Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretańa e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Semiotik, Semiótica, Sémiotique, Semiotica, Semiotics, (esper.) semiotiko
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Signs
- 3. Modality and Representation
- 4. Paradigms and Syntagms
- 5. Syntagmatic Analysis
- 6. Paradigmatic Analysis
- 7. Denotation, Connotation and Myth
- 8. Rhetorical Tropes
- 9. Codes
- 10. Modes of Address
- 11. Encoding/Decoding
- 12. Articulation
- 13. Intertextuality
- 14. Criticisms of Semiotic Analysis
- 15. Strengths of Semiotic Analysis
- 16. D.I.Y. Semiotic Analysis
Glossary of Key Terms
Semiotics (Zeichentheorie) for Beginners by Daniel Chandler - Begriffsbestimmungen und Einordnung in bestimmte Theorien
- Abduction | Aberrant decoding | Absences | Abstraction, levels of | Address, modes of | Addresser and addressee | Advantages of semiotics | Aesthetic codes | Allusion | Althusser, Louis | Analogical signs | Analysis | Content | Diachronic | Paradigmatic | Semiotic: doing your own | Structuralist | Synchronic | Syntagmatic | Anchorage (Barthes) | Arbitrariness or conventionality | Articulation of codes
- Bakhtin, Mikhail | Barthes, Roland | Anchorage | Bourgeois ideology | Five codes of reading | Ideological function of photography and film | Myth | Orders of signification | Photography | Behavioural codes | Bernstein, Basil | Bibliography | Binary oppositions | Bodily codes | Bond, James | paradigmatic analysis of | syntagmatic analysis of | Bourgeois ideology | Bricolage | Broadcast codes
- Categories: marked and unmarked | Chain, syntagmatic | Channel | Cinematic codes | Circuit of communication (Hall) | Codes | articulation of | elaborated | restricted | types of | Codification | Combination, axis of | Commodity codes | Communication | Circuit of (Hall) | Encoding/Decoding model of | Mass and interpersonal | Synchronous and asynchronous | Commutation test | Comprehension | Conative function of signs | Connotation | Constraint and motivation | Constructivism, constructionism | Content, form and | Content analysis vs. semiotics | Contiguity | Conventionality or arbitrariness | Conventions | Criticisms of semiotics
- Decoding | Defamiliarization | Demystification | Denotation | Design features of semiotic codes | Determinism, textual | Diachronic analysis | Diachronic syntagms | Diatopic syntagms | Digital signs | Directness of address | Dominant code and reading | Double articulation, codes with | Duality of patterning | Dyadic model of sign
- Eco, Umberto | Bond, James | paradigmatic analysis of | syntagmatic analysis of | Ten fundamental codes | Types and tokens | Economy, semiotic | Elaborated codes | Élite interpreter | Empty signifier | Encoding | Estrangement (Shklovsky) | Expressive function of signs
- Film | Codes | Compared to language | Cuts | Shots | Similarity of signifier and signified in | Floating signifier | Form and content | Form and substance | Formalism, arid | Formalism, Russian | Formality of modes of address | Functionalism | Functions of signs
- Genette, Gerard | Genres | as codes | Intertextuality and | Grammar | Film and television 'grammar' | Linguistic | Story grammar | Grande syntagmatique (Christian Metz) | Greimas, Algirdas
- Stuart Hall | Denotation and connotation | Dominant, negotiated and oppositional readings | Ideology | Hegemonic code | Hermeneutics | Historicity
- Icons | 'Ideal readers' | Idealism (subjectivism) | Ideological codes | Ideology | Roland Barthes on | Stuart Hall on | Valentin Volosinov on | Indexical signs | Interpellation (Althusser) | Interpretant (Peirce) | Interpretation of signs by their users | Interpretative codes | Interpreter, role of | Intertextuality
- Jakobson, Roman | Axes of selection and combination | Marked and unmarked categories
- Korzybski, Alfred | Kress, Gunther: on metafunctions of semiotic systems | Kristeva, Julia
- Lacan, Jacques | Language codes | Langue (Saussure) | Levels of abstraction | Levels of signification | Limitations of semiotics | Linguistics, relationship of semiotics to | Links on the Web | Lodge, David | Logical codes
- Magazine codes | Making the familiar strange | Marked categories | Marxist approaches | Mass media codes | McLuhan, Marshall | Mediation | Medium | Medium, non-neutrality of | Metalingual function of signs | Metaphor | Metonymy | Metz, Christian | Modality | Modelling systems, primary and secondary | Models of communication | Models of sign | Modes of address | 'Moments' of communication | Morley, David | Motivation and constraint | Multiaccentuality of the sign (Volosinov) | Myth (Barthes)
