Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Redewendung, Expresión, Expression, Locuzione, Idiom, (esper.) idiotismoj, parolturnoj

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back-seat driver (W3)

Der engl. "back-seat driver", "backseat driver" (1925-1930), war ursprünglich der reiche Besitzer oder Mitfahrer auf dem Rücksitz, der dem angestellten Fahrer sagte wo' s alng geht und wie er zu fahren hat. Heute ist der "back-seat driver" zum nörgelnden und besserwissenden Beifahrer geworden. Ja er hat sich ganz allgemein breit gemacht und tritt auch als "Besserwisser" auf, wenn es gar nicht um fahrende Fortbewegung geht. Im britischen Englisch versteht man unter "back-seat driver" jemanden der kontrollierenden Einfluss auf etwas hat.


November 02, 2014
English in a Minute: Back-Seat Driver
Published 11/01/2014

Do you have a "back-seat driver" in your circle of friends? Watch this video to find out what the phrase means.

(E?)(L?) driver
Limericks on back-seat driver


back-seat driver


Back-seat driver


back-seat driver

(E1)(L1) driver
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "back-seat driver" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2014-11

backseat driver (W3)

Der engl. "back-seat driver", "backseat driver" (1925-1930), war ursprünglich der reiche Besitzer oder Mitfahrer auf dem Rücksitz, der dem angestellten Fahrer sagte wo's lang geht und wie er zu fahren hat. Heute ist der "back-seat driver" zum nörgelnden und besserwissenden Beifahrer geworden. Ja er hat sich ganz allgemein breit gemacht und tritt auch als "Besserwisser" auf, wenn es gar nicht um fahrende Fortbewegung geht.


backseat driver

(E?)(L?) driver
Limericks on "backseat driver"


Backseat driver

(E1)(L1) driver
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "backseat driver" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1920 auf.

Erstellt: 2014-11

big fish in a small pond (W3)

Die seit 1881 zu findende amerikanische Redewendung engl. "to be a big fish in a small pond" = dt. "der Hecht im Karpfenteich sein" könnte auch mit der Julius Caesar zugeschriebenen Redewendung dt. "lieber der Erste in einem Dorf als der Zweite in Rom" wiedergegeben werden. Oder auch als dt. "unter Blinden ist der Einäugige Konig".

Dem "großen Fisch im kleinen Teich" wird allerdings wenig Entwicklungsmöglichkeit zugetraut.


The implication behind labelling someone "a big fish in a small pond" is that he or she is content to stay in that position.


11. "big fish in a small pond": "someone important in a small community"


chiefly US

: a person who is very well known or important in a small group of people but who is not known or important outside that group In school he was a big fish in a small pond, but once he moved to the city he was just another struggling actor.


The phrase is American and the earliest reference I can find to it is in The Galveston Daily News, June 1881:

'They [local vested interests in Galveston] are "big fish in a small pond".'


big fish in a small pond


A big fish in a small pond is an important person in a small place or organisation.


big fish in a small pond

(E1)(L1) fish in a small pond
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "big fish in a small pond" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.


Erstellt: 2018-03

Blow Off Steam (W3)

Die Redewendung engl. "Blow Off Steam" geht - wie dt. "Dampf ablassen" - auf die Zeit der Dampfmaschinen zurück. Das Zusammenspiel von Feuer, Wasser und Fortbewegung war etwas regelträge und der Dampfdruck konnte nicht beliebig vaiiert werden. Und wenn der Dampfdruck nicht direkt in Arbeitskraft umgewandelt werden konnte, musste Dampf - ungenutzt - abgelassen werden. Heute wird der Ausdruck engl. "Blow Off Steam" mangels Dampfmaschinen nur noch im übertragenen Sinne verwendet.


January 11, 2015 07:09 UTC
English In A Minute

Blow Off Steam

Published 01/10/2015

This expression comes from the days of steam engines. Our one minute video tells you all about what blowing off steam means.


"let off steam" or "blow off steam" {v. phr.}

(E?)(L?) off steam

Limericks on blow off steam


Blow off steam
This idiom is American English American English

(E1)(L1) Off Steam
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "???" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2015-01





Fly by the Seat of One's Pants (W3)

Engl./Am. "to fly by the seat of ones pants" kann man mit dt. "mit dem Hintern fliegen" übersetzen (engl. "seat of the trousers", am. "seat of the pants" = dt. "Hosenboden").


fly by the seat of one's pants


Fly by the seat of one's pants


Fly by the seat of one's pants


December 21, 2014 05:33 UTC
English in a Minute: "Fly by the Seat of One's Pants"
Published 12/20/2014
You Don't have to be a pilot to "fly by the seat of your pants." Watch this video and find out about this expression.

(E1)(L1) by the Seat of One's Pants
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Fly by the Seat of One's Pants" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2014-12



horn spoon
by the great horn spoon (W3)

Die Eidesformel engl. "by the great horn spoon" ist zwar weithin bekannt, aber es gibt anscheinend keine nachvollziehbare Herleitungsgeschichte.

Ein paar Assoziationen spielen mit umgangssprachlichen / seemänischen / astronomischen Bezeichnungen wie amerik. "Dipper", "Big Dipper" = dt. "Großer Bär" und "Little Dipper" für "Kleiner Bär" zusammen mit schott. "horn" = "Ursa Minor" = "Kleiner Bär" und "dipper" = "big spoon". Somit würde mit engl. / amerik. "by the great horn spoon" der engl. "Big Dipper", also der "Große Bär" angerufen werden.


Ambrose Bierce The Devil's Dictionary (1911)
REGALIA, n. Distinguishing insignia, jewels and costume of such ancient and honorable orders as the Knights of Adam;


"Horn", a "horn spoon"; a "comb of horn".


Horn Spoon

The horn spoon, made in 1877, was commissioned by Dugald MacFarlane's mother to commemorate his seventh birthday. A traveller craftsman produced it from a sawn, heated and pressed cow's horn and attached a thistle made from a silver sixpence. Dugald Macfarlane eventually became the Very Reverend, living in St Columba's Manse, Kingussie, Inverness-shire.

The spoon however is significant as it represents the importance of the contribution of the 'travelling people' to the everyday life of Highland rural communities. They used the resources of the environment around them to create all sorts of domestic and working goods such as horn spoons, heather mats, pot scrubbers, woven creels etc. As well as working on the land, the travellers also excelled in metalwork from tinsmithing to the re-working of silver and gold. For the latter, several became some of Scotland's primary provincial silversmiths.


Ambrose Bierce: The Devil’s Dictionary – Q R
REGALIA, n. Distinguishing insignia, jewels and costume of such ancient and honorable orders as Knights of Adam; Visionaries of Detectable Bosh; the Ancient Order of Modern Troglodytes; the League of Holy Humbug; the Golden Phalanx of Phalangers; the Genteel Society of Expurgated Hoodlums; the Mystic Alliances of Georgeous Regalians; Knights and Ladies of the Yellow Dog; the Oriental Order of Sons of the West; the Blatherhood of Insufferable Stuff; Warriors of the Long Bow; "Guardians of the Great Horn Spoon"; the Band of Brutes; the Impenitent Order of Wife-Beaters; the Sublime Legion of Flamboyant Conspicuants; Worshipers at the Electroplated Shrine; Shining Inaccessibles; Fee-Faw-Fummers of the inimitable Grip; Jannissaries of the Broad-Blown Peacock; Plumed Increscencies of the Magic Temple; the Grand Cabal of Able-Bodied Sedentarians; Associated Deities of the Butter Trade; the Garden of Galoots; the Affectionate Fraternity of Men Similarly Warted; the Flashing Astonishers; Ladies of Horror; Cooperative Association for Breaking into the Spotlight; Dukes of Eden; Disciples Militant of the Hidden Faith; Knights-Champions of the Domestic Dog; the Holy Gregarians; the Resolute Optimists; the Ancient Sodality of Inhospitable Hogs; Associated Sovereigns of Mendacity; Dukes-Guardian of the Mystic Cess-Pool; the Society for Prevention of Prevalence; Kings of Drink; Polite Federation of Gents-Consequential; the Mysterious Order of the Undecipherable Scroll; Uniformed Rank of Lousy Cats; Monarchs of Worth and Hunger; Sons of the South Star; Prelates of the Tub-and-Sword.


Nobody knows the source of the fanciful oath by the great horn spoon (sometimes great horned spoon).


By the great horn spoon
The first recorded example is in a song which appeared in the American National Songbook of 1842 under the title French Claim, “As sung by Mr Andrews at the Tremont Theatre”:
A "horn spoon", of course, is just a "spoon made from cow’s horn". There are tantalising hints that horn spoons might have links with Scottish folklore in some way, though exactly how is far from clear. The saying is sometimes associated with the California Gold Rush, mainly through a children’s book of 1963 by Sid Fleischman called "By The Great Horn Spoon". That book has introduced the phrase to generations of American schoolchildren, and is now pretty much the only work in which anyone ever encounters it. Even though many prospectors (including those in the book) reached the gold fields by sea around Cape Horn, the phrase has no connection with that wild and dangerous area of the South Atlantic.

My sources are completely silent on the origins of the saying, so I turned to the experts at the American Dialect Society. No very clear consensus emerged (they are almost, but not quite, as much in the dark as the rest of us). The seafaring connections were thought to be significant, possibly indicating an oath sworn by the Big Dipper or Little Dipper (respectively Ursa Major, also called the Plough, and Ursa Minor, or the Little Bear), both of them being important constellations for navigation in northern latitudes. It is certain that "horn" is an old Scottish name for "Ursa Minor" and a "dipper", of course, is really just a "big spoon". I’ve found it said as fact that the phrase does indeed refer to the "Big Dipper".

That sounds the most likely explanation, even though its early history is unknown and there are some loose ends in the story.

(E1)(L1) spoon
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "horn spoon" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1810 auf.

Erstellt: 2022-12




Keep One's Eyes Peeled (W3)

In engl. "Keep One's Eyes Peeled" (1833) = dt. "die Augen aufbehalten" sollte man engl. "peel" = dt. "schälen" nicht ganz wörtlich nehmen.


14.01.2009 to keep one's eyes peeled for something


keep one's eyes peeled


English in a Minute: Keep One's Eyes Peeled
Published 02/28/2015
"To peel" means to pull back a layer. But, does this idiom really mean you pull back your eyelid? Figure out what it means with this episode of English in a Minute.


keep one's eyes peeled pay attention; be watchful

(E1)(L1) One's Eyes Peeled
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Keep One's Eyes Peeled" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2015-03


American Idioms

Wer Russisch kann ist auf dieser Seite etwas im Vorteil. Nach der russsischen Einleitung von " Adam Makkai, Maya Aleksandrovna Glinberg" kommt man aber für den Rest der Seite mit Englisch weiter.

Auf der 2MB (ca. 600 Seiten) grossen Seite findet man mehrere tausend amerikanische Idiome. Zwar findet man zu jeder Redewendung die Bedeutung und einige Beispiele, aber leider gibt es keine Hinweise zur Herkunft der Redewendungen. Dennoch ist die Liste ganz hilfreich bei der Suche.

