Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Erotik, Erotismo, Érotisme, Erotismo, Sensuality, (esper.) erotiko


100 Red Flags



Let's get one thing straight. Women do some ridiculous things. No big deal, right? Well be careful. They actually may mean a hell of a lot more than you think.

Each week we'll be releasing new red flags, but we're on the hunt for more. If you see one, send it in. If you love us, tell us. If you want to slap us, here's our virtual face. Go for it. We'll rest easily knowing we're right.

Erstellt: 2011-12



Bikini bridge (W3)

Engl. "Bikini bridge" ist als Eintrag im Urban Dictionary am 24.04.2009 zu finden.



Le "bikini bridge" est-il la nouvelle mode de 2014 pour les jeunes filles adeptes de maigreur, après le "thigh gap" en 2013 ?
Et si de nombreux commentateurs se sont insurgés contre cette prétendue nouvelle tendance, les termes "bikini bridge" n'ont en fait rien de nouveau. Comme le rapporte le site Slate, le Daily Dot a publié le 6 janvier un article pour préciser que le "bikini bridge" existe dans l'Urban dictionnary depuis 5 ans.


April 24, 2009
| bikini | bikini atoll | Bikini Band | BikiniBands | bikini barista | bikini beard | bikini beef | bikini body | Bikini Bottom | BIKINI BOY | bikini bridge | Bikini Bun | Bikini Burger | bikini cum | Bikini Drip | Bikinified | bikini flail | bikini gap | bikini girl | Bikini Houdini | Bikini Housewife | bikini kill | bikini line | bikinimom | Bikini Poppin | bikini queen | Bikini Rule | bikini shot | Bikini spider | bikini wax | bikini whale

(E1)(L1) bridge
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Bikini bridge" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2014-01



What in Carnation?


Erstellt: 2010-02


Careless Love - Rose

Die Rose engl. "Careless Love" steht für dt. "Unvorsichtige Liebe".

00 Hinweis: ----------------------------------- Hinweis: --------------------------------------------------------------
01 Hinweis: Bild Platzhalter
02 Hinweis: Bemerkung
03 Hinweis: Literatur
10 Name: -------------------------------------- Name: -----------------------------------------------------------------
11 Name: Sortier Name
12 Name: Exhibition Name
13 Name: Registration Name
14 Name: Synonyme Careless Love
15 Name: Auszeichnungen / Awards
20 Genealogie: -------------------------------- Genealogie: -----------------------------------------------------------
21 Genealogie: Gattung / Sektion / Art Hybrid Tea, Teehybride, Repeat
22 Genealogie: Elternrosen / Herkunft / Parentage
23 Genealogie: Kinderrosen / Nachkommen
24 Genealogie: Sports / Mutationen
25 Genealogie: Verwendung / Utilisation / Gebruik / Use
26 Genealogie: Erscheinungsjahr / DOB (Date of Birth) 1955
27 Genealogie: Züchter / Entdecker / Breeder / Hybridizer Discovered by Henry A. Conklin, US, 1995
30 Blüte: ------------------------------------- Blüte: ----------------------------------------------------------------
31 Blüte: Farbe / Bloemkleur / Flower Colour Pink blend, deep pink, streaked with white, zweifarbig weiss-rot gestreift
32 Blüte: Duft / Fragrance / Geurend / Scent Strength duftend
33 Blüte: Eigenschaften / Flowering Habit
34 Blüte: Blütenblätter-Anzahl / Petals 5 - 30 petals
35 Blüte: Form / Forme de la fleur / Bloom Shape
36 Blüte: Größe / Bloem / Bloom Size large-flowered
37 Blüte: Typ / Bloom Type
38 Blüte: Zeit / Floraison / Bloeitijd / Flowering Period Early Spring to Early Fall, Repeat
39 Blüte: Bienenfreundlichkeit
40 Pflanze: ----------------------------------- Pflanze: --------------------------------------------------------------
41 Pflanze: Blätter, Laub / Feuillage / Foliage medium leaves, medium to dark green
42 Pflanze: Dornen / Stacheln / Thornyness
43 Pflanze: Hagebutten / Hips / Hip Colour / Hip Shape
44 Pflanze: Knospen / Buds
45 Pflanze: Stiele / Stems
50 Wuchs: ------------------------------------- Wuchs: ----------------------------------------------------------------
51 Wuchs: Form / Vorm / Growth Habit shrub
52 Wuchs: Abstand / Dist. de plantation
53 Wuchs: Höhe / Taille / Height / Hauteur 2 ft. to 5 ft.
54 Wuchs: Weite / Width 2 ft. to 5 ft.
60 Gesundheit: -------------------------------- Gesundheit: -----------------------------------------------------------
61 Gesundheit: Bodenansprüche / Cultivation pH Range: 5.5 to 7.5, Sandy Loam to Some Clay
62 Gesundheit: Bakterien, Pilze, Viren
63 Gesundheit: Tierische Schädlinge
64 Gesundheit: Hitze
65 Gesundheit: Kälte USDA Hardiness Zone: 4 to 9
66 Gesundheit: Nässe
67 Gesundheit: Trockenheit
68 Gesundheit: Schatten Sun to Full Sun
99 -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------




