Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj

IL Illinois


Atwood (village) Piatt County (W3)

Der englische Name "Atwood" setzt sich zusammen aus aus einem reduzierten mengl. "atten" = "at the" und engl. "wood" = dt. "Wald". Damit ergibt sich die Bedeutung "(der) am Wald (Wohnende)".


Erstellt: 2013-04


Bartelso (village) Clinton County (W3)

Wo das "o" am Ende von "Bartelso" herkommt, ist zwar ungeklärt, aber ich halte es für sicher, dass der Name des Ortes auf "Bartholomew Bartels" zurück geht. Der Geistliche spendete das Land für eine Kirche inmitten von Weizenfeldern, woraus dann die Siedlung erwuchs.

Der Name "Bartholomew Bartels" ist insofern bemerkenswert, als der Familienname "Bartels" ebenfalls auf den Apostelnamen "Bartholomäus" zurück geht.


In 1884, our church was built in a wheat field in Santa Fe Township to accommodate about 75 Catholic families living in the area. Once the church was built, the area surrounding had flourished. Reverend "Bartholomew Bartels" donated land for a church. The town soon flourished and became known as "Bartelso". Since then, our church has grown to well over 375 households and is currently named after St. Cecilia.


Bradford (township) Lee County (W3)

Engl. "Bradford" bedeutet "Breite Furt". Der Name ging auf die Stadt an der breiten Furt über.

Das erste "Bradford" ist vermutlich Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK. Für die weiteren Orte namens "Bradford" gibt es mindestens folgende Möglichkeiten:

Für "Bradford" in Illinois gibt es keine genaueren Hinweise.


Erstellt: 2012-02

Bradford (village) Stark County (W3)

Engl. "Bradford" bedeutet "Breite Furt". Der Name ging auf die Stadt an der breiten Furt über.

Das erste "Bradford" ist vermutlich Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK. Für die weiteren Orte namens "Bradford" gibt es mindestens folgende Möglichkeiten:

Für "Bradford" in Illinois gibt es keine weiteren Hinweise.


Erstellt: 2012-02


cckollel (W3)

Chicago Community Kollel
Jewish Heritage Question of the Week

"cckollel" steht für "Chicago Community Kollel". Und "Kollel" ist ein Wort das sich auf das Studium der Torah bezieht.

The Chicago Community Kollel is an institute for advanced Torah Studies operating out of a beautiful new facility in West Rogers Park. It is committed to serving the educational and spiritual needs of all Jews in the Greater Chicago area, and through our website, Jews the world over.
What is a kollel?
A "kollel" is a generic term describing a center of Torah learning where a group of married men pursue full-time post graduate work in Talmudic law. There are kollels in most major cities in America and around the world. There are literally hundreds of kollels in Israel.

Second City
*-a:kw- (W3)

Der Name der Stadt "Chicago" geht auf die Sprache der ehemals hier ansässigen Indianer (Miami and Illinois peoples) zurück. In ihrer Sprache bezeichnete "chicago" ("chickaugong") ein "weisses Stinktier" ("striped skunk"). Damit bezeichneten sie auch den "wildwachsenden Lauch" ("wild leek", bot. "Allium tricoccum")(Algonquian for "garlic field"). Und diese Bedeutung führte - wegen des dort wachsenden Wildlauchs - zur Benennung des Flusses ("Chicago River"), an dem die Stadt "Chicago" entstand. Die ersten französischen Siedler übernahmen im späten 17. Jh. diese Bezeichnung, wobei es zu einigen Varianten in der Aussprache und Schreibweise kam.

1967 führte Dr. Frank Siebert's in seinem Artikel "the Original Home of the Proto-Algonquian people" folgende Wurzeln an: Proto-Algonquian "*shek-" = "urine" plus the final "*-a:kw-" = "bushy tailed animal". Daraus läßt sich also für "Chicago" ableiten: "chic" = "Urin" + "ag" = "Tier", zusammen "Urintier", "urinierendes Tier".

Eine Quelle sieht den Ausgangspunkt im Namen eines Illinois-Häuptlings.

"Chicago" findet man auch als Familiennamen.

Chicago trägt auch einige Nicknamen wie etwa "Windy City" (1890) (ursprünglich wegen seiner Großspurigkeit (vgl. dt. "viel Wind machen"), dann aber wegen des Nordwindes der durch die Stadt bläst), "Chi-Town", "Second City" (einst zweite Stadt nach New York, heute die drittgrößte nach New York und Los Angeles), "City of Big Shoulders" (wahrscheinlich wegen der geschulterten Schweine in den Schlachthöfen).

Wegen der geschlachteten Schweine wird "Chicago" jedenfalls seit 1862 auch "Porkopolis" genannt.

Als weitere Nicknamen für "Chicago" kann man finden: "Garden City", "City of Sin", "Lake City".

Die Musikgruppe "Chicago" stammt übrigens aus Chicago. Sie gab sich zuerst den Namen "Chicago Transit Authority". Als sie dann jedoch Ärger mit der "Öffentlichen Transportverwaltung" erhielt kürzte sie ihren Namen einfach auf "Chicago".

For many years the second largest city in the United States, before being displaced by Los Angeles, and therefore referred to as the "Second City".
... "Hog Butcher for the World" ...
"Loop" because it is enclosed by elevated railways

Chicago | Chicago, University of | Chicago Eight | Chicago World's Fair

Haymarket Square Riot, Chicago | Hull House, Chicago

Marshall Field's, Chicago

World Parliament of Religions, Chicago

Das Betriebssystem "Windows 95" wurde auch "Chicago" genannt.

Chicago: Der Chicago gehört zu den perlenden Cocktails.

Chicago | University Of Chicago | East Chicago



École de Chicago




Chicago, Judy | Colored Women Of Chicago028








Ende der 30. Weltausstellung in Chicago (30.10.1893) - 30.10.2013

Am 30. Oktober 1893 ging die Weltausstellung in Chicago zu Ende, und die Welt staunte über ein neues geniales Gerät - die Spülmaschine! Eine Erfindung der Selfmade-Frau Josephine Garis-Cochrane. Autorin: Yvonne Maier

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Muddy Waters geboren - 04.04.2008

04.04.1913: Der Gitarrist Muddy Waters kam aus dem tiefen Süden und spielte den schwärzesten Blues. Entdeckt wurde er vom Folkloreforscher Alan Lomax, berühmt wurde er in Chicago. Das erste Stück, das Muddy einspielte, stammte von Son House, seinem großen Vorbild. Auch Robert Johnson hatte es unter dem Titel "Walking Blues" eingespielt. Muddy nannte seine Version "Country Blues". Schon der zweite Titel war eine Eigenkomposition, die erste von vielen ...

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Al Capone, Chicago, Gangstersyndikat, Prohibition - 25.01.2008

25.01.1947 Tod Al Capone: 1920 ergänzte Amerika seine Verfassung und führte die Prohibition ein - das Verbot, Alkohol herzustellen, zu importieren, zu verkaufen und zu transportieren. Viele sahen hier ihre Lebenschance, auch Al Capone ...

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Kalenderblatt 16.08.1996 - 16.08.2007

Binti Jua: Im Brookfield-Zoo bei Chicago barg das Gorillaweibchen Binti Jua einen in das Gorillagehege gestürzten und verletzten Jungen und brachte ihn zu einer der Türen. Auf ihrem Weg schützte sie das kleine Kind sogar vor ihren Artgenossen...

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Kalenderblatt 11.08.1966 - 11.08.2006

Pressekonferenz der Beatles in Chicago

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18.04.2000 - Erster Waschsalon in Chicago eröffnet (18.04.1934)

Im Schachspiel findet man auch die "Chicagoer Verteidigung", engl. "Chicago Defense".

B21 Sicilian Defense: Smith-Morra gambit, Chicago Defense
1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.Nxc3 Nc6 5.Nf3 d6 6.Bc4 e6 7.O-O a6 8.Qe2 b5 9.Bb3 Ra7 79 0 view

B21 Sicilian Defense: Smith-Morra Gambit, Accepted Chicago Defense
1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.Nxc3 d6 5.Bc4 e6 6.Nf3 Nf6 7.O-O a6 31 0 view


*Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago boys including those pictured above (we claim no affiliation), and others who helped to liberalize Latin American economies.


The name "Chicago" derives from a word in the language spoken by the Miami and Illinois peoples meaning "striped skunk", a word they also applied to the wild leek (known to later botanists as "Allium tricoccum"). This became the Indian name for the "Chicago River", in recognition of the presence of wild leeks in the watershed. When early French explorers began adopting the word, with a variety of spellings, in the late seventeenth century, it came to refer to the site at the mouth of the Chicago River.

Ann Durkin Keating


Governing the Metropolis

To many people, particularly those interested in rational and efficient planning in local government, metropolitan Chicago's numerous and diverse governmental bodies are hampered by considerable overlap in jurisdiction and, at times, seemingly unmanageable chaos. With 269 municipal (city and village) governments, 113 township governments, 6 county governments, 558 special district authorities (including 306 public school districts), Chicago government seems to represent an inefficient use of its taxpayers' funds. This complex web of governance, however, is not unique; major metropolitan areas across the United States have comparable structures. Furthermore, the current system has roots and reasons dating back to the city's founding, yoking the city's present to its own and the nation's past.


Chicago | Chicago Air and Water Show | Chicago Apartments | Chicago Auto Show | Chicago Bears | Chicago Blackhawks | Chicago Blues Fest | Chicago Board of Trade | Chicago Board of Trade Building | Chicago Botanic Garden | Chicago Bulls | Chicago City Council | Chicago Commercial Real Estate | Chicago Council on Global Affairs | Chicago Cubs | Chicago Fire | Chicago Fire Department | Chicago Flower and Garden Show | Chicago Heights | Chicago Hotels | Chicago Housing Authority | Chicago Humanities Festival | Chicago International Film Festival | Chicago Jazz Fest | Chicago Jobs | Chicago Lawn | Chicago Loop | Chicago Lyric Opera | Chicago Marathon | Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Incorporated | Chicago Mortgages | Chicago Park District | Chicago Police Department | Chicago Public Library | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Real Estate | Chicago River | Chicago School of Economics | Chicago Shakespeare Theater | Chicago Skyline | Chicago Stockyards | Chicago Sun-Times | Chicago Symphony | Chicago Transit Authority | Chicago Tribune Columnists | Chicago Weather | Chicago White Sox | Chicago Wolves | Chicago, Judy





Sieben gegen Chicago

Deutschlandfunk / Kalenderblatt - 08.04.2005
Vom Metzgersohn zum Gangsterboss
08.04.2005. Al Capone: der Chicagoer Gangsterboss war Gladows Vorbild (Bild: AP) Al Capone: der Chicagoer Gangsterboss war Gladows Vorbild (Bild: AP) ...


Orson Welles bei der Aufnahme zum Hörspiel "War of the Worlds" am 30.10.1938 in New York (Bild: AP Archiv)
"The War of the Worlds" löst eine Massenpanik in den USA aus
Vor 70 Jahren wurde Orson Welles' Hörspiel gesendet
Von Sylvia Bösch
Wie jedes neuere Medium hat auch das Radio kurz vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg große Wirkung auf seine Nutzer ausgeübt. Wie unglaublich die Reaktionen allerdings sein konnten, wurde spätestens deutlich, als Orson Welles die amerikanische Bevölkerung mit seinem Hörspiel "The War of the Worlds" überraschte. Genau wie in dem gleichnamigen Roman von H.G. Wells ließ Orson Welles die Welt von Marsmenschen bevölkern. Anders als die schriftliche Vorlage hielt ein großer Teil der Zuhörer das Hörspiel bei seiner Übertragung allerdings für authentisch.
Meine Damen und Herren wir unterbrechen unsere laufende Sendung für eine aktuelle Durchsage vom Mount Jennings Observatorium in Chicago. Um 7.40 Uhr hat Professor Farrell dort mehrere Explosionen beobachtet. Glühendes Gas, das in regelmäßigen Abständen auf dem Planeten Mars explodiert. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass es sich um Wasserstoffgas handelt, das mit enormer Geschwindigkeit sich auf die Erde zu bewegt.




One tradition has it that the name is an Indian word meaning "great." Another says it derives from Algonquian for "onion place" because of the onion or garlic growing there.




Chicago, Ill.
The name "Chicago" is thought to come from an Algonquian word meaning "onion" or "skunk".


Ein kleine Bilderschau unterbrochen mit Werbeeinblendungen.

Chicago Landmarks
by Dana J. Quigley
Photographs by Carol M. Highsmith

Chicago, a major Great Lakes port, is the commercial, financial, industrial, and cultural hub of the Midwest. The bustling city, the most populous in Illinois with a population of about 3 million, is known for its architecture. Follow the slideshow to learn more about some of Chicago's most notable landmarks.

Chicago Hope (USA 1994-2000) | Chicago Soul (USA 1990-1991) | Chicago Story (USA 1982) | Chicago Teddybär & Co. (USA 1971) | Ein Grieche erobert Chicago (USA 1986-1993) | Ein Mountie in Chicago (CDN 1994-1998) | Parole Chicago (D 1979)

Ein Weblog aus Chicagoland.


