Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Mittelalter, Edad Media, Moyen Âge, Medioevo, Middle Ages, (esper.) mezepoko
Middle Age (W3)
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
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List of All Manuscripts with Images (Current total: 363 manuscripts, 13,278 page records, 28,214 images.)
- G.2 Psalter. France, possibly Arras, 1260-1280
- G.3 Antiphonary single leaf. France, ca. 1400
- G.9 Book of hours. England, ca. 1440-1450
- G.10 Book of hours single leaf. Belgium, Bruges or Ghent, ca. 1490
- G.14 Book of hours. Italy, probably Milan, ca. 1473
- G.17 Missal. Le Mans, France, 1100-1120
- G.18 Bible. England, perhaps Gloucester, ca. 1240
- G.23 Destruction de la noble cite de Thebes. France, March 9, 1474
- G.24 Å’ux du paon. Northern France or Belgium, possibly Tournai, ca. 1350.
- G.25 Psalter. England, perhaps London, ca. 1225
- G.27 Sacramentary single leaf. Switzerland, 750-799
- G.40 Bible single leaf (fragment). Tours, France, early 9th cent.
- G.42 Bible. England, perhaps Oxford, ca. 1265
- G.44 Gospel lectionary. Salzburg, Austria, ca. 1050
- G.46 Manuscript single leaf with miniature. Bruges, ca. 1510
- G.50 De Lisle hours. England, possibly York, 1316-1331
- G.55 Hours of Pierre de Bosredont. Langres, France, ca. 1465
- G.60 Bible. Italy, probably Palermo, first quarter of 14th cent.
- G.62 Psalter. Italy, second half of 11th century
- G.67 Acts of the Apostles. Middle Egypt, 5th cent.
- G.73 Psalter. Franconia, Germany, possibly in the monas=tery of Komburg, ca. 1250.
- G.74 De balneis Puteolanis. Southern Italy, ca. 1400
- H.4 Book of hours. France, perhaps Reims, 1450-1475.
- H.8 Hours of Henry VIII. Tours, France, ca. 1500
- M.1 Lindau Gospels. St. Gall, Switzerland, between 880 and 899
- M.2 Book of hours. France, possibly Paris, late 15th cent.
- M.5 Tongerloo lectionary. Belgium, 1500-1550.
- M.6 Book of hours. France; Belgium, ca. 1480
- M.7 Book of hours. Paris, France, 1490-1500
- M.9 Book of hours. Tours, France, ca. 1490-1500
- M.11 Bible. Weingarten, Germany, 1109-1132.
- M.12 Book of hours. France, perhaps Tours, ca. 1500
- M.14 Book of hours. Florence, Italy, 1490s
- M.19 Book of hours. Belgium, perhaps Bruges, ca. 1440
- M.25 Book of hours. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1460-1470
- M.26 Book of hours. France, perhaps Langres, ca. 1485-1490
- M.27 Book of hours. France, probably Rouen, ca. 1420-1430.
- M.28 Book of hours. France, ca. 1470.
- M.29 Psalter-hours. Provence, France, ca. 1460.
- M.30 Book of hours. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1470
- M.31 Book of hours. France, perhaps Tours, 1500-1525
- M.34 Psalter. Netherlands, probably Utrecht, ca. 1290.
- M.43 Huntingfield psalter. Oxford, England, between 1212 and 1220
- M.44 Miniatures of the life of Christ. France, perhaps Corbie, ca. 1175.
- M.45 Rucifixion and St. Leonard. Germany, 1457.
- M.46 Book of hours. Belgium, perhaps Ghent; England, ca. 1420
- M.52 Breviary of Eleanor of Portugal. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1500
- M.55 Vita et miraculae sancti Benedicti. St. Florian, Austria, early 14th cent.
- M.56 Book of hours. Italy, 1450-1475
- M.60 Book of hours. France, possibly TheÌrouanne, ca. 1300
- M.61 Book of hours. Rouen, France, 1525
- M.64 Book of hours. France, ca. 1430
- M.67 Psalter-hours. Bourges, France, or the Loire River Valley, 1455-1460.
- M.69 Farnese hours. Rome, Italy, 1546
- M.72 Psalter. Belgium, probably Ghent, 1270-1280.
