(E?)(L?) http://ancienthistory.about.com/sitesearch.htm?q=etymology
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A Little Etymology - Greek and Latin Roots and a Little Etymology ...
Greek and Latin Roots and a little etymology. A few tables to help make sense of compound words by looking at the etymology, Greek and Latin roots and the ...
etymology - definition and examples of etymology
(1) The origin or derivation of a word. (2) The branch of linguistics concerned with the history of the forms and meanings of words.
Etymology - English Word Histories - Stories of Words - Definition of ...
The etymology of a word refers to its origin and historical development: that is, its earliest known use, its transmission from one language to another, and its ...
Definition of 'Etymology' - Grammar Glossary for Spanish and English
Definition: The branch of linguistics that studies the origin and development of words and other linguistic forms. Examples of areas that are studied include the ...
Huracán - Hurricane - Words We Share in Spanish and English
Etymology: Unlike most words that ... References: American Heritage Dictionary, Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, Online Etymology Dictionary ...
Math Terms - The Etymology of Geometry Terms
What do those math terms mean? Here you can read about geometry terms. Knowing the etymology of these terms helps in understanding geometry.
Etymology of Italia - What Is the Etymology of Italia Italy?
I am taking the email as an explicit request that I include an article addressing the question "what is the etymology of Italia (Italy)?" I hadn't done so because ...
Etymology - Roots of Words - Etymology
Etymology is the study of the meanings and roots of words. This etymology page focuses mainly on Latin and Greek origins of words, based on the parts and ...
Etymology Exercise - Exploring Word Origins
In this exercise, you will explore the origins of 10 words that have experienced some interesting changes in meaning over the centuries.
Erstellt: 2012-06