Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Stifte, Estilográfica, Stylos, Stilografica, Stylos, (esper.) skribiloj

Logo Etymologie-Portal




We have been making pens in wood and stone and selling them in the bay area since 1991. We have also sold pens at over 400 shows in 30 states. Our pens do what they are supposed to do, do it every time, and do it for a long time, all for a reasonable price.

Erstellt: 2013-12

ACME - Stifte (W3)

Engl. "acme" = dt. "Gipfel", "Höhepunkt" soll als Firmenname wohl den hohen Anspruch an Design und Qualität zum Ausdruck bringen. Die Produktpalette schließt auch Uhren, Lederwaren, Kleidungsteile und andere "Assessories" mit ein.

Die Firma "ACME" wurde im Jahr 1985 von Adrian Olabuenaga und seiner Frau, Lesley Bailey, gegründet. Anfangs stand das Design von Schmuck, Uhren. Im Jahr 1997 kamen die Schreibgeräte hinzu. An den Designarbeiten sind bekannte Künstler Designer und Architekten beteiligt.

Im Jahr 1988 verlagerte die Firma ihren Sitz nach Maui auf Hawaii.

Belohnt wurde dieses Engagement mit mehreren Preisen die die Design-Firma erhielt.

Allerdings ist die Verbindung des Markennamens "ACME" zu "Schreibgeräten", "Pens" nicht sehr naheliegend. Erstens gibt es mehrere Firmen und Produkte die "acme" im Namen tragen. Eine "Acme Corporation" und weitere "Acme"-Firmen kommen auch in Comics vor. Und in der breiten Palette an Produkten des Schreibgeräteanbieters "ACME" muß man die "Pens" erst einmal suchen.

Anscheinend wurde in Amerika "ACME" sogar wie es heißt zum "John Doe of commercial names", also zum Gegenstück von "Otto Normalverbraucher" auf Anbieterseite, also eben zur allgemeinen Bezeichnung für eine gewerbliche Firma ("Acme Corporation"). Dies ist möglicherweise sogar den Comics (Looneytoons cartoon series "Roadrunner") zuzuschreiben.

Das engl. "acme" (1620) geht zurück auf griech. "akmé" = engl. "peak", "zenith", "prime", "highest point", "culmination of development" (griech. "ake" = dt. "Punkt"). Man findet engl. "acme" auch als Bezeichnung für "sexuellen Höhepunkt".

Ein interessanter Ableger ist engl., med. "acne", dt. "Akne" = dt. "Hautausschlag", "Knötchen", "Pustel" (verbunden mit Entzündungen der Talgdrüsen). Die "Mitesser" drängen sich ja als kleine Erhebungen in den Vordergrund. Das griech. "akmé" wurde anscheinend schon griechisch so oft falsch ausgesprochen, dass griech. "akne" schon im 6. Jh. ins Lateinische übernommen wurde und sich dt. "Akne", "engl. "acne" sogar in der medizinischen Fachsprache manifestieren konnte.

Als Wurzel wird vor-ide. "*ac-", "*ak-" "scharf", "zugespitzt" postuliert. Diese Wurzel findet man auch in griech. "akis" und lat. "acus" = dt. "Nadel". Als lateinisches Erbe fondet man weiterhin dt. "Akupunktur", engl. "acupuncture", engl. "acuity" = dt. "Schärfe", engl. "acute" = dt. "scharf", "spitz" (engl. "acute triangle" = dt. "spitzwinkliges Dreieck"). Das damit verwandte altengl. "ecg" = dt. "scharfe Seite" findet man in engl. "edge" = dt. "Schneide", "Rand", "Kante". Ein anderes Wort, das Verb engl. "egg" = dt. "anstacheln", wurde vom altnord. "eggja" = dt. "anregen", "anspornen", "anstacheln" übernommen. Engl. "acrid" = dt. "scharf", "ätzend", "beißend" und engl. "acid" = dt. "sauer" (zu lat. "acidus") findet man ebenfalls in der Wortfamilie.

Im Französischen findet man frz. "aigu", "aiguë" = dt. "spitz", "schrill", "stechend" und den frz. "Accent aigu" den spitzen (schräg nach oben) verlaufenden Akzentstrich. Als weiteren Ableger findet man (vor allem inder Medizin) dt. "akut" = dt. "brennend", "dringend", "vordringlich", "unmittelbar", abgeleitet von lat. "acutus" = dt. "scharf", "spitz".


ACME Laboratories
Graphics * Unix * Networks * Fun
Purveyors of fine freeware since 1972. On the net since 1991.



ACME Studios was founded in Los Angeles in 1985 by Adrian Olabuenaga and his wife, Lesley Bailey. ACME made its first appearance with a limited edition collection of jewelry designed for them by Peter Shire, the LA-based member of the world renowned Memphis Group. Soon after the initial debut, ACME released a large collection of over one hundred pieces, MEMPHIS DESIGNERS for ACME, with the help of writer Barbara Radice and designer/architect, Ettore Sottsass.
In 1997, ACME released its first collection of fine writing tools. Always on the "cutting edge" of design, ACME's writing tools revolutionized a new concept in the pen industry. Having collaborated with hundreds of top designers over the years, ACME has secured a place in both the pen industry as well as the design industry.


ACME Writing Tools


03/29/2012 acme



11/28/2006 acme


E. Cobham Brewer 1810-1897. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1898.

"Acme": The crisis of a disease. Old medical writers used to divide the progress of a disease into four periods: the arche, or beginning; the anabasis, or increase, the acme, or term of its utmost violence, and the paracme, or decline. Figuratively, the highest point of anything


ACME Thunderer Whistle This object was used in the eras of the tram which sadly are no longer in use in the city. Regardless of which city it ... Contributed by Individual


A pamphlet from the Glasgow based Acme Wringer company showing its range of wringers. Acme wringers were common place in most household up to the advent of electric spin dryers and washing machines in the 1960's.


Miner's 'snap' tin made by Acme Barry Jackson from Rotherham bought this 'snap' tin (lunchbox) from a bric-a-brac stall but has no idea who it belongs ... Contributed by Individual



Acme IPA | Acme Pale Ale


Acme: n.
[from Greek "akme" highest point of perfection or achievement] The canonical supplier of bizarre, elaborate, and non-functional gadgetry — where Rube Goldberg and Heath Robinson (two cartoonists who specialized in elaborate contraptions) shop. The name has been humorously expanded as "A (or American) Company Making Everything". (In fact, "Acme" was a real brand sold from Sears Roebuck catalogs in the early 1900s.) Describing some X as an “Acme X” either means “This is insanely great”, or, more likely, “This looks insanely great on paper, but in practice it's really easy to shoot yourself in the foot with it.” Compare pistol.

This term, specially cherished by American hackers and explained here for the benefit of our overseas brethren, comes from the Warner Brothers' series of “Road-runner” cartoons. In these cartoons, the famished Wile E. Coyote was forever attempting to catch up with, trap, and eat the Road-runner. His attempts usually involved one or more high-technology Rube Goldberg devices — rocket jetpacks, catapults, magnetic traps, high-powered slingshots, etc. These were usually delivered in large wooden crates labeled prominently with the Acme name — which, probably not by coincidence, was the trade name of a peg bar system for superimposing animation cels used by cartoonists since forever. Acme devices invariably malfunctioned in improbable and violent ways.


"acme seal": The now obsolete name given a SEALSKIN (dt. "Seehundsfell"), dyed and having a plain, dull finish and a natural grain.





"acme" (n.): "highest point", 1560s, from Greek "akme" "(highest) point", "edge", "peak of anything", from PIE root "*ak-" "sharp" (see "acrid"). Written in Greek letters until c.1620. The U.S. grocery store chain was founded 1891 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

(E1)(L?) meint:

Das Wort "ACME" stammt aus der Comicwelt: Hier ist "ACME" der anerkannte/offizielle Lieferant für bizarre und komplizierte Produkte oder Vorrichtungen, die durch pompöse Technik beeindrucken, aber dann nur kümmerlich oder gar nicht funktionieren.

Anonymous meint:

Das Wort "ACME" tauchte das erste Mal als Phantasiename einer Firma in frühen amerkanischen Wirtschaftslehrbüchern auf. Er war wahrscheinlich abgeleitet vom Namen der griechischen Nymphe "Acme", deren Name für "Perfektion" steht. [...] Interessanterweise wurde ACME auch zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts sogar kurz für echte Produkte eingesetzt, lustigerweise sogar für Ambosse. Aber auch hier ist anzumerken, dass der Bezug dabei wahrscheinlich zur griechischen Mythologie zu sehen ist.


Acme Pens

Peonies: Acme



Une autre signification existe : "Application Creation Made Easy", mais elle est postérieure.






