Hybrid Musk - Rose
Zu "Rosa moschata" und "Moschata Hybride", "Moschata-Hybride", "Moschatahybride" findet man widersprüchliche Aussagen. Wie es sich genau verhält, sollten die Experten einmal genau darstellen. Aber vielleicht weiss es ja niemand ganz genau.Die Bezeichnung der Rosensorte "Moschata-Hybride" ist irreführend. Sie hat mit der Wildart "Rosa moschata", der echten "Moschusrose" nichts zu tun. Die "Moschata-Hybriden" gehen auf die 1913 von dem englischen Pfarrer und Rosenzüchter "Joseph Pemberton" eingeführte Rose "Moonlight" zurück. Auf Grund ihres Geruchs nannte man die Pemberton-Sorten "Hybrid Musk", das als "Moschata-Hybride" eingedeutscht wurde.
An der Kreuzung der "Moschata-Hybriden" sind die "Muliflora-Rambler" "Trier" und die Polyantharose "Marie Jeanne" und einige frühe "Teehybriden" beteiligt.
| Aebleblomst | Alden Biesen | Ambiance | Ausonius | Autumn Delight | Autumn Leaves | Ballerina | Bel Esprit | Belinda | Bishop Darlington | Bloomfield Dainty | Bonn | Bouquet Parfait | Brigitte de Villenfagne | Bubble Bath | Buff Beauty | Callisto | Ceres | Charmi | Clytemnestra | Cornelia | Danaë | Daybreak | Dr Robert Korns | Erfurt | Eva | Feeling | Felicia | Flash | Focus | Francesca | Francis E Lester | Francoise Drion | Gay Vista | Gravin Michel d'Ursel | Guirlande d'Amour | Heavenly Pink | Heideröslein | Jacqueline Humery | Kathleen | La Bonne Maison | Lavender Lassie | Lessing | Lichtkönigen Lucia | Lyda Rose | Maaseik | Maid Marion | Matchball | Menja | Mme d'Arblay | Moonlight | Moschata x Polyantha | Mozart | München | Neige d'Ete | Nur Mahal | Nymphenburg | Omi Oswald | Paul's Double Musk | Pax | Penelope | Pink Magic | Pink Sublime | Plaisanterie | Poema | Pretty Pink | Prosperity | Queen of the Musks | Robin Hood | Rome | Rosalita | Rostock | Rosy Purple | Sally Holmes | Sammy | Sangerhausen | Sea Spray | Sibelius | Thisbe | Trier | Twins | Vanity | Walferdange | Waterloo | White Crystal | White Magic | Wilhelm | Will Scarlet | Wind Chimes
Hybrid Musk Roses
This is a small group, but it includes some of the very best of all garden roses. Hybrid Musks make excellent shrubs with a wonderful show in midsummer, and many of them also flower well a second time. The flowers are produced in large, loose bunches or sprays and are small or medium-sized, usually white, cream, pink, or buff, mostly with excellent scent.
"Hybrid Musks" have always been associated with the Rev. "Joseph Pemberton" of Havering-atte-Bower in Essex. He and his sister Florence were successful exhibitors of the large-flowered roses that were in fashion in the late 19th century, such as "Hybrid Perpetuals", and he was one of the early members of the National Rose Society of Great Britain. Though taught to bud roses by his father at the age of 12, it was only in around 1913, when he was over 60 and had retired, that he began to breed his own roses at their family home. Pemberton aimed to produce tough garden roses such as he remembered as a child, not the large exhibition types then claiming the attention of professional breeders. By crossing "Trier", raised in 1904, with various "Hybrid Teas", Pemberton produced a new race, eventually called the "Hybrid Musks".
"Trier" is a large shrub, very well scented, and repeats through the season, characteristics found in most of Pemberton’s roses. Its uncertain parentage contains elements of "R. multiflora", which has given its extra hardiness to the Hybrid Musks, and of "Noisettes". After Pemberton’s death in 1926, his sister and his gardener J.A. Bentall introduced more of his roses and Bentall later raised and introduced his own Hybrid Musks.
