Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Mathematik, Matemáticas, Mathématiques, Matematica, Mathematics, (esper.) matematiko
Angewandte Mathematik, Matemáticas aplicadas, Mathématiques appliquées, Matematica applicata, Applied mathematics
Geschichte der Mathematik, Historia de la matemática, Histoire des mathématiques, Storia della matematica, History of mathematics
Philosophie der Mathematik, Filosofía de la matemática, Philosophie des mathématiques, Filosofia della matematica, Philosophy of mathematics
Boolean logic (W3)
Named after the nineteenth-century mathematician "George Boole" (1815-1864), Boolean logic is a form of algebra in which all values are reduced to either TRUE or FALSE. Boolean logic is especially important for computer science because it fits nicely with the binary numbering system, in which each bit has a value of either 1 or 0. Another way of looking at it is that each bit has a value of either TRUE or FALSE.
Schwartz, Richard Evan
Outer Billiards on Kites
"Outer billiards" is a basic dynamical system defined relative to a convex shape in the plane. B.H. Neumann introduced "outer billiards" in the 1950s, and J. Moser popularized "outer billiards" in the 1970s as a toy model for celestial mechanics. "Outer billiards" is an appealing dynamical system because of its simplicity and also because of its connection to such topics as interval exchange maps, piecewise isometric actions, and area-preserving actions. There is a lot left to learn about these kinds of dynamical systems, and a good understanding of outer billiards might shed light on the more general situation. The Moser-Neumann question, one of the central problems in this subject, asks:
Does there exist an outer billiards system with an unbounded orbit?
Until recently, all the work on this subject has been devoted to proving that all the orbits are bounded for various classes of shapes. We will detail these results in the introduction.
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction 6
- Part I 16
- 2. The Arithmetic Graph 17
- 3. The Hexagrid Theorem 23
- 4. Odd Approximation and Period Copying 32
- 5. Existence of Erratic Orbits 37
- 6. The Orbit Dichotomy 43
- 7. The Density of Periodic Orbits 47
- 8. Symmetries of the Arithmetic Graph 52
- 9. Further Results and Conjectures 58
- Part II 67
- 10. The Master Picture Theorem 68
- 11. The Pinwheel Lemma 77
- 12. The Torus Lemma 90
- 13. The Strip Functions 99
- 14. Proof of the Master Picture Theorem 106
- 15. Some Formulas 111
- Part III 118
- 16. Proof of the Embedding Theorem 119
- 17. Extension and Symmetry 126
- 18. The Structure of the Doors 130
- 19. Proof of the Hexagrid Theorem I 135
- 20. Proof of the Hexagrid Theorem II 142
- Part IV 155
- 21. The Copy Theorem 156
- 22. Existence of Superior Sequences 168
- 23. Proof of the Decomposition Theorem 178
- 24. Proof of Theorem 4.2 184
- 25. References 187
Erstellt: 2013-07
Die Steinschleuder
Jemandem Steine in den Weg legen
calculus of probabilities
wahr (W1)
Wenn es die Menschheit nicht zu mathematischen Höchstleistungen gebracht hätte, wäre aus dem engl. "calculator" vielleicht eine "Steinschleuder" geworden. So aber ist es eine "Rechenmaschine" geworden. Als die Herden der ersten Schafhirten grösser wurden und die Schafe nicht mehr an zwei Händen abzuzählen waren, nahmen sie (die Schafhirten) Steine zu Hilfe. Morgens nahmen sie für jedes Schaf einen "(Kalk-)Stein" (lat. "calx" = "Kalk") und bei der abendlichen Parade warfen Sie pro Schaf wieder einen Stein weg. War ein Stein zu viel, hatten Sie ein Schaf zu wenig. War ein Stein zu wenig, hatten sie sich auch "verkalkuliert" und bekamen womöglich auch Probleme.
Im Laufe der Entwicklung kam man auch auf die Idee, die Steine besonders zu kennzeichnen und Ihnen damit höhere Wertigkeiten zu verleihen. Und so kam es, dass auch die Steine nicht alle gleich, sondern einige gleicher waren. Einige repräsentierten 10 Schafe andere vielleicht sogar 100 Schafe. Dadurch hatte man natürlich auch weniger Steine zu schleppen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund erhält auch die Redewendung "Jemandem Steine in den Weg legen" nochmal eine ganz besondere Bedeutung.
Jedenfalls entwickelte sich die Menschheit weiter und aus den Kalksteinen wurden Rechensteine (lat. "calculus"). Und um Sie nicht immer wieder vom Boden auflesen zu müssen reihte man sie zuerst auf Steinplatten und später dann auf Drahtgestelle und hatte so den ersten Rechenschieber. - Der Abakus war geboren.
Mit dem Aufkommen des Papiers zog man weitere Möglichkeiten der Notation ins "Kalkül" (frz. "calcul", "calculer" von lat. "calculare" = "mit Rechensteinen rechnen", "berechnen", "calculus" = "Rechenstein"; "calx" = "Kalk").
Der Stein wurde also zu Papier, auf das man nun die Steinzeichen malte. Und so ging das auch eine ganze Weile gut. Das "Kalkulieren" wurde einfacher, aber auch komplizierter. Was man an der Handhabbarkeit gewann, wurde durch zunehmend komplexer werdende Aufgaben wieder zunichte gemacht. Und da ein Blatt Papier zwar recht leicht ist, ein ganzer Ordner davon aber genauso schwer wie ein Beutel Steine sein kann, sann man schon wieder nach Alternativen.
Und da kamen die Erkenntnisse der Elektrizität und des Magnetismus gerade recht. Wozu sollte man sich weiter mit Steinen und Papier plagen, wenn es doch die vielen winzig kleinen Elektronen gab.
Gesagt getan - man entwickelte einen "Kalkulator" (engl. "calculator") mit Drähten und Magnetspeichern. Und nun schaufelte man alles in diese Blechkisten - und siehe da auch diese hatten ein gutes Gewicht, um all die Elektronen auf den richtigen Platz zu setzen. Aber da die Menschheit ja selbst das Wetter "kalkulierbar" machen möchte reduzierte man die Dicke und die Länge der Drähte, verkleinerte die Chips und die Transistoren und packte schliesslich ein ganzes Rechenzentrum in einen tragbaren Laptop. - Und da stehen wir ungefähr heute.
Aber auch das wird nicht der letzte Stand der Dinge bleiben. Es gibt ja heute bereits Laborversuche, um biologische Computer (auch Gehirne genannt) ganz eng mit den Eisengehirnen (Computer genannt) zu verbinden.
Und irgendwann hat vielleicht auch der engl. "calculator" den Weg von der anorganischen zur organischen Lebensweise geschafft.
Nach diesem Schnelldurchgang durch die Geschichte der Rechenmaschinen kommen wir nochmal auf den etymologischen Aspekt der Geschichte zurück. Dass der "Kalkulator" seine Existenz den "Kalksteinen" zu verdanken hat wissen zumindest noch die Mediziner. Bei diesen heissen die Blasen-Steine, Gallen-Steine und Nieren-Steine heute noch "calculus" (Plural: "calculi").
Und dass das zu Grunde liegende lateinische Wort "calx" bzw. lat. "calcare" ursprünglich eigentlich mehr "Ferse" und "zertreten" bedeutete kann man noch an lat. "calceolus" = dt. "kleiner Schuh" erkennen.
Der Psychopath und römische Kaiser "Caligula" (Gaius (37-41 n. Chr.)) verbrachte seine Jugend im Heerlager seines Vaters Germanicus und erhielt dort seinen Zweitnamen, wörtlich dt. "Soldatenstiefelchen".
Schön finde ich übrigens auch engl. "calculus of probabilities" = "Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung" - eine Verbindung der handfesten Materie mit einer diffusen Vermutung. Dass man dieser Verbindung nicht wirklich vertrauen kann (ahd. "war" = "vertrauenswert") zeigt schon das geflügelte Wort "Trau keiner Statistik, die du nicht selbst gefälscht hast".
In der "calc-"-Familie findet man auch frz. "chaussée", "chaussure", "Kalk", "kalkulieren", "Kelter" und viele andere, die letztlich zurückgehen auf lat. "calx" = dt. "Ferse" und lat. "calcare" = "stampfen".
calculate anything anywhere...
online, pocket, pc, pda, wap and cellphone calculators
Erstellt: 2003-12
conjunction, conjunctive (W3)
Die "Konjunktion", die logische "UND-Verknüpfung" wurde bereits von den Stoikern diskutiert. Die englischen Begriffe "conjunction" und "conjunctive" werden vom "OED" mit 1848 angegeben.
De Morgan's Laws, Morgansche Gesetze (W3)
Die "Morganschen Gesetze" drücken Regeln der Mengenlehre bzgl. Schnit- und Vereinigungsmengen aus.
Diese Regeln tragen den Namen des "Wieder-Entdeckers "Augustus de Morgan" (1806-1871).
Smith, David Eugene
History of Modern Mathematics
Mathematical Monographs No. 1
Smith, David Eugene, 1860-1944: History of Modern Mathematics
No. 1
- 9 QUANTICS. 20
- 10 CALCULUS. 23
Erstellt: 2011-10
Earliest Uses of Symbols of Operation
juggler sequence (W3)
Weshalb diese Zahlenfolgen "juggler sequence" heißen, wird auf den Seiten nicht erklärt. Nach einer interessanten Vorlesung von Herrn Klaus Schindler, die ich am 15.12.2008 im Audimax der Uni Saarbrücken, hören konnte, handelt es sich dabei um die mathematische Beschreibung von Jonglierfolgen mit n Bällen.
(Allerdings kann ich den konkreten Zusammenhang noch nicht erkennen. Die Beispiele der Vorlesung waren verständlicher. Wie in der Mathematik üblich, würde dann die allgemeine mathematische Definition vom realen Anlass abstrahiert.)
- juggler sequence: A094683 A094685
- juggler sequence: see also A007320 A007321 A094684 A094693 A094696 A094697 A094697 A094708 A094716 A094725 A094778
Klein bottle (W3)
Die dt. "Kleinsche Flasche", engl. "Klein bottle", wurde benannt nach dem deutschen Mathematiker "Felix Klein", der sie im Jahr 1882 als erster beschrieb (dt. "Kleinsche Fläche", engl. "Klein surface").
Klein Bottle Opener, for higher-dimensional drinking needs
World's Smallest Klein Bottle
Spiral Klein bottle
Mathematical surfaces - A collection of classic mathematical surfaces: from the trefoil knot to the Klein bottle. - Added on 2004-09-04
Need a zero-volume bottle?
Searching for a one-sided surface?
Want the ultimate in non-orientability?
Man, beer, cigarette, Klein bottle
(E2)(L1) bottle
Bizarre nested Klein bottles
In mathematics, the "Klein bottle" is an example of a non-orientable surface; informally, it is a surface (a two-dimensional manifold) in which notions of left and right cannot be consistently defined. Other related non-orientable objects include the "Möbius strip" and the real projective plane. Whereas a "Möbius strip" is a surface with boundary, a "Klein bottle" has no boundary (for comparison, a sphere is an orientable surface with no boundary).
The "Klein bottle" was first described in 1882 by the German mathematician "Felix Klein". It may have been originally named the "Kleinsche Fläche" ("Klein surface") and that this was incorrectly interpreted as "Kleinsche Flasche" ("Klein bottle"), which ultimately led to the adoption of this term in the German language as well.
- ChromaDepth(tm) 3-D of Banchoff Klein Bottle
- Klein Bottle
- True Banchoff Klein Bottle
Klein Bottle | Klein Bottle Dissection
Bizarre Nested Klein Bottles Will Blow Your Mind
Dancing in a Klein Bottle. What more could you want?
(E1)(L1) bottle
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Klein bottle" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1900 auf.
Erstellt: 2013-08
Longplayer by Jem Finer
Die Grundlage des Longplayers ist ein Stück der Länge 20 Minuten und 20 Sekunden. Sechs Kopien davon werden gleichzeitig mit unterschiedlicher Geschwindigkeit abgespielt. Die Gesamtkomposition der verschiedenen Stücke wiederholt sich erst am Jahreswechsel 2999/3000.
Es handelt sich also um eine mathematisch-musikalische Installation.
Achtung: Nach dem Aufruf von "Listen" kann es einige Sekunden dauern bis etwas zu hören ist.
What is Longplayer?
Longplayer is a one thousand year long musical composition. It began playing at midnight on the 31st of December 1999, and will continue to play without repetition until the last moment of 2999, at which point it will complete its cycle and begin again. Conceived and composed by Jem Finer, it was originally produced as an Artangel commission, and is now in the care of the Longplayer Trust.
Longplayer can be heard in the lighthouse at Trinity Buoy Wharf, London, where it has been playing since it began. It can also be heard at several other listening posts around the world, and globally via a live stream on the Internet.
Longplayer is composed for singing bowls - an ancient type of standing bell - which can be played by both humans and machines, and whose resonances can be very accurately reproduced in recorded form. It is designed to be adaptable to unforeseeable changes in its technological and social environments, and to endure in the long-term as a self-sustaining institution.
The Longplayer Trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to making sure Longplayer is freely available to the public. If you enjoy Longplayer and would like to see it survive, please consider telling us so by making a donation. It’s easy to do, and it only takes a minute.
Erstellt: 2011-11
munter (W3)
Das singuläre engl. "mathematic" gibt es seit etwa 1380. Im 17 Jh. machte man es zum Plural "mathematics". Es geht zurück auf lat. "mathematica", griech. "mathematike tekhne" = "mathematical science", griech. "mathematikos" = "relating to mathematics", "scientific", griech. "mathema" = "science", "knowledge", "mathematical knowledge", griech. "manthanein" = "to learn".
Das postulierte ide. "*mn-", "*men-", "*mon-" = "to think" = "denken", "have one's mind aroused" brachte auch griech. "menthere" = "to care" = "sorgen", lith. "mandras" = "wide-awake", O.C.S. "madru" = "wise", "sage" = "klug", "weise", Goth. "mundonsis" = "to look at" dt. "munter" = "awake", "lively" hervor.
Mathematics (pl.) originally denoted the mathematical sciences collectively, including geometry, astronomy, optics. Math is the Amer.Eng. shortening, attested from 1890; the British preference, maths is attested from 1911.
The mathematical world
Some philosophers think maths exists in a mysterious other realm. They’re wrong. Look around: you can see it.
Mathematics Subject Classification
Erstellt: 2011-11
Möbius strip (W3)
Das Besondere am Möbiusband, engl. "Möbius strip", ist, dass diese Schleife (im 3-dimensionalen Raum) nur eine Seite und einen Rand hat.
Man kann ein "Möbius-Band" leicht selbst herstellen, indem man einen Streifen Papier (Vorschlag: 5cm breit, 50 cm lang) aneinem Ende festhält und das andere Ende um 180 Grad dreht. Unter Beibehaltung dieser Drehung klebt man die beiden Enden zusammen und fertig ist das "Möbius-Band".
Erfunden hat ihn sicherlich nicht der deutsche Mathematiker August Ferdinand Möbius (1790-1868). Aber er war der erste, der sich über die mathematischen Folgen dieses einfachen Experimentes ausführlich Gedanken machte. Er beschrieb als einer der ersten die Topologie von Räumen und Strukturen. Zunächst hat das Möbiusband nur eine zusammenhängende Oberfläche und nicht zwei, wie ein "normal" zusammengeklebter Streifen. Und was passiert nun z.B. wenn man diesen Streifen in der Mitte (in Längs-Richtung) durchschneidet? - Es bleibt ein Band.
Surface Topology in Bach Canons, I: The Möbius strip
Möbius Transformations Revealed
Douglas N. Arnold and Jonathan Rogness
August Ferdinand Möbius, German mathematician and astronomer
Möbius strip, mathematics
Möbius Strip
Möbius strip
"Mobius", also "Moebius", 1904 in reference to the "Mobius strip" (earlier "Moebius unilateral paper strip", 1899), named for German mathematician August Ferdinand Möbius (1790-1868), professor at Leipzig, who devised it and described it in 1865 ("über die Bestimmung des Inhalts eines Polyeders", Nov. 27, 1865).
Möbius Line Puzzle
The Mobius Strip
Dr. August Mobius's Marvelous Band in Mathematics, Games, Literature, Art, Technology, and Cosmology
Clifford A. Pickover
Thunder's Mouth Press, 2006
In mathematics, a "Möbius strip", "Möbius band", or "Möbius loop" (also spelled "Mobius" or "Moebius", is a surface with only one side (when embedded in three-dimensional Euclidean space) and only one boundary curve. The Möbius strip is the simplest non-orientable surface. It can be realized as a ruled surface. Its discovery is attributed independently to the German mathematicians Johann Benedict Listing and August Ferdinand Möbius in 1858, though similar structures can be seen in Roman mosaics c. 200–250 AD. Möbius published his results in his articles "Theorie der elementaren Verwandtschaft" (1863) and "Ueber die Bestimmung des Inhaltes eines Polyëders" (1865).
The "Möbius strip", also called the "twisted cylinder" (Henle 1994, p. 110), is a one-sided nonorientable surface obtained by cutting a closed band into a single strip, giving one of the two ends thus produced a half twist, and then reattaching the two ends (right figure; Gray 1997, pp. 322-323). The strip bearing his name was invented by "Möbius" in 1858, although it was independently discovered by "Listing", who published it, while Möbius did not (Derbyshire 2004, p. 381). Like the cylinder, it is not a true surface, but rather a surface with boundary (Henle 1994, p. 110).
- Möbius Function
- Möbius Ladder
- Möbius Net
- Möbius Strip
- Möbius Transformation
- Möbius Triangles
- MoebiusMu
- Möbius Band
- Möbius Figure of Two I...
- Möbius Function
- Möbius Graph
- Möbius Group
- Möbius Inversion Formula
- Möbius Ladder
- Möbius Net
- Möbius Periodic Function
- Möbius Problem
- Möbius Shorts
- Möbius Strip
- Möbius Strip Dissection
- Möbius Tetrad
- Möbius Tetrad Theorem
- Möbius Tetrahedra
- Möbius Theorem
- Möbius Transform
- Möbius Transformation
- Möbius Triangles
- Möbius Wheel
- Möbius-Kantor Configur...
- Möbius-Kantor Graph
(E1)(L1)öbius strip
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Möbius strip" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1950 auf.
Erstellt: 2021-10
part (W3)
Engl. "part" geht zurück auf lat. "pars" = "Teil".
pivotal (W3)
Ich denke hier liegt das engl. "pivot" = "Drehpunkt", "Angelpunkt" zu Grunde.
Die Frage ist nur, wieso heißt diese Art von Tabelle "Pivot-Tabelle", also "Drehtabelle"?
Zur eindeutigen Beantwortung kenne ich diese Funktion zu wenig, aber es handelt sich auf jeden Fall um eine Tabellenfunktion, die es erlaubt, die Daten unter verschiedenen Ordnungskriterien, bzw. Gesichtspunkten zu betrachten. Und dieser interaktive Wechsel der Darstellung dürfte der Grund für die Benennung der Tabelle als "Pivot-Tabelle" gewesen sein.
Und nun noch zur Frage woher "pivot" kommt.
- 1. A short rod or shaft on which a related part rotates or swings.
- 2. A person or thing on which something depends or turns; the central or crucial factor.
- 3. The act of turning on or as if on a pivot.
- 4. Basketball
a. A position taken by an offensive player usually facing away from the basket near the foul line to relay passes, attempt a shot, or set screens.
b. The stationary foot around which the ball handler is allowed to pivot without dribbling.
Ein Abkömmling ist auch "pivotal":
- 1. Of, relating to, or serving as a pivot.
- 2. Being of vital or central importance; crucial: "Its pivotal location has also exposed it to periodic invasions" (Henry A. Kissinger).
NOUN: A joint in which a bone rotates around another; a joint permitting only rotating movement.
"center pivot irrigation": A method of agricultural irrigation using a long, wheeled arm with many nozzles that pivots about the center of a circle; used primarily in arid regions.
Auch im empfehlenswerten englischen "Etymology online Dictionary" findet man außer ein paar Jahresangaben nur den Hinweis, dass die Herkunft ungesichert ist.
1611, from Fr., from O.Fr. "pivot" = "hinge", "pivot" (12c.), of uncertain origin. The verb is 1841, from the noun. Fig. sense of "central point" is recorded from 1813; "pivotal" in this sense is from 1844.
- 1: of, relating to, or functioning as a pivot (a shaft or pin on which something turns)
- 2: extremely important : CRUCIAL
The word "pivotal" has appeared in 475 "Times articles" over the past year, most recently in "Bush Finds a Friend in Carpenters' Union President" on September 11, 2002.
Definition: "very important", "very consequential" = "entscheidend", "lebenswichtig", "Schlüssel-", "Zentral-"
The noun "pivot" is a person, thing, or factor having a major or central role, function, or effect (der "Drehpunkt", der "Drehzapfen", der "Schwenkungspunkt").
So the adjective is used to describe something which is vitally important.
Diese französische Quelle führt die Bedeutung als Umschaltstation in Netzwerken an.
Pivot: Définition (Anglais: "hub", "hub station")
Station qui assure la coordination d'un groupe de stations ou de sous-réseaux, ainsi que leurs accès éventuels à d'autres réseaux.
Ins Esperanto wurde "pivot" in der Form "pivoto" übernommen.
Ekstrema parto de akso, eniganta en truo, kie gi turnigas: "pivoto" de rado en horlogo.
"pivoti": Turnigi cirkau pivoto.
tradukoj (Übersetzungen)
- germanaj - ~o: Zapfen, Drehstift; ~i: pivotieren.
- hungaraj - ~o: tengelycsap, tengelyvég; ~i: forog.
- nederlandaj - ~o: tap, luns; ~i: pivoteren.
- portugalaj - ~o: pivô(eixo).
- rusaj - ~o: ??? ???, ???.
"Chió pivotal condensation" is a method for evaluating an n*n-determinant in terms of (n-1)*(n-1) determinants. It also leads to some remarkable determinant identities (Eves 1996, p. 130). Chió's condensation is carried out on an n*n-matrix A=[a(ij)] with a(ii)=0 by forming the (n-1)*(n-1)-matrix B=[b(ij)] such that ...
"Miquel's Pivot Theorem" = "Miquel's Theorem"
Für dieses Theorem mußte wohl ein Mathematiker "A. Miquel" seinen Namen hergeben. Dieser schrieb 1838 ein Werk "Mémoire de Géométrie" Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées de Liouville 1, 485-487, 1838.
Und dann gibt es noch einige spezielle mathematische "Pivot-Begriffe": Pivot Point | Pivot Theorem | Pivotal Condensation | Pivotal Isocubic | Pivotal Isogonal Cubic | Pivotal Isotomic Cubic | Pivoting
The element in the diagonal of a matrix by which other elements are divided in an algorithm such as Gauss-Jordan elimination is called the pivot element. Partial pivoting is the interchanging of rows and full pivoting is the interchanging of both rows and columns in order to place a particularly "good" element in the diagonal position prior to a particular operation.
Die Autoren des OED = "Oxford English Dictionary" bitten noch um Mithilfe um das erste Auftreten der folgenden Begriffe zu ermitteln:
- "pivot shears" interdate 1398-2004
- "pivotable" antedate 1899
Da soll einer sagen "pivot" sei kein zentraler Begriff der keine Rolle spielt.
pivot joint (Pivot-Gelenk)
Dass "Mathematik" für "lernen" schlechthin steht sieht man an dem engl. "polymath" = "Person mit grosser und fundierter Allgemeinbildung", also der "umfassend Gelehrte".
prime (W3)
Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines prime as follows.
"prime" \'prim\ n [ME, fr. MF, fem. of "prin" = "first", L "primus"; akin to L "prior"]
- 1 : first in time : ORIGINAL
- 2 a : having no factor except itself and one (3 is a ~ number)
- 2 b : having no common factor except one (12 and 25 are relatively ~)
- 3 a : first in rank, authority or significance : PRINCIPAL
- 3 b : having the highest quality or value (~ television time)
Each of Webster's definitions may be applied to this page, but the most operative is 2a: An integer greater than one is prime if its only positive divisors are itself and one (otherwise it is composite). For example: 15 is composite because it has the two prime divisors 3 and 5.
Random access (W3)
Engl. "random" = "ziellos", "wahllos", "zufällig", "Zufalls-" geht zurück auf altfrz. "randum" = "Drängen", "Unordnung". Ein noch älteres altfrz. "randir" bedeutete "schnell rennen". Von da kam es als mengl. "randun" = "Heftigkeit", "Geschwindigkeit" nach England. Noch weiter zurück wird ein fränkisches "*rant" = "Rennen" und ide. "*randa" postuliert. Die Verbindung zu dt. "rennen" ist unverkennbar.
Um 1980 kam es in der amerikanischen Studentensprache auf in der Bedeutung "untergeordnet", "unerwünscht".
Die Bezeichnung "Random access" im Zusammenhang mit Speicherzugriffen in der Datenverarbeitung, ist seit 1953 nachweisbar.
random | random access memory | random function | random number | random-access | randomicity | randomise | randomization | randomize | randomly | randomness | randomosity | randoms
What's this fuss about true randomness?
Perhaps you have wondered how predictable machines like computers can generate randomness. In reality, most random numbers used in computer programs are pseudo-random, which means they are a generated in a predictable fashion using a mathematical formula. This is fine for many purposes, but it may not be random in the way you expect if you're used to dice rolls and lottery draws.
RANDOM.ORG offers true random numbers to anyone on the Internet. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs. People use RANDOM.ORG for holding draws, lotteries and sweepstakes, to drive games and gambling sites, for scientific applications and for art and music. The service has existed since 1998 and was built and is being operated by Mads Haahr of the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College, Dublin in Ireland.
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In der Sprache der Computer-Freaks wurde "random" nochmals neu belegt mit der Bedeutung "A person who isn't a hacker", "a person who is undirected, unproductive, and frivolous".
Rosenbrock Function
In mathematical optimization, the Rosenbrock function is a non-convex function used as a performance test problem for optimization algorithms introduced by Howard H. Rosenbrock in 1960.
Rosenbrock Methods
Rosenbrock methods may refer to either of two distinct ideas in numerical computation, both named for Howard H. Rosenbrock.
Howard Harry Rosenbrock (16 December 1920 - 21 October 2010) was a leading figure in control theory and control engineering. He was born in Ilford, England in 1920, graduated in 1941 from University College London with a 1st class honors degree in Electrical Engineering.
A generalization of the Runge-Kutta method for solution of ordinary differential equations, also called Kaps-Rentrop methods.
Russell's Paradox, Russellsche Antimonie (W3)
Benannt nach Bertrand Russell (1872-1970).
similar (W3)
Engl. "similar" (1605-15) (ngrams: 1520) = "ähnlich" geht über frz. "similaire", mlat. "similaris", zurück auf lat. "similis" = dt. "ähnlich", "gleich".
Two polygons are similar if their corresponding sides are proportional.
Two figures are said to be similar when all corresponding angles are equal and all distances are increased (or decreased) in the same ratio, called the ratio of magnification (Coxeter and Greitzer 1967, p. 94). A transformation that takes figures to similar figures is called a similarity.
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Erstellt: 2011-01
Mathematical Words: Origins and Sources
Notes for Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics
- Words and their Origins
- Word-formation today
- Words: historical overview
- Mathematics in English
- Provenance: Old English | Latin | Greek | French | German
- Sources of information
- Works on words
- Other resources
- Personal communications
- Researching: bootstrap | determinant | point
- General references
- Invitation
Erstellt: 2012-01
Mathematic signs
Most of the basic symbols of logic and set theory in use today were introduced between 1880 and 1920. The main contributors were "Ernst Schröder" (1841-1902) and "Giuseppe Peano", (1858-1932)
Alfred North Whitehead, (1861-1947) and Bertrand Russell, (1872-1970).
Peano had a strong influence on Whitehead and Russell and their joint work, "Principia Mathematica", (1910-1913), was itself very influential. Today "Gottlob Frege", (1848-1925) is the most admired logician of that age but his notation was not taken up. Most of the symbols described here are treated in the chapter on mathematical logic in Cajori's "A History of Mathematical Notations, vol. 2" (1929). The ideas of the period are covered in I. Grattan-Guinness (2000) "The Search for Mathematical Roots, 1870-1940: Logics, Set Theories and the Foundations of Mathematics from Cantor through Russell to Gödel". Many of the classic works are available in English in Jan van Heijenoort (1967) "From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879--1931".
techtarget - Mathematical Symbols
This table contains mathematical symbols and links to definitions of what they represent.
the lowest common denominator (W3)
Engl. "the lowest common denominator" = dt. "der kleinste gemeinsame Nenner", entstammt der Sprache der Mathematiker, wo er bei der Bruchrechnung eine Rolle spielt. Er wird mittlerweile auch in anderen Lbensbereichen benutzt.
Erstellt: 2010-03
Traveling Salesman Problem, TSP, Handelsreisender-Problem (W3)
The "Traveling salesman problem", or "TSP" for short, is this: given a finite number of "cities" along with the cost of travel between each pair of them, find the cheapest way of visiting all the cities and returning to your starting point. In these pages we report on our ongoing project to solve large-scale instances of the TSP.
Von der Tour durch 15.112 deutsche Städte gibt es sogar ein kleines Poster.
What Makes a Sign a Mathematical Sign?
An Epistemological Perspective on Mathematical Interaction
Heinz Steinbring, University of Dortmund, GERMANY
1. The particular role of mathematical signs in the frame of epistemological conditions of mathematical knowledge
In general, the importance of signs for human thinking is uncontested and fundamental. Without signs, no human thinking and no mental generalizations would exist. „We have no ability to think without signs“ (Peirce 1991, p. 42) reads the famous dictum by Charles Peirce (cf. also Radford 2001a). A general, essential identification of the role of the sign is the one that the sign stands for something else; Thomas of Aquin has described this feature with the famous definition „aliquid stat pro aliquo“.
In the following it is tried under an explicitly epistemological perspective to work out the particular role of mathematical signs in certain essential points of view. This is in no case about the modeling of a general sign concept, but about a better understanding of the particularity of mathematical signs, partly referring to semiotic concepts and models of signs. This makes it necessary to concentrate on the epistemological nature of mathematical knowledge and of mathematical concepts, as mathematical signs serve mainly for „recording“ mathematical knowledge and mathematical concepts. Seen in this way, the particularity of mathematical signs is indicated mainly referring to the epistemological meaning of mathematical knowledge. Mathematical signs are chiefly seen as „instruments“ for coding and describing mathematical knowledge, for communicating mathematical knowledge as well as for operating with mathematical knowledge and for developing it in a generalizing way. In this sense, mathematical signs are also cultural tools (cf. Radford 1998; 2001a; Vygotsky 1987) which are used in the communication with other persons in order to develop mathematical knowledge.
Uni St Andrews
University of St Andrews, Schottland
Mathematics Archive
Indexes of Biographies of Mathematicians
History of Mathematics
TURNBULL is the home of the award-winning MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive - an integrated collection of over 1000 biographies and historical articles of a mathematical nature, alongside interactive birthplace maps and the famous curve applet.
