Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Politik, Política, Politique, Politica, Politics, (esper.) politiko


Asylo (W3)


The refugee groups have sarcastically coined asylo - short for asylum - as the name for what they see as the debased currency represented by the vouchers.


Bush-Bashing (W3)


Dies ist ein Begriff, der aus dem Namen des amerikanischen Präsidenten "George W. Bush" und dem englischen Wort "bash" besteht, was soviel heißt wie "hauen", "auf jemanden einschlagen". Manchen Kritikern von Präsident Bush wird vorgeworfen, dass sie "Bush-Bashing" betreiben. Ihnen gehe es nicht um eine ernsthafte Auseinandersetzung mit der Politik von Bush, sondern darum, auf den Präsidenten "einzuhauen". Dies wird vor allem links-gerichteten Kritikern vorgeworfen, die den Präsidenten besonders mit Witzen und Karikaturen verspotten.

Man könnte den Begriff "Bush-Bashing" aber auch ganz anders interpretieren.
The Words They Used


A chart displaying the frequency of words used by both Republican and Democratic speakers at their respective conventions.

posted on September 5, 2008

Erstellt: 2013-11


Congressional Glossary

Im "Congressional Glossary" findet man zu einigen Begriffen auch Hintergründe zur Herkunft.

Below is the complete list of glossary terms.:





GOP - Origin of "GOP" - Origin of the Elephant (W3)


Origin of "GOP"

A favorite of headline writers, "GOP" dates back to the 1870s and '80s. The abbreviation was cited in a New York Herald story on October 15, 1884; "' The G.O.P. Doomed,' shouted the Boston Post.... The "Grand Old Party" is in condition to inquire...."

But what "GOP" stands for has changed with the times. In 1875 there was a citation in the Congressional Record referring to "this gallant old party," and , according to Harper's Weekly, in the Cincinnati Commercial in 1876 to "Grand Old Party."

Perhaps the use of "the G.O.M." for Britain's Prime Minister William E. Gladstone in 1882 as "the Grand Old Man" stimulated the use of GOP in the United States soon after.

In early motorcar days, "GOP" took on the term "get out and push." During the 1964 presidential campaign, "Go-Party" was used briefly, and during the Nixon Administration, frequent references to the "generation of peace" had happy overtones. In line with moves in the '70s to modernize the party, Republican leaders took to referring to the "grand old party," harkening back to a 1971 speech by President Nixon at the dedication of the Eisenhower Republican Center in Washington, D.C.

Indeed, the "grand old party" is an ironic term, since the Democrat Party was organized some 22 years earlier in 1832.


Origin of the Elephant

This symbol of the party was born in the imagination of cartoonist Thomas Nast and first appeared in Harper's Weekly on November 7, 1874.

An 1860 issue of Railsplitter and an 1872 cartoon in Harper's Weekly connected elephants with Republicans, but it was Nast who provided the party with its symbol.

Oddly, two unconnected events led to the birth of the Republican Elephant. James Gordon Bennett's New York Herald raised the cry of "Caesarism" in connection with the possibility of a thirdterm try for President Ulysses S. Grant. The issue was taken up by the Democratic politicians in 1874, halfway through Grant's second term and just before the midterm elections, and helped disaffect Republican voters.

While the illustrated journals were depicting Grant wearing a crown, the Herald involved itself in another circulation-builder in an entirely different, nonpolitical area. This was the Central Park Menagerie Scare of 1874, a delightful hoax perpetrated by the Herald. They ran a story, totally untrue, that the animals in the zoo had broken loose and were roaming the wilds of New York's Central Park in search of prey.

Cartoonist Thomas Nast took the two examples of the Herald enterprise and put them together in a cartoon for Harper's Weekly. He showed an ass (symbolizing the Herald) wearing a lion's skin (the scary prospect of Caesarism) frightening away the animals in the forest (Central Park). The caption quoted a familiar fable: "An ass having put on a lion's skin roamed about in the forest and amused himself by frightening all the foolish animals he met within his wanderings."

One of the foolish animals in the cartoon was an elephant, representing the Republican vote - not the party, the Republican vote - which was being frightened away from its normal ties by the phony scare of Caesarism. In a subsequent cartoon on November 21, 1874, after the election in which the Republicans did badly, Nast followed up the idea by showing the elephant in a trap, illustrating the way the Republican vote had been decoyed from its normal allegiance. Other cartoonists picked up the symbol, and the elephant soon ceased to be the vote and became the party itself: the jackass, now referred to as the donkey, made a natural transition from representing the Herald to representing the Democratic party that had frightened the elephant.