Beispiele für "Hybrid Musk" (Shrub)
- Ambiance pb Pink blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1994
- Andenken an Alma de l'Aigle lp Light Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1948
- Autumn Delight w White & White blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1933
- Ballerina mp Medium Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1937
- Belinda mp Medium Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1936
- Bishop Darlington ab Apricot & Apricot blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1926
- Bloomfield Dainty my Medium Yellow, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1924
- Bonn or Orange Red, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1950
- Bridget ab Apricot & Apricot blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1996
- Bubble Bath lp Light Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1980
- Buff Beauty ab Apricot & Apricot blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1939
- Callisto my Medium Yellow, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1920
- Clytemnestra op Orange Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1915
- Cornelia pb Pink blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1925
- Daisy May Rogers w White & White blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1996
- Danae ly Light Yellow, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1913
- Dancing in the Wind pb Pink blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1995
- Daphne lp Light Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1912
- Darlow's Enigma w White & White blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub)
- Daybreak my Medium Yellow, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1918
- Doctor Robert Korns ab Apricot & Apricot blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1996
- Erfurt pb Pink blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1931
- Eva rb Red blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1933
- Felicia pb Pink blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1928
- Focus lp Light Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1984
- Francesca ab Apricot & Apricot blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1922
- Francis E. Lester w White & White blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1946
- Grandmaster ab Apricot & Apricot blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1954
- Gravin Michel d'Ursel ab Apricot & Apricot blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1994
- Jacqueline Humery lp Light Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1995
- Kathleen lp Light Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1922
- La Bonne Maison pb Pink blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1997
- Lavender Lassie m Mauve & Mauve blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1960
- Maaseik 750 pb Pink blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1994
- Maid Marion w White & White blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1930
- Mendocino Gothic w White & White blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1993
- Menja mp Medium Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1960
- Moonlight ly Light Yellow, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1913
- Mozart pb Pink blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1937
- Munchen dr Dark Red, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1940
- Nur Mahal mr Medium Red, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1923
- Nymphenburg op Orange Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1954
- Pax w White & White blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1918
- Penelope pb Pink blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1924
- Pink Prosperity lp Light Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1931
- Prosperity w White & White blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1919
- Queen of the Musks pb Pink blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1913
- Ravel pb Pink blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1988
- Red Belinda mr Medium Red, Hybrid Musk (Shrub)
- Reine Chabeau w White & White blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1994
- Robin Hood mr Medium Red, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1927
- Rosaleen dr Dark Red, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1933
- Rostock lp Light Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub)
- Sangerhausen dp Deep Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1938
- Shelby Belogorsky w White & White blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1996
- Skyrocket dr Dark Red, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1934
- Thisbe ly Light Yellow, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1918
- Vanity dp Deep Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1920
- Verdi m Mauve & Mauve blend, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1984
- Will Scarlet mr Medium Red, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1948
- Wind Chimes mp Medium Pink, Hybrid Musk (Shrub) 1946
(E?)(L?) http://flowers.about.com/od/Flower-Galleries/tp/A-Gallery-Of-Rose-Types.htm
8. Hybrid Musk
Don’t let the simple blooms of hybrid musk blooms like this "Ballerina" variety fool you; as the name implies, they are full of satisfying fragrance.
(E?)(L?) http://www.classicroses.co.uk/categories/roses/
Hybrid Musks
This useful group of roses evolved early in the 20th century. Their healthy, free-flowering habits make them useful, versatile shrubs. The flowers are borne in large clusters and are usually scented. Good for hedging, specimen and group planting.
(E?)(L?) http://www.classicroses.co.uk/products/categories/roses/hybrid_musks/
Hybrid Musks
- "Aglaia": (Multiflora rambler) 'Yellow Rambler' Clusters of semi-double, medium sized flowers in shades of yellow paling to cream. Slight fragrance. One of the progenitors of the hybrid musks. ...... Read More
- "Autumn Delight": (Hybrid Musk) Semi-double flowers are soft yellow and emerge from shapely buds in large trusses. Almost thornless bushy growth.
- "Belinda": (Hybrid Musk) Trusses of fragrant, semi-double flowers of mid pink, amid plentiful, darkish, green foliage. A rare Hybrid Musk which should be more widely grown.
- "Bishop Darlington": (Hybrid musk) Vigorous shrub, large flowers, semi double cream to pink, yellow base to petals. Strong scent.
- "Buff Beauty": (Hybrid Musk) One of the most beautiful roses in this group. A vigorous plant bearing large trusses of apricot yellow to buff-yellow flowers. These are of medium size and semi-double. Fragrant. Flowering from mid-summer onwards.
- "Clytemnestra": Unique to us in the UK. (Hybrid Musk) Sweetly scented flowers of buff to apricot with pronounced golden yellow anthers are borne in clusters amid leathery dark green foliage.