Their first album was released as "Chicago Transit Authority", then the city of Chicago sued them. "Chicago Transit Authority" is the name of Chicago's public transportation department.


Hostels in Chicago, United States



Chicago, Schmuserocker aus Amerika ... Mittlerweile steht die Gruppe, die am 15. Februar 1967 in Chicago (wen wundert's?) gegründet wurde, seit über dreißig Jahren auf der Bühne.

Down the Drain: History of Chicago's sewer system


LINGUIST List 11.1704
Tue Aug 8 2000
Disc: Etymology of 'Chicago' [Next to last post]
Editor for this issue: Scott Fults
"Sheka:kwa" was the basic Proto-Algonquian form for "skunk". It can be further broken into identifiable "urine" + "animal marker". Whether or not this "sheka:kwa" is the form that gave "Chicago" its name, as "Algonquianist dictionaries" record, has been contested in local scholarship by Dr. William Barry, founder of the Chicago Historical Society, and among others, the historians Andreas, Quaif, Blanchard, and Pierce.
Dr. Frank Siebert's 1967 article "the Original Home of the Proto-Algonquian people" first gave this etymology. On page 21 of that article, he says it comes from Proto-Algonquian "*shek-" = "urine" plus the final "*-a:kw-" = "bushy tailed animal".
Some of the forms (in all but Cree) of the intermediate languages:
  • "zhigaagwanzh" Ojibwe
  • "shikaakwashi" Meskaakii
  • "shikaakonki" Miami
  • "shikaakoki" Miami
  • "sheka:kwa" = "skunk"
  • "sheka:ko:ha" = "onion"
  • "sheka:ko:he:ha" = "little skunk"
[This is a response to a summary posted as LINGUIST 11.1676 by Carl Jeffrey Weber.]
Der verlinkte Artikel geht noch ausführlicher auf "Chicago" und "Sheka:kwa" ein.

Search Results: (for "Chicago"): ADS-L: 196 matches (only the first 50 will be shown).




Chicago Modern


Chicago 10

Viruses in Chicago: The Threat to Windows 95

Archdiocese of Chicago

Loyola University (Chicago)

St. Ignatius Loyola


The "Chicago Manual of Style"

Chicago | Chicago, Judy | Chicago Heights | Chicago River

Art Ensemble of Chicago



Chicago - Wolkenkratzer, Skulpturen und heißer Blues

Chicago: Reminiszenzen an die "Black Metropolis"


Wortwörtlich - Koydls Kleines Lexikon - Castro und Chicago
Es gab wieder interessante Wörter in dieser Woche - und unser Autor hat ihre Herkunft verfolgt. Bei einem Wort aber biss selbst er sich die Zähne aus. mehr ...
In dieser Sprache gab es das Wort "shikaakwa", mit dem man eine Sorte "wilden Lauchs" beschrieb, bevor man es - wohl wegen des starken Geruches der Pflanze - auf den "Gestank des Streifenstinktiers" übertrug. Keine sprachliche Verwandtschaft mithin, auf welche die Bewohner der größten Stadt von Illinois stolz sein könnten: "Chicago" leitet sich direkt vom "übelriechenden Skunk" ab.

Chicago Sun Times


Die Rockband "Chicago" wurde 1967 von sieben Musikern aus "Chicago" gegründet.


Chicago - Pictures by QT Luong



Songs and lyrics by Chicago
  • 1970 - 25 Or 6 To 4 - by Chicago
  • 1986 - 25 Or 6 To 4 - by Chicago
  • 1978 - Alive Again - by Chicago
  • 1985 - Along Comes A Woman - by Chicago
  • 1976 - Another Rainy Day In New York City - by Chicago
  • 1977 - Baby, What A Big Surprise - by Chicago
  • 1971 - Beginnings - by Chicago
  • 1975 - Brand New Love Affair - by Chicago
  • 1974 - Call On Me - by Chicago
  • 1991 - Chasin' The Wind - by Chicago
  • 1971 - Colour My World - by Chicago
  • 1972 - Dialogue (Part I & II) - by Chicago
  • 1970 - Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? - by Chicago
  • 1973 - Feelin' Stronger Every Day - by Chicago
  • 1971 - Free - by Chicago
  • 1979 - Gone Long Gone - by Chicago
  • 1984 - Hard Habit To Break - by Chicago
  • 1982 - Hard To Say I'm Sorry - by Chicago
  • 1975 - Harry Truman - by Chicago
  • 1990 - Hearts In Trouble - by Chicago
  • 1997 - Here In My Heart - by Chicago
  • 1988 - I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love - by Chicago
  • 1987 - If She Would Have Been Faithful... - by Chicago
  • 1976 - If You Leave Me Now - by Chicago
  • 1971 - I'm A Man - by Chicago
  • 1974 - (I've Been) Searchin' So Long - by Chicago
  • 1973 - Just You 'N' Me - by Chicago
  • 1978 - Little One - by Chicago
  • 1988 - Look Away - by Chicago
  • 1982 - Love Me Tomorrow - by Chicago
  • 1971 - Lowdown - by Chicago
  • 1970 - Make Me Smile - by Chicago
  • 1979 - Must Have Been Crazy - by Chicago
  • 1987 - Niagara Falls - by Chicago
  • 1978 - No Tell Lover - by Chicago
  • 1975 - Old Days - by Chicago
  • 1969 - Questions 67 & 68 - by Chicago
  • 1972 - Saturday In The Park - by Chicago
  • 1984 - Stay The Night - by Chicago
  • 1978 - Take Me Back To Chicago - by Chicago
  • 1980 - Thunder And Lightning - by Chicago
  • 1989 - We Can Last Forever - by Chicago
  • 1989 - What Kind Of Man Would I Be? - by Chicago
  • 1983 - What You're Missing - by Chicago
  • 1986 - Will You Still Love Me? - by Chicago
  • 1974 - Wishing You Were Here - by Chicago
  • 1977 - You Are On My Mind - by Chicago
  • 1989 - You're Not Alone - by Chicago
  • 1984 - You're The Inspiration - by Chicago

(When She Needs Good Lovin') She Comes To Me - by The Chicago Loop

Chicago - by Graham Nash


Carl Sandburg (1878-1967): Chicago
Eugene Field (1850-1895): Chicago Weather

Hier findet man die aktuelle Uhrzeit von Chicago.





06. 442 m Sears Tower, Chicago (USA), 1974


Chicago Defender (W3)


Historical Chicago Defender 1905-1975
The Chicago Defender is an African American newspaper important for historical research on civil rights, segregation, African American migration to the industrial states, anti-lynching legislation, the modern civil rights movement and radical sentiments of the late 1960s. The Defender also published the works of African American authors, including Gwendolyn Brooks and Langston Hughes.

Related Databases
You can search all three of our Historical Newspaper Databases; the Historical New York Times, 1851-2002, the Historical Los Angeles Times, 1881-1985 and the Historical Chicago Defender 1905-1975, at the same time. Once you have opened one of these three titles, click on SELECT MULTIPLE DATABASES link in the middle of the opening search screen. Scroll the subsequent box down to the bottom and pick any combination of the historical newspapers. Note, historical databases cannot be searched in combination with non-historical databases


The "Chicago Defender" was the United States’ largest and most influential black weekly newspaper by the beginning of World War I. The Defender was founded on May 5, 1905 by Robert S. Abbott with an investment of 25 cents and a press run of 300 copies. The first issues, which were created on the kitchen table of his landlord’s apartment, were four-page, six-column handbills and filled with news gathered by Abbott, as well as clippings from other, more established newspapers.

Chicago School (W3)

Die Gruppe von Architekten aus Chicago, hatte ihre grosse Stunde nach dem großen Brand von 1871. Mit dem 1885 erstmals angewendeten Metallskelettbau wurde der Bau so genannten "Wolkenkratzer" möglich.


A fervently free-market economic philosophy long associated with the "University of Chicago". At times, especially when "KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS" was the orthodoxy in much of the world, the Chicago School was regarded as a bastion of unworldly extremism. However, from the late 1970s it came to be regarded as mainstream by many and Chicago trained economists often played a crucial part in the implementation of policies of low INFLATION and market LIBERALISATION that swept the world during the 1980s and 1990s. By 2003, boasted the University of Chicago, some 22 of the 49 then winners of the NOBEL PRIZE FOR ECONOMICS had been faculty members, students or researchers there.


Chicagoer Schule
Schule von Chicago
form follows function (W3)

Die Gruppe von Architekten aus Chicago, hatte ihre grosse Stunde nach dem großen Brand von 1871. Mit dem 1885 erstmals angewendeten Metallskelettbau wurde der Bau so genannten "Wolkenkratzer" möglich.

Einer ihrer Mitglieder, Louis H. Sullivan, prägte den leitspruch "form follows function".


Chicago Tribune (W3)



Topic galleries provide easy access to stories and photos about people, places, organizations, events and subjects of interest to you. They bring together rich multimedia content from across our network of newspaper and TV Web sites. You'll find thousands of topics, from hot issues to celebrities and from local festivals to global phenomena.




The Tribune was founded by James Kelly, John E. Wheeler and Joseph K.C. Forrest, publishing its first edition on June 10, 1847. The paper saw numerous changes in ownership and editorship over the next eight years. Initially, the Tribune was not politically affiliated but tended to support either the Whig or Free Soil parties against the Democrats in elections. By late 1853 it was frequently running xenophobic editorials that criticized foreigners and Roman Catholics. About this time it also became a strong proponent of temperance. However nativist its editorials may have been, it was not until February 10, 1855 that the Tribune formally affiliated itself with the nativist American or Know Nothing party, whose candidate Levi Boone was elected Chicago mayor the following month.

Chicago Historical Society - CHS
Encyclopedia of Chicago

A major museum and research center for Chicago and American history



Entries | Historical Sources | Maps | Special Features | User's Guide

The Encyclopedia of Chicago is a dynamic and unprecedented metropolitan history. Thousands of historical resources-including articles, photos, maps, broadsides and newspapers-related to Chicago's colorful and complex history are at your fingertips.


Entry from May 29, 2005
2006 Update: Encyclopedia of Chicago & ten years of effort, only to have research taken without
The Encyclopedia of Chicago was a joint effort of the Newberry Library and the Chicago Historical Society, and it was published by the University of Chicago (2004). The Electronic Encyclopedia of Chicago went online in May 2005.



ACLU (see American Civil Liberties Union ) | AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) | AMR Corp. (see American Airlines Inc. ) | AT&T (see Western Electric Co. ) | Abbott Laboratories | Abolitionism | Accounting | Ace Hardware Corp | Acme Steel Co. | Acting, Ensemble | Addison, IL | Adler Planetarium | Admiral Corp. | Advertising | Advice Columns | Afghans | African Americans | Agnes Nestor and the WTUL | Agrarian Movements | Agricultural Journals | Agricultural Machinery Industry | Agriculture | Air Quality | Airlines | Airports, Commuter | Al Capone | Albanians | Albany Park | Alberto-Culver Co. | Alcohol (see Drugs and Alcohol ) | Alcohol (see Liquor Distribution ) | Aldermanic Privilege | Aldermen (see Government, City of Chicago ) | Algerians | Algonquin, IL | All-American Girls Baseball League | Alleys | Allstate Corp. | Almshouses | Alpha Suffrage Club | Alsip, IL | Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America | American Airlines Inc. | American Biscuit and Manufacturing Co. (see National Biscuit Co. ) | American Brake Shoe & Foundry Co. (see IC Industries Inc. ) | American Can Co. | American Car & Foundry Co. | American Civil Liberties Union | American Fur Co. | American Giants | American Hospital Supply Corp. | American Plan | American Planning Association | American Steel Foundries | American Telephone and Telegraph Co. (see Western Electric Co. ) | American West Indian Association | Americanization | Ameritech Corp. (see Illinois Bell Telephone Co. ) | Amoco Corp. (see Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) ) | Amos 'n' Andy | Amos Alonzo Stagg and Football at Chicago | Amsted Industries Inc. (see American Steel Foundries ) | Amusement Parks | Anarchists | Andersen (Arthur) & Co. | Andersonville | Andrew "Rube" Foster: A Baseball Legend | Andrew Corp. | Andrews (A. H.) & Co. | Angel Guardian Orphanage | Anglo-American Provision Co. | Angolans | Anixter Bros. Inc. | Annexation | Annie McClure Hitchcock | Anti-Communism (see Cold War and Anti-Communism ) | Antioch, IL | Antiunionism | Antiwar Movements | Aon Corp. (see Combined Insurance Co. of America ) | Apartments | | Archdiocese of Chicago (see Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago ) | Archer Heights | Archibald John Motley, Jr. | Architecture | Architecture: The City Beautiful Movement | Architecture: The First Chicago School | Architecture: The Prairie School | Architecture: The Second Chicago School | Ardis Joan Krainik and the Lyric Opera | Argentinians | Argo (see Summit, IL ) | Argonne National Laboratory | Arlington Heights, IL | Armenians | Armories | Armory Show of 1913 | Armour & Co. | Armour Square | Armour, Dole & Co. | Arnold, Schwinn & Co. | Art | Art Centers, Alternative | Art Colonies | Art Criticism and Scholarship | Art Fairs | Art Galleries (see Galleries ) | Art Institute of Chicago | Art, Public | Art, Self-Taught | Artists, Education and Culture of | Arts Funding | Arts and Crafts Movement | Ashburn | Assassination of Carter Harrison | Associated Negro Press | Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians | Assyrians | Athletic Clubs (see Fitness and Athletic Clubs ) | Auburn Gresham | Auditorium Building | Audy Home | Aurora University | Aurora, IL | Austin | Austin High Gang | Australians | Austrians | Automatic Canteen Co. of America | Automatic Electric Co. | Automobile Manufacturing | Automobile Parts | Automobile Racing (see Motor Sports ) | Automobiles (see Motoring ) | Avalon Park | Avondale