- M.75 Breviary. Paris, France, ca. 1350
- M.81 Worksop bestiary. England, possibly in Lincoln or York, ca. 1185.
- M.85 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1510-1520
- M.86 Formulary single leaf. Seville, Spain, 1740.
- M.88 Psalter-hours. France, perhaps Metz, 1370-1380
- M.90 Book of hours. France, perhaps Verdun and Paris, ca. 1375
- M.92 Book of hours. Paris, France, between 1230 and 1239
- M.94 Psalter-hours. Cologne, Germany, between 1250 and 1274.
- M.97 Psalter-hours. France, probably TheÌrouanne, ca. 1265.
- M.98 Psalter. France, Beauvais or Paris, 1275-1299.
- M.101 Psalter. France, perhaps Beauvais, ca. 1250.
- M.102 Windmill psalter. England, possibly London, late 13th century.
- M.103 Psalter. Reading, England, ca. 1250.
- M.104 Book of hours. Belgium, perhaps in Mons, ca. 1450-1460
- M.105 Hours of William Porter. Rouen, France, ca. 1420-1425
- M.106 Psalter. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1255-1265.
- M.109 Bible. France, ca. 1260.
- M.110 Bible. France, ca. 1260.
- M.111 Bible. France, ca. 1260.
- M.113 Psalter. Utrecht, Netherlands, second half of 13th century.
- M.116 Book of hours. Cambrai, Belgium, 1490-1500
- M.118 De historia plantarum et De causis plantarum. Italy, 1523-1534.
- M.122 Livre du gouvernement des rois et des princes. France, ca. 1300-1325.
- M.124 Fall of princes. England, ca. 1460
- M.125 Confessio amantis. England, 1425-1450.
- M.126 Confessio amantis. England, perhaps London, ca. 1470.
- M.129 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1500.
- M.130 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1480
- M.131 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1480
- M.133 Berry Apocalypse. Paris, France, ca. 1415
- M.136 Book of hours. France, ca. 1480
- M.137 Book of hours. Rouen, France, 1470-1480.
- M.138 Bible. France or England, ca. 1260-1270
- M.141 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1390-1400
- M.144 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1490
- M.151 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1500
- M.152 Book of hours. Belgium, ca. 1470
- M.153 Psalter-hours. Paris, France, 1228-1234.
- M.155 Psalter. Liège, Belgium, ca. 1290-1305.
- M.156 Book of hours. Netherlands, ca. 1500.
- M.159 Book of hours. France, ca. 1470
- M.160 Book of hours. Paris, France, 1500-1510
- M.161 Book of hours. France, perhaps Tours, ca. 1465
- M.163 Bible. France, possibly Corbie, 1229
- M.164 Book of hours. between 1420 and 1430
- M.166 Book of hours. Utrecht, Netherlands, 1500-1510
- M.167 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1470
- M.168 Book of hours. Flanders, perhaps Bruges, ca. 1450
- M.169 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1470
- M.170 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1500-1510
- M.172 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1470-1480
- M.173 Book of hours. Rennes, France, ca. 1430.
- M.174 Book of hours. Rouen, France, early 16th cent.
- M.175 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1500.
- M.177 Bible. Paris, France, 1260-1280
- M.183 Psalter-hours. Liège, Belgium, ca. 1280s.
- M.187 Book of hours. Ferrara, Italy, ca. 1480
- M.188 Orma el modo come se debbeno ordinare e disporre quelle persone che deno andare a confortare e aconsolare le persone iudicate a morte. Italy, Ferrara or Bologna, ca. 1470.
- M.189 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1500
- M.190 Hours of Marie de Rieux. Poitiers, France, ca. 1450
- M.192 Compilatio historiarum totius Bibliae et historiarum scholasticarum. Austria, ca. 1420.
- M.194 Book of hours. Northern France or Flanders, ca. 1460
- M.195 Book of hours. Paris, France, 1485-1500
- M.196 Book of hours. Savoy or Besançon, France, ca. 1470.
- M.197 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1500
- M.198 Book of hours. Amiens, France, ca. 1480
- M.202 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1440-1449
- M.214 Chronique universelle. France, probably Rouen, ca. 1460.
