Italian Women Artists from Renaissance to Baroque, by Diane Apostolos-Cappadona
The revival of the style in early 20th-century Britain, often termed Edwardian Baroque or Neo-Baroque, drew more on English prototypes than on the more expansive variants of the Continent.
Artist list - This list was created by setting the following conditions: Period: Baroque
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- A ADAM, Lambert-Sigisbert (1700-1759) Baroque French sculptor (Nancy)
- ADAM, Nicolas-Sébastien (1705-1778) Baroque French sculptor (Nancy)
- ADRIAEN VAN UTRECHT (see UTRECHT, Adriaen van) (1599-1652) Baroque Flemish painter
- ADRIAENSSEN, Alexander (1587-1661) Baroque Flemish painter (Antwerp)
- AELST, Willem van (c. 1626-1683) Baroque Dutch painter (Delft)
- AENVANCK, Theodoor (1633-1690) Baroque Flemish painter (Antwerp)
- ALBANI, Francesco (1578-1660) Baroque Italian painter (Bologna)
- ALBOTTO, Francesco (1721-1757) Baroque Italian painter (Venice)
- ALCIBAR, José de (1725/30-1803) Baroque Other painter (Mexico)
- ALGARDI, Alessandro (1598-1654) Baroque Italian sculptor (Rome)
- ALLEGRAIN, Etienne (1644-1736) Baroque French painter (Paris)
- ALLORI, Cristofano (1577-1621) Baroque Italian painter (Florence)
- ALSLOOT, Denis van (1570-1628) Baroque Flemish painter (Brussels)
- ALTOMONTE, Bartolomeo (1694-1783) Baroque Austrian painter
- ALTOMONTE, Martino (1657-1745) Baroque Austrian painter
- AMIGONI, Jacopo (1682-1752) Baroque Italian painter (Venice)
- ANGEL, Pedro (active 1583-1617) Baroque Spanish graphic artist
- ANGELI, Filippo d' (see NAPOLETANO, Filippo) (c. 1589-1629) Baroque Italian painter (Rome)
- ANGELI, Giuseppe (1712-1798) Baroque Italian painter (Venice)
- ANGELUCCIO c. 1620-c. 1650) Baroque Italian painter (Rome)
- ANGUIER, François (1604-1669) Baroque French sculptor
- ANGUIER, Michel (c. 1613-1686) Baroque French sculptor
- ANSALDO, Giovanni Andrea (1584-1638) Baroque Italian painter (Genoa)
- ANTHONISZ, Aert (1579/80-1620) Baroque Dutch painter
- ANTOLINEZ, José (1635-1675) Baroque Spanish painter (Madrid)
- ARELLANO, Juan de (1614-1676) Baroque Spanish painter (Madrid)
- ARENTSZ., Arent (c. 1585-1631) Baroque Dutch painter (Amsterdam)
- ARTHOIS, Jacques d' (1613-1686) Baroque Flemish painter (Brussels)
- ASAM, Cosmas Damian (1686-1739) Baroque German painter
- ASAM, Egid Quirin (1692-1750) Baroque German sculptor
- ASCH, Pieter Jansz. van (1603-1678) Baroque Dutch painter (Delft)
- ASSELYN, Jan (1610-1652) Baroque Dutch painter
- ASSERETO, Gioachino (1600-1649) Baroque Italian painter (Genoa)
- ASSTEYN, Bartholomeus (1607-c. 1667) Baroque Dutch painter (Dordrecht)
- AST, Balthasar van der (1594-1657) Baroque Dutch painter (Delft)
- AUDRAN, Claude III (1658-1734) Baroque French painter (Paris)
- AVED, Jacques-André-Joseph (1702-1766) Baroque French painter (Paris)
- AVELINE, Antoine (1691-1743) Baroque French graphic artist (Paris)
- AVELINE, Pierre-Alexandre (1702-1760) Baroque French graphic artist (Paris)
