Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Atlas, Atlas, Atlas, Atlante, Atlas, (esper.) maparoj
Atlas (W3)
geog.utk - TEA - Tennessee Electronic Atlas
county specific information: population, business, economic profiles, ...
geolab - Atlas - Felsenlexikon
Atlas of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks
Map (W3)
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The Modern Language Association Language Map
A Map of Languages in the United States
The "MLA Language Map" is intended for use by students, teachers, and anyone interested in learning about the linguistic and cultural composition of the United States. The MLA Language Map uses data from the 2000 United States census to display the locations and numbers of speakers of thirty languages and three groups of less commonly spoken languages in the United States. The census data are based on responses to the question, "Does this person speak a language other than English at home?" The Language Map illustrates the concentration of language speakers in zip codes and counties. The Data Center provides census data about over three hundred languages spoken in the United States, including actual numbers and percentages of speakers.
View the Map
View an interactive map showing the numbers of speakers of thirty-three languages and language groups. Click the map to zoom in on a region. Add or remove county and city names, rivers and lakes, and highways. A bar graph beneath the map provides the actual numbers of speakers by state; for numbers of speakers by zip code, town, city, or county, use the Data Center.
Compare Languages and Places
Generate interactive maps for two languages in the same state, or compare the concentration of the same language in two states. Zoom in on both national maps to focus on regions; zoom in on state maps to focus on clusters of counties or zip codes.
Find Out More Detailed Information
Visit the Data Center for information about numbers and ages of speakers of languages in a specific state, county, zip code, metropolitan area, town, or county subdivision or to view charts that illustrate the distribution by percentage of the languages in each state. Compare speakers of different languages by three age groups: 5-17, 18-64, and 65 and over. Compare Americans who speak other languages by their ability to speak English.
Read about the MLA Language Map and about Other Language-Related Issues
Find out about the United States census--the source of the MLA Language Map data--and about the composition of the census's language groups. Follow links to census publications, to data about migration and immigration and about language teaching in United States colleges and universities, and to information about where specific languages are spoken outside the United States.
Learn to Use the Language Map Take a tutorial about functions and possible uses of the MLA Language Map.
Die Liste aller in USA gesprochenen Sprachen enthält folgende Sprachen mit Angaben zu Anzahl der Sprechern und deren Prozentanteil an der Gesamtbevölkerung.
United States
Click a language name for details.
Show most spoken thirty languages in United States
Show age breakdown (all languages)
Show ability to speak English (all languages)
Sort alphabetically
English | Spanish | French | Chinese | German | Tagalog | Vietnamese | Italian | Korean | Russian | Polish | Arabic | Portuguese | Japanese | French Creole | Greek | Hindi | Persian | Urdu | Cantonese | Gujarathi | Armenian | Hebrew | Mon-Khmer, Cambodian | Kru, Ibo, Yoruba | Yiddish | Navajo | Mandarin | Miao, Hmong | Dutch | Laotian | Panjabi | Serbo-Croatian | Ukrainian | Bengali | Thai | Hungarian | Romanian | Telugu | Formosan | Tamil | Pennsylvania Dutch | Amharic | India (not elsewhere classified) | Malayalam | Albanian | Hocano | Turkish | Czech | Swedish | Syriac | Croatian | Samoan | Norwegian | Indonesian | Serbian | Cushite | Slovak | Finnish | Lithuanian | Swahili | Marathi | Danish | Bulgarian | Hawaiian | Irish Gaelic | Bantu | Kannada | Tongan | Dakota | Lettish | Patois | Burmese | Macedonian | Jamaican Creole | Cajun | Yupik | Miao-Mien | Cherokee | Afrikaans | Chamorro | Bisayan | Pakistan (not elsewhere classified) | Sinhalese | Apache | African languages | Fulani | Mande | Choctaw | Keres | Nepali | Malay | Kurdish | Slovene | Pima | Ojibwa | Sindhi | Pashto | Mayan languages | Estonian | Sebuano | Muskogee | Zuni | American Indian | Inupik | Oto - Manguen | Icelandic | Marshallese | Aztecan | Pampangan | Efik | Hopi | Tibetan | Krio | Caucasian | Crow | Tewa | Arawakian | Fijian | Chadic | Nilotic | Shoshoni | Basque | Welsh | Micronesian | Mongolian | Romany | Sudanic | Eskimo | Oriya | Bielorussian | Palau | Cheyenne | Pidgin | Trukese | Tiwa | Pangasinan | Towa | Ute | Wu | Uighur | Catalonian | Winnebago | Scottic Gaelic | Blackfoot | Cree | Paiute | Not Specified | Ponapean | Athapascan | Salish | Mohawk | Dravidian | Arapaho | Tlingit | Specified Not Listed | Kiowa | Sahaptian | Aleut | Hakka | Kashmiri | Cham | Frisian | Comanche | Seneca | Munda | Tarascan | Potawatomi | Melanesian | Luxembourgian | St. Lawrence Is. Yupik | Kickapoo | Walapai | Papia Mentae | Menomini | Fuchow | Fox | Jicarilla | Karachay | Azerabaijani | Gullah | Yaqui | Kuchin | Nez Perce | Oneida | Hidatsa | Polynesian | Havasupai | Yapese | Kusaiean | Chiwere | Ottawa | Algonquian | Shawnee | Alabama | Gur | Berber | Nilo-hamitic | Bikol | Mikasuki | Yuma | Omaha | Delta River Yuman | Kutenai | San Carlos | Karok | Micmac | Rajasthani | Miami | Ladino | Delaware | Marquesan | Tupi-Guarani | Yurok | Maori | Pomo | Washo | Osage | Koasati | Karen | Lusatian | French Cree | Makah | Hupa | Tadzhik | Mohave | Okanogan | Malagasy | Mountain Maidu | Yavapai | Chasta Costa | Iroquois | Puget Sound Salish | Kazakh | Mokilese | Tsimshian | Chiricahua | Javanese | Turkmen | Klamath | Ponca | Cocomaricopa | Mbum (and Related) | Quapaw | Gilbertese | Upper Chinook | Haida | Hawaiian Pidgin | Mandan | Nubian | Diegueno | Tuscarora | Chetemacha | Balinese | Carolinian | Mono | Koyukon | Rhaeto-omanic | Arikara | Clallam | Misumalpan | Woleai-Ulithi | Abnaki | Bihari | Atsina | Coeur D'Alene | Kwakiutl | Pawnee | Pacific Gulf Yupik | Other Uralic Lang. | Sonoran (not elsewhere classified) | Ulithean | Kansa | Moluccan | Penobscot | Tokelauan | Balochi | Faroese | Kachin | Nilo-sharan | Kirghiz | Picuris |
| Saharan | Sierra Miwok | Spokane | Yuchi | Khoisan | Breton | Caddo | Cayuga | Onondaga | Han | Niuean | Nukuoro | Quinault | Tanaina | Luiseno | Mapuche | Ahtena | Kan, Hsiang | Tungus | Columbia | Nomlaki | Chemehuevi | Foothill No. Yokuts | Northern Paiute | Wyandot | Cupeno | Ingalit | Cahuilla | Chumash | Wintun | Upper Tanana | Twana | Wichita | Achumawi | Kalispel
Mapmachine von National Geographic. Der Name National Geographic verspricht mehr, als dieses Angebot halten kann: Sowohl physische Karten ("Atlas Maps") als auch thematische ("Dynamic Maps") haben noch ihre Schwächen. Beispielsweise zeigen die Temperaturkarten praktisch die ganze Bundesrepublik in einer Farbe. Die Temperaturzonen sind nämlich nur in 5-Grad-Celsius-Abständen markiert, also viel zu grob. Ähnlich die Höhenkarten.
Außerdem ist der Server langsam und die Navigation umständlich. Wer beispielsweise mit der Maus in der Weltkarte auf Europa klickt, erhält einfach eine vergrößerte Fassung der recht ungenauen Weltkarte. Zur detaillierten Europakarte kommt man so nicht. Dazu muß man über der Karte "select a new map" anklicken. (Bei den Themenkarten: "select a new theme").
theatlantic - Word Watch
A selection of terms that have newly been coined, that have recently acquired new currency, or that have taken on new meanings.
Uni Pennsylvenia - Phonological Atlas of North America English
TELSUR PROJECT at the Linguistics Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania
Labov's Phonological Atlas of North America
The "Telsur Project" is a survey of linguistic changes in progress in "North American English", supported by the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. It is the creator of the "Atlas of North American English" ["ANAE"], (formerly, the Phonological Atlas of North America). The Atlas will be published in 2002 by Mouton/de Gruyter. It will be accompanied by a CD-ROM version developed by a team headed by Prof. Jürgen Handke at the University of Marburg, creators of The Mouton Interactive Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology . The maps and analyses presented on these pages include early studies that provide the background of the Atlas, and new studies continue the work of the Atlas.
Uni Texas - Historische Karten