abide by | a bit | about one's ears | around one's ears | about time | about to | above all | above suspicion | absent without leave (AWOL) | absentia | Acapulco gold | accord | according as | according to | according to one's own lights | account | ace | ace in the hole | acid head | acid rock | | acoustic perfume | acquire a taste for | across the board | across the tracks | act | act high and mighty | actions speak louder than words | act of faith | act of God | act one's age | be one's age | actor | act out | act up | add fuel to the flame | add insult to injury | addition | address | add the finishing touches | add up | add up to | ad lib | advance | advantage | a few | affair | afoul of | afraid of one's shadow | a friend in need is a friend indeed | after a fashion | after all | after a while | in a while | after hours | after one's own heart | after the dust clears | when the dust settles | again | against it | against the clock | against the current | against the stream | against the grain | against time | against the clock | age | agent | Agent Orange | ago | agree with | ahead | ahead of | ahead of the game | ahead of time | a hell of | or one hell of a | aim | air | airbus | air one's dirty linen in public | wash one's dirty linen in public | airquake | air shuttle | a la | alert | a little | a little bird told me | a little knowledge is a dangerous thing | alive | alive and kicking | alive with | all | all along | right along | all at once | all of a sudden | all better | all but | all ears | alley | alley cat | all eyes | all gone | all here | all hours | all in | all in a day's work | all in the day's work | all in all(1) | all in all(2) | in all | all in good time | all in one piece | all kinds of | all manner of | all of | all of a sudden | all out | all-out effort | all-out war | all over | all over but the shouting | all over someone | allowance | allow for | all right(1) | all right(2) | all right for you | all roads lead to Rome | all set | all shook up | shook up | all systems go | all the(1) | all the(2) | all the better | all the ---er | all there | all here | all the same(1) | all one | all the same(2) | just the same | all the thing | all the rage | the in thing | all the time | all the while | all the way | the whole way | all the worse | all thumbs | all told | all to the good | all up | all very well | all walks of life | all wet | all wool and a yard wide | all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy | all year round | alone | along | along for the ride | along in years | on in years | alongside of | a lot | aloud | alpha wave | alter | always | ambulance chaser | American plan | amount to | a must | anchor | --- and --- | and all | and how! | and so forth | and so on | and the like | and then some | and what not | angel dust | another | answer back | answer for | answer one's calling | answer the call of nature | obey the call of nature | answer to | ante up | ants in one's pants | a number | any | any number | any old how | any old way | any port in a storm | anything | anything but | anything like | anywhere near | anywhere near | any which way | apart | apart from | aside from | ape | appear | appearance | apple | applecart | apple-pie order | apple polisher | apple polishing | approval | a pretty pass | apropos of | arm | arm and a leg | armed to the teeth | arm in arm | around one's ears | around the clock | the clock around | round-the-clock | around the corner | arrest | as | as a last resort | as a matter of fact | as an aside | as a rule | as an old shoe | as --- as --- | as best one can | as catch can | as far as | so far as | as far as that goes | as far as that is concerned | so far as that is concerned | so far as that goes | as follows | as for | as good as | as good as a mile | as good as one gets | as good as one's promise | as good as one's word | good as one's word | as hard as nails | aside | aside from | aside of | as if | as though | as if one has come out of a bandbox | as is | as it were | ask | ask for | ask for one's hand | ask for the moon | cry for the moon | asleep at the switch | as likely as not | as long as | so long as | as luck would have it | as much | as much as | much as | so much as | as of | as one goes | as one man | as regards | as soon as | as the crow flies | as the story goes | as though | as to | as usual | as well | as well as | as yet | as you please | at a blow | at a stroke | at one stroke | at all | at all costs | at all events | at all hazards | at all hours | at a loss | at anchor | at any rate | at a premium | at arm's length | at a set time | at a snail's pace | at a straw | at a stroke | at a time | at bay | at best | at the best | at both ends | at call | at close range | at cross purposes | at death's door | at each other's throats | at ease | at one's ease | at one's ease | at every turn | at face value | at fault | at first | at first blush | at first glance | at first sight | at great length | at half mast | at hand | at close hand | near at hand | at heart | at home | at issue | at it | at large | at last | at long last | at least | at the least | at leisure | at one's leisure | at length | at liberty | at loggerheads | at long last | at loose ends | at most | at the most | at odds | at once | at one | | at one's beck and call | at the beck and call of | at one's best | at one's door | at one's doorstep | at one's ease | at one's elbow | at one's feet | at one's fingertips | at one's heels | at one's leisure | at one's service | at one stroke | at one's wit's end | at wits end | at one's word | at one time | at pains | at present | at random | at sea(1) | at sea(2) | at sight | on sight | at --- stage of the game | at stake | at straws | at swords' points | at table | at that | at the best | at the bit | at the drop of a hat | at the eleventh hour | at the end of one's rope | at the kill | at the least | at the mercy of | at one's mercy | at the most | at the outset | at the outside | at the point of | at the ready | at the same time | at the seams | at the table | at table | at the tip of one's tongue | on the tip of one's tongue | at the top of one's voice | at the top of one's lungs | at this rate | at that rate | at times | at will | at wits end | at work | at worst | at the worst | aught | Aunt Tom | avail | average | awe | awkward age | AWOL | ax to grind | babe in the woods | baby | baby boom | baby grand | baby kisser | back | back and forth | back away | back door | back down | back off | back in circulation | back number | backfire | backhanded compliment | back of | in back of | back out | back seat | | back street | back talk | back the wrong horse | back-to-back | back to the salt mines | back to the wall | back against the wall | back up | backward | backward and forward | backwards and forwards | bacon | bad | bad actor | bad blood | bad egg | bad mouth (someone) | bad news | bad paper | bad shit | bad trip | bag | bag and baggage | baggage | bail | bail out(1) | bail out(2) | bail out(3) | bait | bake | balance | ball | ball game | ball of fire | balloon | ballot stuffing | ball up | baloney | banana oil | band | bandbox | band together | bandwagon | bandy about | bang up | bank | bank on | bar | bargain | bargain for | bargain on | barge in | bark up the wrong tree | bark worse than one's bite | barn | barrel | barrelhead | bar the door | base | base on balls | basket | basket case | bat | bat an eye | bat an eyelash | bath | bats in one's belfry | bats in the belfry | bat the breeze | batting average | battle | battle of nerves | bawl out | bay | be | beach | beach bunny | bead | be a fly on the wall | be a good hand at | beam | bean | be an item | be a poor hand at | be at pains | bear | bear a grudge | bear a hand | beard | bear down | bear down on | upon | bear fruit | bear in mind | bear in the air | bear in the sky | bear off the palm | bear one's cross | bear out | bear trap | bear up | bear watching | bear with | beat | beat about the bush | beat around the bush | beat all | beat the Dutch | beat all hollow | beat hollow | beat a retreat | beat around the bush | beat down | beaten path | beaten track | beat hollow | beat into one's head | beat it | beat one to it | beat one's brains out | beat one's brains | beat one's gums | beat one's head against a wall | beat the band | beat the bushes | beat the brush | beat the drum | beat the gun | beat the --- out of | lick the --- out of | whale the --- out of | beat the meat | beat the pants off | beat the rap | beat the shit out of | beat time | beat to | beat to the punch | beat to the draw | beat up | beauty sleep | beaver | because of | beck | become of | bed | bed of nails | bed of roses | bowl of cherries | bed of thorns | bee | beef about | beef up | bee in one's bonnet | beeline | be even-Steven | before long | before one can say Jack Robinson | before swine | before you know it | beg | be game | beggars can't be choosers | begin with | beg off | beg the question | behalf | behavior | be hard on | behind | behind bars | behind one's back | behind the eight-ball | behind the scenes | behind the times | behind time | be-in | be in a stew | being | be in labor | be in someone else's shoes | be into something | be itching to | be it so | belabor the point | belfry | believe | believe one's ears | believe one's eyes | bell | bellyache | belly up | belly up | below par | below the belt | belt | belt out | be my guest | beneath one | bench | bench warmer | bend over backward | lean over backward | benefit | bent on | bent upon | be nuts about | be off | be on | be one's age | be oneself | be on the outs with | be on the rocks | be on the verge of | be on the wagon | be on to | be over | be out | be out to | berth | be set on | upon | beside oneself | beside the point | beside the question | best | best bib and tucker | Sunday best | Sunday go-to-meeting clothes | best man | best seller | bet | be the making of | bet one's boots | bet one's bottom dollar | bet one's shirt | bet one's life | bet on the wrong horse | better | better half | better late than never | better than | between | between a rock and a hard place | between life and death | between the devil and the deep blue sea | between two fires | between a rock and a hard place | between the eyes | between the lines | between two fires | between two shakes of a lamb's tail | be up to no good | be up to something | beyond measure | beyond one's depth | beyond one's means | beyond one's nose | beyond question(1) | beyond question(2) | without question | beyond reasonable doubt | beyond the shadow of a doubt | bib | bide one's time | bid fair | big | big as life | large as life | life-size | big as life and twice as natural | big cheese | big gun | big shot | big wheel | big wig | big daddy | big deal | big frog in a small pond | bigger than one's stomach | big hand | big head | big house | big lie, the | big mouth | big-mouthed | big shot | big wig | big stink | big time | big-time | big top | big wheel | big yawn | bill | bind | bingo card | bird | bird has flown | bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (a) | bird of a different feather | birds of a feather flock together | birds and the bees (the) | bird watcher | birthday suit | bit | bitch | bite | bite off more than one can chew | bite one's head off | bite one's lips | bite the dust | bite the hand that feeds one | bitter | bitter pill | black | black and blue | black and white | black-and-white | black day | black eye | blackout | black out | black sheep | blame | blank check | blanket | blast off | blast away | blaze a trail | bleep out | bless one's heart | blessing | blind | blind alley | blind as a bat/beetle/mole/owl | blind date | blind leading the blind | blind spot | blink | blip out | bleep out | blitz | block | blockhead | blood | blood and thunder | blood freezes | blood is thicker than water | blood runs cold | blood freezes | blood turns to ice | blood turns to ice | bloody | blot out | blow | blow a fuse | blow a gasket | blow one's top | blow one's stack | blow great guns | blow hot and cold | blow in | blow into | | blow one's brains out | blow one's cool | blow one's lines | fluff one's lines | blow one's mind | blow one's own horn | toot one's own horn | blow one's top | blow out | blowout | blow over | blow taps | | blow the lid off | blow the whistle on | blow up | blow up in one's face | blue | blue around the gills | blue collar worker | blue in the face | blue Monday | blue-pencil | bluff | blurt out | blush | board | boat | bobby-soxer | bob up | body | body blow | body English | bog down | bog down, to get bogged down | boggle the mind | boil | boil down | boil over | boiling point | bolt from the blue | bombshell | bond | bone | bonehead | bone of contention | bone to pick | crow to pick | bone up | bonnet | book | boom | boot | boot hill | boot out | boot strap | border on | bore to death | bore to tears | born | born out of wedlock | | | borrow | borrow trouble | bosom friend | boss | boss one around | | both | both --- and | bothered | bottle blond | bottleneck | bottle up | bottom | bottom dollar | bottom drop out | bottom fall out | bottom line | bottom line | bottom out | bounce | bound | bound for | bound up with | bow | bow and scrape | bowl of cherries | bowl over | bow out | box | box office | boy | boyfriend | boys will be boys | brain | brain bucket | brain drain | brain-storm | brainstorm | brain trust | brake | branch off | branch out | brand-new | bran-new | brass | brass hat | brass tacks | brave it out | brazen it out | bread | bread and butter(1) | bread and butter(2) | bread and butter(3) | bread-and-butter letter | breadbasket | break | break away | break loose | break camp | break down | breakdown | breaker | break even | break-even | break ground | break in | break-in | break into | break new ground | break off | break one's balls | break one's heart | break one's neck | break one's word | break out | break the ice | break the record | break through | breakthrough | break up | break up | break-up | break with | breast | breath | breathe down one's neck | breathe easily | breathe freely | breathe one's last | bred in the bone | breeches | breeze | breeze in | brew | brick | brick wall | bridge | brief | bright and early | bring about | bring around | bring round | bringdown | bring down | bring down about one's ears | bring down around one's ears | bring down the house | bring home | bring home the bacon | bring in | bring into line | bring off | bring on | bring out | bring round | bring suit against | bring to | bring to a close | bring to a head | bring to bay | bring to heel | bring to light | bring to one's knees | bring to pass | bring to terms | bring up | bring up the rear | bring | wheel in | out | up the big guns | broke | Bronx cheer | broom | broth | brow | brown | brown-bagger | brown-nose | brown paper bag | brown study | brush | brush aside | brush back | brushoff | brush off | give the brush off | brush up | brush up on | bubble gum music | bubble trouble | buck | bucket | bucket of bolts | buckle | buckle down | knuckle down | buck passer | buck-passing | buck up | bud | bug-eyed | buggy-whip | bughouse(1) | bughouse(2) | bug in one's ear | build | build a fire under | build castles in the air | build castles in Spain | build on sand | build up | build up to | bull | bullet lane | bull in a china shop | bull session | bullshit artist | bum around | bump | bump into | bump off | bum's rush | bum steer | bundle of laughs | bundle up | burn | burn a hole in one's pocket | burn down | burn in effigy | burn one's bridges | burn one's boats | burn one's fingers | burn out | burn-out | burn rubber | burnt child dreads the fire | once bitten, twice shy | burn the candle at both ends | burn the midnight oil | bum to a crisp | burn up | burn up the road | burst at the seams | burst into | burst into flames | burst into tears | burst with joy | pride | bury one's head in the sand | bury the hatchet | bus | bush | bushel | bushes | business | bust up | busy work | but for | but good | but not least | butter | butterflies in one's stomach | butter up | butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth | butt in | button | button down | button-down | buttonhole | button one's lip | zip one's lip | buy for a song | buy off | buy out | buy up | buzz | buzz word | by | by a hair | by | in my book | by all means | by all manner of means | by all odds | by a long shot | by a mile | by and by | by and large | by any means | by a thread | by chance | by choice | by dint of | bye | by ear | by far | by fits and starts | jerks | bygone | by heart | by hook or by crook | by inches | by leaps and bounds | by means of | by mistake | by no means | not by any means | by no manner of means | not by any manner of means | B.Y.O. | B.Y.O.B. | by oneself | | by storm | by surprise | by the board | by the bye | by the dozen | by the hundred | by the thousand | by the horns | by the hundred | by the nose | by the piece | by the seat of one's pants | by the skin of one's teeth | by the sweat of one's brow | by the thousand | by the way | by the bye | by the wayside | by turns | by virtue of | in virtue of | by way of | by word of mouth | cahoots | Cain | cake | calculated risk | calf love | call | call a halt | call a spade a spade | call down | dress down | call for | call girl | calling down | dressing down | call in question | call into question | call in doubt | call it a day | call it a night | call it quits | call names | call off | call on | call upon | call one's bluff | call one's shot | call the turn | call on the carpet | call the roll | call the shots | call the tune | call the turn | call to account | call to arms | call to mind | call to order | call out | call up | call upon | calm down | camel | camp | campaign | camp follower | camp out | can | canary | cancel out | cancer stick | candle | canned heat | canned laughter | canned music | canoe | can of worms | can't help but | cannot but | can't make an omelette without breaking (some) eggs | can't see the wood for the trees | can't see the woods for the trees | can't see the forest for the trees | cap | cap the climax | card | cards stacked against one | card up one's sleeve | care | carpet | car pool | carriage trade | carrot and stick | carry | carry a torch | carry the torch | carry a tune | carry away | carrying charge | carry on | carry --- off one's feet | carry off the palm | bear off the palm | carry on | carry one's cross | bear one's cross | carry out | carry over | carry the ball | carry the banner | carry the day | carry the torch | carry the weight of the world on one's shoulders | carry through | carry weight | cart before the horse (to put) | cart off | cart away | carved | chiseled | inscribed in granite | written in stone | case | case in point | case the joint | cash | cash-and-carry(1) | cash-and-carry(2) | cash crop | cash in | cash in one's chips | cash in on | cash on the barrelhead | cast | shed | throw light upon | cast about | cast around | cast down | cast in one's lot with | castle in the air | castles in Spain | cast off | cast loose | cast one's lot with | cast out | cast pearls before swine | cast one's pearls before swine | cast the first stone | cast up | cat | catch | catch-as-catch-can(1) | catch-as-catch-can(2) | catch at | catch at a straw | catch cold | take cold | catch (someone) dead | catch fire | catch flat-footed | catch forty winks | catch hold of | catch it | get it | catch it in the neck | get it in the neck | catch off balance | catch off guard | catch on | catch one's breath | catch one's death of | take one's death of | catch one's eye | catch red-handed | catch sight of | catch some rays | catch some Z's | catch up | catch with one's pants down | cat got one's tongue | cat has nine lives | cathouse | cat's meow | cat's pajamas | caught short | cause eyebrows to raise | cause tongues to wag | caution | cave in | cease fire | cease-fire | ceiling | cent | center | century | C.E.O. | ceremony | certain | chain gang | chain letter | chain-smoke | chain smoker | chain-smoking | chain stores | chained to the oars | chair | chalk | chalk up | champ at the bit | chance | chance it | chance on | chance upon | change | change color | change hands | change horses in the middle of a stream | change horses in midstream | change off | change of heart | change of life | change of pace | change one's mind | change one's tune | change up | character | charge | charge account | charge off | charge up | charge something to something | charge up | charge with | charmed life | chase | chase after | chase around | cheapskate | cheat on someone | check | check in | check off | check on someone/thing | check up on someone/thing | check out | check up | check-up | check with | cheek | cheer | cheer on | cheer up | cheese | cheesebox | cheesecake | cherry farm | chest | chew | chew out | chew the fat | chew the rag | chew the scenery | chicken | chicken-brained | chicken feed | chicken-hearted | chicken-livered | chicken out | chickens come home to roost | chicken switch | child | children and fools speak the truth | children should be seen and not heard | child's play | chill | chime in | chin | china shop | China syndrome | chip | chip in | kick in | chip off the old block | chip on one's shoulder | chips | chisel | muscle in on | choice | choke off | choke up | choose | chooser | choose up sides | chop | chow line | Christmas | Christmas card | Christmas club | chum around with | cigar-store Indian | circle | circulation | circumstance | circumstances alter cases | circus | citizen | civil | claim | claim check | clamp down | clam up | class | clay | clay pigeon | clean | clean bill of health | clean break | cleaners | clean hands | clean out | clean sweep | clean up | clean-up | clear | clear-cut | clear-eyed | clear one's name | clear out | clear the air | clear the decks | clear up | clerk | cliffdweller | clifihanger | | clinging vine | clip joint | clip one's wings | cloak-and-dagger | clock | clock watcher | close at hand | close call | shave | closed book | closed-door | close down | shut down | closed shop | close in | close its doors | close-knit | close one's eyes | shut one's eyes | dose out | close quarters | close ranks | close shave | closet | close the books | close the door | bar the door | shut the door | close to home | close-up | close up shop | clothes | clothing | cloud | clover | club | cluck and grunt | clutch | coal | coast is clear | coat tail | cock | cock-and-bull story | cockeyed | cocksure | C.O.D. | | coffee hour | coffee table | coffin nail | cog | coin money | mint money | cold | cold cash | hard cash | cold comfort | cold feet | cold fish | cold-shoulder | cold shoulder | cold snap | cold turkey | cold war | collar | collective farm | collector's item | College Boards | color | color guard | color scheme | comb | come | come about | come a cropper | come across | run across | come again | come alive | come to life | come along | come a long way | come apart at the seams | come around | come at | come back | comeback | come back to earth | | come between | come by | come by honestly | come clean | comedown | come down | come down hard on | come down in the world | come down off one's high horse | come down on like a ton of bricks | | come down with | come from far and wide | come full circle | come hell or high water | come home to roost | come in | come in for | come in handy | come into | come into one's own | came natural | come of | come of age | come off | come off it | get off it | come off | | come off second best | come on | come upon | come-on | come one's way | come on strong | come out | coming-out | come out for | come out in the open | come out with | come over | come round | come around | come through | come to | come to a dead end | come to blows | come to grief | come to grips with | come to hand | come to heel | come to life | come to light | come to mind | come to nothing | come to naught | come to one's senses | come to pass | come to terms | come to the point | get to the point | come to think of it | come true | come up | come up in the world | rise in the world | come up smelling like a rose | come up to | come up with | come upon | come what may | comfort | comfortable as an old shoe | coming and going | going and coming | coming out | coming out party | comings and goings | command module | commission | common | common as an old shoe | common ground | common touch | company | company man | compare notes | compliment | conclusion | condition | conference | congregate housing | conk out | consent | consequence | consideration | consumer goods | consumer items | content | contention | contrary | control room | control tower | conversation | conversation piece | conviction | cook | cook one's goose | cook up | cool | cool customer | cool down | cool off | cool one's heels | coon's age | coop | coop up | cop a feel | cop a plea | cop out | cop-out | copy cat | corn ball | corn belt | corner | cost a bomb | an arm and a leg | | couch case | couch doctor | cough up | couldn't care less | counsel | count | countdown | counter | count heads | count noses | count off | count on | count one's chickens before they're hatched | count out | count to ten | county mounty | courage | course | court | cousin | cover | cover a lot of ground | covered-dish supper | cover girl | cover ground | cover the ground | cover one's tracks | cover up one's tracks | cover the waterfront | cover up | cover-up | cow | cowboy | cow college | cows tail | cozy up | crack | crack a book | crack a bottle | crack a joke | crack a smile | crack down | crack of dawn | cracked up | cracking | crackpot | crack the whip | crack up | cradle | cradle robber | cradle robbing | cramp | cramp one's style | crash dive | crash-dive | crash the gate | craw | crawl up | crazy | mad | nuts about | cream | cream of the crop | creature of habit | credibility gap | credit | creek | creep | creep up on | sneak up on | crew | crew cut | crew haircut | crisp | crocodile tears | crook | crop | crop out | cropper | crop up | cross | cross a bridge before one comes to it | cross-check(1) | cross-check(2) | cross fire | cross one's fingers | keep one's fingers crossed | cross one's heart | cross one's heart and hope to die | cross one's mind | pass through one's mind | cross one's path | cross street | cross swords | cross the wire | cross up | crow | crow before one is out of the woods | crown jewels | crow to pick | crust | crux of the matter | cry | cry | scream bloody murder | cry before one is hurt | holler before one is hurt | cry buckets | cry for | cry out for | cry out | cry out for | cry over spilled milk | cry over spilt milk | crystal ball | crystal gazing | cry uncle | cry wolf | cub scout | cudgel | cudgel one's brains | cue in | cuff | culture vulture | cup | cup of tea | dish of tea | curb service | curiosity killed the cat | curl | curl one's hair | curl up | current | curry favor | curve | cut | cut a class | cut a figure | cut across | cut-and-dried | cut and run | cut a swathe | cut back | cut back | cutback | cut both ways | cut two ways | cut corners | cut down | cut down to size | cut ice | cut in | cut into | cut loose | cut no ice | cut off | cut off one's nose to spite one's face | cut offs | cut one's eyeteeth on | cut one's losses | cut one's teeth on | cut one's throat | cut out(1) | cut out(2) | cut rate(1) | cut-rate(2) | cut short | cut teeth | cut eye teeth | cut the ground from under | cut the mustard | cut-throat | cut to pieces | cut to the bone | cut to the quick | cut two ways | cut up | dab | dagger | daily dozen | daisy | dam | damn | damned if one does, damned if one doesn't | dance | dance to another tune | dander | dandy | dangerous | dare say | dare one to do something | dark | darken one's door | darken the door | dark horse | dark of the moon | dash cold water on | dash light | dash off | date | date back | dawn on | day | day and night | night and day | day by day | day in and day out | day in, day out | day in court | daylight | daylight saving time | daylight saving | daylight time | fast time | daylight robbery | day of grace | day of reckoning | day off | day-to-day | days are numbered | dazzle | dead | dead ahead | deadbeat | dead and buried | dead as a doornail | dead broke | dead center | dead duck | deadhead | dead letter | deadline | dead loss | dead on one's feet | deadpan | dead pedal | dead ringer | dead set against | dead tired | dead to rights | dead to the world | dead-end | dead-end | deaf | deal | deal in | deal with | dealer | dear | Dear John letter | dear me | death | death knell | death on | deck | decked out | declare | deep | deep-six | deep water | defense | defiance | degree | deliver the goods | delta wave | demand | Dennis the Menace | dent | deposit | depth | desk clerk | devil | devil-may-care | devil-may-care attitude | devil of it | heck of it | devil to pay | dewey-eyed | diamond in the rough | dibs | dice | Dick | die | die away | die down | die in one's boots | die with one's boots on | die is cast | die off | die on the vine | wither on the vine | die out | difference | different | dig down | dig in | dig out | dig up | | dim | dime a dozen | dime store | five-and-dime | five-and-ten | dine out | dint | dip into | dirt | dirt cheap | dirty | dirty look | dirty old man | dirty one's hands | soil one's hands | dirty story | dirty trick | disappear | evaporate | vanish into thin air | discretion | discretion is the better part of valor | dish | dish of tea | dish out | dish the dirt | disk jockey | dispose of | dispute | distance | ditch | dive | do | do a double take | do a job on | Doakes | do a stretch | do away with | do by someone or something | do credit | do credit to | do proud | doctor | doctor up | do duty for | Doe | doesn't add up to a can of beans | do for | dog | dog days | dog-eat-dog(1) | dog-eat-dog(2) | doghouse | dog in the manger | dog one's steps | dog's age | coon's age | do in | doing | do justice to | dole out | dollar | doll up | done for | done to a turn | done with | don't cross your bridges until you come to them | don't cry before you're hurt | don't let's | don't look a gift horse in the mouth | do one a good turn | do one good | do one good | do one's heart good | do one's best | do one's bit | part | do one's thing | do one's own thing | do one's worst | door | do-or-die | doorstep | do over | dope out | do proud | do someone out of something | dose of one's own medicine | taste of one's own medicine | dot | do tell | do the business | do the honors | do the trick | do things by halves | do time | doing time | do to death | dot the i's and cross the t's | double back | double check | double-check | double-cross | double date | double-date | double duty | double-header | double nickel | double-park | double-talk | double up | doubt | do up | do up brown | do well by | do with | do without | go without | down and out | down-and-outer | down-at-heel | down-at-the-heel | down-at-the-heels | down east | Down East | down in the mouth | down on | down one's alley | up one's alley | down one's neck | down one's nose | down one's throat | down on one's luck | down payment | down the drain | down the hatch! | down the line | down-to-earth | down to the wire | down with a disease | dozen | drag in | drag on | drag out | drag on the market | drag oneself up by one's boot straps | drag one's feet | drag one's heels | drag out | drag race | drag strip | drain | draw | draw a bead on | draw a blank | draw a conclusion | draw a line | draw the line | draw a long breath | take a long breath | draw a parallel | draw and quarter | draw aside | draw back | drawback | draw blood | drawer | draw fire | drawing card | draw in one's horns | draw interest | draw lots | draw near | draw off | draw on | draw out | draw the fire of | draw the line | draw to a close | draw up | dread | dream of | dressing down | dress a window | dress like a million dollars | dress up | dressed fit to kill | dressed like a peacock | dribs and drabs | drift off | drink down | drink in | drink like a fish | drink up | drive | drive a bargain | drive a hard bargain | drive at | drive home | drive-in | drive like Jehu | drive one ape | bananas | crazy | mad | nuts | drive one round the bend | driver | drive to the wall | drive someone bananas | drive someone nuts | drive someone ape | drop | drop a line | drop back | drop by | stop by | drop around | drop into | drop by the wayside | drop dead | drop in | drop in the bucket | drop name | drop off | fall off | dropout | drop out | drown one's sorrows | drown one's troubles | drown one's troubles | drown out | drum up | dry | dry behind the ears | dry out | dry up | dual highway | duck | duckling | duck out | duck soup | duddy | due | due to | dull | dumb bunny | dumbwaiter | dumps | dust | dust off | Dutch | dutch treat | duty | duty bound | duty calls | dwell on | dwell upon | dyed-in-the-wool | dying to | each and every | each other | one another | eager beaver | eagle eye | ear | early | early bird | early bird catches the worm | early bird gets the worm | earn one's keep | earnest | ears burn | earth | ear to the ground | ease | ease off | ease up | easily | east | easy | easygoing | easy as pie | easy come, easy go | easy does it | easy mark | easy money | eat | eat away | eat away at | eat crow | eat dirt | eat (live) high on the hog | eat (live) high off the hog | eat humble pie | eating one | eat like a bird | eat like a horse | eat one out of house and home | eat one's cake and have it too | eat one's heart out | eat one's words | swallow one's words | eat out | eat out of one's hand | eat up | edge | edge away | edge in | edge in (on) | edge on | edge out | edgeways | edgewise | education | effect | effigy | egg | egg on | either a feast or a famine | either hide or hair | eke out | elbow | elbow grease | elbow one's way into | out of | elbow room | element | eleventh hour | else | emcee | end | end for end | end in itself | end of one's rope | end of one's tether | end of the road | end of the line | end run | end up | finish up | end zone | engage in small talk | English | enjoy oneself | enlarge on | enlarge upon | expand on | expand upon | en masse | enough | enough is enough | enterprise | entry | envy | equal to | equal to the occasion | error | evaporate into thin air | eve | even | even so | ever | ever so much | every | every cloud has a silver lining | every dog has his day | every inch | every last | every last man | every man jack | every man jack | every now and then | every now and again | every so often | every once in a while | every other | every single | every last | every so often | everything | every time one turns around | every which way | any which way | evidence | example | except for | but for | exception | exception proves the rule | excuse oneself | exert oneself | expand on | expand upon | explain away | explain oneself | explode a bombshell | express oneself | extend one's sympathy to | eye | eyebrow | eye-catcher | eye-catching | eye-filling | eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth | eye-opener | eye out | eyes are bigger than one's stomach | eye shadow | eyes in the back of one's head | eyes open | eyes pop out | eye teeth | eye to | face | face down | face lift | face-saver | face-saving | face the music | face-to-face | face-to-face | face up to | face value | faced with | fact | facts of life | fade back | fail | fail to do | fair | fair and square | fair catch | fair-haired boy | fair play | fair sex | fair shake | fair-weather friend | fairy godmother | fairy tale | story | faith | fall | fall all over | fall asleep at the switch | fall away | fall back | fall back on | fall back upon | fall behind | fall by the wayside | drop by the wayside | fall down on the job | fall due | come | become due | fall flat | fall for | fall from grace | fall guy | fall in | fall in for | falling-out | fall in line | fall into line | fall in love | fall in | into place | fall in with | fall into the habit of | fall off | fall off the wagon | fall on | fall upon | fallout | fall out | fall over backwards | fall over oneself | fall over yourself | fall short | fall through | fall to | fall to pieces | fall wide of the mark | false | family | family tree | famine | fancy doing something | fancy pants | fan | fan out | fan the breeze | far | far afield | far and away | far and near | far and wide | farfetched | far cry | far from it | far gone | farm | farm out | far-out | fashion | fast | fast and furious | fast buck | quick buck | fast talker | fast time | fasten on | fat | fat chance | fat city | fate | father | Father Christmas | Father's Day | fat is in the fire | fat of the land | fault | faultfinding | favor | favorite son | fear | fear and trembling | fear and trepidation | feast one's eyes on | feast or a famine | feather | feather in one's cap | feather one's nest | fed up | fed to the gills | fed to the teeth | feed | feel | feel a draft | feel for someone | feel free to do | feel in one's bones | know in one's bones | feel like | feel like a million | feel like a million dollars | feel like a new man | feel like two cents | feel low | feel no pain | feel one's oats | feel one's way | feel | look small | feel out | feel out of place | feel the pinch | feel up | feel up to something | feet | feet of clay | feet on the ground | fell | fellow | fellow traveller | fence | fence in | hedge in | hem in | fence-sitter | fence-sitting | fence with | spar with | ferret out | smell out | sniff out | few | few and far between | fickle finger of fate | fiddle | fiddle around | fiddler | fiddle with | field | field goal | fifth | fifth column | flfty-flfty(1) | fifty-fifty(2) | fight against time | fight fire with fire | fight it out | fighting chance | fight off | fight shy of | fight tooth and nail | figure in | figure on | figure out | figure up | fill in | fill (in) the gap | fill one's shoes | fill out | fill the bases | fill the bill | fill up | fill it up | fill her up | filthy lucre | filthy rich | finders keepers | finders keepers, losers weepers | find fault | find it in one's heart | find one's --- | find oneself | find | get one's bearings | find out | find out the hard way | fine feathers do not make fine birds | fine-tooth comb | finger | finger in the pie | fingertip | finish up | fire | firebug | firing squad | first | firsthand | first and foremost | first and last | first base | first class | first-class(1) | first-class(2) | first come, first served | first cousin | first of all | first off | first-run | first stone | first string(1) | first-string | first thing off the bat | first things first | fish | fish-and-chips | fish for | fish for a compliment | fish fry | fish in muddy | troubled waters | fish or cut bait | fish out of water | fish story | fist | fit | fit as a fiddle | fit for | fit in with | fit like a glove | fit out | fit up | fit the bill | fit to a T | fit to be tied(1) | fit to be tied(2) | five o'clock shadow | fix | fix someone's wagon | fix someone's little red wagon | fix someone up with | fix up | fizzle out | flag down | flakeball | flake | flame | flanker back | flare up | flare-up | flash | flash card | flash in the pan | flat | flat as a pancake | flat broke | flatfoot | flat-footed | flat-out | flatter oneself | flea in one's ear | | flesh | flesh and blood | flesh out | flesh up | flesh up | fling oneself at | fling oneself at someone's head | flip-flop(1) | flip-flop(2) | flip-flop(3) | flip one's lid | flip one's wig | flip out | flock | floor | floor one | floorwalker | flop | flower child | flower power | fluff one's lines | fluff stuff | flunk out | flush it | fly | fly at one's throat | fly ball | fly blind | fly-by-night(1) | fly-by-night(2) | | flying | flying high | flying start | flying tackle | flying wedge | fly in the face of | fly in the teeth of | fly in the ointment | fly off the handle | fly the coop | flying visit | flying saucer | fly into a rage | temper | foam at the mouth | fob off | fog | foggy bottom | fold up | folk | follow | follower | follow in one's footsteps | follow in one's tracks | follow one's heart | follow one's nose | follow out | follow suit | follow through | follow up | follow-up | fond of | food for thought | fool | fool and his money are soon parted | fool around | mess around | play around | monkey around | fiddle around | fool around | fool away | fritter away | foolish | foolproof | fool's paradise | foot | footed | foot in the door | footstep | foot the bill | footloose and fancy-free | for a fall | for all | for aught | for all one cares | for all one is worth | for all one knows | for all that | for all the world | for a loop | for a loss | for a ride | for as much as | for a song | for aught | for bear | for better or worse | for better or for worse | forbid | for broke | force | force one's hand | force play | force-out | for certain | for crying out loud | for days on end | for dear life | fore | foremost | forest | forever and a day | forever and ever | for example | for instance | for fear | for fear of | for free | for fun | forget | forget oneself | forgive and forget | for good | for good and all | | for granted | for Heaven's sake! | for hours on end | for instance | for it | for keeps | forked tongue | fork over a lot of money | fork over | fork out | fork up | for laughs | for love or money | form | for no man | for one | for one's money | for one's part | on one's part | for one thing | for real(1) | for real(2) | for one's sake | for shame | for short | for sure | for certain | fort | forth | for that matter | for the asking | for the best | for the better | for the birds | for the books | for the devil | heck | the hell of it | for the hills | for the life of one | for the moon | for the most part | for the nonce | for the ride | for the sake of | for one's sake | for the time being | for the nonce | for the world | for the worse | for to | forty winks | forward | forward wall | for you | foul ball | foul line | foul out | foul play | foul shot | foul up | foul-up | foundation garment | four | four bits | four corners | four-eyes | four-leaf clover | fourth class | fourth-class(1) | fourth-class(2) | fourth world | fowl | fox and geese | fraidy-cat | fraid-cat | scaredy-cat | scared cat | frame of mind | freak | --- freak | freak-out(1) | freak out(2) | free | free agent | free and easy | free ball | free enterprise | free hand | freeload | free rein | free throw | free-for-all | freeze | freeze one's blood | freeze out | freeze over | French fried potato | French fry | French leave | fresh from | friction tape | Friday | friend | friends with | frightened out of one's wits | frightened to death | fritter away | fro | frog | from bad to worse | from grace | from hand to hand | from hand to mouth | | from Missouri | from mouth to mouth | from pillar to post | from rags to riches | from scratch | from the bottom of one's heart | with all one's heart | from the door | from the ground up | from the heart | from the word "go" | from time to time | from --- to --- | from under | from way back | front | front and center | front court | front office | frown upon | fruitcake | fry | fuddy-duddy | fuel | full | full blast | full-bodied | full-fledged | full of beans | full of prunes | full of it | full of oneself | full of prunes | full of the moon | full of the Old Nick | full of the devil | full of it | full tilt | fun | fun and games | fun house | funny bone | crazy bone | fur | furious | fuse | fuss | fuss and feathers | gab | gaff | gain ground | gallery | gallon | gallows' humor | game | game at which two can play | game is not worth the candle | game is up | jig is up | gang | gang up on | gang up against | garbage down | garden apartment | garment | gas | gasket | gas up | gate | gate crasher | gather | gather in | gauntlet | gay nineties | gaze | gear | geese | gee whiz | general | generation gap | generous to a fault | George | get | get about | get a black eye | get a break | get across | get after | get ahead | get a load of | get along | get on | get a fix | give a fix | get a fix on | get a grip on | get a head start on | get a kick out of | get a line on | get a move on | get a wiggle on | get a raise | get a rise out of | get (all) dolled up | get along | on in years | get an earful | get around | get about | get around to | get at | getaway car | get away | get away with | get away with murder | get a wiggle on | get a word in | get a word in edgewise | get a word in edgeways | get back at | get back on one's feet | get behind | get busy | get by | get carried away with | get couthed up | get cracking | get credit for | get one down | get down cold | get down off your high horse | get down to | get down to brass tacks | get down to cases | get down to business | work | get down to work | get even | get going | get cracking | get gray hair | get gray | get his or hers | get hitched | get hold of | get in | get in on | get in on the ground floor | get in on the | one's act | get in one's hair | get in one's way | get into | get into line | get in touch with | get involved with | get in with | get in wrong | get it | get it all together | get it in the neck | get it | something in | into one's head | get lost | get mixed up | get next to | get off | get off cheap | get off easy | get off it | get off one's back | get off one's case | back | tail | get off one's chest | get off one's tail | get off on the wrong foot | get off the ground | get off the hook | get off to a flying | running start | get on | get onto | get one's | get one's back up | get one's brains fried | get one's dander up | get one's Irish up | get one's ducks in a row | get one's feet on the ground | get one's feet wet | get one's fingers burned | get one's foot in the door | get one's goat | get one's hands on | get one's number | have one's