Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Name, Nombre, Nom, Nome, Name, (esper.) nomoj



A collection of Internet resources for baby names. Sites exist for names by gender, Biblical, Asian, European, ethnic and multicultural, classic or unique, nicknames to common names, name etymology, and many more. There are also links to resources about parenting.



Besuch bei Adam
Journey through the story of human evolution


heissen die Einwohner von Los Angeles;

ANS (W3)

"ANS" steht für "American Name Society".


The American Name Society was founded in 1951 to promote onomastics, the study of names and naming practices, both in the United States and abroad. It is a non-profit organization that seeks to find out what really is in a name, and to investigate cultural insights, settlement history, and linguistic characteristics revealed in names.

Focusing on the understanding of names in all forms, the Society provides members with several vehicles for the discussion and publication of onomastic theory, views and concepts:

Links to Related Web Sites: - LMA
Lower, Mark Antony
English surnames
An essay on family nomenclature, historical, etymological, and humorous


English surnames. An essay on family nomenclature, historical, etymological, and humorous; with several illustrative appendices

by Lower, Mark Antony, 1813-1876

Publication date 1849

Topics Names, Personal

Publisher London, J. R. Smith

Collection americana

Language English


Erstellt: 2022-05


babynamewizard - Baby Name Wizard
The Expert Source for Baby Names
Namipedia NameVoyager

(E?)(L?) is the online home of Laura Wattenberg, author of the bestselling book The Baby Name Wizard and creator of award-winning tools that have helped the world look at baby names in a whole new way.


Why Namipedia?
This unique baby name encyclopedia offers a full page on every name, including...

Girls' Names


Browse girls' names beginning with A:
Aaliyah | Abagail | Abbey | Abbie | Abbigail | Abby | Abigail | Abigale | Abigayle | Abilene | Abril | Acacia | Acadia | Acela | Adah | Adair | Adaline | Adalyn | Adalynn | Addie | Addien | Addison | Addisyn | Addyson | Adela | Adelaida | Adelaide | Adele | Adelia | Adelina | Adeline | Adell | Adella | Adelle | Adelyn | Aden | Adi | Adia | Adina | Adira | Adria | Adrian | Adriana | Adriane | Adrianna | Adrianne | Adrienne | Aemilia | Aerin | Aeron | Afton | Agatha | Agda | Agnes | Agustina | Ai | Aida | Aidenn | Aila | Aileen | Ailish | Ailsa | Aimee | Aine | Aino | Ainsley | Aisha | Aishwarya | Aislin | Aisling | Aislinn | Aiyana | Aiyanna | Aja | Ajani | Akela | Akilah | Akina | Akira | Akiryana | Alabama | Alaina | Alana | Alani | Alanis | Alanna | Alannah | Alayna | Alba | Albany | Alberta | Albertha | Albertine | Albina | Alda | Aleah | Alecia | Aleen | Aleena | Alejandra | Alejandrina | Aleksandra | Alena | Alene | Alesha | Alesia | Alessandra | Alessia | Aleta | Aletha | Alethea | Alex | Alexa | Alexandra | Alexandrea | Alexandria | Alexi | Alexia | Alexina | Alexis | Alexus | Alexys | Aleydis | Alfreda | Ali | Alia | Aliandra | Alibeth | Alice | Alicia | Alida | Alika | Aliki | Alina | Aline | Alisa | Alisha | Alison | Alissa | Alivia | Aliya | Aliyah | Aliza | Alize | Alla | Allegra | Allene | Allie | Alline | Allison | Allure | Ally | Allyn | Allyson | Allyssa | Alma | Almeda | Almeta | Almira | Alohi | Alondra | Alpha | Alta | Altagracia | Altha | Althea | Alva | Alvena | Alvera | Alverta | Alvia | Alvina | Alyce | Alycia | Alys | Alysa | Alyse | Alysha | Alysia | Alyson | Alyssa | Alyvia | Amabel | Amaka | Amalia | Amalie | Amana | Amanda | Amandine | Amani | Amara | Amari | Amaris | Amaryllis | Amasa | Amata | Amaya | Amber | Amberly | Amberlynn | Amefleur | Amelia | Amelie | Amelina | America | Ami | Amidala | Amie | Amina | Amira | Amity | Amiya | Amiyah | Amory | Amparo | Amy | Amy Jo | Amya | Ana | Anabel | Anabelle | Anaëlle | Anahi | Anahid | Anaïs | Anastasia | Anatolia | Anaya | Anca | Andrea | Andreia | Andria | Andrine | Andromeda | Angel | Angela | Angeles | Angelia | Angelica | Angelina | Angeline | Angelique | Angelise | Angelita | Angelle | Angie | Anika | Anisa | Anissa | Anita | Anitra | Aniya | Aniyah | Anja | Anjali | Anjanette | Anjelica | Anju | Anka | Anke | Ann | Anna | Annabel | Annabell | Annabella | Annabelle | Annaliese | Annalise | Annamae | Annamarie | Anne | Anne-Marie | Anneke | Anneli | Annelie | Anneliese | Annelise | Annemarie | Annetta | Annette | Annie | Annika | Annis | Annmarie | Annora | Anouk | Anousha | Anoushka | Ansley | Anthea | Anthi | Antoinette | Antonella | Antonetta | Antonette | Antonia | Antonietta | Antonina | Anwen | Anya | Aoife | Aolani | Apollonia | Apple | April | Aquila | Aquilina | Ara | Arabella | Araceli | Aracely | Araminta | Arati | Arcadia | Ardell | Ardella | Arden | Ardis | Ardith | Areli | Arely | Aretha | Aria | Ariadne | Ariana | Ariane | Arianna | Ariel | Ariela | Ariella | Arielle | Arilyn | Arleen | Arlene | Arleth | Arlie | Arline | Arly | Armani | Armi | Armida | Arrie | Arti | Artie | Arvilla | Aryana | Aryanna | Åsa | Åse | Asha | Ashanti | Ashby | Ashely | Ashlee | Ashleigh | Ashley | Ashli | Ashlie | Ashly | Ashlyn | Ashlynn | Ashton | Ashtyn | Asia | Asma | Asmara | Aspen | Assumpta | Assunta | Aster | Asteria | Astor | Astoria | Astrid | Atara | Athanasia | Athena | Athlyn | Atlanta | Aubree | Aubrey | Aubrie | Aubrielle | Auden | Audie | Audra | Audrey | Audrina | Audry | Augusta | Augustine | Aura | Aurea | Aurelia | Aurelie | Aurora | Aurore | Austin | Autry | Autumn | Ava | Avalon | Avalyn | Aveline | Averie | Averil | Avery | Avia | Avianna | Avigail | Avis | Avital | Aviva | Avrielle | Avril | Awilda | Axelle | Ayaka | Ayana | Ayanda | Ayanna | Ayelet | Ayla | Aylee | Aylin | Azahara | Azalea | Azalia | Azaria | Aziza | Azra | Azul | Azure


girls' names beginning with B:
Babette | Bailee | Bailey | Bambi | Barb | Barbara | Barbie | Barbra | Basia | Basma | Bathsheba | Bay | Baya | Baylee | Beatrice | Beatrix | Beatriz | Beaulah | Becky | Bedelia | Belen | Belina | Belinda | Bell | Bella | Bellamy | Bellarosa | Bellatrix | Belle | Bellefleur | Belva | Bénédicte | Benita | Bennie | Berenice | Berit | Berkeley | Berkley | Bernadette | Bernadine | Bernardine | Berneice | Bernice | Berniece | Bernita | Berta | Bertha | Berthe | Bertie | Beryl | Bess | Bessie | Beth | Bethan | Bethany | Bethel | Betsy | Bette | Bettie | Bettina | Betty | Bettye | Beulah | Beverlee | Beverley | Beverly | Beyoncé | Bianca | Bijou | Billie | Billie Jo | Billy | Billye | Bindu | Birdie | Birgit | Birgitta | Blair | Blake | Blanca | Blanch | Blanche | Bliss | Blithe | Blodeuwedd | Blossom | Bly | Blythe | Bobbi | Bobbie | Bobby | Bobbye | Bonita | Bonnie | Bonny | Braelyn | Brandee | Brandi | Brandie | Brandy | Branna | Brea | Breana | Breann | Breanna | Breanne | Bree | Breeze | Brenda | Brenna | Breonna | Bria | Briana | Brianna | Brianne | Briar | Bridget | Bridgett | Bridgette | Bridie | Brielle | Brigette | Brighter Skies | Brigid | Brigitta | Brigitte | Briley | Brinley | Brionna | Briony | Brisa | Briseïs | Bristol | Brita | Britany | Britney | Britni | Britt | Britta | Brittani | Brittanie | Brittney | Brittni | Brittny | Brody | Bronwen | Bronwyn | Brook | Brooke | Brooklyn | Brooklynn | Brunilda | Bryana | Bryanna | Bryce | Brylee | Bryn | Brynja | Brynlee | Brynn | Bryony | Buffy | Bulah | Burnice


Browse girls' names beginning with C:
Cadence | Cailyn | Caitlyn | Caitlynn | Calantha | Caledonia | Caleigh | Cali | Calico | Calista | Calla | Callie | Calliope | Callisto | Cambria | Camden | Camdyn | Camelia | Camellia | Cameo | Cameron | Camila | Camilla | Camille | Camillia | Campbell | Camryn | Candace | Candi | Candice | Candida | Candis | Candra | Candy | Caoimhe | Caprice | Cara | Caren | Caress | Carey | Cari | Carie | Carina | Carisa | Carissa | Carla | Carlee | Carleen | Carlene | Carley | Carli | Carlie | Carlotta | Carly | Carma | Carmel | Carmela | Carmelita | Carmella | Carmen | Carmina | Carol | Carolann | Carole | Carolee | Carolina | Caroline | Carolyn | Carolynn | Caron | Carri | Carrie | Carrigan | Carrington | Carrol | Carroll | Carson | Cary | Caryl | Caryn | Carys | Casandra | Casey | Casia | Casie | Cassandra | Cassia | Cassidy | Cassie | Catalina | Catarina | Cate | Caterina | Catharine | Catherine | Cathey | Cathi | Cathie | Cathleen | Cathrine | Cathryn | Cathy | Catina | Catrin | Catrina | Catriona | Cayla | Cecelia | Cecil | Cecile | Cecilia | Cecilie | Cecily | Ceil | Celenia | Celeste | Celestina | Celestine | Celia | Celina | Celine | Cerys | Challen | Chana | Chanda | Chandler | Chandra | Channing | Chantal | Chantel | Chantelle | Chardonnay | Charis | Charisma | Charissa | Charisse | Charity | Charla | Charlee | Charleen | Charlene | Charlie | Charline | Charlize | Charlotte | Charmaine | Charolette | Charsey | Chase | Chasity | Chastity | Chava | Chaya | Chelsea | Chelsey | Chelsi | Chelsie | Chenoa | Cher | Cheri | Cherie | Cherise | Cherish | Cherri | Cherry | Cheryl | Cheryle | Chesney | Chestina | Cheyanne | Cheyenne | Chiara | Chihiro | China | Chiquita | Chloe | Chloris | Chris | Chrissy | Christa | Christabel | Christal | Christeen | Christel | Christen | Christene | Christi | Christian | Christiana | Christiane | Christie | Christin | Christina | Christine | Christophe | Christy | Chrysantha | Chrystal | Chyna | Ciara | Ciaran | Cielo | Ciera | Cierra | Cinda | Cinderella | Cindi | Cindy | Cinnamon | Citlali | Citlalli | Citrine | Claire | Clara | Clarabelle | Clare | Claribel | Clarice | Clarissa | Clarisse | Clarity | Claudette | Claudia | Claudie | Claudine | Clematis | Clemency | Clementina | Clementine | Clemmie | Cleo | Cleopatra | Cleora | Cleta | Clio | Cliodhna | Cliona | Clodagh | Cloe | Clothilde | Clotilde | Clover | Clytemnestra | Coco | Cody | Coleen | Colette | Colleen | Collette | Concepcion | Concetta | Connery | Connie | Connolly | Constance | Constanza | Consuela | Consuelo | Coppelia | Cora | Corabelle | Coral | Coralie | Coraline | Corazon | Cordelia | Cordia | Cordie | Corelia | Corene | Coretta | Corey | Cori | Corina | Corine | Corinna | Corinne | Corliss | Cornelia | Corrie | Corrigan | Corrine | Cortney | Cory | Cosette | Cosima | Cosmina | Courtney | Creola | Cressida | Crissy | Cristal | Cristin | Cristina | Cristy | Cruz | Crystal | Csilla | Cyndi | Cynthia


Browse girls' names beginning with D:
Daciana | Daeja | Dafna | Dafne | Dagmar | Dagny | Dahlia | Daija | Daisha | Daisy | Dakota | Dale | Dalia | Dallas | Damaris | Damiana | Damita | Dana | Danae | Danara | Danelle | Danette | Dania | Danica | Daniela | Daniella | Danielle | Danika | Danila | Danita | Danna | Danya | Danyelle | Daphna | Daphne | Dara | Darby | Darci | Darcie | Darcy | Daria | Darian | Darla | Darleen | Darlene | Darline | Daryl | Dasia | Daveney | Davina | Dawn | Dawna | Dayana | Dayanara | Dayna | Dean | Deana | Deann | Deanna | Deanne | Deasia | Debbi | Debbie | Debbra | Debby | Debi | Debora | Deborah | Debra | Debrah | December | Dedra | Dee | Deedee | Deena | Deidra | Deidre | Deirdre | Deja | Delaney | Delfina | Delia | Delilah | Delisa | Dell | Della | Delma | Delois | Delores | Deloris | Delpha | Delphia | Delphina | | Delphinia | Delta | Demetria | Demetrice | Demi | Dena | Denali | Deneen | Denice | Denisa | Denise | Denisse | Desdemona | Desirae | Desiree | Despina | Dessie | Destany | Destinee | Destiney | Destini | Destiny | Devan | Devanie | Devin | Devon | Devyn | Dezzie | Diamond | Dian | Diana | Diane | Diann | Dianna | Dianne | Diantha | Diara | Dicy | Dilys | Dimitra | Dimple | Dina | Dinah | Dineo | Dinitia | Dionne | Disa | Divine | Divya | Dixie | Diya | Dodie | Dollie | Dolores | Doloris | Domenica | Domicela | Dominga | Dominica | Dominique | Dominque | Domonique | Dona | Donatella | Donita | Donna | Donnelly | Donnie | Dora | Dorathy | Dorcas | Doreen | Dorene | Doretha | Dori | Dorinda | Dorine | Doris | Dorotha | Dorothea | Dorothy | Dorris | Dortha | Dorthy | Dottie | Dove | Dovie | Drew | Drucilla | Drusilla | Dulce | Dulcia | Dulciana | Dulcibella | Dulcie | Dulcinea | Dylan


Browse girls' names beginning with E:

Earlene | Earline | Earnestine | Easter | Ebba | Eboni | Ebony | Echo | Eda | Eddie | Edelmira | Eden | Edie | Edina | Edith | Edmonia | Edna | Edrie | Edwina | Edyth | Edythe | Effie | Eglantine | Eileen | Eilidh | Eilonwy | Eirlys | Ekaterina | Ekaterini | Elaina | Elaine | Elana | Elanor | Elayne | Elba | Elda | Eldora | Eleanor | Eleanora | Eleanore | Elease | Electa | Electra | Elektra | Elena | Eleni | Elenor | Elenora | Eleri | Elfrida | Elfrieda | Elia | Eliana | Eliane | Eliarys | Elida | Elin | Elinor | Elinore | Eliora | Elisa | Elisabet | Elisabeth | Elisavet | Elise | Elisha | Elisheva | Eliska | Elissa | Eliya | Eliza | Elizabeth | | Ella | Ellamae | Elle | Ellen | Ellery | Ellie | Ellis | Ellyn | Elma | Elmira | Elna | Elnora | Elodie | Elois | Eloisa | Eloise | Elora | Elouise | Elsa | Elsbeth | Else | Elsie | Elspeth | Elta | Elva | Elvera | Elvia | Elvie | Elvira | Elyse | Elyssa | Elza | Emalee | Ember | Embry | Emelia | Emeline | Emely | Emerald | Emerson | Emery | Emilee | Emilia | Emilie | Emily | Emlyn | Emma | Emma Leigh | Emmalee | Emmaline | Emmanuelle | Emmarie | Emmelina | Emmeline | Emmerson | Emmie | Emmy | Emogene | Ena | Eneida | Enid | Enola | Enriqueta | Eowyn | Era | Erica | Ericka | Erika | Erin | Eris | Erlene | Erlinda | Erma | Ermengarde | Erna | Ernestina | Ernestine | Eryn | Esha | Esme | Esmeralda | Esmeray | Esperanza | Essence | Essie | Esta | Estefani | Estefania | Estefany | Estela | Estell | Estella | Estelle | Estember | Ester | Esther | Estrella | Eternity | Etha | Ethel | Ethelene | Ethelyn | Ethyl | Etta | Etter | Ettie | Eudora | Eugenia | Eugenie | Eula | Eulah | Eulalia | Eulalie | Euna | Eunice | | Eura | Eva | Evadne | Evalina | Evalyn | Evanesca | Evangelina | Evangeline | Evanthia | Evdokia | Eve | Evelin | Evelina | Eveline | Evelyn | Evelyne | Evening | Everly | Evette | Evie | Evolet | Evon | Evonne | Exie | Eyana


