Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Wirtschaft, Economía, Économie, Economia, Economy, (esper.) ekonomio
Wirtschaftsmathematik, Economía matemática, Économétrie, Economia matematica, Business Mathematics
Smith, Adam
Wealth of Nations
Harvard Classics, Vol. 10
Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
The first complete system of political economy by the articulator of laissez-faire capitalism. Orginally published in 1776, this large tome has been abridged for the Harvard Classics.
Bibliographic Record
- Introductory Note
- Introduction and Plan of the Work
- Book I. Of the Causes of Improvement in the productive Power of Labour, and of the Order according to which its Produce is naturally distributed among the different Ranks of the People
- Of the Division of Labour
- Of the Principle Which Gives Occasion to the Division of Labour
- That the Division of Labour is Limited by the Extent of the Market
- Of the Origin and Use of Money
- Of the Real and Nominal Price of Commodities, or of Their Price in Labour, and Their Price in Money
- Of the Component Parts of the Price of Commodities
- Of the Natural and Market Price of Commodities
- Of the Wages of Labour
- Of the Profit of Stock
- Of Wages and Profit in the Different Employments of Labour and Stock
- Of the Rent of Land
- Book II. Of the Nature, Accumulation, and Employment of Stock
- Introduction
- Of the Division of Stock
- Of Money Considered as a Particular Branch of the General Stock of the Society, or of the Expence of Maintaining the National Capital
- Of the Accumulation of Capital, or of Productive and Unproductive Labour
- Of Stock Lent at Interest
- Of the Different Employment of Capitals
- Book III. Of the Different Progress of Opulence in Different Nations
- Of the Natural Progress of Opulence
- Book IV. Of Systems of Political Œconomy
- Introduction
- Of the Principle of the Commercial or Mercantile System
- Of Restraints Upon the Importation from Foreign Countries of Such Goods as Can Be Produced at Home
- Of the Extraordinary Restraints upon the Importation of Goods of Almost All Kinds, from Those Countries with which the Balance Is Supposed to Be Disadvantageous
- Of Drawbacks
- Of Bounties
- Of Treaties of Commerce
- Of Colonies
- Conclusion of the Mercantile System
- Of the Agricultural Systems, or of the Systems of Political Œconomy, Which Represent the Produce of Land as Either the Sole or the Principal Source of the Revenue and Wealth of Every Country
- Book V. Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth
- Of the Expences of the Sovereign or Commonwealth
- Of the Sources of the General or Public Revenue of the Society
- Of Public Debts
Adam Smith
Exportgüter von UK
Exportgüter von United Kingdom
Exportgüter von UK - Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien u. Nordirland) sind:
- Chemieprodukte
- Kraftfahrzeuge
- Lebende Tiere
- Maschinen
Erstellt: 2012-07
Hallmark - Rose
"Hallmark" findet man sowohl als Name einer Dahlie als auch einer Rose.
Hallmark (#2246)
Erstellt: 2012-04
hallmark (W3)
Engl. "hallmark" = dt. "Feingehaltsstempel", "Repunze" ("Stempel für Feingehalt bei Edelmetallwaren"), "Kennzeichen", und als Verb engl. "hallmark" = dt. "für Qualität bürgen", "für Vollkommenheit stehen", "stempeln", "repunzieren", dient also als markierung von Handelsartikeln die Echtheit und / oder Reinheit bzw. um eine Eigenschaft oder ein bestimmtes Merkmal anzuzeigen.
Den historischen Hintergrund findet man zu Zeiten von "King Edward I of England". König Eduard I. (König von England (1272-1307)) legte fest, dass Gold und Silber von einem Handwerksmeister zu prüfen und zu kennzeichnen sei, bevor es verkauft wurde. Später wurde in London festgelegt, dass Handwerker ihre Metallwaren zur Goldsmith's Hall zu bringen hatten, wo sie "amtlich" geprüft und gekennzeichnet wurden. Die Kennzeichnung entwicklete sich damit rasch zum Qualitätsmerkmal und wurde in Bezug auf den Prüfungsort engl. "hallmark" bezeichnet. Mit der Zeit trat der geschichtliche Ursprung in den Hintergrund und engl. "hallmark" wurde allgemein zur "Kennzeichnung für Reinheit und Echtheit". Sogar im übertragenen Sinn, so daß man auch Eigenschaften eines Menschen als engl. "hallmarked" bezeichnete.
Online Encyclopedia of Silver Marks, Hallmarks & Makers' Marks
... is the most extensive internet resource for research of "Silver Marks", "Hallmarks", "Trademarks" & "Maker's Marks" found on Antique and Vintage silver. The site's main focus is the silver markings used on vintage and antique sterling and coin silver, for those of you interested in silverplate trademarks, we have now added a large section of "silverplate marks". The site is intended for international use and, although it is written in English, much of the information should be comprehensible to foreign language speakers. The area of interest here in other languages is:
- Silber Punzen
- Poincon
- Poincons d'Argent
- Contrastes y Marcas de la Plata
- Feingehaltsstempel
- Marchio di Garanzia
- Zilver Stempel
- Kjennetegn
- Kennzeichen
Silver jug: This beer jug is hallmarked Hunt & Roskell Late Storr & Mortimer. It was copied in the mid 1800s and adapted for hot ... Contributed by Individual
Teapot: An electro-plate teapot with ivory knop on hinged lid. Hallmarked NS & GR B898. Contributed by Individual
Sugar bowl and nips: This decorative sugar bowl is from 1846 and hallmarked Sheffield. The nips are from 1760 and labelled 'HT'. My ... Contributed by Individual
Silver dressing table set: This table set comprises a glass bottle for perfume and a silver box for hairpins. Both are hand cut, hallmarked and ... Contributed by Individual
Catholic recusant communion chalice This communion chalice is made of unhallmarked silver. It was made secretly in about 1700. It was used by Jesuit Priests ... Contributed by Individual
Silver purse This is pure silver, hallmarked and was passed down through the family. Contributed by Individual
Silver Georgian Sugar Basket This Georgian sugar basket bears a hallmark from 1790 and includes a family crest. It was taken by a missionary to ... Contributed by Individual
Watch Chain Fob Medal Amongst the smallest hallmarked antiques commonly available are watch fob medals, a decorative item now scarcely ... Contributed by Individual
- hallmark (metalwork)
- Hallmark Cards, Inc. (American company)
"hallmark" » "wholemark"
Every Conway Stewart Silver Limited Edition writing instrument carries the sterling silver hallmark from the British Assay Office. The word "hallmark" is derived from London's Hall of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths and the term "hallmarking" meaning "marked in Goldsmiths' Hall", the originator of Britain's first hallmarks.
The penalty for counterfeiting the Hallmark was originally death. This later changed to transportation to a penal colony; and today, the maximum penalty for counterfeiting a British Hallmark is 10 years imprisonment.
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "hallmark" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1890 auf.
Erstellt: 2012-04
Importgüter von UK
Importgüter von United Kingdom
Importgüter von UK - Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien u. Nordirland) sind:
- Bearbeitete Waren
- Brennstoffe
- Fahrzeuge
- Maschinen
- Nahrungsmittel
Erstellt: 2012-07
Keynesianismus (W3)
Der "Keynesianismus" geht zurück auf und ist benannt nach dem englischen Ökonomen "John Maynard Keynes" (1883 - 1946).
Keynesianismus | Postkeynesianismus
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Dt. "Keynesianismus" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1940 auf.
Erstellt: 2013-02
SAP Glossary
Gerade für eher neuere Begriffe lohnt sich die Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute. Viele der SAP-Begriffe werden jedoch erst gar nicht gefunden. Aber das dürfte bei Vergrößerung des Corpus von derzeit etwa 4% und in zehn Jahren wieder anders aussehen.
| A
| A number
| A vs. B rule
| A-tape
| A.TR. movement certificate
| A/P credit memo
| A/P invoice
| A/P reserve invoice
| A/R credit memo
| A/R invoice
| A/R invoice and payment
| A/R reserve invoice
| A/R summary
| A1S schema
| A2A service
| A2X service
| AB0 system
| abandoned
| abandonment
| abandonment rate
| ABAP based SAP system
| ABAP Communicator Service
| ABAP control
| ABAP Database Connectivity
| ABAP Debugger
| ABAP Debugger window
| ABAP Dictionary (BC-DWB-DIC)
| ABAP Dictionary (PY)
| ABAP dump analysis
| ABAP Editor
| ABAP event
| ABAP file interface
| ABAP keyword
| ABAP language element
| ABAP language element addition
| ABAP memory
| ABAP Objects
| ABAP processor
| ABAP program
| ABAP Query
| ABAP Repository Information System
| ABAP runtime analysis
| ABAP runtime environment
| ABAP stack
| ABAP statement
| ABAP Support Package
| ABAP unit
| ABAP word
| ABAP Workbench
| abatement
| abatement modeling
| abatement project
| ABC analysis (CA)
| ABC analysis (CRM-ANA)
| ABC Classification
| ABC indicator
| abort
| above-price currency
| absence (IS-H)
| absence (PT)
| absence event
| absence quota
| absence quota type
| absence reason
| Absence Report
| absence split
| absence time
| absence type
| absence valuation
| absolute commission
| absolute deadband
| absolute due date scenario
| absolute frequency
| absolute maturity band
| absolute path
| absolute quantity
| absolute target
| absolute type name
| absolute valuation
| absolute yield
| absorption costing
| abstract (BC-ABA)
| abstract (IS-OIL-DS-EXG)
| abstract aggregation object
| abstract character repertoire
| abstract class
| abstract interface
| abstract service interface
| abstract syntax tree
| AC interface
| academic advisor
| academic calendar
| academic event
| academic hold
| academic offering
| academic performance index
| academic period
| academic specialization
| academic substitution
| AccAD Administrator
| AccAD tunnel
| Accelerated Application Delivery for SAP NetWeaver
| AcceleratedSAP
| accelerator
| accelerator key
| acceptability constant
| acceptable quality level
| acceptance
| acceptance inspection
| acceptance level
| acceptance number
| acceptance of services performed
| acceptance rate
| acceptance request
| acceptance sampling inspection
| acceptance status
| acceptance test
| acceptance test criteria
| acceptance tolerance limit
| access (IS-CC)
| access (SD)
| access authorization (BC-SRV)
| access authorization (PLM-WUI-APP)
| access character
| access control
| access control context
| access control context type
| access control engine
| access control entry
| access control list (BC-DWB-TOO)
| access control list (BC-SEC)
| Access Control List
| access control management
| access control object
| access key
| access level
| access limit
| access line
| access log (BC-FES-ITS)
| access log (PA-PA)
| access log (SBO)
| access method
| access network
| access node
| access object
| Access Object Builder
| access path (BC-DWB-DIC)
| access path (CA-DMS)
| access sequence (CA-GTF-BS-MC)
| access sequence (CO)
| access sequence (IS-A-DBM)
| access sequence (LO-BM)
| access sequence (SD)
| access type (ICM)
| access type (IS-H)
| accessibility (BC-ILM)
| accessibility (SAP)
| accident category
| accident insurance act
| accident insurance mandatory service
| accident notification
| accident questionnaire
| accident report
| accident type
| accommodation category
| accommodations per diem
| Accompanying Administrative Document
| accompanying document
| accomplishment
| account (CRM-MD)
| account (FI)
| account (FS-AM-CM-AC)
| account (FS-AM-IM-GL)
| account (FS-BA-SD)
| account (OPU-DUE)
| account (RIV)
| account accumulator
| account allocation
| account and contact management (CRM-MD)
| account and contact management (SAP)
| account assignment (FI)
| account assignment (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| account assignment category (CO)
| account assignment category (MM-PUR)
| account assignment category (SCM-EWM)
| account assignment change
| account assignment element
| account assignment group
| account assignment item
| account assignment manager
| account assignment model
| account assignment object (CO)
| account assignment object (PS)
| account assignment object (SCM-EWM)
| account assignment reference
| account assignment subobject
| account assignment template
| account assignment type (ICM)
| account assignment type (PY)
| account balance (FI)
| account balance (IS-A-RL)
| account balance (SBO)
| account balance interest calculation
| account balance role
| account balancing
| account category
| account closure (FS-AM-OM-AC)
| account closure (PA-PF)
| account code
| account creation variant
| account currency (FS-AM)
| account currency (SBO)
| account determination (CO)
| account determination (FI)
| account determination (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| account determination ID
| account determination procedure
| account determination type
| account determination value
| account dimension
| account group (EC-PCA)
| account group (FI)
| account group (PSM-FM)
| account group hierarchy
| account hierarchy
| account holder change
| account holder change for loans
| account holder change reason
| account ID
| account identification
| account index
| account key
| account level
| account life
| account linking
| account location
| account maintenance
| account maintenance document
| account management (FI)
| account management (IS-B)
| account management (RIV)
| account mapping
| account model
| account name
| account order
| account plan
| account planning
| account pool
| Account Pooling
| account posting (IS-A-RL)
| account posting (SBO)
| account processing
| account product group
| account proxy
| account reconciliation
| account residence
| account segmentation
| account settlement
| account symbol (FI-GL)
| account symbol (FS-AM-IM)
| account symbol (FS-AM-IM-IT)
| account type
| account view
| account with transactions
| account-based calculation
| account-based profitability analysis
| account-managing branch
| account-managing system
| accountable property
| accounting (LOD-ESO)
| accounting (SAP)
| accounting balances
| Accounting Coding Block Distribution
| accounting community
| accounting component
| accounting configuration
| accounting currency
| accounting document (FI)
| accounting document (FIN)
| accounting document (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| accounting exchange on the assets side
| accounting group
| accounting indicator
| accounting instance
| accounting interaction center
| accounting interface
| accounting method
| accounting object (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| accounting object (FS-PM)
| accounting object category
| accounting object class
| accounting object currency
| accounting object product
| accounting object type
| accounting principle
| accounting system (FI)
| accounting system (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| accounting technique
| accounting variant
| accounts payable
| accounts payable ledger
| accounts receivable (IS-OIL-PRA)
| accounts receivable (SBO)
| accounts receivable ledger
| accounts receivable pledging
| accounts receivable pledging indicator
| accreditation
| accrual (CRM-RB)
| accrual (FI-GL)
| accrual (RE)
| accrual and deferral
| accrual basis for VAT accounting
| accrual calculation
| accrual calculation run
| accrual closeout
| accrual engine
| accrual entitlement
| accrual method
| accrual object category
| accrual order
| accrual posting run
| accrual profile
| accrual rate
| accrual reversal run
| accrual run
| accrual type (FI-GL)
| accrual type (SBO)
| accrual value
| accrual/deferral (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| accrual/deferral (FS-PE)
| accruals and deferrals
| accruals correction posting
| accrued balance
| accrued commission
| accrued costs
| accrued interest on arrears
| accrued items
| accumulated assets
| accumulated statistics
| accumulation period
| accumulation point
| acidification potential
| acknowledge
| acknowledged alert
| acknowledgement of receipt
| acknowledgment message
| acquisition (IS-CC)
| acquisition (IS-EC-CEM)
| acquisition (SBO)
| acquisition and production costs
| acquisition commission
| acquisition costs
| acquisition list
| acquisition session
| acquisition tax
| acquisition year
| acronym
| across
| action (AIE)
| action (BC-BMT-BPM)
| action (BC-MID)
| action (BC-SEC)
| action (BC-SRV-COM)
| action (BC-XI)
| action (CAF-GP)
| action (CRM-BTX)
| action (CRM-MKT-MPL-LOY)
| action (CRM-MT)
| action (EHS-CI)
| action (EHS-MGM)
| action (EP-VC)
| action (FI-AP)
| action (FS-CM)
| action (FS-PM)
| action (IS-A-DBM)
| action (IS-A-JIT)
| action (IS-A-VMS)
| action (IS-M-AMC)
| action (IS-PS-CA)
| action (MFG-MII)
| action (PLM-WUI-APP)
| action (RIV)
| action (SCM-APO-PPS)
| action (SCM-APO-PPS-AHT)
| action (SCM-EM)
| action box (CA)
| action box (CS)
| action box (MP-APP-CR)
| action control
| action data
| action data container
| action definition
| action designer
| action determination
| action file
| action grid
| action group
| Action Handler
| action in repairs processing
| action item (CRM-IC)
| action item (SCM-SOP)
| action item channel
| action limit
| action list
| action merging
| action message
| action network
| action object
| action pane (OPU-DUE)
| action pane (SRD-CC-OIN-GW)
| action point
| action processing
| action profile (BC-SRV-COM)
| action profile (CRM)
| action profile determination
| action provider
| action reason
| action record
| action rule
| action step
| action template
| action type (AIE)
| action type (SCM-APO-ATP)
| action variable
| action with dialog step
| activatable checkpoint
| activate (PSM-GPR)
| activate (SBO)
| activate accessibility features
| activate order
| activation (BC-DWB)
| activation (BC-JAS-EJB)
| activation (CA-MDG)
| activation (PA-EC)
| activation (SV-SMB-AIO)
| activation administrator
| activation date
| activation link (BC-CUS-TOL)
| activation link (BC-CUS-TOL)
| activation log (BC-DWB-DIC)
| activation log (SBO)
| activation mode
| activation owner
| activation period
| activation phase
| activation set
| activation status (IS-R)
| activation status (SCM-FRE)
| activation type
| activation variant
| active (BC-CST)
| active (BC-DOC-DTL)
| active (MP-APP-DPE)
| active (OPU-DUE)
| active (PA)
| active (SRM-EBP-CON)
| active (WEC-IS)
| active account (FI)
| active account (SBO)
| active area
| active attack
| active configuration
| active date
| Active Directory
| active document
| active document splitting
| active energy
| active ingredient
| active instance
| active order monitoring
| active parcel
| active plan version
| active power
| active return
| active version
| active worklist
| ActiveX control
| ActiveX Data Objects
| ActiveX Data Objects Multidimensional
| activities profile
| activity (AIE)
| activity (AP-PPE)
| activity (BC-BMT-WFM)
| activity (BC-CTS)
| activity (CRM)
| activity (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| activity (CS)
| activity (EC-CS)
| activity (EHS-CI)
| activity (FS-CM)
| activity (FS-PM)
| activity (GRC-RM)
| activity (MFG-ME)
| activity (PA-ER)
| activity (PA-OS)
| activity (PE)
| activity (PE-LSO)
| activity (PLM-WUI-APP)
| activity (PM)
| activity (PM)
| activity (PS)
| activity (SBO)
| activity (SCM-APO-MD)
| activity (SCM-BAS-STM)
| activity (SCM-EM)
| activity (SCM-EWM)
| activity (SV-ASA)
| activity area (BC-SRV-RM)
| activity area (SCM-EWM)
| activity audit
| activity basic data
| activity category (AIE)
| activity category (CRM)
| activity category (GRC-RM)
| activity class
| activity clipboard object
| activity code
| activity context
| activity data collector
| activity direction
| activity element
| activity filter
| activity forecast data
| activity function
| activity group (ICM)
| activity group (MFG-ME)
| activity group (PA-OS)
| activity hierarchy
| activity hook
| activity input
| activity input planning
| activity item
| activity journal
| activity journal template
| activity journal template type
| activity management (CRM)
| activity management (FS-CM)
| activity manager
| activity matrix
| activity output
| activity parameter
| activity participation
| activity partner (AP-MD-BP)
| activity partner (CRM)
| activity period
| activity profile
| activity proposal
| activity reason
| activity report
| activity scheduling
| activity schema
| activity status
| activity task type
| activity template
| activity tracing
| activity type (CO)
| activity type (CRM)
| activity type (GRC-RM)
| activity type (ICM)
| activity type (IS-EC-CEM)
| activity type (SCM-APO-MD)
| activity type (SCM-EM)
| activity type category
| activity type group
| activity type planning
| activity version
| actor
| actor type
| actual
| actual activation date
| actual amount
| actual capacity requirement
| actual cash desk amount
| actual cash value
| actual commission (ICM)
| actual commission (ICM)
| actual completion date
| actual configuration (IS-AD-CC)
| actual configuration (IS-DFS)
| actual cost
| actual cost splitting
| actual costing
| actual costs (CO)
| actual costs (CO-PC)
| actual credit
| actual customs
| actual data (LE-WM)
| actual data (SRD-SCM-DP)
| actual date (CRM)
| actual date (IS-R)
| actual date (PP)
| actual debit
| actual execution duration
| actual input quantity
| actual investment
| actual labor
| actual loss on receivables
| actual markup
| actual materials
| actual move-in date
| actual move-out date
| actual parameter
| actual personnel
| actual plan
| actual premium
| actual principle
| actual profit
| actual QM system
| actual quantity
| actual quantity structure
| actual range of coverage
| actual record
| actual results analysis
| actual revenue
| actual route
| actual scrap quantity
| actual scrap quantity based on components
| actual shrinkage
| actual spending value
| actual subsidy premium
| actual teaching effort
| actual time
| actual total duration
| actual usage
| actual value
| actual VAT
| actual version
| actual volume
| actual working time
| acute treatment
| ad component
| ad content
| ad content attribute
| ad content identification number
| ad content validation
| ad content validation rule
| ad hoc anchor
| ad hoc cost estimate
| ad hoc event
| ad hoc scenario
| ad hoc workflow
| ad insert
| ad insert item type
| ad item type
| ad order
| ad preprint
| ad preprint order
| ad preprint zone
| ad production system
| ad proof
| ad spec
| ad spec master
| ad spec master data record
| ad spec split
| ad valorem tax rate
| ad week
| ad-hoc query
| Ad-hoc Query Designer
| adapter (AIE)
| adapter (FS-BA-SD)
| adapter facade
| Adapter Framework
| Adaptive Remote Function Call
| Adaptive RFC model
| Add form
| add-on (CA)
| add-on (IS-B-RA-CL)
| add-on (SAP)
| add-on (SBO)
| add-on amount
| Add-On complete piece list
| Add-On delta upgrade
| Add-On exchange package
| Add-On exchange upgrade
| add-on factor
| Add-On Installation Package
| Add-On Patch
| add-on registration
| Add-On Registration Data Generator
| add-on release
| add-on risk category
| add-on software component
| Add-On Solution License
| Add-On Support Package
| Add-On Upgrade Package
| adder
| addition to existing stock
| additional
| additional account assignment
| additional account assignment for insurance
| additional activity context
| additional application
| additional available amount
| additional benefit
| additional calculation
| additional card
| additional card pool
| additional collateral
| additional commission case
| additional component
| additional costs
| additional data (CA-DMS)
| additional data (FS-BP)
| additional data for transport
| additional date
| additional duty of customs
| additional excise duty
| additional expense
| additional expenses for meals
| additional field
| additional file
| additional financial data
| additional funding scheme
| additional ID
| additional information
| additional input
| additional insurance
| additional language
| additional ledger
| additional packaging
| additional part (IS-DFS)
| additional part (PY-JP)
| additional partner number
| additional payment (FS-PM)
| additional payment (PY-ES)
| additional payment calculation module
| additional planning
| additional program group
| additional receivable
| additional revenue
| additional screen
| additional services
| additional storage
| additional tax (FI)
| additional tax (SBO)
| additional time data
| additional travel expenses
| additional vacation for challenged persons
| additional value days
| additional version
| additional winter pay
| additionals document
| additive contribution
| additive cost
| additive cost estimate
| address activity
| address book
| address change form
| address determination
| address format
| address ID
| address list
| address list version
| address management
| address pool
| address space
| address type (AP-MD-BP)
| address type (BC-SRV-COM)
| address type (CA-GTF)
| address usage
| address verification system
| addressable spending value
| addressed spending value
| addressing type
| adjacent DRG
| adjoining building unit
| adjust (PSM-GPR)
| adjust (SCM-APO-PPS)
| Adjust to structural changes in site
| adjusted basic pay
| adjusted collateral value
| adjusted customer forecast
| adjusted debt
| adjusted guarantee amount
| adjusted R square
| adjusted standard costing
| adjustment (FI)
| adjustment (GRC-SPM-SR)
| adjustment (PSM-GPR)
| adjustment account
| adjustment amount
| adjustment basis
| adjustment by fifteenths
| adjustment calculation module
| adjustment charge
| adjustment claim
| adjustment customer group
| adjustment direction
| adjustment frequency
| adjustment grouping
| adjustment horizon
| adjustment level
| adjustment level of agreement
| adjustment measure
| adjustment measure type
| adjustment method (FI)
| adjustment method (RE)
| adjustment posting
| adjustment profile
| adjustment rate
| adjustment reason
| adjustment rule (IS-M-SD)
| adjustment rule (RE)
| adjustment rule for bases for calculating average values
| adjustment term
| adjustment time
| adjustment to annual net income
| adjustment to net income
| adjustment to retained earnings
| adjustment user group
| ADK index
| ADK interface
| administrable
| administration (SAP)
| administration (SAP)
| administration (SBO)
| Administration
| Administration Adapter Service
| administration cockpit
| administration console
| Administration Console (EPM-BPC)
| Administration Console (MP-APP-DPE)
| administration device
| administration documentation
| administration instance
| administration notes
| administration plug-in
| administration route
| administration toolkit
| administration user
| administrative chain of command
| administrative data
| administrative hierarchy
| administrative personnel structure
| administrative premium
| administrative unit
| administrator (CAF-GP)
| administrator (EP-PIN-USM)
| administrator (OPU-DUE)
| administrator (SBC)
| administrator (SRM-SUS)
| administrator (XAP-CQM)
| Administrator (EPM-BPC)
| Administrator (PA-PM-PB)
| admissibility check
| admission
| admission and emergency unit
| admission date
| admission diagnosis
| admission notification
| admission reason
| admission record
| admission type
| admitting facility
| admitting physician
| admitting release form
| Adobe Document Services
| Adobe LiveCycle Designer
| Adobe-certified document
| ADT characteristic
| advance (CRM-IM-IPM)
| advance (PY-CH)
| advance group
| advance notice
| advance off-cycle payment
| advance payment (FS-AM-EP-MN)
| advance payment (FS-CML)
| advance payment (IS-U-CA)
| advance payment (IS-U-IDE)
| advance payment (PY)
| advance payment (RE)
| advance payment (SBO)
| advance payment for sales-based rent
| advance payment of retroactive amount
| advance payroll calculation
| advance premium
| advance refund payment
| advance request claim
| advance return
| advance the phase
| advance with immediate dialog
| advanced activity design
| Advanced Adapter Engine
| Advanced Encryption Standard
| advanced IRB approach
| Advanced Layout Designer
| advanced macro
| advanced meter
| advanced metering
| advanced metering infrastructure
| advanced metering system
| advanced recommendations
| advanced report builder
| Advanced Returns Management
| advanced search (AP-CAT)
| advanced search (CA-WUI)
| advanced search (EP-UP-ES)
| advanced selection filter
| advanced shipping notification
| adverse medication effects
| advertising
| advertising management
| advertising medium
| advice code
| advising bank
| Advisor UI
| advisory note
| affected area
| affected land
| affecting net income
| affiliated company (EC-PCA)
| affiliated company (FI-LC)
| affiliation
| affinity
| AFM number
| AFS additional data
| AFS change reason code
| AFS component selection
| AFS factor price
| AFS filter
| AFS first-level contract
| AFS MM route determination
| AFS MRP Cockpit
| AFS MRP list compression
| AFS MRP status
| AFS planned independent requirement
| AFS quota
| AFS reasons for not assigned sources
| AFS single vendor
| after method
| after-import method
| aftercare examination
| AGate instance
| AGate lock monitor
| AGate memory monitor
| AGate performance monitor
| AGate process
| age
| age bonus
| age data
| age group
| age limit
| age of contract
| age qualifier
| age-based deductable
| age-related credit
| agency (FIN-FSCM-BC)
| agency (FS-RI)
| agency (IS-DFS)
| agency business
| Agency Location Code
| agent (BC-BMT-WFM)
| agent (CS)
| agent (EHS)
| agent (FI-CA)
| agent (ICM)
| agent (KM-ITU)
| agent (MFG-MII-PCO)
| agent (SBO)
| agent (SRM-CM)
| agent configuration
| agent dashboard
| agent group
| agent instance
| agent login
| agent logout
| agent profile
| agent push
| agent role
| agent service of remote support platform for SAP Business On
| agent session
| agent skill
| agent type (EHS)
| agent type (IS-HMED)
| agent without own commission contract
| agent work mode
| aggregate (BC-ABA)
| aggregate (BW-WHM)
| aggregate (SCM-APO-FCS)
| aggregate (SLL)
| aggregate contract
| aggregate expression
| aggregate function (BC-ABA)
| aggregate function (IS-HMED)
| aggregate level (CO-PC)
| aggregate level (SCM-APO-FCS)
| aggregate management
| aggregate property
| aggregate state (LE-WM)
| aggregate state (MM-IM)
| aggregate type
| aggregated accrual result
| aggregated balance
| aggregated balance sheet
| aggregated business transaction
| aggregated financial transaction
| aggregated object (BC-DWB-DIC)
| aggregated object (FS-BA-SD)
| aggregated planning
| aggregated release value
| aggregated safety stock planning
| aggregated status (SCM-BAS-STM)
| aggregated status (SCM-EM)
| aggregating characteristic
| aggregating relationship type
| aggregation (BC-CCM-MON)
| aggregation (BC-WD-ABA)
| aggregation (EC-EIS)
| aggregation (MM-PUR)
| aggregation (PS)
| aggregation (SCM-APO-FCS)
| aggregation (SCM-ICH)
| aggregation accrual result
| aggregation approach
| aggregation business transaction
| aggregation business transaction class
| aggregation category (FS-BA-SD)
| aggregation category (IS-B-RA)
| aggregation container
| aggregation factor
| aggregation horizon
| aggregation ID
| aggregation level (BW-PLA)
| aggregation level (FS-BA-RD)
| aggregation logic
| aggregation object
| aggregation of deficiencies
| aggregation ratio
| aggregation run
| aggregation run type (FS-BA-AN-STA)
| aggregation run type (FS-BA-AN-STA)
| aggregation table
| aggregation task
| aggregation type
| aggregation view
| aggregation view category
| aggregator
| aging parameters
| agreed business appointment
| agreed cumulative quantity
| agreed date
| agreed delivery time
| agreement (CRM)
| agreement (FS-PM)
| agreement (ICM)
| agreement (LOD-ESO)
| agreement (PSM-GM)
| agreement (SD)
| agreement amount
| agreement availability check
| agreement for settlement scheduling
| agreement ID for run administration
| agreement minimum
| agreement rule
| agreement type
| agriculture duty
| aid organization
| air buoyancy factor
| air change rate
| Air Transport Association of America
| air transport safety
| air waybill (EHS)
| air waybill (SD-FT)
| airborne object
| aircraft accident
| aircraft operating cycle
| Airworthiness Directive
| alarm (MFG-ME)
| alarm (MFG-MII)
| ALE Customizing object
| ALE Customizing request
| ALE Customizing synchronization
| ALE distribution group
| ALE distribution packet
| ALE distribution unit
| ALE integrated system
| alert (BC-CCM-MON)
| alert (BC-SRV-COM)
| alert (EPM-SA)
| alert (IS-A-DBM)
| alert (IS-CC)
| alert (IS-HMED)
| alert (LE-TRM)
| alert (MP-APP-CR)
| alert (OPU-DUE)
| alert (PPM-PRO)
| alert (SBO)
| alert attribute
| alert attribute service
| alert browser
| alert category
| alert color
| alert confirmation
| alert container
| alert creator
| alert delivery
| alert editor
| Alert Engine
| alert engine structure
| alert framework
| Alert Framework
| alert group
| alert history
| alert inbox
| Alert Management
| alert modeler editor
| alert modeler method
| alert modeler profile
| alert modeler rule
| alert monitor (BC-CCM-MON)
| alert monitor (BW-BEX)
| alert monitor (LE-TRM)
| Alert Monitor
| alert monitor window
| alert notification mechanism
| alert notification profile
| alert object type
| alert overview
| alert provider
| alert recipient
| alert server
| alert setting
| alert status
| alert theme
| alert user
| alert-based rating
| alert-specific URL
| alerts management
| alias (BC-BMT-BPM)
| alias (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| alias (FIN-FSCM-IHC)
| alias (FS-BP)
| alias (MDM)
| alias (MFG-MII-PCO)
| alias name
| alias type
| alien file
| Alignment
| alignment gap
| alignment key
| all fast
| all my travel plans
| all my travel requests
| all my trips
| all-in-one-directory logic
| all-inclusive rent
| allergen
| allocate
| allocated actual costs
| allocated fee
| allocated loss adjustment expenses reserves
| allocated quantity
| allocation (FI-SL)
| allocation (FS-BA-AN-PA)
| allocation base
| allocation category
| allocation cost element
| allocation course
| allocation cross reference
| allocation cycle
| allocation environment
| allocation logic
| allocation method
| allocation mode
| allocation model
| allocation module
| allocation module version
| allocation month
| allocation profit center
| allocation rule (CRM-MKT)
| allocation rule (FI-SL)
| allocation rule (IS-R)
| allocation rule (RE)
| allocation rule determination
| allocation rule generation
| allocation run
| allocation run event
| allocation run status
| allocation run type
| allocation segment
| allocation sequence
| allocation strategy
| allocation structure
| allocation table
| allocation transfer order
| allocation type
| allocation value
| allowance (IS-B)
| allowance (PA-GE)
| allowed characteristic value
| allowed configuration
| Alloy by IBM and SAP
| Alloy client plug-in
| Alloy component
| Alloy role
| Alloy server
| Alloy user
| ALM converter
| ALM expert mode
| ALM reference currency
| ALM simulation
| ALP split
| alpha factor
| alpha service level
| alphanumeric Form Painter
| alphanumeric Screen Painter
| alternate
| alternate clause
| alternate element
| alternate server
| alternating limit alarm
| alternative
| alternative adjustment rule
| alternative bid
| alternative BOM
| alternative BOM item
| alternative catalog
| alternative clause
| alternative currency
| alternative date (IS-M-AM)
| alternative date (LO-ECH)
| alternative determination
| alternative distribution point
| alternative evidence
| alternative fuel vehicle
| alternative historical data
| alternative ID
| alternative item (SBO)
| alternative item (SRM-EBP-BID)
| alternative item group
| alternative line
| alternative location identifier (SCM-BAS)
| alternative location identifier (SCM-TM)
| alternative location identifier type
| alternative main due date
| alternative material
| alternative material cost estimate
| alternative name
| alternative operation
| alternative payee (CRM-IPS)
| alternative payee (FI)
| alternative payer
| alternative payer/payee
| alternative plant
| alternative priority
| alternative product number
| alternative qualification
| alternative quantity unit
| alternative recipe
| alternative resource search (PE)
| alternative resource search (PE-LSO)
| alternative rule
| alternative scenario
| alternative scheduling type
| alternative search term
| alternative sequence
| alternative session
| alternative taxpayer
| alternative unit of measure (MM-IM)
| alternative unit of measure (SCM-APO-CA)
| alternative valuation
| alternative value
| alumnus
| ALV grid control
| AMB file
| AMB procedure
| ambient temperature
| ambiguous blended code page
| Ambiguous Language List
| ambulatory code
| amended return (IS-PS-CA)
| amended return (SBO)
| amendment (CRM-MKT)
| amendment (LOD-ESO)
| amendment (SD-FT)
| amendment to previous combined synopsis/solicitation
| amenities level factor
| amenities level sign
| American option
| AMI headend system
| amortization (FI-LC)
| amortization (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| amortization of fair value adjustments
| amortization of intangible assets
| amortized cost (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| amortized cost (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| amortized cost adjusted by hedge
| amount (EHS-CI)
| amount (SD)
| amount category
| amount counter
| amount determination
| amount disbursed
| amount due to customs
| amount of loss
| amount of wage type class
| amount reservation
| analysis (BW-BEX)
| analysis (CRM-BTX-COM)
| analysis (IS-BEV-LO-SR)
| Analysis
| analysis authorizations
| analysis document
| analysis grid
| analysis item
| analysis key
| analysis key date
| analysis lab
| analysis list
| analysis method (BC-CCM-MON)
| analysis method (EHS)
| analysis mode (BW-BEX)
| analysis mode (ICM)
| analysis model
| analysis object
| analysis of material transfer frequency
| analysis process
| Analysis Process Designer
| analysis quantity
| analysis report
| analysis results
| analysis screen
| analysis toolbar
| analysis value (EHS)
| analysis value (GRC-SPC)
| analysis view
| analytic engine
| Analytic Monthly Declaration
| analytical application
| analytical applications
| analytical business object
| analytical CRM
| analytical data storage
| analytical index
| analytical process
| analytical service interface
| analytical service operation
| analytics
| analyze
| analyzed level
| anamnestic medication order
| Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification
| ancestor (BC-CTS)
| ancestor (EP-PIN)
| ancestor (MDM)
| anchor
| anchor rate
| and process
| Annex 16
| Annex I goods
| annex XIV
| Annex-I license
| annexing
| announcement
| annual budget (IM)
| annual budget (RE)
| annual contribution limit
| annual estimate
| annual extra payment
| annual financial statements
| annual inventory
| annual percentage yield earned
| annual profile
| annual profit
| annual report
| annual resident
| annual working time account
| annuity (FIN-SEM-BPS)
| annuity (FS-AM)
| anomaly
| anonymization (BC-DWB-DIC)
| anonymization (IS-H)
| anonymization indicator
| anonymous bid
| anonymous bidding
| anonymous data object
| anonymous indicator
| anonymous logon
| anonymous membership processing
| anonymous user
| answer criterion (CA)
| answer criterion (EHS)
| answer type (EHS)
| answer type (SV-ASA)
| anti-H
| any conditions
| any price bidding
| apartment hereditary land register
| aperiodic service
| API gravity
| APO Core Interface integration model
| APO Performance Monitor
| APO query
| APO query pool
| APO scheduling agreement
| APO Support Package
| apparent power
| append (BW-WHM)
| append (SRM-EBP-CON)
| APPEND maintenance concept
| append package
| append package interface
| append search help
| append structure
| appended order
| appendix table
| APPL Support Package
| appliance
| applicant (CRM-IPS)
| applicant (IM)
| applicant (IS-HER-CM)
| applicant (PA-RC)
| applicant action
| applicant action type
| applicant activity
| applicant activity type
| applicant class
| applicant document
| applicant group
| applicant master data
| applicant pool
| applicant range
| application (AP-RC-BEF)
| application (BC-SRV-ARL)
| application (BC-SRV-BR)
| application (CA-DMS)
| application (CA-MDG)
| application (CRM-MT)
| application (FS-ICM)
| application (FS-PCO-AM)
| application (FS-PM)
| application (MDM)
| application (ONE VOICE)
| application (PA-ER)
| application (PM-WCM)
| application (PSM-GM)
| application (RE)
| application (RIV)
| application (SAP)
| application (SRD-CC)
| application (SWE)
| application alias
| Application Analysis
| application area (BC-FES-GUI)
| application area (CRM-IC)
| application area (CS)
| application area (FI)
| application area (FI-CA)
| application area (IS-BEV-LO-TS)
| application area (SV-SMB-AIO)
| application area editor
| application area icon
| application area list
| application areas
| application bar
| application browser
| application business object
| application category
| application CHIP
| application class (AP-RC-BEF)
| application class (BC-BSP)
| Application Client Service
| application cloner
| application component (BC-XI)
| application component (ONE VOICE)
| application component (SV-ASA)
| application component (SWE)
| application consultant
| application context (EPM-BPC)
| application context (EPM-BPC)
| application context (FI)
| application currency
| application definition
| application delivery engine
| application designer framework
| application document
| application domain
| application embedding
| Application Enhancement Tool
| application environment
| application event (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| application event (IS-HMED)
| application event category
| application event management
| application event type
| application explorer
| application field
| application form (CA-GTF)
| application form (CRM-IPS)
| application form (FI)
| application form (FS-CMS)
| application grid
| application group (EPM-SM)
| application group (IS-BEV-LO-TS)
| application group (IS-MP)
| application group (PA-ER)
| application help (BC-DOC)
| application help (BC-FES-GUI)
| application host
| application hosting (EP)
| application hosting (SAP)
| application identifier
| Application IDoc
| application interface
| Application Interface Support Package
| application journal
| application key
| application language
| application layer (BC-ABA)
| application layer (EP)
| application level
| application level menu
| Application Link Enabling
| Application Locking Service
| application log (BC-CCM-MON)
| application log (ICM)
| application log (LE-TRM)
| application logging
| application logic
| application map
| application measurement
| application modeling
| Application Monitor
| application object (SCM-EM)
| application object (SWE)
| application object type (AP-PPE)
| application object type (SCM-EM)
| application overview
| application pane
| application parameter
| application platform
| application plug
| application portal
| application process
| application program
| application programming interface
| Application Programming Interface layer
| application property
| application property service
| application receipt date
| application scenario
| application server (BC-ABA)
| application server (NW)
| Application Server
| application service (BC-CCM-MON)
| application service (NW)
| application service (SWE)
| application service provider (CA)
| application service provider (CRM)
| application service provision
| application set parameter
| application set status
| application sharing (EP-KM-COL)
| application sharing (MP-APP-CR)
| Application Sharing Server
| application source
| application status (BC-JAS)
| application status (FS-PM)
| application status (PSM-GM)
| application system (BC-CUS-TOL)
| application system (SCM-EM)
| application system (SWE)
| application table
| application test
| application thread
| Application Thread Manager
| application toolbar (BC-ABA)
| application toolbar (BC-FES-GUI)
| application type (MP-APP-CR)
| application type (MP-APP-DPE)
| application window
| application wizard (ICM)
| application wizard (PA-ER)
| application-controlled workflow
| application-directed dialog
| application-specific alert profile
| application-specific search
| application-to-application communication
| application-to-application integration
| application-to-application process
| apply
| apply contract
| apply date
| appointment (BC-SRV-COM)
| appointment (IS-A-DBM)
| appointment (IS-H)
| appointment booker
| appointment calendar
| appointment editor
| appointment enquirer
| appointment management (BC-SRV-COM)
| appointment management (IS-H)
| appointment overview
| appointment registry
| appointment rule (BC-SRV-COM)
| appointment rule (IS-BEV-DSD)
| appointment rule period
| appointment series
| appointment source
| appointment template (IS-HMED)
| appointment template (IS-HMED)
| apportioned order
| apportionment loss risk
| apportionment method
| apportionment of follow-up costs
| apportionment structure
| apportionment unit
| APPQ interface
| appraisal (FS-CM)
| appraisal (PA-PD)
| appraisal (PY-PT)
| appraisal category
| appraisal category group
| Appraisal Coordination Council
| appraisal costs
| appraisal criterion
| appraisal element (PA-PD)
| appraisal element (PA-PD-PM)
| appraisal model
| appraisal order
| appraisal reason
| appraisal receipt
| appraisal subtemplate
| appraisal system
| appraisal template
| appraisal type (FS-CM)
| appraisal type (PA-PD)
| appraisee
| appraiser
| appreciation surcharge
| appropriate
| appropriated funds
| appropriation (IS-HER-CM)
| appropriation (PSM-FM-BCS)
| appropriation of retained earnings (EC-CS)
| appropriation of retained earnings (FI-LC)
| appropriation procedure
| appropriation request
| appropriation request type
| appropriation request variant
| approval (CRM-BTX-COM)
| approval (PM-WCM)
| approval (PPM-PRO)
| approval (QM)
| Approval
| approval check
| approval level (FI-AP)
| approval level (IM)
| approval limit
| approval percent
| approval procedure
| approval process
| approval report
| approval rule
| approval specialist
| approval stage
| approval status (SBO)
| approval status (SCM-ICH-PO)
| approval step
| approval task
| approval template
| approval type
| approval with completion
| approval workflow
| approve
| approved (OPU-DUE)
| approved (PA)
| approved amount
| approved budget
| approved manufacturer list
| approved manufacturer part list
| approved manufacturer parts list (MM-PUR)
| approved manufacturer parts list (SCM-ICH-PO)
| approved overconsumption
| approved supplier
| approved supplier list
| approved vendor list
| approver (EP-KM-CM)
| approver (FI-AP)
| Approver
| approving physician
| APR hierarchy
| architectural object
| architectural object type
| architectural room
| architectural space (RE)
| architectural space (RE)
| architectural view
| architecture concept document
| Architecture Concept Document
| Architecture Technology Group
| archivability check
| archivable
| archive
| archive administration
| archive administration data
| archive CD
| Archive Development Kit
| archive document ID
| archive file (BC-CCM-ADK)
| archive file (BC-SRV-ARL)
| archive file key
| archive handle
| archive ID
| archive index
| archive information structure
| Archive Information System
| archive management
| archive mode
| archive path (BC-CCM-ADK)
| archive path (BC-SRV-ARL)
| Archive Retrieval Tool
| archive selection
| archive store
| archived (CRM-BF-AR)
| archived (SRM-EBP-CON)
| archived appraisal
| archiving (BC-ABA)
| archiving (BC-ILM)
| archiving category (FI)
| archiving category (FIN-FSCM-CLM-CM)
| archiving class
| Archiving Engine
| Archiving Factory
| archiving in dialog
| archiving object
| archiving parameter
| archiving sequence
| archiving session
| archiving session created during reload
| archiving session number
| archiving set
| ARE document
| ARE reference document
| ARE-1 document
| ARE-3 document
| area (BC-ABA)
| area (BC-ESI)
| area (BC-SRV-RM)
| area (CA-DMF)
| area (FIN-FSCM-BC)
| area (KM-KW)
| area analysis
| area change
| area class
| area code
| area description header
| area for day-based appointments
| area group page
| area handle
| area instance
| area instance version
| area lock (BC-ABA)
| area lock (BC-ABA)
| area menu
| area menu template
| area of intervention
| area of responsibility
| area of validity
| area page
| area root class
| area schema
| area type
| arithmetic average
| arithmetic expression
| arithmetic operator
| armed forces
| armed forces, police, and aid organizations
| arrange all
| arrangement calendar
| arrangement rank
| arrangement type
| arrears characteristic
| arrears processing
| arrears surcharge
| arrival (IS-H)
| arrival (SD-FT)
| arrival draft
| arrival time
| arrivals list
| arrivals view
| article (IS-R)
| article (IS-R-KUNDE)
| article (IS-REA)
| article category
| article class
| article document
| article for settlement
| article hierarchy
| Article Inward Note
| article master
| article master record
| article numbering system
| article order number
| article substitution
| article type
| article/site discontinuation
| artifact resolution service
| ARun Customizing check tool
| ARun delivery check tool
| ARun Optimizer
| ARun Optimizer control
| ARun Optimizer type
| ARun type
| as-built design
| as-if principle
| as-is .NET Custom iView
| as-of-point-in-time reporting
| ASAP for Upgrades
| ASAP project documentation
| ASAP-IMG link
| ASCII Adapter
| ASCS instance
| Asian Unification C
| Asian Unification K
| Asian Unification T
| ask rate
| ASL code
| ASL of institution
| ASL of place of residence
| ASMX file
| ASN history
| aspect (BC-DWB-UTL-CLS)
| aspect (EC-EIS)
| aspect (EHS-CI)
| aspect (IS-HMED)
| aspect (MFG-MII-PCO)
| aspect (PLM-WUI-APP)
| aspect header data
| aspect toolbar
| assemble
| assemble-to-order sell-through
| assembler
| Assembler
| assembly (CA-GTF-DOB)
| assembly (CS)
| assembly (MFG-ME)
| assembly (PM)
| assembly (PP)
| assembly (SCM-APO-PPS)
| assembly bill of material
| assembly factor
| assembly group
| assembly header
| assembly item
| assembly location
| assembly operation
| assembly opportunity
| assembly order
| assembly point
| assembly reference
| assembly rule
| assembly scrap (PP)
| assembly scrap (SCM-APO-PPS)
| assembly tree balancing
| assembly type
| assert
| assertion (BC-ABA)
| assertion (GRC-SPC)
| assertion consumer service
| assessable value
| assessed value
| assessing
| assessment (CO)
| assessment (FI-SL)
| assessment (GRC-SPC)
| assessment (IS-HER-CM)
| assessment (RE)
| assessment basis
| assessment contract
| assessment cost element
| assessment coverage
| assessment preprocessor
| assessment process
| assessment survey
| assessment test
| assessment type
| assessor
| asset (FS-CMS)
| asset (SBO)
| asset (SBO)
| Asset Accounting
| asset acquisition
| asset area
| asset catalog
| asset category (FS-CMS)
| asset category (FS-TXS)
| asset category (SBA)
| asset class (FI-AA)
| asset class (RE)
| asset class catalog
| asset component
| asset document
| asset event cost report
| asset event report
| asset event time report
| Asset Explorer
| asset fiscal year change
| asset goods receipt
| asset hierarchy
| asset history report
| asset history sheet
| asset item
| asset life-cycle management
| Asset Life-Cycle Management
| asset lifecycle management
| asset line item
| asset maintenance
| asset pool
| asset portfolio
| asset progress report
| asset purchase order
| asset qualifier
| Asset Regulation
| asset revaluation document
| asset structure
| asset subnumber
| asset summary report
| asset super number
| asset transfer (EC-CS)
| asset transfer (FI-LC)
| asset type (AIE)
| asset type (EHS-MGM)
| asset type (FI-AA)
| asset type (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| asset type (FS-CMS)
| asset type (SBA)
| asset under construction
| asset valuation view
| asset value date
| asset view
| Asset Viewer
| asset year-end closing
| asset-dependent payment plan
| asset-independent payment plan
| asset/liability management
| assign (CA-GTF)
| assign (SBC)
| assign subsequently
| assigned location
| assigned object
| assigned partner
| assigned value
| assignee
| Assignee
| assigning process step
| assignment (BC-ABA)
| assignment (CA-MRS)
| assignment (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| assignment (FS-CM)
| assignment (MDM)
| assignment (PPM-PRO)
| assignment assistant
| assignment block
| assignment category
| assignment concept
| assignment control
| assignment criterion
| assignment group
| assignment indicator
| assignment instruction
| assignment level
| assignment object
| assignment object in portfolio assignment
| assignment object type
| assignment of budget
| assignment of business process chain
| assignment of in-force business
| assignment operator
| assignment parameters
| assignment period
| assignment planning phase
| assignment process
| assignment profile
| assignment role
| assignment role for assignment object
| assignment role for business object
| assignment role type
| assignment rule
| assignment set
| assignment share
| assignment start date
| assignment strategy
| assignment test
| assignment type (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| assignment type (ICM)
| assignment type of credential type
| assignment unit
| assignment variant
| assistance class
| assistant
| associate with
| associated company (EHS-CI)
| associated company (FI-LC)
| associated document item
| associated material
| associated query
| associated release date
| associated risk
| associated segment rule
| associated user
| associated variable rule
| association (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| association (BC-ESI-ESF)
| association management
| Association of German Magazine Publishers
| association on the fly
| assortment (CRM-MD)
| assortment (IS-AFS-SD)
| assortment (IS-R)
| assortment control
| assortment determination
| assortment dimension
| assortment grade
| assortment header
| assortment list (IS-BEV-PL)
| assortment list (IS-R)
| assortment list profile
| assortment list sort method
| assortment list type
| assortment list version category
| assortment module
| assortment type (CRM-MD)
| assortment type (IS-R)
| assortment user
| assume pay
| asterisk diagnosis
| asynchronous collaboration
| asynchronous communication
| asynchronous goods movement
| asynchronous indexing
| asynchronous method
| asynchronous Remote Function Call
| asynchronous retrieval
| asynchronous service invocation
| asynchronous signature process
| asynchronous update
| AT&T rules
| athletically-related student aid
| atomic
| ATP check
| ATP group
| ATP profile
| ATP quantity
| ATP requirement
| ATP requirements group
| ATP requirements schedule line
| ATP result
| ATP system
| ATP time series
| ATP tree structure
| ATR document
| attached equipment
| attachment (BC-BMT-WFM)
| attachment (BC-SRV-COM)
| attachment (BC-XI)
| attachment (EP-KM-COL)
| attachment (LOD-ESO)
| attachment library
| attachment manager (MP-APP-DPE)
| attachment manager (SRM-EBP-CON)
| attachment point (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| attachment point (MFG-ME)
| attachment type
| Attachments Configurator
| Attachments User Interface Component
| attack
| attempted credit
| attendance
| attendance counting rule
| attendance list (PE)
| attendance list (PE-LSO)
| attendance menu
| attendance quota
| attendance tracking
| attendance type
| attendee
| attendee appraisal
| attendee list
| attendee type
| attending
| attention area
| attester system
| attributable amount
| attributable amount determination
| attribute (AP-RC-BEF)
| attribute (BC-ABA)
| attribute (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| attribute (BC-DWB-TOO-DMO)
| attribute (BC-EIM-ESH)
| attribute (BC-MID)
| attribute (BC-SRV-COM)
| attribute (BI-AA-WEB)
| attribute (BW)
| attribute (CA-FS-PO)
| attribute (CRM-MD)
| attribute (CRM-MKT)
| attribute (EC-CS)
| attribute (EP)
| attribute (EP-UP-ES)
| attribute (FS-AM-PR-PR)
| attribute (FS-BA-SD)
| attribute (LOD-ESO)
| attribute (MDM)
| attribute (MFG-ME)
| attribute (SBO)
| attribute (SRM-EBP-CON)
| attribute (SV-ASA)
| attribute alias
| attribute categorization
| attribute category
| attribute context
| attribute data
| attribute derivation
| attribute engine
| attribute hierarchy
| attribute ID
| attribute index
| attribute list
| attribute manager (FS-MCM-CSL)
| attribute manager (SRM-EBP-CON)
| attribute matrix
| attribute node
| attribute picker
| attribute profile
| attribute requiring reproduction
| attribute search
| attribute set
| attribute store
| attribute type (CRM-MD)
| attribute type (CRM-MKT)
| attribute type ID
| attribute value hash
| attribute-based planning and analysis
| attribute-based search
| attributive inspection
| auction
| auction close
| auction item
| auction monitor
| auction profile
| auction status
| audience restriction
| audit (BC-SEC)
| audit (CA-AUD)
| audit (IS-CC)
| audit (IS-R-POS)
| audit (LOD-ESO)
| audit (LOD-TEM)
| audit analysis report
| audit class
| audit component
| audit execution
| audit file
| audit function
| Audit Information System
| audit log
| audit plan
| audit planning
| audit record
| audit report
| audit report category
| audit trail (IS-HER-CM)
| audit trail (IS-HT-DRM)
| audit trail (LO-ECH)
| audit trail (PA-ER)
| audit trail (SCM-ICH)
| audit trail of posted records
| auditor (GRC-SAC)
| auditor (LOD-ESO)
| auditor (LOD-TEM)
| Australian stamp duty
| authentication (BC-SEC)
| authentication (GRC-SAC)
| authentication assertion ticket
| authentication assistant
| authentication context
| authentication file
| authentication mechanism
| authentication policy
| authentication scheme
| authentication service
| authentication template
| author (BC-CUS-TOL-NAV)
| author (KM-ITU)
| author (XAP-PD)
| Author Relationship Management
| authoring
| authoring environment (PE-LSO)
| authoring environment (SV-ASA)
| authoring system
| authority (AP-MD-BP)
| authority (IS-H)
| authority check (BC-ABA)
| authority check (FS-PM)
| authority level
| authority type
| authority-assigned number
| authorization (BC-SEC-USR)
| authorization (OPU-DUE)
| authorization (SD)
| authorization administrator
| authorization assignment
| authorization characteristic profile
| authorization check
| authorization concept
| authorization field
| authorization field group
| authorization group (BC-SEC-USR)
| authorization group (FS-BA-SD)
| authorization group (ICM)
| authorization group (SCM-EWM)
| authorization horizon
| authorization limit
| authorization management
| Authorization Manager
| authorization number (IS-OIL-DS-TDP)
| authorization number (PY-JP)
| authorization number (SD)
| authorization object
| authorization parameter
| authorization profile (BC-SEC-USR)
| authorization profile (ICM)
| authorization profile parameter set
| authorization role (BC-SEC)
| authorization role (CA-WUI)
| authorization role (CRM-MT)
| authorization rule
| authorization store
| authorization summary
| authorization to borrow
| authorization token
| authorization tool
| authorization trace
| authorization variable
| authorized amount (PSM-GM)
| authorized amount (SD)
| authorized configuration
| authorized configuration status
| authorized consignee
| authorized consignor
| authorized goodwill
| authorized materials
| authorized partner
| authorized personnel
| authorized recipient
| authorized/actual comparison
| auto balance pickup
| auto extension point before end time
| auto form post
| auto suggest of objects
| auto suggest of solutions
| auto-allocation
| auto-fill
| auto-ID cockpit
| auto-join
| auto-provisioning
| auto-reaction method
| autocomplete
| autocomplete service
| Autocomplete Service Configuration Editor
| autocorrelation
| automap
| automated delivery order process
| automated dialer
| automated dialing
| Automated Export System
| automated performance analysis
| automated process for master data approval
| automated properties register
| automated rules framework
| automated service and support
| automated speech recognition
| automated task
| automated test rules
| automatic adjustment
| automatic centering
| automatic completion
| automatic cost estimate
| automatic debit authorization
| automatic debit position
| automatic debit transfer
| automatic delivery cost settlement
| automatic dialing
| automatic download
| automatic export
| automatic feeder table
| automatic financial object integration
| automatic forecast model selection
| automatic ID
| automatic inversion prior periods
| automatic macro
| automatic message generation
| Automatic Number Identification
| Automatic Payments Centre payment code
| automatic plan
| automatic planning (IS-R)
| automatic planning (SCM-APO-PPS)
| automatic posting
| automatic posting indicator
| automatic processing function
| automatic product assignment
| automatic project model
| automatic relation
| automatic release to shipment
| automatic reorder point planning
| automatic reply
| automatic resource assignment (PE)
| automatic resource assignment (PE-LSO)
| Automatic Server Session Termination
| Automatic Session Manager
| automatic synchronization of channel inventory reconciliatio
| automatic system health checks
| automatic warehouse
| automotive OEM
| automotive sales and service
| automotive suppliers
| autopay
| autopsy indicator
| autosuggest
| autosuggest profile
| auxiliary condition
| auxiliary document for electronic nota fiscal
| auxiliary packaging material
| auxiliary product
| availability (AP-TIM)
| availability (CA-MRS)
| availability (CRM-RPL)
| availability (CRM-RPL-ICS)
| availability (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| availability calculation
| availability check (MM)
| availability check (PP-MRP)
| availability check group
| availability control (CO-OM-OPA)
| availability control (CRM-FM)
| availability control (PSM-FM-BCS)
| availability control object
| availability date (CRM-IM-IPM)
| availability date (SCM-APO-SNP)
| availability date/time
| availability description
| availability for work
| availability grouping
| Availability Indicator
| availability information
| availability period
| availability pool
| availability status (EP-KM-COL)
| availability status (IS-A-VMS)
| availability template
| available
| available amount (FS-AM-IM)
| available amount (FS-CML)
| available amount (IS-B-BCA)
| available amount (PSM-FM-BCS)
| available asset value (CRM-IFS)
| available asset value (FS-CMS)
| available assignment object
| available balance
| available budget
| available business object
| available capacity
| available collateral value as prior charge
| available element
| available function
| available portfolio
| available quantity
| available right
| available segment
| available stock
| available-to-promise
| available-to-reserve
| available-to-spend
| average balance ledger
| average base salary
| average counter performance
| average daily balance (FS-CML)
| average daily balance (PSM-FM)
| average delivered price
| average demand
| average exposure
| average grade
| average length of stay
| average price
| average rate (FI)
| average rate (IS-MP-NF)
| average ratio
| average retail
| average shop load
| average value calculation rule
| average-demand horizon
| averaging period
| awaiting approval
| award (PA-CM)
| award (PSM-GM)
| award (PSM-GPR)
| award fee
| award history
| award level
| award type
| axis
| axis tuple (BW)
| B
| B number
| B2A Manager
| B2B for occasional users
| B2B service
| back
| back channel
| back end
| back office
| back office processing
| back to top
| Back-End Editor
| back-end purchase order
| back-end system
| back-up collateral agreement
| backbone
| backdated change
| backed-up collateral agreement
| backend of remote support platform for SAP Business One
| backend service
| backflush
| background action
| background billing
| background check
| background document
| background filter
| background job
| background processing (BC-CCM-BTC)
| background processing (FS-PM)
| Background Processing Framework
| background processing system
| Background Remote Function Call
| background RFC
| background RFC scheduler
| background task
| background work item
| background-enabled business transaction
| backlog (MM-PUR)
| backlog (PP-CRP)
| backlog (SCM-APO-PPS)
| backlog calculation
| backorder
| backorder processing (PP-MRP)
| backorder processing (SCM-APO-ATP)
| backstopping
| backtracking
| backup domain controller
| backup file
| backup host
| backup ID
| backup index server
| backup queue server
| backup supply
| backward confirmation
| backward scheduling (IS-R)
| backward scheduling (PP)
| backward scheduling (PS)
| backward scheduling (SCM-APO-SNP)
| BACS user number
| bad debt party
| BAdI Builder
| BAdI class
| BAdI context object
| BAdI implementation
| BAdI implementation class
| BAdI interface
| BAdI method
| BAdI object
| BAdI reference
| BAdI reference variable
| BAdI Sorter
| bag
| balance (FI)
| balance (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| balance (IS-CC)
| balance amount
| balance audit trail
| balance carryforward (EC-CS)
| balance carryforward (FI)
| balance carryforward (FI-LC)
| balance check
| balance commitment item
| balance confirmation
| balance determination basis
| balance deviation
| balance due (IS-R-POS)
| balance due (SBO)
| balance funds center
| balance hierarchy
| balance inquiry
| balance list
| balance method
| balance netting
| balance notification (FI)
| balance notification (FS-AM-IM)
| balance object
| balance object category
| balance object class
| balance object type
| balance of general ledger transfer
| balance posting
| balance quantity
| balance request
| balance revision
| balance sheet
| balance sheet account
| balance sheet adjustment (FI)
| balance sheet adjustment (FI)
| balance sheet budget report
| balance sheet comparison
| balance sheet for tax purposes
| balance sheet indicator
| balance sheet preparation data
| balance sheet price
| balance sheet revaluation
| balance sheet transaction
| balance sheet transfer
| balance sheet valuation (FI)
| balance sheet valuation (MM-IV)
| balance sheet value per account
| balance subobject
| balance subobject category
| balance subobject type
| balance transfer
| balance transfer relationship
| Balanced Scorecard
| balances overview
| balancing
| balancing account
| balancing basis
| balancing legal disclaimer
| balancing method
| balancing object
| balancing period
| balancing product group
| balloon
| ban
| bandwidth control
| bandwidth group
| bank
| bank area
| bank chain
| bank challan
| bank check
| bank code
| bank details
| bank file format
| bank format
| bank format project
| bank key
| bank master data (FI)
| bank master data (FS-PE)
| bank number
| bank posting area
| bank product
| bank profitability analysis
| Bank Profitability Analysis
| bank selling rate
| bank statement
| bank statement processing
| bank statement time periods
| bank transaction handling facility
| bank transfer
| bank transfer split
| bank-specific collateral markdown
| bank's own model
| banker's acceptance
| Banking
| banner ad
| banner family
| BAPI ActiveX control
| BAPI Explorer
| bar code
| bar code identifier
| bar code type
| bargain element
| barge-in
| barring
| barter operation
| base amount (FS-AM-IM-CC)
| base amount (SBO)
| base amount for standing order
| base budget form
| base calculation procedure
| base category
| base character
| base clause
| base condition
| base condition type
| base cost item
| base costs
| base currency
| base date
| base density
| base depreciation area
| base dimension
| Base Distinguished Name
| base document
| base element
| base entitlement
| base for tax/SI contributions
| base hierarchy (CRM-MD)
| base hierarchy (EHS-CI)
| base index
| base installation
| base insurable value
| base item (IS-HMED)
| base item (SBO)
| base item type
| base key
| base KPI
| base location
| base nursing charge
| base object
| base object costing
| base object explosion
| base period
| base planning object (CO-PC)
| base planning object (CO-PC)
| base plant group
| base price
| base product
| base projection
| base quantity (IS-EC-BOS)
| base quantity (IS-MP-NF)
| base quantity (IS-REA)
| base quantity (LO)
| base quantity (SBO)
| base quantity for price
| base quantity ratio
| base rate (AP-PPE)
| base rate (IS-H)
| base rate (RE)
| base record
| base rent calculation
| base row
| base site group
| base speed
| base surplus
| base system
| base temperature
| base unit (IS-HMED)
| base unit (MP-APP-DPE)
| base unit of measure (LE)
| base unit of measure (LO)
| base unit of quantity
| base value (FI-AA)
| base value (IS-B-PA)
| base value (IS-MP-NF)
| base value (IS-OIL-DS-MAP)
| base value (MM-IV)
| base value date
| base value participation
| base value splitting
| base waiting period
| base year (EHS-CI)
| base year (MM)
| base year emissions
| base year emissions recalculation
| base64
| baseline (CRM-MKT)
| baseline (EHS-CI)
| baseline (LO-CM)
| baseline (PS)
| Baseline
| baseline date
| baseline date for payment
| baseline forecast
| baseline inventory
| baseline reporting
| baseline scope
| baseline scope worksheet
| Basic Administration Service
| basic arithmetic operation
| Basic Authentication
| basic availability
| basic booking unit
| basic border type
| basic business package
| basic calculation module
| basic catalog
| basic catalog ID
| basic catalog range
| basic catalog set
| basic catalog set ID
| basic characteristic (FIN-SEM-BPS)
| basic characteristic (FS-BA-SD)
| basic charge
| basic clinical data
| basic contract
| basic conversation
| basic costs
| basic cover
| basic data measurement
| basic data text
| basic date (PP)
| basic date (PS)
| basic dates
| basic device category
| basic excise duty
| basic finish date
| basic function
| basic initialization
| basic key figure
| basic list (BC-ABA)
| basic list (BC-SRV-QUE)
| basic list (BC-SRV-REP)
| basic list (CO)
| basic list (LO-MD)
| basic load
| basic master data
| basic measurement service
| basic member type
| basic multilingual plane
| basic password fallback
| basic path
| basic pay for CPDF
| basic period
| basic price (IS-R)
| basic price (IS-U-BI)
| basic process
| basic property tax amount
| basic provider data
| basic purchase price
| basic quantity
| basic rent
| basic rent formula
| basic report
| basic rule
| basic score
| basic search
| basic set
| basic start date
| basic type
| basic value
| Basis FCS Support Package
| basis for calculating average value
| basis for input tax correction
| basis of assessment
| basis payment
| basis payment item
| basis reserve
| Basis Support Package
| Basis System
| Basis table
| basket
| batch (CRM-RPL-ICS)
| batch (LO-BM)
| batch (PP-PI)
| batch (QM)
| batch (SBO)
| batch characteristic inheritance
| batch classification
| batch determination
| batch genealogy
| Batch Information Cockpit
| batch input
| batch input command
| Batch Input Monitor
| batch input session
| batch inversion check
| batch level
| batch management (LO-BM)
| batch management (SAP)
| batch management requirement
| batch master record
| batch mode
| batch number
| batch number transactions report
| batch rating group
| batch record (PP-PI)
| batch record (SBO)
| batch report
| batch request
| batch search procedure
| batch search strategy
| batch selection list
| batch split
| batch splitting
| batch status
| batch status management
| batch stock
| batch where-used list
| batch-related object type
| batch-specific material unit of measure
| bayesian priors
| Baylor Plan
| BBP procedure
| BCV cockpit
| BCV query
| BDC option
| BDoc Generator
| BDoc instance
| BDoc Layer
| BDoc message
| BDoc Modeler
| BDoc Repository
| BDoc segment
| BDoc Structure Mapper
| BDoc type
| BDT view
| bean class
| bean instance
| bed assignment
| bed category
| bed scheduling
| before method
| beginning cumulative quantity
| beginning point
| behavior profile
| behavior variant
| belated claim year
| below-price currency
| bench scale trial
| bending factor
| beneficiary (CRM-IPS)
| beneficiary (PA-BN)
| beneficiary (PA-PF)
| beneficiary (SD-FT)
| beneficiary eligibility rule
| beneficiary eligibility rule variant
| benefit (CRM-IPS)
| benefit (CRM-MKT-MPL-LOY)
| benefit (GRC-RM)
| benefit (IS-U)
| benefit (PA-BN)
| benefit (SBO)
| benefit accrual service
| benefit area
| benefit calculator
| benefit carrier
| benefit certificate
| benefit check
| benefit confirmation
| benefit cutoff day
| benefit decision
| benefit group
| benefit object
| benefit offer
| benefit offset
| benefit part
| benefit payer
| benefit processing
| benefit program (CRM-IPS)
| benefit program (PA-BN)
| benefit salary
| benefit split
| benefit split run
| benefit split schema
| benefit type (CRM-IPS)
| benefit type (FS-CM)
| benefit type area
| benefit type determination
| benefit type for claim item grouping
| benefit type group
| benefit type tree
| benefit usage
| benefit user
| benefit value
| benefits and services catalog item
| benefits entitlement
| benefits, services and fees catalog
| Berkeley protocol
| Berkeley System Distribution
| berth planning board
| best bets
| best bid (MP-APP-DPE)
| best bid (SRM-LA)
| best buy
| best composite well time
| Best Effort
| best fit
| best PHIO
| Best Practice
| Best Practices for
| Best Practices for Solution Management
| best-rate billing
| beta
| beta factor
| beta service level
| BEx Analyzer
| BEx Broadcaster
| BEx Download Scheduler
| BEx Information Broadcasting
| BEx Map
| BEx Mobile Intelligence
| BEx Portfolio
| BEx Query Designer
| BEx Web
| BEx Web Analyzer
| BEx Web application
| BEx Web Application Designer
| BEx Web Application Wizard
| BfS statistics
| BI Content
| BI Document Repository Manager
| BI integration
| BI Java Connector
| BI JDBC Connector
| BI Metadata Repository Manager
| bid (LOD-ESO)
| bid (MP-APP-DPE)
| bid (SRM-LA)
| bid accepted
| bid award notification
| bid decrement
| bid display criteria
| bid history
| bid history report
| bid increment (LOD-ESO)
| bid increment (MP-APP-DPE)
| bid invitation
| bid invitation specifications
| bid notification
| bid on behalf
| bid rate
| bid remark
| bid value
| bidder
| bidder indicator
| bidding close
| bidding criteria
| bidirectional display
| bidirectional planning
| bifurcation
| bifurcation branch
| big endian
| big-endian
| bill accounting
| bill consolidator
| bill creation date
| bill creation proxy
| bill creation system
| bill of distribution
| bill of exchange (FI)
| bill of exchange (SBO)
| bill of exchange collection
| bill of exchange list
| bill of exchange management
| bill of exchange payment request
| bill of exchange portfolio
| bill of exchange receivable
| bill of exchange usage
| bill of lading
| bill of material
| bill of material explosion
| bill of material for function location
| bill of materials transfer
| bill of services
| bill ready
| bill statement
| bill-back processing
| bill-to party
| bill-to party internal order
| bill-up
| bill-up claim amount
| billback (CA-DMF)
| billback (CRM-FM)
| biller
| Biller Access
| Biller Service Provider
| biller's customer number
| billing (CRM-BE)
| billing (FS-AM)
| billing (IS-PS-CA)
| billing (IS-U-BI)
| billing (SAP)
| billing account
| billing account item
| billing account item type
| billing account type
| billing address
| billing agent
| billing block
| billing catalog
| billing category (FS-AM)
| billing category (IS-T)
| billing category (SD)
| billing class
| billing consolidator
| billing cycle
| billing date (CRM-BE)
| billing date (FS-CML)
| billing date (FS-CML)
| billing date (SD)
| billing day
| billing day with discount
| billing day without discount
| billing document (IS-M-AM)
| billing document (SD)
| billing due list
| billing due list item
| billing element (CO)
| billing element (PS)
| billing encounter group
| Billing Engine
| Billing Engine Application
| Billing Engine Framework
| billing factor
| billing group
| Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
| billing item
| billing notification
| billing object
| billing order
| billing period (FS-AM)
| billing period (IS-T)
| billing period (IS-U-BI)
| billing plan (CRM-BE)
| billing plan (PS)
| billing plan (SD)
| billing plan procedure
| billing plan type
| billing rate
| billing rate determination
| billing rate type
| billing relevance
| billing request
| billing request amount
| billing request item
| billing request line
| billing rule
| billing schema
| billing service
| billing status
| billing transaction
| billing type (CRM-BE)
| billing type (IS-H)
| billing type (SD)
| billing unit
| billing-related device installation
| billing-related device removal
| bin access type
| bin quantity
| bin status report
| bin type
| binary file (BC-ABA)
| binary file (BC-SRV-ARL)
| binary floating point arithmetic
| binary floating point number
| Binary Large Object
| binary mode
| binary resource
| binary stream
| bind operation
| binding (BC-BMT-WFM)
| binding (BC-VMC)
| binding date
| binding definition
| binding program
| bio-demographic data
| biofuel
| biological sink
| bipolar
| birth procedure
| bit comparison
| bit expression
| bit function
| bit operator
| bitmap
| biweekly
| biweekly payroll
| BizAtom
| BizFlow
| BizProcessor
| BizTracker
| blackbox component
| blacklist
| blacklist owner
| blacklist reference
| blackout period
| blank compression
| blanket agreement
| blanket purchase order
| blend
| blended code page
| blended codepage
| blind transfer
| blind transfer call
| BLOB field
| block (BC-BMT-WFM)
| block (CA-DMF)
| block (CAF-GP)
| block (SCM-APO-CA-CDP)
| block (SCM-APO-SNP)
| block basis definition
| block check
| block definition
| block discount
| block group in nursing plan
| block in nursing plan
| block indicator
| block planning
| block planning with buckets
| block price
| block restriction
| block size
| block template
| block view
| blocked capacity
| blocked returns stock
| blocked stock (IS-OIL)
| blocked stock (MM-IM)
| blocked stock returns
| blocking
| blocking reason
| Blueprint form
| blueprint framework
| Blueprint Generator
| blueprint table
| BMP Character
| BMP Code Point
| board
| body type
| boleto
| Boleto
| bollo (FI-CA)
| bollo (FI-CA)
| bolus
| BOM application
| BOM attribute
| BOM category
| BOM comparison
| BOM component
| BOM explosion number
| BOM factor
| BOM group
| BOM header
| BOM item
| BOM list
| BOM status
| BOM usage
| BOM-BOS transfer
| bond (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| bond (IS-B-RA)
| bond option
| bonded
| bonded goods
| bonded stock
| bonded warehouse
| bonded warehouse entry
| bonus (ICM)
| bonus (ICM)
| bonus (PT)
| bonus buy
| bonus calculation module
| bonus payment
| bonus settlement
| bonus type
| bonus-malus data
| bonus-malus owner
| book
| book attendee list
| book delivery adjustment
| book depreciation
| book inventory
| book list (PE)
| book list (PE-LSO)
| book of reports
| book participant list
| Book Publication Wizard
| book receipt adjustment
| book sorting code
| book structure
| book sub-tracking number
| book tracking number
| book value determination
| book value method (EC-CS)
| book value method (FI-LC)
| booked
| booking date
| booking deletion protection
| booking entry period
| booking priority (PE)
| booking priority (PE-LSO)
| booking type
| booking unit
| booking unit content
| booking unit element
| booking window
| bookkeeping table
| bookmark (KM-ITU)
| bookmark (SBA)
| bookstore category
| Boolean
| Boolean class
| Boolean data object
| Boolean function
| Boolean operator (BC-ABA)
| Boolean operator (BC-SRV-KPR-RET)
| Boolean search
| Boolean statement
| border
| border point
| border style
| border type
| borrow/loan exchange
| borrower
| borrower category
| borrower's note loan
| borrowing date
| borrowing period
| borrowing reason
| borrowing status
| bottleneck
| bottleneck planning
| bottleneck resource
| bottleneck work center
| bottom %
| bottom layer approach
| bottom N
| bottom sum
| bottom up budgeting
| bottom-up characteristic propagation
| bottom-up fixing
| bounce back coupon
| bounce management
| bound data
| bound data type
| bound item (OPU-ALY)
| bound item (OPU-DUE)
| bound memory
| boundary
| boundary event
| box
| boxed component
| boycott list
| BP catalog number
| BP channel
| BP summary
| BPF action
| BPF assistant
| BPF instance
| Braille line
| branch (BC-ABA)
| branch (BC-CTS)
| branch (EP-KM)
| branch (IS-DFS)
| branch (IS-H)
| branch (MDM)
| branch (RIV)
| branch account
| branch operation
| branch relation
| branch type
| branching action
| branching code
| brand
| brand owner
| branding
| Brazilian Federal Revenue Service
| breadcrumb
| breadcrumb area
| breadcrumb trail
| breadcrumbs (CA-EPT-BCV)
| breadcrumbs (CRM-IC)
| break
| break hierarchies
| break pattern
| break point
| break rule set
| break space rule
| break-weight calculation
| breakage
| breakdown
| breakdown category (EC-CS)
| breakdown category (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| breakdown indicator
| breaking down a partnership
| breaking down a partnership in the commission case
| breakloop
| breakpoint
| BRF BI Planning Connector
| BRFplus
| bridge (BC-NET)
| bridge (BCM)
| bridge object
| briefcase
| briefing book
| Briefing Book
| briefing card
| broadcast message
| broadcast message theme
| broadcast messaging
| broadcast setting
| broadcast tendering
| broadcasting framework
| Broadcasting Wizard
| broken character
| broken lot
| broken period
| broken seal
| broker (FS-CD)
| broker (ICM)
| broker (SBA)
| broker account
| broker collections
| broker contract
| broker dunning status
| broker hierarchy
| broker processing
| broker report
| broker report history
| broker type
| brokerage
| browser view
| brute force attack
| BSI interface
| BSI tax company
| BSI tax company experience rate
| BSP application
| BSP directive
| BSP element
| BSP extension
| bucket (BW-BEX)
| bucket (PPM-PFM)
| bucket (SCM-APO-PPS)
| bucket (SCM-TM)
| bucket owner
| bucket resource
| bucket schema
| bucket team
| bucket-oriented capacity check
| buckets template
| budget (CO)
| budget (CRM-FM)
| budget (PA-PM)
| budget (PPM-PFM)
| budget (PSM-FM-BCS)
| budget address
| budget allocation
| budget amount
| budget analysis
| budget apportionment
| budget assigned for persons/positions
| budget assigned per person/position
| budget balance
| budget billing amount (CRM-LAM)
| budget billing amount (IS-U-IN)
| budget billing collective bill
| budget billing cycle
| budget billing plan
| budget billing plan item
| budget billing plan period
| budget billing plan procedure (IS-U-IN)
| budget billing plan procedure (IS-U-IN)
| budget billing procedure
| budget billing request
| budget bucket
| budget carryforward in investment program
| budget category (IM)
| budget category (PM)
| budget category (PSM-FM)
| budget check
| budget comparison (PE)
| budget comparison (PE-LSO)
| Budget Control System
| budget distribution
| budget distribution method
| Budget Enforcement Act
| budget expiration posting
| budget expiration run
| budget expiration schedule
| budget extension request
| budget form
| budget form definition
| budget hierarchy
| budget ID
| budget level
| budget management
| budget memo (PSM-FM-BCS)
| budget memo (PSM-FM-BU)
| Budget Monitoring
| budget monitoring alert
| budget monitoring report
| budget name
| budget number
| budget object
| budget patient
| budget period (PA-CM)
| budget period (PSM-FM)
| budget plan
| budget posting
| budget profile (CO-OM-CCA)
| budget profile (PSM-FM-BU)
| budget proposal
| budget relationship
| budget renewal request
| budget report
| Budget Reports Branch
| budget restriction
| budget restrictions
| budget return (PSM-FM)
| budget return (PSM-FM)
| budget status (PA-PM)
| budget status (PPM-PFM)
| budget structure (PA-CM)
| budget structure (PSM-FM)
| budget structure element (PA-PM)
| budget structure element (PSM-FM-BU)
| budget structure element type
| budget transfer
| budget type (IS-R)
| budget type (PA-CM)
| budget type (PSM-FM-BCS)
| budget type (PSM-FM-BU)
| budget unit (PA-CM)
| budget unit (PA-PM)
| budget unit price
| budget update (CRM-FM)
| budget update (PA-PM)
| budget update (PSM-FM)
| budget updates
| budget use
| budget value
| budget year
| budget-conform position plan
| budgetary constraint
| budgetary ledger
| budgeted balance sheet
| budgeted value
| budgeting
| budgeting group
| budgeting method
| budgeting rule
| Budgeting Workbench
| buffer (AP-PPE)
| buffer (IS-AD-ROT)
| buffer pool
| buffering (BC-CST)
| buffering (BC-DWB-DIC)
| buffering permission
| buffering type
| build
| build history
| build process
| build variant
| build-to-order (MFG-LPO)
| build-to-order (MFG-ME)
| build-to-replenish
| building
| building block (SCM-ICH)
| building block (SV-SMB-AIO)
| building block (SV-SMB-AIO)
| Building Block Builder
| building category
| building loan pooling
| building method
| Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Met
| building unit
| building unit type
| building value
| built-in data object
| bulk consumable goods
| bulk density
| Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning
| bulk issue indicator
| bulk material (EHS-MGM)
| bulk material (PP)
| bulk material (XAP-CQM)
| bulk product
| bulk transportation (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| bulk transportation (SAP)
| bulk transportation (SAP)
| bulk waste order type
| bullet
| bulletin (LOD-TEM)
| bulletin (LOD-TEM)
| Bulletin Board member
| bump
| bump order
| bump process
| bump quote
| bundle (AIE)
| bundle (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| bundle (IS-AFS-PP)
| bundle (IS-HT-SW)
| bundle (LOD-ESO)
| bundle calculation
| bundle file
| bundle pricing calculation
| bundle transformation
| bundled insurance
| bundled pricing
| bundling group
| bunker
| bunker consumption
| bunker diesel
| burial command
| bursting
| business action
| business activity (CA-MDG)
| business activity (CRM)
| business activity (FS-CMS)
| business activity statement report
| Business Add-In
| business administrator
| business agreement
| business agreement class
| business alignment
| business analytics
| business anchor
| business anchor hierarchy
| Business Application Programming Interface
| business area (FI)
| business area (SV-ASA)
| business area (SV-SMG)
| business area (SWE)
| business area consolidation (EC-CS)
| business area consolidation (FI-LC)
| business assignment object
| Business Blueprint
| Business Blueprint document
| business card
| Business Case
| Business Center
| business character for unit of measure
| business CHIP
| business combination
| Business Communication
| Business Communication Service
| business completion
| business component (CRM-MT)
| business component (FS-PM)
| business condition
| business configuration
| Business Configuration Set (BC-CUS-TOL)
| Business Configuration Set (SBO)
| business configuration view
| business confirmation
| business content (SAP)
| business content (SV-SMG)
| business content component
| business context (CRM-CIC)
| business context (SBC)
| business context (SRM-EBP)
| Business Context Viewer
| business contributor
| business data
| Business Data Catalog
| business data context
| business data display
| Business Data Toolset
| business date
| business day date
| business decision workflow application
| Business Dimension
| Business Directory
| business document (BC-SRV)
| business document (SBO)
| Business Document Navigator
| Business Document Service
| Business document set
| business domain
| business driver
| business entity
| business environment
| business event (CRM-ISE)
| business event (GRC-SPC)
| business event (IS-HER-CM)
| business event (IS-T)
| business event (IS-U-CS)
| business event (PE)
| business event (SCM-APO-ATP)
| business event (SWE)
| business event appraisal
| business event brochure
| business event catalog
| business event costs
| business event demand
| business event group
| business event hierarchy
| business event language
| business event location
| business event menu
| business event planning
| business event preparation
| business event type
| business event without schedule
| Business Explorer
| Business Explorer Browser
| Business Explorer Web application
| Business Framework Architecture
| business function (BC-DWB-TOO-SFW)
| business function (FS-PM)
| business function set
| business graphic
| business hours
| Business Impact Map
| Business Integration Scenario
| Business Integration Unit
| business intelligence (BW)
| business intelligence (SAP)
| Business Intelligence cockpit
| Business Intelligence Java Software Development Kit
| business line
| business lines
| business location
| business logic
| business logic component
| business logic handler
| business logic profile
| Business Logic Studio
| business map
| business model
| business network transformation
| business node
| business object (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| business object (BC-MID)
| business object (CAF)
| business object (CAF-GP)
| business object (EP-PIN)
| business object (FS-PM)
| business object (ICM)
| business object (ONE VOICE)
| business object (SCM-ICH)
| business object (SRM)
| business object (SV-ASA)
| business object (SWE)
| business object assignment
| Business Object Browser
| Business Object Builder
| business object category
| Business Object Editor
| Business Object Importer
| business object internal association
| business object layer
| business object model
| business object node association
| business object operation
| Business Object Repository
| business object specialization
| business object tree
| business object type
| business office tax
| business option
| business organization
| business package (EP-PCT)
| business package (SWE)
| Business Package for Automotive Suppliers
| Business Package for Projects, Portfolio Management and Desi
| business partner (AP-MD-BP)
| business partner (CRM-MD)
| business partner (FI)
| business partner (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| business partner (IS-H)
| business partner (IS-T)
| business partner (SBO)
| business partner account
| business partner alias
| business partner category
| business partner cockpit
| business partner code
| business partner connection
| business partner currency
| business partner data
| business partner default price
| business partner function mapping
| business partner group
| business partner group hierarchy
| business partner grouping
| business partner integration using industry standards
| business partner listing rate
| business partner master data
| business partner merging
| business partner number (FS-BP)
| business partner number (ICM)
| business partner proxy
| business partner relationship
| business partner relationship category
| business partner relationship type
| business partner role
| business partner role category
| business partner role exclusion group
| business partner role grouping
| business partner role grouping category
| business partner service settlement
| business partner standard price
| business partner tax group (AP-MD-BP)
| business partner tax group (AP-TTE)
| business partner taxability
| business partner type
| business partner version
| business partner versioning
| business partner view
| Business Partners
| business performance management
| business place (MM-IV)
| business place (SBO)
| business planning
| Business Planning and Simulation
| Business Policy
| business process (AP-TTE)
| business process (BC-MID-ALE)
| business process (BC-SRV-PMI)
| business process (CAF-GP)
| business process (CO-OM-ABC)
| business process (FS-PM)
| business process (ONE VOICE)
| business process (SV-ASA)
| business process (SWE)
| Business Process
| Business Process Area
| business process attribute
| business process category
| business process chain
| business process dialog
| business process enabler
| business process flow
| business process framework
| Business Process Hierarchy
| business process management (FS-PM)
| business process management (SWE)
| Business Process Management
| Business Process Master List
| Business Process Modeling Language
| business process module
| business process owner
| Business Process Owner
| business process platform (ONE VOICE)
| business process platform (SWE)
| business process price
| Business Process Procedure
| business process push
| business process quantity
| Business Process Reengineering
| Business Process Repository
| business process step (BC-SRV-PMI)
| business process step (CORPORATE-SPO)
| business process step (ONE VOICE)
| business process step (SWE)
| business process type
| business process variant type
| business promotions
| business record date
| business relationship
| business role
| business routing
| business rule (EPM-BPC)
| business rule (IS-R-DM)
| Business Rule
| Business Rule Framework
| business rule item
| business scenario (CO)
| business scenario (CORPORATE-SPO)
| business scenario (IS-R)
| business scenario (ONE VOICE)
| business scenario (SV-ASA)
| business scenario (SWE)
| business scenario group
| business scenario map
| business scenario questionnaire
| business scenario variant
| business screen
| business segment
| Business Server Page
| business service (MP-APP-CR)
| business service (SRM-SUD)
| business solutions consulting
| Business Status
| Business Suite content container
| Business Suite home page
| Business Suite view
| Business Suite work center
| business system
| business system group
| business topic
| business transaction (CO)
| business transaction (CRM)
| business transaction (FS-BA-SD)
| business transaction (FS-PM)
| business transaction (FS-RI)
| business transaction (ICM)
| business transaction (SCM-APO-ATP)
| business transaction allocation
| business transaction category
| business transaction class
| business transaction component
| Business Transaction Event
| business transaction for scenario switch
| business transaction group
| business transaction type (FIN-FSCM-BC)
| business transaction type (IS-A-DBM)
| business transaction variant
| business trip
| business unit
| business user
| business utilization category
| business validity
| business view
| business volume comparison and agreement
| Business Workflow Explorer
| Business Workplace
| business XML
| business-partner CFOP category
| business-partner-related search
| Business-Rule-Management-System
| business-to-administration
| business-to-business communication (SCM-TM)
| business-to-business communication (SRD-CC-ITS)
| Business-to-Business Internet Sales
| business-to-business process
| business-to-consumer
| Business-to-Consumer Internet Sales
| button
| button choice
| button group
| buy quantity
| buy term
| buy-side
| buy/sell exchange
| buyback
| buyer's negotiation sheet
| buying center
| buying group
| buying rate
| buyoff
| BW Accelerator index
| BW connector
| BW drill-down
| BW drill-through
| BW profile
| BW status
| BW Support Package
| By Title Financial Processing and Reporting
| by-product
| bypass (IS-OIL-PRA-PRD)
| bypass (LE)
| bypassed
| byte code
| byte field
| byte sequence
| byte serialization
| byte string
| byte string function
| byte-like data object
| byte-like data type (BC-ABA)
| C
| C number
| C object
| c/o
| cache
| cache data access
| cache entry
| cache group
| cache hit
| cache key
| cache manager
| cache miss
| cache object
| cache reader
| cache region
| cache server
| CAD desktop
| cadastral category
| cadastral revenue
| cadence
| CAE number
| CAF Runtime Configurator
| Caixa Econômica Federal
| calculated cash desk amount
| calculated characteristic
| calculated costs
| calculated field
| calculated key figure
| calculated measurement service
| calculated member
| calculated revenue
| calculated seniority
| calculation base (CO)
| calculation base (LE)
| calculation base (PA-CM)
| calculation base date
| calculation based on investment
| calculation based on premium
| calculation based on sums insured
| calculation category for credit risk
| calculation currency
| calculation date
| calculation depth
| calculation environment
| calculation expression
| calculation form
| calculation formula
| calculation input characteristic
| calculation instructions
| calculation length
| calculation level
| calculation method (FI-AA)
| calculation method (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| calculation method (IS-HMED)
| calculation module
| calculation module version
| calculation object
| calculation of time specifications
| calculation point
| calculation procedure for tax on sales and purchases
| calculation profile (CRM-RB)
| calculation profile (SCM-APO-ATP)
| calculation rule (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| calculation rule (RE)
| Calculation Server
| calculation service
| calculation service URL
| calculation time
| calculation trigger
| calculation type (BC-ABA)
| calculation type (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| calculation type (ICM)
| calculation type (IS-U-CS)
| calculation type (SD)
| calendar
| calendar buffer
| calendar for invoice dates
| calendar integration
| calendar is lenient
| calendar mismatch
| calendar resource (SCM-APO-MD)
| calendar resource (SCM-APO-PPS)
| calendar schema
| calendar year filer
| calendaring
| calibration inspection
| calibration validity
| call (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| call (IS-B-BCA)
| call attached data
| call component
| call context
| call control
| call dispatcher
| call flow
| call hierarchy
| call history
| call horizon
| call interval
| call list
| call list assignment
| call list statistics
| call list synchronization
| call me back
| call out prefix
| call result
| call sequence (BC-ABA)
| call sequence (BC-ABA)
| call sign (IS-DFS)
| call sign (IS-OIL)
| call state
| call status display
| call structure
| call transaction
| call type
| call waiting
| callable object
| Callback plug-in
| callback queue
| called patient
| caller (BC-SRV-NWV)
| caller (FS-MCM-CSL)
| callup point (FI-SL)
| callup point (IS-HER-CM)
| calorific value
| calorific value district
| calorific value procedure
| campaign (BCM)
| campaign (CA-DMF)
| campaign (CRM-MKT)
| campaign (EHS-MGM)
| campaign (EP-KM)
| campaign (IS-U-WM)
| campaign (PP-PI)
| campaign automation
| campaign bar
| campaign color
| campaign element
| campaign framework
| campaign management (CRM)
| campaign management (SAP)
| campaign optimization
| campaign planning (SAP)
| campaign planning (SCM-APO-PPS)
| campaign response handling
| campaign status
| campaign weighing
| can be crushed
| can be occupied by
| cancel (BC-FES-GUI)
| cancel (PE)
| cancel (PE)
| cancel (PE-LSO)
| cancel (PE-LSO)
| cancel-part relationship
| canceled (OPU-DUE)
| canceled (PSM-GM)
| cancellation (CRM-BE)
| cancellation (ICM)
| cancellation (ICM)
| cancellation (IS-U-IDX)
| cancellation (PA-CM)
| cancellation (RE)
| cancellation date
| cancellation document (FS-CD)
| cancellation document (SD)
| cancellation liability
| cancellation procedure
| cancellation rate
| cancellation reserves
| cancellation rule
| cancellation threat
| candidate (IS-HER-CM)
| candidate (PA-ER)
| candidate document
| candidate list
| candidate status
| cannibalization
| cannibalization group
| canonical name
| canonical XML representation
| canvas
| cap
| CAP goods classification
| CAP products
| CAP products list number
| capability index
| Capable-to-Match
| Capable-to-Promise
| capacitive
| capacitive assignment
| capacitive planning
| capacity (CO)
| capacity (CRM)
| capacity (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| capacity (IS-HMED)
| capacity (IS-OIL-DS-TSW)
| capacity (IS-U-EDM)
| capacity (PE)
| capacity (PE-LSO)
| capacity (PP)
| capacity (SCM-APO-MD)
| capacity balancing
| capacity balancing target
| capacity category (PP)
| capacity category (PPM-PFM)
| capacity check
| capacity consumption
| capacity factor
| capacity group
| capacity leveling (PP)
| capacity leveling (SCM-APO-SNP)
| capacity leveling profile
| capacity limit
| capacity load
| capacity offset lead time
| capacity overload
| capacity planner group
| capacity planning (CRM-RPL)
| capacity planning (IS-BEV-LO-RP)
| capacity planning group
| capacity planning node
| capacity point
| capacity requirement (PP)
| capacity requirement (SCM-APO-PPS)
| capacity requirements planning
| capacity reservation
| capacity reservation group
| capacity roll
| capacity utilization level
| capacity variant
| capital allowance
| capital formation savings payment
| capital invested in group equity
| capital investment order
| capital lease method
| capital reposting
| capital requirement factor
| capital requirement ratio
| capital stock
| capital tie-up
| capital transfer
| capitalization (FI-AA)
| capitalization (PA-PF)
| capitalization and valuation allowances
| capitalization key
| capitalization method
| capitalization of an asset under construction
| capitalization reserves
| capitalization rule
| capitalization structure
| capitalized costs
| capitalized profit
| capitalized value
| caplet
| CAPP element
| CAPP formula
| CAPP method
| CAPP process
| CAPP rule
| CAPP subcalculation
| CAPP technical data
| capping provision
| capture (CRM-ISE)
| capture (EP-PIN-IVS)
| Capture Configuration Tool
| capture operation
| captured area
| capturing
| car allowance
| car benefit
| carbon dioxide equivalent
| Carbon Disclosure Project
| Carbon Reduction Commitment
| Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme
| card account file
| card cancellation
| card contract
| card issuer
| card issuing authority
| card manufacturer
| card pool
| card pool cancellation
| card rank (CRM-MKT-MPL-LOY)
| card rank (FS-AM-CM-CA)
| card renewal date
| card renewal period
| card settlement
| card type
| card verification value
| cardholder
| cardinality (EP-VC)
| cardinality (FS-AM-CM-AC)
| cardinality (SV-ASA)
| care benefit
| care management
| care provided by substitute
| care type
| care unit
| care unit staff
| care unit type
| care unit work station
| career
| career group
| career item
| career model
| career type
| cargo manifest
| carnet ATA
| carnet TIR
| carriage and insurance paid to
| carriage paid to
| carried interest
| carried-over prepayment
| carrier (IS-M-SD)
| carrier (LE)
| carrier processing (IS-BEV-LO-RS)
| carrier processing (IS-OIL-DS-OGSD)
| carrier registration number
| carrier route
| carrier shipment ID
| carrier ticket
| carrier tracking URL
| carry forward an overall budget
| carryforward level
| carryforward period
| carrying distance
| carrying forward of overall budget
| carryover
| carryover data
| cart
| carteira
| CAS number
| cascade billing
| cascading font
| cascading fonts settings
| cascading line items
| cascading menu
| cascading stylesheet
| case (BC-SRV-CM)
| case (CA-GTF-RCM)
| case (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| case (IS-H)
| case (SBA)
| case assignment profile
| case category
| case classification
| case container
| case creation strategy
| case determination strategy
| case folder
| case function
| case group
| case group catalog
| case header data
| case hospitalized for less than 24 hours with overnight stay
| case list
| case management
| case mix
| case mix index
| case node
| case procedure
| case revision
| case selection