Biographies Index
| A
| Aaboe, Asger (1400*)
| Abbe, Ernst (602*)
| Abbott, Edwin (1456)
| Abel, Niels Henrik (2899*)
| Abraham bar Hiyya (641)
| Abraham, Max (798*)
| Abu Kamil Shuja (1012)
| Abu Jafar, al_Khazin (1148)
| Abu'l-Wafa al-Buzjani (1115)
| Ackermann, Wilhelm (1204*)
| Adams, Edwin (500)
| Adams, John Couch (2159*)
| Adams, J Frank (1462*)
| Adamson, Iain (1895*)
| Adelard of Bath (1008)
| Adleman, Leonard (3314*)
| Adler, August (478)
| Adrain, Robert (1317*)
| Adrianus, Romanus (419)
| Aepinus, Franz (822*)
| Afanassjewa, Ehrenfest-T (1198*)
| Agnesi, Maria (2018*)
| Ahlfors, Lars (725*)
| Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660)
| Ahmes (165)
| Aida Yasuaki (696*)
| Aiken, Howard (665*)
| Airey, John (460)
| Airy, George (2362*)
| Aitken, Alec (1220*)
| Aiyar, V (69)
| Ajima, Naonobu (1268)
| Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich (1682*)
| al-Amili, Baha' (1612)
| al-Baghdadi, Abu (947)
| al-Banna, al-Marrakushi (861)
| al-Battani, Abu Allah (1333*)
| al-Biruni, Abu Arrayhan (3002*)
| al-Farisi, Kamal (1102)
| al-Haitam, Abu Ali (2490*)
| al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012)
| al-Haytham, Abu Ali (2490*)
| al-Jawhari, al-Abbas (627)
| al-Jayyani, Abu (892)
| al-Karaji, Abu (1789)
| al-Karkhi (1789)
| al-Kashi, Ghiyath (1725*)
| al-Khazin, Abu (1148)
| al-Khalili, Shams (677)
| al-Khayyami, Omar (2140*)
| al-Khwarizmi, Abu (2847*)
| al-Khujandi, Abu (713)
| al-Kindi, Abu (1151*)
| al-Kuhi, Abu (1146)
| al-Maghribi, Muhyi (602)
| al-Mahani, Abu (507)
| al-Marrakushi, ibn al-Banna (861)
| al-Nasawi, Abu (681)
| al-Nayrizi, Abu'l (621)
| al-Qalasadi, Abu'l (1247)
| al-Quhi, Abu (1146)
| al-Samarqandi, Shams (202)
| al-Samawal, Ibn (1569)
| al-Sijzi, Abu (708)
| al-Tusi, Nasir (1912*)
| al-Tusi, Sharaf (1138)
| al-Umawi, Abu (1014)
| al-Uqlidisi, Abu'l (1028)
| Albanese, Giacomo (1188)
| Albategnius (al-Battani) (1333*)
| Albert, A Adrian (1550*)
| Albert of Saxony (121*)
| Alberti, Leone (1776*)
| Albertus Magnus, Saint (1412*)
| Alcuin of York (591*)
| Aldrich, Henry (537*)
| Aleksandrov, Aleksandr (1174*)
| Aleksandrov, Pavel (2175*)
| Alembert, Jean d' (2501*)
| Alexander, Archie (1089)
| Alexander, C Hugh (1260*)
| Alexander, James (836*)
| Alfvén, Hannes (1433*)
| Alison, John (1422)
| Allan, Graham (1213)
| Allardice, Robert (427)
| Alling, Norman (1020*)
| Alexander, James (809)
| Alexandroff, Alexander (1174*)
| Alexandroff, Pavel (2175*)
| Alhazen (al-Haitam) (2490*)
| Allman, George (302)
| Almgren, Frederick (1618*)
| Amili, Baha' al (1612)
| Amitsur, Shimshon (1200*)
| Ampère, André-Marie (2361*)
| Amringe, Howard van (354*)
| Amsler, Jacob (660*)
| Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (1237*)
| Anaximander of Miletus (1047*)
| Anderson, Oskar (1096*)
| Andreev, Konstantin (117*)
| Andrews, George (1597*)
| Angeli, Stephano degli (960)
| Anosov, Dmitrii (1240)
| Anstice, Robert (675)
| Anthemius of Tralles (370*)
| Antiphon the Sophist (1025)
| Antonelli, Kathleen (746*)
| Apaczai, János (955*)
| Apastamba (383)
| Apianus, Petrus (1011*)
| Apollonius of Perga (1697*)
| Appell, Paul (1377*)
| Arago, François (2446*)
| Arbogast, Louis (1029)
| Arbuthnot, John (1270*)
| Archibald, Raymond (177)
| Archibald, James (407)
| Archimedes of Syracuse (3190*)
| Archytas of Tarentum (1366*)
| Arf, Cahit (1452*)
| Argand, Jean (951)
| Arino, Ovide (1148)
| Arins, Eizens (784*)
| Aristaeus the Elder (588)
| Aristarchus of Samos (1548*)
| Aristotle (3445*)
| Arnauld, Antoine (1492*)
| Arnold, Vladimir (1997*)
| Aronhold, Siegfried (234*)
| Arthur, William (706*)
| Artin, Emil (2621*)
| Aryabhata I (1907*)
| Aryabhata II (427)
| Ashworth, Margaret (932*)
| Askey, Richard (884*)
| Atiyah, Michael (885*)
| Atkinson, Frederick (1203*)
| Auslander, Maurice (1180*)
| Autolycus of Pitane (810)
| Auzout, Adrien (2039)
| Avicenna, Abu Ali (1965*)
| Ayyangar, A (672)
| B
| Babbage, Charles (2378*)
| Bachelier, Louis (1384*)
| Bachet, Claude (1203*)
| Bachmann, Friedrich (1214*)
| Bäcklund, Victor (1665*)
| Bachmann, Paul (386*)
| Backus, John (542*)
| Bacon, Roger (2356*)
| Baer, Reinhold (596*)
| Baghdadi, Abu al (947)
| Baire, René-Louis (1823*)
| Baker, Alan (871*)
| Baker, Henry (794*)
| Baldwin, Frank (1447*)
| Ball, Robert (1467*)
| Ball, Walter W Rouse (706)
| Balmer, Johann (601*) Banach, Stefan (2533*)
| Banneker, Benjamin (892*)
| Banna, al-Marrakushi al (861)
| Banu Musa brothers (1208*)
| Banu Musa, al-Hasan (133)
| Banu Musa, Ahmad (61)
| Banu Musa, Jafar (161)
| bar Hiyya, Abraham (641)
| Barbier, Joseph Emile (637)
| Barclay, Andrew (794)
| Bari, Nina (403*)
| Barkla, Charles (1373*)
| Barlow, Peter (623*)
| Barnes, Ernest (609*)
| Barocius, Franciscus (1011)
| Barrow, Isaac (2332*)
| Bartel, Kazimierz (1030*) Bartels, Martin (1384*)
| Barozzi, Francesco (1011)
| Bartholin, Erasmus (842*)
| Bass, Hyman (2063*)
| Bassi, Laura (1076*)
| Batchelor, George (1035*)
| Bateman, Harry (1651*)
| Bath, Frederick (626)
| Battaglini, Guiseppe (102*)
| Baudhayana (478)
| Bauer, Heinz (1597*)
| Bauer, Mihäly, Mihály (1086)
| Battani, Abu al- (1333*)
| Baxter, Agnes (624*)
| Bayes, Thomas (1539*)
| Beattie, John (538)
| Beatty, Samuel (1094*)
| Beaugrand, Jean (831)
| Beaune, Florimond de (316)
| Beckenbach, Edwin (1243*)
| Begle, Edward (1715*)
| Beg, Ulugh (1219*)
| Behnke, Heinrich (1886*)
| Behrend, Felix (1052)
| Bell, Eric Temple (833*)
| Bell, John (3132*)
| Bell, Robert (376*)
| Bellavitis, Giusto (762*)
| Bellman, Richard (1942*)
| Beltrami, Eugenio (1057*)
| ben Ezra, Abraham (552)
| ben Gerson, Levi (268) ben Tibbon, Jacob (976)
| Bendixson, Ivar Otto (1208*)
| Benedetti, Giovanni (2849)
| Benjamin, Thomas (1484*)
| Bennett, Geoffrey (1728)
| Bergman, Stefan (311*)
| Berkeley, George (2008*)
| Bernays, Paul Isaac (772*)
| Bernoulli, Daniel (2341*)
| Bernoulli, Jacob (1913*)
| Bernoulli, Jacob(II) (289*)
| Bernoulli, Johann (2524*)
| Bernoulli, Johann(II) (236*)
| Bernoulli, Johann(III) (273*)
| Bernoulli, Nicolaus(I) (532)
| Bernoulli, Nicolaus(II) (193*)
| Bernstein, Felix (1679*) Bernstein, Sergi (2429*)
| Bers, Lipa (2157*)
| Bertillon, Jacques (1670*)
| Bertini, Eugenio (852*)
| Bertins, Alexis des (555)
| Bertrand, Joseph (1391*)
| Berwald, Lugwig (847)
| Berwick, William (1133)
| Besicovitch, Abram (1888*)
| Bessel, Wilhelm (1664*)
| Bessel-Hagen, Erich (1308)
| Bethe, Hans (1594*)
| Bessy, Bernard de (411)
| Betti, Enrico (1150*)
| Beurling, Arne (1335*)
| Bevan-Baker, Bevan (794)
| Bézout, Etienne (1146*)
| Bhaskara I (786)
| Bhaskara II (2545)
| Bhaskaracharya (2545)
| Bianchi, Luigi (1367*)
| Bieberbach, Ludwig (2477*)
| Bienaymé, Iréneé-Jules (1656*)
| Billy, Jacques de (453)
| Binet, Jacques (438*)
| Bing, R (1625*)
| Biot, Jean-Baptiste (2438*) Birkhoff, Garrett (1164*)
| Birkhoff, George (1620*)
| Biruni, Abu al (3002*)
| Bisacre, Frederick (1118)
| Bishop, Errett (1085*)
| Bjerknes, Carl (932*)
| Bjerknes, Vilhelm (1895*)
| Black, Max (1139*)
| Black, Fischer (2835*)
| Blackburn, Hugh (1211*) Blackwell, David (1242*)
| Blades, Edward (1134*)
| Blanch, Gertrude (1995*)
| Blaschke, Wilhelm (2019*)
| Blichfeldt, Hans (665*)
| Bliss, Gilbert (1445*)
| Bliss, Nathaniel (900*)
| Bloch, André (143*)
| Blum, Lenore (1836*)
| Blumenthal, Otto (1474*)
| Bobillier, Etienne (398)
| Bôcher, Maxime (1343*)
| Bochner, Salomon (1814*)
| Boersma, Johannes (1450)
| Boethius, Anicus (1033*)
| Boggio, Tommaso (436*)
| Bogolyubov, Nikolai (2374*)
| Bohl, Piers (442)
| Bohr, Harald (742*)
| Bohr, Niels (2910*)
| Bolam, James (194)
| Bois-Reymond, Paul du (1709*)
| Boislaurent, Budan de (1200)
| Boltzmann, Ludwig (1135*)
| Bolyai, Farkas (1685*)
| Bolyai, János (2442*)
| Bolza, Oskar (1579*)
| Bolzano, Bernhard (2478*)
| Bombelli, Rafael (2012*)
| Bombieri, Enrico (1036*)
| Bondi, Hermann (2511*)
| Bonferroni, Carlo (262*) Bonnet, Pierre (368*)
| Bonnycastle, John (1952*)
| Book, Ronald (1315)
| Boole, Alicia (Stott) (340*)
| Boole, George (1866*)
| Boone, Bill (311*)
| Borchardt, Carl (751*)
| Borcherds, Richard (1658*)
| Borda, Jean (2134*)
| Bordoni, Antonio (1000*)
| Borel, Emile (2123*)
| Borel, Armand (1962*)
| Borgi, Piero (1175)
| Born, Max (1477*)
| Borok, Valentina (1101*)
| Borsuk, Karol (1109*)
| Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus (845*)
| Bortolotti, Ettore (1095)
| Boruvka, Otakar (1853*)
| Bosanquet, Stephen (515*)
| Boscovich, Ruggero (2643*)
| Bose, Satyendranath (914*) Bossut, Charles (950*)
| Bott, Raoul (2106*)
| Bottasso, Matteo (257)
| Bougainville, Louis de (1054*)
| Bouguer, Pierre (688*)
| Boulliau, Ismael (1370*)
| Bouquet, Jean Claude (798*)
| Bour, Edmond (490*)
| Bourbaki, Nicolas (38)
| Bourgain, Jean (1016*)
| Boussinesq, Joseph (2112*)
| Boutroux, Pierre Léon (617*)
| Bouvard, Alexis (979*)
| Bouvelles, Charles (705)
| Bowditch, Nathaniel (1616*)
| Bowen, Rufus (770*)
| Box, George (1718*)
| Bowman, Julia (Robinson) (1924*)
| Boyle, Robert (2607*)
| Boyle, Margaret (362*)
| Boys, Charles (951*)
| Bradwardine, Thomas (1193)
| Brahe, Tycho (3050*)
| Brahmadeva (219)
| Brahmagupta (1512)
| Braikenridge, William (1247)
| Bramer, Benjamin (1172)
| Branges, Louis de(3200*)
| Brash, William (371)
| Brashman, Nikolai (276*)
| Brauer, Alfred (1412*)
| Brauer, Richard (2242*)
| Bremermann, Hans-Joachim (1177*)
| Brianchon, Charles (689)
| Briggs, Henry (2200)
| Brill, Alexander von (473*) Brillouin, Marcel (367*)
| Bring, Erland (213*)
| Brink, Raymond (403)
| Brioschi, Francesco (927*)
| Briot, Charlese (1056)
| Brisson, Barnabé (1800*)
| Britton, John (688*)
| Brocard, Henri (1213)
| Brodetsky, Selig (1348*)
| Broglie, Louis duc de (1571*)
| Bromwich, Thomas (737*)
| Bronowski, Jacob (1870*)
| Brouncker, William (2130*)
| Brouwer, L E J (2464*)
| Brown, Alexander (398) Brown, Ernest (691*)
| Brown, Gavin (933*)
| Brown, Thomas (480)
| Brown, Walter (376)
| Browne, Marjorie (1102*)
| Bruhat, François (648*)
| Bruijn, Nicolaas de (1352*)
| Brunelleschi, Filippo (1667*)
| Bruno, Francesco Faà di (521*)
| Bruno, Giuseppe (297)
| Bruno, Giordano (1891*)
| Bruns, Heinrich (556*)
| Bryant, Sophie (1529*)
| Bryson of Heraclea (527)
| Buchan, Alexander (588)
| Buckminster Fuller, R (766*)
| Budan de Boislaurent (1200)
| Buffon, Georges Comte de (1715*)
| Bugaev, Nicolay (622*)
| Bukreev, Boris (165*) Bunyakovsky, Viktor (729*)
| Burali-Forti, Cesare (530)
| Burchnall, Joseph (373*)
| Burgess, Alexander (616*)
| Bürgi, Joost (1508*)
| Burkhardt, Heinrich (1241) Burkill, John (1421*)
| Burnside, William (1588*)
| Butchart, Raymond (426*)
| Burton Jones, F (999*)
| Butters, John (443)
| C
| Caccioppoli, Renato (1455*)
| Cajori, Florian (960*)
| Calderón, Alberto (879*)
| Calderwood, Nora (444)
| Callippus (651)
| Calugareanu, Gheorghe (1302*)
| Campanus of Novara (171)
| Campbell, John (852*)
| Camus, Charles (776)
| Cannell, Doris (442*)
| Cantelli, Francesco (956*)
| Cantor, Georg (3100*)
| Cantor, Moritz (498*)
| Capelli, Alfredo (1470)
| Caramuel, Juan (1583*)
| Carathéodory, Constantin (1851*)
| Carcavi, Pierre de (2257)
| Cardan, Jerome (2818*) Cardano, Girolamo (2818*)
| Carleman, Tage (2006*)
| Carleson, Lennart (1909*)
| Carlitz, Leonard (720*)
| Carlson, Fritz (1021*)
| Carlyle, Thomas (2257*)
| Carmeli, Moshe (1489*)
| Carmichael, Robert (2280*)
| Carnot, Lazare (597*)
| Carnot, Sadi (1607*)
| Carse, George (718*)
| Carslaw, Horatio (581*)
| Cartan, Elie (1478*)
| Cartan, Henri (2091*)
| Cartier, Pierre (891*)
| Cartwright, Mary (1548*)
| Casey, John (837) Casorati, Felice (900*)
| Cassels, John (643*)
| Cassels, James (164*)
| Cassini (I), Giovanni Domenico (2116*)
| Cassini (II), Jacques (1415*)
| Cassini (III) de Thury, César-F (1624*)
| Cassini (IV), Jean-Dominique (1799*)
| Castel, Louis (761)
| Castelnuovo, Guido (1702*)
| Castigliano, Alberto (456*)
| Castillon, Johann (162)
| Catalan, Eugène (1353*)
| Cataldi, Pietro (1956)
| Cauchy, Augustin-Louis (2467*)
| Cavalieri, Bonaventura (565*)
| Cayley, Arthur (1158*)
| Cech, Eduard (1364*)
| Cesàro, Ernesto (1069*)
| Ceva, Giovanni (296)
| Ceva, Tommaso (172*)
| Ch'in Chiu-Shao (2006)
| Ch'ung Chi Tsu (1392*)
| Chandrasekhar, Subrah. (1445*)
| Chang Ch'iu-Chin (1000)
| Chang, Sun-Yung Alice (983*)
| Chaplygin, Sergi (366*)
| Chapman, Sydney (1695*)
| Chasles, Michel (1204*)
| Châtelet, Gabrielle du (3021*)
| Chauvenet, William (1295*)
| Chebotaryov, Nikolai (409*) Chebyshev, Pafnuty (3067*)
| Chen, Kuo (833*)
| Cheng Dawei (1257*)
| Chern, Shiing-shen (627*)
| Chernikov, Sergei (1070*)
| Chernoff, Herman (1422*)
| Cherry, Colin (1453)
| Cherry, Thomas (1607*)
| Chevalley, Claude (1401*)
| Childs, Charles (292)
| Chi Tsu Ch'ung (1392*)
| Chia Hsien (843)
| Chiu-Shao, Ch'in (2006)
| Chisholm Young, Grace (1142*)
| Chisini, Oscar (729*)
| Cholesky, Andre-Louis (1305*) Chow, Wei-Liang (1252*)
| Chongzhi, Zu (1392*)
| Chowla, Sarvadaman (819*)
| Chree, Charles (848)
| Christiansen, Bent (1185*)
| Christoffel, Elwin (1580*)
| Chrystal, George (2786*)
| Chu Shijie (1912)
| Chudakov, Nikolai (658)
| Chunfeng, Li (917)
| Chung, Graham Fan (2345*)
| Chuquet, Nicolas (299)
| Church, Alonzo (1494*)
| Cipolla, Michele (1349*)
| Civita, Tullio Levi- (2160*)
| Clairaut, Alexis (2087*)
| Clapeyron, Emile (525*)
| Clark, John (358)
| Clarke, Joan (2764)
| Clarke, Samuel (1277*)
| Clausen, Thomas (1815*)
| Clausius, Rudolf (2619*)
| Clavius, Christopher (1789*)
| Clebsch, Alfred (576*)
| Cleomedes (1183)
| Clerke, Agnes (1670*)
| Clifford, Alfred (1604*)
| Clifford, William (852*)
| Coates, John (1486*)
| Coble, Arthur (1142*)
| Cochran, William (452*)
| Cocker, Edward (702*)
| Cockle, James (642*) Codazzi, Delfino (671)
| Cohen, Paul (2569*)
| Cohen, Wim (1583*)
| Cohn, Paul (1035*)
| Cole, Frank (1066*)
| Colenso, John (1578*)
| Collatz, Lothar (944*)
| Collingwood, Edward (1078*)
| Collins, John (921)
| Commandino, Frederico (1742*)
| Comrie, Peter (564*)
| Condamine, Charles de La (480*)
| Connes, Alain (1053*)
| Conon of Samos (583)
| Contractus, Hermann (231)
| Conway, Arthur (1203*)
| Conway, John H (2006*) Coolidge, Julian (895*)
| Cooper, Lionel (311*)
| Copernicus, Nicolaus (3455*)
| Copson, Edward (1325*)
| Coriolis, Gustave de (805*)
| Cosserat, Eugène (278*)
| Cotes, Roger (1632*)
| Coulomb, Charles de (2025*)
| Coulson, Charles (1406*)
| Courant, Richard (2064*)
| Cournot, Antoine (515*)
| Coutts, William (733)
| Couturat, Louis (1090*)
| Cowling, Thomas (1394*)
| Cox, Gertrude (2339*)
| Cox, Elbert (1077*)
| Coxeter, Donald (722*)
| Craig, James (262)
| Craig, John (776)
| Cramer, Gabriel (1797*)
| Cramér, Harald (1077*)
| Crank, John (272*)
| Crawford, Lawrence (415)
| Crelle, August (1061*) Cremona, Luigi (1698*)
| Crighton, David (1116*)
| Crofton, Morgan (1203)
| Csere, Apaczai (955*)
| Cunha, Anastácio da (902)
| Cunitz, Maria (1090)
| Cunningham, Ebenezer (575*) Cunningham, Leslie (569)
| Curbastro, G Ricci- (1335*)
| Curry, Haskell (2073*)
| Cusa, Nicholas (2479*)
| Czuber, Emanuel (508*)
| D
| d'Alembert, Jean (1256*)
| d'Arcy Thompson W (1533*)
| d'Ocagne, Maurice (951)
| d'Ovidio, Enrico (414*)
| Dahlquist, Germund (1894)
| da Vinci, Leonardo (704*)
| Dandelin, Germinal (392*)
| Danti, Egnatio (1869*) Dantzig, David van (518*)
| Dantzig, George (2280*)
| Darboux, Gaston (814*)
| Darwin, Charles (784*)
| Darwin, George (688*)
| Dase, Zacharias (1293*)
| Daubechies, Ingrid (1728*)
| Davenport, Harold (1572*) David, Florence (1852*)
| Davidov, August (435*)
| Davies, Paul (1574*)
| Davies, Evan Tom (1370*)
| Day, R (1115*)
| Dawei, Cheng (1257*)
| de Beaune, Florimond (1465)
| de Bessy, Bernard (411)
| de Billy, Jacques (453)
| de Boislaurent, Budan (1200)
| de Bougainville, Louis (1054*)
| de Branges, Louis (3200*)
| de Broglie, Louis duc (1571*)
| de Bruijn, Nicolaas (1352*)
| de Carcavi, Pierre (439)
| de Coriolis, Gustave (805*)
| de Coulomb, Charles (2025*)
| de Fermat, Pierre (2491*)
| de Finetti, Bruno (1346*)
| de Fontenelle, Bernard (255*)
| De, Gan (438) de Giorgi, Ennio (1447*)
| de Groot, Johannes (444*)
| de Jonquières, Ernest (1084*)
| de L'Hôpital, Guillaume (204*)
| de La Condamine, Charles (480*)
| della Faille, Jan-Karel (233*)
| de La Hire, Philippe (297*)
| de La Roche, Estienne (275)
| de la Vallée Poussin, (1702*)
| de Lagny, Thomas (715*)
| de Moivre, Abraham (1837*)
| de Molières, Joseph (701)
| de Montmort, Pierre (478)
| De Morgan, Augustus (856*)
| de Prony, Gaspard (1015*) de Ortega, Juan (471)
| de Rham, Georges (741*)
| de Roberval, Gilles (349)
| de Valera, Éamon (2167*)
| de St-Venant, Adhémar (554*)
| de Sitter, Willem (2458*)
| de Sluze, René (323)
| de Tilly, Joseph (667)
| de Tinseau, D'Amondans (893)
| de Vries, Gustav (509*)
| de Vries, Hendrik (605*)
| de Witt, Johan (868*)
| de Wronski, Josef (1169*)
| Deans, Winifred (543*)
| Dechales, Claude (676)
| Dedekind, Richard (2081*)
| Dee, John (2364*)
| Dehn, Max (691*)
| del Ferro, Scipione (1407)
| Delamain, Richard (393)
| Delambre, Jean Baptiste (2729*)
| Delaunay, Charles (1253*)
| Deligne, Pierre (1120*)
| della Francesca, Piero (540*)
| della Porta, Giambattista (409*)
| Delone, Boris (485*)
| Delsarte, Jean (2187*) Democritus of Abdera (1555*)
| Denjoy, Arnaud (1015*)
| Deparcieux, Antoine (618)
| des Bertins, Alexis (555)
| Desargues, Girard (720*)
| Descartes, René (1720*)
| Deuring, Max (1390)
| Dezin, Aleksei (1590*)
| di Bruno, Francesco Faà (521*)
| Dickson, Leonard (1895*)
| Dickstein, Samuel (1009*)
| Digges, Thomas (1025)
| Dijkstra, Edsger (1844*) Dilworth, Robert (1553*)
| Dinghas, Alexander (919*)
| Dini, Ulisse (1000*)
| Dinostratus (491)
| Diocles (1023)
| Dionis du Séjour, A (630)
| Dionysodorus (779)
| Diophantus of Alexandria (2271)
| Dirac, Paul (2446*)
| Dirichlet, Lejeune (2094*)
| Dirksen, Enno (1022)
| Dixon, Alfred (664*)
| Dixon, Arthur (706*)
| Dodgson, Charles (2839*)
| Doeblin, Wolfgang (964*)
| Doetsch, Gustav (1212*)
| Domninus of Larissa (614)
| Donaldson, Simon (678*)
| Doob, Joseph (1779*)
| Doppelmayr, Johann (1206*)
| Doppler, Christian (2467*)
| Dougall, Charles (1228*)
| Dougall, John (572*)
| Douglas, Jesse (1199*)
| Dowker, Clifford (1203*) Drach, Jules (1442)
| Drinfeld, Vladimir (401*)
| Droz-Farny, Arnold (460)
| Drysdale, David (335)
| du Bois-Reymond, Paul (1709*)
| du Val, Patrick (2005*)
| Duarte, Francisco (897*)
| Dubreil, Paul (531*)
| Dubreil-Jacotin, Marie-Louise (2760*)
| Duhamel, Jean-Marie (1002*)
| Duhem, Pierre (2002*) Dunbar, Robert (858)
| Dupin, Pierre (668*)
| Dupré, Athanase (275)
| Durell, Clement (1218)
| Dvoretzky, Aryeh (1546*)
| Dyck, Walther von (737*)
| Dye, Henry (919*)
| Dynkin, Evgenii (939*)
| Dyson, Freeman (2711*)
| E
| Eastwood, George (100*)
| Eckert, J Presper (1000*)
| Eckert, Wallace J (623*)
| Eckmann, Beno (920*)
| Eddington, Arthur (2153*)
| Edge, William (1193*)
| Edgeworth, Francis (1092*)
| Edmonds, Sheila (889)
| Eells, James (1230*)
| Egorov, Dimitri (408*)
| Ehrenfest, Paul (2596*)
| Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa, T (1198*)
| Ehresmann, Charles (669*)
| Eichler, Martin (770*) Eilenberg, Samuel (1748*)
| Einstein, Albert (2115*)
| Eisenhart, Luther (1596*)
| Eisenstein, Gotthold (2427*)
| Elliott, Edwin (655*)
| Emerson, William (2366*)
| Empedocles (1074*)
| Engel, Friedrich (433*)
| Enriques, Federigo (470*)
| Enskog, David (386*)
| Eötvös, Lórand von (1622*)
| Epstein, Paul (660*)
| Eratosthenes of Cyrene (1743*)
| Erdélyi, Arthur (769*) Erdos, Paul (2168*)
| Erlang, Agner (1626*)
| Escher, Maurits (3142*)
| Esclangon, Ernest (528*)
| Euclid of Alexandria (2950*)
| Eudemus of Rhodes (1085)
| Eudoxus of Cnidus (2317)
| Euler, Leonhard (4583*)
| Eutocius of Ascalon (763)
| Euwe, Machgielis (1498*)
| Evans, Griffith (1131*)
| Ezra, Rabbi Ben (552)
| F
| Faà di Bruno, Francesco (521*)
| Faber,Georg (591)
| Fabri, Honoré (360*)
| Faddeev, Dmitrii (2192*)
| Faddeeva, Vera (1624*)
| Fagnano, Giovanni (293)
| Fagnano, Giulio (660)
| Falconer, Etta (1284*)
| Faille, Charles de La (233*)
| Faltings, Gerd (275*)
| Fano, Gino (697*)
| Fantappiè, Luigi (1673*)
| Faraday, Michael (2159*)
| Farey, John (1137*)
| Farkas, Gyula (810*)
| Fasenmyer, Mary (1272*)
| Farisi, Kamal al (1102)
| Fatou, Pierre (672*)
| Faulhaber, Johann (519*)
| Fawcett, Philippa (1985*) Fefferman, Charles (665*)
| Feigenbaum, Mitchell (2145*)
| Feigl, Georg (873*)
| Feit, Walter (1807*)
| Fejér, Lipót (1982*)
| Feldman, Naum (1110*)
| Feller, William (1665*)
| Fenyö, István (1268*)
| Ferguson, Robert (371)
| Fermat, Pierre de (2491*)
| Fermi, Enrico (2254*)
| Ferrar, Bill (547*)
| Ferrari, Lodovico (1041)
| Ferrel, William (1916*)
| Ferrers, Norman (1346)
| Ferro, Scipione del (1407)
| Feuerbach, Karl (1745*)
| Fèvre, Jean Le (542)
| Feynman, Richard (2533*)
| Fiedler, Miroslav (1323*)
| Fields, John (1522*)
| Finck, Pierre-Joseph (367)
| Fincke, Thomas (213)
| Fine, Henry (2346*)
| Fine, Nathan (1100*)
| Fine, Oronce (1686*)
| Finetti, Bruno de (1346*)
| Finsler, Paul (529*)
| Fiorentini, Mario (677*)
| Fischer, Ernst (530*)
| Fisher, Ronald (1966*)
| Fiske, Thomas (500*)
| FitzGerald, George (3163*)
| Fizeau, Hippolyte (1306*)
| Flamsteed, John (772*)
| Flato, Moshé (1221*)
| Floer, Andreas (896*)
| Floquet, Achille (747)
| Flügge-Lotz, Irmgard (1702*)
| Fock, Vladimir (1166*)
| Fogels, Ernests (926*)
| Fomin, Sergei (1118*)
| Fontaine des Bertins, A (555)
| Fontenelle, Bernard de (255*)
| Ford, Lester (1966)
| Forder, Henry (2144*)
| Forest, Erastus (706)
| Forsyth, Andrew (691*)
| Forsythe, George (2283*)
| Forti, Cesare Burali- (530)
| Foster, Alfred (1271*)
| Foucault, Jean (1776*)
| Fourier, Joseph (2156*)
| Fowler, David (1480*)
| Fowler, Ralph (2443*)
| Fox, Charles (235*)
| Fox, Leslie (1665*)
| Fox, Ralph (1710*) Fraenkel, Adolf (439*)
| Français, François (659)
| Français, Jacques (692)
| Francesca, Piero della (2887*)
| Francoeur, Louis (1802)
| Frank, Philipp (653)
| Franklin, Benjamin (325*)
| Franklin, Philip (1846*)
| Fraser, Alexander (583)
| Frattini, Giovanni (909)
| Fréchet, Maurice (2572*)
| Fredholm, Ivar (1694*)
| Freedman, Michael (1532*)
| Frege, Gottlob (2795*)
| Freitag, Herta (382*)
| Frenet, Jean (546)
| Frenicle de Bessy, B (411)
| Frenkel, Jacov (900*)
| Fresnel, Augustin (2040*) Freudenthal, Hans (1031*)
| Freundlich, Finlay (1787*)
| Frewin, Gilbert (344)
| Fricke, Robert (1832)
| Friedmann, Alexander (2499*)
| Friedrichs, Kurt (2291*)
| Frisi, Paolo (627*)
| Frisius, Regnier Gemma (1774*)
| Frobenius, Georg (2147*)
| Fröhlich, Albrecht (1918*)
| Fubini, Guido (1008*)
| Fuchs, Klaus (2623*)
| Fuchs, Lazarus (698*)
| Fueter, Rudolph (578*)
| Fuller, R Buckminster (766*)
| Fuller, Thomas (603)
| Furstenberg, Hillel (1778*)
| Fuss, Nicolai (846*)
| G
| Galerkin Boris (1309*)
| Galileo Galilei (4326*)
| Gallarati, Dionisio (486*)
| Galois, Evariste (2110*)
| Gan De (438)
| Gardner, Martin (2367*)
| Garnir, Henri (1687*)
| Gassendi, Pierre (2416*)
| Gateaux, René (3062)
| Gauss, Carl Friedrich (2364*) Geber, (Jabir ibn Aflah) (529*)
| Gegenbauer, Leopold (1303*)
| Geiringer, Hilda von Mises (1469*)
| Geiser, Karl (1382*)
| Gelfand, Israil (1299*)
| Gelfond, Aleksandr (1167*)
| Gellibrand, Henry (480)
| Geminus (1381)
| Gemma Frisius, Regnier (1774*)
| Geng Zhi Zu (630)
| Genocchi, Angelo (858*) Gentle, William (1255*)
| Gentry, Ruth (701)
| Gentzen, Gerhard (1519*)
| Geöcze, Zoárd (1362*)
| Gerbaldi, Francesco (1170)
| Gerard of Cremona (668)
| Gergonne, Joseph (1116)
| Gerhard of Cremona (668)
| Germain, Sophie (1063*)
| Gershgorin, Semyon (*)
| Giorgi, Ennio de (1447*)
| Gerson, Levi ben (268)
| Gherard of Cremona (668)
| Ghetaldi, Marino (2048*)
| Gibb, David (477*)
| Gibbs, J Willard (1028*)
| Gibson, George (552*)
| Gillespie, Robert (478*)
| Giorgi, Ennio de (1447*)
| Girard, Albert (1888*)
| Girard, Pierre (1475*)
| Glaisher, James (2024*)
| Gleason, Andrew (1387*) Glenie, James (928)
| Gluskin, Lazar (1308*)
| Gnedenko, Boris (2103*)
| Gohberg, Israel (640*)
| Golab, Stanislaw (1486*)
| Goldbach, Christian (1694)
| Goldie, Alfred (1728*)
| Goldie, Archibald (364)
| Goldstein, Sydney (350*)
| Goldstine, Herman (2211*)
| Golub, Gene (2139*)
| Gompertz, Benjamin (963*) Good, Irving (2281*)
| Gongora, Siguenza y (566)
| Goodstein, Reuben (425*)
| Göpel, Adolph (633)
| Gorbunov, Viktor (662*)
| Gordan, Paul (958*)
| Gorenstein, Daniel (1300*)
| Gosset, William (644*)
| Goursat, Edouard (846*)
| Govindasvami (237)
| Gräffe, Karl (305)
| Graham, Ronald (2454*)
| Graham, Fan Chung (2026*)
| Gram, Jorgen (1066*)
| Grandi, Guido (444*)
| Granville, Evelyn (1875*)
| Grassmann, Hermann (2709*)
| Grauert, Hans (1222*)
| Grave, Dmitry (469*)
| Gray, Andrew (1004)
| Gray, James (865)
| Gray, Marion (1085*)
| Gray, Mary (1357*)
| Greaves, John (1123)
| Greaves, William (267)
| Gravesande, Willem 's (1076*)
| Green, George (2688)
| Green, Sandy (2067*) Greenhill, Alfred (888*)
| Greenstreet, William (28)
| Gregory, David (1826*)
| Gregory, Duncan (612*)
| Gregory, Olinthus (2263*)
| Gregory, James (3060*)
| Grieve, Alexander (608)
| Griffiths, Brian (1589*)
| Griffiths, Lois (990)
| Griffiths, Phillip (1578*)
| Grinbergs, Emanuels (936)
| Gromoll, Detlef (1242*)
| Gromov, Mikhael (2029*)
| Grönwall, Thomas (1131*)
| Groot, Johannes de (444*)
| Grosseteste, Robert (317*)
| Grossmann, Marcel (1302*)
| Grosswald, Emil (935*) Grothendieck, Alexander (607*)
| Gruenberg, Karl (1354*)
| Grunsky, Helmut (772*)
| Guangqi, Xu (1507*)
| Guarini, Guarino (962*)
| Guccia, Giovanni (582*)
| Gudermann, Christoph (568)
| Guenther, Adam (533)
| Guinand, Andrew (529*)
| Guldin, Paul (2338*)
| Gunter, Edmund (489)
| Guo Shoujing (1688*)
| Gupta, Shanti (769*)
| Guthrie, William (405)
| Gutzmer, Karl (735*)
| Gwilt, Richard (305)
| H
| Haar, Alfréd (1181*)
| Haack, Wolfgang (1622*)
| Hachette, Jean (944*)
| Hadamard, Jacques (2759*)
| Hadley, John (824*)
| Hahn, Hans (1143*)
| Hájek, Jaroslav (907*)
| Haldane, Robert (693*)
| Haitam, Abu Ali al- (2490*)
| Hall, Marshall Jr. (438*)
| Hall, Philip (2643*)
| Halley, Edmond (2532*)
| Halmos, Paul (1328*)
| Halphen, George (872*)
| Halsted, George (1158*)
| Hamel, Georg (961*) Hamill, Christine (445)
| Hamilton, William (811*)
| Hamilton, William R (2886*)
| Hammersley, John (1864*)
| Hamming, Richard W (582*)
| Hankel, Hermann (546*)
| Hardie, Patrick (306)
| Hardie, Robert (199)
| Hardy, Claude (1140)
| Hardy, G H (2563*)
| Haret, Spiru (956*)
| Harish-Chandra (1686*)
| Harley, Amélie (331)
| Harriot, Thomas (3306*)
| Hartley, Brian (466*)
| Hartogs, Friedrich (1617*) Hartree, Douglas (696*)
| Haselgrove, Brian (1727)
| Hasib Abu Kamil al (1012)
| Hasse, Helmut (1189*)
| Hatvani, István (699*)
| Hau, Lene (1284*)
| Hausdorff, Felix (1813*)
| Hawking, Stephen (1972*)
| Hay, Louise (2037*)
| Hayes, Ellen (1060*)
| Hayes, Charles (1724)
| Hayman, Walter (2146*)
| Haytham, Abu Ali al (2490*)
| Hazlett, Olive (1345*)
| Heath, Thomas (822*)
| Heaviside, Oliver (1270*)
| Heawood, Percy (730*)
| Hecht, Daniel (509)
| Hecke, Erich (730*)
| Hedrick, Earle (501*)
| Heegaard, Poul (2289*)
| Heilbronn, Hans (2122*)
| Heine, Eduard (667*)
| Heinonen, Juha (1723*)
| Heisenberg, Werner (2631*)
| Hellinger, Ernst (1233*)
| Helly, Eduard (909*)
| Helmholtz, Hermann von (2214*)
| Hemchandra, Acharya (666)
| Heng, Zhang (1481*)
| Henrici, Olaus (703*)
| Henrici, Peter (1437*) Hensel, Kurt (1321*)
| Heraclides of Pontus (773)
| Herbrand, Jacques (820*)
| Herglotz, Gustav (758*)
| Hérigone, Pierre (820)
| Hermann, Jakob (267*)
| Hermann of Reichenau (231)
| Hermite, Charles (1849*)
| Heron of Alexandria (2275*)
| Herschel, Caroline (1760*)
| Herschel, John (2821*)
| Herstein, Yitz (1724*)
| Hertz, Gustav (1062*)
| Hertz, Heinrich (2811*)
| Hesse, Otto (1235*)
| Heun, Karl (531*)
| Heuraet, Hendrik van (1468)
| Hevelius, Elisabetha (1230*) Hevelius, Johannes (1830*)
| Heyting, Arend (1138*)
| Higman, Graham (1363*)
| Hilbert, David (1657*)
| Hildebrant, John (662*)
| Hill, George (1223*)
| Hille, Einar (1295*)
| Hilton, Peter (3120*)
| Hindenburg, Carl (512)
| Hipparchus of Rhodes (2557*)
| Hippias of Elis (904)
| Hippocrates of Chios (1282*)
| Hire, Philippe de La (297*)
| Hironaka, Heisuke (1532*)
| Hirsch, Kurt (1781*)
| Hirst, Thomas (1788*)
| Hirzebruch, Friedrich (1815*)
| Hiyya, Abraham bar (641)
| Hniedenko, Boris (2103*)
| Hobbes, Thomas (2973*)
| Hobson, Ernest (822*)
| Hodge, William (736*)
| Hoehnke, Hans-Jürgen (902*)
| Hölder, Otto (541*)
| Hollerith, Herman (1626*)
| Holmboe, Bernt (1961*)
| Holywood John of (328*)
| Honda, Taira (515*)
| Hong, Liu (304)
| Hong, Luoxia (440)
| Hooke, Robert (3297*)
| Hopf, Eberhard (1071*)
| Hopf, Heinz (1808*)
| Hôpital, Guillaume de L' (204*)
| Hopkins, William (858*)
| Hopkinson, John (754*) Hopper, Grace (1729*)
| Hörmander, Lars (799*)
| Horner, William (490)
| Horrocks, Jeremiah (1603*)
| Horsburgh, Ellice (158)
| Hotelling, Harold (2130*)
| Hoüel, Jules (421*)
| Householder, Alston (1122*)
| Hoyle, Fred (3068*)
| Hsiung, Chuan-Chih (1634*)
| Hsiahou Yang (443)
| H'siao-t'ung, Wang (1484)
| Hsien, Jia (843)
| Hsu Guangqi (1507*)
| Hsu Pao-Lu (1171*)
| Hua, Loo-Keng (3440*)
| Hubble, Edwin (591*)
| Hudde, Johann (1466*) Hudson, Hilda (1072*)
| Huhn, András (589*)
| Hui, Liu (1922*)
| Hui, Yang (2060*)
| Humbert, Georges (645*)
| Humbert, Pierre (534*)
| Hunayn ibn Ishaq (780)
| Hunt, Gilbert (1459*)
| Huntington, Edward (773*)
| Hunyadi, Jeno (964*)
| Hurewicz, Witold (529*)
| Hurwitz, Adolf (1538*)
| Hutton, Charles (1955*)
| Hutton, James (2085*)
| Huygens, Christiaan (2463*)
| Hypatia of Alexandria (821*)
| Hypsicles of Alexandria (645)
| IJ
| Iacob, Caius (1275*)
| Juecheng, Mei (1295)
| ibn al-Banna (861)
| ibn Iraq, Mansur (1190)
| ibn Ishaq Hunayn (780)
| ibn Labban, Kushyar (448)
| ibn Qurra, Thabit (1507*)
| ibn Sina (Avicenna) (1965*)
| ibn Sinan, Ibrahim (688) ibn Tahir (947)
| ibn Tibbon, Jacob (976)
| ibn Yunus, Abu'l-Hasan (1312)
| ibn Yusuf Ahmed (660)
| Ibrahim, ibn Sinan (688)
| Ikeda, Masatoshi (1496*)
| Ince, Edward (1020*)
| Infeld, Leopold (2465*)
| Ingham, Albert (715*) Insolera, Filadelfo (1271*)
| Ito, Kiyosi (1545*)
| Iraq, Mansur ibn (1190)
| Ivory, James (978)
| Iwanik, Anzelm (1216*)
| Iwasawa, Kenkichi (1331*)
| Iyanaga, Shokichi (1132*)
| Jabir ibn Aflah (529*)
| Jack, David (319*)
| Jack, William (582*)
| Jackson, John (764)
| Jackson, Dunham (2072*)
| Jacobi, Carl (2614*)
| Jacobson, Nathan (2083*)
| Jacobsthal, Ernst (1770)
| Jafar, Abu al-Khazin (1148)
| Jagannatha, Samrat (406)
| James, Ioan (1141*)
| James, Ralph (931*)
| Jamshid, al-Kashi (1725*)
| Janiszewski, Zygmunt (1645*)
| Janovskaja, Sof'ja (1707*)
| Jarnik, Vojtech (468*)
| Jawhari, al-Abbas al (627) Jayyani, Abu al (892)
| Jeans, James (2301*)
| Jeffery, George (373*)
| Jeffery, Ralph (947*)
| Jeffreys, Bertha (1729*)
| Jeffreys, Harold (734*)
| Jensen, Johan (539*)
| Jerabek, Vaclav (355)
| Jerrard, George (473)
| Jevons, William (1771*)
| Jia Xian (843)
| Jitomirskaya, Svetlana (2091*)
| Jiushao, Qin (2006)
| Joachimsthal, Ferdinand (368*)
| John, Fritz (1077*)
| John of Holywood (328*)
| Johnson, Anna (Wheeler) (516*) Johnson, Barry (1327*)
| Johnson, William (708*)
| Johnstone, David (610*)
| Jones, F Burton (999*)
| Jones, Vaughan (1014*)
| Jones, William (1152*)
| Jonquières, Ernest de (1084*)
