baffle (W3)
Das Wort engl. "baffle" kommt sowohl als Verb als auch als Substantiv vor.Das Verb engl. "baffle" (1540) bedeutet dt. "jemanden verwirren", "verblüffen", "narren", "täuschen", "jemandem ein Rätsel aufgeben".
Das Substantiv engl. "baffle" (1861), ("baffle plate") bedeutet dt. "Prall...", "Ablenkplatte", "Dämpfer", "Dampfsperre", "Fangklappe", "Lautsprecher", "Leitblech", "Leitwand", "Prallblech", "Prallfläche", "Prallplatte", "Schallwand", "Schlagleiste", "Schöpfblech", "Schutzschirm", "Schwallblech", "Stauscheibe", "Stoßplatte", "Streulichtblende", "Trennscheibe", "Umlenkblech".
Die Herkunft beider Wörter ist nicht mehr nachvollziehbar. Alle Erklärungsversuche laufen jedoch auf eine lautmalerische Herkunft hinaus. Und so könnte ein schott. "bauchle" eine Verbindung zu altfrz. "bafouer" und entfernt verwandt sein mit dt. "baff", "paff", "bah", "pah". Das dt. "baff sein" wird ebenfalls auf das Geräusch beim Schuß eines Jägers zurück geführt, das den Jagdhund - oder auch Menschen in der Umgebung - verwirren kann. Der lautmalerische Charakter dürfte auch in der Bedeutung dt. "Prall-", "Prell-", "Prallblech", ..., zu Grunde liegen.
BAFFLE, v. i. to disgrace
Exemples de mots d’origine étrangère: Anglais, Anglais des États-Unis: "baffle"
"Baffle": To erase the cognisance of a recreant knight. To degrade a knight from his rank. To be knocked about by the winds.
"Baffle Box": A device through which dice are dropped to randomize a roll. The dice are deflected and jostled about as they fall through the box.
The Baffled Bandits
Origin of "baffle"
1540-1550; 1910-15 for def 8; perhaps from Scots "bauchle" = "to disgrace", "treat with contempt", equivalent "to bauch" (see "baff") + "-le"
"baffle" (v.), 1540s, "to disgrace", of uncertain origin. Perhaps a Scottish respelling of "bauchle" = "to disgrace publicly" (especially a perjured knight), which is probably related to French "bafouer" = "to abuse", "hoodwink" (16c.), possibly from "baf", a natural sound of disgust, like "bah" (compare German "baff machen" = "to flabbergast"). The original sense is obsolete. Meaning "defeat someone's efforts, frustrate by interposing obstacles or difficulties" is from 1670s. Related: "Baffled"; "baffling".
"baffle" (n.), "shielding device," especially in a stove or oven, 1881 (short for "baffle-plate"), from "baffle" (v.). Earlier in the same sense was "baffler" (1861).
"baffle" (geluidswerende plaat van steenwol)
"baffle" [geluidswerende plaat van steenwol, [schallschluckende Steinwollplatte]] {na 1950} - engels "baffle" ["uitvlucht"], van "to baffle" ["beschimpen"], verwant met oudfrans "beffler" [idem], hoogduits "baff sein" ["geheel sprakeloos zijn"], oorspr. klanknabootsend gevormd.
- "baffle-pier": A blockage placed in the path of high-velocity water, like a pier on the apron of an overflow dam.
- "baffles": Vanes, guides, or other devices inside a conduit to check eddy currents below them, and provide more uniform distribution of sp.ed.
- dt. "Prallblech" = engl. "baffle plate"
- dt. "Schwallbleche" = engl. "baffles"
- dt. "Umlenkbleche" = engl. "baffles"
Limericks on "baffle"
Limericks on "baffled"
Limericks on "bafflement"
Limericks on "baffler"
(E?)(L?), segmented
Limericks on "baffle, segmented"
Limericks on "baffling"
Limericks on "bafflingly"
"baffle" occurs 2 times in 2 speeches within 2 works.
Possibly related word: "baffled"
- Henry IV, Part I (1)
- Twelfth Night (1)
"baffled" occurs 3 times in 3 speeches within 3 works.
Possibly related word: "baffle"
- Henry IV, Part II (1)
- Richard II (1)
- Twelfth Night (1)
I was baffled
we are baffled
- "baffle" (v.): [of a knight] publicly disgrace, treat with infamy
- "baffle" (v.): treat shamefully, expose to ridicule
"baffle": (ingl.) Caja de madera o plástico que contiene los amplificadores de un reproductor de sonidos.
"baffle": to subject (a perjured knight) to public in famy by exhibiting the picture of him hanging by the heels 1H4 I. ii. 113; (hence) "to disgrace", "treat with contumely" Tw.N. II. v. 177, R2 I. i. 170 “disgrac'd, impeach'd, and baffled,” 2H4 V. iii. 106 “And shall good news be baffled?”
A Shakespeare Glossary. C. T. Onions. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1911.
"Baffle", dt.: Umlenker, Abweiser, Schallwand
Als "baffles" werden zuallererst "Stellwände" bezeichnet, die auf der Tonbühne dazu dienen, den Ton zu dämpfen, die Echo-Effekte zu dämpfen und so den Raumeindruck zu verändern. Dazu wird neben Stoffen inzwischen eine ganze Reihe von Plastikstoffen verwendet. Manchmal werden auch Mikrofon-Hüllen, die zu diesem Zweck der Tonbeeinflussung dienen, zu den "baffles" gerechnet.
"baffle" (vb, n)
"To foil", "to confuse". An earlier meaning was "to disgrace". Icelandic "bagr" ("awkward", "clumsy"), "bágr" ("uneasiness", "strife"). As a noun, a "baffle" is now a technical structure used to impede flow (for example, of gases) or reduce noise (as in a vehicle exhaust system).
Primary Meanings of baffle
- 1. v, be a mystery or bewildering to
- 2. nv, a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy
- 3. v, hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
- "baffle": be a mystery or bewildering to
- "baffle board": a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy
- "baffled": perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements
- "bafflement": confusion resulting from failure to understand
- "baffling": making great mental demands
- "unbaffled": not perplexed by conflicting situations or statements
Origin of "baffle"
16th-c. Scot; probably respelling (as "duff" for "dough", "Affleck" for "Auchinleck") of obsolete "bauchle"
- bafflectomies
- bafflectomy
- baffled
- bafflement
- bafflements
- baffler
- bafflers
- baffles
- bafflestone
- bafflestones
- baffling
- baffling-wind
- baffling-winds
- bafflingly
- bafflingness
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "baffle" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1590 auf.
Erstellt: 2017-06