Apostle Spoon (W3)
Die "Apostel-Löffel" bestehen aus 13 Löffel mit Bildnissen von Christus und den zwölf Aposteln.
(E?)(L?) https://www.allwords.com/word-apostle+spoon.html
"apostle spoon", noun, a spoon (usually silver) with an image of an Apostle or other Christian religious figure as the termination of the handle.
(E?)(L?) https://www.bartleby.com/81/815.html
E. Cobham Brewer 1810–1897. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1898.
Apostle Spoons.
Spoons formerly given at christenings; so called because one of the apostles figured at the top of the handle. Sometimes twelve spoons, representing the twelve apostles; sometimes four, representing the four evangelists; and sometimes only one, was presented. Sometimes, but very rarely, a set occurs containing in addition the “Master Spoon” and the “Lady Spoon.” We still give at christenings a silver spoon, though the apostolic handle is no longer retained.
(E?)(L?) https://www.britannica.com/topic/apostle-spoon
apostle spoon, UTENSIL
"apostle spoon", spoon for personal use at table, the handle of which is surmounted by a small figure of an apostle, a saint, or Jesus Christ. English silver examples, dating from at least mid-15th century to the end of the 17th century, were sometimes made in sets of 13, consisting of the Twelve Apostles and Christ.
In the 16th and 17th centuries apostle spoons seem to have been popular as christening presents. In the 20th century, silver-plated versions of the spoons were manufactured for use as demitasse spoons.
(E?)(L?) https://www.dictionary.com/browse/apostle-spoon
"Apostle spoon", noun, a spoon having at the end of the handle the figure of one of the 12 apostles, formerly given as a christening present.
ORIGIN OF "APOSTLE SPOON": First recorded in 1605–15
(E?)(L?) https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01626b.htm
A set of thirteen spoons, usually silver, the handles of which are adorned with representations of Our Lord ("the Master spoon") and "the twelve Apostles". Anciently they were given by sponsors as baptismal gifts to their godchildren, the wealthy giving complete sets, others a smaller number, and a poor person a single spoon. The Apostles are distinguished one from the other by their respective emblems:...
- St. Peter with a key, sometimes a fish;
- St. Andrew with a saltire cross;
- St. James Major with a pilgrim's staff and gourd;
- St. John with a chalice;
- St. Philip with a long staff surmounted with a cross;
- St. James Minor with a fuller's bat;
- St. Thomas with a spear;
- St. Bartholomew with a butcher's knife;
- St. Matthew with a wallet, sometimes an axe;
- St. Matthias with a halberd;
- St. Thaddeus, or Jude, with a carpenter's square;
- St. Simon with a saw.
(E?)(L?) https://www.yourdictionary.com/apostle-spoon
"Apostle-spoon": A spoon (usually silver) with an image of an Apostle or other Christian religious figure as the termination of the handle.
(E1)(L1) http://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?corpus=0&content=Apostle Spoon
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Apostle Spoon" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1860 auf.
Erstellt: 2022-12