Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies
(E?)(L?) https://wordinfo.info/unit/4246/page:12
Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies
(avoid redundancies or excessive repetitiousness by not using unnecessary repetitions and superfluous words or more word usages than is needed, desired, or required)
The use of pleonasms results in a superfluity of words, sometimes deliberately, for emphasis; or the unnecessary repetitions resulting from a lack of the realization that such terms are redundant.
A tautological statement, sentence, etc. repeats its meaning in an unnecessary or excessive way by using different words to say the same thing.
* The pleonasms followed by an asterisk (*) came from an essay, "The Affluent Rich"; by Nat Boynton in his book, Media Rare. My special thanks to Mr. Jerry Gordon for contributing a copy of the essay so I could go through it and pick out the "UR's" (Unnecessary Redundancies) or pleonasms.
Please contribute any pleonasms you may come across from any of the media and let's make this list even more significant as it expands. You may send your suggestion, or suggestions, to e-mail contact or use this e-mail address: words@wordinfo.info
Also see the unit of pleio-, plio- words meaning, "more, most; excessive; multiple".
- joint cooperation
- killed dead
- kinetic action
- In an article by Julian E. Barnes about the Somali pirates (LA Times, April 14, 2009; page one, below the fold), a senior U.S. military official was quoted about internal deliberations on condition of anonymity. "Bringing them in closer gave them a smoother ride.... Also, if we had to take kinetic action; as we did in this case, the shot would have greater potential for success."
- —Contributed by William Solberg, Los Angeles, California.
- large majority
- large supermarket
- last will and testament
- LCD display
- Liquid-Crystal Display display
- LED diode
- Light-Emitting Diode diode
- lesbian women or lesbian woman
- literate readers
- literate-English teachers
- little animalcules
- little baby
- live witness
- living legend in his own time *
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(E?)(L?) https://wordinfo.info/unit/1695?letter=P&spage=10
"pleio-", "plei-", "pleo-", "pleon-", "plio-" - Greek: "more", "most"; "full"; "excessive"; "multiple"
Don't confuse this element with another pleo- unit meaning "swim, sail, float".
Lists of Pleonasms and Tautological Redundancies may be seen here.
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more", "plentiful", "fullness", "excessive", "over flowing": "copi-"; "exuber-"; "hyper-"; "multi-"; "opulen-"; "ple-"; "plethor-"; "poly-"; "super-"; "total-"; "ultra-"; "undu-".
Erstellt: 2023-08