| case sensitive
| CASE statement
| case template
| case type (BC-SRV-CM)
| case type (IS-H)
| case type determination strategy
| cash account
| cash accounting
| cash amount
| Cash and Bank Book
| cash balance plan
| cash basis for VAT accounting
| cash box
| cash cage
| cash card
| cash check
| cash concentration (FI)
| cash concentration (FS-AM-IM-CC)
| cash concentration contract
| cash control (IS-R)
| cash control (PSM-FM)
| cash control object
| cash discount (FI)
| cash discount (SBO)
| cash discount base amount
| cash discount terms (FI)
| cash discount terms (SCM-TM)
| cash flow (CRM-LAM)
| cash flow (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| cash flow (FS-AM)
| cash flow (FS-BA-SD)
| cash flow (IM)
| cash flow (IS-B-RA)
| cash flow (RE)
| cash flow (SBO)
| cash flow approach
| Cash Flow Calculator
| cash flow category (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| cash flow category (FS-BA-SD)
| cash flow condition
| cash flow determination method
| cash flow distribution
| cash flow disturbance
| cash flow engine
| cash flow filter
| cash flow fixer
| cash flow fixing
| cash flow hedge
| cash flow indicator (FS-BA)
| cash flow indicator (IS-B-RA)
| cash flow ratio
| cash flow reporting
| cash flow set
| cash flow splitting
| cash flow statement
| cash flow transaction (CA-FIM-FMA)
| cash flow transaction (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| cash flow view (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| cash flow view (FS-BA-SD)
| cash fund
| cash journal (FI)
| cash journal (FI-CA)
| cash journal business transaction
| cash journal document (FI)
| cash journal document (FI-BL)
| cash journal posting
| cash ledger
| cash loss
| cash management and forecast
| cash management group
| cash management position
| cash management variant
| cash on delivery
| cash payer
| cash position
| cash sale
| cash security deposit
| cash voucher register
| cash-based multiple transaction collateral
| cash-basis accounting
| cash-generating unit
| cash-in
| cash-on-delivery partner
| cash-to-cash
| cash-to-cash cycle time
| cashed checks
| cashier
| cashier login
| cashpoint ID
| casting
| casting operator
| casual user
| casualty unit
| catalog (BC-SRV-BR)
| catalog (EP-KM-CM)
| catalog (IS-CC)
| catalog (MDM)
| catalog (PM)
| catalog (QM)
| catalog (SBO)
| catalog (SCM-ICH)
| catalog area
| catalog area type
| catalog category
| catalog content
| Catalog Content Management
| Catalog Content Manager
| catalog determination
| catalog entry (CA)
| catalog entry (EHS)
| catalog entry type
| catalog group (CA)
| catalog group (EHS)
| catalog header
| catalog item (AP-CAT)
| catalog item (CRM-MD-PCT)
| catalog item (IS-T)
| catalog item characteristic
| Catalog Manager
| Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
| catalog profile
| catalog publishing
| catalog type (AP-CAT)
| catalog type (CRM-MD-PCT)
| catalog type (PM)
| Catalog User
| catalog variant
| catalog view (AP-CAT)
| catalog view (CRM-ISA)
| catch weight
| catch weight product
| catch-up period
| catchable runtime error
| category (AP-CAT)
| category (BC-EIM-ESH)
| category (BC-TRX)
| category (CO-PC)
| category (CRM-IC-EMS)
| category (CRM-MD)
| category (EP-KM-COL)
| category (EP-UP-ES)
| category (EPM-BPC)
| category (IS-AFS-BD)
| category (IS-HER-CM)
| category (IS-MP)
| category (LO-WTY)
| category (MDM)
| category (SBO)
| category (SCM-APO-ATP)
| category (SRM-SUD)
| category by time
| category for off-cycle reason
| category hierarchy
| category management (IS-R)
| category management (SAP)
| category manager
| category node
| category of limit item
| category of primary transaction
| category of scheduled payment
| category of specialized lending
| category of user lists
| category structure (IS-AFS-BD)
| category structure (SRM-SUD)
| category tree
| category type
| CATS classic
| CATS for service providers
| CATS instant
| CATS notebook
| CATS phone
| CATS regular
| CATT log
| CATT menu
| CATT variable
| CATT variant
| causal factor (CRM-FM)
| causal factor (IS-R-DM)
| causal model
| cause
| cause of death
| cause of loss
| cause-effect chain
| CCF class
| CCMS agent
| CCMS system repository
| CCS bucket
| CCS element
| CCS type
| CE
| CE rating category
| ceding contract
| ceding remuneration line
| ceiling amount
| ceiling type
| celebrations
| cell
| cell information
| cell padding
| cell-level rule
| Central ABAP Spooler
| central contract
| Central Contractor Registration
| central control
| central controlling system
| central data collection
| central delegation
| central entity
| central incoming payments
| central instance
| central logon module
| central master data maintenance system
| central object of SAP NetWeaver Application Server
| central payments
| Central Performance History
| Central Personnel Data File
| central planning
| central planning plant
| Central Print System
| central procurement
| Central Register for Enrolment in Higher Education
| central reservations facility
| central risk
| Central Sales Tax
| central sales tax number
| central SAP Web Application Server object
| central search (CA-WUI)
| central search (CRM-PCC)
| central services
| Central Sharing Tool
| central system
| central task list
| central tracking data store
| Central User Administration
| central value-added tax
| centralized CHN model
| centralized processing
| CENVAT reversal
| CEQ factor
| Certific@2
| certificate list
| certificate logon
| certificate of analysis
| certificate of deposit
| certificate of exportation
| certificate of origin (MM)
| certificate of origin (SD-FT)
| certificate parser
| certificate request
| certificate response
| certificate revocation check
| certificate revocation list
| certificate store
| certification (GRC-SPC)
| certification (MFG-ME)
| certification (PSM-EC)
| certification accountant
| Certification Authority
| certification manager
| Certification of the Employee's Income
| certification phase
| certification procedure
| certification report
| certification run
| certification test
| certification type
| certified contribution
| certified expenditure
| certified sales
| certifying authority
| certifying official
| cess
| CESU-8
| CFOP code
| CGA magnetic file
| CGA number
| CGA pension scheme
| chain
| chain liability
| chain liability method
| chain of command
| chain of dependency
| chain package
| chained attribute access
| chained method call
| chained name
| chained statement
| chaining
| chaining operator
| challan
| challenge
| challenge type
| challenger collection strategy
| champion collection strategy
| change
| change analyzer
| Change and Transport Organizer
| Change and Transport System
| change application
| change category
| change directory
| change document (CA-GTF)
| change document (CA-MDG)
| change document (PS)
| change document (SV-SMG)
| change document object
| change document object class
| change document update program
| change editor
| change flag
| change group
| change hierarchy
| change history
| change in indirect investment (EC-CS)
| change in indirect investment (FI-LC)
| change in legal person
| change in staffing level
| change item
| change list (BC-UPG-OCS)
| change list (BC-XI)
| change lock
| Change Logistics
| change management (BC-CUS)
| change management (CRM-BTX-SRQ)
| change management (GRC-SPC)
| Change Management
| Change Management Service
| change manager
| change master record
| change name
| change notification agent
| change notification service
| change number
| change number for product master data
| change object
| change of activity type
| change of control
| change of insurer certificate
| change of legal form
| change of location
| change of method
| change of stratum
| change of utilizer
| change option
| change option journal
| change order (CA-GTF-ECM)
| change order (WEC-IS)
| change order shopping cart
| change order type
| change package (LO-ECH)
| change package (SV-SMB-AIO)
| change piece list
| change pointer
| change process
| change process chain
| change processing profile
| change project
| change protection
| change reason
| change record
| change record ID
| change recording (BC-CTS)
| change recording (SV-SMB-AIO)
| change request (BC-CTS)
| change request (CA-GTF-ECM)
| change request (CA-MDG-APP-FIN)
| change request (FS-CMS)
| change request (SV-SMG)
| Change Request Management
| change rule
| change scope
| change sequence graph
| change state
| change task
| change to fund allocation key
| change transaction
| change transaction type
| change transfer
| change type (BC-IDM)
| change type (CA-GTF-ECM)
| change type (PP)
| change user ID
| change validation
| change version
| changeable agreement
| changeover
| changeover fiscal year
| changeover recipe
| changes in balance sheet from local to consolidated values
| changes in balance sheet values (EC-CS)
| changes in balance sheet values (FI-LC)
| changes in investee equity (EC-CS)
| changes in investee equity (FI-LC)
| changes in investments (EC-CS)
| changes in investments (FI-LC)
| changing parameter
| channel (BC-EIM-ESH)
| channel (BCM)
| channel (EP)
| channel (EP-KM)
| channel (LOD-ESO)
| channel analytics
| channel assignment
| Channel Commerce
| channel interface
| channel inventory
| channel inventory initialization
| channel inventory reconciliation
| channel layout
| Channel Logic Layer
| channel master
| channel model
| channel parameter
| channel partner
| channel partner hierarchy
| channel sell-in
| channel type
| ChannelBar
| chapter ID
| character (BC-ABA)
| character (BC-I18)
| character encoding form
| character encoding model
| character encoding scheme
| character format
| character key
| character literal
| character representation
| character set (BC-I18)
| character set (SBO)
| character set conversion cache
| character stream
| character string
| character unification
| character-like data object
| character-like data type
| character-like expression
| character-like expression position
| character-like operand position
| character-type
| characteristic (AP-CAT)
| characteristic (BC-DWB-UTL-CLS)
| characteristic (BC-SRV-REP)
| characteristic (BW)
| characteristic (CA-CL)
| characteristic (CO)
| characteristic (CO-PA)
| characteristic (CRM-BF)
| characteristic (EC-CS)
| characteristic (EHS)
| characteristic (EPM-BPC)
| characteristic (FI)
| characteristic (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| characteristic (FS-BA-SD)
| characteristic (IS-AFS)
| characteristic (IS-B)
| characteristic (IS-R)
| characteristic (LO-LIS)
| characteristic (SCM-APO-ATP)
| characteristic (SCM-APO-CA-CDP)
| characteristic (SCM-BAS)
| characteristic attribute (EC-EIS)
| characteristic attribute (QM)
| characteristic attributes of retention rule
| characteristic category
| characteristic combination
| characteristic derivation
| characteristic display
| characteristic exclusion conflict
| characteristic feature
| characteristic filter for limit types
| characteristic group (CO-PA)
| characteristic group (EHS)
| characteristic group (PP-PI)
| characteristic group (RE)
| characteristic inheritance
| characteristic overwrite
| characteristic pattern
| characteristic profile
| characteristic propagation
| characteristic repository
| characteristic requirement
| characteristic specifications
| characteristic structure
| characteristic type (IS-R)
| characteristic type (QM)
| characteristic type (SCM-APO-CA-CDP)
| characteristic valuation
| characteristic value (CRM-BF-CFG)
| characteristic value (EHS)
| characteristic value (FS-BA-SD)
| characteristic value (IS-B)
| characteristic value (IS-R)
| characteristic value (LO-LIS)
| characteristic value (QM)
| characteristic value (SCM-APO-FCS)
| characteristic value assignment (CA-CL)
| characteristic value assignment (SCM-APO-CA-CDP)
| characteristic value assignment screen
| characteristic value combination
| characteristic value group
| characteristic value inheritance
| characteristic value matrix
| characteristic values combination (SCM-APO-FCS)
| characteristic values combination (SCM-APO-PPS-MMP)
| characteristic-based process instruction
| characteristics alert
| Characteristics Builder
| characteristics combination (FI-GL)
| characteristics combination (LO-LIS)
| characteristics combination (SCM-APO-ATP)
| characteristics group (CA-CL)
| characteristics group (CRM-BF)
| characteristics group (IS-R)
| characteristics profile
| characteristics-dependent planning
| charge (IS-CC)
| charge (IS-H)
| charge category
| charge code
| charge factor (IS-H)
| charge factor (IS-H)
| charge factor value
| charge limit
| charge notification date
| charge quantity
| charge type
| charge weight
| chargeable component
| chargeable component info record
| chargeable item
| chargeable item class
| chargeable item package
| chargeable node
| chargeback (CRM-CLA)
| chargeback (CRM-IPH)
| chargeback history
| chargeback recovery
| chargeback write-off
| charged item
| charged item class
| charging
| charging context
| charging mapping
| charging plan
| charging reference
| chart (BC-FES-GRA)
| chart (BW-BEX)
| chart (PP-CRP)
| chart element
| Chart Engine
| chart interpreter
| chart layout
| chart of accounts (FI)
| chart of accounts (SBO)
| chart of accounts index
| chart of accounts list
| chart of commitment items
| chart of depreciation
| chart report
| chart setting
| chart subtype
| chart template
| chart type (BC-FES-GRA)
| chart type (OPU-DUE)
| chart type (PP-CRP)
| Chart-Adapter
| charterer
| chartering broker
| charting
| ChartServlet
| chat (CRM-CIC)
| chat (MP-APP-CR)
| chat (SRM-LA)
| chat transcript
| check (BC-FES-GUI)
| check (SCM-EWM)
| check (SV-SMG)
| check activity
| check cashing transaction
| check category
| check control
| check date (IS-OIL-DS-TDP)
| check date (SBO)
| check date (SCM-APO-ATP)
| check deposit fee
| check digit procedure
| check effective validity
| check field
| check flipping feature
| check function module
| check group (IS-U-IDX)
| check group (SCM-EWM)
| check in
| check indicator (BC-SEC-USR)
| check indicator (BC-TWB)
| check input
| check instructions
| check list
| check log
| check lot
| check message
| check mode (FS-BP)
| check mode (SCM-APO-ATP)
| check monitor
| check monitor profile
| check number
| check number lot
| check object
| check period
| check phase
| check point
| check register
| check repository
| check run
| Check Run
| check set
| check set for enrichment and validation
| check stock
| check table
| check task list
| check-from date
| check-in (BC-SRV-KPR-DMS)
| check-in (IS-BEV-DSD)
| check-in (PE-LSO)
| check-out (BC-SRV-KPR-DMS)
| check-out (IS-BEV-DSD)
| check-out (PE-LSO)
| check-out cancel
| check-out lock
| check/bill of exchange
| checkbook
| checkbox
| checkbox group
| checkboxes
| checked delivery
| checked in
| checker
| checking category
| checking group
| checking horizon (PSM-FM-BCS)
| checking horizon (SCM-APO-ATP)
| checking horizon (SCM-APO-PPS-RSP)
| checking rule
| checking technology
| checklist (CRM-BTX-SRQ)
| checklist (PA-GE)
| checklist (PPM-PRO)
| checklist item
| checkout (WEC-APP)
| checkout (WEC-APP)
| checkout profile
| checkout step
| checkout step element
| checkout step element dataset
| checkout step group
| checkpoint (BC-ABA)
| checkpoint (LE)
| checkpoint (LE-YM)
| checkpoint (SCM-EWM)
| checkpoint group
| checkpoint mode
| checks for payment
| checksum
| Chemical Abstracts Service
| Chemical Industry Data Exchange
| chi
| chief physician contract
| chief position
| chief procurement officer
| Chief Sustainability Officer
| child (EPM-BPC)
| child (SBO)
| child allowance
| child basic catalog
| child category
| child for whom child allowance is paid
| child item (IS-HMED)
| child item (SBO)
| child KPI
| child location
| child object (AIE)
| child object (EP-PIN)
| child order
| child performance analysis
| child requirement
| child system
| CHIP contract
| CHIP template
| chlorofluorocarbon
| CHN owner
| CHN standard time
| choice
| choice field
| choose (BC-DOC)
| choose (BC-FES-GUI)
| choose form print
| chunk
| churn
| churn management
| CIC component
| CIC profile
| CIDX transaction code
| CIF comparison/reconciliation of transaction data
| CIF error handling
| CIIU code
| CIP code
| circular (BC-BMT-WFM)
| circular (BC-SRV-RM)
| circulating material
| circulation
| city name extension
| city rate
| Citzen Card
| claim (CRM-CLA)
| claim (FS-CM)
| claim (FS-RI)
| claim (IS-HT-DRM)
| claim (PS)
| claim aggregate
| claim bundle
| claim bundle subtype
| claim bundle type
| claim center agent
| claim chargeback recovery
| claim document
| claim file
| claim inclusion
| claim item
| claim item grouping
| claim item grouping category
| claim processing submode
| claim report
| claim settlement
| claim split
| claim status
| claim submission
| claim subobject
| claim subobject category
| claim type (CRM-CLA)
| claim type (FS-CM)
| claim validation (CRM-CLA)
| claim validation (FS-CM)
| claim-based payment
| claim-free discount class
| claimant
| claimed amount
| claiming account
| claims management
| claims monitor
| clarification code
| Clarification Framework Controller
| clarification response
| clarification worklist for old locked settlement schedule it
| clashed nomination
| class (BC-ABA)
| class (BC-SRV)
| class (CA-CL)
| class (CA-GTF-RCM)
| class (CRM-BF-CFG)
| class (EHS)
| class (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| class (SCM-APO-CA-CDP)
| class (SWE)
| Class Browser
| Class Builder
| class constructor
| class hierarchy
| class interface
| class interval
| class item
| class library
| Class Library
| class limit
| class loader
| class loading system
| class midpoint
| class name (BC-SRV)
| class name (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| class of drug category
| class pool
| class range
| class role
| class rule
| class type (BC-SRV)
| class type (CA-CL)
| class width
| class-based exception
| class-specific function
| classic ABAP Debugger
| classic determination
| Classic InfoSet
| classic scenario
| classification (BC-DWB-UTL-CLS)
| classification (BC-SRV-COM)
| classification (BC-TRX)
| classification (CA-GTF-TS)
| classification (MM-IM)
| classification (PA-PM)
| classification (PPM-PFM)
| classification (SCM-APO-CA-CDP)
| Classification Assignment
| Classification Assignment Configurator
| Classification Browser
| classification catalog
| classification category (IS-H)
| classification category (IS-M-SD)
| classification characteristic
| classification code
| classification feature
| classification hierarchy
| classification inbox
| classification index
| classification key
| classification mean value
| classification of flows and conditions
| classification of FS items (FI)
| classification of FS items (FI-LC)
| classification parameter
| classification period
| classification schema
| classification service
| classification system
| Classification Toolset
| classification type
| classifications administration
| classified ad
| ClassLoader Manager
| ClassLoader Viewer Service
| classroom training
| clause (BC-ABA)
| clause (CA-GTF-DOB)
| clause (LOD-ESO)
| clause (SRM-EBP-CON)
| clause library
| clause manager
| CLC Package
| clean development mechanism
| clean price (FIN-FSCM-TRM)
| clean price (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| clean-out order
| clean-out recipe
| clean-up call
| cleaning method
| cleaning object
| cleaning object category
| cleansing and aggregation module
| cleanup
| cleared alert
| cleared amount
| cleared subitem
| clearing (FI)
| clearing (FS-MCM-ECP)
| clearing (IS-BEV-DSD)
| clearing account (FI)
| clearing account (FS-AM)
| clearing agreement
| clearing analysis
| clearing area
| clearing business area
| clearing category
| clearing collector
| clearing control
| clearing criteria
| clearing document
| clearing group
| clearing house
| clearing house note
| clearing institute
| clearing item
| clearing logic
| clearing partner
| clearing procedure
| clearing process
| clearing restriction
| clearing transaction
| clearing type
| clearing value
| clearing variant
| click
| client (BC-ABA)
| client (OPU-DUE)
| client (SAP)
| client (SBC)
| client (SBO)
| client (SBO)
| client access
| client authentication
| client cache
| client certificate (BC-SEC)
| client certificate (BC-XI)
| client certificate header
| Client Console
| client control block
| client copy
| client data object
| client database
| client device
| client event
| client eventing
| client folder
| client framework
| client front end
| client handling
| client identifier
| client interface
| client number
| client package
| client role
| client switch
| client switch cockpit
| client system
| client table
| client thread
| client-specific Customizing
| client/server architecture
| client/server system
| clients
| cliff vesting
| Climate Leaders Program
| Climate Registry Information System
| clinical application component
| clinical demographics
| clinical encounter
| clinical episode
| clinical event
| clinical history
| clinical information
| clinical order
| Clinical Overview
| Clinical Process Builder
| clinical progress documentation
| clinical progress report
| clinical specialty
| clinical statement (IS-HMED)
| clinical statement (IS-HMED)
| clinical work station
| clipboard (BC-FES-GUI)
| clipboard (BC-SRV-SCR)
| clipped form
| clipping
| CLM adapter
| clock in interval
| clock off
| clock on
| clock out interval
| clocking data
| clone (ICM)
| clone (MDM)
| Close
| close calendar
| close date
| close pending phase
| close period
| close time
| closed
| closed item
| closed loop
| closed package interface
| closed question
| closed study segment
| closed-loop order
| closed-loop scenario (CRM-ANA)
| closed-loop scenario (IS-AD-ROT)
| closeout
| closet
| closing
| closing balance
| closing criteria
| closing date (FI)
| closing date (SBO)
| closing dip
| closing entry
| closing group
| closing month
| closing notification
| closing operations (FI)
| closing operations (PSM-FM)
| closing portion
| closing position
| closing price
| closure rate
| CLTV model
| CLTV modeling
| CLTV prediction
| cluster (BC-ABA)
| cluster (BC-FES-GRA)
| cluster (BC-JAS)
| cluster (BC-MID-BUS)
| cluster (SBO)
| cluster element
| cluster ID
| Cluster Manager
| cluster table
| cluster technique
| clustered metadata
| clustered server
| clustering service
| CM number
| CM repository
| CM repository database check
| CM repository file system check
| CNPJ number
| CO interface
| CO product group
| CO production order
| co-browsing
| co-innovation
| CO-OM responsibility area
| co-ownership
| co-ownership share (FS-CMS)
| co-ownership share (RE)
| CO-PA update
| co-product
| co-product support
| COA company code
| COA mandate
| COA settlement
| coach
| coarse allocation
| COBRA coverage continuation period
| COBRA early termination reason
| COBRA election period
| COBRA event collection
| COBRA invoice
| COBRA period election monitor
| COBRA qualifying event
| COBRA-relevant plan
| Cockpit
| cockpit for POWL administrator
| CoCoPro
| code (BC-I18)
| code (PM)
| code (QM)
| code (SCM-ICH)
| code completion
| code coverage
| code group (PM)
| code group (QM)
| code group (SCM-ICH)
| code group index
| code group profile
| Code Inspector
| code page (BC-DWB)
| code page (EHS)
| code point
| code set
| code sharing
| code table
| code unit
| codec
| coded character set
| coded component
| coded service
| coding
| coding block
| coding system
| coding template
| coefficient
| coefficient for territorial working conditions
| coefficient of determination R²
| coefficient of expansion
| coexistence
| cohort (IS-HER-CM)
| cohort (IS-HER-CM-US)
| cohort (PSM-FM)
| cohort builder
| cohort context
| coinsurance
| coinsurance key
| coinsurance share
| coinsurer
| ColKey range
| collaboration (CA)
| collaboration (MFG-ME)
| collaboration (PLM-CFO)
| collaboration (SAP)
| collaboration (SAP)
| collaboration (SAP)
| Collaboration
| collaboration agreement
| collaboration directive
| collaboration entity
| collaboration folder
| Collaboration Folders
| collaboration knowledge
| Collaboration Launch Pad
| collaboration link
| collaboration list
| collaboration list manager
| Collaboration plug-in
| Collaboration Portal
| collaboration profile
| Collaboration Room favorites
| collaboration service provider
| collaboration services
| collaboration supervisor
| Collaborative Business Map
| collaborative business scenario
| collaborative campaign
| Collaborative Electronic Health Record
| collaborative forecasting
| Collaborative Health Network
| collaborative management of scheduling agreement releases
| Collaborative Planning
| collaborative planning and category management
| collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment
| collaborative risk assessment
| collaborative scenario (LO)
| collaborative scenario (PLM-CFO)
| Collaborative Showroom
| collaborative tendering
| collaborator
| collaborator role
| collapse (BC-FES-GUI)
| collapse (CA-WUI)
| collapse all
| collapse node
| collateral (CRM)
| collateral (CRM-IFS)
| collateral (FS-CML)
| collateral (FS-CMS)
| collateral agreement (CRM-IFS)
| collateral agreement (FS-CMS)
| collateral agreement (IS-B-RA-CL)
| collateral agreement amount for political risk
| collateral agreement category
| collateral agreement type
| collateral category
| collateral constellation (CRM-IFS)
| collateral constellation (FS-CMS)
| collateral distribution
| collateral eligible for investment in premium reserve fund
| collateral fulfilled
| collateral inspection
| collateral instrument
| collateral monitoring
| collateral object (CRM-IFS)
| collateral object (FS-CML)
| collateral overview
| collateral pool
| collateral right
| collateral scope (CRM-IFS)
| collateral scope (FS-CMS)
| collateral sheet
| collateral type (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| collateral type (IS-B-RA-CL)
| collateral valuation rule
| collateral value (FS-CML)
| collateral value (FS-CMS)
| collateral value (RE)
| collateral value category
| collateralization ratio
| collation
| collation process
| collected-to date
| collecting bank
| collection (BC-CCM-ADK)
| collection (BC-DOC-TTL)
| collection (CA-GTF)
| collection (EP-KM-CM)
| collection (FI)
| collection (IS-AFS)
| collection (LOD-ESO)
| collection (PPM-PFM)
| collection (RIV)
| collection (SCM-ECT-LIM)
| collection (SD-FT)
| collection agency posting
| Collection and Disbursement
| collection and reorganization schema
| collection case
| collection code
| collection notes
| collection payment
| collection premium
| collection procedure
| collection profile
| collection relationship
| collection renderer
| collection rule
| collection segment
| collection specialist
| collection strategy (FI-CA)
| collection strategy (FIN-FSCM-COL)
| collection success
| collection target date
| collection type (BC-CCM-ADK)
| collection type (SCM-ECT-LIM)
| collection unit
| collections and disbursements
| collections commission
| Collections Management
| collections representative
| collections unit (FI-CA)
| collections unit (FIN-FSCM-COL)
| collective account (IS-A-RL)
| collective account (SBO)
| collective action
| collective agreement key
| collective agreement on general conditions
| collective appropriation request
| collective bill
| collective bill account
| collective billing
| collective billing run
| collective business partner
| collective cancellation
| collective case
| collective collateral agreement
| Collective Conflict Resolution Transport
| collective credit memo
| collective determination
| collective document
| collective entry
| collective execution
| collective execution program
| collective filing/self-assessment
| collective internal order
| collective invoice (FS-CD)
| collective invoice (IS-H)
| collective invoice (SD)
| collective invoice (SRM-EBP-INV)
| collective invoice account
| collective invoicing
| collective invoicing document
| collective invoicing printout
| collective land charge
| collective language code
| collective lease-out
| collective macro
| collective number
| collective number for RFQs/quotations
| collective order (FS-AM-OM-SO)
| collective order (IS-HMED)
| collective order (IS-OIL-DS-OGSD)
| collective order (PP)
| collective pattern
| collective premise
| collective processing (BC-FES-GUI)
| collective processing (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| collective processing of appointments
| collective product allocation
| collective purchase order
| collective requirements inventory
| collective run
| collective run log
| collective search help
| collective slip
| collective standing order
| collective subrogation/recovery
| collective view
| collective waste approval
| collector (FS-PE)
| collector (SCM-ECT-LIM)
| collector closing
| Collector table
| collision
| collision browser
| collision check (PA-AS)
| collision check (PT)
| color
| color category
| color code
| color definition
| color offset
| color palette
| color scheme
| color space
| color template
| color variant
| column
| column block
| column characteristic
| column group
| column heading
| column layout
| combinable adjustment rule
| combination benefit
| combination by operation
| combination by order
| Combination Code
| combination deal
| combination routine
| combination switch
| combination value key
| combined acceptance request posting and clearing
| combined booking unit
| combined contract
| combined contribution limit
| combined coverage limit
| combined document
| combined order
| combined rate plan
| combined rate plan package
| combined requirement
| combined risk parameter shift
| combined rule
| combined settlement (FS-MCM-CSL)
| combined settlement (FS-MCM-CSL)
| combined settlement track
| combined statement
| combined synopsis/solicitation
| Combined Upgrade & Unicode Conversion
| combining character
| combining character sequence
| combo box
| comma-separated file
| command (BC-SRV-SCR)
| command (CRM-MT)
| command (IS-U-DM)
| command and control relationship
| command and support relationship
| command center
| command field
| command file
| command group (EP-KM)
| command group (IS-U-DM)
| command list
| command message
| command mode
| command processor
| command responsibility
| command set
| comment (BC-ABA)
| comment (EPM-BPC)
| comment (EPM-SM)
| comment line
| Commerce Control List
| Commercial and Government Entity code
| commercial cluster
| commercial item type
| commercial notation
| commercial project
| commercial real estate loan
| commission (ICM)
| commission (IS-CC)
| commission account
| commission activity
| commission activity group
| commission activity type
| commission application
| commission based on index-linking
| commission beneficiary
| commission bonus
| commission case
| commission case chain
| commission clerk
| commission contract
| commission contract category
| commission contract end date
| commission contract partner
| commission contract start date
| commission contract type
| commission determination
| commission document
| commission document type
| commission documentation
| commission group
| commission guarantee
| commission model
| commission model currency
| commission on in-force business maintenance
| commission package
| commission participant
| commission profile
| commission rate
| commission recipient
| commission settlement
| commission split
| commissioning time
| commissions management
| commit
| commit counter
| commitment (CO)
| commitment (FI)
| commitment (FS-CML)
| commitment (FS-MCM-FAC)
| commitment (PA-PM-PB)
| commitment (PSM-FM)
| commitment allowed
| commitment balance
| commitment budget
| commitment capital
| commitment charge
| commitment control
| commitment creation, automatic
| commitment date
| commitment interest
| commitment item
| commitment item category
| commitment item group
| commitment limit
| commitment run
| commitment schedule line
| commitments orders
| committed
| committed limit
| committed projects
| committed volume campaign
| commodity
| commodity code (MM-IM)
| commodity code (SD-FT)
| commodity pricing
| commodity pricing engine
| commodity pricing formula
| commodity sales (SAP)
| commodity sales (SAP)
| common
| Common Agricultural Policy
| Common Agricultural Policy number
| common area
| common character set
| Common Client Interface
| Common Communications Support
| common dimension
| common domain
| common domain cookie
| common function
| common initiative
| common mobility
| common parameters
| Common Procurement Vocabulary
| common profile
| common property
| common room (RE)
| common room (RE)
| common usage
| common warehouse metamodel
| communication call
| communication channel (BC-XI)
| communication channel (CRM-CIC)
| communication channel (EP-KM-CM)
| communication channel (FIN-FSCM-TRM)
| communication component
| Communication Control Program
| communication data
| communication document
| communication group
| communication hyperlink
| communication management software
| communication method
| communication mode
| communication of activity periods
| communication of company certificate
| communication party
| communication point
| communication priority
| communication profile (BC-SRV-COM)
| communication profile (IS-R)
| communication record
| communication route
| communication services
| communication session
| communication station
| communication status (BC-CCM-MON)
| communication status (IS-DFS)
| communication structure (BW-WHM)
| communication structure (CA-GTF-BS-MC)
| communication structure (LO-LIS)
| communication system
| communication table
| communication type (BC-SRV-ARL)
| communication type (EHS)
| communication-enabled business process
| communications
| communications interface
| Communications Manager
| communications program
| communications protocol
| communications system
| communications user
| communications workstation
| community
| Community Customs Code
| community sharing
| community tag cloud
| commuting type
| compa-ratio
| compact development scenario
| compact scheduling
| compaction factor
| compactor
| companion
| company (BC-SEC)
| company (FI)
| company administrator
| company area
| company association
| company best bid (MP-APP-DPE)
| company best bid (SRM-LA)
| company bid
| company certificate
| company code (FI)
| company code (FI)
| company code group (FI-CA)
| company code group (PSM-FM)
| company code relationship type
| company consolidation
| company consumption
| company data
| company details
| company distribution list
| company first-aider
| company grouping
| company ID
| company pair
| company pension scheme
| company preferences
| company prefix
| company registration number (FI)
| company registration number (SBO)
| company report
| company role
| company share
| company user
| company-paid credit card
| company's pension plan contribution
| company's share
| comparative
| comparative apartment
| comparative apartment adjustment type
| comparative financial report
| comparative group of apartments
| comparative promotion
| comparative rent
| compare (IS-HMED)
| compare (SBC)
| compare function
| compare process
| compare run
| comparison
| comparison account
| comparison cockpit
| comparison column
| comparison database
| comparison date
| comparison dimension
| comparison operator
| comparison period
| comparison quantity
| comparison ratio
| comparison report
| comparison requirements profile
| comparison rule (BC-ABA)
| comparison rule (MM-IV)
| comparison table
| compartment (BC-CTS)
| compartment (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| compartment (SCM-APO-VS)
| compartment profile
| compatibility attribute
| compatibility character
| compatibility check
| compatibility group
| compatibility indicator
| compatibility operator
| compatible unit (IS-U-WM)
| compatible unit (PM)
| compatible unit category
| compatible unit design
| compatible unit type
| compatible unit work order
| compensable
| compensation (FS-CM)
| compensation (FS-MCM-CSL)
| compensation (PY)
| compensation administration
| compensation area
| compensation base salary
| compensation calculation
| compensation category
| compensation dimension segment
| compensation job group
| compensation manager
| compensation matrix
| compensation method
| compensation model
| compensation package item
| compensation pay
| compensation plan
| compensation policy
| compensation program
| compensation review
| compensation review item
| compensation review period
| compensation review statement
| compensation specialist
| compensation status
| compensation time
| compensation tree
| compensation wage type
| compensatory levy
| competency
| competitive award
| competitive procurement
| competitive scenario (LO)
| competitive scenario (PLM-CFO)
| competitor
| competitor note
| competitor, macroeconomic, and profitability
| compilate
| compilation unit
| complaint
| complaint from customer
| complaint from customer (ext.)
| complaint from supplier
| complaint from vendor (ext.)
| complete (BC-CCM-ADK)
| complete (MFG-ME)
| complete copy
| complete delivery
| complete dunning
| complete graduation process
| complete invoice document
| complete purchase requisition
| complete readmission case
| complete stock pick
| complete successfully
| complete transaction
| complete typing
| complete withdrawal
| complete-count area
| complete-year method
| completed (MFG-ME)
| completed (SRD-CC-BTM)
| completed appraisal
| completed length of study
| completed module work
| completed visit
| completed well report
| completed work
| completeness check
| Completeness check
| completer
| completion category
| completion confirmation
| completion date
| completion level
| completion piece list
| completion rule
| completion status
| completion time
| complex asset
| complex fixed asset
| complex input help
| complex key figure
| complex make-to-order production
| complex search help
| complex services
| complex target
| complex valuation
| complexity factor
| compliance (LO-ECH)
| compliance (LOD-ESO)
| compliance date
| compliance initiative
| compliance testing
| Compliant User Provisioning
| complication and comorbidity level
| component (BC-ABA)
| component (BC-BSP)
| component (BC-SRV-KPR-DMS)
| component (CA)
| component (CRM-BF-CFG)
| component (EHS)
| component (EP-VC)
| component (IS-AD-PRM)
| component (IS-DFS)
| component (MFG-ME)
| component (PP)
| component (SBO)
| component (SWE)
| component abbreviation
| component analysis
| component assembly
| component assembly method
| component BOM
| component container
| component controller
| component defect
| component definition file
| component directory
| component documentation
| component hierarchy
| component in Bank Analyzer
| component interface (BC-JAS-EJB)
| component interface (BC-WD)
| component item
| component list
| component monitoring
| component of an installed base (CRM-MD)
| component of an installed base (CS)
| Component Patch
| component pattern
| component piece list
| component price
| component pricing
| component product
| component quantity
| component scrap
| component selector
| Component Support Package
| component system
| component tax
| component traceability
| component type
| component unit of measure
| component variant
| component variant matrix
| component version
| component-defined
| component-managed transaction
| components group
| components group determination
| composite application (SWE)
| composite application (XAP-IC)
| composite application framework
| Composite Application Services
| composite appraisal object
| Composite Credit Appraisal
| composite development scenario
| composite element
| composite enhancement implementation
| composite enhancement spot
| composite forecasting
| composite inflation index
| composite module
| composite of service lines
| composite of service master records
| composite portfolio
| composite profile
| composite rate
| composite role (BC-SEC-USR)
| composite role (CA)
| composite role (FS-CMS)
| composite service
| composite survey result
| composite view
| composition (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| composition (EHS)
| composition concept
| composition platform (ONE VOICE)
| composition platform (SWE)
| compositional association
| compound access control context
| compound characteristic
| compound index
| compound interface
| compound KPI
| compound of characteristics
| compound selection criterion
| compound service
| compound service interface
| compound view
| comprehensive planning
| compress
| compressed view
| compulsory assortment
| compulsory bank statement with memo for dishonored debit or
| compulsory comment
| compulsory insurance
| computed attribute
| computed expression
| computed setting
| Computer Aided Test Tool
| computer symbol
| Computer Telephony Integration
| Computing Center Management System
| concatenated manufacturer part number
| concatenation
| concatenation function
| concentration
| concept (AP-PPE)
| concept (BC-DOC-TER)
| concept (SBA)
| concept (XAP-PD)
| Concept Check Tool
| concept dashboard
| concept development
| concept draft form
| concept editor (SBA)
| concept editor (XAP-PD)
| concept group
| concept leader
| concept owner
| concept pool
| concept role
| concept template
| concept type
| conceptual design
| concession
| concession card
| concession eligibility
| concession validation
| concessionaire
| conclusion of a contract
| concordance search
| concrete
| concrete assignment
| concurrent costing
| concurrent employment
| concurrent lock
| condense function
| condenser
| condition (BC-BMT-BPM)
| condition (BC-BMT-WFM)
| condition (BC-I18-UNI)
| condition (BC-MID-ALE)
| condition (BC-SRV-COM)
| condition (FS-AM-PR-CD)
| condition (IS-HMED)
| condition (LO)
| condition (RE)
| condition (SCM-APO-VS)
| condition (SCM-EM)
| condition (SRM-EBP-CON)
| condition (TR)
| condition basis
| condition calculation type
| condition category
| condition class
| condition code
| condition component
| condition currency
| condition determination
| condition element
| condition for characteristics
| condition granter
| condition group (CRM-MKT-MPL-LOY)
| condition group (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| condition group (RE)
| condition group type
| condition ID
| condition index
| condition maintenance group
| condition master
| condition pricing unit
| condition purpose
| condition rate (CRM-RB)
| condition rate (SD)
| condition record (CA-GTF-BS-MC)
| condition record (SD)
| condition reference
| condition reference type
| condition region
| condition rule set
| condition scale unit of measure
| condition schema
| condition step
| condition supplement
| condition table (CA-GTF-BS-MC)
| condition table (SD)
| condition technique
| condition type (CO)
| condition type (RE)
| condition type (SD)
| condition type (TR)
| condition unit
| condition value
| condition-based excise determination
| condition-based investor contract
| condition-based invoice split
| condition-related event type
| conditional conferment
| conditional continuous
| conditional formatting
| conditional inspection characteristic
| conditional pension key date
| conditional supersession chain
| conditions
| conditions manager
| condominium
| condominium management contract
| condominium owner company code
| condominium owners' association
| condominium ownership
| condominium register
| confer qualification
| confer stage qualification
| conference (BCM)
| conference (CRM-IC)
| conference bridge
| conference call
| confidence factor
| confidence interval
| confidence level
| confidential
| confidential account
| confidential substance
| configurable button
| configurable data retrieval
| configurable general maintenance task list
| configurable line item number
| configurable material
| configurable package
| configurable product (CRM)
| configurable product (WEC-IS)
| configurable rate plan
| configurable sales package
| configuration (BC-CUS-TOL)
| configuration (BC-ESI)
| configuration (BC-WD-ABA)
| configuration (IS-DFS)
| configuration (MFG-ME)
| configuration (WEC-IS)
| configuration (WEC-WCB)
| Configuration Adapter Service
| configuration and change database
| configuration assistant
| configuration case
| configuration center
| configuration class
| configuration code
| configuration component
| configuration conflict
| configuration cycle
| configuration data
| configuration data management
| configuration definition
| configuration editor
| Configuration Engine
| configuration file management
| configuration folder
| configuration group
| configuration item
| Configuration Manager (BC-JAS)
| Configuration Manager (OPU-DUE)
| configuration mode
| configuration object
| configuration profile
| configuration result
| configuration scenario
| configuration table
| configuration task
| configuration time
| configuration tree
| configuration value
| configuration wizard
| configure
| configure-to-order
| configured field
| confirm alert
| confirmation (CRM-IM-IPM)
| confirmation (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| confirmation (FS-CD)
| confirmation (LE-WM)
| confirmation (MM)
| confirmation (PP)
| confirmation (PPM-PRO)
| confirmation (PS)
| confirmation (SRM-EBP)
| confirmation against scheduling agreement
| confirmation category
| confirmation control key
| confirmation data
| confirmation history
| confirmation list
| confirmation management
| confirmation note
| confirmation of coverage
| confirmation of registration
| confirmation profile
| confirmation prompt
| confirmation request date
| confirmation result
| confirmation status determination
| confirmation value
| confirmed coverage
| confirmed letter of credit
| confirmed quantity
| confirmed quantity/date
| confirmed scrap quantity
| confirming bank
| conflict (PLM-WUI-APP)
| conflict (SBO)
| conflict due to a statically restricted value range
| conflict handling
| conflict resolution (BC-DWB-TOO-SFW)
| conflict resolution (PLM-WUI-APP)
| conflict resolution mode
| Conflict Resolution Transport (BC-UPG-OCS)
| Conflict Resolution Transport (BC-UPG-OCS)
| conflict resolving enhancement implementation
| conflict rule
| conflict switch
| conflict verification
| conflicting function
| conhecimento
| conjunct form
| connected system delta load
| connecting carrier
| connecting shipper
| connection (BC-JAS)
| connection (BC-XI)
| connection (IS-U-MD)
| connection area
| connection between vital signs
| connection consumer
| connection criterion
| connection handle
| connection mode
| connection object
| connection owner
| connection parameter
| connection point
| connection pooling (BC-JAS)
| connection pooling (EP)
| connection status
| connection step
| connection type (BC-CUS-TOL-NAV)
| connection type (MP-APP-CR)
| connection user
| connection wizard
| ConnectionsManipulator Manager
| connectivity (BC-EIM-ESH)
| connectivity (BC-MID)
| connectivity (SAP)
| connectivity information
| connector (EP-VC)
| connector (GRC)
| Connector Container Service
| connector framework
| Connector Gateway
| connector ID
| connector interface
| ConnTrans
| consensus determination
| consensus finding
| consensus profile
| consensus profile determination
| consensus rule
| consensus-based forecasting
| consent
| consent for clinical treatment
| consent for experimentation
| consent for processing of personal data
| consent for receipt of marketing information
| consequential change
| conservation factor
| consignment
| consignment fill-up order (CA)
| consignment fill-up order (IS-M-SD)
| consignment fill-up quantity
| consignment issue order
| consignment issue quantity
| consignment material
| consignment order
| consignment order status
| consignment period
| consignment pick-up order
| consignment pick-up quantity
| consignment sales
| consignment stock
| consignment stock at customer
| consistency check
| consistency check group
| consistency of primary objects
| consistency reporting
| consolidate
| consolidated balance sheet
| consolidated data
| consolidated data store
| consolidated database
| consolidated entity
| consolidated event
| consolidated financial data
| consolidated financial statements
| consolidated metropolitan statistical area
| consolidated view
| consolidating business partner
| consolidation (EC-CS)
| consolidation (FI-LC)
| consolidation (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| consolidation (IS-CC)
| consolidation (PS-REV-CPR)
| consolidation area
| consolidation business area (EC-CS)
| consolidation business area (FI-LC)
| consolidation chart of accounts (EC-CS)
| consolidation chart of accounts (FI-LC)
| consolidation chart of accounts (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| consolidation cycle
| consolidation dashboard
| consolidation entry (EC-CS)
| consolidation entry (FI-LC)
| consolidation entry (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| consolidation frequency (EC-CS)
| consolidation frequency (FI-LC)
| consolidation group (EC-CS)
| consolidation group (SCM-EWM)
| consolidation group hierarchy
| consolidation ledger
| consolidation method
| consolidation monitor (EC-CS)
| consolidation monitor (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| consolidation of investments (EC-CS)
| consolidation of investments (FI-LC)
| consolidation of investments method (EC-CS)
| consolidation of investments method (FI-LC)
| consolidation route
| consolidation staging ledger
| consolidation status (EC-CS)
| consolidation status (FI-LC)
| consolidation strategy
| consolidation system
| consolidation type
| consolidation unit
| consolidation unit hierarchy
| consolidation using plan values
| consolidator (CRM)
| consolidator (IS-PS-CA)
| consortial pooling
| constant (BC-ABA)
| constant (BC-BMT-WFM)
| constant foreign key
| constant model
| constant structure
| constellation of participants
| constituent hash
| constituent of a portfolio
| constrained forecast
| constraint (BC-ABA)
| constraint (EHS)
| constraint (LO-VC)
| constraint (PP)
| constraint (SCM-APO)
| constraint propagation
| constraint reference type
| constraint-based planning
| construction
| construction class
| construction costs index
| Construction Industry Scheme
| construction measure
| construction measures
| construction plan
| construction progress report
| construction tax certificate
| construction tax certificate number
| construction type
| constructor
| consularization
| consult
| consult researchers
| consultant number
| consultation
| consultation call
| consumable material
| consumable rebate
| consumed budget
| consumed channel inventory value
| consumed packaging
| consumer
| consumer activity
| consumer portal
| consumer promotion
| consumer return
| consumer system
| consumer visit
| consumption (MM-IM)
| consumption (PP-MP)
| consumption alternative
| consumption component
| consumption cost element
| consumption detail record
| consumption entry
| consumption forecast
| consumption from previous periods
| consumption group
| consumption mode
| consumption object
| consumption period
| consumption posting delivery
| consumption priority
| consumption time
| consumption type
| consumption-based offset method
| consumption-based planning (IS-R)
| consumption-based planning (PP-MRP)
| contact (CRM-CIC)
| contact (SBO)
| contact attached data
| contact closing date
| contact employee
| Contact Event Manager
| contact hours unit
| contact log
| contact management
| contact medium
| contact permission
| contact person (CA-MRS)
| contact person (IS-R)
| contact person (SD)
| contact person note
| contact person screen
| contact person-specific data
| contact search and display
| contained entity type
| container (AP-RC-BEF)
| container (BC-BMT-WFM)
| container (BW-BEX)
| container (EP-KM)
| container (EP-PIN)
| container (EP-VC)
| container (IS-M-AMC)
| container (IS-U-WA)
| container (LE-YM)
| container (LO)
| container (MFG-ME)
| container area
| container bar
| container category
| container delivery
| container element
| container group
| container ID
| container identification number
| container instance
| container layout
| container linkage
| container location
| container location management
| container logistics
| container operation
| container portion
| container removal
| container replacement
| container resource
| container sequence
| container sequence item
| container service device
| container-managed transaction
| contamination of site
| content
| Content Acquisition and Rights Management
| content analysis
| Content Approver
| content area
| content availability check
| content category
| content component
| content component hierarchy
| content component hierarchy type
| content component hierarchy variant
| content component hierarchy version
| content component type
| Content Conversion Service
| Content Converter Service
| content delivery
| content description
| content developer
| content exchange service
| content federation
| content filter
| content group (OPU-ALY)
| content group (WEC-WCB)
| content language
| Content Library
| content lifecycle management
| Content Lifecycle Management
| content management
| Content Management
| Content Management Service
| Content Management System
| content manager (CA-GTF-DOB)
| content manager (EP-PIN-USM)
| content mirroring
| content model (BC-SRV-KPR-DMS)
| content model (EP-PIN-PRT)
| content modifier
| content navigator
| content object (EP)
| content object (KM-KW)
| content package
| Content Player
| content producer
| content provider
| content query
| content relationship
| content repository (BC-SRV-ARL)
| content repository (BC-SRV-KPR)
| content repository (KM-KW)
| Content Review
| Content Reviewer
| content schema
| content server
| Content Server
| content server alias
| content set
| content source
| content source attribute
| content source folder
| content source hierarchy
| content structure
| content syndication
| content tree
| content type
| content unit
| content usage mode
| content version (CA-DMF)
| content version (CA-DMS)
| content version (EP-KM-CM)
| content version (KM-KW)
| content versioning
| content-related category
| content-targeting method
| context (BC-ABA)
| context (BC-IDM)
| context (BC-MID-ALE)
| context (BC-SRV-BRF)
| context (BC-TWB)
| context (BC-WD)
| context (CA-GTF-ECM)
| context (CAF-GP)
| context (EPM-SCP)
| context (EPM-SM)
| context (FS-BA-SD)
| context (KM-KW)
| context (LOD-ESO)
| context (MFG-ME)
| context area
| context assistance pattern
| context attribute
| context authorization main switch
| context block
| Context Builder
| context business object
| context class (BC-SRV-COM)
| context class (BC-SRV-KPR)
| context creation wizard
| context data mode
| context display
| context hierarchy (CA-GTF-ECM)
| context hierarchy (MFG-ME)
| context hierarchy insight
| context key
| context menu
| context resolution
| context role
| context solution
| contextual Customizing
| conti-heuristic
| contingency
| contingency beneficiary
| contingency order
| contingency sale
| contingent
| contingent claim
| contingent liability
| contingent planning
| continuation file
| continue (BC-CCM-ADK)
| continue (BC-FES-GUI)
| continued pay
| continuity
| continuity in valuation
| continuity of care record
| continuity program
| Continuous Business Improvement
| continuous employment benefits
| continuous inventory (LE-WM)
| continuous inventory (LO)
| continuous move (SCM-APO-VS)
| continuous move (SCM-TM)
| continuous occupancy
| contra item
| contract (CRM)
| contract (FIN-FSCM-BC)
| contract (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| contract (FS-AM-CM)
| contract (FS-PM)
| contract (IS-M-AM)
| contract (IS-T)
| contract (IS-U-MD)
| contract (LOD-ESO)
| contract (MM-PUR)
| contract account (FI-CA)
| contract account (IS-T)
| contract account category
| contract account master record
| contract account relationship
| contract accounts receivable and payable
| Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
| contract administrator
| contract area
| contract author
| contract award
| contract award notice
| contract billing document
| contract bundle
| contract bundle type
| contract business object
| contract capital
| contract catalog
| contract catalog for service specifications
| contract category (FS-AM)
| contract category (RE)
| contract change
| contract changing holdings
| contract class
| contract classification
| contract clause
| contract creator (LOD-ESO)
| contract creator (SRM-EBP-CON)
| contract currency
| contract definitization
| contract demand limit
| contract diversity
| contract document
| contract document template
| contract dunning
| contract element (FS-AM-CM)
| contract element (FS-PM)
| contract element level
| contract end date
| contract end processing
| contract expert
| contract expiration
| contract for own business
| contract generation
| contract generation variable
| contract handling for invoices
| contract header
| contract hierarchy
| contract ID
| contract item
| contract item ID
| contract journal
| contract leakage
| Contract Lifecycle Management
| contract lock
| contract mass update
| contract model
| contract monitoring
| contract name
| contract negotiation and management
| contract number
| contract object
| contract object type
| contract offer (CRM-CHM)
| contract offer (RE)
| contract owner
| contract package
| contract partner
| contract phaseout
| contract pool
| contract price
| contract reengineering
| contract release
| contract release order (CRM-BTX-CTR)
| contract release order (IS-BEV-LO-RE)
| contract release order (LOD-ESO)
| contract release order (SD)
| contract requirement
| contract reviewer
| contract revision
| contract scheme
| contract season
| contract section
| contract service specifications
| contract set
| contract specialization
| contract status (FS-PM)
| contract status (WEC-IS)
| contract status (WEC-IS)
| contract supplier user
| contract template (FS-TXS)
| contract template (IS-U-CS)
| contract template (SBO)
| contract time model
| contract type (CRM)
| contract type (FIN-FSCM-BC)
| contract type (FS-AM)
| contract type (RE)
| contract upload
| contract validity date
| contract version
| contract-managing organizational unit
| contract-type defined benefits pension plan
| contracted transaction
| contractee
| contractor (CRM-BTX)
| contractor (EHS)
| contractor (IS-R-POS)
| contractor tax reference
| contractors and engineering companies
| contracts and installed base management
| contracts and pricing
| contractual activity
| contractual day rate
| contraindication
| contribution (FS-MCM-PDM)
| contribution (IS-CC)
| contribution (PA-BN)
| contribution (PSM-EC)
| contribution (PY)
| contribution account code
| contribution frequency
| contribution percentage
| contribution rate
| contribution scale
| contributor (CAF-GP)
| contributor (SBA)
| contributory effect
| contributory effect degree
| control (BC-FES-GRA)
| control (BC-WD)
| control (CRM-MT)
| control (FIN-CGV-MIC)
| control (GRC)
| control (KM-ITU)
| control (XAP-EM)
| control account
| control area
| control area operator
| control automation
| control bar
| control break
| control category
| control center (PLM-WUI-OBJ)
| control center (SWE)
| Control Center (BC-ESI)
| Control Center (SBO-INT)
| control chart (MFG-ME)
| control chart (QM)
| control code
| control copy T5
| control cost
| control costs (CO)
| control costs (SCM-APO-SNP)
| control cycle
| control cycle card
| control cycle size
| control efficiency
| control element
| Control Framework (BC-ABA)
| Control Framework (BC-FES-GRA)
| control indicator
| control input quantity
| control instructions
| control key (PP-BD)
| control key (PSM-GPR)
| control level
| control level processing
| control limit
| control list
| control maturity
| control message
| control meter reading order
| control method (PPM-PRO)
| control method (QM)
| control output quantity
| control panel
| control parameter
| control parameter for default risk
| control parameters
| control plan (PPM-PRO)
| control plan (QM)
| control plan type
| control predicate
| control purpose
| control quantity (CO)
| control quantity (LE-WM)
| control query
| control recipe
| control recipe destination
| control record (BC-MID-ALE)
| control record (LO-MD)
| control relationship
| control risk
| control rule
| control selector
| control station
| control station group
| control structure
| control symbol
| control table
| control temperature
| control total (CA-GTF-DRT)
| control total (MM-IV)
| control totals
| control type (IS-R)
| control type (SCM-FRE)
| control variant for Travel Planning
| control view
| controlled object
| controlled usage rate
| controller (BC-BSP)
| controller (BC-NET)
| controller (BC-WD)
| controller (GRC-SAC)
| controller context
| controller context editor
| controller usage
| controlling
| Controlling
| controlling area
| controlling area currency
| controlling characteristic
| Controlling document
| Controlling element
| controlling level (CO)
| controlling level (CO-PC)
| controlling object
| Controlling object
| controlling scenario
| controlling type
| controlling view
| controlling with account assignment objects
| convalescence benefit
| conventional notation
| convergent billing
| convergent invoicing
| conversation
| conversation ID
| conversion (BC-DWB-DIC)
| conversion (CA-GTF)
| conversion bridge
| conversion class
| conversion collision
| conversion controller
| conversion customizing
| conversion data
| conversion date (AP-TTE)
| conversion date (CA-EPT-BCV)
| conversion difference
| conversion exit
| conversion factor (GRC-SPM-SR)
| conversion factor (IS-OIL-DS-HPM)
| conversion factor (MP-APP-DPE)
| conversion file
| conversion group
| conversion indicator (IS-AFS-BD)
| conversion indicator (SCM-APO-PPS-PPT)
| conversion material
| conversion method (AP-TTE)
| conversion method (IS-OIL-DS-HPM)
| conversion mode
| conversion profile
| conversion program
| conversion record
| conversion routine (BC-ABA)
| conversion routine (BC-CCM-ADK)
| conversion rule (BC-SRV-COM)
| conversion rule (CO-PA)
| conversion type
| converter
| convertible bond
| convexity adjustment
| conveyor segment
| conveyor segment group
| cookie
| cooling degree day
| cooperative agreement
| coordinate
| coordination of material requirements
| copayment (IS-H)
| copayment (PA-BN)
| copayment obligation
| copayment receivable
| copayment request
| copy (BC-CTS)
| copy (BC-DWB)
| copy (BC-FES-GUI)
| copy (EP-PIN)
| copy (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| copy (FS-PM)
| copy block
| copy from
| copy function
| copy inspection results function
| copy profile
| copy range
| copy service
| copy text
| copy to new
| copy zone
| copying variant
| core article master data
| core Bank Analyzer system
| core banking
| core benefit
| core character
| core diameter
| Core Engine layer
| core entity service
| core file
| core functions
| core interface
| Core Interface
| core KPI
| core maintenance status
| core material master data
| core model
| core night work
| core object in portfolio assignment
| core package
| Core Process
| core project
| core requirement
| core service
| core service interface
| core service interface pattern
| core time
| core versus context
| corequisite
| corequisite plan
| corporate account
| corporate channel partner
| corporate group
| corporate income tax
| corporate inventory program
| corporate LDAP directory
| corporate pension plan
| Corporate Performance Monitor
| corporate policy (EC-CS)
| corporate policy (FI-LC)
| Corporate Register Identification Number
| corporate services
| Corporate Services
| corporate tax
| corporate tax number
| corporate valuation
| corporate-type defined contribution pension plan
| corporation ID
| corpus
| Correct Franking wizard
| correction amount
| correction claim
| correction component
| correction DIF
| correction document
| correction entity
| correction factor
| correction instructions
| correction invoice
| correction items
| correction management
| correction object
| correction order (CA-GTF-ECM)
| correction order (IS-U-DM-MR)
| correction period
| correction quantity for cumulative delivered quantity
| correction request
| correction run
| correction server
| correction tax form
| correction value
| corrective action
| corrective action code
| corrective and preventive action
| Corrective and Preventive Action
| corrective customs declaration
| corrective maintenance
| corrective measure
| corrector
| correlation (EP)
| correlation (EP-PIN-UNI)
| correlation (IS-B-RA)
| correlation calculation
| correlation calculation mode
| correlation context
| correlation model
| Correlator
| correspondence (BC-SRV-COM)
| correspondence (FI)
| correspondence (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| correspondence (ICM)
| correspondence activity (PA-ER)
| correspondence activity (RE)
| correspondence agreements
| correspondence application
| correspondence class
| correspondence container
| correspondence control
| correspondence creation
| correspondence group
| correspondence history (FS-PM)
| correspondence history (PE)
| correspondence interface
| correspondence management
| correspondence messaging interface
| correspondence object
| correspondence order
| correspondence package
| correspondence preview
| correspondence print process
| correspondence request
| correspondence system
| correspondence tool
| correspondence type (CA-GTF)
| correspondence type (FS-CML)
| correspondence type (FS-PM)
| correspondence variant
| correspondence worklist
| correspondent (BC-SRV-COM)
| correspondent (SD-FT)
| correspondent account
| corridor search
| cost (IS-CC)
| cost (SD)
| cost account
| cost accounting (PSM-FG)
| cost accounting (SBO)
| cost accounting split
| Cost and Freight
| cost approach to appraisal
| cost assignment base
| cost avoidance
| cost base
| cost behavior
| cost bucket
| cost calculation date
| cost center (CO)
| cost center (IS-R)
| cost center (LOD-TEM)
| cost center (MFG-ME)
| cost center (SBO)
| cost center budget
| cost center category
| cost center currency
| cost center group
| cost center hierarchy
| cost center owner
| cost center performing the activity
| cost collector
| cost component
| cost component group (CO-PC)
| cost component group (CO-PC)
| cost component split
| cost component split for cost of goods manufactured
| cost component structure
| cost component view
| cost display for maintenance plan
| cost driver
| cost efficiency analysis
| cost element (CO)
| cost element (XAP-CQM)
| Cost Element Accounting
| cost element attribute
| cost element category
| cost element group
| cost element itemization
| cost element layout
| cost element planning
| cost estimate
| cost estimate with quantity structure
| cost estimate without quantity structure
| cost event
| cost event subtype
| cost event type
| cost factor
| cost flow assumption
| cost forecast
| cost grouping
| cost item (PA-CP)
| cost item (PE)
| cost item (PE-LSO)
| cost item type
| cost method
| cost object (CO)
| cost object (PA-CM)
| cost object category
| Cost Object Controlling
| cost object hierarchy
| cost object ID
| cost object node
| cost object profile
| cost object settlement unit
| cost object type
| cost of goods manufactured
| cost of goods sold (CO-PC)
| cost of goods sold (EPM-SCP)
| cost of sales
| cost of sales accounting
| cost of vacancies
| cost overrun (CO-PC)
| cost overrun (FS-CM)
| Cost per CL
| Cost per TQ
| cost planning
| cost planning run
| Cost Plus Award Fee
| Cost Plus Fixed Fee
| Cost Plus Incentive Fee
| cost premium
| cost profile
| cost rate
| cost reduction
| cost rent
| cost retrieval setting
| cost rollup
| cost rule
| cost rule variant
| cost savings
| cost sharing
| cost sources
| cost to complete
| cost transfer posting (PE)
| cost transfer posting (PE-LSO)
| cost type (FI-CA)
| cost type (XAP-CQM)
| cost unit
| cost unit view
| cost versus time report
| cost weight
| cost-accounting value
| cost-based optimizer
| cost-based pricing
| cost-of-living allowance
| cost-of-living index
| cost-of-sales accounting
| Cost, Insurance and Freight
| cost/revenue rate
| costed multilevel BOM
| costing
| costing code
| costing component
| costing field
| costing item
| costing itemization
| costing level
| costing method
| costing model
| costing object
| costing rule
| costing run
| costing run profile
| costing sheet
| costing type
| costing variant
| costing variant type
| costing version
| costing worksheet
| costing-based profitability analysis
| costs (FI)
| costs (PA-BN)
| costs and budget
| Costs for Intangible Goods and Services
| costs that can be capitalized
| costs that cannot be capitalized
| costs that must be capitalized
| count sheet
| count supply area
| countable well
| counted child
| counted stock
| counter (BC-DWB)
| counter (CRM-MD)
| counter (FS-AM-IM-CT)
| counter (PM)
| counter attribute
| counter category (CRM-MD)
| counter category (FS-AM-IM-CT)
| counter consumption
| counter overflow
| counter overflow reading
| counter reading
| counter reading difference
| counter reading transfer
| counter type (CRM-MD)
| counter type (FS-AM-IM-CT)
| counterconfirmation
| counterevent
| counterparty credit risk method
| counterparty/issuer default risk
| counterparty/issuer exposure
| counterparty/issuer risk
| counterparty/issuer risk object
| counterparty/issuer risk run
| countervailing duty
| counting document
| counting group
| counting group level
| counting rule
| country
| country code (IS-H)
| country code (IS-OIL-DS-MAP)
| country code (SBO)
| country exposure
| country group (CRM-ISA)
| country group (IS-AFS-MM)
| country group (IS-R)
| country of departure
| country of origin
| country program
| country rating
| country risk
| country risk area
| country risk quadrant
| country template
| country value-at-risk
| country variant
| country version
| country-specific
| country-specific standard setting
| country-specific wage type split
| county code
| coupled attribute
| coupon (IS-R)
| coupon (SBO)
| coupon book
| coupon code
| course (IS-OIL-DS-BDR)
| course (PE-LSO)
| course appraisal
| course author
| course brochure
| course catalog
| course content
| course costs
| course demand
| course developer
| course group
| course hierarchy
| course language
| course location
| course menu
| course offering
| course owner
| course participant
| course participation
| course planning
| course preparation
| course program
| course program block
| course program block element
| Course Registration UI
| course status
| course type
| court deduction
| cover eligibility
| cover eligibility rule
| cover funds
| cover group
| cover page
| cover pool
| cover sheet (EHS)
| cover sheet (IS-PS-CA)
| cover sheet template
| coverage (CRM-BF-CPE)
| coverage (FS-PM)
| coverage (IS-H)
| coverage (IS-MP-NF)
| coverage (SBO)
| coverage amount/rate
| Coverage Analyzer
| Coverage API
| coverage customer
| coverage declaration
| coverage gap
| coverage grouping
| coverage level
| coverage option
| coverage package
| coverage rate
| coverage ratio
| coverage referrals
| coverage rule
| coverage rule variant
| coverage strategy
| coverage type
| covered receivable
| covering of economic risk
| covering of political risk
| Cp value
| CpD account
| CPDF Dynamics File
| CPE caller
| CPF number
| CPI-C Development Library
| CPI-C session
| Cpk value
| CPO Central
| CPR number
| cProject
| crate part
| crawl
| create (BC-FES-GUI)
| create (PE-LSO)
| create business event date
| create object
| creation date (IS-U-MD)
| creation date (SBO)
| creation date/time
| creation log
| creation of infotype log
| creation timestamp
| credential (BC-JAS-SEC)
| credential (ICM-CRD)
| credential assignment
| credential category
| credential description
| credential type
| credentialing
| credentialing application
| credentialing context
| credentialing system
| credentials
| credentials catalog
| credentials catalog manager
| credentials check
| credentials manager
| credentials owner
| credit (IS-HER-CM)
| credit (PA-BN)
| credit account
| credit amount
| credit application
| credit authorization
| credit balance
| credit calculation date
| credit card (FS-AM-CM-CA)
| credit card (SD)
| credit card brand
| credit card commission
| credit card feeds
| credit card gateway
| credit card management
| credit card payment
| credit card payment method
| credit card transactions manager
| credit card voucher
| credit card voucher deposit
| credit check
| credit clearing
| credit commitment
| credit control area
| credit derivation
| credit enhancement level
| credit equivalent amount
| credit equivalent class
| credit equivalent factor
| credit exposure calculation basis
| credit exposure run
| credit factor (PY-DE)
| credit factor (SRD-HR-PAD)
| credit group
| credit grouping
| credit horizon
| credit interest share
| credit life insurance
| credit limit
| credit limit balance
| credit line
| credit management
| credit management account
| credit memo (FI)
| credit memo (SBO)
| credit memo (SD)
| credit memo (SRM-EBP-INV)
| credit memo request
| credit meter
| credit overview
| credit plan
| credit procedure
| credit rating institute
| credit risk
| credit rule
| credit rule variant
| credit sale
| credit segment
| credit standing
| credit standing check
| credit standing data
| credit standing information
| credit transaction
| credit vendor
| credit voucher
| credit with extended availability
| credit-linked note
| credit-side down payment chain
| credit-side settlement unit
| creditable military service
| creditor
| creditworthiness analysis
| creditworthiness check
| CrExAv account
| CrExAv allowance amount
| CrExAv details
| crime
| criteria group
| criteria technique
| criterion (PA-PD)
| criterion (PSM-FM)
| criterion type
| criterion-referenced test
| critical
| critical activity
| critical defect
| critical path
| critical posting
| critical process
| critical stock value
| critical success factor (PPM-PFM)
| critical success factor (SV-ASA)
| critical success factor editor
| critical time
| critical variance
| criticality
| CRL cache
| CRL distribution point
| CRM Middleware
| CRM Middleware Repository
| CRM Migration
| CRM server
| cross enterprise scheduling
| cross enterprise scheduling partner
| Cross Lock Management
| cross mover
| cross selling (ICM)
| cross selling (IS-R)
| cross selling material
| cross-application
| Cross-Application Time Sheet
| cross-archiving-object check program
| cross-archiving-object delete program
| cross-business object association
| cross-catalog search
| cross-client
| cross-client Customizing
| cross-company code document number
| cross-company code posting
| cross-company-code purchasing organization
| cross-contract advance
| cross-country bank account transfer
| cross-country region
| cross-currency condition
| cross-currency interest rate swap
| cross-delivery handling unit
| cross-docking (IS-AFS-SD)
| cross-docking (IS-R)
| cross-docking (LE-WM)
| cross-docking (SCM-EWM)
| cross-docking decision
| cross-docking route
| cross-functional technologies
| cross-industry mobile applications
| cross-item pricing
| cross-legal-entity hedging relationship
| cross-line stock putaway
| cross-LoB policy
| cross-operation relationship
| cross-order relationship
| cross-plant reorganization
| cross-rate calculator
| cross-sector calculation tool
| cross-selling
| cross-selling article
| cross-site scripting
| cross-structure foreign key
| cross-system business area
| cross-system company code
| cross-system depreciation area
| cross-system landscape transport
| cross-system lock
| cross-trained employee
| cross-transaction application buffer
| cross-transaction volume costing
| cross-transport
| cross-year payment
| crosswalk
| Croston method
| crude oil washing
| cryptanalysis
| crypto status
| Crystal Converter
| Crystal Enterprise
| Crystal report
| Crystal Report
| Crystal Reports Designer
| Crystal Reports layout
| Crystal Reports software, version for the SAP Business One a
| Crystal Reports Viewer
| CTS project
| CUA interface
| cube
| CUIL number
| CUIT number
| culture
| cumulated activity price
| cumulated consumption measurement
| cumulation
| cumulation counter
| cumulation identifier
| cumulation interval
| cumulation of capacity
| cumulation profile
| cumulation rule
| cumulation wage type (PY)
| cumulation wage type (PY)
| cumulative allocation
| cumulative average
| cumulative claim
| cumulative counter
| cumulative cycle time
| cumulative delivered quantity (MM)
| cumulative delivered quantity (SCM-APO-PPS-CDS)
| cumulative delivered quantity (SD)
| cumulative delivery go-ahead quantity
| cumulative issued quantity
| cumulative materials go-ahead quantity
| cumulative production go-ahead quantity
| cumulative quantity
| cumulative quantity in transit
| cumulative quantity received by customer
| cumulative received quantity
| cumulative released quantity (MM-PUR)
| cumulative released quantity (SD)
| cumulative revenue
| cumulative scheduled quantity
| cumulative value
| cumulative yield
| CURP number
| currency
| currency and valuation profile
| currency barrier option
| currency class
| currency code (BC-ABA)
| currency code (SBO)
| currency conversion
| currency conversion date
| currency conversion plan
| currency conversion rule
| currency description
| currency devaluation (EC-CS)
| currency devaluation (FI-LC)
| currency exchange
| currency field
| currency fluctuation protection
| currency handling
| currency ID
| currency key
| currency measure
| currency of declaration
| currency option
| currency replacement
| currency risk
| currency selldown
| currency translation (EC-CS)
| currency translation (EPM-BPC)
| currency translation (FI-LC)
| currency translation (FS-AM-IM)
| currency translation difference (EC-CS)
| currency translation difference (FI-LC)
| currency translation key
| currency translation method
| currency translation rule
| currency type (AP-TTE)
| currency type (FI)
| currency type (FS-BA-SD)
| currency unit
| currency-related elimination difference (EC-CS)
| currency-related elimination difference (FI-LC)
| current account
| current assets
| current bid
| current commitment capital
| current contract capital
| current cost estimate
| current counter
| current date
| current destination table
| current difference from exchange rate gain/loss
| current exchange rate
| current layer
| current location
| current market value insurance
| current memory
| current number
| current occupancy principle
| current product recommendation
| current renewable document
| current reporting
| current risk
| current server
| current settings
| current source table
| current standard cost estimate
| current status (BC-CCM-MON)
| current status (PE-LSO)
| current table
| current value of funds rate
| current version (FS-BP)
| current version (MFG-ME)
| current view
| current-rate method
| curriculum (BC-DOC)
| curriculum (PE-LSO)
| curriculum element
| curriculum type
| curriculum type element
| curriculum vitae
| cursor
| cursor position
| curtailment
| curve view
| custodian
| custom activity
| custom adjustment type
| Custom Authentication Service ID
| custom characteristic
| custom clause
| custom composite application
| custom configuration
| Custom Control
| custom controller
| custom development management cockpit
| custom development object
| custom enumeration type
| custom enumeration type backup
| custom enumeration type editor
| custom enumeration type restore
| custom extension
| custom funding method
| custom item
| custom key figure
| custom menu
| custom operation
| custom property
| custom task
| custom type
| customer (FI-AR)
| customer (FIN-FSCM-BC)
| customer (SBC)
| customer (SD)
| customer (XAP-CQM)
| Customer Access
| customer account
| customer adjustment group
| customer agreement
| customer analytics
| customer and vehicle factsheet
| customer bill of services
| customer billing document
| customer card (FS-AM-CM-CA)
| customer card (SD)
| customer care and help desk
| customer change
| customer churn analysis
| customer code
| customer collector
| Customer Competence Center
| customer complaints order
| customer contact
| Customer Contact Center Sales
| customer contract (RE)
| customer contract (SD)
| customer conversion data
| customer correction order
| customer credit account
| customer credit group
| customer credit memo
| customer data
| customer data management
| customer delivery
| customer development
| customer document
| customer enhancement
| customer equipment card
| customer exception list
| customer exclusion
| customer exit
| customer expected price
| customer fact sheet
| customer feature
| customer field
| customer forecast
| customer forecast management
| customer group (SBO)
| customer group (SD)
| customer hardware key
| customer hierarchy
| customer hierarchy node
| customer ID number
| Customer Index Tables
| customer information (IS-U-CS)
| customer information (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| customer information sheet
| customer input template
| customer inquiry
| Customer Interaction Center
| customer knowledge base
| customer liabilities
| customer life cycle
| customer lifetime value
| customer link
| customer management
| Customer Management
| customer master
| customer master record
| customer migration
| customer migration analysis
| Customer Notification
| customer order
| customer outline agreement
| customer payment
| customer portfolio
| customer position account
| customer potential analysis
| customer price list
| customer pricing procedure
| customer priority
| customer priority group
| customer profile (CRM-IC-RTD)
| customer profile (IS-CC)
| customer profile (IS-T)
| customer profile (WEC-APP)
| customer profitability
| customer program
| Customer Project Invoice Preparation View
| customer quantity
| customer quotation
| customer receivables
| customer receivables aging
| customer reference number
| Customer Reference Structure
| customer relationship analytics
| customer relationship management (SAP)
| customer relationship management (SAP)
| customer relationship management (SAP)
| Customer Relationship Management
| customer requirement
| customer restriction
| customer retention rate
| customer return
| customer sales transaction
| customer sales transaction type
| customer scheduling agreement
| customer score
| customer scoring
| customer service
| Customer Service
| customer service and billing
| customer service area
| customer service center
| customer service cost
| customer service hierarchy
| Customer Service Provider
| customer service representative (ICM)
| customer service representative (IS-T)
| customer service unit
| customer solution
| customer special stock
| customer status
| customer stock (IS-AD)
| customer stock (IS-BEV-LO-RE)
| customer supplied by third party
| customer switch list
| customer taken on
| customer task
| customer touchpoint
| customer transaction
| customer value analysis
| customer value index
| customer variant
| customer version
| Customer-Based Upgrade
| customer-definable budget structure element type
| customer-disputed amount
| customer-disputed object
| customer-facing location
| customer-material info record
| customer-side functions
| customer-specific maintenance
| customer-specific message type
| customization (BC-BSP)
| customization (EP)
| customized business decision workflow application
| customized logon
| customizing (BC-FES-GRA)
| customizing (BC-WD-ABA)
| Customizing
| customizing activity
| Customizing Cross-System Tools
| Customizing Cross-System Viewer
| Customizing data
| Customizing default setting
| Customizing development menu
| Customizing Distribution
| customizing export wizard
| customizing file
| Customizing ID
| customizing import wizard
| customizing include
| Customizing maintenance dialog
| Customizing menu
| customizing object
| Customizing object
| Customizing object directory
| Customizing Organizer
| Customizing profile key
| Customizing project
| Customizing project header data
| Customizing request
| Customizing Scout
| Customizing set
| Customizing setting
| Customizing synchronization
| Customizing Synchronization
| Customizing table
| Customizing transaction
| Customizing Transfer Assistant
| customizing transfer manager
| Customizing wizard
| customs authority
| customs blocked stock
| customs broker
| customs ceiling
| customs clearance
| customs declaration (SD-FT)
| customs declaration (SD-FT)
| customs duties
| customs duty rate
| customs exemption
| customs group
| customs ID
| customs inspection
| customs law
| customs office
| customs procedure
| customs procedure with economic impact
| customs product master
| customs quota
| customs status
| customs tariff
| customs tariff preference
| customs territory
| customs warehouse
| customs warehousing procedure
| cut
| cut-off day
| cut-off time
| cutoff month
| cutoff period
| cutoff task
| cutoff value
| cutoff year
| cutover
| cutting order
| CVMP process monitor
| CVR number
| cycle (AP-PPE)
| cycle (CO)
| cycle (IS-HMED)
| cycle (SCM-APO-CA-CDP)
| cycle (SV-ASA)
| cycle concept
| cycle counting (MM-IM)
| cycle counting (SBO)
| cycle group
| cycle master service
| cycle modification factor
| cycle run group
| cycle series
| cycle set
| cycle set sequence
| cycle time
| cycle type (CO-OM-CCA)
| D
| D-building value
| D-tape
| D-U-N-S Number
| D&B Accounts Receivable
| D&B Bankruptcy ID
| D&B Cash
| D&B Inventory
| D&B Labor Surplus Gov indicator
| D&B Minority Detail / Type
| D&B Minority Owned ID
| D&B Net Worth
| D&B Number of Liens ID
| D&B Number of Suits ID
| D&B Out of Business ID
| D&B Rating
| D&B Small Business ID
| D&B US 8A Indicator
| D&B Woman Owned ID
| dagger diagnosis
| daily currency rule
| daily lot size
| daily package creation
| Daily Production Costs
| daily reference interest rate
| daily route
| daily work schedule class
| daily work schedule for flextime
| daily work schedule substitution
| daily work schedule variant
| damage category (FS-CM)
| damage category (FS-CM)
| damage descriptor (FS-CM)
| damage descriptor (FS-CM)
| damage type
| danger label
| danger label number
| dangerous goods (EHS)
| dangerous goods (SD)
| dangerous goods check method
| dangerous goods check schema
| dangerous goods check schema determination routine
| dangerous goods class
| dangerous goods classification
| dangerous goods documents
| dangerous goods indicator profile
| dangerous goods letter
| dangerous goods management profile
| dangerous goods regulation
| dangerous goods standard text
| dangerous goods subclass
| dangerous goods symbol
| dangerous goods-specific text
| dark period
| dashboard (BCM)
| dashboard (CAF-GP)
| dashboard (EPM-SA)
| dashboard (GRC-SAC)
| dashboard (MFG-ME)
| dashboard (PLM-WUI-APP)
| dashboard (PPM-PRO)
| dashboard (SRM-EBP-CON)
| Dashboard
| dashboard context
| data (BC)
| data (EPM-BPC)
| data (PY)
| data access profile
| Data Acquisition
| Data Acquisition plug-in
| data archive inventory entry
| data archive journal entry
| data archive wizard
| data archiving
| data archiving process
| data area
| data aspect
| data attribute
| data backup
| data basis (FIN-FB)
| data basis (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| data basis (PA-CP)
| data binding (BC-BSP)
| data binding (BC-WD)
| data binding (CRM-MT)
| data binding (EP-VC)
| Data Bridge
| Data Browser
| data carrier (BC-MOB)
| data carrier (CA-DMS)
| data carrier synchronization
| data carrier type
| data center
| data change event
| Data Change Management
| data channel
| data class
| data cleansing
| data cleansing case
| data cleansing object
| data cleansing tool
| data cluster
| data code
| data collation
| data collation document
| data collection
| data collection group
| data collection method (BC-CCM-MON)
| data collection method (PA-CP)
| data collection period
| data collector
| data communication input
| data communication output
| data compression
| data concentrator
| data connector
| data consistency check
| data container (BC-CCM-ADK)
| data container (BC-FES-GRA)
| data container wizard
| data conversion
| Data Definition Language
| data determination
| data determination handler
| data determination in access
| data determination profile
| data devspace
| data element (BC-DWB-DIC)
| data element (SWE)
| data element supplement
| Data Encryption Standard
| data enrichment (CRM-MKT)
| data enrichment (SBO-INT)
| data entry (EC-CS)
| data entry (FI-LC)
| data entry clerk
| data entry form
| data entry form group
| data entry group
| data entry layout
| data entry period
| data entry profile (CA-TS)
| data entry profile (EC-CS)
| data entry section
| data entry view
| data exchange definition
| data exchange process
| data exchange settlement unit
| data exchange task
| Data Extract Browser
| data extraction run
| Data Extraction Tool
| data file
| data filter
| data flow
| data flow management
| data group
| data grouping rules
| data import
| data inconsistency
| data instance
| data integrity (BC-DWB-DIC)
| data integrity (SAP)
| Data Integrity Manager
| Data Interface API
| Data Interface Java Connector
| Data Interface Server
| data island
| data item
| data layer
| data link
| Data Load Layer
| data management
| Data Management Workflow
| data manager (BW)
| data manager (SCM-BAS-PSM)
| Data Manager (BW-BEX)
| Data Manager (EPM-BPC)
| Data Manipulation Language
| data mapping
| Data Mapping and Conversion Tool
| data mart interface
| data medium file
| Data Merge Tool
| Data Mining
| data model (CA-MDG)
| data model (SV-ASA)
| Data Modeler (BC-DWB-TOO-DMO)
| Data Modeler (BC-WD)
| data monitor (EC-CS)
| data monitor (FI-LC)
| data object (BC-ABA)
| data object (BC-ILM)
| data object (BC-MOB)
| data object (BC-SRV-BR)
| data object builder
| data object model
| data operator
| Data Orchestration Engine
| Data Orchestration Workbench
| data origin
| data overview
| data ownership
| data part
| data point (BC-FES-GRA)
| data point (FS-BA-PM-HP)
| data pool (IS-B-PA)
| data pool (IS-B-PA)
| data privacy (BC-SEC)
| data privacy (GRC-SPC)
| data privacy statement
| data processing storage
| data provider (BW-BEX)
| data provider (EHS)
| data provider (PSM)
| data provider - information
| data provision technology
| data reading group
| Data Rebuild Tool
| data record (BC-MID-ALE)
| data record (MFG-ME)
| data reference
| data reference variable
| data region
| data replication framework
| data request (BW-WHM)
| data request (CRM-MW)
| data retention level
| data retention period
| Data Retention Tool
| Data Retention Tool extended
| data screen
| data segment
| data selection period
| data series
| data service
| data set (BC-DWB)
| data set (FS-BP)
| data set (PS)
| data set (RIV)
| data sharing
| data sheet (BC-FES-GRA)
| data sheet (GRC-SPC)
| data sheet (LO-PDM)
| data sink
| data slice (EC-EIS)
| data slice (PSM-FG)
| data source (BC-ABA)
| data source (BC-JAS)
| data source (BC-SEC)
| data source (CA-GTF-IC-SAF)
| data source (CRM-MKT)
| data source (CRM-MT)
| data source (EP-KM)
| data source (MFG-MII)
| data source (PLM-WUI-APP)
| data source alias
| data source provider
| data source type
| data store
| data stream
| data stream type
| data structure (BC-DWB)
| data structure (RIV)
| data structure (SWE)
| data supplier
| data synchronization
| data tracking
| data transfer (CA-GTF)
| data transfer (EC-CS)
| data transfer (FI-LC)
| data transfer (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| data transfer (PA-BN)
| data transfer (PM)
| data transfer method
| data transfer process
| data transfer program
| data transfer service
| Data Transfer Workbench (CA-GTF)
| Data Transfer Workbench (SBO)
| data type (BC-ABA)
| data type (BC-XI)
| data type (MFG-ME)
| data type (SBO)
| data type (SCM-ICH)
| data type enhancement
| data type ID
| data type reference
| Data Universal Numbering System
| data upload
| data warehouse
| data warehousing (SAP)
| data warehousing (SAP)
| Data Warehousing Workbench
| data XML
| data-providing partner
| database
| database abstraction layer
| database commit
| database connection
| database cursor
| database field
| database field attribute
| database host
| database initialization
| database interface
| database layer
| database lock
| database management system
| database name
| database partition
| database program
| database reconnect
| database rollback
| database selector
| database server
| database service
| database system
| database system check
| database table
| Database Unifier
| database user
| database utility
| database view
| dataset
| DataSource
| DataStore object
| date
| date calculation procedure
| date combination
| date control
| date controlling
| date cost incurred
| date cross-section
| date effectivity
| date field
| date grid
| date modifier
| date of disqualification
| date of interest rate determination
| date of loss
| date of service
| date of services rendered
| date on request for insurance benefit
| date profile
| date queued
| date range (MFG-ME)
| date range (SBO)
| date rule
| date shift
| Date Specifications
| date type (BC-SRV-ASF)
| date type (SCM-APO-ATP)
| date type (SD)
| date validity
| date-based duration
| date-based validity
| date-dependent special price
| date-specific booking unit
| date/time alert
| dateline
| DATEV export
| datum
| day assignment
| day capacity
| day clinic
| day covered by flat rate per case
| day hospital
| day in arrears
| day laborer
| day ledger
| day offset
| day patient
| day patient hospital treatment
| day processing
| day profile
| day program
| day schedule (PE)
| day schedule (PE-LSO)
| day schema
| day segment (PE)
| day segment (PE-LSO)
| day type
| day type exception
| day value profile
| day-based appointment
| day-based scheduling
| day-end closing (FI)
| day-end closing (PSM-FM)
| day-labor employment
| day-to-day activities (PE)
| day-to-day activities (PE-LSO)
| daybook
| daybook number
| daybreaker
| days past due category
| days' supply (SCM-APO-PPS)
| days' supply (SCM-APO-SNP)
| days' supply (SCM-ICH)
| days' supply type
| DB Capturer
| DB connect
| DBM order
| DBM resource group
| DDO Code
| de-registration
| DEA address
| DEA schedule
| deactivated (MP-APP-BB)
| deactivated (OPU-DUE)
| deactivation reason
| dead consonant
| dead stock
| deadband
| deadheading
| deadline
| deadline monitoring (BC-BMT-WFM)
| deadline monitoring (PM)
| deadline regulation
| deal
| deal condition
| Deal Decision Support
| deal passport
| dealer
| dealer network manager
| dealer portal
| dealing slip
| deallocate (SCM-APO-PPS)
| deallocate (SCM-APO-VS)
| deallocated
| deallocation
| death benefit
| death insurance
| death status
| debit
| debit amount
| debit card (FS-AM-CM-CA)
| debit card (SD)
| debit interest share
| debit memo
| debit memo agreement
| debit memo correction request item
| debit memo procedure
| debit memo reference
| debit memo request
| debit position (FI)
| debit position (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| debit position (FS-AM-EP-MN)
| debit position adjustment
| debit position item
| debit posting
| debit procedure
| debit-side down payment chain
| debt arrears
| debt deferral agreement
| debt management
| debt recovery score
| debt rescheduling
| debtor (IS-U-MD)
| debtor (SBO)
| debuggee
| debugging operation
| debugging session
| decay
| decease
| decentralized processing
| decentralized shipping
| decentralized Warehouse Management system
| decider
| decimal digit
| decimal floating point arithmetic
| decimal floating point number
| decimal number
| decimal place
| decimal separator
| decision assessment
| decision authority
| decision document
| decision factor
| decision group
| decision loop
| decision maker (PA-ER)
| decision maker (PPM-PRO)
| decision option
| decision package
| decision period
| decision point
| decision set
| decision status
| decision step (SCM-APO-PPS)
| decision step (WEC-FRW)
| decision table (BC-BMT-BPM)
| decision table (BC-SRV-BR)
| decision table (SCM-APO-PPS)
| decision task
| decision tree (AP-TTE)
| decision tree (BC-SRV-BR)
| decision tree (PA)
| decision tree field catalog
| decision-making
| declaration (CA-GTF-RCM)
| declaration (IS-REA)
| declaration group
| declaration key
| declaration of origin
| declaration of purpose
| declaration of value
| declaration section
| declaration type (SD-FT)
| declaration type (SLL)
| declarative authentication
| declarative keyword
| declarer
| decline
| decline comment
| decline final
| decline participation
| declining multi-phase depreciation
| declining-balance method of depreciation
| decode
| decommission tag
| decomposition (BC-I18)
| decomposition (SCM-APO-OPT)
| decomposition point
| deconsolidation
| decoupled scenario
| decrease in capitalization
| decryption
| dedesignation
| dedicated
| dedicated commission contract for partnerships
| deduct-from data
| deduct-from party
| deduct-to data
| deduct-to party
| deductible
| deductible payable
| deduction (CRM-IPS)
| deduction (SBO)
| deduction amount
| deduction claim
| deduction plan item
| deduction plan item period
| deduction plan item process category
| deduction plan period
| deduction plan type
| deduction priority
| deduction request
| deduplication
| deed of release
| deemed export
| deemed export license
| deemed export license type
| deep
| deep structure
| deep table
| default
| default activation
| default archive store
| default attribute
| default component name
| default condition
| default customer
| default destination item
| default document
| default exception list
| default group settings
| default language
| default layer
| default macro
| default maintenance provider
| default meter operator
| default method
| default operating hours
| default opportunity churn rate
| default package interface
| default plan
| default printer
| default probability
| default profile
| default project
| default rate
| default risk
| Default Risk and Limit System
| default risk rule
| default rule
| default score
| default value (BC-ABA)
| default value (EC-CS)
| default value (IS-H)
| default value (MFG-ME)
| default value (PA-PM)
| default value (SAP)
| default work rule (CRM-RPL-ICS)
| default work rule (IS-R-WFM)
| default working area
| defect (MFG-ME)
| defect (QM)
| defect attribute
| defect catalog
| defect class
| defect code
| defect item
| defect opportunity
| defect type
| defect type code
| defect valuation
| defective combining character sequence
| defective part
| defects per million opportunities
| defects recording
| defederation
| defense
| Defense Contract Management Agency
| Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
| Defense Forces & Public Security
| Defense Logistics Agency
| defer
| deferral (IS-U-CA)
| deferral (RE)
| deferral amount
| deferral date
| deferral installment
| deferral plan
| deferred amount
| deferred establishment fee
| deferred expense
| deferred income
| deferred items
| deferred payment (PY-KR)
| deferred payment (SD-FT)
| deferred revenue account
| deferred revenue amount
| deferred tax
| deferred taxes
| deferred wage fund
| deficiency
| deficiency type
| deficit order
| deficit weight rating
| define behavior
| define customer link for business partner roles
| define vendor link for business partner roles
| defined benefit
| defined benefits pension plan
| defined benefits plan
| defined contribution
| defined contribution pension plan
| defined contributions plan
| defined length
| defining characteristic
| definite quantity
| definition (BC-BMT-BPM)
| definition (BC-DOC-TER)
| definition environment
| definition include
| definition of application event
| definition of event handler
| definition of logging application event
| definition set for IDs
| definition subset
| definition type of a credential type
| definitive effectiveness indicator
| definitive inflation index
| definitive run
| deflect
| degree
| degree day
| degree day coefficient
| degree of compensation
| degree of conversion
| degree of disability
| degree of processing
| degree of requirement satisfaction
| degree of screening effectiveness
| degree Plato
| degree qualifying exams
| degree-seeking student
| deindex
| delay penalty
| delay period
| delegate access object
| delegated administration
| delegated user administration
| delegated user administrator
| delegation
| delegation service
| delegation type
| deletable
| delete (BC-FES-GUI)
| delete (OPU-DUE)
| delete bid
| delete block
| delete job
| delete phase (BC-CCM-ADK)
| delete phase (BC-ILM)
| delete phase (CRM-BF-AR)
| delete program
| delete run
| deleted
| deletion criteria
| deletion criteria group
| deletion flag
| deletion indicator
| deletion iView
| deletion object
| deletion process
| deletion request
| delimit
| delimitation date
| delimitation process
| delimitation use
| delimiter
| delinquency counter
| deliver direct
| deliverable (CAF-GP)
| deliverable (XAP-PD)
| deliverable action
| deliverable document
| Delivered At Frontier
| Delivered Duty Paid
| Delivered Duty Unpaid
| Delivered Ex Quay
| Delivered Ex Ship
| delivered price
| delivered value
| delivering plant
| delivering WBS element
| delivery (BC-UPG-OCS)
| delivery (LO)
| delivery (SBO)
| delivery address
| delivery area
| delivery calendar
| delivery category (CA)
| delivery category (IS-H)
| delivery category (QM)
| delivery class
| delivery completed
| delivery component
| delivery condition
| delivery confirmation (IS-A-JIT)
| delivery confirmation (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| delivery consolidation
| delivery costs
| delivery costs structure
| delivery cycle
| delivery date (AP-TTE)
| delivery date (MM)
| delivery date (SV)
| delivery date variance
| delivery date/time
| delivery driver
| delivery due list
| delivery execution
| delivery for a stock transfer
| delivery fulfillment indicator
| delivery group
| delivery group date
| delivery group schedule line
| delivery instruction
| delivery list
| delivery location
| delivery method (EP-KM-CM)
| delivery method (PE-LSO)
| delivery mode
| delivery note
| delivery note invoice
| delivery on hold
| delivery order
| delivery package
| delivery period
| delivery phase
| delivery policy (EP-KM-CM)
| delivery policy (NW)
| delivery priority (IS-DFS)
| delivery priority (SD)
| delivery processing
| delivery program
| delivery quantity
| delivery quantity variance
| delivery relationship
| delivery request
| delivery risk
| delivery round
| delivery route
| delivery schedule line in purchasing document
| delivery schedule split (SCM-APO-PPS-CDS)
| delivery schedule split (SD)
| delivery schedule splitting profile
| delivery schedule splitting rule (PP-FLW)
| delivery schedule splitting rule (SCM-APO-PPS-CDS)
| delivery shift
| delivery status notification
| delivery system (BC-CUS)
| delivery system (SV-ASA)
| delivery time interval
| delivery transport
| delivery type (IS-M-SD)
| delivery type (LE)
| delivery type (WEC-APP)
| delivery unit
| delivery viability set
| delivery without reference
| delivery-related billing
| delivery-related trading unit change
| delta
| delta balance sheet account
| delta caching
| delta Customizing
| delta distribution (BC-CUS-TOL)
| delta distribution (IS-DFS)
| delta download
| delta factor
| delta index
| delta initialization of SNP planning areas
| delta link
| delta link chain
| delta link tracer
| delta load (BC-SEC-USR)
| delta load (CA-MDG)
