Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Harry Potter

Das Harry Potter Lexikon
An English-German Harry Potter Glossary


Erstellt: 2011-07

Harry Potter - auf Latein um 130 Seiten kürzer


Dass es "Harry Potter" natürlich auch auf Latein gibt, versteht sich somit schon fast von selbst. Interessantes Detail am Rande: Der vollständige lateinische Text ist immer noch um 130 Seiten kürzer als das Original. "Warum?", werden Sie fragen. Weil sich das Lateinische aufgrund seiner speziellen Struktur um vieles prägnanter und effizienter auszudrücken versteht als die modernen Sprachen.

Erstellt: 2012-02

Harry Potter
RITM de la Gazette du Sorcier


Ritm #4 - Harry et son torticolis - La Gazette du Sorcier
Harry et son torticolis RITM de la Gazette du Sorcier Durée totale : 1 heure 05 minutes 25 secondes. Taille du fichier : 30,670 Mo.
Contenu de ce quatrième épisode : Keywords: gazette du sorcier; harry potter; RITM

RITM #4 - Harry et son torticolis - La Gazette du Sorcier
Harry et son torticolis RITM de la Gazette du Sorcier Durée totale : 1 heure 05 minutes 25 secondes. Taille du fichier : 30,670 Mo.
Contenu de ce quatrième épisode : Keywords: RITM; Harry Potter; Gazette du Sorcier

RITM #23 - Harry va-t-il se precipiter dans les bras de Sirius ? - La Gazette du Sorcier
RITM de la Gazette du Sorcier Durée totale : 44 minutes 24 secondes. Taille du fichier : 20,821 Mo.
Contenu de ce vingt-troisième épisode : Keywords: RITM; Harry Potter; Prisonnier d'Azkaban; JK Rowling; gazette du sorcier; tome 3; wizard rock; potterfictions

RITM Episode 6 : Notre ami Chris Columbus - La Gazette du Sorcier Keywords: Harry Potter; Gazette du Sorcier; actualité magique; l'Ordre du Phénix; the Deathly Hallows; J. K. Rowling

RITM #3 - La Gazette du Sorcier
RITM de la Gazette du Sorcier Episode 3 Durée totale : 51 minutes 37 secondes. Taille du fichier : 24,202 Mo.
Contenu de ce troisième épisode : Keywords: harry potter; gazette du sorcier; RITM; podcast


"RITM", "Radio Indépendante à Transmission Magique"

Erstellt: 2011-07

Argus (W3)

Die Autorin von Harry Potter, Joanne K. Rowling, hat sowohl im Bezug auf die Namen ihrer Personen als auch für die Zaubersprüche direkte Anleihen aus dem Lateinischen und Griechischen genommen. Der Hausmeister, der alles sieht, trägt den Namen "Argus" mit Bezug auf das gleichnamige hundertäugige Ungeheuer der griechischen Mythologie.


Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Argus" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1580 auf.

Erstellt: 2012-09


Harry Potter - Lexikon


Mein Lexikon beinhaltet Informationen zu den Bänden 1-5 und wird ständig erweitert.
Die Aktualisierung zu HP6 befindet sich bereits in Arbeit.
Harry Potter - Rekorde


Erstellt: 2011-07

La naissance de Harry Potter


C'est lors d'un voyage en train de Manchester à Londres que Joanne Rowling concocte dans sa tête l'histoire d'un jeune garçon qui découvre ses talents de magicien, et part dans une école de sorciers.

Erstellt: 2011-07
Babar, Harry Potter et Cie.
Livres d'enfants d'hier et aujourd'hui


Erstellt: 2011-07

J. K. Rowling
La autora de Harry Potter

J. K. Rowling - La autora de Harry Potter dedicó diecisiete años de su vida a escribir los siete libros de una historia minuciosamente concebida.

Erstellt: 2011-07


Fragen und Antworten zu den Harry Potter-Büchern


Erstellt: 2011-07

Chinese Fireball (W3)

Der "Chinese Fireball" (eine Art Drachen) bei Harry Potter wird entsprechend auch "Liondragon" ("Löwendrachen") genannt.