Back of the Yards | Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council | Baha'i | Baker & McKenzie | Balaban & Katz | Ballet | Balloon Frame Construction | Bally Manufacturing Corp. | Bands, Early and Golden Age | Bangladeshis | Bank One Corp. (see First National Bank of Chicago ) | Bankers Life and Casualty Co. | Banking, Commercial | Bannockburn, IL | Barat College | Barbadians | Barrington Hills, IL | Barrington, IL | Bartlett, IL | Baseball | Baseball, Indoor | Basketball | Batavia, IL | Baths, Public | Batswana | Baxter Travenol Laboratories Inc. | Beach Park, IL | Bears | Beat Generation | Beatrice Foods Co. | Bedford Park, IL | Beecher, IL | Belarusians | Belgians | Belizeans | Bell & Howell Co. | Bellwood, IL | Belmont Cragin | Ben Franklin Stores (see Butler Bros. ) | Ben Hecht: Lake Thoughts | Benedictine University | Beninese | Bensenville, IL | Berkeley, IL | Berwyn, IL | Bessie Coleman: Pioneer Chicago Aviator | Bessie Louise Pierce and Chicago History | Bethlehem Steel Corp. | Beverly | Beverly Shores, IN | Bicycling | Bigger Thomas: A Tale of Two Neighborhoods | Bilingual Education | Billy Graham Center | Birthing Practices | Black Belt | Black Hawk War | Black Panther Party | Black Sox Scandal | Blackhawks | Blind Trusts | Block 37 | Blockbusting | Bloomingdale, IL | Blue Island, IL | Blues | Board of Trade (see Commodities Markets ) | Boardinghouses | Boating (see Sailing and Boating ) | Bob Fosse: His Chicago Beginnings | Bohemians (see Czechs and Bohemians ) | Bolingbrook, IL | Bolivians | Book Arts | Book Publishing (see Publishing, Book ) | Bootlegging | Booz Allen & Hamilton Inc. | Borg-Warner Corp. | Bosnians | Boss Politics (see Patronage ) | Bowling | Bowman Dairy Co. | Boxing | Boy Scouts (see Scouting ) | Boys Town | Bozo's Circus | Brach (E. J.) & Sons | Braidwood, IL | Brazilians | Breakfast Club | Breweries | Brickmaking (see Quarrying, Stone Cutting, and Brick Making ) | Bridgeport | Bridges | Bridgeview, IL | Brighton Park | Broadcasting | Broadview, IL | Bronzeville | Brookfield Zoo (Chicago Zoological Park) | Brookfield, IL | Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters | Bruce Graham on Modernism | Brunswick Corp. | Bucktown | Bud Billiken Day Parade | Buddhists | Buffalo Grove, IL | Bughouse Square | Building Codes and Standards | Building Trades and Workers | Built Environment of the Chicago Region | Bulgarians | Bull Valley, IL | Bulls | Bungalow Belt | Bungalows | Bunte Bros. | Burbank, IL | Burlington, IL | Burmese | Burnett (Leo) Co. | Burnham & Root | Burnham Plan | Burnham, IL | Burns Harbor, IN | Burnside | Burr Ridge, IL | Bus System | Business of Chicago | Butler Bros.


CBI Industries (see Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. ) | CDW Computer Centers, Inc. | CFS Continental Inc. (see Continental Coffee Co. ) | CHA (see Chicago Housing Authority ) | CNA Financial Corp. | CORE (see Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) ) | CTA (see Chicago Transit Authority ) | Cable Cars (see Street Railways ) | Cabrini-Green | Calumet City, IL | Calumet Heights | Calumet Park, IL | Calumet Region | Calumet River System | Cambodians | Cameroonians | Camp Douglas | Canadians | Canals (see Illinois & Michigan Canal ) | Canals (see Sanitary and Ship Canal ) | Canaryville | Canteen Corp. (see Automatic Canteen Co. of America ) | Capital Punishment | Capsonic Group LLC | Cardinals | Carol Stream, IL | Carpentersville, IL | Carson Pirie Scott & Co. | Cartography (see Mapmaking and Map Publishing ) | Cartography (see Mapping Chicago ) | Cary, IL | Castle (A. M.) & Co. | Catholic Charities | Catholic School System | Catholic Worker Movement | Catholic Youth Organization | Catholics (see Eastern Orthodox ) | Catholics (see Roman Catholics ) | Ceco Corp. | Cedar Lake, IN | Cemeteries | Center for Neighborhood Technology | Central Manufacturing District | Century of Progress Exposition | Chambers of Commerce | Channahon, IL | Charity Organization Societies | Charles H. Kerr & Co. | Charles Tyson Yerkes and Street Railways | Charters, Municipal | Chatham | Chemicals | Chess Records | Chesterton, IN | Chicago & North Western Railway Co. | Chicago (Chicago Transit Authority) | Chicago Academy of Sciences | Chicago American (see Hearst Newspapers ) | Chicago Area Project | Chicago Bears (see Bears ) | Chicago Black Renaissance | Chicago Blackhawks (see Blackhawks ) | Chicago Botanic Garden | Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. | Chicago Bulls (see Bulls ) | Chicago Chinese News | Chicago City Ballet | Chicago Commons | Chicago Community Trust | Chicago Conspiracy Trial | Chicago Crime Commission | Chicago Cubs (see Cubs ) | Chicago Daily News Inc. | Chicago Defender | Chicago Examiner (see Hearst Newspapers ) | Chicago Federation of Labor | Chicago Federation of Musicians | Chicago Flexible Shaft Co. | Chicago Great Western Railway Co. | Chicago Hebrew Institute | Chicago Heights, IL | Chicago Herald & Examiner (see Hearst Newspapers ) | Chicago Historical Society | Chicago Housing Authority | Chicago Industrial School for Girls (see House of the Good Shepherd / Chicago Industrial School for Girls ) | Chicago Jazz Ensemble | Chicago Lawn | Chicago Literary Renaissance | Chicago Marathon | Chicago Opera Ballet | Chicago Packing & Provision Co. | Chicago Political Equality League | Chicago Public Library | Chicago Railways Co. (see Chicago Surface Lines ) | Chicago Rapid Transit Co. | Chicago Relief and Aid Society | Chicago Ridge, IL | Chicago River | Chicago School of Architecture (see Architecture ) | Chicago School of Economics | Chicago School of Sociology | Chicago School of Television | Chicago Ship Building Co. | Chicago Sound | Chicago Stadium | Chicago State University | Chicago Studied: Social Scientists and Their City | Chicago Sun-Times | Chicago Sun-Times (see Field Enterprises Inc. ) | Chicago Surface Lines | Chicago Symphony Orchestra | Chicago Teachers Federation | Chicago Telephone Co. (see Illinois Bell Telephone Co. ) | Chicago Times | Chicago Times-Herald Race of 1895 | Chicago Title and Trust | Chicago Transit Authority | Chicago Tribune | Chicago Tribune (see Tribune Co. ) | Chicago White Sox (see White Sox ) | Chicago Wilderness | Chicago Women's Liberation Union | Chicago Yellow Cab Co. (see Yellow Cab Co. (of Chicago) ) | Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra | Chicago in the Middle Ground | Chicago to Mackinac Race | Chicago's Mythical French Fort | Chicago, Aurora & Elgin Railroad Co. | Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy Railroad Co. | Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railway Co. | Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee Railway Co. | Chicago, Rock Island, & Pacific Railroad Co. | Chicago, South Shore & South Bend Railroad Co. | Chicagoans Who Rejected the Railroad | Chicagoland | Chico Carrasquel | Children and the Law | Children's Health | Children's Museums | Children, Dependent | Chileans | Chinatown | Chinese | Chippewas (see Ojibwa ) | Choral Music | Church Architecture | Cicero, IL | City Beautiful Movement (see Architecture: The City Beautiful Movement ) | City Club of Chicago | City Council (see Government, City of Chicago ) | City Homes Association | City News Bureau | City Products Corp. (see Household Finance Corp. ) | City as Artifact | Civic Federation | Civil Rights Movements | Civil War | Clarendon Hills, IL | Classical Music | Clearing | Clerical Workers | Climate | Clinics and Dispensaries | Clothing and Garment Manufacturing | Clout | Clubs | Clubs, Fraternal | Clubs, Literary | Clubs, Patriotic and Veterans' | Clubs, Women's | Clubs, Youth | Coal City, IL | Coal Mining | Coffeehouses | Cold War and Anti-Communism | Collar Counties | College All-Star Football Game | Colleges, Junior and Community | Colombians | Columbia College | Columbian Exposition (see World's Columbian Exposition ) | Combined Insurance Co. of America | Comdisco Inc. | Comiskey Park | Commerce Clearing House, Inc. | Commercial Buildings | Commercial Club of Chicago | Commodities Markets | Commonwealth Edison Co. | Communist Party | Community Areas | Community Colleges (see Colleges, Junior and Community ) | Community Organizing | Community Service Organizations | Commuting | Company Housing | Concerts, Outdoor (see Outdoor Concerts ) | Concordia University | Condominiums and Cooperatives | Congolese | Congress of Industrial Organizations | Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) | Conservation Areas | Conservatories | Consolidated Foods Corp. | Construction | Consulting (see Management Consulting ) | Consumer Credit | Container Corp. of America | Contested Spaces | Continental Assurance Co. (see CNA Financial Corp. ) | Continental Can Co. | Continental Casualty Co. (see CNA Financial Corp. ) | Continental Coffee Co. | Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co. | Convention Centers (see Places of Assembly ) | Convention Centers (see Tourism and Conventions ) | Convents | Cook County | Cook County Hospital | Cook County Morgue | Coordinating Council of Community Organizations | Copperheads | Corn Products Refining Co. | Cosmetics and Hair Care Products | Costa Ricans | Cotter & Co. (see True Value Hardware ) | Council Wars | Council Wars (see Political Culture ) | Council on Fine Arts | Country Club Hills, IL | Countryside, IL | County Fairs | Court System | Cracker Jack Co. | Cradle Society, The | Crain Communications Inc. | Crane Co. | Crate & Barrel | Creation of Chicago Sports | Credit (see Consumer Credit ) | Crerar Library, John | Crest Hill, IL | Crestwood, IL | Crete, IL | Crime and Chicago's Image | Croatians | Cross of Gold | Crown Point, IN | Crystal Lake, IL | Cubans | Cubs | Cudahy Packing Co. | Curtiss Candy Co. | Cypriots | Czechs and Bohemians


Daily Herald | Daily Southtown | Daley's Chicago | Dance | Dance Companies | Dance Halls | Dance Training | Danes | Daniel Burnham: Highway Planning | Darien, IL | DePaul University | DeVry Institutes | Dean Milk Co. | Dearborn Park | Deep Tunnel | Deer Park, IL | Deerfield, IL | Deering Harvester Co. (see International Harvester Co. ) | Defender (see Chicago Defender ) | Democratic Party | Demography | Dentistry | Department Stores | Deportation and Repatriation | Depression (see Great Depression ) | Des Plaines River | Des Plaines, IL | Desegregation (see School Desegregation ) | Design (see Graphic Design ) | Design (see Industrial Art and Design ) | Dial Magazine | Diamond, IL | Dick (A. B.) Co. | Dick Tracy | Dime Novels | Ding Dong School | Disc Jockeys | Dixmoor, IL | Doggett, Bassett & Hills Co. | Dolton, IL | Domestic Work and Workers | Dominican University | Dominicans | Dominick's Finer Foods Inc. | Donnelley (R. R.) & Sons Co. | Douglas | Downers Grove, IL | "Downstate" | Drainage (see Flood Control and Drainage ) | Drug Retailing | Drugs and Alcohol | DuPage County | DuPage River | DuSable Museum | Duchossois Industries Inc. | Dune Acres, IN | Dune System | Dunning | Dutch | Dwight L. Moody: Heaven and Chicago | Dyer, IN | Dziennik Zwizkowy