- "Cornelia": (Hybrid Musk) Free flowering. Fragrant clusters of small flowers of rich apricot flushed strawberry pink; although perpetual it improves in the autumn. Bronzy foliage.
- "Danaë": (Hybrid Musk) Buff yellow changing to cream with age. Healthy and vigorous.
- "Daybreak": (Hybrid Musk) An early flowering, semi-double rose bearing several yellow flowers on each stem. Dark glossy foliage.
- "Eva": (Hybrid Musk) Large, almost single flowers of rich bright red with centres paling to almost white. Good,dark green foliage. Vigorous.
- "Felicia": (Hybrid Musk) A useful shrub with silverpink to salmon flowers. One of the more vigorous of the Musks. Highly recommended.
- "Francesca": (Hybrid Musk) Semi-double apricot yellow flowers in large sprays on strong stems. Scented. Good foliage.
- "Kathleen": Unique to us in the UK. (Hybrid Musk) Large clusters of small, single flowers of blush pink borne on a long stem. Fragrant.
- "Moonlight": (Hybrid Musk) Semi-double free flowering. Lemon to white flowers borne on long stems.
- "München": (Hybrid Musk) Red semi-single fragrant flowers produced in clusters on a sturdy plant.
- "Nur Mahal": (Hybrid Musk) Large clusters of bright crimson, semi-single flowers. Scented. An interesting but lesser known Pemberton Musk.
- "Pax": (Hybrid Musk) This rose is perhaps the largest of the Hybrid Musks. Flowers are up to 4 inches in size and are cream fading to white on a vigorous bush.
- "Penelope (1924) - (Hybrid Musk) Semi-double, creamy pink paling to white flowers with a good fragrance. One of the best of the group.
- "Penelope": (Hybrid Musk) Semi-double, creamy pink paling to white flowers with a good fragrance. One of the best of the group.
- "Pink Prosperity": (Hybrid Musk) Pink form of Prosperity with smaller double flowers and denser growth. An excellent lesser known Hybrid Musk variety.
- "Prosperity": (Hybrid Musk) Trusses of very double creamy-white flowers which look well against its dark glossy leaves, strongly scented. Creates a stunning hedge.
- "Robin Hood": (Hybrid Musk) Trusses of rich scarlet flowers on a tidy, well foliated plant.
- "Thisbe": (Hybrid Musk) Sulphurish-straw coloured rosettes borne in large clusters on a bushy plant with glossy foliage.
- "Vanity": (Hybrid Musk) Large sprays of fragrant rose pink, semi-double flowers on a vigorous bush. Recurrent bloom.
(E3)(L1) https://www.davesgarden.com/guides/terms/go/3418/
"hybrid musk rose": A modern hybrid group of roses, with long arching canes that can be trained to climb.
(E?)(L?) https://www.davesgarden.com/guides/pf/search.php?q=Hybrid+Musk+Rose&Search=Search+PlantFiles
12,830 plants were found that matched your search terms.
Image - Plant name
- Hybrid Musk, Shrub Rose 'Queen of the Musks' - Rosa - Hybridized by Paul, 1913 - Additional info: (aka Queen of the Musk)
- Hybrid Musk Rose, Lambertiana Rose, Shrub Rose 'Eva' - Rosa - Hybridized by Kordes, 1933
- Hybrid Musk, Noisette Rose 'Nastarana' - Rosa - Hybridized by Pissardii, 1879 - Additional info: (aka Persian Musk Rose, Pissardii)
- Floribunda, Large Flowered Climbing Rose, Hybrid Eglanteria, Hybrid Musk Rose 'Kassel' - Rosa - Hybridized by Kordes, 1957 - Additional info: (aka Kassel Shrub)
- Hybrid Moschata, Hybrid Musk, Shrub Rose 'Felicia' - Rosa - Hybridized by Pemberton, 1928
- Hybrid Multiflora, Hybrid Musk, Rambler Rose 'Ghislaine de Feligonde' - Rosa - Hybridized by Turbat-Compagnie, 1916
- Hybrid Musk Rose, Lambertiana, Shrub Rose 'Elmshorn' - Rosa - Hybridized by Kordes, 1951
- Hybrid Musk Rose, Lambertiana, Shrub Rose 'Erfurt' - Rosa - Hybridized by Kordes, 1939
- Hybrid Musk Rose, Shrub Rose 'Rosalita' - Rosa - Hybridized by Lens, 1997 - Additional info: (aka LENtrihel, LLX8898)