Harry Potter
Wizard Words


"Wizard Words: The Literary, Latin, and Lexical Origins of Harry Potter's Vocabulary," in Verbatim: The Language Quarterly, Spring 2001. Reprint, "The Fascinating Language of Harry Potter" in Readings on J.K. Rowling (Greenhaven Press, 2004). A PDF of the article is here.


Randall, Jessy: Wizard Words: The Literary, Latin, and Lexical Origins of Harry Potter's Vocabulary

In dem 6-seitigen Artikel geht die Autorin u.a. auf folgende Namen und Bezeichnungen ein:
Muggle | Argus Filch | squib | animagus | Miss Skeeter | Gryffindor | Nagina | Potter | Severus Snape | Vindictus Veridian | Professor Sprout | Quirrel | Gilderoy Lockhart | Draco Malfoy | Crabbe and Goyle | Lucius | Narcissa | Dobby | Voldemort | Sirius Black | Mrs. Norris | Crookshanks | (Zauberworte:) Reducio! | Engorgio! | Reparo! | Riddikulus! | Lumos! | Impedimenta! | Sonorus! | Stupefy! | Expelliarmus! | Imperio! | Crucio! | Avada Kedavra (Abracadabra & Cadaver) | Morsmordre! | Furnunculus! | Tarantallegra! | Waddiwasi! | Peskipiksi Pesternomi! | Little Whinging | Smeltings School | Diagon Alley | Knockturn Alley | Beauxbatons | Durmstrang (Sturm und Drang) | Azkaban | Floo Powder | Fizzing Whizbies | butterbeer | Nimbus 2000 | Mirror of Erised (desirE) | Polyjuice Remembrall | Spellotape | Balderdash | Flibbertigibbet | oddsbodkins | 'od | gee (for Jesus, vgl. "herrjemine") | Cadogan


Everything's Coming Up Harry Potter


So in the interest of keeping you trend-literate - herewith, a mini-lexicon of Potterisms.

Dementor (W3)

Der "Dementor" ist eine Figur der "Harry Potter"-Geschichten.

Der "De-Mentor" ist das genaue Gegenteil des weisen Lehrers, in den sich die Göttin Athene verwandelte, um Odysseus' Sohn Telemach bei der Suche nach seinem Vater zu helfen.


Fürchterlichste existierende magische Kreatur - Wächter des Zauberergefängnisses Askaban

"Dementor": Anyone who sucks the joy and intelligence out of people.


Die lateinische Vorsilbe "de" heißt, dass etwas weggenommen wird; "mens" bedeutet auf Lateinisch "Verstand". Also: die "Dementoren" bringen Menschen um den Verstand und treiben sie in den Wahnsinn (der auf Latein und Englisch "dementia" heißt).




Dementor | Dementor, The (reader's guide) | Dementor's Kiss | Dementor's Kiss, The (reader's guide)

dementor | dementor's kiss

Dumbledore (W3)

Bei Harry Potter findet man einen "Dumbledore", Professor "Albus Dumbledore", "headmaster of Hogwarts" (ide. "*alb" = "weiß"). Dahinter steht die Bezeichnung für ein Insekt das in lautmalerischen Abwandlungen als "bumblebee", als "humblebee" und als "dumbledore" in Erscheinung tritt. Im Deutschen ist es die "hummelnde" "Hummel", die "Hummmel-Biene". Engl. "Dumbledore" bezeichnet neben der dt. "Hummel" aber auch einen "Maikäfer" und eine "Eintagsfliege".

Das engl. "dore" in "dumbledore" geht dabei zurück auf altengl. "dora" = "summendes Insekt".

Der Name "Dumbledore" im "Harry Potter" bezeichnet also vermutlich einen mit einer "Hummel" vergleichbaren "schwerfälligen Menschen".

In der britischen Umgangssprache bezeichnet engl. "Dumbledore" allerdings auch einen dt. "Mistkäfer".

