Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Holz, Madera, Bois, Legno, Wood - Wald, Bosque, Forêt, Foresta, Forest, (esper.) ligno, arbajo


amaranth (W3)

Dt. "Amaranth", engl. "amaranth", "amarant" (1616), frz. "amaranthe", "amarante" (1544) = dt. "endlos", "immerwährend", "unsterblich" geht zurück auf griech. "amárantos" = dt. "unverwelklich", "immerwährend", "ewig" (lat. "amarantus") und setzt sich zusammen aus griech. "a" = dt. "nicht", "un-" und griech. "marainein" = dt. "welken", "verfallen", griech. "maraíno" = dt. "lösche aus", "vernichte". Dazu gesellt sich noch griech. "anthos" = dt. "Blume". So weist man der Amaranth-Blume wohl eine große Blühdauer zu ("unverwelklich"). Später wurde es auch zur Bezeichnung einer purpurroten Farbe verwendet. Im Deutschen findet man auch dt. "amarantrot". So bezeichnet dt. "Amarant" etwa auch dt. "Fuchsschwanz" (mit dunkelroten Blüten).

Als Wurzel wird ide. "mer-" = dt. "sterben" postuliert. In dessen Verwandtschaft findet man auch griech. "marnasthai" = dt. "kämpfen" und engl. "mortal" = dt. "sterblich", "tödlich", engl. "murder" = dt. "Mord", "Ermordung", engl. "mortgage" = dt. "Verpfändung " und natürlich auch dt. "Mord", "Mörder", "Mortalität" auch frz. "mort" = dt. "Tod", "Ruin".


AMARANTH, or Amarant (from the Gr. a uipavros (???), unwithering), a name chiefly used in poetry, and applied to certain plants which, from not soon fading, typified immortality.


Origin of the name Amarantha:



Amaranths | Amaranth, Wild


amarantha | amaranthoides | amaranticolor


amaranth (n.)

1610s, from French "amarante", from Latin "amarantus", from Greek "amarantos", name of an unfading flower, literally "everlasting", from "a-" "not" + stem of "marainein" "die away", "waste away", "quench", "extinguish", from PIE "*mer-" "to rub away", "harm" (see nightmare). In classical use, a poet's word for an imaginary flower that never fades. It was applied to a genus of ornamental plants 1550s. Ending influenced by plant names with Greek "-anthos" "flower."


The Amaranth

Peonies: Amaranthina plena


Limericks on amaranth


(E1)(L1) amaranth



Song to Amarantha, that she would Dishevel her Hair



"Amaranthus", collectively known as "amaranth", is a cosmopolitan genus of annual or short-lived perennial plants. Catkin-like cymes of densely packed flowers grow in summer or autumn. Approximately 60 species are recognized, with inflorescences and foliage ranging from purple and red to green or gold. Members of this genus share many characteristics and uses with members of the closely related genus Celosia.

Although several species are often considered weeds, people around the world value amaranths as leaf vegetables, cereals, and ornamental plants.

"Amaranth" derives from Greek "amarantos", "unfading", with the Greek word for "flower," "anthos", factoring into the word's development as "amaranth". The more accurate "amarant" is an archaic variant.


Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "amaranth" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1660 auf.

Erstellt: 2013-05

Arboretum (W3)

Ein dt., frz., engl. "Arboretum" ist eine "Pflanzung verschiedener Bäume zu Studienzwecken". Die Bezeichnung geht zurück auf lat. "arboretum" und lat. "arbor" = dt. "Baum". Der Begriff "Arboretum" wurde im Jahr 1838 von John Claudius Loudon in seiner heutigen Bedeutung geprägt.

Mot latin qui signifie verger. Il est composé du mot "arbor" qui veut dire "arbre" et du suffixe "-etum-". "Arboretum" = lieu planté d'arbres fruitiers. On retrouve le même suffixe dans les mots latins "olivetum" = lieu planté d'oliviers (oliveraie); "quercetum" = lieu planté de chênes (chênaie); "pinetum" = lieu planté de pins (pinède)


"ARBORETUM", the name given to that part of a garden or park which is reserved for the growth and display of trees. The term, in this restricted sense, was seemingly first so employed in 1838 by J. C. Loudon, in his book upon arboreta and fruit trees. Professor Bayley Balfour, F.R.S., the Regius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, has described an arboretum as a living collection of species and varieties of trees and shrubs arranged after some definite method - it may be properties, or uses, or some other principle - but usually after that of natural likeness.