Acme Schreibgeräte


An ACME Novelty Toy Gallery

Limericks on acme

Limericks on Acmeism

From the Greek acme, meaning the 'best age of man', Acmeism was a movement in Russian poetry that formed in the early twentieth century as a reaction to the excesses of symbolism. It was characterised by a clarity and directness of image. Prominent Acmeists included Anna Ahkmatova and Osip Mandelstam.

Limericks on Acmeist


Acme is sometimes used as a generic term for a fictional company (Acme Corporation). This can be traced to the Looneytoons cartoon series "Roadrunner".


Acme Pens
Founded in 1985, ACME pens are uniquely designed by various designers. Hailing from Los Angeles and now Hawaii, ACME have consistently created new collections and focused its attention on the development of new technologies (ACME was the first company to do printed pens, starting a revolution in the pen industry).



FOOD-O-MAT 1959 | Acme Market, Nottingham Plaza, Syracuse, N.Y.



acme | acmegenesis


ACME Studios is an international product design company, which produces and markets writing instruments, stationery accessories, watches, men's silk ties, men's accessories, and other design objects. Its products are the result of cooperation with the world's leading architects, designers, artists, foundations, estates and institutions.




"acme" n. [Gr. "akme", "point"]



La société fictive ACME

La compagnie ACME (ACME Corporation) est une société fictive qui existe dans l'univers Looney Tunes.
En français, Le mot acmé désigne le point extrême d'une tension, d'un propos ou d'une situation. Ce mot fait aussi partie du vocabulaire technique du théâtre. Provenant du grec ancien, il s’applique essentiellement aux tragédies grecques ou d’inspiration gréco-latine. Il correspond au paroxysme du mal dont un personnage est atteint, et s’accompagne souvent du registre pathétique (qui évoque la douleur) ou dramatique.


Das Wort "ACME" stammt aus der Comicwelt. Hier ist die Firma ACME der übliche Lieferant für bizarre Produkte oder Vorrichtungen, die auf den ersten Blick durch pompöse Technik beeindrucken, dann aber gar nicht oder auf unerwartete Weise funktionieren.


"ACME" (englisch "acme" "Gipfel", "Höhepunkt"; von griechisch "akme" "Höhepunkt") wird im englischen Sprachraum gern als fiktiver Name für ein Unternehmen verwendet.

Der Begriff wurde mit den Zeichentrickfilmen der Warner Bros. und Disney, insbesondere der Road-Runner-Reihe, bekannt und steht für ein fiktives Unternehmen. Um nicht mit dem US-amerikanischen Markenrecht in Konflikt zu kommen, haben die Zeichner ein Unternehmen erfunden, das alle Gegenstände produziert, welche in den Filmen benötigt werden. Von alltäglichen Dingen wie Kleidung und Zahnpasta bis hin zu ausgefallenen Sachen wie Taschenraketen und Laserkanonen gibt es nichts, was ACME nicht herstellt. Es gibt Andeutungen in verschiedenen Warner-Bros.-Zeichentrickserien, dass "Acme" vom Road Runner betrieben wird (z. B. in Road Runner: To Beep or not to Beep, Freeze Frame; Tiny Toon in einem Gerichtsverfahren). Erst später interpretierte man das Wort "ACME" als Backronym für "A Company that Manufactures/Makes Everything" ("Ein Unternehmen, das alles herstellt") oder auch "American Company that Manufactures/Makes Everything".

Es gab und gibt jedoch mehrere wirkliche Unternehmen, die als "ACME" firmieren.


The "Acme Corporation" is a fictional corporation that features prominently in the Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote cartoons as a running gag featuring outlandish products that fail catastrophically at the worst possible times. The name is also used as a generic title in many cartoons, films and TV series.


Idaho and Acme
..., but I can tell you that "acme" is not an acronym. It comes from the Greek word "akme", meaning "highest point or summit". Many companies used to name themselves "Acme Widgets" or the like as a means to ensure that they would appear near the beginning of any alphabetical listing. Eventually, so many companies tried this trick that "Acme" in a corporate name came to be regarded as a bit of a joke and was replaced by more dignified names, such as "Burger King" and "Toys R Us".


Word Unit: acme, -acmic (Greek: highest point; prime, best time).


Erstellt: 2013-12

AP Limited Edition - Stifte (W3)

"AP" steht für "Anuj Poddar", der seine Schreibgeräteproduktion in Los Angeles, California, gründete.


AP Limited Editions represents rare and unique forms of art, handed across time and cultures. Expanding traditional definitions of art, our limited edition pens will honor your family of heirlooms for years to come.

Each pen has been crafted with passion and precision over several months from design to conception and continues its journey of telling the story.



Erstellt: 2013-12


Pen Links
Bruce Marshall


Fountain Pen Resources

Erstellt: 2013-11



I hope that this look at my collection will help you to become more involved with pens and to avoid many of the mistakes that I made. If there is anything that you think would help you and other collectors let me know and I will see what I can do.

Erstellt: 2013-11



Erstellt: 2013-12

Bullet Pen (W3)

Der "Bullet Pen" sollte aussehen wie eine "Gewehrkugel", die allerdings auch nicht mehr einer "Kugel" ähnelte.

Basis für den "Space Pen" war der bereits im Jahr 1948 entwickelte "Bullet Pen", dessen Form an eine Gewehrkugel erinnerte und ihm deshalb seinen Namen einbrachte.


Fisher Bullet Pen

Erstellt: 2010-03


Conklin - Stifte (W3)

Der Firma "Conklin" zur Herstellung von Schreibgeräten wurde im Jahr 1898 von Roy Conklin in Toledo, Ohio, US, gegründet.


Conklin Nozac


A big Conklin Endura



Conklin Collections




Conklin Pens


Conklin Pen






Conklin pens


Conklin Advertisement Gallery






The Conklin Pen Company was established in 1898 and is regarded as one of the most significant and innovative manufactures from the golden era of fountain pens.

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Conklin" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1780 auf.

Erstellt: 2014-07

Cross - Stifte

Das Unternehmen Marke "Cross Pen Company" wurde im Jahr 1846 von "Richard Cross" und seinem Sohn "Alonzo Townsend Cross" auf Rhode Island gegründet. Der Familienname wurde zum Markennamen.

Das "A. T." im offiziellen Firmennamen "A. T. Cross Company" steht für "Alonzo Townsend".

Und "Townsend" heißt auch eine Schreiber-Collection.



Since "Richard Cross" made the first Cross product in 1846, we have re-invented the writing instrument category, combining design ingenuity with jewelry-quality craftsmanship. We were America's first manufacturer of quality writing instruments, and that means that we've been making pens people use, depend on and enjoy for a long time.


For those who value individuality and impeccable style, "Townsend" embodies classic American elegance and finesse. Inspired by the graceful lines of 1930’s Art Deco design, with distinctive finishes, precious metals and the signature double band, "Townsend" delivers a lifetime of smooth, effortless writing. No wonder it’s the pen of choice for several American Presidents.


Hochwertige Schreibgeräte sind nur eine Produktlinie des amerikanischen Herstellers A.T.Cross. Die Wurzeln des Unternehmens liegen im Juweliergeschäft.

A.T.Cross wurde im Jahre 1846 gegründet. Zu Beginn fertigte man elegante Hülsen aus Gold und Silber für Holzbleistifte. Seit 1858 ist der Firmensitz von A.T.Cross in Providence, Rhode Island.

Mit über 21 Patenten brachte A.T.Cross viele innovative Produkte auf den Markt, darunter den ersten Ganz aus Metall gefertigten Bleistift.


A.T. Cross is America's oldest manufacturer of writing instruments. Established in Rhode Island in 1846 by Richard Cross and Edward W Bradbury, they originally created gold and silver casings for wooden pencils. Their first fountain pen appeared in 1889 and they called it the 'Peerless' because there were no peers to match it; it rapidly became an American classic. In 1953 they produced their first ballpoint pen, after eight years of perfecting the existing technology. They have since turned out a host of classic designs, many of which have remained in their catalogue for decades - testament to their timeless popularity and their confidence in being able to offer a lifetime guarantee against mechanical failure. The Cross Townsend - first developed in the early 1990s - has become known as the 'Pen of U.S. Presidents', whilst our own Queen is reputed to use a Cross Century. You can't get much better recommendation than that!


While our history is a story all its own, it all began with "Richard Cross", who founded the company the same year both the Smithsonian and the sewing machine were born, just as Samuel Morse’s magnetic telegraph pushed Westward and America braced for a war with Mexico. Cross was a highly skilled pen and pencil maker, who passed his knowledge on to his son, "Alonzo Townsend Cross". In 1916, the Cross family sold the company to an employee, Walter R. Boss, who led our growth into the company you know today. Today, Walter's grandsons are at the helm of the company, which became a public security traded on the American Stock Exchange in 1971.








The A.T. Coss Company was founded in 1846 and is one of the oldest producers of fine writing instruments, timepieces and personal accessories. Cross refillable writing instruments include ball-point pens, mechanical pencils, Selectip rolling ball/porous-point pens, gel ink pens, multi-function pens (including stylus options for PDAs), electronic pens for tablet PCs, and fountain pens. Cross also produces leather accessories (i.e. diaries, padfolios and cases), timepieces and computer bags.

