Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretańa e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Wortart, Clase de Palabra, Catégorie grammaticale, Parte del Discorso, Part of Speech, (esper.) vortgrupa gramatiko, sintagma gramatiko
Pronom, Pronombre, Pronom, Pronome, Pronoun, (esper.) pronomoj
Part of Speech - Possessive Determiner Forms
Explore PoS-Grams from the British National Corpus*
(PoS tags) [Query]
DPS 25 1,402,752
13 DPS possessive determiner form, e.g. your, their, his.
- his 405203 DPS
- their 254580 DPS
- her 203369 DPS
- its 160537 DPS
- my 146704 DPS
- your 134360 DPS
- our 93374 DPS
- me 2323 DPS
- yer 767 DPS
- thy 623 DPS
- his/her 401 DPS
- 'is 159 DPS
- 'er 107 DPS
- yu 58 DPS
- thine 40 DPS
- her/his 29 DPS
- mine 27 DPS
- m' 23 DPS
- my/our 19 DPS
- oor 12 DPS
- yir 12 DPS
- dere 9 DPS
- oure 6 DPS
- mi 5 DPS
- wir 5 DPS
Erstellt: 2014-12
Part of Speech - General Determiners
Explore PoS-Grams from the British National Corpus*
(PoS tags) [Query]
DT0 82 2,304,872
14 DT0 general determiner: a determiner which is not a DTQ e.g. this both in This is my house and This house is mine.
- this 453668 DT0
- that 367457 DT0
- all 236496 DT0
- some 167260 DT0
- these 123590 DT0
- any 119435 DT0
- many 88687 DT0
- those 87170 DT0
- such 74954 DT0
- more 68098 DT0
- own 67425 DT0
- same 60271 DT0
- another 56506 DT0
- much 51372 DT0
- each 50138 DT0
- few 43358 DT0
- most 41482 DT0
- both 30233 DT0
- several 23444 DT0
- half 20351 DT0
- little 17830 DT0
- former 16845 DT0
- less 9966 DT0
- enough 7891 DT0
- latter 7663 DT0
- either 5634 DT0
- fewer 3052 DT0
- neither 2737 DT0
- least 909 DT0
- dat 131 DT0
- dis 94 DT0
- yon 87 DT0
- tha 75 DT0
- such-and-such 67 DT0
- fewest 40 DT0
- self-same 33 DT0
- once-and-for-all 29 DT0
- all-in 28 DT0
- many-to-many 28 DT0
- one-to-many 28 DT0
- selfsame 25 DT0
- 'alf 18 DT0
- be-all 18 DT0
- cure-all 18 DT0
- end-all 18 DT0
- once-for-all 15 DT0
- yonder 14 DT0
- enuff 13 DT0
- one-many 12 DT0
- overmuch 10 DT0
- al 9 DT0
- do-it-all 9 DT0
- dose 9 DT0
- fuck-all 8 DT0
- all-in-all 7 DT0
- know-it-all 7 DT0
- all-around 6 DT0
- all-up 6 DT0
- 2-all 5 DT0
- a' 5 DT0
- out-half 5 DT0
- shell-less 5 DT0
- somesuch 5 DT0
- tail-less 5 DT0
- boundary-less 4 DT0
- left-most 4 DT0
- tell-all 4 DT0
- that' 4 DT0
- 'nother 3 DT0
- all-play-all 3 DT0
- be-all-and-end-all 3 DT0
- carri-all 3 DT0
- carry-all 3 DT0
- couldn't-care-less 3 DT0
- ex-all 3 DT0
- get-away-from-it-all 3 DT0
- half-out 3 DT0
- many-many 3 DT0
- own. 3 DT0
- roll-all 3 DT0
- sod-all 3 DT0
- winner-take-all 3 DT0
Erstellt: 2014-12
Part of Speech - Indefinite Pronouns
Explore PoS-Grams from the British National Corpus*
(PoS tags) [Query]