- AVERCAMP, Barend (c. 1612-1679) Baroque Dutch painter (Kampen)
- AVERCAMP, Hendrick (1585-1634) Baroque Dutch painter (Kampen)
- B BABUREN, Dirck van (c. 1590-1624) Baroque Dutch painter (Utrecht)
- BACICCIO (1639-1709) Baroque Italian painter (Rome)
- BACKER, Jacob Adriaensz. (1608-1651) Baroque Dutch painter (Amsterdam)
- BACKHUYSEN, Ludolf (1631-1708) Baroque Dutch painter
- BADALOCCHIO, Sisto (1585-c. 1619) Baroque Italian painter (Rome)
- BAELLIEUR, Cornelis de (1607-1671) Baroque Flemish painter (Antwerp)
- BAEN, Jan de (1633-1702) Baroque Dutch painter
- BAGLIONE, Giovanni (c. 1566-1643) Baroque Italian painter (Rome)
- BAILLY, David (1584-1657) Baroque Dutch painter (Leiden)
- BAILLY, Jacques I (c. 1634-1679) Baroque French miniaturist (Paris)
- BAILLY, Jacques II (c. 1700-1768) Baroque French painter (Paris)
- BAKHUISEN, Ludolf (see BACKHUYSEN, Ludolf) (1631-1708) Baroque Dutch painter
- BALEN, Hendrick van (1575-1632) Baroque Flemish painter (Antwerp)
- BALESTRA, Antonio (1666-1740) Baroque Italian painter (Verona)
- BAMBINI, Nicolò (1651-1736) Baroque Italian painter (Venice)
- BAMBOCCIO (see LAER, Pieter van) (1592/95-1642) Baroque Dutch painter (Rome)
- BARBAULT, Jean (1718-1762) Baroque French painter (Rome)
- BARBIERI, Giovanni Francesco (see GUERCINO) (1591-1666) Baroque Italian painter (Bologna)
- BARBIERI, Paolo Antonio (1603-1649) Baroque Italian painter
- BARRA, Didier (1590-1644) Baroque French painter
- BARRERA, Francisco (1595-1658) Baroque Spanish painter (Madrid)
- BASCHENIS, Evaristo (1617-1677) Baroque Italian painter (Bergamo)
- BASSANO, Leandro (1557-1622) Baroque Italian painter (Venice)
- BASSEN, Bartholomeus van (c. 1590-1652) Baroque Dutch painter (The Hague)
- BASSETTI, Marcantonio (1588-1630) Baroque Italian painter (Verona)
- BATTEM, Gerrit van (c. 1636-1684) Baroque Dutch painter
- BAUDUINS, Adriaen Frans (see BOUDEWIJNS, Adriaen Frans) (1644-1711) Baroque Flemish painter
- BAUGIN, Lubin (c. 1610-1663) Baroque French painter (Paris)
- BAURSCHEIT, Jan Peter van, the Elder (1669-1728) Baroque Flemish sculptor
- BAZZANI, Giuseppe (1690-1769) Baroque Italian painter (Mantua)
- BEAUBRUN, Charles (1604-1692) Baroque French painter (Paris)
- BEECKMAN, Andries (active 1651-57) Baroque Dutch painter
- BEERSTRATEN, Jan Abrahamsz. (1622-1666) Baroque Flemish painter (Amsterdam)
- BEERT, Osias (1580-1624) Baroque Flemish painter (Antwerp)
- BEGA, Cornelis (c. 1620-1664) Baroque Dutch painter (Haarlem)
- BEGEYN, Abraham Jansz. (1637-1697) Baroque Dutch painter
- BELIN DE FONTENAY, Jean-Baptiste (1653-1715) Baroque French painter (Paris)
- BELLA, Stefano della (1610-1664) Baroque Italian graphic artist (Florence)
- BELLANGE, Jacques (1594-1638) Baroque French graphic artist
- BELLE, Alexis-Simon (1674-1734) Baroque French painter (Paris)
- BELLUCCI, Antonio (1654-1726) Baroque Italian painter
- BELVEDERE, Andrea (1652-1732) Baroque Italian painter (Naples)
- BENEDETTI, Andrea (see BENEDETTI, Andries) (c. 1615-after 1649) Baroque Italian painter