East Chicago, IN | East Dundee, IL | East Garfield Park | East Hazel Crest, IL | East Side | Eastern Orthodox | Eastern Rite Catholics | Eastland | Economic Geography | Economics, Chicago School of (see Chicago School of Economics ) | Ecosystem Evolution | Ecuadorians | Edgewater | Edison Park | Education (see Schools and Education ) | Edward Eggleston and Literary Realism | Egyptians | Eight-Hour Movement | Ekco Products Co. | Elburn, IL | Elderly, Housing for the (see Housing for the Elderly ) | Electricity (see Gas and Electricity ) | Electronics | Elevated (see Rapid Transit System ) | Elevated (see "L" ) | Elgin National Watch Co. | Elgin, IL | Elk Grove Village, IL | Elmhurst College | Elmhurst, IL | Elmwood Park, IL | Elwood, IL | Emil Gustav Hirsch | Eminent Domain | Employment (see Unemployment ) | Employment (see Work ) | Encountering the Prairie | Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. | Englewood | English | Entertaining Chicagoans | Environmental Politics | Environmental Regulation | Environmentalism | Epidemics | Era of "Hinky Dink" and "Bathhouse John" | Eritreans | Erosion (see Shoreline Erosion ) | Erring Women's Refuge | Esmark Inc. (see Swift & Co. ) | Essanay Studios (see Film ) | Estonians | Ethiopians | Ethnic Music | Ethnic Theater (see Theater, Ethnic ) | Evans Food Products | Evanston, IL | Evergreen Park, IL | Evinrude Motor Co. (see Outboard Marine Corp. ) | Exelon Corp. (see Commonwealth Edison Co. ) | Expressways


FALN (see Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional (FALN) ) | FMC Corp. | Fair, The | Fairbank (N. K.) & Co. | Fairbank Canning Co. (see Morris (Nelson) & Co. ) | Fairs (see County Fairs ) | Family Planning | Fansteel Inc. | Farming (see Agriculture ) | Farwell (John V.) & Co. | Federal Art Project | Federal Sign and Signal Corp. | Federal Writers' Project | Felt & Tarrant Manufacturing Co. (see Victor Adding Machine Co. ) | Feminist Movements | Fenianism | Fermilab | Fermilab's Accelerator Ring: Metropolitan Chicago's Largest Circle | Fibber McGee and Molly | Fiction | Field (Marshall) & Co. | Field Enterprises Inc. | Field Museum | Fight for 40th Street | Filipinos | Film | Film Censorship | Film Criticism | Fine Arts Building | Finns | Fire Limits | Fire of 1871 | Firefighting | First National Bank of Chicago | Fitness and Athletic Clubs | Flags and Symbols | Flood Control and Drainage | Florsheim Shoe Co. | Flossmoor, IL | Flying Food Group Inc. | Folk Music | Folk and Traditional Dance | Folklore | Folklore of the Middle Ground | Follett Corp. | Food Processing: Local Market | Food Processing: Regional and National Market | Foodways | Football | Foote, Cone & Belding | Ford Heights, IL | Forest Glen | Forest Park, IL | Forest Preserves | Forest View, IL | Fort Dearborn | Fort Sheridan | Fourth Presbyterian Church | Fowler Bros. (see Anglo-American Provision Co. ) | Fox (see Mesquakie (Fox) ) | Fox Lake, IL | Fox River | Fox River Grove, IL | Frankfort, IL | Franklin Park, IL | Fraser & Chalmers | Fraternal Clubs (see Clubs: Fraternal ) | Free Speech | Free Thought | French and French Canadians | Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN) | Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 | Fuller (George A.) Co. | Fuller Park | Fur Trade | Furniture


GATX Corp. (see General American Transportation Corp. ) | Gage Park | Galleries | Gambians | Gambling | Gangs | Garbage (see Waste Disposal ) | Gardening | Garfield Goose and Friends | Garfield Park | Garfield Ridge | Garment Industry (see Clothing and Garment Manufacturing ) | Garveyism | Gary (Theodore) & Co. (see Automatic Electric Co. ) | Gary, IN | Gas Stations | Gas and Electricity | Gated Communities | Gautreaux Assisted Housing Program | Gay and Lesbian Rights Movements | Gays and Lesbians | General American Transportation Corp. | General Telephone & Electronics Corp. (see Automatic Electric Co. ) | Geneva, IL | Gentrification | George A. Poole, a Chicago Collector | George Pullman and His Town | Georgians | Germans | Ghanaians | Ghettoization | Gilberts, IL | Girl Scouts (see Scouting ) | Glaciation | Glen Ellyn, IL | Glencoe, IL | Glendale Heights, IL | Glenview Naval Air Station | Glenview, IL | Glenwood, IL | Global Chicago | Godley, IL | Gold Coast | Goldblatt Bros. Inc. | Golf | Golf, IL | Good Government Movements | Goodman Theatre | Goose Island | Gospel | Government, City of Chicago | Government, Suburban | Governors State University | Graceland Cemetery | Grain Market (see Commodities Markets ) | Grain Market (see Food Processing: Regional and National Market ) | Grainger (W. W.) Inc. | Grand Army of the Republic | Grand Boulevard | Grant Park | Graphic Design | Gray Wolves | Grayslake, IL | Great Depression | Great Lakes Naval Training Station | Great Lakes System | Great Migration | Great Society | Greater Grand Crossing | Greeks | Greektown | Green Oaks, IL | Greenwood, IL | Greyhound Corp. | Griffith, IN | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | Groundwater System | Guatemalans | Guineans | Gun Control | Gurnee, IL | Guyanese | Gypsies


Hainesville, IL | Hair Care Products (see Cosmetics and Hair Care Products ) | Haitians | Hall (W. F.) Printing Co. | Hammond (George H.) Co. | Hammond Organ Co. | Hammond, IN | Hampshire, IL | Hand (Peter) Brewing Co. | Hanover Park, IL | Hardware Manufacturing | Harris Trust & Savings Bank | Hart, Schaffner & Marx | Harvard, IL | Harvey, IL | Harwood Heights, IL | Hawthorn Woods, IL | Haymarket and May Day | Hazardous Waste (see Waste, Hazardous ) | Hazel Crest, IL | Health (see Public Health ) | Health Care Workers | Hearst Newspapers | Heat Wave of 1995 | Heat Wave of 1995 (see Public Health ) | Hebron, IL | Hebron, IN | Hegewisch | Helene Curtis Industries Inc. | Henderson (C. M.) & Co. | Hermosa | Hewitt Associates | Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. | Hickory Hills, IL | High-School Sports (see Sports, High-School ) | Highland Park, IL | Highland, IN | Highways (see Expressways ) | Highways (see Streets and Highways ) | Highwood, IL | Hillside, IL | Hilton Hotels Corp. | Hindus | Hines (Edward) Lumber Co. | Hinsdale, IL | Historic Preservation | Hmong | Hobo College | Hoboes | Hodgkins, IL | Hoffman Estates, IL | Holabird & Root | Holiday Hills, IL | Home Building and Sanborn Insurance Atlases | Home Rule | Homelessness and Shelters | Homer Glen, IL | Hometown, IL | Homewood, IL | Homicide | Hondurans | Horner (Henry) & Co. | Horse Racing | Horsecars (see Street Railways ) | Hospitals | Hotels | House Moving | House Numbering and Street Numbering | House of the Good Shepherd / Chicago Industrial School for Girls | Household Finance Corp. | Housekeeping | Housing Reform | Housing Types | Housing for the Elderly | Housing, Mail-Order | Housing, Self-Built | How to Dress at the Bathing Beaches | Hoyt (William M.) & Co. | Hubbard (Gurdon S.) & Co. | Hubbard Street Dance Chicago | Hull House | Humboldt Park | Humboldt Park | Hungarians | Huntley, IL | Hyatt Hotels Corp. | Hyde Park | Hyde Park Art Center | Hyde Park Township


IC Industries Inc. | IGA Inc. | IMC Global (see International Minerals & Chemical Corp. ) | IWW (see Industrial Workers of the World ) | Ice Skating (see Skating, Ice ) | Icelanders | Ida B. Wells: African Americans at the World's Columbian Exposition | If Christ Came to Chicago | Illinois | Illinois Bell Telephone Co. | Illinois Central Railroad | Illinois Central Railroad (Corporate History) | Illinois Institute of Technology | Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy | | Illinois Steel Co. (see U.S. Steel Corp. ) | Illinois Tool Works Inc. | Illinois and Michigan Canal | Immigration (see Demography ) | Impresarios | Improvisational Theater | Incorporation (see Charters, Municipal ) | Independent Grocers' Alliance (see IGA Inc. ) | Indian Creek, IL | Indian Head Park, IL | Indiana Dunes | Indiana University Northwest | Indians | Indonesians | Industrial Art and Design | Industrial League Sports (see Sports, Industrial League ) | Industrial Pollution | Industrial Workers of the World | Infrastructure | Inland Steel Co. | Innovation, Invention, and Chicago Business | Institute of Design | Insurance | Interlake Steel Corp. (see Acme Steel Co. ) | International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts | International Amphitheater | International Harvester Co. | International Minerals & Chemical Corp. | Interurbans | Invention (see Innovation, Invention, and Chicago Business ) | Inverness, IL | Iranians | Iraqis | Irish | Irish Canal Workers | Iron and Steel | Iron- and Steelworkers | Irving Park | Island Lake, IL | Israelis | Italians | Itasca, IL | Itel Corp. (see Anixter Bros. Inc. ) | Ivorians


Jackson Park | Jails and Prisons | Jamaicans | James C. Petrillo: The Man Behind the Petrillo Band Shell | James Farmer: A Chicago Lunch Counter Sit-In | Jane | Jane Addams: Halsted Street around 1890 | Japanese | Jazz | Jazz Dance | Jefferson Park | Jefferson Township | Jewel Cos. | Jewelers' Row | Jewish Community Centers | Jews | Joffrey Ballet of Chicago | John "Mushmouth" Johnson and the Policy Racket | John Fitzpatrick and the CFL | John Kikulski and Chicago Labor | John and Mary Jones: Early Civil Rights Activists | Johnsburg, IL | Johnson Motors (see Outboard Marine Corp. ) | Johnson Products Co. | Johnson Publishing Co. | Joliet, IL | Jolliet and La Salle's Canal Plans | Jordanians | Journalism | Judaism | Judith Waller and Chicago Radio | | Jungle, The | Junior Colleges (see Colleges, Junior and Community ) | Junior Leagues | Justice, IL | Juvenile Courts | Juvenile Justice Reform | Juvenile Protective Association


K-Town | Kane County | Karpen (S.) & Bros. | Keebler Co. (see United Biscuit Co. of America ) | Keith Bros. | Kellogg (Charles P.) & Co. | Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co. | Kelly-Nash Machine | Kemper Corp. | Kendall College | Kenilworth, IL | Kensington | Kent (A. E.) & Co. | Kenwood | Kenyans | Kildeer, IL | Kimball (W. W.) Co. | | King (Henry W.) & Co. | Kirk (James S.) & Co. | Kirkland & Ellis | Kitchenettes | Knights of Labor | Koreans | Kouts, IN | Kraft Inc. | Kroehler Manufacturing Co. | Ku Klux Klan | Kukla, Fran and Ollie | Kuppenheimer (B.) & Co.


"L" | LTV Steel Co. (see Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. ) | La Grange Park, IL | La Grange, IL | La Leche League | LaSalle National Bank | Labor Law | Labor Organizing (see Unionization ) | Labor Songs | Lacustrine System | Lager Beer Riot | Lake Barrington, IL | Lake Bluff, IL | Lake County Discovery Museum | Lake County, IL | Lake County, IN | Lake Forest College | Lake Forest, IL | Lake Michigan | Lake Station, IN | Lake Township | Lake View | Lake View Township | Lake Villa, IL | Lake Zurich, IL | Lake in the Hills, IL | Lakemoor, IL | Lakewood, IL | Land Use | Landscape | Landscape Design | Lansing, IL | Laotians | Latvians | Laundries and Laundering | Law | League of Women Voters | Leather and Tanning | Lebanese | Lectures and Public Speaking | Legal Aid | Leisure | Lemont, IL | Leopold and Loeb | Lesbians (see Gays and Lesbians ) | Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises Inc. | Levee (see Vice Districts ) | Levy (Chas.) Circulating Co. | Lewis University | Lexington Hotel | Libby, McNeill, & Libby | Liberians | Libertyville, IL | Libraries, Cook County | Libraries, Suburban | Library, Chicago Public (see Chicago Public Library ) | Lily Lake, IL | Lincoln Park | Lincoln Park | Lincoln Park Zoological Gardens | Lincoln Square | Lincolnshire, IL | Lincolnwood, IL | Lindenhurst, IL | Link-Belt Co. | Liquor Distribution | Lisle, IL | Literary Careers | Literary Clubs (see Clubs: Literary Clubs ) | Literary Cultures | Literary Images of Chicago | Lithuanians | Little Italy | Little Village | Lloyd Lewis: A Chicago Journalist | Local Option | Lockport, IL | Logan Square | Lombard, IL | Long Grove, IL | The Loop | Lorado Taft and Chicago Sculpture | Louis Henri Sullivan and the Chicago School | Lowell, IN | Lower West Side | Loyola University | | Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Co. (see Kemper Corp. ) | Luxembourgers | Lynwood, IL | Lyons, IL | Lyric Opera


