Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Kalender, Calendario, Calendrier, Calendario, Calendar, (esper.) kalendaroj



bad-hair day (W3)

Ein Hersteller von Shampoo will herausgefunden haben, dass es es Korrelationen gibt zwischen einem "Tag, an dem alles schief geht" und dem Zustand der Haare des Pechvogels.

Der Ursprung der englischen Redewendung geht laut William Safire zurück auf den Komiker Gary Shandling zu dessen Standards (1991) die Frage gehörte: "Is my hair all right?".
Im Jahr 1995 erhob der Fernsehjournalist Jane Pauley den Anspruch, diese Redewendung bereits bereits um 1970 geprägt zu haben.


calendar (W2)

Calendars Net


Display and edit your own calendar of events. Let others post and view events . . . or not. Link your calendar to your web site. View and print out calendars by the day, week, month, or year.

Calendars also available with layout and menus in Danish, Dutch, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, or Swedish

Calendars Net is a free interactive web calendar hosting service, where you and anyone you choose can post events visible and printable by whomever you choose, or everyone. You can post events that span more than one day (with text flowing across days or even weeks) or that recur every 1st or 4th Tuesday of each month, etc. You can copy the calendar data to your own computer and edit your calendar offline.

Erstellt: 2014-02

Calends (W2)


"Calends" was the first day of the old Roman month. The days were counted backwards from the calends to the ides.

A calendar was an accounting book where the calends was the first day of the month. Most likely from "calare" = "to proclaim". In the early days it was a register, especially for canonized saints.



Dezember (W2)


meaning "rain" - in "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember".

Demnach heissen

Da die Monate Januar und Februar erst später am Anfang eingeschoben wurden stimmt die Zählung heute nicht mehr mit der Monatsfolge überein.




Halloween (W2)

Ein heidnisches Fest kehrt über die USA nach Europa zurück

Das Wort "Halloween" geht auf "hallows' eve" ("Vorabend von Allerheiligen") zurück, und das Fest wird dementsprechend am 31. Oktober gefeiert. Ursprünglich begingen an diesem Tag die Kelten und Angelsachsen das Ende des Sommers bzw. den Anfang des Winters, der mit dem Beginn des neuen Jahres zusammenfiel. Es war das Fest des Totengottes Samhain, der nun nach dem Sonnengott die Herrschaft übernahm. Nach keltischem Glauben wurde am Abend von Samhain den Seelen der im Vorjahr Verstorbenen eine kurze Rückkehr nach Hause erlaubt. Da der Sage nach an diesem Abend viele Geister, Hexen, Kobolde und Dämonen umherschweiften, beging man die Feier zum großen Teil mit Feuern, die die bösen Wesen vertreiben, und mit Opfern, die sie besänftigen sollten. Außerdem maskierte man sich zu diesem Zweck.

Im Jahre 837 ordnete Papst Gregor IV. an, dass am 1. November das Allerheiligenfest gefeiert werden sollte. Auf diese Weise wurde das heidnische Fest durch einen christlichen Hintergrund entschärft.

Schon beim Samhainsfest spielte die Herstellung von Masken aus Kartoffeln oder Rüben eine Rolle. Als im 19. Jahrhundert Halloween, vor allem durch irische Einwanderer, in den Vereinigten Staaten populär wurde, ersetzte man diese Feldfrüchte durch den Kürbis. Heute ziehen die Kinder mit kerzenerleuchteten Kürbismasken ("jack-o'-lantern") von Haus zu Haus und fragen: "Trick or treat?", d. h., ob sie einen Streich spielen sollen oder ob sie ein Geschenk erhalten. Im Allgemeinen bekommen sie Süßigkeiten, und Streiche werden nicht ausgeführt.

Ebenso wie andere Feste wurde Halloween von der Industrie als willkommene Absatzgelegenheit genutzt, vor allem Masken und Kostüme haben kurz vor Halloween Hochkonjunktur. In den USA ist Halloween bereits ein größerer Umsatzschlager als Ostern oder Muttertag und rangiert nicht weit hinter Weihnachten.

