 1744 Windows
- 1743 How a Men's Dress Shirt Should Fit
- 1742 Time Saving Tips
- 1740 Phonemic orthography
- 1739 A Brief Overview On Idiomatic Translation
- 1738 Modality
- 1737 Semantics
- 1736 Bibliografía comentada sobre Traducción e Interpretación para estudiantes
- 1735 Phonology
- 1734 Übersetzung deutscher Nominalkomposita aus der Fachsprache der Technik und Analyse typischer portugiesischer Entsprechungen
- 1733 Syntax
- 1732 Navigating in a New Era: Translators in the Age of Image and Speech
- 1731 Supply and Demand Analysis of Patent Translation
- 1730 Pragmatics
- 1729 Grammar framework
- 1728 Internal Linking Tactics To Get Top Google Rankings
- 1727 Love Your Work, Love Your Life: Make it Happen as a Freelance Translator
- 1726 Adaptive grammar
- 1725 English grammar
- 1724 Wikipedia about translation memory
- 1723 Giving Up Cable Television
- 1722 Peanuts, Monkeys and Zookeepers
- 1721 10 Resume-Writing Mistakes to Avoid
- 1720 Genetically modified foods
- 1719 Virtual Assistants
- 1718 Wikipedia about dynamic and formal equivalence
- 1717 Sign language
- 1716 A Comparative Study of the Translation of Colloquialism in English Subtitles of the Iranian Film 'The Wind Will Carry Us'
- 1715 Philosophy of language
- 1714 Usage share of desktop operating systems
- 1713 A Comparative Study of the Translation of Persian Contemporary Poetry
- 1712 Glossolalia
- 1711 A Literary-Linguistic Analysis of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness in its Two Persian Translations
- 1710 Text linguistics
- 1709 Pseudo-translation
- 1708 Universal translator
- 1707 Translation studies
- 1706 Multilingualism
- 1705 How to Translate AutoCAD drawings with Unicode Characters using Trados or other CAT tool
- 1704 Translation procedures
- 1703 Translation of Personal Proper Names in the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi
- 1702 Comparison of operating systems
- 1701 A Comparative Study of the Translation of Image Metaphors of Color in the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi
(E?)(L?) http://www.translationdirectory.com/article_index_1601_1700.htm
- 1700 A Study of the Adequacy and Effectiveness of Persian Translations of Drug Leaflets
- 1699 Ways of Testing a Translation & Testing and Evaluation in the Translation Classroom
- 1698 Operating systems
- 1697 Phonological hierarchy
- 1696 Phonetics topics
- 1695 The history of translation
- 1694 Personal computer
- 1693 The separation of Church and State
- 1692 First language
- 1691 If you put God last, you will go nowhere fast
- 1689 Derecho y traductología en la formación del traductor jurídico: una propuesta para el uso de herramientas de formación virtual
- 1688 List of Internet topics
- 1687 Proper Names and Translation
- 1686 Written language
- 1685 Book Review: A Companion to Translation Studies
- 1684 Statistical machine translation
- 1683 Global Internet usage
- 1682 Historical linguistics
- 1681 Internet
- 1680 Syllable weight
- 1679 A Use of Thematic Structure Theory in Translation
- 1678 List of countries by number of Internet users
- 1677 Writing system
- 1676 Translation-quality standards
- 1675 Formal language
- 1674 International Federation of Translators
- 1673 Language
- 1672 Renewable energy
- 1671 Linguistics
- 1670 José Martí y la traducción
- José Martí, Translator (English)
- 1669 Localization and Translation Best Practices: Successfully Marketing Your Brand to a Global Audience
- 1668 Outlining a Translation Requirements Specification
- 1667 Wikipedia about translation
- 1666 Making Machine Translation Easier: Using Language Software to Identify GUI Strings
- 1665 Linux
- 1664 Language Quality-Assurance (QA) Software: Optimizing Your Documentation for a Global Audience
- 1663 Working for Translation Agencies as a Freelancer: A Guide for Novice Translators
- 1662 IP Intelligence: Creating "Globally Local" Online Initiatives
- 1661 Problems of Rendering Linguistic Devices in Rumi's poetry
- 1660 Performatives in Ying Ruocheng's Translation of Teahouse
- 1659 To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade
- 1658 The Explicitation of the Implicit in English-Ukrainian-English Translation
- 1657 Translating Culture-Bound Elements in Subtitling
- 1656 Book Review - A Non-Native User's Perspective of Corpus-Based Dictionaries of English and French
- 1655 Hybrid texts, sources and translation
- 1654 Documentación para la localización de software
- 1653 The Foundation of a Fast, Successful Job Search: Organizing
- 1652 ???, ???! (Certified translations of forged legal documents)
- 1651 International auxiliary language
- 1650 Nordic Languages
- 1649 Controlled natural language
- 1648 Languages in New Guinea
- 1647 Occidental language
- 1646 The Basque Language
- 1645 What Google Thinks Of Your Site?
- 1644 The Hawaiian Language
- 1643 Laptop
- 1642 Dispelling the myths of machine translation
- 1641 Mac OS
- 1640 Can You Translate PMI-Speak?
- 1639 Muslims - Europe's New Jews
- 1638 Steps to Starting Your Own Business
- 1637 Tyndale’s editors: The KJV and the mysterious sound patterns of translation
- 1636 The Relevance of Foregrounding in Translation: Literarily Text in Focus
- 1635 Solar Energy... When will it be affordable to the average homeowner?
- 1634 Chinese menu translation
- 1633 English Translations of the Bible
- 1632 Geothermal Generated Electricity - Is It a Viable Energy Option?
- 1631 The Problems of Third Person Pronoun in Translation
- 1630 Wikipedia about machine translation
- 1629 Computer-assisted translation
- 1628 Wikipedia about freelancing
- 1627 European Union
- 1626 "???" ???
- 1625 List of computer size categories
- 1624 10 ??? ??? ??-? ??? ??? ??? ?
- 1623 Open source hardware
- 1622 Why Sample Translations Break All the Rules
- 1621 Future of English Language (Joke)
- 1620 ¿Es la traducción una ciencia o una tecnología?
- 1619 Tips for SEO, Web Usability and Site Design
- 1618 8 Useful SEO Techniques Every Webmaster Should Know
- 1617 How To Guru-Proof Yourself Against Big Product Launches
- 1616 7 Steps To A Secure Wireless Network
- 1615 Grammar
- 1614 Poland
- 1613 The Cherokee Language
- 1612 Top Ten Facts About Spyware
- 1611 Website Globalization Investment Strategies Should Favor Fewer Countries and Languages; Findings Detailed in New Research by Common Sense Advisory
- 1610 Good Recruitment Policies are the Key to Finding Excellent Project Managers
- 1609 Italian Translation
- 1608 Developing a Localization Kit
- 1607 How New Technologies Improve Translation Pedagogy
- 1606 Linguoc LexTerm: una herramienta de extracción automática de terminología gratuita
- 1605 A to Z of Screenplay Translation
- 1604 Recycling plastic and glass - why it makes a difference
- 1603 5 Major Ways to Save Money on Gas
- 1602 10 Killer Job Interview questions and Answers
- 1601 Doing Business In Turkey
(E?)(L1) http://www.translationdirectory.com/article_index_1501_1600.htm
- 1600 Why Desktop Publishing Matters To You
- 1599 Russian
- 1598 Overcoming The Objections That Keep You From Achieving Massive Success
- 1597 Greenovation Saves You Money Now And Later
- 1596 50 Ways To Conserve Water At Home
- 1595 Fasting
- 1594 Warning To Direct Marketers: Asking These Questions Will Kill Your Conversions
- 1593 The expanded system of the coordinated dictionaries and its using for universal semantic coding and translation of the polysemous source text, Continuation, Appendices: English | Russian
- 1592 Difference Between Marked and Unmarked Translation of English Thematized Sentences Regarding Their Effect on the Audience
- 1591 A Mouthful That Saves The World
- 1590 Chinese Translation of Literary Black Dialect and Translation Strategy Reconsidered: The Case of Alice Walker's The Color Purple
- 1589 Good Translation: Art, Craft, or Science?
- 1588 Übersetzung elliptischer Strukturen aus dem Französischen und Portugiesischen
- 1587 27 Reasons To Invest In People: The Evidence Keeps Mounting
- 1586 Living A Greener Life On A Shoestring Budget
- 1585 Looking at Debt Backward: An Interesting Approach to Financial Freedom
- 1584 Practical Self Employed Tax Tips
- 1583 New Zealand in Translation: Presenting a Country's Image in a Government Website
- 1582 How to Create a Compelling, Branded Elevator Pitch for Your Job Search
- 1581 Review of "The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary" by Robert Alter
- 1580 Networking Made Easy: Tips for a Fast, Successful Job Search
- 1579 Do We Really Need Translation Standards After All?
- 1578 How To Revive A Stalled Job Search With High-Payoff Activities
- 1577 The Complete Fables of Jean de La Fontaine
- 1576 50 Questions to Help You Specify Your Accomplishments in Your CV
- 1575 Ethical Implications of Translation Technologies
- 1574 On the Test Methods and Translation Criteria Used to Assess Iranian Students’ Translations in Translation Courses
- 1573 The Contact between Cultures and the Role of Translation and the Mass Media
- 1571 The Crucial First Step In Resume Writing: Establishing Your Focus
- 1570 Spanglish: To Ser or Not to Be? That is la cuestión!
- 1569 Your 2008 Job Search Checklist
- 1568 Essential Activities in Translator-Interpreter Training
- 1567 How to Incorporate Your Personal Brand In Your Job Search
- 1566 How To Write Your Resume and Market Yourself for an International Assignment
- 1565 Resume Writing Solutions for Your Challenging Career History
- 1564 Tackle A Trilogy And Triple Your Profits
- 1563 The Laws of Sales Success
- 1562 Linguists and Culture Experts at a Crossroad: Limitations in Formulating an Experimental Translation Theory
- 1561 The Long And The Short Of The Short Story
- 1560 An Integrated Approach to the Translation of Special Terms
- 1559 Del discurso al cuerpo: La técnica Alexander en interpretación
- 1558 Proverbs and Translation
- 1557 How To Stand Out At A Trade Show
- 1556 Tips for Gaining in Google
- 1554 Tips for Choosing a Domain Name
- 1553 Social networking for businesses
- 1552 The invasion of the 'Blogger Mums'
- 1550 How to totally screw up your Resume and lose job interviews
- 1549 Writing Articles With Style - Create Quality Articles With CSS
- 1548 Blog Posts that Get Attention
- 1547 The tradition of Translating the Rubaiyat of Khayyam - An Approach to Culture Specific Terms
- 1546 ? ?? ?? ? - Demotic and rare Ukrainian words
- 1545 21 Ways to Improve Your Camping Lifestyle
- 1544 Perché le barzellette russe non fanno ridere gli italiani?
- 1543 A Step By Step Guide to Translation Project Management
- 1542 Compare and contrast two theoretical approaches to translation
- 1541 Translation of Colloquial Expressions in English-into-Persian Subtitled Films
- 1540 New content management system helps Ensim stop seeing double
- 1539 Advice For A New ESL Teacher
- 1538 Forward thinking LSP slays inefficiency beast with best-of-breed connection solution
- 1537 Preparing Projects for Localized Desktop Publishing
- 1536 Translations.com - Alchemy Merger Story
- 1535 RV Travels: How To Stay Healthy On The Road
- 1534 Going Green In Home Renovations
- 1533 Unlimited Bandwith.. is it really? What gives?
- 1532 Honest Paid Survey Review
- 1531 Creating An Effective Newsletter
- 1530 Public Speaking ? Top 10 Tips
- 1529 The Financial Equation That Can Change Your Life
- 1528 Accessing the Hidden Job Market
- 1527 20 Simple Ways To Get Massive Traffic To Your Web Site
- 1526 Career Success - Building Your Personal Success Brand
- 1525 Top 10 Basic Errors Among Quarkxpress Users
- 1524 9 Mind-Blowing Tips To Help You Sell On Ebay
- 1523 Meet CSN's Shaun Daggett
- 1522 Ten things you didn't know about China
- 1521 Making Money With Your 1st Or 50th Website Using Google Adsense
- 1520 Why do l10n projects fail? Common failure scenarios for localization projects
- 1519 Overcome Your Fear Of Switching Web Hosts
- 1518 Utilize translation software to reach a wider audience
- 1517 Financial Freedom? Here's The Only Real Question
- 1516 Globalizing your website. A worldwide view of the world wide web.