- BENEDETTI, Andries (c. 1615-after 1649) Baroque Italian painter
- BERCH, Gillis Gillisz. de (see BERGH, Gillis Gillisz. de) (c. 1600-1669) Baroque Dutch painter (Delft)
- BERCHEM, Nicolaes (Claesz.) (1620-1683) Baroque Dutch painter (Haarlem)
- BERCKENRODE, Balthasar Florisz. van (c. 1591-c. 1645) Baroque Dutch graphic artist (Delft)
- BERCKHEYDE, Gerrit Adriaensz. (1638-1698) Baroque Dutch painter (Haarlem)
- BERCKHEYDE, Job Adriaensz (1630-1693) Baroque Dutch painter (Haarlem)
- BERENTZ, Christian (1658-1722) Baroque German painter (Rome)
- BERGEN, Dirk van (c. 1645-c. 1690) Baroque Dutch painter
- BERGH, Gillis Gillisz. de (c. 1600-1669) Baroque Dutch painter (Delft)
- BERNERO, Giovanni Battista (1736-1796) Baroque Italian sculptor (Turin)
- BERNINI, Gian Lorenzo (1598-1680) Baroque Italian sculptor (Rome)
- BERRETTINI, Pietro (see PIETRO DA CORTONA) (1596-1669) Baroque Italian painter (Rome)
- BERTIN, Nicolas (1668-1736) Baroque French painter (Paris)
- BERTRAND, Philippe (1663-1724) Baroque French sculptor
- BEVEREN, Mattheus van (c. 1630-1690) Baroque Flemish sculptor
- BEVEROVICIUS (see BEVERWIJCK, Johan van) (1594-1647) Baroque Dutch graphic artist (Dordrecht)
- ...
- 1. A trinket or curio, a small ornament or decoration.
- 2. A small, decorative book, especially if finely handcrafted.
Word History:
French "bibelot" = engl. "knickknack" came from Old French "beubelet" = engl. "trinket", "jewel". In the 12th century it was "belbel", a reduplication of "bel" = engl. "pretty", "beautiful". "Bel" is a historical reduction of Latin "bellus" "handsome", "beautiful". It has been joined by two variants, "beau" and "belle" in Modern French. Both of these new forms have been imported unadulterated into English, the masculine "beau" meaning "boyfriend" and the feminine "belle" meaning "beautiful woman". We find the roots of all three forms in many words borrowed from French, including "beauty" and "beatify", as well as "embellish".
"Bibelot", der, franz., auch * "Nippes" oder "Nippfigur", Bezeichnung für einen kleinen Ziergegenstand, meist ohne besonderen materiellen Wert.
"bibelot": An unusually small book. See also: MINIATURE BOOK .
"bibelot" = engl. "a small object of curiosity, beauty, or rarity"
Origin of "bibelot": 1870–75; - French, equivalent to "bibel-" (expressive formation akin to "bauble") + "-ot" noun suffix
Related Words for "bibelot": "bauble", "curio", "curiosity", "gewgaw", "gimcrack", "knickknack", "novelty", "ornament", "trifle", "gaud", "whatnot"
"bibelot", noun = engl. "an attractive or curious trinket", "a miniature book"
Word Origin for "bibelot": from French, from Old French "beubelet", perhaps from a reduplication of "bel" = engl. "beautiful"
Word Origin and History for "bibelot", n.: "small curio" 1873, from French "bibelot" = engl. "knick-knack" from Old French "beubelet" = engl. "trinket", "jewel" (12c.), from "belbel" "plaything" a reduplication of "bel" = engl. "pretty".