| Jordan, Camille (2048*)
| Jordanus Nemorarius (1014)
| Joukowski, Nikolay (806*)
| Jourdain, Philip (742*)
| Juel, Christian (445*)
| Julia, Gaston (2181*)
| Jung, Heinrich (846*)
| Jungius, Joachim (2327*)
| Jyesthadeva (641)
| K
| Kac, Mark (1264*)
| Kaestner, Abraham (525*)
| Kagan, Benjamin (343)
| Kähler, Erich (1619*)
| Kakutani, Shizuo (937*)
| Kalicki, Jan (1244)
| Kalman, Rudolf (2037*)
| Kalmár, László (753*)
| Kaluza, Theodor (699*)
| Kaluznin, Lev (2243*)
| Kamalakara (366)
| Kamal, al-Farisi (1102)
| Kamil Abu Shuja (1012)
| Kampen, Egbert van (1075*)
| Kantorovich, Leonid (632*)
| Kaplansky, Irving (1027*) Kaprekar, Dattatreya (1752*)
| Karaji, Abu al (1789)
| Karkhi al (1789)
| Karlin, Samuel (1153*)
| Kármán, Theodore von (1625*)
| Karp, Carol (605*)
| Karsten, Wenceslaus (747*)
| Katahiro, Takebe (1900)
| Kato, Tosio (1346*)
| Kashi, Ghiyath al (1725*)
| Kästner, Abraham (525*)
| Katyayana (281)
| Keen, Linda (1181*)
| Keill, John (1010)
| Kelland, Philip (650*)
| Keller, Ott-Heinrich (785*) Keller, Eduard (785*)
| Keller, Joseph (2008*)
| Kellogg, Oliver (989*)
| Kelly, Paul (1158)
| Kelly, Max (1485*)
| Kelvin, Lord (Thomson) (2702*)
| Kemeny, John (1070*)
| Kempe, Alfred (2378*)
| Kendall, David (550*)
| Kendall, Maurice (1275*)
| Kennedy-Fraser, David (583)
| Kepler, Johannes (3690*)
| Kerékjártó, Béla (2026*)
| Kerr, John (529)
| Kerr, Roy (2034*)
| Keynes, John Maynard (2312*)
| Khalili, Shams al (677)
| Khayyam, Omar (2140*)
| Khazin, Abu Jafar al (1148)
| Khinchin, Aleksandr (1018*)
| Khujandi, Abu al (713)
| Khwaja-yi, Tus1 (1912*)
| Khwaja, Nasir (1912*)
| Khwarizmi, Abu al- (2847*)
| Kiefer, Jack (1571*)
| Killing, Wilhelm (2282*)
| Kindi, Abu al (1151*)
| Kingman, John (1727*)
| Kirch, Maria (1617)
| Kirchhoff, Gustav (1523*)
| Kirkman, Thomas (1045*)
| Kleene, Stephen (1869*)
| Klein, Felix (2307*)
| Klein, Oskar (2294*) Kline, Morris (2243*)
| Klingenberg, Wilhelm (773*)
| Kloosterman, Hendrik (776*)
| Klug, Leopold (1694)
| Klügel, Georg (415*)
| Knapowski, Stanislaw (1047*)
| Kneser, Adolf (825*)
| Kneser, Hellmuth (845*)
| Knopp, Konrad (749*)
| Knott, Cargill (367*)
| Knuth, Donald (2758*)
| Kober, Hermann (1359*)
| Koch, Helge von (736*)
| Kochin, Nikolai (296*)
| Kochina, Pelageia (2041*)
| Kodaira, Kunihiko (382*)
| Koebe, Paul (417*)
| Koenigs, Gabriel (1924*) Koksma, Jurjen (1108*)
| Kolchin, Ellis (1103*)
| Kolmogorov, Andrey (2076*)
| Kolosov, Gury (903*)
| Konig, Denes (217*)
| König, Julius (1168*)
| König, Samuel (908*)
| Königsberger, Leo (1710*)
| Kontsevich, Maxim (1658*)
| Koopman, E Hevelius (1230)
| Korkin, Aleksandr (1496*)
| Korteweg, Diederik (1232*)
| Kostrikin, Aleksei (1242)
| Koszul, Jean-Louis (927*)
| Kotelnikov, Aleksandr (412)
| Köthe, Gottfried (2455*)
| Kovalevskaya, Sofia (1283*)
| Kramer, Edna (1892)
| Kramers, Hendrik (1780*)
| Kramp, Christian (219)
| Krasnosel'skii, Mark (1463*)
| Krawtchouk, Mikhail (703*)
| Krein, Mark (1271*)
| Kreisel, Georg (550*)
| Krieger, Cecilia (815*)
| Kronecker, Leopold (2144*)
| Krull, Wolfgang (886*)
| Kruskal, Martin (1123*) Kruskal, William (1417*)
| Krylov, Aleksei (1606*)
| Krylov, Nikolai M (570*)
| Krylov, Nikolai S (639*)
| Kublanovskaya, Vera (1567*)
| Kuczma, Marek (1227*)
| Kua, Shen (2448*)
| Kuang-ch'i, Hsu (1507*)
| Kuhi, Abu al- (1146)
| Kuiper, Nicolaas (1426*)
| Kulik, Yakov (288) Kumano-Go, Hitoshi (547*)
| Kummer, Eduard (1412*)
| Kuo Shoujing (1688*)
| Kuperberg, Krystyna (1176*)
| Kuratowski, Kazimierz (2191*)
| Kurepa, Dura (849*)
| Kurosh, Aleksandr (1284*)
| Kürschák, József (814*)
| Kushyar, ibn Labban (448)
| Kutta, Martin (764*)
| Kuttner, Brian (412*)
| L
| La Condamine, Charles de (480*)
| Lyttle, Joan (2378)
| La Faille, Charles de (1054*)
| La Hire, Philippe de (2239*)
| La Roche, Estienne de (1317)
| la Vallée Poussin, C de (1702*)
| Labban, Kushyar ibn (448)
| Lacroix, Sylvestre (1397)
| Ladd-Franklin, Christine (1731*)
| Ladyzhenskaya, Olga (2332*)
| Lafforgue, Laurent (1967*)
| Lagny, Thomas de (715*)
| Lagrange, Joseph-Louis (3183*)
| Laguerre, Edmond (1016*)
| Lah, Ivo (724*) Lakatos, Imre (1345*)
| Lalande, Joseph-Jérôme (2841*)
| Lalla (502)
| Lamb, Horace (964*)
| Lambert, Johann (2235*)
| Lamé, Gabriel (1192*)
| Lame, Hermann the (231)
| Lamy, Bernard (1758*)
| Lanczos, Cornelius (834*)
| Landau, Edmund (1513*)
| Landau, Lev (1185*)
| Landen, John (590)
| Landsberg, Georg (264)
| Lang, Peter Scott (177*)
| Lang, Serge (1820*) Langlands, Robert (816*)
| Lansberge, Philippe van (243*)
| Laplace, Pierre-Simon (3821*)
| Larmor, Joseph (1588*)
| Lasker, Emanuel (2378*)
| Lassar, Edna Kramer (1892)
| László, Filep (1149*)
| Laurent, Hermann (806)
| Laurent, Pierre (765)
| Lavanha, Joao Baptista (180)
| Lavrentev, Mikhail (341*)
| Lawson, George (875*)
| Lax, Anneli (3767*)
| Lax, Gaspar (609)
| Lax, Peter (2659*)
| Le Fèvre, Jean (542)
| Le Paige, Constantin (314*)
| Le Tenneur, Jacques (1517)
| Le Verrier, Urbain (450*)
| Lebesgue, Henri (1202*)
| Ledermann, Walter (1901*)
| Leech, John (582*)
| Leffler, Magnus Mittag- (2302*)
| Lefschetz, Solomon (2083*)
| Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1953*)
| Léger, Emile (186)
| Lehmer, Derrick H (1715*) Lehmer, Derrick N (1782*)
| Lehmer, Emma (1658*)
| Leibniz, Gottfried von (3723*)
| Leimanis, Eizens (835)
| Lemaître, Georges (2055*)
| Lemoine, Emile (605*)
| Lepaute, Nicole-Reine (1022*)
| Leray, Jean (990*)
| Lerch, Mathias (470*)
| Leslie, John (1703*) Lesniewski, Stanislaw (1180*)
| Lesokhin, Mikhail (1202*)
| Leucippus (768)
| Levi ben Gerson (268)
| Levi-Civita, Tullio (2160*)
| Levinson, Norman (2320*)
| Levy, Hyman (902)
| Lévy, Paul (714*)
| Levytsky, Volodymyr (296*)
| Lewy, Hans (1074*)
| Lexell, Anders (861*)
| Lexis, Wilhelm (562*)
| L'Hôpital, Guillaume de (204*)
| Lhuilier, Simon (1091)
| Li Chih (2015)
| Libermann, Paulette (1460)
| Li Chunfeng (917)
| Li Rui (607)
| Li Shanlan (1807*)
| Li Ye (2015)
| Li Zhi (2015)
| Libri Guglielmo (2016*) Lidstone, George (1106)
| Lie, Sophus (2699*)
| Lifshitz, Evgenii (441*)
| Lighthill, James (2081*)
| Lindelöf, Ernst (592*)
| Lindemann, Ferdinand von (895*)
| Linfoot, Hubert (1856*)
| Linnik, Yuri (2104*)
| Lint, Jack van (2063*)
| Lions, Jacques-Louis (2154*) Lions, Pierre-Louis (1423*)
| Liouville, Joseph (1968*)
| Lipschitz, Rudolf (562*)
| Lissajous, Jules (1092*)
| Listing, Johann (1666*)
| Littlewood, Dudley (908*)
| Littlewood, John E (2326*)
| Liu Hong (304)
| Liu, Hui (1922*)
| Livsic, Moshe (626*)
| Ljunggren, Wilhelm (986*)
| Llull, Ramon (348*)
| Löb, Martin (645*)
| Lobachevsky, Nikolai (2143*)
| Lockhart, James (365*)
| Loewner, Karl (1807*)
| Loewy, Alfred (857*)
| Lonie, William (2467*)
| Lopatynsky, Yaroslav (1236*)
| Lorentz, Hendrik (863*)
| Lorenz, Edward (1776*) Loria, Gino (2411*)
| Lovász, Laszlo (2775*)
| Love, Augustus (738*)
| Lovelace, Augusta Ada (2243*)
| Löwenheim, Leopold (1329*)
| Löwner, Karl (1807*)
| Loyd, Samuel (1814*)
| Lucas, F Edouard (394*)
| Luchins, Edith (2151*)
| Lueroth, Jacob (395*)
| Lukacs, Eugene (1185*) Lukasiewicz, Jan (600*)
| Luke, Yudell (1143*)
| Lumsden, Thomas (288)
| Luoxia Hong (440)
| Lupas, Alexandru (1194*)
| Luzin, Nikolai (2072*)
| Lyapin, Evgeny (1726*)
| Lyapunov, Aleksandr (1167*)
| Lyndon, Roger (1407*)
| M
| Macaulay, Francis (1295)
| MacColl, Hugh (1514*)
| MacCullagh, James (922*)
| Macdonald, Hector (1029*)
| Macdonald, James (657)
| Macdonald, William (639)
| Machin, John (1162*)
| Macintyre, Sheila Scott (449*)
| Mackay, James (1044*)
| Mackay, John S (256*)
| Mackenzie, Gladys (891)
| Mackey, George (1586*)
| Mackie, John (459)
| Mac Lane, Saunders (618*)
| Maclaurin, Colin (2732*) MacMahon, Percy (1052*)
| Macmillan, Donald (520)
| MacMillan, Jessie (1517*)
| MacRobert, Thomas (1505*)
| Maddison, Ada (820)
| Madhava, Sangamagramma (947)
| Madwar, Mohammed (722)
| Magini, Giovanni (1821)
| Magiros, Demetrios (850*)
| Magnitsky, Leonty (1289)
| Magnus, Wilhelm (537*)
| Maghribi, Muhyi al (602)
| Mahani, Abu al (507)
| Mahavira, Mahavira (994)
| Mahendra, Suri (259) Mahler, Kurt (2249*)
| Maior, John (1282)
| Malcev, Anatoly (1299*)
| Malebranche, Nicolas (1326*)
| Malfatti, Francesco (419*)
| Malone-Mayes, Vivienne (1482*)
| Maltsev, Anatoly (1299*)
| Malus, Etienne Louis (486*)
| Manava (301)
| Mandelbrojt, Szolem (836*)
| Mandelbrot, Benoit (1838*)
| Manin, Yuri (1203*)
| Mannheim, Amédée (404*)
| Mansion, Paul (373*)
| Mansur ibn Ali, Abu (1190)
| Marchenko, Vladimir (2077*)
| Marcinkiewicz, Jozef (1134*)
| Marczewski, Edward (1012*)
| Margulis, Gregori (812*)
| Marinus of Neapolis (405)
| Markov, Andrei (1459*)
| Martin, Artemas (924*)
| Martin, Lajos (1246*)
| Marrakushi, al (861)
| Mascheroni, Lorenzo (790*)
| Maschke, Heinrich (1357*)
| Maseres, Francis (897*)
| Maskelyne, Nevil (477*)
| Mason, Max (1389)
| Mästlin, Michael (1627*)
| Mathews, George (492) Mathieu, Claude-Louis (1453*)
| Mathieu, Emile (575)
| Mathisson, Myron (974*)
| Matsushima, Yozo (1147*)
| Mauchly, John (1343*)
| Maupertuis, Pierre de (2527*)
| Maurolico, Francisco (3067*)
| Maxwell, James Clerk (2554*)
| Mayer, Adolph (375*)
| Mayer, Tobias (1666*)
| Mayr, Simon (1501*)
| Mazur, Barry (1576*)
| Mazur, Stanislaw (1146*)
| Mazurkiewicz, Stefan (1322*)
| Maz'ya, Vladimir (1611*)
| McAfee, Walter (1273*) McArthur, Neil (146)
| McBride, James (221*)
| McClintock, John (1047*)
| McCowan, John (2348)
| McCrea, William (1987*)
| McDuff, Dusa (1297*)
| McIntosh, Donald (315*)
| McKendrick, Anderson (653)
| McMullen, Curtis (2113*)
| McQuistan, Dougald (280)
| McNulty, Kathleen (746*)
| McShane, Edward (808*)
| McVittie, George (263*)
| McWhan, John (302)
| Méchain, Pierre (2419*)
| Meders, Alfreds (612)
| Mei Juecheng (1295)
| Mei Wending (1793)
| Meiklejohn, John (364*)
| Meissel, Ernst (754*)
| Mellin, Hjalmar (568*)
| Menabrea, Luigi (1486*)
| Menaechmus (1104)
| Mendelsohn, Nathan (1192*)
| Menelaus of Alexandria (1037)
| Menger, Karl (485*)
| Mengoli, Pietro (960)
| Menshov, Dmitrii (1221*)
| Méray, Charles (606*) Mercator, Gerardus (2477*)
| Mercator, Nicolaus (1035)
| Mercer, James (526)
| Merrifield, Charles (701*)
| Merriles, Alexander (987)
| Merrill, Winifred (686*)
| Mersenne, Marin (2973*)
| Mertens, Franz (629*)
| Meshchersky, Ivan (611*)
| Metzler, William (409)
| Meyer, Wilhelm (591*)
| Miller, George (1167*)
| Miller, John (216*)
| Millington, Margaret (932*)
| Milne, Archibald (1232) Milne, Edward (1301*)
| Milne, William (638*)
| Milne-Thomson, Louis (1264*)
| Milnor, John (683*)
| Minding, Ferdinand (392*)
| Mineur, Henri (2004*)
| Minkowski, Hermann (1507*)
| Mirsky, Leon (544*)
| Mises, Hilda Geiringer von (1469*)
| Mises, Richard von (2108*)
| Mitchell, Ron (2518*)
| Mitchell, James (233*)
| Mitropolskii, Yurii (2137*)
| Mittag-Leffler, Gösta (2302*)
| Möbius, August (1406*)
| Mochizuki, Horace (960)
| Moffat, George (475)
| Mohr, Ernst (1183*)
| Mohr, Georg (687)
| Moisil, Grigore (1731*)
| Moivre, Abraham de (1837*)
| Molien, Theodor (710*)
| Molières, Joseph Privat de (701)
| Molin, Fedor (710*)
| Mollweide, Karl (1568)
| Molyneux, Samuel (1287)
| Molyneux, William (2071*)
| Monge, Gaspard (2951*)
| Monte, Guidobaldo del (1655*)
| Montel, Paul (643*)
| Montgomery, Deane (1485*)
| Montmort, Pierre Rémond de (478)
| Montroll, Elliott (1208*) Montucla, Jean (1666*)
| Moore, Eliakim (1229*)
| Moore, Jonas (789*)
| Moore, Robert (1781*)
| Morawetz, Cathleen (1418*)
| Mordell, Louis (2407*)
| More, Henry (1559*)
| Morera, Giacinto (383)
| Morgan, Alexander (1109)
| Morgan, William (2142*)
| Morgan, Augustus De (856*)
| Mori, Shigefumi (831*)
| Morin, Arthur (1506)
| Morin, Jean-Baptiste (418*)
| Morishima, Taro (724*)
| Morley, Frank (1234*)
| Morrison, John (382)
| Morse, Harald Marston (1015*)
| Moser, Jürgen (2063*) Moser, Leo (930*)
| Moser, William (2274*)
| Mostowski, Andrzej (2037*)
| Motzkin, Theodore (1147*)
| Moufang, Ruth (445*)
| Moulton, Forest (921*)
| Mouton, Gabriel (570)
| Muhaqqiq-i, Nasir (1912*)
| Muir, Thomas (1163*)
| Muirhead, Robert (34*)
| Mullikin, Anna (1307)
| Müller (Regiomontanus) (2278*)
| Mumford, David (1025*)
| Munn, Douglas (1039*)
| Murnaghan, Francis (1483*)
| Murray, Joan Clarke (2764)
| Mydorge, Claude (731)
| Mylon, Claude (490)
| Mytropolsky, Yurii (2137*)
| N
| Naimark, Mark (2090*)
| Napier, John (2443*)
| Narayana, Pandit (515)
| Nasawi, Abu al (681)
| Nash, John (3880*)
| Nash-Williams, Crispin (1957*)
| Nassau, Jason (424)
| Navier, Claude (1072*)
| Nayrizi, Abu'l al (621)
| Neile, William (1296)
| Nekrasov, Aleksandr (564*)
| Nelson, Evelyn (1476*)
| Netto, Eugen (575*)
| Neuberg, Joseph (354)
| Neugebauer, Otto (1512*)
| Neumann, Bernhard (1683*) Neumann, Carl (449*)
| Neumann, Franz (1053*)
| Neumann, Hanna (267*)
| Neumann, John von (2572*)
| Nevanlinna, Rolf (418*)
| Newcomb, Simon (2095*)
| Newman, Maxwell (1050*)
| Newton, Isaac (3681*)
| Neyman, Jerzy (2222*)
| Nicollet, Jean-Nicolas (1655*)
| Nicolson, Phyllis (241*)
| Nicomachus of Gerasa (1183*)
| Nicomedes (545*)
| Nielsen, Jacob (1429*)
| Nielsen, Niels (661*)
| Nightingale, Florence (1852*) Nikodym, Otton (1252*)
| Nilakantha, Somayaji (877)
| Nirenberg, Louis (2186*)
| Niven, Charles (742*)
| Niven, William (1281*)
| Noether, Emmy (1003*)
| Noether, Max (1364*)
| Norlund, Niels (1862*)
| Northcott, Douglas (2107*)
| Novikov, Petr (750*)
| Novikov, Sergi (1361*)
| Nugel, Frieda (1397*)
| Numbers, Annie (187)
| Nunes Salaciense, Pedro (1635*)
| Nygaard, Kristen (1574*)
| O
| Ocagne, Maurice d' (951)
| Oenopides of Chios (818)
| Ohm, Georg Simon (1910*)
| Ohm, Martin (2124)
| Oka, Kiyoshi (485*)
| Oleinik, Olga (880*)
| Olive, Gloria (743*) Olivier, Théodore (665)
| Ollerenshaw, Kathleen (3014*)
| Omar Khayyam (2140*)
| Ore, Oystein (1604*)
| Oresme, Nicole (861*)
| Orlicz, Wladyslaw (1933*)
| Orshansky, Mollie (1042*)
| Ortega, Juan de (471) Osgood, William (1426*)
| Osipovsky, Timofei (1234)
| Ostrogradski, Mikhail (528*)
| Ostrowski, Alexander (1419*)
| Oughtred, William (654*)
| Ovidio, Enrico d' (414*)
| Ozanam, Jacques (1604)
| PQ
| Pacioli, Luca (1980*)
| Padé, Henri (1369*)
| Padoa, Alessandro (1951*)
| Paige, Constantin Le (314*)
| Painlevé, Paul (1105*)
| Pairman, Eleanor (1430)
| Paley, Raymond (580*)
| Paman, Roger (1934)
| Panini (1257*)
| Paoli, Pietro (456)
| Pappus of Alexandria (2265)
| Paramesvara, Paramesvara (776)
| Parry, William (1212*)
| Pars, Leopold (1035*)
| Parseval des Chênes, M-A (896)
| Pascal, Blaise (1824*)
| Pascal, Etienne (1312) Pasch, Moritz (1044*)
| Pask, Gordan (1228*)
| Pastor, Julio Rey (1716*)
| Patodi, Vijay (445*)
| Paton, James (404)
| Pauli, Wolfgang (2384*)
| Peacock, George (594*)
| Pearson, Egon (1750*)
| Peddie, William (236*)
| Peierls, Rudolf (1891*)
| Pearson, Karl (2581*)
| Peirce, Benjamin (2116*)
| Peirce, Benjamin O (505*)
| Peirce, Charles (2055*)
| Pell, Anna (Wheeler) (516*)
| Pell, John (1111)
| Pell, Alexander (1580) Penney, Bill (480*)
| Pérès, Joseph (437)
| Perrin-Riou, Bernadette (1510*)
| Perron, Oskar (534*)
| Perseus (439)
| Personne, G de Roberval (349)
| Peschl, Ernst (1138)
| Péter, Rózsa (477*)
| Petersen, Julius (1485*)
| Peterson, Karl (901*)
| Petersson, Hans (1073*)
| Petit, Aléxis (688)
| Petit, Pierre (814)
| Petrovsky, Ivan (2376*)
| Petryshyn, Volodymyr (1138*)
| Petzval, Józeph (619*)
| Peurbach, Georg (1401)
| Pfaff, Johann (929*)
| Pfeiffer, Georgii (226*)
| Philip, Flora (1011)
| Philip, Robert (289)
| Philon of Byzantium (737)
| Piaggio, Henry (300)
| Piatetski-Shapiro, Ilya (1737*)
| Pic, Gheorghe (1030*)
| Picard, Emile (1267*)
| Picard, Jean (1777*)
| Pick, Georg (975*) Picken, David (646)
| Pieri, Mario (536)
| Pierpont, James (1766)
| Piero della Francesca (540*)
| Pillai, K C Sreedharan (362*)
| Piero della Francesca (540*)
| Pincherle, Salvatore (446*)
| Pinkerton, Peter (23*)
| Pisier, Gilles (1805*)
| Pitiscus, Bartholomeo (894) Pitt, Harry (1766)
| Plana, Giovanni (900*)
| Plancherel, Michel (1126*)
| Planck, Max (2708*)
| Plateau, Joseph (1296*)
| Plato (2043*)
| Playfair, John (2916*)
| Plemelj, Josip (1899*)
| Pless, Vera (1478*)
| Plessner, Abraham (442*)
| Plücker, Julius (1066*)
| Poincaré, J Henri (3201*)
| Poinsot, Louis (867*)
| Poisson, Siméon (2550*)
| Pol, Balthasar van der (2115*)
| Poleni, Giovanni (1056*)
| Polkinghorne, John (2305*)
| Pollio, Vitruvius (1063)
| Polozii, Georgii (213)
| Pólya, George (3395*)
| Pompeiu, Dimitrie (1091*)
| Poncelet, Jean-Victor (2712*)
| Pontryagin, Lev (1470*)
| Pople, John (2315*)
| Poretsky, Platon (1158*)
| Porphyry, Malchus (763*) Porta, Giambattista Della (2640*)
| Posidonius of Rhodes (908*)
| Possel, Lucien (997)
| Post, Emil (1939*)
| Potapov, Vladimir (577*)
| Potts, Renfrey (764*)
| Povzner, Aleksandr (1082*)
| Praeger, Cheryl (1570*)
| Prager, William (1244*)
| Poussin, C de la Vallée (1702*)
| Pratt, John (585)
| Preston, Gordon (1785*)
| Price, Richard (1417*)
| Pringsheim, Alfred (1066*)
| Privalov, Ivan (2176*) Privat de Molières, Joseph (701)
| Proclus Diadochus (1316)
| Prokhorov, Yurii (1499*)
| Prony, Gaspard de (1015*)
| Prthudakasvami (263)
| Prophatius (ben Tibbon) (976)
| Prüfer, Heinz (747)
| Ptolemy (3383*)
| Puiseux, Victor (452*)
| Puissant, Louis (475)
| Pullar, John (375)
| Puri, Madan (1151*)
| Pythagoras of Samos (3053*)
| Qadi Zada, al-Rumi (1016)
| Qalasadi, Abu'l al (1247)
| Qin Jiushao (2006) Quetelet, Adolphe (1856*)
| Quhi, Abu al (1146)
| Quillen, Daniel (900*) Quine, Willard Van (2030*)
| Qurra, Thabit ibn (1507*)
| R
| Rademacher, Hans (1941*)
| Radó, Ferenc (1195*)
| Rado, Richard (752*)
| Radó, Tibor (1929*)
| Radon, Johann (1373*)
| Rahn, Johann (1986)
| Rajagopal, Cadambathur (258*)
| Ramanathan, Kollagunta (1422*)
| Ramanujam, Chidambaram (1636*)
| Ramanujan, Srinivasa (2798*)
| Ramsay, Peter (508)
| Ramsden, Jesse (811*)
| Ramsey, Frank (1365*)
| Ramus, Peter (1262*) Rankin, Robert (1595*)
| Rankine, William (988*)
| Raphson, Joseph (765)
| Rasiowa, Helena (876*)
| Rayleigh, Lord (3026*)
| Razmadze, Andrei (373)
| Recorde, Robert (2383*)
| Rédei, László (1359*)
| Rees, Mina (1102*)
| Regiomontanus Johann (2278*)
| Reichenbach, Hans (1884*)
| Reidemeister, Kurt (472*)
| Reiner, Irving (436*)
| Reizins, Linards (891) Rejewski, Marian (1517*)
| Remak, Robert (1039*)
| Remez, Evgeny (1305*)
| Rennie, Basil (1535)
| Rényi, Alfréd (2253*)
| Réthy, Mór (1447*)
| Rey Pastor, Julio (1716*)
| Reye, Theodor (309*)
| Reymond, Paul du Bois- (1709*)
| Reynaud, Antoine-André (507)
| Reyneau, Charles (351)
| Reynolds, Osborne (974*)
| Rham, Georges de (741*)
| Rheticus, Georg Joachim (1559)
| Ribenboim, Paulo (2108*)
| Riccati, Jacopo (202*)
| Riccati, Vincenzo (247*)
| Ricci, Giovanni (1005*)
| Ricci, Matteo (635*)
| Ricci, Michelangelo (234*)
| Ricci-Curbastro, Gregorio (1335*)
| Richard, Jules (559*)
| Richard, Louis (561)
| Richardson, Archibald (177)
| Richardson, Lewis (1622*)
| Richer, Jean (357)
| Richmond, Herbert (928*)
| Riemann, G F Bernhard (2707*)
| Ries, Adam (380*)
| Riesz, Frigyes (861*)
| Riesz, Marcel (1290*) Ringrose, John (544*)
| Ritt, Joseph (1040*)
| Rittenhouse, David (1071*)
| Robb, Richard (371)
| Robbins, Herbert (2028*)
| Roberts, Samuel (389*)
| Robertson, Howard (1673*)
| Roberval, Gilles de (3014)
| Robins, Benjamin (2041)
| Robinson, Abraham (1650*)
| Robinson, Julia Bowman (1924*)
| Robinson, Raphael (1839*)
| Rocard, Yves-André (341*)
| Roch, Gustav (915*)
| Roche, Estienne de La (275)
| Rodrigues, Benjamin (1687*)
| Rogers, Ambrose (456*) Rogers, James (823*)
| Rohn, Karl (1058*)
| Rolle, Michel (1872)
| Romanus, Adrianus (419)
| Roomen, Adriaan van (419)
| Rosanes, Jakob (1002*)
| Rosellini, Ferdinando (770)
| Rosenhain, Johann (828)
| Ross, Edward (518)
| Rota, Gian-Carlo (1420*)
| Roth, Klaus (706*)
| Roth, Leonard (1372*)
| Rouché, Eugène (560)
| Routh, Edward (1065*)
| Roy, Samarendra (1555)
| Ruan Yuan (1567)
| Rudin, Mary (1857*)
| Rudio, Ferdinand (268*)
| Rudolff, Christoff (172)
| Ruffini, Paolo (2196*) Rui, Li (607)
| Runge, Carle (2029*)
| Ruse, Harold (284*)
| Russell, Alexander (347*)
| Russell, Bertrand (1485*) Russell, John (851*)
| Rutherford, Daniel E (1202*)
| Rutishauser, Heinz (1634*)
| Rychlik, Karel (1314)
| Rydberg, Johannes (413*)
| S
| Saccheri, Giovanni (2480)
| Sacrobosco, Johannes de (328*)
| Saint-Venant, Adhémar de (554*)
| Saint-Vincent, Gregorius (2111*)
| Saks, Stanislaw (1132*)
| Salaciense, Pedro Nunes (332*)
| Salem, Raphaël (1545*)
| Salmon, George (1351*)
| Samarqandi, Shams al (202) Samawal, Ibn al (1569)
| Samoilenko, Anatoly (1640*)
| Sampson, Ralph (1080)
| Samuel, Pierre (1210*)
| Sang, Edward (471*)
| Sankara, Narayana (724)
| Sargent, Winifred (1339)
| Sasaki, Shigeo (1066*)
| Sato, Mikio (2524*) Saunderson, Nicholas (1869*)
| Saurin, Joseph (1041)
| Savage, Leonard (2227*)
| Savart, Felix (1501)
| Savary, Félix (579)
| Savasorda (A bar Hiyya) (641)
| Savile, Henry (1130*)
| Schafer, Alice (1344*)
| Schatten, Robert (682)
| Schauder, Juliusz (1012*)
| Scheffé, Henry (844*)
| Scheffers, Georg (1513*)
| Scherk, Heinrich (1492*)
| Schickard, Wilhelm (1683*)
| Schläfli, Ludwig (1674*)
| Schlapp, Robert (537*)
| Schlesinger, Ludwig (809*)
| Schlömilch, Oscar (1366*)
| Schmetterer, Leopold (1406*)
| Schmid, Hermann (1018*)
| Schmidt, Erhard (1382*)
| Schmidt, Harry (1452*) Schoenberg, Isaac (816*)
| Scholtz, Ágoston (1487)
| Scholz, Heinrich (1883)
| Schönflies, Arthur (370*)
| Schooten, Frans van (2212*)
| Schottky, Friedrich (1278*)
| Schoute, Pieter (1182*)
| Schouten, Jan (2399*)
| Schramm, Oded (1716*)
| Schreier, Otto (582*)
| Schröder, Ernst (2286*)
| Schrödinger, Erwin (2585*)
| Schroeter, Heinrich (182*)
| Schubert, Hans (1129*)
| Schubert, Hermann (1067*) Schur, Issai (1667*)
| Schützenberger, Marcel (1538*)
| Schwartz, Laurent (1119*)
| Schwartz, Jacob (1585*)
| Schwarz, Herman (1192*)
| Schwarz, Stefan (867*)
| Schwarzschild, Karl (1639*)
| Schwerdtfeger, Hans (1046*)
| Schwinger, Julian (1455*)
| Scott, Charlotte (579*)
| Scott, Agnes (225)
| Scott, Robert (519)
| Scott, Elizabeth (2643*)
| Scott, Sheila (Macintyre) (449*)
| Scott Lang, Peter (177*)
| See, Thomas (866)
| Segner, Jan (693*)
| Segre, Beniamino (1953*)
| Segre, Corrado (574*)
| Seidel, Philipp von (572)
| Seidel, Jaap (1488*)
| Seidenberg, Abraham (1047*)
| Seifert, Karl (1709*)
| Seki Kowa, Takakazu (411*)
| Selberg, Atle (814*)
| Selten, Reinhard (1850*)
| Semple, Jack (1602*)
| Serenus (566)
| Serre, Jean-Pierre (731*)
| Serret, Joseph (164*)
| Servois, François (549)
| Severi, Francesco (792*)
| 'sGravesande, Willem (1076*) Shafarevich, Igor (507*)
| Shanks, William (427)
| Shanlan, Li (1807*)
| Shannon, Claude (1208*)
| Sharkovsky, Oleksandr (134*)
| Sharp, Abraham (1570*)
| Shatunovsky, Samuil (1358*)
| Shelah, Saharon (2433*)
| Shen Kua (2448*)
| Sheppard, William (274)
| Shewhart, Walter (1276*)
| Shields, Allen (1549*)
| Shijie, Zhu (1912)
| Shnirelman, Lev (648*)
| Shoda, Kenjiro (1235*)
| Shoujing, Guo (1688*)
| Shtokalo, Josif (325*)
| Siacci, Francesco (504*) Siegel, Carl (2131*)
| Sierpinski, Waclaw (2004*)
| Siguenza, y Gongora (566)
| Silva, José (952*)
| Simon, Leon (905*)
| Sijzi, Abu al (708)
| Simplicius, Simplicius (933)
| Simpson, Mary (352*)
| Simpson, Thomas (1070*)
| Simson, Robert (1914*)
| Sinai, Yakov (2032*)
| Sina, ibn (Avicenna) (1965*)
| Sinan ibn Thabit (719)
| Singer, Isadore (1399*)
| Sintsov, Dmitrii (1174*)
| Sitter, Willem de (2458*)
| Skolem, Thoralf (1572*)
| Skopin, Alexander (802*)
| Skorokhod, Anatolii (1680*)
| Slater, Noel (1626*)
| Slaught, Herbert (543*)
| Sleszynski, Ivan (1000)
| Slow, Mary (404*)
| Slutsky, Evgeny (1014*)
| Sluze, René de (2390)
| Smale, Stephen (1157*)
| Smeal, Glenny (277)
| Smirnov, Vladimir (588*)
| Smith, Henry (1201*)
| Smith, John (37)
| Smith, Karen (2182*) Smithies, Frank (1425*)
| Smoluchowski, Marian (1399*)
| Smullyan, Raymond (2022*)
| Sneddon, Ian (2014*)
| Snedecor, George (2149*)
| Snell, Willebrord (2236*)
| Snyder, Virgil (1491*)
| Sobolev, Sergei (1282*)
| Sokhotsky, Yulian-Karl (629*)
| Sokolov, Yurii (765*)
| Solitar, Donald (1566*)
| Somerville, Mary (2125*)
| Sommerfeld, Arnold (2234*)
| Sommerville, Duncan (523*)
| Somov, Osip (546*) Sonin, Nikolay (578*)
| Spanier, Edwin (591*)
| Specker, Ernst (1153*)
| Speiser, Ambros (1784*)
| Spence, David (818*)
| Spence, William (1611*)
| Spencer, Anthony (1888*)
| Spencer, Donald (1109*)
| Sperry, Pauline (1230*)
| Spitzer, Lyman (1682*)
| Sporus of Nicaea (357)
| Spottiswoode, William (1359*)
| Sprague, Thomas (1097*)
| Springer, Tonny (1245*)
| Sridhara, Sridhara (766)
| Sripati (541)
| Stäckel, Paul (2385*)
| Stallings, John (1316*)
| Stampacchia, Guido (1784*)
| Stampioen, Jan (1057)
| Steele, Catherine (453)
| Staudt, Carl Georg C von (146*)
| Steenrod, Norman (1144*)
| Stefan, Josef (1408*)
| Stefan, Peter (364*)
| Steggall, John (1254*)
| Stein, Elias (2107*)
| Steiner, Jakob (2182*)
| Steinfeld, Ottó (1013*)
| Steinhaus, Hugo (1702*) Steinitz, Ernst (2256*)
| Steklov, Vladimir A (1229*)
| Stepanov, Vyacheslaw V (604*)
| Stephansen, Mary (1360*)
| Stevin, Simon (2095*)
| Stewart, Dugald (1030*)
| Stewart, Matthew (958)
| Stewartson, Keith (1812*)
| Stiefel, Eduard (2420*)
| Stieltjes, Thomas Jan (1530*)
| Stifel, Michael (331)
| Stirling, James (2856)
| Stoilow, Simion (1351)
| Stokes, George Gabriel (2491*)
| Stolz, Otto (779*)
| Stone, Edmund (233) Stone, Marshall (1479*)
| Stormer, Fredrik (1051*)
| Story, William (972*)
| Stott, Alicia Boole (340*)
| Strassen, Volker (1688*)
| Straus, Ernst (1370*)
| Strong, Theodore (927)
| Struik, Dirk (1059*)
| Stuart, James (218)
| Strutt (Lord Rayleigh) (3026*)
| Study, Eduard (454*)
| Stueckelberg, Ernst (1887*)
| Sturm, J Charles-François (1282*)
| Sturm, Rudolf (668)
| St-Venant, Adhémar de (554*)
| St-Vincent, Gregorius (296*)
| Subbotin, Mikhail (817*)
| Suetuna, Zyoiti (897)
| Sun Zi (1282)
| Sundman, Karl (1112*) Süss, Wilhelm (1893*)
| Suter, Heinrich (688)
| Suvorov, Georgii (1125*)
| Suzuki, Michio (1365*)
| Suzuki, Satoshi (790*)
| Swain, Lorna (598) Sylow, Ludwig (486*)
| Sylvester, James Joseph (2398*)
| Synge, John (1155*)
| Szász, Otto (751*)
| Szegö, Gábor (479*)
| Szekeres, George (1991*)
| T
| Tacquet, Andrea (1900)
| Tahir, ibn (947)
| Tait, Peter Guthrie (3608*)
| Takagi, Teiji (1675*)
| Takakazu (Seki) (411*)
| Takebe Katahiro (1900)
| Talbot, Henry Fox (2087*)
| Tamarkin, Jacob (1434*)
| Taniyama, Yutaka (1166*) Tannery, Jules (828*)
| Tannery, Paul (1420*)
| Tapia, Richard (1586*)
| Tarry, Gaston (1346*)
| Tarski, Alfred (3226*)
| Tartaglia, Nicolo (2101*)
| Tate, John (1627*)
| Tauber, Alfred (650*)
| Taurinus, Franz (567) Taussky-Todd, Olga (2064*)
| Taylor, Brook (1879*)
| Taylor, Geoffrey (1268*)
| Taylor, James (729*)
| Taylor, Mary (404*)
| Teichmüller, Oswald (2221*)
| Temple, George (506*)
| Tenneur, Jacques (1517)
| Tetens, Johannes (364*)
| Thabit ibn Qurra, Abu'l (1507*)
| Thales of Miletus (2091*)
| Theaetetus of Athens (1320)
| Theodorus of Cyrene (673)
| Theodosius of Bithynia (1044)
| Theon of Alexandria (1135)
| Theon of Smyrna (655*)
| Thiele, Thorvald (950*)
| Third, John (692)
| Thom, George (1409*)
| Thom, René (1202*)
| Thomae, Johannes (1791*) Thomason, Bob (1053*)
| Thompson, Abigail (1662*)
| Thompson, D'Arcy W (1533*)
| Thompson, John (1532*)
| Thompson, Robert (1008)
| Thomson, James (925*)
| Thomson, W (2702*) (2702*)
| Thomson, William (317)
| Thomson, William L (132)
| Thue, Axel (415*)
| Thurston, Bill (1166*)
| Thymaridas (186) Tibbon, Jacob ben (976)
| Tichy, Pavel (1085*)
| Tietze, Heinrich (816*)
| Tikhonov, Andrei (1069*)
| Tilly, Joseph de (667)
| Timms, Geoffrey (353*)
| Tinbergen, Jan (708*)
| Tinseau, Charles (893)
| Tisserand, Félix (600*)
| Titchmarsh, Edward (1623*)
| Titeica, Gheorghe (1337*)
| Tits, Jacques (1251*)
| Todd, John (876*)
| Todd, Jack (2137*)
| Todhunter, Isaac (1055*)
| Toeplitz, Otto (859*)
| Tonelli, Leonida (1774*)
| Torricelli, Evangelista (2867*)
| Trakhtman, Abram (1805*)
| Trail, William (646)
| Tricomi, Francesco (556*)
| Troughton, Edward (1222*) Trudinger, Neil (1036*)
| Tschirnhaus, E von (2310*)
| Tucker, Albert (2459*)
| Tucker, Robert (1423*)
| Tsu Ch'ung Chi (1392*)
| Tsu Keng (630)
| Tukey, John (1773*)
| Tunstall, Cuthbert (905*)
| Turán, Paul (2202*)
| Turing, Alan (2922*) Turnbull, Herbert (1693*)
| Turner, Peter (722)
| Turner, John (1036*)
| Tusi, Nasir al (1912*)
| Tusi, Sharaf al (1138)
| Tutte, William (1890*)
| Tweedie, Charles (401)
| Tweedie, David (429)
| Tweedie, David J (199)
| Tychonoff, Andrey (1069*)
| UV
| Uhlenbeck, George (1800*)
| Uhlenbeck, Karen (1114*)
| Ulam, Stanislaw (1422*) Ulugh Beg (1219*)
| Umawi, Abu al (1014)
| Uqlidisi, Abu'l (1028) Upton, Francis (1880*)
| Urbanik, Kazimierz (1249*)
| Urysohn, Pavel (1391*)
| Vacca, Giovanni (707*)
| Vailati, Giovanni (555*)
| Val, Patrick du (380*)
| Valera, Éamon de (2167*)
| Valerio, Luca (1782)
| Vallée Poussin, C de la (1702*)
| Vályi, Gyula (868*)
| van Amringe, Howard (354*)
| van Dantzig, David (518*)
| van der Pol, Balthasar (2115*)
| van der Waerden, Bartel (2554*) van Heuraet, Hendrik (170)
| van Lint, Jack (2063*)
| van Kampen, Egbert (1075*)
| van Lansberge, Philip (243*)
| van Roomen, Adriaan (419)
| van Schooten, Frans (259*)
| van Vleck, Edward (1306*)
| Vandermonde, Alexandre (1379)
| Vandiver, Harry (1084*)
| Varadhan, Srinivasa (2541*)
| Varahamihira, Varahamihira (744)
| Varga, Richard (1935*) Varignon, Pierre (1160*)
| Vashchenko-Z, Mikhail (951*)
| Veblen, Oswald (2019*)
| Vega, Jurij von (295*)
| Velez-Rodriguez, Argelia (768*)
| Venant, Adhémar de St- (554*)
| Venn, John (1208*)
| Verhulst, Pierre (411*)
| Vernier, Pierre (344)
| Veronese, Giuseppe (617*)
| Verrier, Urbain Le (450*)
| Vessiot, Ernest (229*)
| Viète, François (2352*)
| Vijayanandi (424)
| Vilant, Nicolas (768*)
| Vincent, Gregorius Saint- (296*)
| Vinci, Leonardo da (704*)
| Vinogradov, Ivan (1484*)
| Vitali, Giuseppe (269*)
| Vitruvius (1063)
| Viviani, Vincenzo (2614*)
| Vlacq, Adriaan (739)
| Voevodsky, Vladimir (1990*) Vleck, Edward van (1306*)
| Volterra, Vito (436*)
| von Brill, Alexander (473*)
| von Dyck, Walther (737*)
| von Eötvös, Roland (1622*)
| von Helmholtz, Hermann (2214*)
| von Kármán, Theodore (1625*)
| von Koch, Helge (736*)
| von Leibniz, Gottfried (3723*)
| von Lindemann, Carl (895*)
| von Mises, Hilda Geiringer (1469*) von Mises, Richard (2108*)
| von Neumann, John (2572*)
| von Segner, Johann (693*)
| von Seidel, Philipp (572)
| von Staudt, Karl (2277*)
| von Tschirnhaus, E (321*)
| von Vega, Georg (295*)
| Voronoy, Georgy (1087*)
| Vranceanu, Gheorghe (999*)
| Vries, Gustav de (509*)
| Vries, Hendrik de (605*)
| W
| Waerden, Bartel van der (552*)
| Wending, Mei (1793)
| Wafa al-Buzjani Abu'l (1115)
| Wald, Abraham (1465*)
| Walker, Geoffrey (739*)
| Walker, John (553*)
| Wall, C Terence (927*)
| Wallace, Alexander (886*)
| Wallace, William (1328*)
| Wallis, John (2463*)
| Walsh, John (2920)
| Walsh, Joseph (1089*)
| Wang H'siao-t'ung (1484)
| Wang Xiaotong (1484)
| Wang, Yuan (1042*)
| Wangerin, Albert (1028*)
| Wantzel, Pierre (1020) Ward, Seth (1853*)
| Waring, Edward (1378*)
| Warner, Mary (1843*)
| Warschawski, Stefan (1054*)
| Waterston, John (947)
| Watson, G Neville (1022*)
| Watson, Henry (535*)
