Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Rose, Rosa, Rose, Rosa, Rose, (lat.) rosa, (esper.) rozo, rozacoj
Rosen Sorten
Englische Rosen, Rosas Inglés, Rosiers Anglais, Rose Inglese, English Roses
Austin Rosen, Rosas Austin, Rosiers Austin, Rose Austin, Austin Roses


Apricot Parfait - Rose

00 Hinweis: ----------------------------------- Hinweis: --------------------------------------------------------------
01 Hinweis: Bild Platzhalter
02 Hinweis: Bemerkung
03 Hinweis: Literatur
10 Name: -------------------------------------- Name: -----------------------------------------------------------------
11 Name: Sortier Name
12 Name: Exhibition Name
13 Name: Registration Name AUSsaucer
14 Name: Synonyme Apricot Parfait, AUSsaucer, Evelyn
15 Name: Auszeichnungen / Awards
20 Genealogie: -------------------------------- Genealogie: -----------------------------------------------------------
21 Genealogie: Gattung / Sektion / Art Englische Rose, Strauchrose, Shrub
22 Genealogie: Elternrosen / Herkunft / Parentage Graham Thomas × Tamora (shrub, Austin, 1983)
23 Genealogie: Kinderrosen / Nachkommen
24 Genealogie: Sports / Mutationen
25 Genealogie: Verwendung / Utilisation / Gebruik / Use Kübelkultur
26 Genealogie: Erscheinungsjahr / DOB (Date of Birth) 1991
27 Genealogie: Züchter / Entdecker / Breeder / Hybridizer Bred by David C. H. Austin (United Kingdom, before 1991), Introduced in United Kingdom by David Austin Roses Limited (UK) in 1991 as "Evelyn"
30 Blüte: ------------------------------------- Blüte: ----------------------------------------------------------------
31 Blüte: Farbe / Bloemkleur / Flower Colour apricot-gelb-rosa, Apricot, apricot blend
32 Blüte: Duft / Fragrance / Geurend / Scent Strength sehr stark duftend, Strong fragrance
33 Blüte: Eigenschaften / Flowering Habit öfterblühend
34 Blüte: Blütenblätter-Anzahl / Petals 80 - 100 petals
35 Blüte: Form / Forme de la fleur / Bloom Shape stark gefüllt, Medium, very full, borne mostly solitary, in small clusters, cupped-to-flat, rosette bloom form
36 Blüte: Größe / Bloem / Bloom Size 9-11 cm
37 Blüte: Typ / Bloom Type
38 Blüte: Zeit / Floraison / Bloeitijd / Flowering Period Blooms in flushes throughout the season
39 Blüte: Bienenfreundlichkeit
40 Pflanze: ----------------------------------- Pflanze: --------------------------------------------------------------
41 Pflanze: Blätter, Laub / Feuillage / Foliage Dark green foliage
42 Pflanze: Dornen / Stacheln / Thornyness
43 Pflanze: Hagebutten / Hips / Hip Colour / Hip Shape
44 Pflanze: Knospen / Buds
45 Pflanze: Stiele / Stems
50 Wuchs: ------------------------------------- Wuchs: ----------------------------------------------------------------
51 Wuchs: Form / Vorm / Growth Habit breitbuschig, shrub
52 Wuchs: Abstand / Dist. de plantation 2 - 3 Pflanzen pro qm
53 Wuchs: Höhe / Taille / Height / Hauteur 105 - 150 cm
54 Wuchs: Weite / Width 75 - 120 cm
60 Gesundheit: -------------------------------- Gesundheit: -----------------------------------------------------------
61 Gesundheit: Bodenansprüche / Cultivation
62 Gesundheit: Bakterien, Pilze, Viren mittel
63 Gesundheit: Tierische Schädlinge
64 Gesundheit: Hitze
65 Gesundheit: Kälte
66 Gesundheit: Nässe
67 Gesundheit: Trockenheit
68 Gesundheit: Schatten
99 -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------




Evelyn® Syn. Apricot Parfait®, David Austin 1990


Apricot Parfait siehe Evelyn


Evelyn, Apricot Parfait, AUSsaucer, Austin (GB) 1991 Strauchrose, Englische Rose, ...