Browse girls' names beginning with F:
Fabiana | Fabiola | Fae | Fairamay | Fairuza | Fairy | Faith | Faiza | Fallon | Fannie | Fanny | Fantasia | Farida | Farrah | Fatima | Fawn | Fay | Faye | Feather | Felecia | Felice | Felicia | Felicita | Felicity | Felipa | Felisha | Femke | Fenella | Fern | Fernanda | Ferne | Ferrin | Ffion | Fifi | Filomena | Finlay | Finley | Finola | Fiona | Fiora | Firenze | Flannery | Flavia | Fleta | Fleur | Flo | Flor | Flora | Florence | Florene | Florida | Florine | Florrie | Flossie | Floy | Fonda | Fran | Frances | Francesca | Franchesca | Francheska | Francine | Francis | Francisca | Francoise | Frankie | Franziska | Freda | Freddie | Frederica | Frèdèrique | Freeda | Freema | Freida | Freja | Freya | Frida | Frieda


Browse girls' names beginning with G:
Gabriel | Gabriela | Gabriella | Gabrielle | Gaelen | Gaia | Gail | Gala | Galadriel | Gale | Galilea | Galina | Garnet | Garnett | Gavriella | Gay | Gayatri | Gaye | Gayla | Gayle | Gaynell | Gaynor | Gearldine | Geeta | Gemma | Gena | Gene | Genesis | Geneva | Genevieve | Genevra | Genie | Genoveva | Georgene | Georgette | Georgia | Georgiana | Georgianna | Georgie | Georgina | Georgine | Geraldine | Geralyn | Gerda | Geri | Germaine | Gerri | Gerry | Gertie | Gertrude | Gia | Giada | Giana | Gianna | Gidget | Gigi | Gilda | Gilia | Gillian | Gina | Ginevra | Ginger | Ginny | Giorgina | Giovanna | Gisela | Gisele | Gisella | Giselle | Gisselle | Giulia | Giuliana | Gladyce | Gladys | Glenda | Glenna | Glennie | Glinda | Gloria | Glory | Glynda | Glynis | Golda | Golden | Goldia | Goldie | Graça | Grace | Gracelyn | Gracie | Graciela | Grainne | Grania | Gratiana | Gray | Grayce | Grazia | Graziella | Grecia | Greer | Gregoria | Greta | Gretchen | Gretel | Grier | Griselda | Griselle | Guadalupe | Gudrun | Guillermin | Guinevere | Gussie | Gwen | Gwendolen | Gwendolyn | Gwyneth | Gwynneth | Gwynyth


Browse girls' names beginning with H:
Hadassah | Hadiyah | Hadley | Haia | Hailee | Hailey | Hailie | Haleigh | Haley | Hali | Halia | Halie | Halima | Halina | Halle | Hallie | Halona | Hana | Hanna | Hannah | Hannelore | Harlene | Harley | Harlow | Harmony | Harper | Harriet | Harriett | Harriette | Hartley | Hassie | Hattie | Haven | Havilah | Haydee | Hayden | Haylee | Hayleigh | Hayley | Haylie | Hazel | Hazle | Heather | Heaven | Hedda | Hedwig | Heidi | Heidy | Heike | Helen | Helena | Helene | Helga | Hellen | Heloise | Henrietta | Henriette | Hephzibah | Hermia | Hermina | Hermine | Herminia | Hermione | Herta | Hertha | Hesper | Hester | Hestia | Hettie | Hilary | Hilda | Hildegard | Hildegarde | Hildred | Hildur | Hillary | Hilma | Hiro | Holland | Holli | Hollie | Hollis | Holliston | Holly | Honey | Honor | Honora | Honorée | Honoria | Hope | Hortencia | | Hulda | Hunter | Hyacinth


Browse girls' names beginning with I:
Ianthe | Icie | Icy | Ida | Idabelle | Idell | Idella | Iesha | Igraine | Ila | Ilana | Ilaria | Ileana | Ilene | Iliana | Ilona | Ilsa | Ima | Imani | Imelda | Imogen | Imogene | Ina | India | Indiana | Indigo | Indira | Ines | Inez | Inga | Inge | Ingeborg | Inger | Ingrid | Io | Ioanna | Iola | Iolanthe | Iole | Iona | Ione | Iphigenia | Ira | Ireland | Irelyn | Irena | Irene | Irina | Irini | Iris | Irma | Isa | Isabeau | Isabel | Isabela | Isabell | Isabella | Isabelle | Isadora | Isamar | Isannah | Iseult | Ishani | Ishara | | Isla | Ismene | Isobel | Isolde | Italy | Itzel | Iva | Ivah | Ivana | Ivelisse | Ivette | Ivonne | Ivory | Ivy | Iyana | Iyanna | Izabella | Izabelle | Izetta | Izora


Browse girls' names beginning with J:
Jacalyn | Jacey | Jacinda | Jacinta | Jackeline | Jackie | Jacklyn | Jaclyn | Jacque | Jacquelin | Jacqueline | Jacquelyn | Jacquline | Jacynthe | Jada | Jadalyn | Jade | Jaden | Jadyn | Jael | Jaeleigh | Jaelyn | Jaida | Jaiden | Jaidyn | Jailyn | Jaime | Jaimie | Jakayla | Jalisa | Jaliyah | Jalyn | Jalynn | Jami | Jamie | Jamila | Jamisyn | Jammie | Jamya | Jan | Jana | Janae | Janay | Jane | Janeen | Janel | Janell | Janelle | Janessa | Janet | Janette | Janiah | Janice | Janie | Janine | Janis | Janiya | Janiyah | Jann | Janna | Jannette | Jannie | Jansen | Janson | January | Japera | Jaquelin | Jaqueline | Jasmin | Jasmine | Jasmyn | Jasperine | Jaunita | Jaxyn | Jaya | Jaycee | Jayda | Jayde | Jayden | Jayla | Jaylee | Jayleen | Jaylen | Jaylene | Jaylin | Jaylyn | Jaylynn | Jayme | Jayna | Jayne | Jazlyn | Jazmin | Jazmine | Jazmyn | Jazmyne | Jean | Jeana | Jeane | Jeanette | Jeanie | Jeanine | Jeanna | Jeanne | Jeannette | Jeannie | Jeannine | Jemima | Jemma | Jena | Jenelle | Jenifer | Jenna | Jennie | Jennifer | Jenny | Jenoah | Jensen | Jeraldine | Jeri | Jerilyn | Jerline | Jerri | Jerrica | Jerrie | Jerry | Jerusha | Jeryl | Jesica | Jessa | Jessalyn | Jessame | Jessamine | Jessamy | Jessamyn | Jesse | Jessenia | Jessi | Jessica | Jessie | Jessika | Jessye | Jesus | Jesusa | Jetta | Jettie | Jewel | Jewell | Jezabel | Jezebel | Jill | Jillian | Jimena | Jimmie | Jinger | Jo | Joan | Joana | Joanie | Joann | Joanna | Joanne | Jocasta | Jocelyn | Jocelyne | Jodi | Jodie | Jody | Joe | Joelene | Joelle | Joellen | Joely | Joetta | Joey | Johana | Johanna | Johnie | Johnna | Johnnie | Joiya | Jolene | Jolie | Joliet | Joni | Jonina | Jonna | Jonnie | Jordan | Jordana | Jordin | Jordyn | Joretta | Jorja | Josefa | Josefina | Joselyn | Josepha | Josephina | | Josette | Josie | Joslyn | Joss | Jossie | Journey | Jovano | Jovita | Joy | Joyce | Joycelyn | Juana | Juanita | Judi | Judie | Judith | Judy | Juli | Julia | Juliana | Juliann | Julianna | Julianne | Julie | Julienne | Juliet | Julieta | Juliette | Julissa | Juna | June | | Junia | Juniper | Juno | Justice | Justina | Justine


Browse girls' names beginning with K:
Kaari | Kacey | Kachina | Kaci | Kacie | Kacy | Kadence | Kaela | Kaelyn | Kaia | Kaidyn | Kaila | Kailee | Kailey | Kailyn | Kaisa | Kaitlin | Kaitlyn | Kaitlynn | Kaiya | Kala | Kalani | Kalea | Kaleigh | Kaley | Kali | Kalie | Kaliyah | Kallie | Kalliopi | Kalyn | Kamaria | Kamea | Kameron | Kami | Kamilah | Kamryn | Kana | Kandace | Kandi | Kandice | Kandy | Kaori | Kara | Karan | Karen | Kari | Karie | Karin | Karina | Karis | Karishma | Karisma | Karissa | Karla | Karlee | Karlene | Karley | Karli | Karlie | Karling | Karly | Karma | Karmala | Karol | Karolyn | Karon | Karren | Karri | Karrie | Karyme | Karyn | Kasandra | Kasey | Kassandra | Kassidy | Kassie | Kat | Katarina | Kate | Katelin | Katelyn | Katelynn | Kateri | Katerina | Kathaleen | Katharina | Katharine | Katherine | Katheryn | Kathi | Kathie | Kathleen | Kathlyn | Kathrine | Kathryn | Kathryne | Kathy | Kati | Katia | Katie | Katina | Katlin | Katlyn | Katlynn | Katrina | Kattie | Katy | Katya | Kaveri | Kavita | Kavya | Kay | Kaya | Kaycee | Kayden | Kaydence | Kaydra | Kaye | Kayla | Kaylah | Kaylee | Kayleigh | Kaylen | Kayley | Kayli | Kaylie | Kaylin | Kaylyn | Kaylynn | Kea | Keara | Kecia | Keda | Keeleigh-shae | Keeley | Keelin | Keely | Keesha | Kehau | Keila | Keira | Keisha | Keishla | Kelcie | Kelis | Kelleigh | Kelley | Kelli | Kellie | Kellina | Kelly | Kelsea | Kelsey | Kelsi | Kelsie | Kenadee | Kendal | Kendall | Kendra | Kenia | Kenley | Kenna | Kennedi | Kennedy | Kennera | Kenya | Kenyatta | Kenzie | Keren | Kerensa | Keri | Kerri | Kerrie | Kerrigan | Kerry | Kerstin | Kesha | Keshia | Ketevan | Keturah | Keyla | Keyna | Keyona | Keziah | Kezya | Khadijah | Kia | Kiana | Kianna | Kiara | Kiera | Kierra | Kiersten | Kiki | Kiku | Kiley | Kilmeny | Kim | Kimber | Kimberlee | Kimberli | Kimberlin | Kimberly | Kimika | Kimm | Kimora | Kina | Kineret | Kingsley | Kinley | Kinnia | Kinsey | Kinsley | Kira | Kirby | Kiri | Kiriana | Kirsten | Kirstie | Kirstin | Kisha | Kitka | Kittie | Kitty | Kiya | Kizzy | Komal | Konstantina | Kori | Kortney | Kourtney | Kris | Krista | Kristal | Kristan | Kristen | Kristi | Kristian | Kristie | Kristin | Kristina | Kristine | Kristy | Kristyn | Krysta | Krystal | Krystina | Krystle | Kya | Kyara | Kyla | Kylah | Kyle | Kylee | Kyleigh | Kylie | Kyna | Kyra | Kyriaki | Kyrsten


Browse girls' names beginning with L:
Lacey | Laci | Lacie | Lacy | Ladonna | Lady | Lael | Laelia | Laila | Laine | Lainey | Laisha | Lakeisha | Lakesha | Lakeshia | Lakin | Lakisha | Lakshmi | Lakyn | Lana | Landry | Lanette | Laney | Laquita | Lara | Laraine | Laramie | Larissa | Lark | Larkin | Larsen | Larue | Lashanda | Lashawn | Lashonda | Latanya | Latasha | Latifa | Latisha | Latonia | Latonya | Latosha | LaToya | Latrice | Latricia | Laura | Laureen | Laurel | Lauren | Lauretta | Laurette | Lauri | Laurie | Laurine | Lauryn | Lavada | Lavender | Lavera | Lavern | Laverna | Laverne | Lavina | Lavinia | Lavon | Lavonne | Lawanda | Laxmi | Layla | Lea | Leah | Leandra | Leann | Leanna | Leanne | Leatha | Leatrice | Leda | Lee | Leeann | Leena | Leesa | Leia | Leigh | Leighton | Leila | Leilani | Leisa | Lela | Lelah | Lelia | Lemma | Lempi | Lena | Leni | Lenna | Lennie | Lenora | Lenore | Leocadia | Leola | Leona | Leone | Léonie | Leonor | Leonora | Leonore | Leontine | Leora | Leota | Lera | Lesa | Lesia | Lesley | Lesli | Leslie | Lesly | Lessie | Leta | Letha | Leticia | Letitia | Lettice | Lettie | Lexi | Lexie | Lexus | Lia | Liadain | Liadan | Liana | Libbie | Libby | Liberty | Lida | Lidia | Lieselotte | Liesl | Lilac | Lilah | Lilia | Lilian | Liliana | Lilias | Lilith | Lilium | Liljana | Lilla | Lillian | Lilliana | Lillie | Lilly | Lily | Lilyan | Lina | Linda | Linden | Lindsay | Lindsey | Lindy | Linette | Linnet | Linnie | Linsey | Liora | Lisa | Lisandra | Lisbeth | Lise | Liselotte | Lisette | Lisha | Lissa | Lissette | Litzy | Liv | Livia | Liviana | Liz | Liza | Lizabeth | Lizbeth | Lizeth | Lizette | Lizzie | Logan | Lois | Lola | Lolita | Loma | Lona | London | Londyn | Loni | Lonie | Lonna | Lonnie | Lora | Loraine | Lorelai | Loren | Lorena | Lorene | Lorenza | Loreto | Loretta | Lori | Loriann | Lorie | Lorine | Lorna | Lorraine | Lorri | Lorrie | Lotte | Lottie | Lotus | Lou | Louann | Louella | Louie | Louisa | Louise | Lourdes | Louvenia | Lovie | Lovisa | Lowri | Loyce | Lu | Luana | Luann | Luanne | Lucero | Lucia | Luciana | Lucie | Lucienne | Lucila | Lucile | Lucilla | Lucille | Lucinda | Lucky | Lucrece | Lucretia | Lucy | Ludie | Ludmila | Lue | Luella | Luetta | Lugenia | Luisa | Lula | Lulu | Luna | Lupe | Lura | Lurline | Luvenia | Lux | Luz | Luzetta | Lyda | Lydia | Lyla | Lyn | Lynda | Lyndi | Lyndsay | Lyndsey | Lynette | Lynn | Lynne | Lynnelle | Lynnette | Lynsey | Lyra | Lyric | Lærke