Cross is recognized worldwide by its own style and superior quality of their products. Cross' commitment to its customers extends to its lifetime mechanical guarantee on all writing instruments.

Any Cross writing instrument returned for service to Cross is repaired or replaced at no charge.

Cross fine writing instruments and personal accessories are a symbol of success. They are for example the perfect gift to reflect your appreciation and esteem for clients and colleagues.




Die A. T. Cross Company gehört zu den Pionieren moderner Schreibtechnologie. Bereits kurz nach ihrer Gründung im Jahre 1846 konnte das Unternehmen auf ein umfangreiches technologisches Wissen zurückgreifen. Die stetige Weiterentwicklung und Verfeinerung technologischer Errungenschaften zeigt sich nun in den heutigen Kollektionen und Kreationen. Cross beweist, dass moderne Eleganz und technische Innovationen sich nicht ausschliessen, sondern harmonisch die Funktionalität eines aussergewöhnlichen Schreibgerätes ergänzen.






A.T. Cross

The company, one of the oldest in the United States. Commonly stated as starting in 1846, that date is actually the birth date of "Alonzo Townsend Cross". The company was founded by "Richard Cross" and "Edward Bradbury" whom both came from England and at some point in the 1830's they were making jewerly and pencils..

The "A.T." stands for "Alonzo Townsend". Cross and he registered over 20 US patents in 1873 marking read advances in pens and pencils. For example it was A.T. Cross that held the patent on the propel-repel mechanical pencil which was the forerunner the mechanical pencils used today. In addition, Cross's "Stylographic" pen is considered to be the precursor of to-day's ball-point pen.










Cross 150th Anniversary Limited Edition 1996

by Jim Mamoulides, March 26, 2004









Über A.-T. Cross

Die älteste Schreibgerätemanufaktur der USA wurde 1846 in Providence, Rhode Island gegründet. Hergestellt wurden in den Anfangsjahren goldene und silberne Bleistifthülsen. Schon bald aber erweiterten zahlreiche neue Patente, u.a. für einen Drehbleistift und einen kugelschreiberähnlichen Tintenschreiber, das Portfolio. Die Firma nahm schnell Fahrt auf. Heute ist das börsennotierte Unternehmen weltweit präsent mit hochwertigen Füllfederhaltern, Kugelschreibern und innovativen Multifunktionsstiften. Schreibtischsets und Lederwaren runden die Produktpalette ab.

Vom Tintenschreiber zum Kugelschreiber der Extraklasse - Schreibgeräte von A.-T. Cross.

Lange Zeit konzentrierte sich das US-amerikanische Unternehmen Cross auf Druckbleistifte, Kugelschreiber und Rollerballs. Füllfederhalter wurden ab 1930 zunächst nur für den lokalen Markt produziert. Seit Anfang der 1980er-Jahre aber werden Cross-Füller auch exportiert. Die Bandbreite der verschiedenen Kugelschreiber- und Füllermodelle ist beeindruckend groß und vielfältig. Charakteristisch ist die schmale und zurückhaltende Formgebung, legendär sind auch die Gold- und Silbermodelle.






Erstellt: 2017-08



Schreibgeräte & Bleistifte

Erstellt: 2013-11


David Oscarson - Stifte (W3)

Die Marke "David Oscarson" trägt den Namen des Gründers David Oscarson.


In less than a decade, penmaker and entrepreneur "David Oscarson" has created an eponymous brand of writing instruments that is synonymous with quality, craftsmanship and style. By using only the finest materials and production techniques, Oscarson has taken the writing pen from a merely functional instrument of everyday use to the latest must-have luxury item.


David Oscarson Collections






Erstellt: 2013-12




Erstellt: 2018-06



Pens and Pencils

Elegant, custom-built, handmade pens and pencils come in a variety of types including Rollerball, Click Pen, Mechanical Pencil, and Fountain Pen. Please use the drop-down list in the Pens and Pencils menu above to see all products I offer.

Wood types range from native to the High Desert Sagebrush, Juniper, Mountain Mahogany, and Black Cottonwood to American species such as Walnut, Hickory, Maple, Elm, Aromatic Cedar and Oak. Even exotic species such as Ebony, Paduk, Zebrawood, Purpleheart, European Plum, and Russian Olive are available.

Enjoy the unique experience of writing with a fine instrument made from beautiful local woods in an environmentally sustainable manner. These products are made locally and to exacting specifications using only the finest materials.

Erstellt: 2013-12



| Sheaffer | Sheaffer for Ferrari | Swarovski | Twisbi | Refills

Erstellt: 2013-11

Esterbrook - Stifte

Die Marke "Esterbrook" wurde im Jahr 1858 von "Richard Esterbrook" gegründet.

Der Familienname "Esterbrook" dürfte seinerseits als Herkunftsname zum Ort "Esterbrook" US, Wyoming, gebildet worden sein.


Since 1858, "Esterbrook" pens have helped write American History. Featured on display in the Smithsonian Institute as one of the 101 things that made America, many of our greatest presidents, politicians, Writers, illustrators and inventors have used Esterbrook pens. This Iconic brand of fine writing instruments returns with a complete line of pens and accessories.


1858: Richard Esterbrook renamed his company the "Esterbrook Steel Pen Manufacturing Company" when he relocated to Camden, New Jersey

1862: Esterbrook opened a New York office and warehouse at 75 John Street, N.Y. A couple of years later, they moved to 49 Maiden Lane, N. Y. A couple of years after that, they moved to 26 John Street, N. Y., where they stayed for over 30 years.

The Esterbrook Company grew and became one of the largest pen manufacturers in the world
1947: Renamed "Esterbrook Pen Company".
2014 Harpern Brand Holdings, LLC acquires the Trademark Rights for "Esterbrook Pens", America’s Original Pen Company. The brand is revived with the release of the famous “J” series and the “Deluxe” Limited Edition Fountain Pen.


"Dude" Esterbrook - Cohen, Gerald Leonard








Esterbrook pens are one of the century's best design feats. They're well-built but inexpensive, and they last better than most pens. They almost define the term "under-appreciated". The mother-of-pearl look in a variety of colors is really pretty. The pens write well, and if you don't like a nib but you love the look of the pen, the nibs are interchangeable (Renew Points). Almost all are steel, but there are gradations. The 9xxx series with their "Durium" tip is the best. I have quite a few Renew Point Nibs if the choice you want isn't on the pen, including some stub nibs. Most of these Esterbrooks were made between the late '40s and late 1950s.


Classic pen brand brought back from the dead

Devin Loring, Asbury Park (N.J.) Press Published 4:51 p.m. ET Feb. 5, 2015 | Updated 4:51 p.m. ET Feb. 5, 2015

Robert Rosenberg acknowledges that penmanship is a dying art, but he's attempting to bring it back with the revival of the "Esterbrook" pen brand.

"We feel a tremendous responsibility, we're restoring this brand to what it once was," said Rosenberg, a West Long Branch resident. "It was a leading iconic brand in this country. They really wrote American history."

Literally. The number of famous Americans that have been documented using Esterbrook pens range from Charles Schulz, who drew the "Peanuts" comic strip, to Presidents John F. Kennedy, Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

"On display in the Smithsonian Institute, 101 things that made America, is an Esterbrook pen," Rosenberg said.

According to Rosenberg, the Esterbrook brand was established in 1858 as the Esterbrook Steel Pen Manufacturing Co. in Camden. In 1912, a five-story building was added to the factory, doubling its size. In 1964, operations relocated to Cherry Hill. Rosenberg said the Esterbrook brand was the fifth issued trademark in the United States.

Erstellt: 2017-08


Robert and Rita Lott


This site is primarily dedicated to the sale of Vintage Fountain Pens and related items. You will find Parker 51s, Parker Duofolds, Sheaffer's, , Mont Blanc, and many other quality pens from the best makers in the business. We also offer modern pens. Some of the pens we offer are consigned items.

Erstellt: 2013-11

Fonderie 47 - Stifte

Die Vision von "Fonderie 47" ist es, Waffen - nicht in Pflugscharen - sondern in Schreibgeräte zu verwandeln. Ausgangspunkt waren in Afrika zum Einsatz gekommene Gewehre mit der Bezeichnung "AK47" ("Avtomat Kaliashnikova 47"). Die "47" wurde in den Firmennamen aufgenommen.


Fonderie 47 transforms tools of war into objects that inspire human imagination and action. Each piece is made from an "AK47" and funds programs to remove such weapons from circulation. We have destroyed over seventy thousand AK47s and other assault rifles in Africa.


THE ORIGIN: The "AK47" ("Avtomat Kaliashnikova") type assault rifle is the origin of "Fonderie 47" pieces.