Erstellt: 2019-07

Austin Rosen (W3)

Die "Austin Rosen" tragen den Namen des englischen Rosenzüchters "David Austin". Der Begriff bezeichnet dabei keine einzelne Rosenart, sondern steht für die von ihm gezüchteten Rosensorten auf der Basis alter englischer Rosen.

Eine gärtnerisch wertvolle Kombination aus dem Erbmaterial der "Alten Rosen" mit den wichtigen Eigenschaften moderner Rosen stellen die "Englischen Rosen", häufig auch als "Austin Rosen" bezeichneten Sorten, dar.


Bildchen einiger alter und Austin Rosen von einer Rosenfreundin "Elisabetta"


Die Rosen des englischen Züchters David Austin sind inzwischen das Sammelobjekt in unserem Garten geworden. Derzeit um die 100 verschiedenen Sorten im Beet und im Kübel erfreuen Auge, Nase und Herz.

David Austin ist es gelungen, durch die Kreuzung historischer Sorten mit modernen Rosen eine Fülle der schönsten Rosen zu züchten, die zum einen durch die zauberhafte Form und den unvergleichlichen Duft der historischen Sorten geprägt ist, zum anderen die Blühfreude der modernen dauerblühenden Sorten zeigt. Darüber hinaus zeigen die Austin Rosen wunderschöne Farbspiele einer breiten Farbpalette, die häufig durch feine romantische Farbnuancen bestechen. Auch in direkter Nachbarschaft gepflanzt harmonieren die Farben untereinander sehr schön.

Hier eine kleine Auswahl aus dem Bestand unseres Gartens, der inzwischen ca. 100 verschiedene Austin Rosen beherbergt.


David Austin Rose Gardens

Erstellt: 2013-02




David Austin Roses

Engl. "English Roses" ("ER", auch "DA" für "David Austin Roses"), dt. "Englische Rosen", wurden von dem Inhaber einer Rosenschule David Austin im Jahr 1969 in England eingeführt. Er züchtete Rosen in denen er die besten Eigenschaften von "Alten Rosen" und "Modernen Rosen" kombinierte. Insbesondere legte er Wert auf klassische Blütenformen und Duft alter Rosen. Der Anteil der modernen Rosen bestand in der mehrfachen Blütenpracht. Zu den "Englischen Rosen" zählen "Abraham Darby", "Graham Thomas", "Heritage", "Mary Rose" u.a. Mit dem Namen der "Heritage! (1984) spielt er auf die "Erbschaft" seiner Rosen an.

United Kingdom David Austin Roses Ltd.

David Austin Roses Ltd.



The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful
The Virtues and Flaws of David Austin Roses
by Patrick Hanrahan
Photographs by Paul Barden

David Austin Roses

David Austin Roses



David Austin Roses David Austin Roses featured: Shrubs (not classified in other categories on this site, an example being David Austin Roses)

"Rosenpapst" wird der Rosenzüchter und Rosenbuchautor David Austin genannt.
David Austin Roses
Rosen Anbieter