Erstellt: 2014-07




Hot for Words


Hot for Words

Answers to All Your Burning Questions about Words and Their Meanings

by Marina Orlova










pin up, pin-up, pinup (W3)

Die Bezeichnung engl. "pinup", "pin-up" als Abkürzung für "pin-up girl" für "Fotomodell", "Spindmädchen" kam um 1943 auf und fand bereits 1944 den Weg nach Frankreich. Wörtlich läßt sich engl. "pin-up-girl" mit "Anheftmädchen" übersetzen (engl. "pin up" = "anheften", "anstecken").




Pinup´s der amerikanischen Künstlerin Janesko.

Pinups mit musikalischer Begleitung. Erotik anscheind von der "gutartigen" Sorte.


Virtuelles Pin-Up Art Museum

"Pin-up" = "aus einer Illustrierten ausgeschnittenes und an die Wand geheftetes Foto einer attraktiven jungen Frau"

Pinups mit musikalischer Begleitung. Erotik anscheind von der "gutartigen" Sorte.
Portal Girls | Portal Partners | Features | History of Pinup | Classic Pinup | Forums | Web Links

Hello my name is Kate Donovan. Some of you will already know me from my site Kate's Pinups. I started my site and modeling career in late 2000. My intention was, and still is, to bring the true essence of what I believe to be pinup to the Internet all the while adding a little modern flavoring.

Having been able to make my site reasonably successful I have now turned my attention to the pinup genre as a whole. Put simply I love pinup and everything it embodies such as tease, erotica, glamour and celebrating the "art of being a woman". I think it has a very important place on the net despite all the lewd and hardcore sexual imagery that is so freely available today.



In großer Aufmachung wurde schon am Samstag in den Zeitungen eine Foto-Serie von Harry veröffentlicht, die ihm nach Einschätzung des Modefotografen Mario Testino "bei den Mädchen den Pin-up-Status sichern" wird.


Bilder leicht bekleideter Traumfrauen hingen an Wänden und in den Schränken amerikanischer GIs im Zweiten Weltkrieg. So erhielten die mal provokant, mal betont unschuldig posierenden Damen Anfang der 1940er Jahre ihren Namen: "Pin up".



Romance Coach (W3)

Am Valentinstag hat der engl. "Romance Coach" = "Romanzen-Trainer" einiges zu tun.