number | get one's rear in gear | get one's second wind | get one's teeth into | sink one's teeth into | get one's tongue | get on in years | get on one's good side | get on one's nerves | get on the ball | get on the bandwagon | get on the good side of | get on the stick | get on to one | get one wrong | get | have one's say | get out | get out in the open | get out of | get out of the way | get out of hand | get over | get rattled | get rid of | get set | get short shrift | get something out of one's system | get something over with | get stoned | get straight | get stuck | get (all) the breaks | get the air | get the ax | get the ball rolling | set the ball rolling | start the ball rolling | get the better of | get the best of | have the best of | have the better of | get the boot | the gate | the sack | get the bounce | get the gate | get the air | get the sack | get the hook | get the brush-off | get the cart before the horse | get the eye | get the feel of | get the go-ahead | the green light | get the goods on | have the goods on | get the hook | get the inside track | get the jitters | get the jump on | have the jump on | get the last laugh | get the lead out of one's pants | get the lowdown on | get the message | get the word | get the picture | get the runaround | get the sack | get the show on the road | get the third degree | get the upper hand on | get the word | get the works | get the worst of | have the worst of | get through | get through one's head | get through to | get to | get to first base | reach first base | get together | get-together | get to the bottom of | get to the heart of | get to the point | get two strikes against one | get underway | get under one's skin | get up | get up | rise with the chickens | get-up | get-up-and-go | get-up-and-get | get up on the wrong side of the bed | get up the nerve | get used to | get warmed up | get what's coming to one | get one's | get wind of | get wise | get with it | ghost | ghost of a | ghost-writer | gift of gab | gift of the gab | gild the lily | paint the lily | gill | gilt-edged | gin mill | G.I. | "government issue" | gird one's loins | girl Friday | girl friend | give | give a buzz | give a cold shoulder | give a hand | give a hang | care a hang | give a hard time | give-and-take | give an ear to | lend an ear to | give a pain | give as good as one gets | give away | giveaway | dead giveaway | give a wide berth | give birth to | give chase | give color to | lend color to | give credence to | give fits | give forth | give free rein to | give gray hair | give ground | give her the gun | give in | give it some thought | give it the gun | give her the gun | give it to | give it to one straight | give no quarter | give notice | given to | give off | give of oneself | give one a dressing down | give one a free hand | give one a (good) going-over | give one a lift | give one an inch, and he will take a mile | give one a piece of one's mind | give one a ring | give a buzz | give one enough rope and he will hang himself | give one pause | give one short shrift | give oneself airs | give oneself away | give oneself up | give oneself up to | give one some of his | her own medicine | give one's due | give one's right arm for | give one's word | give one the eye | give one the works | give or take | give out | give pause | give place to | give rein to | give free rein to | give rise to | give someone his rights | read someone his rights | give the air | give the ax | give the benefit of the doubt | give the bounce | give the gate | give the air | give the sack | give the hook | give the creeps | give the devil his due | give the gate | give the glad eye | give the go-by | give the high sign | give the hook | give the lie to | give the sack | give the shirt off one's back | give the show away | give the slip | give signs of | give the willies | give thought to | give to understand | give up | give (one) up for | give up the ghost | give up the ship | give voice | give way | give way to | give place to | glad hand | glad rags | glance | glance off | glass | glasses | glass jaw | globe-trotter | glory | gloss over | glove | glutton for punishment | go | go about | go about one's business | go after | go against the grain | go ahead | go astray | goal | goal line | goal line stand | go all the way with | go along | go ape | go around | go around in circles | goat | go at | go at it hammer and tongs | go AWOL | go back on | go back on one's word | go | be on the rocks | go | be on the wagon | go bail for | go begging | go broke | go-between | go bust | go-by | go by | go by the board | pass by the board | go by the name of | go chase oneself | God | God forbid | Godfrey | God knows | goodness knows | heaven knows | Godmother | go down | go down in history | go down in the records | go down the drain | God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb | go Dutch | go easy | go fly a kite | go for | go for a spin | go for broke | go for nothing | go for naught | go from bad to worse | go from strength to strength | go-getter | go-go | go great guns | go halfway | go halfway to meet one | meet one halfway | go halves | go hang | go hard with | go haywire | go hog wild | go in a circle | go in circles | go in for | going and coming | going for one | going on | going through changes | going to | go in one ear and out the other | go into | go into a huddle | go into a nose dive | go into a tailspin | go into a nose dive | go into orbit | go it | go jump in the lake | gold | golden | goldfish bowl | golf widow | go legit | go like clockwork | go off like clockwork | go native | gone goose | gone gosling | gone with the wind | good | good and --- | good as | good as one's promise | good as one's word | good buddy | good command | good day | good deal | great deal | good egg | good scout | good faith | good for | hurrah for | good-for-nothing | good grief! | good head on one's shoulders | good many | great many | good nature | goodness | goodness gracious | goodness knows | good night | good grief | good riddance | goods | good show! | good scout | go off | go off half-cocked | go off at half cock | go off like clockwork | go off the deep end | go overboard | goof off | go off in a huff | go on | go on record | go on the rocks | go one's way | goose | goose bumps | goose pimples | go or drive to the wall | go out | go out for | come out for | go out of business | go out of one's way | go out the window | go over | go over like a lead balloon | go over one's head | go over with a fine-tooth comb | gopher ball | go places | go sit on a tack | gosling | go somebody one better | go stag | go steady | go straight | got a thing going | go the rounds | go the whole hog | go whole hog | go through | go through hell and high water | go through the motions | go through with | go to | go to any length | go to bat for | go to bed with the chickens | go together | go to great lengths | go to hell | go to it! | go to one's head | go to pieces | go to pot | go to prove | go to seed | run to seed | go to show | go to prove | go to the chair | go to the devil | go to the dogs | go to the trouble | take the trouble | go to town | go places | go to waste | go to wrack and ruin | go under | go under the hammer | go up | go up in smoke | go up in flames | go up in the air | gourd | go with | go without | go without saying | go wrong | gown | grab bag | grab off | grabs | grace | grace period | period of grace | grade | grain | grand slam | grandstand | grandstander | granted | grasp at straws | clutch at straws | grass | grasshopper | grass is always greener on the other side of the fence | grass is always greener on the other side of the hill | grave | graveyard shift | gravy | gravy train | gray | grease-ball | grease monkey | grease one's palm | grease the palm | grease the wheels | | great | great deal | great Godfrey | great guns | great Scott | great guns | great many | | Great Scott | green | green around the gills | pale around the gills | green-eyed monster | green power | green thumb | green with envy | grief | grin and bear it | grind | grindstone | grind to a halt | grip | groove | gross out | gross-out session | ground | ground ball | ground floor | ground rule | grow | growing pains | grow on | grow upon | grow out of | grow up | grudge | guard | guest | gum up | gun | gun for | gung-ho | gut feeling | gut reaction | gut talk | guts | guy | hackle | had as soon | had as lief | had better | had best | had rather | had sooner | hall | hail-fellow-well-met(1) | hail-fellow-well-met(2) | hail from | hair | haircut place | hairdo | hair stand on end | hale and hearty | half | half a chance | a half chance | half a loaf is better than none | half a loaf is better than no bread | half a mind | half a notion | half-and-half(1) | half-and-half(2) | half an eye | half bad | half-baked | half-hearted | half-holiday | half the battle | half-time | halfway | halt | ham actor | ham-handed | ham it up | hammer | hammer and tongs | hammer at | hammer away at | hammer out | Hancock | hand | hand and foot | hand and glove | hand down | hand in | hand in glove | hand and glove | hand in hand | hand it to | handle | handle to one's name | handle with gloves | handle with kid gloves | hand-me-down | hand off | hand on | handout | hand out | hand over | hand over fist | hand over hand | hand-pick | hands-down | hands down | hands off | hands-off | handsome is as handsome does | hands up | hand something to someone on a silver platter | hand to hand | hand-to-hand | hand-to-mouth | handwriting on the wall | hang | hang around | hang back | hang off | hang behind | hang behind | hang by a hair | hang by a thread | hang by a hair | hanger | hang fire | hang heavy | hang heavy on one's hands | hang in effigy | burn in effigy | hang in the balance | hang in (there) | hang it | hang off | hang on | hang one on | hang one's head | hang on the words of | hang on the lips of | hang on to | hang on to your hat | hold on to your hat | hold your hat | hang out | hang out one's shingle | hangover | hang over | hang over one's head | hang round | hang ten | hang together | hang up | hang-up | happen on | happen upon | happy | happy as the day is long | happy-go-lucky | happy hour | happy hunting ground | hard | hard-and-fast | hard as nails | hard-boiled | hard cash | hard feeling | hard-fisted | hard going | hardheaded | hardhearted | hard-hitting | hard line | hard-liner | hard luck | hardly any | scarcely any | hardly ever | scarcely ever | hard-nosed | hard nut to crack | tough nut to crack | hard of hearing | hard-on | hard put | hard put to it | hard row to hoe | tough row to hoe | hard sell | hard sledding | rough sledding | tough sledding | hard-top | hardtop convertible | hard up | hard way | hare | harebrained | hark back | harp away at | on | harum-scarum(1) | harum-scarum(2) | hash | hash house | hash out | hash up | haste | hat | hat in hand | hatch | hatchet | hatchet face | hatchet job | hatchet man | hate one's guts | hats off to | one's hat is off to | hatter | haul | haul down | haul down one's colors | strike one's colors | haul in | haul up | pull in | haul in one's horns | haul off | haul over the coals | rake over the coals | have | have | get | develop a crush on | have a ball | have a bone to pick | have a care | have a field day | have a finger in the pie | have a fit | have fits | throw a fit | have a go at | have a good head on one's shoulders | have a (good) head for | have a (good) mind to | have a hand in | have a heart | have a heart-to-heart talk | have all one's buttons | have all one's marbles | have a mind of one's own | have an affair with | have an ear for | have an ear to the ground | have an edge on | have an eye for | have an eye on | have one's eye on | have an eye out | have an eye | have an itch for | to do | have a nodding acquaintance with | have a price on one's head | have a rough idea about | have a say in | a voice in | have a screw loose | have a snowball's chance in hell | have a soft spot in one's heart for | have a sweet tooth | have a time | have a way with | have a word with | have been around | have dibs on | put dibs on | have done | have done with | have eyes only for | have fits | have got to | have had it | have hair | have | hold the whip over | have in mind | have in one's hair | have in the palm of one's hand | have it | have it all over | have it coming | have it in for | have it made | have it out | have it over | have it all over | have kittens | have lots (everything) going for one | have money to burn | have no business | have none of | have nothing on | not have anything on | have nothing to do with | have no use for | have on | have one's ass in a sling | have one's cake and eat it too | have one's ear | have one's ears on | have oneself | have one's feet planted firmly in the ground | have one's fill | have one's fling | have one's hand in the till | have one's hands full | have one's hands tied | have one's head in the sand | have one's head screwed on backwards | have one's heart in the right place | have one's hide | have one's nose to the grindstone | have one's number | have one's wings clipped | have one's wits about one | have one's work cut out | have on the ball | have qualms about | have rocks in one's head | have second thoughts about | have seen better days | have someone by the balls | have something going for one | have something on | have something on the ball | have sticky fingers | have or take a shot at | have the best of | have the better of | have the better of | have the best of | have the cart before the horse | have the constitution of an ox | have the courage of one's convictions | have the goods on | have the guts to do something | have the jump on | have the last laugh | get the last laugh | have the laugh on | have the lead | have the makings of | have the right-of-way | have the time of one's life | have the worst of | have to | have got to | have to do with | have too many irons in the fire | have two strikes against one | have two strikes on one | haw | hay | haystack | haywire | hazard | haze | head | head above water | head and shoulders | header | head for | head for the hills | head-hunting | head in the clouds | head in the sand | head off | head-on | head out | head over heels | heels over head | headshrinker | head start | heads or tails | heads up | heads-up | head up | health | heap | heap coals of fire on one's head | hear | hear a pin drop | heart | heartbreaker | heart and soul(1) | heart and soul(2) | heart goes out to | hear the beat | see the beat | heart in one's mouth | heart in one's boots | heart is in the right place | have one's heart in the right place | heart miss a beat | heart of gold | heart of stone | heart-searching | heart set | heart sink | heart skip a beat | heart miss a beat | heart stand still | heart-to-heart | hearty | heat | heave in sight | heaven | heaven knows | heaven only knows | heavenly days! | heave to | heave up | heavy | heavy-duty | heavy-footed | lead-footed | heavy-handed | heavy heart | heck | heck of it | hedge about | hedge in | hedged in | heed | heel | heels over head | he laughs best who laughs last | hell | hell and high water | hell-on-wheels | help | help oneself | help out | helter-skelter | he-man | hem and haw | hem in | hem around | hem about | hen | hen party | Henry | her | herd | here | here and now(1) | here and now(2) | here and there | here goes | here goes nothing | hide | hide one's face | hide one's head | hide one's head in the sand | bury one's head in the sand | have one's head in the sand | hide one's light under a bushel | hide or hair | hide nor hair | hide out | hideout | high | high and dry | high and low | high-and-mighty | high as a kite | highbrow | high camp | middle camp | low camp | high-class | higher education | higher-up | high fashion | high style | high gear | high-handed | high-hat(1) | high-hat(2) | high jinks | high off the hog | high on | high place | high seas | high season | high sign | high-sounding | high-strung | high style | hightail it | high time | highway | highway robbery | hill | hilt | hinge on | hinge upon | hired man | hire out | history | hit | hit and miss | hit-and-run | hit below the belt | hit between the eyes | hit bottom | touch bottom | hitch one's wagon to a star | hither and thither | hither and yon | hither and yon | hit home | hit it off | hit on | hit upon | hit on all cylinders | hit one's stride | hit-or-miss | hit-and-miss | hit or miss | hit and miss | hit parade | hitter | hit the books | hit the bull's-eye | hit the ceiling | hit the roof | hit the deck | hit the dirt | hit the fan | hit the hay | hit the sack | hit the high spots | | hit the nail on the head | hit the road | hit the roof | hit the sack | hit the sauce | hit the spot | hit town | hit upon | hob | hoe | hoe one's own row | | hog-tie | hoist with one's own petard | hold | hold a brief for | hold a candle to | hold a stick to | hold all the trumps | hold back | hold court | hold down | hold everything | hold fire | hold forth | hold good | hold it | hold everything | hold off | hold on | hold one's breath | hold one's end up | hold up one's end | keep one's end up | keep up one's end | hold one's fire | hold fire | hold one's head up | hold one's horses | hold one's nose to the grindstone | hold one's own | hold one's peace | hold one's temper | keep one's temper | hold one's tongue | hold on to | hold to | hold on to your hat | holdout | hold out | hold out an olive branch | holdover | hold over | hold still | hold the bag | hold the fort | hold the line | hold the stage | v. phr. | hold to | hold true | hold good | holdup | hold up | hold up one's end | hold water | hold your hat | hole | hole in | hole in one | hole-in-the-wall | hole out | hole up | hole in | holiday | holier-than-thou | holistic health | holler before one is hurt | hollow | hollow out | holy cats | holy cow | holy mackerel | holy Moses | holy terror | home | home brew | home on | home in on | home plate | home run | honest broker | honestly | honest to goodness | honest to God | bonest-to-goodness | honest-to-God | honeymoon is over | honky-tonk | honor | hook | hooked on | hookey | hook, line and sinker | hookup | hook up | hoop | hop | hop, skip and a jump | hope | hope against hope | hop to it | hopped up | horn | hornet | horn in | | horror | horse | horsefeathers! | horselaugh | horse around | horse of a different color | horse of another color | horse opera | horseplay | horse sense | horse trade | hot | hot air | hot and bothered | hot and heavy | hot dog | hot dog | hot dog roast | hot number | hot off the press | hot one | hot potato | hot rod | hot seat | hot stuff | hot under the collar | hot water | hound | hour | house | housebroken | house of cards | house of ill fame | of ill repute | housetop | hover over | how | how about | what about | how about that | what about that | how come | how's come | how do you do | how goes it? | howling success | how's come | how so | how's that | how the land lies | how the wind blows | huddle | hue and cry | hug the road | huh-uh | hum-um | uh-uh | humble | hump | hundred | hunky-dory | hunt | hunt and peck | hunt down | hunting | hunt up | hurry on with | make haste with | hurry up | hurt | hush-hush | hush up | ice | iceberg | idea | I declare | idiot box | if | if anything | if it's not one thing it's another | if need be | if only | if the hill will not come to Muhammad, Muhammad will go to the hill | if the shoe fits, wear it | if worst comes to worst | if you can't lick them, join them | I'll bet you my bottom dollar | I'll say | I tell you | I'll tell you what | tell you what | ill | ill at ease | ill-favored | ill-gotten gains | image | impose on | improve on | improve upon | I'm telling you | in a bad frame of mind | in a bad way | in a big way | in a bind | in a box | in a breeze | in absentia | in accordance with | in a circle | in circles | in addition | in advance | in advance of | in a family way | in the family way | in a fix | in a flash | in a trice | in a flutter | in a fog | in a haze | in a good frame of mind | in a hole | in a spot | in a huff | in a jam | in a jiffy | in a kind of way | in a lather | in all | in and out | in another's place | in a nutshell | in any case | in any event | at all events | in any event | in a pickle | in a pig's eye | informal | in a pinch | in arms | in a row | in arrears | in a sense | inasmuch as | for as much as | in a sort of way | in a spot | in a trice | in at the kill | in a walk | in a way | in a kind of way | in a sort of way | in awe of | in a while | in a whole skin | in a word | in a world of one's own | in a world by oneself | in a zone | in back of | in bad | in bad form | in behalf of | on behalf of | in black and white | in brief | in short | in a word | in cahoots with | in case | in case | in the event | in case of | in the event of | inch | inch (one's way) along | in character | in charge | in charge of | in the charge of | in check | in circles | in circulation | into circulation | inclined to | in clover | in the clover | in cold blood | in command | in commission | into commission | in common | in condition | in consequence | in consequence of | in consideration of | in days | weeks | years to come | in deep | in deep water | in defiance of | in demand | Indian | Indian giver | Indian sign | Indian summer | in dispute | in doubt | in due course | in due season | in due time | in due season | in due time | industrial park | in Dutch | in earnest | in effect | in effigy | in error | in evidence | | in point of fact | in favor of | in fear and trembling | in fear of | in for | in force | in front of | in full swing | in fun | in general(1) | in general(2) | in glass houses | in good | in good faith | in good form | in good season | in good stead | in good time | in good season | in due course | in due season | in due time | in great measure | in half | in hand | in honor of | in hopes | in horror | in hot water | in | into orbit | in | into the clear | in | into the doldrums | in | in itself | injury | in keeping | in kind | in knots | in league with | in cahoots with | in left field | in lieu of | in light of | in the light of | in line(1) | in line(2) | in line with | in love | in luck | in memory of | in midair | in mind | in mint condition | in my book | in name | in need of | inner city | in nothing flat | in no time | in nothing flat | in no uncertain terms | in on | in one ear and out the other | in one fell swoop | at one fell swoop | in one's bad graces | in one's behalf | on one's behalf | in one's blood | into one's blood | in one's bones | in one's boots | in one's craw | in one's crop | in one's cups | in one's element | in one's face | in one's favor | in one's footsteps | in one's glory | in one's good books | in one's good graces | in one's good books | in one's grave | in one's hair | in one's hands | in one's heart of hearts | in