English Roses, David Austin Roses

| *David Austin | *English Roses The section | Sir John Betjeman | Sir Walter Raleigh | Wisley 2008 | Young Lycidas | A Shropshire Lad (Ausled) | Abraham Darby (Auscot) | Admired Miranda (Ausrush) | Alan Titchmarsh (Ausjive) | Allux Symphony | Ambridge Rose (Auswonder) | Ann (Ausfete) | Anne Boleyn (Ausecret) | Anne Boleyn (Ausecret) | Barbara Austin (Austop) | Belle Story (Auselle, Auspry) | Benjamin Britten (Ausencart) | Bibi Mazoon (Ausdimindo) | Blythe Spirit (AUSchool) | Bow Bells (Ausbells) | Bredon (Ausbred) | Brother Cadfael (Ausglobe) | Buttercup (AUSband) | Canterbury (Ausbury) | Cariad | Charity (Auschar) | Charles Austin (Ausfather) | Charles Darwin | Charles Rennie Mackintosh (Ausren) | Charlotte (Auspoly) | Charmian (Ausmian) | Chaucer (Auscer) | Chianti (Auswine) | Christopher Marlowe (AUSjump) | Claire Austin (Ausprior) | Claire Rose (Auslight) | Comtes de Champagne (AUSufo) | Constance Spry (Ausfirst) | Cottage Rose (Ausglisten) | Country Living (Auscountry) | Cressida (Auscress) | Crocus Rose (AUSquest) | Crocus Rose (Ausquest) | Crown Princess Margareta (Auswinter) | Cymbeline (Auslean) | Dame Prudence | Dapple Dawn (Ausapple) | Darcey Bussell (Ausdecorum) | Dove (Ausdove) | Dr Herbert Gray | Dr. Jackson (Ausdoctor) | Eglantyne (Ausmak) | Ellen (Auscup) | Emily (Ausburton) | England’s Rose | English Elegance (Ausleaf) | English Garden (Ausbuff) | Evelyn (Aussaucer) | Fair Bianca (Ausca) | Falstaff (Ausverse) | Fighting Temeraire | Financial Times Centenary (Ausfin) | Fishermans Friend (Auschild) | Francine Austin (Ausram) | Gentle Hermione (Ausrumba) | Geoff Hamilton (Ausham) | Gertrude Jekyll (Ausbord) | Glamis Castle (Auslevel) | Glastonbury | Golden Celebration (Ausgold) | Grace (Auskeppy) | Graham Thomas | Happy Child (Auscomp) | Harlow Carr (AUShouse) | Heather Austin (Auscook) | | Heritage (Ausblush) | Hero (Aushero) | Hilda Murrell (Ausmurr) | Hyde Hall (AUSbosky) | Imortal Juno (Ausjuno) | Jacquenetta (Ausjac) | James Galway | Janet Austin | Jayne Austin (Ausbreak) | John Clare (Auscent) | Jubilee Celebration (AUShunter) | Jude the Obscure (Ausjo) | Kathryn Morley (Ausvariety) | Kew Gardens | L D Braithwaite (Auscrim) | Lady Emma Hamilton (Ausbrother) | Lady of Megginch (Ausvolume) | Lady of Shalott | Lady Salisbury | Leander (Auslea) | Lichfield Angel (Ausrelate) | Lilac Rose (Auslilac) | Lilian Austin (Ausmound) | Lovely Oberon (Ausron) | Lucetta (Ausemi) | Maid Marion | Marinette (Auscam) | Mary Magdalene (Ausjolly) | Mary Rose (Ausmary) | Mary Webb (Auswebb) | Mayor of Casterbridge (Ausbrid) | Miss Alice (Ausjake) | Mistress Quickly (Ausky) | Molineux (Ausmol) | Moonbeam (Ausbeam) | Morning Mist (AUSfire) | Mortimer Sackler (AUSorts) | Moth | Mountain Snow (Aussnow) | Munstead Wood (Ausbernard) | Noble Antony (Ausway) | Othello (Auslo) | Pat Austin (Ausmum) | Peach Blossom (Ausblossom) | Pegasus (Ausmoon) | Perdita (Ausperd) | Port Sunlight (Auslofty) | Portmeirion (Ausguard) | Potter and Moore (Auspot) | Pretty Jessica (Ausjess) | Princess Alexandra of Kent (Ausmerchant) | Princess Anne | Prospero (Auspero) | Proud Titania (Austania) | Queen Anne | Queen Nefertiti (Ausap) | Queen of Sweden (AUStiger) | Radio Times (Aussal) | Red Mary Rose | Redcoat (Auscoat) | | Robbie Burns (Ausburn) | Rose of Picardy (AUSfudge) | Rosemoor (AUStough) | Rushing Stream (Austream) | Scarborough Fair | Scepterd Isle (Ausland) | Scintillation | Sharifa Asma (Ausreef) | Shropshire Lass | Sir Clough (Ausclough) | Sir Edward Elgar (Ausprima) | Sister Elizabeth (Auspalette) | Skylark (Ausimple) | Snow Goose | Snowdon | Sophys Rose (Auslot) | Spirit of Freedom (AUSbite) | St Alban | St Cecilia (Ausmit) | St Swithun (Auswith) | Strawberry Hill (Ausrimini) | Summer Song (Austango) | Susan Williams-Ellis | Sweet Juliet (Ausleap) | Symphony (Auslett) | Tam o’Shanter | Tamora (Austamora) | Tea Clipper (Ausrover) | Teasing Georgia (Ausbaker) | Tess of the dUrbervilles (Ausmove) | The Alexandra Rose (Ausday) | The Alnwick Rose (AUSgrab) | The Countryman (Ausman) | The Dark Lady (Ausbloom) | The Friar | The Generous Gardener (AUSdrawn) | The Herbalist (Aussemi) | The Ingenious Mr. Fairchild (AUStijus) | The Knight | The Lady’s Blush | The Mayflower (Austilly) | The Miller | The Nun (Ausnun) | The Pilgrim (Auswalker) | The Prince (AUS verse) | The Prioress | The Reeve (Ausreeve) | The Shepherdess (Austwist) | The Squire (Ausquire, Ausire) | The Wife of Bath (Ausbath) | The Yeoman (Ausyeo) | Tradescant (Ausdir) | Trevor Griffiths (Ausold) | Troilus (Ausoil) | Warwick Castle (Auslian) | Wenlock (Auswen) | Wild Edric (Aushedge) | Wild Flower | Wildeve | William and Catherine | William Morris (Auswill) | William Shakespeare (Ausroyal) | William Shakespeare 2000 (Ausromeo) | Winchester Cathedral (Auscat) | Windflower (Auscross) | Windrush (Ausrush) | Wise Portia (Ausport) | Wisley (AUSintense) | Wollerton Old Hall | Yellow Button (Auslow, Ausbutton) | Yellow Charles Austin (Ausling)