Dumbledore, Aberforth | Dumbledore, Albus | Dumbledore, Ariana | Dumbledore, Kendra | Dumbledore, Percival | Dumbledores Armee

Albus Dumbledore



Brit dial. the dung-beetle


Albus Dumbledore


Los Dumbledore
La familia Dumbledore adquirió nefasta popularidad cuando Percival Dumbledore fue enviado a Azkaban por atacar a tres muggles. Los hechos fueron reportados por El Profeta pero no se conoció la verdadera historia hasta más de un siglo después, tras el fallecimiento de Albus Dumbledore.

Ejercito de Dumbledore (E.D.)

Dumbledore, Aberforth | Dumbledore, Albus


Did Albus Dumbledore Set Up Events So that Harry Potter Would Go After the Philosopher's Stone? | Dumbledore, Aberforth | Dumbledore, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian | Dumbledore's Army | Dumbledore's Army (reader's guide) | Dumbledore's residence and office | Dumbledore vivens Snapeque bonamicus

Aberforth Dumbledore | Albus Dumbledore

Brian Dumbledore, Albus Percival Wulfric

Dumbledore, Aberforth | Dumbledore, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian | Dumbledore's Army

Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Albus

Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Albus Percival

Limericks on dumbledore

Dumbledore, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian

Albus Dumbledore

dumbledore (albus)



Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Dumbledore" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1810 / 1990 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07


Harry Potter - Enciclopedia
El Diccionario de los Magos (en Español)






Animales fantásticos




Todos los lugares mencionados en los libros



Harry Potter - Encyclopédie

Bienvenue sur L'Encyclopédie Harry Potter, la version française du Harry Potter Lexicon


Cette encyclopédie regroupe toutes les personnes faisant ou ayant fait partie de la vie de J.K. Rowling. Certains sont ses proches, d'autres ses auteurs favoris, d'autres sont liés à son oeuvre via l'art, la littérature ou le cinéma. Sont donc aussi listées ici les personnes dont la contribution aux adaptations cinématographiques des Harry Potter a été importante.

Harry Potter - Names
Harry Potter - Words

Viola Owlfeathers Harry-Potter-Kiste ist ein umfangreiches Web-Lexikon zu Harry Potter.
Sprachspielereien, Anspielungen, witzige Details in den Harry-Potter-Büchern.
Puns, allusions, explanations of names and words in Harry Potter.


Expelliarmus (W3)

Die Autorin von Harry Potter, Joanne K. Rowling, hat sowohl im Bezug auf die Namen ihrer Personen als auch für die Zaubersprüche direkte Anleihen aus dem Lateinischen und Griechischen genommen. Der Entwaffnungszauber "Expelliarmus" setzt sich zusammen aus lat. "expellere" = dt. "vertreiben" und lat. "arma" = dt. "Waffen".


Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Expelliarmus" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2012-09


Harry Potter and the Empire of Evil


Harry Potter and the Empire of Evil
the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling

There is no good and evil,
there is only power, and those too weak to seek it.
Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
[Scholastic Inc., 1999, p.291, cf. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)]

Erstellt: 2011-07


Harry Potter
Le glossaire des sorciers



Le glossaire des sorciers

| Acromantula | Avada kedavra | Azkaban | Barjow et Beurk | Basilic | Beauxbâtons | Beuglante | Bézoard | Bièreaubeurre | Branchiflore | Centaures | Chemin de Traverse | Chocogrenouille | Coupe de feu | Défense contre les Forces du Mal | Divination | Durmstrang | Elfe de maison | Etres de l’eau | Fantôme | Felix Felicis | Fleurk et les surnoms dans le monde magique | Forêt interdite | Fourchelang | Gallion | Géants | Hopital Saint-Mangouste pour les maladies et blessures magiques | Horloge des Weasley | Le 12 square Grimmaurd | Lunard | Magenmagot | Magicobus | Magyar à pointes | Mangemort | Mimbulus Mimbletonia | Nimbus 2000 (et les balais) | Occlumancie/ Legilimancie | Oubliator | Patronus | Plume à papote | Polynectar | Portoloin | Potion d’enflure (les potions) | Poudlard | Poudre de Cheminette | Pousse-Rikiki (les gadgets de Fred et George Weasley) | Pré-au-lard | R.A.B. | Sang-de-bourbe | Saule cogneur | Scroutt à pétard (les créatures d’Hagrid) | Sectumsempra | Société d’Aide à la Libération des Elfes de Maison (S.A.L.E.) | Sombral (les créatures magiques) | Sortilèges impardonnables | Sorts et sortilèges | Terrier | Tournoi des Trois Sorciers | Transplaner | Troll | Velane | Veritaserum | Voile de la Mort

