Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Anagramm, Anagrama, Anagramme, Anagramma, Anagram, (esper.) anagramoj
Anagram Genius Server
- Archive: A hand-picked, searchable online database of the very best anagrams ever discovered! Approximately 25000 superb anagrams complete with credits and year of discovery. Add your discovered anagrams and become famous!
- Anagram Server: Generates anagrams of any English text from a web page. (Powered by a cut-down version of the Software.) Highly popular. Try it now
Did you know that rearranging the letters of "George Bush" gives "He bugs Gore", Madonna Louise Ciccone" gives "Occasional nude income" and "William Shakespeare", "I am a weakish speller"??!
With The Anagram Genius you can find out what lurks within the letters of YOUR name, or that of your boss, employer or anything else that you choose." You supply the name or phrase, tone, gender, context, use (or not) of vulgar words, and number of requested responses. Submit this information with your email address and your anagrams arrive promptly in your inbox. Awesome!
(anagram: new, sane pen on press)
By Eric Shackle
Did you know that rearranging the letters of "George Bush" gives "He bugs Gore", Madonna Louise Ciccone" gives "Occasional nude income" and "William Shakespeare", "I am a weakish speller"??!
With The Anagram Genius you can find out what lurks within the letters of YOUR name, or that of your boss, employer or anything else that you choose." You supply the name or phrase, tone, gender, context, use (or not) of vulgar words, and number of requested responses. Submit this information with your email address and your anagrams arrive promptly in your inbox. Awesome!
Erstellt: 2015-08
Anagrammy - Anagram Grammy
The Anagrammy Awards
The Anagrammy Awards is a monthly competition for the best anagrams posted to the Anagrammy Awards Forum. It began in March 1998. Anagrams from the Forum are nominated to compete in ten categories, and the winners are determined by popular vote.
Links to other pages
- Site Map: Find out what is on our website. You will be pleasantly surprised!.
- The Past Winners: Over 1000 award-winning anagrams since March 1998.
- Forum FAQ: Questions answered about the Anagrammy Forum.
- Links & Resources: Details of anagramming resources including free downloads for Windows.
- The Archives: Extensive searchable archives:
- Every anagram ever nominated
- Literary anagrams
- Best of the Rest - great non-winning anagrams.
- Hall of Fame
- The world's most famous anagrams.
- Voting Page: Voting is open for two days at the start of each month.
- The Leader Board: Follow the competition scores during the voting.
- Bits & Pieces
- · Articles on anagramming.
- · Miscellaneous Pages
- · Pages updated in the last week.
- · Donate to help us run the Awards
- · Join our email reminder lists.
- · Link to this website. It's easy!
- · Browser Recommendations
- · Our Anagram Checker
Sitemap and Summary of all Anagrammy webpages
Erstellt: 2015-08
Table of Contents
- 1.Anagrams 1.What is an anagram?
- 2.What are some examples?
- 3.What is a pangram?
- 4.Are there any unusual varieties of anagrams?
- 5.What is the longest one-word anagram?
- 6.What set of letters has the most one-word anagrams?
- 7.What is the history of anagrams?
- 8.What is the point of anagrams?
- 2.Their creation and fine-tuning 1.How do you create anagrams?
- 2.What are the hallmarks of a good anagram?
- 3.Where can one find anagram generators, books, and Web sites?
- 3.Group convention 1.Would you anagram my name, please?
- 2.What do you do with spam in this newsgroup?
- 3.Is there anything that I should not post here?
- 4.What should I do before posting here?
- 5.Is there any other netiquette that I should observe here?
- 4.Anagrams across time and space 1.How can I find other anagramists?
- 2.Where can I find anagram archives?
- 3.How else can I show the world my anagramming genius?
Erstellt: 2015-08
Anagrams: What are they? | Anagram Books | Software | Top Anagrams | Common Sayings | Famous Names | Celebrity 1 Word | Long and Short | Rude Anagrams | History | Links
Anagrams are words or phrases made by mixing up the letters of other words or phrases, e.g. THE EYES is an anagram of THEY SEE. Here are some more good ones:
- Debit card = Bad credit
- Halley's Comet = Shall yet come
- Punishment = Nine Thumps
- Dormitory = Dirty room
- Astronomer = Moon starer
- The Hurricanes = These churn air
- Schoolmaster = The classroom
- Show me more!!!
We've divided our favourite anagrams into five categories:
- The crème de la crème of amazing anagrams
- Anagrams of common sayings and clichés
- Famous/celebrity names and their anagrams
- Long anagrams, anagram poetry, and one-word anagrams
- Rude anagrams (not for children or the easily offended)
- What are synanagrams?
- What are ambigrams?
- What are antigrams?
- What are anigrams and animagrams?
- What are pairagrams?
- What are pangrams?
- What are spamagrams?
- What are trianagrams?
Here are some of the funniest and best anagrams ever found. They are mostly well-known amongst anagrammists.
These are short cognate anagrams, often with a humorous link between the word/phrase and its anagram.
The red numbers refer to footnotes crediting the author or publication where the anagram first appeared. Some originated in the nineteenth century.