| Watson, William (445*)
| Watt, James (254)
| Wattie, James (345)
| Wazewski, Tadeusz (759*)
| Weatherburn, Charles (506*)
| Weatherhead, Kenneth (375)
| Weaver, Warren (1575*)
| Weber, Heinrich (654*)
| Weber, Wilhelm (2571*)
| Wedderburn, Joseph (1714*) Weierstrass, Karl (2599*)
| Weil, André (1411*)
| Weingarten, Julius (734*)
| Weinstein, Alexander (408*)
| Weisbach, Julius (528*)
| Weise, Karl (1193*)
| Weldon, Raphael (1332*)
| Wenninger, Magnus (2007*)
| Werner, Johann (916*)
| Wessel, Caspar (1685)
| West, John (1201)
| Wexler-Kreindler, Eléna (784)
| Weyl, Hermann (2284*)
| Weyr, Eduard (249*)
| Weyr, Emil (285*)
| Wheeler, Anna J Pell (516*)
| Whewell, William (2067*)
| Whiston, William (1343*)
| White, Henry (1440*)
| Whitehead, Alfred N (2339*)
| Whitehead, J Henry C (1883*)
| Whiteside, Tom (2699*)
| Whitney, Hassler (1239*)
| Whittaker, Edmund (1478*)
| Whittaker, John (1547*)
| Whyburn, Gordon (1087*)
| Widman, Johannes (624)
| Wiegold, James (2629*)
| Wielandt, Helmut (675*)
| Wien, Wilhelm (2979*)
| Wiener, Christian (975) Wiener, Hermann (544*)
| Wiener, Norbert (2449*)
| Wigner, Eugene (2458*)
| Wilczynski, Ernest (652)
| Wilder, Raymond (1766*)
| Wiles, Andrew (1515*)
| Wilkins, Ernest (1215*)
| Wilkins, John (2456*)
| Wilkinson, Jim (1029*)
| Wilks, Samuel (457*)
| Williams, William (1299*)
| Williamson, John (663)
| Willock, Sophie (1529*)
| Wilson, Alexander (809)
| Wilson, Bertram (139) Wilson, Edwin (677)
| Wilson, John (587)
| Wilson, John (2) (451)
| Wiltheiss, Ernst (814*)
| Wilton, John (203)
| Winckelmann, Maria (1617)
| Winkler, Wilhelm (744*)
| Wintner, Aurel (1461)
| Wirtinger, Wilhelm (586*)
| Wishart, John (1029*)
| Witt, Ernst (2368*)
| Witt, Johan de (868*)
| Witten, Edward (1251*)
| Wittgenstein, Ludwig (2806*)
| Wittich, Paul (1525)
| Wolf, Frantisek (1372*)
| Wolf, Rudolph (1279*)
| Wolfowitz, Jacob (1031*)
| Wolstenholme, Joseph (677)
| Woodhouse, Robert (654) Woods, Leslie (1617*)
| Woodward, Robert (2303*)
| Wren, Christopher (3006*)
| Wright, Edward (2093*)
| Wright, Sewall (1360*) Wrinch, Dorothy (972*)
| Wronski, Hoëné (1169*)
| Wu, Sijue (1207*)
| Wu, Wen-Tsun (1512*)
| Wylie, Shaun (1703)
| Xenocrates of Chalcedon (636)
| Xiahou Yang (443)
| Xian, Jia (843) Xiaotong, Wang (1484)
| Xu Bao-Lu (1171*)
| Xu Guangqi (1507*) Xu Yue (537)
| Yamabe, Hidehiko (1302)
| Yang Hui (2060*)
| Yano, Kentaro (1811*)
| Yates, Frank (1229*)
| Yativrsabha (219)
| Yau, Shing-Tung (1303*)
| Yavanesvara (405)
| Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe (606*) Youden, William (800)
| Young, Alfred (1537)
| Young, Andrew (511*)
| Young, Grace Chisholm (1142*)
| Young, Lai-Sang (1534*)
| Young, Laurence (1296*)
| Young, Thomas (1777*)
| Young, William (1155*) Youqin, Zhao (830)
| Yuan, Ruan (1567)
| Yue, Xu (537)
| Yule, George (2451*)
| Yunus, Abu'l-Hasan ibn (1312)
| Yushkevich, Adolph P (579)
| Yusuf Ahmed (660)
| Zaanen, Adriaan (1376*)
| Zada, al-Rumi Qadi (1016)
| Zakharchenko, M V- (241*)
| Zalts, Karlis (701)
| Zarankiewicz, Kazimierz (937*)
| Zaremba, Stanislaw (1084*)
| Zariski, Oscar (1654*)
| Zassenhaus, Hans (512*)
| Zeeman, Chris (2329*)
| Zeckendorf, Edouard (176*)
| Zelmanov, Efim (1351*) Zeno of Elea (2124*)
| Zeno of Sidon (1046*)
| Zenodorus (512)
| Zermelo, Ernst (1367*)
| Zeuthen, Hieronymous (821*)
| Zhang Heng (1481*)
| Zhang Qiujian (1000)
| Zhao Youqin (830)
| Zhi, Li (2015)
| Zhu Shijie (1912)
| Zhukovsky, Nikolay (806*) Zi, Sun (1282)
| Zolotarev, Egor (639*)
| Zorawski, Kazimierz (1705*)
| Zorn, Max (1521*)
| Zu Chongzhi (1392*)
| Zu Geng (630)
| Zu Xuan (630)
| Zuse, Konrad (1110*)
| Zygmund, Antoni (2347*)
Index of Other Topics
- Ledermann's St Andrews interview
- English attack on the Longitude Problem
- Longitude and the Académie Royale
- Mathematical games and recreations
- Memory, mental arithmetic and mathematics
- Thomas Harriot's manuscripts
- Thomas Hirst's diary comments
- Architecture and Mathematics
- Christianity and Mathematics
- The brachistochrone problem
- Cartography
- Voting
- The Scottish Book
- Measurement
- Forgery and Chasles
- Forgery and the Berlin Academy
- Mathematics and the physical world
- Debating topics on mathematics
- Art and mathematics - perspective
- The Weil family
- Poincaré - Inspector of mines
- Bernard Bolzano's manuscripts
- Bourbaki: the pre-war years
- Bourbaki: the post-war years
- London Coffee houses and mathematics
- Statistical material
Index of Glossary terms
| A
| abacus
| abelian or hyperelliptic function
| abelian group
| abundant number
| Alexander the Great
| algebra
| algebraic geometry
| algebraic number
| algebraic number field
| algebraic number theory
| algebraic topology
| alternating group
| amicable numbers
| Ammonius
| analytic number theory
| Anaximander
| angle trisection
| annular eclipse
| apogee
| Apollodorus
| apotome
| Apuleius
| Arcesilaus
| Archimedes' principle
| Archimedes' screw
| arithmetic progression
| associative
| astrolabe
| asymptote
| atomic theory
| automorphism group
| Axiom of choice
| azimuth
| B
| Bernoulli number
| beta function
| Bieberbach conjecture
| binomial
| binomial coefficient
| binomial theorem
| biquadratic residue
| Boolean algebra
| boundary value problem
| brachistochrone
| Burnside problem
| C
| Calcidius
| calculus of variations
| catenary
| catoptrics
| Catullus
| celestial equator
| celestial sphere
| character theory
| Cicero
| circumscribed
| cohomology
| combination
| commensurable
| commutator
| compact
| compass variation
| composite number
| concentric spheres
| conformal mapping
| conic
| conjunction
| continued fraction
| Continuum Hypothesis
| control theory
| coprime
| cosa
| cosmogony
| cosmology
| cubic equation
| cuboctahedron
| D
| Damascius
| declination
| deficient number
| Delian League
| Delphic oracle
| determinant
| Dialectic
| difference equation
| differential equation
| differential geometry
| differential topology
| Diogenes Laertius
| Dionysius I
| Dionysius II
| diophantine approximation
| diophantine equation
| discriminant
| docent
| dodecahedron
| duplicating the cube
| dynamical system
| E
| eccentric theory
| ecliptic
| ecliptic coordinates
| eigenvalue/vector/function
| Eleatic School
| ellipse
| elliptic function
| envelope
| Epictetus
| Epicureans
| Epicurus
| epicycle
| equatorial coordinates
| equinox
| equivalent numbers
| ergodic theory
| Escher's Pictures
| ethics
| Euclid of Megara
| euclidean algorithm
| Euler's conjecture
| evolute
| F
| factor group or quotient group
| factorial
| Fermat's last theorem
| field
| Fields Medal
| focus directrix
| four colour theorem
| Fourier analysis
| free group
| functional analysis
| fundamental theorem of algebra
| fundamental group
| G
| Gaius Marius
| Galois theory
| gamma function
| Gelfond's conjecture
| general or point-set topology
| geometric progression
| Goldbach's conjecture
| great circle
| group
| group presentation
| gymnasium
| H
| habilitation
| heliocentric theory
| Heracleitus
| Herodotus
| Hilbert space
| hippopede
| Homer
| homocentric spheres
| homology
| homotopy
| hyperbola
| hypergeometric function
| hypotenuse
| I
| Iamblichus
| icosahedron
| idempotent
| infinitesimal
| inscribed
| integral equation
| integral transform
| integrating factor
| intuitionism
| Invariant theory
| involute
| irrational
| Isidorus
| isoperimetry
| K
| Kepler's problem
| knot theory
| Laplace transform
| L
| Laplace transform
| Laplace's equation
| Lie algebra
| Lie group
| Lie ring
| linear group
| link
| Livy
| locus
| loxodrome
| Lucian
| lune
| M
| magic square
| magnetic declination
| manifold
| Marcellus
| matrix
| measure theory
| medial
| Menedemus of Pyrrha
| metaphysics
| method of exhaustion
| Milky Way
| model theory
| modulo
| N
| Neoplatonist
| nilpotent
| nilpotent group
| non-Euclidean
| non-standard analysis
| normal
| normal subgroup
| The Rhind Papyrus
| number theory
| O
| obliquity of the ecliptic
| oblong number
| occultation
| octahedron
| opposition
| osculate
| P
| p- group
| Panaetius of Rhodes
| parabola
| parallax
| parallel postulate
| Parmenides
| partial differential equation
| pascal triangle
| Peloponnesian War
| perfect number
| Pericles
| permutation
| permutation group
| Philolaus
| Plateau problem
| Pliny
| Plotinus
| Plutarch
| Poincaré conjecture
| polygonal number
| Pompey the Great
| potential/harmonic theory
| precession of the equinoxes
| primitive root
| probability theory
| projective geometry
| Propertius
| Protagoras
| pyramidal number
| Q
| quadratic equation
| quadratic form
| quadratic number field
| quadratic reciprocity
| quadratic residue
| quadrature
| quadric
| quantum mechanics
| quartic equation
| quaternion
| quintic equation
| R
| radical
| rational
| rationalise
| reductio ad absurdum
| refraction
| regular polyhedron
| representation theory
| rhetoric
| Riemann hypothesis
| right ascension
| ring
| ruler and compass
| S
| Samaritan
| Sceptic
| semigroup
| sexagesimal
| sidereal year
| simple group
| Socrates
| Socrates Scholasticus
| solar system
| soluble by radicals
| soluble or solvable group
| Sophist
| Sosigenes
| special_function
| spectral theory
| Speusippus
| square number
| square the circle
| stadium
| statistical mechanics
| stereographic projection
| Stoa Poikile Academy
| Stobaeus
| Stoic
| Strabo
| subgroup
| symmetric group
| symmetry group
| synodic month
| Syrianus
| T
| tangent
| tautochrone
| tensor
| tetrahedron
| Themistius
| theodolite
| Theophrastus
| three body problem
| topological or continuous group
| topology
| transcendental
| transit
| triangular number
| tropical year
| twin prime conjecture
| twisted cubic
| V
| vector space
| Virgil
| Vitruvius
| W
| wrangler
| Zeno of Citium
| zeta function
| Z
| Zeno of Citium
| zeta function
| zodiac
Mathematicians' anniversaries throughout the year
Some topics in the history of mathematical education
- The teaching of mathematics: Introduction
- The teaching of mathematics in Ancient Greece.
- The teaching of mathematics in Ancient Rome.
- The teaching of mathematics in The Dark Ages.
- The teaching of mathematics in Britain in the Mediaeval Ages.
- The teaching of mathematics in The Renaissance.
- The teaching of mathematics in Britain in the Seventeenth Century.
- The teaching of mathematics in Britain in the Eighteenth Century.
- The teaching of mathematics in Britain in the Nineteenth Century.
- The teaching of mathematics: Some conclusions.
- Scottish School Reforms of 1870s.
- The setting up of the Scottish Leaving Certificate.
- George Chrystal and Scottish University Reforms.
Famous Curves Applet Index
| Cardioid
| Catenary
| Cayley's Sextic
| Circle
| Cissoid of Diocles
| Cochleoid
| Conchoid
| Conchoid of de Sluze
| Cycloid
| Devil's Curve
| Double Folium
| Eight Curve
| Ellipse
| Epicycloid
| Epitrochoid
| Equiangular Spiral
| Fermat's Spiral
| Folium
| Folium of Descartes
| Freeth's Nephroid
| Frequency Curve
| Hyperbola
| Hyperbolic Spiral
| Hypocycloid
| Hypotrochoid
| Involute of a Circle
| Kampyle of Eudoxus
| Kappa Curve
| Lamé Curves
| Lemniscate of Bernoulli
| Limacon of Pascal
| Lissajous Curves
| Lituus
| Neile's Parabola
| Nephroid
| Parabola
| Pear-shaped Quartic
| Plateau Curves
| Pursuit Curve
| Quadratrix of Hippias
| Rhodonea Curves
| Right Strophoid
| Serpentine
| Sinusoidal Spirals
| Spiral of Archimedes
| Straight Line
| Talbot's Curve
| Tractrix
| Tricuspoid
| Trident of Newton
| Trifolium
| Trisectrix of Maclaurin
| Tschirnhaus' Cubic
| Watt's Curve
| Witch of Agnesi
Search Suggestions
| Aberdeen | Basel | Berlin | Bologna | Breslau | Budapest | Cambridge | Christiania | Cluj | Dublin | Edinburgh | Glasgow | Göttingen | Halle | Heidelberg | Königsberg | Leipzig | London | Milan | Moscow | Oxford | Padua | Paris | Pisa | Prague | Princeton | Rome | St Andrews | St Petersburg | Strasbourg | Venice |
Mathematical topics
| Acoustics | Algebraic number | Astronomy | Calculus | Complex | Conformal | Conics | Determinant | Differential equation | Dynamics | Electricity | Elliptic function | Euclidean geometry | Functional analysis | Game | Gravity | Groups | Harmonic | Integration | Logic | Magnetism | Matrix (matrices) | Mechanics | Number theory | Optics | Orthogonal | Pendulum | Permutation | Physics | Pi | Polyhedra | Probability | Projective geometry | Quantum | Ring | Sequence | Series | Statics | Topology | Transcendental | Variation
Other topics
| algebra | analysis | angle | army | Babylonian | calculation | chemist | church | College de France | conjecture | dispute | Ecole Normale | Ecole polytechnique | emigrate | equation | error | euclidean | false | fluxion | game | Greek | Harvard | health | history | hypothesis | infinite | Jesuit | Jew (Jewish) | Lapland | Latin | lawyer | length | Lucasian | measure | medicine | moon | music | Napoleon | navy | Nobel | numbers | observatory | ordained | papyrus | parallel | polynomial | poverty | prize | problem | puzzle | resign | root | Royal Society | Savilian | simple | solution | Sorbonne | statistical | sun | tensor | theorem | theory | transformation | trigonometry | USA
(The 100 most cross-referenced, with the most cross-referenced first. The number of other biographies in which each mathematician is cross-referenced is given in brackets)
| Hilbert (113) | Newton (91) | Riemann (79) | Euclid (78) | Klein (74) | Fourier (65) | Euler (62) | Weierstrass (59) | Gauss (57) | Leibniz (54) | Laplace (52) | Descartes (50) | Einstein (50) | Dirichlet (46) | Lagrange (46) | Cauchy (44) | Hardy (44) | Poincaré (44) | Lie (43) | Fields (42) | Jacobi (40) | Cayley (39) | Kummer (39) | Sylvester (39) | Huygens (38) | Galois (36) | Galileo (34) | Maxwell (34) | De Morgan (33) | Fermat (32) | Kronecker (31) | Weyl (29) | Pascal (28) | Hadamard (27) | Landau (27) | Monge (27) | Russell (26) | Steiner (26) | Bernoulli, Jac. (24) | Lebesgue (24) | Littlewood (24) | Noether, Emmy (24) | von Neumann (24) | Abel (23) | Archimedes (23) | Kepler (23) | Legendre (23) | Liouville (23) | Mersenne (23) | Schwarz (23) | Veblen (23) | Whittaker (23) | Bessel (22) | Hermite (22) | Lobachevsky (22) | Wallis (22) | Clebsch (21) | Planck (21) | Poisson (21) | Ptolemy (21) | Cantor (20) | Crelle (20) | Schmidt (20) | Aristotle (19) | Chasles (19) | Chebyshev (19) | Hamilton (19) | Minkowski (19) | Thomson (19) | Bernoulli, Joh. (18) | Frobenius (18) | Jordan (18) | Schur (18) | Whitehead (18) | Apollonius (17) | Banach (17) | Courant (17) | Boole (16) | Cartan (16) | Gassendi (16) | Helmholtz (16) | Artin (15) | Borel (15) | Clavius (15) | Copernicus (15) | Cremona (15) | Godel (15) | Bocher (14) | D'Alembert (14) | Kirchhoff (14) | Levi-Civita (14) | Luzin (14) | Mittag-Leffler (14) | Neumann, F (14) | | Pearson (14) | Plato (14) | Segre, Corrado (14) | Volterra (14) | Weil (14)
Links to external pages
There are some other pages which you may find useful concerning topics related to mathematics which can be found at:
- Spanish translations of some MacTutor articles - by Astroseti. - An expanding collection of translations of History topics articles and biographies
- History of Mathematics - maintained by David E. Joyce (Clark University, USA) - Including a comprehensive chronology of mathematicians
- Eric's Treasure Trove of Mathematics and Treasure Trove of Scientific Biography - maintained by Eric Weisstein (University of Virginia, USA) - A comprehensive encyclopedia of Mathematics (and other subjects) and collection of biographies.
- Math Archives History of Mathematics - maintained by Earl Fife and Larry Hutch (University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA) - Many links to other sites
- The British Society for the History of Mathematics - maintained by A Mann (University of Greenwich, UK) - Many links to other sites and including a Mathematical Gazetteer of Great Britain maintained by David Singmaster (South Bank University, UK)
- Encyclopaedia Britannica - More than 400 of the mathematicians in our archive also have biographies in the on-line encyclopaedia. - The link is to a list of those that do.
- Biographies of Women Mathematicians - maintained by Larry Riddle (Agnes Scott College, USA) - Contains some detailed biographies and images of women mathematicians
- Earliest uses of mathematical symbols and words - maintained by Jeff Miller (New Port Richey, USA) - Contains information and discussion on the first occurrence of mathematical symbols and words. - Jeff Miller also maintains a page of mathematicians' images on postage stamps
- Catalog of the Scientific Community: 16th and 17th Centuries - by Richard S Westfall (at the Galileo Project) - a searchable database of scientists including information on over 160 mathematicians.
- Timelines for HyperComplex numbers , Electromagnetism and Statistical Mechanics - maintained by Jeff Biggus (University of Colorado, USA) - showing the developments of these areas
- The Mathematical Quotations Server - maintained by Mark Woodard (Furman University, USA) - Quotations by mathematicians or about mathematics
- Favourite Mathematical Constants - maintained by Steven Finch (Mathsoft, USA) - Information on a collection of well-known, and some more obscure constants
- Brightest SPARCS - database of scientists (ANU, Canberra, Australia) with a list of mathematicians
- AIP Center for History of Physics - (American Institute of Physics, USA) - A history of physics with biographies and pictures of historical scientists
- WWW Virtual Library, History of Science Technology and Medicine - maintained by Tim Sherratt (ASAP, Australia) - A more general history of science
- History of Statistics and Probability - maintained by D. R. Wilkins (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) - Including excerpts from W. W. Rouse Ball's A short account of the history of mathematics
- The History of Mathematics - maintained by D. R. Wilkins (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) - Including excerpts from W. W. Rouse Ball's A short account of the history of mathematics
- Ancient Mathematics - at the Library of Congress Vatican Exhibit - some interesting articles mainly about Greek Mathematics
- A Visual Dictionary of Plane Curves - maintained by Xah Lee (California, USA) - lots of well presented information about plane curves.
- A History of Astronomy - maintained by Wolfgang R. Dick (IFAG, Potsdam, Germany)
- The sci.math FAQ - maintained by Alex Lopez-Ortiz (Waterloo, Canada) - Frequently Asked Questions addressed by the USENET group sci.math
- A Brief History of Algebra and Computing: An Eclectic Oxonian View - by Jonathan Bowen (Oxford University Computing Laboratory, UK) - A hypertext article with hyperlinks to the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.
- The Math Forum@Drexel and Math History resource collection - A Virtual Center for Math Education on the Internet
- Historia Mathematica - The home page of the official journal of the International Commission on the History of Mathematics.
- The Invention Dimension - A resource for people who want to learn about American Inventors and their discoveries
- The Museum of the History of Science - at the University of Oxford
- The Geometry Center - with some excellent interactive web applications
- History of Maths lectures - by G Donald Allen of Texas A and M University, USA
- PASS maths magazine - This is a Web magazine containing some history and other mathematical features.
- Earth/Matrix - A series of articles by Charles W Johnson on Science in Ancient Artwork.
- Mathematicians of the African Diaspora - A site about African American mathematicians maintained by Dr. Scott W. Williams, University of Buffalo, USA.
Erstellt: 2011-11
Uni St Andrews
The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive
Other indexes
- Birthplace Maps index
- Anniversaries for the year
- Chronology index
- Time lines index
- Quotations index
- Mathematical Societies index
- Medals, honours, etc. index
- Glossary index Poster index
- Edinburgh Mathematical Society index
- British Mathematical Colloquium index
- Index of female mathematicians
- Mathematical Education index
- Student projects index
- Index of Famous Curves with a Java option
- Biographies with a link to Encyclopaedia Britannica
Other features
- Information for new users
- Search Suggestions
- MacTutor History Statistics
- Awards won by the MacTutor history archive
- Most popular biographies
- Who was alive then?
- Davis archive of women mathematicians
- A bibliography of the History of Mathematics
- Distribution of birth and death days
- Other Web sources on the History of Mathematics
Indexes of Biographies
- A | Aaboe, Asger (2134*) | Abbe, Ernst (611*) | Abbott, Edwin (1464*) | Abel, Niels Henrik (2928*) | Abraham bar Hiyya (644) | Abraham, Max (805*) | Abu Kamil Shuja (1049) | Abu Jafar, al_Khazin (1187) | Abu'l-Wafa al-Buzjani (1128) | Ackermann, Wilhelm (1209*) | Adams, Edwin (507*) | Adams, John Couch (2213*) Adams, J Frank (1492*) | Adamson, Iain (1916*) | Adelard of Bath (1001) | Adian, Sergei (2614*) | Adleman, Leonard (3318*) | Adler, August (478) | Adrain, Robert (1326*) | Adrianus, Romanus (413*) | Aepinus, Franz (831*) | Afanassjewa, Ehrenfest-T (1198*) | Agnesi, Maria (2036*) | Ahlfors, Lars (742*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (661) | Ahmes (165) | Aida Yasuaki (702*) | Aiken, Howard (669*) | Airey, John (549) | Airy, George (2359*) | Aitken, Alec (1229*) | Aiyar, V (73) | Ajima, Naonobu (1289) | Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich (1707*) | al-Amili, Baha' (1633) | al-Baghdadi, Abu (971) | al-Banna, al-Marrakushi (909) | al-Battani, Abu Allah (1353*) | al-Biruni, Abu Arrayhan (3034*) | al-Farisi, Kamal (1142) | al-Haitam, Abu Ali (2515*) | al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) | al-Haytham, Abu Ali (2490*) | al-Jawhari, al-Abbas (639) | al-Jayyani, Abu (904) | al-Karaji, Abu (1855) al-Karkhi (1789) | al-Kashi, Ghiyath (1758*) | al-Khazin, Abu (1148) | al-Khalili, Shams (685) | al-Khayyami, Omar (2165*) | al-Khwarizmi, Abu (2895*) | al-Khujandi, Abu (735) | al-Kindi, Abu (1163*) | al-Kuhi, Abu (1169) | al-Maghribi, Muhyi (616) | al-Mahani, Abu (517) | al-Marrakushi, ibn al-Banna (861) al-Nasawi, Abu (687) | al-Nayrizi, Abu'l (621) | al-Qalasadi, Abu'l (1271) | al-Quhi, Abu (1146) | al-Samarqandi, Shams (206) | al-Samawal, Ibn (1646) | al-Sijzi, Abu (733) | al-Tusi, Nasir (1934*) | al-Tusi, Sharaf (1159) | al-Umawi, Abu (1035) | al-Uqlidisi, Abu'l (1044) | Albanese, Giacomo (1203) | Albategnius (al-Battani) (1333*) | Albert, A Adrian (1571*) | Albert of Saxony (1923*) | Albert the Great (1412*) | Alberti, Leone (1795*) | Albertus Magnus, Saint (1421*) | Alcuin of York (611*) | Aldrich, Henry (545*) | Aleksandrov, Aleksandr (1183*) | Aleksandrov, Pavel (2209*) | Alembert, Jean d' (2510*) | Alexander, Archie (1093*) | Alexander, C Hugh (1274*) | Alexiewicz, Andrzej (1952*) Alexander, James (850*) | Alfvén, Hannes (1452*) | Alison, John (1438) | Allan, Graham (1232*) | Allardice, Robert (435*) | Alling, Norman (1033*) | Alexandroff, Alexander (1174*) | Alexandroff, Pavel (2209*) | Alhazen (al-Haitam) (2490*) | Allen, Thomas (1667*) | Allman, George (845*) | Almgren, Frederick (1646*) | Amili, Baha' al (1612) | Amitsur, Shimshon (1209*) | Ampère, André-Marie (2392*) Amringe, Howard van (1486*) | Amsler, Jacob (642*) | Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (1261*) | Anaximander of Miletus (1053*) | Anderson, Oskar (1114*) | Andreev, Konstantin (1080*) | Andrews, George (1624*) | Andreotti, Aldo (2010*) | Angeli, Stephano degli (955) | Anosov, Dmitrii (1259*) | Anstice, Robert (689) | Anthemius of Tralles (393*) | Antiphon the Sophist (1022) | Antoine, Louis (2843*) | Antonelli, Kathleen (760*) | Apaczai, János (962*) | Apastamba (398) | Apéry, Roger (2889*) | Apianus, Petrus (1017*) | Apollonius of Perga (1712*) | Appell, Paul (1398*) | Arago, François (2450*) | Arbogast, Louis (1051) | Arbuthnot, John (1292*) | Archibald, Raymond (1461*) | Archibald, James (464) | Archimedes of Syracuse (3179*) | Archytas of Tarentum (1385*) | Arf, Cahit (1481*) Argand, Jean (946) | Arino, Ovide (1161*) | Arins, Eizens (793*) | Aristaeus the Elder (603) | Aristarchus of Samos (1573*) | Aristotle (3513*) | Arnauld, Antoine (1496*) | Arnold, Vladimir (2224*) | Aronhold, Siegfried (1437*) | Arthur, William (288*) | Artin, Emil (2652*) | Artin, Michael (1959*) | Aryabhata I (1951*) | Aryabhata II (429) Arzelà, Cesare (1712*) | Ascoli, Guido (2134) | Ashworth, Margaret (946*) | Askey, Richard (897*) | Atiyah, Michael (938*) | Atkinson, Frederick (1219*) | Atwood, George (1108) | Aubin, Thierry (1750*) | Aurillac, Gerbert of (25378) | Auslander, Maurice (1193*) | Autolycus of Pitane (814) | Auzout, Adrien (2075) | Avicenna, Abu Ali (1984*) | Ayyangar, A (683*)
- B | Babbage, Charles (2412*) | Bruhat, Yvonne (2739) | Babuska, Ivo (2145*) | Bachelier, Louis (1390*) | Bachet, Claude (1211*) | Bachmann, Friedrich (1224*) | Bäcklund, Victor (1674*) | Bachmann, Paul (392*) | Backus, John (568*) | Bacon, Roger (2371*) | Baer, Reinhold (613*) | Bagnera, Giuseppe (1583*) | Baiada, Emilio (925*) | Baghdadi, Abu al (971) | Baha' al-Amili (1633) | Baire, René-Louis (1844*) | Baker, Alan (871*) | Baker, Bevan (794) | Baker, Henry (802*) | Baldwin, Frank (1467*) Ball, Robert (1483*) | Ball, Walter W Rouse (752*) | Ballore, Robert de (971*) | Balmer, Johann (598*) | Banach, Stefan (2555*) | Banachiewicz, Tadeusz (2635*) | Banneker, Benjamin (884*) | Banna, al-Marrakushi al (909) | Banu Musa brothers (1233*) | Banu Musa, al-Hasan (145) | Banu Musa, Ahmad (72) | Banu Musa, Jafar (175) | bar Hiyya, Abraham (644) | Barbier, Joseph Emile (644) | Barclay, Andrew (876*) | Bari, Nina (1752*) | Barkla, Charles (1398*) | Barlow, Peter (630*) | Barnes, Ernest (604*) | Barocius, Franciscus (1012*) Barrow, Isaac (2332*) | Barsotti, Iacopo (1611*) | Bartel, Kazimierz (2572*) | Bartels, Martin (1393*) | Barozzi, Francesco (1011) | Bartholin, Erasmus (849*) | Bartik, Jean (2301*) | Bartlett, Maurice (2468*) | Bass, Hyman (2095*) | Bassi, Laura (1075*) | Batchelor, George (1073*) | Bateman, Harry (1672*) | Bath, Frederick (746) | Battaglini, Guiseppe (1448*) | Battani, Abu al- (1353*) | Baudhayana (500) | Bauer, Heinz (1625*) | Bauer, Mihäly, Mihály (1100) | Baxter, Agnes (628*) | Bayes, Thomas (1565*) | Beattie, John (576) | Beatty, Samuel (1119*) | Beaugrand, Jean (837) | Beaune, Florimond de (1484) | Beckenbach, Edwin (1262*) | Begle, Edward (1737*) | Beg, Ulugh (1237*) | Behnke, Heinrich (1910*) | Behrend, Felix (1060) | Bélanger, Jean-Baptiste (2135*) | Bell, Eric Temple (855*) | Bell, John (3243*) | Bell, Robert (400*) | Bellavitis, Giusto (757*) | Bellman, Richard (1968*) | Beltrami, Eugenio (1050*) | ben Ezra, Abraham (563) | ben Gerson, Levi (2939) ben Tibbon, Jacob (983) | Bendixson, Ivar Otto (1218*) | Benedetti, Giovanni (2889) | Benjamin, Thomas (1506*) | Bennett, Geoffrey (1871*) | Berge, Claude (2381*) | Bergman, Stefan (2125*) | Berkeley, George (2047*) | Bernays, Paul Isaac (799*) | Bernoulli, Daniel (2354*) | Bernoulli, Jacob (1872*) | Bernoulli, Jacob(II) (284*289*) | Bernoulli, Johann (2493*) | Bernoulli, Johann(II) (232*236*) | Bernoulli, Johann(III) (266*273*) | Bernoulli, Nicolaus(I) (534532) | Bernoulli, Nicolaus(II) (176*193*) | Bernstein, Felix (1708*) Bernstein, Sergi (2473*) | Bers, Lipa (2189*) | Bertillon, Jacques (1686*) | Bertini, Eugenio (857*) | Bertins, Alexis des (568) | Bertrand, Joseph (1379*) | Berwald, Lugwig (855) | Berwick, William (1187) | Berzolari, Luigi (1255*) | Besicovitch, Abram (1921*) | Bessel, Wilhelm (1664*) | Bessel-Hagen, Erich (1327*) | Bethe, Hans (1595*) | Bessy, Bernard de (423) | Betti, Enrico (1141*) | Beurling, Arne (1358*) | Bevan-Baker (853) | Bézout, Etienne (1141*) | Bhaskara I (799) | Bhaskara II (2590) | Biancani, Giuseppe (1630) | Bhaskaracharya (2545) | Bianchi, Luigi (1390*) | Bieberbach, Ludwig (2519*) | Bienaymé, Iréneé-Jules (1676*) | Billy, Jacques de (456) | Binet, Jacques (430*) | Bing, R (1650*) | Biot, Jean-Baptiste (2458*) Birkhoff, Garrett (1198*) | Birkhoff, George (1671*) | Birnbaum, William (2666*) | Biruni, Abu al (3034*) | Bisacre, Frederick (1192) | Bishop, Errett (1097*) | Bjerknes, Carl (946*) | Bjerknes, Vilhelm (1927*) | Black, Max (1152*) | Black, Fischer (2956*) | Blackburn, Hugh (1227*) Blackwell, David (1259*) | Blades, Edward (1189*) | Blanch, Gertrude (2018*) | Blaschke, Wilhelm (2039*) | Blichfeldt, Hans (668*) | Bliss, Gilbert (1461*) | Bliss, Nathaniel (910*) | Bloch, André (1945*) | Blum, Lenore (1836*) | Blumenthal, Otto (1644*) | Bobillier, Etienne (2340) | Bôcher, Maxime (1345*) | Bochner, Salomon (1840*) | Boersma, Johannes (1460) | Boethius, Anicus (1037*) | Boggio, Tommaso (1818*) | Bogolyubov, Nikolai (2418*) | Bohl, Piers (449) | Bohr, Harald (755*) | Bohr, Niels (2990*) | Bolam, James (269) | Bolibrukh, Andrei (2068*) | Bollobás, Béla (2428*) | Bois-Reymond, Paul du (1728*) | Boislaurent, Budan de (1217) | Boltzmann, Ludwig (1131*) | Bolyai, Farkas (1693*) | Bolyai, János (2435*) | Bolza, Oskar (1593*) | Bolzano, Bernhard (2489*) | Bombelli, Rafael (2041*) | Bombieri, Enrico (1036*) | Bondi, Hermann (2535*) | Bonferroni, Carlo (1686*) Bonnet, Pierre (374*) | Bonnycastle, John (1969*) | Bonsall, Frank (1578*) | Book, Ronald (1327) | Boole, Alicia (344*) (340*) | Boole, George (1896*) | Boone, Bill (1409*) | Borchardt, Carl (759*) | Borcherds, Richard (1381*) | Borda, Jean (2162*) | Bordoni, Antonio (1005*) | Borel, Emile (2149*) | Borel, Armand (2003*) | Borelli, Giovanni (3296*) | Borgi, Piero (1192) | Born, Max (1484*) | Borok, Valentina (1094*) | Borsuk, Karol (1134*) | Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus (858*) | Bortolotti, Ettore (1108) | Boruvka, Otakar (1865*) | Bosanquet, Stephen (612*) | Boscovich, Ruggero (2682*) | Bose, Satyendranath (908*) Bose, Raj (2324*) | Bossut, Charles (958*) | Bott, Raoul (2142*) | Bottasso, Matteo (1000*) | Bougainville, Louis de (1100*) | Bouguer, Pierre (687*) | Boulliau, Ismael (1387*) | Bouquet, Jean Claude (802*) | Bour, Edmond (496*) | Bourbaki, Nicolas (38) | Bourgain, Jean (1016*) | Boussinesq, Joseph (2134*) | Boutroux, Pierre Léon (628*) | Bouvard, Alexis (985*) | Bouvelles, Charles (710) | Bowditch, Nathaniel (1632*) | Bowen, Rufus (785*) | Box, George (1733*) | Bowman, Julia (1945*) (1924*) | Boyle, Robert (2630*) | Boyle, Margaret (366*) | Boys, Charles (960*) | Bradwardine, Thomas (1192) | Brahe, Tycho (3068*) | Brahmadeva (221) | Brahmagupta (1537) | Braikenridge, William (1268) | Bramer, Benjamin (1185) | Brash, William (462*) | Brashman, Nikolai (281*) | Brasseur, Jean-Baptiste (1756*) | Brauer, Alfred (1428*) | Brauer, Richard (2282*) | Bremermann, Hans-Joachim (1188*) | Brianchon, Charles (694) | Briggs, Henry (2245) | Brill, Alexander von (484*) Brillouin, Marcel (390*) | Bring, Erland (202*) | Brink, Raymond (411*) | Brioschi, Francesco (939*) | Briot, Charlese (1057) | Brisson, Barnabé (1816*) | Britton, John (697*) | Brocard, Henri (1223) | Brodetsky, Selig (1359*) | Broglie, Louis duc de (1592*) | Bromwich, Thomas (769*) | Bronowski, Jacob (1896*) | Brouncker, William (2161*) | Brouwer, L E J (2479*) | Browder, Felix (2360*) | Browder, William (2212*) Brown, Alexander (403) | Brown, Ernest (705*) | Brown, Eleanor Pairman (1430) | Brown, Gavin (937*) | Brown, Thomas (486) | Brown, Walter (381) | Browne, Marjorie (1092*) | Bruhat, François (652*) | Bruijn, Nicolaas de (1375*) | Brunelleschi, Filippo (1719*) | Bruno, Francesco Faà di (2624*) | Bruno, Giuseppe (297) | Bruno, Giordano (1899*) | Bruns, Heinrich (544*) | Bryant, Sophie (1550*) | Bryson of Heraclea (535) | Buchan, Alexander (595) | Buckminster Fuller, R (781*) | Budan de Boislaurent (1200) | Buffon, Georges Comte de (1733*) | Bugaev, Nicolay (632*) | Bukreev, Boris (2248*) | Bunyakovsky, Viktor (740*) Burali-Forti, Cesare (522) | Burchnall, Joseph (1412*) | Burckhardt, Johann (1924*) | Burgess, Alexander (691*) | Bürgi, Joost (1552*) | Burkhardt, Heinrich (1258) | Burkill, John (1435*) Burnside, William (1617*) | Butchart, Raymond (456*) | Burton Jones, F (999*) | Butters, John (476*) | Butzer, Paul (2246*) | Byron, Ada Lovelace (2243*)