Inzwischen hat das Fest auch in Deutschland und anderen europäischen Ländern Einzug gehalten. Halloween-Partys sind unter deutschen Jugendlichen bereits eine beliebte Veranstaltung. Vereinzelt wird das Kinderfest Halloween von älteren Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen auch wieder mit einem dämonischen bzw. erotischen Charakter versehen, und der Begriff "Halloween" wird in Gruselfilmen und -romanen eingesetzt.


"Halloween" originated as Celtic New Year's Eve, the "eve of Samhain", or "Winter's Eve". In the 5th century BC, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially ended on 31 October. It was believed that, on that day, the disembodied spirits of all those who had died throughout the preceding year would come back in search of living bodies to possess for the next year, their only hope for the afterlife. Naturally the still-living did not want to be possessed. So on the night of 31 October, villagers would extinguish the fires in the homes to make them cold and undesirable. They'd dress up in all manner of ghoulish costumes and noisily parade around the neighbourhood in order to frighten away spirits looking for bodies to possess. The bonfires that were once burned at Halloween to ward off these evil spirits are now lit on 5 November in celebration of Guy Fawkes Night (or Bonfire Night). The church adopted 1 November as the feast of "All Hallow's" or "All Saints'" in an attempt to christianise the pagan festival. The last evening of October was thus transformed into the "Eve of All Saints'" or "All Hallow Even" and shortened to "Hallow-e'en".


Halloween, citrouilles et cucurbitacées



But this fun festival of pumpkins, luminous skeletons and the rest is just a relic of what has been for millennia a most important date, the end of the old year. It was formerly the eve of the Celtic festival of Samhain, a name which comes down to us directly from the Gaelic for the end of summer. When Britain was Christianised, it become All Saints’ Day, or Hallowmass, itself a shortened form of All-Hallows’ Mass, where hallow is the Old English halig, “a holy man“, from which we also get our words holy and hallow. The eve of this important day was All-Hallows’ Even, which has become corrupted to Hallow-e’en, now more commonly spelt Hallowe’en or Halloween.

tdih - This Day in History


Holiday Insights
tradition, fun, facts and more


You've arrived at Holiday Insights, where you will find fun, information, and lots more about every holiday you can imagine. We've got you covered on the big ones, the small ones, and all of 'em in between. So, whether you are looking up information, doing a school report, looking for Ecards or screensavers, clipart perhaps, or just having fun, surf on through and come back often.

Major 2006 Holidays and Events Year 2006

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Daily Holidays

Daily Holidays

Holiday Dates

Holiday Celebrations and Descriptions


Indian Summer (W3)

= "a short period of warm weather in Autumn" = "Altweibersommer" - The term first appeared in print in the late 1700s. It's thought to come from the Native American practice of gathering winter stores during this unseasonably warm weather. Although the name "Indian summer" is an Americanism (it originated in New England), the weather phenomenon also exists in Britain, where it is known as "all-Halloween summer" or "Old Wives' summer".

Indian summer also has developed a figurative sense, too, naming "a happy or flourishing period occurring toward the end of something".


Jingle Bells (W3)

Das besondere an diesem Weihnachtslied ist, dass es ursprünglich gar kein Weihnachtslied war, sondern einfach nur ein Schlittenfahrt-Lied und eher in die Reihe der Vergnügungs-Liedchen einzureihen ist.

Ursprünglich wurden die "Jingle Bells" von James Pierpont im Jahr 1857 zum Erntedankfest in seiner Kirche in Boston geschrieben. Das Lied kam so gut an, dass es die Kinder auch an Weihnachten vortragen mußten. Seither ist es ein Weihnachtslied.

"jingle bell" = dt. "Schelle", "Klingglöckchen"


"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way" - Mention Christmas bells to Australians, and we think of beautiful red and yellow native flowers which were shown on a five-cent stamp. But if you mention the Christmas bell to the good folk of the small English town of Dewsbury, in Yorkshire, they must think of the bell in their church, "Dewsbury Minster", and wonder whether it will ever stop chiming. Every Christmas Eve it sounds the Devil's Knell for more than two hours.

