Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Genealogie, Genealogía, Généalogie, Genealogia, Genealogy, (esper.) genealogio


Genealogy of Surnames

All Surnames Genealogy - Links zu 1.950 Surname Sites!

(teilweise kostenpflichtig)
Genealogical Glossary


Long-time genealogists may forget that they were once beginners, and learning the terms, abbreviations, charts, and methods associated with genealogy was a lot like learning a foreign language. This column is the first of a two-part "glossary" of terms that all genealogists should know. It's not all-inclusive; for terms with multiple definitions, only the definition relevant to genealogy is given. Until you become familiar with the "alphabet soup" of genealogical terms, don't be discouraged if you can't tell if your coming (immigrating), or going (emigrating).

Erstellt: 2011-06

Ancestry by DNA


Discover Your Genealogy - Learn About Your Family DNA With Our Easy, At Home, Convenient Test -

Erstellt: 2011-06

Ancestry Images
Archiv historischer Bilder


Erstellt: 2010-10

Genealogy Resource Guide



The maxim “know thyself” was well known among the ancient Greeks and to this day people still recite those wise words – especially when searching online for “how-to-genealogy.” Casually known as one’s family history or tree, genealogy is the study of family lineages and defined by the Society of Genealogists as the “…establishment of a Pedigree by extracting evidence, from valid sources, of how one generation is connected to the next.” In addition to helping individuals figure out their roots, genealogy can also offer a more-detailed view of their family’s role in the grand scheme of history.

While many people are motivated by the possibility of discovering that their relatives may have been wealthy or famous, it can be illuminating to learn about one’s own heritage and rewarding to pass that knowledge down to future generations. Genealogical information can bring families closer together, offer a new perspective, and guide future decisions. Best of all, it allows one to… know thyself.

Erstellt: 2018-11


California Geographical Survey
United States First Ancestry

United States - Ancestry Maps, 1990 (Digital Atlas of the United States)



Percent Unclassified 1990

Erstellt: 2011-06



Ancestry Maps

United States - Ancestry, Top Cities by Ethnic Group


We've mapped communities in the continental U.S. by heritage, showing the places with the highest proportions of Greeks, Swiss and 103 other ethnic groups to help you start your ancestry search.



| Acadian - Cajun | African - American | Albanian | Alsatian | Apache | Arab | Armenian | Asian Indian | Assyrian - Chaldean - Syriac | Australian | Austrian | Bahamian | Basque | Belgian | Brazilian | British West Indian | Bulgarian | Cambodian | Canadian | Cape Verdean | Cherokee | Cheyenne | Chickasaw | Chinese | Chippewa | Choctaw | Colombian | Comanche | Creek | Croatian | Cuban | Czech | Danish | Dominican Republic | Dutch | Dutch West Indian | Ecuadorian | Egyptian | English | Ethiopian | Finnish | French | French - Canadian | German | Ghanian | Greek | Guatemalan | Guyanese | Haitian | Hmong | Honduran | Houma | Hungarian | Icelander | Iranian | Iraqi | Irish | Iroquois | Israeli | Italian | Jamaican | Japanese | Korean | Laotian | Latvian | Lebanese | Liberian | Lithuanian | Mexican | Navajo | Nicaraguan | Nigerian | Norwegian | Ottawa | Pakistani | Palestinian | Pennsylvania - German | Peruvian | Polish | Portuguese | Potawatomi | Pueblo | Puerto Rican | Romanian | Russian | Salvadoran | Scotch-Irish | Scottish | Seminole | Serbian | Shoshone | Sioux | Slavic | Somalian | South African | Swedish | Swiss | Syrian | Taiwanese | Trinidadian - Tobagonian | Turkish | Ukrainian | Venezuelan | Vietnamese | Welsh | Yugoslavian

Erstellt: 2011-06


Ancestry of the U.S. Population by Rank


This page displays the number of people who self-identified ancestry on the 2000 census. See below the table for more information.