"bibelot" (snuisterijtje)
P.A.F. van Veen en N. van der Sijs (1997), Etymologisch woordenboek, 2e druk, Van Dale
"bibelot" [snuisterijtje] {1901-1925} - frans "bibelot", van geredupliceerd "bel" - latijn "bellus" [aardig, keurig, gezond] + achtervoegsel "-ot".
"bibelot", noun: "a small household ornament or decorative object", "trinket"
"bibelot", which English speakers borrowed from French in the late 1800s, .... In addition to its general use as a synonym of "trinket", it can refer specifically to a "miniature book of elegant design" (such as those made by Tiffany and Faberge). It also appears regularly in the names of things as diverse as restaurants and show dogs.
Limericks on "bibelot"
Synonyms for bibelot, noun "trinket"
- bauble
- curio
- curiosity
- gaud
- gewgaw
- gimcrack
- knickknack
- novelty
- ornament
- trifle
- whatnot
1996-11: Book words: feuilleton | chrestomathy | bibelot | pharmacopoeia | flyleaf | onomastic | donnee
Origin of "bibelot": French from Old French "beubelet" from a reduplication of "bel" "beautiful" from Latin "bellus" "handsome"; see "belle".
postmodern (OED3 1925)
1918 William Dean Howells in "Harper's Magazine" Jan. 301: It seems to us that in this point the post-moderns have gone beyond the old masters who rather taught that there were penalties for ....
1921 Wilson Follett in "Harper's Magazine" June 114: So much for the misapplied theory which has helped set the artist's nerves a-quiver and incited him to the fantastic extremes of post-modern art, literary and other.
Fred Shapiro
postmodern (OED 1917)
1916 "American Magazine of Art" May 277 (JSTOR) GUS MAGER, one of the few "post" modern painters whose sincerity is convincing, was born in Newark at 1878 of parents born in Newark.
Fred Shapiro
Modern and Postmodern Dance
Wesleyan on Coursera - January 27 (14 weeks)
The Modern and the Postmodern
This course examines how the idea of "the modern" develops at the end of the 18th century in European philosophy and literature, and how being modern (or progressive, or hip) became one of the crucial criteria for understanding and evaluating cultural change. Are we still in modernity, or have we moved beyond the modern to the postmodern?
The Retail Alphabet Game is one part puzzle, one part self assessment, and a pinch of postmodern art.
When you select one of the editions to the left to play the Game, you will be presented with 26 alphabet letterforms, extracted from product and corporate logos within the United States.
Your job is to figure out the source of each.
- 068728 2007-04-04 22:11 34 Re: Antedating of "Postmodern"
- 068719 2007-04-04 13:58 36 Re: Antedating of "Postmodern"
- 068705 2007-04-03 22:24 31 Re: Antedating of "Postmodern"
- 068704 2007-04-03 22:09 35 Antedating of "Postmodern"
- 024899 2002-08-19 10:33 23 Re: "Postmodern"
- 024884 2002-08-18 09:20 52 "Postmodern"
- 024880 2002-08-18 08:06 28 Antedating of "Postmodern"
- 111319 2011-08-06 23:54 77 Re: postmodern approaches [Was: More on substituting]
- 111312 2011-08-06 21:31 21 Antedating of "Postmodern"
- 111307 2011-08-06 19:18 136 Re: postmodern approaches [Was: More on substituting]
- 111295 2011-08-06 10:12 60 Re: postmodern approaches [Was: More on substituting]
A much-debated cultural label, used in the architectural world since the 1970s to denote the reuse of motifs from historical styles, in contexts where a Modernist approach would have omitted them. Postmodern buildings often mix these in a knowing or ironical way, sometimes in combination with new materials and for non-traditional functions.
13 résultats sur 1 page(s)
The Pressure of the Mind on Time”: Paul West and Postmodern Historiography
David Madden
Postmodern Designs
postmodernism (Gary Aylesworth)
The term "postmodernism" first entered the philosophical lexicon in 1979, with the publication of "The Postmodern Condition" by Jean-François Lyotard. I therefore give Lyotard pride of place in the sections that follow.
Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought
General Readings
Theodor Adorno | Michael Bakhtin | Maurice Blanchot | Jacques Derrida | Stanley Fish | Hans-George Gadamer | Felix Guattari | Edmund Husserl | Julia Kristeva | Jean Francois Lyotard | Herbert Marcuse | Richard Rorty | Charles Taylor | Louis Althusser | Jean Baudrillard | Kenneth Burke | Gilles Deleuze | Michel Foucault | Anthony Giddens | Jurgen Habermas | Agnes Heller | Ivan Illich | Jacques Lacan | Georg Lukács | Karl Marx | Jean-Paul Sartre | Paul Virilio | Roland Barthes | Walter Benjamin | Albert Borgmann | Terry Eagleton | Frankfurt School | Antonio Gramsci | Donna Haraway | Max Horkheimer | Fredric Jameson | Bruno Latour | Paul de Man | Maurice Merleau-Ponty | Edward Said | Ludwig Wittgenstein
The term "postmodern" was first used around the 1870s. John Watkins Chapman suggested "a Postmodern style of painting" as a way to move beyond French Impressionism. J. M. Thompson, in his 1914 article in The Hibbert Journal (a quarterly philosophical review), used it to describe changes in attitudes and beliefs in the critique of religion: "The raison d'etre of Post-Modernism is to escape from the double-mindedness of Modernism by being thorough in its criticism by extending it to religion as well as theology, to Catholic feeling as well as to Catholic tradition."
"po-mo": adj. Mildly pejorative contraction of "postmodern".
- 4. "Customer Experience" Postmodernism for "Customer Service".
- 6. "Out-of-box Experience" Postmodern rephrasing of "Does Mikey like it?" Positive "out-of-the-box experience" truly 'resonates' with the customer.
- HOLLAND: Eindhoven
- Holland: Rotterdam
- Holland: Rotterdam
- Holland: Rotterdam
- Norway: Oslo; Frogner Park
- NORWAY: Oslo - National Gallery
- NORWAY: Oslo - National Gallery
- PORTUGAL: Lisbon
- UK - England: Bacup, Lancashire
- UK - England: Bacup, Lancashire
- UK - England: Bacup, Lancashire
- UK - England: Bacup, Lancashire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire - Victoria Mill
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Batley, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Birmingham - Birmingham Great Park, Rubery
- UK - England: Birmingham - Birmingham Great Park, Rubery
- UK - England: Birmingham - Birmingham Great Park, Rubery
- UK - England: Birmingham - Centenary Square
- UK - England: Birmingham - Victoria Square
- UK - England: Birmingham - Victoria Square
- UK - England: Brighton
- UK - England: Houghton, Cambridgeshire
- UK - England: Houghton, Cambridgeshire
- UK - England: St Ives, Cambridgeshire
- UK - England: St Ives, Cambridgeshire
- UK - England: Carsington Reservoir, Derbyshire
- UK - England: Carsington Reservoir, Derbyshire
- UK - England: Casterton, Cumbria
- UK - England: Casterton, Cumbria
- UK - England: Castleton, Derbyshire
- UK - England: Chesterfield, Derbyshire
- UK - England: Coventry
- UK - England: Coventry; Cathedral
- UK - England: Dewsbury - Festival Park
- UK - England: Dorset - New Milestones Project
- UK - England: Dorset - New Milestones Project
- UK - England: Ely Cathedral
- UK - England: Gateshead
- UK - England: Gateshead
- UK - England: Gateshead
- UK - England: Gateshead
- UK - England: Gateshead
- UK - England: Gateshead
- UK - England: Gateshead; Riverside Sculpture Park
- UK - England: Gateshead; Riverside Sculpture Park