- 1515 The Guide to Translation and Localization
- 1514 George Bush’s 18 Year Old Binoculars
- 1513 Mentality and Language
- 1512 List of French words of Arabic origin
- 1511 Doing business in Sweden
- 1510 How to Live Naturally
- 1509 Have your own home business and keep up with your family commitments
- 1508 Why is translation into the mother tongue more successful than into a second language?
- 1507 Cultural Translation
- 1506 ?? ? ?
- 1505 Thou shall have Transparent and Free Translation Management Systems
- 1504 Creating the Ideal Word Processing Environment in Translation Environment Tools
- 1503 Avoid getting lost in translation
- 1502 Blue Lines on Black Ink: A Look at a New Book on Censorship and Translation
- 1501 The evolution of localization tools
(E?)(L1) http://www.translationdirectory.com/article_index_1401_1500.htm
- 1500 WATA - World Arab Translators' Association
- 1499 One project/many languages: A step-by-step guide to a stress free job
- 1498 Doing business in Norway
- 1497 Medical Translation Quality
- 1496 Doing business in Estonia
- 1495 Problems of dynamic equivalence in Translation
- 1494 Doing business in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- 1493 Fear Factor in the Workplace: Would You Rather Eat Bugs Than Do Employee Performance Evaluations?
- 1492 Internationalization tips
- 1491 Doing business in Chile
- 1490 Translation memory 2.0
- 1489 Doing business in Austria
- 1488 The Rise of the Machine! (Machine Translation, that is)
- 1487 Doing business in Belgium
- 1486 Translation Quality Management Model for Multilanguage localization in Outsourcing Environment
- 1485 Doing business in Luxembourg
- 1484 Making Reuse Intelligent: Improving Enterprise Information Quality Management
- 1483 Doing business in Greece
- 1482 Driving Growth through Entrepreneurship within the Organization
- 1481 Stump the Experts
- 1480 Doing business in Philippines
- 1479 Best Practices for Screening Candidates
- 1478 Doing business in Hong Kong
- 1477 Tagalog: the Language of the Phillipines
- 1476 Doing business in the USA
- 1475 Translation Insights from the Inside - Interview with Dr. Mark Ritter, Chief Editor, McElroy Translation
- 1474 Doing business in Portugal
- 1473 Just how literal do you want that translation?
- 1472 Best Practices for Software Internationalization
- 1471 Educating the Customers, Redux: Time
- 1469 Using XML For Localization
- 1468 Getting Started: Deactivating Stagnation in Writing
- 1467 Why English is so hard to learn
- 1466 Translation Memory - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- 1465 Doing Business in Malaysia
- 1464 10 Search Engine Marketing Myths Debunked
- 1463 Doing Business in Turkey
- 1462 "I love you" in various languages
- 1461 Doing Business in Switzerland
- 1460 The Celebration of Linguistic Diversity
- 1459 Doing Business in Australia
- 1458 Beware - American Abroad
- 1457 Voice Changes in Translation - A Comparative Study of Active and Passive Voice in Chinese and English
- 1456 Doing Business in Ireland
- 1455 A Guide to Objective Scrutiny of a Test: Individual Item Analysis & Overall Test Analysis in Practice
- 1454 Doing Business in Germany
- 1453 Debunking a few myths about translating and translators
- 1452 Multilingual Marketing
- 1451 Hire an Agent?
- 1450 Doing Business in Finland
- 1449 Clients to Fire
- 1448 10 Important Things To Tell Your Prospects
- 1447 Tips for Starting a Translators’ Association
- 1446 Doing business in United Kingdom
- 1445 Specialized Corpora for Translators: A Quantitative Method to Determine Representativeness
- 1444 10 Rarely Used Ways To Upgrade Your Ad
- 1443 Transformation of Literary Imagery in Translation
- 1442 Dream of working while travelling
- 1441 Doing Business in Korea
- 1440 10 Reasons Why People Won't Buy A Second Product From You
- 1439 A New Look at an Old Question by an Ancient Project Manager
- 1438 Doing business in Argentina
- 1437 The Proper Care and Feeding of Humans: Human Resources Basics for Translation Companies
- 1436 Does Sending Source Files Make That Much Difference?
- 1434 Preparing for Translation - Part II of Series. The Localization Kit
- 1433 Translation Into French for France
- 1432 Why don’t I get a reply to my job applications?
- 1431 25 Tips For Conducting An Interview
- 1430 Operational Philosophies and Strategies That Work
- 1429 The Myths Of Motivation
- 1428 How To Get Published: Eight Surefire Steps For Writing Success
- 1427 The Linguistic Analysis in a Translation
- 1426 Picking The Ideal Location For Your Home Office
- 1425 Common Errors That Kill Search Engine Ranking
- 1424 Shifting Sands: Process to Product
- 1422 How Eastern Europe fits into the European Translation Market
- 1421 How to Test a Test: Preliminary Procedures & Objective Scrutiny of a Test
- 1420 Mobile office
- 1419 25 + Common Website Design Mistakes To Avoid
- 1418 55 Tips For Postcard Marketing Success
- 1417 Spotlight on Italy
- 1416 What is RTL?
- 1415 The Encyclopedia Britannica 2008
- 1414 Maturity Levels for Localization Suppliers (English) Níveis de maturidade dos fornecedores de localização (Portuguese)
- 1413 Translation procedures, strategies and methods
- 1412 Translating Kinship Terms to Malay
- 1411 Q&A with Carol Webster of Cassell International
- 1410 Czech Culture
- 1409 The Importance of Effective Communication in the Translation Business
- 1408 The Pace of Progress: The Changing Patent Landscape
- 1407 Caveat Translator - Let the Translator Beware
- 1406 Translator and Reporter: A Behind the Scenes Conversation
- 1405 Maltese translation in transition
- 1404 Translations - 6 Mistakes that Cost You Money
- 1403 Glossary Mining - Part 7: Brush Up Your English
- 1402 Spotlight on Canada
- 1401 Glossary Mining - Part 6: Science from A to Z
(E?)(L1) http://www.translationdirectory.com/article_index_1301_1400.htm
- 1400 24 Killer Press Release Secrets
- 1399 Pronouncing The "S", "Z", "T", "D" In English
- 1398 ??? ??? ? / Russian translators are joking
- 1397 Glossary Mining - Part 5: Getting Down to Business
- 1396 Questions And Answers About Paid Surveys
- 1395 Glossary Mining - Part 4: Making It Legal
- 1394 Spotlight on India
- 1393 Prompt Professional 7.0
- 1392 It pays to know where you stay legally when supplying translations
- 1391 Creating a New Language for Nutrition: McDonald's Universal Icons for 109 countries. Part 2.
- 1390 Glossary Mining - Part 3: Digging for Buried Treasure
- 1389 Do's and Don'ts in Software Development Before Localization
- 1388 Glossary Mining - Down Tunnel No. 2
- 1387 Creating a New Language for Nutrition: McDonald's Universal Icons for 109 countries. Part 1.
- 1386 Glossary Mining - Part 1
- 1385 Telephone Interpreting in Health Care Settings: Some Commonly Asked Questions
- 1384 Country Profile - Taiwan
- 1383 Interpreter Certification Programs in the U.S. Where Are We Headed?
- 1382 Country Profile - The Netherlands
- 1381 Food For Thought
- 1380 Doing Business in Singapore
- 1379 Portuguese
- 1378 Translation Kits - Roadmaps for Your Language Services Provider
- 1377 20 Must-Have Tools to Automate an Online Business
- 1376 10 Seldom Used Freebies That Can Increase Your Traffic And Sales
- 1375 Globalization, Internationalization, Localization and Translation: The Processes Manufacturing Professionals Should Apply in Preparation for Foreign Market Entry
- 1374 Fast-tracking Foreign Languages: How to Meet the Linguistic Challenges of Working Abroad
- 1373 The Mathematics of Persuasive Communication
- 1372 Money on Demand: New Revenue Streams for Online Content Publishers
- 1371 Is machine translation a choice?
- 1370 Consolidation continues in language services
- 1369 Polish immigrants’ growing role in British consumer spending
- 1368 A case for case studies
- 1367 German
- 1366 Vendor Selection and Management
- 1365 To be or Not to be Certified - That is the Question
- 1364 At Arm's Length or Close to the Vest? The Optimal Relationship between Clients and Vendors
- 1363 Changing Winds: Product to Process
- 1362 Poetry Translation
- 1361 Localizing Online Help: Robohelp vs. Flare
- 1360 Country Profile - France
- 1359 Controlled language: the next big thing in translation?
- 1358 Doing Business in Brazil
- 1357 Translation Management System: Is Bigger Really Better?
- 1356 Translation Trivia Questions: Translation as an Agent of Social Change in the Past
- 1355 Using Social Media Marketing to Promote Your Specialist Information Website
- 1354 Royalty Free Stock Photography for Web Design
- 1353 How To Protect Your Laptop Against Theft & Loss
- 1352 Overcoming The Objections That Keep You From Achieving Massive Success
- 1351 How To Use Outsourcing To Beat Your Competition
- 1350 How To Use Database Marketing To Skyrocket Your Online Profits
- 1349 7 Ways To Stay Motivated
- 1348 Country Profile: Russia
- 1347 Creating More Sales Through Active Participation
- 1346 Resources in Microsoft .NET (English) Recursos do Microsoft .NET (Portuguese)
- 1345 China
- 1344 A global monolanguage/monoculture?
- 1343 Promote Your Translation Services Through the ODP
- 1342 Doing Business in Indonesia
- 1341 How To Write A Startup Business Plan
- 1340 Formulating Strategies for the Translator
- 1339 The state of web globalization today
- 1338 Website Planning
- 1337 GMS Spotlight. Staying ahead of the curve
- 1336 Six Proven Remedies To Cure The Home Business Blues
- 1334 The Second Gutenberg (Interview with Michael Hart)
- 1333 Stylistic Problems Confronting Arab Students in Arabic-English Translation
- 1331 Translation Evaluation in Educational Setting for Training Purposes: Theories and Application
- 1330 The Association of Language Companies
- 1329 Localisation in The Netherlands: Training and Career Opportunities
- 1328 Global Translation: The Dream of a Translation Tower of Babel
- 1327 Expand your business, 300 million consumers are waiting for your products, services
- 1326 Machine Translation Vs Human Translation
- 1325 Speed Reading Simplified!
- 1324 Teaching Translation of Text Types with MT Error Analysis and Post-MT Editing
- 1323 A New Approach to Translation: The transposition or transcription system of Sub-Saharan African writers
- 1322 Important Features to Consider When Choosing a Web Host
- 1321 Get Organized And Earn More Money
- 1320 The Polysystem Theory
- 1319 Medieval Arabic Translation: Rise and Decline
- 1317 Build Instant Credibility Or You Will Lose The Deal Of A Lifetime
- 1316 Online Business Press Release Writing Tips And Ideas
- 1315 The New ASTM Translation Guide
- 1314 April is Multicultural Communications Month
- 1313 Translators Are Natural Marketers, but They Don’t Know It!
- 1312 A New Look at an Old Question by an Ancient Project Manager: Why Use an Agency?
- 1311 Great Technical Writing: The Two-edged Sword Of Reader Experience
- 1310 ]project-open[ V3.2 Released: Many New Modules & Rated #1 Business Management Application by CommonSenseAdvisory
- 1309 The Art of Website Maintenance
- 1308 9 Sure-Fire Ways To Increase Your E-zine's Readership!
- 1307 10 Secrets to Learning Spanish Like Crazy
- 1306 The Three Must-Have Marketing Pieces
- 1305 Using Graphics To Increase Sales
- 1304 How To Increase Targeted Online Traffic To Your Web Site Leveraging Free Internet Video Streaming Services
- 1303 Ranking of Top 20 Translation Companies for 2006
- 1302 Written and Electronic Resources for Self-Training Translators: An eye-opening for translator trainees in Jordan
- 1301 Doing Business in Sweden and Finland
(E?)(L1) http://www.translationdirectory.com/article_index_1201_1300.htm
- 1300 Linguistic Problems with Translation of Japanese Patents to English
- 1299 Translating on Good Terms
- 1298 Bahasa Anyone?
- 1297 Motivation Equation And Orientation
- 1296 Spotlight On Japan
- 1295 The Function Of Change In Success
- 1294 Spotlight On Mexico
- 1293 Are Your Rates Right? Step-by-step Guide To Setting Your Prices
- 1292 Specialized Monolingual Corpora in Translation
- 1290 The Philosophy and Economics of Translation: Myth and Reality
- 1289 Why do localization Projects Fail?