- Narrative film | Narratology | Narrowcast codes | Naturalization | Codes | Denotation | Negotiated code and reading
- Object (Peirce) | Openness to interpretation | Codes | Connotation and denotation | Open and closed texts (Eco) | Oppositional code and reading | Orders of signification (Barthes) | Overcoding
- Paradigmatic analysis | Paradigms | Parole (Saussure) | Parsimony, principle of (Lévi-Strauss) | Peirce, Charles Sanders | Peircean tradition in semiotics | Perceptual codes | Phatic function of signs | Photographs as indexical signs | Photography | Barthes, Roland on | Compared to language | Newspaper | Peirce, Charles Sanders on | Pictograms | Politics of signification | Positioning of the subject | Poststructuralist semiotics | Pragmatics | Pragmatic level in interpretation of signs | Preferred reading | Production codes | Propp, Vladimir
- Reading: dominant or preferred, negotiated and oppositional | Realism (objectivism) | Realism, aesthetic | Redundancy | Referent | Representamen | Representation | Restricted code | Rhetorical codes | Romantic emphasis on authorial originality
- Saussure, Ferdinand de | Defining semiology | Langue and parole | Model of sign | Saussurean tradition in semiotics | Science, semiotics not a | Introduction | Criticisms of semiotics | Scientific codes | Selection, axis of | Semantics | Semantic level in interpretation of signs | Semiology | Semiosis | Semiotic economy | Semiotic square (Greimas) | Semiotic triangle | Sense | Shklovsky, Victor | Making the familiar strange | Sign | Sign vehicle | Signification, orders of | Signified (Saussure) | Signified, transcendent | Signifier | Empty or floating signifier | Primacy of | Signifier (Saussure) | Signifying practices | Single articulation, codes with | Social context | Social conventions | Social determination | Social semiosis | Spatial relationships as syntagmatic | Square, semiotic | Story grammars | Strengths of semiotics | Structuralism | limitations of | binary oppositions | Structuralism | Stylistic codes | Subject, positioning of the | Subject-effect | Subjectivity of interpretation | Substance, form and | Substituting paradigms | Symbols | Synchronic analysis | Synchronic syntagms | Synecdoche | Syntactics | Syntactic level in interpretation of signs | Syntagmatic analysis | Syntagms | Syntopic syntagms
- Televisual codes | Text | Textual codes | Textual determinism | Tokens and types | Transparency | Triadic model of sign | Triangle, semiotic | Types and tokens | Typologies | of codes | of signs
- Unarticulated codes | Unlimited semiosis | Unmarked categories | Use and production of signs
- Vehicle in metaphor | Vehicle, sign | Volosinov, Valentin
- Weaknesses of semiotics | Whorfian theories | 'Window on the world' metaphor
- Contents Page | Preface | Introduction | Signs | Modality and representation | Paradigms and syntagms | Syntagmatic analysis | Paradigmatic analysis | Denotation, connotation and myth | Rhetorical tropes | Codes | Modes of address | Encoding/Decoding | Articulation | Intertextuality | Criticisms of semiotic analysis | Strengths of semiotic analysis | D.I.Y. semiotic analysis | Glossary of key terms | Suggested reading | References | Index | Semiotics links | S4B Message Board | S4B Chatroom
logical semiotics (W3)
"logische Semiotik" is a (kind of) Semiotik
- "logical semiotics" is std English
- "logische Semiotik" is std German
References Concept = 'logical semiotics'
- Peirce, Charles S. 1932, „Speculative grammar.“ Peirce, Charles S., Collected papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. Vols. I-VI ed. by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss, VII-VIII ed. by Arthur W. Burks. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press; II: 129-272 [= Book II].
- Peirce, Charles S. 1960, Collected papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. Vols. I-VI ed. by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss, VII-VIII ed. by Arthur W. Burks. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
- Peirce, Charles S. 1974, La ciencia de la semiotica. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión (Semiologia y Epistemologia).