Writing Instruments


AK47 im ASCII-Format


The AK 47 is ubiquitous in warfare following its invention. For me, it represents the many conflicts fought since the end of World War II, particularly revolutionary conflict and those with a Cold War context.


PEERLESS FONDERIE 47 LIMITED EDITION ...Each pen purchased will enable destruction of 10 more assault weapons in Africa.




"ak47": Alternative form of "AK-47".

Erstellt: 2017-08

fountain pen (W3)

Wer den engl. "fountain pen" ("Füllfederhalter") nun wirklich erfunden hat ist ungewiss. Sicher ist, daß der New Yorker Geschäftsmann 1884 eine Patent auf einen - nach dem Kapillarprinzip funktionierenden - Füllhalter erhielt.

Er hatte aus der Not eine Tugend gemacht. Weil er einen wichtig Vertrag verlor, weil sein bisheriger Federhalter den Vertrag ruinierte, lag ihm die Verbesserung dieser Schreibgeräte am Herzen.

dt. "Füllfederhalter" = engl. "fountain pen"


Fountain pen

This pen belonged to my great granny and has been handed down in the family. There were no telephones in those days, so any communication had to be done by hand. Letters written using this pen may have gone all round the world.


Parker Slimfold Fountain Pen

George S Parker filed his first patent in 1889. He established the Parker Pen Company to manufacturer a superior writing instrument. By the 1920s the Parker pen was established as the leading manufacturer of pens. Pens where orginally supplied to the UK from Canada until 1941 when some models where made in Newhaven. The factory closed in 2009.


fountain pen (writing implement)


A Brief History of the Fountain Pen

The story of the fountain pen could not be told without a few words about its predecessor, the dip pen. Dip pens were used by the scribes of the Egyptian kings over 4000 years ago. Scribes used a sharp stick or goose quill shaved to a point and dipped in berry juice to keep inventory of write a letter. An improvement on the quill was not made until the late 1700s with the introduction of the metal pen point in a plain or fancy holder. Reliable fountain pens were not perfected until the 1880s.


The Dream Fountain Pen



Den "Kugelschreiber", einen eine Farbmine enthaltenden Schreibstift, bei dem eine kleine rollende Kugel in der Minenspitze die Farbmasse auf das Schreibpapier überträgt, erfanden 1938 die ungarischen Brüder Laszlo und Georg Biró nach 18jähriger Entwicklungsarbeit in Budapest. Nach Erlangung des ungarischen Patents (1938) und Patentanmeldung des "Fountain Pen for Pulping Ink" in den USA am 27. 12. 1938 (US-Patent erteilt am 14. 10. 1941 für den nun "Ball Pen" genannten Schreibstift) fanden die Birós zur Auswertung ihrer Erfindung in dem Engländer Henry G. Martin einen Finanzier. Martin eröffnete (zusammen mit Frederick Miles) 1944 bei Reading (Berkshire) die erste Kugelschreiberfabrik der Welt, in welcher im ersten Jahr 30 000 für die Royal Air Force bestimmte Kugelschreiber hergestellt wurden.


fountain pen

(E1)(L1) pen
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "fountain pen" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1790 / 1880 auf.

Erstellt: 2013-11



Manufacturers' Collections

Erstellt: 2013-12




Lists and Guides Reference
Archive Sponsorships
Contact Me!


Welcome to The Gentleman Stationer, my little island of obsession on the internet! My name is Joe, and I live in the greater Nashville, Tennessee area, as a certified pen/pencil addict, paper obsessive, and all-around book and stationery junkie. I like to write, and appreciate (admittedly more than most) the tools of writing, such as pens, pencils, ink, looseleaf paper, legal pads, notebooks, erasers, etc. You can imagine what my desk looks like.

Erstellt: 2018-06



Browse by Brand

Erstellt: 2016-09

Fountain Pen Obsession


| Pen Thoughts | Mabie Todd | Less Common Pens | Uncategorized | Conway Stewart | | Mentmore | Bookshelf | Tools


I’ve always been a fountain pen user; for a time I was also a collector. A couple of years ago, I became a full-time restorer, mainly so that I could see and handle more pens. The pens are the ultimate documents of our hobby. There are no better learning tools than the pens themselves.

Erstellt: 2013-12

Vintage Pens Catalog


Welcome to the home of the Quarterly Illustrated Vintage Pens Catalog! We carry 1000+ antique collectible and vintage pens.

Gary & Myrna Lehrer

Keywords: fine antique montblanc deskset protective shipping tubes conklin collectibles slotted display trays sell buy pelikan antique & vintage pens appraisel services collectible pen sell sheaffer pen glass top storage case fountain pen repair services buy restored aurora writing instruments mint condition antique montblanc imperial pelletier parker pen restoration montblanc writing instruments

Erstellt: 2014-10

Gourmet Pens

Ein privater Weblog rund um Schreibgeräte.


Erstellt: 2016-09




Since its founding by Stephen Zipf and the late David Peters, Hampton-Haddon has served many international luxury brands and confidentially created whole lines of fine writing instruments or clocks for private label customers. Hampton-Haddon also has several fine writing instrument licenses including Waterford, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.



Erstellt: 2013-12





the online drafting pencil museum
Dennis B. Smith, curator


The World's Most Comprehensive On-line Resource for Pencil-Related Information....

Welcome to The Pencil Pages - serving pencil collectors and enthusiasts since 1996!

The Pencil Pages have become a resource not only for pencil collectors or enthusiasts, but many others who have an interest in information related in some way to pencils. I have been contacted by historians, authors, artists, museum curators, movie producers, archaeologists, scientific journals, government officials, reporters, publishers, pencil makers and many others seeking pencil-related information. Contributors include pencil collectors, pencil manufacturers, students, researchers and casual visitors.

Doug Martin


Drafting Leadholder Gallery Index

| Admel | Theodore Alteneder & Sons | Alteneder | Alvin | Baignol & Farjon | Bohemia Works (see L. & C. Hardtmuth) | Charles Bruning & Co | Bruning | Bruynzeel | Carlos | Caran d’Ache | Charvoz | Criterium / Conté / Gilbert | Conté Criterium 2603 | Gilbert Criterium 2613 | Conté Criterium 2613 | C-Thru | Damascus | Cumberland Pencil Co | Eugene Dietzgen & Co | Joseph Dixon | Eagle/Berol/Sanford | Ecobra | Elastichuck | Dietzgen | Elliott Bros. | | Fedra | D.J. Fugle | Fullerton | Gramercy | Helix | Kimek | Keuffel & Esser | K&E Leroy Chuck | Kimberly (General Pencil Co.) | General's Kimberly Drafting 521 | L&C Hardtmuth, Austria | Koh-I-Noor Totiens 827 (Czech) | L&C Hardtmuth / Koh-I-Noor / | Grafo / Bohemia Works, | Czech | Koh-I-Noor 1511 | Hardtmuth Versatil 5228 | Bohemia Works | L&C Hardtmuth / | Koh-I-Noor | Leadmaster | Lutz | Lyra | Mifa / Mira | Dietzgen MIFA | Mitsubishi / UNI | Morilla | Nobema | Frederick Post / Teledyne Post | Teledyne Post | Renta | Righella | E. Roland | Speedraft | Keuffel & Esser Speedraft P-10 (early) new | | A & B Smith | A.B. Smith 5611 | Tacro | Tecnograph | Truline | Tru Point | Keuffel & Esser Tru Point Automatic Historical Information | Uchida | Universe | Vemco/TEC | TEC | Vemco TEC | TEC double | Venus (American Pencil Co.) | ATI | Ero | Fila | Finigraph | Laro 18-20 New | Magnet | Pacific-Arc H 1302 | Tacombi 150 | Vroom & Dreesman | WBP

Erstellt: 2013-12



Shop By Brand

Erstellt: 2013-12

Loiminchay - Stifte (W3)

Der Markenname "Loiminchay" setzt sich zusammen aus "Loimin-" = engl. "delightful", "understanding" und "Chay-" = engl. "artelier", "group".


Over the years of my collecting of writing instruments, I have stored up many treasures. From time to time, I would examine them, admire them, and play with them like a child playingwith toys. Until the year of 1999 or so, I have decided to make my own pens and named the company, "Loiminchay".

Once the decision was made, I searched back to my roots, 5000 years of Chinese arts and culture. Dragon and jade come in the picture, and of course, the Chinese porcelain vases as well.

"Loimin-" "delightful", "understanding"
"Chay-" "artelier", "group"

Patrick Chu, Founder


Since 1999, Patrick Chu, founder of "Loiminchay pens" has sought to infuse his writing instruments with the ancient Chinese tradition of creating meticulously handcrafted works of art. As a rising leader in the world of premium writing instruments, Loiminchay pens honor the 5000-year-old Chinese tradition of utilizing Jade and porcelain in the construction of delicate works of art which are truly one one-of-a-kind. Due to its esteemed reputation and craftsmanship, Loiminchay was selected to be the designer of the official pen collections of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.