Los Angeles County Arboretum

The Frelinghuysen Arboretum - Morristown, NJ - The Frelinghuysen Arboretum is New Jersey's premier public garden. The 127 acre tract is well known for it's many beautiful gardens and is a center for horticultural education, plant shows and sales, special events and exhibits.

Boyce Thompson Arboretum - Superior, AZ - This 320-acre Arizona State Park has more than two miles of trails through desert collections from ecosystems all around the world; also affiliated with the University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Boone County Arboretum - Union, KY - At the Boone County Arboretum more than 2700 trees and shrubs have been planted and labeled for your year-round enjoyment of their ornamental features and to provide information on selecting, planting and maintaining the right trees and shrubs for landscape plans.

(footbridge) Superior, Arizona, USA Queen Creek - Boyce Arboretum

The "Morton Arboretum" was founded in 1922 by "Joy Morton", president of the "Morton Salt Company".


Dallas Arboretum & Botanical Garden


East Texas Arboretum and Botanical Society - Athens, TX - East Texas Arboretum and Botanical Society has over 100 acres of gardens and hiking trails, Visitor's Center/Museum, an historical homestead, koi pond with waterfalls. Check our website for upcoming events.

Westonbirt Arboretum | Winkworth Arboretum



Arboretum de Kalmthout

Fullerton Arboretum - Fullerton, CA - The Fullerton Arboretum, a 26-acre botanical garden on the CSUF campus, is a living museum of plants from around the world. Since its opening in 1979, the garden has served the community as a resource for ecological, horticultural, and historical education.


In der Genealogie bedeutet "Arboretum" = "Stammbaum".

National Arboretum, Castlewellan and the Annesley Garden

"The Arnold Arboretum" of Harvard University, Arboretum der Harvard University

Mercer Arboretum & Botanic Gardens - Humble, TX - The Houston area's largest display of native & cultivated plants on over 250 acres, w/5 miles of trails in the East Texas Piney Woods. Plant collections include; gingers, perennials, ferns, tropicals, bamboo, La Iris & Daylilies. Including educational programs.

The Sir Harold Hillier Gardens & Arboretum, Ampfield in Hampshire


The "Edith J. Carrier Arboretum and Botanical Gardens" at Jame Madison University - Harrisonburg Va 22807, VA - The Arboretum and botanical gardens consists of 125 acres of native woodlands, as well as developed gardens, a pond supporting aquatic habitants and walking trails.

Klehm Arboretum & Botanic Gardens - Rockford, IL - A 155-acre "living museum" of rare and unusual trees and shrubs, the Midwest’s most vigorous evergreen collection, a variety of specialty, demonstration and Children's gardens plus a Fountain Garden with a performance stage.


D'"Arbrido" à "Avroy" en passant par "Arboretum", "Arvridus", "Affreux" et "Avrotine".
Les grands travaux qui bouleversent actuellement toute la circulation sur le boulevard d'Avroy sont l'occasion d'évoquer toutes les discussions qui entourent l'origine de ce nom si familier aux Liégeois.
A partir du XVe siècle, on rencontre "Averoit", "Avroi" puis "Avroy". Et, pour contenter tout le monde, cela n'exclut tout de même pas un "arboretum" dans des temps encore plus lointains.


arboretum (pl. arboreta)

What is an Arboretum?

Limericks on arboretum


Suffix "-etum-" denoting "place where a given plant grows".


The Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College - Swarthmore, PA - The Scott Arboretum is a garden of ideas and suggestions. Encompassing more than 300 acres of a college campus, over 4000 kinds of ornamental plants are on display.

The Arboretum State Botanical Garden of Kentucky - Lexington, KY - The recently completed Dorotha Smith Oatts Visitor Center serves as headquarters for the Arboretum's many activities. The Arboretum is the 'Official State Botanical Garden for the Commonwealth of Kentucky.'

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum - Chaska, MN - Named one of the top 10 gardens in America by 'Usa Today' with 1,000 acres of display gardens and natural areas. Its historic visitor center, reminiscent of an English country estate, houses a conservatory, gift shop, tea room, and library. Open year round.

The Arboretum, University of Guelph - Guelph, ON, Canada - 408 acres of collections of trees and shrubs, old growth forest and meadows. 46 collections range from the 'World of Trees' to 'Lilacs'. Thematic gardens include a Japanese Garden, Formal English Garden and Wildlife Garden. Educational and research programs.

Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania


U.S. National Arboretum - Washington, DC - The U. S. National Arboretum is a U. S. D. A. research and education facility and a living museum dedicated to developing and promoting improved floral and landscape plants through scientific research, educational programs, display gardens, and germplasm conservation.

United States - Plant Hardiness Zone Maps (U.S. National Arboretum)

Westonbirt Arboretum

Newton Arboretum and Botanical Gardens - Newton, IA - The arboretum is about 3 acres of gardens, native trees, shrub roses, ornamental grasses and annual and perennial beds. A Learning Center will be built within the year to accomodate seminars and classes.


Erstellt: 2010-11












lignosae (W3)

Engl. "lignosae" (dt. "holzig", "holzartig") ist eine Bildung zu zu lat. "lignum" = dt. "Holz" und der Endung griech. "-ose" die - verkürzt aus frz. "glucose" = dt. "Traubenzucker" - zurück geht auf griech. "glykýs" = dt. "süß" (Vgl. auch "Fruktose", "Maltose", "Saccharose", "Zellulose").


"lignosae" a category in some early taxonomies

"ligneous plant", "woody plant": a plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems



"Lignôsus", pen. prod. Adiectiuum. Plin. - Hard like woode.

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "lignosae" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2014-08







Rosewood - Rose


Erstellt: 2013-07

Rosewood (W3)

Engl. "Rosewood" = wörtlich dt. "Rosenholz" bezeichnet allerdings dt. "Palisander".

Die Bezeichnung engl. "Rosewood", frz. "Bois de Rose", port. "Pao de Rosa", dt. "Rosenholz" scheint nicht eindeutig festgelegt zu sein. Einerseits scheint es in verschiedenen Sprachen unterschiedliche Holzarten zu bezeichnen. Andererseits scheint es auch als Sammelbegriff für verschiedene Holzarten benutzt zu werden, die in Duft oder Erscheinung an Rosen erinnern.

Oft werden damit Hölzer aus Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Jamaica oder Honduras bezeichnet, wobei "Bahia Rosenholz" (nach dem "brasilianischen Exporthafen", von dem aus es im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert hauptsächlich verschifft wurde) anscheinend am häufigsten verwendet wird. Bei der Verarbeitung riecht es sehr stark und der Rosenduft kommt anscheinend erst zur Geltung, wenn die Duftkonzentration zurück geht.

Bei Harry Potter werden Zauberstäbe gern aus "Rosewood" hergestellt.


Amaranth Amaranth Amaranth

"Rosewood" als Farbe: - #712f26 - Rosewood
"Rosewood" als Farbe: - #966a57 - Rosewood
"Rosewood" als Farbe: - #966a57 - Rosewood
"Rosewood Brown" als Farbe: - #712f26 - Rosewood Brown
"Rosewood Brown" als Farbe: - #5e3830 - Rosewood Brown
"Rosewood Brown" als Farbe: - #673923 - Rosewood Brown
"Rosewood Tan" als Farbe: - #aa6651 - Rosewood Tan
"Rosewood Tan" als Farbe: - #712f26 - Rosewood Tan
"Rosewood Tan" als Farbe: - #5e3830 - Rosewood Tan


"ROSEWOOD", the name given to several distinct kinds of ornamental timber. That, however, so called in the United Kingdom is "Brazilian rosewood", the "palissandre" of the French, the finest qualities of which, coming from the provinces of Rio de Janeiro and Bahia, are believed to be the produce principally of "Dalbergia nigra", a leguminous tree of large dimensions, called "cabiuna" and "jacaranda" by the Brazilians. The same name, "jacaranda", is applied to several species of "Machaerium", also trees belonging to the natural order "Leguminosae"; and there can be no doubt that a certain proportion of the "rosewood" of commerce is drawn from these sources. "Rosewood" comes to the United Kingdom from Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Jamaica and Honduras. The heartwood attains large dimensions, but as it begins to decay before the tree arrives at maturity it is always faulty and hollow in the centre. On this account squared logs or planks of rosewood are never seen, the wood being imported in half-round flitches 10 to 20 ft. in length and from 5 to 12 in. in their thickest part. Owing to its irregular form, the wood is sold by weight, and its value varies within wide limits according to the richness of colour. "Rosewood" has a deep ruddy brown colour, richly streaked and grained with black resinous layers. It takes a fine polish, but, on account of its resinous nature, it is somewhat difficult to work. The wood is very much in demand both by cabinet-makers and pianoforte-makers, by whom it is used both solid and in veneer.