Christmas Stories: Jingle Bells


Inside this Article


James Lord Pierpont (1822-1893)
The colorful James Pierpont was the author of "One Horse Open Sleigh" which was first published in 1857. In 1859, he reissued the song under a new name: "Jingle Bells." It was a "sleighing song" which was a popular topic of the time and had nothing to do with Christmas, or for that matter, Thanksgiving.

Jingle Bells / heller Glockenklang / Vive le vent d'hiver




Jingle Bell Rock - by Bobby Helms


Jingle Bell Rock - by Bobby Rydell & Chubby Checker


Jingle Bells - by Kimberley Locke

Jingle bells, pedophile
December 7, 2009 @ 5:29 am
Top story of the morning in the UK for the serious language scientist must surely be the report in The Sun concerning a children's toy mouse that is supposed to sing "Jingle bells, jingle bells" but instead sings "Pedophile, pedophile". Said one appalled mother who squeezed the mouse, "Luckily my children are too young […]


Erstellt: 2010-06

Calendars and Chronology



John P. Pratt

Erstellt: 2011-03







Poinsettia Day (W3)




Die aus Mexiko stammende "Poinsettia"-Pflanze ist nach "Joel Roberts Poinsett" (1779 - 1851) benannt, der sie in die USA einführte. Der 12. Dezember 1851 war der Todestag des Namensgebers. Und aus diesem Anlaß wurde der 12. Dezember durch einen Akt des US-Kongresses zum "Poinsettien-Tag" erklärt.








Dates & Times


Date & Time Computations Time Zones Calendars Holidays Recurring Events Unix Time Geochronology

Erstellt: 2011-10




Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Kalender, Calendario, Calendrier, Calendario, Calendar, (esper.) kalendaroj




Chase's Calendar of Events Annual

Chase's Calendar of Events
Sprache: Englisch
Taschenbuch - Contemporary Books Inc
Erscheinungsdatum: 26. Januar 2000
Auflage: Book & CD
ISBN: 0809227762

Who says a thorough reference book has to be dull? Filled with minutiae and irrelevance as well as useful information, Chase's Calendar of Events is about as eclectic as it gets. Turn to a day and find an armful of fact - not all of it relevant, but pretty much all of it fun. Birthdays and anniversaries of historical happenings are duly noted with capsule descriptions of the whos, whats, and whys. Need a reason to celebrate? How about Hug an Australian Day, April 26? Or Answer Your Cat's Question Day, January 22? Or National Mole Day, October 23? Special events with fixed schedules--the Festival of the North in Ketchikan, Alaska; Mudbug Madness, in Shreveport, Louisiana; the Edinburgh International Festival; and the Super Bowl, for instance - are properly inked in so you can't possibly forget them. Best of all, the book comes with a postcard redeemable for a free, searchable CD-ROM of its more than 12,000 entries. Irresistible and dangerously addictive entertainment. - Sunny Delaney

Includes more than 10,000 holidays, holy days, national and ethnic celebrations, astronomical phenomena, festivals, fairs, anniversaries, and other events from around the world.

Since 1957, Chase's Calendar of Events has been the ultimate reference calendar: the standard day-by-day directory to special days, weeks and months as well as holidays, historical anniversaries and fairs and festivals. Each edition of Chase's Calendar of Events has more than 12,000 listings. It's a "must have" for broadcasters, journalists, advertising and PR agencies, event planners, activity directors, speakers, librarians or anyone looking for something to celebrate each and every day! The book is revised annually and the new edition always publishes in the fall for the following year.











McNamee, Gregory (Autor)
The Word Origin 2014 Day-to-Day Calendar
Words, Cliches, Expressions, and Brand Names

Kalender: 640 Seiten
Verlag: Andrews McMeel Publishing; Auflage: 2014. (11. Juni 2013)
Sprache: Englisch


Learn the noteworthy roots behind words and phrases such as Skype, "back to square one", woodchuck, motley crew, IKEA, eschew, and more. Insights into the origins range from amusing, to thought-provoking, to sometimes simply bizarre.