MacArthur Foundation | Macedonians | Machine Politics | Madonna Center | Mafia | Magazines | Magnificent Mile | Mail Delivery | Mail Order | Mail-order Housing (see Housing, Mail-Order ) | Malaysians | Malians | Malls (see Shopping Districts and Malls ) | Management Consulting | Mandel Bros. | Manhattan Project | Manhattan, IL | Manufacturing District, Central (see Central Manufacturing District ) | Maple Park, IL | Mapmaking and Map Publishing | Mapping Chicago | Marathon (see Chicago Marathon ) | MarchFirst Inc. (see Whittman-Hart Inc. ) | Marcor Inc. (see Ward (Montgomery) & Co. ) | Marengo, IL | Markham, IL | Marmon Group Inc. | Marquette Park | Martin Luther King, Jr., in Chicago | Mary Livermore and the U.S. Sanitary Commission | Mary McDowell and Chicago Settlement Houses | Mary Thompson Hospital | Mary and Leigh Block Museum | Mass Transit (see Public Transportation ) | Mass Transit (see Rapid Transit System ) | Material Service Corp. | Matteson, IL | Maxwell Street | May Day (see Haymarket and May Day ) | Mayer (Oscar) & Co. | Mayer, Brown & Platt | Mayor's Commission on Human Relations | Mayors | Maywood, IL | McCook, IL | McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. (see International Harvester Co. ) | McCormicks | McCullom Lake, IL | McDonald's Corp. | McGraw-Edison Co. | McHenry County | McHenry, IL | McKinley Park | Mears, Bates & Co. | Meatpacking | Medical Education | Medical Manufacturing and Pharmaceuticals | Medical Societies and Journals | Meister Brau, Inc. (see Hand (Peter) Brewing Co. ) | | Memorial Day Massacre | Mental Health | Merchandise Mart | Mercy Hospital | Merriam Center | Merrillville, IN | Merrionette Park, IL | Mesquakie (Fox) | Métis | Metra | Metropolitan Community Church | Metropolitan Growth | Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation (MHDC) v. Arlington Heights | Metropolitan Statistical Area | Mettawa, IL | Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum | Mexicans | Miamis | Michael Reese Hospital | Michigan City, IN | Midas International Corp. (see IC Industries Inc. ) | Midlothian, IL | Midway Airlines Inc. | Midway Airport | Migrants to Chicago | Millennium Park | Minooka, IL | Mission of the Guardian Angel | Missionary Training Schools | MoMing Dance and Arts Center | Mobile Homes | Model Cities | | Mokena, IL | Molex Inc. | Monee, IL | Mongolians | Montclare | Montgomery, IL | Monuments (see Art, Public ) | Monuments (see City as Artifact ) | Monuments (see War Monuments ) | Moody Bible Institute | Morgan Park | Morgue (see Cook County Morgue ) | Mormons | Moroccans | Morris (Nelson) & Co. | Morris, IL | Morrison, Plummer & Co. | Mortality (see Demography ) | Morton Grove, IL | Morton Salt Co. | Mothers' Pensions | Motor Sports | Motoring | Motorola Inc. | Mount Greenwood | Mount Prospect, IL | Movie Industry (see Film ) | Movie Palaces | Movies, Going to the | Moving Days | Mr. Dooley Explains Our "Common Hurtage" | Mr. Wizard | Multicentered Chicago | Mundelein College (see Loyola University ) | Mundelein, IL | Munger, Wheeler & Co. | Municipal Charters (see Charters, Municipal ) | Munn & Scott | Munster, IN | Museum of Broadcast Communications | Museum of Contemporary Art | Museum of Science and Industry | Museums in the Park | Music Clubs | Music Publishing | Musical Instrument Manufacturing | Muslims | Mutual Benefit Societies


NAES College | Nalco Chemical Co. | Naper Settlement | Naperville, IL | Nation of Islam, The | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) | National Association of Negro Musicians | National Biscuit Co. | National Dairy Products Corp. (see Kraft Inc. ) | | National Malleable and Steel Castings Co. | National Negro Congress | National Packing Co. | National Tea Co. | National-Louis University | Native American Religions | Native Americans | Navistar International Corp. (see International Harvester Co. ) | Navy Pier | Near North Side | Near South Side | Near West Side | Neighborhood Press (see Press: Neighborhood Press ) | Neighborhood Succession | Neighborhoods (see Community Areas ) | Neighborhoods (see Multicentered Chicago ) | Nepalese | New Chicago, IN | New City | New Deal | New Lenox, IL | New Thought | New Zealanders | | Newspapers | Nicaraguans | Nicor Inc. | Nielsen (A. C.) Co. | Nigerians | Nightclubs | Niles, IL | Nipsco Industries Inc. (see Northern Indiana Public Service Co. ) | Nommo | Norridge, IL | North Aurora, IL | North Barrington, IL | North Center | North Central College | North Chicago Rolling Mill Co. | North Chicago, IL | North Lawndale | North Park | North Park University | North Riverside, IL | Northbrook, IL | Northeastern Illinois University | Northern Illinois Gas Co. (see Nicor Inc. ) | Northern Indiana Public Service Co. | Northern Trust Co. | Northfield, IL | Northlake, IL | Northwest Community Organization | Northwest Industries Inc. | Northwest Ordinance | Northwestern Terra Cotta Co. | Northwestern University | Norwegians | Norwood Park | Nursery Schools | Nursing Homes (see Housing for the Elderly ) | Nursing and Nursing Education | Nuveen (John) Co.


O'Hare | O'Hare Airport | Oak Brook, IL | Oak Forest, IL | Oak Lawn, IL | Oak Park, IL | Oakbrook Terrace, IL | Oakland | Oakwood Hills, IL | Occupational Safety and Health | Ogden Dunes, IN | Oil Refining (see Refining ) | Ojibwa | Old Mill Creek, IL | Old Town | Old Town School of Folk Music | Olivet Baptist Church | Olympia Fields, IL | One-Way Streets (see Streets, One-Way ) | Open Housing | Openlands Project | Opera | Operation PUSH | Orland Hills, IL | Orland Park, IL | Orphanages | Oscar DePriest | Osco Drug Inc. (see Jewel Cos. ) | Oswego, IL | Ottawas | Our Lady of the Angels Fire | Outboard Marine Corp. | Outdoor Concerts


Pace | Pacific Garden Mission | Pacific Islanders | Packinghouse Unions | Pakistanis | Palatine, IL | Palestinians | Palmer House | Palmer, Fuller & Co. | Palos Heights, IL | Palos Hills, IL | Palos Park, IL | Panamanians | Paraguayans | Parish Life | Park City, IL | Park Districts | Park Forest Centre | Park Forest, IL | Park Ridge, IL | Parking | Parliament of Religions (see World's Parliament of Religions ) | Patrick Ryan (Aon Corporation) on the New Economy | Patriotic Clubs (see Clubs: Patriotic and Veterans' ) | Patronage | Peddling (see Street Peddling ) | People's Gas Light & Coke Co. | Peotone, IL | Pepper Construction Co. | Perkins & Will | Peruvians | Petroleum (see Refining ) | Pettibone Mulliken Corp. | Pharmaceuticals (see Medical Manufacturing and Pharmaceuticals ) | Pharmacies (see Drug Retailing ) | Phelps, Dodge & Palmer | Philanthropy | Philip Armour and the Packing Industry | Philip Klutznick: Shopping as a Real-Estate Deal | Phoenix, IL | Photography | Picnic Groves: Ogden's Grove | Pilsen | Pingree Grove, IL | Pinkerton National Detective Agency | Pinkertons | Pinstripe Patronage | Pizza | Places of Assembly | Plainfield, IL | Planning Chicago | Planning, City and Regional | Plano Manufacturing Co. (see International Harvester Co. ) | Plant Communities | Platinum Technology Inc. | Playboy | Playboy Enterprises Inc. | Playground Movement | Playgrounds and Small Parks | Playskool Inc. | Playwriting | Poetry | Poetry Slam | Poles | Police | Polish National Alliance | Polish Roman Catholic Union of America | Political Conventions | Political Culture | Politics | Politics and the Press | Politics, State (see State Politics ) | Polka | Pollution (see Air Quality ) | Polonia | Population (see Demography ) | Port Barrington, IL | Portage | Portage Park | Portage, IN | Porter, IN | Portuguese | Posen, IL | Post Offices (see Industrial Pollution ) | Postcards | Potawatomis | Powwows | Prairie Avenue | Prairie Farmer | Prairie Grove, IL | Prairie School of Architecture (see Architecture: The Prairie School ) | Premark International Inc. (see Kraft Inc. ) | Premark International Inc. (see Illinois Tool Works Inc. ) | Preservation (see Historic Preservation ) | Press: Neighborhood Press | Press: Suburban Press | Pressed Steel Car Co. (see General American Transportation Corp. ) | Presses, University | Preston Bradley | Printer's Row | Printing | Prisons (see Jails and Prisons ) | Privatization | Progressive Education | Prohibition and Temperance | Property Assessment | Prospect Heights, IL | Prostitution | Protestants | Provident Hospital | Public Art (see Art, Public ) | Public Baths (see Baths, Public ) | Public Broadcasting | Public Buildings in the Loop | Public Health | Public Housing | Public Schools (see Schools and Education ) | Public Speaking (see Free Speech ) | Public Speaking (see Lectures and Public Speaking ) | Public Transportation | Public Works, Federal Funding for | Publishing and Media, Religious | Publishing, Book | Puerto Ricans | Pullman | Pullman Inc. | Pullman Strike | Purdue University Calumet | Pure Oil Co.


Quaker Oats Co. | Quarrying, Stone Cutting, and Brick Making | Quill Corp.


Race Riots | Racism, Ethnicity, and White Identity | Radio Orchestras | Railroad Stations | Railroad Strike of 1877 | Railroad Supply Industry | Railroad Workers | Railroads | Rainbow Beach | Ralph Metcalfe: Champion Sprinter and Free-Thinking Politician | Rand McNally & Co. | Rap | Rapid Transit System | Ravenswood | Ravinia | Real Estate | Real Estate Research Corporation | Rear Houses | Record Publishing | Red Squad | Redlining | Refining | Refugees | Regal Theater | Regional Planning (see Governing the Metropolis ) | Regional Planning (see Planning, City and Regional ) | Regional Transportation Authority | Relief and Subsistence Aid | Religion, Chicago's Influence on | Religious Education (see Catholic School System ) | Religious Education (see Seminaries ) | Religious Geography | Religious Institutions | Religious Publishing (see Publishing and Media, Religious ) | Religious Settlements (see Settlements, Religious ) | Renaissance Society | Rent Control | Republic Steel Corp. | Republican Party | Rescue Missions | Residential Hotels | Resorts: Summer Journey to Saugatuck | Restaurants | Restrictive Covenants | Retail Geography | Retail Workers | Rhythm and Blues | Richmond, IL | Richton Park, IL | Ring Lardner and Chicago Sports Reporting | Ringwood, IL | Ritchie (W. C.) & Co. | River Forest, IL | River Grove, IL | Riverdale | Riverdale, IL | Riverine Systems | Riverside, IL | Riverwoods, IL | Roadhouses | Robbins, IL | Robert Galvin on Catholic Schools and Virtual Perfection | Robert Morris College | Robert Taylor Homes | Rock Music | Rockdale, IL | Roger Ebert on Hoop Dreams | Rogers Park | Rolling Meadows, IL | Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago | Roman Catholics | Romanians | Romeoville, IL | Roosevelt University | Roseland | Roselle, IL | Rosemont, IL | Rotary International | Round Lake Beach, IL | Round Lake Heights, IL | Round Lake Park, IL | Round Lake, IL | Royko: What Clout Is | Russians | Ruth Page: A Chicago Dance Institution | Ryerson (Joseph T.) & Son