Browse girls' names beginning with M:
Mabel | Mabelle | Mable | Macey | Machelle | Maci | Macie | Mackenzie | Macy | Mada | Madalena | Madalina | Madaline | Madalyn | Madalynn | Maddalena | Maddie | Maddison | Madeleine | Madeline | Madelyn | Madelynn | Madge | Madhuri | Madie | Madigan | Madilyn | Madisen | Madison | Madisyn | Madonna | Madyson | Mae | Maegan | Maelle | Maeva | Maeve | Mafalda | Magali | Magdalen | Magdalena | Magdalene | Maggie | Mahala | Mahalia | Mahogany | Maia | Maida | Maile | Maira | Maire | Mairead | Mairi | Maisha | Maisie | Maisy | Maizie | Maja | Majella | Makaila | Makala | Makayla | Makena | Makenna | Makenzie | Malaika | Maleah | Malene | Malia | Malila | Malin | Malinda | Malissa | Maliyah | Malka | Mallie | Mallika | Mallory | Malorie | Malvina | Mamie | Mammie | Mandi | Mandy | Manervia | Manisha | Manon | Mansi | Manuela | Mara | Maranda | Marcela | Marcelina | Marceline | Marcella | Marcelle | Marci | Marcia | Marcie | Marcy | Marely | Maren | Margalit | Margaret | Margarete | Margarett | Margaretta | Margarette | Margarita | Margaux | Marge | Margery | Margherita | Margie | Margit | Margo | Margot | Margret | Marguerite | Margy | Mari | Maria | Mariah | Mariam | Mariamne | Marian | Mariana | Mariann | Marianna | Marianne | Maribel | Maribeth | Maricela | Maricris | Marie | Mariel | Mariela | Marieta | Marietta | Marifel | Marigold | Marika | Marilee | Marilena | Marilla | Marilou | Marilyn | Marilynn | Marin | Marina | Marine | Marion | Mariposa | Maris | Marisa | Marisela | Mariska | Marisol | Marissa | Maristella | Marit | Marita | Maritza | Marjorie | Marjory | Marla | Marlee | Marlen | Marlena | Marlene | Marley | Marlo | Marlowe | Marlyn | Marlys | Marnie | Marquita | Marseille | Marsha | Marta | Martha | Martina | Marusia | Marva | Marvel | Mary | Mary Beth | Maryam | Maryann | Maryanne | Marybelle | Marybeth | Maryellen | Maryjane | Maryjo | Marylin | Marylou | Marylyn | Masha | Masika | Matea | Mathilda | Mathilde | Matilda | Matilde | Mattea | Mattie | Maud | Maude | Maudie | Maura | Maureen | Maurine | Mavis | Maxie | Maxima | Maxine | May | Maya | Maybell | Maybelle | Maye | Mayme | Maymie | Mayra | Mayzee | Mazie | Mckayla | Mckenna | Mckenzie | Mckinney | Meadow | Meagan | Meaghan | Mechelle | Meda | Medbh | Media | Meeta | Meg | Megan | Meghan | Meghann | Mehitabel | Melania | Melanie | Melany | Melba | Melia | Meliauna | Melina | Melinda | Melisa | Melisande | Melissa | Mellie | Mellisa | Mellissa | Melodie | Melody | Melonie | Melva | Melvina | Mena | Meranda | Mercedes | Mercy | Meredith | Meridith | Merilyn | Merle | Merlene | Merrigan | Mertie | Meryl | Meta | Mhairi | Mia | Miabella | Miah | Micaela | Micah | Michaela | Michal | Michalina | Michela | Michele | Michelina | Michell | Michelle | Mickey | Mickie | Midori | Mieke | Miesha | Migdalia | Mignon | Mika | Mikaela | Mikaila | Mikala | Mikayla | Mikhaila | Mila | Milagros | Milan | Mildred | Miley | Milla | Millicent | Millie | Milligan | Milly | Mimi | Mina | Mindi | Mindy | Minerva | Ming | Minna | Minnie | Mintie | Minuette | Mira | Mirabel | Mirabella | Mirabelle | Miracle | Miranda | Mireille | Mirela | Mirella | Mireya | Miriam | Mirren | Mirta | Misaki | Mischa | Missouri | Missy | Misti | Misty | Mittie | Mitzi | Miu | Miya | Mnemosyne | Modesta | Moira | Mollie | Molly | Mona | Monica | Monika | Monique | Monserrat | Monserrate | Montana | Moon | Morag | Morgan | Moriah | Morven | Mossie | Mozell | Mozella | Mozelle | Muriel | Mya | Myah | Myfanwy | Myla | Mylee | | Myranda | Myrl | Myrle | Myrna | Myrthe | Myrtice | Myrtie | Myrtis | Myrtle


Browse girls' names beginning with N:
Nacole | Nadezhda | Nadia | Nadine | Nadya | Nahima | Naima | Nakia | Nalani | Nallely | Namie | Nan | Nanci | Nancie | Nancy | Nanette | Nanna | Nannette | Nannie | Naoko | Naoma | Naomi | Natalee | Nataleigh | Natalia | Natalie | Natalina | Nataly | Natalya | Natasa | Natasha | Nathalia | Nathalie | Nathaly | Natividad | Natosha | Nautica | Nava | Navi | Nayeli | Nayely | Nedra | Neema | Nelda | Nelida | Nell | Nella | Nelle | Nellie | Nelly | Neoma | Nephele | Nereida | Nerissa | Neta | Nettie | Neva | Nevaeh | Neve | Nia | Niamh | Nichol | Nichole | Nicki | Nicola | Nicole | Nicoletta | Nicolette | Nicoline | Nicolle | Nieve | Nightingale | Nika | Niki | Nikita | Nikki | Nikole | Nikoleta | Nila | Nilda | Nilsa | Nimue | Nina | Nirali | Nissa | Nita | Nixie | Noa | Noel | Noelani | Noelia | Noelle | Noemi | Noémie | Nola | Nona | Nora | Norah | Noreen | Norene | Norine | Norma | Normandy | Nova | Novella | Nver | Nya | Nyah | Nyasia | Nydia | Nyla


Browse girls' names beginning with O:
Oakley | Ocean | Oceana | Océane | Ocie | Octavia | Oda | Odalys | Odelia | Odell | Odessa | Odetta | Odie | Odyssey | Ofelia | Oksana | Ola | Olene | Oleta | Olga | Olive | Olivia | Oliviana | Olivié | Ollie | Olwen | Olympia | Oma | Omayra | Omie | Ona | Onie | Onyx | Oona | Opal | Ophélie | Ora | Orabela | Oralia | Orchid | Oriana | Oriane | Orla | Orlaith | Orly | Orpha | Ossie | Otha | Otilia | Ottie | Ottilie | Ouida | Ova | Ozella


Browse girls' names beginning with P:
Paige | Paisley | Palma | Paloma | Pam | Pamala | Pamela | Pamella | Pamla | Pandora | Pansy | Paola | Paradis | Paris | Parisa | | Parnel | Parthena | Parul | Parvati | Pat | Patience | Patrice | Patricia | Patsy | Patti | Pattie | Patty | Paula | Pauletta | Paulette | Paulina | Pauline | Payton | Peace | Pearl | Pearle | Pearlie | Pearline | Peggie | Peggy | Pella | Penelope | Penni | Pennie | Penny | Perla | Permelia | Perri | Persephone | Peta | Petra | Petrina | Petronel | Petronilla | Petula | Peyton | Phaedra | Pheasant | Philippa | Phillis | Philomena | Phoebe | Phoenix | Phylis | Phyllida | Phyllis | Pia | Pieta | Pilar | Pinkie | Piper | Pippa | Plum | Poet | Polly | Pomeline | Pomona | Poppy | Porsha | Portia | Precious | Presley | Primula | Princess | Priscila | Priscilla | Priya | Promise | Providenci | Prudence | Prudie | Prunella | Psyche | Pura


Browse girls' names beginning with Q:
Queen | Queenie | Quiana | Quincy | Quinn


Browse girls' names beginning with R:
Rachael | Racheal | Rachel | Rachelle | Racquel | Radhika | Rae | Raegan | Rafaela | Raffaella | Raffia | Rahima | Rain | Raina | Rainbow | Raine | Raisa | Raleigh | Ramona | Ramonita | Ramya | Randi | Randy | Rani | Rania | Raphaela | Raquel | Rasha | Raven | Ravyn | Ray | Raya | Rayelle | Rayna | Rayne | Razia | Reagan | Reagen | Reanna | Reba | Rebeca | Rebecca | Rebekah | Reese | Refugio | Regan | Regina | Rehema | Reilly | Reina | Rekha | Rena | Renae | Renata | Renate | Rene | Renea | Renee | Renita | Resha | Reshma | Ressie | Reta | Retha | Retta | Reva | Reyna | Rhea | Rheta | Rhian | Rhianna | Rhiannon | Rhoda | Rhonda | Ría | Rianna | Richelle | Rie | Riga | Rihanna | Rika | Rikki | Riko | Riley | Rilla | Riona | Ripley | Rita | River | Riviera | Rivka | Riya | Robbie | Robbin | Roberta | Robi | Robin | Roby | Robyn | Rochel | Rochelle | Rocío | Roenne | Rogue | Roisin | Rolanda | Roma | Romaine | | Romona | Romy | Rona | Ronda | Roni | Ronia | Ronit | Ronja | Ronna | Ronnie | Rory | Rosa | Rosabel | Rosabella | Rosalba | Rosalee | Rosaleen | Rosalia | Rosalina | | Rosaline | Rosalva | Rosalyn | Rosamond | Rosamund | Rosann | Rosanna | Rosanne | Rosaria | Rosario | Rosaura | Rose | Roseann | Roseanna | Roseanne | Roselina | Rosella | Roselyn | Rosemarie | | Rosetta | Rosia | Rosie | Rosina | Rosita | Roslyn | Rossie | Roula | Rowan | Rowena | Roxane | Roxann | Roxanna | Roxanne | Roxie | Rozella | Rubi | Rubie | Ruby | Rubye | Runa | Ruth | Ruthann | Ruthe | Ruthie | Ryan | Ryann | Rylee | Ryleigh | Rylie | Rylin


girls' names beginning with S:
Sabah | Sabela | Sabina | Sabine | Sabrina | Sade | Sadhana | Sadhbh | Sadie | Sadye | Saffron | Safiya | Saga | Sage | Sahara | Saige | Sailor | Sakura | Salima | Salina | Sallie | Sally | Salma | Salome | Salustianna | Sam | Samantha | Samara | Samaria | Samira | Sammie | Sanaa | Sandi | Sandra | Sandrine | Sandy | Saniya | Saniyah | Sanna | Sanne | Sanni | Santa | Santana | Santina | Santos | Saoirse | Saphira | Sapphira | Sapphire | Sara | Sarah | Sarahi | Sarai | Sariah | Sarina | Sascha | Sasha | Saskia | Saundra | Savana | Savanah | Savanna | Savannah | Savina | Sawyer | Sayli | Scarlet | Scarlett | Scout | Sedona | Sela | Selah | Selena | Selene | Selina | Selma | Seneca | Senna | Sephora | September | Serafina | Seraphia | Seraphina | Seraphine | Seren | Serena | Serenity | Severina | Shadi | Shae | Shaina | Shakila | Shakira | Shalonda | Shameka | Shamika | Shana | Shanda | Shani | Shania | Shanice | Shanika | Shaniqua | Shanita | Shaniya | Shanna | Shannan | Shannon | Shanon | Shanta | Shante | Shantel | Shantell | Shanti | Shara | Sharen | Shari | Sharla | Sharlene | Sharon | Sharona | Sharonda | Sharron | Sharyn | Shasta | Shauna | Shawanda | Shawn | Shawna | Shaye | Shayla | ShayLe | Shaylee | Shayna | Shea | Sheena | Sheila | Shelba | Shelbi | Shelbie | Shelby | Shelia | Shelley | Shelli | Shellie | Shelly | Shelva | | Sheree | Sheri | Sheridan | Sherie | Sherita | Sherlyn | Sheron | Sherri | Sherrie | Sherrill | Sherron | Sherry | Sherryl | Sheryl | Sheyla | Shianne | Shiela | Shifra | Shiloh | Shira | Shirlee | Shirlene | Shirley | Shivani | Shonda | Shonna | Shoshana | Shoshanna | Shreya | Shura | Shyann | Shyanne | Shyla | Sian | Sianna | Sibyl | Sidney | Sidonia | Sidonie | Sidony | Siena | Sienna | Sierra | Signe | Sigrid | Silje | Silka | Silver | Silvia | Simcha | Simona | Simone | Sindi | Sinead | Siobhan | Siri | Sister | Sky | Skye | Skyla | Skylar | Skyler | Sloan | Sloane | Socorro | Sofia | Sofie | Sojourner | Solana | Solange | Soledad | Soleil | Solveig | Sondra | Sonia | Sonja | Sonnet | Sonoma | Sonya | Sophia | Sophie | Sophronia | Soraya | Sorcha | Sorrel | Sotiria | Sparrow | Spring | Stacey | Staci | Stacia | Stacie | Stacy | Stanislava | Star | Starla | Starling | Stasia | Stasya | Stefani | Stefania | Stefanie | Stella | Stephani | Stephania | Stephanie | Stephany | Stephenie | Stevie | Stormy | Story | Styliani | Sudie | Sue | Suellen | Sukey | Suki | Summer | Sun | Sunday | Sunniva | Sunny | Sunrise | Sunshine | Suri | Surinder | Surya | Susan | Susana | Susann | Susanna | Susannah | Susanne | Sushila | Susie | Suuvi | Suvi | Suzan | Suzann | Suzanna | Suzanne | Suzette | Suzy | Svetlana | Swan | Sybil | Syble | Sydnee | Sydney | Sydni | Sydnie | Sylvia | Sylvie


Browse girls' names beginning with T:
Tabatha | Tabitha | Taffeta | Tahira | Tahki | Tai | Taide | Taina | Taisha | Tali | Talia | Talise | Talitha | Taliyah | Tallulah | Talya | Talyse | Tamala | Tamana | Tamar | Tamara | Tamatha | Tameka | Tamela | Tamera | Tami | Tamia | Tamie | Tamika | Tamiko | Tammi | Tammie | Tammis | Tammy | Tamra | Tamsin | Tamya | Tana | Tanesha | Tangela | Tania | Tanika | Tanis | Tanisha | Tanith | Taniya | Taniyah | Tanja | Tanya | Tara | Tarah | Tarsha | Taryn | Tasha | Tatiana | Tatianna | Tatum | Tatyana | Tatyanna | Tawana | Tawanda | Tawanna | Tawny | Tawnya | Taya | Tayla | Tayler | Taylor | Tea | Teagan | Teaghan | Teal | Tecla | Teena | Tegan | Temperance | Tempest | Tempie | Temple | Tena | Tenisha | Tennie | Tennille | Tera | Teresa | Terese | Teresita | Teressa | Tereza | Teri | Terra | Terri | Terrie | Terry | Tesla | Tess | Tessa | Tessie | Texanna | Thais | Thalia | Thandeka | Thandi | Thandiwe | Thea | Theda | Thelma | Thembeka | Theodora | Theodosia | Theola | Theora | Theresa | Therese | Theresia | Thomasin | Thomasina | Thora | Thyra | Tia | Tiana | Tianna | Tiara | Tiera | Tierney | Tierra | Tiffani | Tiffanie | Tilda | Tillie | Tilly | Timothea | Tina | Tinsley | Tiny | Tirzah | Tisa | Tisha | Tishia | Titania | Tiziana | Toby | Tomasa | Tomeka | Tomika | Tommie | Tomoko | Toni | Tonia | Tonja | Tonya | Topaz | Tori | Tosha | Toshiko | Tova | Tovah | Tove | Toya | Tracey | Traci | Tracie | Tracy | Treasure | Trena | Tresa | Tressa | Tressie | Treva | Tricia | Trilby | Trina | Trinidad | Trinity | Triona | Trisha | Trista | Tristen | Trixie | Tru | Trudie | Trudy | Tuesday | Tuva | Twila | Twyla | Tyesha | Tyler | Tyne | Tyra | Tzipporah


Browse girls' names beginning with U:
Ulrika | Uma | Una | Undine | Unique | Unity | Urd | Ursula | Utahna


Browse girls' names beginning with V:
Vada | Valancy | Valarece | Valarie | Vale | Valencia | Valentina | | Valeria | Valerie | Valery | Valia | Valkíria | Vallie | Valorie | Vandana | Vanesa | | Vanity | Vashti | Veda | Vega | Velda | Vella | Velma | Velva | Velvet | Vena | Venessa | Venetia | Venice | Venita | Venus | Vera | Verda | Verdie | Verena | Vergie | Verica | Verity | Verla | Verlie | Verna | Vernell | Vernice | Vernie | Verona | Veronica | Veronika | Veronique | Versie | Veruca | Vesta | Vicenta | Vickey | Vicki | Vickie | Vicky | Victoria | Vida | Vidya | Vienna | Vikki | Vilma | Vina | Vincenza | Vinia | Vinnie | Violet | Violeta | Violetta | Violette | Virgie | Virginia | Virginie | Viridiana | Vita | Vittoria | Viva | Vivian | Viviana | Vivien | Vivienne | Vonda | Vonnie


Browse girls' names beginning with W:
Waleska | Wallis | Wanda | Waneta | Wanita | Wava | Waverly | Wendi | Wendy | Whisper | Whitley | Whitney | Wilda | Wilhelmina | Wilhelmine | Willa | Willene | Willia | Willie | Willodean | Willow | Wilma | Windy | Winema | Winifred | Winnie | Winnifred | | Winslow | Winter | Wisteria | Wren | Wynne | Wynona


Browse girls' names beginning with X:
Xanthe | Xanthia | Xanthippe | Xaviera | Xena | Xenia | Ximena | Xiomara | Xochitl | Xristina


Browse girls' names beginning with Y:
Yadira | Yael | Yaffa | Yahaira | Yajaira | Yamilet | Yancey | Yanira | Yareli | Yaretzi | Yaritza | Yasmeen | Yasmin | Yasmine | Yazmin | Yesenia | Yessenia | Yetta | Ylva | Yoki | Yoko | Yolanda | Yolonda | Yoselin | Yoshiko | Ysanne | Yseult | Ysolde | Yuliana | Yuridia | Yvette | Yvonne


Browse girls' names beginning with Z:
Zafira | Zahara | Zahava | Zahra | Zaida | ZAIKIREIA | Zalika | Zaltana | Zamia | Zaniyah | Zara | Zaria | Zariah | Zel | Zelda | Zella | Zelma | Zena | Zenaida | Zetta | Zia | Zilla | Zillah | Zina | Zinnia | Zion | Zipporah | Zita | Ziva | Zoe | Zoey | Zoi | Zoie | Zoila | Zola | Zona | Zooey | Zora | Zoraida | Zosia | Zula | Zulma | Zuzana | Zuzu

