Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretańa e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Homonym, Homónimo, Homonyme, Homonimo, Homonym, (esper.) homonimoj








Spelling, Vocabulary, and Confusing Words


Because many words in English sound or look alike, frequently causing confusion, this list will be very helpful.

a vs. an | accept vs. except | ad vs. add | ades vs. aides vs. AIDS vs. aids | adverse vs. averse | advice (noun) vs. advise (verb) | affect vs. effect | ail vs. ale | air vs. err vs. heir | aisle vs. I'll vs. isle | all vs. awl | allot vs. a lot | allowed vs. aloud | all ready vs. already | all together vs. altogether | altar vs. alter | allude vs. elude vs. illude | allusion vs. illusion | ambiguous vs. ambivalent | amicable vs. amiable | among vs. between | amount vs. number | ant vs. aunt | ante vs. auntie | anxious vs. eager | any more vs. anymore | appraise vs. apprise | arc vs. ark | ascent (noun) vs. assent (noun or verb) vs. consent | assistance (noun) vs. assistants (noun) | assumption vs. presumption | assure vs. ensure vs. insure | ate vs. eight | aural vs. oral | averse | awed vs. odd | aye vs. eye vs. I | bald vs. bawled | ball vs. bawl | band vs. banned | bare vs. bear | base vs. bass | based vs. baste | bases (noun, verb) vs. basis (noun) | be vs. bee | beach vs. beech | beat vs. beet | beau vs. bough (noun) vs. bow (noun) vs. bow (noun, verb) | because vs. since | been vs. bin | bell vs. belle | berth vs. birth | better vs. bettor | biannual vs. biennial vs. semiannual | bite vs. byte | billed vs. build | blew vs. blue | bloc vs. block | boar vs. bore | board vs. bored | boarder vs. border | bode vs. bowed | bold vs. bowled | bolder vs. boulder | boos vs. booze | boy vs. buoy | brake vs. break | bread vs. bred | brewed vs. brood (verb, noun) | brews vs. bruise | bridal vs. bridle | bring vs. take | broach vs. brooch | brows vs. browse | but vs. butt (noun/verb) | buy vs. by vs. bye | cache vs. cash | calendar vs. colander | can vs. may | cannon vs. canon | canvas vs. canvass | capital vs. capitol | carat vs. caret vs. carrot vs. karat | cast (noun, verb) vs. caste | cay vs. key vs. quay | cede vs. seed | cell vs. sell | censor (verb, noun) vs. censure vs. sensor | cent vs. scent vs. sent | cereal vs. serial | chance vs. chants | chased vs. chaste | chews vs. choose | childish vs. childlike | Chile vs. chili vs. chilly | choral vs. coral vs. chorale vs. corral | chord vs. cord vs. cored | chute vs. shoot (verb, noun) | cite vs. sight vs. site | classic vs. classical | clause vs. claws | click vs. clique | climactic vs. climatic | close (verb, adjective) vs. clothes | coarse vs. course | colonel vs. kernel | complement vs. compliment | confidant vs. confident | connote vs. denote | continual vs. continuous | core vs. corps vs. corpse | cosign vs. cosine | council vs. counsel (verb, noun) | creak vs. creek | crews vs. cruise | criteria vs. criterion | cue vs. queue | currant vs. current | curser vs. cursor | dam vs. damn | dammed vs. damned | days vs. daze | dear vs. deer | desert (noun, verb) vs. dessert | desperate vs. disparate | device (noun) vs. devise (verb) | dew vs. do vs. due | die vs. dye | different from vs. different than vs. differently than | discreet vs. discrete | discussed vs. disgust | does vs. does | doughs vs. doze | dual vs. duel | e.g. vs. i.e. | elicit vs. illicit | elusive vs. illusive | emigrate vs. immigrate | empathy vs. sympathy | epic vs. epoch | every day vs. everyday | facts vs. fax | faint vs. feint | fair (adjective, noun) vs. fare | fairy vs. ferry | farther | further (adverb, adj.) | further (verb) | faux vs. foe | faze vs. phase | feat vs. feet | feted vs. fetid | fewer vs. less vs. under | find vs. fined | fir vs. fur | flair vs. flare | flea vs. flee | flew vs. flu vs. flue | floe vs. flow | flour vs. flower | for vs. fore vs. four | forego vs. forgo | foreword vs. forward | fort vs. forte | forth vs. fourth | foul vs. fowl | frees vs. freeze vs. frieze | gait vs. gate | gilt vs. guilt | gone vs. went | gored vs. gourd | gorilla vs. guerrilla | graft vs. graphed | grate vs. great | grill vs. grille | groan vs. grown | guessed vs. guest | guise vs. guys | hair vs. hare | hall vs. haul | halve vs. have | hangar vs. hanger | haut/haute vs. hoe | have vs. of | hay vs. hey | heal vs. heel | healthful