- Pelc, Jerzy 1971, Studies in functional logical semiotics of natural language. The Hague & Paris: Mouton (Janua Linguarum Series Minor, 90).
musical semiotics (W3)
- is part of Semiotik
- is part of Musikologie
"Musiksemiotik" is std German
References Concept = 'musical semiotics'
- Act. I. Cong. Int. Sem. Mus. 1974, Actes du 1er Congrčs International de la Sémiotique Musicale. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on the Semiotics of Music; Belgrad, Oct. 1973. Pesaro: Centro di Iniziativa Culturale; Urbino: Centro Internazionale di Semiotica e Linguistica.
- Daniélou, Alain 1967, Sémantique musicale. Essai de psycho-physiologie auditive. Paris: Hermann.
- Epperson, Gordon 1967, The musical symbol. A study of the philosophic theory of music. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University.
- Faltin, Peter 1986, Bedeutung ästhetischer Zeichen. Musik und Sprache. Aachen: Rader (ASSK, 1).
- Harweg, Roland 1970, „[Rez. v. Epperson 1967].“ Semiotica 2: 364-379.
- Hatten, Robert 1980, „Nattiez’s semiology of music: Flaws in the new science.“ Semiotica 31: 139-155.
- Kneif, Tibor 1974, „Was ist Semiotik der Musik? Ein kritischer Überblick.“ Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 135: 348-353.
- Lefebvre, Henri 1971, „Musique et sémiologie.“ Musique en jeu 4: 52-62.
- Moutard, Nicole 1971f, „L’articulation en musique.“ La linguistique 7(2): 5-19; 8(1):25-40.
- Moutard, Nicole 1974, „Sémiologie de la notation musicale.“ La linguistique 10(2): 63-70.
- Schneider, Reinhard 1980, Semiotik der Musik. Darstellung und Kritik. München: Fink (Kritische Informationen).
- Tarasti, Eero 1979, Myth and music. A semiotic approach to the aesthetics of myth in music, especially that of Wagner, Sibelius and Stravinsky. The Hague etc.: Mouton (Approaches to semiotics, 51).
- Winckel, F. 1964, „Die informationstheoretische Analyse musikalischer Strukturen.“ Musikforschung 17: 1ff.
- Goguen, J. 1975, Complexity of hierarchically organized systems and the structure of musical experience. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press (Computer Science Dept. Quarkerly 3(4)).
- Greussay, Patrick 1972, „Un modčle informatique de description de structures musicales.“ Recherches linguistiques 1: 89-128.
- Barthes, Roland 1975, „Rasch.“ s.ed., Mélanges linguistiques offerts ŕ Émile Benveniste. Louvain: Peeters (Collection Linguistique, Société de Linguistique de Paris, 70); 217-228.
Semiotics for Beginners
To put it in simplest terms, semiotics is the study of signs. However, to understand what semiotics is, one must understand what semioticians mean by the term “sign.” Semioticians, scholars who specialize in academic work involving semiotics, are not experts in traffic signs or store signs. When semioticians refer to “signs,” they are talking about signs as cultural symbols and as essential building blocks of language and communication. A scholar of semiotics would not be interested in a traffic sign, for instance, a stop sign, for its own sake. Instead, he or she would analyze the linguistic or symbolic process through which a red octagon became a universal symbol for coming to a stop at an intersection and the cognitive process through which drivers came to this universal understanding.
semiotic (W3)
Engl. "semiotic" (1615) geht zurück auf griech. "semeion" = "Zeichen", griech. "semeiotikós" = "zum Bezeichnen gehörend".
The study of signs and symbols or the interpretation of something as symbols. It may also refer to medical symptoms or the study thereof.
Etymology: The word comes from the adjective "semiotic" borrowed from Greek "semeitikos" = "significant" from "semeioun" = "to signal", a verb based on the noun "sema" = "sign". The same root appears in "semantics" but tracing it to roots elsewhere in Indo-European languages proves difficult.
Unlike semantics, the study of the meaning of words, linguistic symbols in which a sound stands for some meaning, semiotics examines all the symbols in our lives for their meaning, especially as they are portrayed in literature. "Semiology" is another word used in the same meaning.