one's mind's eye | in one's mouth | in one's own juice | in one's right mind | in one's shell | into one's shell | in one's shoes | in one's boots | in one's sleeve | in one's tracks | in one's way | in the way | in order | in order that | in order to | so as to | in part | in particular | in passing | in person | in the flesh | in place(1) | in place(2) | in place of | in plain English | in poor shape | in practice(1) | into practice | in practice(2) | in print | in private | in progress | in public | in question | in quest of | in reason | in reference to | with reference to | in regard to | with regard to | in regard to | in relation to | with relation to | in respect to | with respect to | in return | in reverse | in round figures | in round numbers | ins and outs | in search of | in quest of | in season | in secret | in shape | in condition | in short | in short order | in short supply | inside | inside and out | inside of | inside out | inside and out | in and out | inside track | insofar as | in so many words | in no uncertain terms | in someone else's shoes | insomuch as | in spite of | instance | in state | instead of | in place of | in lieu of | in step | in stitches | in stock | in store | in stride | in substance | insult | intent | in terms of | in that | in the air | in the back | in the bag | in the balance | in the bargain | into the bargain | in the black | in the blood | in the bud | in the can | in the cards | on the cards | in the charge of | in the chips | in the money | in the circumstances | in the clear | in the clouds | in the clover | in the cold | in the cold light of day | in the dark | in the doghouse | in the door | in the driver's seat | in the dumps | in the event | in the event of | in the eye | in the face | in the face of | in the family | in the first place | in the flesh | in the groove | in the hole | in the know | in the lap of the gods | on the knees of the gods | in the least | in the line of duty | in the long run | in the lurch | in the main | in the market for | in the middle | in the middle of nowhere | in the money | in the mood (for) | in the mouth | in the neck | in the nick of time | in the pink | in the pink of condition | in the --- place | in the prime of life | in the public eye | in the raw | in the red | in the right | in the rough | in the running | in the saddle | in the same boat | in the same breath | in the same place | in the sand | in the second place | in the short run | in the soup | in the spotlight | in the swim | in the third place | in the till | in the twinkling of an eye | in the wake of | in the way | in the way of | in the wind | in the works | in the world | on earth | in the wrong | in time | into account | into a nose dive | into a tail spin | into commission | into effect | into hot water | into line | into one's blood | into one's head | into one's own | into one's own hands | into one's shell | into one's shoes | into practice | into question | into the bargain | into the fire | into the ground | into the hands of | into thin air | in toto | in touch | in tow | in trust | in tune | in turn | in two | in two shakes of a lamb's tail | in --- up to the | in vain | in view | in view of | in virtue of | in wait | in with | I.O.U. | Irish | iron horse | iron in the fire | iron out | is | island | issue | is that so | itching palm | I tell you | I tell you what | item | it figures | it is an ill wind that blows nobody good | it never rains but it pours | it's a cinch | it's a deal | it's been ---, it's been real | itself | it's high time | Ivy League | Jack | jack | jack of all trades | | jack-rabbit start | Jack Robinson | jack up | jailbait | jailbird | jake flake | jar on | jaw | jawbreaker | informal | jaw drop | jaw drop a mile | jaws tight | jazz up | Jehu | jerk | jerker | jerry-built | Jesus boots | Jesus shoes | jig's up | jim-dandy | jink | job | Joe Doakes | John Doe | John Hancock | John Henry | Johnny-come-lately | Johnny-on-the-spot | John Q. Public | join forces | join hands | join hands | joint | joke | joking apart | joking aside | joking apart | Jones | jot down | judgment seat | jug-eared | juice | juice dealer | jump | jump all over | jump at | jump bail | skip bail | jump ball | jump down one's throat | jump from the frying pan into the fire | jumping-off place | jump on | jump all over | land on | land all over | jump on the bandwagon | get on the bandwagon | jump out of one's skin | jump pass | jump the gun | beat the gun | jump the traces | jump the track | jump through a hoop | jump to a conclusion | junked up | just about | just for the fun of it | just for the hell of it | justice | just in case | just in time | just now | just so(1) | just so(2) | just so(3) | just the other way | the other way around | just the same | just what the doctor ordered | kangaroo court | keel | keel over | keen about | on | keep abreast (of) someone | something | keep a civil tongue in one's head | keep a close check on | keep after | keep an ear to the ground | keep an eye on | keep one's eye on | have one's eye on | keep an eye open | keep an eye out for | keep an eye out | keep a stiff upper lip | keep a straight face | keep at | keep away | keep back | keep body and soul together | keep books | keep company | keep cool | keep down | keeper | keep from | keep good time | keep house(1) | keep house(2) | play house | keeping | keep in mind | keep in touch with | keep late hours | keep off | keep on | keep one at a distance | keep one at arm's length | keep (one) posted | keep one's balance | keep one's chin up | keep one's distance | keep one's end up | keep one's eye on | keep one's eye on the ball | keep one's eyes open | | keep one's eyes skinned | keep one's feet | keep one's feet on the ground | keep one's fingers crossed | keep one's hand in | keep one's head | keep one's wits about one | keep one's head above water | keep one's mouth shut | keep one's nose clean | keep one's nose to the grindstone | have one's nose to the grindstone | hold one's nose to the grindstone | keep one's own counsel | keep one's shirt on | keep one's temper | keep one's weather eye open | keep one's wits about one | keep one's word | keep on the good side of | keep open house | keep out (of) | keep pace | keep plugging along | keeps | keep step with | keep tab on | keep tabs on | keep the ball rolling | keep the faith | keep the home fires burning | keep the wolf (wolves) from the door | keep things humming | keep time | keep to oneself | keep track | keep under one's hat | keep up | keep up appearances | keep up one's end | keep up with | keep up with the Joneses | keep watch | keep your fingers crossed | kettle | key | keyed up | kick about | kick against the pricks | kick around | kick back | kickback | kick down | kick in | kick in the pants | kick in the teeth | kick it | kickoff | kick off | kick oneself | kick out | boot out | kick over | kick over the traces | jump the traces | kick the bucket | kick up | kick up a fuss | kick up a row | raise a row | kick up a dust | kick up one's heels | kid | kiddie car | kill | kill off | kill the goose that laid the golden egg | kill time | kill two birds with one stone | kilter | kind | kindly | sort of | kindled spirits | king's ransom | | kite | kitten | knee | knee-deep | neck-deep | knee-high to a grasshopper | knee-high to a duck | kneeling bus | knell | knit | knitting | knock | knock about | knock around | knock back on one's heels | knock cold | knock down | knocked out | knock for a loop | throw for a loop | knock it off | knock off | knock off one's feet | knock one's block off | knock oneself out | knock on wood | knockout | knock out | knock over | knock the living daylights out of | knock the stuffing out of | knot | knotty problem | know | know a thing or two about | know enough to come in out of the rain | know-how | know if one is coming or going | know whether one is coming or going | know in one's bones | know-it-all | knowledge | know one in high places | know one is alive | know one's own mind | know one's place | know one's way around | know one's way about | know one's onions | know one's stuff | know something inside out | | know the score | know what's what | know which side one's bread is buttered on | know which way to turn | knuckle | knuckle down | knuckle under | labor movement | labor of love | labor the point | labor under | lace into | tie into | ladies' room | lady friend | lady-killer | lady of the house | lady's man | lake | laid out | laid up | lam | lamb | lame duck | land | land all over | landing ship | land-office business | land of nod | land on | land on one's feet | land on both feet | landslide | lane | lap | lap up | lardhead | large | large as life | large-eyed | large order | lash | lash out | last | last but not least | last ditch | last-ditch | last-ditch effort | last lap | last laugh | last leg | last out | last stand | last straw | straw that breaks the camel's back | last word | latch on | hitch onto | latch string | late | lately | later | later on | lather | laugh | laugh all the way to the bank | laughing matter | laugh in one's beard | laugh in one's sleeve | laugh off | laugh one out of | laugh one's head off | laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth | laugh on the other side of one's mouth | laugh out of the other side of one's mouth | laugh up one's sleeve | laugh in one's sleeve | laugh in one's beard | launch window | laurel | lavender | law | law-abiding | lawful age | law of averages | law unto oneself | lay | lay about one | lay a finger on | lay an egg | lay aside | lay at one's door | lay away | lay-away plan | lay bare | lay by | lay down | lay down one's arms | lay down one's cards | lay down one's life | lay down the law | lay eyes on | set eyes on | lay for | lay hands on | lay hold of | lay in | lay into | light into | lay it on | lay it on thick | put it on thick | spread it on thick | lay it on with a trowel | lay it on the line | lay low | layoff | lay off | lay of the land | how the land lies | lay on | lay one's cards on the table | lay down one's cards | put one's cards on the table | lay oneself open to | lay oneself out | lay one's finger on | lay one's hands on | get one's hands on | lay one's hand on | put one's hand on | lay on the line | put on the line | lay out | lay out in lavender | layout | layover | lay over | lay rubber | lay a patch | lay the blame at one's door | lay the fault at one's door | lay their heads together | lay to | lay to heart | lay to rest | lay up | lay waste | lead | lead | | lead by the nose | leader | lead-footed | leading light | lead off | lead on | | lead the way | lead to | leaf | leaf through | league | leaguer | leak out | leak to | lean on | lean over backward | lean-to | leap | leap year | learn | learn by heart | learn by rote | learn one's way around | learn the hard way | learn the ropes | least | leatherneck | leave | leave a bad taste in one's mouth | leave alone | leave at the altar | leave behind | leave flat | leave hanging | leave hanging in the air | leave high and dry | leave holding the bag | leave holding the sack | leave in the lurch | leave it at that | leave no stone unturned | leave off | leave one's mark | leave open | leave out | leave out in the cold | leave out of account | leave-taking | leave the matter open | leave well enough alone | | leave word with | left | left field | left fielder | left-handed | left-handed compliment | left-wing | leg | legal age | lawful age | leg man | leg-pulling | Legree | leg work | leisure | lend a hand | give a hand | bear a hand | lend an ear to | lend color to | lend itself to | lend oneself to | length | less | lesson | less than | less than no time | let | let alone | let alone | leave alone | let be | let bygones be bygones | letdown | let down | let down easy | let down one's hair | let drop | let fall | let George do it | let go | let oneself go | let go hang | let go of | let grass grow under one's feet | let it all hang out | let it lay | let it rip | let know | let loose | set loose | turn loose | turn loose | let me see | let us see | let off | let off the hook | let off steam | let off the hook | let on | let one have it | let one have it with both barrels | let one in on | let oneself go | let one's hair down | let down one's hair | let one's left hand know what one's right hand is doing | let out | let pass | let ride | let's don't | don't let's | let's have it | let sleeping dogs lie | let slip | letter | letter-perfect | let the cat out of the bag | let the chips fall where they may | let the grass grow under one's feet | let up | change up | let well enough alone | leave well enough alone | level | level best | levelheaded | level off | level out | level with | liberty | lick and a promise | lickety-split | lickety-cut | lick into shape | lick one's boots | lick one's chops | lick the --- out of | lid | lie | lie around | lie down on the job | lief | lie in state | lie in wait | | lay low | lie through one's teeth | lie to | lieu | life | life of Riley | life of the party | lift a finger | lift a hand | raise a hand | light | light-fingered | light housekeeping | light into | lightly | lightning never strikes twice in the same place | light on | light upon | light out | light up | like | like a bird | like a book | like a fish out of water | like a glove | like a hole in the head | like a horse | like a light | like a million | like a million dollars | like anything | like clockwork | like crazy | like father, like son | like hell | like it is | like looking for a needle in a haystack | like mad | like crazy | like two peas in a pod | like water | like water off a duck's back | lily | limb | line | line drive | linen | line of fire | line of least resistance | path of least resistance | line of scrimmage | line one's pockets | line one's purse | lineup | line up | lining | link | lion's share | lip | lip service | liquid assets | liquor up | list | listen in | listen to reason | litterbug | little | little does one think | little folk | little people | little frog in a big pond | small frog in a big pond | | little theater | lit up like a Christmas tree | live | live and learn | live and let live | live down | live from hand to mouth | live high off the hog | eat high on the hog | live in | room in | | live in an ivory tower | live in the fast lane | live it up | live off someone | live off the fat of the land | live on borrowed time | live out | live out of a suitcase | live up to | live wire | living daylights | living end | load | loaded for bear | load the bases | fill the bases | loaf | loan shark | local yokel | lock | lock, stock, and barrel | lock the barn door after the horse is stolen | lock up | lodge a complaint | loggerhead | loin | lone wolf | long | long and short of it | long ball | long face | longhair(1) | longhair(2) | long haul | long pull | long pull | long shot | long-winded | look | look after | see after | look a gift horse in the mouth | look alive | look as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth | look as if one has come out of a bandbox | look at | look at the world through rose-colored glasses | see with rose-colored glasses | look back | look bleak | look daggers | look down on | look down upon | look down one's nose at | look for | look for a needle in a haystack | look forward to | look high and low for | look-in | look in on | look in the eye | look in the face | look into | look like a million dollars | look like the cat that ate the canary | look like the cat that swallowed the canary | look on | look upon | look oneself | lookout | look out | watch out | look out for | look over | look sharp | look small | look to | look to one's laurels | look up | look upon | look up to | loop | loose | loose ends | lord it over | Lord knows | lose | lose face | lose ground | lose heart | lose one's balance | lose oneself | lose one's grip | lose one's head (over) | lose one's heart | lose one's marbles | lose one's shirt | lose one's temper | lose one's tongue | lose out | loser | lose sight of | lose touch | lose track | loss | lost | lost cause | lost upon | lot | loud | loud mouth | big mouth | loud-mouthed | big-mouthed | lounge lizard | louse up | love | love affair | love game | love-in | lovers' lane | low | lowbrow | lowdown | lower the boom | low-key | low season | luck | luck out | lucky | lucky star | lump in one's throat | lump sum | lunar module (L.M.) | Lem | lung | lurch | lust for | mackerel | mad about | mad as a hatter | mad as a March hare | mad as a hornet | mad as hops | mad as a wet hen | mad as a March hare | mad as hops | made of money | made-to-measure | tailor-made | made to order | made up out of whole cloth | magic carpet | maiden speech | maiden voyage | mail order | main | main drag | main squeeze | majority leader | make | make a beeline for | make a big deal about | make a clean breast of | make a clean sweep of | make a clown of | make a day of it | make a dent in | make a difference | make the difference | make a face | make a fast buck | make a federal case out of | make a fool of | make a monkey of | make after | make a fuss over | make a go of | make a hit | make a killing | make a living | make allowance | make a long story short | make a match | make a mess of | make a monkey of | make a motion | make a mountain out of a molehill | make a move | make a name for oneself | make an appearance | make an end of | make an example of | make an exhibition of oneself | make a night of it | make a nuisance of oneself | make a pass at | make a pig of oneself | make a play for | make a point | make a practice of | make a quick buck | make a racket | make a scene | make a splash | make a stab at | make a stand | make a stir | make a touch | make a virtue of necessity | make away with | make-believe | make believe | make book | make both ends meet | make bricks without straw | make conversation | make do | make ends meet | make eyes at | make faces at | make for | make free with | make friends | make fun of | poke fun at | make good | make good time | make haste | make haste with | make hay while the sun shines | make head or tail of | make headway | make it hot | make it snappy | make it with | make light of | make little of | make love | | make mincemeat (out) of | make much of | make neither head nor tail of | make no bones | make of | make off | make one feel at home | make one out to be | make one's bed and lie in it | make one's blood boil | make the blood boil | make one's blood run cold | make one's ears burn | make oneself at home | make oneself scarce | make one's hair stand on end | make one's head spin | make one's mark | make one's mouth water | make one's pile | make one's way | make one tick | make or break | make out | make over | make passes at | make rounds | make sense | make short work of | make sit up | make something of | make sport of | make sure | make the best of | make the blood boil | make the feathers fly | make the fur fly | make the feathers fly | make the grade | make the most of | make the scene | make things hum | make time | make tongues wag | make tracks | makeup | make up | make up one's mind | make waves | make way | mama's boy | man | man | the man | man-about-town | manger | man in the moon | man in the street | manner | man of few words | man of his word | man of letters | man of means | man of parts | man-of-war | man-to-man | many | many a | many hands make light work | many is me | many moons ago | map | map out | marble | March | march | mare's nest | marine | mark | markdown | mark down | marked man | market | mark off | mark one's words | mark time | marry money | masking tape | masse | mast | master copy | master key | mastermind | mastermind | master of ceremonies | M.C. | emcee | mat | matter | matter of course | matter of fact | matter-of-fact | matter of opinion | matter of record | may | M.C. | emcee | me | mean business | means | means to an end | mean well | measure | measure off | measure up | meatball | medicine | medium | meet | meet halfway | meeting | meet one's death | meet one's eye | meet one's match | meet one's Waterloo | meet up with | meet with | melt | melting pot | melt in one's mouth | memory | mend | mend one's fences | mend one's ways | mental telepathy | mention | meow | mercy | mercy killing | merrier | | message | mess around | mess up | method in (to) one's madness | mickey mouse(1) | mickey mouse(2) | midair | middle | middle ground | middleman | middle of the road | middle-of-the-road | midfield stripe | midnight oil | midstream | might | mighty | mile | mile markers | miles away | milk | mill | mill around | million | millstone around one's neck | mince words | mind | mind one's own business | mind one's p's and q's | mind-reader | mind you | mine | mine of information | minority leader | mint money | minutes of the meeting | misfire | miss | miss a trick | miss by a mile | missing link | miss is as good as a mile | Missouri | miss out | miss the boat | miss the bus | miss the point | mistake | misty-eyed | dewey-eyed | mixed bag | mixed blessing | mixed up | mix up | molehill | moment | Monday | money | money burns a hole in one's pocket | money is no object | money to burn | monkey | monkey around | monkey business | monkey on one's back | monster | month in, month out | month of Sundays | moon | moonshine | mop the floor with | mop up the floor with | wipe the floor with | wipe up the floor with | mop up | mop up the floor with | more | more often than not | more or less | more than | more than one can chew | more than one could shake a stick at | more the merrier | morning after | Moses | moss | most | mother | motion | mountain | mouse | mouth | mouthful | mouth-watering | move | move a muscle | move heaven and earth | move in on | movement | moving spirit | much | much as | much less | mud | mud in your eye | mug shot | Muhammad | mull over | mum is the word | murder | muscle | muscle-bound | muscle in on | music | musical chairs | music to one's ears | mustard | muster | my God | my goodness | my lips are sealed | nail | nail down | nail one's colors to the mast | name | name calling | named after | name day | namedropper | name is mud | name of the game | narrow down | narrow escape | narrow-minded | nary a | nasty-nice | natural | natural-born | nature | naught | near | near at hand | necessity | neck | neck and neck | neck of the woods | necktie party | ned | needle | needle in a haystack | neither fish nor fowl | neither fish, flesh, nor fowl | neither here nor there | | neither rhyme nor reason | Nellie | Nelly | nerve | nervous breakdown | Nervous Nellie | nervous prostration | nest | nest egg | never | never mind | never say die | new | new blood | new broom sweeps clean | Newcastle | new deal | newfangled | new leaf | new lease on life | new man | new money | newshawk | next door | next to(1) | next to(2) | next to nothing | Nick | nick | nigger in the woodpile | night | night and