- UK - England: Gateshead - Felling
- UK - England: Gateshead (temporary)
- UK - England: Gateshead (temporary)
- UK - England: Gateshead (temporary)
- UK - England: Gateshead; West Street
- UK - England: Gateshead; West Street
- UK - England: Heywood, Lancashire
- UK - England: Heywood, Lancashire
- UK - England: Huddersfield Station
- UK - England: Huddersfield Station
- UK - England: Huddersfield Station
- UK - England: Huddersfield Station
- UK - England: Huddersfield Station
- UK - England: Ipswich
- UK - England: Kingston-upon-Hull
- UK - England: Kingston-upon-Hull
- UK - England: Kingston-upon-Hull
- UK - England: Kingston-upon-Hull
- UK - England: Kingston-upon-Hull
- UK - England: Kingston-upon-Hull
- UK - England: Kingston-upon-Hull
- UK - England: Kingston-upon-Hull - outside the Ferens Art gallery
- UK - England: Ironbridge, Staffordshire
- UK - England: Leeds Valley Park, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Leeds Valley Park, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Leeds Valley Park, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Leeds Valley Park, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Leeds Valley Park, West Yorkshire
- UK - England: Liverpool; Lime St. Station
- UK - England: Liverpool; Lime St. Station
- UK - England: Liverpool; Lime St. Station
- UK - England: Liverpool
- UK - England: Liverpool; South Forecourt St George's Dock
- UK - England: Liverpool; South Forecourt St George's Dock
- UK - England: Liverpool; South Forecourt St George's Dock
- UK - England: London - Outside Serpentine gallery; Kensington Gardens
- UK - England: London; Green Park
- UK - England: Loughborough
- UK - England: Maidstone
- UK - England: Manchester
- UK - England: Manchester
- UK - England: Manchester - Block 2; Royce Road; Hulme
- UK - England: Manchester - Deansgate
- UK - England: Manchester; Piccadilly Gardens
- UK - England: Manchester; Piccadilly Gardens
- UK - England: Manchester; Piccadilly Gardens
- UK - England: Derbyshire; Mansfield
- UK - England: Derbyshire; Mansfield
- UK - England: Derbyshire; Mansfield
- UK - England: Middlesbrough, Central Gardens
- UK - England: Middlesbrough, Central Gardens
- UK - England: Northwich, Cheshire
- UK - England: Northwich, Cheshire
- UK - England: Nottingham - Town Hall
- UK - England: Nottingham - Theatre Royal
- UK - England: Nottingham
- UK - England: Nottingham - Houndsgate
- UK - England: Nottingham - outside Castle Museum
- UK - England: Nottingham - Castle Museum
- UK - England: Ramsbottom, Lancashire
- UK - England: Ramsbottom, Lancashire
- UK - England: Ramsbottom, Lancashire
- UK - England: Ramsbottom, Lancashire
- UK - England: Rufford Country Park, Nottinghamshire
- UK - England: Rufford Country Park, Nottinghamshire
- UK - England: Rufford Country Park, Nottinghamshire
- UK - England: Rufford Country Park, Nottinghamshire
- UK - England: Rufford Country Park, Nottinghamshire
- UK - England: Rufford Country Park, Nottinghamshire
- UK - England: Rufford Country Park, Nottinghamshire
- UK - England: Rufford Country Park, Nottinghamshire
- UK - England: Saltburn, N. Yorkshire
- UK - England: Saltburn, N. Yorkshire
- UK - England: Saltburn, N. Yorkshire
- UK - England: Saltburn, N. Yorkshire
- UK - England: Saltburn, N. Yorkshire
- UK - England: Stoke Garden Festival 1986 (temporary)