- Hybrid Musk Rose, Shrub Rose 'Bukavu' - Rosa - Hybridized by Lens, 1998 - Additional info: (aka LENbrirus, LLX9001)
- Hybrid Musk Rose, Lambertiana, Shrub Rose 'Lavender Lassie' - Rosa - Hybridized by Kordes, 1960
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Souvenir de Rose-Marie' - Rosa - Hybridized by Lens, 1998 - Additional info: (aka LENtrita, LLX8870)
- Hybrid Musk Rose, Large Flowered Climbing Rose 'Bubble Bath' - Rosa - Hybridized by Matson, 1980
- Hybrid Musk Shrub Rose, Lambertiana Rose 'Grandmaster' - Rosa - Hybridized by Kordes, 1952 - Additional info: (aka Grand Master)
- Hybrid Musk Rose, Rambler 'Wind Chimes' - Rosa - Hybridized by Lester Rose Gardens, 1946 - Additional info: (Windchimes)
- Old Garden Rose, Found, Noisette Rose 'Fraser's Pink Musk' - Rosa - Hybridized by Fraser, 1818 - Additional info: (aka Blush Musk)
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Will Scarlet' - Rosa - Hybridized by Hilling, 1950
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Clytemnestra' - Rosa - Hybridized by Pemberton, 1915
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Rosaleen' - Rosa - Hybridized by Bentall, 1933
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Kathleen' - Rosa - Hybridized by Pemberton, 1922
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Woody' - Rosa - Hybridized by Lens, 1978
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Lichterloh' - Rosa - Hybridized by Tantau, 1955
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Daphne' - Rosa - Hybridized by Pemberton, 1912
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Ballerina' - Rosa - Hybridized by Bentall, 1937
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Thisbe' - Rosa - Hybridized by Pemberton, 1918
- Hybrid Musk, Shrub Rose 'Pax' - Rosa - Hybridized by Pemberton, 1918
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Menja' - Rosa - Hybridized by Petersen, 1960
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Rostock' - Rosa - Hybridized by Kordes, 1937
- Hybrid Moschata, Hybrid Musk Rose 'Claire Jolly' - Rosa - Hybridized by Lens, 1991 - Additional info: (aka LENadeba, Claire Jolée, LLX8793)
- Hybrid Musk, Shrub Rose 'Prosperity' - Rosa - Hybridized by J. Pemberton, 1919
- Hybrid Musk, Shrub Rose 'Penelope' - Rosa - Hybridized by Pemberton, 1924
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Poesie' - Rosa - Hybridized by Lens, 1982 - Additional info: (aka LENobit)
- Hybrid Moschata Rose 'River's Musk' - Rosa - Hybridized by Rivers, 1843
- Hybrid Musk Rose 'Pink Prosperity' - Rosa - Hybridized by Bentall, 1931
- Hybrid Musk, Shrub Rose 'Bonn' - Rosa - Hybridized by Kordes, 1950
- Hybrid Musk, Shrub Rose 'Belinda' - Rosa - Hybridized by Bentell, 1936
- Hybrid Musk, Shrub Rose 'Vanity' - Rosa - Hybridized by Pemberton, 1920
- ...
(E?)(L?) http://www.davidaustinroses.com/english/searchlist.asp?stype=name&byname=Shrubs
Hybrid Musks
- Buff Beauty - Hybrid Musks
- Callisto - Hybrid Musks
- Cornelia - Hybrid Musks
- Danae - Hybrid Musks
- Daybreak - Hybrid Musks
- Felicia - Hybrid Musks
- Francesca - Hybrid Musks
- Moonlight - Hybrid Musks
- Nur Mahal - Hybrid Musks
- Pax - Hybrid Musks
- Penelope - Hybrid Musks
- Pink Prosperity - Hybrid Musks
- Prosperity - Hybrid Musks
- Thisbe - Hybrid Musks
- Trier - Hybrid Musks
- Vanity - Hybrid Musks
- Wilhelm - Hybrid Musks
- Will Scarlet - Hybrid Musks
(E6)(L1) http://www.helpmefind.com/rose/glossary.php
Hybrid Musks
(E?)(L?) http://www.helpmefind.com/rose/gl.php?n=38
Hybrid Musks
Louis Lens is a name that's synonymous with Hybrid Musks. You'll find more information under Breeders: LENS and Suppliers: Louis Lens.