- M.219 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1500
- M.220 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1500
- M.222 De consolatione philosophiae. France, the Loire River Valley or Bourges, ca. 1465
- M.227 Book of hours. Ferrara, Italy, ca. 1461
- M.229 Book of hours. Paris, France, 1375-1400
- M.231 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1485-1490
- M.232 Ivre des prouffis champestres et ruraux. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1470.
- M.234 Book of hours. Belgium, perhaps Tournai, 1480s
- M.235 Bible. Syria, 1212/1213
- M.238 Book of hours. England, ca. 1480
- M.250 Book of hours. France, perhaps in Berry, ca. 1510
- M.251 Book of hours. Tournai, Belgium, ca. 1470
- M.253 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1480
- M.255 Book of hours. Winchester or Norwich, England, ca. 1450
- M.260e Large historiated initial R with the Annunciation. Italy, 19th or 20th cent.
- M.261 Book of hours. Rouen, France, 1495-1503
- M.264 Book of hours. France, ca. 1400
- M.269 Bible. France, perhaps Paris, ca. 1245-1250
- M.270 Four Evangelists single leaf montage. Rome, Italy, 1572-1585.
- M.271 Book of hours. Langres, France, 1495-1500
- M.273 Antiphonary single leaf. Italy, probably Florence, late 13th cent.
- M.275 Nine leaves from a psalter. Augsburg, Germany, 1225-1249.
- M.276 Book of hours. Paris, France, 1500-1515
- M.280 Psalter. Augsburg, Germany, ca. 1235-1250.
- M.281 Psalter. Havelberg, Germany, in the 13th century, before 1228.
- M.282 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1460
- M.283 Psalter. Paris, France, after 1228 and before 1247.
- M.284 Psalter. Germany, second half 13th cent.
- M.285 Book of hours. Belgium, perhaps Bruges or Valenciennes, ca. 1470
- M.289 Divina commedia. Florence, Italy, ca. 1330-1337.
- M.290 Book of hours. France, perhaps Paris, Rouen, or Tours, ca. 1520
- M.291 Book of hours. Tours, France, ca. 1490.
- M.292 Prayer book. Tours, France, ca. 1500.
- M.299 Gospel lectionary. Germany, around Halle, ca. 1220-1230
- M.302 Ramsey psalter leaves. East Anglia or London, England, ca. 1300-1310.
- M.306 Missal. Rome, Italy, ca. 1483.
- M.313 Psalter and hymnal. France, probably Paris, 1220-1230.
- M.319 Gospels. France, possibly Marchiennes, second half of 10th cent.
- M.322 Bible historiale. Paris, France, ca. 1325.
- M.333 Gospels. Saint-Omer, France, early 11th cent.
- M.340 Gospel book. Constantinople, early 13th cent.
- M.346 Sketchbook formed of six panels of prepared boxwood. France, probably Paris, ca. 1400.
- M.348 Book of hours. Avignon, France, ca. 1485-1490.
- M.349 Book of hours. Delft, Netherlands, ca. 1440.
- M.358 Book of hours. Provence, France, ca. 1440-1450.
- M.359 Book of hours. Paris, France, 1430-1435
- M.360.1-26 Hungarian Anjou legendary single leaves. Bologna, Italy, 1325-1335.
- M.367 Compendium historiae in genealogia Christi. Picardy, France, late 13th century.
- M.378 Gospel book. Greece, perhaps Mount Athos, 13th cent.
- M.379 Missal. Foligno, Italy, late 11th or early 12th century.
- M.380 Book of hours. Tours, France, ca. 1490
- M.389 Phaenomena. Naples, Italy, 1469
- M.390 Book of hours. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1500
- M.394 Bible historiale. Paris, France, first quarter of 15th cent.
- M.395 Bible. Paris, France, 1400-1425
- M.398 Chrysobull. Constantinople, 1307.
- M.399 Da Costa hours. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1515.
- M.402 Vaticinia sive prophetiae et imagines summorum pontificum. Italy, ca. 1390
- M.421 Book of hours. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1450
- M.423 Gospel lectionary. Italy, perhaps in Capua, 1299.
- M.427 Canzionere. Rome, Italy, ca. 1500.