February 13, 2000 - Romance Coach


salami (W3)

Im Englischen oder zumindest im Amerikanischen wird umgangssprachlich engl. "salami" gerne als Umschreibung für "penis" verwendet. Und so kommt er auch in vielen umgangssprachlichen Ausdrücken vor:


Erstellt: 2010-04
Bullough, Vern L.
Science in the Bedroom
A History of Sex Research


Archiv für Sexualwissenschaft

Science in the Bedroom
A History of Sex Research

For BONNIE BULLOUGH, my wife, my frequent collaborator, and always my helpful colleague

Originally published in 1994 by BasicBooks, A Division of HarperCollins Publishers, New York, N.Y.


Introduction 1.Sex Research and Assumptions: From the Greeks to the Nineteenth Century
2.Homosexuality and Other Factors in Bringing about Sex Research
  • Karl Heinrich Ulrichs
  • Ulrichs's Theory and Activities
  • Influence on the Medical Community
  • Krafft-Ebing
  • Other Medical Researchers
  • The three Alberts: Moll, Eulenburg, and von Schrenck-Notzing
  • Albert Moll
  • Albert Eulenburg
  • Albert von Schrenck-Notzing
  • Ambivalence of Researchers
  • Eugenics
  • Pornography
  • Oscar Wilde
  • Richard Burton
  • Other Popularizers
  • The Jewish Influence
3.Hirschfeld, Ellis, and Freud
  • Magnus Hirschfeld
  • Harden-Eulenburg-von Moltke Affair
  • Hirschfeld Early Years
  • Hirschfeld´s Theory
  • Homosexuality and Politics
  • Hirschfeld the Researcher
  • International Sexology Congresses
  • Hirschfeld,the Nazis, and his Death
  • Havelock Ellis
  • Homosexuality
  • Modesty and Others Studies
  • Ellis´s and Hirschfeld´s Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Sigmund Freud
  • Psychoanalysis and Sexuality
  • Mega Theory
  • Sexology
4.The American Experience
  • Medical Researchers
  • Civilized Morality
  • Women and Prostitution
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Sexual Alternatives
  • Many Forms of Reform
  • Anthony Comstock
  • Prince A. Morrow
  • Contraception
  • Hostility
  • Clelia Mosher
  • Robert Latou Dickinson
  • Max J. Exner
  • Katharine Bement Davis and John D. Rockefeller Jr.
  • Gilbert V. Hamilton
  • Summary
5.Endocrinology Research and Changing Attitudes
  • Frank R. Lillie
  • Endocrinology
  • Quackery and Endocrinology
  • Female Hormones
  • Menstrual Cycle
  • Gregory Pincus
  • Marriage Manuals and the Sexualization of Love
  • Marie Stopes
  • Theodoor van de Velde
  • Emmanuel Haldeman-Julius
  • Censorship and Sex
  • Contraception
  • Summary
6.From Freud to Biology to Kinsey
  • Freud and Science
  • Alfred Adler
  • Wilhelm Stekel
  • Carl Jung
  • Wilhelm Reich
  • Herbert Marcuse
  • Animal Studies
  • Anthropological Studies
  • Historical Data
  • Studies on Premarital Sexual Activities
  • Homosexuality and Lesbianism
  • Alfred Kinsey
7.From Statistics to Sexology
  • Kinsey´s research
  • The Kinsey Interview
  • Kinsey and Statistics
  • Kinsey Definitions and Homosexuality
  • Other Findings
  • Criticism
  • Congressional Investigation
  • Kinsey and Censorship
  • Contraception
  • IUDS
  • Testing Failures
  • Hormonal Contraceptives
  • Russell Marker
  • The Pill
  • Masters and Johnson
  • The Beginnings
  • Sexual Response Cycle
  • Sample
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Sex Therapy
  • Professional Organizations
  • Summary
8.The Matter of Gender: Masculinity, Femininity, and Cross-Gender Behavior
  • John Money
  • Biology
  • Chromosomes
  • Hormones
  • Hermaphroditism
  • Transsexualism
  • Transvestites
  • Gender Identity
  • Nature versus Nurture
  • Endocrinology
  • Behavior
  • Sociobiology
  • Interaction
  • Masculinity and Femininity and Gender Identity Formation
  • Summary
9.Other Voices, Other Views
  • Feminism
  • Michel Foucault
  • Rape
  • Pornography
  • Prostitution
  • Abortion
  • Limerence
  • Children
  • Homosexuality
  • Summary
10.Problems of an Emerging Science
  • Sexological Education
  • Views of Therapy and Sexology
  • Sexology Fads
  • AIDS and HIV
  • Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Sexology and Science
  • Sexology and the Law
  • Summary
INDEX: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