Although semiotic interpretations usually focus on literature, we are engaged in them all the time, "You have to know the semiotics of the boss's clothes: a dark tie means he is in a bad mood; a light-colored tie means he is happy, and an open collar means he is relaxed enough to discuss a raise with you."
semiotic pragmatics (W3)
- "semiotic pragmatics" is std English
- "semiotische Pragmatik" is std German
References Concept = 'semiotic pragmatics'
- Deledalle, Gérard (ed.) 1989, Semiotics and pragmatics. Proceedings of the Perpignan symposium, 1983. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Foundations of Semiotics, 18).
- Sayward, Ch. 1974, „The received distinction between pragmatics, semantics and syntax.“ Foundations of Language 11: 97-104.
semiotic semantics (W3)
- "semiotic semantics" is std English
- "semiotische Semantik" is std German
References Concept = 'semiotic semantics'
- Sayward, Ch. 1974, „The received distinction between pragmatics, semantics and syntax.“ Foundations of Language 11: 97-104.
semiotician (W3)
Engl. "semiotician" geht zurück auf griech. "semeion" = "Zeichen", griech. "semeiotikós" = "zum Bezeichnen gehörend".
a philosopher of signs and symbols
Semioticians include Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles Sanders Pierce, Claude Levi-Strauss, Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, and Julia Kristeva. (Compare with Structuralism.) (See also criticism.)
semiotics (W3)
Engl. "semiotics" geht zurück auf griech. "semeion" = "Zeichen", griech. "semeiotikós" = "zum Bezeichnen gehörend".
... "Semiotics" is the study of the structures underlying systems of signs ...
the theory of signalling (sign) systems, i.e., systems by means of which information is transmitted, and the signs which they employ; in human communication including language itself, gesture, etc.
- "semiotics" is std English
- "semiology" is non-std English
- "sémiotique" is std French
- "sémiologie" is non-std French
- "Semiotik" is std German
- "Semiologie" is non-std German
- "semiótica" is std Portuguese
a philosophical theory of signs and symbols
Semiotics: The study of how literary forms and conventions affect the meaning of language.
semiotics: ggostak
Theory of signs, comprising both semantics and syntactics, especially in the philosophy of language of Peirce and Saussure.
text semiotics (W3)
- text semiotics is std English
- Textsemiotik is std German
References Concept = 'semiotica textus'
- Arrivée, Michel & Coquet, J.-C. (eds.) 1973, Sémiotiques textuelles. Paris: Didier & Larousse (Langages, 31).
- Jarzewa, Viktoria 1984, „Die semantische Bedeutung der Raffung und Entfaltung des Textes.“ Gesellschaftswissenschaften 3(39): 117-129.
- Raible, Wolfgang 1991, Die Semiotik der Textgestalt. Erscheinungsformen und Folgen eines kulturellen Evolutionsprozesses. Heidelberg: C. Winter (Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. Kl., 1991, 1).
- Rastier, François 1973, Essais de sémiotique discursive. Tours: Mame (univers sémiotiques).
- Tobin, Yishai (ed.) 1989, From sign to text. A semiotic view of communication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Foundations of Semiotics, 20).
- Pacheco Paniagua, Juan Antonio 1998, El mito maya de los orígenes. Sevilla: Fundación Sevillana de Electricidad. excerpt
Zoosemiotics (W3)
Die engl. "Zoosemiotics" setzt sich zusammen aus griech. "zoi-" = "Tier" und "Semiotik" und bezeichnet die wissenschaftliche Untersuchung des Zeichenaustauschs innerhalb und zwischen Tierarten.
- "zoosemiotics" is std English
- "Zoosemiotik" is std German
References Concept = 'zoosemiotica'
- Sebeok, Thomas A. 1968, „Zoosemiotics: A guide to its literature.“ Language Sciences 3: 7-14.
- Sebeok, Thomas A. 1970, „Zoosemiotics: an approach to the study of animal communication.“ Greimas, Algirdas Julien et al. (eds.), Sign - language - culture. The Hague & Paris: Mouton (Janua Linguarum Series Maior, 1); 311-320.
- Sebeok, Thomas A. 1972, Perspectives in zoosemiotics. The Hague & Paris: Mouton (Janua Linguarum Series Minor, 122).