| delta logic
| delta mode
| delta posting (CO-PC)
| delta posting (FIN-BAC-INV)
| delta pricing
| delta process
| delta publishing
| delta queue
| delta synchronization
| delta version
| demand (CA-MRS)
| demand (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| demand (MFG-ME)
| demand (PE)
| demand aggregation
| demand creator
| demand date
| demand determination (PE)
| demand determination (PE-LSO)
| demand for copayment
| demand from previous periods
| demand group
| demand horizon (SCM-APO-SNP)
| demand horizon (SCM-TM)
| demand influencing factor
| demand influencing factor occurrence
| demand management
| demand meter
| Demand Monitor
| demand over replenishment lead time
| demand package
| demand percentage
| demand period
| demand planning
| Demand Planning (OPU-DUE)
| Demand Planning (SCM-APO-FCS)
| demand planning template
| demand price
| demand profile (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| demand profile (SCM-APO-SNP)
| demand program
| demand search
| demand side management
| demand source working hours
| demand type
| demand variability
| demand window
| demand-driven pricing
| demand-quantity-oriented rounding method
| demilitarized zone
| Demo Assistant
| demo company
| demographic information
| demotic script
| denominator
| dentist fee catalog
| department (IS-H)
| department (IS-R)
| department (IS-R-POS)
| Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
| department store
| department tag
| departmental assignment
| departmental organizational unit
| departmental per diem
| departure
| departure state
| departure zone
| dependencies
| dependency (CRM-BF-CFG)
| dependency (FS-BA-SD)
| dependency (SBC)
| dependency control list
| dependency editor (CRM-BF-CFG)
| dependency editor (PPM-PFM)
| dependency maintenance table
| dependency plan
| dependency planning
| dependency price
| dependency quantity
| dependency risk
| dependency source quantity
| dependency source type
| dependency type
| dependent
| dependent business object
| dependent card
| dependent characteristic (EC-CS)
| dependent characteristic (QM)
| dependent characteristic (SCM-APO-FCS)
| dependent charge
| dependent commission case
| dependent component
| dependent coverage
| dependent data reference
| dependent demand
| dependent depreciation area
| dependent eligibility rule
| dependent eligibility rule variant
| dependent entity
| dependent entity type
| dependent inspection characteristic
| dependent master data
| dependent object (BC-ESI)
| dependent object (SRM)
| dependent object manager
| dependent operation
| dependent order
| dependent product (CRM-MKT)
| dependent product (WEC-IS)
| dependent project
| dependent requirement (PP-MRP)
| dependent requirement (SCM-APO-PPS)
| dependent step
| dependent validation
| dependent veteran
| dependent vowel
| deposit (IS-R-POS)
| deposit (SBO)
| deposit (SBO)
| deposit article
| deposit at notice
| deposit contract
| deposit credit
| deposit date
| deposit material
| deposit number
| depositary
| depot (IS-OIL-DS-MRN)
| depot (LO)
| depot (SCM-APO-VS)
| deprecated
| deprecated usage type
| deprecation
| deprecation level
| depreciated seal
| depreciation (FI-AA)
| depreciation (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| depreciation area
| depreciation area type
| depreciation base
| depreciation below zero
| depreciation bonus
| depreciation forecast for the year
| depreciation group
| depreciation key
| depreciation meter
| depreciation method
| depreciation of tangible fixed assets
| depreciation period
| depreciation stop during shutdown
| depreciation trace
| depreciation type (FI-AA)
| depreciation type (SBO)
| deprival value
| deprovision
| depth of a loading bay
| depth-versus-time report
| derailer
| dereferencing operator
| deregulation infrastructure
| derivation
| derivation environment
| derivation hierarchy
| derivation module
| derivation of characteristics
| derivation rule (CO-PA)
| derivation rule (FS-AM-PR-PR)
| derivation rule (FS-BA)
| derivation step
| derivation strategy
| derivation type
| derivative (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| derivative (IS-B-RA)
| derived accrual type
| derived business transaction
| derived characteristic
| derived depreciation area
| derived flow
| derived nutrient
| derived role
| derived scorecard
| derived space type
| derived values
| descendant (BC-CTS)
| descendant (EPM-BPC)
| descendent
| description
| description file
| description function
| description of person
| description relationship
| description/definition
| descriptive characteristic (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| descriptive characteristic (SCM-APO-CA)
| descriptive characteristic for a position
| descriptor
| deselect
| deselect all
| deselect indicator
| deserialization
| design (CA-WUI)
| design (SAP)
| design assembly
| design bar
| Design board
| design due date
| design element
| design for manufacturability
| design in
| design item
| design layer
| design mode (BC-FES-ITS)
| design mode (BW-BEX)
| design mode (SCM-APO-SNP)
| design object
| design opportunity
| design project
| design registration
| design temperature
| design template
| design time (BC-XI)
| design time (EP-PIN)
| design time environment
| Design Time Repository
| design toolbar
| design win
| design win exchange
| Design-to-Build
| designated account
| designated relation
| designation
| designation of a hedge
| desk phone
| Desktop Bridge
| desktop file
| desktop printing
| desktop sharing
| destination (BC-ABA)
| destination (FI-TV)
| destination (IS-A-JIT)
| destination (MFG-MII-PCO)
| destination client system
| destination code
| destination host
| destination item
| destination location (SCM-APO)
| destination location (SCM-TM)
| destination of control instructions
| destination of process message
| destination organization
| destination principle
| destination region
| destination state
| destination storage bin
| destination storage type
| destination system
| destination-specific target field
| Destinations Service
| destocking
| detached order assembly
| detached subdivision
| detail area 1
| detail area 2
| detail list
| detail log
| detail maintenance
| Detail Maintenance
| detail mode
| detail page
| detail profile
| detail screen
| detail variant
| detail view
| detail view of document line
| detailed capacity list
| detailed data
| detailed navigation
| Detailed Navigation iView
| detailed planning
| detailed resource selection (PE)
| detailed resource selection (PE-LSO)
| detailed scheduling
| detailed scheduling activity
| detailed scheduling matrix
| detailed scheduling planning board
| detailed scheduling strategy
| detailed shopping cart
| detailed transaction profile
| details
| details list
| details of cascading font
| detection action
| determination
| determination basis
| determination indicator
| determination method
| determination of approval authorization level
| determination of participants
| determination period
| determination procedure (IS-B-RA-CL)
| determination procedure (SCM-FC-PA)
| determination procedure (SD)
| determination rule
| determination rule type
| determination type (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| determination type (ICM)
| determine treatment
| deterministic sourcing
| detour
| devaluation
| develope
| developer
| developer trace
| Developing ABAP Applications using Web Dynpro
| development and test system
| development component (NW)
| development component (SWE)
| development configuration
| development landscape
| development language
| Development List
| development mode
| Development News
| development object (BC-CTS)
| development object (CRM-MT)
| development object (SWE)
| development package (BC-DWB-TOO-PAK)
| development package (SWE)
| development plan (PA-PD)
| development plan (RE)
| development plan group
| development plan item
| development project
| Development Review
| development station
| development system (BC-CUS-TOL)
| development system (SV-ASA)
| development toolkit
| development track
| deviating confirmation
| deviation (AP-CAT)
| deviation (QM)
| deviation account
| deviation analysis (CRM-ANA)
| deviation analysis (SCM-ICH)
| deviation history
| deviation profile
| deviation quantity
| deviation recording
| deviation report
| device (IS-U-DM)
| device (LE-TRM)
| device category
| device category description
| device control record
| device data access
| device driver
| device group
| device information record
| device installation reversal
| device inventory
| device location
| device management
| device modification
| device profile
| device recognition
| device replacement
| device requirements planning
| device type-dependent data
| device-local data object
| DGCI code
| diacritic
| DIAG protocol
| diagnosis (CRM-BTX-COM)
| diagnosis (IS-H)
| diagnosis assignment type
| diagnosis catalog
| diagnosis category
| diagnosis class
| diagnosis coding
| diagnosis coding tool
| diagnosis denoted by exclamation point
| diagnosis group (EHS)
| diagnosis group (SCM-APO-FCS)
| diagnosis hit list
| diagnosis key
| diagnosis related group
| Diagnosis Related Groups
| diagnosis thesaurus
| diagnosis type
| diagnostic certainty (FS-CM)
| diagnostic certainty (IS-H)
| diagnostics and therapy
| diagnostics in SAP Solution Manager
| diagnostics log
| diagram area
| Diagram Explorer
| diagram section
| dial pad
| Dialed Number Identification Service
| dialer call
| dialing mode
| dialog
| dialog box
| dialog flow
| dialog group
| dialog instance
| dialog module (BC-ABA)
| dialog module (BC-ABA)
| dialog owner
| dialog process
| dialog processing
| dialog program
| dialog segment
| dialog step
| dialog text
| dialog transaction
| dialog type
| dialog user
| dialog wage type
| dialog work item
| dialog work process
| DIC number (FI)
| DIC number (FI)
| dictionary information file
| Die
| difference (CRM-ANA)
| difference (FI-AA)
| difference (SBO)
| difference amount for maximum subsidized premium
| difference calculation
| difference commission
| difference determination
| difference in cumulative quantities
| difference procedure
| difference valuation
| difference viewer
| differences log
| different address
| different payment
| differential
| differential invoice
| differential price
| differential reference code
| differentiated attribute
| differentiated charge
| differentiating characteristic
| differentiation (FS-AM-PR-CD)
| differentiation (FS-BP)
| differentiation (IS-B-BCA)
| differentiation category
| differentiation criterion
| differentiation key
| differentiation key-dependent mini-template
| differentiation type
| differentiation value
| differently maintained area of validity
| differing measurement
| difficulty factor
| Diffie-Hellmann key exchange
| digest authentication
| Digital Accounting Bookkeeping
| digital asset
| digital asset management
| digital certificate
| digital envelope
| digital invoice
| digital signature (BC-SEC)
| digital signature (PP-PI)
| digital signature (SD)
| digital subscriber line
| diluent
| dilution
| dilution discount
| dilution risk
| dimension (BW)
| dimension (EC-CS)
| dimension (EP-VC)
| dimension (EPM-BPC)
| dimension (EPM-BPC)
| dimension (EPM-SA)
| dimension (EPM-SM)
| dimension (FI-SL)
| dimension (LO)
| dimension (SBO)
| dimension (SBO)
| dimension (SBO)
| dimension attribute
| dimension filter (EPM-SCP)
| dimension filter (EPM-SM)
| dimension group
| dimension library
| dimension lock
| dimension member
| dimension property (EPM-BPC)
| dimension property (EPM-BPC)
| dimension property (EPM-SA)
| dimensional constraint
| dimetric view
| dipping rod
| direct access
| direct alert
| direct billing
| direct capitalization
| direct characteristic
| direct child object
| direct coinsurer
| direct conflict
| direct connection
| direct costs (CO)
| direct costs (PSM-FG)
| direct costs of production
| direct debit (CRM-ISA)
| direct debit (SBO)
| direct debit order
| direct debiting procedure
| direct distribution (IS-M-SD)
| direct distribution (SBO)
| direct distribution rule
| direct elimination of goodwill
| direct entitlement
| direct entity-level control
| direct exchange rate
| direct financing
| direct input (CA)
| direct input (CA-GTF)
| Direct Input Monitor
| direct investment
| direct labor time
| direct link
| direct link group
| direct mailing campaign
| direct material
| direct method
| direct monitoring
| direct order
| direct outbound delivery order
| direct overlap check
| direct participant
| direct partner
| direct patient billing
| direct pay exemption
| direct payer
| direct payment (CRM-CLA)
| direct payment (FS-TXS)
| direct payment by insurer
| direct payment rate
| direct procurement
| direct procurement requisition
| direct production
| direct purchase program
| direct purchase value
| direct quotation
| Direct Rebate Agreement
| direct remuneration
| direct sales (IS-BEV-LO-RB)
| direct sales (IS-M-SD)
| direct search result
| direct share
| direct shipment order
| Direct Store Delivery
| direction (BC-MID-ALE)
| direction (EHS-CI)
| direction indicator
| direction of change
| direction of interchangeability
| directory
| Directory Information Tree
| dirty price
| disability
| disability benefits
| disability insurance
| disabled flag
| disaggregation (IS-U-WM)
| disaggregation (PP-SOP)
| disaggregation (SCM-APO-FCS)
| disaggregation demand
| disaggregation horizon
| disallowed shift length
| disassembly production order
| disaster recovery
| disbandment of account pool
| disbursed capital
| disbursement (FS-CML)
| disbursement (FS-MCM-PDM)
| disbursement date
| disbursement method
| disbursement obligation
| disbursement procedure
| Disbursements in Transit
| discard merge
| discharge
| discharge date
| discharge notification
| discharge record
| discharge type
| disciplinary measure
| discipline
| disclosure
| disclosure controls and procedures
| disconnect
| disconnection costs
| disconnection order
| discontinuation (PP)
| discontinuation (SCM-APO-MD)
| discontinuation combination
| discontinuation data
| discontinuation group
| discontinuation step
| discontinuous demand
| discount (FS-AM-OM-AC)
| discount (IS-B-RA)
| discount (IS-CC)
| discount (IS-R)
| discount (IS-U-BI)
| discount base date
| discount base year
| discount factor (FS-BA-SD)
| discount factor (PY)
| discount group
| discount method
| discount rate curve
| discount type code
| discount value
| discounting (FI)
| discounting (PY)
| Discovery & Evaluation
| discrepancy quantity
| discrepency level
| discrete flow resource
| Discrete Industries
| discrete industry
| discrete validity area
| discrimination net
| discrimination node
| discrimination ratio
| discussion (EP-KM-COL)
| discussion (LOD-ESO)
| discussion group
| discussion thread
| disk cache
| disk mirroring
| disk pack
| dislike
| dismemberment schedule
| dismissal
| dispatch
| dispatch control
| dispatch type
| dispatcher (BC-CST)
| dispatcher (BC-FES-ITS)
| dispatcher (FIN-FSCM-BC)
| dispatcher (FS-CM)
| dispatcher (SCM-ECT-LIM)
| dispatcher (SRM-SUS)
| dispatcher heuristic
| dispatcher queue
| dispatching (CA-MRS)
| dispatching (FS-BA-PM-DP)
| dispatching of backlog
| dispense prescription part
| dispenser
| dispersal
| dispersion
| display (BC-FES-GUI)
| display (BC-FES-GUI)
| display (IS-R)
| Display <-> Change
| display ad
| display attribute
| display cell
| display context
| display currency
| display field
| display filter (BC-DWB-TOO)
| display filter (IS-B-RA-CL)
| display filter (PP-MRP)
| display group
| display horizon
| display log
| display order
| display package
| display pallet
| display price
| display product
| display profile (SCM-EM)
| display profile (SCM-EWM)
| display type
| display value
| disposal
| disposal channel
| disposal document
| disposal method
| disposal type
| dispose
| disposition at discharge
| disposition group
| disposition routing
| dispute case
| Dispute Case Processing
| disqualify bidder
| disruptive event
| dissolution
| dissolved customer
| Distinguished Name
| distribute
| distributed circulation
| distributed retailing
| distributed retailing system
| distributed session management
| Distributed Statistics Service
| distributed system
| distributed transaction
| distribution (CO)
| distribution (FI-SL)
| distribution (FS-BA-AN-PA)
| distribution (IS-M-SD)
| distribution (PPM-PRO)
| distribution according to fixed percentage rate
| distribution according to share of result
| distribution according to share of result of participating m
| distribution category
| distribution center (IS-AFS-SD)
| distribution center (IS-R)
| distribution chain
| distribution channel (ICM)
| distribution channel (SD)
| distribution channel group
| Distribution Controller
| distribution deal
| distribution demand
| distribution dependency
| distribution dependency rule
| distribution factor (FIN-BAC-INV)
| distribution factor (IS-U-BI)
| distribution factor (IS-U-EDM)
| distribution fee
| distribution formula
| distribution function
| distribution grid
| distribution grid area
| distribution item type
| distribution key (CO)
| distribution key (FS-PM)
| distribution key (PP)
| distribution key (PSM-FM-BU)
| distribution key (SBO)
| distribution key for component consumption
| distribution list (BC-SRV-COM)
| distribution list (EPM-BPC)
| distribution list (MP-APP-DPE)
| distribution list manager
| distribution log
| distribution method (BC-MID-ALE)
| distribution method (FIN-BAC-INV)
| distribution method (FS-MCM-CSL)
| distribution method (IS-HT-SW)
| distribution model (BC-MID-ALE)
| distribution model (BC-MOB)
| distribution model software component version
| Distribution Monitor
| distribution object
| distribution order
| distribution order package
| distribution plan
| distribution plan business object
| distribution plan relationship
| distribution plan template
| distribution profile (IS-AD-GPD)
| distribution profile (IS-AFS-BD)
| distribution ratio
| distribution receipt
| distribution requirements planning (PP)
| distribution requirements planning (SCM-APO-SPP)
| distribution resource planning
| distribution route
| distribution rule (AP-TTE)
| distribution rule (BC-MOB)
| distribution rule (CO)
| distribution rule (ICM)
| distribution rule (IS-AFS-SD)
| distribution rule (SBO)
| distribution rule (SCM-APO-SNP)
| distribution rule type
| distribution status
| distribution strategy (IS-R)
| distribution strategy (PP)
| distribution system operator
| distribution table
| distribution zone
| distributive putaway
| distributor (CRM-IM-IPM)
| distributor (IS-BEV-LO-RS)
| distributor (PY-CH)
| Distributor Reseller Management
| distributor/reseller
| district
| district location
| district tax office
| disturbance date
| divert
| divestiture
| divestiture accounting (EC-CS)
| divestiture accounting (FI-LC)
| dividend
| dividend usage
| division (IS-H)
| division (IS-U-MD)
| division (SD)
| division category
| division declaration
| division order sales allocation method
| DME settlement unit
| DMIS server
| DNI number
| dock
| document (BC-BMT-WFM)
| document (BC-CUS)
| document (BC-DOC)
| document (BC-DOC-DTL)
| document (BC-SRV-SCR)
| document (CA-DMS)
| document (CA-GTF-DOB)
| document (CO)
| document (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| document (FI)
| document (FS-PM)
| document (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| document (SD)
| document area
| document attribute
| document author
| document base table
| document billing structure
| Document Builder Cockpit
| document category (CRM-BF-CPE)
| document category (CRM-ISA)
| document category (FS-CD)
| document category (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| document class (BC-CUS)
| document class (BC-DOC-DTL)
| document class (BC-SRV-ARL)
| document class (BC-SRV-COM)
| document class (CRM-LOC)
| document context
| document controller
| document corpus
| document creation
| document creation details
| document currency (EPM-SA)
| document currency (FI)
| document currency (SD)
| document data
| document data tree
| document date (AP-TTE)
| document date (CO)
| document date (FI)
| document date (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| document date (SBO)
| document date (SD)
| document display
| document distribution order
| document distribution system
| document domain
| document domain relaxing
| document draft
| document element
| document entry
| document extract
| Document Finder
| document flow
| document flow group
| document format
| document from template
| document generation wizard
| document group
| document header
| document hierarchy (CA-DMS)
| document hierarchy (CA-GTF-DOB)
| document history
| document history comparison
| document ID (BC-SRV-ARL)
| document ID (EPM-SA)
| document index
| document info record
| document item
| document journal
| document journal report
| document key
| document link
| document linking
| Document Management Service (BC-SRV-KPR-DMS)
| Document Management Service (FI-CA)
| document number (CA-DMS)
| document number (FI)
| document number (SBO)
| document object
| document object model
| document of a batch record
| document part (CA-DMS)
| document part (FS-PM)
| document payment guarantee procedure
| document pricing procedure
| document principle
| document printing
| document profile
| document reference characteristic
| document schema specification
| document section
| document selection (CA-GTF-DOB)
| document selection (IS-A)
| document selection (IS-BEV-ED)
| document service EJB
| document services web service
| document setting
| document sharing
| document space
| document split account
| document splitting
| document splitting characteristic
| document status (CA-DMS)
| document status (CA-GTF-DOB)
| document status (CRM-ISA)
| document status (SBO)
| document storage
| document structure (CA-DMS)
| document structure (FS-PM)
| document structure group
| document subtype
| document summary
| document template (CA-GTF-DOB)
| document template (SBO)
| document transaction link table
| document type (AIE)
| document type (BC-DOC)
| document type (BC-SRV-ARL)
| document type (CA-DMS)
| document type (CA-GTF-RCM)
| document type (EC-CS)
| document type (EPM-BPC)
| document type (FI)
| document type (FI-LC)
| document type (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| document type (ICM)
| document type (LOD-ESO)
| document type (PSM-FM-BCS)
| document type (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| document type (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| document type (SV-SMG)
| Document Type Definition
| document type determination
| document vendor
| document version
| document versioning
| document-based conversion
| document-like object
| documentary batch
| documentation class
| documentation object (BC-CUS-TOL)
| documentation object (IS-HMED)
| documentation required
| documentation type
| documentation work station
| documents for approval report
| dollar offset method
| dollar value method
| domain (BC-DOC-TTL)
| domain (BC-DWB-DIC)
| domain (BC-SEC)
| domain (CRM-BF-CFG)
| domain link
| domain relaxing
| domain revenue
| domestic
| domestic base
| domestic expense account
| domestic goods
| domestic goods consumption
| domestic tax
| dominant object
| dominant scenario
| dominator tree
| done
| door (LE)
| door (SCM-EWM)
| dormancy
| dormant account
| dosage form
| dosage sequence ID
| double counting
| double document
| double insurance
| double taxation convention
| double verification principle
| double-byte character set
| double-byte language
| double-check
| double-click
| double-pass procedure
| double-sampling inspection
| doubtful receivables
| down payment (FI)
| down payment (FI-AA)
| down payment (FS-PM)
| down payment (IS-A-DBM)
| down payment (SBO)
| down payment chain
| down payment for provisional premium receivable
| down payment invoice
| down payment request (FI)
| down payment request (SBO)
| down-selling (CRM-MKT)
| down-selling (WEC-IS)
| download (EC-CS)
| download (PT)
| download center
| download price
| download profile
| downstream (CA)
| downstream (IS-OIL)
| downstream confirmation
| downtime (BC-UPG)
| downtime (SCM-APO-MD)
| DP production process model
| dpi
| draft (PS)
| draft (SBO)
| draft beer
| draft mode
| draft version
| drag and drop
| drag item
| drag source
| drag-out
| Drag&Relate
| drag&relate menu
| Drag&Relate navigation
| Drag&Relate target
| Drag&Relate target area
| Drag&Relate Target Editor
| Drag&Relate Targets iView
| draw
| draw document wizard
| DrawBase
| drawdown
| drawdown limit
| drawee of a bill of exchange
| drawer (IS-HMED)
| drawer (SBO)
| drawer event
| drawer of a bill of exchange
| drawing
| drawing area
| drawing balance
| drawing-managing system
| DRFO number
| DRG code
| DRG coding and grouping system
| DRG discount
| DRG grouper
| DRG partition
| DRG principal diagnosis
| DRG secondary diagnosis
| DRG service
| DRG surcharge
| drill down (BW-BEX)
| drill down (EP-PIN-UNI)
| drill down (SBO)
| drill-down (CA-EPT-BCV)
| drill-down (CRM-RB)
| drill-down (EPM-BPC)
| drill-down search
| drill-through
| drilldown
| drilldown list (BC-SRV-REP)
| drilldown list (MM-IM)
| drilldown reporting
| drilling
| drilling event
| driver (BC-CCM-MON)
| driver (GRC-RM)
| driver (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| driver master
| driver's license
| driver's license class
| DRM logical key
| DRM lot
| DRM profile
| drop
| drop party
| drop self
| drop ship
| drop shipment
| drop zone
| dropdown
| dropdown box (BC-FES)
| dropdown box (BW-BEX)
| DRP approval
| DRP Matrix
| drug
| drug allergy
| drug catalog level
| drug category
| Drug Enforcement Administration number
| drug hierarchy
| drug interaction
| drug kit
| drug message
| drug prescription
| drug property
| drug type
| drugs report
| dry-run
| DS heuristic
| DTUC pool
| DTUC shop paper
| dual billing
| dual classification
| dual signature
| dual tone multi-frequency
| dual-host installation
| dual-stack system
| due date (FI)
| due date (FI)
| due date (ICM)
| due date (IS-PS-CA)
| due date (IS-U-WA)
| due date (MFG-ME)
| due date document
| due date for ATP check
| due date for net payment
| due date in arrears
| due date period
| due date scenario
| due date schedule
| due delivery schedule
| due line item
| due line item detail
| due line item detail line
| due list
| due list for shipments
| due list line item
| due visit
| Duet Administration Control Panel
| Duet administration environment
| Duet application building block
| Duet application template
| Duet BDC model
| Duet business application
| Duet client application
| Duet client framework
| Duet development kit for Microsoft Visual Studio
| Duet for Microsoft Office and SAP
| Duet Metadata Service
| Duet Recruiting
| Duet Reporting
| Duet server
| Duet server framework
| Duet Settings Manager
| Duet SharePoint application
| Duet System Management
| dummy claim
| dummy cost center
| dummy division
| dummy object
| dummy operation
| dummy profit center
| dummy quant
| dummy recipient
| dummy service
| dummy variable
| dunning
| dunning activities
| dunning activity run
| dunning amount
| dunning area
| dunning block indicator
| dunning block reason
| dunning data
| dunning end run
| dunning grouping
| dunning history
| dunning interest rate
| dunning key (FI)
| dunning key (FI-AR)
| dunning letter
| dunning level (FI-AR)
| dunning level (FI-CA)
| dunning level (SBO)
| dunning procedure
| dunning procedure level
| dunning procedure type
| dunning proposal run
| dunning recipient
| dunning term
| dunning variant
| dunning wizard
| duplex tumble
| duplicate (CA-MDG)
| duplicate (CRM-IC-EMS)
| duplicate (EP-KM)
| duplicate (FS-BP)
| duplicate (MDM)
| duplicate check (CA-MDG)
| duplicate check (FS-CM)
| duplicate policy
| duplicate recipient
| duplication
| duplication module
| duration (BC-SRV-ASF)
| duration (IS-B-PA)
| duration (IS-B-RA)
| duration (PM)
| duration method
| Durbin-h
| Durbin-Watson
| dutiable
| dutiable value (IS-OIL-DS-TDP)
| dutiable value (SD-FT)
| duty
| duty drawback system
| duty station
| duty suspension
| duty-free permit
| dynamic action
| dynamic adjustment
| dynamic alert
| dynamic attribute (CRM-MKT)
| dynamic attribute (MP-APP-DPE)
| dynamic attribute administration
| Dynamic Auction
| Dynamic Auction and Dynamic Bidding
| Dynamic Bidding
| dynamic breakpoint
| dynamic calculations
| dynamic chart
| dynamic content delivery
| dynamic credit check
| dynamic database
| dynamic document
| dynamic eligibility
| dynamic empties return block
| dynamic expansion
| dynamic expression
| dynamic float
| dynamic function call
| dynamic function text
| dynamic item processor
| dynamic item processor profile
| dynamic items
| dynamic line item
| dynamic link
| dynamic list navigation
| dynamic lot size
| dynamic material proposal
| dynamic memory object
| dynamic menu text
| dynamic modification (CA-QIE)
| dynamic modification (QM)
| dynamic modification criterion (CA-QIE)
| dynamic modification criterion (QM)
| dynamic modification factor
| dynamic modification function
| dynamic modification of surveys
| dynamic modification rule
| dynamic modification valuation
| dynamic navigation
| Dynamic Navigation Editor
| dynamic navigation iView
| dynamic opportunity analysis
| dynamic period control
| dynamic pricing
| dynamic process step
| dynamic routing
| dynamic scheduling
| dynamic script
| dynamic section
| dynamic selection
| Dynamic Server Page
| dynamic stopping
| dynamic storage bin
| dynamic system configuration
| dynamic system resolution
| dynamic transportation planning
| dynamic workgroup
| dynamic worklist
| dynpro
| dynpro activation
| dynpro attribute
| dynpro control
| Dynpro conversion
| dynpro emulation
| dynpro event
| dynpro exit
| dynpro field
| dynpro flow logic
| dynpro group
| dynpro ID
| dynpro load
| dynpro number
| dynpro processor
| dynpro sequence
| dynpro type (BC-DWB-TOO)
| E
| e-analytics
| e-business and e-treasury
| e-business collaboration
| e-government
| E-Health
| e-learning
| e-mail
| e-mail activity management
| E-mail client
| E-mail Notification
| E-Mail Response Management System
| e-marketing
| e-procurement
| e-selling
| E-Separation Solution
| e-service
| e-tag
| EAD category
| EAN category
| EAN.UCC compliance
| earliest dates
| earliest finish date
| earliest possible retroactive accounting period
| earliest start date
| earliness
| early amortization clause
| early cancellation
| early cancellation liability
| early close
| early repayment
| early repayment balance
| early repayment charge
| early repayment compensation
| early repayment limit
| early repayment limit time period
| early settlement
| early withdrawal penalty
| EarlyWatch Alert
| EarlyWatch Service
| earmarked funds
| earmarking
| earn
| Earned Income Credit
| earned value
| earnest money deposit
| earning potential
| earnings category
| easement
| easement number
| easement register
| Easy Bill Correction Framework
| Easy Cost Planning
| Easy Enhancement Workbench
| Easy Graphics Framework
| Easy Graphics Framework cockpit
| Easy Graphics Framework object
| Easy Graphics Framework viewer
| easy POWL
| Easy Simulation
| ECA risk score
| eCATT failure list
| ECC number
| Eclipse
| ECMAScript
| economic bloc
| economic order quantity
| Economic Price Adjustment
| economic profit
| economical level
| ecosystem
| ECS fast input
| ED relief/reduction account
| ED-paid
| edge
| EDI architecture
| EDI archive
| EDI data element
| EDI data element directory
| EDI inbound processing
| EDI Interface
| EDI invoice
| EDI message code
| EDI message type
| EDI order type
| EDI outbound processing
| EDI segment
| EDI standard
| EDI subsystem
| EDI vendor
| EDI version
| edit (BC-FES-GUI)
| edit (IS-B-RA-MR)
| edit control mode
| edit mask
| edit merge
| edit page
| edit XSL
| editability
| editable overview page
| edited table
| editing mask
| edition (CA-MDG-APP-FIN)
| edition (IS-M)
| editor
| editor command
| editor for personnel assignment groupings
| editor lock
| editor mode
| EDRPOU number
| EDT filesplit
| education
| education and training category
| education and training program
| education cess
| education level
| educational leave
| effective capital (FS-AM)
| effective capital (FS-BA-PM-HP)
| effective capital (FS-CMS)
| effective capital per payment
| effective cash pooling
| effective date (CRM-MKT)
| effective date (FS-PM)
| effective date (ICM)
| effective date (LOD-ESO)
| effective date (PA-CM)
| effective date (SBO)
| effective date of renewal
| effective date quantity
| effective interest method
| effective interest rate
| effective level
| effective number of exposures
| effective open commitment
| effective price
| effective utilization
| effective validity
| effective value
| effectively end a commission contract
| effectiveness
| effectiveness indicator
| effectiveness indicator for accounting
| effectiveness test
| effectiveness test environment for fair value hedge
| effectiveness test method for fair value hedge
| effectiveness test rule for fair value hedge
| effectiveness test schema for fair value hedge
| effectiveness test variant
| effectivity (BC-BMT-BPM)
| effectivity (MFG-ME)
| effectivity control
| effectivity data
| effectivity parameter
| effectivity profile
| effectivity type
| efficiency variance
| effort
| EG memory
| EGRUL code
| EH&S Expert server
| EH&S management server
| EJB Container
| EJB Container Service
| EJBHome
| EJBLocalHome
| EJBLocalObject
| EJBObject
| elasticity
| electro-cardiogram
| electro-encephalogram
| electromagnetic compatibility
| electronic batch recording
| Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment
| electronic cash register
| electronic data interchange
| Electronic Data Interchange (BC-MID-ALE)
| Electronic Data Interchange (SD)
| Electronic File Manager
| electronic fiscal file
| Electronic Health Record
| electronic manufacturing service provider
| electronic medical administration record
| Electronic Medical Record
| electronic parcel map
| electronic patient record
| electronic signature
| electronic signature and audit trails
| electronic tax return
| electronic time card
| electronic toll collection
| Electronic Toll Collection
| electronically read-out metering device
| element (BC-SRV-RM)
| element (CA-GTF-DOB)
| element (EP-VC)
| element category
| element list
| element palette
| element status
| element text
| element type (BC-SRV-RM)
| element type (CA-GTF-DOB)
| elemental order type
| elementary collateral instrument
| elementary data type
| elementary field
| elementary lock
| elementary product
| elementary product calculation module
| elementary product package
| elementary profile
| elementary search help
| elementary step
| elementary step category
| elementary target
| elementary target type
| elementary template
| elementary test
| elementary transaction
| elementary valuation
| eligibility (CRM-IC-RTD)
| eligibility (PA-BN)
| eligibility (PA-CM)
| eligibility date
| eligibility determination
| eligibility grouping (PA-BN)
| eligibility grouping (PA-EC)
| eligibility rule (CRM-IPH)
| eligibility rule (PA-BN)
| eligibility rule (PA-CM)
| eligibility rule (PA-EC)
| eligibility rule variant (PA-BN)
| eligibility rule variant (PA-EC)
| eligibility service
| eligibility status
| eligibility threshold
| eligibility to move up
| eligible absence
| eligible amount
| eligible costs
| eligible expenditure
| eligible person
| eliminating entry (EC-CS)
| eliminating entry (FI-LC)
| elimination
| elimination difference (EC-CS)
| elimination difference (FI-LC)
| elimination entry
| elimination of IC payables & receivables
| elimination of IC profit and loss
| elimination of IC profit/loss in inventory
| elimination of IC profit/loss in transferred assets
| elimination of intercompany revenue and expense
| elimination of interunit profit and loss in transferred asse
| elimination of investment income (EC-CS)
| elimination of investment income (FI-LC)
| elimination of IU payables and receivables
| elimination of IU profit and loss
| elimination of IU profit and loss in transferred assets
| elimination of IU profit and loss in transferred inventory
| elimination of IU revenue and expense
| elimination profit center
| elimination set
| EM backing store
| embedded analytics
| Embedded Analytics
| embedded dashboard
| embedded iView
| embedded object
| Embedded Search
| embedded test
| embedded UII
| emergency admission
| emergency credit limit
| emergency credit threshold
| emergency dataset
| emergency dataset part I
| emergency dataset part II
| Emergency Schedule
| emergency service
| emergency temperature
| emission factor
| emission neutral
| Emission Reduction Unit
| Emissions and Generation Resource Integrated Database
| employee (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| employee (PA)
| employee (PA)
| Employee
| employee billing
| employee capacity
| employee contribution grouping
| employee contribution rule
| employee contribution rule variant
| employee cost
| employee credit
| employee criteria group
| employee expenditures
| employee group
| employee grouping
| employee grouping for account determination
| employee hierarchy
| employee internal control data
| employee list (PE)
| employee list (SBO)
| employee master document
| employee object on loan
| employee on an extended business trip
| employee one-off payment
| employee profile
| employee recurring payments/deductions
| employee remuneration information
| employee responsible (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| employee responsible (SD)
| employee savings bonus
| employee search
| employee selection
| employee stock options
| employee subgroup
| employee subgroup grouping
| employee subgroup grouping for personnel calculation rules
| employee subgroup grouping for time quota types
| employee subgroup grouping for work schedules
| employee succession profile
| Employee Time Account Maintenance Request
| employee time balance
| employee trip
| employee view
| employee welfare fund
| employee with local terms of employment
| employee-funded supplemental pension
| employee's address
| employee's basic pay
| employee's communication data
| employee's contribution
| Employee's Income Tax and Family Dependant Tax Deduction For
| employee's pension plan contribution
| employee's pension plan contribution percentage
| employees pension fund plan
| employees pension insurance
| employer
| employer assignment unit
| employer contribution grouping
| employer contribution rule
| employer contribution rule variant
| employer identification number
| employer national insurance cost/saving
| employer-funded supplemental pension
| employer-specific insurance fund
| employer's contribution
| employer's pension plan contribution
| employer's pension plan contribution percentage
| employment book
| employment contract
| employment improvement subsidy
| employment insurance applied office number
| employment overview
| employment regulation file
| employment stabilizing fee
| employment tax statement
| empties (IS-BEV-LO-EM)
| empties (IS-R)
| empties account
| empties archiving
| empties balance
| empties balance confirmation
| empties block
| empties BOM
| empties BOM type 7
| empties credit memo
| empties data
| empties data record
| empties deposit
| empties evaluation
| empties field
| empties flow
| empties group
| empties issue
| empties management
| empties movement
| empties movement record
| empties processing
| empties receipt
| empties return
| empties return block
| empties stock
| empties stock account
| empties table
| empties update
| empties warehouse
| empty bin location
| empty date
| empty limit
| empty pallet zone
| empty statement
| empty status
| empty storage bin
| empty transport
| empty view
| emulation mode
| emulator
| enabling solutions
| encapsulated
| encapsulation
| encapsulation level
| enclosure
| encode
| encoding
| encounter
| encounter group
| encryption
| encryption table
| encumbrance accounting
| encumbrance type
| end
| end customer (IS-HT-DRM)
| end customer (PM)
| end date (CRM-ANA)
| end date (SRM-LA)
| end date of commitment
| end date tickler
| End Item Manufacturer Code
| End Item Part Number
| end node (BC-DOC)
| end node (BC-DOC)
| end node (EC-EIS)
| end of fixed-interest period
| end of interest rate condition period
| end of month
| end of notification period
| end of operation
| end of payment for default
| end of supply
| end of year payment
| end order
| end point (PM)
| end point (SD)
| end process
| end step
| end unit number
| end user
| end-of-day processing (FS-AM)
| end-of-day processing (IS-B-RA-CL)
| end-of-day processing of collectors
| end-of-medication date
| end-time gap
| end-to-end monitoring
| end-to-end process
| End-to-end process
| end-to-end scenario
| end-user documentation
| end-user procedure
| ended
| endian
| ending balance
| endorsement
| endorser
| endpoint
| endpoint chapter
| endpoint coverage check
| endpoint data record
| endpoint gap matrix
| energy audit
| energy data identification system
| energy data management
| energy management
| energy price
| Energy Star
| energy-feeding curve
| enforcement measure
| enforcement title
| enforcement workitem
| engine (BC-SEC)
| engine (SWE)
| engineer (SRM-SUP)
| engineer (XAP-IEP)
| engineer-to-order
| engineered labor standards
| engineering bill of material
| engineering change management
| engineering change order (LO-ECH)
| engineering change order (MFG-ME)
| engineering change order (XAP-CQM)
| engineering change record
| engineering change request (LO-ECH)
| engineering change request (XAP-CQM)
| engineering desktop
| engineering order
| engineering shop order
| enhanced AAAI storage
| enhanced back-end integration version
| Enhanced Client or Proxy
| enhanced determination
| enhanced factor set
| enhanced model
| enhanced package
| enhanced package interface
| Enhanced Rebate
| enhancement (BC-CUS-TOL)
| enhancement (BC-DWB-TOO-ENH)
| enhancement (CA-WUI)
| enhancement append package
| enhancement area
| Enhancement Builder
| enhancement documentation
| Enhancement Framework
| enhancement implementation
| enhancement implementation element
| enhancement option
| enhancement package (ONE VOICE)
| enhancement package (SWE)
| Enhancement Package
| enhancement place
| enhancement plan
| enhancement set
| enhancement spot
| enhancement spot element definition
| enhancement spot element invocation
| enqueue diagnosis
| enqueue key
| enqueue replication server
| enqueue server
| Enqueue Service
| enqueue work process
| enrichment and validation check
| enrollment (PA-BN)
| enrollment (PA-PF)
| enrollment point
| enter
| enter pushbutton
| entered by - ID
| enteric fermentation
| enterprice SOA by evolution
| enterprise
| enterprise area
| enterprise bean
| enterprise contract
| Enterprise Controlling
| enterprise data model
| Enterprise Information System
| enterprise intelligence (CRM)
| enterprise intelligence (SAP)
| Enterprise JavaBeans (BC)
| Enterprise JavaBeans (BC-JAS)
| enterprise management and communication
| enterprise management for banks
| enterprise menu
| enterprise model (BC-CUS-TOL-NAV)
| enterprise model (SV-ASA)
| enterprise number
| enterprise organization
| enterprise organization diagram
| enterprise portal
| enterprise portal archive
| Enterprise Portal Base Component
| Enterprise Portal Client Manager
| enterprise reporting
| Enterprise Role Management
| enterprise search
| Enterprise Search
| enterprise service (ONE VOICE)
| enterprise service (SWE)
| enterprise service interface
| enterprise service template
| enterprise service-oriented architecture (ONE VOICE)
| enterprise service-oriented architecture (OPU-DUE)
| enterprise service-oriented architecture (SWE)
| Enterprise Services Builder
| Enterprise services for SAP Business One
| enterprise services infrastructure
| enterprise services infrastructure metamodel
| enterprise services inventory
| enterprise services repository (ONE VOICE)
| enterprise services repository (SWE)
| Enterprise Services Repository
| Enterprise Services Repository Content
| enterprise services respository content
| Enterprise Shared Services
| Enterprise SOA
| enterprise SOA by design
| enterprise structure
| entitled
| entitled days
| entitled medical treatment period
| entitled to cover
| entitled volume
| entitlement (ICM)
| entitlement (PY)
| entitlement (PY-DE)
| entitlement adjustment
| entitlement and liability transfer
| entitlement calculation
| entitlement category
| entitlement creation mode
| entitlement determination
| entitlement for return
| entitlement frequency
| entitlement frequency period
| entitlement group
| entitlement item
| entitlement object identification
| entitlement object type
| entitlement overview
| entitlement profile category
| entitlement status
| entitlement transfer
| entity (AP-RC-BEF)
| entity (BC-DWB-TOO-DMO)
| entity (CA-MDG)
| entity (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| entity (OPU-DUE)
| entity (SBC)
| entity bean
| Entity Level Authorization
| entity service
| entity tree
| entity type (CA-MDG)
| entity type (SV-ASA)
| entity version
| entity view
| entity-level control
| entity-type dimension
| Entratel
| entry
| entry aid
| entry date into civil service
| entry evaluation
| entry grid operator
| entry in relationship table
| entry interval
| entry list
| entry mode
| entry object
| entry object type
| entry point (EP-KM-CM)
| entry point (ICM)
| entry point (IS-U-EDM)
| entry point provider
| entry point repository
| entry profile
| entry screen
| entry step
| entry suspension
| entry-level scope
| envelope
| environment (CO)
| environment (CO-OM-CCA)
| environment (CRM-MT)
| environment (EC-PCA)
| environment analyzer
| environment code page
| environment for hypothetical derivative approach
| environment log
| environment object
| environment, health and safety (SAP)
| environment, health and safety (SAP)
| environment, health and safety (SAP)
| environment, health and safety (SAP)
| Environment, Health and Safety
| environmental category
| EOQ period
| EOQ/SFT calculation
| EPC adapted configuration
| EPC baseline configuration
| EPC full configuration
| EPC Information Service
| ePrescription
| epsilon factor
| equal distribution
| equal distribution restriction
| equalization levy
| equalization tax
| equalized wage
| equipment (PM)
| equipment (PP-PI)
| equipment (SBO)
| equipment (SCM-TM)
| equipment bill of material
| equipment category
| equipment hierarchy
| equipment in terms of materials
| equipment item
| equipment package
| equipment requirement
| equipment restriction
| equipment status
| equipment task list
| equipment type
| equipment usage period
| equity
| equity aging report
| equity method (EC-CS)
| equity method (FI-LC)
| equity share
| equivalence
| equivalence number (CO-OM-CCA)
| equivalence number (CO-PC)
| equivalence number distribution
| equivalence unit
| equivalency determination
| equivalent agent
| equivalent of productive time
| ERP central contract
| error correction and suspense accounting
| error DRG
| error handler
| error handling
| error log
| error marker
| error message
| error operation
| error total
| error type
| error vector
| error-tolerant FIFO valuation
| ERS invoice number
| escalated
| escalation handling
| escalation management
| escalation task
| escape character
| escape character function
| escape route
| escape sequence
| escheat
| escheatment
| ESF Repository
| ESN rate
| essential booking (PE)
| essential booking (PE-LSO)
| essential requirement
| establishment code
| estimated activation date
| estimated annual usage
| estimated benefit cost for company car
| estimated completion date
| estimated costs at completion
| estimated pay accruals
| estimated plan
| estimation (IS-H)
| estimation (IS-U-DM-MR)
| estimation (PS)
| estimation posting
| estimation procedure
| estimation sequence
| estimation uncertainty
| ethnicity
| ETSNG code
| EU special case ship-to party
| EU special case vendor
| EU threshold for public sector procurement
| euro conversion
| euro translation
| Euro Workbench
| Eurojapan
| European Emission Trading Scheme
| European Free Trade Association
| European health insurance card
| European option
| European triangulation
| Eurozone
| eutrophication potential
| evaluate decision table
| evaluated receipt settlement
| evaluation
| Evaluation
| evaluation area
| evaluation category
| evaluation class
| evaluation criterion (FS-CM)
| evaluation criterion (MM-PUR)
| evaluation currency
| evaluation date
| evaluation directory
| evaluation group
| evaluation method
| evaluation object
| evaluation path
| evaluation period (PA-EC)
| evaluation period (PP-FLW)
| evaluation period (PY)
| evaluation period (SRM-EBP-VE)
| evaluation record
| evaluation rule
| evaluation structure
| evaluation type
| evaluation version for process messages
| evaluation wage type
| evaluator (LOD-ESO)
| evaluator (PSM-GPR)
| event (AP-RC-BEF)
| event (BC-ABA)
| event (BC-BMT-WFM)
| event (BC-FES-GRA)
| event (BC-WD)
| event (BW)
| event (CA-DMF)
| event (EHS)
| event (EP-PIN)
| event (FI-CA)
| event (FS-AM-CM)
| event (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| event (FS-CM)
| event (GRC-SPC)
| event (IS-A-DBM)
| event (IS-HMED)
| event (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| event (IS-R)
| event (LE-TRA)
| event (MFG-ME)
| event (PA-PA)
| event (PM)
| event (PP-SOP)
| event (PS)
| event (SBO)
| event (SCM-EM)
| event (SV-ASA)
| event (XAP-IEP)
| event area
| event block
| event breakpoint
| event category
| event charge
| event code
| event code type
| event collector
| event condition
| event confirmation
| event consolidation profile
| event container
| event counter
| event creation (BC-BMT-WFM)
| event creation (CA-FS-PO)
| event creator
| event data recording
| event detail page
| event detail record
| event dimension
| event document
| event field definition
| event generation horizon
| event handler (BC-ABA)
| event handler (BC-BSP)
| event handler (BC-WD)
| event handler (CRM-BTX)
| event handler (IS-HMED)
| event handler (SCM-EM)
| event handler attribute
| event handler set
| event handler set profile
| event handler set relation
| event handler set relation code
| event handler set relation type
| event handler type
| event handling
| event history
| event ID
| event information
| event interception
| event keyword
| event location
| event management
| Event Management attribute
| Event Management object
| event manager (BC-BMT-WFM)
| event manager (SWE)
| event message
| event message profile
| event message reporting page
| event name
| event occurrence
| event offering
| event owner
| event parameter
| event planning
| event propagation
| event queue
| event receiver
| event reference
| event registry
| event send client
| event set
| event severity
| event source (BC-WD)
| event source (PP-PI)
| event specification
| event stack
| event status
| event storage
| event subcondition
| event term
| event type (BC-BMT-WFM)
| event type (FS-AM)
| event type (PP-PI)
| event type (SCM-EM)
| event type linkage
| event-based billing
| event-based choice gateway
| event-based monitoring
| event-controlled bank statement
| event-controlled product change
| event-driven fee
| event-driven issue managment
| event-driven message processing
| event-driven process chain (CORPORATE-SPO)
| event-driven process chain (SV-ASA)
| event-driven quantity assignment
| event-triggered fee calculation
| eventing
| eventing mechanism
| eventing Web service connector
| EventSender
| evergreen contract
| eviction
| eviction policy
| evidence
| evidence management
| EWMA-chart
| Ex Works
| EX-number
| ex-post forecast (PP-MP)
| ex-post forecast (SCM-APO-FCS)
| exact daily base
| exact search (AP-CAT)
| exact search (BC-TRX)
| Exactly Once
| Exactly Once In Order
| exam
| exam admission
| exam date/time
| exam mode
| exam office
| exam profile
| Exam Result Register
| examination
| examination category
| examination type
| examiner
| example-based classification
| example-based taxonomy
| excepted quantity
| exception (BC-ABA)
| exception (BC-BMT-WFM)
| exception (BW-BEX)
| exception (FIN-CGV-MIC)
| exception activity
| exception base profile
| exception class
| exception group
| exception handling
| exception level
| exception list
| exception message
| exception number
| exception object
| exception reporting
| exception routing
| exception rule
| exception template
| exception text
| exception value
| exception-free period
| excess coverage
| excess demand
| excess earnings
| excess spread
| excessive rent limit
| exchange (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| exchange (IS-T)
| exchange agreement
| exchange balance
| exchange component piece list
| exchange key
| exchange part
| exchange partner
| exchange profile
| exchange program
| exchange rate (EC-CS)
| exchange rate (FI)
| exchange rate (FS-AM-IM)
| exchange rate (IS-MP-NF)
| exchange rate category
| exchange rate comparison
| exchange rate currency
| exchange rate difference
| exchange rate difference account
| exchange rate differences report
| exchange rate gain account
| exchange rate indicator (EC-CS)
| exchange rate indicator (FI-LC)
| exchange rate loss account
| exchange rate type (FI)
| exchange rate type (FS-AM-IM)
| exchange rate type (LOD-TEM)
| exchange rate variance
| exchange statement
| exchange student
| exchange studies
| exchange type
| exchange visitor
| Exchanges
| excisable
| excise bond
| excise bond balance
| excise bond type
| excise bond value
| excise commissionerate
| Excise Control Code
| excise division
| excise document
| excise document number
| excise document series group
| excise duties
| excise duty (FI)
| excise duty (IS-BEV-ED)
| excise duty (IS-OIL-DS-TDP)
| excise duty add back
| excise duty balancing
| excise duty claim
| excise duty free
| excise duty liability
| excise duty license
| Excise Duty number
| excise duty owing
| excise duty pricing key
| excise duty relevance
| excise duty status
| Excise Duty type
| excise group
| excise invoice
| excise invoice reference document
| excise range
| excise register
| excise registration
| excise registration number
| excise tax
| exclude
| excluded agent
| excluded item in basic catalog
| excluded territory
| exclusion (BC-DWB-TOO-PAK)
| exclusion (CRM-MD)
| exclusion category
| exclusion list
| exclusion module
| exclusion reason
| exclusion requirement
| exclusion table
| exclusive bonus quantity (IS-R)
| exclusive bonus quantity (SD)
| exclusive but not cumulative lock
| exclusive choice gateway
| exclusive code
| exclusive contract
| exclusive lock (BC-ABA)
| exclusive lock (BC-DWB-DIC)
| exclusive number
| exclusive right
| exclusive rule
| exclusive rule strategy
| excused absence
| executable function
| executable program
| execute (BC-FES-GUI)
| execute (PP)
| executing branch
| execution control object
| execution date
| execution day-specific subject to final payment balance
| execution forecast
| execution graphics
| execution method
| execution mode (CRM-CIC)
| execution mode (SCM-ICH)
| execution mode (SRM-CM)
| Execution opportunity report
| Execution Service
| Execution Services
| execution step
| execution text
| execution time (PA)
| execution time (PP)
| execution time (SRM-CM)
| execution type
| Executive Dashboard
| Executive Menu
| executive sheet
| exempt cost element
| exempt revenues account
| exempt tax invoice
| exemption (BC-ABA)
| exemption (EHS)
| exemption (EHS)
| exemption amount for leading insurer commission
| exemption card
| exemption category
| exemption code
| exemption license (AP-TTE)
| exemption license (IS-OIL-DS-TDP)
| exercisable awards
| exercise (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| exercise (IS-DFS)
| exercise (PSM-GPR)
| exercise contingent
| exercise force element
| exercise period
| exercise position
| exercise price (PA-CM)
| exercise price (PA-EC)
| exercise target
| exercise type
| exercise window (PA-CM)
| exercise window (PA-EC)
| exercise window rule
| exercised awards
| exercising
| exhausted budget
| existing chemical substance
| existing customer
| existing disability
| exit (BC-FES-GUI)
| exit (MP-APP-CR)
| exit (RIV)
| exit capacity
| exit grid operator
| exit hard
| exit macro
| exit message
| exit plug
| exit point
| exit rule
| exit soft
| exogenous spread
| exor-process
| exotic option
| expand (BC-FES-GUI)
| expand (CA-WUI)
| expand (EPM-BPC)
| expand all
| expand node
| expanded withholding tax
| expanding group
| expatriate
| expatriation phase
| expectation reserve
| expected
| expected commercial value
| expected consumption
| expected delivery
| expected event
| expected event monitor
| expected event processor
| expected event profile
| expected event requirement set
| expected event requirement set rule
| expected event requirement type
| expected exposure
| expected goods movement duration
| expected goods movement factor
| expected goods movement order
| expected goods receipt
| expected goods receipt notification
| expected loss
| expected object
| expected payment
| expected putaway
| expected short/excess receipt
| expedite
| expenditure
| expenditure budget
| expenditure ceiling
| expenditure document
| expenditure type
| expense (FI)
| expense (RE)
| expense account
| expense claim
| expense invoice
| expense payment
| expense receipt
| expense reclassification
| expense type (CRM-FM)
| expense type (SBO)
| expenses (FS-CM)
| expenses (IS-R)
| expert
| expert mode (CA-GTF-EEW)
| expert mode (FS-CM)
| expert mode (IS-B-SA-ALM)
| expert mode (PA-OS)
| expert opinion
| expert opinion adjustment type
| expiration
| expiration date (CRM-ISA-AUC)
| expiration date (IS-R)
| expiration date (LOD-ESO)
| expiration date (MP-APP-BB)
| expiration date (SCM-APO-SNP)
| expiration date (SD)
| expiration day
| expiration period
| expiration time
| expiration timestamp
| expired (OPU-DUE)
| expired (SRM-EBP-CON)
| expired configuration
| expired useful life period
| expired vendor
| expiring credential period
| expiring quantity
| expiry
| expiry date (BC-SRV-COM)
| expiry date (ICM-CRD)
| expiry time
| explain SQL
| explanation log
| explanation of benefit
| explanation of consensus finding
| explanation of review
| explanation on the user interface
| explanation tool
| explanatory text
| explanatory text for step
| explicit archive path
| explicit classification
| explicit reservation
| exploded bill of material
| exploitable right
| explosion level
| explosion profile
| explosion scope
| explosion type
| explosive substance
| exponent
| exponential interest
| exponential smoothing
| export (BC-CTS)
| export (BC-SRV-COM)
| export (SBC)
| export (SD-FT)
| export (XAP-CQM)
| export control class
| Export Control Table
| export credit agency
| export credit insurance
| export declaration for EC export reimbursements
| export from the Community
| export ledger
| export object type
| export parameter
| export period
| export procedure
| export steps
| export template
| export type
| Export-Import Bank of the US
| exporter
| exposure (EHS)
| exposure (IS-B-RA-CL)
| exposure amount
| exposure band
| exposure before CEQ
| exposure group
| exposure log
| exposure profile (EHS)
| exposure profile (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| express confirmation
| express delivery company
| Express Dispatch
| express document
| express invoice
| Express Planning
| expression (BC-ABA)
| expression (BC-BMT-WFM)
| expression (BC-SRV-BRF)
| expression (CRM-IC-RTD)
| expression (RIV)
| expression (SBO)
| Expression
| Expression Builder
| expression type
| expunge date
| extend
| extend order
| extendable IMG activity
| extendable material
| extended approval task
| extended classic scenario
| extended contract
| extended cost
| extended coverage type
| extended e-mail
| extended e-mail editor
| extended e-mail inbox
| extended form
| extended hierarchy
| extended maintenance
| extended memory
| extended memory size
| extended price
| extended program check
| extended rebate processing
| extended rebate settlement
| extended reporting period
| extended resale amount
| extended retention of title
| extended safety stock planning
| extended service
| extended settlement
| extended SNP production horizon
| extended staffing process
| extended system ID
| extended transport control
| extended van seller
| extending coverage type
| extensibility (BC-CUS-TOL)
| extensibility (CA-GTF-EEW)
| extensibility (XAP-IC)
| eXtensible Markup Language
| eXtensible Markup Language structure
| extensible object
| extensible object framework
| Extensible Style Language
| Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
| extension (BC-DWB-JAV-ECF)
| extension (BC-MID-ALE)
| extension (FS-AM-OM-AC)
| extension (FS-PM)
| extension (LOD-ESO)
| extension (SBO)
| extension (SV-SMG)
| extension (WEC-IS)
| extension duration
| extension group
| extension notification
| extension point
| extension scenario
| extension type
| extent
| external (FS-AM)
| external (PE)
| external (PE-LSO)
| external account
| external activity
| external administrator
| external admission status
| external agent
| external agent scheduling agreement
| external alert system
| external application
| external application data object
| External Application Interface
| external bank card
| external bank operation code
| external billing account reference
| external billing system
| external business partner
| external business transaction
| external call number
| external capacity
| external cash desk services
| external category
| external category manager
| external certification
| external charging reference
| external clearing
| external code
| external collaboration
| external collateral agreement
| external command
| external commitment
| external community portal
| external contract
| external contract number
| external counter
| external credit information
| external credit line
| external data (BC-DWB)
| external data (SBO)
| external data module
| external data transfer (ICM)
| external data transfer (IS-B)
| external debugging
| external delivery order
| external document number
| external drug ID
| external event
| external event code
| external event code ID
| external event code set
| external exclusion
| external factor
| external factors amount
| external group roster
| external heating expenses settlement
| external hedge ID
| external hierarchy
| external ID
| external influence
| external insert
| external labeling system
| external limit
| external link
| external list management
| external manufacturer
| external measurement results
| external medication
| external number
| external object
| external ordering party
| external organization (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| external organization (IS-HER-CM)
| external Output Management System
| external participant
| external person (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| external person (EHS)
| external person ID
| external physician
| external price (PE)
| external price (PE-LSO)
| external price calculator
| external price determination
| external process type
| external processing (FIN-BAC-INV)
| external processing (LO)
| external procurement (MM)
| external procurement (SCM-APO-CA)
| external procurement order
| external procurement planning
| external procurement relationship
| external procurement relationship category
| external product (CRM-BTX)
| external product (FS-BA-SD)
| external promotion ID
| external rating procedure
| external reconciliation
| external reference
| external requirement
| external run ID
| external SAP System
| external service (CAF)
| external service (ICM)
| external service charge settlement
| External Service Configuration
| External Services Management
| external session
| external shipping process
| external sold-to party
| external sort number
| external staff
| external staffing
| external statement
| external status
| external structure indicator
| external subject
| external supplier
| external system (BW)
| external system (FS-BA-AN-HDB)
| external system (LOD-ESO)
| external tax warehouse number
| external text
| external trading partner
| external transaction (FI-BL)
| external transaction (IS-B-RA-CL)
| external treatment certificate number
| external usage
| external usage type
| external user
| external valuation model
| external value added
| external version
| external wage component
| external work experience
| externally processed activity
| extra amount
| extra charge
| extra lean provider order item
| extra-budget treatment
| extra-European Union trade statistics
| extract (CO)
| extract (CRM-MD-PRO-OBJ)
| extract (CRM-RB)
| extract (FI-SL)
| extract (FS-AM-IM-GL)
| extract (SBC)
| extract data
| extract dataset
| extract key
| extract time
| extract time determination
| extract type
| extraction
| extraction category
| extraction ID
| extraction layer
| extraction monitor
| extraction structure
| extractor (BC-BW)
| extractor (PT)
| extractor (SCM-EM)
| extranet
| extraordinary notice of dismissal
| extrapolation (IS-U-DM-MR)
| extrapolation (MM-IM)
| extrapolation of profile values
| EXTRASTAT declaration
| extreme zone
| extremum function (BC-ABA)
| F
| face
| face-to-face duration
| faceless component
| facilities characteristic
| facilities manager
| facility (FS-BA-AN-LM)
| facility (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| facility (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| facility (FS-CML)
| facility (FS-MCM-FAC)
| facility (IS-B-RA-CL)
| facility (XAP-EM)
| facility business transaction
| facility code
| facility measurement
| facility type (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| facility type (IS-B-RA-CL)
| fact (EHS)
| fact (IS-PS-CA)
| fact base
| fact sheet (CRM)
| fact sheet (OPU-DUE)
| fact sheet summary
| fact table
| factor code
| factor column
| factor profile
| factored cost bidding
| factored quantity
| factored-cost bidding
| factoring
| factoring indicator
| factory
| factory calendar
| factory gate pricing
| factory layout
| factory output
| factory status
| factory trial
| facts
| facts capture category
| faculty
| failover
| failure frequency
| failure ID
| Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
| Fair Labor Standards Act
| fair market value
| fair share distribution
| fair share rule
| fair share situation
| fair value (EPM-FC-SK)
| fair value (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| fair value adjustments
| fair value hedge
| fair value principle
| fair value production process
| Fair Value Server
| fair value server environment
| fair value surplus
| fair-share rule
| false attempt
| false occupancy charges
| family code
| family income scale
| family member grouping
| family physician
| family status
| family type
| fan
| fast barcode interface
| fast close
| fast customer creation
| Fast Data Entry
| fast entry (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| fast entry (FS-CD)
| fast entry (IS-A-DBM)
| fast entry of characteristics
| fast item entry for basic catalog
| fast item entry for standard nursing plan
| fast order entry (IS-BEV-LO-TS)
| fast order entry (IS-OIL-DS-MCO)
| fast pay
| fast seller
| fast split process
| fast status
| fast-moving item (LE-WM)
| fast-moving item (SCM-EWM)
| fastpath
| fault
| fault message type
| fault tree analysis
| faulty queue entry
| favorable variance
| favorite
| favorite workspaces
| favorites (BW)
| favorites (KM-KW)
| favorites (PA-ER)
| favorites folder
| fax
| FCS Final Delta Patch
| FCS Support Package
| FDB hedge ID
| feasibility check
| feasible production plan
| feasible solution
| feature (AP-RC-BEF)
| feature (CRM-MKT)
| feature (FS-AM-CM)
| feature (PA)
| feature attribute
| feature extraction
| feature lock
| features category
| features class
| features key
| features list
| FEBRABAN company number
| Federal Acquisition Regulation
| federal administration of public revenues
| Federal Association of Panel Physicians
| federal association of panel physicians certification
| Federal Business Opportunities
| Federal Energy Regulatory Commission reporting
| Federal Procurement Data System
| federal regulation for hospitals
| federal state fund
| Federal Supply/Service Code
| federal tax ID
| federal wage system
| federalized CHN model
| federate
| federated portal network
| federated search
| federated search and classification
| fee (IS-OIL-DS-EXG)
| fee (PE)
| fee (PE-LSO)
| fee (PSM-GPR)
| fee assignment (PE)
| fee assignment (PE-LSO)
| fee calculation date
| fee calculation history
| fee formula
| fee item
| fee recipient
| fee schedule (FS-CM)
| fee schedule (PSM-FG)
| feed
| feedback (CRM-BTX-SVO)
| feedback (EP-KM-COL)
| feeder
| feeder class
| feeder production line
| feeder system (FS-PE)
| feeder system (SLL)
| Feldkatalog
| FERT generator
| FGTS Termination Collection Form
| FI summary
| FI totals records
| fictitious cash flow
| fiduciary funds
| field (BC-ABA)
| field (BC-XI)
| field (BI-AA-WEB)
| field (EP-VC)
| field allocation
| field application engineer
| field catalog (BC-ILM)
| field catalog (CRM)
| field catalog (EC-EIS)
| field catalog (SCM-APO-ATP)
| field catalog for condition key
| field collector
| field control (EHS-MGM)
| field control (IS-HMED)
| field enhancement place
| Field explanation
| field force
| field force employee
| field group (BC-SRV-QUE)
| field group (PA-PA)
| field group (PLM-CFO)
| field help
| field instance
| field label
| field list
| field mapping (MDM)
| field mapping (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| field melting group
| field modification
| field movement
| field name
| field sales
| field selection control
| field selection group
| field service and dispatch
| field symbol
| field-dependent correction
| field-value analogous
| FIFO consumption
| FIFO layer
| FIFO liability
| FIFO price table
| FIFO principle (LE-WM)
| FIFO principle (LO-BM)
| FIFO reevaluation
| FIFO valuation procedure
| FIFO withdrawal method
| figure
| file (BC)
| file (BC-ABA)
| file (XAP-CQM)
| file attachment
| file cache
| file description
| file e-mail
| file exclusion list
| file export channel
| File Handler database
| file interface
| file layout
| File Monitor
| file name extension
| file plan
| file pointer
| file port
| file selection
| file transfer protocol with SSL
| File Transfer Service
| file-based storage
| filed documents
| filer
| filing frequency
| filing obligation rule
| filing status
| fill
| fill list
| fill time
| fill-in
| fill-in item
| fill-in owner
| fill-up
| filler
| filler block
| filling
| filling facilities
| filling shrinkage
| filling shrinkage rate
| filter (BC-FES-GRA)
| filter (BW-BEX)
| filter (BW-BEX)
| filter (EP-VC)
| filter (EPM-SM)
| filter (FS-BA-RD)
| filter (MP-APP-DPE)
| filter (SCM-EWM)
| filter condition
| filter equity method
| filter object (BC-MID-ALE)
| filter object (SCM-APO-INT)
| filter object type
| filter pane
| filter profile
| filter search
| filter search tile
| filter stream
| filter value
| filter view
| filters folder
| final account assignment
| final account assignment indicator
| final account assignment quantity
| final account assignment reason
| final action
| final billing
| final collateral
| final configuration
| final confirmation
| final cost center
| final costing
| final customs declaration
| final delivery (IS-MP)
| final delivery (MM-IM)
| final delivery date
| final document
| final forecast
| final input tax distribution
| final inspection
| final invoice
| final issue
| final issue indicator
| Final Preparation
| final price
| final processing
| final processing of averages
| final recipient
| final release check
| final report (BC-CUS)
| final report (EHS)
| final results analysis
| final settlement (CRM-RB)
| final settlement (IM)
| final settlement (MM-PUR)
| final settlement (RE)
| final settlement run
| final ship-to party
| final shipment
| final status
| final storage type
| final string
| final test
| final withholding tax
| finalized
| finally confirmed
| finance and administration
| finance lease
| finance project
| financed unit
| financial accounting
| financial analytics
| financial assertion
| financial budget (PSM-FM)
| financial budget (TR)
| financial budgeting
| financial category
| financial collateral
| financial compliance
| financial condition
| Financial Customer Care
| financial data type
| Financial Database
| financial document
| financial document category
| financial document type
| financial group
| financial hold
| financial institution
| financial instrument
| financial investment, debt and foreign exchange management
| Financial Management Service
| financial object
| financial object integration
| financial operation tax
| financial operations
| financial period
| financial position balances
| financial position class
| financial position class for funding
| financial position object
| financial report
| financial reporting currency
| financial reporting data
| financial reporting process
| financial result
| financial service
| Financial Services Collection & Disbursement
| Financial Shared Service Center
| financial statement
| financial statement assertion
| financial statement entity
| financial statement imbalance
| financial statement item (EC-CS)
| financial statement item (FI-LC)
| financial statement item (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| financial statement item (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| financial statement version
| financial statements (EC-CS)
| financial statements (FI)
| financial statements (FI-LC)
| financial statements (SRD-FIN-GL)
| Financial Strength
| financial subinstrument
| financial subtransaction
| Financial Systems Integration Office
| financial transaction (FS-BA-SD)
| financial transaction (PSM-FM)
| financial year
| Financials
| financials object
| financials-based netting
| financing (CRM-LAM)
| financing (PA-PM-PB)
| financing object
| financing option
| financing preference
| financing product
| financing product type
| financing relationship
| financing requirement (FIN-FSCM-CR)
| financing requirement (PA-PM-PB)
| financing rule
| financing source
| financing source type
| financing status
| financing variant
| find document
| Find form
| finding (CA-QIE)
| finding (CA-QIE)
| findings
| findings report
| findings selection
| findings task
| fine control value
| fine planning for picking
| fingerprint
| finish MSO
| finish-finish relationship
| finish-start relationship
| finished
| finished goods inventory
| finished product
| finite capacity scheduling
| finite resource
| finite scheduling (SCM-APO-PPS)
| finite scheduling (SCM-APO-PPS-RSP)
| finiteness level
| fire-containment section
| Firefighter
| firewall
| firing queue
| firm demand
| Firm Fixed Price
| Firm Fixed Price, Level of Effort
| firm receipt
| firm zone
| firm/trade-off zone
| firmed input
| firmed output
| firmly book (PE)
| firmly book (PE-LSO)
| firmly booked (PE)
| firmly booked (PE-LSO)
| first consolidation (EC-CS)
| first consolidation (FI-LC)
| first contribution period
| first in first out (IS-AFS-ARUN)
| first in first out (IS-AFS-SD)
| first match
| first page (BC-FES-GUI)
| first page (BC-SRV-SCR)
| first physician
| First Productive Customer Program
| first program grouping
| First Report of Injury
| first screen
| first stockholding location
| First Teach
| first-aider
| first-stage dealer
| first-time student
| first-to-default credit derivative
| first-year student
| first/second levels of navigation
| fiscal calendar variant
| fiscal code
| fiscal station
| fiscal year
| fiscal year filer
| fiscal year information
| fiscal year variant (EC-CS)
| fiscal year variant (FI)
| fit list
| fitment
| fix (LO-VC)
| fix (SCM-APO-PPS)
| fix pack
| fix selected assemblies
| FIX value
| fixed allocation of initial buy
| fixed amount
| fixed asset
| fixed asset account
| fixed asset balance sheet account
| fixed asset investment
| Fixed Assets
| fixed bond
| fixed characteristic
| fixed cost
| fixed date (PS)
| fixed date (SCM-APO-PPS)
| fixed defining characteristic for a position
| fixed definition
| fixed demand
| fixed density
| fixed depreciation
| fixed exchange rate
| fixed fee
| fixed filler task
| fixed float
| fixed folder
| fixed holiday
| fixed interest period
| fixed lot size (PP-MRP)
| fixed lot size (SCM-APO-CA)
| fixed operation
| fixed period analysis
| fixed point arithmetic
| fixed positions
| fixed premium
| fixed price
| fixed price agreement
| fixed price allocation
| Fixed Price Incentive Fee
| Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment
| Fixed Price with Prospective Price Redetermination
| Fixed Price with Retroactive Price Redetermination
| fixed pricing
| fixed quantity
| fixed RFID device
| fixed sales package
| fixed season
| fixed shift
| fixed space
| fixed stock
| fixed storage bin
| fixed value
| fixed value allocation
| fixed value date
| fixed value for report
| fixed-cost variance
| fixed-date purchase
| fixed-price co-product
| fixed-price joint product
| fixed-rate period
| fixed-term deposit
| fixed-term labor contract
| fixing (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| fixing (IS-B-RA)
| fixing (SCM-APO-SNP)
| fixing indicator
| fixing interval
| fixing rule
| fixture
| fixtures and fittings (FI-AA)
| fixtures and fittings (RE)
| fixtures and fittings category
| fixtures and fittings characteristic
| flash point
| Flat conversion object
| flat fee
| flat generic key date result
| flat list view
| flat payment
| flat rate (ICM)
| flat rate (IS-U-BI)
| flat rate (PY-ES)
| flat rate expenses
| flat rate patient
| flat rate per case
| flat structure
| flat value
| flat view
| flat-rate contract
| flat-rate maintenance payment
| flat-rate procedure
| Fleet status overview
| flex fund
| Flexed Leave Quota
| flexed value
| flexible activity context
| flexible balance
| flexible bill of distribution
| flexible derivation
| Flexible General Ledger
| Flexible Order Transactions
| Flexible Payroll
| flexible premium
| flexible spending account
| Flexible UI Designer
| flexible upload
| flextime
| flight (IS-DFS)
| flight (IS-DFS)
| flight operations
| flight plan
| flight status
| float (IS-R-POS)
| float (PM)
| float (PP)
| float (PS)
| float after production
| float before production
| floating average
| floating backbilling
| floating holiday
| floating month
| floating point arithmetic
| floating point function
| floating point number
| floating roof
| floor
| floor area ratio
| floor plan (IS-HMED)
| floor plan (SWE)
| Floor Plan Manager
| floor plan manager application
| Floor Plan Manager event
| floor planning program
| floor stock
| floor-ready merchandise
| floorplan
| flow (CA-FIM-FMA)
| flow (CRM-MW)
| flow (FS-BA-RD)
| flow (FS-BA-SD)
| flow category (FS-MCM-CSL)
| flow category (IS-B-RA)
| flow category (RE)
| flow chart mode
| flow component
| flow control (BC-ABA)
| flow control (CRM-MW)
| flow data
| flow definition
| flow file
| flow list
| flow logic
| flow logic editor
| flow manufacturing
| flow process
| flow result
| flow ruleset
| Flow Service
| flow shell
| flow source mode
| Flow Step
| flow type (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| flow type (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| flow type (FS-BA-SD)
| flow type (RE)
| flow-based investor contract
| flow-through
| flowed work
| flowing graphic
| FLSA status
| fluctuation in value
| fluid balancing
| flushing (IS-OIL-DS-OGSD)
| flushing (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| flushing quantity
| FM account assignment
| FM area
| FMEA cockpit
| FMEA component
| FMEA monitor
| FMEA object
| FMLA entitlement
| FMLA event
| FMLA guideline
| FMLA reason
| FMLA request
| FMLA rule
| FMLA workbench
| focus (AP-PPE)
| focus (PP-BD)
| Focus
| focus column
| focus object
| focused object
| folder (BC-SRV-COM)
| folder (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| folder (EP-KM-CM)
| folder (EP-PIN)
| folder (EP-PIN-ROL)
| folder (EP-PIN-UNI)
| folder (MP-APP-CR)
| folder (SBO)
| folder access authorization
| folder area
| folder content area
| folder for medical/nursing object type
| folder name
| folder object
| folder settings
| folder template (CRM-CA)
| folder template (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| folder title
| folders
| folio number (MM)
| folio number (SBO)
| follow-on activity
| follow-on document
| follow-on item
| follow-on license
| follow-on metering point operation
| follow-on requisition
| follow-up (PE)
| follow-up (PE-LSO)
| follow-up (SBO)
| follow-up action (PM)
| follow-up action (QM)
| follow-up activity (AP)
| follow-up activity (LO-ARM)
| follow-up activity (PA-RC)
| follow-up article
| follow-up buffer
| follow-up costs
| follow-up decision
| follow-up examination
| follow-up group
| follow-up material (IS-AFS-PP)
| follow-up material (IS-R)
| follow-up product
| follow-up service
| follow-up time
| follow-up transaction
| follow-up visit
| font (BC-I18)
| font (IS-M-AMC)
| font family
| font page
| font style
| Food and Drug Administration
| food stamp
| footer
| For Each
| for-period
| for-period view
| force element
| force provider
| forced move-out
| forced pass
| FORCER framework
| forecast (CRM-BTX-CTR-SCO)
| forecast (MM-PUR)
| forecast (PP-MP)
| forecast (SCM-APO-ATP)
| forecast analysis
| forecast analysis profile
| forecast approval
| forecast cost
| forecast date
| forecast delivery schedule
| forecast delivery schedule horizon
| forecast error
| forecast horizon
| forecast inventory
| forecast model
| forecast model selection
| forecast of revenue
| forecast parameter
| forecast period
| forecast profile (CRM-IU-S-PCT)
| forecast profile (PP-MP)
| forecast release profile
| forecast requirements
| forecast unit
| forecast value
| forecast-based planning (IS-R)
| forecast-based planning (PP-MRP)
| forecast/planning delivery schedule
| forecasted demand
| forecasting level
| forecasting method
| forecasting model
| forecasting parameter
| forecasting technique
| foreign case
| foreign currency
| foreign currency account
| foreign currency balance sheet account
| foreign currency invoice
| foreign currency valuation (FI)
| foreign currency valuation (FS-CML)
| foreign exchange position account
| foreign exchange position posting
| foreign exchange swap
| foreign expense
| foreign key
| foreign key definition
| foreign key dependency
| foreign key relation
| foreign key relationship
| foreign key table
| foreign name
| Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System
| foreign territory
| foreign trade
| foreign trade declaration
| Foreign Trade Journal
| foreign trade organizational unit
| foreman time ticket
| forfaiting
| forfeiting
| forgiveness
| fork (BC-BMT-WFM)
| fork (BC-CUS-TOL-NAV)
| fork (GRC-SAC)
| form (BC-SRV-FP)
| form (BC-SRV-SCR)
| form (CA-GTF-DOB)
| form (EP-PIN-UNI)
| form (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| form (RIV)
| Form 1031
| form 1098-T
| form 22-1999
| form bundle
| form bundle type
| form class (CA-GTF)
| form class (FI)
| form class (PY)
| form definition
| form E111
| Form F24
| form factor
| form family
| form field (BC-MID-ICF)
| form field (PA-AS)
| form I-20
| form layout
| form level
| form of advice
| form of appraisal
| form of documentation
| form of payment guarantee
| form of procurement
| Form Painter
| form panel
| form processing framework
| form processing service
| form report
| form scenario
| form scenario step
| form step
| Form TD1
| form transaction
| form type (IS-PS-CA)
| form type (PA-BN)
| form type (PP-CRP)
| form view (BC-FES-GUI)
| form view (SCM-EWM)
| form-based process
| form-based publishing
| form-fit-function class
| form-fit-function subset
| formal check (FS-AM-IM-IT)
| formal check (FS-PM)
| formal entry
| formal error
| formal error to which posting control can be applied
| formal error to which posting control cannot be applied
| formal parameter
| formal start date
| format (BC-CCM-PRN)
| format (BC-SRV-SCR)
| format (CA-GTF)
| format definition
| format group
| format key
| Format plug-in
| format relationship
| format strings
| format structure
| format tree
| format version
| format versioning
| formation
| formatted search
| formatting action
| formatting setting
| formatting variant
| former supplier
| Forms for Outgoing Checks - US
| formula (CRM-BF-CPE)
| formula (IS-OIL-PRA-REV)
| formula (PLM-RM)
| formula (PLM-WUI-APP)
| formula allocation
| formula and average pricing
| formula assembly
| formula award
| formula builder
| Formula Builder
| formula dependency
| formula item
| formula item type
| formula key
| formula master record
| formula planning
| formula profile
| formula repository
| formula stage
| formula summary
| formula variable
| formula-based excise determination
| forward
| forward auction
| forward confirmation
| forward contract
| Forward Error Handling
| forward exchange
| forward exchange transaction
| forward loan purchase
| forward navigation
| forward order
| forward rate
| forward rate agreement
| forward scheduling (IS-R)
| forward scheduling (PP)
| forward scheduling (PS)
| forward scheduling (SCM-APO-SNP)
| forwarded sequenced JIT call outbound
| forwarding
| forwarding agent
| forwarding settlement document
| forwarding system
| foundation IRB approach
| founding class
| four-day-week work schedule
| FPM view
| FPN connection
| fraction assignment
| fraction formula
| fraction of nonconforming units
| frame (BC-WD-CLT-BUS)
| frame (FIN-SEM-CPM)
| frame (MFG-ME)
| frame BSP
| frame BSP application
| frame chain
| framework (CS)
| framework (SWE)
| Framework for Object Assignment
| Framework for Parallel Processing
| framework ID
| framework order
| framework page
| framework program
| franchise contract
| franchise fee
| franchise fee group
| franchisee
| fraud detection
| Free Alongside Ship
| free capacity
| Free Carrier
| free characteristic
| free collateral
| free contextual area
| free entitlement shares
| free external credit line
| free external facility
| free float
| free goods
| free line
| free look period
| Free On Board
| free remuneration entitlement
| free seating
| free slot
| free text
| free text module
| free text search
| free trade zone
| free variable
| free zone
| free-form search
| free-goods rebate
| free-of-charge delivery
| freely-defined interchangeable materials
| freestyle
| freestyle hierarchy group
| freestyle role
| freeze
| freeze horizon
| freeze reason
| freguesia
| freight
| freight agreement
| freight code set
| freight document
| freight exchange
| freight forwarder
| freight list
| freight settlement document
| freight unit (SCM-APO-VS)
| freight unit (SCM-TM)
| freight unit building rule
| frequency (EPM-SA)
| frequency (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| frequency (ICM)
| frequency type
| friendly name
| From-date
| front channel
| front end statistics
| front office
| Front-End Editor
| front-end printing
| frozen (BC-CCM-ADK)
| frozen (MFG-ME)
| frozen (MP-APP-DPE)
| frozen (SBO)
| frozen horizon
| frozen service
| frozen zone
| FRP cleanup
| FS chart of accounts
| FS item category
| FS item hierarchy
| FS item type (EC-CS)
| FS item type (FI-LC)
| FS Sales Manager
| FTP curve
| fuel
| fuel direct
| fugitive emissions
| fulfillment analytics
| fulfillment control object
| fulfillment date
| fulfillment level
| fulfillment level header
| fulfillment level item
| fulfillment level sequence ID
| fulfillment level tool
| fulfillment notification
| full accrual
| full authorization
| full buffering
| full charter
| full device installation
| full device removal
| full disbursement
| full import
| full link overview
| full load cross-docking
| full lot
| full message
| full product (IS-BEV-LO-SR)
| full product (IS-R)
| full publishing
| full settlement
| full time dependency
| full transport load
| full tree view
| full trust
| full-day
| full-page application
| full-text index
| full-text search
| full-time employee
| full-time equivalent (PA-OS)
| full-time equivalent (PA-PM)
| full-time equivalent budget
| full-time student
| fully interchangeable part
| fully qualified hostname
| function (BC-DWB-TOO)
| function (BC-SRV-BR)
| function (CO)
| function (CORPORATE-SPO)
| function (PLM-WUI-APP)
| function (SV-ASA)
| function authorization
| Function Builder
| function category
| function class
| function code (BC-ABA)
| function code (SCM-EWM)
| function code profile
| function group
| function identifier (IS-AD-CC)
| function identifier (IS-DFS)
| function iView
| function key
| function library
| function link
| function list
| function loader
| function module
| function module exit
| function name
| function profile (BC-SRV-CM)
| function profile (CA-WUI)
| function profile (FS-CM)
| function selection matrix
| function text
| function tree (BC-CUS-TOL-NAV)
| function tree (PA)
| function type
| function variant (IS-H)
| function variant (PLM-WUI-APP)
| Functional Acknowledgement
| functional area (BC-SRV-QUE)
| functional area (CO)
| functional area (FI)
| functional area (PA-TM)
| functional area (PSM)
| functional area group
| functional component version
| functional element
| functional impairment
| functional line item
| functional location
| functional location category
| functional location label
| functional method
| functional rebate campaign
| Functional Specification
| functional unit (NW)
| functional unit (SWE)
| fund (CRM-FM)
| fund (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| fund (PSM-FG)
| fund (PSM-FM)
| fund attribute
| fund balances with Treasury
| fund category
| fund determination
| fund equity account
| fund group
| fund management
| fund order
| fund physician care
| fund posting
| fund range
| fund recovery
| fund type (CRM-FM)
| fund type (PSM-FG)
| fund type (PSM-FM)
| fund usage
| fund usage item
| fund-type defined benefits pension plan
| funded account
| funded account (balance transfer)
| funded program
| funding account
| funding account (balance transfer)
| funding account ranking
| funding category
| funding center
| funding financial position
| funding ID
| funding method
| funding portfolio
| funding program (FS-TXS)
| funding program (IS-HER-CM)
| funding transaction
| funds
| funds block
| funds center
| funds from secondary sources (PA-PM)
| funds from secondary sources (PSM-GM)
| funds management
| Funds Management
| Funds Management account assignment element
| funds overview
| funds plan
| funds plan type
| funds precommitment (PA-PM)
| funds precommitment (PSM-FM)
| funds required
| funds reservation (PS)
| funds reservation (PSM-FM)
| funds transfer pricing
| fungible
| future BOD
| future change
| future hold
| future margin income
| future remit
| future standard cost estimate
| future version
| future-dated unscheduled processing
| futures
| fuzzy search (AP-CAT)
| fuzzy search (BC-TRX)
| fuzzy set
| fuzzy similarity
| FX exposure
| FX position revaluation
| FX transaction
| FX type (EPM-BPC)
| G
| G-Day
| G/L account (FI)
| G/L account (FS-BA-SD)
| G/L account (PSM-FM)
| G/L account contract
| G/L account document
| G/L account length
| G/L account master record
| G/L decrease account
| G/L increase account
| gain
| gain and loss
| gain posting
| gallery
| gamma
| gamma correction
| gamma factor
| gantry
| Gantt area
| Gantt chart (BC-FES-GRA)
| Gantt chart (PS)
| gap (EPM-SCP)
| gap (IS-B-SA)
| gap analysis
| gap in roster
| gap insurance
| gap performance
| garage rent
| garbage collector
| garnishment number
| garnishment type
| gas allocation
| gas allocation schema
| gas billing
| gas billing according to standard cubic meters
| gas billing type
| gas cycle
| gas day
| gas law deviation factor
| gas procedure
| gas statement profile
| gas volume correction factor
| gate
| gate expression
| gateway
| gateway host
| gateway reader
| gateway service
| Gematik
| general agreement on pay and benefits
| general area
| general business condition lien
| general business methods
| general commission contract agreements
| general contractor
| general contribution
| general cost object
| general costs activity
| general costs element
| general data
| general download
| general duty rate
| General Employee Self-Services
| general exemption
| general expression position
| general header
| general inflation gain or loss
| general inflation index
| general journal
| general label
| general ledger
| general ledger account
| General Ledger Accounting (new)
| general ledger group
| general ledger posting
| general maintenance task list
| General Methods
| general numerical function
| general overview
| general position
| general practitioner
| general questionnaire
| general recipe
| general report selection
| general request
| General Schedule
| general selection
| general storage area
| general task
| general tolerance rule
| general transitional collateral
| general transportation cost profile
| generalization
| generally accepted accounting principles
| generate
| generated characteristic
| generated hierarchy
| generated hierarchy group
| generated object
| generated repetitive payment
| generated setup matrix
| generating program
| generation (BC-WD)
| generation (FS-PM)
| generation (ICM)
| generation append package
| generation bookkeeping table
| generation of hypothetical derivative
| generation rule
| generation template
| generic
| generic ABAP type
| generic article
| generic attribute (BC-ABA)
| generic attribute (EP-UP-ES)
| generic buffering
| Generic Business Tools
| generic CHIP
| generic data type
| generic drug definition
| generic drug parameter
| generic file name
| generic foreign key
| generic interaction layer (CA-WUI)
| generic interaction layer (CRM-IC)
| generic key
| generic layout
| generic market data
| generic market data class
| generic material
| Generic Modeling Language
| generic name
| generic navigation block
| generic object selection
| Generic Object Services
| generic portal application layer
| Generic Security Services API
| generic service
| generic service type
| generic statistical data
| generic step controller
| Generic Synchronization
| generic transaction
| generic typing
| generic UI object type
| genIL model editor
| geocoder
| geocoding level
| geocoordinates
| geographic block
| geographical area
| geographical information system (BC-FES-GRA)
| geographical information system (RE)
| geographical segment
| geographical unit
| geolocation
| geometric dimensioning and tolerance
| geometric instance
| Geppen
| geppen form
| German electronic health card
| German Federal Office for Information Technology Security
| German Pension Reform
| German Pension Tax Law
| gestational age
| get
| get quantity
| get term
| getter method
| GI perception
| GIS Business Connector
| GIS link
| GIS method repository
| GIS service
| glassbox component
| global agreement
| global agreement type
| global assembly cache
| global assignment
| global calendar
| global cascading fonts data
| global cell
| global change process
| global characteristic
| global collateral (FS-CMS)
| global collateral (IS-B-RA-CL)
| global collateral provision
| global company currency
| global currency
| global data
| global data container
| global data synchronization
| global data type (BC-ESI)
| global data type (SWE)
| global declaration of purpose
| global declaration section
| global demand search
| global distribution system
| Global Document Type Identifier
| global employee
| Global Employment
| global exclusion list
| global external limit
| Global Fallback Code Page
| global folder
| global ID
| global implementation program
| global internal limit
| global item
| global key figure
| global ledger
| global limit
| Global Limit Check
| Global Location Number
| global lock
| global memory
| global menu
| global modeling
| global outline agreement
| global parameters
| global percentage bidding
| global portal
| global product recommendation
| Global Program Core Team
| global purchaser
| global reference system
| global release
| global release rule
| global remuneration clearing agreement
| Global Returnable Asset Identifier
| global risk heat map
| global rollback process
| global rollout
| global search
| global service
| global service description
| global service file
| global service parameter
| Global Service Relation Number
| global site
| Global Spend Analysis
| global standard
| global template
| global template project
| global template team
| global template version
| Global Trade Item Number (CRM-MD)
| Global Trade Item Number (LO)
| Global Trade Management
| global transfer policy
| Global User Manager
| global warming potential
| globalization
| globally unique identifier (BC-SRV-KPR)
| globally unique identifier (OPU-DUE)
| glossary
| glossary definition
| glossary entry
| GLT0 conversion
| glyph
| glyph code
| glyph identifier
| glyph metrics
| glyph shape
| GM RIB object
| GNG code
| GNI code
| go live
| Go Live & Support
| go to
| go up
| goal
| going live
| gold bullion held in own vaults or on an allocated basis
| Golden Tax Invoice Number
| Golden Tax Invoice Type
| golden unit
| Good Manufacturing Practice
| goods and services tax
| goods and services tax return
| goods at construction site
| goods catalog
| goods clearing account
| goods identification code
| goods in transit
| goods issue (LO)
| goods issue (SCM-EWM)
| goods issue date
| goods issue document
| goods issue interim storage area
| goods issue interim storage type
| goods issue processing time
| goods issuing department
| goods movement
| goods receipt
| goods receipt blocked stock
| goods receipt date
| goods receipt due date
| goods receipt for Automotive
| goods receipt interim storage area
| goods receipt logic
| goods receipt processing time (MM-IM)
| goods receipt processing time (SCM-APO)
| goods receipt purchase order
| goods receipt reference
| goods receipt/issue slip
| goods receiving department
| goods receiving hours
| goods return
| goods staging location
| goods to man
| goods traffic type
| goods wait time
| goods-receipt-based invoice verification
| goodwill (EC-CS)
| goodwill (FI-LC)
| Government Electronic Tendering Service
| government share above
| government share below
| Government Uniform Invoice
| Government Uniform Invoice format
| Government Uniform Invoice number
| Governmental Accounting Standards Board
| governmental fund
| GPD material
| GR/IR clearing
| GR/IR journal
| grace period (CRM-MKT-MPL-LOY)
| grace period (PA-BN)
| grace period for time deposit
| grade (IS-H)
| grade (IS-HER-CM)
| grade determination
| grade symbol
| graduated rent
| graduated rent adjustment type
| graduated vesting
| graduation process
| grammar
| grandchild
| grandfathered plan
| grant (BC-SEC-USR)
| grant (PSM-GM)
| grant type
| granted right
| grantee
| Grantee Management
| granting
| granting reference
| grantor
| grantor program
| Grants Management
| granularity (BC)
| granularity (CA)
| granularity (CRM-RPL-ICS)
| granularity characteristic
| graph template
| graph type
| grapheme
| graphic (BC-FES-GRA)
| graphic (IS-M-AMC)
| graphic (SCM-APO-FCS)
| graphic representation of the group structure
| graphic type
| graphical document flow
| graphical element
| graphical element type
| graphical event
| graphical event monitoring
| graphical Form Painter
| Graphical Framework
| graphical object (BC-FES-GRA)
| graphical object (PP-CRP)
| graphical object (SCM-APO-PPS)
| graphical object type
| graphical object type selection
| graphical Screen Painter
| graphical user interface
| graphical warehouse layout
| graphics product
| graphics proxy
| graphics tag library
| graphics type
| grassland quality indicator
| gratuitous entertainment
| gratuity
| graybox component
| green power
| green rating
| greenhouse gas
| greenhouse gas capture
| greenhouse gas project
| greenhouse gas protocol calculation tool
| Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative
| Greenhouse Gas Protocol Project
| greenhouse gas public report
| greenhouse gas removal
| greenhouse gas trades
| grid (BC-FES-GRA)
| grid (IS-AFS-BD)
| grid (IS-U-IDE)
| grid (SCM-APO-OPT)
| grid (SCM-EWM)
| grid control data
| grid control editor
| grid entry
| grid history
| grid level
| grid level type
| grid optimization
| grid point (FS-BA-SD)
| grid point (IS-B-RA-MR)
| grid product
| grid report
| grid usage condition
| grid usage rate
| grid value
| grid value assignment
| grid value group
| grid value sorting
| GRMG application
| GRMG customizing file
| GRMG infrastructure
| GRMG request
| GRMG response
| Groff reorder procedure
| gross entitlement amount
| gross entitlement calculation
| gross entitlement calculation date
| gross entitlement calculation period
| gross entitlement document
| gross exposure
| gross footprint
| gross list price
| gross payment calculation period
| gross payment document
| gross payment frequency
| gross payment item determination
| gross payment item process category
| gross payment item selection date
| gross payment voucher
| gross posting
| gross price (MM-IV)
| gross price (SBO)
| gross profit
| gross requirements planning
| gross tax rate and deduction tax card
| gross total
| gross unit of measure (EHS-CI)
| gross unit of measure (IS-OIL-DS-MAP)
| ground rent
| ground time slot
| group (AP-MD-BP)
| group (BC-JAS-SEC)
| group (BW-BEX)
| group (EC-CS)
| group (EHS)
| group (FI-LC)
| group (FS-BA-PM-DP)
| group (LOD-ESO)
| group (MP-INF)
| group (RIV)
| group (RIV)
| group (SRM-SUD)
| group 'to be deleted' note
| group appointment (BC-SRV-COM)
| group appointment (IS-H)
| group article
| group asset
| group attendee
| group BOM
| group box
| group breakdown
| group category
| group code (IS-M-SD)
| group code (SBO)
| group condition
| group contract (CRM-IPH)
| group contract (ICM)
| group contract (IS-M-AM)
| group costing
| group counter
| group currency (EC-CS)
| group currency (EPM-BPC)
| group currency (FI-LC)
| group customer
| group dimension
| group folder
| group formation type
| group header
| group hit list
| group incentive wages
| group investment
| group investment value
| group item
| group key
| group key figure
| group level (BW-BEX)
| group level (SBO)
| group list
| group lock note
| group master contract
| group material
| group name
| group of accounting object types
| group of alternative lines
| group of delivery time intervals
| group operation
| group participant
| Group Policy
| group production costs (EC-CS)
| group production costs (FI-LC)
| group purchase organization
| group reference number for data exchange
| group reporting
| group requirement
| group share (EC-CS)
| group share (FI-LC)
| group size
| group table
| group template
| Group Template IMG
| group term life insurance plan
| group therapy
| group transfer price
| group valuation
| group valuation view
| group-based exclusion
| group-based listing
| grouped deliveries
| grouped order list
| grouped purchase order document
| grouper
| grouping (FI)
| grouping (PS)
| grouping (SBO)
| grouping category
| grouping characteristic
| grouping horizon
| grouping index
| grouping level
| grouping node
| grouping rule
| grouping strategy
| grouping term
| grouping unit
| grouping WBS element
| Grouping, Pegging, Distribution
| Groupware (CRM)
| Groupware (EP-KM-COL)
| Groupware Adapter
| Groupware integration
| growth rebate
| GST number
| GST registration no.