- C | Caccioppoli, Renato (2739*) | Cafiero, Federico (2072*) | Cajori, Florian (965*) | Calderón, Alberto (899*) | Calderwood, Nora (446) | Callippus (666) | Calugareanu, Gheorghe (1306*) | Cam, Lucien Le (2871*) | Campanus of Novara (1628) | Campbell, John (868*) | Camus, Charles (793) | Canard, Nicolas-François (1611) | Cannell, Doris (446*) | Cantelli, Francesco (968*) | Cantor, Georg (3086*) | Cantor, Moritz (522*) | Capelli, Alfredo (1481) | Caramuel, Juan (1595*) | Carathéodory, Constantin (1872*) | Carcavi, Pierre de (2274) Cardan, Jerome (2887*) | Cardano, Girolamo (2818*) | Carleman, Tage (2031*) | Carleson, Lennart (1949*) | Carlitz, Leonard (735*) | Carlson, Fritz (1405*) | Carlyle, Thomas (2271*) | Carmeli, Moshe (1512*) | Carmichael, Robert (2318*) | Carnot, Lazare (570*) | Carnot, Sadi (1621*) | Carré, Louis (1278) | Carse, George (769*) | Carroll, Lewis (2872*) | Carslaw, Horatio (590*) | Cartan, Elie (1449*) | Cartan, Henri (2132*) | Cartier, Pierre (911*) | Cartwright, Mary (1620*) | Casey, John (835*) Casorati, Felice (907*) | Cassels, John (643*) | Cassels, James (165*) | Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (2114*) | Cassini, Jacques (1456*) | Cassini de Thury, César-F (1640*) | Cassini, Jean-Dominique (1836*) | Castel, Louis (771) | Castelli, Benedetto (2922*) | Castelnuovo, Guido (1724*) | Castigliano, Alberto (465*) | Castillon, Johann (2137) | Catalan, Eugène (4232*) | Cataldi, Pietro (1957) | Cauchy, Augustin-Louis (2413*) | Cauer, Wilhelm (2163*) | Cavalieri, Bonaventura (519*) | Cayley, Arthur (1086*) | Cech, Eduard (1385*) | Cercignani, Carlo (2242*) | Cesari, Lamberto (1849*) | Cesàro, Ernesto (1078*) | Ceulen, Ludolph van (2432*) | Ceva, Giovanni (1494*) | Ceva, Tommaso (1128*) | Ch'in Chiu-Shao (2046) | Ch'ung Chi Tsu (1434*) | Chandrasekhar, Subrah. (1474*) | Chang Ch'iu-Chin (1000) | Chang, Sun-Yung Alice (983*) | Chaplygin, Sergi (2522*) | Chapman, Sydney (1714*) | Chasles, Michel (1214*) | Châtelet, Gabrielle du (3057*) | Châtelet, Albert (2368*) | Chauvenet, William (1306*) Chazy, Jean (2152) | Chebotaryov, Nikolai (416*) | Chebyshev, Pafnuty (3109*) | Chen, Kuo (840*) | Cheng Dawei (1296*) | Chern, Shiing-shen (646*) | Chernikov, Sergei (1084*) | Chernoff, Herman (1441*) | Cherry, Colin (1467) | Cherubino, Salvatore (1826) | Cherry, Thomas (1626*) | Chevalley, Claude (1425*) | Childs, Charles (355*) | Chi Tsu Ch'ung (1392*) | Chia Hsien (892) | Chiu-Shao, Ch'in (2006) | Chisholm Young, Grace (1150*) | Chisini, Oscar (740*) Cholesky, Andre-Louis (1294*) | Chow, Wei-Liang (1267*) | Chongzhi, Zu (1392*) | Chowla, Sarvadaman (836*) | Chree, Charles (864*) | Christiansen, Bent (1196*) | Christoffel, Elwin (1603*) | Chrysippus (851*) | Chrystal, George (2805*) | Chu Shijie (2020) | Chudakov, Nikolai (660) | Chunfeng, Li (930) | Chung, Graham Fan (2344*) | Chuquet, Nicolas (303) | Church, Alonzo (1516*) | Cimmino, Gianfranco (1528*) | Cipolla, Michele (1363*) | Civita, Tullio Levi- (2175*) | Clairaut, Alexis (2125*) | Clapeyron, Emile (535*) | Clark, John (363) | Clarke, Joan (2767) | Clarke, Samuel (1292*) | Clausen, Thomas (1839*) | Clausius, Rudolf (2649*) | Clavius, Christopher (1802*) | Clebsch, Alfred (592*) | Cleomedes (1195) | Clerke, Agnes (1701*) | Clifford, Alfred (1636*) | Clifford, William (837*) | Coates, John (1487*) | Coble, Arthur (1152*) | Cochran, William (457*) | Cocker, Edward (717*) | Cockle, James (654*) | Codazzi, Delfino (672) | Cohen, Paul (2625*) Cohen, Wim (1613*) | Cohn, Paul (1055*) | Cohn-Vossen, Stefan (1069*) | Cole, Frank (1080*) | Colenso, John (1586*) | Collatz, Lothar (964*) | Collingwood, Edward (1098*) | Collins, John (926) | Colson', John (1761*) | Comessatti, Annibale (2138*) | Commandino, Frederico (1747*) | Comrie, Peter (581*) | Condamine, Charles de La (483*) | Condorcet, Marie Jean (753*) | Conforto, Fabio (2571*) | Connes, Alain (1053*) | Conon of Samos (592) | Contractus, Hermann (2099*) | Conway, Arthur (1215*) | Conway, John H (2092*) Coolidge, Julian (917*) | Cooper, Lionel (2197*) | Copernicus, Nicolaus (3501*) | Copson, Edward (1342*) | Coriolis, Gustave de (807*) | Cosserat, Eugène (2244*) | Cosserat, François (1703*) | Cotes, Roger (1663*) | Coulomb, Charles de (2050*) | Coulson, Charles (1420*) | Courant, Richard (2075*) | Cournot, Antoine (524*) | Coutts, William (792) | Couturat, Louis (1101*) | Cowling, Thomas (1412*) | Cox, Gertrude (2379*) | Cox, Elbert (1086*) | Coxeter, Donald (759*) | Craig, James (292) | Craig, John (794) | Cramer, Gabriel (1800*) | Cramér, Harald (1103*) | Crank, John (279*) | Crawford, Lawrence (421) | Crelle, August (1084*) Cremona, Luigi (1730*) | Crighton, David (1130*) | Crofton, Morgan (1308*) | Csere, Apaczai (962*) | Cunha, Anastácio da (911) | Cunitz, Maria (1097) | Cunningham, Ebenezer (638*) Cunningham, Leslie (590) | Curbastro, G Ricci- (1344*) | Curry, Haskell (2082*) | Cusa, Nicholas (2505*) | Czuber, Emanuel (511*)
- D | d'Adhémar, Robert (2030*) | d'Alembert, Jean (2510*) | d'Arcy Thompson W (1561*) | d'Ocagne, Maurice (962*) | d'Ovidio, Enrico (2312*) | da Vinci, Leonardo (694*) | Dahlquist, Germund (1926*) | Dandelin, Germinal (2038*) | Daniell, Percy (2269*) Danti, Egnatio (1889*) | Dantzig, David van (526*) | Dantzig, George (2322*) | Darboux, Gaston (834*) | Darmois, Georges (2371*) | Darwin, Charles (797*) | Darwin, George (698*) | Dase, Zacharias (1321*) | Daubechies, Ingrid (1830*) Davenport, Harold (1602*) | David, Florence (1928*) | Davidov, August (445*) | Davies, Paul (1596*) | Davis, Martin (2375*) | Davies, Evan Tom (1382*) | Day, R (1128*) | Dawei, Cheng (1296*) | de Beaune, Florimond (1484) | de Bessy, Bernard (423) | de Billy, Jacques (456) | de Boislaurent, Budan (1217) | de Bougainville, Louis (1100*) | de Branges, Louis (3243*) | de Broglie, Louis duc (1592*) | de Bruijn, Nicolaas (1375*) | de Carcavi, Pierre (2274) | de Coriolis, Gustave (807*) | de Coulomb, Charles (2025*) | de Fermat, Pierre (2500*) | de Finetti, Bruno (1411*) | de Fontenelle, Bernard (2249*) | de Forest, Erastus (708*) de Franchis, Michele (2030*) | De Gan (439) | de Giorgi, Ennio (1468*) | de Groot, Johannes (450*) | de Jonquières, Ernest (1087*) | de L'Hôpital, Guillaume (2463*) | de La Condamine, Charles (480*) | de La Hire, Philippe (2265*) | de La Roche, Estienne (1358) | de la Vallée Poussin, (1705*) | de Lagny, Thomas (705*) | de Moivre, Abraham (1824*) | de Molières, Joseph (706) | de Montmort, Pierre (468) | de Montessus, Robert (979*) De Morgan, Augustus (870*) | de Prony, Gaspard (1027*) | de Ortega, Juan (461) | de Rham, Georges (755*) | de Roberval, Gilles (3049) | de Valera, Éamon (2203*) | de St-Venant, Adhémar (554*) | de Sitter, Willem (2480*) | de Sluze, René (2417*) | de Tilly, Joseph (667) | de Tinseau, D'Amondans (893) | de Vries, Gustav (508*) | de Vries, Hendrik (609*) | de Witt, Johan (846*) | de Wronski, Josef (1169*) | Deans, Winifred (545*) | Dechales, Claude (685) | Dedekind, Richard (2100*) | Dee, John (2379*) | Dehn, Max (705*) | del Ferro, Scipione (1407) | Delamain, Richard (2327) | Delambre, Jean Baptiste (2789*) | Delannoy, Henri (1266*) | Delaunay, Charles (1245*) | Deligne, Pierre (1144*) | della Faille, Jan-Karel (233*) | della Francesca, Piero (2974*) | della Porta, Giambattista (2665*) | Delone, Boris (2103*) Delsarte, Jean (2218*) | Democritus of Abdera (1542*) | Denjoy, Arnaud (1031*) | Deparcieux, Antoine (625*) | des Bertins, Alexis (568) | Desargues, Girard (681*) | Descartes, René (1700*) | Deuring, Max (1405*) | Dezin, Aleksei (1611*) | Diaconis, Persi (2166*) | di Bruno, Francesco Faà (2624*) | Dickson, Leonard (1942*) | Dickstein, Samuel (1020*) | Dieudonné, Jean (1913*) | Digges, Thomas (1011) Dijkstra, Edsger (1872*) | Dilworth, Robert (1576*) | Dinghas, Alexander (940*) | Dini, Ulisse (1008*) | Dinostratus (496) | Diocles (1021) | Dionis du Séjour, A (636) | Dionysodorus (798) | Diophantus of Alexandria (2301) | Dirac, Paul (2484*) | Dirichlet, Lejeune (2110*) | Dirksen, Enno (1026) | Divinsky, Nathan (2175*) | Dixon, Alfred (712*) | Dixon, Arthur (738*) | Dodgson, Charles (2872*) | Doeblin, Wolfgang (971*) | Doetsch, Gustav (1224*) | Domninus of Larissa (634) | Donaldson, Simon (1015*) | Doob, Joseph (1808*) | Doppelmayr, Johann (1216*) | Doppler, Christian (2477*) | Dougall, Charles (1245*) | Dougall, John (579*) | Douglas, Jesse (1206*) | Dowker, Clifford (1217*) Drach, Jules (1460) | Drinfeld, Vladimir (1440*) | Droz-Farny, Arnold (468) | Drysdale, David (381) | du Bois-Reymond, Paul (1728*) | du Val, Patrick (2027*) | Duarte, Francisco (843*) | Dubreil, Paul (582*) | Dubreil-Jacotin, Marie-Louise (2793*) | Duhamel, Jean-Marie (1005*) | Duhem, Pierre (2018*) Dunbar, Robert (913) | Dupin, Pierre (675*) | Dupré, Athanase (2133) | Durell, Clement (1232) | Dürer, Albrecht (2620*) | Dvoretzky, Aryeh (1562*) | Dyck, Walther von (737*) | Dye, Henry (932*) | Dynkin, Evgenii (1483*) | Dyson, Freeman (2733*)
- E | Eastwood, George (193*) | Eckert, J Presper (1008*) | Eckert, Wallace J (633*) | Eckmann, Beno (941*) | Eddington, Arthur (2182*) | Edge, William (1222*) | Edgeworth, Francis (1102*) | Edmonds, Sheila (938*) | Eells, James (1246*) | Efimov, Nikolai (2298*) | Egorov, Dimitri (2460*) | Ehrenfest, Paul (2638*) | Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa, T (1207*) | Ehresmann, Charles (692*) Eichler, Martin (776*) | Eilenberg, Samuel (1801*) | Einstein, Albert (2117*) | Eisenbud, David (2347*) | Eisenhart, Luther (1624*) | Eisenstein, Gotthold (2444*) | Elliott, Edwin (671*) | Emerson, William (2402*) | Empedocles (1093*) | Engel, Friedrich (444*) | Enriques, Federigo (2290*) | Enskog, David (2650*) | Eötvös, Lórand von (1635*) | Epstein, Paul (667*) Eratosthenes of Cyrene (1754*) | Erdélyi, Arthur (785*) | Erdos, Paul (2194*) | Erlang, Agner (1643*) | Escher, Maurits (3429*) | Esclangon, Ernest (537*) | Euclid of Alexandria (2942*) | Eudemus of Rhodes (1094) | Eudoxus of Cnidus (2336) | Euler, Leonhard (4633*) | Eutocius of Ascalon (785) | Euwe, Machgielis (1504*) | Evans, Griffith (1149*) | Ezra, Rabbi Ben (563)
- F | Faà di Bruno, Francesco (723*) | Faber,Georg (596) | Fabri, Honoré (2405*) | Faddeev, Dmitrii (2219*) | Faddeeva, Vera (1650*) | Faedo, Alessandro (2297*) | Fagnano, Giovanni (298) | Fagnano, Giulio (668) | Falconer, Etta (1298*) | Faille, Charles de La (1069*) | Faltings, Gerd (678*) | Fano, Gino (709*) | Fantappiè, Luigi (1683*) | Faraday, Michael (2182*) | Farey, John (1165*) | Farkas, Gyula (819*) | Fasenmyer, Mary (1283*) | Farisi, Kamal al (1102) | Fatou, Pierre (684*) | Faulhaber, Johann (546*) | Fawcett, Philippa (2008*) | Fefferman, Charles (665*) | Feigenbaum, Mitchell (2145*) Feigl, Georg (889*) | Feit, Walter (1843*) | Fejér, Lipót (2031*) | Fekete, Michael (1124*) | Feldman, Naum (1115*) | Feller, William (1646*) | Fenyö, István (1283*) | Fergola, Nicola (1738*) | Ferguson, Robert (429) | Fermat, Pierre de (2500*) | Fermi, Enrico (2271*) | Ferrand, Jacqueline (2023*) | Ferrar, Bill (724*) | Ferrari, Lodovico (1045) | Ferrel, William (1930*) | Ferrers, Norman (1371) | Ferro, Scipione del (1407) | Feuerbach, Karl (1764*) | Fèvre, Jean Le (559) | Feynman, Richard (2563*) |
| Fichera, Gaetano (2410*) | Fiedler, Miroslav (1342*) Fields, John (1555*) | Filep, László (1149*) | Finck, Pierre-Joseph (368) | Fincke, Thomas (1815*) | Fine, Henry (1178*) | Fine, Nathan (1115*) | Finkel, Benjamin (2216*) | Fine, Oronce (1695*) | Finetti, Bruno de (1411*) | Finsler, Paul (545*) | Fiorentini, Mario (689*) | Fischer, Ernst (538*) | Fisher, Ronald (1988*) | Fiske, Thomas (509*) | FitzGerald, George (3192*) | Fizeau, Hippolyte (1321*) | Flajolet, Philippe (1441*) | Flamsteed, John (781*) | Flato, Moshé (1232*) | Floer, Andreas (906*) | Floquet, Achille (749) | Flügge-Lotz, Irmgard (1729*) | Fock, Vladimir (1177*) | Fogels, Ernests (935*) | Folie, François (1303*) | Fomin, Sergei (1143*) | Fontaine des Bertins, A (568) | Fontana, Niccolo (2107*) | Fontenelle, Bernard de (2249*) | Ford, Lester (2006*) | Forder, Henry (2175*) | Forest, Erastus de (708*) | Forsyth, Andrew (699*) | Forsythe, George (2309*) | Forti, Cesare Burali- (522) | Foster, Alfred (1281*) | Foucault, Jean (1797*) | Fourcy, Louis de (2042*) | Fourier, Joseph (2130*) | Fowler, David (1502*) | Fowler, Ralph (2474*) | Fox, Charles (1017*) | Fox, Leslie (1683*) Fox, Ralph (1730*) | Fox Talbot, Henry (2109*) | Fraenkel, Adolf (440*) | Français, François (666) | Français, Jacques (699) | Francesca, Piero della (2974*) | Franchis, Michele de (2030*) | Francoeur, Louis (1813*) | Frank, Philipp (660*) | Franklin, Benjamin (327*) | Franklin, Christine Ladd- (1753*) | Franklin, Philip (1878*) | Fraser, Alexander (1117) | Frattini, Giovanni (919*) | Fréchet, Maurice (2590*) | Fredholm, Ivar (1712*) | Freedman, Michael (1534*) | Frege, Gottlob (2824*) | Freitag, Herta (392*) | Frenet, Jean (550) | Frenicle de Bessy, B (423) Frenkel, Jacov (910*) | Fresnel, Augustin (2057*) | Freudenthal, Hans (1052*) | Freundlich, Finlay (1762*) | Frewin, Gilbert (346) | Fricke, Robert (1865) | Friedmann, Alexander (2547*) | Friedrichs, Kurt (2325*) | Frisi, Paolo (644*) | Frisius, Regnier Gemma (1798*) | Frobenius, Georg (2151*) | Fröhlich, Albrecht (1966*) | Fubini, Guido (1026*) | Fuchs, Klaus (2660*) | Fuchs, Lazarus (713*) | Fueter, Rudolph (584*) | Fuller, R Buckminster (781*) | Fuller, Thomas (616) | Furstenberg, Hillel (1804*) | Fuss, Nicolai (861*)
- G | Galerkin Boris (1331*) | Galileo Galilei (4254*) | Gallarati, Dionisio (493*) | Galois, Evariste (2094*) | Galton, Francis (2076*) | Gan De (439) | Gardner, Martin (2399*) | Garnir, Henri (1699*) | Gaschütz, Wolfgang (1847*) | Gassendi, Pierre (2433*) | Gateaux, René (3090) | Gauss, Carl Friedrich (2293*) | Geber, (531*) (529*) Gegenbauer, Leopold (1311*) | Geiringer, Hilda von Mises (1491*) | Geiser, Karl (1397*) | Gelfand, Israil (1299*) | Gelfond, Aleksandr (1196*) | Gellibrand, Henry (483) | Geminus (1404) | Gemma Frisius, Regnier (1798*) | Geng Zhi Zu (651) | Genocchi, Angelo (872*) | Gentle, William (1318*) | Gentry, Ruth (707) | Gentzen, Gerhard (1544*) Geöcze, Zoárd (1385*) | Gerbaldi, Francesco (1187) | Gerbert of Aurillac (2557*) | Gerard of Cremona (668) | Gergonne, Joseph (1125*) | Gerhard of Cremona (668) | Germain, Sophie (1044*) | Gershgorin, Semyon (1066*) | Giorgi, Ennio de (1468*) | Gerson, Levi ben (2920) | Gherard of Cremona (662) | Ghetaldi, Marino (2075*) | Ghizzetti, Aldo (1638*) | Gibb, David (535*) | Gibbs, J Willard (1077*) | Gibson, George (568*) | Gilbarg, David (1249*) | Gillespie, Robert (487*) | Gini, Corrado (2389*) | Giorgi, Ennio de (1447*) | Girard, Albert (1928*) | Girard, Pierre (1493*) | Glaisher, James (2067*) | Gleason, Andrew (1387*) | Glenie, James (937) Gluskin, Lazar (1322*) | Gnedenko, Boris (2120*) | Gödel, Kurt (2266*) | Gohberg, Israel (650*) | Golab, Stanislaw (1497*) | Goldbach, Christian (1688) | Goldie, Alfred (1755*) | Goldie, Archibald (401) | Goldstein, Sydney (2280*) | Goldstine, Herman (2256*) | Goldway, Linda Keen (1181*) | Golub, Gene (2160*) Gompertz, Benjamin (980*) | Good, Irving (2316*) | Gongora, Siguenza y (566) | Goodstein, Reuben (434*) | Göpel, Adolph (640) | Gorbunov, Viktor (670*) | Gordan, Paul (1002*) | Gorenstein, Daniel (1320*) | Gosset, William (652*) | Goursat, Edouard (866*) | Govindasvami (242) | Graf, Johann (791*) | Gräffe, Karl (2086) | Graham, Ronald (2508*) | Graham, Fan Chung (2344*) | Gram, Jorgen (1071*) | Grandi, Guido (434*) | Granville, Evelyn (1897*) | Grassmann, Hermann (2743*) | Grauert, Hans (1235*) | Grave, Dmitry (477*) | Gray, Andrew (1033*) | Gray, James (916) | Gray, Marion (1105*) | Gray, Mary (1369*) | Greaves, John (1140*) | Greaves, William (274*) | Gravesande, Willem 's (1076*) | Green, George (2723) | Green, Sandy (2097*) Greenhill, Alfred (962*) | Greenstreet, William (28) | Gregory, David (1836*) | Gregory, Duncan (615*) | Gregory, Olinthus (2287*) | Gregory, James (3073*) | Grieve, Alexander (675) | Griffiths, Brian (1600*) | Griffiths, Lois (1008) | Grimaldi, Francesco (1920*) | Griffiths, Phillip (1598*) | Grinbergs, Emanuels (941*) | Gromoll, Detlef (1253*) | Gromov, Mikhael (2062*) | Grönwall, Thomas (1142*) | Groot, Johannes de (450*) | Grosseteste, Robert (320*) | Grossmann, Marcel (1313*) | Grosswald, Emil (943*) Grothendieck, Alexander (624*) | Gruenberg, Karl (1388*) | Grunewald, Fritz (1276*) | Grunsky, Helmut (778*) | Guangqi, Xu (1507*) | Guarini, Guarino (957*) | Guccia, Giovanni (589*) | Gudermann, Christoph (575) | Guenther, Adam (536*) | Guinand, Andrew (544*) | Guldin, Paul (2367*) | Gunter, Edmund (494) | Guo Shoujing (1700*) | Gupta, Shanti (775*) | Guthrie, William (413) | Gutzmer, Karl (735*) | Gwilt, Richard (319)
- H | Haar, Alfréd (1192*) | Haack, Wolfgang (1648*) | Hachette, Jean (947*) | Hadamard, Jacques (2772*) | Hadley, John (759*) | Hahn, Hans (1164*) | Hájek, Jaroslav (924*) | Haldane, Robert (700*) | Haitam, Abu Ali al- (2515*) | Hall, Marshall Jr. (441*) | Hall, Philip (2694*) | Halley, Edmond (2559*) | Halmos, Paul (1363*) | Halphen, George (886*) | Halsted, George (1173*) | Hamel, Georg (978*) Hamill, Christine (455) | Hamilton, William (823*) | Hamilton, William R (2854*) | Hammersley, John (1886*) | Hamming, Richard W (2532*) | Hankel, Hermann (555*) | Harary, Frank (2104*) | Hardie, Patrick (361) | Hardie, Robert (212) | Hardy, Claude (1153) | Hardy, G H (2593*) | Haret, Spiru (970*) | Harish-Chandra (1714*) | Harlay, Amélie (337) | Harriot, Thomas (3335*) | Hartley, Brian (473*) Hartogs, Friedrich (1627*) | Hartree, Douglas (705*) | Haselgrove, Brian (1743) | Hasib Abu Kamil al (1049) | Hasse, Helmut (1298*) | Hatvani, István (706*) | Hau, Lene (1284*) | Hausdorff, Felix (1814*) | Hawking, Stephen (1973*) | Hay, Louise (2049*) | Hayes, Ellen (1066*) | Hayes, Charles (1747) | Hayman, Walter (2182*) | Haytham, Abu Ali al (2490*) | Hazlett, Olive (1369*) | Heath, Thomas (828*) | Heaviside, Oliver (1293*) | Heawood, Percy (728*) | Hecht, Daniel (511) | Hecke, Erich (775*) | Hedrick, Earle (510*) | Heegaard, Poul (2321*) | Heilbronn, Hans (2151*) | Heine, Eduard (679*) | Heinonen, Juha (1750*) | Heisenberg, Werner (2649*) | Hellinger, Ernst (1255*) | Hellins, John (2097*) | Helly, Eduard (919*) | Helmholtz, Hermann von (2236*) | Hemchandra, Acharya (677) | Heng, Zhang (1497*) | Henrici, Olaus (710*) | Henrici, Peter (1455*) Hensel, Kurt (1330*) | Heraclides of Pontus (790) | Herbrand, Jacques (836*) | Herglotz, Gustav (762*) | Hérigone, Pierre (815) | Hermann, Jakob (2075*) | Hermann of Reichenau (2099*) | Hermite, Charles (1841*) | Heron of Alexandria (2315*) | Herschel, Caroline (1787*) | Herschel, John (2828*) | Herstein, Yitz (1757*) | Hertz, Gustav (1067*) | Hertz, Heinrich (2838*) | Hesse, Otto (1258*) | Heun, Karl (517*) | Heuraet, Hendrik van (1482) | Hevelius, Elisabetha (1260*) | Hevelius, Johannes (1844*) Heyting, Arend (1151*) | Higman, Graham (1396*) | Hilbert, David (1656*) | Hildebrant, John (670*) | Hill, George (1230*) | Hille, Einar (1312*) | Hilton, Peter (3161*) | Hindenburg, Carl (517) | Hipparchus of Rhodes (2576*) | Hippias of Elis (901) | Hippocrates of Chios (1313*) | Hire, Philippe de La (2265*) | Hironaka, Heisuke (1548*) | Hirsch, Kurt (1799*) | Hirst, Thomas (1837*) | Hirzebruch, Friedrich (1941*) | Hiyya, Abraham bar (641) | Hniedenko, Boris (2103*) | Hobbes, Thomas (3002*) | Hobson, Ernest (838*) | Hodge, William (757*) | Hoeffding, Wassily (2130*) | Hoehnke, Hans-Jürgen (906*) | Hölder, Otto (538*) | Hollerith, Herman (1634*) | Holmboe, Bernt (1978*) | Holywood John of (328*) | Honda, Taira (524*) | Hong, Liu (306) | Hong, Luoxia (440) | Hooke, Robert (3328*) | Hopf, Eberhard (1066*) | Hopf, Heinz (1833*) | Hôpital, Guillaume de L' (2463*) | Hopkins, William (866*) | Hopkinson, John (763*) Hopper, Grace (1747*) | Hörmander, Lars (813*) | Horner, William (566*) | Horrocks, Jeremiah (1622*) | Horsburgh, Ellice (157) | Hotelling, Harold (2154*) | Hoüel, Jules (429*) | Householder, Alston (1144*) | Howie, John (2549*) | Hoyle, Fred (3098*) | Hsiung, Chuan-Chih (1649*) | Hsiahou Yang (443) | H'siao-t'ung, Wang (1558) | Hsien, Jia (843) | Hsu Guangqi (1532*) | Hsu Pao-Lu (1190*) | Hua, Loo-Keng (3457*) | Hubble, Edwin (586*) Hudde, Johann (1498*) | Hudson, Hilda (1079*) | Huhn, András (597*) | Hui, Liu (2060*) | Hui, Yang (2166*) | Humbert, Georges (657*) | Humbert, Pierre (541*) | Hunayn ibn Ishaq (787) | Hunt, Gilbert (1493*) | Huntington, Edward (755*) | Hunyadi, Jeno (973*) | Hurewicz, Witold (547*) | Hurwitz, Adolf (1557*) | Hutton, Charles (1980*) | Hutton, James (2087*) | Huygens, Christiaan (2398*) | Hypatia of Alexandria (835*) | Hypsicles of Alexandria (666)
- I | Iacob, Caius (1283*) | ibn al-Banna (861) | ibn Iraq, Mansur (1213) | ibn Ishaq Hunayn (787) | ibn Labban, Kushyar (454) | ibn Qurra, Thabit (1547*) | ibn Sina (1984*) (1965*) | ibn Sinan, Ibrahim (688) ibn Tahir (971) | ibn Tibbon, Jacob (976) | ibn Yunus, Abu'l-Hasan (1320) | ibn Yusuf Ahmed (661) | Ibrahim, ibn Sinan (719) | Ikeda, Masatoshi (1509*) | Ince, Edward (1039*) | Infeld, Leopold (2506*) Ingham, Albert (803*) | Insolera, Filadelfo (1282*) | Ito, Kiyosi (1563*) | Iraq, Mansur ibn (1190) | Ivory, James (993) | Iwanik, Anzelm (1235*) | Iwasawa, Kenkichi (1348*) | Iyanaga, Shokichi (1159*)
- J | Jabir ibn Aflah (531*) | Jacotin, Marie-Louise Dubreil- (2793*) | Jack, David (324*) | Jack, William (593*) | Jackson, Dunham (2109*) | Jackson, John (885*) | Jacobi, Carl (2615*) | Jacobson, Nathan (2121*) | Jacobsthal, Ernst (1782*) | Jafar, Abu al-Khazin (1148) | Jagannatha, Samrat (416) | James, Ioan (1141*) | James, Ralph (981*) | Jamshid, al-Kashi (1758*) | Janiszewski, Zygmunt (1665*) | Janovskaja, Sof'ja (1729*) | Jarnik, Vojtech (480*) | Jawhari, al-Abbas al (627) Jayyani, Abu al (904) | Jeans, James (2328*) | Jeffery, George (378*) | Jeffery, Ralph (956*) | Jeffreys, Bertha (1755*) | Jeffreys, Harold (783*) | Jensen, Johan (531*) | Jerabek, Vaclav (344) | Jerrard, George (484) | Jevons, William (1801*) | Jia Xian (892) | Jitomirskaya, Svetlana (2119*) | Jiushao, Qin (2006) | Joachimsthal, Ferdinand (375*) | John, Fritz (1082*) | John of Holywood (331*) | Johnson, Anna (530*) (516*) | Johnson, Barry (1351*) Johnson, William (711*) | Johnstone, David (655*) | Jones, F Burton (1015*) | Jones, Vaughan (1014*) | Jones, William (1146*) | Jonquières, Ernest de (1087*) | Jordan, Camille (2051*) | Jordanus Nemorarius (1037) | Joukowski, Nikolay (806*) | Jourdain, Philip (745*) | Juecheng, Mei (1295) | Juel, Christian (453*) | Julia, Gaston (2204*) | Jung, Heinrich (849*) | Jungius, Joachim (2361*) | Jyesthadeva (643)
- K | Kac, Mark (1676*) | Kaczmarz, Stefan (2047*) | Kaestner, Abraham (531*) | Kagan, Benjamin (346*) | Kähler, Erich (1635*) | Kakutani, Shizuo (947*) | Kalicki, Jan (1247) | Kalman, Rudolf (2075*) | Kalmár, László (766*) | Kaluza, Theodor (718*) | Kaluznin, Lev (2251*) | Kamalakara (369) | Kamal, al-Farisi (1142) | Kamil Abu Shuja (1049) | Kampen, Egbert van (1074*) | Kantorovich, Leonid (641*) | Kaplansky, Irving (1053*) | Kaprekar, Dattatreya (1785*) Karaji, Abu al (1855) | Karkhi al (1789) | Karlin, Samuel (1178*) | Kármán, Theodore von (1633*) | Karp, Carol (614*) | Karsten, Wenceslaus (747*) | Kasner, Edward (2054*) | Katahiro, Takebe (1900) | Kato, Tosio (1377*) | Kashi, Ghiyath al (1758*) | Kästner, Abraham (525*) | Katyayana (283) | Keen, Linda (1181*) | Keill, John (1028) | Keldysh, Lyudmila (2267*) | Keldysh, Mstislav (2653*) | Kelland, Philip (652*) | Keller, Ott-Heinrich (793*) Keller, Eduard (785*) | Keller, Joseph (2013*) | Kellogg, Oliver (1002*) | Kelly, Paul (1173) | Kelly, Max (1506*) | Kelvin, Lord (2752*) (2702*) | Kemeny, John (1089*) | Kempe, Alfred (2388*) | Kendall, David (563*) | Kendall, Maurice (1285*) | Kennedy-Fraser, David (648) | Kepler, Johannes (3730*) | Kerékjártó, Béla (2048*) | Kerr, John (606) | Kerr, Roy (2062*) | Keynes, John Maynard (2338*) | Khalili, Shams al (685) | Khayyam, Omar (2165*) | Khazin, Abu Jafar al (1187) | Khinchin, Aleksandr (1025*) | Khujandi, Abu al (735) | Khwaja-yi, Tus1 (1934*) | Khwaja, Nasir (1912*) | Khwarizmi, Abu al- (2847*) | Kiefer, Jack (1595*) | Killing, Wilhelm (2307*) | Kindi, Abu al (1163*) | Kingman, John (1727*) | Kirby, Robion (1980*) | Kirch, Maria (1629) | Kirchhoff, Gustav (1518*) | Kirillov, Alexander (1756*) | Kirkman, Thomas (1090*) | Kleene, Stephen (1898*) | Klein, Felix (2324*) | Klein, Oskar (2321*) Kline, Morris (2277*) | Klingenberg, Wilhelm (773*) | Kloosterman, Hendrik (794*) | Klug, Leopold (1712) | Klügel, Georg (424*) | Kluvánek, Igor (2414*) | Knapowski, Stanislaw (1060*) | Kneser, Adolf (834*) | Kneser, Hellmuth (858*) | Knopp, Konrad (757*) | Knott, Cargill (427*) | Knuth, Donald (2759*) | Kober, Hermann (1370*) | Koch, Helge von (744*) | Kochin, Nikolai (298*) | Kochina, Pelageia (2064*) | Kodaira, Kunihiko (389*) | Koebe, Paul (422*) | Koenigs, Gabriel (1965*) Koksma, Jurjen (1114*) | Kolchin, Ellis (1117*) | Kolmogorov, Andrey (2114*) | Kolosov, Gury (902*) | Konig, Denes (211*) | König, Julius (1187*) | König, Samuel (923*) | Königsberger, Leo (1729*) | Kontsevich, Maxim (1688*) | Koopman, E Hevelius (1260*) | Korkin, Aleksandr (1508*) | Korteweg, Diederik (1242*) | Kostrikin, Aleksei (1254*) | Koszul, Jean-Louis (938*) | Kotelnikov, Aleksandr (416) | Köthe, Gottfried (2490*) | Kovalevskaya, Sofia (1285*) | Kramer, Edna (1902*) | Kramers, Hendrik (1800*) | Kramp, Christian (1473) | Krasnosel'skii, Mark (1483*) | Krawtchouk, Mikhail (711*) | Krebs, Nicholas (2505*) | Krein, Mark (1292*) | Kreisel, Georg (566*) | Krieger, Cecilia (821*) | Kronecker, Leopold (2148*) | Krull, Wolfgang (908*) | Kruskal, Martin (1141*) Kruskal, William (1434*) | Kryffs, Nicholas (2479*) | Krylov, Aleksei (1629*) | Krylov, Nikolai M (573*) | Krylov, Nikolai S (654*) | Kublanovskaya, Vera (1578*) | Kuczma, Marek (1242*) | Kua, Shen (2462*) | Kuang-ch'i, Hsu (1507*) | Kuhi, Abu al- (1169) | Kuiper, Nicolaas (1454*) | Kulik, Yakov (1341*) Kumano-Go, Hitoshi (555*) | Kummer, Eduard (1413*) | Kuo Shoujing (1700*) | Kuperberg, Krystyna (1184*) | Kuratowski, Kazimierz (2236*) | Kurepa, Dura (860*) | Kuroda, Sigekatu (1547*) | Kurosh, Aleksandr (1301*) | Kürschák, József (834*) | Kushyar, ibn Labban (454) | Kutta, Martin (768*) | Kuttner, Brian (465*)
- L | La Condamine, Charles de (2871*) | La Faille, Charles de (1069*) | La Hire, Philippe de (2265*) | La Roche, Estienne de (1358) | la Vallée Poussin, C de (1705*) | Labban, Kushyar ibn (454) | Lacroix, Sylvestre (1402*) | Ladd-Franklin, Christine (1753*) | Ladyzhenskaya, Olga (2336*) | Lafforgue, Laurent (1994*) | Lagny, Thomas de (705*) | Lagrange, Joseph-Louis (3182*) | Laguerre, Edmond (1023*) | Lah, Ivo (726*) | Lakatos, Imre (1389*) Lalande, Amélie Harlay (337) | Lalande, Joseph-Jérôme (2870*) | Lalla (521) | Lamb, Horace (994*) | Lambert, Johann (2249*) | Lamé, Gabriel (1182*) | Lame, Hermann the (231) | Lamy, Bernard (1772*) | Lanczos, Cornelius (858*) | Landau, Edmund (1525*) | Landau, Lev (1245*) | Landen, John (597*) | Landsberg, Georg (266*) | Lang, Peter Scott (177*) | Lang, Serge (1837*) Langlands, Robert (840*) | Lansberge, Philippe van (2723*) | Laplace, Pierre-Simon (3857*) | Larmor, Joseph (1599*) | Lasker, Emanuel (2367*) | Lassar, Edna Kramer (1892) | László, Filep (1172*) | Laurent, Hermann (812*) | Laurent, Pierre (775) | Lavanha, Joao Baptista (184) | Lavrentev, Mikhail (342*) | Lawson, George (893*) | Lax, Anneli (3796*) | Lax, Gaspar (614) | Lax, Peter (2705*) | Le Fèvre, Jean (559) | Le Paige, Constantin (1750*) | Le Tenneur, Jacques (1533) | Le Verrier, Urbain (463*) | Lebesgue, Henri (1199*) | Ledermann, Walter (2017*) | Leech, John (592*) | Leffler, Magnus Mittag- (2321*) | Lefebure, Louis (2068*) | Lefschetz, Solomon (2130*) | Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1961*) | Léger, Emile (207) | Lehmer, Derrick H (1736*) | Lehmer, Derrick N (1805*) Lehmer, Emma (1679*) | Lehto, Olli (2528*) | Leibniz, Gottfried von (3722*) | Leimanis, Eizens (843*) | Lemaître, Georges (2077*) | Lemoine, Emile (605*) | Leonardo da Vinci (694*) | Lepaute, Nicole-Reine (1031*) | Leonardo of Pisa (2250*) (2223*) | Leray, Jean (1008*) | Lerch, Mathias (483*) | Leslie, John (1716*) | Lesniewski, Stanislaw (1193*) | Lesokhin, Mikhail (1212*) Leucippus (744) | Levi ben Gerson (2939) | Levi, Beppo (2447*) | Levi, Eugenio (1271*) | Levin, Boris (2345*) | Levi-Civita, Tullio (2175*) | Levinson, Norman (2369*) | Levy, Hyman (985) | Lévy, Paul (735*) | Levytsky, Volodymyr (296*) | Lewy, Hans (1089*) | Lexell, Anders (856*) | Lexis, Wilhelm (568*) | L'Hôpital, Guillaume de (2463*) | Lhuilier, Simon (1086) | Li Chih (2049) | Libermann, Paulette (1462*) | Li Chunfeng (930) | Li Rui (616) | Li Shanlan (1821*) | Li Ye (2049) | Li Zhi (2049) | Libri Guglielmo (2034*) | Lichnerowicz, André (2824*) Lidstone, George (1172*) | Lie, Sophus (2739*) | Lifshitz, Evgenii (457*) | Lighthill, James (2107*) | Lindelöf, Ernst (598*) | Lindemann, Ferdinand von (866*) | Linfoot, Hubert (1873*) | Linnik, Yuri (2136*) | Lint, Jack van (2085*) | Lions, Jacques-Louis (2186*) | Lions, Pierre-Louis (1423*) Liouville, Joseph (1949*) | Lipschitz, Rudolf (579*) | Lissajous, Jules (1192*) | Listing, Johann (1671*) | Littlewood, Dudley (931*) | Littlewood, John E (2368*) | Liu Hong (306) | Liu, Hui (2060*) | Livsic, Moshe (642*) | Ljunggren, Wilhelm (1003*) | Llull, Ramon (352*) | Löb, Martin (648*) | Lobachevsky, Nikolai (2142*) | Lockhart, James (420*) | Loday, Jean-Louis (1519*) | Loewner, Karl (1841*) | Loewy, Alfred (859*) | Lonie, William (2517*) | Lopatynsky, Yaroslav (1258*) | Lorentz, George (2619*) | Lorentz, Hendrik (850*) | Lorenz, Edward (1807*) | Lorgna, Antonio (2145*) Loria, Gino (2434*) | Lovász, Laszlo (2816*) | Love, Augustus (752*) | Lovelace, Augusta Ada (2274*) | Löwenheim, Leopold (1336*) | Löwner, Karl (1807*) | Loyd, Samuel (1753*) | Lucas, F Edouard (393*) | Luchins, Edith (2166*) | Lueroth, Jacob (400*) | Lukacs, Eugene (1199*) | Lukasiewicz, Jan (603*) Luke, Yudell (1158*) | Lumsden, Thomas (343) | Luoxia Hong (440) | Lupas, Alexandru (1205*) | Lusztig, George (2393*) | Luzin, Nikolai (2288*) | Lyapin, Evgeny (1740*) | Lyapunov, Aleksandr (1178*) | Lyndon, Roger (1428*) | Lyttle, Joan (2412*) (2378)