S&C Electric Co. | Sac | Sacred Music | Safety-Kleen Corp. | Sailing and Boating | Saint Xavier University | Saloons | Salt Creek | Salvadorans | Salvation Army | Samuel Eberly Gross's Subdivisions | Samuel Insull: Electric Magnate | Sandburg Village | Sanitary Commission | Sanitary and Ship Canal | Sara Lee Corp. (see Consolidated Foods Corp. ) | Sauk Village, IL | Saul Bellow on Chicago | Savings and Loans | Sayers Group LLC | Schaumburg, IL | Schererville, IN | Schiller Park, IL | Schlesinger & Mayer | Schneider, IN | Schoenhofen (Peter) Brewing Co. | Scholl Inc. | School Architecture | School Desegregation | School Districts | Schooling for Work | Schools and Education | Schuttler (Peter) Co. | Schwartzchild & Sulzberger (see Wilson & Co. ) | Schwinn Bicycle Co. (see Arnold, Schwinn & Co. ) | Scots | Scouting | Searle (G. D.) & Co. | Sears, Roebuck & Co. | Second Chicago School of Architecture (see Architecture: The Second Chicago School ) | Second City Theatre | Seiches | Seipp (Conrad) Brewing Co. | Selz, Schwab & Co. | Seminaries | Senegalese | Serbs | Service Employees International Union (SEIU) | ServiceMaster Industries Inc. | Set Design | Settlement Houses | Settlements, Religious | Sewers (see Infrastructure ) | Sewers (see Water ) | Shakman Decrees | Shedd Aquarium | Shelters (see Homelessness and Shelters ) | Shimer College | Shipbuilding | Shipping (see Water ) | Shipping (see Transportation ) | Shopping Districts and Malls | Shoreline Erosion | Shorewood, IL | Sidley & Austin | Siegel, Cooper & Co. | Sierra Leoneans | Signode Steel Strapping Co. | Sikhs | Singaporeans | Single Room Occupancy Hotels | Sister Carrie | Six Corners | Skating, Ice | Skidmore, Owings & Merrill | Skokie's Border with Chicago | Skokie, IL | Skyscrapers | Skyway | Sleepy Hollow, IL | Slovaks | Slovenes | Smart Museum | Smoke-Filled Room | Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. (see Stone Container Corp. ) | Snow Removal | Soap Operas | Soccer | Social Gospel in Chicago | Social Science (see Chicago Studied: Social Scientists and Their City ) | Social Service Education | Social Services | Socialist Parties | Sociology, Chicago School of (see Chicago School of Sociology ) | Softball | Softball, 16-Inch | Soils | Soldier Field | Somalis | Soul Music (see Rhythm and Blues ) | South Africans | South Barrington, IL | South Chicago | South Chicago Heights, IL | South Deering | South Elgin, IL | South Holland, IL | South Lawndale | South Loop | South Shore | South Side | South Side Community Art Center | South Side Community Arts Center (see Artists, Education and Culture of ) | Southerners | Southwest Airlines Inc. | Spaghetti Bowl | Spalding (A. G.) Co. | Spaniards | Special Districts | Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies | Spiegel Inc. | Sporting Goods Manufacturing | Sports (see Creation of Chicago Sports ) | Sports, High-School | Sports, Industrial League | Sprague, Warner & Co. (see Consolidated Foods Corp. ) | Spring Grove, IL | Sri Lankans | St. Charles, IL | St. John, IN | St. Lawrence Seaway | | St. Vincent DePaul Society | Stadiums (see Places of Assembly ) | Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) | State Politics | Stateway Gardens | Steel (see Iron and Steel ) | Steel- and Ironworkers (see Iron- and Steelworkers ) | Steering | Steger, IL | Stephen A. Douglas | Steppenwolf Theatre | Stewart-Warner Corp. | Stickney, IL | Sting | Stockyards (see Union Stock Yard ) | Stockyards (see Meatpacking ) | Stone Container Corp. | Stone Park, IL | Stonecutting (see Quarrying, Stone Cutting, and Brick Making ) | Streamwood, IL | Street Grades, Raising | Street Life | Street Musicians | Street Naming | Street Numbering (see House Numbering and Street Numbering ) | Street Peddling | Street Railways | Streeterville | Streets and Highways | Streets, One-Way | Strikes | Stroll, The | Studs Terkel and Oral History | Sturges, Buckingham & Co. | Subdivisions | Subsidized Housing | Suburban Government (see Government, Suburban ) | Suburban Libraries (see Libraries, Suburban ) | Suburban Press (see Press: Suburban Press ) | Suburban Zoning | Suburbanization (see Metropolitan Growth ) | Suburbs and Cities as Dual Metropolis | Subway (see Rapid Transit System ) | Subway (see "L" ) | Sudanese | Suffrage | Sugar Grove, IL | Summer Theater | Summit, IL | Sun-Times (see Chicago Sun-Times ) | Sunbeam Co. (see Chicago Flexible Shaft Co. ) | Sunday Closings | Supermarkets (see Grocery Stores and Supermarkets ) | Swedes | Swift & Co. | Swimming | Swing Trial | Swiss | Symerton, IL | Syrians


Taiwanese | Tanning (see Leather and Tanning ) | Tanzanians | Tap Dance | Target Corp. (see Field (Marshall) & Co. ) | Tax Strikes | Taxation and Finance | Taxis, Liveries, and Limousines | Taylorism | Teamsters | Telegraph | Telephone & Data Systems Inc. | Telephony | Teletype Corp. (see Western Electric Co. ) | Teletype Corp. (see Western Electric Co. ) | Television (see Chicago School of Television ) | Television (see Broadcasting ) | Television, Talk | Tellabs Inc. | Temperance (see Prohibition and Temperance ) | Tenements | Tennis | Terra Museum of American Art | Thais | Theater | Theater Buildings | Theater Companies | Theater Training | Theater, Ethnic | Theater, Improvisational (see Improvisational Theater ) | Theater, Summer (see Summer Theater ) | Third Lake, IL | Thornton, IL | Tibetans | Timuel Black on Attending School in the 1920s (Oral History) | | Tinley Park, IL | Togolese | Toll Roads | Tollway Authority | Tongs | Tootsie Roll Industries Inc. | Topography | Tornadoes | Torrens Title | Tourism and Conventions | Tower Lakes, IL | Towertown | Town of Pines, IN | Townships | Toy Manufacturing | Traction Ordinances | Trade Publications | Trans Union Corp. (see Union Tank Car Co. ) | Transportation | Treaties | Trees | Tribune (see Chicago Tribune ) | Tribune Co. | Trinity Christian College | Trinity International University | Trolleys (see Street Railways ) | Trout Valley, IL | True Value Hardware | Trumbull Park Homes Race Riots, 1953-1954 | Tuberculosis | Tunnels | Turf | Turks | Turnvereins


U.S. Cellular Corp. (see Telephone & Data Systems Inc. ) | U.S. Cellular Field (see Comiskey Park ) | U.S. Gypsum Co./USG Corp. (see United States Gypsum Co. ) | U.S. Robotics Inc. | U.S. Steel Corp. | Ugandans | Ukrainian Village | Ukrainians | Underground Economy | Underground Railroad | Unemployment | Unicom Corp. (see Commonwealth Edison Co. ) | Union Stock Yard | Union Stock Yard & Transit Co. | Union Tank Car Co. | Union, IL | Unionization | United Air Lines | United Biscuit Co. of America | United Center | United Charities | United Neighborhood Organization | United States Gypsum Co. | United Stationers Supply Co. | Universities and Their Cities | University Park, IL | University Presses (see Presses, University ) | University of Illinois at Chicago | Untouchables | Uptown | Urban League | Urban Renewal | Uruguayans


Vacation Spots | Valparaiso University | Valparaiso, IN | | Veluchamy Enterprises | Venezuelans | Vernon Hills, IL | Veterans' Clubs (see Clubs: Patriotic and Veterans' ) | Veterans' Hospitals | Vice Commissions | Vice Districts | Victor Adding Machine Co. | Vietnamese | Villa District | Villa Park, IL | Virgil, IL | Visitation and Aid Society | Volo, IL


WBBM | WCFL | WCTU (see Woman's Christian Temperance Union ) | WGN | WLS | WLS Barn Dance | WMAQ | WTTW (see Public Broadcasting ) | WTTW: The Beginning of Public Broadcasting | WTUL (see Women's Trade Union League ) | Wadsworth, IL | Waldheim Cemetery | Walgreen Co. | Walter Dyett: Music Educator | War Monuments | Ward (Montgomery) & Co. | Ward System | Warrenville, IL | Washington Heights | Washington Park | Washington Park | Washington Park Subdivision | Waste Disposal | Waste Management Inc. | Waste, Hazardous | Water | Water Polo | Water Quality in the 1830s | Water Supply | Waterfront | Wauconda, IL | Waukegan, IL | Wayne, IL | Weather (see Climate ) | Welfare Capitalism | Wells, French & Co. (see American Car & Foundry Co. ) | Welsh | West Chicago, IL | West Dundee, IL | West Elsdon | West Englewood | West Garfield Park | West Lawn | West Pullman | West Ridge | West Town | Westchester, IL | Western Electric Co. | Western Springs, IL | Westinghouse Broadcasting | Westmont, IL | Wheaton College | Wheaton, IL | Wheeling, IL | | White Flight (see Racism, Ethnicity, and White Identity ) | White Flight (see Neighborhood Succession ) | White Sox | Whiting, IN | Whitman Corp. (see IC Industries Inc. ) | Whittman-Hart Inc. | Wholesaling | Wicker Park | Wieboldt Stores Inc. | Wigwam | Will County | Willie Dixon and the Blues | Willis Wagons | Willow Creek Community Church | Willow Springs, IL | Willowbrook, IL | Wilmette, IL | Wilmington, IL | Wilson & Co. | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. | | Winfield, IL | Winfield, IN | Winnetka, IL | Winthrop Harbor, IL | Wirtz Corp. | Wisconsin Steel Co. (see International Harvester Co. ) | Wolff (L.) Manufacturing Co. | Woman's Christian Temperance Union | Woman's City Club | Woman's Hospital Medical College | Woman's World's Fair, 1925 | Women in the Garment Industries | Women's Clubs (see Clubs: Women's ) | Women's Suffrage (see Suffrage ) | Women's Trade Union League | Wonder Lake, IL | Wood Dale, IL | Woodlawn | Woodlawn Organization, The | Woodridge, IL | Woodstock, IL | Work | Work Culture | World War I | World War II | World's Columbian Exposition | World's Parliament of Religions | Worth, IL | Wrestling | Wrigley (Wm. Jr.) Co. | Wrigley Field | Writers (see Journalism ) | Writers (see Literary Careers )


No authored entries listed


YMCA (see Young Men's Christian Association ) | YWCA (see Young Women's Christian Association ) | Yankee Recollection | Yankees | Yellow Cab Co. (of Chicago) | Yemenis | Yorkville, IL | Young Men's Christian Association | Young Women's Christian Association | Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. | Youth Clubs (see Clubs: Youth ) | Yugoslavians


Zambians | Zenith Radio Corp. | Zimbabweans | Zion, IL | Zionism | Zoning

Historical Sources


















No historical sources listed








No historical sources listed


No historical sources listed


Clinton (township)
DeKalb County (W3)

Die Gemeinde "Clinton" in Illinois, US, trägt - vermutlich - den Namen des Gouverneurs "DeWitt Clinton".


1955 Gateway Clinton, Iowa and East Clinton, Illinois, USA Mississippi River


Erstellt: 2016-10

Clinton (city)
De Witt County (W3)

Die Stadt "Clinton" in Illinois, US, trägt den Namen des Gouverneurs "DeWitt Clinton".


The community was named for New York Gov. DeWitt Clinton.

Erstellt: 2016-10

Clintonia (township)
De Witt County (W3)

Die Gemeinde "Clintonia" in Illinois, US, trägt - vermutlich - den Namen des Gouverneurs "DeWitt Clinton".


Erstellt: 2016-10

Clinton County (W3)

Der Verwaltungsbezirk "Clinton County" in Illinois, US, trägt den Namen des Gouverneurs "DeWitt Clinton".


The county was named for NY Gov. DeWitt Clinton.


Erstellt: 2016-10

Crescent (W3)

Hinter allen Bezeichnungen mit "Crescent" steckt der "aufgehende Halbmond".


Crescent (township) Iroquois County

Crescent City (W3)

Hinter allen Bezeichnungen mit "Crescent" steckt der "aufgehende Halbmond".


Crescent City (village) Iroquois County


Detroit (township) Pike County (W3)

Der Name des Ortes geht auf frz. "détroit" = "Engpaß", engl. "of the strait" zurück.


Erstellt: 2010-02

Detroit (village) Pike County (W3)

Der Name des Ortes geht auf frz. "détroit" = "Engpaß", engl. "of the strait" zurück.


Erstellt: 2010-02


East Eldorado (township) Saline County (W3)

Die Bezeichnung "Eldorado" (span. "el dorado" (país) = "sagenhaftes Goldland", "das vergoldete (Land)", lat. "deaurare" = "vergolden") geht auf die Phantasien der spanischen Eroberer Südamerikas zurück.


Erstellt: 2011-05

Eldorado (township) McDonough County (W3)

Die Bezeichnung "Eldorado" (span. "el dorado" (país) = "sagenhaftes Goldland", "das vergoldete (Land)", lat. "deaurare" = "vergolden") geht auf die Phantasien der spanischen Eroberer Südamerikas zurück.


Erstellt: 2011-05

Eldorado (city) Saline County (W3)

Die Bezeichnung "Eldorado" (span. "el dorado" (país) = "sagenhaftes Goldland", "das vergoldete (Land)", lat. "deaurare" = "vergolden") geht auf die Phantasien der spanischen Eroberer Südamerikas zurück.


Erstellt: 2011-05

epodunk - Community-Profiles IL

Meine Stichproben ergaben, dass es zur überwiegenden Anzahl der Informationen zu US-amerikanischen Städten auch Hinweise zur Namensgebung gibt, die meist mit der Formel "The community was named ..." eingeleitet werden.
Dies rechtfertigt die Aufnahme im Etymologie-Portal.