| GTA service tax
| guarantee (FS-CML)
| guarantee (ICM)
| guarantee (SLL)
| guarantee agreement
| guarantee of payment (FI)
| guarantee of payment (RE)
| guarantee of payment (SD-FT)
| guarantee rate
| guaranteed advance
| Guaranteed Delivery
| guaranteed income
| guaranteed interest fund
| guaranteed value
| guarantor (IS-H)
| guarantor (IS-U-WA)
| guarantor category
| guarantor contract
| guest user (MP-INF)
| guest user (WEC)
| GUI control
| GUI registration number
| GUI status
| GUI time
| GUI title
| GUID for business partner version
| guidance
| guided activity
| guided activity page
| guided activity step
| guided data entry UI pattern
| Guided Procedures
| Guided Structure Synchronization
| guideline
| guideline grouping
| guideline matrix
| guideline variant
| H
| HA software
| haircut
| half-consonant form
| half-year method
| halfwidth
| Han character
| Han unification
| hand-over agency
| handheld sales
| handheld service
| handhelds UI explorer
| handle
| handler
| handler class
| handler control record
| handling markup
| handling resource (SCM-APO-MD)
| handling resource (SCM-TM)
| handling surcharge
| handling type
| handling unit (LE-YM)
| handling unit (LO-HU)
| handling unit (SCM-EWM)
| handling unit management (SAP)
| handling unit management (SAP)
| Handling Unit Management
| handling unit type group
| handling unit warehouse task
| handling-in resource
| handling-out resource
| handout
| handover article
| Handover Workshop
| handshake
| hang-up time
| Hangul
| Hanja
| Hanzi
| harbor maintenance fee
| hard bounce
| hard constraint
| hard currency
| hard merge
| hard shutdown
| hard split
| hardware services
| Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
| harmonized system
| harmonized system landscape
| Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated
| hash function
| hashed table
| hatch
| having a negative effect on tax
| Hayes Command Set
| hazard identification number
| hazard inducer
| hazard item number
| hazard note
| hazard symbol
| hazard zone
| hazard-inducing substance
| hazardous material
| hazardous material storage warning
| hazardous material warning
| hazardous product
| hazardous substance
| hazardous substance master
| hazardous substance master record
| hazardous substance warning
| hazardous working conditions
| HDB data storage areas
| head control
| head office account
| head salary
| head unit of organization
| headcount
| header (BC-SRV-REP)
| header (EP-KM)
| header ad spec
| header area (CA-WUI)
| header area (EP-KM)
| header area (EP-PIN-NAV)
| header attribute
| header bar
| header conditions
| header data (AP-CAT)
| header data (BC-SRV-PMI)
| header data (BC-SRV-SCR)
| header data (PLM-WUI-OBJ)
| header data (SRM-EBP)
| header dimension
| header division
| header field
| header file
| header internal order
| header item conditions
| header level
| header line
| header location product
| header notification
| header order
| header product
| header resource
| header segment
| heading
| health agency
| health center
| health conditions
| health industry number
| Health Level 7
| health organization
| health problem
| health professional
| health professional card
| health professional ID
| Health Professional Index
| health professional record
| health savings account
| health surveillance protocol
| healthcare provider
| healthcare smart card
| heap
| heap memory
| heart grid value
| heartbeat attribute
| heat and power consolidation
| heating degree day
| heating percentage
| heating system
| heating value day
| heating value percentage rate
| heatmap (EP-VC)
| heatmap (GRC-RM)
| heavy work
| hedge accounting
| hedge adjustment (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| hedge adjustment (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| hedge aggregation level
| hedge amortized cost
| hedge category
| hedge effective capital
| hedge effective interest rate
| hedge fair value
| hedge ID
| hedge position (HM-FAM)
| hedge proposal
| hedge ratio
| hedged item
| hedging relationship
| hedging relationship for accounting purposes
| hedging set
| Hei Ran
| Hei Ran table
| Hei Ran-applicable employee
| Heijunka
| held
| help
| help document
| help pane
| help view
| heuristic
| heuristic run
| heuristic-based capacity leveling
| heuristic-based planning
| hexadecimal number
| hidden
| hidden limit
| hidden reserves
| hide
| HIDE area
| hierarchical Business Configuration Set (BC-CUS-TOL)
| hierarchical Business Configuration Set (SBO)
| hierarchical categorization
| Hierarchical Derivation Service
| hierarchical filter selection
| hierarchical overlap check
| hierarchical relationship type
| hierarchical structure
| hierarchical task list
| hierarchy (BI-AA-WEB)
| hierarchy (BW)
| hierarchy (CA)
| hierarchy (CO)
| hierarchy (EC-CS)
| hierarchy (EP-VC)
| hierarchy (EPM-SA)
| hierarchy (FS-BA-SD)
| hierarchy (SCM-APO-MD)
| hierarchy (SCM-EWM)
| hierarchy (SRM-EBP)
| Hierarchy
| hierarchy access
| hierarchy area
| hierarchy article
| hierarchy attribute
| hierarchy category (AP-MD-BP)
| hierarchy category (FS-BA-SD)
| hierarchy edit view
| hierarchy framework
| hierarchy generation data object
| hierarchy graphic
| hierarchy group
| hierarchy level (BC-MID-ALE)
| hierarchy level (EC-CS)
| hierarchy level (SRM-EBP-CON)
| hierarchy level relationships
| hierarchy material
| hierarchy node (AP-MD-BP)
| hierarchy node (CO-PC)
| hierarchy of consolidation groups
| hierarchy repository
| hierarchy structure
| hierarchy template
| hierarchy tree
| hierarchy type (FS-BA-SD)
| hierarchy type (IS-OIL-DS-OGSD)
| hierarchy version
| HIFO liability
| high availability
| high availability controller
| high price
| high rack storage area
| higher duty (PY-IT)
| higher duty (PY-XX-PS)
| higher education contribution scheme
| higher-level element list
| higher-level event handler
| higher-level item
| higher-level node
| higher-level object
| higher-level service
| higher-level session
| higher-level settlement unit
| highest-level process batch
| highlighted service
| highly viscous substance
| highly-specialized emergency unit
| hint
| hiring
| histogram
| historical cost convention
| historical currency translation
| historical data (CRM-RPL-ICS)
| historical data (FS-AM)
| historical data capture
| historical data maintenance
| historical data storage
| historical maintenance notification
| historical maintenance order
| historical parcel of land
| historical simulation
| historical value
| historical value markings
| historical version
| history (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| history (SRM-EBP)
| history comparison
| history report
| history type
| history version
| history-based budgeting method
| history-based scenario
| hit
| hit list
| hitlist
| HL7 standard
| hold (BCM)
| hold (CRM-IC)
| hold (IS-HER-CM)
| hold (MM-IV)
| hold (MM-PUR)
| hold (PSM-FM)
| hold grouping
| hold type
| holdback (CRM-IM-IPM)
| holdback (CRM-MKT)
| holdback right
| holder (PA-OS)
| holder (RE)
| holder of customs procedure
| holder-of-key
| holiday
| holiday cost premium
| holiday cost profile
| holiday pay for teachers
| holiday pay supplement for teachers
| holiday plan
| home
| home address
| home area
| home collection
| home country
| home dashboard
| home delivery (IS-BEV-LO-RS)
| home delivery (IS-M-SD)
| home delivery round
| home delivery viability set
| home health care
| home installation check
| home interface
| home location
| home mail system
| home page (BC-DOC)
| home page (CA-WUI)
| home page (RIV)
| home path
| home role
| home university
| home window
| home-based salary calculation
| homogeneous category
| homogeneous storage unit
| hook
| hook point
| hookable activity
| horizon
| horizontal combination
| horizontal group of companies (EC-CS)
| horizontal group of companies (FI-LC)
| horizontal layer
| horizontal progress display
| horizontal reference number
| horizontalization level
| hospital ambulatory record
| hospital company
| Hospital Connector
| hospital discharge record
| hospital discharge record ID
| hospital financing law
| hospital information system
| hospital main diagnosis
| hospital pharmacy
| hospital service catalog
| hospitalization type
| host
| host country
| host name buffer
| host name lookup
| host printer
| host spool system
| host university
| host-based salary calculation
| hosted order management
| hosted user administration
| hosting business partner
| hot key (BC-DWB-DIC)
| hot key (BC-FES)
| hot reload
| hot standby database
| hotspot
| hotsync
| hourglass
| hourly time recording
| house bank
| House Bank Account
| house number range
| house union
| housing commitment law
| housing perquisites
| how-to
| HR Administrator
| HR authorization
| HR form
| HR form editor
| HR Forms
| HR Forms Workplace
| HR Funds and Position Management
| HR master data
| HR Metadata Workplace
| HR Reporting Framework
| HR status
| HR Support Package
| HST number
| HTML Business for Java
| HTML property extractor
| HTML source mode
| HTML template
| HTMLB chart
| HTMLB control
| HTMLBusiness
| HTMLBusiness editor
| HTMLBusiness function
| HTMLBusiness interpreter
| HTTP alias
| HTTP entity
| HTTP logging
| HTTP plugin
| HTTP Provider Service
| HTTP request handler
| HTTP session
| HTTP session identifier
| HTTP Tunneling Service
| HU proposal
| hub
| hub-based solution
| human performance improvement
| human resources analytics
| hunt group
| hybrid folder
| hybrid retail pool
| HybridProvider
| Hydrocarbon Product Management
| Hydrocarbon Product Management material
| hydrometer correction factor
| hygroscopicity
| hyper threading technology
| hyperlink (BC-DOC)
| hyperlink (CRM-MT)
| hyperlink relationship
| hyperrelational navigation protocol
| hyperrelational OLEDB provider
| hyperrelational track
| HyperText Markup Language
| hypertext structure
| HyperText Transfer Protocol
| HyperText Transfer Protocol with SSL
| hypothetical derivative
| hypothetical derivative approach
| hypothetical tax
| hyrel.eval (EP-PIN-UNI)
| I
| IAC Object Receiver
| IATA location
| IB Groep
| IBIOlap
| IBIRelational
| iblock
| iBrowser
| IC elimination
| iCalendar
| ICD-10
| iChart
| ICM analyst
| ICM monitor
| ICM package
| ICM participant
| ICM server cache
| ICM server clipboard
| ICM service
| ICMS complement
| ICMS tax law
| ICO number (FI)
| ICO number (FI)
| iCommand
| icon (BC-DOC)
| icon (BC-FES-GUI)
| icon zone
| ID (AIE)
| ID (EP-KM)
| ID (SBO)
| ID audit
| ID mapping (AIE)
| ID mapping (MDM)
| ID number (EHS)
| ID number (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| ID of a basic catalog item
| ID of filter
| ID transaction
| IDBworks
| idea
| idea action
| Idea and Concept Management
| idea approval
| idea bucket
| idea editor
| idea management
| Idea Management
| idea owner
| idea permission
| idea pool
| idea pool manager
| idea submitter
| idea team
| identical master data object
| identically maintained area of validity
| identification (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| identification (EHS)
| identification (SD-FT)
| identification category (AP-MD-BP)
| identification category (EHS)
| identification number (AP-MD-BP)
| identification number (EHS)
| identification number (FS-BP)
| identification number category
| identification number of institution
| identification point
| Identification Region
| identification scheme
| identification type (AP-MD-BP)
| identification type (EHS)
| identification verification
| identifier (BC-XI)
| identifier (EHS)
| identifier (IS-DFS)
| identifier (PY)
| identity
| identity federation
| Identity Management Entries
| Identity Management integration
| identity provider discovery
| identity store
| identity store ID
| ideograph
| idle
| idle-capacity cost variance
| IDM Entry Attribute
| IDM File Datasource
| IDM Person Detail
| IDM Person-Privilege Assignment
| IDM Person-Role Assignment
| IDM Privilege Detail
| IDM Role Detail
| IDM Role-Privilege Assignment
| IDoc
| IDoc adapter
| IDoc Interface
| IDoc type
| IDoc XML
| iGrid
| IHC financial status
| IHC Payment Order
| IIOP Provider Service
| Illustrated Parts Catalog
| image (BC-SRV-ARL)
| image (PLM-WUI-APP)
| image block
| image document
| image variant
| imbalance
| IMC structure
| IME mode
| IMG Info system
| IMG project
| IMG project documentation
| IMG structure
| IMG structure attribute
| immediate dose
| immediate hold
| immediate order
| immediate requirement
| immediate service
| immediate writeoff
| immutable
| impact (EPM-SCP)
| impact (GRC-RM)
| impact (SBC)
| impact analysis
| impact category
| impact level
| impairment
| impairment test
| imparity principle
| imparting role
| implementation (BC-CUS)
| implementation (BC-FES-GRA)
| Implementation Assistant (SV-ASA)
| Implementation Assistant (SV-SMB-AIO)
| implementation book
| Implementation Guide (BC-CUS-TOL)
| Implementation Guide (BC-DOC)
| implementation model
| implementation package
| implementation program
| implementation project
| implementation proposal for check
| implementation status
| implementation strategy
| implementation support
| implementing iView
| implicit archive path
| implicit classification
| implicit reservation
| implicit support
| implied pass
| import (BC-SRV-COM)
| import (SBC)
| import (SD-FT)
| import (XAP-CQM)
| import broker
| import check
| import code
| import costs
| import data
| import fee
| import into the Community
| import job
| import license
| import parameter
| import process
| import queue
| import template
| import turnover tax
| importance cost
| importance of a characteristic
| imported interface
| importing country
| imprinter
| improper invoice
| improvement
| Impuesto General Indirecto Canario
| imputed income
| imputed interest
| imputed vacancy costs
| in approval (SRD-CC-BTM)
| in approval (SRM-EBP-CON)
| in negotiation
| in queue
| in renewal
| in stock
| in transit quantity
| in work
| in yard
| in-force business
| In-Force Business Configurator
| in-force business maintenance
| in-force business management
| in-house production
| in-house production order
| in-house production time
| in-house service catalog
| in-period
| in-period view
| in-process inspection
| in-transit
| in-transit entry
| in-transit quantity
| inactive
| inactive account
| inactive customer
| inactive employee
| inactive flag
| inactive item
| inactive work relationship
| inactivity period (LOD-ESO)
| inactivity period (MP-APP-DPE)
| INAIL Self-settlement
| INative
| inbound
| inbound call
| inbound controller
| inbound correspondence (CA-GTF)
| inbound correspondence (FS-CMS)
| inbound delivery (IS-A-GR)
| inbound delivery (LE)
| inbound delivery (LO-SPM)
| inbound delivery (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| inbound delivery group
| inbound delivery monitor
| inbound delivery notification
| inbound delivery on hold
| inbound delivery process
| inbound error
| inbound file
| inbound interface (BC-XI)
| inbound interface (PA-EC)
| inbound partner profile
| inbound plug
| inbound posting
| inbound process agent (BC-ESI)
| inbound process agent (SWE)
| inbound processing (BC-MID-ALE)
| inbound processing (BC-XI)
| inbound processing (SCM-APO-PPS-CDS)
| inbound sequenced JIT call
| Inbound Telesales
| inbound text
| inbound type
| inbound warranty claim
| inbound Web service
| inbox
| Inbox
| inbox item
| incapacity to work
| incentive (CA-DMF)
| incentive (ICM)
| Incentive and Commission Management
| Incentive and Sales Force Management
| incentive fee
| incentive wages (LE)
| incentive wages (PY)
| inception to date
| incident (CRM-BTX-SRQ)
| incident (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| incident (EHS)
| incident (EHS-MGM)
| incident (GRC)
| incident (MFG-ME)
| incident management
| incident manager
| incident number
| incident type
| incident/accident log
| incident/accident management
| include
| include menu
| include program
| included document
| inclusion
| inclusion into inventory of a bank
| inclusive bonus quantity (IS-R)
| inclusive bonus quantity (SD)
| inclusive rule
| inclusive rule strategy
| income
| income approach
| income statement
| income tax
| income threshold
| income threshold deficit
| incoming document
| incoming employee
| incoming grant
| incoming inspection lot
| incoming invoice
| incoming orders quantity
| incoming payment date
| incoming payment order
| incoming payment principle
| incoming post
| incoming post book
| incoming royalties
| incoming student
| incomplete (BC-CCM-ADK)
| incomplete (MP-APP-DPE)
| incompletely specified standard condition
| incompleteness procedure
| incompletion analysis
| incompletion rule
| inconsistency
| Incoterms (SBO)
| Incoterms (SD)
| Incoterms location
| increase
| increase calculation module
| increase in capitalization (EC-CS)
| increase in capitalization (FI-LC)
| increase novation
| increase priority
| incremental conversion
| incremental data transfer
| incremental funding
| incremental funding request
| incremental optimization
| incremental quantity
| incumbent
| indefinite quantity
| independent characteristic (EC-CS)
| independent characteristic (SCM-APO-FCS)
| independent data reference
| independent formula
| independent renewable document
| independent slot
| independent step
| independent validation
| index (AP-CAT)
| index (AP-RC-BEF)
| index (BC-DWB-DIC)
| index (BC-SRV-KPR-RET)
| index (BC-TRX)
| index (CRM-MD)
| index build program
| index category
| index category attribute
| index category ID
| index characteristic
| index class
| index clause
| index delete program
| index entry
| index function
| index ID
| index insurance
| index LIFO procedure
| index line
| Index Management Service
| Index Management Service API
| index of empty storage bins
| index rate
| index series (FI-AA)
| index series (RE)
| index server API
| index snapshot
| index storage ID
| index synchronously
| index table
| index type (EPM-SCP)
| index type (FS-PM)
| index value (EPM-SCP)
| index value (PY-PT)
| index-based currency
| index-linked rent
| index-linked rent adjustment
| index-linking
| indexing layer
| indexing service
| indicator
| indicator field
| indicator for display of cash flows
| indicator for fictitious cash flows
| indicator for prospective effectiveness
| indicator for retrospective effectiveness
| indicator group
| indirect account
| indirect activity allocation
| indirect child object
| indirect coinsurance
| indirect costs
| indirect distribution rule
| indirect entitlement
| indirect entity-level control
| indirect exchange rate
| indirect greenhouse gas emissions
| indirect labor
| indirect labor task
| indirect labor time
| indirect method
| indirect participant
| indirect procurement
| indirect quotation
| Indirect Rebate Agreement
| indirect relationship
| indirect remuneration
| indirect remuneration type
| indirect sale
| indirect sales
| indirect search result
| indirect trade promotion
| indirectly assigned BOM
| indiscreet dose
| individual account (CRM-MD)
| individual account (IS-A-RL)
| individual account (PA-PF)
| individual agreement (CRM-RB)
| individual agreement (ICM)
| individual and bulk consumable goods
| individual appraisal
| individual approval
| individual ARun
| individual attendee
| individual billing
| individual business partner
| individual capacity
| individual condition (FS-AM-PR-CD)
| individual condition (IS-B-BCA)
| individual confirmation
| individual consumable goods
| individual correction
| individual customer requirement
| individual cyclical service
| individual development plan
| individual dunning
| individual execution
| individual financial statements
| individual incentive wages
| individual index
| individual length
| individual length level
| individual object (WEC-IS)
| individual object (WEC-IS)
| individual overview
| individual package
| individual participant
| individual picking
| individual processing
| individual purchase order
| individual requirement
| individual requirements inventory
| individual requirements stock segment
| individual resource
| individual signature
| individual simulation
| individual slip
| individual spread
| individual standing order
| individual synchronization
| individual test
| individual time
| individual value adjustment
| individual view
| individualization
| individualization condition
| individualized condition
| industrial hygiene and safety measure
| industry (AP-MD-BP)
| industry (IS-U)
| industry model
| industry month
| industry sector (AP-MD-BP)
| industry sector (LO)
| Industry Solution - SAP Telecommunications
| industry solution for the SAP Business One application
| industry system (AP-MD-BP)
| industry system (AP-MD-BP)
| industry template (CRM)
| industry template (CRM-MSA)
| industry terminology
| industry version
| INDX-type
| ineffective hedging relationship
| ineligible costs
| infeasible solution
| infinite resource
| infinite scheduling (SCM-APO-PPS)
| infinite scheduling (SCM-APO-PPS-RSP)
| infinite sequencing
| inflation adjustment account
| inflation adjustment amount
| inflation adjustment document
| inflation adjustment interval
| inflation adjustment split
| inflation gain or loss
| inflation index
| inflation index date
| inflation index format
| inflation index value
| inflation index version
| inflation key
| inflation method
| inflation surcharge
| inflow
| inflow type
| influencing class
| influencing factor (EHS-MGM)
| influencing factor (IS-R)
| influencing factor type
| info broker
| info channel
| info field
| info group
| info item
| info object status
| Info Object Viewer
| info parameter
| info set
| InfoArea
| InfoCatalog
| InfoCube
| InfoDimension
| InfoField
| InfoFigure
| infokey
| InfoNet
| InfoObject
| InfoPackage
| InfoPackage group
| InfoProvider
| informal entry
| information
| Information and Content Exchange
| information area (KM-KW)
| information area (PA-ER)
| information block (IS-HER-CM)
| information block (IS-HMED)
| information category (FS-BP)
| information category (KM-KW)
| information category (PA-ER)
| Information Consumer Pattern
| information container
| information field
| information flow model
| information flow processing
| information flowchart
| information help desk
| information item
| Information Lifecycle Management
| information menu (PE)
| information menu (PE-LSO)
| information message
| information object (EP-PIN-UNI)
| information object (KM-KW)
| information object (PA-AS)
| information quality
| Information Quality Management
| information request
| information security
| information structure
| Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria
| information type (FS-BP)
| information type (FS-CD)
| informational cadastral classification
| informative date
| informer
| InfoSet (BC-SRV-QUE)
| InfoSet (BW-WHM)
| InfoSet (FS-BA-SD)
| InfoSet Builder
| InfoSet Query
| InfoSource
| InfoSpoke
| InfoStar
| infotype
| infotype framework
| infotype layout
| infotype screen version
| infotype view
| infovalue
| infrastructure (PSM-FM)
| infrastructure (RE)
| infrastructure management
| ingredient (EHS)
| ingredient (EHS)
| ingredient (PP-PI)
| ingredient type
| inhabitant tax
| inherent risk
| inherent vowel
| inherit
| inheritance (BC-ABA)
| inheritance (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| inheritance (BC-SRV-SCR)
| inheritance (IS-HMED)
| inheritance (MDM)
| inheritance (PA)
| inheritance (SV-ASA)
| inheritance (SWE)
| inheritance hierarchy
| inheritance relationship
| inheritance share
| inheritance template
| inheritance tree
| initial
| initial access (IS-U-DM)
| initial access (PE)
| initial activity status
| initial attribute
| initial booking unit
| initial buy allocation
| initial commission case
| initial context
| initial cost split
| initial data creation
| initial datafeed
| initial distribution (BC-CUS-TOL)
| initial distribution (IS-DFS)
| initial document
| initial download
| initial draft
| initial duration
| initial dynpro
| initial entry
| initial entry of stock balances
| initial examination
| initial generation run
| initial load (BC-SEC-USR)
| initial load (CA-MDG)
| initial load (CRM-MW)
| initial load (IS-B-DP)
| initial load (IS-BEV-DSD)
| initial marker
| initial markup
| initial measurement
| initial provisioning
| initial provisioning data
| initial range of coverage
| initial record layout
| initial registration
| initial requirement
| initial reserve
| initial role assignment
| initial room role
| initial screen (BC-FES-GUI)
| initial screen (IS-T)
| initial screen (PA)
| initial solution
| initial specifications
| initial statement
| initial status
| initial supply
| initial supply quantity
| initial synchronization
| initial transport load
| initial value
| initial value sharing
| initial version
| initial visit
| initialism
| initialization
| initialization business transaction
| initialization data
| initialization iView
| initialization phase
| initialization posting
| initialization reason
| initialization task
| initiate a release check
| initiate process
| initiating object record
| initiation tape
| initiative (CRM-CHM)
| initiative (EHS-CI)
| initiative (FIN-SEM-CPM)
| initiative (SRM-CM)
| initiative administrator
| initiative creator
| initiative management
| initiative owner (EHS-CI)
| initiative owner (SRM-CM)
| initiator (CAF-GP)
| initiator (GRC-SAC)
| initiator (MP-APP-DPE)
| injury level
| injury type
| injury/illness log
| Inleveranslogistik
| inline event
| inline time
| inner packaging
| innovation expert
| innovation manager
| inpatient
| inpatient admission appointment
| inpatient cost distribution
| inpatient hospital treatment
| inpatient progress note
| inpatient progress report
| inpatient scheduling type
| inpayment slip with reference number
| input batch
| input database type
| input document
| input field
| input form
| input help (BC-ABA)
| input help (CA-WUI)
| input help button
| input length
| Input Manager
| input material
| input parameter
| input price variance
| input processing
| input product
| input quantity (CO-PC)
| input quantity (PP)
| input quantity variance
| input side
| input tax
| input tax adjustment
| input tax adjustment phase
| input tax correction
| input tax distribution
| input tax processing
| input tax revision
| input tax treatment
| input tokenizer
| input type (EC-CS)
| input type (FI-LC)
| input VAT
| input-ready cell
| input-ready query
| input/output diagram
| input/output field
| input/output group
| inquiry
| insert (BC-CTS)
| insert (BC-FES-GUI)
| insert (CA-DMF)
| insert (IS-M)
| insert block
| insert zone
| insertion
| inside zone C limit alarm
| insider
| insight
| Insight action
| insight and idea submitter
| insights
| inspection (BC-EIM-IQM)
| inspection (IS-U-WM)
| inspection (PM)
| inspection catalog
| inspection characteristic
| inspection characteristic origin
| inspection code
| inspection decision
| inspection document
| inspection duration
| inspection during production
| inspection instruction
| inspection interval
| inspection level
| inspection list
| inspection location
| inspection lot
| inspection lot origin
| inspection method
| inspection object
| inspection object type
| Inspection of Supplier Deliveries
| inspection operation
| inspection outcome
| inspection period
| inspection plan (BC-EIM-IQM)
| inspection plan (QM)
| inspection plan history
| inspection point
| inspection procedure
| inspection processing
| inspection property
| inspection results request
| inspection rule
| inspection rule group
| inspection sample
| inspection schedule
| inspection severity
| inspection shop order
| inspection stage
| inspection stock
| inspection text
| inspection type (BC-EIM-IQM)
| inspection type (QM)
| inspector qualification
| installable software unit
| installation
| installation data
| installation data file
| installation group
| Installation Guide
| installation location
| installation number
| installation package
| Installation Package
| installation point
| installation removal
| installation shutdown
| installation structure
| installation task
| installed base (AP-MD-IBA)
| installed base (CS)
| installed base component type
| installed base structure gap installation rule
| installed seal
| installer
| installer directory
| installment
| installment arrears
| installment plan
| instance (BC-ABA)
| instance (BC-CCM-MON)
| instance (BC-FES-GRA)
| instance (CRM-BF-CFG)
| instance (SWE)
| Instance
| instance change
| instance document
| instance ID
| instance level permissions
| instance linkage
| instance linkage table
| instance name
| instance node
| instance number
| instance object type
| instance profile (BC-CCM-MON)
| instance profile (BC-JAS)
| instance start user
| instance type
| instant messaging
| instant report builder
| instantiate
| instantiation (BC-ABA)
| instantiation (CRM-BF-CFG)
| instantiation (KM-KW)
| institute number
| institution
| institution validity period
| instore EAN
| instruction (FIN-FSCM-IHC)
| instruction (STAGING)
| instruction date (FS-AM-OM-AC)
| instruction date (SBO)
| instruction key
| instruction pointer
| instruction text
| instructional designer
| instructional element
| Instructional Element Editor
| instructional element template
| instructional element type
| Instructor Portal
| instrumentation
| insufficient coverage
| insufficient deposit coverage
| insufficient funds
| insurable event
| insurable object
| insurable value (FI-AA)
| insurable value (FS-CM)
| insurable value as new
| insurance card number
| insurance claims management
| insurance dunning
| insurance flag
| insurance handling
| insurance line code
| insurance object
| insurance object category
| insurance policy
| insurance portfolio
| insurance provider
| insurance provider type
| insurance relationship
| insurance settlement account
| insurance type (FI-AA)
| insurance type (FS-CD)
| insurance verification document
| insurance verification item
| insurance verification master data
| insurance verification processing
| insurance verification request
| Insurant Master Data Management
| insured
| insured object
| insured period
| insured person
| intangible asset
| intangible goods
| integer
| integral profile
| Integral System for Personnel and Payment Administration
| integrated accounting system
| integrated attribute
| integrated budget
| integrated catalog
| Integrated Communication Interface
| integrated configuration
| integrated contract and order manager
| integrated development environment
| integrated marketing calendar
| integrated planning
| Integrated POD
| Integrated Product and Process Engineering
| Integrated System for Performance Appraisal in the Public Se
| Integrated System of Retirements and Pensions
| integration application programming interface
| Integration Broker
| Integration Content
| Integration Directory
| Integration Engine
| integration layer
| integration manager
| integration matrix
| integration object
| Integration of SAP CRM and SAP APO-ATP
| integration pattern
| Integration Pattern Library
| integration scenario (BC-XI)
| integration scenario (SWE)
| integration scenario model
| Integration Server
| integration system
| integration test plan
| integration testing
| integrator
| intellectual property (CRM-IM-IPM)
| intellectual property (PSM)
| intellectual property management
| Intellectual Property Management
| intelligence
| intelligent workstation
| intensity
| intensity ratio
| intensity target
| intentional duplicate
| Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office
| inter-client communication
| inter-departmental
| inter-departmental bed assignment
| inter-project link
| interaction (BC-FES-GRA)
| interaction (CRM-CIC)
| interaction (KM-ITU)
| interaction area
| interaction center
| Interaction Center
| Interaction Center manager dashboard
| Interaction Center profile
| Interaction Center WebClient
| Interaction Center WinClient
| interaction component
| interaction history
| interaction object
| interaction record
| interaction statistics
| Interactive Excel
| interactive external systems integration
| interactive form
| Interactive Intelligent Agent
| interactive offline form
| interactive online form
| interactive planning (SCM-APO-SNP)
| interactive planning (SRD-SCM-DP)
| interactive reporting
| interactive scripting
| interactive sourcing profile
| interactive user guide
| interactive voice response
| interactor
| interbank recall
| interbank working day
| intercept
| Interchange Acknowledgement
| interchange file
| interchangeability group
| interchangeable part
| intercompany billing (IS-U-BI)
| intercompany billing (SD)
| intercompany clearing account
| intercompany data exchange
| intercompany payables
| interconnected power grid
| interest
| interest accrued
| interest amount
| interest base amount
| Interest Calculation - Germany
| Interest Calculation - US
| interest calculation capital
| interest calculation logic
| interest calculation method (CA-FIM-FMA)
| interest calculation method (IS-B)
| interest compensation (IS-B)
| interest compensation (IS-B-BCA)
| interest compensation contract
| interest compensation limit
| interest distribution
| interest earned
| interest group (OPU-DUE)
| interest group (PA-ER)
| interest key
| interest on arrears
| interest paid
| interest rate
| interest rate adjustment
| interest rate adjustment date
| interest rate guarantee
| interest rate risk
| interest rate spread
| interest rate swap
| interest result share
| interface (BC-ABA)
| interface (BC-BMT-WFM)
| interface (BC-DOC)
| interface (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| interface (BC-FES-GRA)
| interface (IS-R)
| interface (SBC)
| interface (SWE)
| Interface Builder
| interface component selector
| interface data structure
| interface determination
| interface element
| interface floor plan manager
| interface format
| interface group
| interface object
| interface parameter
| interface pattern (BC-MID)
| interface pattern (SWE)
| interface pool
| interface report
| interface scenario
| interface sentence
| Interface Toolbox
| interface type
| interface view
| interface work area
| Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
| interim account (FI)
| interim account (SBO)
| interim appraisal
| interim balance sheet
| interim billing
| interim limit
| interim period
| interim portfolio assignment (ICM)
| interim portfolio assignment (ICM-PFO)
| interim settlement
| interim status
| interim storage area
| interim storage bin
| interim storage bin location
| interleaving
| interlinkage
| interlinkage type
| interlinked action
| interlinking action
| Intermedia Standard Press Code
| intermediate asset
| intermediate buffer
| intermediate customer
| intermediate data type
| intermediate directory
| intermediate document
| intermediate layer
| intermediate representation
| intermediate storage section
| intermediate storage type
| intermittent
| intermode communication
| internal (FS-AM)
| internal (PE)
| internal (PE-LSO)
| internal activity allocation
| internal and external bonus/penalty level
| internal ARE-1 number
| internal ARE-3 number
| internal bank account
| internal bank operation code
| internal billing
| internal bond number
| internal business transaction
| internal calculation key
| internal certification
| internal certification period
| internal charging reference
| internal claim type
| internal collaboration
| internal collateral agreement
| internal comment
| internal condition category
| internal content source
| internal contract
| internal contract apportionment
| internal contract number
| internal control for financial reporting
| internal control over financial reporting
| internal credit line
| internal customer
| internal customer freight invoicing
| internal customer settlement
| internal dispersion
| internal event
| internal event code
| internal event code group
| internal excise document number
| internal fraction
| internal funds
| internal hierarchy
| internal job title
| internal leaf
| internal license number
| internal limit
| internal link
| internal node
| internal object
| internal order
| internal part number
| internal payments
| internal price (PE)
| internal price (PE-LSO)
| internal price determination
| internal procedure call
| internal processing status
| internal processing structure
| internal product catalog
| internal promotion ID
| internal rate of return
| internal rating procedure
| internal reconciliation
| internal reconciliation upgrade
| internal sales representative
| internal server error
| internal service charge settlement
| internal service order with increase in value
| internal service request
| internal session
| internal stock monitoring
| internal subcontracting challan number
| internal supplier
| internal table
| internal trading partner
| internal usage
| internal value added
| internal version
| internal work experience
| internally processed activity
| International Air Transport Association
| International Article Number
| International Article Numbering
| International Article Numbering Association
| International Chamber of Commerce
| international commercial term
| international HR administrator
| international Human Resources department
| International Location Number
| international purchase account
| International Standard Serial Number
| International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Rel
| internationalization
| Internet
| Internet Application Component
| internet business collaboration
| Internet Business Framework
| Internet Communication Framework
| Internet Communication Manager
| Internet Communication Pages
| Internet Customer Self-Service
| Internet Engineering Task Force
| Internet Graphics Server
| Internet Graphics Server for MiniApps
| Internet Graphics Service
| Internet pricing and configuration
| Internet protocol (IS-T)
| Internet protocol (SAP)
| Internet release
| Internet scheduling agreement release
| Internet service request
| interoperation time
| interpolation
| interpolation of profile values
| interpolation of the default probability
| interpolation procedure
| interpreter
| interprocess communication
| interrogation
| interrogation record
| interrupt
| interruptible
| interruption period
| interunit elimination
| interunit profit and loss
| interval
| interval customer
| interval distribution
| interval document
| interval end date
| interval for limits
| interval planning
| interval reading (IS-U-EDM)
| interval reading (IS-U-EDM)
| interval start date
| interval value
| intonation
| intra material
| intra-community acquisition
| intra-community supply
| intra-European Union trade statistics
| intracompany transfer
| intraday costing
| intraday reference interest rate
| intransit receipts
| Intrastat
| Intrastat administrator
| Intrastat configuration tool
| INTRASTAT customs rate
| Intrastat declaration
| Intrastat declaration editor
| intrazone lane (SCM-APO-VS)
| intrazone lane (SCM-TM)
| introductory program statement
| Invalid Language List
| invalidate (BC-CST-IC)
| invalidate (SCM-APO-VS)
| invalidation item
| inventory (EHS-CI)
| inventory (MFG-LPO)
| inventory (MM-IM)
| inventory (SBO)
| Inventory Accounting
| inventory adjustment
| inventory adjustment posting
| inventory alert
| Inventory Audit Report
| inventory balancing
| inventory balancing area
| inventory book
| inventory card
| inventory costing
| inventory cycle
| inventory data
| inventory days of supply
| inventory difference
| inventory fixed point
| inventory group
| inventory issue document
| inventory level
| inventory list for fire department
| inventory location
| inventory management (CRM-MOM)
| inventory management (MFG-ME)
| inventory management (MM-IM)
| inventory management of hydrocarbon products
| inventory management on a material basis
| inventory management on a quantity and value basis
| inventory management on a value-only basis
| inventory note
| inventory object
| inventory obsolescence
| inventory of existing chemical substances
| inventory offset
| inventory offset decrease account
| inventory offset increase account
| inventory planning
| inventory price
| inventory price change document
| inventory receipt
| inventory receipt document
| inventory reconciliation
| inventory recount
| inventory revaluation
| inventory settlement
| inventory surplus
| inventory tracking
| inventory transfer
| inventory turnover
| inventory valuation
| Inventory Valuation Utility
| inventory value
| inventory-managed manufacturer part
| inverse activity allocation
| inverse posting
| inverse rating
| inversion
| investee
| investee unit
| investigation (CRM-BTX-COM)
| investigation (EHS-MGM)
| investigation guideline
| investigation record
| investigation step
| investigation template
| Investigative Case Management
| investment (EC-CS)
| investment (FI-LC)
| investment (FS-PM)
| investment (PA-BN)
| investment amortization (EC-CS)
| investment amortization (FI-LC)
| investment buying
| investment center
| investment cluster
| investment direction ineligible person
| investment director
| investment group
| investment measure
| investment opportunity
| investment opportunity item
| investment premium
| investment profile
| investment program
| investment program position
| investment project
| investment reason
| investment share
| investment stop
| investment structure list
| investment support measure
| investment tax
| investment type
| investment wages
| investor (FI-LC)
| investor (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| investor agreement
| investor contract
| investor unit
| invitation (EHS)
| invitation (MP-APP-DPE)
| invitation list (MP-APP-DPE)
| invitation list (SRM-EBP-CON)
| invoice (FI)
| invoice (SD)
| invoice (SRM-SUS)
| invoice claim
| invoice confirmation
| invoice correction request
| invoice currency
| invoice date (AP-TTE)
| invoice date (IS-M-SD)
| invoice date (MM-IV)
| invoice date (SD)
| invoice deficit
| invoice document
| invoice document on hold
| invoice for diagnosis
| invoice group
| invoice management
| invoice posting
| invoice price variance
| invoice quantity
| invoice receipt
| invoice reference
| invoice selection
| invoice split
| invoice surplus
| invoice value
| invoice verification (AP-TTE)
| invoice verification (LO)
| invoice with PO reference
| invoice without PO reference
| invoicing (FS-CD)
| invoicing (FS-CD)
| invoicing (IS-PS-CA)
| invoicing (IS-U-IN)
| invoicing and contract accounting
| invoicing base date
| invoicing cycle
| invoicing frequency
| Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
| invoicing party
| invoicing plan (MM-PUR)
| invoicing plan (PS)
| invoicing type
| invoicing unit
| inwait
| inward delivery completed indicator
| inward processing
| IP right
| iPanel
| iPanel assignment
| IPI pauta
| IPI tax law
| IPO step
| Ippan insured
| iPPE access object
| iPPE line design
| iPPE node
| iPPE object
| iPPE process structure
| IPv6
| IpVerification Manager
| IR-chart
| IRB approach
| irrecoverable debt
| irrevocable unconfirmed
| IS-T
| IS-U Error Monitor
| ISDN access
| ISF package
| ISIC code
| ISO 14064
| ISO currency
| ISO currency code
| ISO rating
| ISO standard
| ISO-8859-1
| ISO-8859-11
| ISO-8859-2
| ISO-8859-4
| ISO-8859-5
| ISO-8859-6
| ISO-8859-7
| ISO-8859-8
| ISO-8859-9
| ISO-OSI model
| isolated iView
| isometric view
| iSPCChart
| ISR scenario
| ISS tax law
| issue (FIN-CGV-MIC)
| issue (GRC)
| issue (IS-M)
| issue (SV-ASA)
| issue document
| issue element
| issue list
| issue management system
| issue number
| issue of reserved material
| issue price
| issue sequence
| issue storage location
| issue variant type
| issued
| issued seal
| issuer (BC-SRV-BR)
| issuer (IS-HER-CM)
| issuer (IS-U-IN)
| Issuer
| issuer risk
| issues database
| issuing agency
| issuing bank
| issuing plant
| ISTAT code
| ISTAT code of birthplace
| ISTAT code of place of residence
| IT item
| IT service management
| ITD billing
| ITD state code
| ITD value
| item (BC-CI)
| item (BC-FES-GRA)
| item (CAF-GP)
| item (CRM)
| item (FS-BA-SD)
| item (LO-WTY)
| item (OPU-DUE)
| item (SBO)
| item (SBO)
| item assessment strategy
| item balance
| item category (FI-GL)
| item category (IS-M-AM)
| item category (MM-PUR)
| item category (PP-BD)
| item category (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| item category (SD)
| item category group
| item category of document row
| item class
| item copy strategy
| item cost
| item counter (CA-FIM-FCO)
| item counter (CRM-PCC)
| item data (SBO)
| item data (SRM-EBP)
| item file
| item filter
| item group (PE-LSO)
| item group (SBO)
| item group (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| item grouping field
| item hierarchy
| item history
| item in the future
| item interest calculation
| item invitation count
| item label
| item management
| item master data
| item number
| item object type
| item of initiative
| item of material
| item order
| item overview page
| item process batch
| item property
| item proposal
| item proposal profile
| item proposal strategy (CRM-IPS)
| item proposal strategy (CRM-IPS)
| item query
| item recall
| item selection list
| item split
| item status (IS-HMED)
| item status (PP)
| item status profile
| item status-dependent screen modification
| item stock
| item summarization field
| item text
| item type (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| item type (FS-AM-IM-IT)
| item type (IS-M-AM)
| item type (LO-WTY)
| item type (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| item type (SRD-SRM)
| item type determination
| item type of business transaction
| item unique identification
| item WIP batch
| item-dependent fee
| item-dependent setup time
| item-triggered correspondence
| item-wise release
| itemization (CO)
| itemization (FI-TV)
| itemizer
| items won count
| itemset
| iteration
| iterative calculation step
| ITF code
| iTicker
| itinerary (CRM-MSA)
| itinerary (IS-R)
| itinerary (LE)
| itinerary (OPU-DUE)
| ITS Administration
| ITS debugger
| ITS Flow Logic
| ITS instance
| ITS Process Monitor
| ITS Watchdog
| ITS Web template
| IV type
| iView
| iView Catcher
| iView Editor
| iView ID
| iViewServer
| iViewStudio
| IW ABAP framework
| IW Add-On
| IW content service
| IW ESR business model
| IW platform common service (OPU-DUE)
| J
| J2EE Connection Architecture
| J2EE Connector Architecture
| J2EE Engine library
| J2EE Engine manager
| J2EE Engine service
| JAAS subject
| Jamo
| Jamsostek
| Japanese billing period
| Java (BC)
| Java (EP)
| Java 2 Enterprise Edition
| Java application server
| Java central instance
| Java central services instance
| Java Configuration Browser
| Java Database Connectivity
| Java Dictionary
| Java EE connector Architecture
| Java Enterprise Runtime
| Java iView
| Java iView Runtime
| Java Mail Client Service
| Java mapping program
| Java Metadata Interface
| Java Metadata Interface Service
| Java Native Interface
| Java patch
| Java SE Adapter Engine
| Java Support Package
| Java Support Package Patch
| Java System Reports
| Java Virtual Machine
| Java Web Start
| Java-Easy-Chart
| JavaBean
| JavaServer Faces runtime environment
| JavaServer Pages
| JCo RFC Provider Service
| JDBC Connector Service
| JIT call (IS-A-JIT)
| JIT call (PP-FLW)
| JIT cockpit
| JIT customer
| JIT delivery schedule (MM-PUR)
| JIT delivery schedule (PP-FLW)
| JIT delivery schedule horizon
| JIT Inbound
| JIT Outbound
| JMBG number
| JMS Connector Service
| JMS Provider Service
| JMX Adapter Service
| JMX Notification Service
| JNDI Registry Service
| JNet
| job (BC-CCM-BTC)
| job (IS-A-DBM)
| job (MDM)
| job (PA-OS)
| job (PM)
| job advertisement
| job application
| job card
| job code
| job commander
| job container
| job description (PA-OS)
| job description (SRD-CC)
| job family (PA)
| job family (PA-EC)
| job family (PA-TM)
| job family level
| job function
| job group
| job index (PA-OS)
| job index (PA-PM-PB)
| job list (BC-CCM-PRN)
| job list (PM)
| job match
| job posting
| job pricing
| job starter
| job title
| job type
| join (BC-DWB-DIC)
| join (CA-GTF-DRT)
| join (EP-VC)
| join (MDM)
| join condition
| joiner
| joint filer
| Joint Financial Management Improvement Project
| joint liability
| joint ownership
| joint product order
| joint production
| joint responsibility procedure
| joint venture accounting
| joint venture company
| Joule-Thomson effect
| journal (FI)
| journal (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| journal (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| journal (SRM-SUD)
| journal entry (EC-CS)
| journal entry (FS-PM)
| journal entry (SBO)
| journal entry layout
| journal entry number
| journal entry report (EC-CS)
| journal entry report (FI-LC)
| journal number
| journal remark
| journal template
| journal type
| journal voucher (FI)
| journal voucher (SBO)
| Journals
| JSF component
| JSP tag handler
| judgmental techniques
| jukebox
| juridical level
| jurisdiction
| jurisdiction code (FI-CA)
| jurisdiction code (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| jurisdiction level
| jurisdiction type
| K
| K-dilution
| Kagami
| Kanban
| kanban card
| kanban control cycle
| kanban correction
| kanban loop size
| kanban loop size variation
| kanban production control
| kanban-independent summarized JIT call
| Kanji
| KBK code
| keep whole marketing group
| Kell system
| kenmu
| Kerberos
| Kerberos Principal Name
| kernel
| kernel method
| kernel patch
| kernel patch level
| kerning
| key
| key account
| key account manager
| key allocation
| key aspect
| key attribute
| key category
| key code
| key completion
| key control
| key conversion
| key date (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| key date (PLM-WUI-APP)
| key date (SBO)
| key date derivation type
| key date result
| key date valuation category
| key date valuation type
| Key Distribution Center
| key field (BC-ABA)
| key field (BC-DWB-DIC)
| key field (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| key figure (BC-SRV-REP)
| key figure (BW)
| key figure (FI)
| key figure (FI-GL)
| key figure (FI-LC)
| key figure (FI-SL)
| key figure (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| key figure (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| key figure (FS-BA-SD)
| key figure (IS-B-SA-ALM)
| key figure (LO-LIS)
| key figure (SCM-APO-ATP)
| key figure block
| key figure category (CO-OM-CCA)
| key figure category (FS-BA-SD)
| key figure category (IS-B-SA-ALM)
| key figure class
| key figure determination - Balance Analyzer
| key figure determination - e-accounting
| key figure direction of improvement
| key figure family
| key figure group
| key figure layout
| key figure model
| key figure of position
| key figure overview
| key figure repository
| key figure schema
| key figure scheme
| key figure set
| key figures
| key flag
| key indication
| key job
| key mapping (CA-MDG)
| key mapping (SBO-INT)
| key performance indicator (CA)
| key performance indicator (EHS-CI)
| key performance indicator (GRC-SPM-SR)
| key performance indicator (PPM-PFM)
| key performance indicator (SCM-APO-SCC)
| key performance indicator (SWE)
| Key Performance Indicator
| key performance indicator calculator
| key performance indicator type
| key position
| key question
| key range parameter
| key rate duration
| key risk indicator
| Key Storage Service
| key word catalog
| keyblock
| keystore
| keystore reference
| keytab
| keyword
| keyword breakpoint
| keyword exit
| keyword search
| Kijun-gai period
| Kijun-gai table
| kill tag
| kit (MFG-ME)
| kit (SCM-APO-ATP)
| kit component
| kit component item
| kit header item
| kit to order
| kit to stock
| kitchen facilities
| kitting
| KLADR database
| KM cache server
| KM clean job administration
| KM component monitor
| KM index administration
| KMU Chart of Accounts
| knock-in
| knock-out
| knockout criterion
| knowledge article
| knowledge base (CA-GTF-IC-SAF)
| knowledge base (LO-VC)
| knowledge base type
| Knowledge Corner
| knowledge entity
| Knowledge Link (PE)
| Knowledge Link (PE-LSO)
| knowledge management (SAP)
| knowledge management (SAP)
| Knowledge Management
| knowledge object
| Knowledge Product
| Knowledge Provider
| Knowledge Provider services
| knowledge repository
| knowledge retrieval API
| knowledge type
| Knowledge Warehouse Support Package
| Knowledge Workbench
| knowledge worker
| known person
| Kollaboration
| koseki
| Kou Ran
| KPI below tolerance
| KPI Catalog
| KPI category (EP-PCT-MAN)
| KPI category (GRC-SPM-SR)
| KPI Designer
| KPI fact
| KPI formula
| KPI hierarchy
| KPI indicator
| KPI level
| KPI library
| KPI manager
| KPI managing system
| KPI Monitor
| KPI relationship insight
| KPI row performance
| KPI short of goal
| KPI sub-category
| KPI type
| KPI Variant
| KPI Variant Designer
| KPP number
| KRI implementation
| KRI instance
| Kyoto Protocol (EHS-CI)
| L
| label (BC-FES-GRA)
| label (BW-BEX)
| label category
| label set
| label type
| labeling
| labeling article grouping
| labeling customer group
| labeling data
| labeling material grouping
| labeling system
| labeling transaction
| labor charge code
| labor complexity factor
| labor contract
| labor costs census
| labor insurance
| Labor Management
| labor off
| labor on
| labor resource
| Labor Risk Insurance Company
| Labor Standard Inspection Office
| labor utilization rate
| labor value
| labor value catalog
| labor value main type
| labor value master
| laboratory analysis
| lagging
| lagging KPI
| lagging type
| Lakhs
| land
| land lease right
| land quality indicator
| land reallocation activities
| land reference value
| land register
| land register inscription
| land register page
| land register ranking
| land use map
| land value (FS-CMS)
| land value (RE)
| landed costs
| landing page
| landing site
| landing time
| landscape (CRM-MT)
| landscape (SBC)
| landscape management
| lane (BC-BMT-BPM)
| lane (IS-R-POS)
| language
| language code
| language dependent
| language environment
| language export
| language export wizard
| language import
| language key
| Language List
| language of communication
| language package
| language relationship
| language resource
| language resource file
| language status
| language supplementation program
| Language Support Package
| language transport
| language version (CA-DMS)
| language version (EP-KM-CM)
| language versioning
| large itemset
| large object
| last activity time
| last adjustment date
| last page
| last purchase price
| last revaluation date
| last screen
| late payment fee
| late recovery
| lateral move
| lateral object
| latest date of approval
| latest dates
| latest end (BC-BMT-WFM)
| latest end (SRD-SCM-WME)
| latest estimate
| latest finish date
| latest start
| latest start date
| latest start of treatment
| latest starting date
| LaunchPad
| LAW system
| layaway
| layaway writeoff
| layer (CA-WUI)
| layer (EP-VC)
| layer (LO)
| layer (MM-IV)
| layer pattern of a packaging material
| layer type of a packing proposal
| layer version
| layered windows
| layout (BC-FES-GRA)
| layout (EP-KM)
| layout (FI-GL)
| layout area (IS-R)
| layout area (LO-MD)
| Layout board
| layout control
| layout controller
| layout editor
| layout menu
| layout module
| layout module version
| layout profile (CA-WUI)
| layout profile (EP-KM)
| layout set
| layout technology
| layout template
| layout type
| layout workbench
| layout-oriented storage control
| lazy communication
| LDAP Connector
| LDAP Connector interface
| lead (CRM)
| lead (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| lead (FS-PM)
| lead (SBO)
| lead aging
| lead business type
| lead column
| lead count
| lead currency
| lead days
| lead funnel analysis
| lead group
| lead management
| Lead Management
| lead origin
| lead priority
| lead qualification
| lead qualification level
| lead time (ICM)
| lead time (IS-B-RA-MR)
| lead time (PP)
| lead time (PSM-FG)
| lead time (SBO)
| lead time (SCM-APO-PPS)
| lead time (SCM-ICH-IMO)
| lead time (SRM-EBP-SHP)
| lead time of payment
| lead-in length
| lead-out length
| lead-time offset
| lead-time scheduling
| lead-to-order
| leader (BC-TWB)
| leader (IS-M-AMC)
| leader characters
| leaderboard
| Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
| leading agent
| leading bid
| leading bidder
| leading business partner
| leading business transaction category
| leading case
| leading change master record
| leading characteristic
| leading company code
| leading currency
| leading date
| leading entity type
| leading inspection characteristic
| leading insurer
| leading insurer commission period
| leading KPI
| leading ledger
| leading legal entity
| leading offer
| leading order
| leading part within MPN-MRP Set
| leading primary product
| leading product (CRM-MKT)
| leading product (SCM-APO)
| leading system
| leading system role
| leading validity area
| leaf (AP-MD-BP)
| leaf (EC-CS)
| leaf (MDM)
| leaf portfolio
| lean
| lean message
| Lean Order API
| lean provider order item
| Lean WM
| learned date
| learner
| learner account
| learner group
| learning asset
| learning center
| learning community
| Learning Content Usage
| learning engine
| Learning Management System
| learning module
| learning net
| learning object
| learning object template
| Learning Portal
| learning strategy
| learning unit
| lease or buy
| lease-in
| leased asset
| leasing expenses
| leasing type
| least unit cost procedure
| leave (CRM-IC)
| leave (PT)
| leave compensation (PT)
| leave compensation (PY)
| leave encashment
| leave entitlement (PT)
| leave entitlement (PY)
| Leave Management
| leave of absence threshold
| leave passage
| leave type
| leave without pay
| leave year
| ledger (FI)
| ledger (FI-GL)
| ledger group
| legacy asset data
| legacy package
| Legacy System Migration Workbench
| legal act
| legal amendment
| legal contract
| legal contract hierarchy
| legal document for the movement under duty-suspension
| legal entity (AP-TTE)
| legal entity (EHS-MGM)
| legal entity (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| legal hold
| Legal Localisation Key
| legal owner
| legal person
| legal reactivation
| legal reference
| legal regulation
| legal relationship
| legal right to future commission
| legal transfer price
| legal unit (SD-FT)
| legal unit (SLL)
| legal valuation view
| legislative district code
| legitimate relationship
| lending limit
| lending limit as an amount
| lending markdown
| lending object
| lending range
| lending rate
| lending revenue
| lending value
| length (EP-PIN-UNI)
| length (PM)
| length batch
| length calculation
| length function
| length of position assignment
| length of service (PA-BN)
| length of service (PY)
| length of talent assignment
| length of the assortment
| length plan
| length value
| length-based material
| lent-to access control context
| LEQ factor
| letter
| letter of credit (PSM-FM)
| letter of credit (SD-FT)
| letter of credit check
| letter of exemption
| letter of invitation
| letter of reconciliation
| letter of rejection
| letter of undertaking
| lettershop
| level (AP-PPE)
| level (BC-FES-GUI)
| level (EP-VC)
| level (LE-TRM)
| level (PS)
| level (SCM-EM)
| level change macro
| level indicator
| level of career type
| level of collateral provision
| level of evidence
| level of fulfillment
| Level of material readiness
| level of personnel readiness
| level of progress
| Level of qualification readiness
| level of readiness
| level of target achievement
| level of task
| level/counter
| leveled schedule
| lexicographical aggregation
| LGD class
| LGD grading
| lgtst
| LIA document
| liabilities
| liability
| liability agreement
| liability case
| liability for absolute valuation
| liability for difference valuation
| liability interruption
| liability model
| liability period
| liability reserve
| liability reserve contract
| liability rule
| liability transfer
| liability type
| liability value
| library (BC-CUS-TOL)
| library (CRM-IM-IPM)
| library (EPM-SM)
| library (FI-SL)
| library (IS-M)
| library (LOD-ESO)
| library (SWE)
| library type
| license (CRM-IM-IPM)
| license (IS-HT-SW)
| license (IS-OIL-DS-TDP)
| license (SD-FT)
| License Administration Workbench
| license agreement
| license fee (CRM-IM-IPM)
| license fee (IS-REA)
| license key
| license key file
| license plate number
| License Sales and Merchandizing for Broadcasting
| license split
| license type
| licensee (CRM-IM-IPM)
| licensee (IS-REA)
| licensor (CRM-IM-IPM)
| licensor (IS-REA)
| lien
| Life and Work Event
| Life and Work Events Builder
| Life and Work Events runtime
| life cycle (CRM-MD)
| life cycle (IS-R)
| life cycle stage
| life event
| Life Insurance and Spouse Tax Deduction Form
| life sciences
| life-cycle collaboration
| Life-Cycle Collaboration
| life-cycle data management
| Life-Cycle Data Management
| life-cycle phase
| life-cycle profile
| lifecycle (SBC)
| lifecycle (SV-SMG)
| lifecycle management (SCM-APO-FCS)
| lifecycle management (SV-SMG)
| lifecycle planning
| Lifecycle Workbench for SAP Business All-in-One
| lifetime
| lifetime contribution limit
| lifetime dose
| lifetime period
| LIFO liability
| LIFO principle (LE-WM)
| LIFO principle (LO-BM)
| LIFO procedure
| LIFO valuation procedure (FIN-BAC-INV)
| LIFO valuation procedure (MM-IV)
| LIFO withdrawal method
| LIFO/FIFO indicator
| LIFO/FIFO valuation area
| LIFO/FIFO valuation level
| LIFO/FIFO-relevant
| lift
| lift percentage
| ligature
| Light
| light dimensions
| light directory
| light framework page
| lightering
| lightweight CAD original file
| Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
| like modeling
| likelihood to churn
| LIME document
| limit (FS-CM)
| limit (IS-B-RA-CL)
| limit (IS-B-RA-CL)
| limit (PA-CP)
| limit (PY)
| limit area
| limit category
| limit characteristic
| limit confirmation
| limit deviation
| limit history
| limit item
| Limit Management
| limit product group
| limit reservation (IS-B-RA-CL)
| limit reservation (IS-B-RA-CL)
| limit transfer
| limit type
| limit type filter
| limit utilization
| limit utilization factor
| limit utilization run
| limit value
| limitation period
| limited freeze horizon
| limited quantity
| limiting quality
| LIMU Object
| line area
| line assignment
| line balance
| line balance graphic
| line balance rate
| line balancing
| line category
| line characteristic
| line command
| line design
| line editor
| line element
| line entry
| line group
| line hierarchy
| line ID
| line item (CO)
| line item (FI)
| line item (FI)
| line item (FS-RI)
| line item (LOD-ESO)
| line item (LOD-ESO)
| line item attribute
| line item category
| line item count
| line item display
| line item group
| line item method
| line item number
| line item process type
| line item report
| line item rule
| line item table
| line item type
| line layout (FI-LC)
| line layout (PY)
| line maintenance
| line manager (PA-EC)
| line manager (PA-RC)
| line network
| line of business
| line of credit
| line price
| line representation
| line representation selection
| line resource
| line routing
| line segment (AP-PPE)
| line segment (PP-FLW)
| line segment category
| line structure
| line type (BC-ABA)
| line type (IS-HMED)
| line-of-business application
| line-of-business data
| line-of-business entity
| line-of-business identifier
| line-of-business service
| line-of-business system
| line-specific profile
| linear asset
| linear data
| linear display order
| linear reference pattern
| linear regression
| linear/volumetric conversion constant
| lines flip-flop
| lineup
| linguistic search
| link (BC-CUS-TOL)
| link (BC-FES)
| link (BW-BEX)
| link (CRM-MD-PRO-OBJ)
| link (CS)
| link (EP-KM-CM)
| link (ICM)
| link (PM)
| link (SCM-BAS-DF)
| link (SCM-EM)
| link arrow
| link attribute
| link category
| link dialog
| link equipment
| link field
| link functional location
| link object (FS-PM)
| link object (PM)
| link table
| link type
| linkage
| linkage table
| linkbase
| linked accounts
| linked application
| linked equipment
| linked functional location
| linked object
| linked server selector
| linking operator
| liquidation (FS-CMS)
| liquidation (SD-FT)
| liquidation measure
| liquidity (FI)
| liquidity (IS-B-SA-ALM)
| liquidity analysis
| liquidity effect
| liquidity management
| list (BC-ABA)
| list (BC-DOC)
| list (BC-FES-GUI)
| list (CRM-PCC)
| list box (BC-FES-GUI)
| list box (BW-BEX)
| list character
| list creation
| list driver
| list dynpro
| list event
| list field
| List form
| list header
| list item
| list level
| list of catalog characteristics
| list of conditions
| list of documents
| list of DRG charges
| list of exceptions
| list of filters
| list of hospital ambulatory records
| list of hospital discharge records
| list of ownership
| list of providers
| list of suppliers
| list page
| list price
| list processing
| list processor
| list view (BC-FES-GUI)
| list view (SCM-EWM)
| list-edit XSL
| list-view XSL
| listed goods
| listed substance
| listener (BC-FES-GRA)
| listener (BC-JAS)
| listener (BC-MID-BUS)
| ListFormatter
| listing (CRM)
| listing (IS-R)
| listing check
| listing condition
| listing header
| listing item
| listing item type
| listing period (IS-R)
| listing period (SCM-FRE)
| listing procedure
| listing window
| literal
| literature search
| little endian
| little-endian
| live auction
| Live Auction Cockpit
| live logging
| live mode
| live rate
| live rates plan
| live rates planning
| live rates planning element
| live rates territory
| live Web collaboration
| LKF scoring
| load (BC-ABA)
| load (IS-U)
| load (LE-WM)
| load balancing (BC-CST)
| load balancing (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| load balancing (SCM-ICH-TLB)
| load balancing cookie
| load building
| load carrier (LE)
| load carrier (LO-HU)
| load delivery
| load from data stream
| load from external systems
| load generator
| load history
| load oil
| load package
| load profile
| load shape
| load shape of interval customer
| load statistics log
| load transfer point
| loading agenda
| loading application
| loading bay
| loading bay category
| loading confirmation (IS-BEV-DSD)
| loading confirmation (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| loading data
| loading date
| loading employee
| loading group (SCM-ICH-TLB)
| loading group (SD)
| loading place
| loading point
| loading resource
| loading sequence
| loading time
| loading unit (IS-BEV-DSD)
| loading unit (IS-BEV-LO-RP)
| loading/unloading point
| loading/unloading point sequence
| loan (IS-DFS)
| loan (PY)
| loan condition
| loan in terms of Basel II
| loan interest deferral
| loan limit
| loan officer
| loan order
| loan repayment plan
| loan requisition
| loan to managers
| loan-to-value ratio
| lob handle
| lob handle component
| lob handle structure
| local article
| local assortment
| local assortment module
| local business entity content transport
| local Business Information Warehouse system
| local change request
| local characteristic (CRM-BF-CFG)
| local characteristic (FS-BA-SD)
| local consumer proxy
| local contract
| local control
| local currency (EC-CS)
| local currency (EPM-BPC)
| local currency (EPM-SA)
| local currency (FI)
| local currency (FI-LC)
| local currency (PSM-FM)
| local currency (SBO)
| local currency (SD)
| local currency amount (FI)
| local currency amount (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| local currency for Profit Center Accounting
| local data
| local data queue
| local dimension
| local entity
| local era calendar
| local event
| Local Event Infrastructure
| local exchange
| local exclusion list
| local funding
| local health agency
| local ID
| local identifier
| local interface
| local item
| local ledger
| local material
| local network
| local object
| local package
| local parameters
| local patient identifier
| local payments
| local planning
| local plant group
| local private object
| local procurement
| local purchase order
| local repository (EP-VC)
| local repository (KM-KW)
| local repository (PE-LSO)
| local sales tax
| local sales tax number
| local search
| local server
| local subdistrict
| local system
| local tax office
| local time-independent appointment
| local times view
| local tracking data store
| local transaction
| local unit
| local unit of measure
| local update
| local valuation
| local vendor
| local window
| local Workflow
| local zoning code
| Local-to-Remote Conversion Wizard
| locale (AP-CAT)
| locale (BC-ABA)
| locale (BC-I18)
| locality adjustment
| locality pay area
| localization (BC-CTS)
| localization (IS-H)
| localization (SBO)
| locally initiated back-end purchase order
| location (CA-DMF)
| location (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| location (CRM-RPL-ICS)
| location (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| location (EHS-MGM)
| location (IS-A-RL)
| location (IS-AD-SPC)
| location (LOD-ESO)
| location (PM)
| location (PM-WCM)
| location (RE)
| location (SCM-APO-MD)
| location (SCM-EM)
| location (SCM-TM)
| location (SRM-EBP)
| location (SRM-EBP)
| location alias
| location class
| location code (CA-GTF)
| location code (IS-DFS)
| location code (SCM-EM)
| location code set
| location destination name
| location determination (SCM-APO-ATP)
| location determination (SCM-APO-PPS)
| location determination activity
| location determination alternative procedure
| location determination procedure
| location identification
| location independent rendering
| location interchangeability
| location list
| location movement
| location price cluster
| location priority
| location product (SCM-APO-MD)
| location product (SCM-APO-SCC)
| location product (SCM-FRE)
| location product group
| location product status
| location product substitution chain
| location product substitution procedure
| location relationship
| location split
| location structure
| location substitution chain
| location transportation lane
| location type
| location URL
| location-specific pricing
| locator (AP-MD)
| locator (BC-ABA)
| locator (BC-SRV-CM)
| locator type
| lock (BC-ABA)
| lock (CRM-BTX-SRQ)
| lock (EPM-BPC)
| lock argument
| lock collision
| lock container
| lock cumulation
| lock entry
| lock function module
| lock life span
| lock management
| lock mode
| lock note
| lock object
| lock owner (BC-CST-EQ)
| lock owner (FS-FND)
| lock priority
| lock protection span
| lock resource
| lock RFx question
| lock RFx question section
| lock rule
| lock server
| lock table
| lockable object
| lockbox
| locked activity chain
| Locking Manager
| Locking Service
| lockout
| lockout/tagout
| LOFO liability
| log (BC-CCM-MON)
| log (BC-FES-ITS)
| log (BC-JAS)
| log and service book
| log area
| log attribute
| log category
| log configuration
| Log Configuration
| Log Configurator Service
| log controller
| log destination
| log entry (FS-CM)
| log entry (IS-AD-PRM)
| log entry type
| log file (BC-CST-GW)
| log file (SBO)
| log file agent
| log filter
| log for application logging
| log formatter
| Log Manager
| log measurement document
| log notification
| log of incomplete items
| log off
| log on
| log sheet
| log type
| Log Viewer
| logbook
| logger
| logger class
| logger pattern
| logging (BC-DWB-DIC)
| logging (BC-JAS)
| logging (CS)
| logging application
| logging configuration
| logging filter
| logging flag
| logging level
| logging mode
| logging profile
| logic
| logic builder
| logical company structure
| logical component
| logical connector (CORPORATE-SPO)
| logical connector (GRC-SPC)
| logical database
| Logical Database Builder
| logical destination
| logical document
| logical event
| logical expression (BC-ABA)
| logical expression (CRM-IC-RTD)
| logical field group
| logical field name
| logical home path
| logical hyperlink
| logical info object
| logical inventory (IS-HT-DRM)
| logical inventory (IS-OIL-DS-EXG)
| logical inventory adjustment
| logical invoice
| logical link
| logical operator
| logical output management system
| logical port
| logical profile allocation number
| logical register
| logical routing
| logical service
| logical spool server
| logical stock
| logical system (CA)
| logical system (SV-SMG)
| logical transaction
| logical transaction step
| logical unit
| logical unit of work
| logical view (FIN-SEM-CPM)
| logical view (PY)
| Logical Volume Manager
| login module
| login module stack
| Logistic Functional Area Services
| Logistic Reporting
| logistical follow-up
| logistical requirements
| logistical variant
| logistics adjustment parameter
| logistics handling group
| logistics information
| Logistics Information System
| logistics integration
| Logistics Inventory Management Engine
| logistics item
| logistics level
| logistics management
| logistics monitor
| logistics payment block
| logistics request
| logistics scenario for material withdrawal
| logistics scenario for the procurement of materials and serv
| logistics service provider
| logistics task folder
| logistics unit of measure
| logon
| logon administration
| logon context
| logon group
| logon ID
| logon language
| logon load balancing
| logon page
| logon ticket
| logpoint
| LogViewer Service
| long area description
| long form
| long products planning
| long service payment
| long sick leave
| long text
| long-lead item
| long-term average
| long-term care
| long-term characteristic
| long-term document
| long-term incentive plan
| long-term inspection
| long-term investment
| long-term planned order
| long-term planning
| long-term planning matrix
| long-term vendor declaration
| lookup (BC-JAS)
| lookup (MDM)
| lookup (MDM)
| lookup table
| loop (BC-ABA)
| loop (BC-BMT-WFM)
| loop (PS)
| loop (RIV)
| loop type
| loose coupling
| Lorenz curve
| loss allocation
| loss cancellation
| loss creation
| loss equivalent class
| loss given default
| Loss of Qualification Form
| loss of work compensation
| loss realization
| loss run
| loss unit
| loss-free valuation
| lost sales
| lost seal
| lost subsidy
| lost time injury frequency rate
| lot (IS-R)
| lot (MFG-ME)
| lot (MP-APP-DPE)
| lot (PP-MRP)
| lot (SD)
| lot (SRM-LA)
| lot container
| lot size (IS-U-DM)
| lot size (PP-MRP)
| lot size (QM)
| lot size (SCM-APO-MD)
| lot size according to flexible period length
| lot size planning
| lot size variance
| lot-for-lot order quantity (PP-MRP)
| lot-for-lot order quantity (SCM-APO-PPS)
| lot-size calculation
| lot-size independent costs
| lot-size-independent costs
| lot-sizing procedure (PP-MRP)
| lot-sizing procedure (SCM-APO-PPS)
| lotting
| Lotus Notes ID
| Lotus Notes user name
| low stock quantity
| low-level code
| low-level coding
| low-value asset
| lower level contract
| lower threshold critical zone
| lower threshold normal range
| lower-level bill of material
| lower-level costs
| lower-level drug
| lower-level element list
| lower-level node
| lower-level service
| lowest value comparison
| lowest value principle (MM)
| lowest value principle (SBO)
| loyalty account
| loyalty card
| loyalty engine
| loyalty management
| Loyalty Partner Management
| loyalty point
| Loyalty Productivity
| loyalty program (CRM-MKT-MPL-LOY)
| loyalty program (IS-R-POS)
| loyalty program (IS-U-CS)
| LP procedure
| LU6.2
| luminosity bar
| lump sum (CA-DMF)
| lump sum (IS-H)
| lump sum (SRM-EBP)
| lump sum budget or plan
| lump sum deposit fee
| lump sum funding
| lump-sum payment
| lumpy demand (SCM-APO-FCS)
| M
| M-M journal
| M/L-tape
| Macaulay duration
| machinery and equipment companies
| macro
| macro-eligibility
| made for market
| magazine tracking number
| magic number
| magnetic stripe reader
| magneto-optic disk
| mail form
| mail system group
| mailbox
| mailing header
| mailing item
| mailing list
| main account
| main asset number (FI-AA)
| main asset number (RE)
| main authorization switch
| main budget
| main card
| main card pool
| main carriage
| main client
| main client inbox
| main commitment
| main component
| main condition
| main contract (FS-AM-CM-CA)
| main contract (RE)
| main contract type
| main cost efficiency analysis
| main criterion
| main destination
| main due date
| main employee responsible
| main entity
| main entity type
| main import
| main instance
| main insurance
| main insurance relationship
| main item (CRM)
| main item (IS-AD-MPN)
| main item (IS-EC-BOS)
| main legal reference
| main master contract
| main memory size
| main memory synchronization
| main menu
| main menu level
| main mouse button
| main object (EP-PIN)
| main object (FS-AM-PPO)
| main order
| main package (BC-DWB-TOO)
| main package (IS-A-DBM)
| main part of a structured financial instrument
| main personnel assignment
| main policyholder
| main portal
| main production line
| main profile
| main program (BC-ABA)
| main program (LO-MD)
| main program group
| main rating
| main reference object
| main relationship
| main rent statement
| main requirement catalog
| main resource
| main scenario
| main screen (LO-MD)
| main screen (PA-PA)
| main service
| main session
| main software component
| main specialization
| main supplier
| main table
| main tariff
| main transaction
| main tree
| main usage
| main usage type
| main user interface
| main vendor
| mainline
| mainline controller
| mainstream maintenance
| maintain
| maintaining partner
| maintenance activity
| maintenance activity type
| maintenance and service interval
| maintenance and transport object
| maintenance area
| maintenance attribute
| maintenance bill of material
| maintenance call
| maintenance call date
| maintenance call object
| maintenance check
| Maintenance Cost Budgeting
| maintenance cycle (PM)
| maintenance cycle (SCM-APO-MSP)
| maintenance cycle (SV-SMG)
| maintenance demand
| maintenance document
| maintenance group
| maintenance item (PM)
| maintenance item (SCM-APO-MSP)
| maintenance item interval
| maintenance level (FI-AA)
| maintenance level (IS-HT-SW)
| maintenance location
| maintenance mode
| maintenance notification
| maintenance notification in process
| maintenance object
| maintenance object group
| maintenance object without reference
| maintenance optimizer
| maintenance order
| maintenance package
| maintenance package hierarchy
| maintenance plan (IS-AD-MPD)
| maintenance plan (PM)
| maintenance plan category
| maintenance plan creation reporting
| maintenance plan notification
| maintenance plan restart reporting
| maintenance plan scenario
| maintenance plan scheduling
| maintenance plan start reporting
| maintenance plan type
| maintenance plan update reporting
| maintenance planner group
| maintenance planning
| maintenance planning group
| maintenance planning object
| maintenance planning plant
| maintenance plant
| maintenance priority
| maintenance processing
| Maintenance Program Definition
| maintenance relationship
| maintenance request
| maintenance reserve
| maintenance schedule
| maintenance staff
| maintenance status (BC-DWB-DIC)
| maintenance status (LO-MD)
| maintenance strategy
| maintenance system
| maintenance task list (PM)
| maintenance task list (SCM-APO-MSP)
| maintenance tree
| maintenance variant
| maintenance view
| maintenance work package
| maintenance worker
| major
| major customer group
| major defect
| major diagnostic category (IS-H)
| major diagnostic category (IS-H)
| major diagnostic category code
| major interval
| major record
| major tick mark
| make-to-order planned independent requirement
| make-to-order production
| make-to-stock inventory (CO-PC)
| make-to-stock inventory (CO-PC)
| makespan
| malfunction report
| man-in-the-middle-attack
| managed code
| managed system
| Management Cockpit
| management code
| management contract
| management control
| Management Dashboard
| management data
| management of global employees
| management of internal controls
| manager (EPM-BPC)
| manager (MP-APP-DPE)
| manager (PA-ER)
| manager (SRM-EBP-CON)
| manager company code
| manager factory
| manager view
| Manager's Desktop
| Managing People and Budget
| managing system
| mandate (IS-B-BCA)
| mandate (RE)
| mandate company code
| mandate lock
| mandate reference
| mandate type
| mandatory activity
| mandatory contract
| mandatory customer business partner role
| mandatory event
| mandatory examination
| mandatory group
| mandatory partner function
| mandatory provident fund plan
| mandatory reporting rule
| mandatory segment
| mandatory task
| mandatory vendor business partner role
| manipulation method
| manual completion
| manual cost allocation
| manual download
| manual feeder table
| manual firming date
| manual issue method
| manual lot maintenance
| manual MRP
| manual ordering
| manual output (PE)
| manual output (PE-LSO)
| manual part
| manual product assignment
| manual rating
| manual relation
| manual renewal
| manual reorder point planning
| manual replication
| manual reserve
| manual retention process
| manual/discrete component traceability
| manually applied charges
| manually entered amount
| manually entered price
| manufacture date
| manufacture of co-products
| manufactured material
| manufacturer book part number
| manufacturer code
| manufacturer EAN
| manufacturer number
| manufacturer part
| manufacturer part number (MM-PUR)
| manufacturer part number (SCM-ICH-PO)
| manufacturer part number (XAP-CQM)
| manufacturer part number MRP set
| manufacturer part profile (IS-AD-MPN)
| manufacturer part profile (MM-PUR)
| manufacturer plant
| manufacturer's recipe
| manufacturer's recipe number (SD-FT)
| manufacturer's recipe number (SLL)
| manufacturer's serial number
| manufacturer/supplier
| manufacturing bill of material
| manufacturing costs
| manufacturing data object
| manufacturing data object model
| manufacturing order
| manufacturing unit
| many-to-many balance transfer relationship
| map (AP-CAT)
| map (BC-MID-BUS)
| map (BW-BEX)
| map (IS-AFS-BD)
| map (MDM)
| map layer
| MapBox
| mapper
| mapping (AP-CAT)
| mapping (BC-CUS-TOL)
| mapping (BC-MID-ALE)
| mapping (BC-WD)
| mapping (BC-XI)
| mapping (IS-U-WM)
| mapping (MDM)
| mapping (SCM-APO-INT)
| mapping (SCM-EM)
| mapping attribute
| mapping context
| mapping format
| mapping module
| mapping of SAP services
| mapping of wage types
| mapping overview
| mapping profile (IS-AFS-BD)
| mapping profile (SCM-EM)
| mapping program
| mapping rules
| mapping table
| mapping template
| margin
| margin split
| margin taxation
| marginal
| marginal costs
| marginal default probability
| marine pollutant
| mark-for store
| mark-to-market valuation
| mark-to-market value
| mark-to-model valuation
| markdown (IS-R)
| markdown (IS-R)
| markdown plan
| markdown profile
| markdown rule
| marker (BC-DWB-UTL)
| marker (IS-AFS-PP)
| marker (PM)
| marker ID
| marker number
| marker section
| market area
| market area responsible grid operator
| market basket analysis
| market cleared, ask
| market cleared, bid
| market data
| market data area
| market data criterion
| market data scenario
| market data scenario record
| market data set
| market data shift
| market data shift method
| market data specific to counterparty/issuer risk
| market development fund
| market hierarchy
| market interest rate date
| market movement rate
| market price
| market rate pricing
| market risk
| market value (CRM-IFS)
| market value (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| market value (FS-CMS)
| market value (FS-MCM-PDM)
| market value (RE)
| market value change period
| market value determination
| market version
| market-basket price calculation
| market-value-based portfolio model
| marketing calendar
| marketing cost tax allowance
| marketing document
| marketing group
| marketing journal
| marketing organization
| marketing plan
| marketing plan element
| marketing planning
| marketing profile
| marketing program
| marketing project
| marketing project cluster
| marketing prospect
| Marketing Retail Network
| marketing segment
| marketing spends
| Marketing, Accounting & Pricing
| Marketing, Contracts & Order Entry
| marketingelement
| marketplace hosting
| MarketSet Order Management
| marking
| markup
| mask (BCM)
| mask (MDM)
| mask (MFG-ME)
| mass activation
| mass activation program
| mass activity (CA-GTF)
| mass activity (FI-CA)
| mass change (CA-MDG)
| mass change (CRM-PCC)
| mass change (IS-DFS)
| mass change (PSM-GPR)
| mass characteristic value
| mass command
| mass correction
| mass customer change
| mass data change
| mass data run object
| mass document change
| mass editing
| mass load
| mass operation
| Mass Process
| mass processing
| mass processing job
| mass production on the basis of sales orders
| mass reversal
| mass synchronization
| mass test
| mass transport
| mass-change procedure
| mass-object controlling
| Master Accounts File
| master agreement (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| master agreement (IS-U-BI)
| master agreement (LOD-ESO)
| master agreement maximum
| master area
| master bill of lading
| master catalog
| master characteristic
| master charge
| master company code
| master condition
| master conditions
| master contract (FS-AM-CM-MC)
| master contract (FS-MCM-MC)
| master contract charge
| master contract hierarchy
| master contract proxy
| master contract termination
| master contract-managing system
| master data (BC-DWB)
| master data (EC-CS)
| master data (FI-LC)
| master data (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| master data (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| master data (SBO)
| Master data & customizing approach
| master data administrator
| master data catalog (PE)
| master data catalog (PE-LSO)
| master data cleansing
| master data completion
| master data completion method
| master data consolidation
| master data domain
| master data framework
| master data generator
| master data governance
| Master Data Governance application framework
| Master Data Governance content
| Master Data Governance foundation
| Master Data Governance hub
| master data hierarchy
| master data ID
| master data manager
| master data of a characteristic
| Master Data Planning
| master data repository
| Master Data Server
| master data specialist
| master data steward
| master data template
| master data template category
| master data user
| master document
| master equipment
| master folder
| master graphics proxy
| master grid
| master host
| master index
| master index server
| master inspection characteristic
| master location for contract packager
| master lock
| master name server
| master parts list
| Master Parts List
| Master Patient Index
| master planning object structure
| master policy
| master policy type
| master price list
| master production scheduling
| master project
| master queue server
| master recipe
| master record
| master repository
| master schedule item
| master service request
| master service specifications
| master settlement unit
| master system (SBO)
| master system (SV-SMG)
| master tooth notation
| master transportation lane
| master Web item
| master Web template
| master-slave architecture
| masthead
| match class
| match factor
| match function
| match level
| matchcode
| matchcode field
| matchcode ID
| matchcode object
| matchcode pool
| matchcode record
| matchcode selection
| matchcode utility
| matching confirmation
| matching criteria
| matching group
| matching set
| material (CRM-BF-CFG)
| material (IS-R)
| material (LO)
| material (LOD-ESO)
| material (MFG-ME)
| material (PP-PI)
| material aliasing
| material availability check
| material availability date
| material BOM
| material categories
| material category
| material check (FS-AM-IM-IT)
| material check (FS-PM)
| material class
| material component
| material confirmation
| material consumption documentation
| material container
| material cost estimate
| material costs
| material credit memo
| material description
| material determination
| material document
| material error
| material exclusion
| material explosion
| material flow system action
| material for manufacturer part
| material for manufacturer part number
| material for settlement
| material group (IS-R)
| material group (LO)
| material group hierarchy
| material group hierarchy level
| material group material
| material group reference material
| material grouping (IS-R)
| material grouping (PP-MRP)
| material grouping for shipping materials
| material handling group
| material ID
| material indicator
| material inflation class
| material information
| material ledger
| material ledger master data
| material ledger settlement
| material ledger type
| material ledger update
| material list (PP-MRP)
| material list (PP-PI)
| material listing
| material master
| material master record
| material movement record
| material number
| material object
| material order number
| material overhead costs
| material owner
| material package
| material planning group indicator
| material planning object
| material planning object view
| material price determination
| material proposal
| material quantity calculation
| material range of coverage
| material ranking list
| material relevant for preference
| material replacement
| material requirements planning (PP-MRP)
| material requirements planning (PP-MRP)
| material requirements planning run
| material requisition
| material set
| material shortage
| material sorting
| material specification
| material staging
| material start
| material status
| material stock
| material storage master
| material substitution (IS-R)
| material substitution (SD)
| material temperature
| material tree
| material type
| material update structure
| material urgency level
| material valuation
| material valuation document
| material variant
| material version
| material weakness
| material where-used list
| material-dependent production rate
| material/plant discontinuation
| materiality limit
| materials list
| materials planning
| materials planning procedure
| maternity leave
| maternity protection
| maternity protection period
| mathematical function
| mathematical notation
| matriarch
| matrix compensation method
| matrix dimension
| matrix guideline
| matrix organization
| matrix segment
| matrix substitution
| matrix validation
| maturation time (SCM-APO-PPS)
| maturation time (SCM-APO-SNP)
| maturity
| maturity band
| maturity band hierarchy
| maturity evaluation
| maturity gap (FIN-CGV-MIC)
| maturity gap (IS-B-SA-ALM)
| maturity group
| maturity structure
| MaxAttention OnSite
| MaxAttention ServiceLevel
| maximum amount (FI-AA)
| maximum amount (FS-MCM-MC)
| maximum amount for variable amount
| maximum batch
| maximum calculation period
| maximum capacity (PE)
| maximum capacity (PE-LSO)
| maximum chain
| maximum commitment
| maximum contingent size