- UK - England: Stoke Garden Festival 1986 (temporary)
- UK - England: Stoke Garden Festival 1986 (temporary)
- UK - England: Stoke Garden Festival 1986 (temporary)
- UK - England: Stoke Garden Festival 1986 (temporary)
- UK - England: Stoke Garden Festival 1986 (temporary)
- UK - England: Stoke Garden Festival 1986 (temporary)
- UK - England: Whitehaven: Sustrans Cycle Trail
- UK - England: Whitehaven: Sustrans Cycle Trail
- UK - England: Swindon - The Prinnels; West Swindon
- UK - England: Wakefield - Public Arts' office
- UK - England: Wakefield - Public Arts' office
- UK - England: Wakefield Railway Station
- UK - England: Warrington
- UK - England: Warrington
- UK - England: Warrington
- UK - England: Warrington
- UK - England: Warrington
- UK - England: Warrington
- UK - England: Warrington (temporary)
- UK - England: Warrington (temporary)
- UK - England: Warrington (temporary)
- UK - England: Warrington (temporary)
- UK - England: Warrington (temporary)
- UK - England: Warrington (temporary)
- UK - England: Warrington (temporary)
- UK - England: Warrington (temporary)
- UK - England: Warrington (temporary)
- UK - England: Warrington (temporary)
- UK - England: Warrington (temporary)
- UK - England: Weaverham, Cheshire
- UK - England: Weaverham, Cheshire
- UK - England: Weaverham, Cheshire
- UK - England: Weaverham, Cheshire
- UK - England: Weaverham, Cheshire
- UK - England: Weaverham, Cheshire
- UK - England: Weaverham, Cheshire
- UK - England: Wigan
- UK - England: Wigan
- UK - England: Wigan
- UK - England: Wigan
- UK - England: Wigan
- UK - England: Wigan
- UK - Scotland: Glasgow; Kibble Palace
- UK - Scotland: Glasgow; Kibble Palace
- UK - Scotland: Glasgow; Kibble Palace
- UK - Scotland: Glasgow; Kibble Palace
- UK - Scotland: Glasgow; Kibble Palace
- UK - Scotland: Glasgow; Kibble Palace
- UK - Scotland: Glasgow; Kibble Palace
- UK - Scotland: Glasgow; Kibble Palace
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Cardiff; Cardiff Bay
- UK - Wales: Ebbw Vale - Welsh Garden Festival (temporary)
- UK - England: Ebbw Vale - Welsh Garden Festival (temporary)
- USA: Emeryville
- USA: Emeryville
- USA: Emeryville
- USA: Emeryville
- USA: Emeryville
- USA: Emeryville
00 Hinweis: ----------------------------------- | Hinweis: -------------------------------------------------------------- |
01 Hinweis: Bild | ![]() |
02 Hinweis: Bemerkung | |
03 Hinweis: Literatur | |
10 Name: -------------------------------------- | Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
11 Name: Sortier Name | |
12 Name: Exhibition Name | |
13 Name: Registration Name | |
14 Name: Synonyme | The Wedgewood Rose, AUSjosiah |
15 Name: Auszeichnungen / Awards | |
20 Genealogie: -------------------------------- | Genealogie: ----------------------------------------------------------- |
21 Genealogie: Gattung / Sektion / Art | Englische Rose |
22 Genealogie: Elternrosen / Herkunft / Parentage | |
23 Genealogie: Kinderrosen / Nachkommen | |
24 Genealogie: Sports / Mutationen | |
25 Genealogie: Verwendung / Utilisation / Gebruik / Use | Kletterrose, Strauchrose |
26 Genealogie: Erscheinungsjahr / DOB (Date of Birth) | vor 2009 |
27 Genealogie: Züchter / Entdecker / Breeder / Hybridizer | David Austin, England, GB |
30 Blüte: ------------------------------------- | Blüte: ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