Entertaining etymological tidbits greet language lovers with daily lessons from The Word Origin 2014 Day-to-Day Calendar in the derivation of words, cliches, expressions, and brand names.

Erstellt: 2013-09

McNamee, Gregory (Autor)
Word Origin 2013 Day-to-Day Calendar
words, cliches, expressions, and brand names

Kalender: 640 Seiten
Verlag: Andrews McMeel Publishing; Auflage: Pag (5. Juni 2012)
Sprache: Englisch


With a year’s worth of etymological fun, The Word Origin Calendar offers language lovers daily vocabulary lessons ranging from witty, to thought-provoking, to sometimes just plain weird. Each day language lovers glean entertaining insights into everyday words, clichés, expressions, and brand names as well as more obscure jargon. Learn the fascinating origin behind words and phrases such as: muffuletta, emoticon, turn chicken, holy moly, cowabunga, and more.

Erstellt: 2012-08

McNamee, Gregory
Andrews McMeel Publishing (Autor)
The Word Origin Calendar 2012
Word Origin: 2012 Day-to-Day Calendar

Kalender: 640 Seiten
Verlag: Andrews McMeel Publishing; Auflage: 2012. (15. Juli 2011)
Sprache: Englisch

The Word Origin 2012 Day-to-Day Calendar offers language lovers entertaining insight into everyday words, cliches, expressions, and brand names. It also delves into the evolution of more obscure jargon to provide daily vocabulary lessons ranging from witty, to thought-provoking, to sometimes just plain weird - all for a year's worth of etymological fun. Learn the fascinating roots behind words and phrases such as pound sign, Mafia, bait and switch, biohazard, kibosh, and more.

Erstellt: 2011-12

McNamee, Gregory (Autor)
Accord Publishing
The Word Origin Calendar 2011

Day-To-Day Calendar: 2011
Kalender: 640 Seiten
Verlag: Accord Pub Ltd; Auflage: Pag (15. Juli 2010)
Sprache: Englisch

"Yips" "Guillotine" "Bada-Bing"
Word lovers delight in the entertaining insight The Word Origin 2011 Day-to-Day Calendar brings to everyday words, cliches, expressions, and brand names. Each day offers interesting glimpses into the origin and development of the colorful words and phrases we all use.

Erstellt: 2010-07

McNamee, Gregory (compiled by)
Accord Publishing
The Word Origin Calendar 2010
Words, Cliches, Expressions, and Brand Names

Kalender: 320 Seiten
Verlag: Andrews & Mcmeel; Auflage: Pag (1. August 2009)
Sprache: Englisch

Ever wondered where everyday words, expressions, and brand names come from, such as "picnic," "monkey wrench," and "nerd"? If so, this is the calendar for you!

Each day of the The Word Origin: Words, Cliches, Expressions, and Brand Names 2010 Day-to-Day Calendar offers entertaining insight into the origin and development of the colorful words and phrases we all use.

McNamee, Gregory (compiled by)
Accord Publishing
The Word Origin Calendar 2009
Words, Cliches, Expressions, and Brand Names

Kalender: 320 Seiten
Verlag: Accord Publishing; Auflage: Pag (August 2008)
Sprache: Englisch

McNamee, Gregory (compiled by)
Accord Publishing
The Word Origin Calendar 2008
Words, Cliches, Expressions, and Brand Names

Kalender: 320 Seiten
Verlag: Accord Publishing Ltd; Auflage: Pag (August 2007)
Sprache: Englisch











Whiteley, Sandy
On This Date
A Day-By-Day Listing of Holidays, Birthday and Historic Events, and Special Days, Weeks and Months

von Sandy Whiteley (Übersetzer)
Sprache: Englisch
Taschenbuch - 384 Seiten - McGraw-Hill Companies
Erscheinungsdatum: Oktober 2002