- Sebeok, Thomas A. 1974, Six species of signs: some propositions and structures. With an appendix on zoo-semiotics. Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Departement Linguistiek. excerpt
Bücher zur Kategorie:
Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretańa e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Semiotik, Semiótica, Sémiotique, Semiotica, Semiotics, (esper.) semiotiko
Gasparov, Boris (Autor)
Speech, Memory, and Meaning
Intertextuality in Everyday Language
Gebundene Ausgabe: 309 Seiten
Verlag: Mouton De Gruyter (30. Mai 2010)
Sprache: Englisch
The book pursues a usage-oriented strategy of language description by infusing it with the central concept of post-structural semiotics and literary theory - that of intertextual memory. Its principal claim is that all new facts of language are grounded in the speakers' memory of previous experiences of using language. It is a "speech to speech" model: every new fact of speech is seen as emerging out of recalled fragments that are reiterated and manipulated at the same time. By the same token, the new meaning is always superscribed on something familiar and recognizable as its (more or less radical) alteration. The model offers a way to describe the meaning of language as an open-ended process, the way the meaning of literary works is described in modern literary criticism.
The basic unit of the intertextual model is the Communicative Fragment (CF). A CF is a fraction of speech of any shape, meaning, and stylistic provenance, which speakers recognize and, as a consequence, treat as a whole. Its chief attributes are a prefabricated shape, an integral meaning (i.e., perceived as a whole whose scope always goes beyond the analyzable), and a specific communicative "texture" alluding at a speech genre, a tangible speech situation, and profiles of the speaker and the implied addressee. Although a CF has a recognizable shape, it is not as definitively set as that of stationary linguistic signs (words and morphemes). A CF can be tempered with, truncated or expanded, adapted to and fused with other CFs.
The book describes in detail typical devices by which speakers manipulate their resources of linguistic memory, whose ever-new constellations in speech create infinite possibilities for new variations and shades of meaning.
The book is of interest to linguists in such diverse fields as Cognitive Linguistics, discourse analysis, functional linguistics, language pedagogy, translation studies, semiotics, and the philosophy of language.
Erstellt: 2010-06
Merrell, Floyd (Autor)
Entangling Forms
Within Semiosic Processes
(Semiotics, Communication and Cognition)
Gebundene Ausgabe: 314 Seiten
Verlag: Gruyter (31. August 2010)
Sprache: Englisch
The volume draws from Charles S. Peirce's pragmatic philosophy, contemporary arts and sciences, and Buddhist philosophy in developing the concepts of interconnectedness, self-organization, and co-participation of the knowing subject with respect to contradictory, complementary coalescence. Contradictions can be complementarily, although vaguely and ambiguously, resolved by mediation through coalescent processes, which place Peirce's notion of semiosis in a contemporary, interdisciplinary context.
Über den Autor
Floyd Merrell, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA.
Merrell, Floyd
Entangling Forms
Within Semiosic Processes
2010 | Hardcover | RRP Euro [D] 99.95 / for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 140.00. * ISBN 978-3-11-024557-8
Reihe: Semiotics, Communication and Cognition 5
The volume draws from Charles S. Peirce's pragmatic philosophy, as well as from diverse areas in contemporary arts and sciences, and certain facets of Buddhist philosophy - especially regarding notions of interconnectedness, self-organization, and co-participation of the knowing subject with her inner world, her socio-cultural world, and her physical environment. Contradictory, complementary, and coalescence are also fundamental watchwords, in addition to entanglement.
'Contradictory', since conflicts, clashes and inconsistencies there will always be, in spite attempts to resolve them.
'Complementarity', since poles of opposition can at least provisionally be resolved by mediation and moderation, however vaguely and ambiguously, such that consonance might emerge from dissonance, balance from imbalance, and accord from discord.
And 'coalescence', since the union of disparities is an ongoing, and always incomplete, process; it is never fixed product. These concepts, along with the key word, entanglement, place Peirce in a new light, giving rise to new questions and possible responses from readers who are searching for alternate means of understanding in our increasingly complex, rapidly globalizing world.
Erstellt: 2010-09
Morris, Charles (Autor)
Signs, Language and Behavior
Gebundene Ausgabe
Verlag: George Braziller (Juni 1955)
Sprache: Englisch