PNI 48 318,258
20 PNI indefinite pronoun, e.g. none, everything, one (pronoun), nobody.
- one 92894 PNI
- something 50117 PNI
- nothing 32268 PNI
- anything 27300 PNI
- someone 17782 PNI
- everything 17739 PNI
- anyone 14287 PNI
- everyone 12785 PNI
- none 8105 PNI
- no_one 7651 PNI
- somebody 7011 PNI
- everybody 5877 PNI
- nobody 5840 PNI
- anybody 4762 PNI
- plenty 4490 PNI
- lots 4398 PNI
- no-one 1970 PNI
- nil 834 PNI
- nought 530 PNI
- summat 468 PNI
- nowt 221 PNI
- none_other 160 PNI
- owt 147 PNI
- nothin' 82 PNI
- 'un 71 PNI
- naught 66 PNI
- somethin' 63 PNI
- some_one 63 PNI
- aught 62 PNI
- somewhat 40 PNI
- nuffink 39 PNI
- anythin' 28 PNI
- all-or-none 24 PNI
- one-nil 16 PNI
- everythin' 9 PNI
- nil-nil 7 PNI
- nuffin' 6 PNI
- some-one 6 PNI
- somethin 5 PNI
- thirty-something 5 PNI
- three-nil 5 PNI
- one-phase-on 4 PNI
- one-up 4 PNI
- someting 4 PNI
- twenty-something 4 PNI
- any-one 3 PNI
- eau-de-nil 3 PNI
- every-one 3 PNI
Erstellt: 2014-12
Part of Speech - Personal Pronouns
Explore PoS-Grams from the British National Corpus*
(PoS tags) [Query]
PNP 78 4,976,810
21 PNP personal pronoun, e.g. I, you, them, ours. possessive pronouns such as ours and theirs are included in this category.
- it 1053724 PNP
- i 852155 PNP
- you 668087 PNP
- he 640620 PNP
- they 420360 PNP
- she 352846 PNP
- we 350113 PNP
- them 167390 PNP
- him 153651 PNP
- me 128837 PNP
- her 100352 PNP
- us 60567 PNP
- his 4616 PNP
- mine 4439 PNP
- yours 4094 PNP
- hers 2367 PNP
- ours 1677 PNP
- 'em 1510 PNP
- ye 1473 PNP
- ya 1392 PNP
- theirs 989 PNP
- thou 713 PNP
- thee 633 PNP
- yer 618 PNP
- 'e 564 PNP
- em 326 PNP
- 'im 322 PNP
- t 287 PNP
- he/she 276 PNP
- 't 265 PNP
- yu 206 PNP
- i. 202 PNP
- 'er 189 PNP
- ah 181 PNP
- s/he 112 PNP
- yous 108 PNP
- him/her 105 PNP
- dem 94 PNP
- she/he 46 PNP
- y' 35 PNP
- dey 26 PNP
- youse 25 PNP
- she-she 24 PNP
- thine 22 PNP
- holier-than-thou 15 PNP
- it' 11 PNP
- i-i 9 PNP
- tel-me 9 PNP
- 'ee 7 PNP
- y-you 7 PNP
- post-it 6 PNP
- what-have-you 6 PNP
- yi 6 PNP
- getting-to-know-you 5 PNP
- her/him 5 PNP
- i-thou 5 PNP
- photo-me 5 PNP
- shee-it 5 PNP
- take-it-or-leave-it 5 PNP
- who-dun-it 5 PNP
- why-dun-it 5 PNP
- with-it 5 PNP
- fix-it 4 PNP
- hym 4 PNP
- mail-it 4 PNP
- d-he 3 PNP
- do-you-think-he-saw-us 3 PNP
- fuck-me 3 PNP
- he-he-he 3 PNP
- he-she 3 PNP
- her-i 3 PNP
- ik 3 PNP
- it-a 3 PNP
- it-in 3 PNP
- t-i 3 PNP
- them-and-us 3 PNP
- us-them 3 PNP
- what-is-it 3 PNP
Erstellt: 2014-12
Part of Speech - Reflexive Pronouns
Explore PoS-Grams from the British National Corpus*
(PoS tags) [Query]