[From Climbing Roses, by Stephen Scanniello, p. 4:] Developed by the Reverend Joseph Pemberton in England during the early part of the 20th Century... small-flowered shrub roses that are everblooming and can be used as climbers... they are only distantly related to R. moschata.
[From Roses, by Eleonore Cruse, p. 9:] a group discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century by a clergyman, Joseph Pemberton, and developed by him and his gardeners... very remontant. These roses are descended from "Rosa multiflora", "Rosa x noisettiana" and "Rosa chinensis". However, "Rosa moschata", from which the group derives the word "musk" in its name, goes very far back in time.
[From Gardening with Old Roses, by Alan Sinclair and Rosemary Thodey, p. 35:] Hybrid Musk blooms tend to become paler as the flowers age... in warmer climates they frequently take on the dimensions of small climbers and are often treated as such...
[From Peter Schneider on Roses, by Peter Schneider, p. 147:] Although a few hybrid musks, including 'Robin Hood', display a compact habit, most are limber growers bearing huge clusters of small blooms... most are content in dappled shade. They are all repeat bloomers, and as a group have an excellent health record... Schneider discusses how they came to be named, refer to source for this information.
[From Fifty Favourite Roses, by Michael Gibson, p. 19:] the hybrid musks were a pretty mixed bag, being sold at first as hybrid teas. When entered as such in a show of the National Rose Society (not yet Royal) the then secretary would have none of this and the story goes that it was he who suggested the name hybrid musk simply because of the new roses' good scent...
[From Fifty Favourite Roses, by Michael Gibson, p. 55:] There is a saying that it does not matter what colour hybrid musks start out; they all end up white...
[From The Old Rose Adventurer, by Brent Dickerson, p. 362:] The Reverend J.H. Pemberton, in England, originated a group of varieties which he called Hybrid Musks. They are large bushes, in bloom more or less continuously, bearing flowers of varying size and doubleness, mostly white, pale pink, and pale yellow, in gigantic clusters.
[Ibid, p. 362:] The Musk strain was perpetuated in the everblooming climbers produced by Captain George C. Thomas, Jr., who used some of Pemberton's roses as parents in his early hybridizing work. His roses, or his earlier varieties at least, are continuous-blooming shrubs which are reasonably hardy. The flowers are mostly single, and although he introduced them as hardy everblooming climbers, they never really climb much or bloom freely after the early summer display.
[From Beautiful American Rose Gardens, by Mary Tonetti Dorra, p. 10:] Hybrid Musks... came on the scene in 1918 and were formerly called Pemberton roses after the English hybridizer Reverend Joseph Pemberton, who produced several of the earliest varieties... hardy to 15F, vigorous, disease-resistant, and profuse-blooming...
(E?)(L?) http://www.helpmefind.com/roses/
"Joyce Demits' Apricot Hybrid Musk"
Found Rose, Hybrid Musk. Apricot blend, cream blending. Medium to large, full (26-40 petals), borne mostly solitary, button-eye, flat, quartered bloom form. Once-blooming spring or summer. Height of up to 3' (up to 90 cm). Width of up to 4' (up to 120 cm). Joyce Demits.
Peach Hybrid Musk
Hybrid Musk. Apricot or apricot blend. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 9b (default).
Persian Musk Rose
Hybrid Musk, Noisette. White, pink shading. Small, semi-double (9-16 petals), cluster-flowered bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 5b and warmer. Height of up to 4' (up to 120 cm). Width of up to 10' (up to 305 cm). Ernest François Pissard (aka Pissart) (1879).
"Phil's Pink Hybrid Musk"
Found Rose, Hybrid Musk. Light pink. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 10b.