| maximum contribution
| maximum contribution amount
| maximum costs
| maximum coverage period
| maximum daily quantity
| maximum denominator
| maximum exposure
| maximum FTE ranges
| maximum gross safety weight
| maximum integration model
| maximum interval
| maximum length of stay (IS-H)
| maximum length of stay (SCM-APO-VS)
| maximum loop count
| maximum lot size (PP-MRP)
| maximum lot size (SCM-APO-PPS)
| maximum nonconformance limit
| maximum object
| maximum percentage rate
| maximum process
| maximum production quantity
| maximum quantity
| maximum range of coverage
| maximum rate
| maximum rate for meals
| maximum rate per diem
| maximum required shelf life
| maximum response time
| maximum retail price
| maximum risk
| maximum stock level (PP-MRP)
| maximum stock level (PP-MRP)
| maximum subsidized premium
| maximum subsidy premium
| maximum target stock
| maximum total rounding result
| maximum value
| may-agreement
| MDB as a bank
| MDB as a state
| MDF program
| MDG active area
| MDI Directory
| MDI Repository
| MDM Console
| MDM Data Manager
| MDM Image Manager
| MDM Import Manager
| MDM Import Server
| MDM port
| MDM Server
| MDM Syndication Server
| MDM Syndicator
| MDMP (BC-I18)
| MDMP system
| MDoc
| meals per diem
| mean absolute deviation
| mean dispersion
| mean elasticity
| mean reversion
| mean value
| mean value method of depreciation
| mean-value chart
| mean-value estimation
| meaning
| means of transport (LE)
| means of transport (LE-YM)
| means of transport (SCM-APO-VS)
| means-of-transport combination
| means-of-transport type
| measure (BI-AA-WEB)
| measure (EHS-CI)
| measure (EP-VC)
| measure (EPM-BPC)
| measure (EPM-SA)
| measure (FIN-SEM-CPM)
| measure (GRC-SPM-SR)
| measure (IM)
| measure (IS-DFS)
| measure (PSM-EC)
| measure (SLL)
| measure area
| Measure Builder
| measure catalog
| measure group
| measure subarea
| measure type
| measured value
| measurement
| measurement document
| measurement group
| measurement item
| measurement method
| measurement on grounds of pregnancy
| measurement position
| measurement project
| measurement range
| measurement reading
| measurement reading entry list
| measurement service builder
| measurement task
| measurement technique
| measures
| Measuring interval
| measuring point (CRM-BF)
| measuring point (PM)
| measuring point category
| measuring point object
| measuring section
| mechanic
| media
| media issue
| media object
| media player
| media product
| media product family
| media product master browser
| media type (IS-R-DM)
| media type (PE-LSO)
| medical bill review
| medical bill review fees
| medical category
| medical certificate
| medical device
| Medical First Aid Guide
| medical object
| medical record
| medical record management
| medical record type
| medical risk factor
| medical service
| medical specialist
| medical text
| medical/nursing object
| medical/nursing object type
| medically indicated
| Medicare levy
| medication class
| medication dispensed
| medication history
| medication message
| medication profile
| medication side effects
| medium
| medium class
| medium for recruitment instrument
| medium iView
| medium text
| medium-term planning
| medium-term planning horizon
| meeting activity
| meeting request
| megatenancy
| Melting Group
| melting point
| member (BC-DB-DB6)
| member (BRA0000041)
| member (CRM-MKT-MPL-LOY)
| member (EP-VC)
| member (RIV)
| member activity
| member intersection
| Member Lookup
| member of a partnership
| member selector
| member state
| member type
| members
| membership
| membership period
| memlimits
| memo pad (FS-CM)
| memo pad (IS-A-DBM)
| memory index
| Memory Info Service
| memory management system
| memory pipe
| memory protection
| memory snapshot
| memory status
| memory tuning
| memory type
| memory use statistics
| memory-resident database monitor
| mention
| menu (BC-FES)
| menu (SCM-EWM)
| menu bar (BC-FES-GUI)
| menu bar (BW-BEX)
| menu bar (SBO)
| menu bar option
| menu button
| menu exit
| menu option
| Menu Painter
| menu path
| merchandise category article
| merchandise category reference article
| merchandise clearing
| merchandise distribution
| merchandise label
| merchandise-distribution adjustment
| merchandise-driven flow-through
| merchant
| merchant bank
| merchant ID
| merge item
| merge object
| merge operation
| merge period
| merge relation
| merged customer
| merger
| merging
| merging of parcels
| merging order (IS-HT-MES)
| merging order (SCM-APO-PPS-FOT)
| merging service
| Merx
| message (BC-ABA)
| message (BC-DOC)
| message (BC-FES-GUI)
| message (BC-MID-ALE)
| message (BC-XI)
| message (PY-RU)
| message (SWE)
| message area
| message bar
| message class
| message code
| message control
| message control record
| message data type structure
| message default
| message determination
| message digest
| message dispatcher
| Message Editor
| message end event
| message explanation
| message flow
| message for driver
| message function
| message handler (AP-MD-BP)
| message handler (BC-SRV-BRF)
| message header
| message in application logging
| Message Info Service
| message log
| message maintenance
| message mapping
| message number
| message package
| Message Pool
| message recipient for completion
| message recipient for missed deadline
| message security
| message sequence
| message server
| Message Server communication
| message server monitor
| message start event
| message type (BC-ABA)
| message type (BC-FES-GUI)
| message type (BC-MID-ALE)
| message type (BC-SRV-ARL)
| message type (BC-XI)
| message type (IS-H)
| message type (SBO)
| message type template
| message variable
| message-driven bean
| messages (BW-BEX)
| messages (SBC)
| messaging BDoc type
| meta commission case
| meta model
| meta model and product entity category
| meta search interface
| metacolor
| metadata (AP-RC-BEF)
| metadata (BC-DWB-DIC)
| metadata (BC-ILM)
| metadata (BW)
| metadata (EP-VC)
| metadata (FS-BA-SD)
| metadata (OPU-DUE)
| metadata (SCM-EM)
| metadata (SRM)
| metadata (SWE)
| metadata API
| metadata cache
| Metadata Cache Manager
| metadata database
| metadata extension
| Metadata Loader
| metadata model
| metadata publisher
| metadata publishing
| metadata scope
| Metadata Service
| metadata service provider
| metadata tag
| MetaDimension
| MetaField
| MetaFigure
| metamodel
| Metamodel Repository
| Metamodel Repository Designer
| MetaNet
| MetaStar
| meter (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| meter (RE)
| meter agreement
| meter correction factor
| meter data unification and synchronization
| meter operation service company
| meter reader payment
| meter reading
| meter reading announcement
| meter reading category
| meter reading document
| meter reading duration
| meter reading interval
| meter reading order
| meter reading order creation
| meter reading result
| meter reading time
| meter reading type
| meter reading unit
| metered data service company
| metering device
| metering point
| method (BC-ABA)
| method (BC-CCM-MON)
| method (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| method (CO-OM-CCA)
| method (FS-PM)
| method (SWE)
| method call
| method chaining
| method change
| method comparison
| method container
| method environment
| method invocation descriptor
| method of distributing commission
| method parameter (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| method parameter (FS-BA)
| method reserved for ADK
| method schema (CRM)
| method schema (FS-BA)
| method signature
| method type C of a logical service
| method-based multiplier
| methodology (SRM-CM)
| methodology (SV-ASA)
| methodology step
| methodology step folder
| methodology-driven initiative
| methodology-driven project
| metric (CA)
| metric (PPM-CF)
| metric set
| metrics
| metrics group
| Metrics Management
| metrics model
| metrics value type
| metropolitan indicator
| metropolitan statistical area
| micro eligibility
| micro-eligibility
| micro-market
| Microsoft Excel based ad-hoc Analysis
| Microsoft Excel form
| Microsoft NT LAN Manager
| Microsoft NT LAN Manager Security Service Provider
| Microsoft Outlook
| Microsoft Windows service
| mid-separation
| mid-term trial planning
| mid-year consolidation
| middle rate
| middleware
| Middleware Object Navigator
| midnight patient census
| midnight rule
| midpoint activity
| midpoint scheduling
| migrated package
| migration
| migration cockpit
| migration object
| Migration of Engineering Change Orders
| Migration of Projects
| migration plan
| milestone (PP)
| milestone (PS)
| milestone (SCM-EM)
| milestone (SV-SMG)
| milestone confirmation
| milestone list
| milestone payment
| milestone technique
| military alphabet
| Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures
| mill rate
| MIME object
| MIME Repository
| Minguo calendar
| mini agreement
| mini Business Partner
| mini-template
| mini-template type
| minimal operations rule
| minimum allowed rounding result
| minimum amount for variable amount
| minimum bid
| minimum capacity (PE)
| minimum capacity (PE-LSO)
| minimum days' supply
| minimum death benefit total
| minimum death benefit total percentage
| minimum guarantee
| minimum interval
| minimum inventory level
| minimum lot size
| minimum processing
| minimum production quantity
| minimum quantity (SCM-APO-SPP)
| minimum quantity (SCM-EWM)
| minimum quota
| minimum range of coverage
| minimum rent
| minimum replenishment quantity
| minimum required shelf life
| minimum requirement for eligibility of collateral is fulfill
| minimum retention period
| minimum risk amount
| minimum risk amount percentage
| minimum rule
| minimum run time
| minimum send-ahead quantity
| minimum stock level
| minimum takt time
| minimum target stock
| minimum value
| minimum wait time
| minimum waiting period
| Ministry of International Trade and Industry
| minor defect
| minor record
| minor tick mark
| minor tick mark label
| minority interest (EC-CS)
| minority interest (FI-LC)
| minority interests
| minority ownership
| minutes per sale
| MIRDU role
| mirror table
| mirror transaction
| mirrored task
| miscellaneous academic work
| miscellaneous loan
| miscellaneous plan
| missed deadline work item
| missing part
| missing part check
| missing quantities calculation
| missing quantity (IS-A-S2L)
| missing quantity (PP-MRP)
| mission (EPM-SM)
| mission (IS-DFS)
| mitigated role
| mitigating control
| mitigating control assignment
| mitigation
| mix
| mix ID
| mix offer
| mix type
| mix type definition
| mix variance (CO-PC)
| mix variance (IS-M-SD)
| mix-match
| mixed costing
| mixed driver
| mixed drug
| mixed loading check
| mixed loading group
| mixed loading rule
| mixed packing proposal
| mixed pallet
| mixed price
| mixed resource
| mixed round trip
| mixed shipment
| mixed specialized lending pool
| mixed storage
| mixed storage unit
| mixed-price variance
| mixed-use purchase order
| mixing ratio
| mobile application
| Mobile Application BDoc
| Mobile Application Repository
| Mobile Application Studio
| Mobile Applications for Handhelds perspective
| mobile business applications
| mobile client
| mobile client application
| Mobile Client Companion
| mobile client for handhelds
| Mobile Client Index Manager
| Mobile Client Index Migration
| Mobile Client Index Repository
| mobile combustion
| mobile data entry (IS-U-DM-MR)
| mobile data entry (LE)
| mobile device (IS-BEV-DSD)
| mobile device (IS-DFS)
| mobile entity collection
| mobile GUID
| mobile ID
| mobile portal
| mobile results recording
| Mobile Sales (CRM-MSA)
| Mobile Sales (SAP)
| mobile service
| mobile service component
| mobile service component model
| mobile software inventory collector
| mobile solution for key account management, sales and servic
| mobile technology (SAP)
| mobile technology (SAP)
| mobile UI component
| Mobile Upgrade Console
| mobile users
| mobile Web Dynpro application
| mobile Web Dynpro client
| mobile Web Dynpro offline
| Mobile Web Dynpro Offline perspective
| mobility (PA-TM)
| mobility (PY)
| modal dialog box
| mode (AP-PPE)
| mode (SCM-APO-MD)
| mode combination
| mode costs
| mode linkage
| mode of arrival
| mode of transport (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| mode of transport (SD)
| mode-dependent tagging
| mode-of-transport category
| model (BC-BSP)
| model (BC-WD-JAV)
| model (EP-VC)
| model (EPM-PCM)
| model (EPM-SCP)
| model (EPM-SM)
| model (FI-SL)
| model (IS-DFS)
| model (PLM-WUI-APP)
| model (QM)
| model (SV-ASA)
| model (SWE)
| model allocation rule
| model binding
| model calculation
| model catalog
| model class
| Model Designer
| model fund
| model hierarchy insight
| model initialization
| model mix
| model mix planning
| model node
| model order
| model parameter
| model selection procedure
| model serial number
| model service catalog
| model service code
| model service specification (AP-CAT)
| model service specification (SRM-EBP)
| model service specifications
| model type binding
| model usage
| Model View Controller (BC-BSP)
| Model View Controller (BC-FES-GRA)
| Model View Controller (BC-WD)
| model wage type
| model-based persistence layer
| model-driven integration
| model-oriented customizing
| modeled component
| modeled customer
| modeled service
| modeless dialog box
| modeling environment
| modeling interval
| modeling status
| modernization measure
| modification (BC-CTS)
| modification (BC-DWB-CEX)
| modification (SWE)
| modification adjustment
| modification adjustment transport
| Modification Assistant
| modification group
| modification to previous award notice
| modified accrual
| modified commercial part
| modified duration
| modified historical cost accounting
| modified planning horizon
| modified standard cost estimate
| modifying software component
| modular concept
| modularization
| modularization unit
| module (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| module (IS-HER-CM)
| module (IS-HMED)
| module (IS-R)
| module (PA-PM-PB)
| module (WEC-FRW)
| module editor
| module exam
| module group
| module plan
| module pool
| module work
| modulo
| MOLAP aggregate
| MOLAP cube
| monetary account
| monetary asset revaluation
| monetary budget
| monetary item
| monetize
| money order
| moneyness
| monitor (CA-GTF)
| monitor (GRC-SAC)
| monitor (GRC-SPC)
| monitor set
| monitoring activity
| monitoring architecture
| monitoring balance
| monitoring component
| monitoring configuration
| monitoring level
| monitoring manager
| monitoring object
| monitoring procedure
| monitoring properties variant
| monitoring segment
| Monitoring Service
| monitoring system
| monitoring the forecast model
| monitoring tree element
| monitoring work area
| monochrome
| monomer
| monotributo
| Monte Carlo simulation
| month-end closing
| monthly amount table
| monthly budget
| monthly customer
| monthly debits and credits
| monthly demand
| monthly invoice
| monthly invoice recipient
| monthly lot size
| monthly receipt
| monthly standard compensation
| MOP order
| more (CA-WUI)
| more (CRM-PCC)
| more than one day
| morpheme
| morphemic writing
| mortgage loan
| mouse pointer
| move (AP-MD-BP)
| move (BC-FES-GUI)
| move back
| move forward
| move plan
| move time
| move zone
| move-in
| move-in date (IS-U-CS)
| move-in date (RE)
| move-in notification
| move-in/out
| move-out
| move-out date
| movement
| movement category (IS-BEV-ED)
| movement category (IS-H)
| movement category (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| movement certificate
| movement flow
| movement number
| movement rate
| movement rate category
| movement rule
| movement type (IS-H)
| movement type (LE)
| movement type (MM-IM)
| movement type parameter
| movement-based netting
| moving average
| moving average chart
| moving average price (FIN-BAC-INV)
| moving average price (MM-IV)
| moving average price procedure
| moving average sales price
| MPI buffer
| MPX interface
| MRP area
| MRP controller (IS-R)
| MRP controller (PP)
| MRP controller group
| MRP element
| MRP group
| MRP heuristic
| MRP indicator
| MRP list
| MRP lot size
| MRP module
| MRP planning run
| MRP procedure
| MRP profile
| MRP total requirement (PP)
| MRP total requirement (SD)
| MRP type
| MSE status
| msg.PM
| MSO explosion
| MSO explosion log
| msprot
| MTE class
| multi mode
| multi-annual document
| multi-borrower facility
| multi-branch service
| multi-collector
| multi-currency
| multi-currency account
| multi-currency invoice
| multi-currency reporting
| multi-device Internet
| multi-function card terminal
| multi-funding
| multi-interaction step
| multi-language support
| multi-level budget structure
| multi-level contract
| multi-level intercompany billing
| multi-line connection
| multi-linear regression
| multi-parameter matching
| multi-party verification
| multi-planning area
| Multi-Project Management
| multi-relation
| multi-store order
| multi-store order II
| multi-system landscape
| multi-value filtering
| multiactivity resource
| multiappointment
| multichannel management event
| multichannel retailing (IS-R)
| multichannel retailing (SAP)
| multiclient-compliance
| multideal
| multidimension set
| multidimensional clustering
| multidimensional data
| multidimensional product cost controlling
| multifactor
| multigroup
| multilateral agreement
| multilevel actual costing
| multilevel ATP check
| multilevel BOM
| multilevel BOM for sales order item
| multilevel categorization
| multilevel compatible unit
| multilevel packing instruction
| multilevel tax code
| multilevel where-used list
| multilevel worklist
| multiline planning
| multimixed resource
| multimodal shipment
| multipart document
| multipart e-mail
| multipart equipment
| multiperiod consolidation
| multiple (PE)
| multiple (PE-LSO)
| multiple account assignment (IS-H)
| multiple account assignment (MM)
| multiple assignment
| multiple BOM
| multiple borrower facility
| multiple bridges
| multiple capacities
| multiple classification
| multiple code page-dependent
| multiple company-single client
| multiple condition
| multiple counter plan
| multiple currency facility
| multiple date
| multiple hierarchy
| multiple inheritance
| multiple insurance
| multiple item auction
| multiple linear regression
| multiple loading
| multiple match
| multiple meetings
| multiple meter reading order creation
| multiple option facility
| Multiple Output Planning
| multiple processing
| Multiple Property Search & Replace Wizard
| multiple quantity
| multiple quantity average
| multiple response explicit item
| multiple response item
| multiple scan
| multiple selection list
| multiple unit of measure
| multiple usage
| multiple valuation approaches/transfer prices
| multiple value data set
| multiple versioning
| multiple work center
| multiple-asset contract
| multiple-compliance framework
| multiple-contract maintenance
| multiple-directory logic
| multiple-entry screen
| multiple-sampling inspection
| multiple-selection mode
| multiple-shift depreciation
| multiple-unit batch
| multiple-value characteristic
| multiplexer
| multiplication factor (EHS)
| multiplication factor (IS-H)
| multiplier (PY-HK)
| multiplier (SRM-LA)
| MultiProvider
| Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
| multipurpose key figure
| multireference
| multiresource (SCM-APO-MD)
| multiresource (SCM-TM)
| multisegment planning
| multisource appraisal
| multisourcing
| multistep replenishment
| multistep task
| multitask activity
| multitenant portal
| multivariable optimization
| municipal fee notice
| municipal property tax
| municipal tax distribution
| municipal tax number
| municipality (IS-U)
| municipality (RE)
| municipality group
| municipality number
| must-agreement
| must-change agreement
| must-not agreement
| mutex (BC-BMT-BPM)
| mutex (BC-CST)
| mutual help
| mutual stock method
| My List
| My Objects
| my portfolio
| My Worklist
| mySAP CRM Field Applications
| mySAP Customer Relationship Management
| mySAP Enterprise Portal
| mySAP Enterprise Portal for Dealers
| mySAP ERP DMS Connector for KM
| mySAP Exchanges
| mySAP Financials
| mySAP Hosted Solutions
| mySAP Human Resources
| mySAP Mobile Business
| mySAP Product Lifecycle Management
| mySAP SCM Supply Chain Event Management
| mySAP Services
| mySAP Supplier Relationship Management
| mySAP Supply Chain Management
| mySAP Technology
| application component
| solution
| Trust Center
| Myself system (BW-WHM)
| N
| NA number
| Nagamasa
| name
| name identifier
| name identifier format
| name of insurance institution
| name range
| name resolution
| named anonymous user
| named data object
| named dataset
| named driver
| named include
| named includes
| named list of accounts contract
| named search
| named user
| namespace (BC-CTS)
| namespace (BC-XI)
| namespace (EP-PIN)
| namespace (IS-HMED)
| namespace (OPU-DUE)
| namespace (SBC)
| namespace browsing
| namespace filter
| nametab
| naming rule
| naming structure
| naming system
| nanobrick
| narrow iView
| NAT location
| national calamity contingency duty
| National Contingency System
| national contributor
| national currency
| national drug code
| national formulary
| national health insurance
| national healthcare system
| National Insurance
| national insurance cost neutrality
| national insurance number
| National Wholesale Druggist Association
| nationality
| native currency
| native editor format
| native function
| Native Language Support
| Native SQL (BC-ABA)
| Native SQL (BC-JAS)
| Native SQL interface
| NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency
| natural account
| nature
| Nature of Action
| Nature of Action code
| nature of business
| nature of control
| navigation (BC-FES-GUI)
| navigation (BW-BEX)
| navigation area (IS-HMED)
| navigation area (MP-APP-CR)
| navigation attribute (BW)
| navigation attribute (EC-EIS)
| navigation bar (CA-WUI)
| navigation bar (CRM-MSA)
| navigation bar profile
| navigation context
| navigation event
| navigation frame
| navigation iView
| navigation line
| navigation link
| navigation list
| Navigation Modeler
| navigation object
| navigation pane
| navigation panel (EP-KM)
| navigation panel (RIV)
| navigation profile (IS-A-DBM)
| navigation profile (PP)
| navigation profile (PP-MRP)
| navigation role
| navigation stack
| Navigation Zoom
| Navigation Zoom Desktop
| Navigation Zoom Point
| Navigation Zoom Title
| navigation-panel tile
| navigator
| NC code
| NC code priority number
| NCM code
| near miss
| need date
| negative and premium customer lists
| negative credit event
| negative goodwill (EC-CS)
| negative goodwill (FI-LC)
| negative grace days
| negative inventory
| negative lead time
| negative lead-time offset
| negative list (SCM-EWM)
| negative list (SD)
| negative pledge
| negative posting
| negative report
| negative stock
| negative threshold value
| negative transaction type
| negotiable document
| negotiating bank
| negotiation
| negotiation range
| negotiation spread
| neighborhood
| nested package
| nested routing
| nesting
| nesting of HUs
| net actual cost
| net amount
| net availability
| net book value
| net business volume
| net calculation
| net calculation document
| net calculation unit
| net change planning (PP-MRP)
| net change planning (SCM-APO)
| net display
| net exposure
| net footprint
| net inflation rate
| net interest margin
| net mask
| net position
| net posting
| net present value (CA-FIM-FMA)
| net present value (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| net present value (IS-B-RA)
| net present value (PPM-PFM)
| net present value concept
| net price (MM-PUR)
| net price (SRM-EBP-INV)
| net rate
| net realizable-value method
| net rent
| net requirement calculation
| net target cost
| net total
| net unit of measure (EHS-CI)
| net unit of measure (IS-OIL-DS-MAP)
| net value (SD)
| net value (SRM-EBP-INV)
| net variation
| net vote budget
| net voting
| net worth tax
| net, retroactive, and payment grouping
| net/net purchase price
| netting (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| netting (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| netting (IS-B-RA-CL)
| netting (IS-OIL-DS-EXG)
| netting balance
| netting cycle
| netting document
| netting group (FS-AM-IM-GL)
| netting group (IS-B-RA-CL)
| netting proposal
| netting set
| netting statement
| NetWeaver Business Client
| NetWeaver hub
| NetWeaver Voice
| network (PS)
| network (SCM-BAS-DF)
| Network Address Translation
| network alert
| network and operating system services
| Network Design
| network graphic
| Network Interface
| network lead time
| network scheduling
| network timeout
| network type
| network view
| neutral results availability check
| neutralization
| never-exceed period
| new (CRM-PCC)
| new (SRD-CC-BTM)
| new business
| New Computerised Transit System
| New Computerized Transit System
| new customer
| new customer enrollment list
| new entry
| new items mode
| new product introduction
| new remuneration line
| new supplier
| new system delta load
| New Terminology List
| new urban rent adjustment
| new valuation
| New Visual Design
| new world
| newborn non-acceptance indicator
| newborn transfer indicator
| news item
| next
| next dynpro
| next item to end
| next operation
| next period end date
| nexus
| NF metal key
| NF metal processing
| NFM rate
| NHI dependent
| NI handle
| NI-able/NI applicable
| NIB code
| nibble
| Nielsen ID (LO-MD)
| Nielsen ID (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| NIF number
| night shift
| nil return (CORPORATE-IT)
| nil return (FI)
| NIP number (FI)
| NIP number (FI)
| niping
| NIT number (FI)
| NIT number (FI)
| NM system
| no additional funding scheme
| no claim made
| no grid material
| no input
| no match
| no quotation handling
| no-send qRFC
| NODATA indicator
| node (BC-BMT-WFM)
| node (BC-DOC)
| node (BC-FES-GRA)
| node (BW-WHM)
| node (IS-T)
| node (LE-TRM)
| node (MDM)
| node (PLM-WUI-OBJ)
| node (PM)
| node (SCM-APO-SCC)
| node (SV-ASA)
| node attribute
| node category
| node type (EHS-CI)
| node type (LE-TRM)
| NOEXIST indicator
| noise threshold value
| nominal capital (FS-MCM-FAC)
| nominal capital (TR)
| nominal load
| nominal open commitment
| nominal utilization
| nominal value
| nominal value of a hedging relationship
| nominal voltage
| nomination
| nomination context
| nomination reason
| nomination status
| nomination to a special function
| nominator
| non annex 1 country
| non-aggregated object
| non-aligned winding factor
| non-Annex I goods
| non-Annex-I license
| non-appropriated fund
| non-appropriated fund instrumentality employee
| non-approved overdraft
| non-balance-changing posting
| non-BOM component
| non-branching action
| non-calendar fiscal year
| non-closed package interface
| non-commercial transportation
| non-compressed view
| non-conformance report
| non-consumable goods
| non-credentialed remuneration line
| non-critical activity
| non-cumulative key figure
| non-cumulative value
| non-deductible
| non-deductible input tax
| non-delivery receipt
| non-dependent veteran
| non-DG empty transport
| non-DG full transport
| non-dialog work process
| non-edited table
| non-eligible absence
| non-encapsulated
| non-exclusive right
| non-execution time
| non-hazardous waste
| non-industrial accident insurance
| non-interval customer
| non-joiner
| non-leading ledger
| non-linear display order
| non-linear regression
| non-maturing instrument
| non-merchandise item
| non-mixed
| non-mixed storage
| non-negotiable document
| non-operation clause
| non-participant
| non-pay scale employee
| non-performing
| non-posted day
| non-posted days rule
| non-price bidding
| non-public service station
| non-qualified stock option
| non-recurring engineering
| non-recurring loan undertaking
| non-rejectable posting
| non-repudiation (BC-SEC)
| non-repudiation (BC-XI)
| non-resident alien
| non-resident taxpayer
| non-revolving drawdown
| non-serialized SFC number
| non-spacing mark
| non-spec home
| non-standard object
| non-stock item
| non-store retailing
| non-tied empties
| non-time-based aggregation
| non-tracked events view
| non-transition zone
| non-unique index
| non-valuated stock
| non-violation role
| non-voice entity
| non-working payment
| non-working shift
| non-working time
| non-working-payment factor
| non-working-payment rate
| non-working-payment supplement
| nonchargeable node
| nonclaim case
| nonconformance
| nonconformance client
| nonconformance group
| nonconformance incident
| nonconformance list
| nonconformity costs
| nonmonetary item
| nonproductive time
| nonregulated portfolio
| nonrequired activity
| nontransparent matchcode
| nonvaluated project stock
| nonvaluated sales order stock
| normal booking (PE)
| normal booking (PE-LSO)
| normal inspection
| normal invoice
| normal operations
| normal performer band
| normal planned independent requirement
| normal tax invoice
| normal working time
| normal year end adjustment
| normalization
| normalization form
| normalized price
| normative days
| normed hedge ratio
| North American Free Trade Agreement
| North American Industry Classification System
| not affecting net income
| not entitled
| not otherwise specified
| not ready
| not under notice
| nota fiscal (FI)
| nota fiscal (IS-U-CA)
| nota fiscal category
| nota fiscal entrada
| nota fiscal item type
| nota fiscal tax type
| notch element
| note (BC-SRV)
| note (CRM-BF)
| note (FS-CM)
| note (IS-U)
| note (IS-U-WA)
| note (MP-APP-BB)
| note (PPM-PRO)
| note (SBA)
| note (SRM-SUD)
| Note (BC-DOC)
| Note (BC-FES-GUI)
| Note Assistant
| note from the meter reader
| note log
| note to payee
| note to the meter reader
| note type
| note-only confirmation
| noted item
| notepad
| Notes application
| Notes database
| notes editor
| Notes user name
| notice (FS-CML)
| notice (RE)
| notice lock period
| notice of assessment
| notice of violation
| notice on amount
| notice period (FS-AM-OM-AC)
| notice period (PA)
| notice rule
| notice type
| notification (BC-MID-ALE)
| notification (ICM)
| notification (MFG-MII-PCO)
| notification (MP-APP-CR)
| notification (PM)
| notification abbreviation (PE)
| notification abbreviation (PE-LSO)
| notification approval
| notification category
| notification code
| notification comment
| notification criteria
| notification date (IS-U-CS)
| notification date (IS-U-CS)
| notification frequency
| notification group
| notification interval
| notification limit
| notification message
| notification mode
| notification of admission
| notification of completion
| Notification of Social Insurance Premium Payment
| notification profile
| notification rule (ICM)
| notification rule (IS-M-SD)
| notification service
| notification status
| notification type
| Notification Work Item
| notifications manager
| notified chemical substance
| notified visit
| notional salary
| novation (FS-PM)
| novation (SRM-EBP-CON)
| NPPKP number
| NPV key figure
| NPWP number
| NSF check
| nukta
| null reference
| null value
| nullification type
| number assignment
| number conversion rule
| number for obtaining an outside line
| number format
| number of cycles
| number of periods for seasonal moving average smoothing
| number of run-in lengths
| number of samples
| number of time units
| number range (AIE)
| number range (CA-GTF)
| number range buffer
| number range group
| number range interval
| number range object (AIE)
| number range object (CA-GTF)
| number range object maintenance
| number range server
| number type
| numerator
| numerator type
| numeric
| numeric data object
| numeric data type
| numeric literal
| numeric material number
| numeric product ID
| numeric text
| numeric value property
| numerical expression position
| numerical function
| nursing acuity
| nursing anchor service
| nursing assignment
| nursing insurance add-on
| nursing note
| nursing organizational unit
| nursing plan
| nursing problem
| nursing progress report
| nursing report entry
| nursing service
| nutrient
| nutrient type (IS-HMED)
| O
| object (AIE)
| object (BC-ABA)
| object (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| object (BC-FES-GRA)
| object (CRM-MD)
| object (FS-BA-SD)
| object (FS-CML)
| object (FS-CMS)
| object (ICM)
| object (MDM)
| object (PA)
| object (PLM-WUI-APP)
| object (PP-BD)
| object (PSM-FM)
| object (SV-ASA)
| object (SWE)
| object abbreviation
| object accessory
| object accumulation
| object address
| object allocation
| Object and Data Provider
| object assignment (BC-SRV-TXV)
| object assignment (ICM)
| Object Browser Pattern
| object bundle
| object category (BC-CTS)
| object category (FS-CMS)
| object category (IS-EC-BOS)
| object category (PPM-PRO)
| object category (SCM-BAS-STM)
| object channel
| object characteristic (FS-CM)
| object characteristic (FS-PM)
| object characteristic (RE)
| object class (CO)
| object class (CRM-MKT)
| object collector
| object component selector
| object control framework
| object creation wizard
| object currency
| object dependencies
| object description
| object determination
| object directory
| object documentation
| object editor
| Object Editor
| object editor configuration
| Object Editor Pattern
| object evaluation
| object family
| object filter
| object for parallel processing
| object generator
| object group (RE)
| object group (SBO)
| object header area
| object header area with hierarchical view
| object hierarchy
| object history
| object ID (CRM-MD-PRO-OBJ)
| object ID (PA)
| object identifier type
| object information
| object instance
| object instance subscription
| object key
| object kind in portfolio assignment
| object level
| object link (BC-DWB-UTL-CLS)
| object link (CA-DMS)
| object link (IS-OIL-DS-MRN)
| object link (PM)
| object link (PPM-PRO)
| Object Linking and Embedding Database
| object list (BC-CTS)
| object list (BC-CUS-TOL)
| object list (CO)
| object list (CRM-BTX-CTR-SCO)
| object list (CRM-MSA)
| object list (FI-GL)
| object list (IS-HMED)
| object list (PM)
| object list (PS)
| Object List Configurator
| object list notification
| object management (CRM-IT)
| object management (FS-PM)
| Object Management Group
| object management record
| object manager (BC-BMT-WFM)
| object manager (PA)
| object mandate
| object mandate company code
| Object Mapper
| object mapping (FS-BA-SD)
| object mapping (PSM-GM)
| object master data
| object name
| object navigator
| Object Navigator
| object network
| object node
| object node type
| object on loan
| object orientation
| object outbox
| object overview
| object overview variant
| object owner
| object parts
| object plugin
| object position
| object reference (BC-ABA)
| object reference (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| object reference variable
| object relation
| object relationship (FS-BA-SD)
| object relationship (IS-U-WM)
| Object Relationship Service
| object representation
| object representation selection
| object request broker
| object request caller
| object request sender
| object request transformer
| Object Selector Pattern
| object set
| object stack
| object state
| object status attribute
| object subtypes
| object tag
| object to be planned
| object transfer structure
| object type (BC-ABA)
| object type (BC-DWB)
| object type (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| object type (BC-ESI)
| object type (CO)
| object type (CRM-BF)
| object type (EP-UP-ES)
| object type (FI-GL)
| object type (FS-CMS)
| object type (ICM)
| object type (LO-ECH)
| object type (LO-PDM)
| object type (PA)
| object type (PP-BD)
| object type (PPM-PRO)
| object type component
| object type group
| Object Type Group Builder
| object type handler
| object type in portfolio assignment
| object type-specific attribute
| object value
| object variant
| object view
| object wizard
| Object Workbench
| object-based navigation
| Object-Based Navigation Editor
| object-oriented programming
| object-specific function
| Object/Relational mapping
| objection script
| OBN implementation
| OBN source iView
| OBN target
| obscure
| OC name
| occupancy characteristic
| occupancy characteristic view
| occupancy contract
| occupancy management
| occupancy obligation
| occupancy overview
| occupancy type
| occupancy view
| occupant
| occupational incident
| occupational retirement schemes ordinance plan
| occupied position
| occupies
| occurrence
| occurrence of an object
| ocean bill of lading
| ODS object
| OeNB ident number
| OeNB number
| off work
| off-balance sheet transaction
| off-balance-sheet securitization exposure
| off-contract spend
| off-cycle payroll run
| off-invoice cap
| off-site work
| off-thread
| offcut determination
| offer (CA-DMF)
| offer (CA-MRS)
| offer (IS-CC)
| offer (SBO)
| offer demand
| offer detection
| offer header
| offer letter
| offer set
| offer version
| offered object
| offering
| offering solution
| office application
| Office for Coorganization
| office number for employment insurance
| office of exit
| Office of Management and Budget
| office of transit
| office settings
| official ARE-1 number
| official ARE-3 number
| official bond number
| official document number
| official document number format
| official excise document number
| official form
| official license number
| official receipt
| official record of change
| official service type
| official subcontracting challan number
| offline
| offline administrator
| offline application
| offline branch
| offline capability
| Offline Distribution Wizard
| offline operation
| Offline Player
| offset (BC-ABA)
| offset (BC-CCM-ADK)
| offset (BC-CCM-PRN)
| offset (CRM-RPL)
| offset (EHS-CI)
| offset (PM)
| offset (SCM-APO-PPS-RSP)
| offset / length specification
| offset account
| offset charge
| offset context
| offset determination
| offset method
| offset percentage
| offset specification
| offset time
| offsetting (FI-CA)
| offsetting (ICM)
| offsetting account
| offsetting account determination
| offsetting entry
| offsetting function of settlement schedules
| offsetting item
| offsetting item type
| offsetting payment note category
| offshore logistics management
| OFK number
| OIB number
| oil content
| oil quantity conversion
| oil statement profile
| OIM transaction type
| OK code field
| ok field
| OKATO code
| OKDP code
| OKFS code
| OKIN system
| OKOF code
| OKOGU Code
| OKOPF code
| OKP code
| OKPO code
| OKSO system
| OKVED code
| OLAP Command Processor
| OLAP data provider
| OLAP Metadata API
| OLAP Metadata Model
| OLAP Query API
| OLAP Query Model
| OLAP reporting
| OLAP Table Model
| OLAP trace
| old-age benefits
| old-age continuous insured
| OLE for Process Control
| OLTP scheduling agreement
| on call (CA-MRS)
| on call (PT)
| on demand
| on hold (LO-SPM)
| on hold (MFG-ME)
| on-balance-sheet netting
| on-balance-sheet pooling
| on-balance-sheet securitization exposure
| on-carriage
| on-order stock
| on-time delivery performance
| onboard unit
| once-only payments/deductions
| one-click ordering
| one-dimensional period management
| one-dimensional versioning
| one-envelope RFx response
| one-off payment
| one-sided interunit elimination
| One-Step Business
| one-step production confirmation
| one-step stock transfer
| one-step stock transfer procedure
| one-system landscape
| one-time account
| One-time account
| one-time correction
| one-time credit
| one-time customer
| one-time cycle
| one-time demand
| one-time kanban
| one-time package
| one-time payment (FS-CD)
| one-time payment (PSM-GM)
| one-time premium
| one-time vendor
| one-to-many balance transfer relationship
| one-to-one balance transfer relationship
| one-to-one e-mail
| one-to-one marketing
| one-way link
| online analytical processing
| online application
| online branch
| online constituent account
| Online Correction Service
| online form
| online item type
| online meeting
| online session
| online style
| online test
| Online Text Repository
| online transaction processing system
| only representative
| OO transaction
| opaque ID
| OPC Alarms/Events server
| OPC Alarms/Events subscription
| OPC client
| OPC Data Access server
| OPC Data Access subscription
| OPC event
| OPC item
| OPC item ID
| OPC item name
| OPC server
| OPC server browsing
| OPC server ID
| open (MP-APP-DPE)
| open (SCM-APO-PPS)
| open (SRM-EBP-CON)
| open amount
| open balance
| open bidding
| Open Catalog Interface
| open credit commitment
| open enrollment
| open exchange infrastructure
| open goods receipt (SBO)
| open goods receipt (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| open hub data source
| open hub destination
| open hub service
| open integration
| Open Internet standards
| open invoice
| open item
| open item management
| open item proxy
| open list
| open market sale
| open order
| open OTB-relevant purchasing document
| open packed goods movement quantity
| Open Partner Interface
| open portal infrastructure
| open process
| open purchase order quantity
| open quantity (IS-AFS-ARUN)
| open quantity (PSM-FM)
| open quantity (SCM-BAS-QOS)
| open question
| Open Source
| Open SQL
| Open SQL Engine
| Open SQL for Java
| Open sql interface
| open status
| open storage
| open study segment
| open subitem
| open time
| open time pair
| open unpacked goods movement quantity
| open-loop order
| open-loop scenario
| open-to-buy
| open-to-buy check
| open-to-delivery date
| opener
| opening balance
| opening bank
| opening date
| opening entry
| opening period
| opening period for planned order
| opening position
| opening stock
| opening time
| operand (BC-ABA)
| operand (IS-U-BI)
| operand (SRM-LA)
| operand category
| operand position
| operand type
| operating balancing agreement
| operating characteristic curve
| operating concern
| operating concern template
| operating costs
| operating facilities
| operating hours
| operating instructions
| operating level
| operating rate
| operating resources
| operating system collector
| operating system monitor
| operating time
| operating time utilization
| operating times
| operating volume
| operation (AP-PPE)
| operation (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| operation (IS-DFS)
| operation (LO)
| operation (MFG-ME)
| operation (PP-PI)
| operation (PSM-EC)
| operation (PY)
| operation (SCM-APO-MD)
| operation category
| operation code
| operation concept
| operation contingent
| operation implementation
| operation lead time
| operation mode
| operation mode switching
| operation number
| operation organizational structure
| operation organizational structure template
| operation planner
| operation project plan
| operation project plan template
| operation scrap
| operation segment
| operation task
| operation template
| operation time unit
| operation type
| operation-internal relationship
| operation-level costing
| operational area
| operational assortment planning and control
| operational boundary
| operational compliance
| operational condition
| operational contract
| operational contract hierarchy
| operational contract ID
| operational control
| operational cycle
| operational data store
| Operational Data Store
| operational date
| operational event
| operational force element
| operational group
| operational hierarchy
| operational integrity
| operational keyword
| operational list
| operational method sheet
| operational performance management
| operational phase
| operational planning
| operational position
| operational profit
| operational protection
| operational role
| operational simulation
| operational sourcing
| operational status
| operational structure
| operational system
| operational tag
| operational type
| operational version
| Operational WCD
| operations layout
| operations notification
| operative delivery schedule
| operative rate
| operative scenario
| operative takt time
| operative unit of measure
| operative user
| operator (BC-ABA)
| operator (CA-DMF)
| operator (CS)
| operator (EP-VC)
| operator (EPM-BPC)
| operator (MP-APP-DPE)
| operator (SBO)
| operator inspection
| operator's maintenance program
| opportunistic cross-docking (LE-WM)
| opportunistic cross-docking (SCM-EWM)
| opportunities pipeline
| opportunity (CRM)
| opportunity (GRC-RM)
| opportunity (MP-APP-DPE)
| opportunity (XAP-CQM)
| opportunity analysis
| opportunity assessment
| opportunity category
| opportunity churn rate
| opportunity churn rates management
| opportunity classification
| opportunity contribution
| opportunity cost
| opportunity costs
| opportunity curve
| opportunity funnel analysis
| opportunity group
| opportunity initiator
| opportunity interest rate
| opportunity list
| opportunity management
| opportunity pipeline analysis
| opportunity plan
| opportunity template
| opposite language dependent
| optical character recognition
| optimal solution
| optimal value
| optimistic lock
| optimization
| optimization element
| optimization horizon
| optimization level
| optimization log
| optimization profile (SCM-APO-PPS)
| optimization profile (SCM-APO-VS)
| optimization range
| optimization scenario
| optimization variable
| optimization-based capacity leveling
| optimization-based planning
| optimize application
| optimized plan
| optimizer (CA-FS-PO)
| optimizer (IS-OIL-PRA-REV)
| optimum capacity (PE)
| optimum capacity (PE-LSO)
| optimum lot-sizing procedure
| optimum shelf quantity
| option (CA)
| option (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| option (PSM-GPR)
| option date
| option premium
| option price calculator
| option rate
| option rate calculation by area
| option rate calculation by cubic volume
| option rate determination
| option reference item
| option type (CRM-LAM)
| option type (IS-OIL-DS-MRN)
| optional activity
| optional assortment
| optional contract
| optional defining characteristic for a position
| optional entry
| optional entry field
| optional part
| optional product
| optional product group
| optional requirement
| optional segment
| Options Handler Report
| options profile
| OR data collector
| or process
| Orbian Active Account
| Orbian Credit
| Orbian Member
| Orbian Reserve Account
| Orbian Sponsor
| orbit
| order (CO)
| order (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| order (FS-AM-OM)
| order (IS-HMED)
| order (LO)
| order (MFG-ME)
| order (SCM-APO-PPS)
| order acknowledgement
| order acquisition
| order amount
| order assembly
| order BOM (LO-VC)
| order BOM (PP-BD)
| order BOM cost estimate
| order browser
| order cancelation
| order category (CA)
| order category (FS-AM-OM)
| order change management
| order characteristic
| order code
| order combination
| order commitments
| order completion
| order control
| order cycle
| order data area
| order data type
| order date
| order description
| order document type
| order due list
| order duration
| order file
| order filler
| order for project
| order for provision of material
| Order Fulfillment - Outbound Lead Time
| order fulfillment and flexible order fulfillment capabilitie
| order fulfillment cycle time
| order group (CO)
| order group (SCM-APO-SNP)
| order header
| order hierarchy (CO)
| order hierarchy (PM)
| order history
| order initiator
| order item (IS-A-DBM)
| order item (IS-HMED)
| order lead time
| order list (IS-AFS-SD)
| order list (IS-BEV-LO-RE)
| order list (IS-M)
| order list (IS-R)
| order management
| order number
| order of a counterparty risk object
| order of seniority
| order period table
| order phase (CO)
| order phase (CO-OM-OPA)
| order price history
| order processing lead time of supplier
| order processing view
| order processor
| order proposal
| order proposal management
| order quantity
| order quantity unit
| order reallocation
| order recall
| order recommendation
| order record
| order release
| order scheduling
| order sequence number
| order settlement (IS-H)
| order settlement (PP)
| order split (IS-A-DBM)
| order split (PP-SFC)
| order split (SCM-APO-PPS)
| order status (CO)
| order status (WEC-IS)
| order status request
| order summary
| order template (CRM-ISA)
| order template (IS-HMED)
| order time
| order type (IS-HMED)
| order type (LO)
| order type (PSM-GPR)
| order type line item
| order unit
| order value
| order view
| order with revenues
| order-dependent setup time
| order-internal relationship
| Order-on-Behalf
| order-related production
| ordered
| ordered folder
| ordered product
| ordered service
| ordering party
| orders with PRN agent
| orders with sliding dose
| ordinary depreciation
| ordinary least squares
| ordinary notice of dismissal
| organ explantation
| Organisation for Data Exchange by Tele Transmission in Europ
| organization (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| organization (PA)
| Organization and Planning
| organization form
| organization identifier
| organization membership
| organization model
| organization number
| organization registration number
| organization set
| organization structure questionnaire
| organization type
| organization view
| organizational area (CA-CL)
| organizational area (FS-AM-CM-AC)
| organizational area (IS-DFS)
| organizational area type
| organizational boundary
| organizational category
| organizational change
| Organizational Change Management
| Organizational Chart Launcher
| Organizational Chart Link
| organizational chart tester
| organizational data profile
| organizational element
| organizational flexibility
| organizational hierarchy (EHS-CI)
| organizational hierarchy (GRC-SPC)
| organizational level
| Organizational Management
| organizational management framework
| organizational measure
| organizational model
| organizational object (BC-BMT-OM)
| organizational object (PA-CP)
| organizational object type
| organizational personnel structure
| organizational plan (BC-BMT-OM)
| organizational plan (IS-R)
| organizational plan (PA-OS)
| organizational position plan
| organizational priority (IS-DFS)
| organizational priority (MM)
| organizational release code
| organizational responsibility
| organizational root
| organizational structure (ICM)
| organizational structure (IS-DFS)
| organizational structure (PA-OS)
| organizational structure (SV-ASA)
| Organizational Structure List
| organizational structure view
| organizational unit (BC-CUS-TOL-NAV)
| organizational unit (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| organizational unit (FS-AM-CM-AC)
| organizational unit (FS-BA-SD)
| organizational unit (FS-PM)
| organizational unit (ICM)
| organizational unit (IS-H)
| organizational unit (MP-APP-DPE)
| organizational unit (PA-OS)
| organizational unit (SCM-TM)
| organizational unit (SV-ASA)
| organizational unit function
| organizational unit role
| organizational unit type
| organizational view
| organizer (IS-U-CS)
| organizer (MP-APP-CR)
| organizer (PE)
| orientation area
| origin (CO-PC)
| origin (FI-BL)
| origin (FS-AM-IM-IT)
| origin group
| origin indicator
| origin of remuneration
| origin sequence
| origin type
| original (BC-CTS)
| original (KM-KW)
| original amount
| original application file
| original article
| original batch (IS-MP)
| original batch (LO-BM)
| original batch (PP-SFC)
| original batch reference material
| original budget
| original cost
| original currency
| original customer demand
| original customer forecast
| original display
| original document (AP-TTE)
| original document (FI)
| original document (PA-CP)
| original equipment manufacturer
| original input message
| original inspection
| original journal
| original language (BC-DWB-TOO)
| original language (PPM-PRO)
| Original Leave Quota
| original material (IS-R)
| original material (LO-BM)
| original maturity
| original order (IS-MP)
| original order (SCM-APO-PPS-FOT)
| original parts master
| original patient master data
| original plan
| original plant
| original policy
| original product (SCM-APO-PPS-FOT)
| original product (SCM-FRE)
| original quantity
| original recipient
| original regular price
| original request
| original result
| original role
| original routing
| original task
| original tax form
| original term
| original value
| original value recording
| original-value recording
| originals model
| originating good
| originating NoA
| originator (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| originator (SBO)
| originator catalog
| orthodontics
| orthographic view
| OSI reference model
| OSI Reference Model
| OTB allocation
| OTB bucket
| OTB monitoring
| OTB procurement
| OTB reservation (IS-R)
| OTB reservation (IS-R)
| OTB special release
| OTB-relevant contract
| OTB-relevant purchasing document
| OTC option
| other
| other condition
| other diagnostic metrics
| other elimination difference (EC-CS)
| other elimination difference (FI-LC)
| other name
| other payables
| other price or other receivable
| other public registers
| other receivables
| other resource (IS-HER-CM)
| other resource (PE)
| other travel service
| Otsu Ran
| out-of-band account linking
| out-of-the-box
| outage management system
| outbound
| Outbound
| outbound call
| outbound delivery (LE)
| outbound delivery (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| outbound delivery group
| outbound delivery order
| Outbound Delivery Performance
| outbound delivery process
| outbound delivery request
| outbound file
| outbound implementation
| outbound interface (BC-XI)
| outbound interface (PA-EC)
| outbound management
| outbound partner profile
| outbound plug
| outbound process agent (BC-ESI)
| outbound process agent (SWE)
| outbound processing (BC-MID-ALE)
| outbound processing (BC-XI)
| outbound sequenced JIT call
| outbound summarized JIT call
| outbound task
| Outbound Telesales
| outbound text
| outbound warranty claim
| outbox
| outcome
| outcome reason
| outer diameter
| outer packaging
| outflow (IS-B-SA-ALM)
| outflow (IS-HMED)
| outflow type
| outgoing document
| outgoing employee
| outgoing funds
| outgoing grant
| outgoing invoice
| outgoing payment
| outgoing payment dispatcher
| outgoing payment order
| outgoing royalties
| outgoing royalties accrual
| outgoing royalties key
| outgoing student
| outlet
| outlier
| outlier charge
| outline
| outline agreement (CRM)
| outline agreement (MM-PUR)
| outline agreement release
| outline contract
| outline item
| outline level
| outline window
| Outlook add-in
| Outlook calendar integration
| Outlook item
| outpatient
| outpatient activity
| outpatient clinic management
| outpatient clinic/service facility work station
| outpatient cost distribution
| outpatient day
| outpatient documentation work station
| outpatient electronic data interchange
| outpatient visit
| outpayment order
| output (ICM)
| output (SD)
| output agent
| output assignment
| output check
| output client system
| output codepage
| output console
| output controller
| output deal
| output device
| output device status
| output distribution key
| output document
| output group
| output layout
| output length (BC-DWB-DIC)
| output length (IS-MP)
| output management
| output management system
| Output Manager
| output material
| output parameter
| output price
| output price variance
| output processing
| output processor
| output product
| output quantity variance
| output queue
| output request
| output sales organization
| output sequence
| output side
| output statement
| output status
| output tax
| output template
| Output Text Format
| output type (CA-GTF-BS-MC)
| output type (CA-GTF-DOB)
| output variant
| output VAT
| outright sale
| outside zone C limit alarm
| outsorting
| outsorting check group
| outstanding amount
| outstanding awards
| outstanding empties list
| outstanding interest
| outstanding maintenance notification
| outstanding payment
| outstanding quality notification
| outstanding sales report
| outward processing
| over budget amount
| overall aggregation factor
| overall aggregation ratio
| overall alert profile
| overall amount
| overall appraisal
| overall budget
| overall dispersion
| overall mean value
| overall network
| overall payment schedule
| overall priority
| overall profile (PA)
| overall profile (PP-CRP)
| overall rating
| overall release
| overall score
| overall status
| overall user administrator
| overconfirmation alert
| overdelivery tolerance
| overdraft
| overdraft amount
| overdraft protection
| overdue payment
| overdue service call
| overdue task
| overflow at bank statement printer
| overflow bed
| overflow space
| overhead
| Overhead Cost Controlling
| overhead cost order
| overhead costing
| overhead costs
| overhead group
| overhead key
| overhead rate
| overhead rate base
| overhead structure
| overlap check
| overlapping
| overlay (CA-GTF-DOB)
| overlay (WEC-FRW)
| overlay number
| overload capacity
| overload factor
| overloaded function
| overnight deposits
| overnight money
| overpayment
| overperformer band
| override
| override requirement
| overriding commission
| overrun (IS-CC)
| overrun (PLM-RM)
| overrun of personnel costs
| overseer
| overspending
| overtake and undertake amounts
| overtime
| overtime compensation (PT)
| overtime compensation (PT)
| overtime hours
| overtime limit
| overtime segment
| overview (CA-EPT-BCV)
| overview (FS-PM)
| overview area
| overview display
| overview mode
| overview page
| overview planning
| overview screen
| overwrite
| own business
| own collateral value share
| own service provider (IS-U-IDE)
| own service provider (IS-U-IDE)
| own transport
| own-account trading
| owned object
| owner (CAF-GP)
| owner (CRM)
| owner (EHS-CI)
| owner (EPM-BPC)
| owner (EPM-SA)
| owner (LOD-ESO)
| owner (SBO)
| owner (SCM-ECT-LIM)
| owner (XAP-PD)
| owner allocation
| owner level allocation method
| owner organizational unit
| owner settlement
| ownership
| ownership checking
| ownership factor
| owning access control context
| ozone depletion potential (EHS-CI)
| P
| P table
| P view
| P&L close
| P&L lock
| P&L statement account type
| P&L Transform and Move
| P11d form
| P4 Provider Service
| PA transfer structure
| pack
| pack-size-oriented rounding method
| package (BC-DWB-TOO)
| package (BC-MID-BUS)
| package (CRM-IM-IPM)
| package (CRM-MD)
| package (EC-EIS)
| package (EP-VC)
| package (EPM-BPC)
| package (FS-BA)
| package (IS-A-DBM)
| package (IS-EC-CEM)
| package (IS-M-AM)
| package (ONE VOICE)
| package (PY-RU)
| package (SWE)
| package (WEC-IS)
| Package Builder
| package category (BC-DWB-TOO-PAK)
| package category (IS-A-DBM)
| package category (IS-M-AM)
| package check
| package check explain tool
| package component
| package concept
| package creation method
| package dependency
| package discount
| package element (BC-DWB-TOO)
| package element (CRM-IM-IPM)
| package element item
| package encapsulation
| package heuristic
| package hierarchy
| package integration file
| package interface
| package interface list
| package item
| Package Manager
| package object
| package product (CRM-MD)
| package product (FS-PM)
| package promotional rate
| package quantity
| package quotation
| package size
| package type (BC-DWB-TOO-PAK)
| package type (FS-BA)
| package type (IS-A-DBM)
| package type (IS-BEV-VSO)
| package type (IS-M-AM)
| package type (PY-RU)
| package variant
| package version
| package visible
| packaged billing
| packaged composite application
| packaged line item
| Packaged Solution
| packaging (EHS)
| packaging (LO-HU)
| packaging (SCM-APO-MSP)
| packaging assignment
| packaging code
| packaging hierarchy
| packaging layer
| packaging material (LE)
| packaging material (LE-YM)
| packaging material (SCM-EWM)
| packaging specification
| packaging unit
| packed format
| packed goods
| packed goods movement quantity
| packed number
| packet size
| packet switching
| packet type
| packing
| packing group (EHS)
| packing group (IS-BEV-VSO)
| packing instruction
| Packing Instruction Number
| packing list
| packing mode
| packing proposal type
| packing proposal with closed packing
| packing steps
| packing transaction
| packing transaction profile
| page (BC-DB)
| page (BC-SRV-SCR)
| page (CA-WUI)
| page (EP-PIN-NAV)
| page (EPM-SM)
| page area
| page attribute
| page block
| page break
| Page Builder
| page content panel
| page control
| page counter
| page element
| page fault rate
| page faults
| page footer
| page format (BC-CCM-PRN)
| page format (IS-M-AM)
| page header (BC-ABA)
| page header (BC-WD)
| page history
| Page Layout View
| page life expectancy
| Page List View
| Page Manager
| page orientation
| page pattern
| page size
| page title bar
| page-in rate
| page-out rate
| page/column format
| pager
| paging (BC-CST-MM)
| paging (CRM-CIC)
| paging (EP-PIN)
| paging buffer
| paging file
| paid nonwork
| paid-in
| paid-out
| pair formation
| pair type
| pallet note
| pallet position
| pallet type
| Palm Pilot
| pane
| pane container
| panel (IS-M-AMC)
| panel (MFG-ME)
| panel dentist association
| panel group
| panel physician association
| panel physician association billing
| panels button
| PAO Code
| par rate
| paragraph attribute
| paragraph format
| paragraph style
| paragraph tag
| parallel currency
| parallel data supply
| parallel discontinuation
| parallel join
| parallel package
| parallel processing
| parallel processing control
| parallel Remote Function Call
| parallel sequence
| parallel split
| parallel workflow
| parallelized data transfer
| parameter (BC-ABA)
| parameter (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| parameter (IS-CC)
| parameter (SBO)
| parameter area
| parameter area determination grouping
| parameter configuration
| parameter dictionary
| parameter effectivity
| parameter hierarchy
| parameter interface
| parameter line
| parameter mapping
| parameter object
| parameter optimization
| parameter record
| parameter transaction
| parameter variant
| parameter-dependent ATP safety stock
| parameterized document
| parameterized document category
| parameterized setting
| parcel
| parcel map
| parcel tracking
| parcel update
| parent
| parent account
| parent article
| parent audit ID
| parent basic catalog
| parent bucket
| parent category
| parent company
| parent finder
| parent folder
| parent item (IS-HMED)
| parent item (SBO)
| parent KPI
| parent location
| parent object
| parent organization
| parent product price
| parent purchase order
| parent requirement
| parent segment
| parent shop order
| parent subprocess
| parent template
| parent unit
| parental leave
| parenthetical expression
| pareto analysis
| Parity Committee
| park (FI-GL-GL)
| park (MM-IV)
| park (PSM-FM)
| park (PSM-GPR)
| parked document
| parked invoice document
| parking space (LE)
| parking space (SCM-EWM)
| parking variant
| parse
| part (CA-GTF-RCM)
| part (IS-A-DBM)
| part availability information
| part availability inquiry
| part number change
| part of line network
| part of speech
| part of storage bin
| part period balancing (PP)
| part period balancing (PP-MRP)
| part provided
| part to be returned
| part-day absence
| part-inclusive rent
| part-ownership
| part-time absence
| part-time insurance agent
| part-time student
| part-time work
| partial bill
| partial cancellation
| partial cancellation of goods receipt
| partial clearing
| partial commitment
| partial complete
| partial confirmation
| partial cost efficiency analysis
| partial deduction
| partial delivery
| partial expectation reserve
| partial goods receipt
| partial HU
| partial invoice
| partial limit
| partial liquidation
| partial load cross-docking
| partial order
| partial pallet
| partial pallet quantity
| partial payment
| partial period factor
| partial period parameter
| partial pricing
| partial promotion update
| partial purchase order
| partial quantity (LE-WM)
| partial quantity (MP-APP-DPE)
| partial quantity bid
| partial retirement phase
| partial revaluation at retail
| partial right
| partial settlement (CRM-RB)
| partial settlement (MM)
| partial surrender
| partial surrender value
| partial tax amount
| partial use
| partial-day
| partially active object
| participant (BC-DOC)
| participant (FIN-FSCM-BC)
| participant (ICM)
| participant (MP-APP-DPE)
| participant (PE-LSO)
| participant (PY-JP)
| participant (SRM-EBP-VE)
| participant account (FS-AM-CM-CA)
| participant account (FS-AM-CM-MC)
| participant account (FS-MCM-MC)
| participant appraisal
| participant card
| participant contract
| participant group
| participant ineligible person
| participant list
| participant master contract
| participant refuser
| participant role (FS-CM)
| participant role (FS-MCM-CSL)
| participant type
| participant waiting person
| participation (ICM)
| participation (PA-BN)
| participation agreement
| participation condition
| participation group
| participation menu
| participation monitor
| participation overview
| participation role
| participation service
| participation transfer
| participation type
| participation-ineligible person
| participation-waiting person
| particulars of examination carried out
| partition (BC-CCM-ADK)
| partition (BC-CCM-MON)
| partition (MDM)
| partly exempt organization
| partner (BC-MID-ALE)
| partner (CO-PC)
| partner (CRM)
| partner (FIN-FSCM-BC)
| partner (ICM)
| partner activity
| partner agreement
| partner ascertainment
| partner ascertainment controller
| partner ascertainment instruction
| partner ascertainment method
| partner ascertainment rule
| partner ascertainment strategy
| partner authorization group
| partner campaign
| Partner Connectivity Kit
| partner cost component split
| partner determination
| partner determination log
| partner determination procedure
| partner document type
| Partner Empowering Kit
| partner fraction
| partner function (CRM)
| partner function (FS-CMS)
| partner function (IM)
| partner function (SD)
| partner function (SRM)
| partner function category
| partner grouping schema
| partner list
| Partner Manager
| partner message
| partner number
| partner of a partnership
| partner operation
| partner overview
| partner point account
| partner point transaction
| partner portal
| partner profile
| partner registration
| partner role
| partner role assignment
| partner role technical category
| partner sales activity
| partner schema
| partner screen
| partner service advisor
| Partner Shop
| partner team
| partner type
| partner unit
| Partner University
| partner version
| partner-dependent data
| partner-dependent location data
| partner-dependent partner data
| partner-dependent partner description
| partner-dependent partner number
| partner-dependent product category
| partner-dependent product data
| partner-specific location description
| partner-specific location number
| partner-specific product description
| partner-specific product number
| partner/product range
| partner/product range listing
| partner/product range ranking
| partner/product range rule
| partner/product range type
| partnership
| partnership business
| partnership object
| partnership type
| parts interchangeability
| parts package
| party (EHS-MGM)
| party (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| party liable to duty
| party responsible for settlement
| pass by reference
| pass by value
| pass on rate
| pass phrase
| Pass/Fail group
| passed value
| passenger accident insurance
| Passenger Name Record
| passivation
| passive
| passive account
| passive attack
| passive document splitting
| passive means of transport
| passive return
| passive subscription
| passthrough funding
| passthrough grant
| password
| password authentication
| password re-set notification
| password self-service
| past exposure examination
| past period
| Paste
| patch
| patch integration file
| patch level
| path extension
| path symbol
| pathway
| patient assignment
| patient category
| patient class
| patient classification system
| patient consent
| patient contribution
| patient day
| patient demographics
| patient healthcare identifier (for data exchange)
| patient in hospital beyond specified key date
| patient in treatment
| patient management (IS-H)
| patient management (SAP)
| patient merge
| patient organizer
| patient organizer mode
| patient overview
| patient record ID
| patient traffic list
| patient type
| patient viewer
| patient viewer mode
| patient-controlled analgesia
| pattern (BC-ESI)
| pattern (BCM)
| pattern (EHS)
| pattern identifier
| Pattern Matching System
| Pattern Wizard
| Patterson Job Grading System
| paused (MP-APP-DPE)
| paused (SRM-LA)
| pay multiplier
| pay penalty
| pay rate determinant
| pay scale area
| pay scale group
| pay scale grouping
| pay scale jump due to age
| pay scale jump due to seniority
| pay scale structure
| pay scale type
| pay type
| payable account
| payables
| payables/receivables aging report
| payee
| payee billing document
| payer (FI-CA)
| payer (FIN-FSCM-BC)
| payer (IS-CHN)
| payer (SD)
| payer (WEC-APP)
| payer invoice
| payer of social insurance contributions
| payer/payee
| paying bank
| payload (BC-SRV-PMI)
| payload (BC-XI)
| payload (BC-XI)
| payload (SBC)
| payload interface
| payment (PSM-GM)
| payment (WEC-APP)
| payment advances
| payment advice (FS-PAM)
| payment advice (SCM-ICH)
| payment advice category
| payment advice execution
| payment advice note
| payment advice type
| payment agreement (FI-CA)
| payment agreement (FS-RI)
| payment application hierarchy
| payment arrears
| payment bank ID
| payment behavior summary
| payment block
| payment block reason
| payment blocking indicator
| payment budget
| payment card (IS-R)
| payment card (SD)
| payment card category
| payment card company (IS-R)
| payment card company (SD)
| payment card details
| Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
| payment card plan
| payment card plan item
| payment card type (SD)
| payment card type (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| payment carrier
| payment category
| payment condition
| payment condition offset method
| payment counterparty
| payment data (PY)
| payment data (RE)
| payment date (AP-TTE)
| payment date (FS-AM)
| payment details
| payment device
| payment directive (FS-MCM)
| payment directive (PSM-FM)
| payment directive category
| payment directive object
| payment directive type
| payment distribution (FS-AM)
| payment distribution (IS-H)
| payment distribution directive
| payment distribution item
| payment distribution order
| payment distribution proxy
| payment distribution system
| payment due
| Payment Engine (FS-PE)
| Payment Engine (SBO)
| payment family
| payment fee
| payment form (CRM-LAM)
| payment form (FS-AM-IM)
| payment form identification number
| payment form number
| payment frequency
| payment frequency period
| payment guarantee procedure
| payment history analysis
| payment in lieu of notice
| payment initiation process
| payment instruction for clearing
| payment item
| payment item category
| payment lot
| payment matching
| payment means
| payment medium format
| payment medium format supplement
| Payment Medium Workbench
| payment method (FI)
| payment method (FS-AM-IM-IT)
| payment method (ICM)
| payment method (SBO)
| payment method (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| payment note category
| payment notes category
| payment notice
| payment office
| payment on account
| payment on written-off receivables
| payment option
| payment order
| payment order proxy
| payment period (SBO)
| payment period (SCM-ICH-IV)
| payment plan (FS-CD)
| payment plan (IS-U-IN)
| payment plan category
| payment plan item
| payment plan principle
| payment plan reversal
| payment plan subitem
| payment plan type
| payment priority
| payment program
| payment provision
| payment recipient (CRM-IPS)
| payment recipient (FS-PM)
| payment recipient (IS-R)
| payment reference category
| payment reference number (SBO)
| payment reference number (SD)
| payment reference type
| payment relationship type
| payment release agreement
| Payment Release List
| payment report for residence tax
| payment request (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| payment request (PSM-FM)
| payment request claim
| payment run
| payment schedule (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| payment schedule (FS-CM)
| payment scheme
| payment service provider
| payment slip
| payment specification
| payment statistical sampling
| payment status
| payment target
| payment term
| payment term code
| payment terms
| payment tolerance
| payment transaction counter
| payment transaction status profile
| payment transactions
| payment type
| payment wizard
| payments
| payoff
| payoff query
| payoff quote
| payoff quote charge
| payout date
| payout option
| payroll
| payroll account
| payroll area
| payroll control record
| payroll driver
| payroll form
| payroll infotype
| payroll journal
| payroll number
| payroll period
| payroll periodicity
| payroll program, accounting program
| payroll reporting
| payroll simulation
| payroll type
| PC connection
| PC download
| PC editor
| PC mode
| PCA Dashboard
| PCA lock duration
| PD
| PD band
| PD usage
| PDA application
| PDF module
| PDF object
| PDF renderer
| PDF rendering
| PDL type
| peacetime establishment
| peak sales rule
| peak test
| peculiarity code
| pedigree
| pedigree data
| peer-to-peer tendering
| pegged order
| pegged requirement
| pegged requirements display
| pegging (IS-AD-GPD)
| pegging (IS-OIL-DS-TSW)
| pegging (MFG-ME)
| pegging (PP-MRP)
| pegging (PS)
| pegging (SCM-APO-PPS)
| pegging area
| pegging horizon
| pegging interval
| pegging overview
| pegging quantity
| pegging relationship
| pegging strategy
| pegging structure
| pegging type
| penalty
| penalty cost group
| penalty cost group profile
| penalty endorsement factor
| penalty endorsement mode
| penalty threshold
| pending
| pending cases
| pending commission case
| pending configuration
| pending hedging relationship
| pending item
| pending obsolescence date
| pending sale
| pending transaction
| pendulum list
| penetration
| pension account
| pension fund
| pension office
| pension plan (PA-BN-FB)
| pension plan (PA-PF)
| pension plan (PY-ES)
| pension plan calculation method
| pension plan contribution amount
| pension plan elegibility method
| pension plan ID
| pension plan status
| pension plan subplan
| pension product
| pension selling
| Pension Standardization Institute
| pension-relevant condition
| pensionable earnings
| pensionable income
| pensionable salary
| pensionable working hours
| pensioner certificate
| People Collaboration and Intranet Services
| per diem and flat rate settlement
| per diem benefit scale
| per-project view
| percentage based liquidation
| percentage deadband
| percentage increase
| percentage occupied
| percentage of completion
| percentage of interested customers
| percentage rate of increase
| percentage smoothing
| percentage value
| percentage write-down
| percentage-based offset method
| perception
| peremption
| perfect order fulfillment
| perform action
| performance
| Performance Assessment Workbench
| performance attribute
| performance budget
| performance budget manual update
| performance category
| performance data (BC-CCM-MON)
| performance data (BC-DWB-TOO)
| performance data (LE)
| performance data file
| performance database
| performance document
| performance efficiency rate
| performance index
| Performance Indicator
| performance log
| performance manager
| Performance Measurement
| performance metrics
| performance mode
| performance overview
| performance parameter
| performance profile
| performance record
| performance service
| performance step
| performance target
| performance-based amount
| performance-based campaign
| performance-based equipment
| performance-based maintenance plan
| performance-related remuneration
| performer
| performer role
| performing organizational unit
| performing work center
| period (AC)
| period (ICM)
| period accounting
| period balance
| period basic category
| period budget
| period category
| period closing program
| period code
| period consumption
| period control (FI-AA)
| period control (IS-U-BI)
| period control (SBO)
| period control method
| period determination (IS-OIL-DS-MAP)
| period determination (PY-DE)
| period determination rule
| period end date
| period factoring method
| period for general terms of utility service
| period hours to date
| period indicator
| period key
| period length
| period lock
| period lot-sizing procedure (PP-MRP)
| period lot-sizing procedure (SCM-APO-PPS)
| period management
| period number
| period of adjustment
| period of notice
| period of performance
| period of responsibility
| period of use
| period over previous period
| period package
| period package creation
| period parameter (PY)
| period parameter (SRD-SCM-DP)
| period pattern
| period pay to date
| period profile
| period rate
| period regulation
| period rule
| period rule version
| period split (PP-MRP)
| period split (SCM-APO)
| period start date
| period status
| period target and actual inventory
| period tax
| period type
| period version
| period work schedule
| period-based encumbrance tracking
| period-based validity
| period-end billing
| period-end billing schema
| period-end closing (CO)
| period-end closing (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| period-end closing (SBO)
| period-end partner
| period-specific condition
| periodic allocation
| periodic appointment
| periodic bank statement
| periodic bill
| periodic billing
| periodic budget
| periodic closing balance
| Periodic Declarations
| periodic examination
| periodic extract
| periodic fee
| periodic inventory
| periodic material
| periodic payment
| periodic posting
| periodic reduction of goodwill
| periodic replacement
| periodic reposting
| periodic resource view
| periodic return
| periodic unit price
| periodicity (EPM-SM)
| periodicity (ICM)
| periodicity (IS-R)
| periodization
| perishables
| perishables EAN
| permanent authentication
| permanent extension
| permanent file
| permanent generation
| permanent marker
| permanent parameter
| permission (EHS-CI)
| permission (FS-BA-SD)
| permission (RIV)
| permission group
| permissions
| permit
| permit category
| permit class
| permit group
| permitted transition
| permitted user
| Peromnes Job Grading System
| perpetual cost method
| perpetual inventory
| perpetual term
| persist duration
| persistence (CA-MDG)
| persistence (SCM-APO)
| persistence adapter
| persistence layer (EP-PIN)
| persistence layer (MP-APP-CR)
| persistence manager
| persistency indicator
| persistent
| persistent class
| persistent data
| persistent document
| persistent object
| persistent object ID
| persistent pseudonym
| Persistent Staging Area
| person (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| person (PA)
| person affected
| person group (EHS-MGM)
| person group (PA-PA)
| person grouping
| person involved
| person responsible
| person responsible for role
| person responsible for shift
| person subgroup
| personal calendar
| personal catalog
| Personal Digital Assistant
| personal enforcement title
| personal folder
| personal ID (FI)
| personal ID (FI)
| personal ID (PY)
| personal identification number (FI)
| personal identification number (IS-H)
| personal identification number (PA-PA)
| personal identification number (SD)
| personal item
| personal ledger account
| personal note (EP-KM-COL)
| personal note (SRM-SUD)
| personal object worklist (GRC-SPC)
| personal object worklist (LO)
| personal responsibility procedure
| Personal Security Environment
| personal toolbar
| personal-type defined contribution pension plan
| personalization (BC-DWB-CEX)
| personalization (BC-WD-ABA)
| personalization (CA-EPT-BCV)
| personalization (EP)
| personalization (SV-SMB-AIO)
| personalization and roles
| personalization application
| personalization characteristic
| personalization data
| personalization dialog
| personalization framework
| personalization hierarchy
| personalization profile
| personalized mail
| personalized product recommendation
| personalized response code
| personnel action
| personnel action type
| personnel area
| personnel assignment (IS-DFS)
| personnel assignment (PA-CE)
| personnel assignment grouping reason
| personnel assignment grouping rule
| personnel assignment grouping value
| personnel calculation rule (PT)
| personnel calculation rule (PY)
| personnel calculation schema (PT)
| personnel calculation schema (PY)
| personnel categories
| personnel change request
| personnel cost plan (PA-CM)
| personnel cost plan (PA-CP)
| Personnel Cost Planning (PA-CM)
| Personnel Cost Planning (PA-CP)
| personnel cost savings
| personnel country grouping
| Personnel Development (PA-AS)
| Personnel Development (PA-PD)
| personnel file
| personnel information
| personnel number substitution
| Personnel Office Identifier
| Personnel Office Indicator
| personnel order
| personnel planning
| personnel planning component
| personnel structure
| personnel subarea
| personnel subarea grouping for attendance/absence types
| personnel subarea grouping for daily work schedules
| personnel subarea grouping for substitution types/availabili
| personnel subarea grouping for time quota types
| personnel subarea grouping for time recording
| personnel subarea grouping for work schedules
| personnel upper limit
| perspective (CA-GTF-TS)
| perspective (EPM-SM)
| perspective (FIN-SEM-CPM)
| perspective hierarchy insight
| perspective view
| pertinent master data changes
| petroleum
| petroleum tax
| petty cash
| petty loan
| PF function
| PFO archiving
| PFO version
| phantom assembly (PLM-WUI-OBJ)
| phantom assembly (PP-MRP)
| phantom balancing
| phantom change number
| phantom item
| phantom object
| pharmaceutical central number
| pharmaceutical equivalent
| pharmaceutical technology
| pharmacy benefit manager
| pharmeceutical form
| phase (CA-GTF-ECM)
| phase (CAF-GP)
| phase (LOD-ESO)
| phase (PM)
| phase (PP-PI)
| phase (PPM-PRO)
| phase (SV-ASA)
| phase (XAP-IEP)
| phase configuration
| phase type
| phase-in forecasting
| phase-in group
| phase-in profile
| phase-out forecasting
| phase-out group
| phase-out profile
| phased check
| phone call calendar
| phone call cycle
| phone call list
| phone call overwiev
| phoneme
| phonemic writing
| phonetic search
| phonetic search term
| photochemical ozone creation potential
| phrase (BC-SRV-KPR-RET)
| phrase (EHS)
| phrase group
| phrase item
| phrase library
| phrase reference
| phrase set
| phrasing
| physical asset (EHS-CI)
| physical asset (FS-BA-SD)
| physical asset hierarchy
| physical blocking
| physical collateral
| physical document
| physical info object
| physical inventory (LE)
| physical inventory (MM-IM)
| physical inventory area
| physical inventory count
| physical inventory count document
| physical inventory document
| physical inventory planning object
| physical inventory planning object number
| physical inventory price
| physical inventory status
| Physical Markup Language
| physical measurement ticket
| physical object category
| physical order
| physical path
| physical provisioning
| physical sample
| physical stock
| physical-sample container
| physical-sample drawing
| physically withdrawn quantity
| physician fee catalog
| physicians' chamber
| PI-PCS interface
| pick
| pick and pack (SBO)
| pick and pack (SCM-EWM)
| pick document
| pick from goods receipt
| pick list (IS-A-JIT)
| pick list (MDM)
| pick list (SBO)
| pick list report
| pick part
| pick point
| pick quantity
| pick request
| pick sequence
| pick transfer order
| pick-handling unit
| pick-up and drop-off point
| pick-up business
| pick-up list
| pick-up order
| pick, pack, and pass rule
| pick/pack time
| picked items location
| picker (CAF-GP)
| picker (SBO)
| picking (LO)
| picking (SCM-EWM)
| picking area
| picking bin
| picking from fixed storage bin
| picking load
| picking technique
| pickup
| Picture Archiving and Communication System
| piece
| piece list
| piece-wise linear regression
| piecework wage (PT)
| piecework wage (PY)
| piglet
| pipe
| pipeline (BC-XI)
| pipeline (CRM-ANA)
| pipeline (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| pipeline controller
| pipeline material
| Pipeline Performance Management
| pipeline service
| pipeline shipment
| pipeline sourcing
| pipeline transport
| pixel
| place into a customs status
| place of performance
| placeholder product
| placement defect
| placement opportunity
| Plain Old Telephone Service
| plain text
| plaintext
| plan (FS-MCM-PDM)
| plan (PE)
| plan (PE-LSO)
| plan (SAP)
| plan (SCM-APO)
| plan (SCM-SOP)
| plan activity quantity
| plan approval and review time
| plan category
| plan characteristic
| plan clearing account
| plan cost splitting
| plan credit
| plan data
| plan de pensiones
| plan debit
| plan indicator
| Plan Monitor
| plan number
| plan option
| plan payment agreement
| plan payment details
| plan reconciliation
| plan scenario
| plan simulation
| plan statement
| plan status
| plan structure
| plan submission horizon
| plan task
| plan version (CO)
| plan version (CO-OM-CCA)
| plan version (IM)
| plan version (IS-R)
| plan version (PA-OS)
| plan-driven procurement
| plane
| planned (PA)
| planned (SBO)
| planned activation date
| planned article
| planned budget
| planned budget/resources
| planned capacity requirement
| planned capital
| planned completion date
| planned completion period
| planned consumption
| planned cost of goods manufactured
| planned costs
| planned counter reading
| planned cross-docking (LE-WM)
| planned cross-docking (SCM-EWM)
| planned cumulative delivered quantity
| planned data
| planned date
| planned delivery time
| planned demand
| planned disconnection/reconnection date
| planned downtime
| planned end date
| planned finish date
| planned growth
| planned independent requirement
| planned input quantity
| planned item
| planned lot size (CO-PC)
| planned lot size (PP)
| planned markup
| planned material
| planned order (PP-MRP)
| planned order (SCM-APO-PPS)
| planned order for stock transfer
| planned order quantity
| planned price iteration
| planned price release
| planned principle
| planned product costs
| planned production unit
| planned profit
| planned purchase order
| planned rate
| planned receipt (MM-IM)
| planned receipt (SCM-ICH)
| planned record
| planned residual risk
| planned results analysis
| planned revenue
| planned sales
| planned scrap
| planned scrap quantity
| planned scrap quantity based on components
| planned shipment
| planned spending value
| planned start date
| planned takt time
| planned time pair
| planned time period
| planned TO processing time
| planned to pull
| planned to push
| planned total duration
| planned withdrawal
| planned working time
| planner (GRC-SPC)
| planner (IS-BEV-DSD)
| planner (IS-U-WA)
| planner (SRM-SUP)
| planner profile (CO)
| planner profile (FI-SL)
| planning
| planning account
| planning activity area
| planning and simulation
| planning application
| planning area
| planning board (PE)
| planning board (PE-LSO)
| planning book
| planning buckets profile
| planning by visual inspection
| planning calendar (PP-MRP)
| planning calendar (SCM-APO-MD)
| planning characteristics
| planning context (CRM-MKT)
| planning context (PA-CP)
| planning cycle
| planning data
| planning document (CO)
| planning document (LE-WM)
| planning duration
| planning element (CO)
| planning element (EP-PCT-EXP)
| planning element (IS-A-S2L)
| planning feature
| planning file
| planning file entry (PP-MRP)
| planning file entry (SCM-APO-PPS)
| planning function
| planning function type
| planning group (FI)
| planning group (SCM-APO-PPS)
| planning hierarchy (IS-R)
| planning hierarchy (PP)
| planning horizon (IS-A-S2L)
| planning horizon (IS-U-WM)
| planning horizon (PP-MRP)
| planning horizon (SCM-TM)
| planning ID
| planning interval
| planning key
| planning key figure
| planning layout (CO)
| planning layout (FI-SL)
| planning length
| planning level (FI)
| planning level (SRD-SCM-DP)
| planning line
| planning location
| planning material
| planning menu (PE)
| planning menu (PE-LSO)
| planning mode
| planning object (IS-H)
| planning object (SCM-APO-FCS)
| planning object (SCM-EWM)
| planning object structure
| planning of available stock
| planning of open to buy
| planning package
| planning package type
| planning period (CO)
| planning period (PA-CM)
| planning period (PP-FLW)
| planning period (SCM-APO-PPS)
| planning period (SCM-EWM)
| planning period (SRD-SCM-DP)
| planning plant (LO)
| planning plant (PM)
| planning plant (PP)
| planning profile (CO)
| planning profile (FIN-SEM-BPS)
| planning profile (SCM-BAS-PSM)
| planning profile (SCM-TM)
| planning run type
| planning scenario (IS-R)
| planning scenario (PA-CP)
| planning scenario (PM)
| planning scope
| planning segment (AP-PPE)
| planning segment (PP-FLW)
| planning sequence (BW-PLA)
| planning sequence (FIN-SEM-BPS)
| planning service
| planning step
| planning step link
| planning structure
| planning table
| planning table profile
| planning template
| planning time fence
| planning tool
| planning type
| planning unit (CRM-IM-IPM)
| planning unit (PP)
| planning variance
| planning variant (IS-B-SA-ALM)
| planning variant (IS-HMED)
| planning variant (LO-VC)
| planning version (PP)
| planning version (SCM-APO)
| planning view
| planning with aggregated resources
| planning with original batch purity
| Planning Workbench
| planning workbook
| planning-related minimum interval
| planning-related offset
| planning-relevant event
| planogram
| plant
| plant and equipment
| plant class
| plant consumption
| plant data collection
| plant group
| plant ID card
| plant layout
| plant maintenance (PM)
| plant maintenance (SAP)
| plant master
| plant master record
| plant section
| plant storage area
| plant-specific material view
| plant-specific purchasing organization
| platform (BC-ABA)
| platform (SWE)
| platform application
| platform extension application
| platform test
| plausibility check
| playback
| pledge
| PLM document
| PLM document category
| PLU number
| plug
| plug-in (GRC)
| plug-in (MFG-ME)
| plug-in (SWE)
| plug-in frame
| plug-in interface
| PM structure element
| PMI Service
| PO Package
| POC method
| point
| point account set
| point balance
| point conversion factor
| point expiration override
| point of delivery
| point of delivery category
| point of delivery group
| point of delivery ID
| point of delivery service
| point of delivery set
| point of delivery type
| point of generation
| Point of Presence
| point of receipt
| point of sale (IS-M-SD)
| point of sale (IS-R)
| point of sale data