day | nightcap | night letter | night life | night owl | nine | nine-to-five job | ninety | nip and tuck | nip in the bud | no account(1) | no account(2) | nobody | nobody home | nobody's fool | nod | nodding acquaintance | no deal | no dice | no go | no sale | no soap | no doubt | no end | no end to | no end of | no frills | noggin | no go | no good | no great shakes | no hard feelings | no kidding | no longer | no love lost | no matter | no matter what | nonce | none | none too | nonsense | nonstarter | noodle | nor | no sale | nose | nose about | nose around | nose down | nose in(1) | nose into(1) | nose in(2) | nose into(2) | nose in a book | nose is out of joint | nose out | nose out of | nose over | nose up | no-show | no sooner --- than | no spring chicken | no sweat(1) | no sweat(2) | not a few | not a little | not all there | not at all | not bad | not so bad | not half bad | not by a long shot | not by any means | | note | not for all the coffee in Brazil | not for all the tea in China | not for anything in the world | not for love or money | not for the world | not for worlds | not half bad | not have anything on | not have the heart to | nothing | nothing doing | nothing if not | nothing like | nothing of the kind | nothing short of | nothing succeeds like success | nothing to it | nothing to sneeze at | notice | not in the least | notion | not know which way to turn | not know which way to jump | not let any grass grow under one's feet | not one's cup of tea | not one's scene | not on your life | not see beyond one's nose | not so bad | not so hot | not too hot | not the only fish in the sea | not the only pebble on the beach | not the thing | not to get to first base | not to give one the time of day | not to give quarter | not to know one from Adam | not to know the first thing about | not to know what to make of | not to know whether one is coming or going | not to lift a finger | not to mention | not to speak of | to say nothing of | not to speak of | not to touch (something) with a ten-foot pole | not worth a dime | not worth a hill of beans | not worth a red cent | | | no two ways about it | no use | no use crying over spilled milk | no use crying over spilt milk | now | now and then | now and again | nowhere | nowhere near | now --- now | no way | no wonder | small wonder | now or never | now that | nth | nuisance | nuke | nuke a tater | null and void | number | number among | number one(1) | Number One(1) | number one(2) | nurse | nurse a drink | nurse a grudge | nursing home | nut | nut case | nuts about | nuts and bolts of | nutshell | nutty as a fruitcake | oak | oars | oath | oats | obey the call of nature | occasion | occupy oneself | oddball | odd jobs | odds | odds and ends | odds are against | odds-on | of age | of a piece | of course | off a duck's back | off-again, on-again | on-again, off-again | off and on | on and off | off balance | off base | offbeat | off center | off-center | off-color | off-colored | off day | off duty | off feed | off one's feed | off (one/he/she/it) goes! | off guard | offhand | off in a flash | off-key | off limits | off one's back | off one's chest | off one's feet | off one's hands | off one's head | off one's high horse | off one's nut | off one's rocker | off one's trolley | off one's trolley | off season | offshoot | off the air | off the bat | off the beam | off the beaten track | off the cuff | off-the-cuff | off the ground | off the handle | off the hog | off the hook | off the record(1) | off the record(2) | off the top of one's head | off the wagon | off the wall | of it | of late | of necessity | of no avail | of old(1) | of old(2) | of oneself | of one's life | of one's own accord | of one's own free will | of one's own free will | of service | of sorts | of a sort | often | of die devil | of the first water | of the same mind | oil | oil the wheels | ointment | old | old as the hills | old boy network | old boy | old chap | old college try | old country | old flame | old guard | old hand | old hat | old maid | old money | Old Nick | old school tie | old story | old-timer | old world | olive branch | on account | on account of | on a dime | on-again, off-again | on air | on a limb | on all four | on all fours | on an average | on the average | on and off | on an even keel | on a pedestal | on approval | on a scratched horse | on a shoestring | on a volcano | on behalf of | on board(1) | on board(2) | on borrowed time | on call | once | once and for all | once bitten, twice shy | once for all | once in a while | once-over | once-over-lightly | once upon a time | on condition that | on deck | on deposit | on duty | one | one and the same | one-armed bandit | on earth | on easy street | one damn thing after another | ODTAA | on edge | one eye on | one foot in the grave | one for the books | one-horse | one man's meat is another man's poison | on end | one-night stand | one of these days | some of these days | one on the city | one's money's worth | one's own row | one-two | one up | one-upmanship | on faith | on file | on fire | on foot | on guard | on hand | on hold | on ice | on in years | onion | only | on occasion | on one hand | on one's account | on one's back | on one's bad side | on the bad side of one | on one's behalf | on one's chest | on one's coattails | on oneself | on one's feet | on one's good behavior | on one's good side | on the good side of one | on one's hands | on one's head | upon one's head | on one's heel | on one's high horse | on one's honor | on one's knees | on one's last legs | on one's mind | on one's nerves | on one's own | on one's own account | on one's own hook | on one's own feet | on one's own hook | on one's own time | on one's part | on the part of one | on one's shoulders | on one's toes | on one's uppers | on one's way | on pain of | under pain of | on paper | on pins and needles | on purpose | on record | on sale | on schedule(1) | on schedule(2) | on season | on second thought | on sight | on table | on the air | on the alert | on the average | on the back | on the ball | on the bandwagon | on the barrelhead | on the beam | on the bench | on the blink | on the block | on the brain | on the brink of | on the button | on the cards | on the carpet | on the cheap | on the chin | on the contrary | on the cuff | on the dole | on the dot | on the button | on the double! | on the eve of | on the face of it | on the fence | on the fly(1) | on the fly(2) | on the go | on the heels of | on the hog | on the hour | on the house | on the increase | on the job | on the knees of the gods | on the lam | on the level | on the line | on the lips | on the lookout | on the loose | on the make | on the map | on the market | on the mend | on die money | on the move | on the nose | on the other foot | on the other hand | on the outs | on the point of | on the Q.T. | on the road | on the rocks | on the ropes | on the run | on the safe side | on the shelf | on the side | on the --- side | on the sly | on the spot | upon the spot | in a spot | on the spur of the moment | on the stage | on the strength of | on the string | on a string | on the take | on the tip of one's tongue | on the town | on the track of | on the trail of | on the trail of | on the trigger | on the up and up | on the vine | on the wagon | on the wane and on the wax | on the warpath | on the watch | on the way | on one's way | on the whole | on the wing | on the words | on the wrong foot | on the wrong side of the bed | on the wrong track | on time | on top | on top of | on top of the world | sitting on top of the world | on trial | on words | on your life | open | open and aboveboard | open and shut | open arms | open-door policy | open fire | openhanded | open heart | open its doors | open letter | open market | open marriage | open-minded | open one's eyes | open up one's eyes | eye opener | open one's heart | open onto | open Pandora's box | open question | open secret | open shop | open the door | open the floodgates | open up | open up one's eyes | opinion | opposite number | opposite sex | optional origin | orbit | order | order about | around | ordinary | or other | or so | other | other fish to fry | other side of the tracks | out and about | out-and-out | out at the elbows | out back | outback | out cold | outer space | out for | out from under | out in force | out in left field | out in the cold | out in the open | out like a light | out loud | out of | out of a bandbox | out of account | out of a clear sky | out of a clear blue sky | out of action | out of all proportion | out of bounds | out of breath | out of character | out of circulation | out of commission | out of condition | out of date | out of fashion | out of gas | out of gear | out of hand | out of hot water | out of keeping | out of kilter | out of line(1) | out of line(2) | out of line with | out of luck | out of mind | out of nowhere | out of one's blood | out of one's element | out of one's hair | out of one's hand | out of one's head | out of one's mind | out of one's senses | off one's head | out of one's mind | out of one's mouth | out of one's pocket | out of one's sails | out of one's senses | out of one's shell | out of one's skin | out of one's way | out of one's wits | out of (one's) reach | out of order | out of place(1) | out of place(2) | out-of-pocket expenses | out of practice | out of print | out of school | out of season | out of shape | out of condition | out of sight | out of sight, out of mind | out of sorts | out of step | out of stock | out of the blue | out of a clear sky | out of a clear blue sky | out of the corner of one's eye | out of the frying pan into the fire | out of the hole | out of the ordinary | out of the picture | out of the question | out of the rain | out of the red | out of the running | out of the swim | out of the way | out of one's way | out of the woods | out of thin air | out of this world | out of touch | out of town | out of tune | out of turn | out of wedlock | out of whack | out of work | out on a limb | out on bail | out on parole | out on the town | outside of | out to lunch | overall | over a barrel | over the barrel | over age | over and done with | overboard | overhead | overnight | over one's dead body | over one's head | over spilled milk | over the coals | over the hill | over the hump | over the long haul | over the short haul | over the top | over the traces | over with(1) | over with(2) | own | own up | oyster | p | pace | pace off | pace-setter | pace-setting | pack a punch | pack a wallop | pack off | pack rat | packed (in) like sardines | pack of lies | pack one's bag | pack up | paddle | paddle one's own canoe | paddy wagon | pad the bill | pain | pain in the ass | pain in the neck | paint a gloomy picture | paint oneself into a corner | paint the lily | paint the town red | paint the town | pair | pair off | pair up | pajamas | pal | pale | pale around the gills | palm | palm off | pan | Pandora's box | pan gravy | panic | pan out | pant for | pants | paper | par | parade | parade rest | parallel bars | parcel | parcel out | par for the course | pare down | parliamentary law | parrot-fashion | part | partake of | part and parcel | part company | partial to | particular | parting of the ways | part of the furniture | part with | party | party line | party to | pass | pass around | pass away | pass by | pass by the board | passed ball | pass for | passing | pass muster | pass off | pass on | pass out | pass out cold | pass over | pass by | pass the buck | buck-passer | buck-passing | pass the hat | pass the time of day | pass through one's mind | pass up | pass upon | | past master | past one's peak | pat | pat-a-cake | patch up | pat on the back(1) | pat on the back(2) | patrol | Paul | pause | pavement | pave the way | pay | pay a call | pay as one goes | pay attention | pay court to | pay dirt | pay down | pay for | pay in advance | pay lip service to | payoff | pay off | pay one a left-handed compliment | pay one back in his own coin | pay one's respect to | pay one's way | pay out | pay the piper | pay the fiddler | pay through the nose | pay up | peace | pearl | pebble | peck | pecking order | pedestal | peel | peel off | peeping Tom | peg | peg away | pen | penalty box | penny for one's thoughts | penny pincher | penny pinching | penny wise and pound foolish | pen pal | people who live in glass houses should not throw stones | pep talk | period of grace | perish the thought | perk up | person | pet name | petard | Peter | peter out | photo finish | pick | pick a bone | pick a fight | pick a hole in | pick holes in | pick and choose | pick apart | pick to pieces | pick a pocket | pick a/the lock | pick a quarrel | pick at | pick holes in | pick-me-up | pickpocket | pick off | pick on | pick one's teeth | pick one's way | pick out | pick over | pick the brains of | pick to pieces | pickup | pick up | pick up the tab | Pidgin English | pie | piece | piece of cake | piece out | piecework | pie in the sky | pigeonhole | pigeonhole | piggy-back | piggy bank | pigheaded | pig in a poke | pig out | pile up | pile-up | pill | pillar of society | pillar to post | pimple | pin | pinch | pinch and scrape | pinch-hit | pinch-hitter | pinch-hitting | pinch pennies | penny-pincher | penny-pinching | pin curl | pin down | pine away | pink | pink around the gills | pin money | pin one's ears back | pin one's faith on | pin one's heart on one's sleeve | pint-size | pipe | pipe down | pipe dream | piper | pipe up | pip-squeak | piss off | pissed off | pit against | pit-a-pat | pitch | pitch a curve | a curve ball | pitch dark | | pitchfork | pitch in | pitch into | pitch out | pitch woo | pity | place | plague on both your houses | plague o' both your houses | plain Jane | plain | smooth sailing | plain white wrapper | plan | plank | plan on | plate | platonic love | platter | play | play along (with) | play a part in | play around | play around with | play a waiting game | play ball | play by ear | play cat and mouse with | play down | played out | play fair | play fast and loose | play footsie | play for keeps | play hard to get | play havoc with | raise havoc with | play hooky | play into one's hands | play off | play on | play upon | play one false | play one for | play one's cards right | play one's cards well | play ostrich | play politics | play possum | play safe | play it safe | play second fiddle | play the devil with | play hob with | play the field | play the game | play the market | play to the gallery | play tricks on | play up | play upon | play up to | play with fire | plough | plow through | plow | plow into | pluck up | pluck up one's courage | plug away | plug in | plug into | plume oneself | plunk down | please | pocket | pocket money | pocket one's pride | point | point-blank | point of view | point out | point up | poison-pen | poke | poke around | poke about | poke fun at | poles apart | polish off | polish the apple | apple polisher | apple polishing | politics | pond | pool | pooped out | poor as a church mouse | poor-mouth | pop | pop fly | pop in | pop one's cork | pop the question | popup | bob up | pork | port of call | port of entry | position | possessed of | possum | post | pot | potato | potboiler | pot call the kettle black potshot | pound | pound away at | pound of flesh | pound out | pound the pavement | pour | pour cold water on | pour it on thick | pour money down the drain | pour oil on troubled waters | pour out | powder | powder room | power behind the throne | practice | presence of mind | present | press box | press conference | press one's luck | push one's luck | press the flesh | pressure group | pretty | pretty penny | prevail upon | prevail on | prey on | prey upon | prey on one's mind | price on one's head | prick | prick up one's ears | pride | pride must take a pinch | pride oneself on | print | private | private eye | progress | promise | promise the moon | proof of the pudding is in the eating | prune | psyched up | psych out | Public | public | public-address system | public enemy | public speaker | puffed up | pull | pull a fast one | pull a long face | pull date | pull down | pull down about one's ears | pull down around one's ears | pull in | pull in one's horns | draw in one's horns | pull off | pull one's chestnuts out of the fire | pull oneself together | pull one's leg | leg-pulling | pull one's punches | pull one's teeth | pull one's weight | pullout | pull out | pull out of a hat | pull over | pull rank | pull something on one | pull strings | pull wires | wire-puller | wire-pulling | pull the plug on | pull the rug out from under | pull the wool over one's eyes | pull through | pull together | pull up | pull up one's socks | pull up short | pull up stakes | pull wires | punch | punch-drunk | puppy love | calf love | pure and simple | purpose | purse | purse strings | push around | push off | shove off | push on | push one's luck | pushover | push over | push the panic button | push-up | push up daisies | put | put about | put a bee in one's bonnet | put a bug in one's ear | put a flea in one's ear | put across | put all one's eggs in one basket | put a new face on | put an end to | put a stop to | put aside | put away | put back the clock | turn back the clock | put by | putdown | put down | put forth | put ideas into one's head | put in | put in a word for | put in an appearance | make an appearance | put in mind of | put in one's place | put in one's two cents worth | put in one's way | put in the way of | put in one's way | put (it) in black and white | put (it) in writing | put it on thick | put off | put on | put-on | put on airs | put on an act | put on ice | put one in one's place | put one in the picture | put one on a pedestal | put one on one's feet | put one out of the way | put one through one's paces | put one wise | put one's back to it | put one's best foot forward | put one's cards on the table | put oneself in another's place | put oneself in another's shoes | put one's finger on | lay one's finger on | put one's foot down | put one's foot in it | put one's foot in one's mouth | put one's hand on | put one's hand to | set one's hand to | turn one's hand to | put one's hand to the plow | set one's hand to the plow | put one's head in the sand | put one's heart on one's sleeve | put one's money on a scratched horse | put one's nose out of joint | put one's house in order | set one's house in order | put one's shoulder to the wheel | put on one's thinking cap | put on paper | put on the back burner | put on the dog | put on the line | put on the map | put out | put out of action | put out of the way | put over | put someone on | put that in your pipe and smoke it | put the bite on | put the cart before the horse | put their heads together | lay their heads together | put through | put through one's paces | put to bed | put to it | put to rights | set to rights | put to sea | put to shame | put to sleep | put to the sword | put to use | put two and two together | put up | put-up | put up a (brave, good, etc.) flght | put up a (brave | good) front | put up or shut up | put upon | put up to | put up with | put wise | put words into one's mouth | q | Q.T. | qualms | quantity | quarterback sneak | queen | queer fish | queer oneself | quest | question | quick buck | quick on the draw | quick on the trigger | trigger happy | quick on the uptake | quick study | quit | quite a bit | quite a few | quite a number | not a few | quite a little | quite a bit | not a little | quite a number | quite the thing | rabbit | race | race against time | race to stand still | rack and ruin | rack one's brain | radio ham | rag | rag doll | ragged | rag trade | railroad | rain | rain cats and dogs | rain buckets | rain pitchforks | rain check | rained out | rain on | rain or shine | rainproof | rainy day | raise a hand | raise a row | raise a stink | raise Cain | raise eyebrows | raise funds | money | raise hackles | raise one's hackles | raise havoc | raise heck | raise hob | raise one's sights | raise one's voice | raise the devil | raise heck | raise hob | raise ned | raise the roof | rake in | rake off | rake-off | rake over the coals | rake up | ramble on about | ram down one's throat | random | rank | rank and file | rap | rap one's knuckles | rat | rate | rather | rat on | rat out | rat out on | rat race | rate with someone | rattle | rattle off | reel off | rattle one's saber | rave about | raw | raw deal | razzle-dazzle | reach | reach first base | reach for the sky | read between the lines | read into | read off | read one like a book | read one one's rights | read one's mind | mind reader | read the riot act | read over | read up on | ready | ready-made | ready money | real | rear | rear end | rear its head | reason | receive with open arms | reckon with | reckon without | record | red | redcap | red carpet | red cent | red eye | red eye | red-handed | red-letter day | red-light district | red tape | reel off | reference | refine on | refine upon | regain one's feet | regard | regular guy | regular fellow | rein | relation | relative to | repeat oneself | resign oneself | resistance | rest | rest assured | rest home | rest on one's laurels | rest on one's oars | rest room | retreat | return | return the compliment | reverse | rev up | rhyme or reason | rib | rich | ride | ride herd on | ride on one's coattails | ride out | ride roughshod over | ride the brake | ride the clutch | ride the gravy train | ride up | crawl up | riding for a fall | riding high | rid of | right | right along | right and left | right away | right off | right off the bat | right down | up one's alley | right field | right fielder | right-hand man | | right out | straight out | right side of the tracks | right-wing | rig out | Riley | ring | ring a bell | ring in | | ring out | ring the changes | ring true | ring up | riot | ripe | rip into | tear into | rip off | rip-off | rise | rise from the ashes | rise in the world | rise to | rise up | risk | road | road gang | road hog | road show | road sign | road test | roast | roasting ear | robbery | robin | rob Peter to pay Paul | rob the cradle | cradle-robber | cradle-robbing | rob the till | have one's hand in the till | rock | rock and roll | rock-bottom | rocker | rock hound | rock'n'roll | rock and roll | rock the boat | rod | roll | roll around | rolling stone gathers no moss | roll out the red carpet | red-carpet | roll up one's sleeves | Roman collar | Rome | Rome wasn't built in a day | roof | rooftop | room | room and board | room clerk | desk clerk | room to | room service | room with | roost | root | root-bound | root for | rope | rope in | rope Into | rope off | rose | rose-colored glasses | rotten egg | rotten to the core | rough | rough-and-ready | rough-and-tumble | rough diamond | roughhouse | roughhouse | rough it | roughneck | rough-shod | rough sledding | rough up | roughly speaking | roulette | round | round-eyed | wide-eyed | large-eyed | round off | round out |