Erstellt: 2011-07

Épisodes de la RITM
Harry Potter


"RITM", "Radio Indépendante à Transmission Magique"

Sommaire des épisodes de la RITM


Etymologie :
Une signification vous est inconnue, le sens caché du nom de tel personnage vous a échappé : pas de panique, RITM est là pour lever le voile.

Erstellt: 2011-07


Harry (W3)

Der Name "Harry", auch "Harri" ist die Verkleinerungsform von "Henry". Wie man schon bei Derrick erfahren kann ist "Harry" kein rein englischer Vorname. Bereits im 18.Jh. wurde "Harry" aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche übernommen. "Henry" und seine Nebenform "Harry" sind die englischen Varianten von dt. "Heinrich". Dieser wiederum geht zurück auf "Heimrich", der sich zusammensetzt aus ahd. "heim" = dt. "Haus" und ahd. "rihhi" = dt. "Herrschaft", "Herrscher", "Macht", "reich", "mächtig", "hoch". "Harry" ist also etwa der "mächtige Hausherr".

Als weiter verkürzte Variante von "Harry" findet man engl. "Hal". Die weibliche Variante "Harriet" wurde ebenfalls - im 19.Jh. ins Deutsche übernommen.

Als Familiennamen zu "Harry" findet man "Harrison" und die kürzere Variante "Harris" beide mit der Bedeutung "Sohn des Harry", "Harrys Sohn".

"Harry" findet man auch in Ausdrücken wie engl. "old Harry" als Umschreibung für dt. "Teufel" und engl. "play old Harry with" = dt. "Schindluder treiben mit", "zur Sau' machen", "etwas vollständig durcheinander bringen". Weiterhin findet man den engl. "flash Harry" = dt. "Lackaffe", "Stenz".

Vermutlich auf Grund der Lautähnlichkeit muß "Harry" umgangssprachlich auch als Bezeichnung für "Heroin" herhalten.

Bekannte Namensträger sind / waren:








"Harry" = frz. "maître de foyer" (germanique).




Dt. "Harry" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1730 auf.

Engl. "Harry" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1540 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Harry - Rose


Registration name: Harry Wheatcroft

Erstellt: 2011-07

harry (W3)

Engl. "harry" (1330) findet man schon im Altenglischen (altengl. "hergian") mit der Bedeutung dt. "brachliegen" und als Substantiv = dt. "Armee". Die früheste Bedeutung war dt. "angreifen und plündern", "berauben", "überfallen", "verwüsten" and "verheeren".

Der nächste Verwandte von engl. "harry" dürfte wohl dt. "verheeren" = dt. "verwüsten", "zerstören", sein. Dessen Ahnen sind spätmhdt. "verherunge", mhdt. "verhern", ahdt. "farherion" = dt. "mit einer Heeresmacht überziehen", "verwüsten", "verderben". Weiter findet man ein mhdt. "heren", "hern", "herjen", althdt. "herion" = dt. "verwüsten", "raufen", "plündern", eben das engl. "to harry". Ein weiterer Ahne ist altisl. "herja" = dt. "einen Raubzug unternehmen".

Verwandt ist natürlich dt. "Heer", für das ide. "*korio-s", "*koro-" = dt. "zum Krieg gehörig", postuliert wird. Zur daraus resultierenden Wortfamilie zählt man auch engl. "harbor" = dt. "Hafen", engl. "harbinger" = dt. "Vorbote", engl. "harrow" = dt. "quälen", "peinigen", engl. "herald" = dt. "Wappenherold", engl. "harness" = dt. "Harnisch", engl. "hurry" = dt. "Hast", "Eile", engl. "harangue" = dt. "Strafpredigt".