Boys' Names


Browse boys' names beginning with A:
Aariyeh | Aaron | Abasi | Abdiel | Abdul | Abdullah | Abe | Abel | Abelard | Abhishek | Abner | Abraham | Abram | Absalom | Acacio | Ace | Achebe | Achilles | Achim | Adalberto | Adam | Adan | Adão | Addison | Ade | Adelard | Adelbert | Aden | Adetokunbo | Adin | Aditya | Adlai | Admon | Adolf | Adolfo | Adolph | Adolphus | Adonis | Adrian | Adriel | Adrien | Adryan | Aedan | Aeneas | Aeson | Afonso | Agamemnon | Agathon | Agustin | Ahab | Ahijah | Ahmad | Ahmed | Aidan | Aiden | Aidenn | Aidric | Ajax | Ajay | Ajit | Akeem | Akio | Akira | Akito | Akiva | Akon | Aksel | Al | Aladdin | Alain | Alan | Alaric | Alasdair | Alastair | Alban | Albert | Alberto | Albin | Albus | Alcaeus | Alcee | Alden | Aldo | Aldric | Alec | Alejandro | Alek | Alessandro | Alessio | Alex | Alexander | Alexandre | Alexandro | Alexandros | Alexi | Alexios | Alexis | Alexzander | Alf | Alfie | Alfonso | Alfonzo | Alford | Alfred | Alfredo | Algernon | Ali | Alijah | Alistair | Allan | Allen | Allie | Allison | Allyn | Alma | Alois | Alok | Alonso | Alonza | Alonzo | Aloysius | Alpha | Alphaeus | Alpheus | Alphonse | Alphonso | Alpin | Altair | Alter | Alton | Alva | Alvah | Alvaro | Alvie | Alvin | Alvis | Alwyn | Amachi | Amadeus | Amadi | Amado | Amador | Amari | Amarion | Amasa | Ambrose | Americo | Amias | Amir | Amit | Amon | Amory | Amos | Anacletus | Ananias | Anastacio | Anastasios | Anastasius | Anat | Anatole | Anatoly | Anders | Anderson | Andersonn | Andon | Andra | Andre | Andrea | Andreas | Andrei | Andres | Andrew | Androcles | Andy | Angel | Angelo | Angus | Anibal | Anil | Ansel | Anselm | Anselmo | Anson | | Antione | Antipas | Antoine | Anton | Antone | Antonin | Antonio | Antonios | Antonius | Antony | Antwan | Antwon | Apollo | Apostolos | Aragorn | Aram | Aramis | Arandu | Arcadio | Arch | Archer | Archibald | Archie | Archimedes | Ardell | Arden | Ari | Aric | Ariel | Arild | Aris | Aristides | Ariston | Aristotle | Arjun | Arkady | Arlan | Arlen | Arley | Arlie | Arlin | Arlis | Arlo | Armand | Armando | Armani | Armen | Armin | Armond | Arnaldo | Arnaud | Arnav | Arne | Arno | Arnold | Arnoldo | Arnulfo | Aron | Arron | Arrow | Art | Artem | Artemas | Arther | Arthur | Artie | Artis | Artur | Arturo | Arun | Arvel | Arvid | Arvil | Arvin | Arvind | Arwen | Aryan | Asa | Asani | Asante | Asher | Ashley | Ashok | Ashton | Aslan | Asriel | Athanasios | Atílio | Atlas | Atom | Atticus | Auberon | Aubrey | Auden | Audie | Audrey | August | Augusten | Augustine | Aurelien | Aurelio | Aurelius | Austen | Austin | Auston | Austyn | Avery | Avi | Awnan | Axel | Aydan | Ayden | Aydin | Ayo | Azarel | Azaryah | Azriel | Azro | Azuka


Browse boys' names beginning with B:
Bailey | Baird | Bakari | Baker | Baldwin | Balin | Balthazar | Banjo | Bannon | Barack | Barak | Baraka | Barclay | Barker | Barnabas | Barnaby | Barnard | Barney | Baron | Barrett | Barron | Barry | Bart | Bartek | Bartholomew | Barton | Baruch | Bascom | Bashir | Basil | Basilio | Basim | Bastien | Baxter | Bayard | Bayo | Baz | Bear | Beau | Beauregard | Beck | Beckett | Beckham | Bee | Béla | Belarius | Ben | Benedict | Benedito | Benito | Benjamin | Bennet | Bennett | Bennie | Benno | Benny | Benoit | Bentley | Benton | Beriah | Berkeley | Bernard | Bernardo | Bernhard | Bernie | Bernt | Berry | Bert | Berthold | Berton | Bertram | Bertrand | Beryl | Bevan | Beverly | Bienvenido | Bilal | Bill | Billie | Billy | Birch | Birger | Birk | Bishop | Bjorn | Blade | Blaine | Blair | Blaise | Blake | Blane | Blayze | Blaze | Blue | Bluford | Bo | Boaz | Bob | Bobbie | Bobby | Bode | Bogumil | Bohdan | Bond | Booker | Boris | Boston | Bowman | Boyce | Boyd | Bozeman | Brad | Braden | Bradley | Bradly | Brady | Bradyn | Braeden | Braedon | Braedyn | Braiden | Bram | Brandan | Branden | Brandon | Brandt | Brandy | Brandyn | Brannock | Brannon | Branson | Brant | Braulio | Braxton | Brayan | Brayden | Braydon | Braylon | Brecken | Breckin | Brendan | Brenden | Brendon | Brennan | Brennen | Brennon | Brent | Brenton | Bret | Brett | Brian | Brice | Bridger | Brien | Brigham | Brighton | Brison | Britt | Britton | Brock | Broder | Broderick | Brodie | Brody | Brogan | Bron | Bronislaw | Bronson | Bronwyn | Brook | Brooks | Brown | Bruce | Bruno | Bryan | Bryant | Bryce | Brycen | Bryon | Bryson | Bubba | Buck | Buckley | Bud | Buddie | Buddy | Buford | Burdette | Burgess | Burke | Burl | Burley | Burn | Burnell | Burt | Burton | Buster | Butch | Buzz | Byron


Browse boys' names beginning with C:
Cab | Cabot | Cade | Caden | Cadogan | Caedmon | Cael | Caelan | Caesar | Caetano | Caiden | Cain | Cairo | Cal | Calder | Cale | Caleb | Calix | Callahan | Callan | Callum | Calum | Calvin | Camden | Cameron | Camillo | Camilo | Campbell | Camren | Camron | Canaan | Candelario | Candido | Cannon | Canton | Canyon | Carden | Carey | Carl | Carleton | Carlo | Carlos | Carlton | Carlyle | Carmelo | Carmen | Carmine | Carnell | Carol | Carrol | Carroll | Carson | Carsten | Carter | Carver | Carwyn | Cary | Casanova | Case | Casey | Cash | Casimer | Casimir | Cason | Caspar | Casper | Caspian | Cassidy | Cassio | Cassius | Cathal | Cato | Cayden | Cecil | Cecilio | Cedar | Cedric | Cedrick | Celestino | Cesar | Cesare | Chace | Chad | Chadd | Chadrick | Chadwick | Chaim | Champion | Chance | Chancellor | Chandler | Charles | Charleston | Charley | Charlie | Chase | Chaucer | Chauncey | Chayton | Chaz | Chesley | Chester | Chet | Chima | Chip | Chiron | Chris | Christian | Christoffer | Christophe | Christopher | Christos | Chuck | Cian | Ciaran | Cicero | Cillian | Cimarron | Ciprian | Ciro | Claiborne | Clair | Claire | Clancy | Clarance | Clare | Clarence | Clarion | Clark | Claud | Claude | Claudie | Claudio | Claudius | Claus | Clay | Clayton | Clellan | Clem | Clemens | Clement | Cleo | Cleon | Cletus | Cleve | Cleveland | Cliff | Clifford | Clifton | Clint | | Clive | | Cloyd | Clyde | Coby | Codey | Codie | Cody | Cohen | Colby | Cole | Coleman | Coley | Colin | Collier | Collin | Colm | Colman | Colson | Colt | Colten | Colter | Colton | Columbus | Colwyn | Conall | Conan | Connell | Conner | Connie | Connor | Conor | Conrad | Conroy | Constant | Constantin | Constantine | Constantinos | Conway | Coolidge | Cooper | Copland | Corbin | Cordell | Corey | Corin | Cormac | Cornelius | Cornell | Cortez | Cortney | Cory | Cosimo | Cosmo | Coster | Costin | Coty | Coulter | Courtney | Cowan | Coy | Craig | Crawford | Creed | Crew | Crighton | Cris | Crispin | Crispus | Cristian | Cristobal | Cristofer | Cristopher | Croix | Cronan | Cruz | Cuauhtemoc | Cullen | Currier | Curt | Curtis | Curtiss | Cutler | Cypher | Cyril | Cyrus


Browse boys' names beginning with D:
Dag | Daichi | Daisuke | Dakota | Dakotah | Dale | Dallas | Dallin | Dalton | Daly | Damarion | Dameon | Damian | Damien | Damion | Damon | Dan | Dana | Dandre | Dane | Dangelo | Danial | Daniel | Danilo | Dannie | Danny | Dante | Daquan | Darby | Darcy | Darell | Daren | Darian | Darien | Darin | Dario | Darion | Darius | Darnell | Darold | Daron | Darragh | Darrel | Darrell | Darren | Darrian | Darrick | Darrien | Darrin | Darrion | Darrius | Darron | Darryl | Darshan | Darwin | Daryl | Daryle | Dash | Dashawn | Dashiell | Daunte | Dave | Daveth | Davey | Davian | David | Davie | Davin | Davion | Davis | Davon | Davonte | Davy | Dawson | Dax | Daxton | Dayton | Deacon | Dean | Deandre | Deane | Deangelo | Declan | Dedric | Dedrick | Dee | Deepak | Deion | Dejuan | Del | Delano | Delbert | Dell | Delmar | Delmas | Delmer | Delton | Delvin | Demarco | Demarcus | Demario | Demarion | Demetris | Demetrius | Demond | Dempsey | Denham | Denholm | Denis | Dennie | Dennis | Dennison | Denny | Denton | Denver | Denzel | Denzil | Deon | Deondre | Deontae | Deonte | Dequan | Dereck | Derek | Deric | Derick | Derik | Dermot | Deron | Derrell | Derrick | Derwin | Deshaun | Deshawn | Desiderio | Desmond | Destin | Destry | Detlef | Detlev | Deuce | Devan | Devante | Deven | Devin | Devlin | Devon | Devonta | Devontae | Devonte | Devyn | Dewayne | | Dewitt | Dex | Dexter | Diamond | Diarmuid | Dick | Dickie | Dickinson | Dickon | Didier | Diego | Dieter | Dietrich | Diggory | Dilbert | Dillan | Dillard | Dillion | Dillon | Dimitri | Dimitrios | Dimitris | Dimos | Dinesh | Dink | Dino | Diogo | Dion | Dionisio | Dionte | Dirk | Dixon | Django | Djimon | Dobbin | Doc | Dock | Dohosan | Dolphus | Domenic | Domenick | Domenico | Domingo | Dominic | Dominick | Dominik | Dominique | Dominque | Don | Donal | Donald | Donaldo | Donato | Donavan | Donavon | Donell | Donn | Donnell | Donnie | Donny | Donovan | Donta | Dontae | Donte | Doran | Dorian | Dorin | Dorman | Doron | Dorris | Dorsey | Doug | Dougal | Dougie | Douglas | Douglass | Dov | Doyle | Dragomir | Dragos | Drake | Draken | Draper | Draven | Dresden | Drew | Duane | Dublin | Dudley | Duff | Duke | Dumisani | Dunstan | Durward | Durwood | Dustin | Dusty | Dutch | Duwayne | Dwain | Dwaine | Dwane | Dwayne | Dwight | Dwyer | Dylan | Dyllan | Dylon


Browse boys' names beginning with E:
Eames | Eamon | Ean | Earl | Earle | Earlie | Early | Earnest | Eastman | Easton | Ebb | Ebenezer | Ed | Edd | Eddie | Eddy | Edgar | Edgardo | Edge | Edgerton | Edison | Edmar | Edmond | Edmund | Edoardo | Edsel | Eduardo | Edward | Edwardo | Edwin | Efraim | Efrain | Efren | Efthimios | Egan | Egil | Egon | Ehud | Einar | Eino | Eladio | Elam | Elan | Elbert | Elden | Eldon | Eldred | Eldridge | Eleazar | Elgar | Elgin | Eli | Eliah | Eliam | Elian | Elias | Eliel | Eliezer | Elijah | Elio | Eliot | Eliseo | Elisha | Elkan | Ellery | Ellington | Elliot | Elliott | Ellis | Ellison | Ellsworth | Ellwood | Elmer | Elmo | Elmore | Elon | Eloy | Elroy | Elton | Elvin | Elvis | Elwin | Elwood | Elwyn | Elza | Elzie | Emanuel | Emanuele | Emeka | Emeric | Emerson | Emery | Emil | Emile | Emiliano | Emilio | Emlyn | Emmanuel | Emmet | Emmett | Emmit | Emmitt | Emory | Enapay | Ender | Endymion | Ennis | Enoch | Enos | Enrico | Enrique | Enzo | Eoghan | Eoin | Ephraim | Ephron | Epifanio | Eragon | Erasmo | Erasmus | Erastus | Eric | Erich | Erick | Erik | Erin | Erling | Ernest | Ernesto | Ernie | Ernst | Errol | Erskine | Ervin | Erwin | Espen | Esteban | Estel | Estevan | Ethan | Ethen | Etienne | Euclid | Eugene | Eugenio | Eusebio | Evan | Evander | Evangelos | Evans | Everard | Everest | Everett | Everette | Evert | Ewald | Ewan | Ewell | Ewing | Ezekiel | Ezell | Ezequiel | Ezra


Browse boys' names beginning with F:
Fabian | Fabien | Fabio | Fabrice | Fabricio | Fabrizio | Fairfax | Faisal | Falco | Farid | Faron | Farrell | Farrier | Fate | Faulkner | Faustino | Fay | Federico | Felice | Felipe | Felix | Felton | Femi | Ferdinand | Fergus | Ferguson | Fermin | Fernand | Fernando | Ferris | Fidel | Fife | Filippo | Finbar | Finian | Finis | Finlay | Finley | Finn | Finnegan | Fintan | Fionn | Fisher | Flavio | Flem | Fletcher | Flint | Florencio | Florentino | Florian | Florin | Floyd | Flynn | Foley | Forbes | Ford | Forest | Forester | Forrest | Forrester | Fortunato | Foster | Fotini | Fotis | Fox | Foy | Francesco | Francis | Francisco | Franco | François | Frank | Frankie | Franklin | Franklyn | Franz | Fraser | Frasier | Frazier | Fred | Freddie | Freddy | Frederic | Frederick | Fredric | Fredrick | Fredy | Freeman | Friedrich | Fritz | Frost | Furman


Browse boys' names beginning with G:
Gabe | Gabino | Gabriel | Gael | Gaetano | Gage | Gaige | Gail | Gaines | Gale | Galen | Ganesh | Gannon | Gardner | Gareth | Garett | Garfield | Garland | Garnet | Garnett | Garo | Garold | Garret | Garrett | Garrick | Garry | Garth | Gary | Gaspar | Gaspard | | Gaven | Gavin | Gavino | Gavyn | Gawain | Gayle | Gaylon | Gaylord | Geary | Gehrig | Genaro | Gene | General | Gennadi | Gennaro | Gentry | Geoffrey | Georg | George | Georges | Georgios | Gerald | Geraldo | Gerard | Gerardo | Gerhard | Germaine | German | Gerold | | Gerrit | Gerry | Gershon | Gervase | Giacomo | Gian | Giancarlo | Gianfranco | Giannes | Gianni | Gibson | Gideon | Gil | Gilbert | Gilberto | Gildardo | Giles | Gilles | Gino | Gintaras | Giorgio | Giovani | Giovanni | Giovanny | Giulio | Giuseppe | Glen | Glendon | Glenn | Glover | Glyn | Glynn | Godfrey | Golden | Gonzalo | Gopal | Goran | Gordon | Gottlieb | Gower | Graden | Grady | Graeme | Graham | Grant | Granville | Gray | Grayden | Graydon | Grayson | Green | Greg | Gregg | Greggory | Gregor | Gregorio | Gregory | Greig | GREY | Greyson | Griffin | Griffith | Grover | Gryphon | Guadalupe | Guido | Guillaume | Guillermo | Guiseppe | Gulliver | Gunnar | Gunner | Gunther | Gus | Gust | Gustav | Gustave | Gustavo | Guy | Gwyn