Our community listings for Illinois include the following cities, towns, villages, townships and unincorporated places. (It's a long list!)

epodunk - County Profiles IL

Meine Stichproben ergaben, dass es zur überwiegenden Anzahl der Informationen zu US-amerikanischen Verwaltungsbezirken auch Hinweise zur Namensgebung gibt, die meist mit der Formel "The county was named ..." eingeleitet werden.
Dies rechtfertigt die Aufnahme im Etymologie-Portal.

Adams County | Alexander County | Bond County | Boone County | Brown County | Bureau County | Calhoun County | Carroll County | Cass County | Champaign County | Christian County | Clark County | Clay County | | Coles County | Cook County | Crawford County | Cumberland County | De Witt County | DeKalb County | Douglas County | DuPage County | Edgar County | Edwards County | Effingham County | Fayette County | Ford County | Franklin County | Fulton County | Gallatin County | Greene County | Grundy County | Hamilton County | Hancock County | Hardin County | Henderson County | Henry County | Iroquois County | Jackson County | Jasper County | Jefferson County | Jersey County | Jo Daviess County | Johnson County | Kane County | Kankakee County | Kendall County | Knox County | La Salle County | Lake County | Lawrence County | Lee County | Livingston County | Logan County | Macon County | Macoupin County | Madison County | Marion County | Marshall County | Mason County | Massac County | McDonough County | McHenry County | McLean County | Menard County | | Monroe County | Montgomery County | Morgan County | Moultrie County | Ogle County | Peoria County | Perry County | Piatt County | Pike County | Pope County | Pulaski County | Putnam County | Randolph County | Richland County | Rock Island County | Saint Clair County | Saline County | Sangamon County | Schuyler County | Scott County | Shelby County | Stark County | Stephenson County | Tazewell County | Union County | Vermilion County | Wabash County | Warren County | Washington County | Wayne County | White County | Whiteside County | Will County | Williamson County | Winnebago County | Woodford County




Hoosier (township) Clay County (W3)

Da der US-Bundesstaat "Indiana" den Nicknamen "Hoosier State" hat, wird "Hoosier" dort behandelt.


Illinois (W3)

Der Name diese Bundesstaates stammt aus der Sprache der Algonkin ("Illiniwek"). Die ersten französischen Siedler übernahmen diese Bezeichnung und gaben ihm die französisch anmutende französische Schreibweise. Die ursprüngliche Bedeutung war "normal sprechen". Es bezeichnete also diejenigen, die die Sprache der Illinois-Indianer sprachen. Auch bei diesem Namen waren Franzosen Geburtshelfer. (Französisch ausgesprochen rollt Illinoah gut über gallische Zungen.) Der Begriff selbst freilich stammt aus der Sprache der Algonkin, wo man damit ausdrückte, dass jemand "normal" sprach, also die Landessprache beherrschte.

Die Griechen machten es umgekehrt. Sie bezeichneten alle, die nicht Griechisch sprachen als "Barbaren", als "Babbler".





LIONS Club (W3)

1917: Unter dem Eindruck des 1. Weltkriegs tut sich im Norden der Vereinigten Staaten, in Chicago, ein Kreis idealistisch gesinnter Menschen zusammen. Unter der Leitung von Melvin Jones verpflichten sie sich, mit einem gut Teil ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit für Nächstenliebe und Gemeinsinn einzutreten. Dies ist die Geburtsstunde der Lions-Bewegung.

"LIONS" war zunächst die Abkürzung für "Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nations' Safety". Das engl. "lions" = "Löwen" bedeutet, passen auch die Löwen in das Wappen des Klubs.



Magnolia (township) Putnam County (W3)

Leider liefert "epodunk" keinen Hinweis. Entweder gab es auch hier eine Magnolienpflanzung wie bei Magnolia Springs, US, AL, oder man wollte dem Ort einfach einen blumigen Namen geben.


Magnolia (village) Putnam County (W3)

Leider liefert "epodunk" keinen Hinweis. Entweder gab es auch hier eine Magnolienpflanzung wie bei Magnolia Springs, US, AL, oder man wollte dem Ort einfach einen blumigen Namen geben.


Medina (township) Peoria County (W3)

"Medina" dürfte sich auf arab. "Medina" = "Stadt" beziehen - vielleicht auf dem Umweg über den Namen des Gründers der Stadt.


Medinah - DuPage County (W3)

"Medinah" dürfte sich auf arab. "Medina" = "Stadt" beziehen - vielleicht auf dem Umweg über einen Personen-Namen.



Engl. "Melrose" hat nichts mit einer "Rose" zu tun, sondern geht zurück auf kelt. "mail-rhos" = dt. "bestellte, bewirtschaftete Wiese".

Möglicherweise sind die Orte namens "Melrose" in Illinois von Einwanderern aus dem schottischen "Melrose" gegründet worden.


Melrose Park, IL


Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Melrose" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1630 auf.

Erstellt: 2013-03

Mercer (township) Mercer County (W3)

Der Verwaltungsbezirk "Mercer County" wurde nach einem General "Hugh Mercer" benannt.

Vermutlich trägt auch die Gemeinde "Mercer" seinen Namen.


Mercer is a township in Mercer County, in the Davenport-Moline metro area.


"Hugh Mercer" (17 January 1726 – 12 January 1777) was a Scottish soldier and physician. He initially served with the Jacobite forces of Bonnie Prince Charlie, and with the British forces during the Seven Years' War, but later became a brigadier general in the Continental Army and a close friend to George Washington. "Mercer" died as a result of his wounds received at the Battle of Princeton and became a fallen hero and rallying symbol of the American Revolution.

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Mercer" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1570 auf.

Erstellt: 2018-08

Mercer County (W3)

Der Verwaltungsbezirk "Mercer County" wurde nach einem General "Hugh Mercer" benannt.


The county was named for Gen. "Hugh Mercer", killed during the Revolutionary War battle of Princeton.


Title: Brief notes on the land and fresh-water shells of Mercer County, Ill
By: Marsh, W A
Genre: Article
Date of Publication: 1889
Original Publication: The Nautilus.
Volume: 3
Pages: 23--24


View Article


Title: Brief notes on the land and fresh-water shells of Mercer County, Ill. (continued)
By: Marsh, W A
Genre: Article
Date of Publication: 1889
Original Publication: The Nautilus.
Volume: 3
Pages: 34--35


View Article


Mercer County, Illinois
Mercer County is named for "Hugh Mercer" (1726–1777), a physician and general during the American Revolution who died from wounds suffered at the Battle of Princeton.


"Hugh Mercer" (17 January 1726 – 12 January 1777) was a Scottish soldier and physician. He initially served with the Jacobite forces of Bonnie Prince Charlie, and with the British forces during the Seven Years' War, but later became a brigadier general in the Continental Army and a close friend to George Washington. "Mercer" died as a result of his wounds received at the Battle of Princeton and became a fallen hero and rallying symbol of the American Revolution.

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Mercer" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1570 auf.

Erstellt: 2018-08

Metropolis (city) Massac County (W3)

Die Gründer von "Metropolis" erhofften sich die "(Mutter-)Stadt des Westens" zu schaffen.


The Super Museum
Metropolis, Illinois
The Super Museum
You have to love a museum with a truly dedicated focus. A focus on Superman, for example
Museums and Collections, Unique Collections, Commercial Curiosities
16 Jan 2012


So named because the founders envisioned it as the "City of the West".


C. B. and Q Railroad Bridge Metropolis (IL)

Erstellt: 2014-01

msichicago (W3)

"msichicago" steht für "Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago".



The Museum of Science and Industry
Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry, one of the largest science museums in the world, is home to more than 35,000 artifacts and nearly 14 acres of hands-on exhibits designed to spark scientific inquiry and creativity. We have welcomed more than 175 million guests in our 75 years, and our ongoing mission has been to inspire the inventive genius in all of them with world-class, permanent exhibits such as the U-505 Submarine, the only German U-boat in the United States; or world-premiere temporary exhibits such as 2008's Smart Home: Green + Wired.

Even bigger than our mission is our vision, which is to inspire and motivate our children to achieve their full potential in the fields of science, technology, engineering and medicine. In addition to our fun and interactive exhibits, the Museum's Center for the Advancement of Science Education is continually developing and facilitating student learning labs, after-school science clubs, teen volunteer programs, teacher development classes and community outreach—all ways in which the Museum's seek to make science come alive for children of all ages.

Murphysboro (W3)

Wer der Namensgeber von "Murphysboro" in Illinois, US, ist, wird nicht erwähnt.

Die Endung "-boro" ist verkurzt aus engl. "borough" = dt. "Stadt", "Gemeinde". Engl. "borough" geht weiter zurück auf altengl. "burg", "burh" = dt. "befestigter Wohnort", "Burg", das auf ein protogerm. "*burgs" = dt. "Bergfestung", "Festung" zurück geführt wird. Weitere Verwandte sind altfries. "burg" = dt. "Burg", "Schloß", altnord. "borg" = dt. "Mauer", "Burg", althdt. "burg", "buruc" = dt. "befestigter Platz", "Zitadelle", dt. "Burg", got. "baurgs" = dt. "Stadt". Als Wurzel wird ide. "*bhergh-" = dt. "hoch" postuliert.

Neben der Endung "-boro" findet man auch die Ortsnamensendung engl. "-burgh", "-bury", das über altengl. "byrig" vermittelt wurde.


Murphysboro (city) Jackson County

Murphysboro is a city in Jackson County, in the Carbondale metro area.


Murphysboro (township) Jackson County

Murphysboro is a township in Jackson County, in the Carbondale metro area.

Erstellt: 2016-09


Naples (town) Scott County (W3)

Naheliegend für "Naples" ist die Namensgebung durch italienische Einwanderer aus Neapel.


North Palmyra (township) Macoupin County (W3)

Zur Stadt "North Palmyra" gibt es keinen Hinweis zur Namensgebung.


Erstellt: 2015-07



Palmyra (township) Lee County (W3)

Zur Stadt "Palmyra" gibt es keinen Hinweis zur Namensgebung. Es könnte jedoch die syrischen Stadt "Palmyra" Pate gestanden haben.


Erstellt: 2015-07

Palmyra (village) Macoupin County (W3)

Zum Ort "Palmyra" gibt es keinen Hinweis zur Namensgebung. Es könnte jedoch die syrischen Stadt "Palmyra" Pate gestanden haben.


Erstellt: 2015-07



Renault, Monroe County (W3)

Leider gibt es keinen Hinweis nach welchem "Renault" der Ort "Renault" benannt wurde.


Erstellt: 2012-10

Roanoke (township) Woodford County (W3)

Direkt oder indirekt geht der Name zurück auf eine Art Währung der Indianer dieses Namens.
"Roanoke" und die Formen "Roenoke" und "Rawnoke" bedeuten "(Meeres-)Muschel".


Roanoke (village) Woodford County (W3)

Direkt oder indirekt geht der Name zurück auf eine Art Währung der Indianer dieses Namens.
"Roanoke" und die Formen "Roenoke" und "Rawnoke" bedeuten "(Meeres-)Muschel".


Roxana (village) Madison County (W3)

Die Stadt trägt den weiblichen Vornamen "Roxana".

Der dt., span., engl. weibliche Vorname "Roxana" ist persischen Ursprungs (altpers. "raohschna" = "strahlend", "glänzend") und bedeutet (die) "Glänzende", "Morgendämmerung", "Morgenröte" oder "Sonnenaufgang". In Italien findet man die Variante "Rossana", in England und Frankreich findet man auch die Varianten "Roxane" und "Roxanne" und eine englische Kurzform "Roxy".


Roxana is a village in Madison County, in the Saint Louis metro area.


Sandwich (city) DeKalb County (W3)


The community was named after Sandwich, NH.

Erstellt: 2014-07

Sandwich (township) DeKalb County (W3)

Eventuell wurde auch "Sandwich (township)" nach "Sandwich" im Bundesstaat New Hampshire benannt - oder direkt nach dem Förderer von James Cook dem umtriebigen englischen Politiker "John Montagu, der 4. Earl of Sandwich" (1718-92).



Erstellt: 2014-07

South Palmyra (township) Macoupin County (W3)

Zur Stadt "South Palmyra" gibt es keinen Hinweis zur Namensgebung.


Erstellt: 2015-07

South Roxana (village) Madison County (W3)

Der dt., span., engl. weibliche Vorname "Roxana" ist persischen Ursprungs (altpers. "raohschna" = "strahlend", "glänzend") und bedeutet (die) "Glänzende", "Morgendämmerung", "Morgenröte" oder "Sonnenaufgang". In Italien findet man die Variante "Rossana", in England und Frankreich findet man auch die Varianten "Roxane" und "Roxanne" und eine englische Kurzform "Roxy".


South Roxana is a village in Madison County, in the Saint Louis metro area.

Spoon River, US, IL (W3)

Der Name des Flusses "Spoon River" soll sich auf die Muschelschalen beziehen, die von den indianischen Ureinwohnern als Löffel benutzt wurde.