- synanagrams
- ambigrams
- anigrams
- animagrams
- antigrams
- pairagrams
- pangrams
- spamagrams
- trianagrams
Early Uses of Anagrams
Anagrams are not quite such a modern idea as you might imagine. According to some historians, anagrams originated in the 4th century BC with the Greek poet Lycophron who use them to flatter the rich and mighty. Other sources suggest that Pythagoras, in the 6th century BC, used anagrams to discover deep philosophical meanings.
Anagrams - Famous Names and Celebrities
Names of famous people are one of the favourite targets of anagrammers. Here's a few name anagrams for you to enjoy. The first is a list of anagrams from the world of politics.
Rude Anagrams
In the newsgroup alt.anagrams the regular posting community holds a monthly competition for the best anagrams called the Anagrammy Awards. Anagrams from the forum are nominated to compete in nine categories, and the winners are determined by popular vote.
One of these categories is the Rude Category, which always attracts plenty of entries. As Larry Brash says on his Anagrammy website "The world of anagramming is inhabited by some very talented people who have turned it from a simple pastime into a true art form." The genius of alt.anagrams' members is reflected in the selection below; many of these have won Anagrammy Awards. (Note that authors are credited in the footnotes, where known.)
Sayings and clichés have not escaped the attention of anagrammists!
These are some of the best ones. The author/discoverer is quoted in the footnotes where known.
Here's some clever long anagrams of the famous "to be or not to be" monologue from Shakespeare's Hamlet. And an amusing anagram of Neil Armstrong's moon landing quote.
Also on this page: Anagram Poetry, and at the bottom of the page, one-word anagrams (synanagrams).
Erstellt: 2015-08
Ambigrams are words or phrases that can be read in more than one way or from more than a single vantage point, most commonly right-side-up and upside-down. Ambigram.Matic is the world's first and only online Ambigram Generator! Flip any word, different words of the same length, or even an entire (symmetrically spaced) sentence on its head, and read it both ways!
Erstellt: 2015-07
Holy Tango of Poetry
If poets wrote poems whose titles were anagrams of their names
- 01.10.01 Holy Tango of Drama “Dammit, Dave”
- 12.05.00 Volume 4 Basho, Angelou
- 09.14.00 Volume 3 Shakespeare, Thomas, H.D.
- 06.13.00 Volume 2 Blake, Nash, cummings
- 05.04.00 Volume 1 Eliot, Dickinson, Williams
by Francis Heaney
Emmis Books, November 2004
ISBN: 1-57860-159-2
Erstellt: 2015-07
Of Anagrams and Echo Verses
Curiosities of Literature
by Isaac D’Israeli (1766-1848)
Of Anagrams and Echo Verses
THE “true” modern critics on our elder writers are apt to thunder their anathemas on innocent heads: little versed in the æras of our literature, and the fashions of our wit, popular criticism must submit to be guided by the literary historian.
Kippis condemns Sir Symonds D’Ewes for his admiration of two anagrams, expressive of the feelings of the times. It required the valour of Falstaff to attack extinct anagrams; and our pretended English Bayle thought himself secure, in pronouncing all anagrammatists to be wanting in judgment and taste: yet, if this mechanical critic did not know something of the state and nature of anagrams in Sir Symonds’s day, he was more deficient in that curiosity of literature, which his work required, than plain honest Sir Symonds in the taste and judgment of which he is so contemptuously deprived. The author who thus decides on the tastes of another age by those of his own day, and whose knowledge of the national literature does not extend beyond his own century, is neither historian nor critic. The truth is, that ANAGRAMS were then the fashionable amusements of the wittiest and the most learned.
Erstellt: 2015-07
Find Anagrams of a Word or Phrase Anagrams Trace
find anagrams of a word or phrase anagrams trace
Erstellt: 2015-07
Anagram Solver
The free online Anagram Solver will find one word anagrams and Scrabble anagrams using your letters. Enter letters above and click the search button to make anagrams. The Anagram Generator will find name anagrams or phrases using multiple words, try the Anagrammer.
To make words for Scrabble, Words with Friends, or other popular word games, use the Scrabble Helper.
Erstellt: 2015-07
Anagrammer, Anagram Generator
Use the Anagram Generator to create anagrams by rearranging letters in a name, word or phrase to make a new word or phrase. The anagram maker uses all of the original letters. Use the Anagram Name Generator to make a name anagram from any name using words from the dictionary and common proper nouns. To generate online anagrams for games like Scrabble or Words with Friends, use the Scrabble Anagram Solver or Scrabble Word Finder.
Erstellt: 2015-07
Internet Anagram Server
Anagramm Server
- What is an Anagram?
- Advanced Anagramming
- The Anagram Times
- Anagram Hall of Fame
- Anagram Animation
- Odds & Ends
- Search
Did you know that parliament is an anagram of partial men? Or, Clint Eastwood an anagram of Old West Action? Someone once said, "All the life's wisdom can be found in anagrams. Anagrams never lie." Here is your chance to discover the wisdom of anagrams.
What is an Anagram?
noun: A word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
verb: To rearrange letters in such a way. To anagrammatize.
[From Greek "anagrammatismos", "ana-" ("up", "again", "back", "new") + "-gram" ("letter").]
Anagram Hall of Fame
Erstellt: 2015-07