| point of sale revenue recognition
| point table
| point type
| point-to-point solution
| poisonous by inhalation
| police
| policy (FS-PM)
| policy (GRC-SPC)
| policy and product management
| policy configuration
| policy data
| policy expiration date
| policy handler
| policy issuance
| policy loan
| policy management system
| policy product
| policy snapshot
| policy status
| policy time model
| policy validation
| policyholder
| policyholder change
| political entity
| political regional structure
| political value of a collateral agreement in percentage
| poll (EP-KM)
| poll (MP-APP-CR)
| polling
| pollutant sequestration
| polybag
| polygon overlay
| polymorphism
| pool (FS-BA-PM-HP)
| pool (MM)
| pool (PP)
| pool category
| pool contract (CRM-BTX-CTR)
| pool contract (FS-AM-CM)
| pool formation type
| pool layer
| pool linkage
| Pool Manager
| pool markdown
| pool merging
| pool of instances
| pool of receivables
| pool printer
| pooled capacity
| pooled connection mode
| pooled sample
| pooled space
| pooled table
| pooling
| pooling group
| pooling of interests
| pooling type
| pooling-of-interest method
| poorest quality land
| pop-up level
| popin (BC-FES-GUI)
| popin (BC-WD-ABA)
| popular tag
| population
| populator
| popup
| popup menu
| porfolio model for default risk
| port (BC-FES-GRA)
| port (BC-MID-ALE)
| port (BC-MID-BUS)
| port (BC-NET)
| port (EP-VC)
| port definition
| port number
| port of entry code
| portable data capture unit
| Portable Document Format
| Portable Interactive Graphics
| portal (EP)
| portal (EP)
| portal (MFG-ME)
| Portal Activity Report
| Portal AdminCenter
| portal administrator
| portal application
| Portal Archive file
| Portal Catalog
| portal component
| portal component name
| portal component profile
| Portal Connection Framework
| portal content
| portal content area
| Portal Content Directory
| portal content modeling
| Portal Content Studio
| Portal DB Assistant
| portal desktop
| portal desktop template
| Portal Display Rules Editor
| portal federation
| portal header area
| portal monitoring
| portal object
| Portal Object Model
| portal registry
| portal role
| Portal Runtime
| Portal Runtime Container Service
| Portal Runtime Technology
| portal server
| Portal Server Monitor
| portal system database
| portal tenant
| portal title bar
| portal Web server
| Portal-independent navigation frame
| PortalBuilder
| portfolio (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| portfolio (ICM-PFO)
| portfolio (IS-R)
| portfolio (PPM-PFM)
| portfolio assignment
| portfolio assignment object
| portfolio category
| portfolio element
| portfolio fair value hedging relationship
| portfolio graphic
| portfolio header
| portfolio hedge calculator
| portfolio hierarchy (FS-BA-IF)
| portfolio hierarchy (IS-B-RA)
| portfolio initiative
| portfolio item (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| portfolio item (PPM-PFM)
| portfolio item administration
| portfolio item analytics
| portfolio item category
| portfolio item dashboard
| portfolio item dependency
| portfolio item ID
| portfolio item name
| portfolio item owner
| portfolio item role
| portfolio item staffing
| portfolio item status
| portfolio item subcategory
| portfolio item template ID
| portfolio item template name
| portfolio item type
| portfolio lifecycle
| portfolio management
| portfolio manager
| portfolio model
| portfolio prioritization
| portfolio prioritization scenario
| portfolio reassignment
| portfolio review
| portfolio set
| portfolio type
| portfolio-item run
| portion (FS-CMS)
| portion (IS-U-BF-PS)
| portlet (EP-PIN-GP)
| portlet (MFG-ME)
| Ports Manager
| portwatcher
| POS aggregate
| POS controller (IS-R)
| POS controller (IS-R)
| POS Inbound Processing Engine
| POS interface
| POS interface - inbound
| POS interface - outbound
| POS pickup
| POS plant
| POS system
| position (BC-SRV-RM)
| position (BW-BCT)
| position (FS-BA-SD)
| position (FS-PM)
| position (IS-B-DP)
| position (PA-OS)
| position (XAP-CQM)
| Position Budgeting and Control
| position calculation
| position calculation indicator
| position change
| position class
| position component
| position hedge
| position indicator (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| position indicator (IS-B-DP)
| position management
| position management procedure
| position master data
| position object
| position responsible
| position restriction
| position sensitivity
| position value
| positioning
| positioning column format
| positive payment
| positive threshold value
| positive time recording (AP-TIM)
| positive time recording (PT)
| possible agent
| possible entries
| possible write-up from impairment
| possibly temporarily inconsistent entity
| post
| Post
| post depreciation
| Post Distribution Forecasting
| post office bank current account indicator
| post processing
| Post Processing Framework
| post to a prior period
| post XML
| post XSL
| post-capitalization
| post-evaluation
| post-evaluation period
| post-exit
| post-flex salary
| post-flight inspection
| post-run update
| post-test
| postal city
| postal order
| postal regional structure
| postal service district
| postal unit
| postdate
| postdated check
| postdating
| postdischarge hospital treatment
| postdischarge treatment (IS-H)
| postdischarge treatment (IS-H)
| posted tax
| posting (FI)
| posting (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| posting (MP-APP-CR)
| posting activity
| posting address
| posting area
| posting block
| posting calendar
| posting category
| posting change (LE-WM)
| posting change (SCM-EWM)
| posting change notice
| posting channel
| Posting Control Desktop
| posting control group
| posting control order
| posting control rules
| posting date (AP-TTE)
| posting date (FI)
| posting date (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| posting date (PSM-FM)
| posting date (SBO)
| posting date for end-of-day processing
| posting date-based balance
| posting deadline
| posting document
| posting gross
| posting indicator
| posting instance
| posting item
| posting journal
| posting key (FI)
| posting key (SBO)
| posting key figure
| posting key figure class
| posting key figure type
| posting level (EC-CS)
| posting level (FIN)
| posting list
| posting lock
| posting method
| posting net
| posting notification
| posting notification category
| posting notification rule
| posting notification type
| posting object
| posting overview
| posting period (CRM-FM)
| posting period (IS-M-SD)
| posting proposal
| posting rule (CO-PC)
| posting rule (IS-OIL-DS-OGSD)
| posting run
| posting string
| posting template
| posting to a prior period
| posting to payment details account
| posting transaction
| posting variant
| postpaid contract
| postponed accounting system
| postponed maintenance notification
| postprocessing (IS-B-RA-CL)
| postprocessing (IS-OIL-DS-OGSD)
| Postprocessing Desktop
| postprocessing order
| postprocessing program
| postprocessing record (PP-REM)
| postprocessing record (SCM-APO-INT)
| postprocessor
| potential (CRM)
| potential (PA-PD)
| potential amount
| potential exercise date
| potential supplier
| power administrator
| power dialing
| power factor adjustment ratio
| power user
| POWL type
| PP heuristic
| PP planning procedure
| PP value
| PP-firmed
| PP/DS bucket
| PP/DS bucket capacity
| PP/DS horizon
| PP/DS planning time fence
| PP/DS production data structure
| pragma
| pre-bid
| pre-carriage
| pre-evaluation
| pre-excused absence
| pre-exit
| pre-flex salary
| pre-flight inspection
| pre-paid retirement benefits system
| pre-payroll calculation
| pre-scheduling
| pre-season safety stock shift
| pre-test
| preadmission hospital treatment
| preadmission treatment
| preallocated stock
| preapproved insurance
| preauthorization
| preaward
| prebilling
| prebook (PE)
| prebook (PE-LSO)
| prebook list (PE)
| prebook list (PE-LSO)
| prebooking (PE)
| prebooking (PE-LSO)
| prebooking list (PE)
| prebooking list (PE-LSO)
| preceding batch
| preceding transaction
| precision
| preclosing
| precomposed element
| precondition exit
| preconfigured client
| preconfigured industry system
| preconfigured material
| Preconfigured System
| predecessor (BC-CTS)
| predecessor (BC-FES-GRA)
| predecessor (BC-MID-ALE)
| predecessor (IS-HMED)
| predecessor (PS)
| predefined ABAP type
| predefined column
| predefined data type (BC-ABA)
| predefined data type (BC-DWB-DIC)
| predefined example portal
| predefined function
| predefined packing proposal
| predefined property
| predefined value date
| predicate
| predicate class
| predicate function
| predication
| predictive
| predictive dialing (CRM-CIC)
| predictive dialing (IS-T)
| predictor (BW-BCT)
| predictor (EPM-BPC)
| predictor change
| predistribution of fixed costs
| preemptive right (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| preemptive right (RE)
| preevaluation period
| preference
| preference agreement
| preference certificate
| preference criterion
| preference determination
| preference document
| preference eligibility
| preference indicator
| preference law
| preference model
| preference procedure
| preference processing
| preference rule
| preferences
| Preferences
| preferential customs duty rate
| preferential origin
| preferential treatment
| preferred item
| preferred location
| preferred plant
| preferred storage location
| preferred supplier
| preferred term
| prefix
| prefixation period
| preliminary buffer
| preliminary costing (CO-PC)
| preliminary costing (IS-B-PA)
| preliminary input tax distribution
| preliminary material
| preliminary materials review
| preliminary order cost estimate
| preliminary plan
| preliminary purchase order
| preliminary request
| preliminary run
| preliminary settlement
| preliminary succession plan
| preliminary transport
| premise (IS-U-MD)
| premise (IS-U-WA)
| premium (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| premium (ICM)
| premium formula
| premium level
| premium model
| premium pension
| premium rate
| premium refund
| premium reserve fund
| premium wage
| premium waiver
| premium/benefit clearing account
| prenote (FS-AM-IM)
| prenote (IS-B-BCA)
| prenote type
| prenotification (FI-CA)
| prenotification (PY)
| prenumbered form
| prepack (IS-AFS-SD)
| prepack (IS-R)
| prepack product
| prepaid account
| prepaid balance
| prepaid contract
| prepaid expenses
| prepaid permit
| preparation
| preparation bookkeeping table
| preparation for consolidation (EC-CS)
| preparation for consolidation (FI-LC)
| preparation instruction
| prepare exit
| preparer
| prepayment (CRM-FM)
| prepayment (IS-R)
| prepayment approach
| prepayment meter
| prepayment penalty
| prepend
| preposted budget
| preprocessing (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| preprocessing (IS-OIL-DS-OGSD)
| preprocessing (SCM-EWM)
| preprocessing program
| prequalification
| prequalification questionnaire
| prequalify
| prerating
| preregistration
| preregistration number
| preregistration type
| prerequisite (PE)
| prerequisite (PE-LSO)
| prerequisite plan
| prereserved amount
| prerouting policy
| prescheduling
| prescribe prescription part
| prescriber
| prescription (CA-GTF-DOB)
| prescription (FS-CM)
| prescription (IS-HMED)
| prescription for patient transport
| preselection field
| preseller
| presence
| present for contract processing
| present value
| presentation component
| presentation context
| presentation date
| presentation device
| presentation form
| presentation layer (BC-CST)
| presentation layer (CA-WUI)
| presentation profile
| presentation server
| presenting complaint
| presetting
| presizing
| Pretty Good Privacy
| Pretty Printer
| pretty URL
| prevailing rent
| prevention costs
| preventive action (CA-AUD)
| preventive action (QM-PT-FA)
| preventive maintenance (PM)
| preventive maintenance (PM)
| preventive medical examination
| preview (BC-DOC)
| preview (BC-SRV-COM)
| preview (BCM)
| preview (LOD-ESO)
| preview (PLM-WUI-APP)
| preview dialing
| preview format
| preview mode
| previous
| previous claim
| previous day indicator
| previous decision
| previous document number
| Previous page
| previous patient
| previous payment
| previous retirement coverage
| previous standard cost estimate
| previous version
| prewelcome prompt
| price
| price adjustment clause
| price alternative
| price analysis
| price band
| price bidding
| price bucket
| price bucket lot
| price calculation
| price calculation document
| price calculator
| price calculator environment
| price change document
| price change group
| price class
| price code
| price comparison list
| price content component
| price content component hierarchy
| price control
| price determination indicator
| price determiner
| price difference (CO-PC)
| price difference (MM)
| price difference account
| price element
| price evaluation panel
| price family
| price file
| price fixing
| price formula
| price group
| price history
| price index
| price level (IS-R)
| price level (MM-PUR)
| price level group
| price level group category
| price list
| price management
| price package
| price per price unit
| price plan (IS-CC)
| price plan (IS-R)
| price planning
| Price Planning Workbench
| price point
| price point range
| price profile
| price proposal (PE)
| price proposal (PE-LSO)
| price protectable price
| price protection (IS-HT-DRM)
| price protection (IS-HT-SW)
| price protection claim
| price protection period
| price quantity
| price quantity unit
| price quotation record
| price reference plant
| price resolution
| price RFx response
| price set
| price story
| price strategy
| price structure
| price table (CO)
| price table (FIN-BAC-INV)
| price ticket
| price type (CO-PC)
| price type (CRM-CHM)
| price type (FIN-BAC-INV)
| price type (IS-HMED)
| price unit (MM-PUR)
| price unit (MP-APP-DPE)
| Price Update
| price-shop report
| price/quantity scale
| pricing (FS-FND)
| pricing (IS-R)
| pricing (SD)
| pricing (SRM-EBP)
| pricing agreement
| pricing arrangement
| pricing code
| pricing component
| pricing component type
| pricing condition (CA-FIM-FCO)
| pricing condition (SD)
| pricing conditions
| pricing differential reference code
| pricing document (CRM-BE)
| pricing document (IS-R)
| pricing event
| pricing macro
| pricing manager
| pricing model
| pricing overview
| pricing period
| pricing procedure (EC-PCA)
| pricing procedure (SD)
| pricing quantity
| pricing reference material
| pricing reference product
| pricing scale
| pricing screen
| pricing segment
| pricing strategy
| pricing table
| pricing type (IS-R)
| pricing type (PSM-GPR)
| pricing type (SD)
| pricing unit of measure
| pricing worklist
| pricing-procedure results table
| prima nota (FS-PM)
| prima nota (SCM-ECT-LIM)
| primary account (FS-AM-CM-CA)
| primary account (SBO)
| primary attribute
| primary back-end system
| primary BOM
| primary business transaction
| primary buying rate
| primary care sector
| primary client computer
| primary component
| primary contact (LOD-ESO)
| primary contact (OPU-DUE)
| primary cost center
| primary cost component split
| primary cost element
| primary costs
| primary data source
| primary database key
| primary defective part
| primary diagnosis
| primary distribution point
| primary document (FI-AA)
| primary document (ICM)
| primary e-mail address
| primary entry
| primary exposure
| primary fiscal year variant
| primary folder
| primary index
| primary InfoObject
| primary key
| primary key integrity
| primary language
| primary master data
| primary object
| primary operator
| Primary Orbian Credit
| primary output
| primary persistence
| primary product (IS-OIL-PRA-REV)
| primary product (PP-PI)
| primary product allocation processing
| primary property
| primary recipient
| primary resource (PP-PI)
| primary resource (SCM-APO-MD)
| primary sample
| primary script
| primary selling rate
| primary source system
| primary supplier
| primary table
| primary title
| primary view
| primary wage type
| primary window
| primary-risk-reducing effect
| prime contract
| prime contractor
| principal (BC-SEC)
| principal (FS-CML)
| principal authorization report
| principal diagnosis
| principal input
| principal investigator
| print (BC)
| print (CA-DMF)
| print action record
| print area
| print authorization code
| print character
| print control (BC-CCM-PRN)
| print control (IS-BEV-ED)
| print dialog
| print format
| print immediately
| print landscape
| print layout
| print line
| print list
| print list level
| print object
| print output program
| print preview
| print sequence
| print summary
| print workbench
| Print XPress
| print/debit entry date
| printed text
| printer control language
| printer font
| printer writer
| printing of dunning notice
| printout of changes
| prior acts coverage
| prior charge
| prior information notice
| prior period notification
| prior vendor
| prioritization horizon
| prioritization matrix
| prioritized equal distribution
| priority (BC-BMT-BPM)
| priority (BC-BMT-WFM)
| priority (EP-PIN)
| priority (FS-CMS)
| priority (FS-MCM-MC)
| priority (LO-ECH)
| priority (MFG-ME)
| priority (PPM-PFM)
| priority (PSM-EC)
| priority (PY)
| priority class
| priority factor
| priority iteration
| priority mode
| priority of collateral
| priority of inpatient admission
| priority point
| priority tier
| priority-one support
| PRIV mode
| private (BC-ABA)
| private (BC-FES-GRA)
| private address book
| private auction
| private branch exchange
| private configuration
| private distribution list
| private folders
| private key
| private terminology domain
| private trash
| private work area
| private-use area
| privately used room
| privilege
| priyanka
| pro forma customer freight invoice
| pro forma invoice (IS-A-DBM)
| pro forma invoice (IS-H)
| pro forma invoice (SD)
| pro forma supplier freight invoice
| pro rata interest
| pro rata liability
| pro rata temporis (FI-AA)
| pro rata temporis (ICM)
| pro rata temporis (SBO)
| pro re nata medication
| probability (FIN-SEM-CPM)
| probability (GRC-RM)
| probability level
| probability of acceptance
| probability of drug allergy
| probability of rejection
| probable degree of confidence
| probationary period
| problem
| problem class
| problem distribution
| problem management
| problem message
| problem notification
| problem window
| procedural info parameter
| procedure (BC-ABA)
| procedure (CA-GTF-BS-MC)
| procedure (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| procedure (IS-H)
| procedure (IS-HMED)
| procedure (PE)
| procedure (PE-LSO)
| procedure (SCM-APO-PPS-MMP)
| procedure (SWE)
| Procedure (BC-DOC)
| Procedure (PA)
| procedure and diagnoses-oriented hospital financing
| procedure coding tool
| procedure for additionals
| procedure profile
| procedure type
| procedures surcharge
| process (BC-MID-ALE)
| process (BW-WHM)
| process (CAF-GP)
| process (CRM-MT)
| process (OPU-DUE)
| process (PA-AS)
| process (PA-ER)
| process (PP)
| process (PSM-FM-BCS)
| process (PY)
| process (SV-ASA)
| process (SV-SMG)
| Process
| process action
| Process Activity
| process agent
| Process Analysis
| process assembly
| process audit
| process batch
| process batch level
| process batch merge
| process batch split
| process block
| process block profile
| process block type
| process capability
| process capability index
| process category
| process chain (BW-WHM)
| process chain (SV-ASA)
| process class
| process code (BC-MID-ALE)
| process code (EHS)
| process component
| process component interaction
| process component template
| process composer
| process configuration
| Process Consultant
| process context (BC-BMT-BPM)
| process context (CAF-GP)
| process control (BC-BMT-WFM)
| process control (ICM)
| process control (PP-PI)
| process control business object
| process control object
| process controller
| process cost allocation
| process costs
| process data calculation formula
| process data documentation
| process data request
| Process Design
| process desk
| process documentation (BC-CUS-TOL-NAV)
| process documentation (CORPORATE-SPO)
| process driver
| process emissions
| process event log
| process executor
| process flow (CAF-GP)
| process flow (CORPORATE-SPO)
| process flow (WEC-FRW)
| Process Flow
| process flow analyzer
| process flow resource
| process flow step
| process flow view
| process foundation
| process framework
| process goal
| Process Governance
| process group (CRM-MT)
| process group (SV-ASA)
| process hierarchy
| process ID
| process identifier
| process implementation package
| process indicator
| Process Information API
| process inspection
| process instance (BC-SRV-PMI)
| process instance (BW-WHM)
| process instruction (PLM-RM)
| process instruction (PP-PI)
| process instruction assistant
| process instruction category
| process instruction characteristic
| process instruction sheet
| process instruction type
| process integration
| Process Integration scenario
| process interface
| process interim account
| process level
| process library
| process lot
| process management
| process management framework
| Process Management Lifecycle
| process manager (GRC-SPC)
| process manager (PY)
| process manufacturing
| process manufacturing cockpit
| process material
| Process Maturity
| process message
| process message category
| process message characteristic
| process message evaluation
| process message subscription
| process meta store
| process method
| process mode
| process model (PY)
| process model (SV-ASA)
| process model (SWE)
| Process Model
| process model validation
| process model verification
| process modeling
| process monitor
| Process Monitoring Infrastructure
| process name
| process object (CORPORATE-SPO)
| process object (FS-MCM-CSL)
| process object (FS-PAM)
| process operation
| process operations management
| process operator
| process operator cockpit
| process or function
| process order
| process order merge
| process owner
| process parameter (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| process parameter (PP-PI)
| process part
| process path
| Process Performance Indicator
| process planning
| process profile (SCM-BAS-PSM)
| process profile (SCM-EWM)
| process result
| process result category
| process role (CAF-GP)
| process role (CORPORATE-SPO)
| process route
| process route item
| process rules
| process scenario
| Process Scenario
| process schema
| process selection matrix
| process sequence
| process server
| process setup
| process stage
| process status
| process step (GRC-SPC)
| process step (PP-PI)
| process step (SCM-SOP)
| process step (SRM-EBP-WFL)
| process step (SV-SMG)
| process step element
| process store
| process structure
| process suspense account
| process template (CAF-GP)
| process template (CO-OM-ABC)
| process template (OPU-DUE)
| process template (PA-ER)
| process time
| process type (BC-DWB-TOO)
| process type (BW-WHM)
| process type (FI)
| process type (ICM)
| process type (IS-BEV-VSO)
| process variant (BW-WHM)
| process variant (SV-ASA)
| Process Workbench Engine
| process-controlled workflow
| process-dependent condition
| process-optimized results recording
| process-oriented storage control
| process-related minimum interval
| process-specific step controller
| processed exit
| processed substance
| processing
| processing area
| processing block
| processing category (CO)
| processing category (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| processing category (FS-MCM-CSL)
| processing class
| processing control
| processing date (FS-PM)
| processing date (FS-PM)
| processing framework
| processing group (FS)
| processing group (IS-U-IDE)
| processing identifier
| processing indicator
| processing instruction
| processing level
| processing lock
| processing medium
| processing method
| processing mode (BC-TWB)
| processing mode (FS-MCM-CSL)
| processing mode (ICM)
| processing mode (QM)
| processing mode (SCM-EM)
| processing number
| processing package
| processing path
| processing period
| processing priority
| processing schema
| processing sequence
| processing service provider
| processing state
| processing status (BC-DOC-DTL)
| processing status (BC-I18-UNI)
| processing status (BC-UPG-OCS)
| processing status (CA-GTF)
| processing status (CA-TS)
| processing status (FS-MCM-CSL)
| processing status (FS-MCM-MC)
| processing status (PM)
| processing step
| processing time (CRM-MD)
| processing time (PA-AS)
| processing time (PP)
| processing timeout
| processing type (FS-MCM-CSL)
| processing type (PT)
| processing type (PY)
| processing type (SCM-TM)
| processing type (SV-ASA)
| processing under customs control
| processor (FI-AP)
| processor (FS-AM-CM-CA)
| processor (SCM-EWM)
| processsing time
| procure
| procure to pay
| procurement alternative
| Procurement Business Package for SAP ERP & SAP SRM
| procurement card
| procurement catalog
| procurement contract
| procurement document
| Procurement Document Objects layer
| procurement indicator
| Procurement Instrument Identifier
| procurement interaction center
| procurement lead time
| procurement monitoring
| procurement planning heuristic
| procurement process
| procurement proposal (PP-MRP)
| procurement proposal (SCM-APO)
| procurement quantity
| procurement scheduling agreement
| procurement surcharge
| procurement type (MM)
| procurement type (XAP-CQM)
| procurement type indicator
| procurement variant
| procurement via broker
| produced entity
| producer (BC-CTS)
| producer (BC-ESI)
| producer alias
| producer object
| producer portal
| product (AP-PPE)
| product (BC)
| product (BC-DWB-JAV-COD)
| product (CA-FS-PO)
| product (CO-PC)
| product (CRM-BF-CFG)
| product (CRM-MD)
| product (FS-AM-PR-PR)
| product (FS-CMS)
| product (FS-PM)
| product (ICM)
| product (SCM-BAS)
| product (SRM)
| product (SV-SMG)
| product (SWE)
| product (WEC-IS)
| product activity
| product activity message
| product allocation
| product allocation determination procedure
| product allocation group
| product allocation object
| product allocation procedure
| product allocation quantity
| product allocation step (SCM-APO-ATP)
| product allocation step (SD)
| product allocation time series
| Product and Production Management System
| product assembly
| product assessment
| product assignment type
| product association rule
| product audit
| product availability check
| Product Availability Matrix
| product balancing agreement
| product bundle
| product catalog (CRM-MD-PCT)
| product catalog (IS-R)
| product catalog (IS-T)
| product catalog area
| product catalog hierarchy
| product catalog management
| product category (EHS-CI)
| product category (FS-AM-PR-PR)
| product category (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| product category (SRM-EBP)
| product category hierarchy (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| product category hierarchy (SRM-EBP-CON)
| product category in Credit Exposure
| product category item
| product CFOP category
| product change (FS-MCM)
| product change (FS-PM)
| product change (SCM-APO-PPS-FOT)
| product class (AP-PPE)
| product class (FS-PM)
| product class (PLM-WUI-OBJ)
| product class hierarchy
| product combination
| product configuration (CRM-BF-CFG)
| product configuration (SD)
| product control
| Product Cost by Order
| Product Cost by Order or Period
| Product Cost by Period
| Product Cost by Responsibility Area
| Product Cost by Sales Order
| product cost collector
| Product Cost Controlling
| Product Cost Planning
| product costing
| Product Data Management
| product decomposition
| product designer
| product determination (CRM)
| product determination (SCM-ICH)
| product development
| product dimension
| product element
| Product Engine
| product entity category
| product family (MDM)
| product family (PLM-WUI-OBJ)
| product family (SCM-SOP)
| product filter
| product flow
| product freight group
| product genealogy
| product group (CA-DMF)
| product group (EC-CS)
| product group (FS-CD)
| product group (FS-CML)
| product group (LO-LIS)
| product group (WEC-IS)
| product group heuristic
| product group hierarchy
| product group procurement
| product group type
| product heuristic
| product hierarchy (CA-FS-PO)
| product hierarchy (CO-PC)
| product hierarchy (CRM-MD)
| product hierarchy (IS-R)
| product hierarchy (LO)
| product ID (BC-CST)
| product ID (CRM-MD)
| product instance
| product interchangeability
| product item
| product item variant
| product life-cycle analytics
| Product Lifecycle Management
| product line
| product line master
| product linkage
| product list
| product list eligibility
| product listing rate
| product load category
| product location
| product maintenance
| product management
| product manager (MP-APP-DPE)
| product manager (SV)
| product manager ID
| product manufacturing information
| product master
| product mix
| product model (FS-PM)
| product model (LO)
| product modeling
| product modeling environment
| Product Modeling Environment for Variant Configuration
| product module
| product module generation
| product module group
| product object
| product on aggregate level
| product origin
| product overview
| product package (FS-PM)
| product package (IS-U-CS)
| product package (WEC-IS)
| product package component
| product planning table
| product pricing list
| product property
| product property type
| product proposal (CRM-BTX)
| product proposal (IS-U)
| product proposal (SD)
| product rating
| product relationship
| product responsibility
| product review
| product role
| product safety sheet
| product segment
| Product Service Code
| product service letter
| product set
| product standard price
| product storage definition
| product structure (CRM-BF-CFG)
| product structure (LO)
| product structure (PLM-WUI-OBJ)
| Product Structure and Assembly Management
| product structure browser
| product structure object
| product subfamily
| product substitution (CRM)
| product substitution (SCM-FRE)
| product substitution order
| product substitution procedure
| product substitution reason
| product system
| product tax group (AP-MD)
| product tax group (AP-TTE)
| product taxability
| product that is easy to configure
| product to be provided
| Product Tracking & Authentication
| product transfer order
| product transition
| product tree
| product type (CRM-MD)
| product type (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| product type (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| product type (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| product type currency
| product type group
| product unit of measure
| product usage
| product variant (CRM)
| product variant (IS-B-PA)
| product variant (PLM-WUI-OBJ)
| product variant (SCM-APO-MD)
| product variant structure
| product version (LO-CM)
| product version (SV)
| product version change (FS-AM-OM)
| product version change (FS-MCM-MC)
| product view (PLM-WUI-OBJ)
| product view (SCM-APO-PPS)
| product view (SCM-APO-PPS-PPT)
| product with dependent components
| Product Workbench
| Product-Centric View
| product-driven flow-through
| product-element level
| product-specific transportation lane
| Production
| production activity
| Production and Revenue Accounting
| production approach
| production bill of material
| production campaign
| production campaign processing
| production confirmation
| production cost collector
| production costs
| production cycle
| production data structure
| production date
| production end date
| production fulfillment priority
| production horizon
| production item parameter
| production line (LO-MD)
| production line (PP)
| production list
| production location
| production lot
| production manager
| production mode
| production model
| Production Operator Dashboard
| Production Optimization Interface
| production order (PP-SFC)
| production order (SBO)
| production order (SCM-APO-PPS)
| production overhead
| production plan
| Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling
| production planning run
| production preparation client
| production printer
| production printing
| production process
| production process model
| production project
| production rate (AP-PPE)
| production rate (PP-FLW)
| production rate (PP-FLW)
| production record
| production resource
| production resource/tool
| production run
| production scheduling
| production series
| production session
| production sharing accounting
| production shift
| production shop order
| production shrinkage
| production shrinkage rate
| production site
| production storage bin
| production storage location
| production supply area
| production supply delivery
| production system (BC-CUS-TOL)
| production system (SRD-BC)
| production system (SV-ASA)
| production tracking
| production unit
| production unit of measure
| production unit variant type
| production variance
| production version
| production view
| productive area
| productive contract
| productive time
| profile (BC-SEC)
| profile (CRM)
| profile (IS-HMED)
| profile (IS-U-EDM)
| profile (LO)
| profile (PS)
| profile (SBA)
| profile category
| profile comparison
| Profile Generator
| profile module
| profile object type
| profile schema
| profile set
| profile template
| profile type (IS-HMED)
| profile type (IS-U-EDM)
| profile value category
| profile value import
| profile view
| profit and loss account
| profit and loss adjustment (FI)
| profit and loss adjustment (FI)
| profit and loss simulation
| profit and loss statement
| profit and loss statement budget report
| profit and loss statement comparison
| profit center (CO)
| profit center (SBO)
| profit center area
| profit center code
| profit center consolidation
| profit center report
| profit center transfer price
| profit center valuation view
| profit decrease
| profit increase
| profit order
| profit percentage
| profit position
| profitability
| profitability analysis
| Profitability Analysis
| profitability calculation
| profitability report
| profitability segment
| program (PPM-PRO)
| program (SRM-CM)
| program (SWE)
| program and project management
| program attribute
| program category
| program check
| program completion
| program constructor
| program constructor event
| program graphic
| program income
| program index
| program item
| program name
| program of study
| program order
| program partner
| program period
| program planning system
| program project
| program status
| program structure
| program symbol
| program title
| program type (BC-ABA)
| program type (BC-DWB-TOO)
| program type (IM)
| program type (IS-HER-CM)
| programmable logic controller
| programmatic authentication
| programming exit
| programming utility
| progress
| progress analysis
| progress assignment
| progress classification
| progress confirmation
| progress indicator type
| progress payment
| progress payment request
| progress snapshot
| progress status setting
| Progress Tracking
| progression (FS-CM)
| progression (FS-PM)
| progression (IS-HER-CM)
| progression of market data scenarios
| progression result
| progressive
| progressive interest calculation
| project (BC-FES-ITS)
| project (BC-WD)
| project (CO)
| project (EP-PIN-UNI)
| project (LOD-ESO)
| project (MFG-MII)
| project (MP-APP-DPE)
| project (PPM-PFM)
| project (PS)
| project (SV-ASA)
| project accounting
| project activity
| project administration
| project administration data
| project analysis
| project analytics
| Project Assignments by Employee - My Direct Reports
| project category
| project charter
| project code
| project context data
| project cycle time
| project dashboard
| project definition
| project dependency
| project directory
| project documentation
| project element
| project environment
| Project Estimator
| project form
| Project Generator
| project ID
| Project IMG
| project IMG view
| project language
| project lead
| project leader
| project management (BC-CUS-TOL)
| project management (PS)
| project management planning tool
| project manager (MP-APP-DPE)
| project manager (PPM-PFM)
| project member (MP-APP-DPE)
| project member (PPM-PRO)
| project name
| project object
| project order
| project organization structure
| project owner
| project participant
| project phase
| project plan
| project planning board
| project portfolio
| Project Preparation
| Project Resource Planning
| Project Review
| Project Review timeline
| project role
| project scope (BC-CUS)
| project scope (SV-ASA)
| Project Self-Service
| project staffing
| project standard
| project status
| project status report
| project stock
| project structure
| project subcategory
| project summarization
| project system
| Project System
| project team member
| project template ID
| project template name
| project tree
| project type (PPM-PRO)
| project type (PS)
| project version (PPM-PRO)
| project version (PS)
| project view (BC-CUS-TOL)
| project view (BC-FES-ITS)
| project-oriented business structure
| Project-Oriented Procurement
| project-related incoming orders
| project-related open orders
| project-related service specifications
| projected benefit
| projected customs
| projected pay
| projected stock
| projected wastage quantity
| projection
| projection scenario
| projection view
| prolongation order
| promise to pay (FI-CA)
| promise to pay (FIN-FSCM-COL)
| promo after savings
| promo price
| promotion (IS-R)
| promotion (SD)
| promotion allocation table
| promotion module
| promotion planning (CRM-MKT)
| promotion planning (IS-R)
| promotion planning (SCM-APO-FCS)
| promotion purchase price
| promotion sales price
| promotion tracking
| promotion uplift
| promotion wind-up
| promotional markdown
| prompt (BC-FES-GUI)
| prompt (BCM)
| prompt payment
| Prompt Payment Act
| prompt payment incentive
| prompting
| prompting text
| proof code for medical expense
| proof of export
| proof of treatment
| propagated permissions
| propagation (BC-DWB-TOO-PAK)
| propagation (MFG-ME)
| propagation (SCM-APO-CA-CDP)
| propagation definition
| propagation level (BC-DWB-TOO-PAK)
| propagation level (SCM-APO-SNP)
| propagation range
| properties file
| properties manager
| properties pane
| properties window
| property (BC-CCM-ADK)
| property (BC-JAS)
| property (CA-QIE)
| property (EHS)
| property (EP)
| property (IS-U-WA)
| property (MFG-MII-PCO)
| property (SBA)
| property accumulation saving
| property code
| property configuration service
| Property Editor
| property filter
| property group (AP-RC-PPM)
| property group (EP-KM)
| property index
| property indicator
| property manager
| property master
| property metadata service
| property ownership per storey
| property portion
| property renderer
| property sheet (BC-FES-GRA)
| property sheet (BC-JAS)
| property structure
| property structure service
| property tax
| property tax category
| property tax object
| property taxable value (RE)
| property taxable value (RE)
| property taxes and fees
| property XML
| property-tied loan
| PropertyChangeListener
| proportion of equity method (EC-CS)
| proportion of equity method (FI-LC)
| proportion unit
| proportional
| proportional consolidation
| proportional factor
| proportional value adjustment
| proportionate consolidation
| proportionate order quantity
| proposal (KM-KW)
| proposal (PSM-GM)
| proposal horizon
| proposal pool entry
| propose change
| propose change function
| proposed budget/resources
| proposed condition
| proposed license period
| proposed order
| proprietary fund
| proprietary trading
| proration (IS-U-BI)
| proration (PA-EC)
| prospect (AP-MD-BP)
| prospect (SBO)
| prospect (XAP-IEP)
| prospect analysis
| prospect count
| prospecting
| prospective effectiveness test
| prospective regression analysis
| protected (BC)
| protected (BC-ABA)
| protected area
| protected time period
| protection goal
| protocol (BC-SRV-ARL)
| protocol (EP)
| protocol binding
| protocol category
| protocol type
| prototype
| prototyping
| provider (EP-KM-CM)
| provider (PA-BN)
| provider (PA-BN-FB)
| provider cost
| provider package
| provider structure
| provision (BC-IDM)
| provision (OPU-ALY)
| provision element
| provision of cover funds
| provision period demand
| provision stock account
| provisional appointment
| provisional inflation index
| provisional insurance relationship
| provisional invoice (IS-H)
| provisional invoice (IS-OIL-DS-MAP)
| provisional patient master data
| provisional premium receivable
| provisional run
| provisional serial number
| provisional year end adjustment
| provisioning (BC-IDM)
| provisioning (IS-AD-SPC)
| provisioning (OPU-DUE)
| provisioning math model
| provisions
| provisions package
| provisions storage location
| proxy (BC)
| proxy (BC-XI)
| proxy (MP-APP-DPE)
| proxy (SRM-LA)
| proxy bid
| proxy bidding (MP-APP-DPE)
| proxy bidding (SRM-LA)
| proxy generation
| proxy object
| proxy service area
| proxy settings
| proxy settings manager
| proxy user
| proxy-to-portlet iView
| proxy-to-remote iView
| proxy-to-remote role
| PRT Bridge Service
| prudence factor
| pruning
| PS
| PSE as a corporate
| PSE as a sovereign
| pseudo comment
| pseudo component
| pseudo header field
| pseudo reference
| pseudo-hard constraint
| pseudonymization
| pseudonymized patient master data
| PST number
| public (BC-ABA)
| public (BC-FES-GRA)
| Public Administration Human Resources' Database
| public and private key pair
| public area
| public auction (CRM-ISA-AUC)
| public auction (LOD-ESO)
| public bid invitation
| Public Employment Security Office
| public fund with limited distribution
| public holiday
| public holiday calendar
| public holiday class
| public holiday type
| public identifier
| public invitation list
| public key
| public key cryptosystem
| public method
| public opportunity
| public part
| public sector item type
| Public Support Index
| Public Switched Telephone Network
| Public System of Digital Bookkeeping
| public visibility section
| public-key certificate
| Public-Key Cryptography Standards
| public-key infrastructure
| public-key list
| public-key technology
| public-owned commercial operation
| publication (CRM-MW)
| publication (IS-M)
| publication (PA-ER)
| publication of planning results
| Publication Value Added Network
| Publication Value-Added Network
| publish (BC-DWB-TOO)
| publish (BC-FES-ITS)
| publish (BC-SRV-COM)
| publish (EP-KM)
| publish (XAP-CQM)
| publish and subscribe
| published
| published catalog
| publisher
| publisher insert
| publishing pipeline service
| pull (EP)
| pull (IS-R)
| pull derivation
| pull interval
| pull list
| pull-down menu
| pull-down menu option
| pull-in horizon
| punch
| Punycode
| purchase agreement
| purchase analysis
| purchase by staff
| purchase confirmation wizard
| purchase contract
| purchase grid
| purchase method (EC-CS)
| purchase method (FI-LC)
| purchase order (MM-PUR)
| purchase order (SCM-APO-CA)
| purchase order entry
| purchase order grouping
| purchase order history (MM-PUR)
| purchase order history (SRM-EBP)
| purchase order item group
| purchase order item reference
| purchase order monitoring
| purchase order on hold
| purchase order price optimization
| purchase order price quantity
| purchase order price quantity variance
| purchase order price unit
| purchase order reference
| purchase order response
| purchase order type
| purchase order type priority
| purchase price variance amount
| purchase quotation
| purchase quotation comparison report
| purchase quotation generation wizard
| purchase quotation group
| purchase requisition (IS-R)
| purchase requisition (MM-PUR)
| purchase requisition (SCM-APO-CA)
| purchase requisition combination
| purchase tax
| purchased part
| purchased seal
| purchaser administrator
| purchaser alert
| purchaser/remitter cross reference
| Purchasing
| purchasing agreement
| purchasing area
| purchasing budget
| purchasing contract
| purchasing decision
| purchasing document (MM-PUR)
| purchasing document (SBO)
| purchasing document category
| purchasing document delivery schedule
| purchasing document type
| purchasing factor
| purchasing group
| purchasing info record
| purchasing limits
| purchasing list relevance indicator
| Purchasing Management
| purchasing organization
| purchasing statistics
| purchasing substitute
| purchasing team
| purchasing value key
| pure financial adjustment
| pure identity
| pure substance
| purpose of order
| pursue
| push (EP)
| push (IS-R)
| push derivation
| push distribution (PP-SOP)
| push distribution (SCM-APO-SNP)
| push message
| push production
| push rule
| push technology
| push-down accounting
| pushbutton
| pushbutton explanation
| put
| putaway
| putaway delay
| putaway for merchandise distribution
| putaway near picking bin
| putaway strategy (LE-WM)
| putaway strategy (SCM-EWM)
| Q
| Q table
| QM order
| qRFC alert
| qRFC monitor
| qualification (CA-MRS)
| qualification (CRM-MKT-DAM)
| qualification (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| qualification (LE-TRM)
| qualification (PA-PD)
| qualification (PP-PI)
| qualification catalog
| qualification group
| qualification matching
| qualification matrix
| qualifications catalog
| qualifications profile
| qualified entity type
| qualified match
| qualified position
| qualified representative list of rents
| qualifier (IS-R-KUNDE)
| qualifier (MDM)
| qualifying authorization
| qualifying entity type
| qualifying point
| qualifying relationship
| qualifying work
| qualitative description
| qualitative evaluation
| qualitative grade
| qualitative KPI (EPM-SCP)
| qualitative KPI (GRC-SPM-SR)
| quality activity
| quality activity management
| quality assurance agreement (QM)
| quality assurance agreement (SRD-CC)
| quality assurance system
| quality assurance worklist
| quality audit
| quality auditor
| quality blocked stock
| quality certificate
| quality check
| quality code
| quality costs
| Quality Data Interchange
| quality disposition
| quality engineering
| quality gate
| quality inspection
| quality issue
| quality level
| quality management (QM)
| quality management (SAP)
| quality management (SAP)
| quality management (SAP)
| quality management system
| quality notification (QM)
| quality notification (SCM-ICH)
| quality notification type
| quality number
| quality of OPC value read
| quality of service
| quality scale
| quality score
| quality system audit
| quant
| quantification method
| quantifying authorization
| quantitative description
| quantitative evaluation
| quantitative grade
| quantitative KPI (EPM-SCP)
| quantitative KPI (GRC-SPM-SR)
| quantitative structure activity relationship
| quantity
| quantity administered
| quantity alert
| quantity category
| quantity chart
| quantity contract (MM-PUR)
| quantity contract (SD)
| quantity conversion
| quantity determination
| quantity difference
| quantity difference profile
| quantity distribution profile
| quantity factor
| quantity field
| quantity license
| quantity LIFO procedure
| quantity modulation
| quantity of goods received
| quantity of material to be provided
| quantity reliability
| quantity restriction
| quantity role
| quantity scale
| quantity schedule
| quantity string
| quantity structure
| quantity structure control
| quantity structure date
| quantity structure determination
| quantity to be allocated
| quantity to be invoiced
| quantity type
| quantity unit type
| quantity variance
| quantity-based cost distribution
| quantity-based penalty costs
| quantity-based penalty profile
| quantity-based price
| quantity-based time ticket
| quantity-based valuation
| quarter
| quarter days
| query (BC-ESI-ESF)
| query (BC-MOB)
| query (BC-SRV-QUE)
| query (BW-BEX)
| query (EHS)
| query (PLM-WUI-APP)
| query (SBA)
| query (SCM-EM)
| query API
| query area
| query category (CRM-RPL-ICS)
| query category (SBO)
| query definition
| query dispatcher
| Query Editor
| Query Editor DTC
| query field
| Query Generator
| query history
| query ID
| query input field
| query interface
| query iView
| Query Layout Management
| query management
| Query Manager
| query model
| query result field
| query service
| query step
| query string
| query syntax
| query view (BW-BEX)
| query view (PLM-WUI-APP)
| query view - selection
| query view description
| query view group
| query wizard
| query-based classification
| query-based taxonomy
| Question and Answer database
| question catalog (CA)
| question catalog (EHS)
| question category
| question group
| question list (CA-AUD)
| question list (QM-PT-FA)
| question list (SV-ASA)
| question section weight
| questionnaire (CRM-CA)
| questionnaire (EHS)
| questionnaire (PA-ER)
| questionnaire (PPM-PFM)
| questionnaire (SRM-EBP-CON)
| questionnaire (SRM-EBP-VE)
| questionnaire (SRM-SUD)
| questionnaire activity
| questionnaire category
| questionnaire rating
| questionnaire status
| queue (BC-UPG-OCS)
| queue (BC-XI)
| queue (CS)
| queue (FS-PE)
| queue (LE)
| queue (MFG-ME)
| queue (SBO)
| queue (SCM-APO-INT)
| Queue Application Programming Interface
| queue block
| queue info
| queue mode
| queue status
| queue time (BCM)
| queue time (MFG-ME)
| queue time (PP)
| queue time learning
| queue watcher
| queued remote function call
| quick admission
| quick claim mode
| quick create
| quick info
| quick info text
| quick keys
| quick link (BC)
| quick link (CA-GTF-TS-XSS)
| quick note
| quick poll service
| quick question group
| Quick Save
| Quick Sizer
| Quick Synchronize
| quick view
| QuickViewer
| quota (BC-SRV-COM)
| quota (CRM-ANA)
| quota (IS-R)
| quota (SD-FT)
| quota arrangement (MM-PUR)
| quota arrangement (SCM-APO-MD)
| quota arrangement (SRM)
| quota base quantity
| quota planning
| quota planning management
| quota scale
| quota-allocated quantity
| quotation (FS-CD)
| quotation (IS-OIL-DS-MAP)
| quotation (SBO)
| quotation (SCM-APO-SCC)
| quotation (XAP-CQM)
| quotation date
| quotation document
| quotation funnel analysis
| quotation in points
| quotation name
| quotation price history
| quotation source
| quotation specifications
| quotation table
| quotation type (CRM-BF-CPE)
| quotation type (IS-B)
| quotation with amended conditions
| quotation worksheet
| quote
| quote attribute
| quote package
| quote team lead
| quoted date
| quoted-printable (BC-XI)
| R
| R and S phrases
| R square
| R/3 Form
| R/3 Repository merge
| R3load
| R3up
| rack jobber
| rack meter
| rack price
| rack pricing
| rack-jobber module
| radical
| radio button
| radio button group (BC-FES-GUI)
| radio button group (BW-BEX)
| radio frequency event message profile
| radioactive material
| radiology
| radiology department
| ramping
| RAMQ number
| random device usage
| random number generator
| random selection
| random storage
| range (QM)
| range (SBO)
| range group
| range of coverage (IS-AD-ROT)
| range of coverage (LO-LIS)
| range of coverage (MM-IV)
| range of coverage (SCM-FRE)
| range of coverage factor
| range of coverage in days
| range of materials
| range-of-coverage profile
| ranges table
| ranges table type
| rank (IS-DFS)
| rank (LO-ECH)
| rank (MP-APP-DPE)
| ranking (PA-ER)
| ranking (PA-TM)
| ranking (RE)
| ranking class
| ranking method
| ranking order
| ranking overview
| ranking ratio
| rapid application
| rapid delivery confirmation
| Rapid Planning Matrix
| rapid problem resolution
| raster graphic
| raster image
| rate (IS-MP-NF)
| rate (IS-MP-NF)
| rate (IS-U-BI)
| rate application
| rate category
| rate change date
| rate currency
| rate determination key
| rate determination module
| rate determination routine
| rate effective date
| rate fact group
| rate fetch quantity
| rate of capacity utilization (CO)
| rate of capacity utilization (PP)
| rate of utilization
| rate plan (CRM-MD)
| rate plan (WEC-IS)
| rate plan combination
| rate ready
| rate requirement
| rate routing
| rate type
| rate type specification
| rate unit
| rate-based planning
| rated transaction
| rating (CRM-BTX)
| rating (EHS)
| rating (EHS-CI)
| rating (EP-KM-CM)
| rating (FS-BA-SD)
| rating (FS-BP)
| rating (FS-CML)
| rating (IS-CC)
| rating (MDM)
| rating category
| rating context
| rating model (FS-BA-SD)
| rating model (FS-PMA)
| rating of record
| rating period
| rating permission
| rating procedure
| rating profile
| rating record
| rating scale
| rating session
| rating system
| rating trend (FS-BP)
| rating trend (FS-BP)
| ratings
| ratio (CO-PC)
| ratio (FI)
| ratio (FI-LC)
| raw data interface
| raw exposure
| raw material cost estimate
| raw price
| RBAM Explain
| RDA profile
| RE Navigator
| RE search request
| re-evaluate
| re-export
| re-invoicing
| re-registration
| re-year end adjustment
| reactivation
| reactivation costs
| reactivation reason
| reactive energy
| reactive order monitoring
| reactive power
| read procedure
| read program
| read view
| read-only interface element
| reader stream
| readiness (IS-DFS)
| readiness (PA-ER)
| reading
| reading type
| readjustment mode
| readmission sequence
| ready (CRM-IC)
| ready (SRM-LA)
| Ready-to-run Implementation
| real downtime
| real enforcement title
| real estate and buildings
| real estate cadaster
| real estate contract
| Real Estate general contract
| real estate group
| real estate loan
| real estate object (FS-CMS)
| real estate object (RE)
| real estate register
| real estate register number
| real land register
| real memory
| real missing quantity
| real output management system
| real properties register
| real properties register number
| real property loan
| real substance
| real time
| real value
| Real-Time Collaboration
| real-time data acquisition
| real-time datafeed
| real-time decisioning engine
| real-time offer
| real-time offer campaign
| real-time positioning
| real-time pricing
| real-time screen pop
| real-time warning
| realignment (CO-PA)
| realignment (CRM-MW)
| realignment (FS-BA-AN-PA)
| realignment request
| realignment run
| Realization
| realized exchange rate
| realized LGD
| realized loss
| reallocation
| reallocation of initial buy
| reallocation rule
| realm
| realogram
| realtime update (EC-CS)
| realtime update (FI-LC)
| reason code (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| reason code (MFG-ME)
| reason for admission
| reason for cancellation
| reason for dose difference
| reason for exemption from consolidation (EC-CS)
| reason for exemption from consolidation (FI-LC)
| reason for inclusion (EC-CS)
| reason for inclusion (FI-LC)
| reason for movement
| reason for multiplication factor
| reason for removal
| reason for time difference
| reasons
| reassessable
| reassessment
| reassessment measure
| reassessment rate
| reassessment requirement
| reassign (BC-FES-GUI)
| reassign (CA-GTF-RCM)
| reassign stored object
| reassignment
| reassignment business transaction
| reassignment lock
| reassignment of order confirmations
| rebate (CRM-RB)
| rebate (LO)
| rebate (LOD-ESO)
| rebate agreement (CRM-RB)
| rebate agreement (LO)
| rebate agreement currency
| rebate agreement type
| rebate arrangement
| rebate due list
| rebate extract
| rebate period
| rebate profile
| rebate settlement
| rebate settlement material
| rebate threshold
| rebind operation
| rebook (PE)
| rebook (PE-LSO)
| rebooking (PE)
| rebooking (PE-LSO)
| rebrand
| rebuild run
| rebundling
| recalculation
| recall (FS-PE)
| recall (GRC-SPC)
| recall (ICM)
| recall (IS-M-SD)
| recall (LO-WTY)
| recall date
| recall status
| receipt days' supply
| receipt element
| receipt log
| Receipt of Cancellation
| receipt quantity (IS-R)
| receipt quantity (SCM-APO-PPS)
| receipt value (IS-R)
| receipt value (MM-IV)
| Receipt Wizard
| receipts
| receipts view
| receivable (FI)
| receivable (FS-CMS)
| receivable component
| receivable in pool
| receivable portion
| receivable position
| receivable secured amount
| receivables collection
| receivables list
| receiver (BC-MOB)
| receiver (CA-GTF-TS)
| receiver (FS-BA-AN-PA)
| receiver adapter
| receiver agreement
| receiver code
| Receiver components
| receiver control record
| receiver determination
| receiver function module
| receiver generation data object
| receiver instance
| receiver meta model
| receiver pre-identification
| receiver report
| receiver rule
| receiver type
| receiver type function module
| Receiving
| receiving company
| receiving document item
| receiving inspection
| receiving payroll
| receiving plant
| receiving point
| receiving storage location
| receiving system
| recent items
| Recent Notifications
| recipe (IS-HMED)
| recipe (PLM-RM)
| recipe counter
| recipe explosion
| recipe formula
| recipe group
| recipe management (SAP)
| recipe management (SAP)
| recipe material list
| recipe object
| recipe purpose
| recipe quantity
| recipe type
| recipe version
| recipe-dependent formula
| recipient (BC-BMT-WFM)
| recipient (BC-CTS)
| recipient (BC-SRV-COM)
| recipient (CA-WUI)
| recipient (IS-R)
| recipient (OPU-DUE)
| recipient (SRD-CC-BTM)
| Recipient
| recipient group (FS-BA-SD)
| recipient group (PE)
| recipient group (PE-LSO)
| recipient item (FS-AM-OM-SO)
| recipient item (FS-PE)
| recipient list
| recipient priority
| recipient profile
| recipient system
| recipient type (BC-SRV-COM)
| recipient type (IS-EC-CEM)
| recipient-driven flow-through (IS-R)
| recipient-driven flow-through (SCM-EWM)
| recision period
| reclassification (EC-CS)
| reclassification (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| reclassification (SLL)
| reclassification rule
| recognition
| recommendation
| recommended field
| recommended item
| recommended treatment
| reconciliation (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| reconciliation (GRC-SAC)
| reconciliation (IS-U-EDM)
| reconciliation (SBO)
| reconciliation account
| reconciliation bucket lot
| reconciliation data
| reconciliation document
| reconciliation key (FI)
| reconciliation key (FI-CA)
| reconciliation ledger
| reconciliation of balances
| reconciliation posting
| reconciliation procedure
| reconciliation rule
| reconciliation type
| reconciliation workbench
| reconnect (CRM-CIC)
| reconnect (IS-T)
| reconnection
| reconnection order
| reconversion
| record (BC-MID-BUS)
| record (EHS)
| record (EP-VC)
| record (RIV)
| record creation profile
| record locking
| record model
| record number
| record set (EP-VC)
| record set (RIV)
| record type (BC-MID-ALE)
| record type (BC-SRV-ARL)
| record type (CO-PA)
| record variable
| recorder
| recordkeeping process
| Records Browser
| Records Management System
| Records Modeler
| Records Organizer
| recordset variable
| recoverable amount
| recovery (BC-DB)
| recovery (EHS-MGM)
| recovery (PSM-FM)
| recovery rate (IS-B-RA-CL)
| recovery rate (IS-U-BI)
| Recruitment
| recruitment activity
| recruitment activity view
| recruitment instrument
| recruitment request
| recurrence date
| recurrence frequency
| recurrence period
| recurrence range
| recurrence rule
| recurring activities (PE)
| recurring activities (PE-LSO)
| recurring day program
| recurring document
| recurring entry
| recurring entry document
| recurring entry original document
| recurring payment
| recurring payments/deductions
| recurring price
| recurring task
| recurring template
| recurring transaction
| recursion
| recursion depth
| recycled family item
| recycling partner
| recycling rule
| red rating
| redeem
| redeemable point
| redefined definition
| redemption
| redemption period
| redemption rate
| redesignation
| redial
| redirect
| redirection purchase order
| redistribution schema
| redlining (CA-DMS)
| redlining (LOD-ESO)
| redo
| reduced excise duty rate
| reduced inspection
| reduced maximum rate
| reduced order quantity
| reduced per diem/flat rate
| reduced subject to final payment balance
| reduced working hours
| reduced-from price
| reduction (FS-CM)
| reduction (PP)
| reduction (RE)
| reduction category
| reduction factor (PA-PF)
| reduction factor (SCM-APO-ATP)
| reduction in capitalization
| Reduction in Force
| reduction method
| reduction project
| reduction quantity
| redundancy
| redundant
| redundant array of independent disks
| Redwood Expression Language
| reel (IS-MP)
| reel (MFG-ME)
| reel calculation
| reel category
| reel clearance
| reel stock
| reel type
| reentrant enterprise bean
| reference (BC-ABA)
| reference (BC-DOC)
| reference (BC-TWB)
| reference (CA-GTF-DOB)
| reference (CRM-FM)
| reference (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| reference (MP-APP-DPE)
| reference account
| reference account details
| Reference and Simulation Costing
| reference area
| reference article
| reference assignment
| reference basic booking unit
| reference business partner
| reference category
| reference characteristic (CA-CL)
| reference characteristic (FS-BA-SD)
| reference code
| reference code search
| reference company code
| reference condition type
| reference consumption
| reference cost estimate
| reference counter
| reference currency (FI)
| reference currency (FS-BA-PM-HP)
| reference currency (PA-CM)
| reference cycle
| reference data (CRM-MD)
| reference data (EHS-CI)
| reference data (FS-PE)
| reference data connector
| reference date (IS-OIL-DS-MAP)
| reference date (PM)
| reference date (PP)
| reference date (PY-CH)
| reference date (SBO)
| reference design object
| reference designator
| reference determination procedure
| reference determination schema
| reference document (FI)
| reference document (LE-TRM)
| reference document (PM)
| reference document (SD)
| reference document (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| reference document (SRD-SCM-SCP)
| reference document ID
| reference document number
| reference employee
| reference equipment
| reference event
| reference field
| reference field group
| reference flow type
| reference force element
| reference functional location
| reference functional location category
| reference group
| Reference Guide
| reference interest rate (CA-FIM-FMA)
| reference interest rate (CA-FIM-FMA)
| reference interest rate (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| reference interest rate (FS-BA-SD)
| reference interest rate cash deposit
| reference item
| reference license type
| reference lot
| reference market data scenario
| reference material (IS-AFS-SD)
| reference material (LO-MD)
| reference measuring point
| reference model
| reference module
| reference node
| reference number
| reference object (BC-SRV-ASF)
| reference object (CRM-BTX-SVO)
| reference object (PM)
| reference object check
| reference object class
| reference obligation
| reference operation
| reference operation set (PP-BD)
| reference operation set (PP-BD)
| reference operation set group
| reference operation set header
| reference order (CO)
| reference order (IS-MP)
| reference partner
| reference period
| reference point (IS-EC-BOS)
| reference point (PS)
| reference policy
| reference price
| reference product (CRM-MD)
| reference product (SCM-APO-CA-CDP)
| reference purchasing organization
| reference quantity
| reference range
| reference rate routing
| reference resource
| reference role (AP-TTE)
| reference role (ICM)
| reference salary
| reference sales item number
| reference sales order number
| reference scenario (IS-B-SA-ALM)
| reference scenario (PA-CM)
| reference semantics
| reference service
| reference shift
| reference specification
| reference step
| reference structure
| reference substance
| reference system
| reference table
| reference time
| reference type (BC-ABA)
| reference type (BC-DWB-DIC)
| reference type (BC-EIM-IQM)
| reference type (IS-EC-CEM)
| reference type (SCM-APO-MD)
| reference unit (PE)
| reference unit (PE-LSO)
| reference user
| reference user analysis
| reference value (CO)
| reference value (EHS)
| reference value (IS-U-BI)
| reference variable
| reference variant
| reference workflow
| referenced
| referenced billing plan
| referenced catalog
| referenced credential type
| referenced entity type
| referenced quantity
| referenced value
| referencing attribute
| referencing credential type
| referencing entity type
| referencing procedure
| referencing relationship
| referential integrity
| referential relationship type
| referral (IS-H)
| referral (IS-H)
| referral (IS-R-POS)
| referral (PSM-GPR)
| referral diagnosis (IS-H)
| referral diagnosis (IS-H)
| referral type
| referred customer
| referring hospital
| referring physician (IS-H)
| referring physician (IS-H)
| referring physician type
| refill
| refill time
| refinement (AP-CAT)
| refinement (SBA)
| refinement criterion
| refinement indicator
| refresh rate
| refunding key
| refurbishment material
| refurbishment order (PM)
| refurbishment order (XAP-IEP)
| refusal period
| regeneration
| regenerative planning
| region
| region code
| region pattern
| region within country
| regional bonus scheme
| regional code (FI)
| regional code (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| regional financial center
| regional health service
| regional location
| regional location key for heating value days
| regional processing
| regional reporting lead
| regional reservations facility
| regional sales manager
| regional structure
| regional structure area
| regional tax office
| regional telematics network
| Regional Value Content
| register
| register category
| register group
| register identification
| register relationship
| register RG 1
| register RG 23A
| register RG 23C
| register RG 23D
| register type
| registration (BC-CST-GW)
| registration (EHS)
| registration (IS-U-IDX)
| registration (PE)
| Registration Authority
| registration card
| registration card number
| registration cart
| registration classification
| registration consent
| registration date (IS-A-DBM)
| registration date (WEC-APP-SRV)
| registration district
| registration form
| registration hold
| registration ID
| registration of event handler
| registration scope
| registry (BC-MID-ALE)
| registry (BC-MOB)
| registry (CA-GTF-RCM)
| regrade
| regression testing
| regression type
| regular expression
| regular gross payment amount
| regular payment
| regular payments
| regular payments/deductions
| regular tax
| regular total amount
| regular vendor
| regulated production
| regulation
| regulation set
| regulatory list
| regulatory measures
| regulatory protocol
| regulatory reporting
| Regulatory Reporting Interface
| rehabilitation
| Rehiring following Retirement
| reikin
| reimbursable order
| reimbursement (IS-U-IN)
| reimbursement (SD-FT)
| reimbursement by insurer
| reimbursement claim
| reimbursement funding
| reimbursement rate
| reimplement
| reinstate
| reinstatement
| reinsurance (FS-RI)
| reinsurance (SAP)
| reject
| rejected (OPU-DUE)
| rejected (PA)
| rejected document
| rejection (FS-PE)
| rejection (QM)
| rejection code
| rejection letter
| rejection number
| rejection reason
| relate (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| relate (MDM)
| related contract
| related date
| related document (SRD-CC-BTM)
| related document (SRD-FIN-GL)
| related links
| Related Links Editor
| Related Links iView
| related object
| related right
| related task
| relation
| relation path
| relation resolving service
| relation weight
| Relational Command Processor
| relational data
| relational data model
| relational data provider
| relational database
| relational database management system
| relational expression
| relational integrity
| Relational Metadata API
| Relational Metadata Model
| relational model
| relational operator
| Relational Query API
| Relational Query Model
| relationship (BC-SRV-KPR-DMS)
| relationship (CRM-BF)
| relationship (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| relationship (FS-BA-SD)
| relationship (IS-A-VMS)
| relationship (PA)
| relationship (PE-LSO)
| relationship (PP-PI)
| relationship (PS)
| relationship (SBC)
| relationship (SCM-APO-PPS)
| relationship (SCM-APO-SCC)
| relationship category (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| relationship category (FS-BP)
| relationship category (OPU-DUE)
| relationship category in Risk Basis
| relationship class
| Relationship Editor
| relationship matrix
| relationship monitoring
| relationship table
| relationship type (BC-SRV-KPR-DMS)
| relationship type (CRM-MD)
| relationship type (PM)
| relationship type (SCM-APO-MD)
| relationship version
| Relationships Editor
| relative density
| relative deviation
| relative due date scenario
| relative maturity band
| relative path
| relative statistical error
| relative type name
| relay state
| releasable product
| release (BC-CTS)
| release (CA-TS)
| release (CO-PC)
| release (EHS-MGM)
| release (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| release (FS-BA-PM-HP)
| release (MM)
| release (PPM-PRO)
| release (SD)
| release as course content
| release attribute
| release category
| release check
| release code
| release condition
| release creation periodicity
| release creation profile
| release Customizing
| release date (ICM)
| release date (IS-T)
| release date for conversion into checked delivery
| release dates
| release discount
| release documentation
| release from debt liability
| release group
| release history
| release horizon (MM-PUR)
| release horizon (SCM-APO-PPS-CDS)
| release identifier
| release indicator (BC-TWB)
| release indicator (MM-PUR)
| release info
| release key
| release list
| release master plan
| release note
| release object
| release order list
| release order text
| release period
| release period key
| release point
| release prerequisite
| release procedure
| release process
| release profile
| release project
| release reason
| release restriction
| release rule (ICM)
| release rule (IS-AFS-ARUN)
| release scheduling agreement release
| release stop indicator
| release strategy
| release to customer
| release transfer
| release type
| release upgrade
| release view
| release-authorized purchasing organization
| release-related program
| release-specific IMG
| release-unrelated program
| relevance (BC-TRX)
| relevance (FIN-CGV-MIC)
| relevance set
| relevance test
| relevancy indicator
| relevancy to costing
| relevant contracts tax
| relevant country for country risk
| relevant for pegging
| relevant for relocation
| relevant income
| relevant minimum
| relevant payments card
| relevant per diem
| relevant scrap quantity
| relevé
| reliquidation
| reload (BC-CCM-ADK)
| reload (IS-BEV-DSD)
| reload program
| relocation (BC-CTS)
| relocation (IS-DFS)
| relocation (IS-DFS)
| relocation (PA-GE)
| relocation assistance
| relocation delivery
| relocation planning (IS-DFS)
| relocation planning (IS-DFS)
| relocation sequence
| relocation step
| relocation stock transport order
| relocation transport
| REM heuristic
| remainder object
| remainder of iteration basis
| remainder rule
| remaining capacity requirement
| remaining capital
| remaining flying hours
| remaining input variance
| remaining liability value
| remaining life
| remaining material
| remaining plan
| remaining product allocation
| remaining requirement
| remaining response time
| remaining shelf life (IS-R)
| remaining shelf life (SCM-APO-MD)
| remaining term
| remaining variance
| remanufactured product
| remark for bidder
| remark for external service provider
| remark for supplier
| remark from bidder
| remark from external provider
| remark/example
| remediation plan owner
| remedies
| reminder period
| reminder rule
| reminder scripting (CRM-CIC)
| reminder scripting (CS)
| remittance challan
| remodeling
| remodeling rule
| remote content provider
| remote delta link
| remote disconnection
| Remote Function Call
| remote function module
| remote interface
| remote iView
| remote key
| remote meter reading
| Remote Method Invocation
| Remote Object Container Service
| remote producer
| remote project
| remote reconnection
| remote role assignment
| remote support platform for SAP Business One
| remote system (BC-WD-CLT-BUS)
| remote system (MDM)
| remote user
| remote worklist
| remote-enabled function module
| removal sequence
| remove
| removed stock
| remuneration activity
| remuneration agreement
| remuneration amount
| remuneration clearing
| remuneration clearing agreement
| remuneration clearing rule
| remuneration criterion
| remuneration detail line
| remuneration disbursement
| remuneration distribution
| remuneration entitlement
| remuneration filter
| remuneration form
| remuneration group
| remuneration guide
| remuneration indicator
| remuneration inquiry
| remuneration item
| remuneration line
| remuneration list
| remuneration procedure
| remuneration quantity
| remuneration rate
| remuneration result
| remuneration scheduling
| remuneration statement
| remuneration type
| Rename
| render
| rendered .NET Custom iView
| renderer
| rendering (BC-BSP)
| rendering (BC-I18)
| renewable document
| renewable document chain
| renewable document management
| renewable document type
| renewable energy
| renewable energy certificate
| renewable energy supply process
| renewal
| renewal acceptance period
| renewal commission
| renewal date
| renewal option
| renewal preparation
| renewed document
| renewed order
| rent
| rent adjustment
| rent adjustment according to New Urban Lease Act
| rent adjustment accrual/deferral
| rent cap
| rent capping
| rent reference value
| rentable unit of measure
| rental collateral
| rental items
| rental items order
| rental object
| rental object code
| rental object type
| rental order
| rental order type
| rental price
| rental request
| rental room
| rental space
| rental unit
| reopen
| reopened
| reorder cycle method
| reorder days' supply
| reorder list
| reorder point (IS-R)
| reorder point (PP-MRP)
| reorder point (SCM-FRE)
| reorder point method
| reorder point planning
| reorganization (BC-SRV-COM)
| reorganization (FI-GL)
| reorganization (IS-AFS-ARUN)
| reorganization (IS-DFS)
| reorganization date
| reorganization document type
| reorganization manager
| reorganization period
| reorganization plan
| reorganization plan type
| reorganization schema
| reorganization transfer posting
| reorganization unit
| repair
| repair code
| repair flag
| repair hint
| repair order
| repair procedure
| repair request item
| repair-based planning
| repairable component
| repairable spare
| repatriation
| repayable advance
| repayment (FS-AM)
| repayment (FS-CML)
| repayment (PSM-GM)
| repayment method
| repayment plan
| repayment request
| repeat appointment
| repeat function
| repeat period
| repeat print
| repeat year-end adjustment
| repeat year-end adjustment (after Jan 31)
| repeat year-end adjustment (up to Jan 31)
| repeated process data request
| repeating group (EHS)
| repeating group (FI)
| repertoire
| repetition group
| repetition item
| repetition specifications
| repetition structure
| repetitive code
| repetitive manufacturing
| repetitive manufacturing profile
| repetitive payment
| repetitive payment account
| repetitive payment record
| repetitive shop order
| replace (PE)
| replace (PE-LSO)
| replaceable parameter
| replaced
| replaced archiving session
| replacement article
| replacement ASN
| replacement business
| replacement glyph
| replacement material
| replacement period
| replacement product
| replacement strategy
| replacement text
| replacement type
| replacement value (FI-AA)
| replacement value (IS-U-EDM)
| replacement value creation
| replacement value procedure
| replacement value procedure group
| replacement value process
| replay trip
| replenishment (IS-R)
| replenishment (LE-WM)
| replenishment (LOD-ESO)
| replenishment element (IS-A-S2L)
| replenishment element (PP-REM)
| replenishment indicator
| replenishment lead time
| replenishment order
| replenishment plan
| replenishment proposal
| replenishment quantity (IS-R)
| replenishment quantity (LE-WM)
| replenishment quantity (MM-IM)
| replenishment run
| replenishment strategy
| replenishment-based inventory management
| replicated database service
| replicated instance
| replication (CA-MDG)
| replication (CRM-MW)
| replication ID
| replication interface framework
| replication model (CA-MDG)
| replication model (CRM-MW)
| replication object
| replication phase
| replication service
| replication table
| replicator starter
| reply
| reply from customer
| reply to customer
| report (BC-ABA)
| report (BC-SRV-REP)
| report (BW-BEX)
| report (CA)
| report (CA)
| report (EHS)
| report (EPM-SM)
| report administration
| report application
| report based on line items
| report body
| report book
| report bundling
| report catalog
| report category (BC-DWB-TOO)
| report category (PY)
| report class
| report composer
| report date
| report definition (BC-CCM-MON)
| report definition (SBO)
| report definition link
| report delivery type
| Report Design
| report designer
| Report Designer
| report documentation
| report generation variant
| report group (CO-OM-CCA)
| report group (FI-SL)
| report group (IS-H)
| report group (PM)
| report instance
| report job
| report library
| report organizer
| report package
| report package link
| report page
| Report Painter
| report portfolio
| report portfolio report
| report program
| report section
| report selection
| report shipping object
| report shipping order
| report shipping order bundle
| report shipping order package
| report simulation
| report template (EHS)
| report template (EHS-CI)
| report time
| Report Tracking/Monitoring
| report tree
| report type (IS-OIL-DS-OGSD)
| report type (QM)
| report variant (BC-SRV-REP)
| report variant (CO)
| Report Writer
| report-report interface
| reportable item code
| reportable quantity
| reported financial data (EC-CS)
| reported financial data (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| reported quantity
| reported sales
| reporter class
| reporting (BC-ABA)
| reporting (BC-SRV-REP)
| reporting (CO)
| reporting according to Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance
| Reporting Agent
| reporting and analysis
| reporting base (IS-MP-NF)
| reporting base (IS-OIL-DS-MAP)
| Reporting Business Information Warehouse system
| reporting cockpit
| reporting country
| reporting currency (EPM-SA)
| reporting currency (FI-LC)
| reporting date
| reporting event
| reporting framework
| reporting frequency
| reporting parallelization
| reporting point (PP-REM)
| reporting point (SCM-APO-PPS)
| reporting point kanban
| reporting point level
| reporting point type
| reporting POWL
| reporting quota type
| reporting rule
| reporting service
| reporting standard
| reporting structure
| reporting time type
| reporting year
| reporting-relevant entity
| Reports
| reports list pattern
| repository (BC-HLP-ABA)
| repository (EP-KM-CM)
| repository (EP-PIN-UNI)
| repository (SLL)
| Repository Explorer
| repository filter
| repository for guided activity pages
| repository framework
| Repository Information System
| repository manager
| repository object
| repository prefix
| repository provider
| repository service
| Repository switch
| repository view
| reposting
| representative alias
| representative category
| representative company
| representative document
| representative item
| representative ledger
| representative list of rents
| representative list of rents adjustment method
| representative list of rents label
| representative list of rents spread
| representative material
| representative type
| representative value
| representative well
| representative well completion
| Reprocess
| reproduction
| requalification
| requalify auction bidder
| request (FI-CA)
| request (FS-CM)
| request (IS-HMED)
| request (LE-TRM)
| request (SRM-EBP)
| request (XAP-CQM)
| request attribute (BC-CTS)
| request attribute (BC-EIM-ESH)
| request category (BC-CTS)
| request category (CRM-ISE-WBF)
| request category view
| request consistency
| request data (IS-BEV-PL)
| request data (SCM-TM)
| request data structure
| request editor
| request for change
| Request For Comments
| request for external staff
| request for information
| request for proposal
| request for quotation (LOD-ESO)
| request for quotation (MM-PUR)
| request for quotation (MM-PUR)
| request for quotation (SCM-APO-SCC)
| Request for Quotation
| request for quote
| request for registration
| request handler
| request letter
| request management
| request manager
| request message
| request overview
| request owner
| request release
| request run
| request source client
| request status
| request type
| requested action
| requested budget/resources
| requested delivery date (FI-TV)
| requested delivery date (SD)
| requested end
| requested license duration
| requested overconsumption
| requested quantity (LE-WM)
| requested quantity (SCM-BAS-QOS)
| requested quantity/date
| requested right
| requested start
| requester (CA-MRS)
| requester (FS-CM)
| requester (LOD-ESO)
| requester (OPU-DUE)
| requester (PA-ER)
| requesting organizational unit
| requestor
| required (PE)
| required (PE-LSO)
| required characteristic exclusion conflict
| required entry
| required entry field
| required field
| requirement (CA-GTF-BS-MC)
| requirement (GRC-SPC)
| requirement (ICM-CRD)
| requirement (IS-A-S2L)
| requirement (IS-HER-CM)
| requirement (IS-M-AM)
| requirement (MM)
| requirement (PA-PD)
| requirement (PM-WCM)
| requirement (PT)
| requirement (SCM-APO-PPS)
| requirement (SD)
| requirement (XAP-PD)
| requirement assignment
| requirement assignment type
| requirement catalog
| requirement catalog version
| requirement category (IS-HER-CM)
| requirement category (LE)
| requirement coverage request
| requirement date (MM-PUR)
| requirement date (PP-MRP)
| requirement date/time
| requirement element
| requirement group
| requirement grouping
| requirement pattern
| requirement prioritization
| requirement priority
| requirement profile
| requirement profile type
| requirement set
| requirement structure
| requirement totaling
| requirement tracking number
| requirement type (LE)
| requirement type (LE-WM)
| requirement type (PP-MP)
| requirement urgency
| requirement urgency group
| requirement's season
| requirements ascertainment
| requirements ascertainment horizon
| requirements check
| requirements combination type
| requirements definition
| requirements description
| requirements element
| requirements grouping
| requirements list
| requirements management
| requirements matchup
| requirements plan
| requirements planning
| requirements profile (CA-MRS)
| requirements profile (PA-PD)
| requirements profile (SCM-APO-ATP)
| requirements record
| requirements selection
| requirements simulation
| requirements sort
| requirements sorting
| requirements source
| requirements subgroup
| requirements totaling
| requirements type
| Requirements Verification Tool
| requirements view
| requisition
| requisition details
| requisition statistics
| requisition title
| rerating
| resale and claim message processing
| resale customer
| resale ship date
| reschedule
| rescheduling (SCM-APO-PPS-RSP)
| rescheduling (SD)
| rescheduling check
| rescheduling proposal
| rescission balance
| rescission period (FS-AM-OM-AC)
| rescission period (FS-CML)
| research (CRM-BTX-COM)
| research (PP)
| research (SAP)
| research and development
| research request
| researcher
| reselection
| reselling
| reservation
| reservation amount
| reservation area
| reservation category
| reservation object
| reservation object type
| reservation of priority
| reservation percentage
| Reservation Planning
| reservation status
| reservation type (PE)
| reservation type (RE)
| reservations for health reasons
| reserve (CRM-IM-IPM)
| reserve (FS-CM)
| reserve (ICM)
| reserve account (FI)
| reserve account (SBO)
| reserve for bad debt
| reserve for special depreciation
| reserve group cluster
| reserve history
| reserve invoice
| reserve lot
| reserve management
| reserve of bad debts
| reserve of claimed, but unsettled losses
| reserve period
| reserve position
| reserve price
| reserve release
| reserve requirement/balance sheet pooling
| reserve sample
| reserve with distributed release
| reserve with rolling release
| reserved (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| reserved (MFG-ME)
| reserved amount
| reserved stock
| reserves for costs of complaints
| reserves for imminent loss
| reserves for unrealized costs
| reserves management for sample
| reset (BC-FES-GUI)
| reset (FS-PM)
| reset category
| reset procedure
| resetup
| residence time (BC-ILM)
| residence time (IS-U)
| resident alien
| resident tax area
| resident taxpayer
| residential and commercial construction companies
| residents with PR card
| residual budget
| residual component
| residual item
| residual maturity class
| residual order plan
| residual period
| residual profile
| residual risk
| residual valuation
| residual value risk
| residuum
| resolution (CRM-CLA)
| resolution (GRC-SPC)
| resolution time
| resolve a conflict
| resolver object
| resource (BC-CCM-ADK)
| resource (BC-JAS)
| resource (CA-MRS)
| resource (CAF-GP)
| resource (CO-OM-CCA)
| resource (CO-PC)
| resource (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| resource (EP-KM-CM)
| resource (IS-HMED)
| resource (LE-TRM)
| resource (MFG-ME)
| resource (PE)
| resource (PE-LSO)
| resource (PP-PI)
| resource (PPM-PFM)
| resource (SBO)
| resource (SCM-APO-MD)
| resource (SCM-EWM)
| resource adapter
| resource adapter archive
| resource adapter module
| resource availability indicator
| resource bundle
| resource category (PP-PI)
| resource category (SCM-APO-MD)
| resource consumption
| resource context
| resource decomposition
| resource disaggregation
| resource element
| resource element type
| resource equipment
| resource factory
| resource group
| resource hierarchy
| resource ID
| resource management
| resource manager
| resource master
| resource menu
| resource metadata
| resource network
| resource overload
| resource plan
| resource planning
| resource planning node
| resource planning structure
| resource planning table
| resource planning tool
| resource pool
| resource pool ID
| resource price
| resource registry
| resource renderer
| resource reservation (PE)
| resource reservation (PE-LSO)
| resource selection (PE)
| resource selection (PE-LSO)
| resource type (CO-OM-CCA)
| resource type (CRM-RPL)
| resource type (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| resource type (EP-KM-CM)
| resource type (IS-HMED)
| resource type (LE-TRM)
| resource type (MFG-ME)
| resource type (PE)
| resource type (SCM-APO-MD)
| resource type (SCM-EWM)
| resource wizard
| resource-related billing
| resource-related intercompany billing
| resource-usage variance
| resources not yet assigned (PE)
| resources not yet assigned (PE-LSO)
| respite care
| response
| response analysis report
| response attribute
| response automation
| response category
| response chunking
| response code
| response ID
| response import
| response location URL
| response message
| response plan
| response probability
| response profile (CRM-BTX-CTR-SCO)
| response profile (CS)
| response rate (CRM-ANA)
| response rate (CRM-RPL-ICS)
| response recording
| response significance
| response template
| response time (CS)
| response time (SBO)
| response time category
| response time distribution
| response type
| responses report
| responsibility (BC-BMT-OM)
| responsibility (IS-R)
| responsibility assignment
| responsibility hierarchy
| responsible agency
| responsible department
| responsible user
| responsible work center
| rest of trip
| rest period
| restart
| restart log
| restatement
| restitution
| restitution claim
| restitution invoice
| restitution rate
| restocking
| restore (BC-DB)
| restore (BC-FES-GUI)
| restore (CO-PA)
| restore function
| restricted bid invitation
| restricted duty
| restricted interchangeability for FFF classes
| restricted interchangeable part
| restricted recruiter
| restricted shipment phase
| restricted stock awards
| restricted-use stock
| restriction (EHS)
| restriction (SCM-APO-PPS-MMP)
| restriction category
| restriction characteristic
| restriction group
| restriction hits view
| restriction matrix
| restriction profile
| restriction type
| restrictions of logging profile
| restructuring category
| resubmission (BC-SRV-COM)
| resubmission (FIN-FSCM-COL)
| resubmission (FS-PE)
| resubmission interval in days
| result
| result calculation type
| result category
| result database
| result group
| result group type
| result group versioning
| result handling
| result indicator
| result list
| result list threshold
| result node category
| result node type
| result object
| result object version
| result of counterparty/issuer default risk
| result screen
| result type (BC-SRV-BRF)
| result type (FS-BA-RD)
| result type (ICM)
| result type (ICM)
| result type (PT)
| result value distribution
| result view
| result view category
| result-oriented order BOM
| resulting costs
| resulting item category
| resulting NoA
| resulting order
| results analysis
| results analysis category
| results analysis data
| results analysis key
| results analysis method
| results analysis type
| results analysis version
| results data
| results data area
| results data framework
| Results Data Layer
| results database for effectiveness measurement
| results document
| results metadata
| results storage
| ResultSet API
| resumable exception
| resume (PA-ER)
| resume (SRM-LA)
| resume order
| resume parsing
| retail (IS-M)
| retail (IS-R)
| retail classification
| retail execution
| Retail Ledger
| retail margin
| retail markup
| retail method of accounting
| retail network
| retail price
| Retail Revenue Management
| Retail Revenue Management Interface
| retail sales associate
| retail sector
| retail site
| retailer (IS-M)
| retailer (IS-R)
| retailing
| retailing system
| retained earnings (EC-CS)
| retained earnings (FI-LC)
| retained grade
| retained pay plan
| retained step
| retention (ICM)
| retention (LOD-ESO)
| retention (PSM-GPR)
| retention account
| retention agreement
| retention allowance
| retention amount
| retention of title
| retention period (BC-ILM)
| retention period (PA-ER)
| retention period (SCM-APO-SPP)
| retention process
| retention quantity determination table
| retention rate
| retention rule
| retention time
| retire RFx question
| retire RFx question section
| retirement (FI-AA)
| retirement (FI-LC)
| retirement (IS-DFS)
| retirement (IS-EC-CEM)
| retirement age
| retirement allowance
| retirement benefit point system
| retirement benefits system
| retirement date
| retirement due to catastrophe
| retirement income
| retirement liquidation
| retirement lump-sum allowance system
| retirement pension
| retirement statement
| retract
| retractor
| retransfer
| retrieval