Erstellt: 2014-04


Glenn Marcus




| | Ancora | | Bexley | | Classic Pens | Columbus | | | Jörg Hysek | Krone | Laban | Lalex | LeBoeuf | | MacKinnon | Onoto | | Platignum | Recife | Retro 1951 | Sheaffer | | | Think |


By Brand

| Abraxas | Akkerman | | Bexley | | de Atramentis | Diamine | Dupont | Herbin | Iroshizuku | Levenger | Monteverde | Noodler | Panache | | Platinum | Private Reserve | Rohrer & Klingner | Rubinato | Sheaffer |


Pen Views

The web has certainly opened the venues for the exchange of views on pens, inks, stores and companies. I regularly get asked about what I think about a particular pen, ink, store or "event" in the world of pens.

I share with you my views ...

Erstellt: 2013-11



Erstellt: 2013-12




Paper - Pens - Words



Handwriting in America: A Cultural History

Book review, by Dyas A. Lawson

Erstellt: 2013-11

Parker - Stifte

Der Stifte-Hersteller "Parker" trägt den Namen des Gründers "George Safford Parker", der die Firma im Jahr 1888 in Janesville, Wisconsin, United States, gründete.

Der Name engl. "Parker" geht üb rigens auf eine Berufsbezeichnung zurück. Ein "Parker" war ein (mittelalterlicher) Wildhüter bzw. Förster, und geht wohl auf mlat. "parricus" zurück.


1894 ließ er den "Lucky Curve" Füllhalter patentieren. Dieser Parker Füllhalter hatte einen kontrollierten Tintenfluss, der endlich das Auslaufen und "blaue Finger" beim Schreiben verhinderte.

Der Parker "Lucky Curve" wurde zum meistverkauften Füllhalter in den USA.

Viele weitere Meilensteine in der Schreibgeräte-Geschichte wurden von Parker produziert. So der "Parker Duofold" und der bis heute legendäre "Parker 51" aus dem Jahr 1941.


PARKER1 (1304-05)


[ FEW: 7,644b parricus; Gdf: 5,746a parchier 1; GdfC: Ø; TL: Ø; DEAF: parc (parquier); DMF: parquier; TLF: Ø; OED: parker n.1; MED: parker n.; DMLBS: 2110b parcarius ]


PARKER2 (s.xiv1/4)

[ FEW: 7,665a parricus; Gdf: Ø; GdfC: 10,282a parquer; TL: 7,342 parquer; DEAF: parc (parquer); DMF: parquer; TLF: parquer; OED: park v.; MED: ; DMLBS: 21110b parcare ]


Parker Vacumatic


English (Newhaven) Parker Duofolds


Origin of the name Parker:

Transferred use of the surname which arose as an occupational name for "one who worked in a park". The name is derived from the Middle English "parker" (a "park-keeper", a "gamekeeper").


Parker Slimfold Fountain Pen

George S Parker filed his first patent in 1889. He established the Parker Pen Company to manufacturer a superior writing instrument. By the 1920s the Parker pen was established as the leading manufacturer of pens. Pens where orginally supplied to the UK from Canada until 1941 when some models where made in Newhaven. The factory closed in 2009.




Parker Pens

In den 20er-Jahren begann die Vermarktung des Parker Duofolds in Europa und 1924 wurde eine Vertriebsstelle in London gegründet. Das abgebildete Senior-Modell wurde Mitte der 40er-Jahre in England hergestellt und ist auch im Lambrou-Buch auf Seite 191 zu sehen.(db)

Der Parker 51 wurde 1941 als Vacumatic (ab 1948 als Aerometric Schlauchfüller) eingeführt und gilt mit all seinen Varianten als meistverkaufter Füllhalter der Welt.(tj)


"Parker" is probably the most famous pen brand on the planet. The "Parker Jotter" in particular is one of the most recognisable writing instruments there is, and "Parker Quink" is virtually synonymous with ink. Sadly, Parker no longer make pens in the UK.




Parker: Duofold


Parker Pens are created without compromise in a tradition of excellence. In 2016, Parker Pen Co. has introduced a completely new selection, ranging from professional and conservative classic styles to some newly introduced innovative, contemporary designs. As always, these new Parker pens are made with superb tradition and craftsmanship. They are a natural choice for anyone, from a nation's leaders or heads of state to countless pen lovers and everyday writers.


Goodwriterspens's Blog: Parker




Parker Vintage



A leading manufacturer and renowned pen specialist since 1888. Parker’s handcrafted pens reflect innovation, style and quality, and are made with the finest materials and ultra-modern technologies. There’s one for every budget and taste!


Seit über 125 Jahre beliefert Parker die Welt der Schreibkultur mit ausgefeilten Schreibgeräten.





The unmistakable look and feel of a Parker pen sets it apart from any other brand of fine writing instrument. If you're looking for Parker ballpoint, rollerball or fountain pens, you'll find them right here. Since 1888, Parker has been a leading manufacturer and pioneer in the pen industry. Parker is proud to be the official pen of the British Royal Family. All Parker pens are assembled, polished and fitted by hand in France to ensure flawless quality.




"C. Josef Lamy" (1900-1986) established the company, in 1930, as Orthos with a factory in Heidelberg, Germany. He started big, with one employee! He brought his knowledge of the pen industry from his job as export manager with Parker. The first two models of pen produced followed the style of the Parker Duofold. By 1933 the company patented its design of a fountain pen and pencil.


George Safford Parker sold pens for the John Holland Pens Company as a means of supplementing his teaching salary. When the pens broke, he would fix them. From repairs he moved on to making his own pens in 1889. He is noted for saying if he " ... made a better pen, people would buy it". He found an investor and, true to an American success, with the $1,000 investment, the company was born and Parker as been a pen company of recognition ever since.








"Parker": Seit 1888 hat sich Parker als Pionier für Technologie und Design im Feld des schönen Schreibens etabliert. George Parkers Sehnsucht nach einem verlässlichen Schreibgerät war Ursprung für die technischen Durchbrüche und die unermüdliche Suche nach Innovation, die das Schreiben immer wieder aufs Neue verändern sollte.

George Parkers Ethos: „Mache ein besseres Parker und die Leute werden es kaufen“. Parker Kugelschreiber und Füller mit Gravur verschmilzt weiterhin edle Materialien, auserlesene Farben und einen ganz typischen Stil zu den elegantesten und schöpferischsten Kugelschreiber unserer heutigen Welt. Nach über 120 Jahren innovativem Wandel des Schreibens schreibt Parker erneut Geschichte.


"Parker" m (E.) ME. "parker keeper" of the park - OF. "parc enclosure" - ML. "parricus". Originally a surname.



Pens for sale | Selected stores | 10 Fountain pen tips | Pen repairs | Parker Pen catalogue | Interview: G Hollington | Feature: Parker Archives | Parker Technical Division | Web-TV | Metric converter | Date codes and other | Ask Tony | Contact | Join newsletter | About me | Donate |

FPN Forum (link) | Vacumatic Guide | Montblanc Guide (old) | The Penography: |

Which model is my pen? |

Parker 15 | Parker 17 | Parker 19 | Parker 21 | Parker 25 | Parker 3-in-1 | Parker 35 | Parker 41 | Parker 45 | Parker 50 | Parker 51 | Parker 61 | Parker 65 | Parker 71 | Parker 75 | Parker 85 | Parker 88 | Parker 95 | Parker 100 | Parker 105 | Parker 180 | Eversharp 10.000 | Parker Arrow | Awanyu "Aztek" | Parker B5 | Parker Big Arrow | Eversharp Big E | Parker Big Red | Parker Black&Gold | Parker Black Giant | Bookkeepers Special | Bulldog Special | Parker "Bullet" Pen | Parker Centennial | Parker Challenger | Eversharp Challenger | Parker Classic | Parker College pen | Parker Contact | Parker Debutante | Eversharp DeLuxe | Parker Desk Sets | Parker Dimonite | Parker Dip Pen | Parker Dollar Pen | Eversharp Doric | Parker DQ | Parker Duette | Parker Duofold | Parker UK Duofold | Parker Duo-Tone | Parker Duovac | Parker Ellipse | Parker Emblem Pen | Parker Esprit | Parker Executive | Parker Eyedropper | Parker Facet | Parker Falcon | Parker Filigree | Parker FP-1 | Parker Frontier | Parker Galalith | Eversharp Gamin | Parker Geometric | Parker Golden Arrow | Parker Hopalong Cassidy | Parker Imperial | Parker I.M. | Parker Inflection | Parker Insignia | Parker Itala | Parker Ivorine | Parker Jack Knife | Parker Jointless | Parker Jotter | Parker Lady | Parker La Plume | Parker Latitude | Parker Liquid Lead | Limited Edition | Parker Lucky Curve | Parker Mercur | Parker Minibille | Parker Minim | Parker Mixy | Parker Moderne | Parker Multy | Ms Parker | Parker Parco | Parker Parkette | Parker Pastel | Parker Patrician | Eversharp Point *7 | Parker Popular | Parker Pre-Duofolds | Parker "Pregnant" | Parker Premier MK I | Parker Premier MK II | Parker Profile | Parker Raven | Parker RB-1 | Parker Red Giant | Parker Reflex | Parker Rialto | Parker Shorthand | Parker Silver Dollar | Parker Slimfold | Parker "Snake" | Parker "Swastika" | Slinger/Swinger | Parker Special | Parker Sonnet | Parker Systemark | Parker T1 | Eversharp Teena | Parker Televisor | Eversharp Tiara | Eversharp Tip Wic | Parker Touché | Parker Trench Pen | Parker True Blue | Parker Urban | Parker Vacumatic | Parker Vacuum Filler | Parker Valentine | Parker Varsity | Parker Vector | Parker Victory | Eversharp Victory | Parker VP | Parker VS | Parker Writefine | Parker X | Parker XL | Parker Zephyr | Parker—Eversharp |