PNX 28 132,530
23 PNX reflexive pronoun, e.g. myself, yourself, itself, ourselves.
- himself 28993 PNX
- itself 23224 PNX
- themselves 23009 PNX
- herself 15879 PNX
- myself 11996 PNX
- yourself 10329 PNX
- each_other 10299 PNX
- ourselves 4432 PNX
- one_another 2661 PNX
- oneself 699 PNX
- yourselves 550 PNX
- meself 141 PNX
- yerself 61 PNX
- thyself 55 PNX
- theirselves 40 PNX
- ourself 32 PNX
- themself 26 PNX
- theirself 16 PNX
- 'imself 14 PNX
- himself/herself 11 PNX
- hisself 11 PNX
- th'self 11 PNX
- hirself 10 PNX
- yoursen 8 PNX
- mesen 7 PNX
- y'self 7 PNX
- 'erself 6 PNX
- isself 3 PNX
Erstellt: 2014-12
V - They
'They' Wins as Linguists’ Word of the Year
The pronoun "they" won out as Word of the Year, voted by the esteemed members of the American Dialect Society (ADS) on Friday.
It is a pesky pronoun: It has been used as a singular pronoun in spoken English for years. In writing, however, it has mostly been used as the third-person plural.
Although some linguists say "they" has been used in both of these ways for many years, the media has been forced to use "they" more often when reporting about people who identify as transgender.
English does not have a standard third-person pronoun that is gender-neutral, Zimmer explained. But very often "they" is used to describe a generic person like "everyone" or "anyone".
More and more, "they" is being used beyond the traditional gender binary of the "he" and "she" pronouns, he said. For example, "they" is used for people who identify as transgender, gender-fluid or gender-queer.
When former Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner took a female identity this year, he changed his name to Caitlyn Jenner. The new use of "they" would allow the use of "their" instead of "his", as in, "they changed their name to Caitlyn Jenner".
Words from seven categories are considered in the competition: most useful, most creative, most unnecessary, most outrageous, most euphemistic, most likely to succeed and least likely to succeed.
Competing with "they" in the "most useful" category were:
- "mic drop", a definitive end to a discussion after making an impressive point
- "microaggression", subtle form of racism or bias
- "shade", insult, criticism or disrespect, shown in a subtle or clever manner
Alan Metcalf, President of American Dialect Society
"There is no scientific criteria. It's just from all the words used during the past year. Sometimes it's a phrase or an abbreviation, but which one really seems to express the concerns and attitudes of the year gone by?" said Alan Metcalf, president of ADS.
Metcalf explains that the group had the idea for the Word of the Year back in 1990.
"Every year, Time magazine does a 'Person of the Year,' and we're the experts on words, so why don't we come up with a 'Word of the Year?' And we gradually developed the procedures for doing it, so those who vote on it would take some time to think about it."
Words in this Story
- pesky - adj. making someone annoyed or irritated
- esteem - v. to think very highly or favorably of (someone or something) —usually used as (be) esteemed
- transgender - adj. of or relating to people who have a sexual identity that is not clearly male or clearly female
- gender - n. the state of being male or female
- binary - adj. relating to or consisting of two things or parts
- gender fluid - a gender which varies over time (A person who is gender fluid may always feel like a mix of the two traditional genders, but may feel more boy some days, and more girl other days.)
- gender queer - adj. used to describe a person who feels that his/her gender identity does not fit into the socially constructed "norms" associated with his/her biological sex
- euphemism - n. a mild or pleasant word or phrase that is used instead of one that is unpleasant or offensive
Erstellt: 2016-01