Erstellt: 2014-02






Terms of Endearment
English usage for flirting, SMS, Chat rooms, ICQ, Paltalk, and other instant messengers


| amoroso | angel-face | angel-puss | angel | | babe | baby-cakes | baby-doll | baby-face | baby-girl | baby | babykins | beard-splitter M Caution | beau | beautitful | best-girl | big-boy | big-daddy-yum-yum | big-love | bird | blossom | | boyfriend | bubby | bugsy | bumpkin | bunny | buttercup | button | caballero | casanova | cavalier | centerfold | charlatan | charming | cherub | chick | chickabiddy | clam-digger M Caution, explicitly suggestive | cloth-ears | cocksman M Caution, explicity suggestive | con-Juan | cowboy | crumpet | cuddle-bear | cuddles | cuddly-wuddly | cupcake | cute-chick | cutesy-pie | cutie-patootie | cutie-pie | cutie | daddy-mack | daddy | dahlin | darling | dazzler | dear-one | dear | dearie | deary | dish | doll-baby | doll-face | doll | dolly-boy | doodle-bug | dream-girl | dream | dreamboat | duchess | duck | duckling | ducks | ducky | dumpling | esquire | fellow | fetcher | flame | fruitcake B Caution | gallant | girl | girlfriend | glitter-bug | goodlooker | gorgeous | gum-drop | heart | heartthrob | hon | honey-bun | honey-bunch | honey-bunny | honey-pie | honey-toast | honey | hot-stuff | hottie | hunk | inamorato | kitten F Caution | knight-in-shining-armor | knockout | kool-aid | ladies-man | lady-bug | lady-killer | lady-love | lamb | lambey-pie | lambkin | little-diddle M Caution | little-dove | looker | lothario | love-bug | love-maker | love-muffin | love | lover-boy | lover | lovey-dovey | magic-princess | main-squeeze | man | muffin | muggles | munchkin | muppet | old-lady F Caution | old-man M Caution | patootie | peach | peaches | pet | petal | petkins | pinup-girl | pinup | pookie | poopsy-woopsy | poopsy | poppet | precious | prince-charming | prince | princess | puddin' | puddlepooper | pumpkin | pussy-cakes F Caution | pussy-cat | rag-beggar B Caution | raving-beauty | romeo | rumpy-diddle M Caution | schatzi | schnooky lumps | seducer | sex-kitten F Caution | shabookadook | sheik | shmoopsie-poo M Caution | shnoodle-bum | slick-chick | snicker-doodle | snookums | snooky | snuggle-bear | snuggle-bunny | snuggles | sparkles | sparky | spunkie | squidgy | squire | star-sweeper | stud | studley-do-right | stunner | sugar-booger | sugar-britches | sugar-bun | sugar-daddy | sugar-lips | sugar-smacks | sugar | sunshine | sweet-cheeks | sweet-heart | sweet-pea | sweet-thing | sweetie-pie | sweetie | sweetkins | sweets | teddy | ten | tootles | tootsie-pie | tootsie-wootsy | tootsie | twinkles | winky-dink | woman | young-man

Erstellt: 2014-06

Sexy Etymology



Videos (332) (25.11.2008)