- Ambiance® (Hybrid Musk, Lens, 1994)
- Aurora (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1928)
- Belinda (Hybrid Musk, Bentall, 1936)
- Bouquet Parfait® (Hybrid Musk, Lens, 1989)
- Bridget™ (Hybrid Musk, Clements, 1996)
- Ceres (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1914)
- Cornelia (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1925)
- Cosmo (Hybrid Musk, 2000)
- Daphne (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1912)
- Day Break (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1918)
- Daybreak (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1918)
- Eponine (Hybrid Musk)
- Eva (Hybrid Musk, Kordes, 1933)
- Feeling (Hybrid Musk, Lens, 1992)
- Focus (Hybrid Musk, Lens, 1984)
- Fortuna (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1927)
- Havering (Hybrid Musk, Bentall, 1937)
- Kathleen (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1922)
- Maid Marion (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1930)
- Miriam (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1919)
- Moonlight (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1913)
- Paganini (Hybrid Musk, Lens, 1989)
- Pax (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1918)
- Peach Hybrid Musk
- Pearl (Hybrid Musk)
- Phil's Pink Hybrid Musk
- Pink Magic (Hybrid Musk, Lens, 1991)
- Poesie (Hybrid Musk, Lens, 1982)
- Puccini (Hybrid Musk, Lens, 1984)
- Queen Alexandra (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1915)
- Queen Alexandra II (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1915)
- Ravel (Hybrid Musk, Lens, 1988)
- Robin Hood (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1927)
- Sissi Ketten (Hybrid Musk, Ketten, 1900)
- Vanity (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1920)
- Verdi (Hybrid Musk, Lens, 1984)
(E6)(L1) http://www.hortico.com/info/glossary1.htm
"Hybrid Musk Roses" (See Old Roses)
These roses were mostly raised by the Reverend "Joseph Pemberton", at Havering-atte-Bower in Essex, using the rose Trier, a hybrid between a "hybrid tea" and a seedling of Aglaia, which had the "musk rose" in its ancestry. Thus the name "Hybrid musk" is rather far-fetched though generally accepted. Pemberton crossed "Trier" with various "Hybrid Teas", producing several very beautiful, though sterile, seedlings; tall, repeat-flowering, scented shrubs, with large clusters of small flowers. Penelope (1923) and Felicia (1928) are well-known examples.
(E?)(L?) http://extension.illinois.edu/roses/kinds/hybridmusk.cfm
The hybrid musk roses came to us by way of England in the early 1900s. Hybrid musks are often overlooked as a class of rose for the garden, but they offer much. Hybrid musks are generally large (6+ feet) and have an arching habit. Most all are hardy to USDA zones 5-6. They have attractive leathery foliage and rebloom reliably through the summer in large trusses of small- to medium-sized flowers with a strong fragrance. Hybrid musks have outstanding disease resistance and are exceptionally tolerant of filtered shade, blooming well with as little as 5 hours of direct sunlight. Most can be used as pillar roses or as short climbers for walls and fences
(E?)(L1) http://www.paulbardenroses.com/musks/
Hybrid Musks
The "Hybrid Musks" are the result of Rev. "Joseph Pemberton"'s ambitious breeding work of the early part of the 20th century. The heritage of this class is a very mixed one, and in many ways it is deceptive to refer to them as "Hybrid Musks", as "R. moschata" didn't play a very big part in the developement of these roses.
The majority of them have the Multiflora Rambler "Trier" as a parent or grandparent. "Trier" is listed as being "Aglaia" ("R. multiflora" X "Rêve d'Or") X "unknown". As is the case with several of the Hybrid Musks, you can see there is a greater affinity to the Noisettes than the name suggests.
One other major contributing parent was "Danaë", a cross of "Trier" and the deep pink Hybrid Perpetual, "Gloire de Chédane-Guinoisseau". There is no "R. moschata" present there.
No matter what their genetic pedigree, ...
- Buff Beauty
- Francesca
- Penelope
- Secret Garden Musk Climber
(E?)(L1) http://www.paulbardenroses.com/noisettes/
The seemingly final stage of Noisettes, returning them much to their original concept of multi-flowered shrubs, was coming with the development of the "Hybrid Musks" (comprising crosses between "Noisettes" and "Hybrid Teas", etc.) in the 1910's, 1920's, and beyond."
"Hybrid Musks" are an exceptional group of roses, worthy of a place in any garden. They are all cluster flowered, rapid repeat bloomers and very fragrant. Being fairly modern varieties there is an extensive choice of colours and bloom shape. Some varieties produce large single petal blooms, others fully double blooms, and others trusses of small single petal blooms resembling a hydrangea. The growth habit is usually a mounding bushy form but some are upright and can be used as climbers. They're disease resistant, and will tolerate partial shade.