Mit vielen schönen Bildern und Rosenvorstellungen in den Sprachen AU-BE-CA-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-UK-US-JP.

Englische Rosen - NEUE ROSES IN DER ALTEN TRADITION - Gezüchtet und eingeführt von David Austin Roses


Englische Rosen

A Shropshire Lad | Alnwick Castle | Ambridge Rose | Anne Boleyn | Austin's Buttercup | | Austin's Windflower | Barbara Austin | Benjamin Britten | Charity | Charles Austin | Charles Darwin | Charles Rennie Mackintosh | Charlotte | Christopher Marlowe | Claire Rose | Corvedale | Cottage Rose | Crown Princess Margareta | Eglantyne | Emanuel (syn. Crocus Rose) | English Garden | Evelyn | Fisherman's Friend | Golden Celebration | Grace | Gruss An Aachen | Happy Child | Harlow Carr (New for 2004) | Heather Austin | Hyde Hall (New for 2004) | James Galway | Janet | Jayne Austin | John Clare | Jubilee Celebration | Jude The Obscure | Kathryn Morley | L D Braithwaite | Ludlow Castle | Mary Magdalene | Mayor Of Casterbridge | Miss Alice | Molineux | Mortimer Sackler | Noble Antony | Pat Austin | Pegasus | Portmeirion | Queen of Sweden (New for 2004) | Radio Times | Rose of Picardy (New for 2004) | Rose-Marie | Rosemoor (New for 2004) | Scarborough Fair | Scepter'd Isle | Sharifa Asma | Sir Edward Elgar | Sophy's Rose | Spirit of Freedom | St Cecilia | St. Alban | St. Swithun | Sweet Juliet | Teasing Georgia | Tess Of The d'Urbervilles | The Countryman | The Generous Gardener | The Ingenious Mr Fairchild | The Mayflower | The Pilgrim | The Prince | Tradescant | Trevor Griffiths | Wildeve | William Morris | Winchester Cathedral | Wisley (New for 2004) | Marinette | The Alexandra Rose | Blythe Spirit | Francine Austin | A Shropshire Lad Clg | Crown Princess Margareta Clg | James Galway Clg | Janet Climbing | Mortimer Sackler Clg | Snow Goose | Spirit of Freedom Clg | St. Alban Climbing | St. Swithun Clg | Teasing Georgia Clg | Tess of the d'Urbervilles Clg | The Generous Gardener Clg | The Pilgrim Clg | William Morris Clg