Browse boys' names beginning with H:
Habib | Haden | Haiden | Hakeem | Hal | Hale | Hallie | Halston | Hamid | Hamilton | Hamish | Hamza | Han | Handy | Hank | Hannes | Hannibal | Hans | Hansel | Harald | Harding | Hardy | Harish | Harlan | Harland | Harlen | Harley | Harmon | Harold | Harriman | Harris | Harrison | Hart | Harvey | Haskell | Hassan | Hatcher | Hawk | Hayden | Haydn | Hayes | Hayward | Haywood | Heart | Heath | Heathcliff | Heber | Hector | Heinz | Helmer | Henderson | Hendrik | Hendrix | Henri | Henrik | Henrique | Henry | Henson | Herb | Herbert | Heriberto | Herman | Hermann | Hermes | Herminio | Hermon | Hernan | Herschel | Hershel | Hezekiah | Hideki | Hideo | Hilario | Hilary | Hilbert | Hillard | Hillel | Hilliard | Hilton | Hinto | Hipolito | Hiram | Hiro | Hiroshi | Hirsch | Hitoshi | Hobert | Hodge | Hogan | Holden | Holland | Hollis | Holt | Homer | Honorius | Hooper | Hoover | Horace | Horacio | Horatio | | Hosea | Houston | Howard | Howell | Hoyt | Hristo | Hubert | Hudson | Huey | Hugh | Hughes | Hugo | Humbert | Humberto | Humphrey | Hunter | Hurley | Huston | Hutchison | Hutton | Huxley | Hyman | Hyrum


Browse boys' names beginning with I:
Iago | Ian | Ianto | Ibrahim | Ichabod | Ichiro | Idris | Ifan | Ignacio | Ignatius | Ignatz | Igor | Ikaika | Ike | Ilan | Ilias | Imanol | Immanuel | Indiana | Indigo | Inigo | Ioannis | Ion | Ira | Irvin | Irving | Irwin | Isaac | Isaak | Isadore | Isai | Isaiah | Isaias | Iser | Ishmael | Isiah | Isidore | Isidro | Ismael | Ismail | Isom | Israel | Issac | Istvan | Itai | Ivan | Ivanhoe | Ivey | Ivo | Ivor | Ivory | Ivy | Izaiah


Browse boys' names beginning with J:
Jabari | Jabez | Jace | Jacek | Jacinto | Jack | Jackie | Jackson | Jacky | Jaco | Jacob | Jacoby | Jacques | Jade | Jaden | Jadon | Jadyn | Jaeden | Jafar | Jagger | Jago | Jaheem | Jaheim | Jahiem | Jahir | Jaiden | Jaidyn | Jaime | Jair | Jairo | Jake | Jakob | Jakobe | Jaleel | Jalen | Jali | Jalon | Jamaal | Jamal | Jamar | Jamarcus | Jamari | Jamarion | Jamel | James | Jameson | Jamey | Jamie | Jamil | Jamin | Jamir | Jamison | Jammie | Jan | János | Janus | Japhet | Japheth | Jaquan | Jaquez | Jared | Jarem | Jaren | Jaret | Jarlath | Jarod | Jaron | Jarred | Jarrell | Jarret | Jarrett | Jarrod | Jarvis | Jase | Jasen | Jason | Jasper | Javen | Javier | Javion | Javon | Javonte | Jax | Jaxen | Jaxon | Jaxson | Jay | Jayce | Jayden | Jaydin | Jaydon | Jaylan | Jaylen | Jaylin | Jaylon | Jayme | Jayson | Jayvon | Jean | Jed | Jedediah | Jedidiah | Jeevan | Jeff | Jefferey | Jefferson | Jeffery | Jeffrey | Jeffry | Jelani | Jem | Jemuel | Jenner | Jennings | Jens | Jeordie | Jerad | Jerald | Jeramiah | Jeramie | Jeramy | Jere | Jered | Jerel | Jeremey | Jeremiah | Jeremie | Jeremy | Jeriah | Jericho | Jermain | Jermaine | Jerod | Jerold | Jerome | Jeromy | Jerrell | Jerrod | Jerrold | Jerry | Jerzy | Jesper | Jess | Jesse | Jessie | Jessy | Jesus | Jett | Jevon | Jewel | Jewell | Jim | Jimmie | Jimmy | Jiri | Jiro | | Joah | João | Joaquim | Joaquin | Joar | Job | Jodie | Jody | Joe | Joel | Joey | Johan | Johann | Johannes | John | Johnathan | Johnathon | Johnie | Johnnie | Johnny | Johnpaul | Johnson | Jolyon | Jomar | Jon | Jonah | Jonas | Jonatan | Jonathan | Jonathon | Jonnie | Jonty | Jordan | Jorden | Jordon | Jordy | Jordyn | Joren | Jorge | Jory | José | Jose Luis | Josef | Joseph | Josh | Joshua | Joshuah | Josiah | Joss | Josué | Jovan | Jovani | Jovanni | Jovanny | Jovany | Joyce | Juan | Jubal | Judah | Judd | Jude | Judge | Judiah | Judson | Jules | Julian | Julien | Julio | Julius | Juma | June | Junior | Junious | Junius | Jupiter | Juraj | Jurgen | Justen | Justice | Justin | Justo | Juston | Justus | Justyn | Juwan


Browse boys' names beginning with K:
Kabelo | Kade | Kadeem | Kaden | Kadin | Kadir | Kaeden | Kai | Kaiden | Kaito | Kalani | Kale | Kaleb | Kalen | Kaleo | Kalvin | Kamari | Kamden | Kameron | Kamil | Kamren | Kamron | Kane | Kani | Kanye | Kareem | Karim | Karl | Karson | Kasey | Kason | Kaspar | Kavon | Kay | Kayden | Kazuki | Kazuo | Keagan | Keane | Keanu | Keaton | Keegan | Keeler | Keenan | Kegan | Keir | Keith | Kekoa | Kelby | Kell | Kellan | Kellen | Kelley | Kelly | Kelsey | Kelton | Kelvin | Ken | Kenan | Kencil | Kendal | Kendall | Kendrick | Kenelm | Kenesaw | Kenji | Kennedy | Kenneth | Kenney | Kennison | Kennith | Kenny | Kent | Kenton | Kenya | Kenyatta | Kenyon | Kenzo | Keola | Keon | Keoni | Kepler | Kermit | Kerry | Kerwin | Keshaun | Keshav | Keshawn | Ketan | Keven | Kevin | Kevon | Keyon | Keyshawn | Khalid | Khalil | Kian | Kiefer | Kiel | Kieran | Kijana | Kilian | Killian | Kim | Kimani | Kimberly | King | Kingman | Kingsley | Kingston | Kip | Kiran | Kirby | Kirk | Kirt | Kit | Klaus | Knight | Knox | Knut | Kobe | Koby | Koda | Kody | Kofi | Kohana | Kolby | Kole | Kolton | Konner | Konnor | Korbin | Korey | Kory | Kostas | Kraig | Kramer | Kris | Kristian | Kristofer | Kristoffer | Kristopher | Kunal | Kurt | Kurtis | Kwame | Kyan | Kylan | Kyle | Kyler | Kyree


Browse boys' names beginning with L:
Laban | Lachlan | Lacy | Ladarius | Laddie | Laertes | Lafayette | Laird | Lalit | Lamar | Lambros | Lamont | Lance | Lancelot | Landen | Lando | Landon | Landyn | Lane | Langdon | Langston | Lanigan | Lannie | Lanny | Laron | Larry | Lars | Larson | Lashawn | Lasse | Laszlo | Latif | Latrell | Laurel | Lauren | Laurence | Laurent | Laurentius | Laver | Lavern | Laverne | Lavin | Lawerence | Lawrence | Lawson | Layne | Layton | Lazar | Lazaro | Lazarus | Leamon | Leander | Leandro | Lear | LeBron | Lee | Leeroy | Lefteris | Legolas | Leib | Leif | Leigh | Leighton | Leland | Lemon | Lemuel | Len | Lenard | Lennie | Lennon | Lennox | Lenny | Leo | Leon | Leonard | Leonardo | Leonato | Leonel | Leonid | Leonidas | Leopold | Leopoldo | Leroy | Les | Lesley | Leslie | Lester | Lev | Levar | Levi | Levon | Lew | Lewis | Lex | Lexington | Liam | Liko | Lincoln | Lindsay | Lindsey | Linus | Linwood | Lionel | Lior | Lisandro | Llewellyn | Lleyton | Lloyd | Lofton | Logan | Loïc | Lon | London | Lonnie | Lonny | Lonzo | Loran | Lorcan | Loren | Lorenz | Lorenza | Lorenzo | Lorin | Lorne | Lou | Loudon | Louie | Louis | Lowell | Loy | Loyal | Loyd | Luc | Luca | Lucas | Lucian | Luciano | Lucien | Lucio | Lucious | Lucius | Ludovic | Ludwig | Luigi | Luis | Luka | Lukas | Luke | Lupe | Luther | Lyale | Lyle | Lyman | Lyn | Lyndon | Lynn | Lynwood | Lysander


Browse boys' names beginning with M:
Mac | Macaulay | Mace | Mack | Mackenzie | Mackie | Maclean | Macon | Macsen | Madden | Maddox | Madison | Mads | Magic | Magnus | Maguire | Mahesh | Mahir | Mahlon | Mahmoud | Mahoney | Major | Makani | Makis | Malachi | Malachy | Malakai | Malaki | Malcolm | Malcom | Malik | Malte | Manfred | Manish | Manley | Manly | Mannix | Manoj | Manos | Manuel | Manus | Manzi | Marc | Marcel | Marcelino | Marcello | Marcellus | Marcelo | Marcial | Marco | Marcos | Marcus | Marek | Margarito | Mariano | Mario | Marion | Marios | Marius | Mark | Markel | Markell | Markian | Markos | Markus | Marlin | Marlon | Marlyn | Marques | Marquez | Marquis | Marquise | Mars | Marsden | Marshal | Marshall | Martin | Marty | Marvel | Marvin | Masis | Mason | Mateo | Mathew | Mathias | Mathieu | Mathis | Matias | Matt | Matteo | Matthew | Matthias | Mattia | Maurice | Mauricio | Mauro | Maury | Maverick | Max | Maxfield | Maxie | Maxim | Maximilian | Maximiliano | Maximillian | Maximino | Maximo | Maximus | Maxwell | Maynard | Mcarthur | McCoy | McKay | Mckinley | Meade | Mearl | Mekhi | Mel | Melbourne | Melton | Melva | Melville | Melvin | Melvyn | Memphis | | Mercury | Meredith | Merit | Merl | Merle | Merlin | Merlyn | Merrick | Merrill | Merritt | Merton | Mervin | Mervyn | Meyer | Micah | Michael | Michalis | Micheal | Michel | Michelangelo | Michele | Mickey | Miguel | Mihir | Mike | Mikel | Mikhail | Mikkel | Miklos | Milan | Milburn | Miles | Milford | Millard | Miller | Milo | Milos | Milton | Miro | Misael | Mitch | Mitchel | Mitchell | Modesto | Moe | Mohamed | Mohammad | Mohammed | Moises | Monroe | Monserrate | Montague | Montana | Monte | Montgomery | Monty | Moody | | Morgan | Moritz | Morpheus | Morris | Mortimer | Morton | Mose | Moses | Moshe | Moshon | Moss | Muhammad | Mungo | Murl | | Murray | Murry | Mustafa | Myles | Myron


Browse boys' names beginning with N:
Najee | Nakia | Naphtali | Narciso | Nash | Nasir | Nat | Nate | Nathan | Nathanael | Nathanial | Nathaniel | Nathen | Naveen | Neal | Ned | Neftali | Nehemiah | Neil | Neilson | Nels | Nelson | Nemo | Neo | Nephi | Nessim | Nestor | Neville | Nevin | Newell | Newman | Newton | Niall | Nicholas | Nicholaus | Nicholson | Nick | Nicklaus | Nickolas | Nicky | Nico | Nicodemus | Nicola | Nicolas | Nicomachus | Niels | Nigel | Nikhil | Niklas | Niko | Nikolaos | Nikolas | Nikos | Niles | Nils | Nimrod | Nissim | Noah | Noam | Noe | Noel | Nolan | Norbert | Norberto | Norman | Normand | Norris | Norton | Norval | Norwood | Nuno | Nunzio


Browse boys' names beginning with O:
O'Brien | O'Rourke | Oakley | Oberon | Obie | Ocie | Octave | Octavian | Octavio | Octavius | Oda | Odell | Odie | Odin | Odion | Odis | Ogden | Oisin | Okey | Olaf | Olan | Ole | Oleg | Olen | Olin | Oliver | Olivier | Ollie | Omar | Omari | Omarion | Omer | Oneal | Ontario | Ora | Oral | Oran | Orange | Oren | Orie | Orin | Orion | Orland | Orlando | Orlo | Orpheus | Orrin | Orson | Orval | Orvil | Orville | Osama | Osbaldo | Osborne | Oscar | Oskar | Osvaldo | Oswald | Oswaldo | Otha | Otho | Otis | Ottis | Otto | Owen | Oz


Browse boys' names beginning with P:
Pablo | Packer | Padma | Padraig | Palmer | Panos | Paolo | Paresh | Paris | | Parrish | Pascal | Pascual | Pasquale | Pat | Patrice | Patricio | Patrick | Patrizia | Patsy | Patten | Paul | Paulo | Pavel | Pavlos | Pax | Paxton | Payne | Payton | Pearl | Pedro | Peerless | Pelham | Penn | Per | Percival | Percy | Peregrine | Pericles | Pernell | Perry | Pershing | Pervis | Pete | Peter | Petros | Peyton | Phil | Philip | Phillip | Phillipe | Philo | Philon | Phineas | Phoenix | Pierce | Pierre | Piers | Piet | Pieter | Pietro | Pilot | Pinchas | Pink | Pip | Placido | Polk | Porfirio | Porter | Pradeep | Pranav | Prescott | Presley | Preston | Price | Primitivo | Primo | Primus | Prince | Profit | Prosper | Prospero | Pryor | Ptolemy | Purl


Browse boys' names beginning with Q:
Quentin | Quincy | Quinlan | Quinn | Quinten | Quintin | Quinton | Quintus


Browse boys' names beginning with R:
Race | Radames | Raekwon | Rafael | Rafe | Rafer | Raffi | Ragnar | Raheem | Rahsaan | Rahul | Raiden | Rainer | Raj | Rajat | Rajesh | Rajiv | Rakesh | Raleigh | Ralph | Ramesh | Ramiro | Ramon | Ramsay | Ramsey | Rance | Rand | Randal | Randall | Randel | Randell | Randle | Randolph | Randy | Ranger | Raniel | Ranjit | Ransom | Raoul | Raphael | Rashad | Rashawn | Rasheed | Rasmus | Raul | Raven | Ravi | Ray | Rayburn | Rayford | Raymon | Raymond | Raymundo | Raynard | Rayner | Rayshawn | Raz | Raziel | Reagan | Reason | Redmond | Reece | Reed | Reese | Refugio | Reggie | Reginal | Reginald | Regis | Reid | Reidar | Reilly | Reinaldo | Reinhold | Reino | Remington | Remus | Rémy | Ren | Renato | Rene | Reno | Reuben | Reuel | Rex | Rexford | Rey | Rey'el | Reyes | Reynaldo | Reynold | Reza | Rhen | Rhett | Rhodes | Rhodri | Rhys | Ricardo | Riccardo | Rich | Richard | Richie | Richmond | Rick | Rickey | Ricki | Rickie | Ricky | Rico | Rider | Ridge | Ridley | Rigel | Rigoberto | Riley | Ringo | Rio | Riordan | Rishi | Ritchie | River | Roan | Roar | Roark | Roarke | Rob | Robb | Robbie | Robby | Robert | Roberto | Robin | Robinson | Roby | Rocco | Rock | Rocky | Rod | Roderick | Rodger | Rodman | Rodney | Rodolfo | Rodrick | Rodrigo | Roel | Rogan | Rogelio | Roger | Rogers | Rohan | Roland | Rolando | Rolf | Rolla | Rolland | Rollie | Rollin | Rollo | Romain | Roman | Romare | Rome | Ron | Ronald | Ronaldo | Ronan | Ronen | Ronin | Ronnie | Ronny | Roosevelt | Roque | Rory | Rosaire | Rosario | Roscoe | Rosendo | Rosevelt | Ross | Roswell | Rourke | Rowan | Rowdy | Rowen | Rowland | Roy | Royal | Royce | Ruairí | Ruben | Rubin | Rudiger | Rudolf | Rudolph | Rudy | Rueben | Ruel | Ruff | Ruffin | Rufus | Rune | Rupert | Rush | Rushil | Russ | Russel | Russell | Rusty | Rutger | Ryan | Ryder | Ryker | Rylan | Ryland | Rylee | Ryley | Ryne