(E?)(L?) http://www.rosefile.com/RosePages/ClassHybridMusk.php
Hybrid Musk Roses
"Trier" is an almost forgotten climber that is closely related to "multifloras" and somewhat more distantly related to the fragrant "musk rose". Yet it has a capacity to imbue a large enough portion of its offspring with this delicious fragrance that Bishop Pemberton would use it often in the development of his roses and to name them for the more distant fragrant relative. The resulting roses tended to be well branched and foliferous in the multiflora tradition, but fragrant in the musk tradition. It is apparent that Pemberton was interested in plants with rose blossms larger than those of the multiflora rambler, and in most cases he succeded. The resulting group of roses is shrubby, well brancehed, foliferous, remontant, moderately tolerant of shade, and cold hardy. Most members of the class have good fragrance.
There is some variation in the class. "Vanity" tends to build a large, very open plant with dark rose or cerise single roses that dance like butterflies suspended in mid air. "Ballerina", on the other hand produces single roses that are much smaller, closely packed together on a dense plant. "Francesca"'s apricot flowers are almost hybrid tea or hybrid perpetual in size, but the plant is among the least vigorous of the bunch. "Danae" may produce the most hybrid-tea like blossoms of the bunch and might be perfectly suited to a number of very formal uses. "Felicia" may have the best overall balance of habit, good health, and so on; but her strengths are subtle and it can take some years of growing roses to quite appreciate them.
- Andenken an Alma de l'Aigle - Hybrid Musk - Shell Pink - Moderate - Kordes - Zone 4
- Autumn Delight - Hybrid Musk - White - Strong - Bentall - Zone 3
- Ballerina - Hybrid Musk - Pale Pink - None - Bentall - Zone 6
- Belinda - Hybrid Musk - Rose - Moderate - Bentall - Zone 5
- Bishop Darlington - Hybrid Musk - Shell Pink - Strong - G.C. Thomas - Zone 6
- Bloomfield Dainty - Hybrid Musk - Yellow - Moderate - G.C. Thomas - Zone 6
- Buff Beauty - Hybrid Musk - Pale Apricot - Strong - Pemberton - Zone 6
- Clytemnestra - Hybrid Musk - Buff - Strong - Pemberton - Zone 7
- Cornelia - Hybrid Musk - Pink & Buff - Slight - Pemberton - Zone 6
- Danae - Hybrid Musk - White/Yellow Blend - Moderate - Pemberton - Zone 5
- Erfurt - Hybrid Musk - Pale Pink - Strong - W. Kordes - Zone 4
- Felicia - Hybrid Musk - Shell Pink - Strong - Pemberton - Zone 5
- Francesca - Hybrid Musk - Pale Apricot - Slight - Pemberton - Zone 7
- Gartendirektor Otto Linne - Hybrid Musk - Rose - None - Lambert - Zone 5
- Kathleen - Hybrid Musk - Pale Pink - Moderate - Pemberton - Zone 5
- Lavender Lassie - Hybrid Musk - Lilac - Strong - R. Kordes - Zone 6
- Lyda Rose - Hybrid Musk - White - None - Lettunich - Zone 5
- Moonlight - Hybrid Musk - White - Moderate - Pemberton - Zone 4
- Nur Mahal - Hybrid Musk - Crimson - Powerful - Pemberton - Zone 5
- Pax - Hybrid Musk - White - Strong - Pemberton - Zone 4
- Penelope - Hybrid Musk - White - Strong - Pemberton - Zone 6
- Prosperity - Hybrid Musk - White - Strong - Pemberton - Zone 4
- Vanity - Hybrid Musk - Rose - Moderate - Pemberton - Zone 6
- Will Scarlet - Hybrid Musk - Crimson - Moderate - Hilling - Zone 5
(E?)(L?) http://www.rosefile.com/RosePages/GlossaryHN.html
"Hybrid Musk" - Any of a group of highly foliferous and highly remontant roses, most of which were bred by Pemberton and his distributor Bentall, and most of which are decended from "Trier". Many hybrid musks strongly fragrant, but the most popular ones are so on account of their generosity with flowers, their freely branching habit and their extreme vigor. There can be a kind of concinity between the flowers and the foliage that makes these roses almost always seem much more beautiful than could be explained by the beauty of any of the individual parts.
(E?)(L?) http://www.rosefile.com/RosePages/DevilsDiction.html
Hybrid Musk - A modern rose that doesn't bear properly shaped rose blossoms.