--From William Safire's New Language of Politics, Revised edition, Collier Books, New York, 1972

Green Card Lotterie (W3)

Die US-Regierung verlost jedes Jahr 55.000 "Green Cards", mit denen man die Arbeits- und Aufenthaltsgenehmigung in den USA bekommt. Nach einem bestimmten Länderschlüssel wird aufgeteilt, wie viele Green Cards in einzelnen Ländern verlost werden.



The Hoover Dam
chicken in every pot (W3)










Präsident "Herbert Hoover" war es auch, der in der Kampagne zur Präsidentschaftswahl 1932 jedem Amerikaner "a chicken in every pot" versprach.
Dieses Wahlversprechen hat allerdings Tradition, auch der englische König Henry IV. hatte schon 1589 jedem Franzosen ein Hähnchen versprochen. Er starb jedoch, bevor er sein Versprechen einlösen konnte.

"Herbert Clark Hoover", 31. Präsident of the USA at the first years of the Great Depression (Amtseinführungsrede (1929)), began a crudely built camp put up on the edge of town to house the homeless.

Depression Papers of "Herbert Hoover" - A large collection: Tariffs and Agriculture, Economic Stability Program, Relief, Unemployment and Public Works, The Dust Bowl, Banks & Finance, The Federal Budget, Economic Recovery Measures and the Bonus March.

A companion to the American Experience video series, the site focuses on the "Hoover Dam" construction. There is a timeline of construction, Dam facts and environmental issues, maps of the Dam, stories of key characters and incidents and a teacher's guide.


Idiot (W3)

Perhaps it would pay us to reflect on the etymology of the word "idiot" - Greek "idios" - "one's own", someone who does not participate in public affairs. Only later did the word acquire the connotation of someone incapable of participating in public affairs. If we do not pay attention to the state of our democracy, we could become idiots in both senses and end up, as we were before the development of democracy, as "subjects" again.




languagemonitor - Katrina, Bird Flu, Climate Change Top List of Hot Political Buzzwords


languagemonitor - Top Bushisms for 2005 As Measured by GLM's PQ Index






President Herbert Hoover - Rose

Die Rose "President Herbert Hoover" wurde dem 31. amerikanischen Präsidenten "Herbert Clark Hoover" (1874-1964) gewidmet.

Präsident "Herbert Hoover" war es auch, der in der Kampagne zur Präsidentschaftswahl 1932 jedem Amerikaner "a chicken in every pot" versprach.
Dieses Wahlversprechen hat allerdings Tradition, auch der englische König Henry IV. hatte schon 1589 jedem Franzosen ein Hähnchen versprochen. Er starb jedoch, bevor er sein Versprechen einlösen konnte.

"Herbert Clark Hoover", 31. Präsident of the USA at the first years of the Great Depression (Amtseinführungsrede (1929)), began a crudely built camp put up on the edge of town to house the homeless.

Depression Papers of "Herbert Hoover" - A large collection: Tariffs and Agriculture, Economic Stability Program, Relief, Unemployment and Public Works, The Dust Bowl, Banks & Finance, The Federal Budget, Economic Recovery Measures and the Bonus March.

A companion to the American Experience video series, the site focuses on the "Hoover Dam" construction. There is a timeline of construction, Dam facts and environmental issues, maps of the Dam, stories of key characters and incidents and a teacher's guide.

President Herbert Hoover | President Herbert Hoover Climbing





President Herbert Hoover | President Herbert Hoover, Cl.















usa - Government made easy

Interessant sind die vielen Links zu Regierungsstellen der USA.
"" gehört zu den 10 von Google Pagerank am höchsten bewerteten Adressen.


State Government: U.S. States:
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | Washington, DC - U.S. Capital City | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

U.S. Territories and Outlying Areas:
American Samoa | Federated States of Micronesia | Guam | Midway Islands | Puerto Rico | U.S. Virgin Islands


Tribal Governments: Official information and services from the U.S. government:

A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies



White House (W3)

Die Bezeichnung "White House", das "Weiße Haus", für den "Regierungssitz des Präsidenten der USA" (Washington) bezieht sich auf die weiße Farbe des Gebäudes. Dies veranlasste Theodore Roosevelt 1901 den vermutlich schon vorhanden Namen als offizielle Bezeichnung zu wählen. Und vom Gebäude ging der Begriff über auf den Inhalt. Das "Weisse Haus" in Washington erhielt seine Bezeichnung im Jahr 1901 von Präsident Theodore Roosevelt.

Auf der Seite bei "" findet mna die Aussage, dass das "Weisse Haus" seinen Namen nach einem neuen Anstrich nach der Brandlegung durch die Britten, im Jahr 1814, erhielt.

Neben dem politischen Zentrum der USA gibt/gab es aber auch andere "weisse Häuser".