Spoon River, river, Illinois, United States
The river’s name is probably a translation of "emiquon", an Illinois and Potawatomi Indian word referring to the "mussel shells" they used as "spoons".


Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950

Spoon River Anthology (English) (as Author)


Edgar Lee Masters: Die Toten von Spoon River


The "Spoon River" is a 147-mile-long (237 km) tributary of the Illinois River in west-central Illinois in the United States. The river drains largely agricultural prairie country between Peoria and Galesburg. The river is noted for giving its name to the fictional Illinois town in the 1916 poetry work "Spoon River Anthology" by "Edgar Lee Masters", who was from Lewistown, which is near the river.


"Spoon River Anthology" (1915), by "Edgar Lee Masters", is a collection of short free verse poems that collectively narrates the epitaphs of the residents of "Spoon River", a fictional small town named after the "Spoon River", which ran near Masters' home town of Lewistown, Illinois. The aim of the poems is to demystify rural and small town American life. The collection includes 212 separate characters, in all providing 244 accounts of their lives, losses, and manner of death. Many of the poems contain cross-references that create an unabashedly candid tapestry of the community. The poems originally were published in 1914 in the St. Louis, Missouri, literary journal Reedy's Mirror, under the pseudonym Webster Ford.


Steve Goodman singing "Spoon River" from his 1975 album "Jessie's Jig And Other Favorites."

(E1)(L1) River
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Spoon River" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1820 / 1900 auf.

Erstellt: 2022-11

Steeleville (village) (W3)

Randolph County


Tasselburgh (W3)

"Tasselburgh" ist der Nickname von "Alton", US, Illinois, "from the fact that many acres of corn in tassel in summer can be viewed of it".


"Alton", Ill. - "Tasselburgh"


The Washington herald. [volume], May 17, 1908, Real Estate and Building Section, Page 8, Image 28
"Alton", Ill. has the curious distinction of "Tasselburgh", from the fact that many acres of corn in tassel in summer can be viewed of it.


The Democratic advocate. [volume], November 24, 1883, Image 1 [rechts unten "Nicknames of Cities]
"Alton", Ill. - "Tasselburgh"


Alton ist eine Stadt (mit dem Status „City“) im Madison County im Westen des US-amerikanischen Bundesstaates Illinois. Im Jahr 2010 hatte Alton 27.865 Einwohner.[2]

Die Stadt liegt im Metro-East genannten östlichen Teil der Metropolregion Greater St. Louis um die Stadt St. Louis im benachbarten Missouri.

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Tasselburgh" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2020-08

Timber (township) Peoria County (W3)

Leider ist kein Hinweis zu finden, warum dieser Ort den Namen "Timber" trägt. Vielleicht ist es aus einem Holzfäller-Camp entstanden.



University of Chicago

Die Internetadresse "uchicago" gehört der "University of Chicago".


Old University of Chicago | Robert Maynard Hutchins and the University of Chicago | University of Chicago

University of Chicago Settlement House, n.d.


Uni Laval
L'aménagement linguistique dans Illinois
Langues dans Illinois



(anglais) = USA


Viola (township) Lee County (W3)

Von den vielen Orten namens "Viola" in den USA gibt es nur für zwei einen Hinweis zur Herkunft. "Viola" in Wisconsin, US, wurde nach dem ersten hier geborenen Kind benannt. "Viola" in Kansas, US, wurde nach "Viola" in Illinois, US, benannt.


Erstellt: 2013-04

Viola (village) Mercer County (W3)

Von den vielen Orten namens "Viola" in den USA gibt es nur für zwei einen Hinweis zur Herkunft. "Viola" in Wisconsin, US, wurde nach dem ersten hier geborenen Kind benannt. "Viola" in Kansas, US, wurde nach "Viola" in Illinois, US, benannt.


Erstellt: 2013-04


Windy City
The Windy City (W3)

Chicago trägt auch einige Nicknamen wie etwa "Windy City" (1890) (ursprünglich wegen seiner Großspurigkeit (vgl. dt. "viel Wind machen"), dann aber wegen des Nordwindes der durch die Stadt bläst), "Chi-Town", "Second City" (einst zweite Stadt nach New York, heute die drittgrößte nach New York und Los Angeles), "City of Big Shoulders" (wahrscheinlich wegen der geschulterten Schweine in den Schlachthöfen).

Originally called the "Windy City" because the city bragged about the 1893 World Expo that was held there. The term has since come to refer to the strong northern winds that blow off the lake in the winter.

Fun Fact: Chicago's nickname, the "Windy City", may have been coined by politicians from Springfield, Illinois, when describing Chicago's politicians as "windbags" due to their long-winded speeches.


Entry from October 11, 2004

Windy City (summary)

The accepted wisdom had been that "Windy City" comes from New York. That's wrong.
Our earliest "windy city" citation is now 1860, from Milwaukee. The term "windy city" (meaning a city whose residents are "full of wind") was used as early as 1856, when a Menasha, Wisconsin used the term talking about Green Bay.


The power of the name lies in the metaphorical use “windy” for “talkative” or “boastful.” Chicago politicians early became famous for long-windedness, and the Midwestern metropolis's central location as a host city for political conventions helped cement the association of Chicago with loquacious politicians, thus underlying the nickname with double meaning.


"From the Windy City," 1885


Monday, July 17, 2006

For our out of town guests: Why Chicago is called `the Windy City'
Long ago, I assumed that Chicago was called "The Windy City" because it was particularly breezy here.

Then I learned that savvy locals know the term was actually coined in the late 19th Century and referred to what inveterate windbags our politicians are.

But then Ed "Cecil Adams" Zotti's "Straight Dope" column in the Reader cited the work of Barry Popik, a "relentless word bloodhound", and noted that "the term was already being used in 1885 with reference to the city's lake breezes, and he's since found instances dating from as early as 1876".

This led me to the entry on this topic in the newly published "Encyclopedia of Chicago", and an archived "Straight Dope", both of which point to wind, not hot air, as the source of the nickname. The matter also has its own Wikipedia entry.

Finally, though, the Tribune's "On Language" columnist Nathan Bierma wrote what I still consider to be the definitive article on the term. His verdict after consulting with numerous experts: Both.
Finally, Popik isolated a single source. "Windy City," he says, may have been coined by -- drum roll, please -- Cincinnati.

Popik found numerous references to Chicago as the "Windy City" in the Cincinnati Enquirer in the late 1870s and early 1880s. The oldest instance Popik has found is in the May 9, 1876, edition of the Enquirer, in a report about a tornado that hit Chicago on May 6. The headline read, "That Windy City."


Windy City Nights: Chicago Time-Lapse 2013-10-20 Chicago, Illinois, time-lapse, Timelapse, USA, Windy City Nights



NewspaperArchive & "Windy City" (1860, from La Crosse, WI?) Bapopik




FYI: "Windy City" in Chicago Tribune blog, July 17th bapopik






Univ. of Chicago responds, says taking my "Windy City" work without credit is OK Bapopik


Friendly Confines (1922); Second 1876 "Windy City" Bapopik


1880 "Windy City" in Chicago Tribune, from Cincinnati bapopik






Rock and Roll (1949, 1950); Beef Wellington (1903); Cobb Salad (1947); Windy City (1878) Bapopik









"Windy City" myth in Chicago Tribune (12-24-02) Bapopik




"Windy City" in today's Wash. Post Bapopik





"Windy CIty" wrong again! (JUST SHOOT ME!) Bapopik




FYI: FOUR "Windy City" errors in Chicago Tribune Bapopik


CPL response on "Windy City" Bapopik CPL response on "Windy City" RonButters CPL response on "Windy City" Dennis R. Preston Detroit, Pittsburgh get "Windy City" wrong! Bapopik Detroit, Pittsburgh get "Windy City" wrong! Gerald Cohen



Windy City, hot air, and other such Mark A. Mandel


Prohibition Agent No. 1; Chicago Tribune's "Windy City" Bapopik


GOP; Windy City; Bucket Shop; Stand Pat; Foot and Mouth; Weinerwurst; Hoochenoo Bapopik



Wyoming's "Windy City" and "Shwipt!" Bapopik



The Windy City, anyone? It turns out the name was adopted in the 19th century to promote the city’s beaches. That is from Discover magazine, March 2006 issue, back page.


Why is Chicago Called the "Windy City"?


We found 18 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word windy city:


Why can't Cecil get his facts straight about the origin of "Big Apple" and mention John J. Fitz Gerald? And what about "Windy City"?

September 17, 1999


September 03, 2015 04:20 UTC
Route 66
Why Is Chicago called "The Windy City"?
Published 09/02/2015


08 January 2010 - Words and Their Stories: Nicknames for Chicago - A lot of hot and cold air in The Windy City


List of nicknames for Chicago


Windy City (nickname)

The city of Chicago has been known by many nicknames, but it is most widely recognized as the "Windy City".

The earliest known reference to the "Windy City" was actually to Green Bay in 1856. The first known repeated effort to label "Chicago" with this nickname is from 1876 and involves Chicago's rivalry with Cincinnati. The term "Windy City" was popularized and came into common usage by The Sun editor, Charles Dana, in the bidding for the 1893 Columbian Exposition. The popularity of the nickname has endured, long after the Cincinnati rivalry and the Columbian Exposition ended.


Windy City Rollers


Elizabeth "Juanna Rumbel" Gomez and Kelly "Sister Sledgehammer" Simmons could never have imagined what was in store for them when Juanna brought the idea of roller derby back from a trip to Austin, Texas, the derby revival capital. In September of 2004, that little idea became a reality when the pair recruited and formed Chicago's premiere all-female flat track derby league--the Windy City Rollers.


Windy City


Windy City
Mr Popik has suggested that the name actually originated in a scheme by the Chicago Tribune about that date to promote the city as a summer resort, using the cool breeze off the lake as the basis of its attraction. Before then, Chicago was usually nicknamed "Garden City" (its Latin motto was and is "Urbs in Horto", "city in a garden"). There seems to have been a shift from the old name to the new in the middle 1880s.

(E1)(L1) Windy City
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "The Windy City" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1890 auf.

Erstellt: 2015-09

Windy City - Rose

00 Hinweis: ----------------------------------- Hinweis: --------------------------------------------------------------
01 Hinweis: Bild Platzhalter
02 Hinweis: Bemerkung
03 Hinweis: Literatur
10 Name: -------------------------------------- Name: -----------------------------------------------------------------
11 Name: Sortier Name
12 Name: Exhibition Name
13 Name: Registration Name
14 Name: Synonyme Windy City
15 Name: Auszeichnungen / Awards
20 Genealogie: -------------------------------- Genealogie: -----------------------------------------------------------
21 Genealogie: Gattung / Sektion / Art Miniature
22 Genealogie: Elternrosen / Herkunft / Parentage
23 Genealogie: Kinderrosen / Nachkommen
24 Genealogie: Sports / Mutationen
25 Genealogie: Verwendung / Utilisation / Gebruik / Use
26 Genealogie: Erscheinungsjahr / DOB (Date of Birth) 1974
27 Genealogie: Züchter / Entdecker / Breeder / Hybridizer
30 Blüte: ------------------------------------- Blüte: ----------------------------------------------------------------
31 Blüte: Farbe / Bloemkleur / Flower Colour Deep Pink
32 Blüte: Duft / Fragrance / Geurend / Scent Strength
33 Blüte: Eigenschaften / Flowering Habit
34 Blüte: Blütenblätter-Anzahl / Petals
35 Blüte: Form / Forme de la fleur / Bloom Shape
36 Blüte: Größe / Bloem / Bloom Size
37 Blüte: Typ / Bloom Type
38 Blüte: Zeit / Floraison / Bloeitijd / Flowering Period
39 Blüte: Bienenfreundlichkeit
40 Pflanze: ----------------------------------- Pflanze: --------------------------------------------------------------
41 Pflanze: Blätter, Laub / Feuillage / Foliage
42 Pflanze: Dornen / Stacheln / Thornyness
43 Pflanze: Hagebutten / Hips / Hip Colour / Hip Shape
44 Pflanze: Knospen / Buds
45 Pflanze: Stiele / Stems
50 Wuchs: ------------------------------------- Wuchs: ----------------------------------------------------------------
51 Wuchs: Form / Vorm / Growth Habit
52 Wuchs: Abstand / Dist. de plantation
53 Wuchs: Höhe / Taille / Height / Hauteur
54 Wuchs: Weite / Width
60 Gesundheit: -------------------------------- Gesundheit: -----------------------------------------------------------
61 Gesundheit: Bodenansprüche / Cultivation
62 Gesundheit: Bakterien, Pilze, Viren
63 Gesundheit: Tierische Schädlinge
64 Gesundheit: Hitze
65 Gesundheit: Kälte
66 Gesundheit: Nässe
67 Gesundheit: Trockenheit
68 Gesundheit: Schatten
99 -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------


Windy City - Miniature. Deep pink. Mild fragrance. Double (17-25 petals) bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Ralph S. Moore (1974).

Miniature Culticar Windy City Mutant - Miniature. Light pink.

Erstellt: 2015-09