- M | Macaulay, Francis (852*) | MacColl, Hugh (1537*) | MacCullagh, James (982*) | Macdonald, Hector (1048*) | Macdonald, James (664) | Macdonald, William (649) | MacDuffee, Cyrus (1572*) | Machin, John (1197*) | Macintyre, Sheila Scott (457*) | Mackay, James (1051*) | Mackay, John S (255*) | Mackenzie, Gladys (902) | Mackey, George (1613*) | Mackie, John (469) | Mac Lane, Saunders (644*) | Maclaurin, Colin (2740*) | MacMahon, Percy (1065*) Macmillan, Donald (520) | MacMillan, Jessie (1527*) | MacRobert, Thomas (1527*) | Maddison, Ada (830) | Madhava, Sangamagramma (1010) | Madwar, Mohammed (727) | Magenes, Enrico (2360*) | Magini, Giovanni (1835*) | Magiros, Demetrios (857*) | Magnitsky, Leonty (1301) | Magnus, Wilhelm (552*) | Mahalanobis, Prasanta (2389*) | Maghribi, Muhyi al (616) | Mahani, Abu al (517) | Mahavira, Mahavira (1010) | Mahendra, Suri (263) | Mahler, Kurt (2299*) Maior, John (1296) | Malcev, Anatoly (1339*) | Malebranche, Nicolas (1296*) | Malfatti, Francesco (435*) | Malgrange, Bernard (2091*) | Malone-Mayes, Vivienne (1513*) | Maltsev, Anatoly (1299*) | Malus, Etienne Louis (493*) | Manava (304) | Mandelbrojt, Szolem (844*) | Mandelbrot, Benoit (1922*) | Manfredi, Eustachio (2339) | Manfredi, Gabriele (1237*) | Manin, Yuri (1218*) | Mannheim, Amédée (406*) | Mansion, Paul (1931*) | Mansur ibn Ali, Abu (1213) | Marchenko, Vladimir (2103*) | Marcinkiewicz, Jozef (1147*) | Marczewski, Edward (1026*) | Margulis, Gregori (1487*) | Marinus of Neapolis (419) | Markov, Andrei (1474*) | Martin, Artemas (951*) | Martin, Lajos (1255*) | Marrakushi, al (861) | Mascheroni, Lorenzo (792*) | Maschke, Heinrich (1375*) | Maseres, Francis (920*) | Maskelyne, Nevil (489*) | Mason, Max (1415*) | Mästlin, Michael (1654*) | Mathews, George (560*) Mathieu, Claude-Louis (1463*) | Mathieu, Emile (590) | Mathisson, Myron (959*) | Matiyasevich, Yuri (2428*) | Matsushima, Yozo (1159*) | Mauchly, John (1357*) | Maupertuis, Pierre de (2557*) | Maurolico, Francisco (3110*) | Maxwell, James Clerk (2569*) | Mayer, Adolph (1467*) | Mayer, Tobias (1682*) | Mayr, Simon (1507*) | Mazur, Barry (1625*) | Mazur, Stanislaw (1184*) | Mazurkiewicz, Stefan (1334*) | Maz'ya, Vladimir (1730*) McAfee, Walter (1249*) | McArthur, Neil (151) | McBride, James (226*) | McClintock, John (1062*) | McCowan, John (2372) | McCrea, William (2011*) | McDuff, Dusa (1699*) | McIntosh, Donald (322*) | McKendrick, Anderson (667*) | McMullen, Curtis (2148*) | McQuistan, Dougald (339) | McNulty, Kathleen (760*) | McShane, Edward (835*) | McVittie, George (272*) | McWhan, John (328) | Méchain, Pierre (2453*) | Meders, Alfreds (615) | Mei Juecheng (1316) | Mei Wending (1816) | Meiklejohn, John (438*) | Meissel, Ernst (771*) | Mellin, Hjalmar (568*) | Menabrea, Luigi (1513*) | Menaechmus (1111) | Mendelsohn, Nathan (1211*) | Menelaus of Alexandria (1037) | Menger, Karl (491*) | Mengoli, Pietro (995*) | Menshov, Dmitrii (1246*) | Méray, Charles (614*) | Mercator, Gerardus (2505*) | Mercator, Nicolaus (1041) Mercer, James (594*) | Merrifield, Charles (704*) | Merriles, Alexander (1037) | Merrill, Winifred (683*) | Mersenne, Marin (2964*) | Mertens, Franz (636*) | Meshchersky, Ivan (614*) | Metzler, William (416*) | Meyer, Paul-André (2091*) | Meyer, Wilhelm (599*) | Mihoc, Gheorghe (1751*) | Mikhlin, Solomon (2564*) | Mikusinski, Jan (2699*) | Miller, George (1183*) | Miller, John (292*) | Miller, Kelly (2351*) | Millington, Margaret (946*) Milne, Archibald (1274) | Milne, Edward (1320*) | Milne, William (701*) | Milne-Thomson, Louis (1277*) | Milnor, John (718*) | Minding, Ferdinand (403*) | Mineur, Henri (2025*) | Minkowski, Hermann (1509*) | Miranda, Carlo (2221*) | Mirsky, Leon (553*) | Mises, Hilda Geiringer von (1469*) | Mises, Richard von (2168*) | Mitchell, Ron (2502*) | Mitchell, James (308*) | Mitropolskii, Yurii (2137*) | Mittag-Leffler, Gösta (2321*) | Möbius, August (1332*) | Mochizuki, Horace (970) | Moffat, George (498) | Mohr, Ernst (1202*) | Mohr, Georg (687) | Moisil, Grigore (1754*) | Moivre, Abraham de (1824*) | Molien, Theodor (710*) | Molières, Joseph Privat de (706) | Molin, Fedor (723*) | Mollweide, Karl (1588) | Molyneux, Samuel (1297) | Molyneux, William (2101*) | Monge, Gaspard (2968*) | Monte, Guidobaldo del (1666*) | Montel, Paul (657*) | Montesano, Domenico (985*) | Montessus, Robert de (979*) | Montgomery, Deane (1513*) | Montmort, Pierre Rémond de (468) | Montroll, Elliott (1214*) Montucla, Jean (1654*) | Moore, Eliakim (1251*) | Moore, Jonas (799*) | Moore, Robert (1821*) | Morawetz, Cathleen (1422*) | Mordell, Louis (2439*) | More, Henry (1580*) | Morera, Giacinto (377*) | Morgan, Alexander (1171) | Morgan, Augustus De (856*) | Morgan, William (2142*) | Mori, Shigefumi (831*) | Morin, Arthur (1518*) | Morin, Jean-Baptiste (421*) | Morin, Ugo (2168*) | Morishima, Taro (727*) | Morley, Frank (1251*) | Morrison, John (451) | Morse, Harald Marston (1028*) | Moser, Jürgen (2087*) | Moser, Leo (967*) Moser, William (2326*) | Mosteller, Frederick (2413*) | Mostowski, Andrzej (2059*) | Motzkin, Theodore (1160*) | Moufang, Ruth (453*) | Moulton, Forest (925*) | Mouton, Gabriel (576) | Muhaqqiq-i, Nasir (1934*) | Muir, Thomas (1184*) | Muirhead, Robert (162*) | Mullikin, Anna (1328*) | Müller (2288*) (2278*) | Mumford, David (1025*) | Munn, Douglas (1040*) | Murnaghan, Francis (1497*) | Murray, Joan Clarke (2764) | Mydorge, Claude (743) | Mylon, Claude (499) | Mytropolsky, Yurii (2181*)
- N | Nagata, Masayoshi (1483*) | Naimark, Mark (2135*) | Nakayama, Tadashi (1289*) | Nalli, Pia (2167*) | Napier, John (2464*) | Narayana, Pandit (520) | Nasawi, Abu al (687) | Nash, John (3946*) | Nash-Williams, Crispin (1984*) | Nassau, Jason (428*) | Navier, Claude (1077*) | Nayrizi, Abu'l al (621) | Neile, William (1357) | Nekrasov, Aleksandr (569*) | Nelson, Evelyn (1489*) | Netto, Eugen (568*) | Neuberg, Joseph (1805*) Neugebauer, Otto (1535*) | Neumann, Bernhard (1710*) | Neumann, Carl (456*) | Neumann, Franz (1056*) | Neumann, Hanna (2332*) | Neumann, John von (2605*) | Nevanlinna, Rolf (2515*) | Newcomb, Simon (2104*) | Newman, Maxwell (1153*) | Newton, Isaac (3741*) | Neyman, Jerzy (2251*) | Nicollet, Jean-Nicolas (1673*) | Nicolson, Phyllis (319*) | Nicomachus of Gerasa (1203*) | Nicomedes (552*) | Nielsen, Jacob (1443*) | Nielsen, Niels (669*) Nightingale, Florence (1857*) | Nikodym, Otton (1247*) | Nilakantha, Somayaji (893) | Nirenberg, Louis (2230*) | Niven, Charles (753*) | Niven, William (1299*) | Noether, Emmy (981*) | Noether, Max (1380*) | Norlund, Niels (1890*) | Northcott, Douglas (2135*) | Novikov, Petr (769*) | Novikov, Sergi (1654*) | Nugel, Frieda (1402*) | Numbers, Annie (228) | Nunes Salaciense, Pedro (1645*) | Nygaard, Kristen (1597*)
- O | Ocagne, Maurice d' (962*) | Oenopides of Chios (832) | Offord, Cyril (1602*) | Ohm, Georg Simon (1917*) | Ohm, Martin (2145*) | Oka, Kiyoshi (488*) | Okounkov, Andrei (1075*) | Olds, Edwin (1583) | Olech, Czeslaw (2485*) Oleinik, Olga (894*) | Olive, Gloria (752*) | Olivier, Théodore (670*) | Ollerenshaw, Kathleen (3014*) | Oppenheim, Alexander (1773*) | Omar Khayyam (2165*) | Ore, Oystein (1630*) | Oresme, Nicole (865*) | Orlicz, Wladyslaw (1917*) | Ornstein, Donald (1227*) Orshansky, Mollie (1061*) | Orszag, Steven (1867*) | Ortega, Juan de (461) | Osgood, William (1459*) | Osipovsky, Timofei (1241*) | Ostrogradski, Mikhail (537*) | Ostrowski, Alexander (1443*) | Oughtred, William (629*) | Ovidio, Enrico d' (2291*) | Ozanam, Jacques (1622)
- P | Pacioli, Luca (1987*) | Padé, Henri (1384*) | Paderborn, Reinher of (1465) | Padoa, Alessandro (1969*) | Pahlings, Herbert (1196*) | Paige, Constantin Le (1750*) | Painlevé, Paul (1119*) | Pairman, Eleanor (1441) | Paley, Raymond (669*) | Paman, Roger (1977) | Panini (1262*) | Paoli, Pietro (458) | Papin, Denis (497*) | Pappus of Alexandria (2253) | Paramesvara, Paramesvara (820) | Parry, William (1223*) | Pars, Leopold (1048*) | Parseval des Chênes, M-A (922) | Pascal, Blaise (1762*) | Pascal, Ernesto (2530*) Pascal, Etienne (1306) | Pasch, Moritz (1054*) | Pask, Gordan (1246*) | Pastor, Julio Rey (1741*) | Patodi, Vijay (447*) | Paton, James (412) | Pauli, Wolfgang (2405*) | Peacock, George (591*) | | Pearson, Egon (1772*) | Peddie, William (293*) | Peierls, Rudolf (1910*) | Pearson, Karl (2614*) | Peirce, Benjamin (2160*) | Peirce, Benjamin O (512*) | Peirce, Charles (2070*) | Pell, Alexander (1601*) | Pell, Anna (530*) (516*) | Pell, John (1124) | Penney, Bill (489*) Penrose, Roger (2747*) | Perelman, Grigori (2791*) | Pérès, Joseph (445) | Perrin-Riou, Bernadette (1531*) | Perron, Oskar (618*) | Perseus (450) | Personne, G de Roberval (349) | Peschl, Ernst (1149*) | Péter, Rózsa (488*) | Petersen, Julius (1500*) | Peterson, Karl (893*) | Petersson, Hans (1083*) | Petit, Aléxis (695) | Petit, Pierre (818) | Petrovsky, Ivan (2416*) | Petryshyn, Volodymyr (1152*) | Petzval, Józeph (625*) | Peurbach, Georg (1409) | Pfaff, Johann (937*) | Pfeiffer, Georgii (228*) | Philip, Flora (1019) | Philip, Robert (289) | Philon of Byzantium (741) | Phragmén, Edvard (1263*) | Piaggio, Henry (377) | Piatetski-Shapiro, Ilya (1754*) | Pic, Gheorghe (1028*) | Picard, Emile (1284*) | Picard, Jean (1793*) | Pick, Georg (979*) | Picken, David (732) Picone, Mauro (2619*) | Pieri, Mario (2292*) | Pierpont, James (1796) | Piero della Francesca (540*) | Pillai, K C Sreedharan (368*) | Piero della Francesca (540*) | Pincherle, Salvatore (2740*) | Pinkerton, Peter (87*) | Pisier, Gilles (1835*) | Pisot, Charles (2505) |
| Pitiscus, Bartholomeo (890) | Pitman, Edwin (2308*) Pitt, Harry (1791*) | Plana, Giovanni (910*) | Plancherel, Michel (1128*) | Planck, Max (2647*) | Plateau, Joseph (1296*) | Plato (2073*) | Playfair, John (2909*) | Plemelj, Josip (1911*) | Pless, Vera (1499*) | Plessner, Abraham (460*) | Plücker, Julius (1050*) | Pogorelov, Aleksei (2134*) | Poincaré, J Henri (3235*) | Poinsot, Louis (875*) | Poisson, Siméon (2547*) | Pol, Balthasar van der (2142*) | Poleni, Giovanni (1084*) | Polkinghorne, John (2328*) | Pollaczek, Félix (2491*) | Pollio, Vitruvius (1071) | Polozii, Georgii (216) | Pólya, George (3454*) | Pompeiu, Dimitrie (1102*) | Poncelet, Jean-Victor (2740*) | Pontryagin, Lev (1498*) | Pople, John (2340*) | Poretsky, Platon (1178*) Porphyry, Malchus (770*) | Porta, Giambattista Della (2665*) | Posidonius of Rhodes (924*) | Possel, Lucien (1005*) | Post, Emil (1979*) | Postnikov, Mikhail (1666*) | Potapov, Vladimir (584*) | Potts, Renfrey (763*) | Povzner, Aleksandr (1095*) | Praeger, Cheryl (1746*) | Prager, William (1258*) | Poussin, C de la Vallée (1705*) | Pratt, John (601*) | Preston, Gordon (1814*) | Price, Richard (1444*) | Pringsheim, Alfred (1092*) Privalov, Ivan (2206*) | Privat de Molières, Joseph (706) | Proclus Diadochus (1329) | Prodi, Giovanni (2273*) | Prokhorov, Yurii (1516*) | Prony, Gaspard de (1015*) | Prthudakasvami (274) | Prophatius (983) (976) | Prüfer, Heinz (758*) | Ptolemy (3425*) | Puiseux, Victor (542*) | Puissant, Louis (478) | Pullar, John (376) | Puri, Madan (1161*) | Pythagoras of Samos (3085*)
- Q | Qadi Zada, al-Rumi (1037) | Qalasadi, Abu'l al (1271) | Qin Jiushao (2046) Quetelet, Adolphe (1904*) | Quhi, Abu al (1146) | Quillen, Daniel (905*) Quine, Willard Van (1962*) | Qurra, Thabit ibn (1547*)
- R | Raabe, Joseph (1065*) | Rademacher, Hans (1970*) | Radó, Ferenc (1203*) | Rado, Richard (767*) | Radó, Tibor (1944*) | Radon, Johann (1380*) | Rahn, Johann (2013) | Rajagopal, Cadambathur (263*) | Ramanathan, Kollagunta (1445*) | Ramanujam, Chidambaram (1651*) | Ramanujan, Srinivasa (2829*) | Ramsay, Peter (597) | Ramsden, Jesse (823*) | Ramsey, Frank (1392*) | Ramus, Peter (1270*) | Rankin, Robert (1614*) | Rankine, William (998*) Rao, Calyampudi (2711*) | Raphson, Joseph (770) | Rasiowa, Helena (884*) | Ratner, Marina (1545*) | Rayleigh, Lord (3094*) (3026*) | Razmadze, Andrei (380) | Recorde, Robert (2388*) | Rédei, László (1373*) | Ree, Rimhak (1553*) | Reeb, Georges (1866*) | Rees, Mina (1126*) | Regiomontanus Johann (2288*) | Reichardt, Hans (1652*) | Reichenbach, Hans (1902*) | Reidemeister, Kurt (497*) | Reiner, Irving (447*) | Reinher of Paderborn (1484) Reinhardt, Karl (1549*) | Reizins, Linards (899) | Rejewski, Marian (1525*) | Rellich, Franz (1308*) | Remak, Robert (1056*) | Remez, Evgeny (1315*) | Rennie, Basil (1553*) | Rényi, Alfréd (2294*) | Réthy, Mór (1460*) | Rey Pastor, Julio (1741*) | Reye, Theodor (2185*) | Reymond, Paul du Bois- (1728*) | Reynaud, Antoine-André (511) | Reyneau, Charles (359) | Reynolds, Osborne (1099*) | Rham, Georges de (755*) | Rheticus, Georg Joachim (1556) | Ribenboim, Paulo (2178*) | Riccati, Jacopo (2073*) | Riccati, Vincenzo (1526*) | Ricci, Giovanni (1012*) | Ricci, Matteo (635*) | Riccioli, Giovanni (2744*) | Ricci, Michelangelo (1935*) | Ricci-Curbastro, Gregorio (1344*) | Richard, Jules (569*) | Richard, Louis (564) | Richardson, Archibald (233*) | Richardson, Lewis (1635*) | Reichenau, Hermann of (2099*) | Richer, Jean (2496) | Richmond, Herbert (986*) | Riemann, G F Bernhard (2737*) | Ries, Adam (1929*) | Riesz, Frigyes (863*) | Riesz, Marcel (1317*) Ringrose, John (554*) | Ritt, Joseph (1055*) | Rittenhouse, David (1084*) | Robb, Richard (366) | Robbins, Herbert (2068*) | Roberts, Samuel (414*) | Robertson, Howard (1691*) | Roberval, Gilles de (3049) | Robins, Benjamin (2072) | Robinson, Abraham (1674*) | Robinson, Julia Bowman (1945*) | Robinson, Raphael (1852*) | Rocard, Yves-André (341*) | Roch, Gustav (920*) | Roche, Estienne de La (1358) | Rodrigues, Benjamin (1698*) | Rodriguez, Argelia Velez- (762*) | Rogers, Ambrose (465*) | Rogers, James (843*) Rogosinski, Werner (2377*) | Rohn, Karl (1070*) | Rokhlin, Vladimir (2307*) | Rolle, Michel (1912) | Romberg, Werner (2254*) | Romanus, Adrianus (419*) | Roomen, Adriaan van (413*) | Rosanes, Jakob (1012*) | Rosellini, Ferdinando (756) | Rosenhain, Johann (839) | Ross, Edward (565) | Rota, Gian-Carlo (1446*) | Roth, Klaus (739*) | Roth, Leonard (2339*) | Rouché, Eugène (633) | Routh, Edward (1074*) | Roy, Samarendra (1573*) | Ruan Yuan (1577*) | Rudin, Mary (2049*) | Rudin, Walter (2565*) | Rudio, Ferdinand (1939*) | Rudolff, Christoff (2088*) | Ruffini, Paolo (2217*) Rui, Li (616) | Runge, Carle (2058*) | Ruse, Harold (337*) | Russell, Alexander (388*) | Russell, Bertrand (1478*) | Russell, John (914*) Rutherford, Daniel E (1246*) | Rutishauser, Heinz (1649*) | Rychlik, Karel (1322) | Rydberg, Johannes (414*)
- S | Saccheri, Giovanni (2515) | Sacrobosco, Johannes de (331*) | Saint-Venant, Adhémar de (540*) | Saint-Vincent, Gregorius (2149*) | Saks, Stanislaw (1158*) | Salaciense, Pedro Nunes (1645*) | Salem, Raphaël (1564*) | Salmon, George (1430*) | Samelson, Hans (2529*) Samarqandi, Shams al (206) | Samawal, Ibn al (1646) | Samoilenko, Anatoly (1647*) | Sampson, Ralph (1094*) | Samuel, Pierre (1229*) | Sang, Edward (378*) | Sankara, Narayana (738) | Sargent, Winifred (1355) | Sasaki, Shigeo (1077*) Sato, Mikio (2550*) | Saunderson, Nicholas (1892*) | Saurin, Joseph (1050) | Savage, Leonard (2259*) | Savart, Felix (1511*) | Savary, Félix (583) | Savasorda (644) (641) | Savile, Henry (1152*) | Schafer, Alice (1351*) | Schatten, Robert (680) | Schauder, Juliusz (1027*) | Scheffé, Henry (851*) | Scheffers, Georg (1534*) | Scheiner, Christoph (2794*) | Scherk, Heinrich (1493*) | Schickard, Wilhelm (1692*) | Schiffer, Menahem (2351*) | Schläfli, Ludwig (1698*) | Schlapp, Robert (548*) | Schlesinger, Ludwig (806*) | Schlömilch, Oscar (1375*) | Schmetterer, Leopold (1424*) | Schmid, Hermann (1028*) | Schmidt, Erhard (1384*) | Schmidt, Friedrich (2473*) | Schmidt, Harry (1465*) Schmidt, Otto (3018*) | Schneider, Theodor (2034*) | Schoen, Richard (2089*) | Schoenberg, Isaac (834*) | Scholtz, Ágoston (1504) | Scholz, Heinrich (1902*) | Schönflies, Arthur (2239*) | Schooten, Frans van (2231*) | Schottky, Friedrich (1297*) | Schoute, Pieter (1202*) | Schouten, Jan (2430*) | Schramm, Oded (1755*) | Schreier, Otto (599*) | Schröder, Ernst (2330*) | Schrödinger, Erwin (2621*) | Schroeter, Heinrich (1172*) | Schubert, Hans (1136*) | Schubert, Hermann (1077*) Schur, Issai (1711*) | Schützenberger, Marcel (1556*) | Schwartz, Jacob (1609*) | Schwartz, Laurent (2851*) | Schwarz, Herman (1200*) | Schwarz, Stefan (890*) | Schwarzschild, Karl (1661*) | Schwerdtfeger, Hans (1061*) | Schwinger, Julian (1478*) | Scorza, Gaetano (2444*) | Scott, Agnes (226) | Scott, Charlotte (591*) | Scott, Elizabeth (2670*) | Scott, Robert (521*) | Scott, Sheila (457*) (449*) | Scott Lang, Peter (270*) | See, Thomas (880*) | Segal', Irving (2223*) | Segner, Jan (701*) | Segre, Beniamino (1986*) | Segre, Corrado (589*) | Seidel, Jaap (1507*) | Seidel, Philipp von (575) | Seidenberg, Abraham (1063*) | Seifert, Karl (1722*) | Seitz, Enoch (2162*) | Seki Kowa, Takakazu (460*) | Selberg, Atle (834*) | Selten, Reinhard (1876*) | Semple, Jack (1621*) | Serenus (576) | Seress, Akos (1774*) | Serre, Jean-Pierre (786*) | Serret, Joseph (152*) | Serrin, James (2017*) | Servois, François (553) Severi, Francesco (3277*) | 'sGravesande, Willem (1090*) | Shafarevich, Igor (507*) | Shanks, William (570) | Shanlan, Li (1821*) | Shannon, Claude (1263*) | Sharkovsky, Oleksandr (137*) | Sharp, Abraham (1596*) | Shatunovsky, Samuil (1370*) | Shelah, Saharon (2461*) | Shen Kua (2462*) | Sheppard, William (279) | Shewhart, Walter (1334*) | Shields, Allen (1577*) | Shimura, Goro (2444*) | Shijie, Zhu (1912) | Shnirelman, Lev (659*) | Shoda, Kenjiro (1247*) | Shoujing, Guo (1688*) | Shtokalo, Josif (330*) Siacci, Francesco (506*) | Sidler, Georg (2662*) | Siegel, Carl (2185*) | Sierpinski, Waclaw (2055*) | Siguenza, y Gongora (567*) | Silva, José (966*) | Simon, Leon (919*) | Sijzi, Abu al (733) | Simplicius, Simplicius (943) | Simpson, Mary (355*) | Simpson, Thomas (1097*) | Simson, Robert (1929*) | Sinai, Yakov (2065*) | Sina, ibn (1984*) (1965*) | Sinan ibn Thabit (722) | Singer, Isadore (1399*) | Sintsov, Dmitrii (1197*) | Sitter, Willem de (2480*) | Skolem, Thoralf (1602*) | Skopin, Alexander (788*) | Skorokhod, Anatolii (1701*) | Slater, Noel (1649*) | Slaught, Herbert (553*) | Sleszynski, Ivan (1018) | Slow, Mary (404*) | Slutsky, Evgeny (1018*) | Sluze, René de (2417*) | Smale, Stephen (1157*) | Smeal, Glenny (278) | Smirnov, Vladimir (620*) | Smith, Henry (1216*) | Smith, John (33) | Smith, Karen (2214*) | Smithies, Frank (1439*) Smoluchowski, Marian (1412*) | Smullyan, Raymond (2050*) | Sneddon, Ian (2035*) | Snedecor, George (2176*) | Snell, Willebrord (2257*) | Snyder, Virgil (1511*) | Sobolev, Sergei (1307*) | Sokhotsky, Yulian-Karl (645*) | Sokolov, Yurii (769*) | Solitar, Donald (1584*) | Somerville, Mary (2160*) | Sommerfeld, Arnold (2279*) | Sommerville, Duncan (531*) | Somov, Osip (552*) | Sonin, Nikolay (587*) | Spanier, Edwin (604*) Specker, Ernst (1165*) | Speiser, Ambros (1804*) | Spence, David (824*) | Spence, William (1634*) | Spencer, Anthony (1911*) | Spencer, Donald (1128*) | Sperry, Pauline (1234*) | Spitzer, Lyman (1718*) | Sporus of Nicaea (362) | Spottiswoode, William (1378*) | Sprague, Thomas (1205*) | Springer, Tonny (1267*) | Sridhara, Sridhara (786) | Srinivasan, Bhama (2065*) | Sripati (557) | Stäckel, Paul (2410*) | Stallings, John (1340*) | Stampacchia, Guido (1798*) | Stampioen, Jan (1062*) | Stark, Marceli (1538*) | Steele, Catherine (572*) | Staudt, Carl Georg C von (2308*) | Steenrod, Norman (1153*) | Stefan, Josef (1409*) | Stefan, Peter (368*) | Steggall, John (1285*) | Stein, Elias (2133*) | Steiner, Jakob (2203*) | Steinfeld, Ottó (1025*) | Steinhaus, Hugo (1740*) | Steinitz, Ernst (2294*) Steklov, Vladimir A (1248*) | Stepanov, Vyacheslaw V (616*) | Stephansen, Mary (1369*) | Stern, Moritz (1871*) | Stevin, Simon (2087*) | Stewart, Dugald (1083*) | Stewart, Matthew (940*) | Stewartson, Keith (1834*) | Stiefel, Eduard (2462*) | Stieltjes, Thomas Jan (1545*) | Stifel, Michael (2712*) | Stirling, James (2916) | Stoilow, Simion (1369*) | Stokes, George Gabriel (2533*) | Stolz, Otto (783*) | Stone, Edmund (236) Stone, Marshall (1494*) | Stormer, Fredrik (1070*) | Story, William (974*) | Stott, Alicia Boole (344*) | Strassen, Volker (1703*) | Straus, Ernst (1388*) | Strong, Theodore (929*) | Struik, Dirk (1072*) | Stuart, James (273*) | Strutt, John (3094*) (3026*) | Study, Eduard (460*) | Stueckelberg, Ernst (1917*) | Sturm, J Charles-François (1283*) | Sturm, Rudolf (674*) | St-Venant, Adhémar de (554*) | St-Vincent, Gregorius (296*) | Subbotin, Mikhail (821*) | Suetuna, Zyoiti (902*) | Sullivan, Dennis (2425*) | Sun Zi (1299) | Sundman, Karl (1124*) | Suslin, Mikhail (1755*) Süss, Wilhelm (1911*) | Suter, Heinrich (694*) | Suvorov, Georgii (1137*) | Suzuki, Michio (1374*) | Suzuki, Satoshi (798*) | Swain, Lorna (634) | Swirles, Bertha Jeffreys (1755*) | Sylow, Ludwig (480*) Sylvester, James Joseph (2407*) | Sylvester II (Gerbert) (2537*) | Synge, Cathleen Morawetz (1422*) | Synge, John (1187*) | Szász, Domokos (1042*) | Szász, Otto (767*) | Szegö, Gábor (490*) | Szekeres, George (2010*)
- T | Tacquet, Andrea (900) | Tahir, ibn (947) | Tait, Peter Guthrie (3642*) | Takagi, Teiji (1690*) | Takakazu (460*) (411*) | Takebe Katahiro (1928) | Talbot, Henry Fox (2109*) | Tamarkin, Jacob (1447*) | Taniyama, Yutaka (1183*) | Tannery, Jules (843*) Tannery, Paul (1430*) | Tao, Terence (2462*) | Tapia, Richard (1586*) | Tarry, Gaston (1302*) | Tarski, Alfred (3255*) | Tartaglia, Niccolo (2107*) | Tate, John (1814*) | Tauber, Alfred (653*) | Taurinus, Franz (574) | Taussky-Todd, Olga (2115*) Taylor, Brook (1878*) | Taylor, Geoffrey (1313*) | Taylor, James (764*) | Taylor, Mary (404*) | Teichmüller, Oswald (2243*) | Temple, George (573*) | Tenneur, Jacques (1533) | Tetens, Johannes (366*) | Thabit ibn Qurra, Abu'l (1547*) | Thales of Miletus (2121*) | Theaetetus of Athens (1355) | Theodorus of Cyrene (692) | Theodosius of Bithynia (1054) | Theon of Alexandria (1143) | Theon of Smyrna (676*) | Thiele, Thorvald (969*) | Third, John (738) | Thom, George (1460*) | Thom, René (1234*) | Thomae, Johannes (1802*) | Thomason, Bob (1071*) Thompson, Abigail (1689*) | Thompson, D'Arcy W (1561*) | Thompson, John (1532*) | Thompson, Robert (1025) | Thomson, James (931*) | Thomson, William (2752*) (2702*) | Thomson, William (322) | Thomson, William L (197) | Threlfall, William (1849*) | Thue, Axel (435*) | Thurston, Bill (1166*) | Thymaridas (198) | Tibbon, Jacob ben (983) Tichy, Pavel (1106*) | Tietze, Heinrich (835*) | Tikhonov, Andrei (1083*) | Tilly, Joseph de (677) | Timms, Geoffrey (410*) | Tinbergen, Jan (712*) | Tinseau, Charles (897) | Tisserand, Félix (603*) | Titchmarsh, Edward (1655*) | Titeica, Gheorghe (1350*) | Tits, Jacques (1251*) | Todd, Jack (2162*) | Todd, John (923*) | Todd, Olga Taussky- (2064*) | Todhunter, Isaac (1120*) | Toeplitz, Otto (873*) | Tonelli, Leonida (1792*) | Torricelli, Evangelista (2842*) | Trakhtman, Abram (1821*) | Trail, William (700*) | Tricomi, Francesco (571*) | Trotskaia, Emma Lehmer (1679*) | Troughton, Edward (1238*) Trudinger, Neil (1053*) | Truesdell, Clifford (2554*) | Tschirnhaus, E von (2339*) | Tucker, Albert (2486*) | Tucker, Robert (1442*) | Tsu Ch'ung Chi (1434*) | Tsu Keng (630) | Tukey, John (1792*) | Tunstall, Cuthbert (912*) | Turán, Paul (2264*) | Turing, Alan (2950*) | Turnbull, Herbert (1759*) Turner, Alice Schafer (1351*) | Turner, Peter (727) | Turner, John (1113*) | Tusi, Nasir al (1912*) | Tusi, Sharaf al (1159) | Tutte, William (1908*) | Tweedie, Charles (405) | Tweedie, David (533) | Tweedie, David J (261) | Tychonoff, Andrey (1069*)
- U | Uhlenbeck, George (1475*) | Uhlenbeck, Karen (1624*) | Ulam, Stanislaw (1457*) Ulugh Beg (1237*) | Umawi, Abu al (1035) | Uqlidisi, Abu'l (1044) Upton, Francis (1891*) | Urbanik, Kazimierz (1258*) | Urysohn, Pavel (1409*)
- V | Vacca, Giovanni (706*) | Vailati, Giovanni (573*) | Vajda, Steven (2163*) | Val, Patrick du (2027*) | Valera, Éamon de (2203*) | Valerio, Luca (1811) | Valiant, Leslie (1465*) | Valiron, Georges (2538) | Vallée Poussin, C de la (1705*) | Vályi, Gyula (894*) | van Amringe, Howard (1486*) | van Ceulen, Ludolph (2432*) | van Dantzig, David (526*) | van der Pol, Balthasar (2142*) van der Waerden, Bartel (2595*) | van Heuraet, Hendrik (1482) | van Lint, Jack (2085*) | van Kampen, Egbert (1074*) | van Lansberge, Philip (2723*) | van Quine, Willard (1962*) | van Roomen, Adriaan (413*) | van Schooten, Frans (2231*) | van Vleck, Edward (1331*) | Vandermonde, Alexandre (1409) | Vandiver, Harry (1084*) | Varadhan, Srinivasa (2579*) | Varahamihira, Varahamihira (771) | Varga, Richard (1970*) Varignon, Pierre (1171*) | Vashchenko-Z, Mikhail (959*) | Veblen, Oswald (2038*) | Vega, Jurij von (2515*) | Velez-Rodriguez, Argelia (762*) | Venant, Adhémar de St- (540*) | Venn, John (1229*) | Verhulst, Pierre (417*) | Vernier, Pierre (344) | Veronese, Giuseppe (617*) | Verrier, Urbain Le (463*) | Vessiot, Ernest (233*) | Viète, François (2352*) | Vijayanandi (427) | Vilant, Nicolas (764*) | Vincent, Gregorius Saint- (2149*) | Vinci, Leonardo da (694*) | Vinogradov, Ivan (1508*) | Vinti, Calogero (1375*) | Vitali, Giuseppe (2164*) | Vitruvius (1071) | Viviani, Vincenzo (2633*) | Vlacq, Adriaan (744) | Voevodsky, Vladimir (2006*) Vleck, Edward van (1306*) | Volterra, Vito (2956*) | von Brill, Alexander (484*) | von Dyck, Walther (726*) | von Eötvös, Roland (1622*) | von Helmholtz, Hermann (2236*) | von Kármán, Theodore (1633*) | von Koch, Helge (744*) | von Leibniz, Gottfried (3722*) | von Lindemann, Carl (866*) | von Mises, Hilda Geiringer (1491*) | von Mises, Richard (2168*) von Neumann, John (2605*) | von Segner, Johann (701*) | von Seidel, Philipp (575) | von Staudt, Karl (2308*) | von Tschirnhaus, E (2339*) | von Vega, Georg (295*) | Voronoy, Georgy (1107*) | Vranceanu, Gheorghe (1005*) | Vries, Gustav de (508*) | Vries, Hendrik de (609*)
- W | Waerden, Bartel van der (656) | Wafa al-Buzjani Abu'l (1128) | Wald, Abraham (1482*) | Walfisz, Arnold (1878*) | Walker, Geoffrey (805*) | Walker, John (558*) | Wall, C Terence (927*) | Wallace, Alexander (898*) | Wallace, William (1338*) | Wallis, John (2460*) | Walsh, John (2943) | Walsh, Joseph (1105*) | Wang H'siao-t'ung (1558) | Wang Xiaotong (1484) | Wang, Yuan (1050*) | Wangerin, Albert (1040*) | Wantzel, Pierre (1030) | Ward, Seth (1873*) Waring, Edward (1401*) | Warner, Mary (1860*) | Warschawski, Stefan (1059*) | Waterston, John (960*) | Watson, G Neville (1037*) | Watson, Henry (543*) | Watson, William (500*) | Watt, James (267) | Wattie, James (420) | Wazewski, Tadeusz (780*) | Weatherburn, Charles (515*) | Weatherhead, Kenneth (417) | Weaver, Warren (1590*) | Weber, Heinrich (643*) | Weber, Wilhelm (2598*) | Wedderburn, Joseph (1882*) | Weierstrass, Karl (2615*) | Weil, André (1411*) Weingarten, Julius (739*) | Weinstein, Alexander (412*) | Weisbach, Julius (530*) | Weise, Karl (1203*) | Weldon, Raphael (1349*) | Wending, Mei (1793) | Wenninger, Magnus (2037*) | Werner, Johann (928*) | Werner, Wendelin (1736*) | Wessel, Caspar (1698) | West, John (1206) | Wexler-Kreindler, Eléna (794) | Weyl, Hermann (2306*) | Weyr, Eduard (250*) | Weyr, Emil (290*) | Wheat, Mary Gray (1369*) | Wheeler, Anna J Pell (530*) | Whewell, William (2101*) | Whiston, William (1350*) | White, Henry (1469*) | Whitehead, Alfred N (2354*) | Whitehead, J Henry C (1914*) | Whiteside, Tom (2723*) | Whitney, Hassler (1262*) | Whittaker, Edmund (1502*) | Whittaker, John (1558*) | Whyburn, Gordon (1110*) | Widman, Johannes (627) | Wiegold, James (2631*) | Wielandt, Helmut (712*) | Wien, Wilhelm (3029*) | Wiener, Christian (978) | Wiener, Hermann (551*) Wiener, Norbert (2481*) | Wigner, Eugene (2499*) | Wilczynski, Ernest (675*) | Wilder, Raymond (1794*) | Wiles, Andrew (1515*) | Wilf, Herbert (2686*) | Wilkins, Ernest (1225*) | Wilkins, John (2498*) | Wilkinson, Jim (1045*) | Wilks, Samuel (458*) | Williams, William (1316*) | Williamson, John (682) | Willock, Sophie (1550*) | Wilson, Alexander (819*) | Wilson, Bertram (135) | Wilson, Edwin (691*) Wilson, John (594) | Wilson, John (463) (451) | Wiltheiss, Ernst (823*) | Wilton, John (210) | Wiman, Anders (2046*) | Winckelmann, Maria (1617) | Winkler, Wilhelm (754*) | Wintner, Aurel (1486*) | Wirtinger, Wilhelm (597*) | Wishart, John (1084*) | Witt, Ernst (2399*) | Witt, Johan de (846*) | Witten, Edward (1251*) | Wittgenstein, Ludwig (2835*) | Wittich, Paul (1665) | Wolf, Frantisek (1385*) | Wolf, Rudolph (1317*) | Wolfowitz, Jacob (1061*) | Wolstenholme, Joseph (713*) | Woodhouse, Robert (659) Woods, Leslie (1633*) | Woodward, Robert (2334*) | Wren, Christopher (3055*) | Wright, Edward (2214*) | Wright, Sewall (1370*) Wrinch, Dorothy (977*) | Wronski, Hoëné (1184*) | Wu, Sijue (1228*) | Wu, Wen-Tsun (1512*) | Wylie, Shaun (1733*)
- X | Xenocrates of Chalcedon (652) | Xiahou Yang (446) | Xian, Jia (843) Xiaotong, Wang (1558) | Xu Bao-Lu (1171*) | Xu Guangqi (1532*) Xu Yue (563)
- Y | Yamabe, Hidehiko (1317*) | Yang Hui (2166*) | Yano, Kentaro (1828*) | Yates, Frank (1229*) | Yativrsabha (218) | Yau, Shing-Tung (1304*) | Yavanesvara (403) | Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe (619*) Youden, William (806*) | Young, Alfred (1561*) | Young, Andrew (514*) | Young, Grace Chisholm (1150*) | Young, Lai-Sang (1534*) | Young, Laurence (1310*) | Young, Thomas (1798*) | Young, William (1171*) Youqin, Zhao (837) | Yuan, Ruan (1567) | Yue, Xu (537) | Yule, George (2485*) | Yunus, Abu'l-Hasan ibn (1320) | Yushkevich, Adolph P (584) | Yusuf Ahmed (661)
- Z | Zaanen, Adriaan (1398*) | Zada, al-Rumi Qadi (1037) | Zakharchenko, M V- (959*) | Zalts, Karlis (701*) | Zarankiewicz, Kazimierz (946*) | Zaremba, Stanislaw (1105*) | Zariski, Oscar (1674*) | Zassenhaus, Hans (2485*) | Zeeman, Chris (2329*) | Zeckendorf, Edouard (1376*) | Zelmanov, Efim (1351*) Zeno of Elea (2155*) | Zeno of Sidon (1063*) | Zenodorus (501) | Zermelo, Ernst (1379*) | Zeuthen, Hieronymous (833*) | Zhang Heng (1497*) | Zhang Qiujian (1031) | Zhao Youqin (830) | Zhi, Li (2015) | Zhu Shijie (2020) | Zhukovsky, Nikolay (829*) Zippin, Leo (1985*) | Zi, Sun (1299) | Zolotarev, Egor (647*) | Zorawski, Kazimierz (1715*) | Zorn, Max (1538*) | Zu Chongzhi (1434*) | Zu Geng (651) | Zu Xuan (651) | Zuse, Konrad (1122*) | Zygmund, Antoni (2374*) | Zylinski, Eustachy (2112*)
History Topics Index
- Mathematics in various cultures
- Ancient Babylonian mathematics
- Ancient Egyptian mathematics
- Ancient Greek mathematics
- Arabic mathematics
- Chinese mathematics
- Indian mathematics
- Mayan mathematics
- American mathematics
- Mathematics in Scotland
Mathematical topics
- Overview of the history of mathematics
- Algebra
- Analysis
- Numbers and number theory
- Geometry and topology
- Mathematical physics
- Mathematical astronomy
- Mathematical education
History Topics: Alphabetical Index
- Abstract group concept
- Abstract linear spaces
- Alcuin's: Propositiones ad acuendos iuvenes
- Arabic mathematics : forgotten brilliance?