- 1288 People, People Who Need People
- 1287 Six Phases in Teaching Interpretation
- 1286 The Obstacles That Keep You From Closing The Sale
- 1285 Gambro BCT takes the GMS cure
- 1284 Gender and Language
- 1283 Go Alone or Do a Joint Venture?
- 1282 Doing Business in Poland
- 1281 18 Reasons To Write An E-book And Then Give It Away For FREE
- 1280 How to get management buy-in for web globalization
- 1279 Landing Page Quick Reference Guide
- 1278 Sample CV
- 1277 How to Motivate Yourself and Stay Motivated
- 1276 7 Steps to Great Translations
- 1275 RSS Feed and Blogging Etiquette
- 1274 GILT-Internationalization, a right-brainer approach
- 1273 The Global Content Lifecycle: How integration generates results
- 1272 The Basics of Software Internationalization - Princípios da internacionalização de software (Portuguese)
- 1271 Translation is NOT enough - localization makes the difference
- 1270 Theta Theory in English and French
- 1269 Successfully Mounting Software Operations in China
- 1268 42 Deadly Ad Copy Sins That I've Made
- 1267 Learning how to negotiate with the Chinese
- 1266 Book Review: Thinking German Translation
- 1265 Meeting Students’ Expectations in Undergraduate Translation Programs
- 1264 Consolidation ignited
- 1263 Exploring Translation Corpora with MkAlign
- 1262 Working your workflow
- 1261 Ten Ways to Make Sure You Get a Really Bad Translation
- (for corporate entities outsourcing translations in any language combination)
- 1260 Why ISO Certification (still) matters
- 1259 It could happen to you!
- 1258 A Roadmap to Quality Translations, Part 2
- 1256 A Roadmap to Quality Translations, Part 1
- 1255 20 Ways To Increase Your Traffic And Sales With eBooks
- 1254 Why the Irish Eyes are Still Smiling...
- 1253 Review of Translation Quality Assurance Software
- 1252 What is a "Translator Profile"
- 1251 10 Ways Outsourcing Can Help Grow Your Business
- 1250 Research on Localization Practices
- 1249 10 Upsell Strategies That Will Increase Your Profits
- 1248 Spatial Requirements for an Effective Translation Agency
- 1247 10 Ways To Promote Your Web Site While Doing Non Business Tasks
- 1246 The pros and cons of personnel in the translation business
- 1245 12 High Readership Content Ideas
- 1244 Three Myths About The Translation Business
- 1243 Domesticating the Theorists: A Plea for Plain Language
- 1242 10 Ways To Get New Product Ideas
- 1241 Translation of Proper Names in Non-fiction Texts
- 1240 10 Ways To Get Your Ads Or Messages Noticed
- 1239 Translation And Interpreting Methods And Approaches
- 1238 10 Ways To Increase The Perceived Value Of Your Product
- 1237 The Impact of Translation Memory Tools on the Translation Profession
- 1236 10 Ways To Indirectly Get To The Top Of Search Engines
- 1235 Translators' Attitude to Badly Written Texts: Freedom and Limitations
- 1234 10 Ways To Keep Visitors At Your Site Longer
- 1233 Language Acquisition Process
- 1232 10 Ways To Make Your Ad Command Attention
- 1231 Translating Turgenev’s Prose: Unveiling The Invisible
- 1230 Google's 0.02% Spin Solution
- 1229 The Languages of the Former Yugoslavia
- 1228 Google's Personalized Results
- 1227 How To Make The Translation Process Less Labour Intensive
- 1226 Dreaming of Pay Per Click Sausage
- 1225 Tips to help you start your own all-round translation business
- 1224 Going local in China
- 1223 Team Collaboration
- 1222 Vessels large may venture more, but little boats should keep near the shore
- 1221 Stopping the Word Count Insanity
- 1220 XML and DITA
- 1219 Lexical analysis of the fiction books translated into Persian for children of age group of A&B
- 1218 Deconstructing an Industry Institution
- 1217 Dynamic Equivalence (D.E.) and Idioms Translation
- 1215 Inttranet "Linguist of the Year" Award for 2006 (English) Résultats des "Linguistes de l'année" Inttranet 2006 (Français)
- 1214 A Portrait of the Translator as a Political Activist
- 1213 My Xmas Wish List (English) Meus pedidos de Natal (Portuguese)
- 1212 Creating Your Own Online Radio Station
- 1211 7 Online Marketing Tools for the Smart Webmaster
- 1210 Chinese whispers: challenges of Chinese for localisation
- 1209 From Prospect to Client in Thirty Seconds
- 1208 Four steps to achieving quality in translations and localisation
- 1207 Smart Webmasters are Wasting Online Real Estate
- 1205 Tips & Tricks Per Il Traduttore Freelance: 1a puntata: BABYLON BUILDER - 2a puntata: WINALIGN - 3a puntata: file .xls e .ppt con Trados Workbench e TagEditor
- 1204 “Heads I Win, Tails You Lose”: Logical Fallacies and Ethics in Everyday Language
- 1203 Freelance Translators - How to Easily Beat the "Feast and Famine" Syndrome
- 1202 Maxim of Manner and Metaphoric Address in Translation
- 1201 Dealing with Abbreviations In Translation
(E?)(L1) http://www.translationdirectory.com/article_index_1101_1200.htm
- 1200 The Importance of Adequacy in Translation
- 1199 Translation As an Aid in Teaching English as a Second Language
- 1198 Translation of Vietnamese Terms of Address and Reference
- 1197 When Suppliers Merge: A Survival Guide for Clients
- 1196 Connotation and Cross-cultural Semantics
- 1195 An Emerging Giant in the Global L10n Arena
- 1194 Certification Programs in China
- 1193 Does Language Matter?
- 1192 Educating the Customer
- 1191 10 Tips For Writing A Profit Producing Ad
- 1190 Globalizing Translation. What Hope For The Translator?
- 1189 Are you an apple, orange or a fruit basket?
- 1188 Hosted XML Content Management: Is it right for you?
- 1187 Investing in existing clients pays off
- 1186 Offshoring considerations
- 1185 Incongruity of Company Law Terms
- 1184 Seven Secrets of good translations
- 1183 Interview with Gabe Bokor
- 1182 Translating Abbreviations
- 1181 Adding Value to Translation with DTP Partnership
- 1180 10 Mind Altering Words That Make People Buy
- 1179 Dictionary Review: Hungarian Practical Dictionary
- 1178 10 Order Pulling Ways To End Your Ad Copy
- 1177 Good briefings result in good translations
- 1176 The TM Debate Heats Up, SDL Fires Back
- 1175 Managing company debt - prevention is better than cure
- 1174 10 Magic-Like Ways To Multiply Your Orders
- 1173 Some day my prince will come...shopping
- 1172 Hard work and dedication pays off in United Arab Emirates
- 1171 The Power of... "No"
- 1170 10 Killer Ways To Sell Your Back-End Products
- 1169 A Localization Revolution
- 1168 10 Killer Ways To Make Your Online Testimonials More Believable
- 1166 The Open Global Web Architecture
- 1165 10 Innovative Ways To Use Your Autoresponder
- 1164 Quality Assurance for the Translation Industry: Tips and Tricks
- 1163 10 Hot Ways To Sell Your Products Like Crazy
- 1162 How to use a GILT Job recruiter
- 1161 10 Incredible Ways To Sell Your Products Now
- 1160 Always check the fine print of your professional insurance policy
- 1159 10 Incredible Ways To Keep Your Sales Soaring
- 1158 Collecting Rent in the Tower of Babel
- 1157 10 High-Impact Viral Marketing Strategies
- 1156 Translation standards - who needs them?
- 1155 10 High Powered Ways To Increase Your Traffic
- 1154 Wikipedia vs. Britannica - Interview with Tom Panelas
- 1153 The Encyclopedia Britannica 2007 Opens to the Web
- 1152 Leadership Lessons From Pope John Paul II
- 1151 Building a Localization Kit
- 1150 Same questions - different continent
- 1149 Project Management: Art or Discipline? (English) Gerência de projetos: arte ou disciplina? (Portuguese)
- 1148 10 Major Reasons To Switch To Linux
- 1147 Two Sides of the Sandbox - Getting Stuck and Unstuck on Google
- 1146 A Day in the Life of a GPM (English) Um dia na vida de um GPM (Portuguese)
- 1145 Top 10 Secrets Of Outrageously Successful Business Owners
- 1144 Font Basics for Small Business's Logo and Brand
- 1143 Overcoming Barriers To Home Business Success
- 1142 Finding a Graphic Designer
- 1141 Key To Success: 10 Success Tips For Maximum Achievement
- 1140 Avoiding Common Work At Home Scams
- 1139 Céline’s 10 Tricky Situations Translators Might Find Themselves In and How To Get Out of Them (English) 10 situations pas commodes dans lesquelles une traductrice risque de se retrouver et comment s’en sortir (Français)
- 1138 On-Demand Translation Management Technology
- 1137 How much bang are you getting for your buck?
- 1136 Mainstreaming L10n Purchasing
- 1135 La traduction français-espagnol des titres journalistiques du Monde Diplomatique : un exemple de tension entre adéquation et acceptabilité
- 1134 English Speaking Practice Through Presentations
- 1133 Guerrilla Marketing for Translation Agencies (and freelancers too!)
- 1132 43+ Million New Users Are Waiting For Arabic SEO
- 1131 The Six Sins of the Wikipedia
- 1130 The Looming Crisis of Content
- 1128 Bringing It All Back Home
- 1127 See Your Website Through Your Visitors Eyes
- 1126 Informed Consent for Non-English Speakers: Tips for Translation Success
- 1125 Selling to the Bottom Line
- 1124 ESL Jobs FAQ
- 1123 Back Translating Some Collective Nouns From English into Arabic
- 1121 What Should a Learner's Dictionary Include?
- 1120 Translational Relationship: Equivalence VS Recognizability
- 1119 Translation of Charactonyms from English into Russian
- 1118 Navigating the Linguistic Jungle in the Legal Setting
- 1117 “Con mala escoba mal se barre”: los problemas de la localización de productos informáticos no internacionalizados
- 1116 Reaching Your Audience in a Global Economy
- 1115 Global Language Solutions Offers Tips for Financial Translation Success
- 1114 Réflexions sur la littérature africaine et sa traduction
- 1113 Google's New Patent Translated
- 1112 Neutral Spanish, Spanglish and Medical Translation
- 1111 Open Source Self-Publishing Tools: Designing a Book with LyX
- 1110 De la retraduction de Les Damnés de la terre de Frantz Fanon
- 1109 Introduction to Translation Memory and Machine Translation
- 1108 What the future of localization holds (English) Para onde caminha a localização? (Portuguese)
- 1107 Tips for Translation and Regulatory Compliance in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industries
- 1106 Will technology ever replace human translation services?
- 1105 Interlingual Machine Translation: Prospects and Setbacks
- 1104 Untapped Linking Tactics
- 1103 Los servicios de interpretación a disposición de las mujeres inmigrantes maltratadas
- 1102 When The Divide Is Only A River, Not An Ocean
- 1101 Top 7 SEO Tools
(E?)(L1) http://www.translationdirectory.com/article_index_1001_1100.htm
- 1100 L'Emprunt dans la traduction
- 1099 Translation Problem Areas
- 1098 SEO: Optimisation or Repetition?
- 1097 Le, La, Les: The French Definite Article in Context
- 1096 Use Search Engine Modifiers to Boost Your Rankings
- 1095 Wordfast and Trados
- 1094 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (English)
- Três homens em conflito (Portuguese)
- 1093 25 Ways to Add Quality Content to Your Web Site
- 1092 Switching Off Autopilot: The Power of Choice (English)
- Desligando o piloto automático: o poder da escolha (Portuguese)
- 1091 Why Aren't You Using LinkBait?
- 1089 12 Job Application Tips For Copywriters
- 1087 Le, La, Les: The French Definite Article
- 1085 Building multilingual websites
- 1084 Are Made For Adsense Sites Ruining Search Results?
- 1083 What Google Said When You Weren't Listening
- 1082 Is Translation Teachable?