Pencil | Collar me bad | I'm joshing you! | Shaun White is Scrumtrilescent | Phreaks | KNOCKED OUT !!! | Big Kahuna | Promiscuous | Rats, Foiled Again! | Nuts | Rockin' Live | Hip Shaking | Free Beer Part 2 | In the locker room | Quick-e Wiki | My Hot Calendar | Vanilla | Peekaboo | I want my mummy | Hairy Scary | Worst nightmare in my life | Zombie | Halloween 2008 | Look Me Over | I'm a Bull | Rain Check | Fetish | Jeans | Maverick | Deja Vu | RIP | An inkling | Hat Trick | I could care less | The Mob | My Strong Point | Type O Blood | Fantastic | Free Beer | Abysmal | Pet Peeve | Mind your p's and q's | Perky | A Fiasco | Left Wing Right Wing | Loon | Zipper Up | Codswallop | A shout-out about the new POPTUB channel | Ain't so nice | The Vetting Process | Whiskey Time! | Time stopped | Zip it! | ROFLCOPTER ...---... | | I challenge Bonaduce | I like to watch - Jacuzzi Time! | Caesar's Salad | Karate | My Forte | Too much Cologne! | Feckless | Karaoke | Democrat vs. Republican | Best Weekend Ever pt 2 | Camelopard | Dog Days | Nincompoop | Burrito | 100 Million views!!! | Cute little pigtails | My Best Weekend Ever | Big Words | Be pithy with your comments! | Cash money! | Little Mermaid | Leech | Lame Duck | Strike it rich! | 7 Things Miley Cyrus | Pair again | Booger | Peanut Gallery | She has a k-nife | Next big thing! | Booty | | Girl Fight! | Pissed sis | Frenching | Save on gas! | Use your tongue | Tootie Fruitie | A blonde walks into a bar... | Smokin' | Carnal relations | A secret | Yummy | Eat a sammich! | Wedgie | Calories | Birds and the Bees | Scariest thing ever! | I'm detruncus! | Feisty | Rock your world | Skinny Dipping | Artichoke | Hot car or... | Vodka like water | Vampire | "The best thing ever!" - a blurb | Happy as a clam | Killer tomatoes | Stick a fork in it! | Football - Soccer | Yapping on the phone | Fake | The loo | I'm drunk! | Kidnapped from the beach | Dummy me | AK-47 in Russian | AK-47 | Spy on you! | That's what! | Guess what? | Bi-Cent | Hungover - hair of the dog | Answer 1 Hair of the Dog | Answer 3 Hair of the Dog | Answer 2 Hair of the Dog | Umbrella | Cut | Doggie | Hot | Crack a joke | Cracker | Love = 0 | Wop | Bang! Sniper | Interactive Hotness | Answer | Answer | Answer | Panties part 2 | My pant' ees in a bunch | Taxi! | Cocaine Blows | Juicy | Sexy Comments | Tip from the teacher | Salmonella | Don't Stiff Me Answer | Don't Stiff Me! | Hurry Up! | Bistro | Dutch Treat | Machinima does HotForWords | Teacher's Pet | The Lesbian Game pt. 2 | The Lesbian Game | In Penthouse Answer | In Penthouse | Prom Night? | Snafu | Gird Your Loins Answer | Gird Your Loins | I am confused | GTA IV in Russian! | Going down! pt. 2 | I'm going down! | Tits | Pussy Cat pt. 2 | Pussy Cat | Gentlemen Only! pt. 2 | Heroin Cough Syrup? | Gentlemen Only! | Dramatic look | Naked Vlog | 420 Answer | On Fire! 2 | 420 | On Fire | Like an animal! | Crazy for... answer | Sexy feet | Crazy for... | Under | Jammin' | Seed | Guess what? | Dressed to the nines! | Butterfly | Nucular | Flutter by | Drink the Kool-Aid | Balls to the wall | | Twins | Call me & | Hot For... | The End | Bad Cop pt. 2 | Bad cop | Hooker Answers | Bouncing around | Your mistress | Purple Nurple! | Hooker | HotForWords G4 TV Appearance | 2 Girls 1 Cup of Joe | Save me please! | Boobs | I'm bad! | Out of this world | I'm Bissextile | Hot Sirens! | Oscar | My Evil Twin! | Let's get parallel | Jury Rigged and Jerry Built | Deadly... | Slap her behind with a shaggy thong day! | 100th Video | Look At My Muscles | Heels over head! | Don't be a pig! | Who gets laid fast? | That's Dope! | jump around | Gossip! | Eyes on my chest | Shake it like Jello | Beat your wife legally? | America | Dumb Girls | Faggot | Sexy Geek | Hot Polish Chicks | Look into my eyes | lbs | HotForWords Dancing? + New Year's Resolution | Colonel HotForWords Reporting! | Cats and Dogs! | Racecar | Happy Holidays from HotForWords! | Eye | Guess the Word VII (7) | Bloopers | Amazon | Bimbo | Awful and Awesome | Tantalizing | Candidate | Bachelors only! | Hey Guys! | Oneteen, twoteen | Penny and Dime | Sesqui-wha?? | Hot dog | Antidisestablis hmentarianism | Those Pesky White Elephants | The Fifth Element | Oxymoron | Supercalifragil isticexpialidoc ious | Trick or Treat | Brownie | Jack-o'-lantern | Medieval & Evil | Werewolf | Halloween | A very SCARY word! | Nightmare | Nice ain't so nice! | Duck Tape | Answer to Guess the Word VI (6) | Inflammable is Flammable | Guess the Word VI (6) | Three sheets to the wind! | This video is ironic! | That's Sacreligious or Sacrilegious? | HotForWords for President 2008! | Google was a mistake or I 10 duotrigintillio ned you! | Pink | Blackmail | Spam | Men's Dictionary | Answer to Guess the Word V | It's Britney Spears, Bitch! Or should I say Bicce? | Guess the Word V (5) | Stupendous.... is it Stupid??? | Women's Dictionary 2 | Most common word in the world! | Buxom is hot | Metro... | Female vs Male | Women's Dictionary | Ketchup vs Catsup or What's up? + Answer to GTW IV | Guess the Word IV | Sub + Limen = works! | Alimentary Canal | Casino | Guess the Word III (3) | "Guess the Word 2" Answer and DaxFlame Staring Contest | Guess the Word II (2) | Assassin | Posh + answer to riddle | Guess the Word!!! | Cute or Acute? | floccinaucinihi lipilification - huh? | Harlequin - beautiful and mysterious word | Serendipity - lucky discovery | Thanks to You ! | Don't be LAME be COOL! | Abracadabra - Magic Trick | Glamorous - is it hot, beautiful or grammarous??? | Sin! | | Don't be so Pusillanimous! | Beautiful, hot or not??? | Oops! Lesson 1 | Intro to Philology :-)