- Arabic numerals
- Architecture and mathematics
- Art and mathematics - perspective
- Babylonian mathematics
- Babylonian numerals
- Babylonian Pythagoras's theorem
- Bakhshali manuscript
- Bernard Bolzano's manuscripts
- Bourbaki: the pre-war years
- Bourbaki: the post-war years
- Brachistochrone problem
- Braid's Arithmetic Exercises
- Burnside problem
- Cartography
- Chinese mathematics
- Chinese numerals
- Chinese problems
- Christianity and Mathematics
- Chronology of Pi
- Chrystal and the Royal Society of Edinburgh
- Classical time
- Cosmology
- Cubic surfaces
- Decimal time and angles
- Debating topics on mathematics
- Difesa of Galileo
- Doubling the cube
- e
- Egyptian mathematics
- Egyptian numerals
- Egyptian papyri
- Elliptic functions
- Fair book of 1852
- English attack on the Longitude Problem
- Euclid's definitions
- Fermat's last theorem
- Forgery and Chasles
- Forgery and the Berlin Academy
- Four colour theorem
- Fractal Geometry
- Fundamental theorem of algebra
- Function concept
- General relativity
- Galileo's Difesa
- Golden ratio
- Gravitation
- Greek Astronomy
- Greek number systems
- Greek mathematicians - sources
- Greek mathematics - sources
- Greek poetry
- Harriot's manuscripts
- Hirst's diary comments
- History of calculus
- History of Fractal Geometry
- History of the number e
- History of group theory
- History of mathematics at St Andrews to 1700
- History of Pi
- History of Quantum mechanics
- History of Set Theory
- History of the Burnside problem
- History of Time: Classical time
- History of Time: 20th Century time
- History of Zero
- History of Topology
- How do we know about Greek mathematicians?
- How do we know about Greek mathematics?
- Inca mathematics
- Indian mathematics
- Indian numerals
- Indian Sulbasutras
- Infinity
- Jaina mathematics
- James Walker's Fair book
- Kepler's planetary laws
- Ledermann's St Andrews interview
- Light: Ancient Greece to Maxwell
- Light: Relativity and quantum era
- London Coffee houses and mathematics
- Longitude and the Académie Royale
- Longitude Problem and the English attack
- Manuscript Tradition in Ptolemy's Geography
- Mathematical discovery of planets
- Mathematical games and recreations
- Mathematics and architecture
- Mathematics and the physical world
- Matrices and determinants
- Mayan mathematics
- Measurement
- Memory, mental arithmetic and mathematics
- Newton's bucket
- Newton and Poetry
- Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art
- Non-Euclidean geometry
- Orbits and gravitation
- Overview of Babylonian mathematics
- An overview of Chinese mathematics
- Overview of Egyptian mathematics
- Overview of the History of Mathematics
- Overview of Indian mathematics
- Pell's equation
- Perfect numbers
- Physical world and mathematics
- Pi
- Poetry about Newton
- Poetry about Euclid and Archimedes
- Poincaré - Inspector of mines
- Prime numbers
- Ptolemy's Geography
- Quadratic, cubic and quartic equations
- Quantum mechanics
- Real numbers: Pythagoras to Stevin
- Real numbers: Stevin to Hilbert
- Real numbers: Attempts to understand
- Ring theory
- Royal Society of Edinburgh and George Chrystal
- St Andrews mathematics up to 1700
- Scottish Book
- Scottish mathematical physics and Topology
- Set Theory
- Size of the Universe
- Special relativity
- Squaring the circle
- Statistical material
- Sundials
- Tait's scrapbook
- Tartaglia versus Cardan
- Ten classics of Chinese mathematics
- Thomas Harriot's manuscripts
- Thomas Hirst's diary comments
- Topology and Scottish mathematical physics
- Topology
- Trigonometric functions
- Trisecting an angle
- Twentieth Century time
- Walker's Fair book of 1852
- Walter Ledermann's St Andrews interview
- Water clocks
- Wave versus matrix mechanics
- Weil family
- Word problems for groups
- Visit to Maxwell's house
- Voting
- Zero
Index of Additional Material
- Abbott "Flatland" Second Edition Preface
- Adams A cartoon about the discovery of Neptune
- Adams John Couch Adams' account of the discovery of Neptune
- Adams_Edwin E P Adams
- Adelard Adelard: "Euclid"
- Adler August Adler's publications
- Agnesi Dubreil-Jacotin on Maria Gaetana Agnesi
- Airy Airy's work in engineering
- Airy Airy on Thales' eclipse
- Aitken A C Aitken the poet
- Aitken Aitken: "Statistical Mathematics"
- Aitken Edinburgh's tribute to A C Aitken
- Aitken Turnbull and Aitken: "Canonical Matrices"
- Al-Biruni Al-Biruni: "Coordinates of Cities"
- Al-Kashi Al-Kashi's letter
- Al-Kashi Muslim extraction of roots
- Al-Khwarizmi Al-Khwarizmi and quadratic equations
- Albert_Abraham A A Albert: "Structure of Algebras"
- Alcuin Siegfried Sassoon on Alcuin
- Aleksandrov A D Aleksandrov's view of Mathematics
- Archibald Mathematicians and Music
- Archimedes Archimedes on statics
- Archimedes Archimedes: "Quadrature of the parabola"
- Archimedes Archimedes on mechanical and geometric methods
- Aristotle Aristotle on physics and mathematics
- Aristotle Heath: "Mathematics in Aristotle" Preface
- Babbage Charles Babbage and deciphering codes
- Baker Henry Baker addresses the British Association in 1913
- Baker H F Baker: "A locus with 25920 linear self-transformations" Introduction
- Baker H F Baker: "A locus with 25920 linear self-transformations" Preface
- Bartik Bartik's colleagues
- Bartlett Bartlett's reviews
- Berge Berge books
- Berkeley Whiston's comments on Berkeley's "Treatise"
- Bernstein_Sergi Bernstein on teaching
- Bertrand "Bertrand's work on probability" Introduction
- Bessel Bessel and the Royal Astronomical Society
- Bing R H Bing as a car driver
- Bisacre F F P Bisacre - Applied calculus
- Bocher M Bôcher: "Integral equations"
- Bolyai Elemér Kiss: "Mathematical Gems from the Bolyai Chests" Preface
- Bolyai Temesvár letter from János to Farkas Bolyai
- Bolyai_Farkas Temesvár letter from János to Farkas Bolyai
- Bolza Oskar Bolza: "Calculus of Variations"
- Bombelli Bombelli: "Algebra"
- Born Born Inaugural
- Born Max Born's matrices
- Bossut Charles Bossut on Leibniz and Newton
- Bott Raoul Bott on John Nash
- Bottasso Publications of Matteo Bottasso
- Bowditch Laplace: "Méchanique Céleste"
- Bromwich Thomas Bromwich: "Infinite Series"
- Bronowski Bronowski and retrodigitisation
- Burgess Burgess plaque
- Burnside W Burnside: "Theory of Groups of Finite Order"
- Cajori Cajori: "A history of mathematics" Introduction
- Cajori Florian Cajori on William Oughtred
- Campbell Campbell on Differential Geometry
- Cantor Philip Jourdain and Georg Cantor
- Caratheodory Carathéodory: "Conformal representation"
- Caratheodory G H Hardy's schedule of lectures in the USA
- Cardan Cardan: autobiography
- Cassini Cassini and the Division in Saturn's Ring
- Catalan Catalan manifesto
- Catalan Galopin appreciation
- Catalan Catalan retirement
- Cayley Cayley: "Elliptic Functions"
- Cesari Cesari "Residues of Ideals"
- Chebyshev Chebyshev nets
- Chevalley C Chevalley: "On Herbrand's thought"
- Chrystal Chrystal: "Algebra" Preface
- Chrystal Chrystal: EMS Address
- Chrystal Chrystal EMS tribute
- Chrystal George Chrystal's Third Promoter's Address
- Chrystal Professor Chrystal
- Church Gian-Carlo Rota: Alonzo Church
- Clifford_Alfred Reminiscences of a Friendship: Miller on Clifford
- Cochran Cochran: "Sampling Techniques" Introduction
- Cochran Cochran: "Sampling Techniques" Preface
- Cohen Cohen on mathematics
- Coolidge Coolidge: "Origin of Polar Coordinates"
- Copernicus Mersenne and Copernicanism
- Copson Copson Professor
- Coulson Coulson: "Electricity"
- Courant Richard Courant: "Differential and Integral calculus" English edition
- Courant Richard Courant: "Differential and Integral calculus" German edition
- Cox Cox and statistics for girls
- Coxeter Coxeter and Moser: "Generators and Relations"
- Cusa Cusa: On informed ignorance
- De_L'Hopital L'Hôpital: "Analyse des infiniment petits" Preface
- De_Morgan De Morgan and the Royal Astronomical Society
- De_Morgan Errors of the Royal Society
- De_Morgan John Walsh's delusions
- De_Valera De Valera's escape
- De_Valera De Valera's theory
- Dedekind "Richard Dedekind - the man and the numbers" Introduction
- Delone Boris Delone
- Deuring Max Deuring's publications
- Diaconis Diaconis's papers
- Dickson Dickson: "Theory of Equations"
- Dickson L E Dickson: "Linear algebras"
- Du_Bois-Reymond Review of du Bois-Reymond's "Die allgemeine Functionentheorie"
- Dubreil-Jacotin Marie-Louise Dubreil-Jacotin
- Dubreil-Jacotin Dubreil-Jacotin on Maria Gaetana Agnesi
- Dubreil-Jacotin Dubreil-Jacotin on Sophie Germain
- Dubreil-Jacotin Dubreil-Jacotin on Mary Somerville
- Dubreil-Jacotin Women mathematicians by Dubreil-Jacotin
- Durell Durell and Robson: "Advanced Trigonometry"
- Dyson Freeman Dyson: autobiographical notes
- Eckert_John Bartik's colleagues
- Eckmann "Heinz Hopf Collected papers" Preface
- Eddington Arthur Eddington's 1927 Gifford Lectures
- Eddington Eddington: "Mathematical Theory of Relativity" Preface
- Eddington Eddington: "Mathematical Theory of Relativity" Introduction
- Eddington Eddington on the Expanding Universe
- Ehrenfest "Collected Papers of Paul Ehrenfest" Preface
- Einstein A meeting with Einstein
- Einstein Einstein: "Ether and Relativity"
- Einstein Einstein: "Geometry and Experience"
- Elliott Edwin Elliot: "Algebra of Quantics"
- EMS EMS 1913 Colloquium
- EMS EMS 1913 Colloquium
- EMS EMS 1914 Colloquium
- EMS EMS 1926 Colloquium
- EMS EMS 1930 Colloquium
- EMS EMS 1934 Colloquium
- EMS EMS 1938 Colloquium
- EMS 50 years of the EMS
- EMS Scotland in 1883 and the EMS
- Enriques Enriques' reviews
- Erdelyi Todd and Erdélyi on Practical Mathematics
- Erdos Hardy and Veblen on Erdos
- Erdos Pál Erdos's student years
- Euclid Euclid on elementary astronomy
- Euclid Bertrand Russell on Euclid
- Euler Carl B Boyer: "Foremost Modern Textbook"
- Euler Königsberg bridges
- Fano Publications of Gino Fano
- Feigenbaum Mark Kac on education, physics and mathematics
- Feigenbaum Mitchell Feigenbaum: the interviewer
- Fejer Pólya on Fejér
- Ferrar Ferrar: "Textbook of Convergence"
- Feynman "Surely you're joking Mr Feynman" Introduction
- Fields Fields Medal Letter
- Fisher "R A Fisher: the life of a scientist" Preface
- Fisher R A Fisher: "Statistical Methods" Introduction
- Fisher R A Fisher: "History of Statistics"
- Flamsteed Flamsteed v Newton
- Ford Ford - Mathematics for Field Artillery
- Ford L R Ford - Automorphic Functions
- Ford L R Ford - Differential Equations
- Ford L R Ford: Monthly Editor
- Forsyth Andrew Forsyth addresses the British Association in 1905
- Forsyth Andrew Russell Forsyth by Leonard Roth
- Forsyth Three Sadleirian Professors
- Fourier Joseph Fourier on his teachers
- Frank "Studies presented to Richard von Mises" Introduction
- Franklin Franklin's textbooks
- Freundlich A conversation about Finlay Freundlich
- Freundlich Finlay Freundlich's Inaugural Address
- Freundlich Finlay Freundlich's Inaugural Address, Part 2
- Freundlich The St Andrews Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
- Galileo Galileo: "Confession"
- Galileo Galileo: "Dialogue"
- Galileo "Letters from Galileo" Preface
- Gaschutz Gaschutz's My Path
- Gaschutz Gaschutz's reminiscences
- Gateaux Paul Levy and René Gateaux
- Gauss Gauss: "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae"
- Geminus Simplicius on astronomy and physics
- Germain Dubreil-Jacotin on Sophie Germain
- Gibson Gibson appointment
- Gibson George Gibson: "Calculus"
- Gibson Gibson: "History of Scottish Mathematics"
- Gillespie Gillespie: "Integration"
- Gini Gini Eugenics address
- Goldstine Bartik's colleagues
- Goursat Goursat: "Cours d'analyse mathématique"
- Grassmann Grassmann: 1844 foreword
- Grassmann Grassmann: 1862 extract
- Green_Sandy Green: "Sequences and Series"
- Gregory Collins and Gregory discuss Tschirnhaus
- Gregory Collins writes about himself
- Gregory Gibson History 5 - James Gregory
- Gregory Gregory-Collins correspondence
- Gregory Gregory's Astronomical Clock
- Gregory James Gregory's manuscripts
- Gregory Gregory's Observatory
- Gregory The Tercentenary of the birth of James Gregory
- Gregory H W Turnbull: "Scottish Contribution to the Calculus"
- Gregory The Upper Hall of the University Library
- Gregory_David Gibson History 6 - More Gregorys
- Griffiths Phillip Griffiths Looks at 'Two Cultures' Today
- Hadamard Hadamard on the calculus
- Hadamard Jacques Hadamard's failures
- Hadamard Hadamard on Hermite
- Hadamard Jacques Hadamard's mathematician's mind
- Hadamard Hadamard on Picard
- Hadamard Hadamard on Jules Tannery
- Hahn Hans Hahn: "The crisis in intuition"
- Hahn Karl Menger on Hans Hahn
- Halmos Halmos: creative art
- Halmos Paul Halmos: the Moore method
- Hamilton W R Hamilton: "Elements of Quaternions"
- Hamilton J L Synge and Hamilton
- Hamming Hamming's Reviews
- Hardy G H Hardy addresses the British Association in 1922
- Hardy Hardy's cricket teams, poets etc
- Hardy G H Hardy: "Integration of functions"
- Hardy Hardy: reference for Pólya at ETH
- Hardy Hardy in the USA
- Hardy G H Hardy's schedule of lectures in the USA
- Hardy Hardy and Veblen on Erdos
- Hardy Hardy and Veblen on Max Newman
- Hardy Three Sadleirian Professors
- Hardy Leonard Woolf on G H Hardy
- Harriot Harriot and binary numbers
- Hartree Bartik's colleagues
- Heath Heath: Everyman's Library "Euclid" Introduction
- Heath Heath: "Mathematics in Aristotle" Preface
- Heath Heath: "The thirteen books of Euclid's Elements" Preface
- Heaviside Oliver Heaviside and Newton Abbott
- Heine Publications of Eduard Heine
- Helmholtz H L F Helmholtz: "Theory of Music" Introduction
- Helmholtz H L F Helmholtz: "Theory of music" Prefaces
- Herbrand C Chevalley: "On Herbrand's thought"
- Herbrand Jacques Herbrand's accident
- Hermite Hadamard on Hermite
- Herstein Herstein: Preface to "Topics in algebra"
- Hevelius_Johannes Hevelius: fire
- Hilbert David Hilbert: "Mathematical Problems"
- Hill George William Hill's new theory of Jupiter and Saturn
- Hille Einar Hille: "Analytic Function Theory"
- Hirzebruch Friedrich Hirzebruch addresses the 1998 ICM
- Hobson Ernest Hobson addresses the British Association in 1910
- Hobson E W Hobson: "Mathematical Education"
- Hopf "Heinz Hopf Collected papers" Preface
- Hopper Bartik's colleagues
- Hormander Hörmander in "Looking forward from ICM 1962"
- Howie Howie Committee
- Howie Howie Thanksgiving Service
- Huygens Huygens: "Traité de la lumière"
- Huygens Christiaan Huygens' article on Saturn's Ring
- Iacob Caius Iacob: "Applied mathematics and mechanics"
- Jacobson Jacobson: "Theory of Rings"
- Jacobson Jacobson: "Structure of Rings"
- Jeans James Jeans addresses the British Association in 1934
- Jeans James Jeans: "Physics and Philosophy" I
- Jeans James Jeans: "Physics and Philosophy" II
- Jeffreys Harold Jeffreys on Logic and Scientific Inference
- Jeffreys Harold Jeffreys: "Scientific Inference" Preface
- Jeffreys Harold Jeffreys on Probability
- Jourdain Philip Jourdain and Georg Cantor
- Kac Mark Kac on education, physics and mathematics
- Kalman Kalman's response
- Kaplansky Kaplansky: "Infinite abelian groups" Introduction
- Karp Carol R Karp: "Languages with expressions of infinite length"
- Kemeny János Kemény's student years
- Kendall_Maurice Hiawatha Designs an Experiment
- Kepler Kepler's "Foundations of modern optics" Preface to a translation
- Kepler Kepler's Planetary Laws
- Kerr Kerr: "Technical Education"
- Keynes Keynes: "Probability" Introduction Ch I
- Keynes John Maynard Keynes: "Newton, the Man"
- Keynes Keynes: "Probability" Preface
- Keynes Newton's Arian beliefs
- Khayyam Muslim extraction of roots
- Khinchin A I Khinchin on Information Theory
- Khinchin A I Khinchin: "Statistical Mechanics" Introduction
- Khinchin A I Khinchin: "Statistical Mechanics" Preface
- Klein Felix Klein on intuition
- Kline Kline's books
- Knopp Konrad Knopp: Texts
- Kochina Kochina: "Biography of Kovalevskaya" Preface
- Kovalevskaya Kochina: "Biography of Kovalevskaya" Preface
- Kovalevskaya Anna Carlotta Leffler on Sonya Kovalevskaya
- Krylov_Nikolai_S N S Krylov's monograph - Introduction
- Kuratowski Kuratowski: "Set Theory and Topology" Foreword
- Kuratowski Kuratowski: "Introduction to Set Theory"
- Kuratowski Kuratowski: "Introduction to Topology"
- Kurosh Kurosh: "Lectures on general algebra" Introduction
- Kurosh Kurosh: "The theory of groups" 1st edition
- Kurosh Kurosh: "The theory of groups" 2nd edition
- Lagrange Joseph Fourier on his teachers
- Lamb Horace Lamb addresses the British Association in 1904
- Lamb Horace Lamb addresses the British Association in 1904, Part 2
- Landau Edmund Landau: "Foundations of Analysis" Contents
- Landau Edmund Landau: "Foundations of Analysis" Prefaces
- Lang Serge Lang: "Algebra"
- Lang Serge Lang: "A first course in calculus"
- Laplace Joseph Fourier on his teachers
- Laplace Laplace: "Méchanique Céleste"
- Laplace Laplace on "new stars"
- Laplace Laplace: "Essay on probabilities"
- Lawson Lawson: Merchiston Castle
- Lax Peter Lax's student years
- Le_Verrier A cartoon about the discovery of Neptune
- Ledermann Ledermann: "Complex Numbers"
- Ledermann Ledermann: "Finite Groups"
- Ledermann Library of Mathematics
- Lehto Lehto closing address
- Leibniz Charles Bossut on Leibniz and Newton
- Leslie EMS honours James Leslie
- Leslie Gibson History 11 - John Playfair, Sir John Leslie
- Leslie Centenary of John Leslie
- Leslie The Works of Sir John Leslie
- Lesokhin "Exercises in group theory"
- Levi-Civita Levi-Civita: "Absolute Differential Calculus"
- Levi-Civita Levi-Civita: "Lezioni di calcolo differenziale assoluto"
- Levinson "Selected papers of Norman Levinson" Preface
- Levy_Paul Paul Levy and René Gateaux
- Lonie Dr W O Lonie by Thomas Brown
- Lonie Lonie's ideas on education
- Lonie Education in St Andrews in 1849
- Lonie Education in St Andrews in 1861
- Lusztig Steele citation for Lusztig
- Luzin The 1936 Luzin affair
- Lyapin "Exercises in group theory"
- MacDonald H M Macdonald addresses the British Association in 1934
- Macdonald Macdonald Endowments
- Mackey What do mathematicians do?
- Maclaurin Mathematics at Aberdeen 3
- Maclaurin Gibson History 9 - Colin Maclaurin
- Maclaurin Kilmodan Church
- Maclaurin Mathematical Works of Colin Maclaurin
- Maclaurin Turnbull lectures on Colin Maclaurin
- MacMahon Percy MacMahon addresses the British Association in 1901
- MacRobert MacRobert: "Spherical Harmonics" Preface
- MacRobert MacRobert Professor
- MacRobert T M MacRobert: "Spherical Harmonics" Contents
- Magnus "Combinatorial group theory"
- Malcev Malcev: "Foundations of Linear Algebra" Introduction
- Mandelbrojt The Mandelbrojt family
- Mandelbrojt Mandelbrojt becomes a French citizen
- Mandelbrojt Mandelbrot: Foreword to "Abraham Robinson" by Dauben
- Mandelbrot The Mandelbrojt family
- Mandelbrot Mandelbrot: Foreword to "Abraham Robinson" by Dauben
- Marczewski "Selected papers of Edward Marczewski" Preface
- Maskelyne Nevil Maskelyne measures the Earth's density
- Mauchly Bartik's colleagues
- Maxwell EMS honours Maxwell and Tait
- Maxwell James Clerk Maxwell on the nature of Saturn's rings
- McVittie G C McVittie papers
- Menger Menger on the Calculus of Variations
- Menger Karl Menger on Hans Hahn
- Mengoli Napierian logarithms explained by Pietro Mengoli
- Mersenne De Coste on Mersenne
- Mersenne Mersenne and Copernicanism
- Mersenne Mersenne's Publications
- Mihoc Gheorghe Mihoc's books
- Miller G A Miller - A letter to the editor
- Miller_Kelly Miller graduation address
- Mises "Studies presented to Richard von Mises" Introduction
- Mitchell The Dundee Numerical Analysis Conferences
- Monge Joseph Fourier on his teachers
- Montessus de Montessus publications
- Montmort De Montmort: "Essai d'Analyse"
- Moore_Robert Paul Halmos: the Moore method
- Morera Publications of Giacinto Morera
- Moser_William Coxeter and Moser: "Generators and Relations"
- Muir Thomas Muir: "History of determinants"
- Muir Muir on research in Scotland
- Napier Gibson History 4 - John Napier
- Napier Napierian logarithms explained by Pietro Mengoli
- Napier A comment about Napier
- Napier Napier's rods
- Napier Napier Tercentenary
- Napier A Napierian logarithm before Napier
- Nash Raoul Bott on John Nash
- Nassau J J Nassau - Practical Astronomy
- Neugebauer Otto Neugebauer - a biographical sketch
- Neumann_Bernhard B H Neumann's "Bull. Austral. Math. Soc." Editorial
- Newman Hardy and Veblen on Max Newman
- Newton Charles Bossut on Leibniz and Newton
- Newton Collins meets Newton
- Newton Flamsteed v Newton
- Newton John Maynard Keynes: "Newton, the Man"
- Newton Newton's Arian beliefs
- Newton Newton: "Principia" Preface
- Northcott Northcott: "Ideal theory"
- Olds Olds' teaching articles
- Olech Olech closing address
- Olech Olech opening address
- Ollerenshaw K Ollerenshaw: "The Girls' School"
- Oppenheim University of Malaya address
- Oppenheim Asia in 1984
- Oughtred Florian Cajori on William Oughtred
- Pacioli A Napierian logarithm before Napier
- Padoa Publications of Alessandro Padoa
- Pappus Pappus on analysis and synthesis in geometry
- Pappus Pappus on mechanics
- Pappus Pappus on the trisection of an angle
- Pappus Pappus on the wisdom of bees
- Pascal Gilberte Pascal: "The life of Pascal"
- Pauli Wolfgang Pauli and the Exclusion Principle
- Peirce_Charles "Writings of Charles S Peirce" Preface
- Perelman Perelman's Fields Medal
- Picard_Emile Hadamard on Picard
- Pinkerton Pinkerton rector
- Planck Max Planck: "The Nature of Light"
- Planck Max Planck and the quanta of energy
- Planck Max Planck: "Quantum Theory"
- Plato Plato on Mathematics
- Plato Plato describes the planets
- Plato D'Arcy Thompson on Plato and Planets
- Playfair Gibson History 11 - John Playfair, Sir John Leslie
- Poincare Poincaré on the future of mathematics
- Poincare Poincaré on intuition in mathematics
- Poincare Poincaré on non-Euclidean geometry
- Polya Hardy: reference for Pólya at ETH
- Polya Pólya on Fejér
- Polya Pólya: "How to solve it" Preface
- Polya Pólya's favourite quotes
- Polya Pólya and Szegö: "Problems and Theorems in Analysis"
- Pratt John Henry Pratt's Birthday
- Preston Gordon Preston on semigroups
- Proclus Proclus and the history of geometry as far as Euclid
- Proclus Proclus on the Parallel Postulate
- Proclus Proclus on pure and applied mathematics
- Ptolemy Ptolemy's hypotheses of astronomy
- Quetelet BMI index
- Quetelet Adolphe Quetelet on crime
- Rankin The Edinburgh Mathematical Society: the first hundred years
- Rayleigh Errors of the Royal Society
- Recorde Recorde: "The Declaration of the Profit of Arithmeticke"
- Redei Rédei: Algebra
- Rey_Pastor An interview with Prof Eduardo L Ortiz
- Rey_Pastor Inaugural Discourse by Julio Rey Pastor
- Ries Adam Ries: "Coss"
- Robinson Mandelbrot: Foreword to "Abraham Robinson" by Dauben
- Robinson_Julia Julia Robinson: Hilbert's 10th Problem
- Rota Gian-Carlo Rota: Alonzo Church
- Roth Andrew Russell Forsyth by Leonard Roth
- Roth Roth Family
- Routh Edward Routh's family history
- Runge Carl Runge: "Graphical Methods"
- Ruse H S Ruse papers
- Russell Bertrand Russell on Euclid
- Rutherford Rutherford: "Fluid Dynamics"
- Salmon George Salmon: from mathematics to theology
- Samuel Zariski and Samuel: "Commutative Algebra"
- Sang Edward Sang on his tables
- Saunderson Diderot: Nicholas Saunderson
- Savage Leonard J Savage: "Foundations of Statistics"
- Schlapp Colin Maclaurin
- Schouten J A Schouten's Opening Address to ICM 1954
- Schrodinger Schrödinger: "Statistical Thermodynamics"
- Segre_Corrado Publications of Corrado Segre
- Semple Semple and Kneebone: "Algebraic Projective Geometry"
- Sheppard Sheppard Papers
- Simplicius Simplicius on astronomy and physics
- Simson Gibson History 7 - Robert Simson
- Skolem Skolem: "Abstract Set Theory"
- Sneddon Sneddon: "Special functions"
- Solitar "Combinatorial group theory"
- Somerville Dubreil-Jacotin on Mary Somerville
- Somerville Somerville's American connections
- Somerville Somerville's Booklist
- Somerville Somerville's House in Burntisland
- Somerville Recollections of Mary Somerville
- Sommerfeld Sommerfeld: "Atomic Structure"
- Sommerville Sommerville: "Geometry of n dimensions"
- Spencer Donald C Spencer's publications
- Stackel Review of du Bois-Reymond's "Die allgemeine Functionentheorie"
- Stackel Stäckel's contribution to Mathematics Teaching
- Stewart Gibson History 10 - Matthew Stewart, John Stewart, William Trail
- Stirling Gibson History 8 - James Stirling
- Stirling Charles Tweedie on James Stirling
- Stuart James Stuart in Vanity Fair
- Suter J Ruska on Heinrich Suter
- Synge J L Synge and Hamilton
- Synge J L Synge: "Geometrical Optics"
- Szego Gábor Szegó's student years
- Szego Pólya and Szegö: "Problems and Theorems in Analysis"
- Szekeres George Szekeres's student years
- Tait EMS honours Maxwell and Tait
- Tait Tait and golf
- Tait
- Tannery_Jules Hadamard on Jules Tannery
- Tarski Alfred Tarski: "Cardinal Algebras"
- Taylor Phillip S Jones on Brook Taylor
- Taylor Taylor versus Continental mathematicians
- Temple George Temple's Inaugural Lecture I
- Temple George Temple's Inaugural Lecture II
- Thales Airy on Thales' eclipse
- Thompson_D'Arcy D'Arcy Thompson's family
- Thompson_D'Arcy D'Arcy Thompson by David Burt
- Thompson_D'Arcy DArcy Thompson knighted
- Thompson_D'Arcy D'Arcy Thompson on Greek irrationals
- Thompson_D'Arcy D'Arcy Thompson on Plato and Planets
- Thomson Kelvin on the sun
- Thomson Thomson on British units
- Thomson Thomson on "ether"
- Tietze Heinrich Tietze on Numbers
- Tietze Tietze: "Famous Problems of Mathematics"
- Titchmarsh E C Titchmarsh: "Aftermath"
- Titchmarsh E C Titchmarsh on Counting
- Todd_John Todd and Erdélyi on Practical Mathematics
- Todd_John Todd: "Basic Numerical Mathematics"
- Todhunter Isaac Todhunter: "Euclid" Preface
- Todhunter Isaac Todhunter: "Euclid" Introduction
- Trail Mathematics at Aberdeen 3
- Trail Gibson History 10 - Matthew Stewart, John Stewart, William Trail
- Troughton The South-Troughton quarrel
- Truesdell Truesdell's books
- Tschirnhaus Collins and Gregory discuss Tschirnhaus
- Turing Turing as a runner
- Turnbull Gregory's Astronomical Clock
- Turnbull Gregory's Observatory
- Turnbull The Tercentenary of the birth of James Gregory
- Turnbull Turnbull and Aitken: "Canonical Matrices"
- Turnbull Turnbull: "The Great Mathematicians" Preface
- Turnbull Turnbull lectures on Colin Maclaurin
- Turnbull Turnbull Professor
- Turnbull Science at St Andrews
- Turnbull H W Turnbull: "Scottish Contribution to the Calculus"
- Turnbull The Upper Hall of the University Library
- Tweedie Charles Tweedie on James Stirling
- Tweedie Charles Tweedie's subscribers
- Ulugh_Beg Al-Kashi's letter
- Ulugh_Beg The Samarkand Observatory
- Vacca Napierian logarithms explained by Pietro Mengoli
- Vacca A Napierian logarithm before Napier
- Vajda Vajda books
- Vajda Vajda citation
- Valerio Luca Valerio's scientific career
- Valiant Valiant Turing Award
- Veblen Hardy in the USA
- Veblen Hardy and Veblen on Erdos
- Veblen Hardy and Veblen on Max Newman
- Veblen Veblen's Opening Address to ICM 1950
- Veblen Oswald Veblen Publications
- Viete De Thou on François Viète
- Von_Neumann Bartik's colleagues
- Von_Neumann János Neumann's student years
- Von_Neumann Von Neumann: "The Mathematician"
- Von_Neumann Von Neumann: "The Mathematician" Part 2
- Von_Neumann Von Neumann Silliman lectures
- Walsh John Walsh's delusions
- Wangerin Publications of Albert Wangerin
- Wantzel A de Lapparent: "Wantzel"
- Weierstrass Anna Carlotta Leffler on Sonya Kovalevskaya
- Weil André Weil: "Algebraic Geometry"
- Weil André Weil: Rouen prison
- Weyl G H Hardy's schedule of lectures in the USA
- Weyl H Weyl: "Theory of groups and quantum mechanics" Introduction
- Weyl H Weyl: "Theory of groups and quantum mechanics"Preface to First Edition
- Weyl H Weyl: "Theory of groups and quantum mechanics"Preface to Second Edition
- Whiston Whiston's comments on Berkeley's "Treatise"
- Whitehead A N Whitehead addresses the British Association in 1916
- Whitehead A N Whitehead: "Autobiographical Notes"
- Whitehead A N Whitehead: "Mathematics in the History of Thought"
- Whittaker Edmund Whittaker: "Physics and Philosophy"
- Whittaker Whittaker retires EMA
- Whittaker Whittaker RSE Prize
- Whittaker_John J M Whittaker Chair
- Wien Wien's 1890 report
- Wigner Jenó Wigner's student years
- Wilder R L Wilder: "Cultural Basis of Mathematics I"
- Wilder R L Wilder: "Cultural Basis of Mathematics II"
- Wilder R L Wilder: "Cultural Basis of Mathematics III"
- Williamson John Williamson papers
- Wilson_Alexander The Wilson Depression
- Woodward Woodward looks back
- Young W H Young addresses ICM 1928
- Young W H Young addresses ICM 1928 Part 2
- Young W H Young: "Differential Calculus"
- Young William and Grace Young: "Sets of Points"
- Zariski Zariski and Samuel: "Commutative Algebra"
- Zhukovsky Zhukovsky (or Jowkowski) aerofoils
Other Additional Material
- American Mathematical Society Colloquium
- Big Game Hunting
- Edinburgh Mathematical Notes
- EMS Roll of Honour for World War I
- Founding of the Scottish Universities
- Graf theory
- John Collins by Wood
- Journal of the Statistical Society of London
- Lucretius: "On the Nature of Things"
- Madras College exams
- Mathematical and Physical Journal for Secondary Schools
- Mathematics in Aberdeen
- Mathematics in France during World War II
- Mathematics in Glasgow
- Mathematics in St Andrews
- Rose's Greek mathematical literature
- Scottish University Examinations
- St Andrews Mathematics Examinations
- St Andrews Physics Examinations
- Students in 1711
- Twenty-Five Years of Groups St Andrews Conferences
- University of Glasgow Examinations
- Venice and statistics
- William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition
Famous Curves Index
| Astroid | Bicorn | Cardioid | Cartesian Oval | Cassinian Ovals | Catenary | Cayley's Sextic | Circle | Cissoid of Diocles | Cochleoid | Conchoid | Conchoid of de Sluze | Cycloid | Devil's Curve | Double Folium | Dürer's Shell Curves | Eight Curve | Ellipse | Epicycloid | Epitrochoid | Equiangular Spiral | Fermat's Spiral | Folium | Folium of Descartes | Freeth's Nephroid | Frequency Curve | Hyperbola | Hyperbolic Spiral | Hypocycloid | Hypotrochoid | Involute of a Circle | Kampyle of Eudoxus | Kappa Curve | Lamé Curves | Lemniscate of Bernoulli | Limacon of Pascal | Lissajous Curves | Lituus | Neile's Parabola | Nephroid | Newton's Parabolas | Parabola | Pearls of de Sluze | Pear-shaped Quartic | Plateau Curves | Pursuit Curve | Quadratrix of Hippias | Rhodonea Curves | Right Strophoid | Serpentine | Sinusoidal Spirals | Spiral of Archimedes | Spiric Sections | Straight Line | Talbot's Curve | Tractrix | Tricuspoid | Trident of Newton | Trifolium | Trisectrix of Maclaurin | Tschirnhaus' Cubic | Watt's Curve | Witch of Agnesi
Mathematicians of the day
Mathematical Societies, Medals, Prizes and other honours
- Major Prizes
- Fields Medal Winners
- Nobel Prize Winners
- Wolf Prize Winners
- The Abel Prize
American Mathematical Society Prizes
- AMS Böcher Prize
- AMS Cole Prize for algebra
- AMS Cole Prize for number theory
- AMS Levi L Conant Prize
- AMS Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize Prize
- AMS Leroy P Steele Prize
- AMS Veblen Prize
- AMS Norbert Wiener Prize
- AMS/SIAM Garrett Birkhoff Prize
- AMS Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize
London Mathematical Society Prizes
- LMS Berwick Medal
- LMS De Morgan Medal
- LMS Naylor Prize
- LMS Senior Whitehead Prize
- LMS Whitehead Prize
Royal Society Prizes
- Royal Society Copley Medal
- Royal Society Royal Medal
- Royal Society Sylvester Medal
Royal Statistical Society Prizes
- RSS Guy Medal in Gold
- RSS Guy Medal in Silver
- RSS Guy Medal in Bronze
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Prizes
- SIAM Ralph E Kleinman Prize
- SIAM George Pólya Prize
- SIAM W T and Idalia Reid Prize
- SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service
- SIAM Theodore von Kármán Prize
- SIAM Germund Dahlquist Prize
Japanese Mathematical Society Prizes
- MSJ Algebra Prize
- MSJ Analysis Prize
- MSJ Geometry Prize
- MSJ Iyanaga, Spring and Autumn Prizes
- MSJ Seki-Takakazu Prize
Other Prizes
- American Statistical Association Wilks Award
- Australian Mathematical Society Medal
- Australian Mathematical Society Szekeres Medal
- Canadian Mathematical Society Coxeter-James Prize
- Canadian Mathematical Society Jeffery-Williams Prize
- Canadian Mathematical Society Krieger-Nelson Prize
- Canadian Number Theory Association Ribenboim Prize
- Clay Research Award
- DMV Georg Cantor Medal
- Dutch MS Brouwer Medal
- EMS Whittaker Prize
- European Mathematical Society Prizes
- ICIAM Collatz Prize
- ICIAM Lagrange Prize
- ICIAM Maxwell Prize
- ICIAM Pioneer Prize
- ICIAM Su Buchin Prize
- IMU Gauss Prize
- IMU Nevanlinna Prize
- Herbrand Award
- Karp Prize
- Mathematical Association of America Chauvenet Prize
- NAS AwardApplied Mathematics/Numerical Analysis
- NAS Award in Mathematics
- Frederic Esser Nemmers Prize
- Ostrowski Prize
- Pacific Astronomical Society Bruce Medallists
- Pythagoras Award
- St Petersburg MS Abramov Prize
- St Petersburg MS Young Mathematician prize
- Alice T Schafer Prize
- Rolf Schock Prize
- Shaw Prize
- Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize
- Université Paul Sabatier Fermat Prize
Speakers at Conferences
- International Congress of Mathematicians
- British Mathematical Colloquium
- Groups St Andrews Conference
- Savilian chairs of Mathematics and Astronomy
- Waynflete chair of Pure Mathematics
- Lucasian chair of Mathematics
- Lowndean chair of Astronomy and Mathematics
- Plumian chair of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy
Presidencies, etc
- Royal Society Presidents
- American MS Presidents
- London MS Presidents
- London MS Presidential addresses
- Edinburgh MS Presidents
- Edinburgh MS Honorary Treasurers
- Edinburgh MS Honorary Secretaries
- Swiss MS Presidents
- AMS Colloquium Lecturers
- AMS Gibbs Lecturers
- Gödel Lecturers
- Royal Society Bakerian Lecturers
- MAA Hedrick Lecturers
- Australian Mathematical Society Mahler Lecturership
- AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture
- SIAM John von Neumann Lecture
Fellowships, etc
- Royal Society Fellows
- Royal Society of Edinburgh Fellows
- Edinburgh MS Honorary Fellows
- London MS Honorary Members
- RSS Honorary Fellows
- DMV Honorary Members
- St Petersburg MS Honorary Members
Other honours
- Paris street names
- Commemorated on the Eiffel Tower
- Lunar features
- Planetary features
Biography in Aubrey's Brief Lives
Alphabetical List of Mathematical Societies
- Académie des Sciences (Paris) | Accademia dei Lincei | African Mathematical Union | Allahabad Mathematical Society | American Statistical Society | American Academy of Arts & Sciences | American Mathematical Society | Applied & Industrial Mathematical Society | Argentina Mathematical Union | Astronomical Society (London) | Australian Academy of Sciences | Australian Statistical Society | Australian Mathematical Society | Austrian Academy of Sciences | Austrian Mathematical Society
- Belarus Academy of Sciences | Belgium Academy of Sciences | Belgium Mathematical Society | Berlin Academy of Science | Bolyai Mathematical Society | Brazilian Mathematical Society | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | Bulgarian Statistical Society | Bulgarian Mathematicians Union
- Canadian Royal Society | Canadian Statistical Society | Canadian Mathematical Society | Catalan Society for Physics, Chemistry & Maths | Catalan Mathematical Society | Chilian Mathematical Society | Chinese Mathematical Society | Columbian Mathematical Society | Czech Academy of Sciences | Czech Mathematicians & Physicists Union
- Danish Academy of Sciences | Danish Mathematical Society | Dutch Mathematical Society
- Edinburgh Mathematical Society | Estonian Statistical Society | Estonian Mathematical Society | European Mathematical Society
- Finnish Academy of Sciences | Finnish Statistical Society | Finnish Mathematical Society | French Mathematical Society
- German Society for Applied Maths & Mechanics | German Academy of Scientists Leopoldina | German Statistical Society | German Mathematical Society | Göttingen Academy of Sciences | Göttingen Mathematical Society
- Hamburg Mathematical Society | Hellenic Mathematical Society | Hong Kong Mathematical Society | Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Icelandic Mathematical Society | Imperial Academy of Sciences | International Mathematical Union | Indian Academy of Sciences | Indian Mathematical Society | Irish Academy | Irish Mathematical Society | Italian Mathematical Union | Italian National Academy of Sciences
- Jagiellonian University Maths Society | János Bolyai Mathematical Society | Japanese Association of Math Sciences | Japanese Mathematical Society
- Kaiser Wilhelm Society (Munich) | Kazan Physico-mathematical Society | Kharkov Mathematical Society | Korean Statistical Society | Korean Mathematical Society
- Latvian Academy of Sciences | Latvian Society of Physicists & Mathematicians | Latvian Mathematical Society | Lincei Accademia | Lithuanian Mathematical Society | London Mathematical Society | London Royal Society | Luxembourg Mathematical Society
- Mathematical Association of America | Malaysian Mathematical Society | Max_Planck Society for the Advancement of Science | Mexican Mathematical Society | Moscow Mathematical Society
- National Academy of Sciences (United States) | New York Academy of Sciences | New York Mathematical Society | New Zealand Mathematical Society | Norwegian Academy of Science & Letters | Norwegian Mathematical Society
- Palermo Mathematical Circle | Paris Academy of Sciences | Petrograd Physico-Mathematical Society | Philippines Mathematical Society | Plato's Academy | Polish Academy of Sciences | Polish Mathematical Society | Portuguese Mathematical Society
- Quebec Mathematical Association
- Ramanujan Mathematical Society | Romanian Mathematical Society | Royal Astronomical Society | Royal Belgium Academy of Sciences | Royal Danish Academy of Sciences | Royal Irish Academy | Royal Statistical Society | Royal Society (London) | Royal Society of Canada | Royal Society of Edinburgh | Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences | Russian Academy of Sciences
- Scientific Research Society of Zurich | Serbian Society of Mathematicians & Physicists | Serbian Academy of Sciences | Slovak Academy of Sciences | Slovak Mathematicians & Physicists Union | Slovenian Society of Mathematicians, Physicists & Astronomers | Société de Mathématique Appliquées et Industrielle | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | South African Mathematical Society | Spanish Academy of Sciences | Spitalfields Mathematical Society (London) | St Petersburg Academy of Sciences | St Petersburg Mathematical Society | Statistical Royal Society | Swedish Academy of Sciences | Swedish Mathematical Society | Swiss Academy of Natural Science | Swiss Mathematical Society | Swiss Statistical Society
- Trinity College Dublin Mathematical Society | Tokyo Mathematical Association | Tokyo Mathematical Society | Turin Mathematical Society | Turkish Mathematical Society
- Ukrainian Academy of Sciences | Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians | Union of Czech Mathematicians & Physicists | USSR Academy of Sciences
- Vietnamese Mathematical Society
- Warsaw Scientific Society
- Zurich Scientific Research Society
A Time Line of Mathematicians
- 800 BC - 700 AD (The Greek period)
- 600 - 1500 (The Arabic period)
- 1450 - 1700 (The 16th and 17th Centuries)
- 1650 - 1800 (The 18th Century)
- 1750 - 1850 (The early 19th Century)
- 1825 - 1900 (The late 19th Century)
- 1875 - 1960 (The 20th Century)
Index for the Chronology
We have included quotations from many of the mathematicians in our archive. You can access them from the individual biographies. You can search the files of quotations using the form below.