- 1081 What You are Marketing is Yourself
- 1080 Manual de documentación para la traducción literaria
- 1079 Using Trados's WinAlign Tool to Teach the Translation Equivalence Concept
- 1078 Narrowing the Gap between Theory and Practice of Translation
- 1077 Simple SEO Truths
- 1076 Translation in Context
- 1075 Is Your Web Site Missing These Crucial Conversion Factors?
- 1074 The What, Why and How of Business Blogs
- 1073 Proverbs and Phrases of Biblical Origin
- 1072 Traduire Les Chansons Traditionnelles: Defis Et Ideologies
- 1071 Search Engine Placement using Google Image Search
- 1070 Translating for the German Genealogy Market
- 1069 Bengali - One language, Multiple Variations
- 1068 Camões's Sonnets in English - A Review
- 1067 How 4 Key Elements to Your Web Site Can Multiply Your Profits!
- 1066 The Problematic Areas in Literary Translation
- 1064 Translating Law Texts is Translating Culture (English) - Traduzir matéria de Direito é traduzir cultura (Portuguese)
- 1063 The Plural of French Nouns
- 1062 Globalizing Communication (English) - Globalizando a comunicação (Portuguese)
- 1061 Legal Aspects of Compiling Corpora to be used as Translation Resources
- 1060 Ever-Changing English: A Translator’s Headache (English) - A mudança contínua do inglês: dor de cabeça para o tradutor (Portuguese)
- 1059 Distance and Online Courses for Translators
- 1058 How About Taking a Shortcut? (English) - Que tal pegar um atalho? (Portuguese)
- 1057 Do we say "an historic" or "a historic"?
- 1056 The Ball is Yours, Proofreader! (English) - Vai que é tua, revisor! (Portuguese)
- 1055 Capitalization of French nouns
- 1054 Teaching Translators (English) - Formando tradutores (Portuguese)
- 1053 The Misunderstood Marketing Method
- 1052 Two Legal Systems and the Term Homicide (English) - Dois sistemas jurídicos e o homicídio (Portuguese)
- 1051 Canadian English
- 1050 Laughs and Nightmares in Oilfield Translation (English) - Risos e pesadelos na tradução de termos de petróleo (Portuguese)
- 1049 Choosing The Best Keywords To Drive Traffic To Your Website
- 1048 What Do We Want From Localization Tools? (English) - O que queremos das ferramentas de localização? (Portuguese)
- 1047 Installing and Launching the Heartsome translation suite on Linux
- 1046 Asking Questions in French
- 1045 Optimizing Flash Files For The Search Engines
- 1044 The Tricky Terminology of the Oil and Gas Industry (English) - A capciosa terminologia da indústria petrolífera (Portuguese)
- 1043 Back Translation for Quality Control of Informed Consent Forms
- 1042 The A to Z Guide to Getting Website Traffic
- 1041 Difficulties in Translating Medical Texts (English) - Dificuldades na tradução de textos médicos (Portuguese)
- 1040 Got A Second? - Barely! Grabbing A Website Visitors Attention
- 1039 The Spanish Reality in the United States - A Unique Challenge (English) - La realidad del español en los Estados Unidos: un reto único (Española) - A realidade do espanhol nos Estados Unidos: um desafio único (Portuguese)
- 1038 Made For Adsense Sites & Web Content Pollution
- 1037 Mais alguns falsos cognatos e outras peninhas para atrapalhar
- 1036 Search Engine Optimization Glossary
- 1035 Localization of Content Management System (CMS) Websites (English) - Localização de CMS sites (Portuguese)
- 1034 Adsense Heresy: Revealing The Lies You're Fed Every Day And How You Could Be Eating Caviar Instead
- 1033 Website Localization Tips (English) - Dica site de Internet localização (Portuguese)
- 1032 7 Habits Of Spectacularly Unsuccessful People
- 1031 An Invisible Traitor (English) - Traidor Invisível (Portuguese)
- 1030 Do You Use Your Time Wisely?
- 1029 Chitika - What Went Wrong?
- 1028 Agencies are from Mars, Translators are from Venus II: The Revenge of the Venusians (English) - Agências são de Marte, Tradutores são de Vênus II: a vingança dos venusianos (Portuguese)
- 1027 Babylon, a Software Liberating Language Learners Worldwide
- 1026 Chinese Characters (English) - Caracteres chineses (Portuguese)
- 1025 Working With the Robots.txt File
- 1024 Freelance Translator: The Most Democratic Profession? (English) - Seria a profissão de tradutor autônomo a mais democrática? (Portuguese)
- 1023 Banding Together for Better Business
- 1022 Que and Qui as Relative Pronouns
- 1021 What’s behind what we say... (English) - O que está por trás do que falamos... (Portuguese)
- 1020 Handy-Dandy Guide To Automatically Reading Blogs
- 1019 Some Aspects of French Negation
- 1018 Why Doesn’t the Buyer Respond to Your Email or Phone Call?
- 1017 Your Own Web Based Home Business
- 1016 Just Translate Please: a Message to the Industry
- 1015 The Goods on Google - A Few Facts From Their SEC Filing
- 1014 Translators could help to bridge the divide between the Muslim and Western worlds
- 1013 Integrating the Elements: The Current Integration Process among Translation Tools and Translators
- 1012 Volumizing: Good for Hair, Bad for Content
- 1011 Shall We Dansu? A Westerner reports on learning about the Eastern mindset (English) - Dança comigo? O relatório de um ocidental aprendendo sobre a maneira de pensar do Oriente (Portuguese)
- 1010 What Do Your Business Emails Reveal About You?
- 1009 La lingva defio
- 1008 Using Feeds to Increase Your Site's Content
- 1007 Observi, kompari, elekti
- 1006 Centralization or Decentralization?
- 1005 Language Reference Guide For Mexican Spanish
- 1004 SEO Link Building With Web Content Secrets
- 1003 Language Reference Guide For Macedonian
- 1002 SEO for Traffic with Content vs. Ranking with Links
- 1001 Language Reference Guide For Khmer
- 1000 Are You A Closet FrontPage User?
- 999 Language Reference Guide For Hindi
- 997 Language Reference Guide For Georgian
- 996 Automated translation quality control
- 995 Language Reference Guide For Arabic
- 994 The Seven Characteristics of Incredibly Successful Web Sites
- 993 Intelligence Report: Within Borders: Globalization at Home
- 992 The National Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ethiopia (NATIE)
- 991 Anglo-Saxon and Latinate Words
- 990 Proper Names in Translation of Fiction (on the Material of Translation into English of The History of a Town by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)
- 989 Esperanto taugas kiel jura lingvo
- 988 Organizational Tips For Internet Home Based Business Success
- 987 Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The Myth?
- 986 Esperanto, cu verko de Dio ?
- 985 What The Font? Understanding Typefaces On The Web
- 984 Getting China Straight
- Que país legal! Gostei; vou levar (Portuguese)
- 982 Budget Marketing Can Work
- 981 How to Save Laptop Battery Power When You Really Need it
- 980 Agencies are from Mars, Translators are from Venus (English) - Agências são de Marte, Tradutores são de Vênus (Portuguese)
- 979 Customer Elements within Glocalization
- 978 What if No One Signs Up?
- 977 Evolving Localization and its Brand Extension
- 976 Improve Your Visitors Experience - Add Scripts to Your Website
- 974 How Far Should the European Union Reach?
- 973 Malgusta kompreno pri Esperanto ce iuj lingvistoj
- 972 Write Nonfiction With Passion: Four Steps To Emotionally Charge Your Article (Updated)
- 971 Equivalence in Translation
- 970 How To Build A Google Sitemap
- 969 Does Size Really Matter? A Look at Cross Border Partnerships in Europe
- 968 Home Business - How to Find One That Works
- 967 Language Reference Guide For Zulu
- 966 The Myth Of 101 Ways To Market Your Website
- 965 Interparolo kun Claude Piron, verkisto esperanta
- 964 Web Hosting - Look For A Customer-First Attitude
- 962 Language Reference Guide For Xhosa
- 961 Criterios para las selecciones textuales en la formación de traductores especializados
- 960 If You Want To REALLY Promote Your Site, Here's How...
- 958 Language Reference Guide For Welsh
- 957 Lingva komunikado: kompara esploro farita surterene
- 955 How to Become a Better Writer (from Eagle Productions Creative Writing Course)
- 954 Language Reference Guide For Vietnamese
- 953 What Is Creative Writing? (from Creative Writing Course)
- 951 Language Reference Guide For Urdu
- 950 Esperanto el la vidpunkto de verkisto
- 948 Language Reference Guide For Ukrainian
- 947 Private Label Rights: How to Use and Profit from PLR Articles
- 946 La rajto komuniki
- 945 Accepting Payment Online - 7 Steps to Improve your Customers Buying Experience
- 944 Language Reference Guide For Turkish
- 943 Traduzir com saúde
- 942 Duplicate Content Filters to Destroy Article Marketing? In a Word, No
- 941 Language Reference Guide For Traditional Chinese
- 940 How To Start An Email Newsletter
- 939 La unua devo estas alfronti realisme la situacion
- 938 How to Stop Leaving Money on the Table and Get Paid Your Worth - Every Time!
- 937 Language Reference Guide For Thai
- 936 What's In A Name? When It Comes To Your Business, Plenty!
- 935 La nova tutmonda lingvoordo: neracia kaj masohisma
- 934 Advertising Like Its 1999
- 932 Language Reference Guide For Tagalog
- 931 Inttranews Special Report: Inttranet included on the UNESCO Observatory for the Information Society
- 930 Ranking of Top 20 Translation Companies for 2005
- 929 Language Reference Guide For Swiss Italian
- 928 Printing Glossary And Terminology
- 927 Translation of Italian Recipes: Localization?
- 926 Language Reference Guide For Swiss German
- 925 The Rise And Rise Of Article PR - What Are The Implications?
- 924 Censorship and self-censorship. Political constraints and cultural roots
- 923 Selecting the Best Web Design Language for Your Project
- 922 Language Reference Guide For Swiss French
- 921 Search Engine Optimization: Four Vital Steps for Optimizing Your Website
- 920 A Do-It-Yourself Guide To Publishing Ezines or Online Newsletters
- 919 Language Reference Guide For Swedish
- 918 Fortune 500 - Multilingual websites
- 917 The Hague Program and how it could affect the translating and interpreting profession
- 915 Kontribuajo al la studo pri la influoj de la jida sur Esperanton
- 914 Documentation as Ethics in Postcolonial Translation
- 913 Language Reference Guide For Slovene
- 912 ]project-open[ releases version 3.1 of its open-source based ]project-translation[ software
- 911 Translating Pronouns and Proper Names: Indonesian versus English
- 910 Compiling Corpora for Use as Translation Resources
- 909 Fate: The Inevitable Betrayal in Translating
- 908 Language Reference Guide For Slovak
- 907 7 Easy Steps to Making Your Own Home Business Web Site
- 906 Letero
- 905 Language Reference Guide For Simplified Chinese
- 904 Proofreaders' Marks
- 903 Introduction to SAE J1930: Bridging the Disconnect Between the Engineering, Authoring and Translation Communities
- 902 Amo povas mortigi lingvon
- 901 LISA Best Practice Guide: Managing Global Content
- 900 Language Reference Guide For Serbian
- 899 Subordination and Coordination in English-Arabic Translation
- 898 Esperanto : Kiaj perspektivoj post unu jarcento ?
- 897 Language Reference Guide For Russian
- 896 Seven Offline Viral Marketing Ideas
- 895 How do we define a word that has no commonly understood meaning?
- 894 Research in the language classroom: State of the Art
- 893 Kial mi kredas je Esperanto?
- 892 Translation of Internal Reports & Communications
- 891 Language Reference Guide For Romanian
- 890 How to Set Up Your Hosting in 5 Minutes Flat
- 889 Tips for OpenOffice.org Writer
- 888 Top Dirty Linking Tricks
- 887 Choosing the right computer solution
- 886 To Attract Attention, You have to Show Off
- 885 Language Reference Guide For Punjabi
- 884 Article Writing - Beware of 10 Don'ts
- 883 Why Failing In Your Home Business Is The Key To Your Success
- 882 Press Release from the Language Technology Centre
- 881 The Google Conspiracy Theory
- 880 Teaching The Latin Language In High School
- 879 Purchasing Links for Pagerank
- 878 Learn The Korean Language
- 877 Leverage Your Time & Talent to Help More People & Make More Money
- 876 Immerse Yourself In The Japanese Language
- 875 What is a paid survey?