Erstellt: 2011-06
Family Search, Family History, Family Tree and Genealogy
Multilingual Genealogy Glossary
Familienverzeichnis der Mormonen

Die Ahnendatenbanken der "Mormonen" enthalten viele Millionen Einträge, die auch für Deutschland interessant sind.
Die Mormonen tragen seit 100 Jahren Informationen zusammen.


The largest collection of free family history, family tree and genealogy records in the world. is a non-profit service sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We believe that every person is important and that families are meant to be both sacred and eternal. We encourage all people to find their ancestors and preserve their family histories. To help in this great pursuit, the Church has been actively gathering and preserving genealogical records worldwide for over 100 years.

We have learned that interest in family history is not limited by culture, ethnicity or religious faith. People around the world are innately and intensely interested in their family heritage. Because the Church’s family history efforts are funded by charitable donations, it freely offers its resources to anyone interested in finding their family’s roots.

Latin Genealogical Word List
Words likely to be found in genealogical sources: family terms, general keywords, numbers, dates and time.

Words likely to be found in genealogical sources: family terms, general keywords, numbers, dates and time.

Latin - Genealogical Word List
Table of Contents GENERAL WORDS
This general word list includes words commonly seen in genealogical sources. Numbers, months, and days of the week are listed both here and in separate sections that follow this list.

In this list, some grammatical variations of Latin words are given in parentheses. Some Latin phrases and their translations are listed [in brackets] under the most significant Latin word, not the first word, of the phrase. Words in parentheses in the English column clarify the definition.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Family History Library in Salt Lake City
Katalog der Bibliothek, Veröffentlichungen, Kursangebote,

Family History Library Catalog
Online-Suche im Family History Library Catalog (Katalog der Verfilmungen, die in den Genealogie-Forschungsstellen der Mormonen gelesen werden können)


Möglichkeit zur Suche nach den eigenen Vorfahren
Ein Beispiel aus der praktischen Arbeit der "Genealogischen Gesellschaft von Utah" ("GGU") der Mormonen:


Swedish-English Genealogical Word List


Family History Library Catalog
Online-Katalog der mikroverfilmten Unterlagen der Mormonen
Die Nutzung der Datenbanken auf der Internetseite der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage (Mormonen) ist den meisten Internetnutzern sehr vertraut.

Weniger bekannt ist anscheinend die Möglichkeit, online im "Family History Library Catalog", kurz "FHLC" zu stöbern. Es handelt sich um einen Online-Katalog der mikroverfilmten Unterlagen der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage. Dabei ist diese Art der Suche nicht schwierig. Wer sich damit auskennt, ist in dieser Hinsicht selbständig und unabhängig, er ist nicht auf fremde Hilfe und auch nicht auf die Öffnungszeiten der Forschungsstellen angewiesen. Natürlich sind die Mitarbeiter in den genealogischen Forschungsstellen der Mormonen bei der Filmauswahl den Forschern behilflich, die diese Hilfe wünschen. Der Online-Katalog ist aber rund um die Uhr verfügbar und solange man ihn befragen will. Weiss man also schon, welche Mikrofilme man bestellen möchte, ist die eigentliche Bestellung dann sehr schnell erledigt.

33. IGI - Deutsches Batchnummern Verzeichnis Verzeichnis der deutschen Batchnummern des IGI von Aufgelistet werden Batchnummern der Zivilstands-, Tauf-, und Heiratsbücher nach Orten geordnet.


Lange hat sich hier nichts mehr getan, leider - wie ich fand. War doch das deutsche Batchnummernverzeichnis immer eine gute Anlaufstelle um bei Familysearch einfacher suchen zu können.

Auf diesen Seiten versuche ich, alle deutschen (besser des heutigen und ehemaligen deutschen Sprachraums) Batchnummern zu sammeln. Die Batchnummern erleichtern Ihnen die Suche nach Personen aus bestimmten Orten oder Regionen auf den Familysearch Seiten (nähere Informationen siehe unter Anleitung).
Ralph Vey

"IGI" steht für "International Genealogical Index".