| rounds | round the clock | round trip | roundup | round up | row | royal road | rubdown | rub-a-dub | rubber check | rub down | rub elbows | rub shoulders | rub it in | rub off | rub out | rub salt into one's wounds | rub shoulders | rub the wrong way | rub up against | rub up to | ruffle feathers | ruffle one's feathers | rug | rule | rule of thumb | rule out | rule the roost | run | run across | run after | chase after | run along | run a risk | take a risk | run around in circles | run around | chase around | run around like a chicken with its head cut off | run a temperature | run a tight ship | run away | run off | run away with | run circles around | run rings around | run down | run-down | run dry | run errands | run for it | make a run for it | run for one's money | run in | run-in | run in the blood | run in the family | run into | run into a brick wall | run into a stone wall | run into the ground | run its course | run off | run-off | run off at the mouth | run of luck | run-of-the-mill | run-of-the-mine | runner-up | running start | run out | run out on | run over | run ragged | run rings around | run riot | run scared | run short | run that by me again! | run the gauntlet | gantlet | run through | run to | run to seed | run true to form | run up | run up against | run wild | run with the hare and hunt (ride) with the hounds | running commentary | rush | Russian roulette | rust away | rustproof | saber rattling | sword rattling | sack | sack in/out | sacred cow | sacrifice fly | saddle | saddled with | saddle shoe | safe | safe and sound | safety blitz | safety glass | safety in numbers | safety island | safety zone | sail | sail close to the wind | sail into | sail (right) through | sailor collar | sail under false colors | sake | sale | sales check | sales slip | sales talk | Salisbury steak | salt | salt away | salt of the earth | salt pork | same | same here | sand lot | sand-lot | sand trap | sandwich board | sauce | save face | face-saver | face-saving | face-saving | save for a rainy day | save one's breath | save one's neck | save one's skin | save the day | save up | saving grace | savings account | savings bond | sawed-off | saw wood | saw gourds | say | say a mouthful | say one's peace | speak one's piece | says who | says you | say-so | say the word | say uncle | cry uncle | scale | scale down | scandal sheet | scarcely any | scarcely ever | scaredy-cat | scared-cat | scare away | off | scare out of one's wits | scare stiff | scare the daylights out of | scare to death | scare up | scrape up | scene | scent | schedule | scheme | school | school of hard knocks | score | scot-free | scotch broth | Scott | scout | scout around | scrape | scrape the bottom of the barrel | scrape together | scrape up | scratch | scratch around for | scratch one's back | scratch the surface | scream bloody murder | screen test | screw | screw around | screws | screw up | screw-up | | pluck up one's courage | scrimmage | scrounge around | sea | sea legs | seam | search | search me | search one's heart | search one's soul | heart-searching | soul-searching | search out | search with a fine-tooth comb | season | seat | seat belt | second | second best | second best | second-best | second childhood | second class | second-class(1) | second-class(2) | second cousin | second-guess | secondhand | second nature | second-rate | second-run | second sight | second thought | second to none | second wind | second breath | secret | section gang | section crew | section hand | security blanket | see | see a lot of | see about | see after | see better days | see beyond one's nose | see beyond the end of one's nose | seed | see daylight | see eye to eye | see fit | think fit | see how the land lies | seeing is believing | see into | see off | see one home | see one's way clear | see out | see reason | see red | see service | see stars | see the beat | see the color of one's money | see the last of | see the light | see the light at the end of the tunnel | see the light of day | see the sights | see things | see through | see to | look to | see to it | see with rose-colored glasses | seed money | seize on | seize on | upon | seize the opportunity | self-conscious | self-made | self-possessed | self-seeking | sell down the river | sell off | sell one a bill of goods | sell one on | sellout | sell out | sell short | sell snow to the Eskimos | send C.O.D. | send off | send-off | send one about one's business | send one packing | send to the minors | send up | send word | senior citizen | sense | separate the men from the boys | separate the sheep from the goats | serve | serve a sentence | serve notice | serve one right | serve time | serve up | service | session | set | set ablaze | set about | set afire | set on fire | set aside | setback | set back | set back on one's heels | knock back on one's heels | set down | set eyes on | set fire to | set foot | set forth | set free | set great store by | set in | set in one's ways | set loose | set off | set of new threads | set on | set upon | set one's cap for | set one's face against | set one's hand to | set one's hand to the plow | set one's heart on | set one's house in order | set one's mind at rest | set one's mind on | set one's sights | set one's teeth on edge | set on foot | set out | set right | set sail | set store by | set the ball rolling | set the pace | pace-setter | pace-setting | set the stage for | set the world on fire | setting-up | settle a score | wipe out an old score | settle down | settle for | settle on | settle up | set to | set to music | set to rights | set tongues wagging | setup | setup | set upon | seven | seventh heaven | sewed up | | shack up with | shadow | shaggy dog (story) | shake | shake a leg | shakedown | shake down | shake in one's shoes | shake in one's boots | shake off | shake the dust from one's feet | shake up | shake-up | shame | shape | shape up | shape up or ship out | sharp | sharp as a tack | shed light on | sheep | sheepskin | sheet | shelf | shell | shell out | shift for oneself | shine | shine up to | shingle | ship | ship come in | ship out | shipshape | shirk one's duty | shirt | shoe | shoe on the other foot | shoestring | shoestring catch | shoo away | shoo-in | shoot ahead of | past | through | alongside of | shoot a line | shoot from the hip | shoot off one's mouth | shoot off one's face | shoot one's wad | shoot out | shoot questions at | shoot straight | shoot square | straight shooter | square shooter | straight-shooting | shoot the breeze | bat the breeze | fan the breeze | shoot the bull | shoot the works | shoot up | shop | shop around for | shoplifter | shopping center | shopworn | shore leave | shore patrol | shore up | shorn | short | short and sweet | shortchange | shortcut | short end | shorthanded | short haul | short list | short-listed | short of(1) | short of(2) | short of breath | short-order cook | short shrift | short-spoken | shot | shot in the arm | shot in the dark | shot through with | shoulder | shoulder to cry on | to lean on | shoulder to shoulder | shoulder to the wheel | shout down | shout from the housetops | shout from the rooftops | shouting | shove down one's throat | ram down one's throat | shove off | show | show a clean pair of heels | show around | show cause | showdown | showgirl | show in | out | up | to the door | showoff | show off | show of hands | show one's colors | show one's face | show one's hand | show one's teeth | show signs | show the door | show up | shrift | shrink | shrug off | shrug away | shudder to think | shut | shut down | shut-eye | shut off | shut one's eyes | shut out | shut the door | shut up | shy | shy away | shy off | sick | sick and tired | side | side against | side by side | sidekick | side of the tracks | side street | side with | sight | sight for sore eyes | sight-read | sight unseen | sign | sign in | sign off | sign of the times | sign on | sign one's own death warrant | sign on the dotted line | sign out | sign over | sign up | signed, sealed, and delivered | silence gives consent | silent majority | silver | silver anniversary | wedding | simmer down | Simon Legree | simple | sing a different tune | whistle a different tune | sing a new tune | sing for one's supper | sing in tune | single | single out | sing one's praises | sing out of tune | sink | sinker | sink in | soak in | sink one's teeth into | sink or swim | sit | sit back | sit by | sit down | sit in | sit in on | sit on | sit on a bomb | bombshell | sit on a volcano | sit on one's hands | sit on the fence | sit out | sitter | sitting on a powder keg | sit through | sit tight | sitting on top of the world | sitting pretty | sit up | sit-up | sit up and take notice | sit up for | sit up with | sit well (with) | sit with | six | six bits | six of one and half-a-dozen of the other | size | size up | skate | skate on thin ice | skating rink | skeleton in the closet | skid lid | skid row | skim the surface | skin | skin alive | skin and bones | skin-deep | skin off one's nose | skip | skip bail | skip it | skip out | skirt around | sky | sky is the limit | slack off | slam | slap down | slap in the face(1) | slap in the face(2) | slap one's wrist | slap together | slave driver | sledding | sleep | sleep around | sleep a wink | sleep like a log | sleep off | sleep on | sleep out | sleep with | sleeve | sling hash | slinging match | slip | slip a cog | slip a gear | slip away | slip off | slip of the lip | slip of the pen | slip of the tongue | slip of the lip | slip one's mind | slip over | slip through one's fingers | slipup | slip up | slow burn | slowdown | slow down | slow on the draw | slow on the uptake | slow tune | slow up | slug it out | sly | smack-dab | smack-to-dab | smack one's lips | small | small frog in a big pond | small fry | small | wee hours | small talk | small-time | small wonder | smash hit | smell a rat | smell out | smell up | smile | smoke | smoke like a chimney | smoke out | smoke-out | smoke screen | Smokey Bear | Smokey-the-Bear | the Smokies | smooth away | smooth down | smooth over | smooth sailing | snail's pace | snake in the grass | snap | snap it off | snap one's fingers at | snap out of | snappy | snap up | sneak | sneak away | sneak up on | sneeze at | sniff out | snow in | snow job | snow under | snuff | snug as a bug in a rug | so | soak in | soak up | so-and-so(1) | so-and-so(2) | so --- as to | soap opera | so as to | sob all the way to the bank | so bad | so be it | be it so | sob story | sock | sock it | soda jerk | soda jerker | so far | thus far | so far as | so far, so good | softhearted | soft touch | so help me | soil one's hands | so it goes | sold on | so long | so long as | so many(1) | so many(2) | some | somebody up there loves/hates me | some of these days | something | something else | something else again | so much(1) | so much(2) | so much(3) | so much as | so much for | son | song | song and dance | sonic boom | son of a bitch | sunuvabitch | son of a gun | soon | sooner | sooner or later | sore | sore spot | sore point | sorrow | sort | sort of | sort out | so-so | so that | so --- that | so to speak | sought after | soul | soul-searching | sound | sound effects | sound off | sound out | sound sheet | sound truck | soup | souped-up | so what | sow one's wild oats | space | spaced out | space probe | spade | Spain | spar with | speak | speakeasy | speaker | speak for | speak of the devil and he appears | speak one's mind | speak one's piece | speak out of turn | speak out | speak up | speak the same language | speak volumes | speak well of | speak with a forked tongue | speed trap | speed up | spell out | spell trouble | spending money | pocket money | spend the night | | spill | spill the beans | spin a yarn | spine-chilling | spine-tingling | spinoff | spin off | spin one's wheels | spin out | spirit away | spite | spit | piss into the wedding cake | | spit up | split end | split hairs | split second | split the difference | split ticket | split up | split-up | spoil for | spoken for | sponge | sponge bath | sponge on | off | | | sporting blood | spot | spot check | spotlight | spread it on thick | spread like wildfire | spread oneself too thin | spring a leak | spring chicken | spring on one | spring up | sprout wings | spruce up | spur | squad | square | square away | squared away | square deal | square meal | square off | square oneself with | square one's shoulders | square peg in a round hole | square peg | square shooter | square up | squeak | squeak by | squeak through | squeeze out of | stab in the back(1) | stab in the back(2) | stab in the dark | stack | stack the cards | stage | stage fright | stagestruck | stage whisper | stag party | stake | stake a claim | stamp | stamping ground | stamp out | stand | stand a chance | stand a show | standard time | slow time | stand by | stand by one's guns | stand for | stand in awe of | stand in for | stand in one's way | stand in with | stand off | standoffish | stand on ceremony | stand one in good stead | stand one's ground | hold one's ground | stand on one's own feet | stand on one's own two feet | stand out | stand over | stand pat | stand the gaff | stand to reason | stand trial | stand up | stand up and be counted | stand up for | stick up for | stand up to | stand up with | star | starch | stare in the face | stars in one's eyes | starry-eyed | start | start from scratch | start in | start out | start something | start the ball rolling | start up | stash bag | stuff bag | state | state-of-the-art | status symbol | stead | stave off | stay in | stay out | stay put | stay up late | stay with | steady | steak | steal | steal a march on | steal away | steal one's thunder | steal the show | steal the spotlight | steal up on | steam | steamed up | steer clear of | stem the tide | step | step all over | step down | step in | step inside | step into | step into one's shoes | step off | pace off | step on it | step on the gas | step on one's toes | tread on one's toes | step on the gas | step out | step out on | stepped up | step up | sterling character | stew in one's own juice | stick | stick around | stick by one | stick in one's craw | stuck in one's crop | stick in one's throat | stick-in-the-mud | stick one's neck out | stick one's chin out | stick one's nose into | stick out | stick out like a sore thumb | stick together | stick to one's guns | stand by one's guns | stick to one's knitting | tend to one's knitting | stick to one's ribs | stick to the ribs | stick to the point | stick up | stick-up | stick up for | stick with | stay with | stick with | sticky fingers | stiff | still | still life | still waters run deep | stir up | stir up a hornet's nest | stitch | stock | stock-in-trade | stomach | stone | stone-blind | stone-broke | dead broke | flat broke | stone-cold | stone-dead | stone-deaf | stone wall | brick wall | stone's throw | within a stone's throw | stool pigeon | stop | stop at nothing | stop by | stop cold | stop dead | stop in one's tracks | stop off | stop over | stop short | stop street | stop the show | stop up | store | storm | story | stow away | straight | straighten out | straighten up | straight face | straight from the horse's mouth | straight from the shoulder | straightlaced | straight off | straight out | straight shooters | straight ticket | strain a point | strange to say | strapped for | straw | straw boss | straw in the wind | straw poll | straw that breaks the camel's back | straw vote | streak | streak of luck | stream | street | strength | stretch a point | strain a point | stretch of the imagination | stride | strike | strike a bargain | strike a happy medium | strike all of a heap | strikebreaker | strike gold | strike home | strike it rich | strike one funny | strike one's colors | strike one's fancy | strike | hit a sour note | strike out | strike out at | strike the hour | strike up | strike while the iron is hot | string | string along | string out | string up | strings attached | strip | stripe | stroke | stroke of luck | strong language | strung out | stuck on | stuck-up | stuck with | study | stuff | stuff and nonsense | stuff the ballot box | ballot-stuffing | stuffed shirt | stuffed up | stumble across | stump | style | subject to | substance | succeed | such and such | such-and-such | such as | such as it is | such that | sucker list | suck in | sugar daddy | suit | suit to a T | suit up | suit yourself | sum total | sum up | sun | sunbelt | Sunday | Sunday best | Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes | sunny-side up | supper | supply | sure | sure enough | sure-enough | surefire | sure thing | surface | surprise | survival of the fittest | suspicion | swallow | swallow hook, line, and sinker | swallow one's pride | swallow one's words | swallow up | swan song | SWAT team | swathe | swear by | swear in | swear into | swear off | swear out | sweat | sweat blood | sweat out | Sweeney | sweep | sweep off one's feet | sweep out of | sweep the city | country | nation | world | sweep under the rug | sweet | sweetie pie | sweet on | sweet talk | sweet tooth | swelled head | swell-headed | swell-headed | swim | swim against the current | swim against the stream | swine | swing | swing one's weight | switch | switched on | swoop | sword | sword rattling | sworn enemies | syllable | system | T | tab | table | tack | tackle | tack on | tag end | tail end | tail | tail between one's legs | tail end | taillight | tailor-made | tailspin | tail wags the dog | take | take aback | take a back seat | take a bath | take a bow | take a break | take a chance | take a crack at | take a dig at | take a dim view of | take a dislike to | take a drop | take advantage of | take after | take a fancy to | take a flop | take aim | take a hand in | take a hard line with | take a hike | take a hint | take a joke | take a liking to | take a load off one's feet | take a long breath | take amiss | the wrong way | take a new turn | take a nose dive | take a notion | take apart | take a poke at | take a pot shot at | take a powder | take a punch at | take a poke at | take a sock at | take a risk | take a shine to | take a shot at | take a sock at | take a spill | take at one's word | take a stand | take a turn | take a turn for the better | take a turn for the worse | take a whack at | take back | take by storm | take by surprise | take by the scruff | take care | take care of | take charge | take cold | take cover | take down | | take down a peg | take effect | take exception to | take for | take for a ride | take for granted | take French leave | take heart | take heed | take hold of | take ill | take sick | take in | take in stride | take in tow | take into account | take issue with | take it | take it all in | take it away | take it easy | go easy | take things easy | take things easy | take it from the top | take it into one's head | take a notion | take it on the chin | take it or leave it | take it out on | take its toll | take kindly to | take leave of | take leave of one's senses | take liberties | take lying down | taken aback | taken back | taken by | with | take no stock in | take note of | take notice of | take oath | takeoff | take off | take off one's hat to | take offense at | take off one's hands | take off the edge | take on | take one at one's word | take one's breath away | take one's death of | take one's leave | take leave of | leave-taking | take one's life in one's hands | take one's measure | take the measure of | take one's medicine | take one's name in vain | take one's time | take one's word | take on faith | take on oneself | take upon oneself | take one wrong | take on the chin | take out | take out after | take out on | take-out order | take over | take pains | take part | take pity on | take pity upon | take place take root | take shape | take sick | take sides | take someone for a ride | take steps | take stock | take stock in | take the bit in one's mouth | take the bit in one's teeth | take the bread out of one's mouth | take the bull by the horns | take the cake | take the day off | take the defensive | take the edge off | take off the edge | take the fifth | take the floor | take the law into one's own hands | take the lid off | take the measure of | take the offensive | take the pledge | take the plunge | take the rap | take the stand | take the starch out of | take the stump | take to the stump | take the trouble | take the wind out of one's sails | take the words out of one's mouth | take things easy | take time off | take time out | take to | take to heart | lay to heart | take to one's heels | show a clean pair of heels | take to task | take to the cleaners | take to the woods | take turns | take under one's wing | take up | take up arms | take upon oneself | take up the cudgels for | take up with | take with a grain of salt | take with a pinch of salt | taking pictures | tale | talent scout | talent show | talk | talk a blue streak | talk back | answer back | talk big | talk down | talking book | talking point | talk in circles | talk into | talk of the town | talk out | talk out of | talk out of turn | talk over | talk rot | talk shop | talk through one's hat | talk turkey | talk up | tall order | tall story | tale | tamper with | tank | tan one's hide | tape | taper down | taper off | tar | tar and feather | task | taste | tat | tax trap | T-bone steak | tea | teach a lesson | teach the ropes | team up with | teapot | tear around | tear down | tear into | tearjerker | tear oneself away | tear one's hair | tears | tear up | tee off | teeth | tee up | telepathy | tell | tell apart | tell a thing or two | tell it like it is | tell it to the marines | tell it to Sweeney | tell off | tell on | tell tales out of school | tell one where to get off | tell one where to head in | tell time | tell you what | temper | temperature | tempest in a teapot | tempt fate | tempt the fates | ten | ten-four? | ten gallon hat | ten roger | ten to one | two to one | term | terror | test | tether | than | thank one's lucky stars | thanks to | that is | that is to say | that is that | that's that | that'll be the day | That makes two of us! | That takes care of that! | That will do! | that's --- for you | That's about the size of it! | That's the story of my life... | That's the ticket! | That's the way the ball bounces | theater | the business | The cat did it! | the creeps | the devil to pay | the edge | the fickle finger of fate | the idea | the very idea | the lid | the likes of | the long and the short | the long and short | the matter | the more --- the more --- | the ---er the ---er | then | then again | then and there | the other day | the other way around | the picture | the pits | the powers that be | there | There | here you are! | there is more than one way to get a pig to market | flay a fox | skin a cat | there is nothing to it | There you go! | the ropes | the score | these | the three R's | the ticket | the tracks | the whole way | the wiser | the works | they | thick | thicker | thin | thing | thing or two | Things are looking up! | think | think a great deal of | think a lot of | think much of | think a lot of | think aloud | think out loud | think better of | Think big! | think fit | thinking cap | think little of | think much of | think nothing of | think nothing of it | think on one's feet | think out | think out loud | think over | think piece | think tank | think twice | think up | third base | third class | third-class(1) | third-class(2) | third degree | third sex | this | this and that | this, that, and the other | this, that, and the other | thither | thorn in the flesh | thorn in one's side | though | thought | thousand | thrash out | thread | threat | three-ring circus | three sheets in the wind | three sheets to the wind | thrill one to death | pieces | throat | through a hoop | through and through | through hell and high water | through one's hat | through one's head | through one's mind | through one's paces | through street | through the mill | through the motions | through the nose | through thick and thin | through train | throw | throw a curve | throw a fit | throw a wrench | throw a party | throw a punch | throw away | throw a wet blanket | throw caution to the winds | throw discretion to the winds | throw cold water on | dash cold water on | pour cold water on | throw a loop | throw down the gauntlet | throw for a loss | throw in | throw light on | throw something in one's face | throw something in one's teeth | throw in one's lot with | cast in one's lot with | throw in the sponge | throw up the sponge | throw in the towel | throw off | throw off the scent | throw off the track | throw oneself at someone's feet | throw oneself at someone's head | fling oneself at someone's head | throw one's hat in the ring | toss one's hat in the ring | throw one's weight around | throw open | throw | feed one to the wolves | throw out | toss out | throw out of gear | throw over | throw the baby out with the bath (bathwater) | throw the book at | throw together | slap together | throw up | heave up | throw up one's hands | throw up one's hands in horror | throw up the sponge | thumb | thumb a ride | thumb one's nose | thumb through | thunder | thus and so | thus and thus | thus far | ticket | tickle pink | tickle to death | tick off | tide | tide over | tide turn | tidy sum | tie | tie down | tie in | tie-in | tie in knots | tie into | tie one's hands | tie the knot | tie up | tie-up | tight | tight end | tighten one's belt | tighten the screws | tight-lipped | tight money | tight squeeze | Tijuana taxi | till | till the cows come home | till the last gun is fired | until the last gun is fired | tilt | tilt at windmills | time | time and again | time and time again | time and a half | time is ripe | time of day | time off | time of one's life | time out | tin ear | tingle | | Tin Pan Alley | tip | tip off | tip the balance | tip the scales | tip the balance | tired | tire out | tit for tat | to a conclusion | to a crisp | to a degree | to advantage | to a fault | to a halt | to a large extent | to all intents and purposes | to a man | to and fro | to another tune | to a T | to a turn | to bat | to bay | to-be | to bed | to be on the safe side | to be sure | to blame | to boot | to date | to death | to do | toe | toe the line | toe the mark | to first base | together | together with | to grips | to heart | to heel | to hell with | the hell with | to it | to light | toll | toll call | toll free | Tom | | tone down | tong | tongue | tongue-in-cheek | tongue-lashing | tongues wag | tongue-tied | tongue twister | to no avail | of no avail(1) | to no avail(2) | too | too bad | too big for one's breeches | too big for one's boots | too ---- by half | too close for comfort | too many cooks spoil the broth | stew | too many irons in the fire | to one | to oneself(1) | to oneself(2) | to one's face | to one's feet | to one's guns | to one's heart's content | to one's heels | to one's name | to one's ribs | to one's senses | to order | tooth | tooth and nail | tooth and nail | toot one's own horn | top | top banana | top dog | to pass | top-drawer | topflight | | to pieces | top off | to put It mildly | torch | to reason | to rest | to rights | to Rome | to say nothing of | to say the least | to scale | to sea | to shame | to size | to speak of | to spite one's face | toss off | toss one to the sharks | toss out | total | to task | to terms | to that effect | to the best of one's knowledge | to the bitter end | to the bone | to the bottom | to the contrary | to the effect that | to the eye | to the fore | to the full | to the gallery | to the good | to the grindstone | to the heart | to the hilt | up to the hilt | to the kings taste | to the queen's taste | to the letter | to the manner born | to the nth degree | to the point | to the punch | to the ribs | to the salt mines | to the stump | to the sword | to the tune of | to the wall | to the wolves | to the woods | to the world | to think of it | toto | touch | touch and go | touch base with | touch bottom | touch off | touch on | touch upon | touch to the quick | touchup | touch up | tough act to follow | tough break | tough cat | tough it out | tough luck | tough nut to crack | tough row to hoe | tough shit | tough sledding | tourist trap | to use | tow | towel | tower of strength | | town and gown | toy with an | the idea | to your hat | trace | track | track down | trade | trade in | trade-in | trade on | trading stamp | trail | trail-blazer | trap | travel light | tread on the toes of | tread on one's toes | tread water | treat | tree | trembling | trial | trial and error | trial balloon | trice | trick | trick of the trade | trick or treat | trigger | trigger happy | triple threat | tripped out | trip up | trolley | trot out | trouble | troubled waters | trousers | trowel | truck | true | | trust | truth | try on | try one's hand | try one's wings | tryout | try out | tuck | tucker | tuck in | tug-of-war | tune | tune in | tune out | tune up | tune-up | turkey | turn | turn a blind eye | turn a cold shoulder | turn a deaf ear to | turn a hand | turn an honest penny | turn back the clock | turn color | turn down | turn for the worse | turn in | hand in | turn in one's grave | turn over in one's grave | turn loose | turn off | turn of the century | turn on | turn on a dime | turn one around one's little finger | turn one's back on | turn one's hand to | turn one's head | turn one's nose up at | turn one's stomach | turn on one's heel | turnout | turn out | turnover | turn over | turn over a new leaf | turn over in one's grave | turn over in one's mind | turn tail | turn the clock back | turn the other cheek | turn the scales | turn the tables | turn the tide | turn the trick | turn thumbs down | turn to | turn turtle | turn up | turn up one's nose at | turn up one's toes | turtle | tut-tut | twice | twice as natural | twiddle one's thumbs | twist one around one's little finger | turn one around one's little finger | wrap one around one's finger | twist one's arm | two | two bits | two cents | two cents worth | two-faced | two's company; three's a crowd | two strikes against one | two-time | two to one | two ways about it | U.F.O. | ugly duckling | | um-hum | um-hum | unbosom oneself | uncertain | uncle | under | under a bushel | under a cloud | under age | under arrest | under construction | under cover | under false colors | under fire | under lock and key | under one's belt | under one's breath | under one's hat | under one's heel | under one's nose | under the nose of | under one's own steam | under one's skin | under one's spell | under one's thumb | under the thumb | under one's wing | under orders | under pain of | under protest | understand | under the circumstances | in the circumstances | under the collar | under the counter | under the hammer | under the nose of | under the sun | under the table | under the thumb of | under the weather | under the wire | underway | under wraps | unknown quantity | unseen | until all hours | until hell freezes over | until the last gun is fired | unturned | up against | up against it | up and about | around | up and at them | up-and-coming | up a stump | up a tree | up for grabs | up front(1) | up front(2) | up in arms | up in the air | in midair | up one's alley | up one's sleeve | in one's sleeve | upon oneself | upon one's head | upon the spot | upper | upper crust | upper hand | whip hand | upper story | Upsadaisy! | Upsee-daisy! | | ups and downs | upset the applecart | upset one's applecart | upside down | upstairs | up the creek | up the creek without a paddle | up tight | uptight | up to | up till | up until | up-to-date | up to no good | up to one's ears | up to one's neck | up to par | up to scratch | up to snuff | up to the mark | up to scratch | up to snuff | up to the chin in | in --- up to the chin | up to the hilt | up to the last minute | up to the mark | up-to-the-minute | urban homesteading | use | used to(1) | used to(2) | did use to | used to be | did use to be | use every trick in the book | use one's head | use one's bean | use one's noodle | one's noggin | use up | utility room | vain | valor | value | vanish into thin air | vanishing cream | vanity case | variety show | variety store | vein | verbal diarrhea | very | very well | vibrations | vibes | vicious circle | Vietnam syndrome | view | vine | virtue | visiting nurse | voice | voice box | voiceprint | volcano | volume | vote a straight ticket | vote in | vote one out | wade in | wade into | wade through | wag | wagon | wag one's chin | wait | wait at table | wait on table | wait table | waiting list | waiting room | wait on | wait upon | wait on hand and foot | wait on table | wait up | wait upon | wake | walk | walk all over | walk a tightrope | walk away with | walk off with | walking dictionary | walking encyclopedia | walking papers | walking orders | walking ticket | walk off with | walk of life | walk on air | walk on eggs | walk out | walk over | walk all over | step all over | walk the chalk | walk the chalk line | walk the chalk mark | walk the floor | walk the plank | wall | wallflower | wallop | walls have ears | want ad | war | war baby | ward off | warmer | warm one's blood | warm the bench | bench warmer | warm up | warm-up | warpath | warrant | wash and wear | washed out | washed up | wash one's hands of | washout | wash out | waste | waste away | waste one's breath | watch | watched pot never boils | watcher | watch every penny | watch it | watch one's dust | watch one's smoke | watch one's language | watch one's step | watch out | watch over | water | water down | watered down | waterfront | watering hole | place | Waterloo | water over the dam | water under the bridge | water under the bridge | water wagon | way | way off | wayside | way the wind blows | how the wind blows | ways and means | wear | wear and tear | wear away | wear blinders | blinkers | wear down | wear off | wear away | wear on | wear one's heart on one's sleeve | pin one's heart on one's sleeve | wear out | tire out | wear out one's welcome | wear the trousers | wear the pants | wear thin | wear well | weasel out | weasel word | weather | weather eye | weather the storm | wedge | wedlock | wee hours | weeper | weed out | wee folk | little folk | little people | week in, week out | week of Sundays | weigh anchor | weigh down | weight down | weigh in | weigh on | weigh upon | weigh on one's mind | weigh one's words | weight | weight down | weight of the world on one's shoulders | world on one's shoulders | world on one's back | weigh upon | welcome | welcome mat | welcome with open arms | well | well and good | well-off | well put | well-to-do | wet | wet behind the ears | wet blanket | wet one's whistle | whack | whale away | whale the --- out of | what | what about | what about that | What a pity! | what for(1) | what for(2) | what have you | what not | what if | what is what | what of it | what about it | what not | what's cooking | what's doing | what's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander | what's the big idea | what's the idea | what's the idea | what's up | what's cooking | what's doing | what's what | what is what | what's with | what's up with | what's by | what with | wheel | wheel and deal | wheeler-dealer | wheelhorse | when hell freezes over | when it comes to | when one's ship comes in | when push comes to shove | when the chips are down | where | wherefore | where it's at | where the shoe pinches | whether one is coming or going | whether --- or | whether --- or whether | | which | which is which | which was which | while | while ago | while away | while back | whip hand | whipping boy | whip up | whispering campaign | whistle | whistle a different tune | whistle for | whistle in the dark | whistle-stop | white | white around the gills | white-collar workers | white elephant | white lie | white sale | whitewash | whitewash something | whiz | who | whodunit | who is who | who laughs last laughs best | whole | whole cheese | whole show | whole hog | whole lot | whole show | whoop it up | who's who | who is who | why and wherefore | wide | wide-eyed | wide of the mark | widow | wiener roast | hot dog roast | wig | wild | wildcat strike | wild goose chase | wild pitch | will | will not hear of | win | wind | windbag | windfall | window | window dressing | wind up | wing | win hands down | win in a walk | win in a breeze | wink | wink at | winning streak | win one's spurs | win out | win over | wipeout | wipe out | wipe out an old score | wipe the floor with | wipe up the floor with | wire | wise | wisecrack | wise guy | wise up to | wish on | wish off on | wit | witch-hunt | with a free hand | with a grain of salt | with a pinch of salt | with all one's heart | with an eye to | | with a whole skin | in a whole skin | with bad grace | with a bad grace | with bells on | with child | wither on the vine | with fire | | with good grace | with heart and soul | within an ace of | within an inch of | within an inch of one's life | within bounds | within call | within hail | within reason | with it | with might and main | with one's boots on | with one's pants down | with open arms | without | without a paddle | without batting an eye | without batting an eyelash | without fail | without number | without rhyme or reason | with reference to | with regard to | with relation to | with respect to | with the best | with the best of them | with the Joneses | wolf | wolf in sheep's clothing | wonder | woo | wood | woodpile | woods | wool | word | word for word | word of mouth | words of one syllable | word to the wise | work | work cut out | worked up | wrought up | work in | working girl | work into | work off | work on | work upon | work one's fingers to the bone | workout | work out | work over | work through channels | work up | work upon | world | world is one's oyster | world on one's shoulders | world on one's back | world without end | worlds apart | worm | worm in | worm may turn | warm out | worn to a frazzle | worrywart | worse | worse for wear | worst | worth | worth a cent | worth one's salt | would-be | would that | I would that | would God | would heaven | wouldn't put it past one | wrack | wrap | wrap one around one's finger | wrapped up in | wrap up | bundle up | wreak havoc with | wrench | wringing wet | write home about | write off | write-off | writer's cramp | writer's block | write-up | write up | writing | handwriting on the wall | wrong | wrong side of the tracks | wrought up | x-double minus | X marks the spot | x-rated | x-raying machine | yak-yak | yakety-yak | yakib-yak | year | year in, year out | year-round | year-around | yellow around the gills | yellow-bellied | yellow journalism | yellow-livered | yeoman service | yes-man | yon | yoo-hoo | you bet | you bet your boots | you bet your life | you can say that again | you can't teach an old dog new tricks | you don't say | your | you're telling me | you said it | you can say that again | you tell 'em | yours truly | yum-yum | zero in on | zip one's lip | zone defense | zonk out | zoom in