Here is a list of those mathematicians who have quotations. The number in brackets is the number of quotations.
- A | Abel (6) | Abraham (1) | Adams_Frank (2) | Ahmes (1) | Aiken (1) | al-Biruni (3) | al-Khwarizmi (1) | Albertus (1) | Ampere (1) | Anaxagoras (1) | Apollonius (1) | Arago (3) | Arbuthnot (1) | Archimedes (7) | Aristotle (19) | Arnauld (1)
- B | Babbage (6) | Bacon (6) | Baker (1) | Banach (2) | Barlow (1) | Barrow (4) | Bell (13) | Bergman (3) | Berkeley (4) | Bernoulli_Daniel (2) | Bernoulli_Jacob (4) | Bernoulli_Johann (4) | Bers (1) | Besicovitch (1) | Bhaskara (1) | Bocher (2) | Bochner (2) | Boethius (1) | Bohr_Niels (3) | Boltzmann (5) | Bolyai (2) | Bolyai_Farkas (1) | Boole (4) | Borel (1) | Born (3) | Boscovich (2) | Bowditch (1) | Boyle (1) | Brahe (1) | Brahmagupta (1) | Broglie (1) | Bronowski (1) | Brouwer (1) | Buffon (1)
- C | Caccioppoli (2) | Cajori (1) | Cantor (2) | Cardan (2) | Carlyle (3) | Carnot (1) | Cauchy (1) | Cayley (2) | Chebyshev (1) | Chrystal (1) | Clausius (1) | Clifford (2) | Cohen (1) | Condorcet (1) | Coolidge (2) | Copernicus (2)
- D | d'Alembert (5) | Dantzig (3) | Davenport (1) | De_Morgan (6) | De_Prony (2) | Dedekind (1) | Dee (4) | Dehn (1) | Delambre (1) | Democritus (4) | Descartes (14) | Dickson (1) | Dieudonne (4) | Digges (1) | Diophantus (1) | Dirac (8) | Dodgson (7) | Doob (1) | Duhem (1) | Durer (3)
- E | Eddington (16) | Edge (1) | Einstein (42) | Erdos (8) | Escher (2) | Euclid (3) | Eudoxus (1) | Euler (5)
- F | Fejer (1) | Feller (2) | Fermat (3) | Feynman (5) |
| Fisher (2) | Fontenelle (5) | Forsyth (2) | Fourier (2) | Frege (1) | Fresnel (1) | Fuller (2)
- G | Galileo (12) | Galois (1) | Galton (3) | Gauss (22) | Germain (1) | Gibbs (2) | Glaisher (2) | Godel (2) | Gordan (1)
- H | Hadamard (3) | Hall_Marshall (1) | Halley (1) | Halmos (17) | Hamilton (4) | Hamming (2) | Hankel (1) | Hardy (12) | Harish-Chandra (1) | Hawking (3) | Heaviside (5) | Heisenberg (2) | Helmholtz (1) | Hermite (4) | Herstein (1) | Hilbert (17) | Hirst (1) | Hobbes (7) | Hooke (2) | Hubble (2) | Hurwitz (1)
- IJ | Jacobi (8) | Jeans (4) | Jevons (1) | Jordan (1)
- K | Kac (3) | Kaplansky (1) | Karman (1) | Kepler (16) | Keynes (5) | Khayyam (8) | Klein (6) | Kolmogorov (1) | Kovalevskaya (1) | Kronecker (2) | Kummer (1)
- L | Lacroix (1) | Lagrange (11) | Lakatos (1) | Lambert (2) | Lanczos (2) | Landau (2) | Laplace (10) | Lasker (1) | Lebesgue (1) | Lefschetz (1) | Legendre (1) | Leibniz (11) | Leonardo (10) | Levi (1) | Libri (1) | Littlewood (24) | Lobachevsky (2) | Lovelace (1)
- M | Maclaurin (3) | Mandelbrot (1) | Maxwell (5) | Minkowski (2) | Mittag-Leffler (1) | Montucla (1) | Moore_Eliakim (2) | Moore_Robert (1) | Mordell (6) | Morse (1)
- N | Napier (3) | Neugebauer (1) | Neumann_Franz (1) | Newcomb (1) | Newton (13) | Nicomachus (2)
- O | Osgood (2)
- PQ | Pacioli (1) | Pappus (1) | Pascal (43) | Pauli (3) | | Pearson (3) | Peirce_Benjamin (2) | Peirce_Charles (6) | Planck (2) | Plato (15) | Poincare (22) | Poinsot (1) | Poisson (1) | Polya (27) | Proclus (4) | Ptolemy (1) | Pythagoras (2) | Quetelet (2) | Quine (1)
- R | Ramsey (1) | Rayleigh (2) | Recorde (2) | Regiomontanus (1) | Reichenbach (2) | Renyi (1) | Rheticus (1) | Richardson (2) | Riemann (2) | Roth (1) | Rudio (1) | Russell (25)
- S | Schrodinger (1) | Seki (1) | Servois (1) | Smith (3) | Somerville (1) | Spottiswoode (1) | Stevin (1) | Stifel (1) | Stone (1) | Sylvester (10) | Synge (1)
- T | Tait (1) | Tartaglia (1) | Thales (2) | Thom (4) | Thompson_D'Arcy (3) | Thomson (6) | Thurston (1) | Tietze (1) | Titchmarsh (5) | Todhunter (1) | Turing (3) | Turnbull (2)
- UV | Ulam (5) | Ulugh_Beg (1) | Van_Vleck (1) | Vandiver (1) | Viete (3) | Von_Neumann (4)
- W | Wallis (1) | Weierstrass (1) | Weil (4) | Weyl (11) | Whitehead (38) | Whitehead_Henry (1) | Wiener_Norbert (9) | Wigner (4) | Wiles (1) | Wittgenstein (20) | Woodward (1) | Wren (1)
- XYZ | Young (1) | Zeeman (1)
Erstellt: 2013-08
vokabeln - Mathematik-Vokabeln
- Englisch - Mathematik
- Englisch - Schul-Mathematik
- Mathematik - Kopfrechnen
Notation in Mathematics
Almost All | Almost Everywhere | Approximately Equal | Approximately Equal To | Arabic Numeral | Arrow Notation | Asymptotic Notation | Babylonian Numerals | Backslash | Bar | Big-O Notation | Big Oh | Big Oh Notation | Big-Omega Notation | Big-Theta Notation | Bracket | Caret | Cauchy Principal Value | Chained Arrow Notation | Circle Notation | Circumflex | Coefficient | Coefficient Notation | Cok | Coker | Colon | Comma | Congruent | Conjugate Transpose | Dagger | Dash | Decimal | Decimal Comma | Decimal Period | Decimal Point | Del | Diesis | Discrete Delta | Division Bracket | Double Bar | Double Dagger | Double Dot | Double Prime | Doublestruck | Down Arrow Notation | Einstein Summation | Equal | Equivalent | Exists | Far Greater | Far Less | Finite Part |Gallows | Geometric Congruence | Greater | Greater than/Less than... | Greek Numerals | Hat |Hermann-Mauguin Symbol | Hyphen | Implies | Integral Sign | ker | Ker | L2-Norm | Lambda Function | Landau Notation | Landau Symbols | Less | Little-o | Little-o Notation | Long Division Symbol | Lyndon Word | Macron |Matrix | Maximum | Mega | Megistron | Minimum | Minus | Minus Sign | Moser | Much Greater | Much Less |Mulliken Symbols | Multi-Index Notation | Multiplication Sign | Nabla | Negation Sign | Notation | o | O | Obelus |Octothorpe | Overdot | Parallel | Parenthesis | Partie Finie | Percent Sign | Piecewise Function | Plus or Minus | Plus Sign | Postfix Notation | Power Tower | Precedence | Precedes | Prime | Prime Power Symbol | Psi Function |
|Q.E.F. | Q-Function | Radical | Reverse Polish Notation | Roman Coefficient | Roman Factorial | Roman Numerals |Roman Symbol | RPN | Run-Length Encoding | Schläfli Symbol | Schönflies Symbol | Scientific Notation |Semicolon | Sigma | Sign | Single Bar | Solidus | Sparkline | Steinhaus-Moser Notation | Subscript | Succeeds | Such That | Superscript | Swung Dash | Tau | Tau Function | Tilde | Twiddle | Ultraradical | Underdot | Underscore |Unequal | Variance | Vinculum | Virgule | Wythoff Symbol
Terminology in Mathematics
Abelian | Abstract Mathematics | Abstract Nonsense | Adjoint | Almost Surely | Ambiguous | Amplitude | Analytic | Analytic Solution | Ansatz | Anthyphairetic Ratio | Asymptosy | Asymptotic | At Least One | Augend | Babylonian Numerals | Basis | Bivariate | Brace | Brothers | Calcus | Canonical | Canonical Form | Characteristic | Choose | Class | Closed-Form Solution | Complement | Complex Variable | Condition | Conjecture | Corollary | Criterion | Cubed | Cumulative Count | Decad | Decade | Decomposition | Defined | Definition | Degeneracy | Degenerate | Degree of Freedom | Derivation | Diagram | Different | Dot | Dozen | Dummy Variable | Elementary Methods | End of Proof | Equality | Equation | Equinumerous | Euler's Theorem | Exact | Exact Solution | Exactly One | Exponentiation | Expression | Family | First Theorem of Pappus | Formula | Fundamental | Gallows |
| Growth | Harmonic | Head | Heuristic | Hexad | Homology | Horizontal | Hypothesis | Identically Zero | Identity | Iff | Ill Defined | Indeterminate | Index | Inequation | Invertible | Isomorphic | Just If | Just One | Loop | Math | Mathematics | Maths | Method | Monad | Monster-Barring | Multiplicity | Multivariate | Noetherian | Nonvanishing | Numeral | Octave | Of the Form | One and Only One | One-to-One | One-to-One Correspondence | Order | Order of Magnitude | Over | Pairwise | Pappus's Theorem | Parameter | Parameterization | Pathological | Pentad | Polyhedron | Porism | Precisely Unless | Principal | Principle | Problem | Procedure | Proper | Proposition | Quadratic | Quadrature | Quadruple | Quantity | Quarter | Quartet | Quintet | Quintuple | Quintuplet | Radicand | Real Variable | Reparameterization | Represented As | Retraction | Rigorous | Rule | Scruple | Second Theorem of Pappus | Signature | Skew | Spaghetti Bundle | Spectrum | Square Bracket | Squared | Star | Such That | Sufficient | Sufficiently Large | Surd | Tail | Technique | Tetractys | Tetrad | Tetraktys | Theorem of Pappus | Triad | Triangle Condition | Triple | Trivial | Uncia | Undefined | Unique | Univariate | Unknown | Unless | Vanish Identically | Vanishing | Variable | Vertex | Vertical | Weight | Well Defined
Zeno's Paradoxes (W3)
sind natürlich nach "Zeno von Elea (c. 490 BC - c. 425 BC) benannt.
Bücher zur Kategorie:
Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Mathematik, Matemáticas, Mathématiques, Matematica, Mathematics, (esper.) matematiko
Bourbaki, Nicolas
Elements of mathematics
auf zahlreiche Bände berechnet
- 1. Elements of Mathematics. Algebra I. Chapters 1 - 3: v. 1 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer (Taschenbuch - 23. Mai 2008)
- 2. Elements of Mathematics. Commutative Algebra. Chapters 1 - 7 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer (Taschenbuch - 24. Oktober 2007)
- 3. Elements of Mathematics, General Topology Bd. 1-4 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer (Taschenbuch - 26. Februar 2008)
- 4. Elements of Mathematics. Theory of Sets von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Taschenbuch - 10. Oktober 2008)
- 5. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. Chapters 4-6 (Elements of Mathematics) von Nicolas Bourbaki und A. N. Pressley von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 3. Januar 2009)
- 6. Elements of Mathematics. Topological Vector Spaces. Chapters 1 - 5 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Taschenbuch - 10. Oktober 2008)
- 7. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. Chapters 7-9 (Elements of Mathematics) von Nicolas Bourbaki und A. N. Pressley von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 4. Dezember 2008)
- 8. Elements of Mathematics. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. Chapters 1-3 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer (Taschenbuch - 18. September 1998)
- 9. Elements of Mathematics / Integration 2: Chapters 7 - 9 von Nicolas Bourbaki und Sterling K. Berberian von Springer, Berlin (Gebundene Ausgabe - 7. September 2004)
- 10. Elements of Mathematics. Integration 1. Chapters 1 - 6: Vol 1 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Gebundene Ausgabe - 5. Dezember 2003)
- 11. Elements of Mathematics, General Topology Bd. 5-10 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Taschenbuch - 10. Oktober 2008)
- 12. Elements of the History of Mathematics von Nicolas Bourbaki und John Meldrum von Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Taschenbuch - 10. Oktober 2008)
- 12. Algebra II. Kapitel 4 - 7. Elements of Mathematics: Algebra, Pt.2 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag GmbH (Gebundene Ausgabe - November 1990)
- 14. Topological Vector Spaces. Kapitel 1 - 5. Elements of Mathematics: Topological Vector Spaces: Chapters 1-5 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag GmbH (Gebundene Ausgabe - Oktober 1987)
- 15. Elements of Mathematics: Theory of Sets von Nicolas Bourbaki von Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc (Gebundene Ausgabe - Dezember 1968)
- 16. Elements of Mathematics: General Topology, Pt.1 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc (Gebundene Ausgabe - Januar 1967)
- 17. Elements of Mathematics: General Topology, Pt.2 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc (Gebundene Ausgabe - Januar 1967)
- 18. Elements of mathematics. Algebra I. Chapters 1-3.: Algebra, Pt.1 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc (Gebundene Ausgabe -Dezember 1973)
- 19. Elements of Mathematics: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Pt.1 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc (Gebundene Ausgabe - September 1975)
- 20. Elements of Mathematics: Commutative Algebra von Nicolas Bourbaki von Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc (Gebundene Ausgabe - Dezember 1972)
- 21. Topological Vectors Spaces: Elements of Mathematics von Nicolas Bourbaki, H. G. Eggleston und S. Madan von Springer-Verlag (Gebundene Ausgabe - September 1987)
- 22. Commutative Algebra: Chapters 1-7 (Elements of Mathematics) von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag (Gebundene Ausgabe - Februar 1989)
- 23. Algebra I: Chapters 1-3 (Elements of Mathematics) von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag (Gebundene Ausgabe - Februar 1989)
- 24. Algebra II: Chapters 4-7 (Elements of Mathematics) von Nicholas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag (Gebundene Ausgabe - Dezember 1990)
- 25. Elements of the History of Mathematics (Elements of Mathematics) von Nicolas Bourbaki und N. Bourbaki von Springer (Gebundene Ausgabe - September 1994)
- 26. DSP for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems (Elements of Mathematics) von Nicolas Bourbaki, H. Seyin Abut und John H. L. Hansen von Springer Verlag Gmbh (Gebundene Ausgabe - Januar 1989)
- 27. Elements of Mathematics. Algebra II, Chapters 4 - 7: Chapters 4-7 Pt. 2 von Nicolas Bourbaki, J. Howie und P. M. Cohn von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 16. April 2003)
- 28. General Topology II. Kapitel 5 - 10. Elements of Mathematics: General Topology. Chapters 5-10 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag GmbH (Gebundene Ausgabe - Januar 1989)
- 29. Elements of Mathematics. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Chapters 4-6 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Gebundene Ausgabe - 1. Januar 2002)
- 30. Elements of Mathematics. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. Chapters 7-9 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Gebundene Ausgabe - 15. November 2004)
- 31. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. Kapitel 1 - 3. Elements of Mathematics: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. Chapters 1-3 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag GmbH (Gebundene Ausgabe - Januar 1989)
- 32. Elements of Mathematics. Functions of a Real Variable: Elementary Theory (Elements De Mathematique) von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Gebundene Ausgabe - 18. September 2003)
- 33. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Chapters 7-9 (Elements of Mathematics) von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer (Kindle Edition - 30. November 1974) - Kindle eBook
- 34. Eléments d'histoire des mathématiques von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 18. Dezember 2006)
- 35. Elements of the History of Mathematics von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag GmbH (Gebundene Ausgabe - August 1994)
- 36. Éléments de Mathématique: Algebre -10. Chapitre 10. Algebre homologique (Elements De Mathematique) von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 37. Éléments de Mathématique: Bourbaki, Nicolas : Espaces vectoriels topologiques: Chapitres 1a 5 (Elements De Mathematique) von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 38. Éléments de Mathématique: Groupes et algebres de Lie. Chapitres 2-3. Chapitres 2 et 3 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 39. Éléments de Mathématique: Algebre commutative 8-9. Chapitres 8 et 9 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 5. September 2006)
- 40. Éléments de Mathématique: Théorie des ensembles von N. Bourbaki von Springer (Taschenbuch - 22. Februar 2009)
- 41. Éléments de Mathématique: Algebre commutative -10. Chapitre 10 (Elements De Mathematique) von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 42. Éléments de Mathématique: Varietes differentielles et analytiques. Fascicule de resultats von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 43. Éléments de Mathématique: Groupes et algebres de Lie 4-6. Chapitres 4, 5 et 6 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 44. Éléments de Mathématique: Theories spectrales 1-2. Chapitres 1-2 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 45. Éléments de Mathématique: Elements de Mathematique. Integration. Chapitre IX: Integration sur les espaces topologiques separes: Chapitre 9 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - Dezember 2006)
- 46. Éléments de Mathématique: Integration -6. Chapitre 6 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 47. Éléments de Mathématique: Integration 7-8. Chapitres 7-8 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 48. Éléments de Mathématique: Integration -5. Chapitre 5 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 49. Éléments de Mathématique: Algèbre -9: Chapitre 9 (Elements De Mathematique) von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 50. Éléments de Mathématique: Integration 1-4. Chapitres 1-4 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 51. Éléments de Mathématique: Elements de Mathematique. Algebre 1-3. Chapitres 1 a 3 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 52. Éléments de Mathématique: Topologie générale 1-4: Chapitres 1-4 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 53. Éléments de Mathématique: Algebre commutative 1-4. Chapitres 1a 4 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 54. Éléments de Mathématique: Groupes et algebres de Lie 7-8. Chapitres 7 et 8 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 55. Éléments de Mathématique: Algebre commutative 5-7. Chapitres 5 a 7 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 56. Éléments de Mathématique: Fonctions d'une variable reelle. Theorie elementaire von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 18. Dezember 2006)
- 57. Éléments de Mathématique: Groupes et algebres de Lie - 9. Chapitre 9 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 58. Éléments de Mathématique: Algebre 4-7. Chapitre 4 a 7 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 59. Éléments de Mathématique: Topologie Generale 5-10. Chapitres 5 a 10 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 60. Éléments de Mathématique: Groupes et algebres de Lie -1. Chapitre 1 von N. Bourbaki von Springer, Berlin (Taschenbuch - 24. Februar 2009)
- 61. General Topology: Chapters 5-10: 2 (Elements of Mathematics) von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag (Gebundene Ausgabe - März 1989)
- 62. General Topology, Chapters 1-4 (Elements of Mathematics) von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag (Gebundene Ausgabe - Februar 1989)
- 63. Commutative Algebra. Kapitel 1 - 7. Elements of Mathematics von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag GmbH (Gebundene Ausgabe - Januar 1989)
- 64. Algebra I. Kapitel 1 - 3. Elements of Mathematics: Chapters 1-3 Vol 1 von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag GmbH (Gebundene Ausgabe - Januar 1989)
- 65. General Topology I. Kapitel 1 - 4. Elements of Mathematics von Nicolas Bourbaki von Springer-Verlag GmbH (Gebundene Ausgabe - Januar 1989)
Erstellt: 2011-05
Danesi, Marcel
Language and Mathematics
An Interdisciplinary Guide
Reihe: Language Intersections 1
This book explores the many disciplinary and theoretical links between language, linguistics, and mathematics. It examines trends in linguistics, such as structuralism, conceptual metaphor theory, and other relevant theories,to show that language and mathematics have a similar structure, but differential functions, even though one without the other would not exist.
XII, 332 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Werktyp: Monographie
Zielgruppe: Mathematicians, Linguists, Psychologists, Anthropologists
- List of figures | viii
- Preface | x
- 1 Common Ground | 1
- 1.1 Logic | 6
- 1.1.1 Formalism in linguistics and mathematics | 8
- 1.1.2 Syntax | 18
- 1.1.3 Formal analysis | 24
- 1.1.4 The structure of logic | 32
- 1.2 Computation | 36
- 1.2.1 Modeling formal theories | 40
- 1.2.2 Cognitive science | 46
- 1.2.3 Creativity | 50
- 1.3 Quantification | 52
- 1.3.1 Compression | 53
- 1.3.2 Probability | 55
- 1.4 Neuroscience | 56
- 1.4.1 Neural structure | 57
- 1.4.2 Blending | 62
- 1.5 Commong round | 64
- 2 Logic | 66
- 2.1 Formal mathematics | 69
- 2.1.1 Lógos and mythos | 70
- 2.1.2 Proof | 72
- 2.1.3 Consistency, completeness, and decidability | 81
- 2.1.4 Non-Euclidean logic | 85
- 2.1.5 Cantorian logic | 88
- 2.1.6 Logic and imagination | 91
- 2.2 Set theory | 96
- 2.2.1 Diagrams | 98
- 2.2.2 Mathematical knowledge | 101
- 2.3 Formal linguistics | 103
- 2.3.1 Transformational-generative grammar | 104
- 2.3.2 Grammar rules | 108
- 2.3.3 Types of grammar | 110
- 2.3.4 Formal semantics | 114
- 2.4 Cognitive linguistics | 118
- 2.4.1 Conceptual metaphors | 119
- 2.4.2 Challenge to formalism | 123
- 2.5 Formalism, logic, and meaning | 125
- 2.5.1 A Gödelian critique | 127
- 2.5.2 Connecting formalism and cognitivism | 128
- 2.5.3 Overview | 129
- 3 Computation | 132
- 3.1 Algorithms and models | 134
- 3.1.1 "Artificial intelligence" | 138
- 3.1.2 Knowledge representation | 139
- 3.1.3 Programs | 144
- 3.2 Computability theory | 147
- 3.2.1 The Traveling Salesman Problem | 147
- 3.2.2 Computability | 153
- 3.3 Computational linguistics | 159
- 3.3.1 Machine Translation | 160
- 3.3.2 Knowledge networks | 163
- 3.3.3 Theoretical paradigms | 167
- 3.3.4 Text theory | 172
- 3.4 Natural Language Processing | 174
- 3.4.1 Aspects of NLP | 175
- 3.4.2 Modeling language | 178
- 3.5 Computation and psychological realism | 179
- 3.5.1 Learning and consciousness | 180
- 3.5.2 Overview | 184
- 4 Quantification | 193
- 4.1 Statistics and probability | 195
- 4.1.1 Basic notions | 197
- 4.1.2 Statistical tests | 200
- 4.2 Studying properties quantitatively | 202
- 4.2.1 Benford’s Law | 203
- 4.2.2 The birthday and coin-tossing problems | 206
- 4.2.3 The Principle of Least Effort | 209
- 4.2.4 Efficiency and economy | 216
- 4.3 Corpuslinguistics | 219
- 4.3.1 Stylometric analysis | 219
- 4.3.2 Other techniques | 221
- 4.3.3 The statistics on metaphor | 222
- 4.4 Probabilistic analysis | 224
- 4.4.1 The Monty Hall Problem | 226
- 4.4.2 The Prosecutor’s Fallacy | 227
- 4.4.3 Bayesian Inference | 228
- 4.4.4 General implications | 230
- 4.5 Quantifying change in language | 237
- 4.5.1 Lexicostatistics and glottochronology | 237
- 4.5.2 Economy of change | 245
- 4.6 Overview | 248
- 5 Neuroscience | 255
- 5.1 Neuroscientific orientations | 256
- 5.1.1 Computational neuroscience | 257
- 5.1.2 Connectionism | 262
- 5.1.3 Modularity | 264
- 5.1.4 Research on metaphor | 266
- 5.2 Math cognition | 268
- 5.2.1 Defining math cognition | 270
- 5.2.2 Charles Peirce | 272
- 5.2.3 Graphs and math cognition | 274
- 5.2.4 Neuroscientific findings | 276
- 5.3 Mathematics and language | 284
- 5.3.1 Mathematics and figurative cognition | 285
- 5.3.2 Blending theory | 287
- 5.4 Concluding remarks | 294
- Bibliography | 297
- Index | 327
Erstellt: 2016-06
Derbyshire, John
Unknown Quantity
A Real and Imaginary History of Algebra
Taschenbuch: 416 Seiten
Verlag: Plume; Auflage: Reprint (29. Mai 2007)
Sprache: Englisch
This book's title is deceiving, for Derbyshire offers a very real and very entertaining survey of the development of algebra. "Real" and "imaginary" refer to types of numbers, and Derbyshire (Prime Obsession) opens with a basic primer on the various flavors of numbers and polynomials before looking at algebra's development over 3,000 years. As he explains how algebraic notation wended its way from Sumerian scratches on clay to such contemporary mathematical structures as Calabi-Yau manifolds ...
Dunham, William (Autor)
Journey through Genius
The Great Theorems of Mathematics
Taschenbuch: 320 Seiten
Verlag: Penguin (Non-Classics); Auflage: Reprint (1. August 1991)
Sprache: Englisch
Book Description
Explores the "masterpieces" of mathematics, seventeen landmarks spanning 2,300 years and representing ten mathematicians. Each of these landmarks, to some degree, changed the way the world was perceived. Each theorem is presented with a description of the state of mathematics at the time, the development of the theorem, a biographical sketch of the mathematician and an outline of the proof with explanation.
Erstellt: 2012-01
Dunham, William (Autor)
The Mathematical Universe
An Alphabetical Journey Through the Great Proofs, Problems, and Personalities
Taschenbuch: 320 Seiten
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons; Auflage: New edition (21. Februar 1997)
Sprache: Englisch
The Mathematical Universe is a solid collection of short essays, with each addressing a particular mathematical topic. Titles range from "Isoperimetric Problem" to "Where Are the Women?" Author Dunham manages to maintain a conversational tone while referencing diagrams, equations, and rigorous arguments throughout the book.
Erstellt: 2012-01
Ferreirós, José (Autor)
Labyrinth of Thought
A History of Set Theory and Its Role in Modern Mathematics
Taschenbuch: 491 Seiten
Verlag: Birkhäuser Basel; Auflage: 2nd ed. (2. Juni 2010)
Sprache: Englisch
José Ferreirós has written a magisterial account of the history of set theory which is panoramic, balanced, and engaging. Not only does this book synthesize much previous work and provide fresh insights and points of view, but it also features a major innovation, a full-fledged treatment of the emergence of the set-theoretic approach in mathematics from the early nineteenth century.
Erstellt: 2011-03
Gowers, Timothy (Herausgeber)
Barrow-Green, June (Herausgeber)
Leader, Imre (Herausgeber)
Princeton Companion to Mathematics
Gebundene Ausgabe: 1008 Seiten
Verlag: Princeton University Press (8. September 2008)
Sprache: Englisch
This is a one-of-a-kind reference for anyone with a serious interest in mathematics. Edited by Timothy Gowers, a recipient of the Fields Medal, it presents nearly two hundred entries, written especially for this book by some of the world's leading mathematicians, that
- introduce basic mathematical tools and vocabulary;
- trace the development of modern mathematics;
- explain essential terms and concepts;
- examine core ideas in major areas of mathematics;
- describe the achievements of scores of famous mathematicians;
- explore the impact of mathematics on other disciplines such as biology, finance, and music
- and much, much more. Unparalleled in its depth of coverage, The Princeton Companion to Mathematics surveys the most active and exciting branches of pure mathematics, providing the context and broad perspective that are vital at a time of increasing specialization in the field. Packed with information and presented in an accessible style, this is an indispensable resource for undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics as well as for researchers and scholars seeking to understand areas outside their specialties. Features nearly 200 entries, organized thematically and written by an international team of distinguished contributors Presents major ideas and branches of pure mathematics in a clear, accessible style Defines and explains important mathematical concepts, methods, theorems, and open problems Introduces the language of mathematics and the goals of mathematical research Covers
- number theory,
- algebra,
- analysis,
- geometry,
- logic,
- probability,
- and more.
Traces the history and development of modern mathematics Profiles more than ninety-five mathematicians who influenced those working today Explores the influence of mathematics on other disciplines Includes bibliographies, cross-references, and a comprehensive index. Contributors incude: Graham Allan, Noga Alon, George Andrews, Tom Archibald, Sir Michael Atiyah, David Aubin, Joan Bagaria, Keith Ball, June Barrow-Green, Alan Beardon, David D. Ben-Zvi, Vitaly Bergelson, Nicholas Bingham, Bla Bollobs, Henk Bos, Bodil Branner, Martin R. Bridson, John P. Burgess, Kevin Buzzard, Peter J. Cameron, Jean-Luc Chabert, Eugenia Cheng, Clifford C. Cocks, Alain Connes, Leo Corry, Wolfgang Coy, Tony Crilly, Serafina Cuomo, Mihalis Dafermos, Partha Dasgupta, Ingrid Daubechies, Joseph W. Dauben, John W. Dawson Jr., Francois de Gandt, Persi Diaconis, Jordan S. Ellenberg, Lawrence C. Evans, Florence Fasanelli, Anita Burdman Feferman, Solomon Feferman, Charles Fefferman, Della Fenster, Jos Ferreirs, David Fisher, Terry Gannon, A. Gardiner, Charles C. Gillispie, Oded Goldreich, Catherine Goldstein, Fernando Q. Gouva, Timothy Gowers, Andrew Granville, Ivor Grattan-Guinness, Jeremy Gray, Ben Green, Ian Grojnowski, Niccol Guicciardini, Michael Harris, Ulf Hashagen, Nigel Higson, Andrew Hodges, F. E. A. Johnson, Mark Joshi, Kiran S. Kedlaya, Frank Kelly, Sergiu Klainerman, Jon Kleinberg, Israel Kleiner, Jacek Klinowski, Eberhard Knobloch, Jnos Kollr, T. W. Krner, Michael Krivelevich, Peter D. Lax, Imre Leader, Jean-Franois Le Gall, W. B. R. Lickorish, Martin W. Liebeck, Jesper Ltzen, Des MacHale, Alan L. Mackay, Shahn Majid, Lech Maligranda, David Marker, Jean Mawhin, Barry Mazur, Dusa McDuff, Colin McLarty, Bojan Mohar, Peter M. Neumann, Catherine Nolan, James Norris, Brian Osserman, Richard S. Palais, Marco Panza, Karen Hunger Parshall, Gabriel P. Paternain, Jeanne Peiffer, Carl Pomerance, Helmut Pulte, Bruce Reed, Michael C. Reed, Adrian Rice, Eleanor Robson, Igor Rodnianski, John Roe, Mark Ronan, Edward Sandifer, Tilman Sauer, Norbert Schappacher, Andrzej Schinzel, Erhard Scholz, Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze, Gordon Slade, David J. Spiegelhalter, Jacqueline Stedall, Arild Stubhaug, Madhu Sudan, Terence Tao, Jamie Tappenden, C. H. Taubes, Rdiger Thiele, Burt Totaro, Lloyd N. Trefethen, Dirk van Dalen, Richard Weber, Dominic Welsh, Avi Wigderson, Herbert Wilf, David Wilkins, B. Yandell, Eric Zaslow, Doron Zeilberger
Erstellt: 2012-05
Hardy, Godfrey Harold (Autor)
Snow, C. P. (Vorwort)
A Mathematician's Apology
Taschenbuch: 154 Seiten
Verlag: Cambridge University Press; Auflage: 1 (26. März 2012)
Sprache: Englisch
A Mathematician's Apology is a profoundly sad book, the memoir of a man who has reached the end of his ambition, who can no longer effectively practice the art that has consumed him since he was a boy. But at the same time, it is a joyful celebration of the subject--and a stern lecture to those who would sully it by dilettantism or attempts to make it merely useful. "The mathematician's patterns," G.H. Hardy declares, "like the painter's or the poet's, must be beautiful; the ideas, like the colours or the words, must fit together in a harmonious way. Beauty is the first test: there is no permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics."
Wie sich der Zahlentheoretiker G. H. Hardy für seine nutzlose Wissenschaft entschuldigte - ein Klassiker der wissenschaftlichen Literatur
G. H. Hardy (1877-1947) was one of this century's finest mathematical thinkers, renowned among his contemporaries as a 'real mathematician … the purest of the pure'. He was also, as C. P. Snow recounts in his Foreword, 'unorthodox, eccentric, radical, ready to talk about anything'.
This 'apology', written in 1940, offers a brilliant and engaging account of mathematics as very much more than a science; when it was first published, Graham Greene hailed it alongside Henry James's notebooks as 'the best account of what it was like to be a creative artist'. C. P. Snow's Foreword gives sympathetic and witty insights into Hardy's life, with its rich store of anecdotes concerning his collaboration with the brilliant Indian mathematician Ramanujan, his idiosyncrasies, and his passion for cricket.
This is a unique account of the fascination of mathematics and of one of its most compelling exponents in modern times.
Erstellt: 2012-04
Lakatos, Imre (Autor)
Worrall, John (Herausgeber)
Zahar, Elie (Herausgeber)
Proofs and Refutations
The Logic of Mathematical Discovery
Taschenbuch: 188 Seiten
Verlag: Cambridge University Press (1976)
Sprache: Englisch
Über das Produkt
Proofs and Refutations is essential reading for all those interested in the methodology, the philosophy and the history of mathematics. Imre Lakatos shows that mathematics grows through a process of the successive improvement of creative hypotheses by attempts to 'prove' them and by criticism of these attempts: the logic of proofs and refutations.
Erstellt: 2011-07
Struik, D. J. (Herausgeber)
A Source Book in Mathematics, 1200-1800
(Source Books in the History of the Sciences)
Gebundene Ausgabe: 446 Seiten
Verlag: Harvard University Press (Januar 1969)
Sprache: Englisch
Erstellt: 2011-05