Russische Leuchte stürmt YouTube
Etymologie kann so fesselnd sein: Die Russin Marina Orlova klärt ihre YouTube-Jünger über den Ursprung von Wörtern wie «Paparazzi» auf - und zieht damit die Aufmerksamkeit von Millionen auf sich. Wie macht sie das bloss?


Youtube-Blondine beweist: "Intelligenz ist sexy"
Düsseldorf (RPO). Sie ist blond, hat ziemlich sinnliche Lippen und fast immer ein T-Shirt an, das einen Blick auf ihr wirklich hübsches Dekollete ermöglicht: Marina Orlova. Sie feiert derzeit mit ihrem Youtube-Kanal "Hotforwords" Erfolge. Und das, obwohl sie nur die Bedeutung von Wörtern erklärt.


"Intelligenz ist sexy!"
Sie ist blond, blauäugig - und clever. Marina Orlova, 27, wurde mit ihrem etymologischen YouTube-Kanal HotForWords zu einer Internet-Berühmtheit. Ihr wichtigstes Kennzeichen: ein sehr tiefes Dekolleté. Im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE erklärt sie, warum sie Sex nutzt, um Bildung zu vermitteln.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Frau Orlova, wie sind Sie auf die Idee gekommen, ausgerechnet Wortursprünge auf YouTube zu erklären?


Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Erotik, Erotismo, Érotisme, Erotismo, Sensuality, (esper.) erotiko














Morris, Evan
Making Whoopee
Words of Love for Lovers of Words

Sprache: Englisch
Gebundene Ausgabe - 208 Seiten - Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill
Erscheinungsdatum: 1. Januar 2004
Auflage: 1st
ISBN: 1565123506

“We know the vocabulary of romance, but we don’t always know how the various sweet nothings we utter came to carry their emotionally charged meanings. Morris . . . shares his message with style and wit . . . a delightful little book.”-- Booklist

Morton, Mark
Dirty Words - The Story of Sex Talk


What flower takes its name from the human testicle? Is your husband rantallion? Does your wife sport a merkin? What's a wittol, and why were they once drummed out of town while sitting backwards on a horse? Is sacofricosis a crime, a disease or an hors d'oeuvre? Morton roams through centuries of etymological lore to explain the origins of the language of love and sex. It is the perfect book for language-lovers and lovers alike.


What flower takes its name from the human testicle? Is your husband rantallion? Does your wife wear a merkin? What's a wittol, and why were they once drummed out of town while sitting backwards on a horse? Is sacofricosis a crime, a disease or an hors d'oeuvre? Morton roams through centuries of etymological lore to answer these and many other questions.

Hardcover, 368 pages
Published 2005 by Atlantic


Michel Faber
Saturday 30 July 2005 01.05 BST
Dirty Words: The Story of Sex Talk
by Mark Morton
368pp, Atlantic Books, £12.99

Seductively billed as "the perfect book for lovers, and language-lovers, alike", Dirty Words attempts to catalogue every English word ever used for sexual purposes. In an orgy of etymological fervour, it ploughs into the roots of love, limerence, glamour, "cunnilingus" and fartleberries. There are 1,300 terms listed for the male sex organ, many of them amusingly surreal (hairy banana, blue-veined custard chucker, whoopee stick, finger puppet) and many others pitiably desperate (dangling participle, male interfemoral infidel). I doubt that this is the perfect book for lovers, but it's certainly the perfect book for anyone who can imagine themselves enlivening a dull dinner party by saying: "Did you know that the word felch denotes the act of sucking one's own semen out of another person's buttocks?"

Erstellt: 2016-10

Morton, Mark
The Lover's Tongue
A Merry Romp Through the Language of Love and Sex


This delightful book includes over 100 mini-essays explaining the origins and historical development of words in our language that pertain to love and sex. Do you know, for example, what a "78" is? Here's a hint: like the old 78 rpm records, the term refers to a man who is ... well, on the fast side!

Diligently researched, The Lover's Tongue is written in a light-hearted style. A dictionary of a different kind, this book is the perfect gift for that special someone, or for the connoisseur of language and history in your life.

An excerpt from the entry for "Nakedness":

Even in tenth century England, where a prevalence of cold drafts made bathing something of a rarity, Anglo-Saxon men and wif-men usually doffed their duds before engaging in a bit of the old dyrneforlegenes. When they did so, they could describe themselves as "unscrydd," "unbehelod," "nacod," or "baer." The first of these words, "unscrydd," meant "unclothed," formed from the negating prefix "un" and the verb "scrydan," meaning "to clothe."

Winner of the Alexander Kennedy Isbister Award for Non-Fiction.


Mark Morton is an assistant professor of English at the University of Winnipeg, and language columnist for CBC radio's Definitely Not the Opera. Morton lives in Winnipeg with his wife, author Melanie Cameron.

His book, The Lover's Tongue: A Merry Romp Through the Language of Love and Sex (Insomniac Press, 2003), won the Alexander Kennedy Isbister Award for Non-Fiction. Cupboard Love: A Dictionary of Culinary Curiosities, was nominated for a Julia Child Award in 1997.


December 16, 2003 by languagehat 4 Comments

Erstellt: 2014-08