Browse boys' names beginning with S:
Sabastian | Sabelo | Saber | Saddam | Sadler | Sage | Sailor | Sakari | Sal | Salim | Salvador | Salvatore | Sam | Samir | Sammie | Sammy | Samson | Samuel | Sandeep | Sander | Sanderson | Sandy | Sanford | Sanjay | Sanjeev | Santiago | Santino | Santo | Santos | Sargent | Satchel | Saul | Savion | Savvas | Sawyer | Sayer | Schuyler | Scot | Scott | Scottie | Scotty | Seamus | Sean | Seattle | Sebastian | Sébastien | Sedrick | Selmer | Semaj | Senan | Seneca | Septimus | Seraph | Sergei | Sergio | Seth | Seven | Severin | Severo | Severus | Sevin | Seymour | Shad | Shadow | Shamar | Shane | Shannon | Shanon | Shaquille | Sharif | Shaun | Shawn | Shay | Shayne | Shea | Shelby | Sheldon | Shelton | Shemar | Shepard | Sheppard | Sherlock | Sherman | Sherrill | Sherwin | Sherwood | Shimon | Shivam | Shola | Shon | Si | Sian | Sid | Sidney | Sigmund | Sigurd | Silas | Sillan | Silvan | Silvanus | Silvio | Sim | | Simeon | Simon | Simpson | Sinbad | | Sinclair | Sindri | Sipho | Sirius | Sivert | Sixto | Skip | Skipper | Skylar | Skyler | Slade | Slater | Slobodan | Smith | Socrates | Soeren | Sol | Solomon | Solon | Sonny | Soren | Sorin | Sorrell | Spearman | Spellman | Spence | Spencer | Spenser | Spike | Spiros | Spurrier | Squire | St. John | Stacey | Stacy | Stafford | Stan | Stanford | Stanislas | Stanislaus | Stanislav | Stanislaw | | Stanton | Stavros | Steele | Stefan | Stefano | Stefanos | Steffan | Stelios | Stellan | Stephan | Stephen | Stephon | Sterling | Stetson | Stevan | Steve | Steven | Stevie | Stewart | Stockman | Stone | Stoney | Storm | Stratton | Strider | Struan | Stuart | Sullivan | Sumner | Sunil | Sutton | Sven | Sydney | Syed | Sylvain | Sylvan | Sylvester


Browse boys' names beginning with T:
Taber | Tacitus | Tad | Tadhg | Taft | Tahj | Taj | Takashi | Takis | Tal | Talan | Talbot | Talmadge | Talon | Tam | Tamir | Tannen | Tanner | Taran | Taras | Tarek | Tarian | Tariq | Tarkin | Tarquin | Tarun | Tarzan | Tasker | Tatanka | Tate | Taurean | Tavares | Tave | Tavion | Tavis | Tavish | Tavon | Tayler | Taylor | Tayo | Tayshaun | Teagan | Teague | Tecumseh | Ted | Telly | Tennyson | Teo | Teodoro | Terence | Terrance | Terrell | Terrence | Terrill | Terry | Tevel | Tevin | Tex | Thabo | Thad | Thaddeus | Thain | Thanasis | Thane | Thanos | Thatcher | Thayer | Theadore | Thelonius | Theo | Theodore | Theodoric | Theodosius | Theophanes | Theophile | Theophilus | Theron | Theryn | Theseus | Thibaut | Thierry | Thomas | Thomsen | Thor | Thornton | Thulani | Thurman | Thurston | Tiago | Tiberius | Tiernan | Tiger | Tilden | Till | Tillman | Tillo | Tim | Timmie | Timmothy | Timmy | Timo | Timon | Timothy | Tinashe | Tip | Tito | Titus | Tobias | Tobin | Toby | Tod | Todd | Tokunbo | Tollak | Tom | Tomache | Tomas | Tomlin | Tommaso | Tommie | Tommy | Toney | Tony | Torben | Torey | Torin | Torquil | Torrance | Torrey | Torsten | | Toshi | Toy | Trace | Tracey | Tracy | Trae | Traian | Trajan | Traver | Travis | Travon | Tre | Tremaine | Tremayne | Trent | Trenten | Trenton | Trever | Trevin | Trevion | Trevon | Trevor | Trey | Treyton | Treyvon | Trinidad | Trinity | Tristan | Tristen | Tristian | Tristin | Triston | Tristram | Triton | Troy | Truman | Truth | Trystan | Tucker | Tudor | Turner | Ty | Tycho | Tychon | Tyler | Tylor | Tyme | Tyquan | Tyree | Tyreek | Tyreese | Tyrel | Tyrell | Tyrese | Tyriq | Tyrique | Tyron | Tyrone | Tyshawn | Tyson


Browse boys' names beginning with U:
Uberto | Ugo | Ulf | Ulises | Ulrich | Ulysses | Umberto | Upton | Urban | Urho | Uri | Uriah | Urias | Uriel | Usher | Uzi | Uzzi | Uzziah


Browse boys' names beginning with V:
Vaclav | Vadim | Val | Valdemar | Valente | Valentin | | Valerio | Van | Vance | Vangelis | Varun | Vasilis | Vassilis | Vaughan | Vaughn | Vergil | Verl | Verlin | Vern | Verne | Vernell | Verner | Vernie | Vernon | Vester | Vicente | Victor | Vidal | Vidar | Viggo | Vijay | Vikram | Viktor | Vince | Vincent | Vincenzo | Vinson | Virgil | Virgilio | Vito | Vittorio | Vitus | Vivian | Vladimir | Volker | Von


Browse boys' names beginning with W:
Wade | Waino | Waldemar | Walden | Waldo | Walker | Wallace | Wally | Walt | Walter | Walton | Ward | Wardell | Warner | Warren | | Watt | Wayland | Waylon | Waymon | Wayne | Weaver | Webb | Webster | Weldon | Wellington | Welton | Wendell | Werner | Wes | Wesley | West | Westley | Weston | Wheeler | Whelan | Whitman | Whitney | Wilber | Wilbert | Wilbur | Wilburn | Wiley | Wilford | Wilfred | Wilfredo | Wilfrid | Wilhelm | Will | Willard | Willem | William | Williams | Willie | Willis | Willy | Wilmer | Wilson | Wilton | Windell | Winfield | Winford | Winfred | Winslow | Winston | Winter | Winton | Wisdom | Wolf | Wolfgang | Woodrow | Woody | Worth | Wright | Wyatt | Wylie | Wyman | Wyn | Wynn


Browse boys' names beginning with X:
Xander | Xaver | Xavier | Xenon | Xerxes | Xzavier


Browse boys' names beginning with Y:
Yadiel | Yahir | Yair | Yale | Yann | Yannick | Yannis | Yarden | Yehuda | Yitzhak | Ynyr | York | Yosef | Yuri | Yuriy | Yusuf | Yuval | Yves


Browse boys' names beginning with Z:
Zac | Zach | Zachariah | Zachary | Zachery | Zack | Zackary | Zackery | Zaid | Zain | Zaire | Zakary | Zander | Zane | Zavier | Zayden | Zayne | Zeb | Zebedee | Zebediah | Zebulon | Zechariah | Zed | Zedekiah | Zeke | Zenith | Zenon | Zephyr | Zev | Zigmund | Zion | Zodiac | Zollie | Zoltan | Zvi


NameVoyager: Explore name trends letter by letter (from 1880 to 2000)


Explore name by state (US)


One of my favorite sites is the "Baby Name Wizard" site, where you can find out neat stuff about American baby names. ... First of all, the site features the Namevoyager, a widget that contains the 1000 most popular baby names in the US of each year since 1880. You can type a name into the voyager and see the progress of the name's popularity over the past 130 years.

behindthename - Etymology and History of First Names in different cultures

The meaning and history of first names.
Mike Campbell has a nice site which lists first names (Christian names as they are sometimes known) in alphabetical order and gives the etymology of each.

About Etymology
Etymology is the study of the origins of words. The etymology of a word is its linguistic history. For example, the word etymology comes to us from the Ancient Greek language. It is composed of two parts: the Greek word etymon, which means "the true sense of a word", combined with the Greek element logia, which means "doctrine, study". Combining these two parts gives us "the study of the true sense of words", which can be said to be the 'meaning' of the word etymology.

Information: the most popular names, logical names for twins, common elements in the naming process, option to vote online for your favorite name.

Names by Usage

binghamton - ANS - American Name Society



Toponymy Interest Group of the American Name Society


heissen die Einwohner von Boston;

Bond - James Bond






Birds Of The West Indies
By James Bond (1936, 1947, 1960)
The book that inspired the name of Ian Fleming’s famous secret agent.
Ian Fleming der Erfinder von "James Bond" nannte seinen Helden nach dem Ornithologen "James Bond" dessen Standardwerk "Birds of the West Indies" immer noch erhältlich ist. Der echte James Bond beschreibt in dem 1936 erschienenen Werk "alle bekannten Vögel der Westindischen Inseln".

"jamesbond" die offizielle Website zu James Bond.
Auf "universalexports" findet man alles über Bond: Filme, Darsteller, Drehorte, Soundtracks u.a.

Bernstein (W3)

Der amerikanisiserte Name "Burnstein" stammt vorwiegend von ausgewanderten deutschen Juden namens "Bernstein". Diese mußten um 1800 Nachnamen annehmen, die Ihnen entweder von den Beamten verpasst wurden oder die sie gegen Entgelt erkaufen mussten. Laut der Quelle, gehörte "Bernstein" zu den positiv bewerteten Namen und wurde dementsprechend vermutlich erkauft. Die positive Assoziation deutet entweder auf die Farbe oder auf seinen angenehmen Klang hin. Auch eine Verbindung zu früheren Siedlungen in Gegenden mit dieser Farbgebung wird als Assoziation aufgeführt.

Der Name "Bernstein" tritt auch schon vor 1800 auf. So werden hier die 1294 für "de Bernstein" und 1389 für "Bernstein" angegeben.



Bernstein, Leonard

Zitate von: Bernstein, Carl | Bernstein, Leonard | Bernstein, Theodore M.

Bernstein, Leonard (1918-1990) | Bernstein, Elmer (1922-2004) | Bernstein, Harry


Bernstein, Elmer (Biografie)

Bronski und Bernstein (D 2000-2001)

Bernstein, Leonard (1918-1990)

Bernstein, Felix (* 1878) (Mathematiker)

Am 24.4.1878 wurde Felix Bernstein in Halle geboren. Er bewies u.a. den nach ihm benannten Äquivalenzsatz und promovierte 1901 bei Hilbert mit "Untersuchungen aus der Mengenlehre". Bernstein verstarb am 3.12.1956 in Zürich. Mehr finden Sie hier.

Bernstein, Eduard (1850 - 1932)



Bernstein's Factoring Breakthrough?
Last fall, mathematician Dan Bernstein circulated a paper discussing improvements in integer factorization, using specialized parallel hardware. The paper didn't get much attention until recently, when discussions sprang up on SlashDot and other Internet forums about the results. A naive read of the paper implies that factoring is now significantly easier using the machine described in the paper, and that keys as long as 2048 bits can now be broken.

This is not the case. The improvements described in Bernstein's paper are unlikely to produce the claimed speed improvements for practically useful numbers.

Bernstein, Felix (Mathematiker) (161*)

Bernstein, Sergi (387*)


Leonard Bernstein (1918)
Der US-amerikanische Dirigent, Komponist und Pianist gilt als großer Dirigent des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Bernstein Expansion | Bernstein Minimal Surface... | Bernstein Polynomial | Bernstein-Bézier Curve | Bernstein's Inequality | Bernstein's Polynomial Th... | Bernstein-Szegö Polynomia...

Schröder-Bernstein Theorem


Frequently Appearing Names



Frequently Occurring First Names and Surnames From the 1990 Census

NOTE: No specific individual information is given.

The Census Bureau receives numerous requests to supply information on name frequency. In an effort to comply with those requests, the Census Bureau has embarked on a names list project involving a tabulation of names from the 1990 Census. These files contain only the frequency of a given name, no specific individual information.

Clinton (W3)

Man nimmt an, das der Name "Clinton" auf einen englischen Ortsnamen zurück geht. Dieser setzt sich zusammen aus mengl. "clint", "klint" = dt. "Klippe", "Felsen", "Steigung" "Flussufer" (engl. "cliff", "slope", "bank of a river") und mengl. "tun" = dt. "Dorf", "Stadt", "Siedlung" (engl. "town", "settlement", "village", "enclosure"). Zusammen ergibt sich dt. "Siedlung an der Klippe", "Siedlung am Flussufer", "Bergdorf" = engl. "settlement by the cliff".

Heute findet man auch wieder den Vornamen "Clint" (Beispiel: "Clint Eastwood"), der nun aber aus "Clinton" verkürzt wurde.


Bill Clinton quitte la présidence américaine

Culture | 20 janvier 2001 à 00:00 par La rédac'

Après 8 années à la présidence des États-Unis, Bill Clinton cède la place à George W. Bush. À 54 ans, l'ancien président continuera sans doute à faire de la politique.


09/06/2016 - Élections américaines : Hillary Clinton face à Donald Trump - Monde


Clinton Adams - American Painter, 1918-2002


Origin of the name "Clinton"


Clinton wins Pennsylvania primaries 23 April 2008



Clinton, Bill


Davisson, Clinton Joseph


Hillary Clinton



Kalenderblatt 20.10.1996 - 20.10.2006

"Socks", die Katze der Clintons, gibt erstes Interview.

Audio abspielen | Audio runterladen | [Audio]-Infos

(E6)(L1) clinton

bill clinton


Clinton (American Blend) /S-20-S/ - USA




| Clinton, Henry | Clinton, Hillary Rodham | Clinton, William Jefferson | Van Doren, Carl Clinton


"Clintonomics" (? Am.-Eng.), het economisch beleid van president Clinton. Sinds ca. 1992. Naar analogie van "Reaganomics"* en het al oudere, bij ons minder bekende "Nixonomics". ? "Thatcherisme"*.


Clinton, Hillary Rodham


Hillary Clinton : l’ex-future présidente des USA…

By Livia

Posted in: Politiciennes, Toutes les femmes célèbres

Hillary Rodham ClintonQuelle belle histoire à l’américaine c’eût été ! Jusqu’à 2008 le chemin d’Hillary Rodham Clinton semblait tout tracé. L’épouse, bafouée, du président Bill Clinton, considérée comme une des plus brillantes femmes politiques de l’histoire américaine, était promise à l’investiture démocrate avec de très bonnes chances de succès en 2008. C’était sans compter sur l’irrésistible phénomène Obama, avec son histoire à lui encore plus belle, qui a finalement raflé la mise. Petit retour sur la trajectoire d’une femme qui, après tout, n’a peut être pas dit son dernier mot…


Peonies: Clinton

Bred by William H. Krekler (United States, 1977).

Hybrid / Species crosses.


Hillary Clinton in Wax


Bug-Eyed Hillary Clinton Was Photoshopped



Results for: "Clinton"

Your search for "Clinton" returned 246 results:

How Hillary Clinton Works

Hillary Clinton is in the running to become the first female U.S. President. Read about Hillary Clinton and her agenda, voting record and career.

The Clinton Administration

The Clinton administration was very controversial and left a huge impact on modern American history. Read about the Clinton administration at HowStuffWorks.

Who is Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton has been one of the most successful women in American politics, but ever since she became the First Lady of Arkansas, people have both loved and loathed her. Cristen and Caroline travel back in time to look at what shaped Hillary, how the press has treated her and what it means to be a powerful woman in the public eye.

Clinton Hart Merriam

Clinton Hart Merriam is a famous American biologist. Learn more about Clinton Hart Merriam at HowStuffWorks.

Samm and Clinton's Meat Sushi

Samm and Clinton's miniature burger duo is a great recipe from Kick Off Cook Off. Learn to make Samm and Clinton's miniature burger duo in this recipe from TLC Cooking.

Samm and Clinton's Miniature Burger Duo

Samm and Clinton's meat sushi - 'mushi' is a great recipe from Kick Off Cook Off. Learn to make Samm and Clinton's meat sushi - 'mushi' in this recipe from TLC Cooking.

The Best of Fall Fashions

Learn about the best of fall fashions according to Clinton Kelly of What Not to Wear. Learn more about Clinton's best of fall fashions here.

Whats the difference between a documentary and a docudrama? Does either one have to be true?

The recent uproar from members of Clinton's administration regarding ABC's docudrama "The Path to 9/11," scheduled to air on September 10 and 11, has brought into question the nature of truth when it comes to documentaries and docudramas.

How Presidential Memoirs Work

With President Clinton's memoirs scheduled for release on June 22, there's a whole lot of talk going around about the nature of a presidential memoir. What is its purpose? What is the role of cold, hard facts in this type of book? How does it progress from idea to finished product? This week, find out what distinguishes a memoir from a general autobiography and see how a presidential memoir comes to be.



The Clinton Administration


Bill Clinton


Bill Clinton


Hillary Rodham Clinton Biographie


Clinton, Bill Clinton (William Jefferson Blythe), Ehemaliger amerikanischer Präsident (geb. 1946)


"CLINTON" "[dweller at the] farmstead on the summit" (Teutonic). From a surname.


Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy

Clinton Administration


President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site


Clinton and Obama XSS Battle Develops 2008/04/24


Hacker Redirects Barack Obama’s site to


President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home


(E?)(L?), Bill

Limericks on "Clinton, Bill"




The Politics of Personal Destruction

Bill Clinton? John Quincy Adams?