vs. healthy | hear vs. here | heard vs. herd | heroin vs. heroine | hi vs. high | higher vs. hire | him vs. hymn | hoard vs. horde | hoarse vs. horse | hoes vs. hose | hole vs. whole | holy vs. wholly | hostel vs. hostile | hour vs. our | idle vs. idol vs. idyll or idyl | imply vs. infer | in vs. inn | inc. vs. ink | incite vs. insight | incredible vs. incredulous | ingenious vs. ingenuous | innocence vs. innocents | irregardless vs. regardless | it's vs. its | jewel vs. joule | knead vs. kneed vs. need | knew vs. new | knight vs. night | knot vs. not | know vs. no | knows vs. nose | lacks vs. lax | ladder vs. latter | lain vs. lane | lay vs. lie | lead vs. led | leak vs. leek | lean (adjective, verb) vs. lien | leased vs. least | lessen vs. lesson | lie vs. lye | lightening vs. lightning | loan vs. lone | loose vs. lose | Mach vs. mock (adjective, verb) | made vs. maid | mail vs. male | main vs. mane | maize vs. maze | mall vs. maul | manner vs. manor | marquee vs. marquis | | marshal (verb, noun) vs. martial | meat vs. meet (verb, noun) vs. mete | medal vs. meddle | metal vs. mettle | mind (noun, verb) vs. mined | miner vs. minor (noun, adjective) | missed vs. mist | moan vs. mown | mode vs. mowed | mood vs. mooed | moose vs. mousse | morning vs. mourning | muscle vs. mussel | mustard vs. mustered | naval vs. navel | none vs. nun | oar vs. or vs. ore | on to vs. onto | one vs. won | ordinance vs. ordnance | overdo vs. overdue | packed vs. pact | pail vs. pale | pain vs. pane | pair vs. pare vs. pear | palate vs. pallet vs. palette | passed vs. past | patience vs. patients | pause vs. paws | peace vs. piece | peak vs. peek vs. pique | pealed vs. peeled | pedal vs. peddle | peer vs. pier | perpetrate vs. perpetuate | pi vs. pie | pistil vs. pistol | plain (adjective, noun) vs. plane | pleas vs. please | plum vs. plumb | pole vs. poll | pore vs. pour | praise vs. prays vs. preys | precedence vs. precedents vs. presidents | presence vs. presents (noun, verb) | presumption | pries vs. prize | principal (noun, adjective) vs. principle | profit vs. prophet | pros vs. prose | quarts vs. quartz | rain vs. reign vs. rein | raise vs. raze | rap (noun, verb) vs. wrap | rapped vs. rapt vs. wrapped | read vs. red | real vs. reel | recede vs. reseed | reek vs. wreak | rest vs. wrest | retch vs. wretch | review vs. revue | right vs. rite vs. write | ring vs. wring | road vs. rode vs. rowed | roe vs. row | role vs. roll (noun, verb) | roomer vs. rumor | root vs. rout vs. route | rot vs. wrought | rote vs. wrote | rude vs. rued | rye vs. wry | sacks vs. sax | saver vs. savor | scene vs. seen | sea vs. see | seam vs. seem | sear vs. seer vs. sere | seas vs. sees vs. seize | serf vs. surf (noun, verb) | serial | set vs. sit | sew vs. so vs. sow | sewer vs. suer | shear vs. sheer | shoe vs. shoo | sic vs. sick | sics vs. six | sight | sign vs. sine | since | sink vs. synch or sync | site | slay vs. sleigh | sleight vs. slight | slew vs. slough | soar vs. sore | soared vs. sword | sole vs. soul | some vs. sum | son vs. sun | sonny vs. sunny | spade vs. spayed | staid vs. stayed | stair vs. stare | stake vs. steak | stationary vs. stationery | steal vs. steel (noun, adjective) | step (verb, noun) vs. steppe | stile vs. style | straight vs. strait | succor vs. sucker | suede vs. swayed | suite vs. sweet | summary vs. summery | sundae vs. Sunday | tacks vs. tax | tail vs. tale | take | tare vs. tear (verb) | taught vs. taut | tea vs. tee | team vs. teem | tear (noun) vs. tier | tense vs. tents | than vs. then | their vs. there vs. they're | threw vs. through | throes vs. throws | throne vs. thrown | thyme vs. time | ticks vs. tics | tide vs. tied | to vs. too vs. two | toad vs. toed vs. towed | told vs. tolled | tort vs. torte | tracked vs. tract | troop vs. troupe | vain vs. vane vs. vein | vary vs. very | verses vs. versus | vial vs. vile | vice vs. vise | wade vs. weighed | | waist vs. waste | wait vs. weight | waiver vs. waver | warn vs. worn | warrantee vs. warranty | way vs. weigh | weak vs. week | wear vs. where | weather vs. whether | weave vs. we've | were vs. we're | wheeled vs. wield | which vs. witch | while vs. wile | whine vs. wine | whined vs. wind vs. wined | whirled vs. world vs. whorled | who's vs. whose | wont (adjective, noun) vs. won't | wood vs. would | yoke vs. yolk | yore vs. you're vs. your