- M.428 Mariegola of the Scuola di Santa Maria Nova. Venice, Italy, third quarter of the 15th century
- M.429 Commentary on the Apocalypse and commentary on the Book of Daniel. Spain, perhaps Toledo, 1220
- M.431 Book of hours. Rouen, France, early 16th century
- M.433 Bible historiale. France, probably Paris, first quarter of the 14th century.
- M.436 Bible. Padua, Italy, ca. 1287-1300.
- M.439 Book of hours. Belgium, perhaps Ghent, 1420-1430.
- M.440 Grosbois psalter. Liège, Belgium, 1261.
- M.443 Metamorphoses. ca. 1410
- M.444 Antiphonary single leaf (cutting). Bologna, Italy, 1475-1499.
- M.447 Codex Justinianus. Bologna, Italy, ca. 1280-1290.
- M.451 Book of hours. Bruges, Belgium, 1531
- M.452 Book of hours. France, probably Tours, ca. 1530-1535
- M.453 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1425-1430
- M.454 Hours of Cecilia Gonzaga. Italy, probably Milan, ca. 1470
- M.455 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1417
- M.456 Avis aus roys. France, probably Paris, mid 14th cent.
- M.459 Bestiaire d'amour. Northern Italy, ca. 1290.
- M.472 Missal. Perugia, Italy, 1472-1499
- M.484 Apocalypse of Margaret of York. Ghent, Belgium, ca. 1475.
- M.487 Book of hours. England, perhaps in Winchester, 1490s
- M.491 Charles V hours. Belgium, probably Brussels, 1533.
- M.492 Gospels of Matilda, Countess of Tuscany. San Benedetto Po, Italy, between 1075 and 1099
- M.494 Thirteenth-century French Bible. Paris, France, third quarter of the thirteenth century
- M.498 Devotional miscellany. Naples, Italy, last quarter of 14th century
- M.499 Miscellany. Constantinople, third quarter of 14th cent.
- M.500 Benefits of animals. Maragheh, Iran, 1297-1298 or 1299-1300, and 19th cent.
- M.511 Calendar. Bologna, Italy, 1324-1328.
- M.524 Morgan apocalypse. London, England and France, between 1255 and 1260
- M.536 Grandes chroniques de France. Northern France, 1410-1412
- M.558.1 Cutting from a 15th century Italian psalter. Milan, Italy, second quarter of 15th cent.
- M.558.2 Cutting from a 15th century Italian psalter. Milan, Italy, second quarter of 15th cent.
- M.558.3 Cutting from a 15th century Italian choir book. Milan, Italy, second quarter of 15th cent.
- M.558.4 Cutting from a 15th century Italian choir book. Milan, Italy, second quarter of 15th cent.
- M.558.5 Cutting from a 15th century Italian choir book. Milan, Italy, 1450-1474.
- M.563 Martyrology and rule of St. Benedict. Mönchengladbach, Germany, ca. 1140-1155
- M.574 Hermeneiai with Various Hymns. Touton scriptorum, Fayyūm Province, Egypt, 897 or 898.
- M.577 Miscellany. Touton scriptorium, Fayyūm Province, Egypt, before August 30, 895.
- M.579 Hagiographic Miscellany. Egypt, before Aug. 30, 823.
- M.581 Martyrdom of St. Pteleme. Egypt, 9th cent.-early 10th cent.
- M.585 Hagiographic Miscellany. Egypt, 822-914.
- M.597 Miscellany in Honor of the Virgin Mary. Touton scriptorium, Fayyūm Province, Egypt, 913-914.
- M.612 Encomium on the four Bodiless Beasts. Ptepouhar, Egypt, 892-893.
- M.622 Menologium. Sis, Cilicia, 1348.
- M.632 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1520
- M.638 Old Testament miniatures. Paris, France, ca. 1244-1254
- M.641 Mont-Saint-Michel sacramentary. Mont-Saint-Michel, France, ca. 1060
- M.643 Scenes from the life of Christ and the life of the Blessed Gerard of Villamagna. Florence, Italy, ca. 1320.
- M.644 Commentary on the Apocalypse. Spain, perhaps in TaÌbara, ca. 940-945.