| Alexander | Amber Queen | Anne Harkness | | Arthur Bell | Blessings | Braveheart | Cheshire Life | Chinatown | Congratulations | Dainty Bess | Dainty Maid | Dame Wendy | Dawn Chorus | Doris Tysterman | Dusky Maiden | Dutch Gold | | Elizabeth Harkness | Ellen Wilmott | Emma Wright | English Miss | Escapade | Evelyn Fison | Eye Paint | Fellowship | Fragrant Cloud | Freedom | George Dickson | Glenfiddich | Golden Wedding | Grandpa Dickson | Great News | Gustav Grünnerwald | | Ice Cream | Iceberg | Ingrid Bergman | Julia's Rose | Just Joey | King's Macc | Lady Sylvia Bush | L'Aimant | L'Oréal Trophy | Margaret Merril | Mme Louise Laperriere | Mountbatten | Mrs. Oakley Fisher | Mrs. Sam McGredy | News | Octavia Hill | | Orange Sensation | Oranges & Lemons | Paul Shirville | Picture | Pink Parfait | Pristine | Queen Elizabeth | Remember Me | Royal William | Ruby Wedding | Savoy Hotel | Sexy Rexy | Shocking Blue | Silver Anniversary | Silver Wedding | Simply the Best | Something Special | Southampton | Super Star Bush | Tatton | Tequila Sunrise | The Times Rose | Troika | Trumpeter | Valencia | Warm Wishes | White Wings | Wishing

Kleine Rosen

Anna Ford | | Bianco | Bright Smile | Cameo | Cider Cup | Cricri | Flower Power | Frothy | Gloire du Midi | Greenalls Glory | Hakuun | Jean Mermoz | Jenny Wren | Katharina Zeimet | Margo Koster | Marie Pavie | Marie-Jeanne | Marlena | Miniatures | Miss Edith Cavell | Nathalie Nypels | Nypel's Perfection | Paul Crampel | Pour Toi | Queen Mother | Regensburg | Sweet Dream | Wildfire | Yvonne Rabier


English Roses
ER (W3)

Engl. "English Roses" ("ER", auch "DA" für "David Austin Roses"), dt. "Englische Rosen", wurden von David Austin im Jahr 1969 in England eingeführt. Er züchtete Rosen in denen er die besten Eigenschaften von "Alten Rosen" und "Modernen Rosen" kombinierte. Insbesondere legte er Wert auf klassische Blütenformen und Duft alter Rosen. Der Anteil der modernen Rosen bestand in der mehrfachen Blütenpracht. Zu den englischen Rosen zählen "Abraham Darby", "Graham Thomas", "Heritage", "Mary Rose" u.a.



English Roses


How to Grow English Roses. The English rose is a large, cupped rose with many petals. It is a hybrid of old roses, which were cultivated before 1867, and



"English Roses"

A term coined by David Austin to describe roses that resulted from the hybridization of some of the Old Garden Roses (Gallicas, Damasks, Portlands, and Bourbons) with modern roses (Hybrid Teas and Floribundas). They combine the flower form, fragrance and shrubby growth of the Old Roses with the wider range of color and remontancy of the Modern Roses. 'Constance Spry®' is the original English Rose that caused such great interest when it was introduced by Graham Thomas in 1961. Since David Austin introduced the first English Rose, other breeders have developed roses that also fit into this category and are often marketted as such.


English Roses (abbrev. ER, DA)


David Austin's English roses are on their way to being considered a category by themselves. They have won tremendous popularity in the garden world in the past decade by combining old-fashioned charm and fragrance with a modern re-blooming habit. British rose breeder David Austin has developed many of these roses and given the group his name. They range widely in form and color; some of the best are 'Abraham Darby' and 'Gertrude Jekyll'.