May You Live In Interesting Times

Chinese Curse? Austen Chamberlain? Frederic R. Coudert? Joseph Chamberlain? Diplomatic Staff? Arthur C. Clarke? Robert F. Kennedy? Hillary Rodham Clinton?




Clinton Impeachment Trial (1999)



Quarante-deuxième président des États-Unis (janvier 1993-janvier 2001), Bill Clinton arrive au pouvoir à un moment où l'économie américaine est en plein redressement. Servi par une croissance record durant ses deux mandats, il centre d'abord son action politique sur le domaine social et économique, avant de s'engager sur le terrain international, notamment pour tenter de résoudre le conflit du Proche-Orient.



Hillary Diane Rodham est née le 26 octobre 1947 à Chicago (Illinois), dans une famille méthodiste et républicaine. Son père gère une petite entreprise textile, sa mère élève les trois enfants dans une banlieue résidentielle de Chicago, Park Ridge.




"Clinton administration" the executive under President Clinton


Every man has a couple of friends who demand a warm handshake and a hug even when you run into them at the newspaper stand (these people are referred to as "Clintons" in male-touching parlance). Some of us know men who would limit their greetings to fist and arm bashes at a funeral (the "Cansecos").


The Democratic frontrunner for president, Hillary Clinton, is being urged to break out of her close-knit circle of advisers known as "Hillaryland" and take more political risks if she is to secure the 2008 nomination. The term "Hillaryland" was coined at Bill Clinton’s campaign headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1992.


Celebrate National Grammar Day
Posted March 3, 2008 .
Hey, everybody! This past weekend's show was our tribute to National Grammar Day, which is Tuesday, March 4th. Among other things, we talked about "booby trap," the food dish "turkey Manhattan," "lock, stock, and barrel," and what title Bill Clinton should take if Hillary Clinton is elected president.


Die rote Rebsorte "Clinton" stammt aus den USA. Synonyme sind "Bacchus", "Clinton Rose", "Klinton", "Plant des Carmes", "Plant Pouzin", "Vorthington", "Worthington" und "Zephirin". Es handelt sich um eine natürliche interspezifische Kreuzung zwischen den Spezies Vitis riparia x Vitis labrusca. Die Hybride wurde im Jahre 1821 in der Stadt "Clinton" nahe Syracuse im Staate New York vom Studenten Hugh White entdeckt und selektioniert.


42. William J. Clinton


Clinton, Bill | Clinton, Chelsea | Clinton, Hillary Rodham | Clinton, William Jefferson


Biografie: Bill Clinton (1946)


Biografie: Hillary Clinton (1947)




Bill Clinton (biography)


Hillary Clinton


Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Clinton" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1570 / 1750 auf.

Erstellt: 2016-09

Crockett (W3)

Zumindest im Fall von "David Stern Crockett" geht der Familienname "Crockett" auf den normanischen Namen "Croquetagne" zurück. Die Anlizierung dürfte um 1700 nach der Übersiedlung in die USA erfolgt sein.

Der Name "Crockett" wird auf frz. "Croquet", "croc", altnord. "krok-r" = dt. "Haken", engl. "crook" = dt. "Hirtenstab", "Krummstab", "Krücke" zurück geführt, so daß der erste Namensträger wohl eine gekrümmte Haltung hatte oder einen Krückstock benutzte.

David Crockett | Samuel Rutherford Crockett


David Crockett

> Crockett, Davy

Davy Crockett (USA 1954)


Crockett, Venerable Ralph - English martyr (d. 1588)

Limericks on Crockett, David Stern | Crockett, Davy

Crockett, David


Baby Crockett


"Davy Crockett", héros du Nouveau Monde

Né le 17 août 1786, probablement dans le comté de Greene, sur les rives de la rivière Nolichucky, dans l'état du Tennessee, "David Stern Crockett" est le cinquième enfant d'une famille qui en comptera neuf au total. Ses parents, "John Crockett" et Rebecca Hawkins, peu fortunés au début de leur vie, finissent par acquérir une taverne et John deviendra notable dans son comté. Contrairement à ce que l'on peut présumer de leur patronyme, les "Crockett" sont originaires de Normandie, en France. Leur ancêtre, "Antoine de Croquetagne" (1643 - v. 1685), était un capitaine de la garde de Louis XIV. Mais les "Croquetagne", convertis au protestantisme, durent quitter la France pour l'Irlande sous la Révocation de l'Édit de Nantes (1685) qui chassa plusieurs huguenots hors du royaume. C'est le troisième fils d'Antoine, Joseph-Louis (1675 - 1749) qui émigre plus tard aux États-Unis et s'établit dans l'état de New York. Il engendre à son tour un fils, William (1709 - 1770) qui engendre enfin "John Crockett", le père de David. On ignore à quel moment exactement le patronyme de la famille s'anglicise, mais déjà le père de Davy porte le nom de "Crockett".


It's A Man Down There - by G. L. Crockett

Crockett, Davy

Erstellt: 2010-05



Edgar's Name Pages


Edgar's Name Pages has passed the 1000 name mark! We now have more than 1000 names for you to browse, representing over 65% of all feminine names and almost 80% of all masculine names in the United States (based on the 1990 census, the latest available data).



If you think you may have family in America

Elvis the Pelvis (W3)

Elvis Presley erregte u.a. Aufsehen wegen seines animierenden Hüftschwungs. Und nun gibt es in der Medizin ein Wort engl. "pelvis" = "Becken", das sowohl namentlich absolut passte und gleichzeitig die wesentliche Körperpartie bezeichnete.
Und so erhielt Elvis den Namen "Elvis das Becken".







Emmanuel (W3)

Emmanual (Septuagint Emmanouel; A.V., Immanuel) signifies "God with us" (Matthew 1:23), and is the name of the child predicted in Isaias 7:14: "Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel". The various views advanced as to the identity of the child cannot be fully explained and discussed here; the following observations must suffice:



Aus dem "Klugscheisser-Archiv"
Kein etymologischer Beitrag, aber interessant (falls es stimmt):
In Texas gibt es den kleinen "Ort Fisher" in dem tatsächlich 50 Einwohner den "Namen Fisher" tragen und auch von "Beruf Fischer" sind.


Surnames - Search your surname in the USA


Travel around the States looking for your roots. Discover if your name is a San Francisco, Miami, Washington or New York regular.

Hier findet man Verbreitungskarten von Namen in den USA.


About this site
The Gens project is born by the initiative and the experience of a team of graduates in Humanities at the University of Genoa - Italy, who have specialized in history, demography, statistics, archive-keeping and librarianship.

Originally it was a research project about the distibution of surnames across Italy, but after the first realization and the first impact with the public, we decided to make it available to others.

The project is growing from a single-country web site (Italy) to a international network of sites. There is still lot of work to do, and if you are interested in this project, you can write us.

All the tecnical aspects of the project are carried out by Labo.



siehe 'Harold'

House of Names


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Increase (W3)

Der Vorname "Increase" (z.B.: "Increase Mather (1639-1723) soll eine direkte Übersetzung des hebräischen Namens "Yosef", "Joseph", sein.

Engl. "increase" steht für dt. "Anstieg", "Aufstockung", "Erhöhung", "Steigerung", "Vergrößerung", "Zunahme", "Zuwachs". Für "Joseph", hebr. "yosep", findet man die Bedeutung "hinweggenommen hat Jahwe meine Schmach" oder "Jahwe möge [noch einen Sohn] dazugeben". Die zweite Übersetzungsvariante kann als immerhin auch als "Zugabe" interpretiert werden.




Erstellt: 2010-12




languagemonitor - Best and Worst Names



meaningofnames - Meaning of Names


The meaning of names is the focus of this site. People are naturally curious about the meaning of names especially when it comes to their own or those of their loved ones. Be that as it may, the true meaning of names may only at times be found on this site as we've chosen to take a more humorous approach.

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From H.G Wells, "The Time Machine"?

What can you learn about your name?


What can you learn about your name?

Geo Popularity

Looking for a name that is distinctly southern? Try William 4.1m. See what part of the country your name is most popular. Coming soon: see what parts of the world a name is popular.

Gender Preference

Think Charlie 187k is a pretty masculine baby name? Traditionally, it has been. However, in recent years, there are almost as many baby girls named Charlie as baby boys!

Popular Spellings

Have you ever wondered about the spellings of names like Sean 418k, Shawn 334k, and Shaun 72k? Pick the most common name for less misspellings or show their individuality with a less common spelling.

About Names

A name sticks with us from birth until death and although we often have no control over it, our names can define us. We can all thank our parents for our name.

You can search for your own name and pull out amazing information from the massive name database. With more millions of statistical records and historical references for popular baby names after 1880, this site is packed with eye-opening facts. Expand your search by traveling back in time to discover the meanings of more names for your coworkers, pets, friends, and family.

Many parents can agree that choosing the right name for their child/children is not easy because there are so many factors to consider prior to naming a new baby. Thus, they include religion, popularity, namesakes, place of origin, spelling, rhythms/sounds, gender, stereotypes, etc.

As parents, your first consideration should be if the name for your newborn baby will be a burden for them as they are growing up. There are names that are foreign sounding, hard to spell or pronounce, very accentuated, have been associated with negative people or things, or simply would be a cause for teasing.


What can you learn about your name? Name Lists By Origin


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Erstellt: 2018-02


The Etymology Of NickNames?
Posted by Cliff on Tuesday January 30, @06:50PM
from the why-did-you-choose-what-you-did dept.
not_cub asks: "In the Slashdot FAQ CmdrTaco says he hates when clueless reporters ask where his nickname comes from but also gives an explanation. I for one find this sort of explanation quite interesting. I guess we can all guess where 'CyberBob' got his name from, but I'd love to hear Slashdotters give their reasons for choosing some of the weird and wacky nicks we see round here (especially that Anonymous Coward guy)."


Oprah (W3)

Der name "Oprah" soll als falsche Schreibweise des hebräischen Namens "Orpah", der "sie die ihren Rücken dreht" oder "Bockkitz", "Geißkitz" bedeuten soll.



Erstellt: 2010-02


Nickname Origins
By Stuart Kantor


Nicknames are an integral part of the lexicon of sports. Often, a nickname transcends the given name, and we, the fan, associate a particular player by his clever and descriptive moniker.

We know Walter Payton as Sweetness, Ed Jones as Too Tall and Willie Anderson as Flipper. We remember Franco scooping up a ricochet from Bradshaw to Fuqua off the Three Rivers' turf as the Immaculate Reception, and we decided, that like disco, there is no gray area when it comes to liking a franchise who bills itself as America's Team.

Yet, few of us know the stores behind the nicknames. How players, teams, plays, games and stadiums received their more colorful alternatives. So let's explore a few of the more interesting and appreciate not only the nickname, but how the name came into being.

How about Charlie Choo-Choo Justice?

Erstellt: 2014-02




ssa - Babynames

"SSA" = "Social Security Asministration" - Popular baby names as far back as 1880 - mit Statistiken seit 1880
Top 1000 names by decade based on a 5% sample. Names are limited to births in the U.S.A.

Social Security Information for Parents and Guardians Baby Name Data


= 'kleiner Flüssigkeitstropfen'


Aus dem "Klugscheisser-Archiv"
Wie kam Popstar "Sting" zu seinem Künstlernamen? - 'Sting' auf deutsch 'Stachel' verdankt Sting einem schwarz-gelb gestreiften Pullover, den er früher gerne trug. Seine Freunde meinten, darin sehe er aus wie eine Wespe, nannten ihn spasseshalber 'Sting' und dabei ist es bis heute geblieben. Jetzt sagen sogar seine sechs Kinder 'Sting' zu ihrem Papa.



Das Vorkommen eines Vornamen mit dem selben Familiennamen könnte man als Tautonym bezeichnen.

Baby Names etymological dictionary of first names

Die Suchmaske bietet folgende Optionen: Daneben gibt es alphabetische Listen für: (4731 unique baby names in database (19012 including variants))

Zu jedem Namen findet man die Aussprache, Herkunft, Bedeutung, Anmerkungen z.B. zu Heiligen, Varianten und - auch interessant - eine Popularitäts-Statistik.

This service is brought to you as part of our mission to organize information on names around the world and make it universally accessible and useful. Here you will find a list of thousands of baby names - from the most popular to the traditional to the highly unusual and unique, including hundreds that only recently have been coined or rediscovered. Find out popular variations and nicknames, trends, meanings and derivations, as well as the history and religious significance of each and every name - in short, everything you need to think of that ideal name!

Am 2005-01-16 erhielt ich den Hinweis des Webmasters Kian:

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Baby names etymological resource on the history, meaning, and popularity of first names.
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Trump (W3)

Das Wort engl. "trump" bedeutet im Kartenspiel dt. "Trumpf" (engl. "trump card" = dt. "Trumpfkarte"). Im übertragenen Sinn bedeutet es dann auch dt. "feiner Kerl" oder als Verb dt. "übertrumpfen".

Engl. "trump" bedeutet auch dt. "Trompete" oder "Trompetenstoß" (engl. "trump of doom" = dt. "Posaune des Jüngsten Gerichts").

Engl. "trump" kann auch dt. "erdichten", "erfinden", "sich etwas aus den Fingern saugen", bedeuten.

Die Entsprechung dt. "Trumpf" (16. Jh.) wurde von Kartenspielern aus dt. "Triumph" verkürzt, das von frz. "triomphe" übernommen wurde. Diese Bedeutung wird heute sinngemäß auch auf andere Bereiche übertragen indem man "einen Trumpf ausspielt". Das Verb dt. "auftrumpfen" (18. Jh.) hat sich schon mehr verselbständigt (wörtlich "Trumpf ausspielen", "mit Trumpf stechen").

Das frz. "triomphe" = dt. "Siegesfreude", "Siegesjubel", "Sieg", "Erfolg", "Genugtuung" das bereits im 15. Jh. von frz. "triomphe" übernommen wurde geht weiter zurück auf lat. "triumphus" = dt. "feierlicher Einzug des siegreichen Feldherrn", "Siegeszug", "Sieg". Als Verb dt. "triumphieren" (15. Jh., zu lat. "triumphare") bedeutet es entsprechend dt. "als Sieger einziehen", "in Siegesjubel ausbrechen", "frohlocken", "Erfolg haben". Das Adjektiv dt. "triumphal" (19. Jh.) = dt. "sieghaft", "herrlich" hat als Entsprechung lat. "triumphalis". Als Entsprechung bzw. Vorläufer wird auch griech. "thriambos" = engl. "hymn to the god Bacchus" angeführt, die Bezeichnung eines alten dionysischen Kultliedes.

Beim engl. "trump" (1529) und engl. "triumph" stößt man - wie oft im Englischen - auf Shakespeare, der in seinen Werken (etwa "Antony and Cleopatra") zur Verbreitung beitrug. Auch im Englischen finndet man engl. "triumph" zunächst im Kartenspiel als engl. "triumph card" die alsbald zu engl. "trump card" abgeschliffen wurde. Daraus wurde das Verb engl. "trump" (1586) = dt. "den Gegenspieler mit einem Trumpf ausstechen" abgeleitet, das auch in den Alltag übertragen wurde.

Eine negative Wendung nahm engl. "trump" durch den Überraschungscharakter im Kartenspiel und auch im normalen Leben und nahm auch die pejorative Bedeutung dt. "unerwartetes Hindernis" und als Adjektiv "trumped-up" die Bedeutung dt. "erfunden", "erlogen", "falsch" an.

Das engl. "trumpery" (15. Jh.) = engl. "worthless nonsense", "trivial articles", "useless articles", "junk", soll sich allerdings etymologisch unabhängig entwickelt haben. Engl. "trumpery" geht zurück auf mengl. "trompery" und weiter auf mfrz. "tromper" = dt. "irreführen". Diese Bedeutung hat sich in frz. "trompe l'oeil" = dt. "trügerischer Schein", also wörtlich "irregeführtes Auge" (frz. "décor en trompe-l'oeil" = dt. "perspektivisch gemalte Kulisse") erhalten.

Der amerikanische Name "Trump" könnte aber einen völlig anderen Hintergrund haben. Die Großeltern Donald Trumps, Friedrich Trump und Elisabeth Christ, stammten aus Kallstadt in der Pfalz. Demnach wäre nach den Wurzeln des Namens "Trump" in Deutschland zu suchen.

Als ersten Hinweis fand ich den Familiennamen dt. "Trummer" zu fnhdt. "drummer" = dt. "Trommler". Der Familienname dt. "Trümper", "Trumper", kann auf mndt. "trumper" = dt. "Trompeter", "Lautenschläger" oder auf mhdt. "trumpen" = dt. "trompeten", "trommeln" zurück gefühet werden. Es liegt nahe, dass der Familienname "Trump" hieraus verkürzt wurde und also etwa "Trommler" oder "Trompeter" bedeutet. Insofern besteht also durchaus ein Zusammenhang zu engl. "trump" = dt. "Trompete", "Trompetenstoß".