- M.645 Psalter fragment. Germany, perhaps Swabia, between 1175 and 1199.
- M.647 Gospel lectionary. second half of 11th cent.
- M.649 Typologische taferelen uit het leven van Jezus. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1440.
- M.651 Gospel book. Cologne, Germany, second quarter of 11th cent.
- M.652 De materia medica. Constantinople, mid 10th cent.
- M.659 Breviary or Book of Hours single leaf. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1500.
- M.677 Hours of Anne of France. Bourges, France, ca. 1473
- M.679 Psalter. England, probably in Winchester, second half of 13th cent.
- M.690 Confessio amantis. England, 1350-1399.
- M.691 Tafel van den Kersten Ghelove. Netherlands, perhaps Utrecht, ca. 1405-1410
- M.692 New York Cruciform Lectionary. Constantinople, mid 12th cent.
- M.698 Psalter leaf. Brixen, Austria, or Southern Germany 1235-ca. 1250.
- M.700 DuBois hours. England, probably Oxford, ca. 1325-1330
- M.708 Judith of Flanders gospels. England, 1051-1064.
- M.711 Gradual, Sequentiary, and Sacramentary. Weingarten, Germany, ca. 1225-1250.
- M.713 Stefaneschi missal. Florence, Italy, or in Avignon, France, during the late 1320s
- M.716.1-4 Decretals of Pope Gregory IX with the glossa ordinaria single leaves. Bologna, Italy, 1330-1335.
- M.723 Fleur des histoires d'Orient. France, probably Arras, 1390-1410
- M.725 Gradual single leaf. Milan, Italy, ca. 1500.
- M.728 Gospel book. Reims, France, ca. 860
- M.729 Psalter-Hours of Yolande de Soissons. Amiens, France, between 1280 and 1299
- M.730 Psalter-Hours of Guiluys de Boisleux. Arras, France, 1243-1246
- M.732 Book of hours. Tours, France, ca. 1515
- M.735 Livro de la Menscalcia de li cavalli. Italy, perhaps in Apulia, early 15th cent.
- M.736 Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund. Bury St. Edmunds, England, ca. 1130.
- M.737 Sacramentary. Florence, Italy, ca. 1150-1160.
- M.739 Book of hours. Germany, possibly Bamberg, 1204-1219
- M.740 Gospel book. Sis, Cilicia, 1274
- M.742 Leaf from the Laudario of the Compagnia di Sant'Agnese. Florence, Italy, ca. 1340
- M.762 Papal indulgence granted to the Chapel of Santa Maria at Castro-Puristalli, in the diocese of Trent. Mar. 28, 1331.
- M.763 Renner. Austria, probably in Tyrol, last quarter of the 15th cent.
- M.771 Fiore di vertu. Central or Southeastern France, ca. 1460.
- M.772 Pèlerinage de la vie humaine. France, 1348.
- M.774 Gospel book single leaf. Syria, 12th-13th centuries.
- M.775 Ordonances of Chivalry. England, probably London, third and fourth quarters of the 15th century
- M.777 Mostyn Gospels. England, perhaps Gloucester ca. 1130
- M.780 Gospel lectionary. Salzburg, Austria, 1070-1090.
- M.781 Saint Peter Gospels. Salzburg, Austria, second quarter 11th cent.
- M.785 Astrological treatises. Bruges, Belgium, in the 15th century, in or before 1403
- M.789.1-3 Gospel book single leaves. Sisian, Armenia, 1296.
- M.791 Lothian Bible. Oxford, England, ca. 1220
- M.796 Psalter. Amiens, France, 1297-1310
- M.800 Liturgical miscellany. Bologna, Italy, ca. 1370
- M.804 Chroniques. France, probably Troyes, ca. 1412.
- M.821 Single leaf from Pope Boniface VIII's liber sextus decretalium with the glossa ordinaria of Johannes Andreae (Giovanni d'Andrea). Bologna, Italy, ca. 1330-1335.
- M.827 Gospel Book (Anhalt-Morgan Gospels). France, possibly St. Bertin, or Belgium, at St. Vaast in Arras, late 10th cent.
