Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Suchmaschine, Motor de búsqueda, Moteur de recherche, Motore di ricerca, Search Engine, (esper.) serci

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collect (W3)

Engl. "collect" (um 1500) geht zurück auf lat. "collectus", und setzt sich zusammen aus lat. "col-" = dt. "zusammen", "mit", "völlig" und lat. "legere" = dt. "sammeln" und dem Suffix part. perf. lat. "-tus".


collect | collectable | collectanea | collect call | collected | collectedly | collectible | collection | collection agency | collection plate | collective | collective agreement | collective bargaining | collective control | collective farm | collectively | collective noun | collective security | collective unconscious | collectivisation | collectivise | collectivist | collectivization | collectivize | collector | collector's item


collectage (W3)

Frz. "collectage" = dt. (das) "Sammeln" geht zurück auf lat. "collectus", und setzt sich zusammen aus lat. "col-" = dt. "zusammen", "mit", "völlig" und lat. "legere" = dt. "sammeln" und dem Suffix "age" (Suff. formateur de subst. d'action ou de subst).






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Erstellt: 2016-12





keyword (W3)

Das Aufkommen des engl. "keyword" = dt. "Schlüsselwort", "Stichwort", "Suchwort", frz. "mot clé", "mot-clé" wird auf die Zeit von 1855 bis 1860 datiert.

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Hier fehlen die Schlüsselwörter um alte amerikanische Filmchen zu kategorisieren.