The White House, by James Hoban, at Washington, D.C., 1793 to 1801, burned 1814, porticos 1824 to 1829.



Truman's Little White House
Key West, Florida
Truman's Little White House
A historic presidential getaway on the continental United States' southernmost island
Architectural Oddities, Eccentric Homes
27 Mar 2012

Presidents Hall of Fame
Clermont, Florida
Presidents Hall of Fame
Former wax museum from the 1960s, home to many wax U.S. President's and the famous White House miniature
Unique Collections, Microminiature art
18 Dec 2009

Atlanta White House
Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta White House
3/4-scale model of the White House in Atlanta, Georgia
Small Worlds and Model Towns, Eccentric Homes
01 Sep 2009


White House


The White House Honey Ale


The White House


First 100 Days - The White House


The White House

For more than 200 years, the White House has been more than just the home of the Presidents and their families. Throughout the world, it is recognized as the symbol of the President, of the President's administration, and of the United States. The White House is the only private residence of a head of state that is open to the public, free of charge.


Keckley, Elizabeth, 1818-1907:
Behind the Scenes or, Thirty years a slave, and Four Years in the White House (English) (as Author)


Lee, Gerald Stanley, 1862-1944:
The Ghost in the White House
Some suggestions as to how a hundred million people (who are supposed in a vague, helpless way to haunt the white house) can make themselves felt with a president, how they can back him up, express themselves to him, be expressed by him, and get what they want (English) (as Author)


Thayer, William Makepeace, 1820-1898:
From Farm House to the White House
The life of George Washington, his boyhood, youth, manhood, public and private life and services (English) (as Author)


Wilson, Harriet E., 1828?-1870?:
Our nig, or, sketches from the life of a free black, in a two-story white house, North
Showing that slavery's shadows fall even there (English) (as Author)


Bild: White House Ruinen


Ghosts in the White House

On June 12th, 1945, then-U. S. President Harry Truman wrote the following letter to his wife, Bess. She had recently taken their daughter to visit relatives over the summer, and Truman's subsequent attempts to work had been somewhat hampered by the endless noises and draughts emitted by the White House; a building which at the time was desperately in need of repair. Truman's explanation for the "unbearable din", however, was slightly more imaginative.


1887 White House Cook Book, F.L. Gillette


White House Cook Book: A Selection of Choice Recipes Original and Selected, During a Period of Forty Years' Practical Housekeeping.

Chicago: R.S. Peale & Co., 1887.

This has been one of America's most enduring cookbooks. It was in print, under varying names and guises for fifty years and has been reprinted, in whole or part, throughout the 20th century. Most early editions were printed on poor quality paper and so have not survived in easily usable form.


White House goes Open Source 2009/10/27


The White House and Presidents Park


2 recipes found while searching for all of the words White House in the entire archives.

(E2)(L1) House

White House


White House, The



mistranslating the name of the city Casablanca as "White House"


Politics: White House





By Anna
Uploaded on November 9, 2010

A Dictionary of Diplomatic Terminology Currently in Circulation


"Metonym y"
Posted October 6, 2012
When someone talks about Hollywood or Wall Street, they’re probably not talking about a California city or a Manhattan street. It’s an example of what rhetoricians call metonymy. Metonyms like the White House or Downing Street are often used as substitutes for a group of people or an industry. This is part of a complete [...]read more »



41.John F. Kennedy ...
Während der Amtszeit Kennedys wurde der Rosengarten des Weißen Hauses (White House Rose Garden) von der amerikanischen Landschaftsarchitektin Rachel Lambert Mellon neu gestaltet.



White House Trivia
At various times in history, the "White House" has been known as the "President's Palace", the "President's House", and the "Executive Mansion". President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the "White House" its current name in 1901.



The Presidents

18th Century 19th Century 20th Century 21st Century


White House Bowling Alley


Das Weiße Haus in Washington D. C. ist Amtssitz und offizielle Residenz des Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten, des weiteren beherbergt es das Büro des Vizepräsidenten. Es liegt an der Pennsylvania Avenue (Hausnummer 1600) in Washington D. C.

Seinen Namen erhielt es offiziell 1901 von Theodore Roosevelt aufgrund seines weißen Außenanstrichs, es dürfte aber schon zuvor umgangssprachlich als weißes Haus bezeichnet worden sein.
Das Weiße Haus wurde zum größten Teil aus Obernkirchener (Landkreis Schaumburg, Niedersachsen) Sandstein und Marmor von der kroatischen Insel Brac gebaut. Seit dem Wiederaufbau wurde und wird der Sandstein weiß übermalt. Im Jahr 2004 wurde die witterungsresistente Farbe eines Unternehmens aus Diedorf bei Augsburg für den Gebäudeanstrich verwendet.