- M.833 Bible. Bohemia, Prague or Raudnitz, 1391
- M.834 Hours of Jean Robertet. Tours, France, ca. 1465-1468 ; Bourges, France, ca. 1470
- M.854 Book of hours (Hours of Infante Don Alfonso of Castile). Spain, perhaps Burgos or Segovia, 1465-1480.
- M.855 Gradual, Sequentiary, Sacramentary. Austria, perhaps Salzburg, ca. 1260-1264
- M.878 Antiphonary single leaf Vienna, Austria, ca. 1420
- M.879 Assumption of the Virgin miniature. Venice, Italy, ca. 1550
- M.885 Breviary single leaf. Veneto, Italy, 1420-1430
- M.892.1-3 M.892.1, Christ: Resurrection : initial R, margin, right, margin, lower. Hamburg, Germany, second half of 14th cent., before 1381
- M.892.1-3 M.892.2, Scene, Liturgical: Celebration of Mass : initial C and margin. Hamburg, Germany, second half of 14th cent., before 1381
- M.892.1-3 M.892.3, Christ: Presentation : initial S, margins. Hamburg, Germany, second half of 14th cent., before 1381
- M.893 Beauchamp or Warwick hours and psalter. England, perhaps London, 1430-1445; Italy, ca. 1482
- M.894 Vita Christi. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1487-1490
- M.896.1-2 Two miniatures based on Albrecht Dürer engravings. Nuremberg, Germany, ca. 1520.
- M.905 Geese Book. Nuremberg, Germany, 1507-1510.
- M.908.1-5 Church Calendar leaves. Liège, Belgium, ca. 1250.
- M.913 Psalter single leaf. Oxford, England, 1230-1240
- M.925 Computus collection. Italy, possibly Piacenza, 1018-1032
- M.956 Descents of the houses of Warwick and Essex. England, 16th cent.
- M.958 Antiphonary leaf for the Office of St. Zenobius. Florence, Italy, 1360-1370
- M.961 Antiphonary leaf. Prague, Czech Republic, ca. 1400-1410.
- M.963 Single leaf with Joseph scenes and Genesis text. Salzburg, Austria, mid 12th cent.
- M.964 Leaf from a confraternity document. Perugia, Italy, 1401-1432
- M.965 Gradual single leaf (cutting), with St. John the Evangelist Florence, Italy, 1475-1499
- M.982 Philosophy nourishing the seven liberal arts, with Arithmetic, Astronomy, Music and a fourth art instructing. Salzburg, Austria, second third of the 12th century
- M.984 Christ in majesty. Cologne, Germany, 1175-1199
- M.985 Angel crowning a saint with roses. Milan, Italy, 1425-1450.
- M.1000 Book of hours. Paris, France, ca. 1420
- M.1001 Book of hours. Poitiers, France, ca. 1475
- M.1003 Book of hours. France, perhaps in Paris or northeastern France, ca. 1465
- M.1004 Hours of Charlotte of Savoy. Paris, France, ca. 1420-1425
- M.1020 Book of hours. France, possibly Angers, ca. 1450
- M.1027 Book of hours. France, perhaps Paris, ca. 1465.
- M.1030 Book of hours. France, possibly Tours, ca. 1540
- M.1031 Book of hours. Haarlem, Netherlands, 1445-1460.
- M.1037 Pentecost leaf from a Gospel lectionary. England or France, ca. 1100
- M.1039 Book of hours. Lorraine, France, 1490-1495.
- M.1042 Breviary fragment. Paris, France, 1285-1297
- M.1043.1-2 Four miniatures from an Apocalypse. France, probably Lorraine, 1290-1299.
- M.1043.1-2 Four miniatures from an Apocalypse. France, probably Lorraine, 1290-1299.
- M.1044 Livre de la chasse. Paris, France, ca. 1410.
- M.1046 Meeting of Abraham and Melchisedech, leaf from a breviary. Belgium, probably Ghent or Bruges, ca. 1500
- M.1047 Prayerbook leaves. Regensburg, Germany, ca. 1515.
- M.1050 Psalter leaf. Bologna, Italy, late 13th cent.
- M.1052 Book of hours. Naples, Italy, 1483
- M.1053 Book of hours. France, probably Cambrai, 1490-1500
- M.1055 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1465-1475.