(E?)(L1) http://www.rosegathering.com/byclass.htm
Hybrid Musks
- About Hybrid Musks
- Photo gallery of Hybrid Musks
- Hybrid Musks featured:
- Bishop Darlington (Thomas, 1926)
- Buff Beauty (Bentall, 1939)
- Cornelia (Pemberton, 1925)
- Danaë (Pemberton, 1915)
- Eva (Kordes, 1933)
- Felicia (Pemberton, 1928)
- Francesca (Pemberton, 1928)
- Lavender Lassie (Kordes, 1960)
- Pax (Pemberton, 1918)
- Vanity (Pemberton, 1920)
(E?)(L1) http://www.rosegathering.com/hybridmusks.html
The Hybrid Musk Roses
Hybrid Musks
In 1896 Peter Lambert introduced "Aglaia" bred from "Rosa multiflora" and "Rêve d'Or", a Noisette with Tea and Musk in its ancestry. "Trier" then descended from a seedling of "Aglaia", and was introduced in 1904; which propagated a new class of roses called the "Hybrid Musks". "Hybrid Musks" were largely developed by Reverend Joseph Pemberton of England, and his successors Anne and Jack Bentall, using "Trier" and "Hybrid Teas" in the breeding. Graham Thomas noted that Pemberton had a high regard for scent in roses. This can be displayed in Pemberton's breedings of the Hybrid Musks.
List of Hybrid Musks Featured on this site:
- Bishop Darlington, Pemberton, 1925
- Buff Beauty
- Cornelia, Pemberton, 1925
- Danaë, Pemberton, 1915
- Eva
- Felicia, Pemberton, 1928
- Francesca (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1922)
- Lavender Lassie
- Pax, Pemberton, 1918
- Penelope, Pemberton, 1924
- Vanity, Pemberton, 1920
(E?)(L?) http://www.rosegathering.com/hybridmuskth.html
Hybrid Musk Roses
(E?)(L?) http://www.roseinfo.com/rose_guide.html
Hybrid Musk Roses
Rev Joseph Pemberton bred one of the R. moschata families with certain Hybrid Teas and Polyanthas to establish this distinctive rose class. In the Rose Annual for 1968, Graham Stuart Thomas summed up the Hybrid Musk class: "Unless some keen spirit is prepared to produce some richly coloured shrub rose along the lines adopted by Pemberton, I think this group should remain as it is: carefree flowering shrubs of the greatest value for our gardens at midsummer or later, delightfully fragrant, in a fair range of colours and of superb value for hedging. Considered as such, Joseph Pemberton served us well." This class includes some of the most useful roses available for landscape purposes.
- Lavender Lassie
- Buff Beauty
- Cornelia
- Penelope
(E?)(L?) http://www.rosesnz.co.nz/34-old-fashioned-climbers
These are roses from pre 1940. The types of roses include climber, ramblers, hybrid tea, centifolias, rugosas, moss, bourbon, hybrid musks which all have their own characteristics of flower sizes, shapes, fragrances and plant growth. Some have beautiful hips and thorns, some are recurrent (repeat flower) and others flower only once over summer, or perpetually.
(E?)(L?) http://southerngarden.weebly.com/hybrid-musk-roses.html
Hybrid Musk Roses
This is my personal favorite class of roses. They were developed by Joseph Pemberton and the Bentall family in the early 1900s.
- Ballerina
- Belinda
- Buff Beauty
- Cornelia
- Dr. Robert Korns
- Erfrut
- Felicia
- Lyda Rose
- Marjorie Fair
- Moonlight
- Prosperity
- Robin Hood
- Sally Holmes
- Skyrocket
- Wind Chimes
(E?)(L?) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garden_roses#Hybrid_Musk
Hybrid Musk
(Hybrid Musk rose 'Moonlight' (Pemberton 1913))
Although they arose too late to qualify technically as Old Garden Roses, the hybrid musks are often informally classed with them, since their growth habits and care are much more like the "Old Garden Roses" than "Modern Roses". The "hybrid musk" group was mainly developed by Rev. Joseph Pemberton, a British rosarian, in the first decades of the 20th century, based upon "Aglaia", an 1896 cross by Peter Lambert. A seedling of this rose, "Trier", is considered to the foundation of the class. The genetics of the class are somewhat obscure, as some of the parents are unknown. "Rose multiflora", however, is known to be one parent, and "Rosa moschata" (the "musk rose") also figures in its heritage, though it is considered to be less important than the name would suggest. Hybrid musks are disease-resistant, repeat flowering and generally cluster-flowered, with a strong, characteristic "musk" scent. The stems tend to be lax and arching, with limited thorns. Examples include "Buff Beauty" and "Penelope".
Erstellt: 2015-06