| retrieval date
| retrieval system (BC-FES)
| retrieval system (BC-SRV-KPR-RET)
| retrieval table
| retrieve (BC-CCM-ADK)
| retrieve (CRM-IC)
| retrieve records
| retriever
| retroactive accounting
| retroactive accounting limit
| retroactive accounting period
| retroactive accounting result
| retroactive billing
| retroactive case processing
| retroactive change
| retroactive entitlement calculation
| retroactive period
| retrograde shrinkage
| retrospective effectiveness test
| retrospective payroll calculation
| retrospective regression analysis
| return (BC-DWB-TOO)
| return (FI)
| return (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| return (MFG-ME)
| return category
| return classification
| return code
| return components
| return date
| return delivery (IS-DFS)
| return delivery (MM-IM)
| return delivery (SRM-EBP)
| return delivery order
| return delivery requisition
| return delivery slip
| return file
| return item
| return material authorization
| Return Merchandise Authorization
| return of application data
| return of funds
| return on supply chain fixed assets
| return on working capital
| return operation
| return order
| return part
| return period
| return potential
| return reason
| return request
| return request number
| return storage type
| return system of pension assets
| Return to Logistics Level
| return to vendor
| return transfer
| return value (BC-ABA)
| return value (CRM-MKT-MPL-LOY)
| return value (PA)
| return-within period
| returnable packaging (IS-A-RL)
| returnable packaging (SD)
| returnable packaging account
| returnable packaging account matching
| returnable packaging stock at customer
| returnable transport packaging (IS-R)
| returnable transport packaging (MM-IM)
| returned debit memo
| returns (IS-HT-DRM)
| returns (IS-M-SD)
| returns (LO)
| returns (SD)
| returns allocation table
| returns and repairs processing
| returns item
| returns list
| returns loading note (IS-BEV-DSD)
| returns loading note (IS-BEV-LO-RS)
| returns lot
| returns order
| returns refund code
| returns refund determination
| returns tracking
| reusable field
| reusable guided activity page
| reusable object
| reusable step view
| reusable structure
| reuse (PLM-WUI-RCP)
| reuse (SWE)
| reuse active area
| reuse mode
| reuse service component
| revaluation (CO)
| revaluation (FI-AA)
| revaluation (IS-OIL-DS-EXG)
| revaluation (SBO)
| revaluation amount
| revaluation area
| revaluation at retail
| revaluation balance test report
| revaluation difference area
| revaluation key
| revaluation measure
| revaluation method (FI-LC)
| revaluation method (SBO)
| revaluation of single-level consumption
| revalue
| revenue
| revenue account (FI)
| revenue account (SD)
| revenue account determination
| revenue account determination procedure
| Revenue Agency
| revenue budget
| revenue element
| revenue in excess of billings
| revenue management
| revenue management - contract accounting
| revenue management - convergent invoicing
| revenue plan
| revenue posting from withholding tax
| revenue price
| revenue recognition
| revenue rent
| revenue surplus
| revenue type (FI-CA)
| revenue type (IS-PS-CA)
| revenue value
| revenue-based expenditure
| revenues
| reversal (FI)
| reversal (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| reversal (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| reversal date
| reversal document
| reversal invoice
| reversal item
| reversal journal number
| reversal reason
| reverse
| reverse auction
| Reverse Business Engineer
| reverse charge
| reverse convertible bond
| reverse kitting
| reverse link
| reverse load delivery
| reverse price protection
| reverse-charge sales list
| review (EP-KM-COL)
| review (IS-B-RA-CL)
| review (SV-ASA)
| review data storage
| review period
| review request
| reviewer (FIN-FSCM-BC)
| reviewer (LOD-ESO)
| reviewer (PA-TM)
| reviewer (SRM-EBP-WFL)
| reviewers checklist report
| revisable form document
| revision
| revision due date
| revision level
| revision phase
| revision scope
| revision task
| revocability of an external facility
| revocable
| revoked check
| revolving drawdown
| revolving loan
| reward
| reward product
| reward rule
| reward rule group
| rewarehousing period
| rework (CO-PC)
| rework (IS-AD)
| rework (MFG-ME)
| rework operation
| rework routing
| rework shop order
| RF monitor
| RFC adapter
| RFC client
| RFC connection (BC-MID-BUS)
| RFC connection (SV-SMG)
| RFC debugging
| RFC destination
| RFC number
| RFC profile
| RFC protocol
| RFC server
| RFC Server Group
| RFID device
| RFID device controller
| RFID device group
| RFM analysis
| RFM response rate model
| RFM segment
| RFM segmentation model
| RFQ view
| RFx auto-allocation
| RFx collaborative scoring
| RFx disclosure rule
| RFx document template
| RFx document type
| RFx optimization rule
| RFx Optimizer
| RFx question
| RFx question group
| RFx question section
| RFx respondent
| RFx response (PSM-GPR)
| RFx response (SRM-EBP-BID)
| RFx response evaluation
| RFx response modification
| RFx round
| RFx scenario award
| RFx simple award
| RFx supplier preview
| rho
| RIB calculation formula
| RIB object
| RIB rule
| ribbon
| ribbon annotation
| Rich POD
| rich text
| Rich Text Format
| RIF number
| rig schedule
| right
| right of use contract
| right to benefits
| rights acquisition
| rights acquisition contract
| rights and royalties scope
| rights availability analysis
| rights availability check
| rights availability request
| rights availability scenario
| rights cube
| rights dimension
| rights dimension characteristic
| rights dimension combination
| rights group
| rights in
| rights inventory
| rights owned and represented
| rights sale contract
| rights sales
| rights scope
| rights template
| rights usage tracking
| ringback
| ringing time
| risk (EHS)
| risk (GRC)
| risk (PPM-PFM)
| risk (SRM-CM)
| risk activity
| risk analysis (EHS)
| risk analysis (GRC-SAC)
| Risk Analysis and Remediation
| risk and control relationship
| risk appetite
| risk assessment (EHS)
| risk assessment (EHS-MGM)
| risk assessment (FS-PM)
| risk assessment plan
| risk asset
| risk bonus
| risk category (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| risk category (FS-CM)
| risk category (GRC-RM)
| risk category (IS-B-RA-CL)
| risk category (SD)
| risk category class
| risk characteristic
| risk classification
| risk code
| risk commitment period
| risk country of business partner
| risk differentiation
| risk factor (IS-B-RA)
| risk factor (IS-H)
| risk hierarchy
| risk ID
| risk information
| risk level
| risk management (SAP)
| risk management (SD)
| Risk Matrix
| risk object
| risk of mortality
| risk of rent loss
| risk potential
| Risk Profile Report
| risk rating (EHS)
| risk rating (EHS-MGM)
| risk segment
| risk sensitivity
| risk status
| risk template
| risk violation
| risk weight
| risk-oriented valuation
| RMA overview
| RMA shop order
| RMAC macro
| RNF structure
| RNN number
| road map (CA-WUI)
| road map (CORPORATE)
| Roadmap
| roadmap pattern
| role (BC-SEC-USR)
| role (BC-SRV-COM)
| role (BW-BCT)
| role (CA)
| role (EP-PIN-ROL)
| role (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| role (FS-BP)
| role (FS-CM)
| role (FS-CMS)
| role (OPU-DUE)
| role (PPM-PFM)
| role (SBO)
| role (SWE)
| role assigner
| role bearer
| role code
| role component
| role configuration key
| role distribution
| Role Editor
| role function
| role generator
| role ID
| role mapping
| role menu
| role of business partner in securitization transaction
| role profile (FS-CM)
| role profile (PE-LSO)
| role set
| role template ID
| role template name
| role toolbar
| role transfer
| role type (PPM-PRO)
| role type (SV-SMG)
| role-based performer
| Roles
| roll area
| roll back commission case
| roll buffer
| roll down
| roll file
| roll forward commission case
| roll memory
| roll up (BW-WHM)
| roll up (PA-CM)
| roll up (PSM-GPR)
| roll-in
| roll-on roll-off transport
| roll-out
| rollback log
| rolling base year
| rolling interval
| rolling kernel switch
| rolling purchase history
| rolling release
| rolling reserve
| rolling till
| Rollout Roadmap
| rollover (FS-BA-PM-HP)
| rollover (FS-CML)
| rollup (EC-CS)
| rollup (FI-LC)
| rollup (FI-SL)
| rollup (MFG-ME)
| rollup (PPM-PFM)
| rollup company
| rollup sequence
| room (EP-KM-COL)
| room (PE)
| room (PE-LSO)
| room (RE)
| Room Documents
| room equipment (PE)
| room equipment (PE-LSO)
| room log
| room object
| room owner
| room profile
| room template
| room type
| root
| root access control context
| root category
| root cause analysis
| root cause code
| root cause event
| root certificate
| root class
| root component
| root folder
| root mean square error
| root object (EP-PCT-MGR-HR)
| root object (PA-OS)
| root organizational unit
| root package
| root requirement
| root task
| root variable
| root version
| rotable
| rotable order code
| rotating shift method
| Roth Individual Retirement Account
| rough goods receipt
| rough workload estimate (IS-DFS)
| rough workload estimate (LE)
| rough-cut capacity planning
| rough-cut planning profile
| round to the nearest whole number
| round trip (SCM-APO-VS)
| round trip (SCM-TM)
| round-trip
| rounded requested quantity
| rounding (CRM-MKT-MPL-LOY)
| rounding (IS-AFS-MM)
| rounding account
| rounding difference (EC-CS)
| rounding difference (FI-LC)
| rounding entry (EC-CS)
| rounding entry (FI-LC)
| rounding function
| rounding mode
| rounding number
| rounding procedure
| rounding shell
| rounding tolerance interval
| rounding type
| rounding value (PP-MRP)
| rounding value (SCM-APO-CA)
| roundtrip
| route (BCM)
| route (FS-PE)
| route (IS-BEV-LO-RP)
| route (IS-U-WA)
| route (LE-TRM)
| route (LE-TRM)
| route (SCM-EWM)
| route (SCM-ICH)
| route (SD)
| Route Accounting
| Route Accounting Database
| route connection
| route determination (IS-BEV-LO-RP)
| route determination (SCM-EWM)
| route determination profile
| route follow-up recording
| route of administration
| route optimization
| route permission table
| route planning
| route processing
| route sales
| route schedule
| route settlement
| route settlement type
| route string
| routine
| routing (BC-MID-BUS)
| routing (BCM)
| routing (FI-TV)
| routing (MFG-ME)
| routing (PP)
| routing (PP)
| routing attribute
| routing bag
| routing class
| routing directory
| routing group (CRM-CIC)
| routing group (PM)
| routing group (PP)
| routing guide
| routing header (AP-PPE)
| routing header (PP-BD)
| routing rule
| routing scenario
| routing server
| routing step
| row
| row block
| row heading
| row pattern
| row type
| rowkey range
| royalties dimension
| royalties item
| royalties key
| royalties scope
| royalty
| royalty processing allowance
| RPM segment
| RPM time series
| RSA Key Manager
| RSS Feed
| RTL Layout
| RTP billing
| RTP interface
| RUC number
| rule (BC-BMT-BPM)
| rule (CRM-BF-CPE)
| rule (EHS)
| rule (EPM-BPC)
| rule (FI-SL)
| rule (GRC-SPC)
| rule (ICM)
| rule (MP-APP-DPE)
| rule (PA-AS)
| rule (SCM-APO-ATP)
| rule (SCM-APO-CA-CDP)
| rule architect
| rule attribute
| rule base
| rule basis
| rule builder (CRM-CA)
| rule builder (GRC-SAC)
| rule condition set
| rule container (BC-BMT-WFM)
| rule container (IS-HER-CM)
| rule criterion
| rule design
| rule engine (IS-HT-DRM)
| rule engine (MP-APP-DPE)
| rule entry
| rule flow (BC-BMT-BPM)
| rule flow (CRM-MKT)
| rule for entitlement and liability transfer
| rule for legal right to future commission
| rule for limits
| rule for run admnistration
| rule for scoring and credit limit calculation
| rule for setup group generation
| rule line
| rule model
| rule module
| rule MTE
| rule parameter
| rule policy
| rule policy type
| rule procedure (IS-HT-DRM)
| rule procedure (SCM-EM)
| rule processing parameter
| rule processor (AIE)
| rule processor (LE)
| rule profile
| rule script (BC-BMT-BPM)
| rule script (GRC-SPC)
| rule set (CRM-CA)
| rule set (FS-CM)
| rule set (FS-PE)
| rule set (SCM-EM)
| rule set for effectiveness
| rule set for exception control
| rule set for value date agreements
| rule strategy
| rule strategy sequence
| rule strategy type
| rule type (CA-FS-PO)
| rule type (IS-H)
| rule type (IS-HT-DRM)
| rule type (SCM-APO-ATP)
| rule violation
| rule violation report
| rule violation type
| rule-based account assignment distribution
| rule-based workflow
| rules composer
| rules designer
| rules matrix
| rules used for FTE budgets
| rules-based ATP check
| ruleset
| run (CRM-IM-IPM)
| run (FS-BA-AN-PA)
| run (FS-BA-IF)
| run (QM)
| run administration
| run administrator workbench
| run chart
| run definition
| run for effectiveness test
| run group
| run limit alarm
| run mode
| run number
| run of press
| run schedule quantity
| run that was reset
| Run Time Type Services
| run type
| run variant
| run-as identity
| run-in length
| run-in reel
| run-off coverage
| run-out flange
| run-out flange thickness
| run-out length
| run-out reel
| running bond
| running total
| runtime (BC-ABA)
| runtime (BC-BMT-WFM)
| runtime (CAF-GP)
| runtime (CRM-IM-IPM)
| runtime (EP-PIN)
| runtime administration
| runtime environment
| runtime error
| runtime header
| Runtime Info Provider Service
| runtime lane
| runtime mode
| runtime object
| runtime projection
| runtime property
| runtime repository
| Runtime Workbench
| Russian Pension Fund
| RUT number (FI)
| S
| Safeguarding
| safekeeping
| safety level
| safety margin after production
| safety observation
| safety stock (PP-MRP)
| safety stock (SCM-APO)
| safety stock horizon
| safety stock planned independent requirement
| safety stock planning
| safety stock planning profile
| safety stock receipt
| safety time (PP-MRP)
| safety time (SCM-APO-SNP)
| salary
| salary balance
| salary grade
| salary range
| salary range width
| salary sacrifice
| salary statement
| salary structure
| salary survey
| salary survey provider
| sale or return
| saleable part
| sales
| Sales
| Sales & Operations Planning
| sales account
| Sales Account Management
| sales accrual/deferral
| sales activity (OPU-DUE)
| sales activity (SD)
| Sales Activity Management
| sales activity screen
| sales agent
| sales agreement
| sales analysis
| sales analytics
| sales and administration costs
| sales and distribution
| sales and distribution document
| sales and operations plan
| sales and service partner note
| sales area
| sales area bundling
| sales assistant (CRM)
| sales assistant (CRM-BTX)
| sales bill of material
| sales call list
| sales campaign
| sales code
| sales component
| sales contact
| Sales Contact Management
| sales contract
| sales cycle
| sales cycle duration
| sales deal
| sales deduction account
| sales district
| sales document
| sales document category
| sales document item
| sales document type (IS-M-AM)
| sales document type (SD)
| sales driver
| Sales E-mail Management
| sales effectivity
| sales employee
| sales end date
| sales equalization tax
| sales factor
| sales forecast (SCM-APO-FCS)
| sales forecast (SCM-FRE)
| sales funnel analysis
| sales grid
| sales group (IS-R)
| sales group (SD)
| sales ID
| sales item
| sales ledger
| sales logistics cockpit
| Sales Management
| sales manager (SAP)
| sales manager (SRM-SUP)
| sales method
| sales methodology
| sales note
| sales office (FI-TV)
| sales office (SD)
| sales office determination
| sales order (SCM-APO)
| sales order (SD)
| sales order (WEC-APP)
| sales order adjustment
| sales order costing
| sales order item that carries costs and revenues
| Sales Order Processing With Delivery From Stock
| sales order profile
| sales order stock
| sales organization
| sales organization responsible
| sales package (CRM-MD)
| sales package (SRM-EBP)
| sales package product
| sales packaging
| sales performance analysis
| sales pipeline analysis
| sales pipeline change
| sales plan
| sales point originated allocation method
| sales price (IS-R)
| sales price (SD)
| sales price basis
| sales price calculation
| sales price list
| sales price specification
| sales price view
| sales probability
| sales product (FS-BA-SD)
| sales product (FS-PM)
| sales promotion (ICM)
| sales promotion (IS-M-SD)
| sales promotion (SD)
| sales quotation
| sales reduction budget
| sales relevance
| sales report
| sales representative (FS-ICM)
| sales representative (SD)
| sales request
| sales request history
| sales returns
| sales returns entry
| sales returns order
| sales returns settlement
| sales revenue
| sales rule
| sales scheduling agreement
| sales scheduling agreement view
| sales source
| sales stage
| sales start date
| sales structure
| sales support (IS-U-CS)
| sales support (SD)
| Sales Task Management
| sales tax (SBO)
| sales tax (SCM-ICH-IV)
| sales tax code
| sales tax register
| sales transaction
| sales tree balancing
| sales unit (IS-EC-HBS)
| sales unit (SD)
| sales variant
| sales-based rent adjustment type
| sales-based rent agreement
| sales-based settlement
| sales-order-related production
| sales/index contract
| sales/purchases tax law
| salvage
| same-level node
| SAML artifact resolution request
| SAML artifact response
| SAML assertion
| SAML authentication request
| SAML browser artifact
| SAML identity provider
| SAML issuer
| SAML logout request
| SAML logout response
| SAML response
| SAML Service
| SAML service provider
| SAML token profile
| sample (CRM-MKT)
| sample (FS-BA-PM-HP)
| sample (IS-HT-DRM)
| sample (LE)
| sample (QM)
| sample (SD-FT)
| sample account
| sample application
| sample device
| sample document (AP-TTE)
| sample document (FI)
| sample document (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| sample function module
| sample lot
| Sample Management
| sample master record
| sample number
| sample organizational unit
| sample quantity
| sample size
| sample unit
| sample-based physical inventory
| sample-based-physical-inventory profile
| sample-drawing instruction (QM)
| sample-drawing instruction (SRD-CC)
| sample-drawing item
| sample-drawing procedure
| sampling area
| sampling inspection
| sampling plan
| sampling procedure (IS-U-DM)
| sampling procedure (QM)
| sampling scheme
| Sampling Schemes
| sampling system
| sampling type
| sampling unit
| sanctioned party list (FI-CA)
| sanctioned party list (SD-FT)
| sanctioned party list screening
| sandbox client
| sandbox system
| Santei
| Santei form
| Santei target months
| Santei/Geppen evaluation
| SAP .Net Connector
| SAP Add-On
| SAP Add-On Installation Tool
| SAP Advertising Management for Classified Ads
| SAP Architecture Guideline
| SAP ArchiveLink Viewer
| SAP Asia Pacific
| SAP Assistant (BC-CI)
| SAP Assistant (BC-FES-AIT)
| SAP Automation
| SAP Automation GUI interface
| SAP Automation RFC interface
| SAP Best Practices
| SAP Best Practices for Data Migration
| SAP BI Connector
| SAP Biller Direct
| SAP Billing Consolidation
| SAP buffering
| SAP Business Connector
| SAP Business Framework
| SAP Business Graphics
| SAP Business Information Warehouse
| SAP Business One
| SAP Business One Service Manager
| SAP Business One Software Development Kit
| SAP Business Partner (AP-MD-BP)
| SAP Business Partner (FS-BP)
| SAP Business Partner for Financial Services
| SAP Business Partner for Healthcare
| SAP Business Technology Map
| SAP Business Warehouse Patch
| SAP BusinessObjects Spend Performance Management
| SAP BusinessObjects Supply Chain Performance Management
| SAP Calendar Control
| SAP Catalog Authoring Tool
| SAP Catalog Content Management
| SAP Certification Authority
| SAP character set
| SAP Chart Designer
| SAP Collaborative Cross Applications
| SAP Collaborative Room
| SAP Collaborative Room Document Management
| SAP Collaborative Room Document Status
| SAP Collections Management
| SAP Composite Application Framework
| SAP Content Server
| SAP Convergent Invoicing
| SAP Credit Management
| SAP CRM Mobile Client Component
| SAP Cryptographic Library
| SAP Data Provider
| SAP device type
| SAP Dispute Management
| SAP Document Builder
| SAP Duet Add-On
| SAP E-Sourcing
| SAP Easy Access
| SAP Easy Document Management
| SAP Enterprise Portal
| SAP Event Management
| SAP Exchange Connector
| SAP exit
| SAP File Search with authorization check
| SAP for Aerospace & Defense
| SAP for Automotive
| SAP for Banking
| SAP for Chemicals
| SAP for Consumer Products
| SAP for Engineering & Construction
| SAP for Financial Service Providers
| SAP for Healthcare
| SAP for High Tech
| SAP for Higher Education & Research
| SAP for Insurance
| SAP for Media
| SAP for Mill Products
| SAP for Mining
| SAP for Oil & Gas
| SAP for Pharmaceuticals
| SAP for Public Sector
| SAP for Retail
| SAP for Service Providers
| SAP for Telecommunications
| SAP for Utilities
| SAP Gateway
| SAP Gateway Monitor
| SAP gateway process
| SAP General HTMLBusiness Functions Library
| SAP Generic Output Format
| SAP global support backbone
| SAP Global Trade Management
| SAP Going Live Check Project Session
| SAP GoingLive Check
| SAP GoingLive Check Analysis Session
| SAP GoingLive Check Feasibility Session
| SAP GoingLive Check Optimization Session
| SAP GoingLive Check Verification Session
| SAP GRC Access Control
| SAP GRC Process Control
| SAP GUI Machine
| SAP GUI reconnect
| SAP Hierarchy Graphics
| SAP HPGL Display
| SAP ICH 5.0 compatibility mode
| SAP implementation tools
| SAP Index Tables
| SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe
| SAP Internet Transaction Server
| SAP Java Connectivity Builder
| SAP Java Connector
| SAP Java Resource Adapter
| SAP kernel
| SAP key figure
| SAP Knowledge Provider Web Server
| SAP Learning Solution
| SAP license
| SAP List Viewer
| SAP liveCache
| SAP lock
| SAP lock concept
| SAP lock management
| SAP Logging API
| SAP manifest
| SAP Maps
| SAP MarketSet Bulletin Board
| SAP Master Data Governance
| SAP MaxAttention
| SAP Memory
| SAP menu
| SAP Mobile Engine
| SAP Mobile Engine ABAP Server Component
| SAP Mobile Engine Client Component
| SAP Mobile Infrastructure ABAP Server Component
| SAP Mobile Infrastructure Client Component
| SAP Mobile Infrastructure J2EE Server Component
| SAP Mobile Infrastructure Web Console
| SAP Multiresource Scheduling
| SAP Multiresource Scheduling worklist
| SAP name
| SAP NetWeaver
| SAP NetWeaver Administrator
| SAP NetWeaver Application Server
| SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP
| SAP NetWeaver BI Accelerator
| SAP NetWeaver BI Connection
| SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
| SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Search
| SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Search User Interface
| SAP NetWeaver Process Integration
| SAP NetWeaver system
| SAP Network Graphics
| SAP Note
| SAP Note download
| SAP Note queue
| SAP Note upload
| SAP object event repository
| SAP ODA Connector
| SAP Online Store
| SAP OPC Data Access
| SAP OS/DB Migration Check
| SAP Package Assembly/Distribution Engine
| SAP Paging
| SAP passport
| SAP Passport
| SAP Patch Manager
| SAP Portfolio Graphics
| SAP Premium Support
| SAP print client
| SAP Process Map
| SAP Procurement Portal
| SAP protocol
| SAP Public Budget Formulation
| SAP Pushbutton Graphics
| SAP Query
| SAP R/3 Enterprise Extension
| SAP R/3 Plug-In
| SAP Real-Time Offer Management (CRM-IC-RTD)
| SAP Real-Time Offer Management (CRM-MKT)
| SAP Reference IMG
| SAP reference landscape
| SAP Reference Structure
| SAP Retail (IS-R)
| SAP Retail (SAP)
| SAP Retail Store
| SAP Review Program
| SAP Security Library
| SAP Service Marketplace
| SAP Services Map (SV)
| SAP Services Map (SV-ASA)
| SAP Smart Forms
| SAP SNC mode
| SAP Software Change Registration
| SAP Solution Map
| SAP Solution Map Telecommunications
| SAP Solutions for Small and Midsize Businesses
| SAP spool system
| SAP SRM on One Client in SAP ERP
| SAP Standard Support
| SAP Statistical Graphics
| SAP system
| SAP system group
| SAP system icon
| SAP system ID
| SAP System Operation Manual
| SAP system service
| SAP task
| SAP transaction processing due list
| SAP Tree
| SAP Trust Center Service
| SAP update system
| SAP user ID
| SAP Value Calculators
| SAP Web Dispatcher
| SAP Web Repository
| SAP workflow
| SAP xApp
| SAP xApp Analytics
| SAP xApp Cost and Quotation Management
| SAP xApp Integrated Exploration and Production
| SAP xApp Product Definition
| SAP XSLT processor
| SAP@Web Studio
| SAPconnect
| SAPehpi
| SAPfind
| SAPforms
| SAPforms Designer
| SAPforms form task
| SAPinst
| SAPJup
| saplicense
| SAPlpd
| SAPmail
| SAPNet
| sappfpar
| SAPphone
| SAProuter
| SAPscript
| SAPterm
| SAPup
| sash
| save (BC)
| save (OPU-DUE)
| save (PSM-GPR)
| save as complete
| save as incomplete
| save as new
| save set
| save story
| save window
| save without check
| Save your entries.
| saved search
| saved searches
| saving bonus
| savings
| savings book
| savings made in the cost of living
| savings metrics
| savings per free-up of a storage bin
| savings per prevented loss
| scalability
| scale (BC-DB)
| scale (BC-FES-GRA)
| scale (IS-R)
| scale (PA-PD)
| scale base type
| scale base value
| scale discount
| scale level
| scale price
| scale rate
| scale retroactivity
| scale type (LE)
| scale type (SD)
| scale unit
| scale value
| scaling (BC-ABA)
| scaling (IS-U-BI)
| scaling factor
| scaling factor abbreviation
| scan level
| scanback
| scanned letter
| scanner
| scanner group
| scanning
| scenario (CA)
| scenario (CRM-MKT)
| scenario (FI-GL)
| scenario (FS-BA)
| scenario (GRC-RM)
| scenario (IS-B-SA-ALM)
| scenario (IS-CC)
| scenario (LO-PDM)
| scenario (SCM-EM)
| scenario (SCM-FC-PMC)
| scenario (SV-ASA)
| scenario (SV-SMB-AIO)
| scenario (SV-SMG)
| scenario (WEC-WCB)
| scenario assumptions
| scenario dashboard
| scenario data point
| scenario data storage
| scenario date
| scenario editor
| scenario for counterparty/issuer risk
| scenario group
| scenario ID
| scenario modeling
| scenario progression (FS-BA-SD)
| scenario progression (IS-B-SA-ALM)
| scenario scope
| scenario set (CRM-MKT)
| scenario set (FS-BA-SD)
| scenario view
| schedule (BCM)
| schedule (EHS)
| schedule (IS-HMED)
| schedule (IS-PS-CA)
| schedule (LOD-ESO)
| schedule (PE)
| schedule (PE)
| schedule (PE-LSO)
| schedule (SCM-APO-PPS)
| schedule (SCM-APO-PPS)
| schedule (SCM-TM)
| Schedule B number
| schedule business event
| schedule category
| schedule chart
| schedule condition
| schedule data
| schedule exception
| schedule line (SD)
| schedule line (SRD-SRM-PRO)
| schedule line category
| schedule line in requirements plan
| schedule line type (CRM)
| schedule line type (MM-PUR)
| schedule line type (SCM-ICH-PO)
| Schedule Manager
| schedule model (PE)
| schedule model (PE-LSO)
| schedule priority
| schedule record
| schedule release interval
| schedule status
| schedule type
| schedule vehicle
| schedule week
| schedule-based means of transport
| scheduled activity
| scheduled assessment
| scheduled billing
| scheduled billing period
| scheduled claim (CRM-CLA)
| scheduled claim (FS-CM)
| scheduled correspondence
| scheduled dates
| scheduled delivery
| scheduled finish date
| scheduled meter reading category
| scheduled payment
| scheduled processing
| scheduled search
| scheduled service request
| scheduled start date
| scheduler (BC-SRV-COM)
| scheduler (BW-WHM)
| scheduler (CA-GTF)
| scheduler (GRC-SPC)
| scheduler (SRM-EBP-CON)
| scheduler manager
| scheduler service (EP-KM-COL)
| scheduler service (MP-APP-DPE)
| scheduler setting
| scheduling (CRM-RPL)
| scheduling (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| scheduling (IS-U-BF-PS)
| scheduling (PP)
| scheduling agreement
| scheduling agreement delivery schedule
| scheduling agreement delivery schedule line
| scheduling agreement processing
| scheduling agreement release (MM-PUR)
| scheduling agreement release (SCM-APO-PPS)
| scheduling agreement release (SD)
| scheduling agreement release schedule line
| scheduling agreement with release
| scheduling from current date
| scheduling horizon
| scheduling job
| scheduling margin key
| scheduling package
| scheduling period
| scheduling process
| scheduling rule (CRM-CIC)
| scheduling rule (ICM)
| scheduling status
| scheduling strategy
| scheduling type (IS-H)
| scheduling type (PM)
| scheduling work center
| scheduling-specific employee information
| schema (AP-CAT)
| schema (BC-BMT-BPM)
| schema (BC-CCM-ADK)
| schema (BC-MID-BUS)
| schema (CRM-IC-EMS)
| schema (IS-U-BI)
| schema (MDM)
| schema (OPU-DUE)
| schema status
| schema step
| school material subsidy
| scientific notation
| scope (BC-CUS)
| scope (BC-SRV-TXV)
| scope (EHS-CI)
| scope (PPM-PFM)
| scope (SV-ASA)
| scope 1 inventory
| scope 2 inventory
| scope 3 inventory
| scope change
| scope data
| scope definition
| Scope Document
| scope item
| scope of application
| scope of application entry
| scope of check
| scope of collateral
| scoping (GRC-SPC)
| scoping (SV-SMB-AIO)
| score (EPM-SCP)
| score (EPM-SM)
| score (FIN-SEM-CPM)
| score (FIN-SEM-CPM)
| score (MM-PUR)
| score (MP-APP-DPE)
| score (SCM-APO-SCC)
| score calculation
| score history
| score index
| scoreboard
| scorecard (EPM-SCP)
| scorecard (LOD-ESO)
| Scorecard
| scorecard element
| scoring (CRM-ANA)
| scoring (IS-H)
| scoring method
| scoring model (CRM)
| scoring model (PPM-PFM)
| scoring range
| scrap (PP)
| scrap (QM)
| scrap level
| scrap quantity
| Scrap Rate
| scrap stock
| scrap value
| scrap variance
| scrapping
| scratch pad
| screen (BC-DOC)
| screen (BC-FES-GUI)
| screen area (BC-DOC)
| screen area (BC-DOC)
| screen element
| screen group
| screen layout
| screen layout rule
| screen list
| screen magnifier
| screen order
| Screen Painter (BC-DWB-TOO)
| Screen Painter (SBO)
| screen part
| screen profile
| screen reader
| screen sequence (BC-DWB)
| screen sequence (LO-MD)
| screen source code
| screen structure
| screen variant (BC-DWB-CEX)
| screen variant (CO)
| screen variant (FI)
| screening inspection
| screenshot
| script (BCM)
| script (CRM-MT)
| script (CS)
| script expression
| script logic
| script panel
| script text
| script text field
| scripting (BC-BSP)
| scripting (IS-T)
| scripting (LOD-ESO)
| scroll arrow
| scroll bar
| scroll bar shaft
| scrollable
| SCS instance
| SDK Compatibility License
| SDK Development License
| SDK Implementation License
| SDM Repository
| SDO file
| SE number
| seal
| seal category
| seal code
| sealed bid
| sealed bidding
| Search & Replace Wizard for Multiple Properties
| Search and Classification
| search area
| Search Bar
| search category (BC-EIM-ESH)
| search category (FS-CM)
| search connector
| search connector input field
| search connector output field
| search data provider
| search enabler
| search enhancement place
| search event
| search expression
| search field
| search framework
| search function
| search help (BC-DWB-DIC)
| search help (CA-WUI)
| search help attachment
| search help exit
| search help inclusion
| search help parameter
| search here
| search in results
| search index
| search integration
| search item type
| search key
| search mode
| search object
| search object connector
| search object connector template
| search object connector type
| search object type
| search page (CA-WUI)
| search page (SCM-EM)
| search procedure
| search profile
| search profile type
| search provider (BC-EIM-ESH)
| search provider (EP-VC)
| search query (BC-EIM-ESH)
| search query (BC-SRV-KPR-RET)
| search query (PA-ER)
| search request
| search result
| search result page
| search server
| search server relation
| search service
| search service provider
| search syntax
| search technology
| search template element
| search type
| search variant
| search-as-you-type
| season (IS-AFS)
| season (IS-BEV-LO-TS)
| season (IS-R)
| season (IS-U-BI)
| season level
| season license plate
| season processing
| season sequence
| season wind-up
| seasonal index
| seasonal limit
| seasonal material
| seasonal model
| seasonal procurement
| seasonal trend model
| seasonality
| second COBRA qualifying event
| second injury fund
| second placement
| second program grouping
| second-level authorization
| second-level report
| second-stage dealer
| second-to-default credit derivative
| secondary BOM
| secondary business transaction
| secondary buying rate
| secondary care sector
| secondary client computer
| secondary compensating product
| secondary cost element
| secondary costs
| secondary data source
| secondary defective part
| secondary diagnosis (FS-CM)
| secondary diagnosis (IS-H)
| secondary event
| secondary exposure
| secondary fixed cost variance
| secondary index
| secondary InfoObject
| secondary infotype
| secondary injury fund
| secondary master data
| secondary method
| secondary object type
| secondary product
| secondary proportionality
| secondary resource
| secondary risk display
| secondary screen
| secondary script
| secondary selling rate
| secondary table
| secondary tax card
| secondary view
| secondary wage type
| secondary window
| secret key
| secret key encryption
| section (BC-DOC)
| section (CA-DMF)
| section (FI-SL)
| section (IS-HER-CM)
| section (IS-M-AM)
| section (PE-LSO)
| section code
| section I
| section II
| section III
| Secure Electronic Transaction
| Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol
| Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
| Secure Network Communication
| secure properties
| Secure RTP
| Secure Sockets Layer
| secure storage
| secure storage area
| secure storage handler
| Secure Storage Service
| Secure Store and Forward
| securities account
| securities account block
| securities account position
| securities account statement
| securities account transfer
| securities firm as bank
| securities firm as sovereign
| securities position account
| securitization pool
| security (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| security (SAP)
| security (SLL)
| security alert
| security answer
| Security Audit Log
| security code
| security deposit
| security deposit transfer
| security deposit type
| Security Filters Editor
| security hole
| security level (CRM-IPS-ICM)
| security level (SBO)
| security log
| security policy
| security proceeds account
| security profile
| Security Provider Service
| security question
| security retention amount
| security status
| security token service
| security zone
| see also cross-reference
| see cross-reference
| seed URL
| segment (BC-CCM-ADK)
| segment (BC-MID-ALE)
| segment (CRM-MW)
| segment (FI)
| segment (FS-BA-AN-PA)
| segment (ICM-PFO)
| segment adjustment
| segment assignment
| segment assignment in portfolio assignment
| segment assignment object
| segment assignment role
| segment currency
| segment hierarchy
| segment hierarchy node
| segment modeling
| segment rebook
| segment reporting
| segment reversal
| segment structure
| segment summarization
| segment table
| segment type
| segmentation (BC-I18)
| segmentation (CA-FS-PO)
| segmentation (CRM-MKT)
| segmentation (ICM-PFO)
| segmentation basis
| segmentation characteristic
| segmentation service
| segregation
| segregation key
| segregation of duties
| select (BC-DOC)
| select (BC-SRV-REP)
| select all
| select block
| selected item (AP-CAT)
| selected item (FI-LC)
| selected set
| selection (PY-NL)
| selection (SBO)
| selection characteristic
| selection column (BC-FES-GUI)
| selection column (CRM-PCC)
| selection condition (BC-DWB-DIC)
| selection condition (CO-PA)
| selection condition (LO-VC)
| selection cover sheet
| selection criterion
| selection description
| selection function
| selection group
| selection group ID
| selection horizon (IS-A-S2L)
| selection horizon (PP-MRP)
| selection include
| selection inheritance
| selection list
| selection log
| selection method (BC-DWB-DIC)
| selection method (IS-HER-CM)
| selection module
| selection object
| selection option
| selection pattern
| selection period
| selection profile (IS-MP)
| selection profile (SCM-EM)
| selection range
| selection rule (PP-MRP)
| selection rule (SCM-APO-PPS)
| selection screen (BC-ABA)
| selection screen (BC-DWB-TOO)
| selection screen (BC-FES-GUI)
| selection screen event
| selection screen processing
| selection screen version
| selection set
| selection table
| selection text (BC-ABA)
| selection text (BC-ABA)
| selection type (BW-WHM)
| selection type (IS-U-EDM)
| selection variable
| selection variant (CO)
| selection variant (FS-BP)
| selection variant (IS-HMED)
| selection variant (IS-U-EDM)
| selection variant (LO)
| selection variant (PP-BD)
| selection variant (PP-BD)
| selection variant (SCM-APO-FCS)
| selection view (BC-ABA)
| selection view (BC-ABA)
| selective release
| selector box
| self invoice
| self reference (BC-ABA)
| self reference (BC-ABA)
| self-assessment test
| self-billing invoice
| Self-Billing Monitor
| self-description
| self-learning
| self-payer
| self-payer insurance relationship
| self-planning
| self-registration configuration
| self-service
| self-service procurement
| sell
| sell-in (CRM-MKT)
| sell-in (IS-HT-DRM)
| sell-side
| sell-through
| selling country
| semantic
| semantic attribute
| semantic engine
| semantic integrity
| semantic net
| semantical adapter
| Semantical Integration Model
| semantically partitioned object
| semantically related fields
| semaphore
| semifinished product
| semimonthly payroll
| send attribute
| send control
| send mail
| send type
| send-sale transaction
| sender (FS-BA-AN-PA)
| sender (SRD-SCM-WME)
| sender adapter
| sender agreement
| Sender components
| sender control record
| sender cost center
| sender structure
| sender type
| sender-vouches
| sending application
| sending company
| sending country
| sending payroll
| sending system
| seniority (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| seniority (PY)
| seniority date preference
| seniority group
| seniority leave
| seniority of portion
| seniority of tranche
| sensitivity analysis
| sensory analysis
| separate language transport
| separate performance documentation for services
| separate provision of cover funds
| separation allowance
| separation label
| separation of assets
| separation payment
| separation rule
| sequence (BC-ABA)
| sequence (FS-CMS)
| sequence (LO-MD)
| sequence (MFG-MII)
| sequence (PP)
| sequence definition
| sequence flow
| sequence number (CA)
| sequence number (IS-BEV-LO-TS)
| sequence number (SBO)
| sequence number (SCM-EM)
| sequence number (SCM-EWM)
| sequence number in order profile
| sequence of characteristics
| sequence of product allocation procedures
| sequence of scenarios
| sequence planning board
| sequence rule
| sequence schedule (PP-FLW)
| sequence schedule (SCM-APO-PPS-MMP)
| sequence strategy
| sequence test
| sequence text in order profile
| sequence-dependent setup activity
| sequenced JIT call
| sequenced reel
| sequencing (PP-FLW)
| sequencing (SCM-APO-PPS)
| sequencing (SCM-APO-PPS-MMP)
| sequential file
| sequential markets
| sequential processing
| sequential reading
| sequential sampling inspection
| sequential step controller
| serial number (LO-MD)
| serial number (MM)
| serial number (SBO)
| serial number (SCM-EWM)
| serial number profile (LO-MD)
| serial number profile (SCM-EWM)
| serial number requirement
| serial number transactions report
| Serial Shipping Container Code
| serial switching
| serial workflow
| serializable object
| serialization (BC-ABA)
| serialization (BC-MID-ALE)
| serialization (LO-MD)
| serialization (SCM-EWM)
| serialization context
| serialization effect
| serialization group
| serialization procedure
| serialization reporting point
| serialize
| serialized data transfer
| serialized SFC number
| series
| series type
| server
| server control block
| server event
| server front end
| server group
| Server Manager
| server network
| server package
| server PIN
| server process
| server proxy
| server table
| Server Tools
| server-side rendering
| service (AP-RC-BEF)
| service (BC-DWB-TOO-PAK)
| service (BC-ESI)
| service (BC-FES-ITS)
| service (BC-MID-BUS)
| service (BC-XI)
| service (BW)
| service (CRM-BTX-CTR)
| service (EP-PIN-ROL)
| service (IS-H)
| service (MM-SRV)
| service (ONE VOICE)
| service (SWE)
| service access point
| service action
| service address
| service advisor
| service agent
| service agreement
| service analytics
| service API
| Service Archive file
| service area (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| service area (IS-T)
| service area (IS-U-WA)
| service area (SCM-APO-MSP)
| service area activity
| service assignment view for prebill procedure
| service assurance
| service audit
| service backbone
| service billing
| Service Browser
| service bulletin
| service calculation
| service call (BC-DWB-TOO)
| service call (SBO)
| service catalog
| service category (IS-H)
| service category (IS-U-IDE)
| service category (IS-U-WA)
| service center
| service charge category
| service charge group
| service charge key
| service charge settlement header
| service charge settlement verification
| service charges
| service code
| service communication
| service company
| service component
| service composition
| Service Computation Date
| service confirmation
| service confirmation item
| service connection
| service consumer
| service consumption
| service container
| service contract (CRM-BTX-CTR-SCO)
| service contract (CS)
| service contract (IS-EC-BOS)
| service contract (SBO)
| service contract quotation
| Service Control Manager
| service cost center
| service creation type
| service customization
| Service Data Control Center
| service data object
| service date
| service delivery
| service description (BC-FES-ITS)
| service description (MM-SRV)
| service description (SRD-SCM)
| Service Desk
| Service Development Workbench
| service discovery
| service document
| service documentation
| Service Editor
| service employee
| service employee assignment
| service enablement
| service engineer
| service entry sheet (IS-EC-BOS)
| service entry sheet (MM-SRV)
| service explorer
| service factory
| service file
| service fill
| service fill category
| service fill decision
| service fill executing location
| service form
| Service Framework
| service frequency
| service group (CA-GTF-TS-XSS)
| service group (IS-H)
| service heuristic
| service history file
| Service Implementation Workbench
| service inbound layer
| service index
| service infrastructure
| service interface
| service interval (CRM-BTX)
| service interval (IS-U-WA)
| service interval grouping
| service item (CRM-BTX)
| service item (IS-EC-BOS)
| service item (MM-SRV)
| service item list
| service level
| service level agreement
| service level metric
| service level permissions
| service line
| service line cost estimate
| service link text
| service list
| service location
| service loss
| service loss reason
| service loss reference date/time
| service loss schedule line
| service manager (CRM)
| service manager (IS-A-DBM)
| Service Manager
| service master
| service master record
| Service Modeler
| service module
| service name
| service notification
| service number
| service offer
| service operation (BC-ESI)
| service operation (BC-MOB)
| service option
| service orchestration
| service order (CRM-BTX-SVO)
| service order (CS)
| service order instance
| service order template
| service organization
| service organization responsible
| service package (AP-CAT)
| service package (CRM-BTX-CTR-SCO)
| service pair
| service parameter
| service part
| service part confirmation item
| service part item
| service parts management
| service permission
| service plan (CRM-BTX)
| service plan (CS)
| service plan simulation
| service preparation check
| service price
| Service Principal Name
| service procurement
| service product (CRM-BTX-SVO)
| service product (CS)
| service product (SD)
| service product (SRD-PRO-PMN)
| service product confirmation item
| service product item
| service profile (CRM-BTX-CTR-SCO)
| service profile (CS)
| service profile (SCM-BAS-PSM)
| service profit center
| service provider (BC-SRV-RM)
| service provider (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| service provider (EP-PIN)
| service provider (FS-CM)
| service provider (IS-CC)
| service provider (IS-DFS)
| service provider (IS-U)
| service provider (SWE)
| service provider agreement
| service provider agreement type
| Service Provider Interface
| service provider list
| service provider market partner
| service provider type
| service provisioning
| Service Provisioning Markup Language
| service quality template
| service quantity
| service quantity contract
| service range
| service range to be registrated
| Service Report
| service representative
| service request (CRM-BTX-SRQ)
| service request (CRM-ISE)
| service request (CS)
| service request (WEC-APP-SRV)
| service request management
| service resource planner
| service resource planning
| service response reports
| service rule
| service segment
| service selector
| Service Session
| Service Session Workbench
| service specification
| service specifications
| service station
| service status
| service supervisor
| service system
| service task
| service task list
| Service Tasks
| service team (CRM-MD-ORG)
| service team (IS-HMED)
| service technician
| service ticket
| service type (CRM-BTX-SVO)
| service type (EP-KM-COL)
| service type (IS-M-SD)
| service type (IS-U-IDE)
| service type (IS-U-WA)
| service type (RE)
| service type (WEC-IS)
| service type catalog
| service user
| service value contract
| service view for service assignments in SPDS
| service window (CRM-BTX-SVO)
| service window (CS)
| service window (IS-U-WA)
| service wizard
| service zone
| service-oriented architecture (ONE VOICE)
| service-oriented architecture (SWE)
| service-related material proposal
| serviceable item
| serviceable material
| serviceable part
| servient tenement
| session (BC-ABA)
| session (BC-NET)
| session (IS-HMED)
| session bean
| session communication
| session component
| session connection
| session cookie
| session dispatching
| Session Failover Service
| session fixation
| session guest
| session handling
| Session History
| session host
| session ID table
| session list
| session log
| session management
| session manager
| Session Manager
| session of offering
| session overview
| session package
| session participant
| Session Release Agent
| session tab area
| session-based rating
| sessional registration status
| set (AP-MD)
| set (EPM-SM)
| set (FI-LC)
| set (FI-SL)
| set (IS-R)
| set (PA-CM)
| set (PP)
| set (PSM-GPR)
| set (RE)
| set (SRM)
| set ID
| set indicator
| set level
| set of goods
| set of hits
| set of rules
| set of work instructions
| set product
| set relationship
| set shift
| set type
| set up
| set value
| set variable
| set-up charge
| SET/GET parameter
| setter method
| settings specific to the determination procedure
| settled amount
| settlement (CO)
| settlement (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| settlement (FS-AM-EP-ST)
| settlement (ICM)
| settlement (IS-BEV-DSD)
| settlement (IS-OIL-DS-EXG)
| settlement (IS-U-EDM)
| settlement (SD)
| settlement account
| settlement area for renewable energy
| settlement area grid operator
| settlement assignment
| settlement calendar
| settlement category
| Settlement Cockpit
| settlement column format
| settlement condition
| settlement cost element
| settlement cycle
| settlement data collector
| settlement data measurement
| settlement date
| settlement diversity
| settlement document (CO)
| settlement document (ICM)
| settlement document (IS-BEV-DSD)
| settlement form
| settlement group
| settlement indicator
| settlement item
| settlement list
| settlement mode (FS-AM-EP-ST)
| settlement mode (FS-PM)
| settlement number
| settlement office
| settlement order
| settlement package
| settlement parameter
| settlement participation
| settlement payment
| settlement period (FS-AM-EP-ST)
| settlement period (IS-B-RA-CL)
| settlement period (IS-U-EDM)
| settlement period (RE)
| settlement procedure
| settlement profile (CO)
| settlement profile (CRM-RB)
| settlement profile (IS-A)
| settlement receiver
| settlement reference date
| settlement request list
| settlement rescheduling
| settlement risk
| settlement rule (CO)
| settlement rule (ICM)
| settlement run (ICM)
| settlement run (SD)
| settlement run number
| settlement schedule
| settlement schedule item
| settlement schedule run
| settlement schedule sequence
| settlement scheduling
| settlement share
| settlement statement
| settlement statement/division of interest cross reference
| settlement statistics
| settlement step (IS-U-CA)
| settlement step (IS-U-EDM)
| settlement transaction
| settlement type (CO)
| settlement type (FS-CM)
| settlement type (ICM)
| settlement type (IS-EC-CEM)
| settlement type (PE)
| settlement type (PE-LSO)
| settlement type (RE)
| settlement unit (IS-U-EDM)
| settlement unit (RE)
| settlement unit (RE)
| settlement unit category
| settlement unit for remaining quantity
| settlement variant (FS-CM)
| settlement variant (RE)
| settlement waiver
| setup characteristic
| setup group
| setup group category
| setup group key
| setup key
| setup matrix
| setup matrix for characteristic values
| setup order
| setup package
| setup recipe
| setup status
| setup time (LE)
| setup time (MFG-ME)
| setup time (PP)
| setup transition
| setup transition without setup key change
| setup/clean-out order
| severance pay
| severance payment
| Severance Premium Reserve Fund
| severe disability equivalence certificate
| severity (BC-CCM-MON)
| severity (BC-VMC)
| severity (IS-HMED)
| severity (PPM-PRO)
| severity of illness
| SEVIS school code
| SFA key
| SFC data
| SFC labor time
| SFC Selection list
| SFC site-to-site transfer
| SFW Migration Workbench
| shadow account (FS-AM-CM-CA)
| shadow account (FS-MCM)
| shadow import
| shadow repository
| shadow system
| shadow table
| shadow value date-based balance
| shaping character
| share
| share capital
| share of defects
| share of scrap
| share of wallet
| share policy
| share premium
| share register
| share segment
| sharebox
| shared employee
| shared file system
| shared folders
| Shared Garbage Collection
| shared item
| shared iView
| shared lock
| shared memory (BC-ABA)
| shared memory (BC-CST-MM)
| shared memory (BC-JAS)
| shared memory enabled class
| shared note
| shared object (BC-ABA)
| shared object (BC-ESI)
| shared object (EP-PCT)
| Shared Objects
| shared objects memory
| shared page
| shared project
| shared repository
| shared service
| shared service center
| shared services center
| Shared Services Framework
| shared supply
| shared trash
| shared workset
| shareholding data
| sharer
| sharing level
| sharing of spare parts
| shelf life
| shelf life expiration date
| shelf optimization
| shelf-edge price marking
| Shell
| Shell Administration Service
| shell graphic
| Shell Service
| shellscript
| shift (CRM-RPL-ICS)
| shift (FS-PM)
| shift (PP)
| shift (PT)
| shift (SRD-SCM-MD)
| shift abbreviation
| shift aggregate schema
| shift change compensation (PT)
| shift change compensation (PY)
| shift definition (PP)
| shift definition (SCM-APO-CA)
| shift differential
| shift factor (PM)
| shift factor (SCM-APO-CA)
| shift factors definition
| shift function
| shift group
| shift grouping
| shift note
| shift of fund assets
| shift plan
| shift planning
| shift report
| shift rota
| shift schedule
| shift segment
| shift sequence (PP)
| shift sequence (SCM-APO-CA)
| shift template
| ship-and-debit agreement
| ship-from address
| ship-to party
| shipment (SCM-EWM)
| shipment (SCM-ICH-ASN)
| shipment (SD)
| shipment cost comparison
| shipment cost document
| shipment costing
| shipment costs (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| shipment costs (SD)
| shipment document (LE)
| shipment document (SCM-ICH-ASN)
| shipment downsizing
| shipment exclusion table
| shipment priority
| shipment scheduling
| shipment sizing
| shipment split
| shipment tendering
| shipment tracking system
| shipment type
| shipment unit
| shipment upsizing
| shipper's export declaration
| shipper's letter of instructions
| shipping
| shipping address
| shipping and receiving activity
| shipping condition
| shipping country
| shipping document (IS-EC-CEM)
| shipping document (LE)
| shipping instructions
| shipping manifest
| shipping material
| shipping notification
| shipping notification management
| shipping package
| shipping point
| shipping type
| shipping unit
| shock room
| shop floor papers
| shop on behalf of
| shop order
| shop papers
| shopfloor complaint lot
| shopping cart
| shopping cart preview
| shopping list
| short area description
| short cut
| short description
| short dump
| short EAN
| short form
| short period return
| short profile
| short rate
| short text (BC-CUS)
| short text (BC-DOC)
| short-stay patient
| short-term characteristic
| short-term document
| short-term inspection
| short-term trial planning
| short-time employment special insured
| short-time exposure limit
| short/over amount
| short/over profile
| shortage analysis
| shortage check
| shortcut
| shortcut decision
| shortcut key
| shortened fiscal year
| shortened fiscal year handling
| shortfall penalty
| should-agreement
| show
| shoyo
| shrinkage
| shrinkage rate
| shuffler
| shukko
| shukko payoff
| shukko working contract
| shutdown (BC-CST)
| shutdown (FI-AA)
| shutdown (PM)
| shutdown document
| SI unit
| sibling
| sibling object
| SIC code
| sick pay
| sickness insurance act
| sickness insurance act mandatory service
| side access
| side effect
| side info file
| side information
| side menu
| side panel (BC-WD-ABA)
| side panel (PLM-WUI-APP)
| side-by-side comparison
| side-effect report
| sidebar
| sigma
| sigma difference limit alarm
| sign-off
| signal
| signal monitor
| signal stock level
| signature (BC-ABA)
| signature (BC-SRV-PMI)
| signature (CRM-BF)
| signature (SWE)
| signature method
| signature repository
| signature strategy
| significance
| significant account
| signing agent
| Silk Road
| silo
| silo stock
| similar asset test
| similar business
| similarity function
| Simple and Protected GSS API Negotiation Mechanism
| simple appraisal object
| simple bind
| simple bucket
| Simple Business Configuration Set
| Simple Buying
| simple discontinuation
| simple display
| simple enhancement implementation
| simple enhancement spot
| simple event type
| simple field
| simple input help
| simple key figure
| Simple Maintenance
| simple multiple linear regression forecast model
| simple object
| Simple Object Access Protocol (BC-MID)
| Simple Object Access Protocol (EP)
| simple pricing arrangement
| simple process
| simple process data request
| simple requirement
| simple requirement description
| simple search
| Simple Transformation
| simple variable
| simplification of elimination
| simplified acquisition procedures
| simplified acquisition threshold
| simplified Chinese
| simplified declaration procedure
| simplified form
| simplified shopping cart
| simplify
| simulated attendance
| simulated infotype
| simulation (CRM-ANA)
| simulation (FI)
| simulation (FS-BA)
| simulation (FS-PM)
| simulation (IS-CC)
| simulation (PLM-WUI-OBJ)
| simulation (PPM-PRO)
| simulation (PT)
| simulation category
| simulation cockpit
| simulation costing
| simulation mode
| simulation of capacity leveling
| simulation version (PS)
| simulation version (SCM-APO-PPS)
| simulator
| simultaneous consolidation (EC-CS)
| simultaneous consolidation (FI-LC)
| simultaneous costing
| simultaneous group
| single activity trace
| single administrative document
| single agent drug
| single appointment
| single article
| single byte code
| single calculation
| single code page system
| single code page-dependent
| single codepage system
| single company-single client
| single contract
| single correspondence recipient
| single cycle plan
| single document (BW-BEX)
| single document (FS-CD)
| single entry
| single inheritance (BC-ABA)
| single inheritance (CRM-BF-CFG)
| single launch pad
| single line item
| single log
| Single Log-Out
| single material (IS-R)
| single material (LE)
| single packaging
| single point of failure
| single pool contract
| single processing
| single profile
| Single Relation Editor
| single requirement combination
| single resource
| single sampling inspection
| single selection criterion
| single selection list
| single settlement item
| single settlement request
| single sign-on
| Single Sign-On
| single sourcing
| single step
| single transaction check
| single transaction check product
| single transaction commitment
| single unit
| single use quantity
| single value
| single value analysis
| single value analysis in ALM
| single value data set
| single versioning with reversal
| single-activity resource
| single-byte character set
| single-byte language
| single-dimension set
| single-entry screen
| single-host installation
| single-label domain
| single-level BOM
| single-level packing instruction
| single-level supply and demand mapping
| single-level where-used list
| single-mixed resource
| single-object controlling (CRM)
| single-object controlling (PPM-PRO)
| single-point object
| single-quantity procedure code
| single-record buffering
| single-segment planning
| single-selection mode
| single-step task
| single-store vendor order
| single-task activity
| Single-Top-Level
| single-transaction-related collateral
| single-transaction-related collateral provision
| single-unit inspection
| single-value characteristic
| single-value recording
| singleton
| SINTEGRA material number
| SIREN number
| SIRET number
| site (BC-FES-ITS)
| site (BC-SRV-COM)
| site (CRM-CIC)
| site (CRM-MW)
| site (EHS-MGM)
| site (IS-DFS)
| site (IS-R-KUNDE)
| site (LE)
| site class
| site development
| site group
| site maintenance
| site map
| site master record
| site protection
| site type
| site user
| site visit
| site wizard
| situation
| situation template
| size
| size category
| size class
| size of package for parallel processing
| skeleton time
| skill-based routing
| skin
| skip
| skip approval
| SKU data
| SKU group
| SKU group procedure
| SKU horizon
| SKU level
| SKU level horizon method 1
| SKU level horizon method 2
| SKU quantity adjustment
| SKU status
| slab (IS-MP)
| slab (PY-IN)
| slack time
| SLAD-Cockpit
| slave graphics proxy
| slave host
| slave index
| slave index server
| slave name server
| slider
| slider box
| sliding dose
| slot (CS)
| slot (MFG-ME)
| slot (SBO)
| slot (SCM-APO-MSP)
| slot configuration
| slot task list
| slotting heuristic
| slow
| slow-moving item (LE-WM)
| slow-moving item (LO-LIS)
| slow-moving item (SCM-EWM)
| small job regulation
| small-scale industry
| smaller business partner and subsidiary integration
| smart card
| smart client
| smart grid
| Smart Implementation
| smart indexing
| smart number
| Smart Synchronization
| smart tag
| SmartFetch
| smartphone
| smoothing
| smoothing factor
| snapshot (CA-EPT-BCV)
| snapshot (FI-CA)
| snapshot (PPM-PRO)
| snapshot (SBO)
| snapshot (SCM-ICH)
| snapshot statement
| snapshot storage path
| SNC connection
| SNC entry
| SNI alert
| snippet
| SNP aggregation
| SNP checking horizon
| SNP disaggregation
| SNP heuristic
| SNP optimization bound profile
| SNP optimizer
| SNP optimizer profile
| SNP planning profile
| SNP priority profile
| SNP production horizon
| SNP stock transfer
| SNP stock transfer horizon
| SNP stock transfer without source location
| SNP/CTM runtime object
| SOA foundation for SAP Business One
| SOAP-based Web service
| social application
| social application approval
| social application item
| social area
| social case
| social certificate
| social deduction plan
| social insurance contributions
| social insurance group modifier
| Social Insurance Liabilities Calculation System
| social insurance modifier
| social insurance resident
| Social Security Organization for Italian Public Sector Emplo
| social security tax method
| social service plan
| social service plan activation
| social service plan approval
| social service plan assignment profile
| social service plan determination strategy
| social service plan item
| social services eventing
| Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
| SoD conflict
| SOD management by exception
| SoD remediation
| SoD risk level
| soft bounce
| soft constraint
| soft phone
| soft rating characteristics
| soft reference
| soft shutdown
| soft-down merge
| soft-down split
| soft-up merge
| soft-up split
| Software Agent Framework
| software component (BC-UPG)
| software component (NW)
| software component (SWE)
| Software Component Archive
| software component version (BC-CTS)
| software component version (BC-MOB)
| software component version (BC-XI)
| software component version (SWE)
| Software Delivery Archive
| Software Delivery Assembler
| Software Delivery Catalog
| Software Delivery Composer
| Software Delivery Manager
| Software Delivery Unit
| Software Design Document
| software package
| software partner
| software product
| software product version
| software requirement
| Software Requirement Specification
| sold circulation
| sold or licensed right
| sold-to party
| sole and exclusive agent
| sole provider
| sole sourcing
| solution (CS)
| solution (ONE VOICE)
| solution (SBO)
| solution (SCM-EM)
| solution (SV-SMG)
| solution builder for SAP Business All-in-One
| Solution Configurator
| Solution Database
| solution documentation assistant
| Solution Editor
| solution in detail
| solution lifecycle management
| Solution Manager project
| solution map
| solution operations services
| solution portfolio
| solution portfolio for industries
| Solution Review
| solution scope file
| solution search
| solutions knowledge base
| SolveOrder
| solver
| sort
| sort buffer
| sort code
| sort rule (LO-BM)
| sort rule (SCM-EWM)
| sort strategy
| sort type
| sort version
| sorted table
| source (EHS)
| source (EHS)
| source (LOD-ESO)
| source (PY-NL)
| source (SAP)
| source (XAP-CQM)
| source (XAP-EM)
| source access control context
| source allocation
| source allocation scheduling logic I
| source allocation scheduling logic II
| source attribute
| source business partner
| source category
| source change number
| source chart of accounts
| source code
| source code modularization
| source code page
| source code plug-in
| source company
| source control
| source currency
| source data aggregation
| source data basis
| Source Data Layer
| source determination (MM-PUR)
| source determination (SCM-APO-SNP)
| source document (CA-DMS)
| source document (FI)
| source document (SD)
| source external ID
| source file
| source grant
| source inspection
| source item
| source language (BC-DOC-TER)
| source language (EHS)
| source level
| source list
| source list record
| source location (SCM-APO)
| source location (SCM-TM)
| source location subrange
| source message
| source object (EP-PIN)
| source object (EP-PIN)
| source object (SBO)
| source object element
| source of excise tax
| source of supply (MM-PUR)
| source of supply (SCM-APO)
| source of supply for in-house production
| source operation
| source planning step
| source release
| source routine
| source storage bin
| source storage type
| source structure (CO)
| source structure (PLM-WUI-APP)
| source structure (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| source system (BC-CTS)
| source system (BW)
| source system (CA-MDG)
| source system (EHS)
| source system (IS-HMED)
| source system (MFG-MII-PCO)
| source system (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| source version
| sourcing
| sourcing application
| sourcing bin
| sourcing control
| sourcing document
| sourcing event
| sourcing hub
| sourcing preparation view
| Sourcing Rules for Drop Shipments
| sovereign of incorporation
| sovereign of incorporation as per cross-guarantee system
| sovereign of incorporation of business partner
| SP POID parameter
| space
| space category
| space category group
| space factor
| spacing restriction
| SPAM/SAINT update
| spare
| spare device
| spare part
| Spare Parts Procurement
| spare shop order
| SpeakAs
| SPEC 2000
| spec home
| SPEC message
| special account balance
| special advance payment
| special area
| special arrangement
| special assessment
| special asset for gain/loss posting
| special buy agreement
| special character
| special content transport
| special depreciation
| special development system
| special drug request
| special excise duty
| special G/L account
| special G/L indicator
| special G/L transaction
| special invoice
| special items with reserve
| special ledger
| special mobility
| special mobility status
| special operating hours
| special operation
| special pay scale group
| special payment
| special period
| special posting
| special premium
| special price
| special processing indicator
| special procurement type
| special provision
| special publication
| special purpose code
| special purpose entity
| Special Purpose Ledger
| special retention amount
| special rights
| special rights in claim
| special rights in contract
| special service
| special stock
| special stock indicator
| special tax region
| special text variable
| special transport
| special work rules text
| special working conditions
| specialization
| specialized lending
| specialty
| specialty category
| specific declaration of purpose
| specific download
| specific exemption
| specific header
| specific inflation gain or loss
| specific inflation index
| specific market risk
| specific questionnaire
| specific tax rate
| specific transit time
| specification (BC-MID-BUS)
| specification (EHS)
| specification (LO-PDM)
| specification (LOD-ESO)
| specification category
| specification limit
| specification parameter
| specification reference
| specification system
| specification type
| specifications document
| specimen
| speculative load
| speech bubble
| speech text
| speed
| speed profile
| speed status setting
| spend
| spend advisor
| spend analysis
| Spend Analysis
| spend and compliance
| spend method
| spend rule
| spend value
| spending limit
| spending value
| spending value breakdown
| spinner
| SPL-requested return
| split (IS-OIL-DS-EXG)
| split (LO-ARM)
| split (PP)
| split amount
| split derivative of a structured financial instrument
| split indicator (IS-A-DBM)
| split indicator (IS-OIL-DS-EXG)
| split indicator (PY)
| split invoice
| split invoicing
| split length
| split purchase order
| split quantity
| split remainder
| split results
| split revaluation of depreciation
| split rule
| split valuation
| split value
| splitscreen editor
| splitter
| splitting (IS-REA)
| splitting (PP)
| splitting environment
| splitting factor
| splitting service
| spoilage
| spool
| spool administration
| spool request
| spool server
| spool system
| spool work process
| sports type
| spot delivery
| spot exchange transaction
| spot price
| spot rate
| spot rate method of currency translation
| spot review
| SPP owner
| SPP processor
| spread (CA-DMF)
| spread (EPM-BPC)
| spread (FI)
| spread (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| spread (IS-AFS-ARUN)
| spread clause
| spread curve
| spread curve type
| spread dependent on financial instrument
| spread of hedge
| spud date
| SQL Audit
| SQL trace
| SQL Trace
| SRM Server
| SSE subscription
| SSF profile
| SSL client PSE
| SSL Provider Service
| SSL server identity
| SSL server PSE
| SSL termination
| SSO administration wizard
| SSO Personal Security Environment
| stability rule
| stability study
| stable value clause
| stack height
| stacker crane
| stacking factor (IS-BEV-VSO)
| stacking factor (SCM-APO-SNP)
| staff assignment
| staff assignment board
| staff assignment rule
| staff assignments
| staff indicator
| staffing
| staffing action
| staffing dashboard
| staffing level
| staffing percentage (PA-PM)
| staffing percentage (PA-RC)
| staffing status
| stage (GRC-SAC)
| stage (IS-HER-CM)
| stage (IS-PS-PBF)
| stage analysis
| stage completion
| stage detour
| stage formula
| staggered billing
| staggered line item
| staging (BW)
| staging (CRM-MD-PCT)
| staging area (CA-MDG)
| staging area (CRM-MKT)
| staging area (EPM-SA)
| staging area (IS-HT-DRM)
| staging area (SCM-APO-CPR-SCH)
| staging area (SD)
| staging instance
| staging type
| stakeholder (FIN-SEM-SRM)
| stakeholder (PPM-PFM)
| stakeholder (SRM-CM)
| stakeholder list
| stale request
| stalled
| stamp paper
| stamp tax (RE)
| stamp tax (RE)
| STAMPIT Integration
| STAMPIT Journal
| STAMPIT setting code
| stand-alone data type
| stand-in
| standalone component
| standalone dispatcher
| standalone enqueue server
| standalone gateway
| standalone item
| standalone scenario
| standalone service
| standard abbreviation
| standard access control context
| standard activity agreement
| standard activity design
| standard address
| standard address type
| standard admission
| standard agreement
| standard allocation rule
| standard application for commission
| standard available capacity
| standard back-end integration version
| Standard Banking Code
| standard benefit
| standard bidding
| standard billing period
| standard BOM
| standard buffer
| standard capacity
| standard catalog
| standard categorization
| standard charge
| standard class
| standard commission contract
| standard condition (FS-AM-PR-CD)
| standard condition (IS-B)
| standard condition (IS-B-BCA)
| standard control
| standard cost (CO-PC)
| standard cost (SBO)
| standard cost estimate (CO-PC)
| standard cost estimate (CO-PC)
| standard costs
| standard cycle
| standard cycle time
| standard data object
| standard delimiters
| standard design
| standard deviation
| standard domain
| standard element
| standard execution step
| standard feature
| standard folder
| Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data
| standard form print
| standard hierarchy
| standard industry sector
| standard initial room role
| standard item (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| standard item (SRM-EBP)
| standard job
| standard key (BC-ABA)
| standard key (BC-DWB-DIC)
| standard KPI
| standard layout
| standard limit category
| standard list status
| standard macro
| standard material proposal
| standard material type
| standard milestone
| standard mode
| standard model
| standard module
| standard network
| standard nursing plan
| standard nursing plan type
| standard object
| standard of valuation for dental services
| standard of valuation for panel physician services
| standard operating procedure
| standard option
| standard overview
| standard padding
| standard page header
| standard pallet
| standard partner
| standard phrase
| standard plan
| standard planning layout
| standard POWL
| standard premium (FS-PM)
| standard premium (PY-JP)
| standard price (MM)
| standard price (XAP-CQM)
| standard price procedure
| Standard Products and Services Code
| standard project
| standard project definition
| standard purchase order
| standard quantity
| standard question group
| standard recipient
| standard release
| standard remuneration clearing agreement
| standard report (BC-SRV-REP)
| standard report (FI-LC)
| standard request
| standard response
| standard routing
| standard rule
| standard safety stock planning
| standard scheduling agreement
| standard search
| standard selection
| standard selection screen (BC-ABA)
| standard selection screen (BC-FES-GUI)
| standard selection variant
| standard sequence
| standard service catalog
| standard service number
| standard setting
| standard settlement instruction
| standard settlement rule
| standard sharer
| standard simulation
| standard supplier
| standard symbol
| standard table
| standard task
| standard text
| standard text variable
| standard toolbar (BC-ABA)
| standard toolbar (BC-FES-GUI)
| standard trigger point
| standard unit of measure
| standard use
| standard valuation (EC-CS)
| standard valuation (FI-LC)
| standard value (PA-BN-FB)
| standard value (PP-BD)
| standard variant
| standard volume
| standard Web service connector
| standard Web template (BW-BEX)
| standard Web template (BW-BEX)
| standard XStep repository
| standardized approach
| standardized financial data
| standardizing entry (EC-CS)
| standardizing entry (FI-LC)
| standards data
| standby
| standby database
| standby power
| standing instructions
| standing order
| standing order with fixed amount
| standing order with variable amount
| standing request (FI-CA)
| standing request (PSM-FM)
| start
| start button
| start condition
| start date (IS-BEV-ED)
| start date (MFG-ME)
| start date (MP-APP-DPE)
| start date (SBO)
| start function code
| start macro
| start of operation
| start of supply
| start offset
| start page (PA-ER)
| start page (SBC)
| start page group
| start parameter
| start phase
| start point
| start price
| start process
| start profile
| start step
| start transaction
| start value
| start-finish relationship
| start-finish rule
| start-start relationship
| start-up method
| starting
| starting balance
| starting increase value
| starting index level
| starting index value (FS-PM)
| starting index value (FS-PM)
| starting location
| startup plug
| state (PA-PD)
| state (SWE)
| state disability tax method
| state license fee zone
| state license number
| state of having a negative effect on subsidy
| state of joint liability
| state tax number
| stateful
| stateful service
| stateless (BC)
| stateless (BC-BSP)
| stateless service
| statement
| statement block
| statement of reserve fund
| statement of stockholders' equity
| statement pooling
| statement structure
| statement wage type (PY)
| statement wage type (PY-DE)
| statement without turnovers
| static attribute (BC-ABA)
| static attribute (MP-APP-DPE)
| static breakpoint
| static chart
| static class
| static component
| static fill-in
| static lot-sizing procedure
| static method
| static method call
| static product determination
| static section
| static stopping
| static variable
| station
| stationary combustion
| stationing
| statistic (BC-SRV-QUE)
| statistic (QM)
| statistic scenario
| statistical analysis
| statistical charge calculation
| statistical company
| statistical condition
| statistical control
| statistical goods receipt
| statistical key figure
| statistical key figure group
| statistical line item (FI-CA)
| statistical line item (PSM-GPR)
| statistical order
| statistical posting
| statistical process control (MFG-ME)
| statistical process control (QM)
| statistical process control chart
| statistical range of coverage
| statistical reserve
| statistical value (QM)
| statistical value (SD-FT)
| statistics (CA)
| statistics (MP-APP-BB)
| statistics (SRM-SUD)
| statistics content component
| statistics content component hierarchy
| Statistics Sweden
| statistics tool
| status (AP-PPE)
| status (BC-MID-ALE)
| status (BC-SRV-ARL)
| status (BC-SRV-CM)
| status (FIN-SEM-CPM)
| status (FS-CMS)
| status (PA)
| status (SWE)
| Status and Tracking System
| status attribute (BC-CCM-MON)
| status attribute (BC-SRV-COM)
| status attribute (MP-APP-CR)
| status attribute (SCM-EM)
| status attribute name
| status attribute profile
| status attribute type
| status attribute value
| status attribute value for document flow
| status bar (BC-FES-GUI)
| status bar (SBO)
| status board
| status carrier object
| status characteristic (IS-M-AM)
| status characteristic (MP-APP-CR)
| status code
| status concept
| Status Concept of Physical Documents
| status confirmation
| status due report
| status file
| status group
| status history
| status icon
| status indicator (EPM-BPC)
| status indicator (EPM-SM)
| status indicator (PY)
| status information
| status line
| status log
| status management (CA)
| status management (FS-CMS)
| status management (SCM-BAS-STM)
| status management service
| status message
| status network
| status number
| status object
| status of physical documents
| status profile (BC-SRV-CM)
| status profile (CA)
| status profile (CRM-IM-IPM)
| status profile (IS-H)
| status reason (PA-ER)
| status reason (PA-RC)
| status record
| status retrieval
| status schema
| status selection profile (CA)
| status selection profile (PS)
| status transfer
| status transfer of physical documents
| status transition
| status type (BC-DWB-TOO)
| status type (CA-DMS)
| status type (SCM-BAS-STM)
| status value (MP-APP-CR)
| status value (SCM-BAS-STM)
| status window
| status-dependent project version
| statutory consolidation
| statutory period
| steering committee
| step (BC-BMT-WFM)
| step (CAF-GP)
| step (KM-ITU)
| step (PA-PD)
| step acquisition (EC-CS)
| step acquisition (FI-LC)
| step consolidation
| step controller
| step definition
| step in an operation
| step label
| step loop
| step loop technique
| step name
| step partner
| step region
| step sequence (BC-SRV-BR)
| step sequence (CA-WUI)
| step tab
| step type
| step view
| step view repository
| Step-by-Step Guide
| stepbar
| stepper
| stepwise simultaneous consolidation
| stochastic blocking
| stock (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| stock (IS-DFS)
| stock (MM-IM)
| stock account
| stock adjustment due to physical inventory
| stock allocation
| stock attribute
| stock balance
| stock category
| stock correction
| stock days' supply
| stock determination (MM-IM)
| stock determination (SCM-EWM)
| stock determination group
| stock determination rule
| stock determination strategy
| stock element
| stock entry
| stock exhaustion date
| stock exhaustion warning date
| stock hiding
| stock identification
| stock in quality inspection
| stock in transfer
| stock in transit
| stock information
| stock inquiry
| stock item (PP)
| stock item (SCM-ECT-LIM)
| stock keeping unit
| stock keeping unit item
| stock key
| stock ledger
| stock ledger group
| stock level
| stock list (IS-BEV-LO-RE)
| stock list (MM)
| stock management level
| stock management unit
| stock material
| stock of material provided to vendor
| stock on truck
| Stock Option Accounting
| stock overview
| stock planner
| stock planner group
| stock population
| stock posting
| stock quantity
| stock removal
| stock removal strategy (LE-WM)
| stock removal strategy (SCM-EWM)
| stock search
| stock season
| stock selection
| stock sorting
| stock source trade promotion
| stock split
| stock status
| stock status 1
| stock status 2
| stock status code
| stock storage location
| stock transaction
| stock transfer (LE-WM)
| stock transfer (MM-IM)
| stock transfer (SCM-EWM)
| stock transfer costs
| stock transfer document
| stock transport order
| stock transport order quantity difference
| stock transport scheduling agreement
| stock type
| stock unit
| stock value
| stock visibility
| stock/requirements list
| stocking
| stockkeeping unit
| stockpile and product blending
| stocktaking
| stop (BC-CST)
| stop (SCM-EWM)
| stop itinerary
| stop scheduling agreement release (IS-A-EMM)
| stop scheduling agreement release (SCM-APO-CPR)
| stop sequence
| stop-off
| stopmark manager
| stopover
| storage activity
| storage area
| storage area for partial quantities
| storage bin
| storage bin check
| storage bin identifier
| storage bin section
| storage bin stock
| storage buckets profile
| storage capacity
| storage category
| storage class
| storage control
| storage control relevance
| storage costs
| storage costs indicator
| storage good
| storage group
| storage hazard class
| storage location (BC-CCM-PRN)
| storage location (CA-DMS)
| storage location (LO)
| storage location for expected goods movement
| storage location MRP
| storage location MRP area
| storage location priority
| storage location selection list
| storage location stock
| storage object
| storage object access mode
| Storage Object Browser
| storage object characteristic
| storage object class
| storage object history
| storage object segment
| storage object sequence number
| storage object type
| storage parameter
| storage path
| storage plant
| storage report
| storage resource (PP-PI)
| storage resource (SCM-APO-MD)
| storage section (LE)
| storage section (LE-WM)
| storage service
| storage supply
| storage system
| storage type
| storage type role
| storage type search
| storage unit
| storage unit document
| storage unit number
| storage unit type
| storage-capable
| store (BC-CCM-ADK)
| store (IS-R)
| store and assign
| store and enter
| store autonomy
| store card
| store characteristic
| store communication
| store confirmation request
| store delivery
| store department
| store master
| store master record
| store order
| store phase
| store retailing (IS-R)
| store retailing (IS-R)
| store retailing system
| store return
| store sales ledger
| Store_UI
| storing for subsequent assignment
| Storyboard
| straight
| straight loading
| straight reverse
| straight-line depreciation from APC
| straight-line depreciation from net book value
| stranding
| strategic advice
| strategic characteristic
| strategic enterprise management
| strategic planner
| strategic planning (IM)
| strategic planning (SCM-APO-MSP)
| strategic planning (SCM-EWM)
| strategic posting
| strategic program position
| strategic simulation
| strategy
| Strategy
| strategy category
| strategy plan
| Strategy Process
| strategy profile
| strategy type
| stratification
| stream (BC-ABA)
| stream (PLM-RM)
| stream direction
| stream kind
| stream type
| streaming
| street
| street route
| street section
| strength (IS-CHN)
| strength (IS-HMED)
| strength substitution
| stress data
| stress test (FS-BA)
| stress test (SV-ASA)
| stretched assignment
| strict versioning
| strike
| strike currency
| string
| string expression
| string function
| string literal
| string match
| string operator
| string template
| strong authentication
| strong performer band
| strong variant
| strongly connected component
| structural authorization check
| structural authorization profile
| structural change
| structural content component
| structural content component hierarchy
| structural enhancement
| structural funds
| structural graphics
| structural report
| structural sales
| structure (BC-ABA)
| structure (BC-CCM-ADK)
| structure (BC-DWB-DIC)
| structure (KM-KW)
| structure category
| structure component selector
| structure depth
| structure gap (CRM-MD)
| structure gap (IS-AD-CC)
| structure graphic (BC-FES-GRA)
| structure graphic (PM)
| structure hierarchy
| structure ID
| structure include
| structure indicator (IS-H)
| structure indicator (PM)
| structure level
| structure link
| structure list
| structure mapping (BC-CUS-TOL)
| structure mapping (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| Structure Modeler
| structure modeling
| structure node (AP-PPE)
| structure node (BC-CUS-TOL)
| structure node (BC-SRV-RM)
| structure node (EC-EIS)
| structure node (FS-BA-SD)
| structure overview
| structure package
| structure proxy
| structure relationship
| structure scenario
| structure title
| structure transition
| structure tree
| structure type (IS-DFS)
| structure type (QM)
| structure variable
| structure view
| structured article
| structured contract
| structured conversion object
| structured data type
| structured document
| structured facts capture
| structured material
| structured payment notes
| structured pricing arrangement
| structured private data
| structured product (CRM-MD)
| structured product (FS-AM-CM)
| structured product (FS-BA)
| structured qualification
| Structured Query Language
| structured template
| structured type
| Structures Workbench
| structuring element
| stub
| student account
| student accounting
| Student Info Center
| student level
| Student Lifecycle Management (IS-HER-CM)
| Student Lifecycle Management (IS-HER-CM)
| student number
| study
| study segment
| style (BC-SRV-SCR)
| style (CA-GTF-DOB)
| style (IS-M-AMC)
| style parameter
| style sheet
| stylesheet variable
| sub ad spec
| sub ad spec linking
| sub location product
| sub-bin
| sub-BOD
| sub-change process
| sub-plan
| sub-raw exposure
| sub-settlement unit
| sub-topic
| subaccount
| subagreement
| subannual consolidation
| subapplication (BC-TWB)
| subapplication (FI-CA)
| subappraisal
| subarea
| subassembly
| subassignment (EC-CS)
| subassignment (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| subattribute
| subbudget
| subcase
| subcategory (GRC-SPM-SR)
| subcategory (PA)
| subclaim
| subclaim type
| subclass (BC-ABA)
| subclass (SWE)
| subcomponent view category
| subcontract
| subcontract order (MM-PUR)
| subcontract order (SCM-APO-PPS)
| subcontract type
| subcontracting (IS-AD)
| subcontracting (MM)
| subcontracting (SCM-APO-PPS)
| subcontracting challan
| subcontracting component
| subcontractor (IS-AD)
| subcontractor (IS-EC-BOS)
| subcontractor (MM)
| subcontractor (PSM-GM)
| subcontractor (SCM-APO-PPS)
| subcontractors gross payment voucher
| subcontractors tax certificate
| subcontractors tax certificate number
| subcoverage
| subcoverage variant
| subcriterion
| subdialog
| subenvironment
| subfacility
| subfeature
| subfeature operation
| subgrantee
| subgroup
| subgroup-consolidating entry
| subhandler
| subitem (CRM)
| subitem (EC-CS)
| subitem (FI-CA)
| subitem (IS-AD-MPN)
| subitem (IS-EC-BOS)
| subitem (IS-U-IN)
| subitem (PP)
| subitem category
| subitem category-like characteristic
| subject (CRM-BTX)
| subject (IS-HER-CM)
| subject (PA-ER)
| Subject
| subject code
| subject confirmation method
| subject group
| subject key identifier
| subject matter expert
| subject profile
| subject profile category
| subject to cover
| subject to final payment balance
| subledger
| subledger account
| subledger account line item
| subledger accounting
| sublevel
| subline item (LOD-ESO)
| subline item (SRM-EBP)
| sublocation
| submeasure
| submission deadline
| submit
| submitted
| submitted configuration
| subnetwork
| subobject (BC-CUS)
| subobject (FS-BA-SD)
| subobject (IS-H)
| subobject type
| suboffer
| suboperation
| suborder (IS-A-DBM)
| suborder (PM)
| suborder (SCM-APO-SNP)
| suborder plant
| suborder type
| subordinate call list
| subordinate class
| subordinate configurable line item
| subordinate configurable line item number
| subordinate contract
| subordinate packing instruction
| subordinate purchase order
| subordinate relationship
| subordinate term
| subpackage
| subplan
| subplan de plan de pensiones
| subpopulation
| subprocess
| Subprocess
| subprocessing schema
| subproduct
| subproject (PPM-PRO)
| subproject (PS)
| subquery
| subrecipient
| subrequirement
| subrogation (FI-CA)
| subrogation (FS-CM)
| subrogation/recovery
| subrogee
| subrogor
| subroutine
| subroutine pool
| subrouting
| subschema
| subscreen (BC-ABA)
| subscreen (IS-H)
| subscreen (PA-PA)
| subscreen area
| subscreen container
| subscreen dynpro
| subscribe (BC-SRV-COM)
| subscribe (BC-SRV-COM)
| subscriber (EP-KM-CM)
| subscriber (EP-KM-CM)
| subscriber (IS-CC)
| subscriber (IS-M-SD)
| subscriber account
| subscription (AP-RC-BEF)
| subscription (BC-SRV-COM)
| subscription (CRM-MW)
| subscription (EP-KM-CM)
| subscription (EP-KM-CM)
| subscription (IS-CC)
| subscription (IS-M-SD)
| subscription agent
| subscription configuration
| subscription contracts
| subscription customer
| subscription event
| subscription generation data object
| subscription generator
| subscription list
| subscription offer
| subscription owner
| subscription service
| subsequence
| subsequent account posting type
| subsequent allocation
| subsequent calculation of value
| subsequent change
| subsequent consolidation (EC-CS)
| subsequent consolidation (FI-LC)
| subsequent costs
| subsequent credit
| subsequent debit
| subsequent debit order
| subsequent delivery free of charge
| subsequent measurement
| subsequent posting
| subsequent random selection
| subsequent settlement
| subsequent shipping
| subsequent sickness
| subsequent supply
| subsequent test
| subsequent transport
| subseries
| subset
| subsidiary
| subsidizable rent
| subsidizer with customer account
| subsidy (FI-AA)
| subsidy (FS-CM)
| subsidy (FS-CM)
| subsidy (FS-CMS)
| subsidy agency
| subsidy budget
| subsidy calculation module
| subsidy rate
| substance
| substance contained in a substance listing
| substance in legal entity
| substance in legal terms
| substance list
| substance listing
| substance rating
| substance type
| substep
| Substituição Tributária
| substitute
| substitute article
| substitute collateral
| substitute entitlement product
| substitute item
| substitute material
| substitute product
| substitute profile
| substitute system
| substituted kit component
| substituted kit component item
| substitution (B200003625)
| substitution (FI-SL)
| substitution (IS-HMED)
| substitution (PT)
| substitution activity
| substitution assignment (IS-R)
| substitution assignment (IS-R-KUNDE)
| substitution assignment (SCM-FRE)
| substitution control (IS-R)
| substitution control (SCM-FRE)
| substitution demand
| substitution exit
| substitution list
| substitution merge profile
| substitution of remanufactured products
| substitution profile (IS-R)
| substitution profile (SCM-FRE)
| substitution receipt
| substitution set
| substitution table
| substitution type (IS-R)
| substitution type (PT)
| substitution type (SCM-FRE)
| substitutional part
| substring (BC-CST)
| substring (PSM-FM)
| substructure (BC-ABA)
| substructure (BC-DWB-DIC)
| substructure (KM-KW)
| subtask
| subtemplate
| subtest
| subthreshold earnings
| subtotal
| subtotal filter
| subtransaction
| subtype (BC-DWB-TOO-BOB)
| subtype (EPM-BPC)
| subtype (PA)
| subvaluation run
| subvaluation run type
| subworkflow
| success rate
| successful key
| succession plan
| succession planner
| Succession Planning
| succession planning simulation
| successor (BC-CTS)
| successor (BC-FES-GRA)
| successor (BC-MID-ALE)
| successor (PS)
| successor bench strength
| successor pool
| successor processing
| successor processing profile
| successor product planning date
| successor product receipt date
| suffix
| suggested retail price
| suitability
| suitability percentage
| suitability range
| suitable receipt
| suite
| sum
| sum-of-the-years-digits method of depreciation
| summarization (IS-B-RA)
| summarization (PSM-FM)
| summarization area
| summarization category
| summarization dates
| summarization hierarchy
| summarization indicator
| summarization item (PA-PM)
| summarization item (PSM-FM)
| summarization level
| summarization object
| summarization order
| summarization rule
| summarization schema
| summarized BOM
| summarized financial statements
| summarized JIT call
| summarized node