The Parker Pen Company was founded in Janesville, Wisconsin in 1888 by George Safford Parker with the dream of “making a better pen.” Before the company’s conception, George Parker had worked as a pen salesman for the John Holland Gold Pen Company. During his ventures, he saw a startling amount of discontent among pen collectors concerning the leakage of fountain pens. After Parker was founded, he created a special system to combat this problem. In 1894, Parker developed the “Lucky Curve”.





Parker is one of the big three American pen makers of the 20th Century, and we break their products down into over a dozen sub-categories. Starting with the Duofolds and Lucky Curve pens and continuing thru to the modern Duofolds, you'll find a varied and frequently changing selection of Parker pens and pencils. Especially popular are the Parker 51s, and we will endeavor to offer hard to find versions as well as the ubiquitious black vac, all fully functioning and guaranteed. We also have a unique variety of new old stock.


Parker and Waterman are old American pen companies that migrated to Europe for business reasons. Both are currently owned by Newell Brands. Both have made wonderful pens through the century. I'm particularly fond of Parker Vacumatics and Duofold Juniors. English Parkers are also wonderful writers, often with flexible nibs.


Die Parker Pen Company, kurz Parker, ist ein US-amerikanisches Unternehmen und wurde 1888 gegründet. Kugelschreiber und Füllfederhalter mit zeitlosem Design und subtiler Eleganz stehen im Mittelpunkt der Produktion und sind seit 1933 mit dem traditionellen Feder-Pfeilclip ausgestattet. Im Fokus von "George Safford Parker", dem Begründer der Marke Parker, stand stets die Kombination aus Perfektion und dem Vorsprung durch Innovation, so dass sich die Schreibgeräte seit mehr als 120 Jahren durch unvergleichliche Qualität und überragende Handwerkskunst auszeichnen.




Über Parker

1888 gründete George Safford Parker im US-amerikanischen Janesville, Wisconsin die Parker Pen Company. Bereits ein Jahr später brachte er seinen ersten, selbstkonstruierten Füller auf den Markt. Sein Erfindungsreichtum kannte kaum Grenzen und zahlreiche Patente sicherten den Erfolg: Die erste Steckkappe verdanken wir Parker ebenso wie vereinfachte Füllsysteme. Der legendäre Duo Fold-Füller von 1921, der als „perfekt und vollendet“ gerühmte Parker 51 aus dem Jahr 1939, der seit 1951 millionenfach verkaufte Kugelschreiber Jotter sowie der neue Sonnet – Parkers Füllfederhalter und Kugelschreiber mit dem berühmten Feder-Pfeilclip sind allgegenwärtig und höchst erfolgreich.


Brandportrait: Parker - Innovation, Stil und Qualität


Parker: Einfacher, sauberer Nachfüllvorgang




Parker stuff


George Parker, founder of the Parker brand, always drove his company’s success through the use of innovation. As he famously put it: “It will always be possible to make a better pen”. Over the years, Parker has been recognized as an innovator, continuing this tradition of innovation with its designs, pen constructions, materials and shapes.


Everything's been written about Parkers, well not quite, but a lot, and I don't need to write much more about this maker. They are one of the "Big Four" of American pendom. If you have questions, links will be coming soon and always feel free to contact me.


It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of "Parker" is "park keeper". Occupational name used as surname, and popular in the 19th century as a given name. Actor Parker Stevenson; musician Charlie Parker; historian Francis Parkman.




The "Parker Pen Company" is a manufacturer of luxury pens, founded in 1888 by "George Safford Parker" in Janesville, Wisconsin, United States. In 2011 the Parker factory at Newhaven, East Sussex, England, was closed, and its production transferred to Nantes, France.




Parker Parker 5TH

Erstellt: 2018-07



Erstellt: 2013-11



Erstellt: 2013-12




Pencil Makers/Importers/Exporters

| Adel Kalemcilik | | Atlas Pen & Pencil | Autopoint, Inc. | Bentcil | Berol, Ltd. | BIC | Bleispitz | Brevillier-Urban Schreibwarenfabrik | Bruynzeel Potlodenfabriek | California Republic Stationers | | Chattahoochee Pencil Co. | China First Pencil | CI Pencils | Cleo Vertrieb GmbH & Co.KG | Conté | Cretacolor Bleistiftfabrik GmbH | Cumberland Pencil Co., Ltd. | Daler-Rowney | Designway, Inc. | Dixon Ticonderoga | DOMS | Donga Pencil Co., Ltd. | Eye-Ball Pencil Co., Ltd. | | FILA | Forest Choice | General Pencil Co. | Hindustan Pencils Ltd. | Indus Pencil Industries (PVT) Ltd. | Jean Denecke | Jolly (Austria) | Kaweco | Koh-I-Noor Hardtmuth a.s. | Koh-I-Noor Hardtmuth Polska | Koh-I-Noor Hardtmuth Slovensko | Lancer Pen | Lapicera Mexicana | Liberty Pencil Co. | Lion Pencil Co. (Taiwan) | LYRA | Longkou Yiyou Pencil Factory | Marco | Masats Flamagas | Mitsubishi Pencil Co., Ltd. | Musgrave Pencil Co., Inc. | National Pen Corp. | Ohto | Panda Pencil | Pelikan | Pencil Craft Co. | Pentel | Pentel of America | Pilot Pen & Pencil | ProBuro | Reidinger | Re-Markable Pencils, Ltd. | Rheita | Roseart Industries | Sanford Berol UK | Sanford Corp. | Sanford Venezuela | | Senpol Pencil Co., Ltd. | Shahsons Pvt Ltd. | Shanghai Three Star | Shepenco | Siberian Pencil Factory | The Smencil Company | Staedtler (German) | Staedtler (English) | Staedtler USA | Staedtler Malaysia | Suzhou Huazong Stationery Co., Ltd. | Tianjiao Pen Industrial Co., Ltd. | Tree Smart, Inc. | TOZ-Penkala | Viarco | Wah Yuen Trading Co. | Woerther GmbH | Woodfree Pencils | The Write! Source |

Erstellt: 2013-12



Pencil Philosophy: Wooden Wisdom, Product Reviews & Ephemera, etc.

Erstellt: 2013-12

The Online Writing Instrument Magazine

Jim Mamoulides’ tremendous site, with tons of reference info, a great photo gallery, and a monstrous one-stop shopping list of pen-related links


Your on-line writing instrument magazine, featuring detailed reviews, history, news, shows, and product annoucements, and more links to writing instrument focused sites than any other source.

Erstellt: 2013-11



Erstellt: 2013-12



Browse Categories

Erstellt: 2013-12



A wealth of information: discussion board, articles, archives.


Articles by Type

Erstellt: 2013-11

Stifte - Zeitschrift


Founded in 1987, Pen World is the premier niche luxury magazine of fine writing instruments and handwriting culture. Based in Houston, Texas and issued bi-monthly, Pen World entices both new and experienced pen connoisseurs to look at writing instruments in an unconventional way. In our pages, you will find contemporary fountain pens and other writing instruments at all price points, fine papers, inks, and desk accessories. Our long-form articles cover leading brands, vintage pens, pen-and-ink artists, how-to guides, and much more. If you love pens, then Pen World is the magazine for you.

Erstellt: 2021-07



Erstellt: 2013-11



Phoenix fountain pens

Erstellt: 2013-12





Erstellt: 2013-11



Erstellt: 2013-12



RossPens Site Index

Latest Additions Bargains Other Makers Vacumatics Sheaffer Swan - Onoto Ringtops Moore Pen History Triangle Pen Club Favorite Sites

Erstellt: 2013-11


Sherpa - Stifte (W3)

Mit der Bezeichnung "Sherpa" soll an die Leistungsfähigkeit angeknüpft werden, die zur Besteigung des Mount Everest notwendig ist.