The English Roses, bred by David Austin of Shropshire, England are newcomers to world gardening, and as such, are NOT Old Garden Roses. Rather, they can be thought of as "reproductions after a style", which is not to suggest that they are in any way less wonderful than the true OGRs. Their heritage includes Noisettes, Portland Damasks, Teas, Hybrid Perpetuals, Hybrid Teas, and others.
Abraham Darby | Gertrude Jekyll | St. Swithun | Charlotte* | Graham Thomas | Sharifa Asma* | Claire Rose | Jayne Austin | Sweet Juliet | Constance Spry | John Clare | Teasing Georgia | Country Living | Jude the Obscure | The Prince | Eglantyne | Mayor of Casterbridge | Tradescant | Evelyn | Othello | William Shakespeare | Fair Bianca | Prospero | William Shakespeare 2000 | Geoff Hamilton | St. Cecelia

David Austin's English Roses



English Roses

Roses that are thought of as being English Roses

David Austin, almost half a century ago, set out to restore a number of old rose qualities to garden roses: old rose form, fragrance, shrubbiness, and the vigor and good health of the best old roses. This, it turned out, was a tall task. Measured by the popularity of David Austin's roses he has had an astonishing measure of success. Measured against some theoretical ideal, there are perhaps, opportunities for more improvements in areas of shrubbiness and health. And some of us will never get enough fine fragrance.


Gandy's English Roses

These roses are the result of hybridising modern varieties with the old shrub roses. By doing this you get recurrent flowering of the modern rose while still retaining the form and charm of the old roses. Many of them also fragrant. Pruning instructions as for Gallica Roses.


David Austin English Roses

(E1)(L1) Roses
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "English Roses" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1810 auf.

Erstellt: 2013-05






















Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Rose, Rosa, Rose, Rosa, Rose, (lat.) rosa, (esper.) rozo, rozacoj
Rosen Sorten
Englische Rosen, Rosas Inglés, Rosiers Anglais, Rose Inglese, English Roses
Austin Rosen, Rosas Austin, Rosiers Austin, Rose Austin, Austin Roses


Austin, David - DAER
David Austin's English Roses

Gebundene Ausgabe: 183 Seiten
Verlag: Garden Art Pr (18. Juni 2012)
Sprache: Englisch


Like its highly-respected companion in the series, Old Roses, this title draws the most useful information from David Austin's 'The Rose' and focuses on English Roses, bred by David Austin to combine the sumptuousness of Old Roses with the strength and practical virtues of Modern Roses. It will be greatly prized by rose-growers and rose-lovers everywhere, whether professional or amateur, and includes new colour photography.


Major developments in English Roses have increased the number of varieties to more than 80. Forty best-loved and forty recently developed varieties, exquisitely photographed by Andrew Lawson, are at the heart of The Story of English Roses. The book explores the new classifications that David Austin has developed: 'The Old Rose Hybrids' (small to medium-sized shrubs, with the charm of Old Roses enhanced by disease resistance, more continuous flowering and more bushy growth); 'The Aloha Group' (tall, arching growth, mostly with large, deeply cut flowers); 'English/Alba Hybrids' (tall, airy, natural growth, with almost Wild Rose daintiness); and 'The English Musk Roses' (vigorous, bushy growth with reliable repeat flowers of particular delicacy). As the many virtues of English Roses have spread, David Austin has monitored their performance all over the world and offers advice on growing them in different climates. Never resting on his laurels, the English Rose Maestro reveals the refinements he has made to breeding techniques to take English Roses into the future.

Erstellt: 2013-05

Austin, David - DAER
Perry, Clay (Fotograf)
David Austin's English Roses

Gebundene Ausgabe: 160 Seiten
Verlag: Conran Octopus Ltd; Auflage: 2Rev Ed (22. August 1996)
Sprache: Englisch

From Booklist
For decades, Austin has devoted his life to the development of exquisite new rose varieties he designates English roses. In a stunning presentation that includes a brief history of roses through the centuries, Austin reveals his process of hybridizing these exciting new plants. Now widely available in the U.S., these are the roses creating real excitement among gardeners looking for superior specimens possessing sublime scent, many-petaled form, and color tempered by subtlety. Austin's beautifully photographed, clearly written guide - offering cultivation requirements, pruning instructions, an extensive portfolio assessing the habit of each English rose type--provides information indispensable to gardeners in general and rose connoisseurs in particular.
Alice Joyce

From Library Journal
Developed since 1969 by the author, English Roses are hybrids of Old Roses with present-day Hybrid Teas and Floribundas. They generally retain the shape and fragrance of the Old Roses, while keeping the disease resistance and perpetual bloom of the Moderns, although as the illustrations show, there is considerable divergence among individual varieties. Austin tells how he began creating English Roses, describes their characteristics, and suggests how best to use and care for them. The book is rounded off by individual portraits of each variety with specifics of size, fragrance, hardiness, and parentage. A list of suppliers follows. This will probably not be the last word on English Roses, especially on their care, but it is an excellent introduction to this new group of roses, beautifully presented in Perry's photographs. Recommended for larger public libraries and academic collections serving agriculture departments.
Molly Newling, Piscataway P.L., N.J.