| summarized range call
| summarized requirements
| summarized time account
| summarizer
| summary (CRM-BTX)
| summary (CRM-EM)
| summary (CRM-PCC)
| summary (SBA)
| summary billing document
| summary confirmation
| summary data
| summary delivery document
| summary delivery record
| summary procedure code
| summary report
| summary task
| summated rating
| summated value group
| SumParent
| super user
| super-region
| superable earnings
| superannuation fund
| superbundle
| superclass
| superconcept
| superior class
| superior equipment
| superior order
| superline
| superordinate contract
| superpackage
| Supersession
| supersession chain
| supersession planning horizon
| supersharer
| supertype
| Superuser Privilege Management
| supervising restriction
| supervisor (BCM)
| supervisor (MFG-ME)
| supervisory board compensation
| supervisory differential
| supplement (IS-H)
| supplement (IS-M-SD)
| supplement (PSM-FM)
| supplement change directory
| supplement change piece list
| supplement component directory
| supplement component piece list
| supplement item
| supplemental demand
| Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Child
| supplemental payment
| supplemental pension
| supplemental run
| supplementary account assignment
| supplementary auto liability insurance for rental cars abroa
| supplementary character
| supplementary code point
| supplementary insurance
| supplementary invoice
| supplementary logistics service
| supplementary plane
| supplementary rights text
| supplementary rule
| supplementary value-added service
| supplementation
| supplementation language
| supplementation logic
| supplied business decision workflow application
| supplied UII
| supplier (CRM-MOM)
| supplier (IS-DFS)
| Supplier
| supplier back-end product
| supplier batch number
| supplier catalog
| supplier confirmation
| supplier contract location
| supplier delivery performance rating
| supplier directory
| supplier enablement
| supplier evaluation in SRM
| supplier factor
| supplier freight quote
| supplier hierarchy
| supplier managed inventory
| supplier master manager
| supplier phaseout
| Supplier Preselection
| supplier price optimization
| supplier purchasing note
| Supplier qualification
| Supplier Registration
| Supplier selection
| supplier self-registration
| supplier self-services
| supplier share
| supplier share above
| supplier share below
| Supplier Survey Cockpit
| supplier text
| Supplier Workplace
| supplier-side functions
| supplies
| supply and demand propagation
| supply category
| supply chain
| supply chain analytics
| Supply Chain Cockpit
| supply chain code
| supply chain coordination
| Supply Chain Engineer
| supply chain execution (IS-R)
| supply chain execution (SAP)
| Supply Chain Execution
| supply chain fixed asset
| supply chain management
| Supply Chain Management Alert
| supply chain management cost
| supply chain model
| supply chain networking
| Supply Chain Operational Reference model
| supply chain performance management
| supply chain planning (IS-R)
| supply chain planning (SAP)
| Supply Chain Planning
| supply chain technology
| supply chain unit
| supply function
| supply horizon (PP-SOP)
| supply horizon (SCM-APO-SNP)
| supply limit
| Supply Network Planning
| Supply Network Planning Aggregate Hierarchy
| supply permit processing
| Supply Planning
| Supply Planning Request Procurement Run
| Supply Planning Request Production Run
| supply relationship (IS-DFS)
| supply relationship (QM)
| supply segment
| supply shortage
| supply source determination
| Supply strategy development
| supply-to-production
| supplying distribution channel
| supplying division
| supplying plant for relocation
| supplying sales organization
| support
| Support Desk
| support group
| Support Package (BC-UPG-OCS)
| Support Package (BC-UPG-OCS)
| Support Package level
| Support Package Manager
| support relationship
| Support Release
| support services
| support team (OPU-DUE)
| support team (PA-ER)
| support team (PA-TM)
| Support Tools
| supporting document
| surcharge (FI)
| surcharge (IS-U-BI)
| surcharge category
| surcharge rule
| surcharge schema
| surety
| surge option
| surgery
| surgery situation
| surgery situation template
| surgery task
| surgery task component
| surgery task template
| surgery type
| surgery work station
| surplus
| surplus budget
| surplus delivery
| surplus reporting
| survey (CRM-CA)
| survey (GRC-SPC)
| survey (SRM-EBP-VE)
| survey administration
| survey block
| Survey Builder
| survey campaign
| survey deadline
| survey field
| survey instance
| survey monitor
| survey owner
| survey package
| survey page
| survey reviewer ID
| survey status
| survey suite
| survey template
| Survey Tool
| surviving order
| survivor benefits
| suspect
| suspend order
| suspended data
| suspense entry
| suspension
| suspension phase
| suspension system
| suspicious record
| swap
| swap file
| swap leg
| swap rate
| swap space
| swaption
| swingline
| Swiss adjustment
| switch (BC-DWB-TOO-SFW)
| switch (CS)
| switch (FS-PM)
| switch (PM-WCM)
| switch back
| switch document
| Switch Framework
| switch framework cockpit
| switch off
| switch on
| switch view (BC-FES-GUI)
| switch view (IS-U-IDE)
| switched line
| switching
| switching costs
| switching location
| switchover information (IS-R)
| switchover information (SCM-FRE)
| switchover software
| SXP type
| syllabary
| syllable
| symbol (BC-FES-GUI)
| symbol (BC-SRV-SCR)
| symbol (EHS)
| symbol (IS-M-AMC)
| symbol for data retrieval
| symbolic account
| symbolic name
| symptom (CS)
| symptom (SBO)
| sync/async bridge
| sync/async communication
| synchronization (BC-FES-GRA)
| synchronization (BC-FES-ITS)
| synchronization (BC-MOB)
| synchronization (LE-TRM)
| synchronization (PLM-WUI-APP)
| synchronization (SCM-APO-PPS)
| synchronization BDoc type
| synchronization BOM to BOM (PLM-WUI-APP)
| synchronization BOM to BOM (PLM-WUI-APP)
| synchronization cockpit
| synchronization completeness check
| Synchronization HRSP
| synchronization job
| synchronization key
| synchronization mode
| synchronization object
| synchronization parameter (PLM-WUI-APP)
| synchronization parameter (PLM-WUI-APP)
| synchronization point
| synchronization product structure or assembly to BOM
| synchronization recipe to BOM
| synchronization reporting point
| synchronization scope
| synchronization type
| synchronization unit
| synchronizer business object
| synchronizer control record
| synchronous archiving
| Synchronous Collaboration
| synchronous collaboration framework
| synchronous communication
| synchronous goods movement
| synchronous method
| synchronous OPC Data Access
| synchronous Remote Function Call
| synchronous retrieval
| synchronous server
| synchronous signature process
| synchronous update
| SyncPoint
| syndicated global portal
| syndicated loan agreement
| syndication (MDM)
| syndication (SAP)
| syndicator
| synopsis
| synopsis schema
| syntactical character set
| syntax error
| syntax group
| synthetic fund
| synthetic profile
| synthetic securitization
| system (BC-FES-GUI)
| system (EP-PIN)
| system action (IS-A-DBM)
| system action (MFG-ME)
| System Administration Assistant
| system alias (EP-PIN)
| system alias (SBC)
| system architecture
| system attribute
| system availability
| system backup
| system business object
| system change option
| system class
| system contract
| system currency
| system date
| system environment
| system field
| system group
| system ID
| system infrastructure
| system instance
| system inventory record
| system landscape (BC-CTS)
| system landscape (EP-PIN)
| system landscape (SWE)
| system landscape catalog
| system landscape configuration
| System Landscape Directory
| system language
| system list
| system log
| system log file
| system log record
| system menu
| system menu button
| system message (BC-CST)
| system message (BC-MOB)
| system model
| system monitor
| system news
| system number
| system of units
| system organizational unit
| system overhead
| system overlay
| system parameter
| system performance
| system principal
| system program
| system PSE
| system registry
| system requirement
| system resolving service
| system role
| system rule
| system services
| system setting (BC-CTS)
| system setting (BC-CUS-TOL)
| system setting (SV-ASA)
| system status (BC-SRV-CM)
| system status (CA)
| system step sequence
| System Switch Upgrade
| system symbol
| system table
| system template (BC-FES-ITS)
| system template (CA-GTF-DOB)
| system thread
| system time
| system trace
| system type (BC-CTS)
| system type (IS-DFS)
| system type (SV-SMG)
| system unit
| system user
| system variable
| System z
| Syukko (PY-JP)
| T
| t-logo object
| t-test
| T4
| tab (BC-FES-GUI)
| tab (EP-PIN-NAV)
| tab (RIV)
| tab area
| tab bar
| tab index
| tab layout
| tab order
| tab order definition mode
| tab page display area
| tab page display element
| tab pages
| tab title
| table (BC-DOC)
| table (BC-DWB-DIC)
| table (BW-BEX)
| table (EP-VC)
| table (SCM-APO-FCS)
| table access statistics
| table attribute
| table body
| table buffer
| table category (BC-DWB-DIC)
| table category (BC-I18-UNI)
| table cluster
| table condition
| table control
| table dependency
| table element
| table enhancement place
| table form
| table generation
| table group
| table hit list
| table index (BC-ABA)
| table index (BC-DWB-DIC)
| table index (BC-TRX)
| table key (BC-ABA)
| table key (BC-DWB-DIC)
| table kind
| table manual
| table of contents
| table operation
| table parameter
| table pool
| table processor
| table screen
| table section
| table structure
| table type (BC-ABA)
| table type (BC-ABA)
| table variable
| table work area
| table-based question
| table-driven dynamic parallel processing
| table-specific Fallback Code Page
| tablespace
| tabstrip
| tabstrip control
| tabular reporting
| tactic
| tactic type
| tactical planning
| tag (BC-MID-BUS)
| tag (CA-WUI)
| tag (CRM)
| tag (PM-WCM)
| tag (SBA)
| tag browser
| tag cloud
| tag column
| tag handler
| tag interface (BC-ABA)
| tag interface (BC-ABA)
| tag library descriptor
| tagged history
| tagging (BC-I18)
| tagging (CA-EPT-BCV)
| tagging (CA-WUI)
| tagging (PM-WCM)
| tagging condition
| tagging cycle
| tagging phase
| tagout
| tail number
| tailored measurement service
| take rate
| takt (AP-PPE)
| takt (PP-FLW)
| takt area
| takt load
| takt offset
| takt time (AP-PPE)
| takt time (PP-FLW)
| takt-based scheduling (AP-PPE)
| takt-based scheduling (PP-FLW)
| talent
| talent consultant
| talent development specialist
| talent group (PA-ER)
| talent group (PA-TM)
| Talent Management
| talent monitor
| talent review
| talent review meeting
| Talent Review Meeting
| tangible asset
| tank protection
| tank strapping
| tank strapping table
| taproot
| tardy reason
| tare addition
| target (CRM-ANA)
| target (EHS-CI)
| target (EPM-SM)
| target access control context
| target account
| target achievement
| target activity
| target agreements
| target attribute (FS-AM-PR-PR)
| target attribute (FS-BA-AN-PA)
| target base year
| target boundary
| target category
| target change number
| target chart of accounts
| target classification category
| target classification type
| target classification value
| target code page
| target commission (ICM)
| target commission (ICM)
| target commitment period
| target completion date
| target component
| target cost version
| target costs (CO-OM-ABC)
| target costs (CO-OM-CCA)
| target costs (CO-PC)
| target costs (IS-EC-BOS)
| target credit
| target currency
| target currency unit
| target date
| target days' supply
| target document
| target external ID
| target folder
| target grant
| target group (BC-CTS)
| target group (CRM)
| target group (FS-BP)
| target hours
| target input quantity
| target investment
| target language
| target level
| target line
| target list
| target message
| target model
| target object (EP-PCT-MGR-HR)
| target object (EP-PIN)
| target object (EP-PIN-UNI)
| target operation
| target plan
| target planning step
| target premium
| target price
| target profile
| target QM system
| target quantity (IS-EC-BOS)
| target quantity (SD)
| target quantity based on components
| target range of coverage (IS-R)
| target range of coverage (PP-MRP)
| target range of coverage stock
| target route
| target rule
| target run-in date
| target sales ratio
| target scrap quantity
| target setting group
| target stock
| target stock level (PP-MRP)
| target stock level (SCM-APO-PPS)
| target structure
| target system (CA-MDG)
| target system (IS-HMED)
| target system (SBO)
| target system (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| target system ID
| target time
| target time for labor value
| target to date
| target type (EHS-CI)
| target type (ICM)
| target unit of measure
| target utilization
| target value (FS-BA-PM-HP)
| target value (ICM)
| target value (IS-HT-SW)
| target value (SD)
| target value field
| target version
| target=actual activity allocation
| targeted ideation
| targeting
| tariff (FS-AM)
| tariff (ICM)
| tariff premium
| Tariffs, Duties & Permits
| task (AC)
| task (BC-BMT-BTM-FWK)
| task (BC-BMT-WFM)
| task (BC-CTS)
| task (BC-FES-GUI)
| task (BW-BCT)
| task (CRM)
| task (CRM-MT)
| task (EC-CS)
| task (FS-CM)
| task (IS-A-DBM)
| task (IS-U-WM)
| task (KM-ITU)
| task (LE-TRM)
| task (OPU-DUE)
| task (PA-OS)
| task (PM)
| task (PPM-PRO)
| task (SCM-EM)
| task (SCM-SOP)
| task (SRM-CM)
| task (SV-ASA)
| task (SV-ASA)
| task (XAP-PD)
| task agent
| Task and Resource Management
| task bundle
| task business-object
| task catalog
| task category (BC-BMT-BTM-FWK)
| task category (EC-CS)
| task component
| task confirmation
| task container
| task context
| task dashboard
| task dependency
| task family
| task function
| task group (AC)
| task group (BC-BMT-WFM)
| task group (EC-CS)
| task group (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| task group (PA)
| task history
| task icon
| task ID
| task in master project
| task in team entry
| task inbox
| task level (BC-FES-GUI)
| task level (CA-TS)
| task level menu
| task list (BC-FES-GUI)
| task list (CA-GTF)
| task list (IS-AD-MPD)
| task list (LO)
| task list for functional location
| task list group (PM)
| task list group (PP)
| task list header
| task list scenario
| task list type
| task management
| Task Manager
| task of a worklist
| task organization
| task owner
| task panel
| task profile (BC-BMT-WFM)
| task profile (EPM-BPC)
| task profile (PA)
| task proposal in team entry
| task queue service
| task security
| task selection in team entry
| task skip
| task team
| task template
| task type (BC-BMT-BTM-FWK)
| task type (BC-CCM-MON)
| task type (BC-CTS)
| task type (CA-TS)
| task type (LE-TRM)
| task type (SRD-CC-BTM)
| task type (SRM-CM)
| task version
| task watcher
| task-oriented labor contract
| task-panel toolbar
| taskhandler
| tax account
| tax addition
| tax agent
| tax amount
| Tax and Revenue Management
| tax area
| tax authority
| tax base amount
| tax calculation procedure
| tax category (AP-TTE)
| tax category (SD)
| tax class (IS-OIL-PRA-REV)
| tax class (PY-US)
| tax classification (IS-OIL-PRA-REV)
| tax classification (SD)
| tax code
| tax code determination
| tax code determination order
| tax code determination rule
| tax collected at source
| tax company
| tax component
| tax concession period
| tax consultant
| tax date (AP-TTE)
| tax date (FI)
| tax declaration box
| tax deducted at source
| tax deduction number
| tax definition
| tax depreciation
| tax determination procedure (LO)
| tax determination procedure (PP)
| tax element
| tax event
| tax exemption
| tax exemption classification
| tax exemption reason
| tax file number
| tax form
| tax form field
| tax form group
| tax group (IS-OIL-DS-TDP)
| tax group (SBO)
| tax ID
| tax incidence
| tax interface table
| tax invoice
| tax invoice number
| tax jurisdiction
| tax jurisdiction code
| tax jurisdiction type
| tax license
| tax location
| tax name
| tax number (AP-TTE)
| tax number (FI)
| tax number (FI)
| tax number (FI)
| tax number category
| tax number indicator
| tax number type
| tax object
| tax obligation
| tax office (PA)
| tax office (SBO)
| tax official
| tax origin
| tax payment voucher
| tax processing allowance
| tax rate
| tax rate element
| tax rebate
| tax refund country
| tax register
| tax registration number
| tax report
| tax reporting country
| tax reporting currency
| tax return level
| tax scale
| tax situation
| tax slab
| tax status (IS-OIL-DS-TDP)
| tax status (SBO)
| tax table
| tax territory
| tax total
| tax transfer document
| tax type (AP-MD-BP)
| tax type (AP-TTE)
| tax type (CRM-MD)
| tax type (PY-US)
| tax type combination
| tax value of inventory
| tax warehouse
| tax warehouse number
| tax warehouse type
| tax-exempt
| tax-exempt revenue
| tax-free payments
| tax-free services
| tax-levying authority
| tax-type-specific function
| taxability
| taxability model
| taxable benefit
| taxable country
| taxable event
| taxable person
| Taxation Interface
| taxes on sales/purchases
| taxes on sales/purchases group
| taxonomy (EP-KM)
| taxonomy (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| taxonomy (MDM)
| Taxonomy Query Builder
| Taxonomy Trainer
| taxpayer identification number (FI)
| taxpayer identification number (PY)
| taxpayer identification number (SBO)
| Taxpayer Online Services
| taxpayers association
| TCP/IP port
| TDO list
| TDP material
| TDS return
| teaching activity
| teaching activity grouping
| teaching and studies
| teaching effort
| teaching hours
| teaching method
| teaching workload
| team (EPM-BPC)
| team (MP-INF)
| team (PPM-PFM)
| Team Calendar
| team ID
| team KPI
| Team Management
| team member (OPU-DUE)
| team member (PPM-PFM)
| team member (XAP-PD)
| Team Members
| team purchasing
| team shopping cart
| Team Tasks
| tear down
| tear off
| teardown time
| technical adapter
| technical age
| technical amendment
| technical completion
| technical completion confirmation
| technical content component
| technical data (CRM)
| technical data (WEC-IS)
| technical date
| technical debriefing
| technical delivery terms
| technical design
| technical device installation
| technical device removal
| technical document class
| technical evaluation panel
| technical field
| technical field for position
| technical installation
| Technical Integration Model
| technical limit
| technical mode
| technical name (BC-CUS-TOL)
| technical name (KM-KW)
| technical object (PM)
| technical object (SWE)
| technical position
| technical POWL type
| technical process
| technical profile
| technical quality notification number
| technical reference object
| technical results analysis cost element
| Technical Review
| technical RFx response
| technical routing
| technical scenario
| technical settings
| technical settlement
| technical source of application
| Technical Specification
| technical start
| technical status
| technical step
| technical system
| technical term
| technical topology
| technical type (MP-APP-CR)
| technical type (PP-BD)
| technical type property
| technical usage
| technical utilization category
| technical validity (AP-MD)
| technical validity (ICM)
| technical view
| technical work item display
| technical workflow log
| technology platform
| Technology Platform
| technology type
| telecommunication services
| telecommunications network
| telecommunications network edge
| telecommunications network node
| telecommunications service object
| teleconference
| telemarketing (SAP)
| telemarketing (SAP)
| telemodule
| telephone number management
| telephone sales (IS-BEV-LO-TS)
| telephone sales (IS-OIL-DS-OGSD)
| telephony
| telephony controls
| telephony function bar
| telephony middleware
| telephony server (BC-SRV-COM)
| telephony server (CS)
| telephony software
| telesales (IS-T)
| telesales (SAP)
| telesales agent
| Telnet Provider Service
| template (AP-MD)
| template (BC-JAS)
| template (BC-SRV-FP)
| template (CA-GTF-DOB)
| template (EHS)
| template (EP-PIN)
| template (FS-BA-SD)
| template (IS-M-AMC)
| template (LO-PDM)
| template (LOD-ESO)
| template (SCM-EWM)
| Template
| template account
| template allocation
| Template Builder
| template card
| template category
| template claim
| template code
| template configuration
| template definition
| template description
| template framework
| template group
| template hierarchy
| template installer
| template list
| template management
| template modeler for search object connectors
| template relationship
| template responsible
| template storage path
| template type (AP-MD)
| template type (FS-BA-SD)
| template type (SBO)
| template version
| template wizard
| template-driven project
| temporal join
| temporal method of currency translation (EC-CS)
| temporal method of currency translation (FI-LC)
| temporal posting difference
| temporal translation difference
| temporal validity
| temporary account
| temporary admission
| temporary alien
| temporary alien code
| temporary budget billing plan
| temporary coverage note
| temporary customs declaration
| temporary document
| temporary duty
| temporary import under bond
| temporary inbound delivery
| temporary marker
| temporary medical record
| temporary object
| temporary order
| temporary parameter
| temporary part-time employment
| temporary period consumption
| temporary PP/DS order
| temporary price reduction
| temporary quantity assignment
| temporary refusal
| temporary replacement
| temporary sequential file
| temporary storage facility
| temporary storage location
| temporary technical object
| temporary untagging phase
| temporary work relationship
| TemSe header
| TemSe object
| TemSe part number
| TemSe storage
| tenancy in common
| tenancy law
| tenant
| Tenant
| tenant alias
| tenant settlement
| tenant user
| tenant with customer account
| tender (CA-MRS)
| tender (PSM-GPR)
| tender amount
| tender committee
| tender fee
| tendering
| tendering manager
| tendering process
| tendering process configuration
| tendering process step
| Tenders Electronic Daily
| tenseki
| tentative
| tenure (EHS-CI)
| tenure (PSM-FG)
| teraspace
| term (BC-CUS)
| term (BC-DOC-TER)
| term (BC-SRV-KPR-RET)
| term (CRM-BF-CPE)
| term (LO-VC)
| term (PP)
| term (SBA)
| term category
| term deal
| term energy
| term item
| term of rating procedure
| term rule
| term type
| term weighting
| termaction
| terminal
| terminal access identification number
| terminating event
| termination (IS-U-IDX)
| termination (PA)
| termination (PA-BN)
| Termination
| termination defect
| termination event
| termination flag
| termination grouping
| termination message
| termination opportunity
| termination point
| termination rule (ICM)
| termination rule (PA-BN)
| termination rule variant
| terminology
| terminology domain
| terminology entry
| terminology excerption
| terminology identification
| terminology mining
| terminology monitor
| terminology profile
| terms and conditions for remuneration
| terms of payment
| terms of payment key
| territory (CRM-IM-IPM)
| territory (CRM-MD-TM)
| territory (SBO)
| territory alignment
| territory assignment function category
| territory hierarchy
| territory hierarchy ID
| territory ID
| Territory Management
| territory-dependent
| test (BW)
| test (PE-LSO)
| test author
| test automation
| test case (BC-TWB)
| test case (SWE)
| test catalog
| test coverage
| test cycle
| test cycle check
| test data
| test density
| Test Double
| test drive
| test environment
| test equipment
| test group
| test item
| test method
| test module
| test module hierarchy
| test package (BC-TWB)
| test package (BW)
| test person
| test plan (BC-TWB)
| test plan (GRC-SPC)
| test plan (MFG-ME)
| test plan administration tool
| test procedure (BC-TWB)
| test procedure (SV-ASA)
| test project (PPM-PFM)
| test project (SWE)
| test run
| test script
| test status
| test system (SRD-BC)
| test system (SV-ASA)
| test tag
| test temperature
| Test Workbench
| testing proposal
| testing schedule
| text (BC-DOC)
| text (BW-BEX)
| text access
| text attribute
| text block
| text box
| text control (IS-BEV-DSD)
| text control (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| text corpus
| text determination (CRM-BF)
| text determination (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| text determination procedure (CRM-BF)
| text determination procedure (SD)
| text editor
| text element (BC-ABA)
| text element (BC-DWB-TOO)
| text element (BC-I18)
| text element (BW-BEX)
| text environment
| text field
| text field literal
| text file
| text foreign key
| text format
| text item (LO-HU)
| text item (PP)
| text item (SD)
| text language (BC-DWB-DIC)
| text language (PPM-PRO)
| text management
| text mapping
| text mining
| text mode
| text module (FS-PM)
| text module (MM-SRV)
| text number conversion
| text object (CRM-BF)
| text object (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| text pool
| text processing
| text profile (BC-SRV-CM)
| text profile (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| text qualifier
| Text Replacement Tool
| text schema
| text snippet
| text string
| text symbol (BC-ABA)
| text symbol (BC-DWB-TOO)
| text table
| text to speech
| text type (CA-GTF-DOB)
| text type (CRM-BF)
| text type (PS)
| text type (SCM-EWM-DLP)
| text type (SD)
| text type (SRM-EBP)
| text variable (BC-TWB)
| text variable (PE-LSO)
| text variable for characteristics
| text variable for selection parameters
| text-like data type
| text-mining engine
| text-mining index
| textiles
| textual cross-reference
| TGNL code
| The National Archives
| Theil coefficient
| theme (BC-BSP)
| theme (BC-FES-ITS)
| theme (CRM-ISA-AUC)
| theme (EP)
| theme (EPM-SM)
| theme (IS-AFS)
| theme (ONE VOICE)
| theme (SBO)
| theme (WEC-FRW)
| theme category
| Theme Editor
| theoretical shrinkage
| therapeutic class
| therapy frequency
| thermal gas billing
| thickness of tranche
| third country
| third party
| third party representative
| third party service provider
| third-party business transaction
| third-party category
| third-party logistics
| third-party logistics location
| third-party logistics provider
| third-party management
| third-party order
| third-party order processing
| third-party partner integration
| third-party payer
| third-party planned independent requirement
| third-party program
| third-party provision of components
| third-party purchase order
| third-party rights
| third-party settlement risk
| third-party share of collateral value
| third-party suit against legal action
| third-party type
| third-party wage type
| thread (BC)
| thread (EP-KM-COL)
| thread (LOD-ESO)
| Thread Manager
| thread resource protection
| thread system
| threaded nomination
| three-phase model
| three-step stock transfer procedure
| threshold (EPM-FC-SK)
| threshold (PSM-GPR)
| threshold (SBO)
| threshold (SRM-CM)
| threshold (XAP-CQM)
| threshold amount
| threshold consumption
| threshold period
| threshold record
| threshold type
| threshold value (CO-PC)
| threshold value (EP-PCT-MAN)
| threshold value (PPM-PRO)
| threshold value (RE)
| threshold value for remaining liability
| threshold value for reserve
| threshold value for retention
| threshold value reserve
| threshold value violation
| thrift savings plan
| thumbnail
| thumbnail plug-in
| thumbnail repository
| tick size
| ticker
| ticket
| ticket verification library
| Ticket Verifier for Lotus Domino
| ticketing/labeling
| ticketing/labeling text type
| tickler
| tickler process
| tickler process subtype
| tickler process type
| tickler type
| tied bids
| tied empties
| tier (BC-CST)
| tier (CRM-MKT-MPL-LOY)
| tier group
| tier table
| tiered growth rebate
| tiered pricing
| tight coupling
| tightened inspection
| tile (CA-WUI)
| tile (CRM-MSA)
| tile layout
| tile portrayal
| tile set
| till balancing
| till insert
| time
| time account
| time allocation (CA-MRS)
| time allocation (CRM-RPL-SRV)
| time allocation type
| time and labor data
| Time and Labour Management With Payroll Integration
| Time and Labour Management With Project Confirmation
| time balance
| time base
| time base and exposure to inflation variant
| time between two DRP planning runs
| time bias
| time bucket
| time bucket object (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| time bucket object (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| time buckets profile
| time category (PT)
| time category (SCM-EM)
| time confirmation
| time constraint (PA)
| time constraint (PT)
| time control
| time data
| time data ID
| time decomposition
| time dependency
| time dependency by means of planned changes
| time deposit agreement
| time document
| time evaluation
| time evaluation data
| time evaluation for concurrent employment
| time evaluation message
| time evaluation schema
| time event
| time fence
| time field
| time granularity
| time identifier
| time interval (BC-SRV)
| time interval (PS)
| time interval (SCM-APO-PPS)
| time leveling (CA-TS)
| time leveling (PT)
| time limit
| time limit for error message
| time limit for warning message
| time limit sequence
| time logic
| Time Management
| time management key
| time model
| time model function
| time node
| time of loss/claim
| time of origin
| time of transfer
| time over target
| time pair
| time period
| time periods
| time portion
| time pricing
| time profile (BC-CCM-MON)
| time profile (SCM-ICH)
| time proportionality
| time quota
| time range
| time recording (IS-A-DBM)
| time recording (PT)
| time recording ID card
| time reference
| time restriction
| time scale (BC-FES-GRA)
| time scale (PP-CRP)
| time schedule
| time series (FS-BA-PM-HP)
| time series (SCM-APO-PPS-RSP)
| time series (SCM-BAS)
| time series data area
| time series data management
| time series data type
| time series horizon
| time series model
| time series type
| time since new
| time since overhaul
| time since repair
| time slice (AP-MD)
| time slice (IS-PS-CA)
| time slice (IS-U-BI)
| time slice (PSM-GM)
| time slice generator
| time slider
| time slot (IS-H)
| time slot (IS-HMED)
| time slot (IS-U-WM)
| time slot (LE)
| time slot duration
| time slot profile
| time specification type
| time stamp (BC-ABA)
| time stamp (IS-A-DBM)
| time statement
| time statement form
| time stream
| time substitution
| time ticket
| time ticket for individual incentive wages
| time tracking
| time tracking balance
| time transfer specifications
| time type
| time unit (ICM)
| time unit (SAP)
| time unit (SCM-EWM)
| time wage
| time wage type
| time wage type selection
| time weighted average
| time-based aggregation
| Time-based approach
| time-based component traceability
| time-based constraint
| time-based equipment
| time-based field
| time-based maintenance plan
| time-based price
| time-based scenario
| time-continuous capacity
| time-dependent address usage
| time-dependent condition
| time-dependent data
| time-dependent limit
| time-dependent location product
| time-dependent location product hierarchy
| time-dependent master data
| time-dependent parameter
| time-dependent product determination
| time-dependent project version
| time-dependent publishing
| time-dependent view
| time-frame check
| time-independent condition
| time-independent event
| time-now line
| time-off request
| time-phased materials planning
| time-related supply limit
| time-sensitive drug
| time-to-live
| timeframe
| timeline
| Timeout Service
| timepoint
| times thru
| timeslot group
| timestamp
| tip
| TIP entry
| title (BC-FES-GUI)
| title (SBO)
| title area
| title bar
| title carrier route
| title code
| title element
| title group
| title master
| TLB profile
| TLB shipment
| TMS Trusted Services
| to be archived
| TO item processing time
| to put on hold
| TO splitting
| to stock
| to-bin strategy
| today scheduling
| toggle
| toggle button
| toggle hold
| token
| token card
| tolerance (FI)
| tolerance (PM)
| tolerance (QM)
| tolerance change
| tolerance group
| tolerance interval
| tolerance key
| tolerance lane
| tolerance level (IS-R)
| tolerance level (PSM-GM)
| tolerance limit (IS-A)
| tolerance limit (MM-IV)
| tolerance limit for reducing an invoice
| tolerance period
| tolerance profile
| tolerance range
| tolerance setting
| tolerance value check
| tolerance window
| tolerated credit limit
| tolerated limit
| toll
| tone mark
| tonnage band
| tool area
| Tool Business Information Warehouse system
| tool group
| tool menu
| tool number
| tool set
| tool set management
| tool-based step controller
| toolbar (CRM-IC)
| toolbar (EP-PIN-NAV)
| toolbox
| tooling
| tooling shop order
| ToolPanel
| tooth history
| tooth notation
| tooth number
| top %
| top consolidation group
| top down budgeting
| top event handler
| top include
| Top Issue
| top level transaction
| Top Manager
| top N (BI-AA-WEB)
| top N (PS)
| top n item
| top n product list
| top node
| top settlement unit
| top sum
| top-down budgeting
| top-down fixing
| top-level component
| top-level navigation (EP)
| top-level navigation (EP-KM)
| top-level navigation bar
| top-level work item
| top-up
| topic (CRM-MSA)
| topic (EP-PIN)
| topic (MP-APP-CR)
| topic (XAP-PD)
| topic governance board
| total accrual value
| total available
| total benefit split amount
| total cash compensation
| total claim expenditure
| total commitment
| total commitment grouping
| total compensation statement
| total confirmation
| total consignment pick-up quantity
| total consumption
| total cost
| total demand (PPM-PRO)
| total demand (SCM-APO-SNP)
| total float
| total lead time
| total package scheme
| total patient dose
| total position
| total price
| total rate
| total receipts
| total record range
| total replenishment lead time
| total revaluation at retail
| total savings
| total shelf life (LE-WM)
| total shelf life (SCM-APO-SNP)
| total time
| total useful life periods
| total variance
| total weight of a means of transportation
| total weight of a packing proposal
| totals item (EC-CS)
| totals item (FI-LC)
| totals record (CO)
| totals record (FI)
| totals record (IS-R)
| totals table
| tour (IS-BEV-DSD)
| tour (IS-BEV-LO-RP)
| tour - activity type
| tour determination
| tour master
| tour status
| tour status profile
| trace (BC)
| trace (BC-JAS)
| trace (EP)
| trace file
| trace function
| trace level
| trace location
| trace logging
| trace request level
| TraceFormatter
| tracing (BC-JAS)
| tracing (IS-MP)
| tracing document
| tracing factor
| tracing table
| track
| track connection
| track update
| trackable SFC number
| tracked time view
| tracking (IS-M-AMC)
| tracking (LE)
| tracking agent
| tracking attribute
| tracking ID
| tracking ID code set
| tracking identification
| tracking limit
| tracking number (IS-M-SD)
| tracking number (IS-OIL-DS-TDP)
| tracking partner
| tracking point
| tracking record
| tracking service provider profile
| tracking service provider profile registration
| tracking signal
| tracking-related event type
| tract of land
| tractor
| trade marketing manager
| trade planning
| trade promotion
| trade promotion agreement
| trade promotion guideline
| trade promotion management
| Trade Promotion Management
| trade to sales ratio
| trade-off zone
| trader
| trader authorization
| trader's & schedulers's workbench
| trading
| trading contract
| Trading Execution Workbench
| trading expense type
| trading expenses
| trading goods category
| trading partner
| trading transaction
| trading unit
| trading unit order
| traditional Chinese
| traditional securitization
| traffic
| traffic light
| trailer (BC-TWB)
| trailer (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| trailer (SCM-APO-VS)
| trailer record
| trailing leaf NULL
| Train-the-Trainer Workshop
| training
| training activity
| training data
| training date
| training document
| Training Management
| training needs analysis
| training needs management
| training provider
| training session
| tranche (CRM-IU-S-PCT)
| tranche (FI)
| tranche (FS-TXS)
| tranche calculation
| tranche index
| tranche model
| transaction (BC-ABA)
| transaction (BC-DWB)
| transaction (CA-FIM-FMA)
| transaction (FI)
| transaction (FI-AF-DPC)
| transaction (FS-PM)
| transaction (ICM)
| transaction (MFG-LPO)
| transaction (SD)
| transaction (SWE)
| transaction authorization
| transaction category (FI-AF-DPC)
| transaction category (IS-U-WA)
| transaction category key
| transaction code (BC-DWB)
| transaction code (SBO)
| transaction completed
| transaction condition
| transaction count
| transaction count item
| transaction counter
| transaction currency (CA-EUR)
| transaction currency (CO)
| transaction currency (EC-CS)
| transaction currency (FI-LC)
| transaction currency (FS-AM)
| transaction data
| transaction data measurement
| transaction date
| transaction demarcation
| transaction difference
| transaction document
| transaction figures (FI)
| transaction figures (FS-AM-IM-BC)
| transaction form
| transaction group (IS-U-WA)
| transaction group (SD)
| transaction group key
| transaction hedge
| transaction history
| Transaction ID
| transaction journal
| transaction launcher
| transaction number (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| transaction number (SBO)
| transaction number (SD)
| transaction record
| Transaction Recorder
| transaction register
| transaction report
| Transaction Service
| transaction synchronization
| Transaction Tax Engine
| transaction tiering
| transaction type (CRM)
| transaction type (EC-CS)
| transaction type (EC-PCA)
| transaction type (FI-AA)
| transaction type (FI-LC)
| transaction type (FIN-CGV-MIC)
| transaction type (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| transaction type (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| transaction type (FS-AM)
| transaction type (FS-SR)
| transaction type (IS-A-RL)
| transaction type (IS-EC-CEM)
| transaction type (IS-PS-CA)
| transaction type (OPU-DUE)
| transaction type (SBO)
| transaction type (SRM-EBP)
| Transaction type
| transaction type category
| transaction type symbol
| transaction unit of measure
| transaction variant
| transaction-based allocation
| transaction-related billing
| transaction/event type
| transactional buffer
| transactional Remote Function Call
| transactional user
| transactions for commission contract
| transceiver
| transfer (BCM)
| transfer (CA-TS)
| transfer (EC-CS)
| transfer (FI-LC)
| transfer (IS-H)
| transfer (PA-PM)
| transfer (PS)
| transfer (PSM-FM)
| transfer amount
| transfer business transaction
| transfer contract
| transfer control
| transfer costs
| transfer grouping
| transfer list
| transfer method
| transfer of dispute case
| transfer of reserves
| transfer order (LE-WM)
| transfer order (SCM-EWM)
| transfer order for multiple deliveries
| transfer order split
| transfer period (IS-T)
| transfer period (IS-T)
| transfer posting (FI)
| transfer posting (FI-CA)
| transfer posting (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| transfer posting (MM-IM)
| transfer posting document
| transfer price (CO-PC)
| transfer price (EC-PCA)
| transfer price (IS-R)
| transfer price agreement
| transfer price allocation
| transfer price variant
| transfer quantity
| transfer request
| transfer requirement
| transfer rule (BW-WHM)
| transfer rule (FS-AM-CM)
| transfer rule (FS-AM-IM-CC)
| transfer share
| transfer site
| transfer state
| transfer structure (BW-WHM)
| transfer structure (CO-PC)
| transfer time
| transfer tracking
| transfer type
| transfer variant
| transfer wage type
| transfer work
| transfer, direct
| transfer, indirect
| Transfer/Borrow-Loan-Payback
| transferred condition
| transferred quantity
| transferred remuneration line
| transformation (BC-SRV)
| transformation (BW-WHM)
| Transformation Editor
| transformation file
| transformation run
| transformed business object
| transformed price
| transformer group
| transhipment location
| Transiberian
| transient piece
| transient pseudonym
| transient transition
| TransientProvider
| transit customs office
| transit time
| transition (BC-SRV-PMI)
| transition (CRM-MD-PRO-OBJ)
| transition (PY)
| transition line
| transition service
| transition speed
| transitional collateral
| translate function
| translation (CA-EPT-BCV)
| translation (FS-BA-PM-AFP)
| translation (SBC)
| translation (TR)
| translation AddRow
| translation date
| translation DeleteRow
| translation difference
| translation entry (EC-CS)
| translation entry (FI-LC)
| translation method
| translation object
| translation ratio (EC-CS)
| translation ratio (FI-LC)
| translation table (EPM-BPC)
| translation table (IS-CC)
| Translation Worklist Editor
| translator (BC-FES-GRA)
| translator (BC-MID-ALE)
| transmission
| Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
| transmission grid
| transmission grid operator
| transmission information
| transmission log
| transmission medium
| transmission protocol
| transmission report
| transmission system operator
| transmitter code
| transmitting tax company
| Transnational University Limburg (tUL)
| Transnet
| transparent flag
| transparent matchcode
| transparent table
| transponder
| transponder ID
| transport
| transport application
| transport category
| transport control program
| transport directory
| transport documents
| transport domain
| transport domain controller
| transport equipment (IS-R)
| transport equipment (LE-YM)
| transport group
| transport into next system
| transport layer (BC-CTS)
| transport layer (BC-JAS-SEC)
| Transport Layer Security
| Transport Load Builder
| transport log
| Transport Management System
| transport mode
| transport object type
| transport of money and valuables
| transport order
| Transport Organizer
| Transport Organizer Tools
| transport profile
| transport properties
| transport proposal
| transport request
| transport symbol
| transport track
| transport type (EHS)
| transport type (FI-AA)
| transport unit (EHS)
| transport unit (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| transportable change request
| transportation allocation
| Transportation and Distribution
| transportation chain
| transportation charge calculation
| transportation charge calculation sheet
| transportation charge management
| transportation charge processing
| transportation charge rate
| transportation charge scale
| transportation charge tariff
| transportation costs
| transportation cross-docking
| transportation group (SCM-APO-VS)
| transportation group (SD)
| transportation lane (CA-DMF)
| transportation lane (SCM-APO)
| transportation lane (SCM-TM)
| transportation lead time
| transportation mode
| transportation mode category
| transportation planning
| Transportation Planning
| transportation planning date
| transportation planning point
| transportation report
| transportation resource
| transportation scheduling
| transportation service provider
| transportation service provider selection
| transportation stop
| transportation unit (SCM-EWM)
| transportation unit (SCM-TM)
| transportation unit resource
| transportation zone (IS-BEV-LO-RP)
| transportation zone (SCM-TM)
| transportation zone (SD)
| transporter ranking
| transshipment location
| transshipment location chain
| trash
| trash folder
| travel costs
| travel distance
| travel distance calculation
| travel expenses assignment specification
| travel flat rate
| travel interaction center
| Travel Management
| travel privilege
| travel profile
| traveler (LOD-TEM)
| traveler (MFG-ME)
| Tray
| treasury confirmation
| treasury ID
| treasury subclass code
| Treasury workstation
| treatable exception
| treatment
| treatment and cost plan
| treatment category
| treatment certificate
| treatment certificate category
| treatment certificate class
| treatment certificate priority
| treatment certificate type
| treatment context
| treatment diagnosis
| treatment plan
| treatment program
| treatment sequence
| treatment unit
| tree (BC-FES)
| tree (IS-T)
| tree (SBO)
| tree list
| tree type
| tremcard
| trend (EPM-BPC)
| trend (EPM-SM)
| trend (QM)
| trend dampening profile
| trend indicator
| trend limit alarm
| trend model
| trend of actual
| trend value
| TREX Cruiser
| TREX engine
| TREX INI File Editor
| TREX service
| TREX Text Mining Engine
| trial
| trial balance
| trial balance budget report
| trial balance comparison
| triangular deal
| triangulation
| tributary situation
| Trigg's tracking signal
| trigger (BC-BMT-BPM)
| trigger (FS-TXS)
| trigger (SCM-BAS-PSM)
| trigger count
| trigger count service
| trigger date
| trigger file
| trigger group
| trigger level
| trigger monitoring
| trigger of the commission contract type
| trigger point (PP)
| trigger point (PP-KAB)
| trigger point group
| trigger statistics
| trigger type
| triggered report
| triggering event (BC-BMT-WFM)
| triggering event (FS-BA-AN-PA)
| triggering method
| triggering object type
| trimetric view
| trimming
| trip (SCM-APO-SPP)
| trip (SCM-EWM)
| trip plan
| trip provision
| trip provision variant
| trip provisions
| trip request (OPU-ALY)
| trip request (OPU-DUE)
| trip rule
| trip schema
| tripping
| trivalent
| trivial amount
| Troubleshooting Roadmap
| truck route contract
| true full-time employment
| trust store
| trusted system
| trusting system
| truststore
| truth value
| TU&C/C protocol
| tumble duplex printing
| turn
| turnaround letter
| turnaround time
| turnover class
| tutorial
| TV production
| twelfth rule
| TwinCube
| twisted pair
| two-date pricing
| two-dimensional period management
| two-dimensional pricing
| two-dimensional time dependency
| two-dimensional versioning
| two-envelope RFx response
| two-envelope RFx response evaluation
| two-level rounding
| two-step confirmation
| two-step picking
| two-step production confirmation
| two-step stock transfer procedure
| two-step transfer
| two-system landscape
| two-way link
| TWSecurity
| type (BC-ABA)
| type (BC-SRV-RM)
| type (IS-B-RA)
| type category
| type conversion
| type group (BC-ABA)
| type group (BC-DWB-DIC)
| type linkage
| type linkage table
| type name
| type of an entry in the basic catalog set
| type of business
| type of case end
| type of coverage
| type of drug category
| type of flat rate per case
| type of industry
| type of input tax distribution
| type of loss
| type of module correspondence
| type of previous document
| type of reported data
| type of scheduled payment
| type of settlement unit
| type of stock exchange listing
| type of technical object
| type one cash flow disturbance
| type two cash flow disturbance
| typical order lot size
| typing (BC-ABA)
| typing (BC-DWB-TOO)
| typing kind
| U
| UBOI factory
| UCTE grid
| UD Connect
| UD Connect source
| UD Connect source object
| UF unit
| UFO list
| UI asset
| UI command
| UI component (CA-WUI)
| UI component (EP-VC)
| UI Component Workbench
| UI configuration
| UI Configuration Tool
| UI Designer
| UI element library
| UI element tree
| UI object type
| UI pattern configuration data
| UI pattern element
| UIC code
| ultimate consignee
| ultimates
| umbrella organization
| UME Provider Service
| UN number
| unaddressed spending value
| unallocated fee
| unambiguous blended code page
| unapproved overtime
| unary operator
| unassigned portfolio
| unauthorized overdraft of an external limit
| unavailability reason
| unbilled revenue
| unbilled revenue amount
| unbilled revenue reporting
| unbind operation
| unbonded
| unbundling
| unchangeable agreement
| unchecked delivery
| unclaimed balance
| unclassifiable conflict
| unconditional pension key date
| unconstrained forecast
| unconsumed budget
| uncontrolled merge
| undefined partner
| under 24-hour case
| underconfirmation alert
| underdelivery tolerance
| underinsurance
| underinsurance rate
| underlying
| underlying component
| underlying document
| underlying right
| underlying software component version
| underlying transaction
| underperformer band
| understock
| undo (BC-FES-GRA)
| undo (BC-FES-GUI)
| undo (IS-H)
| undocumented check presentment
| unduplicated headcount
| unearned premium
| unearned premium reserve
| unemployment benefit II
| unemployment state
| unemployment tax method
| unexcused absence
| unfavorable variance
| unfound object
| Unicode
| Unicode character representation
| Unicode check
| Unicode Conversion
| Unicode Conversion Process
| Unicode program
| unicode sequence identifier
| unicode signature
| Unicode Standard
| Unicode system
| unification (EP-PIN-UNI)
| unification (SAP)
| Unification Server
| unified identification code (FI)
| unified identification code (FI)
| Unified Modeling Language
| unified rendering
| Unified Rendering Framework
| unifier
| Unifier for BW
| unifier for Oracle Applications
| Unifier for SAP Applications
| Unifier Management Console
| uniform assessment standard
| Uniform Code Council
| Uniform Contract Format
| Uniform Naming Convention
| Uniform Resource Identifier
| Uniform Resource Locator
| uniform tax
| uniform tax on imputed income
| uniform valuation
| uninterruptible power supply
| union shop
| unique creditor identifier
| unique German location number
| unique ID
| unique identification
| unique index
| unique item identifier
| unique name
| unique taxpayer reference (FI)
| unique taxpayer reference (SBO)
| unique treatment certificate identifier
| unique worker identification code
| unit (BC-MID)
| unit (QM)
| unit architecture board
| unit architecture guideline
| unit category (FS-BA-SD)
| unit category (LOD-ESO)
| unit conversion
| unit costing
| unit ID
| Unit Load
| unit object
| unit of entry
| unit of issue
| unit of measure (EPM-SA)
| unit of measure (LO-MD)
| unit of measure group
| unit of measurement
| unit price
| unit price contract
| unit projection
| unit reserve price
| unit start price
| unit test
| unit testing
| unit to be inspected
| unit-of-measure load category (LE)
| unit-of-measure load category (SCM-EWM)
| United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
| United Nations Standard Products and Services Code
| United Nations/Standard Products and Services Code
| universal agreement
| universal currency
| Universal Discovery, Description and Integration
| universal process instruction category
| Universal Product Code
| Universal Unique Identifier
| Uniwagnis risk-rating system
| unknown person
| unlimited labor contract
| unloading date
| unloading document
| unloading point (IS-A-GR)
| unloading point (SD)
| unloading rule
| unloading zone
| unlock resource
| unoccupied position
| unpacked format
| unpacked goods movement quantity
| unplaced attendee
| unplaced participant
| unplanned consumption
| unplanned delivery costs
| unplanned depreciation
| unplanned downtime
| unplanned withdrawal
| unqualified down payment
| unresolved amount
| unrestricted shipment phase
| unrestricted-use stock
| unsatisfied claims coverage
| unscheduled billing
| unscheduled claim
| unscheduled correspondence
| unscheduled meter reading
| unscheduled processing
| unscheduled repayment
| unsecured exposure
| unsecured loan
| unserviceable part
| unsolicited applicant
| unsolicited application group
| unstructured content
| unstructured document
| unsuspend bidder
| untagging
| untagging check
| untagging condition
| untagging phase
| unthreaded nomination
| UNTIL loop
| unusable land
| unvested awards
| unweighted sales volume
| unworked days
| UoM code
| UoM measure
| up-selling (CRM-MKT)
| up-selling (WEC-IS)
| update (BC-CST-UP)
| update (FS-PM)
| update (IS-B-RA-CL)
| update (MM-IM)
| update (PA-CM)
| update (SRM-EBP-CON)
| update counter
| update data
| update dispatching
| Update form
| update function module
| update group
| update header
| update information
| update key
| update log
| update management
| Update Manager
| update model
| update module
| update of a nursing plan
| update of application
| update of indirect planning data
| update of indirect sales
| update owner
| update profile
| update queuing
| update rate
| update read
| update record
| update request
| update server
| update statistics (BC-CST-UP)
| update statistics (BC-DB)
| update status
| update table
| update task
| update termination
| update tracker
| update type
| update work process
| update-relevant
| upgrade (BC-DOC)
| upgrade (BC-UPG)
| Upgrade Assistant
| upgrade Customizing
| upgrade monitor
| upgrade order
| upgrade path
| upgrade strategy
| upgrade unit
| upgrade/change impact analysis
| uplift
| uplift factor
| upload (EC-CS)
| upload (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| upload (PT)
| upload center
| upload method (EC-CS)
| upload method (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| upload profile
| upper threshold critical zone
| upper threshold normal zone
| upstream confirmation
| upstream settlement procedure
| uptime
| upward compatibility
| urgent correction
| URI permission table
| URL Access for Content
| URL Capture
| URL Editor
| URL escaping
| URL filter
| URL for grouped alerts
| URL iView
| URL map table
| URL prefix
| URL rewriting (BC-CST-IC)
| URL rewriting (BC-JAS-WEB)
| URL-Isolated
| usability feature
| usable unit of measure
| usage (AP-RC-BEF)
| usage (CRM)
| usage (EHS)
| usage (IS-HMED)
| usage balance of PIN limit
| usage category
| usage context
| usage count
| usage decision
| usage factor
| usage frequency type
| usage list
| usage object (CRM-MKT)
| usage object (RE)
| usage of repository objects
| usage operation
| usage rate
| usage rights
| usage site
| usage type (BC-BMT-BTM-FWK)
| usage type (BC-DWB-TOO-PAK)
| usage type (CRM-MKT)
| usage type (FS-CMS)
| usage type (IS-DFS)
| usage type (IS-U-BI)
| usage type (KM-KW)
| usage type (NW)
| usage type (RE)
| usage variance
| usage view
| use access
| use case
| use case step
| use dependency
| use rate
| use symbol
| use tax
| used asset value
| used instances model
| used part return
| useful life
| user (BC-JAS)
| user (BC-SEC-USR)
| user (CRM-BTX)
| user (EP-PIN-USM)
| user (RIV)
| user access review
| user action
| user administration
| user administration e-mail
| user administrator
| User Assignment Configurator
| User Assignment Pattern
| user budget
| user buffer
| user change
| user code
| user context
| user data
| user data file
| user decision
| user department (LO-MD)
| user department (SV-ASA)
| user department representative
| user element
| user exit (BC-DWB-CEX)
| user exit (EHS)
| user favorite
| user flag
| user group (BC-SEC-USR)
| user group (BC-SRV-QUE)
| user group (EC-EIS)
| user group (IS-M-SD)
| user group (MFG-ME)
| user group (PLM-WUI)
| user ID icon
| user interface (BC-FES-GUI)
| user interface (FIN-SEM-BPS)
| user interface (PLM-WUI-APP)
| user interface (SWE)
| User Interface API
| user interface application component
| user interface application component configuration
| user interface building block (BC-WD-PTN)
| user interface building block (SWE)
| user interface element
| User Interface Framework layer
| user interface layer
| user interface pattern (BC-WD-PTN)
| user interface pattern (CA-GTF-TS-XSS)
| user interface pattern (SWE)
| user interface pattern (WEC-FRW)
| user interface pattern element
| user interface pattern library
| user labor time
| user LCC
| user list
| user management (BC)
| user management (WEC-APP)
| user management engine
| user mapping
| User Mapping tool
| user master record
| user menu
| user message
| user mitigation
| user mode
| user name
| user package
| User Preferences Editor
| User Principal Name
| user profile
| user projection
| User Readiness Check for Reporting Line Unit
| user registration
| user session (BC)
| user session (BC-ABA)
| user shelf
| user status
| User Storage Service
| user store
| user template
| user time view
| user trace
| user viewer
| user wage type
| user-definable area
| user-defined character
| user-defined data type
| user-defined fields
| user-defined hierarchy
| user-defined object
| user-defined objects
| user-defined period split
| user-defined selection screen
| user-defined text
| user-defined type
| user-readable format
| user-specific distribution list
| user-specific presetting
| user-specific room role
| UsernameToken
| UTA unit
| UTF-16
| UTF-32
| UTF-8
| utility master
| utility pole
| utility product
| utility product set
| utility product set type
| utility server
| utilization (FS-MCM-FAC)
| utilization (IS-B-RA-CL)
| utilization (SCM-APO-MSP)
| utilization of guarantee
| utilizer
| UTM unit
| UWV company number (FI)
| V
| V0 split
| V1 module
| V1 update
| V2 module
| V2 update
| vacancy (PA-OS)
| vacancy (RE)
| vacancy assignment
| vacancy assignment status
| vacancy percentage rate
| vacant position
| vacant rental unit
| vacant status
| vacation supplement
| val-u structure
| valid-from date
| valid-to date
| validate
| validate and process
| validate data
| validated amount
| validation (CRM-MKT)
| validation (EC-CS)
| validation (FI-LC)
| validation (FI-SL)
| validation (IS-U-DM-MR)
| validation check (FI-LC)
| validation check (SCM-ICH)
| validation class
| validation group (FI-LC)
| validation group (FI-LC)
| validation group (IS-U-DM-MR)
| validation group (SCM-ICH)
| validation profile (SCM-EWM)
| validation profile (SCM-ICH)
| Validation service
| validation sheet
| validation sold-to party
| validity
| validity area
| validity area category
| validity data
| validity interval
| validity of bill of material
| validity order
| validity period (AP-MD)
| validity period (BC-SRV-BRF)
| validity period (PA)
| validity period (PA-PM)
| validity period (PE)
| validity period (PE-LSO)
| validity period (PP)
| validity period of institution's accreditation
| validity window
| valuated goods receipt blocked stock
| valuated project stock
| valuated sales order stock
| valuated stock
| valuation (CO-PA)
| valuation (FI)
| valuation (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| valuation (ICM)
| valuation (IS-OIL)
| valuation (MP-APP-DPE)
| valuation (PA-CP)
| valuation (PM-WCM)
| valuation (QM)
| valuation (SBO)
| valuation agreement
| valuation alternative
| valuation application area
| valuation approach
| valuation approach clearing account
| valuation area
| valuation at retail
| valuation base
| valuation basis
| valuation category (FS-BA)
| valuation category (MM-IV)
| valuation class
| valuation code
| valuation cross reference
| valuation date (CO-PC)
| valuation date (SRD-BC-TLS-DTM)
| valuation differences
| valuation environment
| valuation factor
| valuation factor determination
| valuation for accounting purposes
| valuation formula
| valuation function
| valuation group
| valuation header record
| valuation ID
| valuation level
| valuation method (FI)
| valuation method (FI-AA)
| valuation method (FS-BA-PM-CR)
| valuation method (SBO)
| valuation mode (QM)
| valuation mode (SRD-SCM)
| valuation object
| valuation of net assets
| valuation period
| valuation price (MM-IV)
| valuation price (SBO)
| valuation principle
| valuation procedure (FIN-BAC-INV)
| valuation procedure (ICM)
| valuation procedure (MM-IV)
| valuation profile
| valuation reserve for special reserves
| valuation result category
| valuation rule (FS-BA)
| valuation rule (IS-B-RA)
| valuation rule (QM)
| valuation run
| valuation run type
| valuation selections process
| valuation strategy (CO-PA)
| valuation strategy (CO-PC)
| valuation strategy (FIN-BAC-INV)
| valuation structure
| valuation transaction
| valuation type (CRM-BTX-SVO)
| valuation type (FI-AA)
| valuation type (ICM)
| valuation type (IS-R)
| valuation type (MM-IV)
| valuation unit of measure
| valuation variant
| valuation view (CO)
| valuation view (FIN-BAC-INV)
| value (BC-DWB)
| value (EPM-SA)
| value added
| value added tax
| value adjustment document
| value assignment
| value assignment assessment
| value assignment category
| value assignment instance
| value assignment origin
| value assignment rating
| value assignment text
| value assignment text type
| value assignment type
| value assignment usage
| value at risk (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| value at risk (GRC-RM)
| value category
| value chain (BC-CUS)
| value chain (SV-ASA)
| value change
| value checksum
| value code
| value comparison
| value conflict
| value contract (IS-HT-SW)
| value contract (MM-PUR)
| value contract (SD)
| value conversion
| value date (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| value date (FS-PE)
| value date agreement
| value date in the past
| value date rule
| value date split
| value date time
| value date-based balance
| value dating
| value determination
| value domain
| value driver tree (FIN-SEM-CPM)
| value driver tree (SV-ASA)
| value exclusion conflict
| value field (CO-PA)
| value field (FIN-SEM-CPM)
| value group
| value hierarchy
| value item (EC-CS)
| value item (FI-LC)
| value item (IS-HT-SW)
| value limit
| value link
| value list value
| value mapping (CA-MDG)
| value mapping (MDM)
| value mapping (SBO-INT)
| value of goods received
| value of travel flat rate
| value owner ID
| value range
| value range integrity
| value reserve
| value scale
| value scenario (ONE VOICE)
| value scenario (SV-ASA)
| value semantics
| value set
| value share
| value table
| value transfer adjustment type
| value type (CO)
| value type (PA-PF)
| value type (PP)
| value type (PSM-FM)
| value variable
| value-added chain diagram
| value-added reseller
| value-added service (IS-AFS-SD)
| value-added service (LE-WM)
| value-added service order (LE-WM)
| value-added service order (SCM-EWM)
| value-added service template
| value-added tax
| value-as-new insurance
| value-at-risk weight
| value-churn index
| value-mapping context
| value-only article
| value-only material
| value/quantity contract
| ValueSAP
| van seller
| van stock
| vapor pressure
| variable (BC-ABA)
| variable (BC-SRV-REP)
| variable (BW)
| variable (CA-GTF-DOB)
| variable (FI-SL)
| variable (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| variable activity
| variable cost
| variable definition
| variable depreciation
| variable filler task
| variable inspection
| variable interest rate
| variable key
| variable overview
| variable payments/deductions
| variable status
| variable transaction
| variable tree
| variable view
| variable withholding tax supplement
| variable-size item
| variable-size item formula
| variable-size item quantity
| Variables Editor
| variance (CO)
| variance (EPM-BPC)
| variance (EPM-SA)
| variance (IS-A-PPC)
| variance (IS-B-RA)
| variance based on components
| variance calculation
| variance category
| variance key
| variance report
| variance type
| variance variant
| variance/covariance approach
| variant (AP-PPE)
| variant (BC-ABA)
| variant (BC-DOC-TER)
| variant (BC-SRV)
| variant (BC-SRV-REP)
| variant (BC-SRV-RM)
| variant (CA-EPT-BCV)
| variant (FI)
| variant (IS-R)
| variant (PA-PM-PB)
| variant (SBO)
| variant BOM
| variant condition (CRM)
| variant condition (WEC-IS)
| variant configuration
| variant defective part
| variant differentiation
| variant directory
| variant function
| variant key
| variant program
| variant table
| variant transaction
| variant-creating characteristic
| varying price structure
| VAS consumption posting
| VAS material
| VAT account
| VAT code
| VAT exempt
| VAT number
| VAT perception
| VAT refund code
| VAT registration number
| VAT report
| VAT transaction
| VAT-free operations
| vault
| VbF class
| vector graphic
| vector operator
| vehicle (IS-A-DBM)
| vehicle (IS-A-VMS)
| vehicle (IS-OIL)
| vehicle (LE-YM)
| vehicle (SCM-EWM)
| vehicle category
| vehicle chain
| vehicle history
| vehicle identification number
| vehicle life cycle act
| Vehicle Management System
| vehicle master (IS-A-DBM)
| vehicle master (IS-BEV-LO-RP)
| vehicle model (IS-A-DBM)
| vehicle model (IS-A-VMS)
| vehicle model master
| vehicle quotation
| vehicle reconciliation
| vehicle resource (SCM-APO-VS)
| vehicle resource (SCM-TM)
| vehicle returns order
| Vehicle Scheduling
| vehicle search area
| Vehicle Space Optimization
| vehicle status
| vehicle table
| vehicle transfer
| vehicle-resource combination
| vendor (BC-FES-GRA)
| vendor (FI)
| vendor (LO)
| vendor (MFG-ME)
| vendor (SBC)
| vendor (WEC-APP)
| vendor (XAP-CQM)
| vendor account
| vendor assortment
| vendor billing document
| vendor block
| vendor capacity (IS-AFS-MM)
| vendor capacity (SCM-APO-SNP)
| vendor confirmation
| vendor consignment stock
| vendor contract (MM-PUR)
| vendor contract (RE)
| vendor deal
| vendor declaration
| vendor evaluation
| vendor evaluation criterion "complaints level"
| vendor fund
| vendor group
| vendor liabilities aging
| vendor link
| vendor master
| vendor master record
| vendor namespace
| vendor net procedure
| vendor number
| vendor operation (FI-AR)
| vendor operation (MFG-ME)
| vendor order
| vendor outline agreement
| vendor quotation
| vendor quote
| vendor ranking
| vendor release
| vendor restriction
| vendor scheduling agreement
| vendor service level
| vendor subrange
| vendor-managed inventory (IS-R)
| vendor-managed inventory (SCM-APO-CA)
| vendor/article discontinuation
| vendor/article/site discontinuation
| vendor/material discontinuation
| vendor/material/plant discontinuation
| verdict
| verification list
| verification PSE
| verification word
| version (BC-SRV)
| version (BC-SRV-RM)
| version (CO)
| version (CRM-MKT-MPL-LOY)
| version (EC-CS)
| version (FI-LC)
| version (FIN-SEM-BCS)
| version (FS-PM)
| version (ICM)
| version (LO-WTY)
| version (MM-PUR)
| version (MP-APP-CR)
| version (PPM-PRO)
| version (RIV)
| version (SRM-EBP)
| version (WEC-WCB)
| version assignment
| version change
| version change protection
| version comparison (FS-BP)
| version comparison (PPM-PRO)
| version conflict
| version control
| version creation
| version database
| version directory (BC-CTS)
| version directory (BC-DWB-DIC)
| version increment
| version linkage
| version management (CRM)
| version management (FS-BA-SD)
| version of a planning hierarchy
| version of a segment hierarchy
| version of available capacity
| version overview
| version reconciliation
| version relation
| version relationship
| version type
| version-controlled resource
| version-specific cost estimate
| versioned exposure
| versioned folder
| versioning (BC-SRV-KPR)
| versioning (FS-BA)
| versioning schema
| vertical layer
| vertical merger
| vertical reference number
| vessel's call sign
| vested portion
| vested reserves
| vested rights
| vesting (PA-BN)
| vesting (PA-EC)
| vesting (PY-HK)
| vesting rule (PA-BN)
| vesting rule (PA-CM)
| vesting scale
| vesting schedule
| vesting service
| veteran status
| veteran student
| veterans' preference
| VFolder
| video conference
| video enforcement system
| view (BC-BMT-WFM)
| view (BC-BSP)
| view (BC-CUS-TOL)
| view (BC-DWB-DIC)
| view (BC-FES-GUI)
| view (BC-WD)
| view (EP-PIN)
| view (EP-VC)
| view (EPM-SM)
| view (IS-B-RA)
| view (IS-H)
| view (LO-MD)
| view (PPM)
| view (RIV)
| view (SWE)
| view area
| view cluster
| view cluster transaction
| view cluster variant
| view controller
| View Designer
| view field
| View form
| view group
| view ID
| view node
| view panel
| view rule
| view screen
| view set
| view set hierarchy
| view set selection UI pattern
| view step
| view switch
| view type
| view variant
| view XSL
| view-led transaction
| viewer
| vintage
| violated resource network
| violator
| VIP status
| virama
| virtual account number
| virtual address space
| virtual address space for work process
| virtual aspect
| virtual attribute
| virtual child location
| virtual classroom
| virtual community
| virtual compatible unit
| virtual component
| virtual domain
| virtual guest user
| virtual hedging relationship
| virtual host
| virtual individual account
| virtual interface
| Virtual Learning Room
| virtual location for consolidated ordering
| virtual machine
| virtual original table
| virtual private network
| virtual processor
| Virtual Programming Model
| virtual provider (BI)
| virtual safety stock
| virtual SAP System
| virtual storage
| virtual trading point
| virtual unit
| virtual user
| VirtualProvider
| VirtualProvider based on a Classic InfoSet
| virus scan profile
| Virus Scan Server
| viscosity
| visibility
| visibility method
| visibility rule
| visibility scenario
| visibility section
| visibility settings
| visible
| visible component
| visible component slot
| visible for subpackages
| visible length
| vision
| visit appointment
| visit control
| visit list
| visit overview
| visit plan (CRM)
| visit plan (IS-BEV-DSD)
| visit plan group
| visit plan header
| visit plan item
| visit plan maintenance
| visit plan type
| visit planning
| visit report
| visit scheduling
| visit status
| visit time
| visit type
| visiting student
| visiting studies
| visiting studies choice
| visual application component
| Visual Composer
| visual order
| visualization
| visualization profile (PP-FLW)
| visualization profile (SCM-APO-PPS-MMP)
| visualization segment
| vital sign value
| vital signs
| VM Container
| VM Container statistic record
| VMC log display
| VMI promotional lead time
| VMI sales order
| vocabulary (AIE)
| vocabulary (BC-I18-UNI)
| vocabulary collision
| vocabulary hint
| voice action
| voice chat
| voice entity
| voice menu
| voice user interface
| VoiceObjects Connector log
| void
| volatility (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| volatility (FS-BA-SD)
| volatility (IS-B-RA)
| volume code
| volume correction factor (IS-OIL-DS-HPM)
| volume correction factor (IS-U-BI-SF-GA)
| volume delivery
| volume indicator
| volume label
| volume number
| volume rebate
| volume test
| volume unit
| volume variance
| volume-based continuous
| volume-based rebate
| volumetric gas billing
| voluntary pension savings
| volunteering
| voucher (CRM-MKT-MPL-LOY)
| voucher (SBO)
| VSR check
| W
| wafer
| wage area
| wage basis days
| wage element
| wage group
| Wage ledger
| wage type (PP)
| wage type (PY)
| wage type characteristic
| wage type class
| wage type group
| wage type model
| wage type split
| wage type statement
| wait notice
| wait step
| wait step work item
| wait symbol
| wait time (BC-BMT-WFM)
| wait time (IS-OIL-DS-TD)
| wait time (MFG-ME)
| wait time (PP)
| wait time (PP-KAB)
| wait time (SCM-APO-VS)
| waiting list level
| waiting list management
| waiting list place
| waiting list status
| waiting list type
| waiting patient
| waiting period (FS-PM)
| waiting period (PA-BN)
| waiting period (PA-CM)
| waiting period (PA-PF)
| waiting time
| waiting time learning
| waiting-list booking (PE)
| waiting-list booking (PE-LSO)
| waived deductible
| waiver
| waiver condition (CA-FIM-FCO)
| waiver condition (RE)
| waiver of premium
| waiver of underinsurance
| waiver order
| walking card
| walkthrough (PLM-WUI-APP)
| walkthrough (SV-ASA)
| wall
| wallet
| WAP application
| WAP device
| WAP gateway
| WAP server
| warehouse (LE-WM)
| warehouse (SBO)
| warehouse activity monitor
| warehouse balance report
| warehouse checker
| warehouse clerk
| Warehouse Cockpit
| warehouse code
| warehouse complex
| warehouse control unit
| warehouse document
| warehouse entry summary
| warehouse funds center
| warehouse inventory
| warehouse inventory list
| Warehouse Management system
| warehouse master
| warehouse material document
| warehouse number
| warehouse operation
| warehouse order (IS-R)
| warehouse order (SCM-EWM)
| warehouse order activity area
| warehouse procurement
| warehouse product
| warehouse release order
| warehouse request
| warehouse space savings
| warehouse stock
| warehouse stock valuation
| warehouse task
| warehouse withdrawal
| warehousekeeper
| warehousing
| warm transfer
| warm transfer call
| warning
| warning limit
| warrant
| warrant bond
| warranty (CRM-BF-CFG)
| warranty (SBO)
| warranty category (CS)
| warranty category (IS-A-DBM)
| warranty claim
| warranty claim type
| warranty control
| warranty counter
| warranty ID
| warranty management
| warranty processing
| warranty profile
| warranty type
| wartime establishment
| waste
| waste amount
| waste approval
| waste billing category
| waste billing factor
| waste catalog
| waste code
| waste disposal
| waste disposal calendar
| waste disposal facility
| waste disposal object
| waste disposal order
| waste disposal service
| waste generation
| waste level
| waste life-cycle analysis
| waste management
| waste management business partner
| waste management concept
| waste transport
| watch
| watchpoint
| water pollution class (EHS)
| water pollution class (LE)
| wave pick
| wave template
| wave template option
| waypoint
| WBS element
| WBS forecast date
| WBS scheduling
| WCD template
| WCM object
| WCM-relevant operation
| WCM-relevant order
| weak performer band
| weak reference
| weakly encapsulated
| weapon system ID
| Web activity
| web administration interface
| Web application
| Web Application Builder
| web application development
| Web application object catalog
| Web Application Server
| Web AS Java
| Web Auction
| Web Auctions Administration
| web broker
| web broker type
| Web catalog
| Web Channel application
| Web Channel application template
| Web Channel Builder
| Web Channel configuration management
| Web Channel Content Management Application
| Web Channel Content Management Application view
| Web Channel framework
| Web client
| Web component
| Web Container Service
| Web Dynpro
| Web Dynpro application
| Web Dynpro Client for Java
| Web Dynpro Client for Windows
| Web Dynpro component
| Web Dynpro component controller
| Web Dynpro component interface
| Web Dynpro Explorer
| Web Dynpro Foundation
| Web Dynpro meta model
| Web Dynpro metadata
| Web Dynpro metadata API
| Web Dynpro mode
| Web Dynpro perspective
| Web Dynpro rendering
| Web Dynpro Tools
| Web Dynpro-built-in
| Web flow
| web folder
| Web form
| Web form task
| Web interface (FIN-SEM-BPS)
| Web interface (SCM-EM)
| Web Interface Builder
| Web interface user profile
| Web item
| Web item paging
| Web object
| Web Page Composer
| Web Reporting
| Web Reporting Browser
| Web request
| Web request printout
| Web service (BC-BMT-WFM)
| Web service (BC-DWB)
| Web service (ONE VOICE)
| Web service (SWE)
| Web service client proxy definition
| Web service configuration
| Web Service Connector
| Web service creation wizard
| Web service definition
| Web service model
| Web Services Container Service
| Web Services Description Language (BC-MID-BUS)
| Web Services Description Language (EP-PIN-GP)
| Web Services for Remote Portlets
| Web Services Generator
| Web Services Security Service
| Web shop
| Web shop customer
| Web site
| Web switch
| Web Target Editor
| Web target iView
| Web telephony
| Web template (BW-BEX)
| Web template (BW-BEX)
| Web tools
| Web transaction
| Web Transaction API
| Web Transactions
| Web work item
| Web Workplace
| Web-Based Distributed Authoring and Versioning
| Web-based training
| Web-based user management
| web-ready file
| WebClient UI
| WebClient UI framework
| WebDAV
| WebDAV service
| WebEx
| WebEx meeting
| WebEx session
| WebFlow (BC-BMT-WFM)
| WebFlow (SAP)
| WebFlow rule
| WebRFC application
| WebRFC Gateway Interface
| Webzine
| week program
| weekday-dependent transportation zone
| weekend rule
| weekly lot size
| weekly payroll
| weeks on
| weight (EPM-BPC)
| weight (MP-APP-DPE)
| weight EAN
| weight group
| weight unit
| weight-dependent fee
| weight/volume ratio
| weighted amount
| weighted average (EPM-SM)
| weighted average (FS-CM)
| weighted average (IS-U-BI)
| weighted average (PA-CM)
| weighted average price
| weighted expected sales volume
| weighted overtime valuation
| weighted sales volume
| weighted score
| weighting (CRM-ANA)
| weighting (IS-U-DM-MR)
| weighting (LO)
| weighting (PA-PD)
| weighting factor
| weighting group
| weighting key
| weighting portion
| weighting procedure
| weighting profile
| weighting share
| weighting type
| weighting unit
| welcome e-mail
| well data store
| well facility
| well maintenance
| well maintenance schedule
| well portal
| Western Electric Rules
| wet stock business
| Wf-XML document
| WFD attribute set
| WGate instance
| What If Prediction
| what-if analysis
| what-if forecast
| what-if scenario
| where clause
| where-applied indicator
| where-used list
| where-used list for restrictions
| WHILE loop
| whistleblower
| white noise
| whitebox component
| Who Rates Whom
| wholesale acquisition cost
| wholesaler
| wholesaler bookstore
| wholesaler bookstore code
| wholesaler code
| wholesaler split
| wide area network
| wide area pricing zone
| wide iView
| widening cast
| widget (CA-WUI)
| widget (SBC)
| widgets panel
| width of a loading bay
| wildcard character (BC-ABA)
| wildcard character (SCM-APO-ATP)
| wildcard search
| win a conflict
| winding group
| window (BC-FES-GUI)
| window (BC-SRV-SCR)
| window (BC-WD)
| window (BC-WD-CLT-BUS)
| window (PY)
| window element
| window management
| window title
| Windows Installer
| Windows Integrated Authentication
| WinHelp
| winner determination
| winter maintenance
| winter maintenance level
| Winters' method
| WIP Account
| WIP batch
| WIP calculation
| WIP clearing
| WIP curve
| WIP journal
| WIP layer
| WIP object
| WIP posting logic
| WIP quantity
| WIP revaluation
| WIP stock
| WIP Variance Account
| wire company
| Wireless Application Protocol
| Wireless Bitmap
| wiring
| wish list (CRM-ISA)
| wish list (SBO)
| with respect to
| withdraw
| withdrawal (IS-HER-CM)
| withdrawal (PA-PF)
| withdrawal lump-sum benefits
| withdrawal point
| withdrawal with settlement
| withdrawn (MP-APP-DPE)
| withdrawn (OPU-DUE)
| withdrawn (SRM-EBP-CON)
| withholding agent
| withholding amount
| withholding form
| withholding tax
| withholding tax adjustment
| withholding tax code
| withholding tax key
| withholding tax statement
| withholding tax supplement
| withholding tax type
| witness necessary
| wizard (IS-HMED)
| wizard (SRM-EBP-SHP)
| wizard framework
| WM unit
| Wobbe factor
| won opportunity
| word
| word separator
| WordContainer
| Wordlist
| work (CRM-IM-IPM)
| work (LO)
| work (PPM-PRO)
| work approval
| work area (AP-PPE)
| work area (BC-ABA)
| work area (BC-FES-GUI)
| work area (CA-WUI)
| work area (CRM-RPL-ICS)
| work area (EHS)
| work area (IS-BEV-ED)
| work area (IS-HMED)
| work area (IS-HMED)
| work area (PLM-CFO)
| work area (SCM-APO-PPS)
| work area (SCM-APO-SCC)
| work area for basic catalog set
| work area reluctance profile
| work area title
| work area toolbar
| work break
| work break schedule
| work breakdown
| work breakdown structure
| work capability
| work center (BC-SRV-COM)
| work center (CA-MRS)
| work center (CA-WUI)
| work center (CRM-IC)
| work center (GRC-SPC)
| work center (LE-TRM)
| work center (LE-WM)
| work center (LO)
| work center (MFG-ME)
| work center (PLM-WUI-APP)
| work center (PPM)
| work center (PT)
| work center (QM)
| work center (SCM-EWM)
| work center (SRM-CM)
| work center (SV-SMG)
| work center (SWE)
| work center (XAP-PD)
| work center capability
| work center data
| work center group
| work center hierarchy
| work center link group
| work center operation set
| work center proposals
| work center role
| work center substitution
| work chapter
| work clearance application
| work clearance document
| work clearance management (PM-WCM)
| work clearance management (SAP)
| work client
| work content (AP-PPE)
| work content (PP-FLW)
| work environment (IS-H)
| work environment (PLM-WUI-APP)
| work finish
| work in process (CO-PC)
| work in process (MFG-ME)
| work in process (SCM-APO-PPS-FOT)
| work in process based on components
| work in progress
| work inbox
| work instruction
| work instructions
| work item (BC-BMT-WFM)
| work item (SRD-CC-CC)
| work item container
| work item display
| work item ID
| work item manager
| work item preview
| work item text
| work item type
| work level
| work management
| work mode
| work on project
| work order (IS-U-WM)
| work order (PP)
| work organizer
| work organizer management
| work organizer type
| work package (IS-HMED)
| work package (PS)
| work package (SV-ASA)
| work permit (PM-WCM)
| work permit (PM-WCM)
| work plan
| work process
| work process load monitor
| work process type
| work queue
| work queue work item
| work rule
| work rule template set
| work schedule (PT)
| work schedule (PT)
| work schedule rule
| work scheduler group
| work span
| work start
| work state
| work status
| work status reporting
| work step (IS-AD-PRM)
| work step (SCM-EWM)
| work tax area
| work week
| Workbench
| workbench channel
| Workbench Manager
| Workbench Organizer
| workbench page
| workbench page template
| workbench request
| workbook (BW-BEX)
| workbook (PY)
| workcenter
| workcenter role
| workday
| worker
| worker thread
| workflow (BC-BMT-WFM)
| workflow (SBO)
| Workflow Builder
| workflow configuration
| workflow container
| workflow definition
| workflow definition version
| workflow developer
| Workflow Engine
| workflow inbox
| Workflow Information System
| workflow log
| workflow manager
| workflow modeler
| workflow outbox
| workflow process
| workflow proxy
| workflow resubmissions
| workflow step
| workflow system administrator
| workflow system element
| workflow task
| workflow template
| workflow trace
| Workflow Wizard
| Workflow Wizard Explorer
| Workflow Wizard Repository
| workflow work item
| workflow-controlled transport
| workflow-relevant release code
| workforce forecast
| workforce management
| workforce requirements (PA-RC)
| workforce requirements (PT)
| workforce requirements planning
| workforce schedule
| workgroup
| working area (LE-TRM)
| working area (PP-BD)
| working conditions environment
| working context
| working day
| working day check
| working day shift
| working environment
| working group media info on professional and special magazin
| working hours
| working item
| working set
| working time
| working time attribute
| working time based
| working time model
| working time statistics
| worklist (BC-BMT-WFM)
| worklist (BC-DOC)
| worklist (BC-DOC-TTL)
| worklist (BC-I18-UNI)
| worklist (BC-MOB)
| worklist (CA-MRS)
| worklist (CA-TS)
| worklist (CRM)
| worklist (LE-TRM)
| worklist (LO)
| worklist (MFG-ME)
| worklist (PP-BD)
| worklist (QM-PT-FA)
| worklist (RE)
| worklist category
| worklist for initial commission case
| worklist for object assignment
| worklist monitor
| workload (BC-BMT-WFM)
| workload (CRM-RPL-ICS)
| workload (SCM-EWM)
| workload collector
| workload distribution
| workload document
| workload monitor
| workload redistribution
| Workplace user
| WorkProtect
| workset (EP-PIN-ROL)
| workset (SWE)
| Workset Map iView
| workshop planner
| workspace (BC-CTS)
| workspace (BC-FES-ITS)
| workspace (BW-WHM)
| workspace (CRM-CIC)
| workspace (EP-VC)
| workspace (SBC)
| WorkSpace
| workspace author
| workspace folder (BC-CTS)
| workspace folder (BC-DWB)
| workspace template
| workspace window
| workspaces button
| workstation (IS-R)
| workstation (MFG-ME)
| workthread
| World Resources Institute
| World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement
| WPBP split
| wrap up
| wrap-up
| wrap-up list
| wrapper
| write off
| write phase (BC-CCM-ADK)
| write phase (BC-ILM)
| write-down category
| write-off (CRM-CLA)
| write-off (FI-AA)
| write-off notification
| write-protect mode
| write-up
| write-up category
| writer stream
| writeup
| writing direction
| writing system
| WS-Security identity
| WS-Security PSE
| WSRP application sharing
| WSRP connection
| WSRP consumer
| WSRP producer
| WWI generation server
| X
| X table
| x-out
| X-Window ICC
| Xcellerator
| xIEP administrator
| XJ
| XML check
| XML Content and Actions
| XML Data Package
| XML device configuration
| XML for analysis
| XML form module
| XML Forms Architecture
| XML Forms Builder
| XML iView
| XML iView Wizard
| XML Localization Interchange File Format
| XML message ReplenishmentOrderConfirmation
| XML message ReplenishmentOrderNotification
| XML metadata interchange
| XML Path Language
| XML schema document
| XML schema object
| XML transformation
| XMLFormatter
| XO business object
| XO business object type
| XO listener object
| XO memory object
| XO persistence object
| XO segment object
| XO validation object
| XO validation target
| xPD administrator
| XPress
| XPress customer service representative
| XPress internal customer
| XSL style sheet
| XSL transformation
| XSLT mapping program
| XStep component
| XStep context
| XStep editor
| XStep generation
| XStep parameter
| XStep process instruction
| XStep value assignment symbol
| XString
| XXL List Viewer (BC-CI)
| Y
| Y table
| Yahoo! content module
| Yahoo! Enterprise Solutions
| Yahoo! Enterprise Solutions server
| Yahoo! iView
| Yahoo! module group
| yard (LE-YM)
| yard (SCM-EWM)
| yard activity
| yard bin
| year of cash effectivity
| year of loss
| year of manufacture
| year over year
| year to date (CA)
| year to date (EPM-FC-SK)
| year to date (SBO)
| year transfer
| year-end
| year-end adjustment (PY-JP)
| year-end adjustment (PY-KR)
| year-end adjustment correction of dependents' data
| year-end adjustment recalculation
| year-end balance for BL accounts
| year-end closing
| year-end settlement
| year-end valuation
| yearly advance payment
| yearly gross profit
| yearly maximum pensionable earnings
| years of participation
| years of service
| Yellow List pharmaceutical database
| yellow rating
| yield (CO-PC)
| yield (MFG-ME)
| yield (PP)
| yield curve (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| yield curve (FS-BA-SD)
| yield curve (IS-B-RA)
| yield curve structure
| yield curve type (FS-BA-SD)
| yield curve type (IS-B)
| yield index
| yield ratio
| YTD/YTG analysis (CRM-ANA)
| Z
| Zero Administration
| zero balance account
| zero balancing
| zero bond
| zero bond discounting factor (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)
| zero bond discounting factor (IS-B-RA)
| zero bond interest rate
| zero clearing
| zero emissions vehicle
| zero item
| zero level internal order
| zero profit center
| zero quantity
| zero report
| zero spread
| zero stock check
| zero-based budgeting method
| Zona Franca
| zone
| zone A limit alarm
| zone B limit alarm
| zone type
| zoom
| zoom in and out (EP-KM)
| §
| 'any order' group
| 'K-in-M' restriction
| 'remove' rule
| 'to be deleted' note
| 'to be reclassified' note
| % of over budget
| 0% operations
| 1,000,000-hour quota
| 1%-method
| 100% inspection
| 1000-employee quota
| 2 pm rule
| 2-step relevance
| 3D scene
Erstellt: 2011-01
Bücher zur Kategorie:
Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Wirtschaft, Economía, Économie, Economia, Economy, (esper.) ekonomio
Hamblock, Dieter
Wessels, Dieter
Wörterbuch Wirtschaftsenglisch
Deutsch-Englisch /Englisch-Deutsch
40 000 Einträge pro Sprachrichtung
Gebundene Ausgabe: 800 Seiten
Verlag: Cornelsen; Auflage: 6., aktualis. und erw. A. (September 2002)
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch
Mit 50.000 deutschen und ebenso vielen englischen Stichwörtern sowie jeweils noch weit mehr Entsprechungen in der jeweiligen Zielsprache bietet das in seiner sechsten Auflage völlig überarbeitete Wörterbuch Wirtschaftsenglisch einen enormen Fundus an ökonomischen Fachtermini. Für eine sachgerechte Wirtschaftskorrespondenz ist der präsentierte Wortschatz unabdingbar, in herkömmlichen Wörterbüchern fehlt er jedoch naturgemäß. Nicht so hier: Das "abgeleitete Recht" findet sich da ebenso wie das (in der Praxis lei-der eher seltene) "Steuergeschenk", die "Steuergutschrift" oder "absetzbare Unkosten".
Im Bereich der Wirtschaft ist die Sprache erfahrungsgemäß besonders schnelllebig. Dieter Hamblock und Dieter Wessels haben dem durch die Neuaufnahme zahlreicher Neuschöpfungen Rechnung getragen - etwa im Bereich des Vokabulars der Informationstechnologie, das, wie auch andere wirtschaftsnahe Bereiche, wie das Recht oder die Logistik berücksichtigt wurden. Als besonders nützlich für eine möglichst authentische Übersetzung erweisen sich die vielfach neben den meist mehreren Übersetzungsvorschlägen angebotenen Wortverbindungen. In dieser Hinsicht hilfreich sind auch die zahlreichen Hinweise auf die unterschiedlichen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten einzelner Begriffe.
Im Vergleich mit anderen Neuauflagen von Wörterbüchern fällt jedoch auf, dass auf ein Griffregister ebenso verzichtet wurde, wie auf eine die Übersichtlichkeit erhöhende farbliche Absetzung der Stichwörter. Doch sind dies leichter zu verschmerzende Defizite, die nicht einmal jeder als solche empfindet.
Hasso Greb
Beide Ausgaben des Wörterbuchs Wirtschaftsenglisch von Hamblock/Wessels (Großwörterbuch und kleinere Handausgabe) gehören zu den weit verbreiteten Standardwerken in Deutschland. Mit der 6. Auflage der Handausgaben erscheint - rund zehn Jahre nach Ersterscheinen - eine völlig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. Das bewährte, weil nachweislich praxisgerechte und nutzerfreundliche Grundkonzept bleibt erhalten: Über die unmittelbaren Wortgleichungen hinaus gibt es zahlreiche Redewendungen und Kollokationen sowie Zusatzerläuterungen zu Grammatik, Übersetzungskontext und Fachgebieten. Der Wortbestand hingegen wurde gründlich überarbeitet und aktualisiert, zugleich aber bewusst eingegrenzt, um das Werk handlich zu halten.
Langenscheidt - e-Fwb
Langenscheidt - e-Fachwörterbuch
Wirtschaft, Handel und Finanzen (Routledge)
Englisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Englisch
CD-ROM ab Win 95
Englisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Englisch
132.000 Fachbegriffe
Plattform: Windows 98 / Me / 2000 / XP
Medium: CD-ROM
Über das Produkt
Ein modernes Fachwörterbuch mit rund 100.000 Fachbegriffen. Alle Begriffe wurden von Experten zusammengestellt und geprüft. Mit seinen Gebrauchsangaben, Querverweisen und Abkürzungen ist dieses aktuelle Profi-Wörterbuch für Fachleute aus Wissenschaft und Praxis genauso nützlich wie für Übersetzer und Studenten.
Siegel, Joel G. / Shim, Jae K.
Barron's Dictionary of Accounting Terms
Taschenbuch: 496 Seiten
Verlag: B&T; Auflage: 4 (16. Dezember 2005)
Sprache: Englisch
The updated edition of this quick-reference short-entry dictionary defines more than 2,500 accounting, bookkeeping, and tax-related terms. General areas covered include: financial accounting; managerial and cost accounting; auditing and financial statement analysis; and information technology (IT) terms. Also included are many terms from related business disciplines that the accountant must know, such as finance, personal finance, investments, Internet, economics, quantitative tools, and international business.