Word of the Week
English is a language on the move, with new words and phrases coming into existence week after week. Time to take a look at some of the most recent and bring them to your notice. You probably won’t find them in any dictionary yet, so turn to ‘Word of the Week’ and stay up-to-date with your English!
- A: a done deal | advertorial | affluenza | A-list | | air kiss | alpha male | animatronics | Anthropocene | applet | aquaholic | arm candy | the Ashes | astroturf | attention economics | attrition | avatar
- B: B2B | back burner | backronym | Bacon number | bad economy | bailout | bankster | bean counter | because X | bellwether | bet dieting | big society | bingeable | binge viewing | biopic | bitcoin | black swan | bling | blue on blue | boiling the frog | boomerang generation | boondoggle | (to) bottle | bowser | brain waste | Brexit | brick | brick and mortar (B&M, BAM) | bro | Brown Eminence | bucket list | buffering | bunga bunga | butt call | buycott | Buzzword Bingo | BWPWAP | bait
- C: cannibalize | captcha | car-booter | cash for clunkers | catnip | caxirola | cenotaph | chairdrobe | charm offensive | chartjacking | chav | Chelsea tractor | chemtrail | chief whip | chillax | Christmas Word Puzzle 2 | Cinderella law | click bait | click farm | cloud computing | closure | Cockpit of Europe | commercide | commitment-phobia | computerate | copyleft | cougar | cosplay | Crackberry | cracker | crackhead | creep | cronut | cross training | crowdfunding | Cupertino effect | cyberchondriac | cyberslacker
- D: dark web | data fracking | dead ringer | deal breaker | declutter | deep web | defictionalization | defriend | demitarian | dibs | die | digital native | dongle | don’t (even) go there | Dracula sneeze | drawdown | dronie | drop | drug subs | Duke
- E: ecobling | ecocide | economy class syndrome | e-fence | elephant in the room | emoji | emoticon | empty nester | endies | expansion card | eye candy
- F: facepalm | factoid | factory shop | fashion victim | fat finger | faux gras | fence-mending | filter bubble | fixer-upper | fixie | | flatmating | flatline | flipping | flypast | food mile | footprint | freemium | free radicals | free range kids | friendemy | frugal fatigue | functional Food
- G: game face | garriage | Generation Y | Gitmo | gladvert | global weirding | globfrag | googleganger | go rogue | gonzo | gravy train | green audit | greenwash | grok | grounded
- H: hacktivist | haemorrhage (UK), hemorrhage (USA) | hand-me-up | hashtag(ification) | hedge rage | hedonometer | hipster | hissy fit | hung parliament | hurt locker | hutter | humblebrag
- I: industrial-strength | | issue - have issues with sb./sth. | Ig Nobel
- J: jargonaut | jingle mail | jigsaw family | jump the shark | junglist
- K: K-Pop | (to) kettle | kick the bucket | kidult
- L: ladette | Lady Lindy | lairy | last name effect | life-stream | Lilibet | locavore | Luddite | luge
- M: Mac the Mouth | makarapa | makeover | mallrat | mamil | manspreading | man up | mashup | meggings | meh | meme | memristor | me time | mindcasting | minging | mirror site | MLE | mobile wallet | mobisode | Mobot | mockney | moofer | morph | mouse arrest | Movember | mullet | mumblecore | murketing | muso
- N: nail bar | nano | neet | nerd | netiquette | netrimony | no-brainer | nocializing | noob / n00b | normcore | notspot | Noughties | nugatory | nylon
- O: obamu | Occupy | off the grid | omega male | omnishambles | owling | onesie
- P: panenka | Pank | panto | parkin | patchwriting | peer-to-peer | permatan | phablet | phat | phishing | phubbing | planking | plasticarian | plothole | polypill | pop | posse | postcode lottery | power nap | PPV | prebuttal | prepper | pro bono | product placement | psyop | putpockets
- Q: quango | quiet car
- R: raise one’s hackles | ratchet | reality check | reboot | recessionista | recyclopath | redshirt | rendition | reno coach | renoviction | retail therapy | retrosexual | returnment | reverse engineering | rewilding | rickrolling | ring tone | road rage | rocket science | romantasy | rowling | rumint
- S: S.A.D. | safe shake | salami slicing | salaryman | sandwich generation | screen-sighted | schmeat | second screening | self-tracking | senior moment | sheeple | sheload | shock jock | shwopping | sidebar | SITCOM | skank | slacktivist | slaphead | slow food | slugfest | smartwatch | smirting | snarky | snoutcast | Snowmageddon | soccket | social swarming | sockpuppet | soft power | solastalgia | SOPA | speakeasy | species barrier | splitsville | spoiler | squeegee merchant | squeezed middle | staycation | steampunk | Stepford | Streisand effect | stump speech | subprime | success theatre | sucker punch | suicide machine | sunset industry | supercycle | super spike | SWEDOW | swotty
- T: talking hairdo | tech-life balance | telecottage | telepresence | thigh gap | think tank | third age | thumbnail | toast (id) be toast | Tony | trailer trash | trance | transumer | trial balloon | troll | (to) trouser | trustafarian | truthiness | tweeting | twerking | twerp | twoosh | type-T personality | typosquatting
- U: uberization | ugg | underwhelmed | upcycling | uptalk | uptime
- V: Vampire state | vaping | vapourware | veep | Virgin Queen | voicejail | voiceprint | voluntourism | vortal | vulture capitalist | vuvuzela | V-chip
- W: wake-up call | wave farm | weasel words | webzine | whistleblower | white elephant | Wilhelm Scream | wingman | WMD | wonk | worm poll | wrap rage
- Y: yarn bombing | YOLO
- Z: zozulica | zero-hours contract
Erstellt: 2015-02