Austin, David - TER
Rice, Howard (Fotograf)
Lawson, Andrew (Fotograf)
The English Roses
Classic Favorites and New Selections

Gebundene Ausgabe: 304 Seiten
Verlag: Firefly Books (18. Januar 2008)
Sprache: Englisch

From Booklist
Austin achieved great success as a hybridizer of his so-called English Roses, which possess a combination of alluring traits found in antique varieties and modern hybrid teas. More than a decade has passed since his first guide to these cultivars, and Austin now explains the ancestry and qualities of his roses, presenting 80 roses in six subgroups that include more recent introductions. Only roses that have proven to be vigorous and disease free make the cut. Succinct descriptions sum each rose's attributes, from growing habits and overall shape to luscious fragrance, flower form, foliage, and origin of the plant's name. And breathtaking photographs illustrate the reasons English roses are beloved by gardeners everywhere. Rose lovers will find Austin's personal observations regarding the development of these exquisite flowers mesmerizing, while his candor regarding a rose's faults is noteworthy and will surely help a gardener select roses for any given situation or climate. Novices will appreciate a final chapter with useful tips on culture and maintenance.
Alice Joyce

Erstellt: 2011-06













The English Roses

Gebundene Ausgabe: 48 Seiten
Verlag: Calloway (September 2003)
Sprache: Englisch

Madonna hangs up her material-girl cloak to teach children the importance of looking beyond a surface sheen. In The English Roses, the superstar's children's book debut, four little girls (the roses in question) "play the same games, read the same books, and like the same boys".
Nicole, Amy, Charlotte and Grace all love to dance the monkey and the tickety-boo... and they all are horribly jealous of Binah, the perfect, beautiful, smart, kind girl who lives nearby. Even though they know Binah is lonely, she makes them sick. They would say "Let's pretend we don't see her when she walks by", and even "Let's push her into the lake!" The pleasantly bossy narrator explains "And that is what they did. No, silly, not the lake part, the pretending not to see her part".

One night, however, the four girls all have the same dream that sets them straight. A fairy godmother sprinkles them with fairy dust and takes them to spy on Binah. When they see that she lives alone with her father, slaving away night and day at household chores, the four girly grumblers feel very sorry for her. The fairy scolds them: "... in the future, you might think twice before grumbling that someone else has a better life than you." And they do.

This morality tale is nothing new under the sun, but it is cleverly told, with many teaspoonfuls of good humour. Jeffrey Fulvimari's illustrations are no less than stunning, filling every page with vivacious black ink lines and gorgeous watercolour reminiscent of 1960s fashion sketches. Children will enjoy this don't-hate-me-because-I'm-beautiful story that celebrates friendship as much as it teaches compassion. It's recommended for ages six and above.

"In fairness, Madonna did write an appealing children's book with her first, 'The English Roses', published in 2003.

She writes best when drawing upon personal experience. 'Roses' effectively explored the difficult situation of being a motherless girl snubbed by her peers.

Her second book was weaker. 'Mr. Peabody's Apples' addressed gossip and lies. A cloying stench of self-pity about the media's obsession with Mrs. Ritchie could be detected. Not that Madonna -- or is it Esther, now that she has adopted a Hebrew name? - ever seeks the public's attention."

The English Roses, Too Good to be True


Book Description
With a whirling dervish of a teacher and a sprinkle of magic fairy dust, the English Roses learn valuable lessons about friendship and surviving their first crush. Readers of all ages will delight in this much-awaited sequel to Madonna’s first children’s book, The English Roses.

The English Roses, miniature edition