- M.1056 Register of creditors of a Bolognese lending society. Bologna, Italy, 1390-1400
- M.1057 Seleucus Callinicus and Antiochus Hierax before Boccaccio, Deaths of Seleucus and Antiochus. Loire River Valley, France, ca. 1470-1480
- M.1062 Cato maior de senectute. Tuscany, Italy, first half of 15th cent.
- M.1063 Standing monk preaching to seated man. Northern Europe, 14th cent.
- M.1066 Book of hours. Lyon or Amiens, France, ca. 1450-1460
- M.1067 Book of hours fragment. France, possibly the Loire River Valley, ca. 1460.
- M.1069.1-2 Isaiah and Resurrected Christ. Padua, Italy, late 15th or early 16th cent.
- M.1071.1-2 Four miniatures from an Apocalypse. France, probably Lorraine, 1290-1299.
- M.1073 Book of hours. Netherlands, ca. 1410-1420.
- M.1077 Book of hours. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1475-1485.
- M.1078 Croesinck hours. Netherlands, ca. 1494.
- M.1081 Antiphonary single leaf (cutting). Florence, Italy 1470-1480.
- M.1082 Dogale. Venice, Italy, 1567-1599
- M.1083 Book of hours. Italy, possibly Florence, ca. 1470-1489
- M.1084 Book of hours. France, ca. 1460
- M.1090 Antiphonary single leaf. Milan, Italy, ca. 1500.
- M.1091 Antiphonary single leaf. Milan, Italy, ca. 1500
- M.1093 Book of hours. Rouen, France, ca. 1470
- M.1107 Book of hours. France, perhaps Provence, ca. 1470-1480.
- M.1111 Gospel book leaf. Sis, Turkey, 1274.
- M.1112 Gospel book leaf. Lake Van region, Turkey, 14th cent.
- M.1116 Poème sur la Passion. Rouen, France, ca. 1530
- M.1129 Archangel Michael transfixing Satan. Venice, Italy, ca. 1420.
- M.1134 Composite leaf with miniature. Rome, Italy, 1523.
- M.319a Ivory plaque, Christ and Four Beasts : relief. England, 925-950
- S.14 Book of hours. Tyrol, Austria, or southern Germany, ca. 1500.
Erstellt: 2010-09
ORB (W3)
"ORB" steht für "Online Reference Book of Medieval Studies".
- Antecedents
- De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors, ed. Mike DiMaio
- Late Antiquity in the Mediterranean, ed. Steve Muhlberger
- Collapse of the Roman Empire - Military Aspects by Hugh Elton
- Late Roman Army by Hugh Elton
- "Barbarization" in the Late Roman Army by Hugh Elton
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- Sub-Roman Britain, ed. Christopher Snyder
- The Celtic Fringe, ed. Christopher Snyder
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- In process: "The Conversion of Pagan Slavs to Christianity" (Skip Knox)
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- Leaves of Gold
- A collaborative project of the Philadelphia Musium of Art and the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL); website designed by Laura Blanchard
- Monumental Brass Society
- History, bibliography and 170 images of brasses and incised slabs, mostly medieval.
- Symbols of the Four Evangelists, ed. Felix Just
- Site contains both texts and images
- The Aberdeen Bestiary Project
- The Burnet Psalter at Aberdeen University
- Danish Church Art, ed. James Mills
- The Art and Architecture of Exeter Cathedral
- Medieval Wall Painting in the English Parish Church, ed. Anne Marshall
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- All the Saints of the City of Angels, illus. J. Michael Walker
- This site explores the cultural and spiritual heritage of Los Angeles, California, seeking connections between the lives of the saints and the histories surrounding the 85 streets that bear their names. ORB readers are invited to visit the site and to contribute related information within their areas of expertise.
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uiuc - Latin Middle Ages
Medieval Studies - Etymologies and Distinctiones
Uni Pennsylvenia - Bosworth and Toller
An Anglo-Saxon dictionary, based on the manuscript collections of the late Joseph Bosworth; edited and enlarged by T. Northcote Toller
Uni Pennsylvenia - Bright's Anglo-Saxon Reader
Available here is the entirety of Bright's Anglo-Saxon Reader (1912).