homonym (W3)

Die Bezeichnung engl. "homonym" leitet sich ab aus lat. "homonymos" = "gleichnamig" und setzt sich zusammen aus griech. "homós" = dt. "gleich", "gleichartig" und griech. "ónoma", "ónyma" = dt. "Name".

Das griech. "homo" entspricht dem engl. "same" und "(zu)sammen" die alle auf ide. "*sem-", "*som-" = "zusammen" zurück gehen. Interessanterweise findet man einen Abkömmling auch in russ. "sam" = "selbst" und dem russischen "Selbstkocher", dem "Samowar" ("sam" und "var(it')" = "kochen"). Über lat. "simul" = "zugleich", "gleichzeitig", findet man es auch in engl. "simultaneous" und dt. "simultan" = dt. "gleichzeitig" oder auch in aus dem Lateinischen übernommenen dt. "Faksimile" = "mache ähnlich!".

Nach wie vor gibt es jedoch noch keine schlüssige Erklärung, wie es zur Initaländerung von "s" in ide. "som" zu "h" in griech. "homo" kam.



Meaning: A word with the same sound or spelling as another word but a different meaning, as "pear", "pare" and "pair" or "dope" (idiot) and "dope" (drugs).

What is a synonym and a homonym?



h: Heteroradical Homonyms
So two words that are spelled the same, and pronounced the same, but mean different things and are derived from different roots, could be called "heteroradical homonyms".

"ad homonym" see "hominem" » "homonym"

homonymous / synonymous / paronymous




What is the difference between a homograph, homonym, and homophone?

What is a homonym?


Words which have the same spelling or pronunciation as another, but different meaning or origin. May be a "homograph" or "homophone".



26.What is a synonym and a homonym?

Erstellt: 2010-02
















Unfamiliar Homonyms of Everyday Words


Homonyms of Everyday Words: "pawl"; "tuque" ("toque"); "wight"; "bight"; "greave"; "skerry"; "throe"

Erstellt: 2010-03