31 Blüte: Farbe / Bloemkleur / Flower Colour | hellrosa, rosa |
32 Blüte: Duft / Fragrance / Geurend / Scent Strength | fruchtig, stark duftend |
33 Blüte: Eigenschaften / Flowering Habit | |
34 Blüte: Blütenblätter-Anzahl / Petals | |
35 Blüte: Form / Forme de la fleur / Bloom Shape | |
36 Blüte: Größe / Bloem / Bloom Size | |
37 Blüte: Typ / Bloom Type | |
38 Blüte: Zeit / Floraison / Bloeitijd / Flowering Period | Öfterzublühend |
39 Blüte: Bienenfreundlichkeit | |
40 Pflanze: ----------------------------------- | Pflanze: -------------------------------------------------------------- |
41 Pflanze: Blätter, Laub / Feuillage / Foliage | dunkelgrün, glänzend |
42 Pflanze: Dornen / Stacheln / Thornyness | |
43 Pflanze: Hagebutten / Hips / Hip Colour / Hip Shape | |
44 Pflanze: Knospen / Buds | |
45 Pflanze: Stiele / Stems | |
50 Wuchs: ------------------------------------- | Wuchs: ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
51 Wuchs: Form / Vorm / Growth Habit | strauchförmig, üppig mit vielen Trieben |
52 Wuchs: Abstand / Dist. de plantation | |
53 Wuchs: Höhe / Taille / Height / Hauteur | 150 bis 300 cm |
54 Wuchs: Weite / Width | |
60 Gesundheit: -------------------------------- | Gesundheit: ----------------------------------------------------------- |
61 Gesundheit: Bodenansprüche / Cultivation | |
62 Gesundheit: Bakterien, Pilze, Viren | |
63 Gesundheit: Tierische Schädlinge | |
64 Gesundheit: Hitze | |
65 Gesundheit: Kälte | |
66 Gesundheit: Nässe | |
67 Gesundheit: Trockenheit | |
68 Gesundheit: Schatten | |
99 -------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
"Wedgewood Blue" als Farbe: - #a6bdd7 - Wedgewood Blue
"Wedgewood Blue" als Farbe: - #6c92af - Wedgewood Blue
"Wedgewood Blue" als Farbe: - #baacc7 - Wedgewood Blue
"Wedgewood Blue" als Farbe: - #837da2 - Wedgewood Blue
"Deep Wedgewood Blue" als Farbe: - #62639b - Deep Wedgewood Blue
"Dark Wedgewood" als Farbe: - #423c63 - Dark Wedgewood
"Dark Wedgewood" als Farbe: - #413d51 - Dark Wedgewood
"Light Wedgewood" als Farbe: - #4a545c - Light Wedgewood
"Wedgewood Green" als Farbe: - #8b8940 - Wedgewood Green
"Wedgewood Green" als Farbe: - #f0d698 - Wedgewood Green
"Wedgewood Green" als Farbe: - #90845b - Wedgewood Green
Benannt nach der berühmten Wedgwood-Porzellanmanufaktur, die dieses Jahr ihr 250-jähriges Bestehen feiert.
The Wedgewood Rose (5/2012)
Katalog der Werke William Turners
Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851) gilt als der originellste Maler unter den englischen Romantikern. Mit seinen Landschaften, Seestücken und Genrebildern war er seiner Zeit weit voraus. »William Turner - Digitales Verzeichnis der Werke« enthält 552 Abbildungen der Ölgemälde des visionären Künstlers.
Die Reihe »Archiv der Meister« präsentiert vollständig bebilderte digitale Verzeichnisse der Werke bedeutender Künstler. Viele Werke sind hoch aufgelöst und farbig reproduziert, mindestens jedoch zu dokumentarischen Zwecken Schwarz-Weiß wiedergegeben. Alle Abbildungen sind mit einer Konkordanz zu wissenschaftlich anerkannten Werkverzeichnissen versehen. Auch verschollene oder nicht publizierte Werke sind erfasst. Über eine Werketabelle lassen sich Angaben zu Format, Technik, Enstehungszeit und Aufbewahrungsort komfortabel nachschlagen. Über die Volltextsuche können Bilder schnell identifiziert und verwandte Bildmotive nachverfolgt werden.