There's No Smoke Without Fire (W3)

Angenommen, jedes Feuer produziert mehr oder weniger Rauch. Dann gilt "wenn Feuer, dann Rauch". Logisch äquivalent dazu wäre: "wenn kein Rauch, dann kein Feuer". Die Alltagslogik macht daraus jedoch "wenn Rauch, dann Feuer". Aber es könnte ja auch Rauch geben, der anders als durch Feuer verursacht wird. Jedenfalls beruht die folgende Redewendung auf einer falschen Logik.

Die Redewendung engl. "There's No Smoke Without Fire", dt. "kein Rauch ohne Feuer" [also "wenn Rauch, dann Feuer"], besagt, dass an jedem Gerücht wohl auch etwas Wahres dran ist.


Some Say 'There's No Smoke Without Fire'


What does 'No smoke without fire' mean?
Any kind of fire – from a campfire to a lit match – gives off smoke. This fact about fire relates to today’s idiom: There is no smoke without fire.

(E1)(L1) Smoke Without Fire
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "???" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1900 auf.

Erstellt: 2021-01



Spontaneous Idioms


TALK2US: Spontaneous Idioms
Published 03/23/2015
Marsha and Anna decide to "go with the flow" when they teach the idioms we use when we don't plan ahead.

Erstellt: 2015-03


Cliche Finder


Have you been searching for just the right cliché to use? Are you searching for a cliché using the word "cat" or "day" but haven't been able to come up with one? Just enter any words in the form below, and this search engine will return any clichés which use that phrase...


What is a Cliché?

I get many suggestions of cliches to add to this list - sometimes as many as a few hundred a day. As such, I consider myself quite experienced in identifying cliches. And, reading all these suggestions, I've realized something of late: too many people don't know what cliches are.
Answer: a lot. A cliche is not just something that lots of people say; It's something that lots of people say and it conveys some sort of idea or message. A cliche is, in other words, a metaphor characterized by its overuse.

Erstellt: 2017-01



You Don't Have to Be a Rocket Scientist (W3)

Man muß kein Raketen bauen können um Verstand zu besitzen.


October 26, 2014
Words and Their Stories

You Don't Have to Be a Rocket Scientist to Read This
These words send a strong message. They say that you do not need to be extremely intelligent to understand something

How did the expression begin?

No one seems to know for sure. But an official of the American space agency -- NASA -- says the expression just grew. It grew, he says, because rocket scientists probably are the most intelligent people around.

(E1)(L1) Don't Have to Be a Rocket Scientist
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "You Don't Have to Be a Rocket Scientist" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2014-10


Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Redewendung, Expresión, Expression, Locuzione, Idiom, (esper.) idiotismoj, parolturnoj


Ammer, Christine (Autor)
The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms

Taschenbuch: 480 Seiten
Verlag: Houghton Mifflin; Auflage: Pbk. (13. September 2003)
Sprache: Englisch

Nothing expresses the vitality, history, and character of a language quite like its idioms. Ask any non-native English speaker to make sense of a phrase such as "beg the question" or "keep your eyes peeled"; they can't do it. Idioms don't translate, which is what makes them such intriguing mirrors of how a culture evolves along with its speech. The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms includes almost 10,000 of these figures of speech, slang phrases, clichés, colloquialisms, and proverbs, from "ace in the hole" to "zoom in on". Each entry defines an idiom, uses it in a sentence, then pinpoints its historical origins when possible. Some idioms, it turns out, preserve words or word uses that have otherwise fallen out of use ("one fell swoop"); others allude to long-forgotten catch phrases from movies or advertising ("more bounce for the ounce"). Consider, for instance the phrase "funny bone" - actually a pun on "humerus", the Latin name for the bone of the upper arm. Or the expression "moment of truth", a translation from the Spanish phrase originally referring to bullfighting - and first popularized, not surprisingly, by Ernest Hemingway. The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms is like an archeological dig through the vernacular, and it unearths treasures such as these on every one of its pages. All those interested in language or its history should keep a copy on their library shelves.

Erstellt: 2011-01



Claiborne, Robert
Loose Cannons, Red Herrings, and Other Lost Metaphors


A colorful compendium of everyday words and phrases and where they originated.

The English language is a treasury of splendid mysteries, among them the many words and phrases whose origins we no longer know. Often the original meaning was literal, pertaining to forgotten objects or activities — such as "aftermath", which once meant the grass that sprang up after a farmer had mowed a field. With the informal scholarship and good-humored wit that are his trademarks, Robert Claiborne reveals the wonders buried in our speech, vivid images of people and customs of the past. As the reader soon discovers, they are "a sort of hidden poetry that can heighten the colors and sharpen the meanings of words and phrases that we read or write daily."

Paperback, July 2001, ISBN 978-0-393-32186-9, 5.5 × 8.3 in / 256 pages

Erstellt: 2018-03








Jack, Albert
Red Herrings and White Elephants
The Origins of the Phrases We Use Everyday


Have you ever wondered what phrases such as "'square meal", "load of old codswallop", "egg on your face" or "in the limelight" mean? Where do they come from? Have you ever taken a moment to wonder what we say actually means? The origins of hundreds of common phrases are explained in this irreverent journey through the most fascinating and richest regions of the English language. In a book that takes you all over the world, from nautical origins to food and drink terms, once you have learnt one phrase, you will be eager to learn them all! From the drop of a hat to the bitter end - you'll be surprised and intrigued and you'll never speak English in the same way again.

Albert Jack is a writer and researcher in pop culture whose favourite phrase is 'doolally'. He is 39 years old and has two children.

Erstellt: 2018-03



Leonhardt, Wolfram
Amerikanisch im Alltag
Floskeln, Formeln, Phrasen, Redewendungen, Sprichwörter, Zitate


Aus der Reihe »Kleine Bibliothek der fremdsprachlichen Ausdrücke im Alltag« In dem alphabetisch gegliederten Nachschlagewerk sind Ausdrücke, Redewendungen, Floskeln, Sprichwörter und Zitate vereint, die jedem im täglichen Leben begegnen. Die von Alfred Sellner begründete Reihe - inzwischen schon zum Klassiker geworden - ist sowohl zum praktischen Gebrauch als auch zur bildenden und mitunter amüsanten Lektüre bestimmt.

(R) 11 x 18 cm, 136 Seiten, geb. Sonderausgabe
Versand-Nr. 229539