Keywords: need keyword

1936 Pittsburgh Flood (Part II) - unknown | 1960 Kennedy-Nixon Debate (Part I) | 1960 Kennedy-Nixon Debate (Part II) | 409 Bathroom Cleaner Commercial | 957th Day, The | A-Bomb Blast Effects | ABCs of Walking Wisely | Abolene Cream Commercial | Age 13 (Part II) - Sid Davis | Alexis Lichine Wine Commercial | All the Way Home | Allen Carpet Commercial | Along the Way - Levene (Carol) | AMC Jeep Commercial | America for Me (Part I) | America for Me (Part II) | America Marching On | America on Wheels | American Cowboy (Part I) | American Cowboy (Part II) | American Girl, An - the Problems of Prejudice (Part I) | American Girl, An - the Problems of Prejudice (Part II) | American Girl, An - the Problems of Prejudice (Part III) | American Road, The (Part I) | American Road, The (Part II) | American Road, The (Part III) | Andy's Animal Alphabet | Another Cup Of Coffee | Answer, An (Part I) | Answer, An (Part II) | Arranging a Buffet Supper | Arranging The Tea Table | As We Like It | Atom and Biological Science, The | Atoms for Peace | Aurora Stunt and Drag Race Set Commercial | Autobiography of a Jeep | Baggies Food Wrap Commercial | Beech-Nut Baby Food Commercial | Bicycle Today - Automobile Tomorrow | Big Man On Campus | Blonde Stag Film | Bounty Paper Towels Commercial | Bounty Paper Towels Commercials 2 | Co-Ed Secrets Stag Film | Coney Island, USA | Confidential File: Medical Quacks (Part I) | Confidential File: Medical Quacks (Part II) | Cool Hot Rod A | Cool Hot Rod B | County Fair Bread Commercial | County Fair Buns Commercial | Crest Toothpaste Commercial 1 | Crest Toothpaste Commercial 2 | Crest Toothpaste Commercial 3 | Crest Toothpaste Commercial 4 | Dateline Long Island (Pt 2) | Dateline: Long Island (Pt 1) | Dentu-Creme Commercial | Dentu-Creme Commercial 2 | Diesel Story | Discipline During Adolescence | Driving Tips, Part 2 | Exclusively Yours | Fashion's Favorite (Part I) | Fashion's Favorite (Part II) | Fischers Bread Commercial | Folgers Coffee Commercial | Folgers Coffee Commercial 2 | Folgers Coffee Commercial 3 | Garden Wise (Pt 1) | Garden Wise (Pt 2) | Gardening | | Getting Acquainted With Engineering (Part I) | Getting Acquainted With Engineering (Part II) | Girls Beware | Going Places | Gold Medal Flour Commercial | Gospel Dynamite - Baptista (C.O.) | Government Workers | Guardians Of Our Country's Health | Harvest Of The Years | Health: Your Cleanliness | Help Yourself | Henry Wallace Speech - William H. Pine | Hindenburg Explodes | House Fly, The (Second Edition) | How Motion Pictures Move And Talk | How Our Country Grew | How to Buy Meat (Part I) | How to Buy Meat (Part II) | Immunization (2nd Ed) | Information Machine, The | Invitation to a Nation - Byron Roudabush | It Happens Every Noon | Japs Surrender Castle Films | Jay Can Do It | Joy Dishwashing Liquid Commercial | Kentucky Pioneers | Kit Carson Coca-Cola Spots | Klear Floor Wax Commercial | Labor of Thy Hands | Last Date - Lewis D. Collins | Last Word In Automatic Dishwashing | Let's Go To The Movies | Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco | Macleans Toothpaste Commercial | Macleans Toothpaste Commercial | Making Ends Meet | Malibu Mermaid | Mallinckrodt Chemical Comedy | Man On The Land | Manhattan Landmarks | Match Your Mood | Max Fleischer News Sketches | Mennen Baby Magic Commercial | Mental Hospital - University of Oklahoma | Micrin Mouthwash Commercial | Micrin Mouthwash Commercial 2 | Monument to the Living: The Episcopal Service | Mother Goose Stories - Harryhausen (Ray) | Nabisco Bumper | Naturally - a Girl | Network Broadcasting | No Time for Ugliness (Part I) | No Time for Ugliness (Part II) | Nor Long Remember | Norelco Speedshaver Commercial | O'Mara's Chain Miracle | Oil Today - Power Tomorrow | Old Family Album Goes Modern, The | Old Virginia Preserves Commercial | Original Films Of Frank B Gilbreth (Part 2) | Original Films Of Frank B Gilbreth (Part I) - Presented by James S. Perkins in collaboration with Dr. Lillian M. Gilbreth & Dr. Ralph M. Barnes | Our Texas Heritage | Out of the Dark - John Durst | Ozon Hairspray Commercial | Ozon Hairspray Commercial 2 | Patty Learns to Stop, Look and Listen - Emily Benton Frith | Pillsbury Cake Mix Commercial | Pipeline to the Clouds | Plastics | Play In The Snow | Pollution Below | Principles of Electricity | Psychogenic Disease in Infancy | Pursuit Of Profit | Reasons Why, The (Part I) | Reasons Why, The (Part II) | Safety in Offices | Scotties Tissue Commercial | Singing Wheels - H.L. Roberts | Sixth Sense, The | Social Seminar: Bunny | Social Seminar: Guy | Social Seminar: Tom | Sound Waves And Their Sources | Southwestern States | Spider Engineers | Stillman Fires Collection: Albany St Lumber Yard | Stillman Fires Collection: Artificial Respiration | Stillman Fires Collection: Bigger And Better | Stillman Fires Collection: Company Response | Stillman Fires Collection: Dashes Of NYFD | Stillman Fires Collection: Demonstration London Fire Brigade | Stillman Fires Collection: Empire State Building | Stillman Fires Collection: FDNY Chief Kenlons Ride | Stillman Fires Collection: FDNY Chief Officers | Stillman Fires Collection: FDNY Nozzle High Spray | Stillman Fires Collection: Fire Dept Demonstrations | Stillman Fires Collection: Fire Destroys Staten Island Ferry | Stillman Fires Collection: Fires Miscellaneous | Stillman Fires Collection: Fires Miscellaneous | Stillman Fires Collection: Fires Miscellaneous 2 | Stillman Fires Collection: Fires Other Cities | Stillman Fires Collection: First Alarms | Stillman Fires Collection: Five Fires | Stillman Fires Collection: Flexible Cellar Pipe | Stillman Fires Collection: Flitful Flashes Of First Alarms | Stillman Fires Collection: Foreign Fire Departments | Stillman Fires Collection: Foreign Fire Depts | Stillman Fires Collection: Glimpses Of Greater Alarms | Stillman Fires Collection: Industrial Fires | Stillman Fires Collection: Industrial Fires | Stillman Fires Collection: Large Fires Other Cities | Stillman Fires Collection: London Fire Services | Stillman Fires Collection: Lumberyard Fire | Stillman Fires Collection: Lumberyard Fire | Stillman Fires Collection: New York Fire Dept | Stillman Fires Collection: NYC Fires | Stillman Fires Collection: NYC Fires Various | Stillman Fires Collection: NYFD Chief Officers | Stillman Fires Collection: Parade | Stillman Fires Collection: Ship Fires | Stillman Fires Collection: SS Normandie Fires | Stillman Fires Collection: Tacoma Fire Dept | Stillman Fires Collection: Torpedoed | Stillman Fires Collection: Typical Fire | Stillman Fires Collection: Typical Fire | Story of a City: New York - Edward C. Simmel | Story Of Our Flag | Styling and the Experimental Car | Surprise For Jean - John W. Barnes and Gordon Weisenborn. | Sweeta Sweetener Commercial | That's Right - Ken Smith | This Nations Power | To Each Other | To Enrich Mankind | To The Fair (Pt 1) | To The Fair (Pt 2) | Tornado | Trailblazer In Space | Training Women For War Production | Two Bells From Virginia | U.S. Customs Safeguards Our Foreign Trade, The - Emily Benton Frith | Under The Tread | Understanding The Dollar | Us Customs Guards Our Gateways | Vacuum Control | Vicks Nyquil Commercial | Way You Want It, The | We Use Power | Westinghouse Air Conditioners Commercial 1 | Westinghouse Air Conditioners Commercial 2 | What It Means To Be an American | Which Way This Time? | Why We Respect The Law - Gil Altschul | With No One To Help Us | WJR: One of a Kind | World At Your Call | World Trade Center | Wreckless | Your Body During Adolescence | Your Police

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A Key-Word-Map for the whole Internet is a complex keyword refining tool, aiming to help you discover new keywords. It is a fact that search engines can only help you in finding something if you know the right keywords. runs on a multi-gigabyte database of keyword inter-relations. You can search all common concepts and you will be presented with related keywords (eg. "car" -> "wind shiled", "formula 1", "bmw") and keyword variations (eg. "car" -> "car parts", "car insurance", "rent a car"). We also run pertinent links associated to most of the keywords.

The keyword chart contains two axes,




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A word used in a query. In SEO, pages are typically optimized for specific keywords. Keywords are targeted based on what users looking for the specific information or product are most likely to use as part of a query. Accurate keyword targeting is considered by most to be essential to effective SEO. For more on keyword targeting and ways to obtain statistics on actual keyword usage, please refer to the Search Engine Yearbook.

keyword density

A measure of the percentage of words on a page that are specifically chosen keywords. When a user enters a query, search engines display a list of pages containing the search terms. These are ranked based on (amongst many things) the percentage of words on a page that are similar to the words used in the query (keyword density). When keyword density is inflated artificially, it is often referred to as keyword stuffing.



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Erstellt: 2010-08

Klaus Schallhorn Omnisearch

"kso" steht für "Klaus Schallhorn Omnisearch".

Obwohl die Site eine "uk-Adresse" hat, sind die Artikel rund um das Suchen im Internet auf Deutsch.
















Erstellt: 2012-03