In einer Biographie zu Donald John Trump findet man nun jedoch den Hinweis: 'Die Familie "Trump" waren deutsche Einwanderer. Bis zur amerikanischen Einbürgerung führte die Familie den Namen "Trumpf".' Damit ist die bisherige Namensdeutung zwar nicht gänzlich obsolet, aber es wäre dennoch möglich eine andere Namensherleitung gesucht werden muss.

Donald Trump, Unternehmer (14.06.1946 (New York) - )

Bei Adelung findet man

Die "Trompete", plur. die -n, Diminut. das "Trompetchen", Oberd. "Trompetlein", ein musikalisches Werkzeug zum Blasen, welches mit der Zunge regieret wird, und aus einer langen dreyfach zusammen gelegten Röhren bestehet, welche unten eine weite Öffnung hat. Auf der Trompete blasen, besser die Trompete blasen. In die Trompete stoßen. Mit Pauken und Trompeten. In den Orgeln ist die Trompete oder das Trompeten-Werk, ein eigenes Register und Schnarrwerk, welches wie eine Trompete klinget. Figürlich, wegen einiger Ähnlichkeit in der Gestalt, werden in der Anatomie gewisse Gänge in der Gebärmutter Muttertrompeten genannt. S. dieses Wort.

Anm. Im Oberd. "Trummet", in Luthers Bibel "Drommete", in Nieders. "Trumpete", im Engl. "Trumpet", im Isländ. "Trameta". Die Verlegung des Tones auf die Ableitungssylbe zeiget schon, daß dieses Wort, so wie es da ist, fremden Ursprunges ist. Es ist aus dem Franz. "Trompette" entlehnet, welches das Verkleinerungswort von "Trompe" ist, welches jetzt nur noch figürlich den Rüssel des Elephanten bezeichnet; "Trompe" aber im Deutschen ehedem "Trumbe", in Lipsii Glossen "Triumbo", "Drumbo", im Tatian "Trumbu", war ehedem ein ähnliches, aber allem Anscheine nach größeres Instrument, welches von seinem starken schmetternden und zugleich dumpfigen Tone, so wie die "Trommel", den Nahmen hatte. Im Ital. heißt daher die "Trompete" noch "Trompa", im Engl. "Trump", im Bretagnischen "Trumpil", im Schwed. "Trumma", welches aber auch eine "Trommel" bedeutet. Weil dieser dumpfige zitternde Ton ehedem mehrern musikalischen Werkzeugen gemein war, so bedeutete "Trumpe" ehedem auch eine "Laute" und "Trumper" einen "Lautenisten". Die "Trombe" ist ein noch nicht ganz vergessenes Saiten-Instrument, welches aus einer starken auf einer besondern Lade ausgespannten Saite bestehet, welche mit Trommelschlägeln geschlagen wird, und wie eine bedeckte Heerpauke lautet. Die "Trompete marine" ist ein ähnliches Instrument mit einer einzigen großen Darmsaite, welche aber mit einem Bogen gestrichen wird, und alsdann ein Schnarren, wie eine Trompete, macht. Sie ist aus dem "Trummscheit" entstanden, (S. dieses Wort). Alle diese Werkzeuge haben, so wie die "Trommel", ihren Nahmen von dem Laute "trom", welchen sie hervor bringen. Der Laut, welchen die "Trompete" in manchen Fällen hervor bringt, lautet schon bey dem Ennius "Taratantara".


09/06/2016 - Élections américaines : Hillary Clinton face à Donald Trump - Monde


"TRIUMPH", sub. a "trump card"



Meaning: ...
Word History:

This may have been two words whose pronunciations merged, but not their meanings. Middle English "trumpen" was borrowed from French "tromper" "to deceive", "cheat" from Old French "tromper" "to blow a trumpet", based on "trompe" "trumpet". ("Trompette" — whence English "trumpet" — in Old French was a diminutive of "trompe", meaning "small trumpet".) French borrowed "trompe" from old Germanic "trumpa" "horn", "trumpet". Quacks and mountebanks in olden days attracted the public by blowing a horn, and then cheated them into buying their wares. A better explanation is that "trump" is an alteration of "triumph", which was once used in a similar sense. The Latin source of "triumph", "triumphus", probably was borrowed from Greek "thriambos" "hymn to the god Bacchus". In ancient Rome a "triumph" was the grand entry of a victorious general into the city, usually accompanied by a choir of large trumpets. However, there remain gaps in the evidence for both explanations.



Meaning: ...
Word History:

The original meaning of this word, "deception", is now a bit dated and less frequently used but it explains how the word got into English. It was originally French "tromper" "to cheat", "swindle", "deceive". Once it entered English, though, as you can see, its meaning eventually dwindled to "nonsense". The similarity of this word to the verb "trumpet" explains its gravitation toward the sense of "trashy finery". "Trumpery" is unrelated to the "trumping" that goes on in many card games; that "trump" is an old mispronunciation of "triumph"!


TRUMPE (s.xiii2)

trompe, troumpe


Donald J. Trump State Park
Mahopac, New York
Donald J. Trump State Park
This apocalyptic closed parkland is the result of one of Trump's failed investments.
politics, parks, abandoned
30 Sep 2015



[Fig. use of "trump" a card of a suit which ranks above the others.] A person in authority.


"Trump": "To trump up". To devise or make up falsely; to concoct.


"Trump Card": The French carte de triomphe (card of triumph).


Trump, Donald | Trump, Ivana | Trump, Melania Knauss


02.02.2009 to come up trumps



(E2)(L1) card

trump card


06/07/2015 - Donald Trump vuelve a soltar la lengua


"trump" (n.1) "playing card of a suit ranking above others", 1520s, alteration of "triumph" (n.), which also was the name of a card game.

"trump" (v.2) "fabricate", "devise", 1690s, from "trump" "deceive", "cheat" (1510s), from Middle English "trumpen" (late 14c.), from Old French "tromper" "to deceive", of uncertain origin. Apparently from "se tromper de" "to mock", from Old French "tromper" "to blow a trumpet". Brachet explains this as "to play the horn, alluding to quacks and mountebanks, who attracted the public by blowing a horn, and then cheated them into buying ...." The Hindley Old French dictionary has "baillier la trompe" "blow the trumpet" as "act the fool", and Donkin connects it rather to "trombe" "waterspout", on the notion of turning (someone) around. Connection with "triumph" also has been proposed. Related: "Trumped"; "trumping". "Trumped up" "false", "concocted" first recorded 1728.

"trump" (n.2) "trumpet", c. 1300, from Old French "trompe" "long, tube-like musical wind instrument" (12c.), cognate with Provençal "tromba", Italian "tromba", all probably from a Germanic source (compare Old High German "trumpa", Old Norse "trumba" "trumpet"), of imitative origin.

"trump" (v.1) "surpass"," beat", 1580s, from "trump" (n.). Related: "Trumped"; "trumping".


Smiley-Liste: ":$)" - "Donald Trump"




Is Donald Trump smarter than a third grader?

AUG 19, 2015 12:30 PM BY DENNIS BARON

One regrettable feature of the presidential campaign season is the inevitable ranking of candidate speeches by reading level. And so, after the first Republican debate, Politico’s Jack Shafer announced with glee that Donald Trump “talks like a third-grader,” while Ted Cruz’s language sounds more ninth grade. However, anyone who spends time around schoolchildren will tell you neither claim is true.


trump | trump card | trump up


















Can He Be Stopped?


Trump (Jaw Harp) One of the most ancient musical instruments


2014-06-25: trump






trump (6) | trumpery (2) | trumpet (84) | trumpet's (4) | trumpet-clangor (1) | trumpet-tongued (1) | trumpeter (2) | trumpeters (2) | trumpets (82)


"trump" Verb. To break wind from the anus, to "fart". E.g. "There's a disgusting smell in here. Has someone trumped?"



Come up trumps




bilabial trump card


"trump": To fart - See fart for synonyms.


trump | trumpery | trumpet



Chicago, from the top of a huge construction crane - Ken Derry: Trump Tower Pictures


collection of photos by Ken Derry from atop his crane, the one that's helping to build the new Trump Tower here in Chicago. Beautiful and utterly terrifying.


Volltext- und Bildersuche: "Trump" - Ungefähr 43 Ergebnisse



Where did the word "trump" come from and does it really have to do with Donald? I thought it predated him but someone recently told me it was [related to] him.

(E?)(L?) card

Come up trumps | Last trump | Trump card | Trump one's ace


Come up trumps


Trump card


Trump, Donald


D. Trump (1946)
Donald John Trump wurde am 14. Juni 1946, als viertes von fünf Kindern des Immobilienunternehmers Fred C. Trump, in New York City, USA, geboren.

Die Familie "Trump" waren deutsche Einwanderer. Bis zur amerikanischen Einbürgerung führte die Familie den Namen "Trumpf". Donald Trumps Vater wurde mit den Bauten von Mietskasernen in den Stadtteilen Brooklyn, Queens und Staten Island zum mehrfachen Millionär.


"Donald Trump" — "Trump Tower", the "Trump International Hotel and Tower", "Trump Plaza" etc.


Donald John Trump (* 14. Juni 1946 in Queens, New York City) ist ein amerikanischer Unternehmer und der Kandidat der Republikanischen Partei für die US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2016. Seit 1971 ist er CEO der Trump Organization, eines Mischkonzerns. Als Tycoon in der Immobilien- und Unterhaltungsbranche fiel der Milliardär durch sein extrovertiertes Verhalten auf; sein Name wurde zur Marke, etwa für die nach ihm benannten Hochhäuser, die "Trump Towers". Mit Fernsehsendungen wie The Apprentice erhöhte er seine Popularität und gehört heute zu den bekanntesten Geschäftsleuten der Vereinigten Staaten.
Familie und Ausbildung

Donald Trump ist das vierte von fünf Kindern des Immobilienunternehmers Frederick Trump Jr. (1905-1999) und seiner Frau Mary Anne MacLeod (1912-2000). Sie stammte aus Tong auf der schottischen Isle of Lewis. Väterlicherseits waren seine Großeltern Friedrich Trump und Elisabeth Christ aus Kallstadt in der Pfalz (damals Teil des Königreichs Bayern) eingewandert. Auch der Vater des Ketchup-Unternehmers Henry John Heinz, Johann Heinrich Heinz, stammte aus Kallstadt, seine Mutter Charlotte Luise war eine geborene Trump. In einem Interview gab Trump an, stolz auf „dieses deutsche Blut“ zu sein. 1987 hatte er in seinem autobiographischen Buch The Art of the Deal dagegen noch behauptet, sein Großvater stamme aus Schweden, womit er eine Fiktion seines Vaters aus der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs weitertrug.


Der Trump International Hotel and Tower, kurz auch "Trump Tower", ist ein 98-stöckiger Wolkenkratzer im amerikanischen Chicago, der im Jahr 2009 fertiggestellt wurde. Er ist seitdem das zweithöchste Gebäude Chicagos und das derzeit vierthöchste der USA. Das Gebäude ist Eigentum des bekannten Immobilienunternehmers "Donald Trump" und wurde vom amerikanischen Architekturbüro Skidmore, Owings and Merrill entworfen.


| trumpe | trumpe, f. | trumpe, f. | tromp, f. | trumpe, f. | trompe, f. | trumpel, f. | trumpel | trumpel, f. | trumpel, f. | trompel, f. | trumpel | trommel | trumpen | trumpelbeere, f. | trumpeler, m. | trümpeler, m. | trumpelgast, m. | trumpelhaus, n. | trümpelknecht, m. | trumpelknecht, m. | trümpelmarkt, m. | trumpeln, vb. | trümpeln, vb. | trumpeln, vb. | trumpeln, vb. | trumpeln, vb. | trümpeln, vb. | trumpelnonne, f. | trümpelschulden | trumpeltrei | trumpen, vb. | trompen, vb. | trumpen, vb. | trumpen, vb. | trumpendei, m. | trumpenwerk, n. | trumper, m. | tromper, m. | trumper, m. | trumper, m. | trumper, m. | trumpf, m.; | trumpf, m.; | trumpf, m. | trumpf, f. | trumpfasz, n. | trumpfaus, m. | trumpfbalken, m. | trumpfblatt, n. | trumpfblättlein, n. | trümpfel, n. | trumpfen, vb. | trumpfen, vb. | trumpfen, vb. | trumpffarbe, f. | trumpfholz, n. | trumpfieren, vb. | trumpfkarte, f. | trumpfkönig, m. | trumpfsechs, f. | trumpfspiel, n.; | trumphator


| Trump, m. | Trump, m. | Trump-ass | Trump-ass | trumpen | trumpen | Trumpet, f. | Trumpet, f. | trumpeten, intr. v. | trumpeten, intr. v. | Trumpetepulver, n. | Trumpetepulver, n. | Trumpeter, m. | Trumpeter, m. | trumpieren | trumpieren | trumplen | trumplen


trump card (1823)


"trump": noun

1. Games. Often "trumps". A suit in card games that outranks all other suits for the duration of a hand. A card of such a suit. A trump card.

2. A key resource to be used at an opportune moment.

3. Informal. A reliable or admirable person.

"trump" tr.verb

1. Games. To take (a card or trick) with a trump.

2. To get the better of (an adversary or a competitor, for example) by using a key, often hidden resource.

"trump" intr.verb

Games. "To play a trump". [Alteration of triumph.]


The history of the word "trump" gives meaning to this seemingly nonsensical word and also relates to the history of the game of bridge. "Trump" is an alteration of the word "triumph" used in special senses that are now obsolete. These senses, first recorded in a sermon of 1529 by the English prelate Hugh Latimer, are "a card game" and "trump" as it is used in card games. In the same 1529 text one may find the first instances of "trump", used in the same two senses as "triumph". From "trump" and other games came the card game whist, which in turn developed into bridge. The term "trump" survived even though the game of trump did not. "It was a clumsy and unthinking statement to make public, about any player, let alone a potential trump card like Malcolm, who was struggling for both fitness and confidence."


Donald Trump (biography)


Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Trump" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1640 auf.

Erstellt: 2016-09

Tullis (W3)

Der Name "Tullis" dürfte auf den römischen Geschlechternamen "Tullius" mit etruskischer Herkunft zurück gehen.



Uni of California
University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
Nicknames and the Lexicon of Sports


ROBERT KENNEDY (University of California, Santa Barbara)
TANIA ZAMUNER (Radboud University Nijmegen)


This article examines the structure and usage of nicknames given to professional hockey and baseball players. Two general types are observed: a phrasal referring expression and a single-word hypocoristic. The phrasal nickname is descriptive but is only used referentially, usually in sports narrative. The hypocoristic is used for both reference and address and may be descriptive or shortened from a formal name. In addition, its inclusion of a hypocoristic suffix is sensitive to the segmental content of the shortened form. A model of nickname assignment is proposed in which the creation of any kind of nickname is treated as enriching the lexicon. This model relates nicknames to other types of specialized or elaborate referring expressions and encodes the social meaning of nicknames and other informal names in the lexicon.

Erstellt: 2014-02






Erstellt: 2011-10




Zacharias (W3)

(Heb. zekharyahu and zekharyah; meaning "Yahweh remembers", Sept. Zacharia and Zacharias), son of Barachias, son of Addo, a Prophet who rose in Israel in the eighth month of the seventh year of the reign of King Darius, 520 B.C. (Zach., i, 1) just two months after Aggeus began to prophesy (Agg., i, 1). The urgings of the two Prophets brought about the building of the second temple (1 Esdr., v and vi). Addo was one of the chief priests who, in the first year of the reign of Cyrus 538 B.C., returned with Zorobabel from captivity (II Esd., xii, 4). Sixteen years thereafter, during the high priesthood of Joacim (verse 12), Zacharia, of the family of Addo (Heb. of verse 16), is listed as a chief priest. This Zacharia is most likely the Prophet and author of the canonical book of the same name. It is not at all probable that the Prophet Zacharias is referred to by Christ (Matt., xxiii, 35; Luke, xi, 51) as having been slain by the Jews in the Temple; that Zacharias was the son of Joiada (II Par., xxiv, 20). Moreover, the Jews of Zorobabel's time obeyed the Prophet Zacharias (Zach., vi, 7); nor is there, in the Books of Esdras, any trace of so heinous a crime perpetrated in the Temple court.

Ansonsten findet man viele Biographien und Erklärungen zu Themen aus dem kirchlichen und religiösen Umfeld. Dazu Informationen zur entsprechenden Lehre, Literaturhinweise und Links zu weiterführenden Informationen.

Erstellt: 2003-12

Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Name, Nombre, Nom, Nome, Name, (esper.) nomoj













Lederer, Richard - TJN
The Joy of Names


reveals all you need to know about first names, baby names, last names, nicknames, cruel and unusual names, movie stars’ names, presidents’ names, eponymous names, names from myths, authors’ pseudonyms, and other fascinating facts about names. Richard Lederer, who is often called “Learning Dressed Up to Have Fun,” makes all these topics delightfully accessible. The illustrations by Todd Smith help bring the information to vibrant life.

Erstellt: 2019-05