Sherpa Pens

Recommended disposable pens and markers:



The Sherpas are a well known community that have helped make history by guiding several adventure seekers to the top of Mt. Everest. Sherpas have the unique ability to withstand high altitudes and its effects. This community has acclimated itself throughout the years to the unusual conditions that occur while climbing a massive mountain. Just as the thrill seeking hiker needs a guide to climb Mt. Everest, the "Sherpa pen" guides your writing instrument to the next level.

Introduced in 2008, the Sherpa is a unique pen shell that holds a variety of disposable pens and markers including Sharpie, Pilot pen, uni-ball pens and Accent highlighters as its refill. Sherpa comes in many different styles for you to enjoy. Each Sherpa is designed with an innovative cap to keep the color of your marker or pen bold and fresh every time.

Erstellt: 2014-08

Space Pen (W3)

Der "Space Pen" wurde im Jahr 1967 entwickelt, getestet und für den Einsatz bei der NASA ausgewählt.

Die besonderen Eigenschaften des "Space Pen" war seine Gasdruck-Technik mit einer besondere dafür entwickelten Tinte und einer besonders Präzisen Kugelfassung, so daß trotz des Gasdrucks keine Tinte unaufgefordert heraustrat. Seine Funktion ist damit unabhängig von Luftdruck und Gravitation und ist auch bei Temperaturen bis -35°C und 121°C gewährleistet. Er schreibt unter Wasser und auch über Kopf, was besonders hilfreich beim Schreiben im Liegen ist.

Basis für den "Space Pen" war der bereits im Jahr 1948 entwickelte "Bullet Pen", dessen Form an eine Gewehrkugel erinnerte und ihm deshalb seinen Namen einbrachte.



Fisher Space Pen


Fisher Space Pen


2006 May: The Million Dollar Space Pen



Fisher Space Pens





Fisher Space Pen

Erstellt: 2010-07


Taccia - Stifte (W3)

Die "Taccia Pen Company" wurde von Shu-Jen Lin in Kalifornien gegründet.

Ital. "taccia" heißt dt. "Verruf" - das kann eigentlich nicht zur Namensgebung des Schreibgeräte-Herstellers geführt haben. - Aber was bedeutet der Firmenname "Taccia"? Ich konnte keinen Hinweis dazu finden.











Erstellt: 2013-12

Targa by Sheaffer (W3)

Gary Ellison’s encyclopedic reference to the iconic Targa by Sheaffer; indispensable for the serious collector!



First produced in 1976 the "Targa by Sheaffer" owes its name to the "Targa Florio", an open road endurance race held near Palermo Sicily. Founded in 1906 it was one of the oldest sports car racing events until it was stopped in 1977, it is now run as a rallying event.

"Genesis" was the name originally chosen for the model but just before the launch it was changed to "Targa". This changed happened because it was pointed out that sales in the middle east could be compromised with the name "Genesis".

The targa fitted with the iconic inlaid nib has been sold in over 70 different finishes, a total of around 120 fountain pens in classic and slimline. The classic fountain pen was the first size made in 1976, with trends in the early eighties leaning towards a sleeker look the slim model was introduced in 1982.


Targa Reference | Prototypes | Specials | History | Ephemera | Various | Classic or Slimline | Links & Thanks | Contact Us

Balance | Connaisseur | Crest | Imperial-Triumph | Intrigue | Legacy | Nostalgia | Pens For Sale


Fountain Pens of Japan by Andreas Lambrou and Masamichi Sunami

Pen Repair Second Edition by Jim Marshall and Laurence Oldfield - SOLD OUT Shipping at Cost, More Details.

Extra Fine Points - August 2010

Of 911s and Sheaffer Targas by Don Fluckinger, on Richard Binders website

Collectors Weekly interviews with Jim Mamoulides of and Rick Propas The


Image Courtesy of Jim Mamoulides


Extra Fine Points By Don Fluckinger, Targa Mania Part I , II & III.

Our aim is to help identify your Targa pen.

The pen search button has two links: a reference list and a finishes list. The reference list shows all pens that were designated a model number while the finishes link shows all the pens on the reference list plus others that were never given model numbers. Perhaps in the future model numbers can be found to correlate with the unnumbered pens.

The prototypes are pens that never made it into full production. Many fellow collectors have kindly sent me pictures of their unusual Targa pens. If you have something that doesn't appear on this site, your contributions would be appreciated.

Thank you for visiting my site.

Gary Ellison

Erstellt: 2013-11





| ANCORA | | BEXLEY | | COLIBRI | | | DUCATI | DUPONT | JIN HAO | KRONE | LABAN | LALEX | LIBELLE | | MERCEDES BENZ | MET. MUSEUM | MONTEVERDE | NAMIKI | | | PLATINUM | RETRO 51 | SHEAFFER | | | THINK | Calligraphy | Limited. Editions | Inks and Refills | Accessories | Stationery | Hand ground Nibs

Erstellt: 2013-12

Fountain Pens
Rick Propas


Erstellt: 2013-11



Jonathan Steinberg's Collectables Website


A couple of hundred thousand of you have bought my first book on Fountain Pens in the half dozen languages in which it has been published over five continents: Many collectors have approached me at shows and said that you really liked it; it provided you your initial introduction into the field; it taught you all you needed to know; you wouldn't dream of going to a flea market without it; It was the most useful book for assisting with negotiation on pens when you were dealing with totally un-knowledgeable antique dealers etc

Which is gratifying. I really appreciate the kind comments and tried to provide a proper introduction to the field in a form which you would all like. Even if it was insidiously designed to HOOK the innocent reader into unwittingly becoming a collector

I have a new book out called


Erstellt: 2013-11



The Vintage Pens Website was launched at the beginning of 1997, bringing online over ten years of experience in fountain pen collecting, dealing, and scholarship. Sixteen years later, and we're still going strong.

Our illustrated website catalog is updated day by day, with up to 100 new items added in the course of a typical month. At any given time, our catalog offers 600+ fine vintage fountain pens and pencils, along with an assortment of other antique and collectable writing instruments and old writing equipment.


accommodation clip | account | adjustable nib | Aerometric | Arrow nib | artist's nib | aspergillum | Autograph | baby bottom | Bakelite | banana | bbl | BCHR | BF | BHR | "Big Four" | blind cap | blow-filler | BP | brassing | breather hole | breather tube | bulb-filler | "bullseye" jewel | button-filler | capillary-filler | Cardinal | cartridge | casein | celluloid | chalk marks | chasing | chatelaine | Christmas tree feed | clip mark | coin-filler | collector | combo | cone cap | cork | cracked ice | crescent-filler | Deco Band | Demi | demonstrator | doctor's pen | doughnut | drop action | ebonite | ED | FDW | feed | ferrule | filigree | Flighter | German silver | GFT | gold filleded | Gregg | half-Balance | | half-overlay | "halo" imprint | hard rubber | hatchet-filler | holder | hooded nib | HR | injector pencil | ink-pellet pen | ink pencil | ink shutoff | Ink-Vue | inlaid nib | inner cap | integral nib | iridium | italic | J-bar | jewel | JiF | Jointless | ladies' pen | LE | LEC | lever box | Leverless | LF | lid | LL | longshort | long and short | Lucky Curve | Lustraloy | magic pencil | Mandarin | manifold | marbled | matchstick filler | MHR | middle joint | military clip | mottled | music nib | nib | nickel silver | Night & Day | Nozac | nozzle | NPT | oblique | Octanium | overfeed | overlay | packing unit | palladium silver | PCA | pearl | pen | Permanite | Personal Point | PF | PFM | piston-filler | plastic | platinum | Pli-glass | plunger-filler | pneumatic filler | POC | porte-crayon | post | posting | Presidential | propelling pencil | propel-repel | pump-filler | push-knob-filler | Pyralin | RB | repeating pencil | resin | reverse oblique | RG | RHR | Ripple | rolled gold | roller clip | RR | ruler mark | sac | safety | section | self-filler/filling | Senior | Signet | silicone grease | sleeve-filler | snowflake | Snorkel | spearhead feed | Special | Speedline | spoon feed | sprung | squeeze-filler | star clip | star nib | Stonite | straight cap | stub | stud-filler | stylo | syringe-filler | taper cap | tassie | test mark | thumb-filler | Touchdown | tooth | trench pen | Triumph nib | twist-filler | two-tone nib | underfeed | Vacumatic (Vac) | vacuum-filler | vent hole | vermeil | vest pocket | visulated | VS | vulcanite | VV clip | warranted nib | web | washer clip | woodgrain | 1/8 14K | 18KR | 375 | 585 | 750 |


This is a collection of articles and essays on the history and collecting of fountain pens and pencils. Many have already appeared elsewhere in other forms. Unless otherwise noted, they are our original work. Virtually all of these pieces differ from their earlier published versions. Some have been reworked, some have had additional material added, and some are simply as written, before the introduction of typos and unauthorized editorial redactions. For more, take a look at our Vintage Pen Blog, where we often post recent discoveries and share research work in progress.