White House Daily

Erstellt: 2014-08

White House - Rose

00 Hinweis: ----------------------------------- Hinweis: --------------------------------------------------------------
01 Hinweis: Bild Platzhalter
02 Hinweis: Bemerkung
03 Hinweis: Literatur
10 Name: -------------------------------------- Name: -----------------------------------------------------------------
11 Name: Sortier Name
12 Name: Exhibition Name
13 Name: Registration Name
14 Name: Synonyme White House
15 Name: Auszeichnungen / Awards
20 Genealogie: -------------------------------- Genealogie: -----------------------------------------------------------
21 Genealogie: Gattung / Sektion / Art
22 Genealogie: Elternrosen / Herkunft / Parentage
23 Genealogie: Kinderrosen / Nachkommen
24 Genealogie: Sports / Mutationen
25 Genealogie: Verwendung / Utilisation / Gebruik / Use
26 Genealogie: Erscheinungsjahr / DOB (Date of Birth)
27 Genealogie: Züchter / Entdecker / Breeder / Hybridizer
30 Blüte: ------------------------------------- Blüte: ----------------------------------------------------------------
31 Blüte: Farbe / Bloemkleur / Flower Colour Blütenfarbe
32 Blüte: Duft / Fragrance / Geurend / Scent Strength Duft
33 Blüte: Eigenschaften / Flowering Habit
34 Blüte: Blütenblätter-Anzahl / Petals
35 Blüte: Form / Forme de la fleur / Bloom Shape
36 Blüte: Größe / Bloem / Bloom Size
37 Blüte: Typ / Bloom Type
38 Blüte: Zeit / Floraison / Bloeitijd / Flowering Period
39 Blüte: Bienenfreundlichkeit
40 Pflanze: ----------------------------------- Pflanze: --------------------------------------------------------------
41 Pflanze: Blätter, Laub / Feuillage / Foliage
42 Pflanze: Dornen / Stacheln / Thornyness
43 Pflanze: Hagebutten / Hips / Hip Colour / Hip Shape
44 Pflanze: Knospen / Buds
45 Pflanze: Stiele / Stems
50 Wuchs: ------------------------------------- Wuchs: ----------------------------------------------------------------
51 Wuchs: Form / Vorm / Growth Habit
52 Wuchs: Abstand / Dist. de plantation
53 Wuchs: Höhe / Taille / Height / Hauteur
54 Wuchs: Weite / Width
60 Gesundheit: -------------------------------- Gesundheit: -----------------------------------------------------------
61 Gesundheit: Bodenansprüche / Cultivation
62 Gesundheit: Bakterien, Pilze, Viren
63 Gesundheit: Tierische Schädlinge
64 Gesundheit: Hitze
65 Gesundheit: Kälte
66 Gesundheit: Nässe
67 Gesundheit: Trockenheit
68 Gesundheit: Schatten
99 -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------


White House

Erstellt: 2014-08

whitehouse (W3)

Die Bezeichnung "whitehouse", "White House", das "Weiße Haus" für den "Regierungssitz des Präsidenten der USA" (Washington) bezieht sich auf die weiße Farbe des Gebäudes. Dies veranlasste Theodore Roosevelt 1901 den vermutlich schon vorhanden Namen als offizielle Bezeichnung zu wählen. Und vom Gebäude ging der Begriff über auf den Inhalt.

"" gehört zu den 10 von Google Pagerank am höchsten bewerteten Adressen.


Political Leaders


Political Leaders

Erstellt: 2011-10




Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Politik, Política, Politique, Politica, Politics, (esper.) politiko



Barrett, Grant
Hatchet Jobs and Hardball
The Oxford Dictionary of American Political Slang


I'm pleased to announce my first book, "Hatchet Jobs and Hardball: The Oxford Dictionary of American Political Slang." It's a historical look at the argot of politicians, from Washington to W, with essays and hundreds of the best political words I could find. James Carville and Mary Matalin graciously co-wrote the introduction.


Carr, Firpo W.
Wicked Words - Poisoned Minds - Racism in the Dictionary


Publisher: Scholar Technological, 1997
ISBN 10: 096312935X / ISBN 13: 9780963129352

This book exposes and classifies racist words found among the 160,000 words in Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. Other versions of Merriam-Webster dictionaries (as well as other prominent English dictionaries) are also examined and critiqued. This comprehensive work is the result of a 25-year study by the author, but has been skillfully reduced to a relatively few pages. Though detailed, it is written in easy-to-understand English with the offending words alphabetized and catagorized. Ancient words of wisdom grace the beginning of each chapter. The book comes complete with footnotes, subject and word indexes, appendices, and illustrations.




Erstellt: 2016-02