- 874 Techniques, Tips and Advice for New Writers (from Online Writing Course)
- 873 Five Questions That Help You Make the Most of Your Time
- 872 The official language of the United States and its impact on translations
- 871 What Marketing Can't Do For You
- 870 "Which" or "that": Choosing between them made easy
- 869 Kids Can Learn Spanish
- 868 Should I "boldly go" or "go boldly"?
- 867 Learning Styles And Their Effect On Language Learning
- 866 Business proposals: writing an executive summary
- 865 How To Get Your Kids To Speak Your Language
- 864 What is technical writing?
- 863 How To Find The Meaning Of Words As You Read
- 862 Ten tips for better business writing
- 861 The American Accent: Pronunciation Of The Vowels
- 860 Making Time for Marketing
- 858 Intonation In English: Nouns And Adjectives Are Stressed Differently Than Verbs
- 857 Report writing: reasons to do it well
- 856 Reading & Writing English: Words Ending In "D"
- 855 Ten tips for choosing a good domain name
- 854 The American English Accent: The "Explosive" T And P Sounds
- 853 "Less" or "fewer": Is there still a difference?
- 852 To All Internet Marketers - How To Get My Business
- 851 Study The Italian Language Abroad
- 850 Google and Jagger's Aftermath
- 849 Walk The Dog, Round The World, Or Sleep?
- 848 What Do You Mean I Am A Product?! (Career Marketing 101)
- 847 Intonation In English: Expressions Of Two Words
- 846 Learn English Laughing
- 845 Writing Cover Letters That Sizzle
- 844 Immerse Yourself In The Greek Language And Culture
- 843 The American English Accent : The Voiced And Unvoiced
- 842 How To Start Your Voice Over Career, Part 1
- 841 Inside The Mind Of A Telecommuting Employer!
- 840 How To Hire A Voice Over Talent
- 839 Being visible on a budget
- 838 Words We'd Love to do Without
- 837 Color Theory - Choosing Your Website Colors
- 836 How to Succeed as a Writer
- 835 History Of The World Intellectual Property System According To Me
- 834 7 Secrets To Building Your Online Credibility
- 833 Forms of Business Ownership
- 832 Rejecting Rejection: Twenty Years of Chasing the Writer’s Dream
- 831 Success Tip #84 - Take the Word "Try" Out of Your Vocabulary
- 830 Project Management: Avoid Work Scope Creep!
- 829 How To Think Through Writer's Block
- 828 Speed Read Faster Than Ever - 4 Brilliant Tips
- 827 Secrets to Creating Great Headlines
- 826 Cognitive Orientation In Teaching Writing
- 825 Translator Prerequisites and the A-Z of becoming a Translator
- 824 The Fun Of Learning The Hawaiian Language
- 823 Translation Of Personal Documents - A Window Into Our Strange World
- 822 English Intonation: The Noun And Verb
- 821 Ten Steps to Work-At-Home Success in 2006
- 820 Cognitive Style As A Source Of Systematic Variance In Iranian EFL Learners' Performance On Communicative Language Tests
- 819 Language Reference Guide For Portuguese
- 818 Persuasive writing: the carrot-and-stick strategy
- 817 Inttranet “Linguists of the Year” for 2005
- 816 Learn The French Language
- 815 Hyphens made easy
- 814 Ten Tips To Keep Your Website Unnoticed on the Internet
- 813 Prepare your way to Copywriting Success
- 812 How formal should your business writing be?
- 811 The Trilingual European: a realistic expectation? - English Esperanto Français Italiano Portuguese
- 810 Want To Make Money Online? Market A Service To Businesses
- 809 Writing e-mail that gains the trust and confidence of your readers
- 808 Nine Proven Techniques To Stay Motivated Whilst Building Your Internet Business
- 807 Translation in international organizations
- 806 Four strategies for persuasive writing
- 805 Home Based Business - Organize for Success
- 804 The Effect Of Text Cohesion On Reading Comprehension
- 803 Do you "take" or "make" a decision?
- 802 Learn To Speak The German Language
- 801 The Top 10 Ways To Grow Your Small Business
- 800 Article in "Cafebabel" (Victoria Donovan) - English Français
- 799 Effective titles improve proposals
- 798 Language Reference Guide For Polish
- 797 Successful small-business on the web
- 796 Betting on Esperanto - English Français Nederlands
- 795 Avoid buzzwords in favour of plain English
- 794 Language Reference Guide For Norwegian
- 793 Fonts: choosing wisely
- 792 Learning From Translation Mistakes - English Deutsche
- 791 Are full stops placed inside or outside quotation marks?
- 790 Turn Your Email Sign-Off Into Results: Seven-Step Checklist for Success
- 789 Ten tips for better e-mail
- 788 10 Secrets of Sales-Driven Websites
- 787 What is the Largest Information Ecosystem? - English Thai
- 786 Have You Created an Impossible Business?
- 785 Pour une méthodologie du développement de la terminologie du terrorisme
- 784 Ten tips for writing good sales copy
- 783 Top 10 Ways Websites Makes Me Suffer
- 782 Are double negatives okay? Yes!
- 781 Revenue-Producing Principles for the Web
- 780 Translation Myths
- 779 Website translation as a way to promote your business abroad
- 778 21st Century Business - Hand Your Tasks Over to the Web with Web Services
- 777 These Terrans Are Real Masochists - English Français Española
- 776 Calling All Writers - It's Party Time!
- 775 Seven Principles of Effective Typography
- 774 Capitalizing On The Benefits Of A Foreign Language Translation Firm
- 773 Discover Freelance Writing
- 772 Why is learning Spanish so important?
- 771 Four Useful Lies About Writing
- 770 Work from Home: Real Money Advantages
- 769 How To Write A Great Sales Letter - When You Hate To Write
- 768 "Affect" or "effect": it's harder than you think!
- 767 What Makes A Successful Home Business Entrepreneur?
- 766 Business report writing tips
- 765 Language Reference Guide For Malay
- 764 Secret Business Strategies of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos
- 763 Language Reference Guide For Lithuanian
- 762 Book review: "The Stories of English" by David Crystal
- 761 "Active" and "passive" voices made simple
- 760 Language constraints and human rights
- 759 Abbreviations made easy
- 758 Language Reference Guide For Latvian
- 757 The Contact Between Text, Mind, and One's Own Word in a Translation Workshop
- 756 Linguistic Communication - A Comparative Field Study - English Français
- 755 Training of Interpreters: Some Suggestions on Sight Translation Teaching
- 754 Language Reference Guide For Latin American Spanish
- 753 How to prepare yourself for the challenges as a freelance translator
- 752 CAT Tools and Productivity: Tracking Words and Hours
- 751 La traduction automatique par opposition à la théorie interprétative
- 750 Do you want it all for free?
- 749 Strategies for New Interpreters: Interpreting in the Indonesian Environment
- 748 Learn A Foreign Language Online
- 747 Time: Do You Spend or Invest It?
- 746 How to Build An Empire With Business Cards
- 745 Discovering Translation Equivalents in a Tourism Corpus by Means of Fuzzy Searching
- 744 Web Site Promotion: Writing Articles To Promote Your Website
- 743 The hidden perverse effects of the current system of international communication - English Deutsche
- 742 A Competent Translator And Effective Knowledge Transfer
- 741 Web Site Promotion: Free Web Site Traffic That Produces Leads and Sales
- 740 Picturesque German - German Idioms and Their Origins - German-English Glossary of Idioms
- 739 Translation Accreditation Boards/Institutions in Malaysia
- 738 Home Business Advertising Is Not An Expense
- 737 The Okapi Framework: Q and A with Yves Savourel of ENLASO
- 736 Evolution Is Proof of Life - English Deutsche
- 735 Maxprograms.com - Free Resources for Translators
- 734 Managing The Cost Of Doing Business Online
- 733 Language Reference Guide For Korean
- 732 Apostrophes: a gentle introduction
- 731 How To Create A Promotional Blog
- 730 English As A Second Language
- 729 Language Reference Guide For Kazakh
- 728 Why Paid Online Surveys Are Popular As Work At Home Jobs
- 727 2052. After the Language Revolution: A glimpse from the future - English Deutsche Esperanto Français Nederlands Portuguese
- 726 Help With Starting A Home Business Online
- 725 Profitability Guide for Translators (English) - Rentabilitätsberechnung im Übersetzerberuf (Deutsche)
- 724 Language Reference Guide For Javanese
- 723 Are YOU Right For A Home-Based Business?
- 722 The language of power
- 721 Ten Ways to End Your Advertising Copy
- 720 Five Excellent Reasons To Take Paid Surveys Today
- 719 Language Reference Guide For Japanese
- 718 Home Employment Is The Dream Of Most Americans Today
- 717 Attract Clients With Your Business Card
- 716 You Want To Know How? This Is How...
- 715 Esperanto: european or asiatic language?
- 714 Language Reference Guide For Italian
- 713 Are You Serious About Your Work At Home Business?
- 712 The 7 myths of marketing a service business
- 711 Learning The Arabic Language
- 710 Language Reference Guide For Icelandic
- 709 How To Succeed At Your Home-Based Business... With The Basics!
- 708 The Challenge Of Learning The Chinese Language
- 707 Le jour où le téléphone était tabou - Français Nederlands Russian
- 706 How To Run A Stress-Free Home-Based Business
- 705 What is Language Immersion?
- 704 Language Reference Guide For Hungarian
- 703 The List Is The Thing: List Building For Your Home Business
- 702 Understanding Among Africans - English Français
- 701 7 Tips Prepping For A Language Program Abroad
- 700 7 Ways To Win The Time Crunch
- 699 Language Reference Guide For Hebrew
- 698 Overwhelmed by the Daily Deluge of E-mail?
- 697 Language Reference Guide For Greek
- 696 The Ultimate Motivation
- 695 Translation for the global travel industry: attention to detail pays
- 694 Psychological Reactions to Esperanto - English Española Esperanto
- 693 Language Reference Guide For German
- 692 Do Yourself A Favor...
- 691 Why does an American Use Esperanto? (English) - Kial usonano uzas Esperanton? (Esperanto)
- 690 Not Making Any Progress? Write It Down
- 689 Language Reference Guide For French
- 688 How To Get Free Promotion For Your Website... - (Part 1), (Part 2), (Part 3)
- 687 English as the first foreign language in Swiss schools: realism or crawling? - English Français Italiano Esperanto ???
- 686 OpenOffice.org tips and tricks
- 685 But I Don't Want To Change!
- 684 Language Reference Guide For Flemish
- 683 Q and A with Dmitri Popov
- 682 How To Build Your Home-Based Business Using Autoresponders
- 681 Language Reference Guide For Finnish
- 680 Martin Wunderlich's FOSS links page
- 679 Tips For Starting An Online Business
- 678 Culture et espéranto
- 677 Okapi framework released; Heartsome 6 upcoming
- 676 Do You Really "Know Your Opportunity"?
- 675 Language Reference Guide For Farsi
- 674 OpenOffice.org 2.0 released
- 673 Marketing Research Evolves - Paid Surveys Come Of Age
- 672 6 Essential Steps To Getting Anything You Want
- 671 Language Reference Guide For Estonian
- 670 A New Way Of Thinking For Email Marketers
- 669 Profitability Guide for Interpreters (English)
- Rentabilitätsberechnung im Dolmetscherberuf (Deutsche)
- 668 How To Become The Next Home Business Success Story...
- 667 Options to Choose in Agreement Composition
- 666 Inttranews Special Report: the Deaf Culture
- 665 Esperanto, a Western Language? - English Français Português - Española Italiano ???
- 664 An inexpensive way to market your business
- 663 Language Reference Guide For British English
- 662 10 Proven Ways To Accelerate Your Profits
- 661 Top 7 Finder's Fees Tips
- 660 Get Your "Never-Ending Motivation" Here...
- 659 Where is Myth? Where Reality? - Dansk Français Lietuviškai Româna ??? - Deutsche ??? Nederlandse Slovencina - English Íslenska Polski Suomi - Española Italiano Português Svenska
- 658 Language Reference Guide For Dutch
- 657 Don't Get Too Comfortable, If You Want To Succeed
- 656 Some Comments on Ignorance About Esperanto
- 655 Language Reference Guide For Danish
- 654 Get Over Your Fear Of Losing Money To Succeed At Any Home Business
- 653 Psychological Aspects of the World Language Problem and of Esperanto - English Esperanto Italiano ???
- 652 Esperanto
- 651 Getting To Know Your Target Customer
- 650 Language Reference Guide For Czech
- 649 Why Are You Not Using Free Advice?