The wood of "Dalbergia latifolia", a native of the East Indies, used for ornamental furniture and carvings under the name of "black wood", is frequently termed "East Indian Rosewood". The "Bois de Rose" of the French, the Portuguese "Pao de Rosa", and the German "Rosenholz" is a Brazilian wood, the produce of "Physocalymma floribundum", called in the United Kingdom "tulip wood", and very highly esteemed on account of its beautiful rose colour and grain.


So called because when cut it yields a perfume like that of roses.


Buddah Statue This Buddah is made of rosewood and shows a buddah holding a scroll and trampling on the serpent of discord. My father's ... Contributed by Individual


Victorian rosewood parlour chair BBC Radio Suffolk producer Sally Burch has chosen a piece of family furniture. The objects we fill our homes with, which ... Contributed by Individual



The Secret Life of Rosewood Avenue [radio]


Palisander, Rio- Rio Jacaranda, Brazil rosewood, Caviuna Dalbergia nigra
Palisander, Rio- (hell) Rio Jacaranda, Brazil rosewood, Caviuna Dalbergia nigra


"Rosewood", the wood obtained from a tree native to Brazil and from related trees in Central America, India, and Africa. The Brazilian rosewood tree grows to a height of 50 feet (15 m). Its hard, durable wood is dark red or purple, streaked with black. When first cut, the Brazilian rosewood gives off a faint rose fragrance. Other rosewood trees resemble it but do not have the rose fragrance. Rosewood is used to make pianos and fine furniture.

The "Brazilian rosewood" tree is "Dalbergia nigra" of the pea family, Leguminosae.


rosewood: A wand wood. Fleur Delacour's wand was made of rosewood (GF18).


Schriftfamilie "Rosewood"



Rosewood oil






Kein "Rosenholz", sondern Palisander. Soll mir auch 'mal einer zeigen, wie man aus einem Strauch Bretter sägt ;-)


"Bahia-Rosenholz" ist eine gelbliches bis rosa gefärbte, rot gemaserte Holzart, die sich durch rosenähnlichen Duft auszeichnet. Es wird traditionell unter der französischen Bezeichnung "bois de rose" gehandelt.


"Palisander" ist der Handelsname für diverse Holzarten von Bäumen der Gattung der "Dalbergien" ("Dalbergia") aus der Unterfamilie der Schmetterlingsblütler. Palisander ist seit Jahrhunderten ein hoch bewertetes Edelholz. Es herrscht Verwirrung beim Begriff "Palisander", der auf Französisch "palissandre", auf Englisch "rosewood" und auf Portugiesisch "jacarandá" heißt. Der englische Begriff "rosewood" wird fast immer falsch mit "Rosenholz" übersetzt, entspricht aber nicht dem deutschen Begriff "Rosenholz", der eine einzelne Art unter den Palisanderhölzern benennt, das so genannte "Bahia-Rosenholz" ("Dalbergia decipularis"). Auch die Gattung "Jacaranda", in der es überdies auch einen so genannten "Palisanderholzbaum" (blaublühender Jacaranda) gibt, ist von der Gattung Dalbergia verschieden und hat darum mit Palisander nichts zu tun.


Mit "Rosenholz" (englisch "Brazilian Tulipwood") wird eine einzige Holzart ("Dalbergia decipularis") aus der Gruppe der "Palisanderhölzer" (Gattung "Dalbergia") bezeichnet. Dieses Holz hat nichts mit dem Holz von Rosen oder Rosenstöcken aus der Familie der Rosaceae zu tun, denn die Gattung Dalbergia wird den Schmetterlingsblütlern (Fabaceae) zugeordnet. Der Name "Rosenholz" leitet sich vom rosenähnlichen Duft des frisch aufgeschnittenen Holzes sowie wohl auch von seiner schnell verblassenden intensiv rötlichen Farbe ab. Nach dem "brasilianischen Exporthafen", von dem aus es im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert hauptsächlich verschifft wurde, wird es auch "Bahia-Rosenholz" genannt.


Taxon Information

gültiger Name: "Dalbergia nigra"
Gruppe: Höhere Pflanzen
Taxonomie: Cormobionta Angiospermae Dicotyledonae Rosidae Fabales Leguminosae Dalbergia
Synonyme und Schreibweisen: Landespr. Namen: ...


Distinguishing Brazilian Rosewood from East Indian and Other Rosewoods



Dalbergia genus: Rosewood