Seit einiger Zeit steht dem Familienforscher ein neues Hilfsmittel zur Verfügung. Es handelt sich um von den Mormonen erstellte Kirchenbuchabschriften, die kostenlos im Internet einzusehen sind. Um diese Daten anschauen bzw. herunterladen zu können, muss man vom gesuchten Ort eine Batchnummer (englisch: batch number) in Erfahrung bringen. Dies kann u.U. einige Probleme bereiten, da keine Datenbank dieser Nummern (zumindest online) existiert.
Im nachfolgenden Artikel soll erläutert werden, wie man genealogische Daten mit Hilfe der Batchnummern erhalten kann.

Wie sieht eine Batchnummer aus?

"LDS" steht für "Latter-Day Saints".
The Church of Jesu Christ of "Latter-Day Saints"

Im Schloss surren die Scanner Mikrofilm-Center Kossenblatt archiviert für Mormonen alte Kirchenbücher

Social Security Death Index


Looking for your ancestors? The "Social Security Death Index" is one of the largest and most useful databases available. It contains names, birth dates, death dates, Social Security numbers, and other useful information about more than 55 million people. See the instructions for helpful search tips.

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Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming



Erstellt: 2011-09







Genealogy in the Bible

Genealogy of Christ



Family Tree Charts

Am 26.03.2011 erhielt ich eine E-Mail von Ethel Reagan:

... My name is Ethel. ...
My family template section has over 20 pages of completely downloadable free family tree charts. I thought this might be helpful to some of your visitors who are interested in tracing their ancestry.'s mandate is to provide as much free online genealogy resources as possible and it's constantly being updated. To keep my website entirely free, I do have Google ads on my website to help pay for some of the extra bandwidth.


Family tree templates available in PDF form. These free forms can be used to create your own personal family tree.

Erstellt: 2011-03

Genealogy Databases


Are you hunting for your American or Canadian ancestors? Search for your family and immigrant ancestors! Free searchable genealogy databases are at your fingertips. Adding another branch to your family tree has never been easier.
Olive Tree Genealogy: Your Link to the Past

"Olive Tree Genealogy", created by Lorine in February 1996 was started to bring genealogists FREE genealogy records. Olive Tree Genealogy has more than 1,900 pages of free genealogy to help you find your brick-wall ancestors and build your family tree.

All genealogy records on Olive Tree Genealogy are FREE and will help you find your elusive ancestor. Allow yourself lots of time to look around. Let each page load before making your next choice. Scroll down each page to read everything before you choose a genealogy topic or a search engine.

Olive Tree Genealogy has Passenger Lists, Ships Search, Immigration Tips, Canada, Military, Genealogy Guide, Loyalists, New Netherland, Native American, Palatine Genealogy, Photo Albums, Almshouse, Orphan Records, Huguenots, Mennonites, Quakers, UK Ireland, Genealogy Secrets! & Odds 'n Ends


Pedigree (W3)

= A line of ancestors; descent; lineage; genealogy; a register or record of a line of ancestors.

Believed to be derived from the French "ped de gru", which meant "crane's foot" (the modern French equivalent is "pied de la grue"). The "crane's foot" is said to resemble the " /|\ " symbol on genealogical trees. It has also been suggested that it comes from "par degrés", the French for "by degrees". A "pedigree" chart records the relationship of families by degrees.



Family Trees



Erstellt: 2011-06




Deutsche in Amerika


Etwa 43 Millionen Amerikaner - also jeder 6. Einwohner - gaben bei der Volkszählung im Jahr 2000 an, deutsche Vorfahren zu haben. Für die Einwanderer der ersten und zweiten Generation war vor allem Integration und Amerikanisierung wichtig; erst spätere Generationen entwickelten ein neues ethnisches Bewußtsein, zeigten Interesse an der eigenen Herkunft und beginnen ihre Familiengeschichte bis zu den europäischen Wurzeln zurückzuverfolgen. Auch immer mehr Deutsche interessieren sich dafür, ob sie vielleicht Verwandte auf der anderen Seite des Atlantiks aufspüren können.






Erstellt: 2011-10