- 648 Language Reference Guide For Croatian
- 647 The Smart Way To Choose Domain Name
- 646 Language Reference Guide For Chilean Spanish
- 645 You Can Start Your Home-Based Business Now
- 644 How To Choose Your Website Colors
- 643 Language Reference Guide For Catalan
- 642 Steps in Translating Poetry
- 641 Language Reference Guide For Canadian French
- 640 Problems in Translating Poetry
- 639 Language Reference Guide For Spanish
- 638 Methods in Translating Poetry
- 637 Language Reference Guide For Bulgarian
- 636 Betreiben eines Mahnverfahrens
- 635 Language Reference Guide For Brazilian Portuguese
- 634 The Implication of Culture on Translation Theory and Practice
- 633 Alleviate Your Internet Marketing Stress
- 631 Exposing The Myth Of The Free Home Business
- 630 My Golden Rules For Quality Assurance In Translation
- 629 Begin in English to End in Arabic - (Part 1), (Part 2), (Part 3), (Part 4)
- 628 An Interpreter’s Perspective
- 627 e-Dictionaries
- 626 Language Reference Guide For Bosnian
- 625 Is thinking global killing local?
- 624 Language Reference Guide For Belgian French
- 623 Getting The Client Localization Brief Right
- 622 Language Reference Guide For Austrian German
- 621 Common Mistakes When Planning Website / Application Globalisation
- 620 Language Reference Guide For Argentinian Spanish
- 619 Patterns of Thinking Across Languages
- 618 Language Reference Guide For American English
- 617 Developing the Relationship between Translators and Localization Companies
- 616 Language Reference Guide For Albanian
- 615 Who is responsible for a translation?
- 614 Language Reference Guide For Afrikaans
- 613 Linguistics and translation (English) - Linguistique et traduction (Français)
- 612 Globalization Market Overview
- 611 "I'm outta here" & "Office life" (English) - "La grande vadrouille" & "La vie au bureau" (Français)
- 610 Glossary of Localization Terms
- 609 Ci-joint (English) - Ci-joint (Français)
- 608 Translation services: Insider secrets for making an informed purchase
- 607 The gender of proper nouns (English) - Le genre des noms propres (Français)
- 606 Getting Started with Trados FL in Two Minutes
- 605 Focus on ForeignDesk: Q and A with Dierk Seeburg of Choice Hotels International
- 604 Fun with OpenOffice.org: OO Extras; NewsForge article on invoicing with Calc
- 603 The Ailments of Global Translating - (Part 1), (Part 2)
- 602 Why I don't like bidding systems
- 601 Are You Talkin' to Me?
- 600 How to calculate your per word rate (English) - Wie berechne ich meinen Preis? (Deutsche)
- 599 Hints for Translators (English) - Tipps für Übersetzer (Deutsche)
- 598 No Time for "Pretty" Ezines
- 597 First translation with Wordfast
- 596 Why You Should Write Ezine Articles
- 595 Wordfast Installation
- 594 Don't Forget to Write
- 593 What are CATs?
- 592 Success: Do it NOW!
- 591 A few words on translations
- 590 Do You Have a Wealthy Attitude?
- 589 CAT - Beware of the beast!
- 588 Online Surveys: How to Get Paid for Your Opinion
- 587 OmegaT, a review
- 586 How to REALLY Profit with Google Adsense
- 585 Real Estate is Booming and YOU are the prime Property
- 584 Broke, Desperate and at the End of Your Tether?
- 583 A translator’s CV - a translator’s best friend (Part 2)
- 582 A translator’s CV - a translator’s best friend (Part 1)
- 581 J2450 Translation Quality Metric
- 580 What's Your Business Model?
- 579 Legal and Ethical Implications of Translation
- 578 Polishing Your Translation Style - Part 3
- 577 Polishing Your Translation Style - Part 2
- 576 Aesthetics & Translation
- 575 How to become a successful freelance translator
- 574 Press Release - "documens is back!" (English) - Communiqué de presse - "documens est de retour!" (Français)
- 573 New Workshops for Translation and Localization Companies Offered from Common Sense Advisory
- 572 La traduzione giuridica e il «Legal English» tra Common law e Civil Law
- 571 La interpretación de congresos de medicina: formación y profesión
- 570 Design and Development of Translator's Workbench for English to Indian Languages
- 569 Q and A with Tim Foster of Sun Microsystems
- 568 Revelations of a Case Style in a Vehicular Accident Lawsuit
- 566 The Process of Translation & Translator Training Courses
- 565 Fun with OpenOffice.org: tips to optimize your office experience
- 564 The Importance of Project Management for Translation Agency
- 563 Translation & Rainfall
- 562 Globalisation Management Systems Discussion
- 561 thebigword IT Security
- 560 Multilanguage Electronic Labelling for Medical Device Companies
- 559 Bad Translation Can Seriously Damage Your Health
- 558 We Now Have Concrete Proof: Software Quality Issues Drive International Sales
- 557 Translation Memory Sharing
- 556 As - Sayyab : A Censored Poet & Translator
- 555 Seven Ways to Leave Your Translation Vendor
- 554 Polishing Your Translation Style - Part 1
- 553 What is Translation Memory?
- 552 Übersetzen als Neuschreiben: die Macht des Übersetzers
- 551 A Day in the Life of a Translator
- 550 RLN London “Supporting Internationalisation”
- 549 LTC Communicator and the EU funded EUCAM project
- 548 LTC Communicator for multilingual destination management in the tourist industry
- 547 New: LTC Organiser Version 5.0 (English) - Nouveau : LTC Organiser version 5.0 (Français) - Neu: LTC Organiser Version 5.0 (Deutsche)
- 546 Translation and Censorship in European Environments
- 545 Using a Specialized Corpus to Improve Translation Quality
- 544 Guaraní Dictionary
- 543 Parallelism between Language Learning and Translating
- 542 Intellectual Property and Copyright: The case of translators
- 541 The Ambient eLearning EU Project (English) - Le projet européen Ambient eLearning (e-Learning ambiant) (Français) - Das EU-Projekt Ambient eLearning (Deutsche)
- 540 New: LTC Organiser™ interface for use with QuickBooks® Pro Edition 2004 & QuickBooks® Enterprise Solutions 2004 USA & UK (English) - L’interface de LTC Organiser pour utilisation avec QuickBooks® Pro Edition 2004 & QuickBooks® Enterprise Solutions 2004 en versions américaine et anglaise (Français) - Neu: Schnittstelle des LTC Organiser für die Benutzung von QuickBooks® Pro Edition 2004 & QuickBooks® Enterprise Solutions 2004 USA & UK (Deutsche)
- 539 LTC wins joint European translation contracts (English) - LTC remporte des contrats en commun de traduction en Maltais aupres du CTOU (Français) - LTC Erhält Europäischen Vertrag Für Übersetzungen Mit Malta (Deutsche)
- 538 On Teaching Forms of Address in Translation
- 537 Emotional and Psychological Effects on Interpreters in Public Services - A Critical Factor to Bear in Mind
- 536 On Censorship: A Conversation with Ilan Stavans
- 535 Misreading and Mistranslation
- 534 LTC Wins European subsidy for Multilingual eLearning (English) - LTC remporte une subvention pour du eLearning multilingue (Français) - LTC gewinnt Fördermittel der EU für mehrsprachiges eLearning (Deutsche)
- 533 New: LTC Organiser V4.70 (English) - Nouveau: LTC Organiser V4.70 (Français) - Neu: LTC Organiser V4.70 (Deutsche)
- 532 The Language Technology Centre releases a Web based ASP version of LTC Organiser (English) - Le Language Technology Centre lance une version ASP basée sur Internet de LTC Organiser (Français) - LTC Organiser jetzt auch als webbasierte ASP-Version (Deutsche)
- 531 LTC wins European Commission Translation contracts (English) - LTC remporte des contrats auprès de la Commission européenne (Français) - Neue Verträge mit der Europäischen Kommission (Deutsche)
- 530 LTC Organiser Freelance v4.52 Released (English) - Lancement de LTC Organiser Freelance v4.52 (Français) - LTC Organiser Freelance v4.52 auf dem Markt (Deutsche)
- 529 Ycomm Europe receives award from Ricoh ELC
- 528 Gender and Translation
- 527 Japanese and Korean: testing the links
- 526 Terminology: Getting Down to Business
- 525 Inttranews Special Report: The end of the written word
- 524 Inttranews Special Report: Quality in translation
- 523 Ranking of Top 20 Translation Companies
- 522 World Arab Translators' Association (WATA)
- 521 How valuable time can be to a freelance translator and how to organise your workday and life - La importancia del tiempo para un traductor independiente
- 520 Building your own computer from parts
- 519 GnuCash: open source financial software
- 518 Freeware, free software and the open source paradigm
- 517 NeoOffice: OpenOffice.org for Mac OS X
- 516 Fun with OpenOffice.org: Exporting PDFs, Exporting Flash presentations, Customizing your keyboard
- 515 The US$498.00 Linux laptop
- 514 A new look of OmegaT
- 513 Trying Out Linux
- 512 OmegaT's latest release reviewed
- 511 Running Wordfast on CrossOver Office
- 510 Featured application: OpenOffice.org
- 509 Wikipedia: Localization in a Free Content Community
- 508 May Flowers: OSCAR Releases a New Crop of Standards
- 507 Sun Microsystems releases Open Language Tools
- 506 The Other Shoe Just Dropped: Lionbridge Acquires Bowne Global
- 505 SDL/TRADOS Reactions Mostly Positive
- 504 Lionbridge & Bowne: Waiting For the Other Shoe To Drop
- 503 Web Globalization Tips for Translation Agencies
- 502 SDL to acquire TRADOS
- 501 Will Google Wallet Force PayPal to Accelerate Global Expansion?
- 500 The EU Adds Gaelic; Translation Costs Grow
- 499 China: A $1.3bn Translation Market?
- 498 "Transcreation" Gaining Momentum
- 496 Maturing Internet Markets Warrant Increased Web Globalization
- 495 English is THE Second Language
- 494 Inttranews Special Report: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union
- 493 Sense Transferring Through Poetry Translation
- 492 Designing for a Non-English Audience
- 491 How to Leverage the Maximum Potential of XML for Localization
- 490 Knowing Before Learning: Ten Concepts Students Should Understand Prior to Enrolling in a University Translation or Interpretation Class
- 489 Looking for answers within: an introspective look at professionalism of translators and interpreters
- 488 Translation and Interpretation Work for the LNG Tangguh Project in Papua, Indonesia
- 487 Demystifying Software Globalization
- 486 Translation Problems in Modern Russian Society
- 485 ¿Qué traducción? Los métodos de traducción en el análisis contemporáneo
- 484 Fonetica impressiva e traduzione
- 483 Ideological Manipulation in Translation in a Chinese Context: Su Manshu's Translation of Les Misérables
- 482 Foreignization / Domestication and Yihua / Guihua: A Contrastive Study
- 481 Creating your business information material - your own brochure
- 480 Why Are Most Translators Underpaid?
- 479 On Dictionaries: A Conversation with Ilan Stavans
- 478 Language Learning in Translation Classrooms
- 477 The Power of Film Translation
- 476 Research on Dictionary Use by Trainee Translators
- 475 On Idioms, Intertextuality, Puddings, and Quantum Physics
- 474 Vereniging Zelfstandige Vertalers (VZV)
- 473 Online dictionary resources for patent, technical and medical translation from Japanese, German and French to English. - Part 2 - Useful Websites for Translation of Patents from German and French
- 472 The EN-15038 European Quality Standard for Translation Services: What’s Behind It?
- 471 Because Knowing Is Not Preferring
- 470 Branding Is a Lot Like... Translation
- 469 Eliminating Barriers to Web Globalization
- 468 GILT: Observations from a Technical Communicator’s Perspective
- 467 Is a Person’s Name Really Important?
- 466 The “Good Ol’ Days” Are Gone
- 465 The Terms of Business: Saving Money Through Terminology Management
- 464 Gentium: Providing Type to the World
- 463 Discovering the Joys of Internationalization in Australia
- 462 Risky Business: Risk Management for Localization Project Managers
- 461 Why Are Project Managers a Dime a Dozen?
- 460 Why Arabic Is the Most Difficult Language for Localization
- 459 The Digital Divide - Why Localization Matters More Than We Know
- 458 Using XML technology to reduce the cost of authoring and translation
- 457 An Update on the EU’s In-Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Directive
- 456 Musings of a Japanese Translator in New York
- 455 APROTRAD - Association Professionnelle Des Métiers De La Traductionx
- 454 Machine Translation (MT) - the 80% Solution?