Erstellt: 2013-11


Wearever - Stifte (W3)

"Wearever" hatte vermutlich den Anspruch "überall getragen" zu werden.


Wearever Pens
Started by , Apr 10 2005 15:18



Notes V: Wearever Pens March 20th, 2012

David Kahn Inc. in Bergen, NJ., was the world’s largest manufacturer of pens for many years, up until probably the mid-1950s or early 1960s. His brands, including “Supreme”, “Wear-ever”, Wearever”, “Treasure” and “Pioneer” (plus others) had two characteristics: First, they were made to sell for a fraction of better known and better made pens. Second, the styles looked like other models of other pen makers.



Wearever Gallery
by Jim Mamoulides 1/2/02 - Updated 7/24/04

Wearever: the Greatest Name in Fountain Pens! Well, actually, far from it. Wearever always worked on quantity versus quality, and frankly, for the most part, their pens show it. In the 1950s, Wearever called themselves the "World's Largest Fountain Pen Manufacturer." Doubtless quantity ruled somewhat over quality. Wearever was the king of the low rent district, making all sorts of cheap pens in all flavors and colors for the public to consume.

Erstellt: 2013-12

Wahl-Eversharp - Stifte

"John C. Wahl" gründete im Jahr 1905 in Chicago die "Wah Adding Machine Company". Sein Geschäftsfeld waren Rechenmaschinen und Metallartikel.

Im Jahr 1912 gründete der japanische Geschäftsmann Tokuji Hayakawa die "Ever-Sharp Pencil Company". Sein Geschäftsfeld war der Vertrieb des von ihm erfundenen metallenen Drehbleistifts. Der Firmenname bzw. Produktname bezog sich auf die nun immer schreibbereite nachführbare Bleistiftmine. Die Bleistifte verkauften sich auch in den USA sehr gut.

Im Jahr 1915 kaufte "John C. Wahl" die Rechte an dem metallenen Drehbleistift und schuf die Marke "Wahl-Eversharp". Im Jahr 1920 verkaufte Wahl 12 Mio. Eversharp-Drehbleistifte.

"Wahl Eversharp" gehörte in den USA neben Parker, Sheaffer und Waterman zu den "Big Four". Ursprünglich Hersteller von Addiermaschinen, stieg der Unternehmensgründer ab 1915 in das Geschäft mit Schreibgeräten ein durch Übernahme der "Ever-Sharp Pencil Company".

Ab 1931 produzierte "Wahl Eversharp" den 12-kantigen Doric, der den dorischen Säulen in der griechischen Antike nachempfunden war. Das goldene Siegel mit dem verschlungenen "W" steht sowohl für eine lebenslange Garantie ("Warranty") als auch für den Unternehmensgründer "John C. Wahl".

Im Jahr 1957 kaufte Parker die Sparte der Eversharp-Schreibgeräte. Im Jahr 1959 wurde der Verkauf der Marke eingestellt.

Nach verschiedenen Weiterverkäufen und einem 50-jährigen Dornröschenschlaf wurde die Marke "Wahl-Eversharp" von den Eignern der "Wahl-Eversharp Company" zu neuem Leben erweckt.

Aktuell (2016) wird aus der "Dcoband Serie" ein Demonstrator "DECOBAND Gold Seal Oversized Collection" für $1250.00 angeboten. Auf der Internet-Seite findet man den Hinweis: "The Roller Clip is engraved "WAHL PEN" harking back to the Original DECOBAND pens of 1928."


Wahl-Eversharp Decoband Demonstrator Fountain Pen






Wahl Eversharp


Showing posts with label Wahl Eversharp.


Wahl Eversharp




Pen Review: Wahl-Eversharp Decoband (Modern)


Wahl Eversharp




Wahl Eversharp Pencils



One of the grand pen companies of the Twentieth Century, Wahl Eversharp pens are notable for adventurous design elements, often wonderful flex nibs, and unstable celluloid that shrinks and turns to dust. Condition matters! The best Wahls are a delight, and these are restored and in good working condition.


The Eversharp pencil was the brainchild of Charles R. Keeran, a native of Bloomington, Illinois and an inveterate inventor and entrepreneur. Nowadays collectors take these seemingly ubiquitous all-metal pencils for granted, yet the original Eversharp was truly a groundbreaking innovation. The first mass-produced mechanical pencil to combine a simple propelling mechanism with large lead capacity and robust, ergonomically sound design, the Eversharp met with enthusiastic public acceptance. In the space of a few years millions were sold, not counting the numerous imitations which soon appeared, virtually all using the .046" (1.2 mm) lead that the Eversharp had established as a new standard.

It was the Eversharp that redefined the mechanical pencil as a mass-market product, to the extent that "eversharp" came to be widely used as a generic term for a mechanical pencil.


Wahl Cap Discoloration: Why That Banding?



The name "WAHL-EVERSHARP" is a proud one in the history of writing instruments.

"EVERSHARP", the inventor and first successful mass marketer of the mechanical pencil, goes back to 1915.

"WAHL" was the brand name given to some of the finest fountain pens ever made and goes back to 1917.

The hyphenated name "WAHL-EVERSHARP" first appeared on some of the finest “golden era” fountain pens in 1929.

The Deco Band, the Doric and the Skyline fountain pens of the 1920’s, 1930’s and 1940’s were among the most successful fountain pens and mechanical pencils ever made.
Parker sold the Eversharp company to a successor who in turn sold it to another, where it existed virtually in name only for almost 50 years until being revived by the owners of the Wahl-Eversharp Company who today bring you the pens contained in this website.


Beginning in 2004, attempts began to secure the production capabilities necessary to manufacture the line of pens presented today by The WAHL-EVERSHARP Company. Working independently at first, Emmanuel Caltagirone in Italy and Syd Saperstein in the United States, began to lay the plans for a revival of WAHL-EVERSHARP’s “Greatest Hits.” In 2012 their efforts were rewarded by a combined effort that utilizes Mr. Catagirone’s vast manufacturing capabilities and Mr. Saperstein’s expertise in the history of the brand, marketing and distribution.
The WAHL-EVERSHARP Company, is a wholly owned subsidiary of "Pensbury Manor LLC", an Arizona Limited Liability Corporation, with its head office located at 4745 N Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale AZ, 85251. The company maintains warehouse facilities located at 409 South Mcclintock Drive Tempe, AZ 85281 which receives freight sized deliveries.


Wahl Eversharp Skyline Demonstrator

Erstellt: 2016-10

Zubehör zum Selbstbau



Erstellt: 2013-12


Zain Crocker - Stifte (W3)
Fountain Pens


The Crocker Pen Company


The "Crocker Pen Company" was founded in the late 1890s by "Seth Sears Crocker". His son, "Seth Chilton Crocker", around 1903 started the "S. C. Crocker Pen Company" in New York. He would later found the "Chilton Pen Company".

At the end of the 1920's, Crocker sold all patents and trademarks to "Nicholas Zaino". From then on the fountain pens had their clips and nibs engraved with "Zain Crocker".

Erstellt: 2013-12

Xezo - Stifte (W3)

Zum Markennamen der Designerfirma "Xezo" habe ich keinen Hinweis gefunden. Von "Xezo" selbst wird immerhin darauf hingewiesen, dass der Anfangsbuchstabe "X" für Beständigkeit und Dauerhaftigkeit stehen soll.


Xezo is a designer brand which was founded in 2001.[1] The brand concept was to produce limited editions, yet sensibly priced, luxury items of high quality, such as Swiss-made timepieces, fine writing instruments, leather goods and luxurious eyewear.



About "Xezo":

The "Xezo" (pronounced "Zee-zo") brand of luxury products is created for individuals who appreciate striking design, an emphasis on limited-edition production, and traditional "Old World" craftsmanship.

You may notice we use capital "X" as our Xezo logo. Not only is "X" the first letter of our company name; it is also a naturally occurring pattern often found on river stones and other rock-like, enduring formations.

Since its inception in 2001 Xezo has followed this credo: To produce sensibly priced, high-quality, handcrafted luxury items in limited quantities designed with exquisite beauty to express the creative side of your personality.

Each of our exquisite timepieces, fine writing instruments, hand-crafted leather goods and fashion sunglasses is created to reflect your good taste — and the integrity, skills and care of our artisans.

Our timepieces, writing instruments, leather goods and eyewear are known for their unique colors, striking finishes and luxurious materials. Once you hold a Xezo product in your hands and see firsthand the spectacular Xezo difference, you will know the reason that each limited-edition piece can rightly be called a "Masterpiece."

Erstellt: 2013-12


Yafa - Stifte (W3)

"Yafa" wurde von Jerry Greenberg im Jahr 1978 gegründet.

Eventuell soll "Yafa" auf neuhebr. "yafa" = dt. "die Schöne", "die Gute" verweisen.



Erstellt: 2013-12