401K, 401(k) Plan (W3)
(E?)(L?) https://owad.de/word(FOUR-OH-ONE-KAY) = "an investment plan" = "Altersvorsorge"
A 401(k) is a optional retirement plan supported by many companies. This money is taken out and invested before the paycheck is taxed. Often there is a company matching plan where they will also contribute a percentage of the money contributed by the employee.
401k is a US financial instrument - expect to use this word with Americans, you'll probably need to explain it to the British.
(E?)(L?) http://money.howstuffworks.com/401k.htm
Most of us have heard of it, many of us participate in it and lots of us have no idea what it really is. The "401(k)" is a financial setup that makes saving for the golden years a lot easier than it used to be.