- 453 Translation Technology for Sale: Buyer Beware!
- 452 Enterprise-wide Content Convergence
- 451 Globalization of Voice Applications: It’s Only the Beginning!
- 450 eContent Localization Resources for Translator Training - eCoLoRe
- 449 What Localization Models Can Learn From Translation Theory
- 448 With a Clear Vision and His Feet on the Ground
- 447 What Planet Are They On?
- 446 Project Management, ROI and Efficiency
- 445 Return on Investment in Multilingual Websites from a Marketing Perspective
- 444 Global to the Core (Why IBM Can't Tell You How Much Money It Spends on Globalization)
- 443 That Dirty Little Four-Letter Word
- 442 Amikai: Best-Of-Breed MT Engine
- 441 Middle Earth Poses Challenges to Japanese Subtitling
- 440 Translation Technology Failures and Future
- 439 Towards A More Equitable Pricing Structure: A Translator's Perspective
- 438 Making Simultaneous Shipment ("Sim Ship") Work
- 437 From Tea Leaves to Coffee Grounds
- 436 Minority Report on Localization 2003
- 435 Europe's Language Industry in 2003
- 434 Localization Solved?
- 433 Coping with Babel: How to Localize XML
- 432 Why Esperanto and Syriac?
- 431 Dealing With Those Darn PDFs
- 430 Controlling What Programs Windows Runs Automatically
- 429 To Align Or Not To Align
- 428 Keeping Track of Date and Time with Excel and Other Ways to Clock Your Work
- 427 Writing and Translation
- 426 Localization2: Selling the 21st Century Across the Digital Divide
- 425 Quality Assurance - The Client Perspective
- 424 Time-to-Market: It’s Standards or Die!
- 423 Your website: Your virtual business card
- 422 Subtitling: Changing Standards for New Media?
- 421 Teaching Computers: Building Multilingual Linguistic Resources With Volunteer Contributions Over the Web
- 420 Dealing with clients not paying your invoice
- 419 Bilingualism
- 417 Making the Pieces Fit: Using Translation Technology at Sun Microsystem
- 416 La notion de "barrister" en droit anglais
- 415 Inttranews Special Report: Birds, brains and learning
- 414 Translation Theory
- 413 9 Tips For Increasing Translation Quality While Decreasing Translation Cost
- 412 Getting Started As A Freelance Translator
- 411 The history of machine translation in a nutshell
- 410 The development and use of machine translation systems and computer-based translation tools
- 409 Translation Technology and the Translator
- 408 Retrospect and prospect in computer-based translation
- 407 Association of Hungarian Translation Companies (MFE)
- 406 The Globalization and Localization Association (GALA)
- 405 Inttranews Special Report: Andrew Wedel, assistant professor of linguistics, University of Arizona
- 404 Machine translation and human translation: in competition or in complementation?
- 403 Les locutions verbales employées en phase de négociations
- 402 Towards a new vision for MT (Machine translation)
- 401 Machine translation today and tomorrow
- 400 "Show Me That Letter" - Unicode Support Keeps Getting Better
- 399 Unicode - Where Are We?
- 398 Why CMSs "Bug" Me
- 397 Winning the War of Words (Part 2)
- 396 Winning the War of Words
- 395 Web Services for Translation
- 394 Interpreting interpreting!
- 393 The language of business - how fluent are you?
- 392 "Mind your language… or pay the price in Rubels!"
- 391 "Waiter! There’s an insect of the order Diptera in my soup!"
- 390 Teaching Computer Aided Translation Tools at Auckland University
- 389 CAT tools: A brief overview about concordance software
- 388 Getting More from Translation Memory
- 387 Mission Impossible: Improve Quality, Time and Speed At the Same Time
- 386 Globalization: People, Process and Technology
- 385 OSCAR: Visioning the Future of Standards
- 384 TMX: Maximizing the Return on your Translation Memory Investments
- 383 Is Gutenberg Guilty? A South American Adventure Through the Word Counting Standardization Jungle
- 382 GILT Metrics - Slaying the Word Count Dragon
- 381 Globalization Is Here! The Year of Content
- 380 Open for Business
- 379 A Passage to Localization Down Under
- 378 The GILT Industry and the Cultural Gap
- 377 "So, Just Whose Pocket Is It, Anyway?"
- 376 From the Top (Let's Embrace Diversity)
- 375 Achieving Cultural Competence: An Organizational Assessment
- 374 Is Localization a Mouse or a Rat?
- 373 Spotlight: Hanspeter Siegrist
- 372 Follow the Money to Latin America
- 371 The Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA)
- 370 The New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI)
- 369 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Word for Translators
- 368 Inttranews Special Report: Betty Cohen, President of the International Federation of Translators (English) - Inttranews Dossier spécial: Betty Cohen, Presidente de la Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (Français)
- 367 Inttranews Special Report: Katie Slocombe (English) - Inttranews Dossier spécial: Katie Slocombe (Français)
- 366 Translation And Interpreting: Volunteer Work And Social Commitment
- 365 El reto de formar intérpretes en el siglo XXI
- 364 The "Solicitor" - A judicial auxiliary function in the English legal system
- 363 La evaluación en los estudios de traducción
- 362 Translation Problems Amongst Arab Translators
- 361 Translations - What to do when a word doesn't exist
- 360 Quelques particularités d’accord du mot 'tout'
- 359 An Open Letter on Glossaries
- 358 Machine Translation and Language: Conflicting Technologies?
- 357 Manual de documentación y terminología para la traducción especializada
- 356 Where Do Translators Fit into Machine Translation?
- 355 Limitations of Computers as Translation Tools
- 354 Suggested Minimal Requirements for the Advanced Study of Linguistics
- 353 Fishing for the Right Word
- 352 Writing About Writing
- 351 "Fronting for Franco"
- 350 "1992" versus "Loisaida" (a Linguistic Tour of the Lower East Side)
- 349 QWERTYUIOP or Our Typewriter Territory
- 346 Some Images and Analogies about Translation
- 345 The Language Contest
- 344 The Challenge of Translating Chinese Medicine
- 343 The History of Translation History
- 342 1536—1546: Ten Years that Changed The Perception of the Translator
- 341 Translators and Interpreters: The Binding Force of World Civilization
- 340 Hermes - God of Translators and Interpreters
- 339 "FIST" - First International Strike of Translators. Only A Fantasy?
- 338 And What About the ATA (American Translators Association)?
- 337 How Well Does Computer Translation Work? Find Out for Yourself
- 336 La notion d’Act of God en droit anglais
- 335 Panorama de la mediación intercultural y la traducción/interpretación en los servicios públicos en España
- 334 Inttranews Special Report: Babels (English) - Articles de Fond Inttranews: Babels (Français)
- 333 Some Major Dates and Events in the History of Translation
- 332 New Terminologies: Peaceful Immigrants or Invading Hordes?
- 331 Two German Books About Machine Translation
- 330 Interprete professionista o professionista interprete?
- 329 Grammatical Conversion in English: Some new trends in lexical evolution
- 328 Working from audio recordings
- 327 The Translator's Practice:
- An Interview With Brett Jocelyn Epstein
- 326 Subtitling and Dubbing: Restrictions and Priorities
- 325 Time Pressure and Dictionary Availability
- 324 Mediation as translation or translation as mediation? Widening the translator's role in a new multicultural society
- 323 Remarques comparatives sur le droit anglais et français
- 322 Inttranews Special Report: Cihat Salman (English) - Articles de Fond Inttranews: Cihat Salman (Français)
- 321 What Makes a Translator?
- 320 Can't You See I'm Working?
- 319 Don't Lose Your Foreign Web Site Visitors by Insulting Them With Brain-Dead Translation Services
- 317 Inttranews Special Report: Ukraine (English) - Dossier spécial Inttranews: Ukraine (Français)
- 316 Inttranews Special Report: Translators Without Borders (English) - Dossier spécial Inttranews: Traducteurs Sans Frontières (Français)
- 315 Inttranews Special Report: Fred Burks (English) - Articles de Fond Inttranews: Fred Burks (Français)
- 314 Ecueils De La Traduction Au Cinema : Les Sous-Titres Et Le Role Du Traducteur-Adaptateur
- 313 La Memoire de Traduction : Un Outil de Traduction Assistée Par Ordinateur
- 312 These Embarrassing, Costly, Terrible Typos
- 311 Choosing a Good Spanish English Translation Dictionary
- 310 Ten Tips for Working at Home
- 309 Interpreters in London
- 308 Culture and Website Localization
- 307 Translation Misconceptions
- 306 Results of Poor Cross Cultural Awareness
- 305 Be Careful That You Don't Become A Slave To Your Home Business
- 304 Lost in Translation? How to get your marketing message to an international audience
- 303 Les expressions idiomatiques portant sur la communication et la compréhension
- 302 "Ought to" and "Should"
- 301 Literary Translation: Recent Theoretical Developments
(E?)(L1) http://www.translationdirectory.com/article_index_201_300.htm
- 300 Le contenu des décisions de justice en droit anglais
- 299 Les auxiliaires de justice (Hilfsorgane der Rechtspflege) en Allemagne
- 298 Judiciary decisions in the UK - Their contents
- 297 The concept of equity in British law
- 296 L'essentiel sur l'application de la loi du 4 août 1994 relative à l'emploi de la langue française
- 295 Liste des termes, expressions et définitions adoptés et publiés au Journal officiel de la République française
- 294 Preterit et present perfect
- 293 Anglais britannique…ou américain ?
- 292 Le nombre du verbe placé après « either… or… » ou « neither… or… »
- 291 Quelques règles de correspondance commerciale anglaise
- 290 Le présent et le présent progressif en anglais
- 289 STYLE: simplicité fait loi - Simplicity rules
- 288 Lexicon and Terminology: Of Mesopotamia, cattle and interest (en anglais)
- 287 Grammaire: du bon usage de "Who", "Whom", "Whoever", "Whomever"
- 286 Gender in French
- 285 Traduction automatique
- 284 Le subjonctif en anglais
- 283 Un peu d'éthymologie financière
- 282 Du bon usage de l'apostrophe en Anglais
- 281 Comment commencer une correspondance commerciale destinée à un interlocuteur anglo-saxon
- 280 Organization judiciare allemande
- 279 He / She / It
- 278 HAND et SEAL
- 277 Droit français/droit allemand: termes identiques, réalité juridique différente
- 276 Différences terminologiques
- 275 Courts
- 274 La clause de renonciation à condition ou « waiver »
- 273 British vs. American English
- 272 Contractant indépendant ou entrepreneur indépendant?
- 271 Trade Secret, Know-How, Confidential and Proprietary Information
- 269 Double Negatives
- 268 Le commissaire aux comptes français & allemand
- 267 British vs. American English (continued)
- 266 Jour ouvrable ou jour ouvré?
- 265 L'assemblée des actionnaires de la société anonyme en droit français et allemand
- 264 Not and its position in the sentence
- 263 A propos de l’expression "without duplication"
- 262 Word Division
- 261 Split Infinitives
- 260 Trois problèmes de traduction juridique en allemand
- 259 The Conditional Tense
- 258 Machine Translation
- 257 Un Caméléon: "From Time to Time"
- 256 L’expertise de gestion dans la société anonyme
- 255 Common mistakes in using one word for another when they are similar in spelling but different in meaning
- 254 La responsabilité précontractuelle en droit français et allemand
- 253 Confusion between To Lay and To Lie
- 252 Comment savoir s'il faut utiliser "shall" ou "will"?
- 251 L'acte juridique en droit allemand
- 250 Les auxiliaires de modalité
- 249 Les troubles dans l’exécution du contrat
- 248 Les troubles dans l’exécution du contrat (suite)
- 247 Zen and the art of multilingual financial reporting (an open letter to international finance and accounting managers)
- 246 How to use the verb "may"
- 245 How to use "might"
- 244 Les principaux cas de responsabilité pour faute présumée en droit allemand
- 243 Réforme du droit des obligations en Allemagne : restructuration des dispositions concernant la prescription et incidences de la réforme sur le contrat de vente
- 242 Les auxiliaires de justice (Hilfsorgane der Rechtspflege) en Allemagne
- 241 Remarques terminologiques sur le droit du travail allemand : droit du travail régissant les relations individuelles (Individualarbeitsrecht)
- 240 Remarques générales sur le système de la « common law »
- 239 Faux-amis dans la langue de Shakespeare
- 238 L’importance de la technique du précédent (principle of stare decisis) en droit anglais
- 237 O Brazil de Paule Marshall e o nosso Brazil: um olhar intermediado pela tradução
- 236 Search engine features and search techniques
- 235 Online dictionary resources for patent, technical and medical translation from Japanese, German and French to English. Part 1 - The Japan Patent Office Website.
- 234 Can you hire me now? A Dozen “Don’ts and Do’s” to apply for and bid on jobs
- 233 Ideology and Translation
- 232 Réflexions sur la traduction des formes de sociétés
- 231 Translation of Poetry: Sa`di’s Oneness of Mankind Revisited
- 230 Internet and Cultural Concepts from a Translation Perspective
- 229 Computer Collocations and Computer Metaphors
- 228 German Children's and Teenagers' Slang
- 227 The Viewer as the Focus of Subtitling Towards a Viewer-oriented Approach
- 226 Lab Report on a Marketing Campaign for Freelance Translation Services
- 225 For the Benefit & Helpe of Ladies and Gentlewomen: A Translator’s Historical Review of Dictionaries and Their Eccentricities
- 224 Top?nimos y gentilicios en espa?ol de los estados de Estados Unidos y de sus capitales
- 223 Some Advice on Preparing for Simultaneous Interpretation of Current Political Themes
- 222 The Moving Text
- 221 Frame-based interpretation of readers’ reception of the parallel translations of Ady Endre, On Elijah’s Chariot (Az Illés szekerén)
- 220 Writers Working As Translators
- 219 Major mistakes when responding to job offers
- 216 Man(n) spricht Deutsch - Frau auch!
- 215 Modekrankheit Superlativitis
- 214 Keine Angst vor neuen Wörtern!
- 213 Der Turmbau zu Babel lässt grüßen
- 212 Zur Rolle der deutschen Sprache - Zweiter Teil: Die deutsche Sprache als Fremdsprache
- 211 Zur Rolle der deutschen Sprache - Erster Teil: Die deutsche Sprache in Europa
- 210 "Du" oder "Sie"?
- 209 "Unwörter" der deutschen Sprache
- 208 Kinderleichte Wortbildung des Adjektivs
- 207 Political Correctness in der deutschen Sprache
- 206 Amerikanismen / Anglizismen
- 205 Amerikanismen / Anglizismen - Teil 1: Wortschatz
- 203 Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in der Sprache
- 202 Täglich und vierzehntägig
- 201 "Downloaden" jetzt laut Duden erlaubt
- 200 Deutsch ist nicht gleich Deutsch
- 199 In bestmöglicher Ausführung
- 198 Wir sind / Wir haben geschwommen
- 197 Das Datum
- 196 Ab-an-auf-infolge-wegen: die Präpositionen
- 195 Männer und Leute
- 194 Was ist eigentlich ein Antonym?
- 193 Herrn Architekt Müllers Verlobung
- 192 Feste Redewendungen im Deutschen
- 191 Wer sagt da "Kommatas"?
- 190 Zum Markt / ins Theater / nach Hause
- 189 Sein einzigster Fehler
- 188 Der Ärztekongreß und das Hühnerei
- 187 Leicht verwechselbare Wörter der deutschen Sprache - Teil 2 (L-Z)
- 186 Leicht verwechselbare Wörter der deutschen Sprache - Teil 1 (A-K)
- 185 Weil das ist nämlich so…
- 184 Mahlen oder Malen?
- 183 Die neuen deutschen Wörter
- 182 Anglizismen in der deutschen Geschäftssprache
- 181 Eine Sprache - Drei Varianten
- 180 Besuch aus dem Nachbarland
- 178 In der Kürze liegt die Würze
- 177 Kurz und präzise
- 176 "daß" oder "dass"
- 175 Achtung vor der Umgangssprache
- 174 Lebensläufe in deutscher Sprache
- 173 Numbers
- 172 To ING or not to ING, that is the question!
- 171 Why is English the international lingua franca?
- 170 On Netiquette, e-mails, etc. (Part 2 of 2)
- 169 On Netiquette, e-mails, etc. (Part 1 of 2)
- 168 Words that are often confused (a lesson)
- 167 Currency Units
- 166 A comfortable workplace (Part II)
- 165 A comfortable worplace and a bit of Feng Shui! (Part I)
- 164 On Capitalisation
- 163 It is that time of the year again… for the Annual Report
- 162 Politically Correct (PC)
- 161 Slipping into a comma! Again???
- 160 Better vocabulary
- 159 The apostrophe (2)
- 158 The apostrophe (1)
- 157 It's party time
- 156 Répondez s'il vous plaît
- 155 Double trouble
- 154 You say eeither, and I say eiither
- 153 What's in a Name?
- 152 '-ic' and '-al'
- 151 Hyphenation - some helpful hints
- 150 Abbreviations in English
- 149 How to write a good covering letter in English
- 148 How to write a good CV in English?
- 147 Transparent words or Faux-amis?
- 146 Unsolved mysteries: Web site or website?
- 145 Comma Controversies
- 143 Place Names in English
- 142 "Ise" or "Ize"?
- 141 Using the Grammar Check
- 140 Also, As Well and Too: Three Ways to Say More
- 139 Conversation Starters: The Correct Way to Use "Since"
- 138 Understanding headlines
- 137 Phrasal Verbs With "Get"
- 136 Stuck for words? A rough guide to Conversational Fillers
- 135 Comparative structures in English
- 134 An Englishman in New York. American and British English
- 132 Customer or client?
- 131 Is something wrong with our profession? Considerations on translators’ accreditation processes and standards
- 130 Menace to Polish Language
- 129 Causes of Failure in Translation and Strategies
- 128 Poetry Translation
- 127 GILT: Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, Translation
- 126 How many words per day?
- 125 How to use the Free Online Translator to your Benefit
- 124 Why communication is so important when selling to a global market
- 123 Linguistic and Cultural Issues in Literary Translation
- 122 Style and Stylistic Accommodation in Translation
- 121 Rules for dealing with clients
- 120 What to look for in a T&I program
- 119 Translating HTML files
- 118 An analysis of F.Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" through a consideration of two Italian translations
- 117 English <> Spanish Maritime Glossary
- 116 Wordfast: A quick and inexpensive way to translate
- 115 Hermeneutics and Translation Theory
- 114 Testing and Evaluation in the Translation Classroom
- 113 Translators or Instructors or Both
- 112 Source Language versus Target Language Bias
- 111 Bibliography on the Profession of Interpretation
- 110 A Journey into Chinese-English Environmental Translation
- 109 Book Review: Science in Translation
- 108 The Use of Transition Notes in Learning English & Translation
- 107 Características del discurso biomédico y su estructura: el caso de las Cartas al director
- 106 To Be a Good Translator
- 105 A Little Conversation about Tone and Translation
- 104 Translating SOPs in a Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Environment
- 103 Does Juliet's Rose, by Any Other Name, Smell as Sweet?
- 102 What’s in a Name: Juliet’s Question Revisited
- 101 New English-Polish and Polish-English Dictionaries: Some Problems Related to Legal, Financial and Insurance Terminology
- 100 Navigating through Treacherous Waters: The Translation of Geographical Names
- 98 What Every Novice Translator Should Know
- 97 It’s a Small World
- 96 Useful Machine Translations of Japanese Patents Have Become a Reality
- 95 The Changing World of Japanese Patent Translators
- 93 Globalisation and Translation: A discussion of the effect of globalisation on today's translation
- 92 Machine Translation and Computer-Assisted Translation: a New Way of Translating?
- 91 Translation Tools Today: A Personal View
- 90 His Excellency and His Interpreter
- 89 Working in Brazil
- 88 The Law of Business Organizations under the New Brazilian Civil Code
- 87 The Language of Inflation: Traps in Translating Brazilian Portuguese
- 86 Translating the Financial Statements of a Brazilian Bank into English
- 85 The Language of Business Entities in Brazil
- 84 Going Broke in Brazil
- 83 The Language of the ICMS Tax in Brazil
- 82 Translating a Brazilian Balance Sheet
- 81 The Check is not in the Mail—Banking in Brazil
- 80 The Business of Translating
- 79 Sorry Guys, You Can't Win
- 78 An Easy Translation Job
- 77 Heading for Trouble
- 76 Translation Economics 101
- 75 What the Guys Said, the Way They Said It, As Best We Can
- 74 Translation: A Market in Crisis?
- 73 The Nine Markets
- 72 Are you Prepared to Meet Your Client?
- 71 What Is the Word for “you” in Portuguese?
- 70 Into English: Seven survival tools for translating Brazilian Portuguese into English
- 69 Coping with You
- 68 The Importance of Teaching Cohesion in Translation on a Textual Level
- 67 Accommodation in Translation
- 66 Este traductor no es un gallina: El trasvase del humor audiovisual en Chicken Run
- 65 Translation Project Management
- 64 Collection
- 63 To Be Paid or Not Be Paid…
- 62 eProcurement and Translation
- 61 The Interpretive Model and Machine Translation
- 60 The Translation of Advertisements: from Adaptation to Localization
- 59 Translation of Numerals Between English and Chinese
- 58 Feng Shui for the Freelance Translator
- 57 Interpreting and Transcribing Evidentiary Tape RECORDINGS: High scale difficulty, High level satisfaction
- 56 Make The Court Reporter’s Day!
- 55 Solutions to Common Problems for Freelance Translators
- 54 The Freelance Translator and PayPal
- 53 Crisis in the Translation Industry
- 52 Best Face Forward: In Person Marketing Skills for T&I Professionals
- 51 Online Translation - The Future??
- 50 Why Foreignizing Translation Is Seldom Used in Anglo-American World in Information Age
- 49 Stylistic Features of the Advertising Slogan
- 48 Teaching Proposal Writing to Translators
- 47 Including Technical and Academic Writing in Translation Curricula
- 46 Technical and Academic Writing in the Education of Translators
- 45 PDAs and the Interpreter
- 44 Quick Answers to General Questions
- 43 Professions for Foreign-Language Users
- 42 Thoughts for the Future
- 41 Training Translators
- 40 Accreditation and Standards in the Translation Industry
- 39 Asian Languages in Translation
- 38 MT and MAT
- 37 Ethics and Professionalism in Translation
- 36 Translators and Money
- 35 Translator's Home Office
- 34 The Translation Job
- 33 Translators and Translation Vendors
- 32 Life as a Translator
- 31 The Translation Profession
- 30 Five Excuses for Not Hiring a Translator
- 29 Moderately Irritating Recurring Idioms and Mannerisms (English) Manierismi Idiomatici Ricorrenti e Irritanti Assolutamente Micidiali (Italiana)
- 28 How to Choose a Translator Wisely (English) Evitate la commedia degli errori! Il traduttore non deve essere traditore! (Italiana)
- 27 Do You Need to Have a Website?
- 26 The Language and Translation of Arab Folktales
- 25 The Arabic Language and Folk Literature - A call for gathering and translating Arab folk tales
- 24 Cultural Elements in Translation - The Indian Perspective
- 23 Immunology—A Brief Overview, Part 1, Part2 & Part3
- 22 Developing Guidelines for a New Curriculum for the English Translation BA Program in Iranian Universities
- 21 Translation: Back from Siberia
- 20 Virgin Birth and Red Underpants - The Translator's Responsibility in Shaping Our Worldview
- 19 Hyperformality, Politeness Markers and Vulgarity
- 17 The Very Mind of English? Activate Your Mind, Socrates Style
- 16 The Very Heart of English? Reflections on culture, fluency and the native speaker’s head prompted by the LDELC
- 15 Language and Choice for Learning/Translating English
- 14 Translation and Culture
- 13 Technical Transference or Cultural Adaptation: Songs in Translation
- 12 The Invisible in Translation: The Role of Text Structure
- 11 Constructing a Model for Shift Analysis in Translation
- 10 Aspects of Scientific Translation: English into Arabic Translation as a Case Study
- 9 The Situation of Turkish Literature in the German Polysystem: A Descriptive Study
- 8 Language Ambiguity: A Curse and a Blessing
- 7 SARS or ATP—A Misnomer in Mainland China
- 6 A Typical Translator?
- 5 Test translations - an update
- 4 Trados-Is It a Must?
- 3 Famous translation memory tools may have a rest
- 2 An Effective and Inexpensive Translation Memory Tool
- 1 Marketing Your Translation Services: Test Translations-To Do or Not to Do?