Das Verb engl. "harry" (1400) = dt. "verwüsten", "plündern", "quälen", "peinigen" und abgeschwächt "beunruhigen", "antreiben", "belästigen", "schikanieren", (engl. "harrying", engl. "harrowing" = dt. "quälend", "qualvoll", "erschütternd", auch engl. "harrow" = dt. "Egge" - mit der die Erde aufgerissen wird) geht zurück auf altengl. "hergian" = dt. "Krieg machen", "verwüsten", "verheeren", "plündern", protogerm. "*harohan", altfries. "urheria" = dt. "verwüsten", "verheeren", "plündern", altnord. "herja" = dt. "leeren", "plündern", althdt. "herion" = dt. "verheeren", protoindodeu. "*koro-" = dt. "Krieg", lith. "karas" = dt. "Krieg", "Streit", "Zank", "Hader", griech. "koiranos" = dt. "Herrscher", "Führer", " Befehlshaber").

Engl. "harry" entwickelte seine Bedeutung synonym zur Bedeutung von engl. "harass" = dt. "permanenter Angriff", "Drohung", "Qual", "Pein", "Marter". Engl. "harry" ist älter als engl. "harass".

Ein "verheerender" Anteil steckt übrigens auch in den Namen und Bezeichnungen "Herbert", "Hermann", "Dieter", "Diether", "Günter", "Günther", "Reiner", "Werner", "Walter", "Walther", "Herford", "Heringen", "Hersfeld", "Herberge", "Herold", "Herzog".


"HARRY", v. t. to vex, to harry




ENTRY: "*koro-"

DEFINITION: War; also war-band, host, army.


April 2009, 14: A Harrowing Use of “Harry”


"harry" (v.) Old English "hergian" "make war", "lay waste", "ravage", "plunder", the word used in the "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" for what the Vikings did to England, from Proto-Germanic "*harjon" (cognates: Old Frisian "urheria" "lay waste", "ravage", "plunder", Old Norse "herja" "to make a raid", "to plunder", Old Saxon and Old High German "herion", German "verheeren" "to destroy", "lay waste", "devastate"), from "*harjaz" "an armed force" (cognates: Old English "here", Old Norse "herr" "crowd", "great number"; "army", "troop", Old Saxon and Old Frisian "heri", Dutch "heir", Old High German "har", German "Heer" "host", "army", Gothic "harjis"), from PIE root "*koro-" "war" also "war-band", "hose", "army" (cognates: Lithuanian "karas" "war", "quarrel", "karias" "host", "army"; Old Church Slavonic "kara" "strife"; Middle Irish "cuire" "troop"; Old Persian "kara" "host", "people", "army"; Greek "koiranos" "ruler", "leader", "commander"). Weakened sense of "worry", "goad", "harass" is from c. 1400. Related: "Harried"; "harrying".

"Harry" masc. proper name, a familiar form of "Henry". Weekley takes the overwhelming number of "Harris" and "Harrison" surnames as evidence that "Harry", not "Henry", was the Middle English pronunciation of "Henry". Compare "Harriet", English equivalent of French "Henriette", fem. diminutive of "Henri". Nautical slang "Harriet Lane" "preserved meat" (1896) refers to a famous murder victim whose killer allegedly chopped up her body.


harry n


"harry" n. ["hergian", "ravage"]



harry (109)







"harry" make a pillaging or destructive raid on, as in wartimes



Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "harry" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1640 / 1730 auf.

Erstellt: 2015-04

Harry Potter (W3)

Die Autorin Joanne Rowling hat den Namen des Helden zusammengesetzt aus ihrem Lieblingsvornamen und dem Nachnamen eines Schulfreundes.


Quiz ciné : connais-tu bien Harry Potter?
Harry Potter : la fin d’une saga



Joanne K. Rowling studierte Altphilologie, und schon während ihres Studiums hatte sie eine Leidenschaft für seltsame und lustige Namen. Fast alle Namen in den Harry-Potter-Büchern sind sogenannte "sprechende Namen", z. B. lässt sich der Name Remus Lupin von dem lateinischen Wort für Wolf, "lupus", ableiten. Und Remus war einer der Gründer Roms, der von einer Wölfin großgezogen wurde. Oder Gilderoy Lockhart: "to gilde" heißt "vergolden" und der Name Roy kommt aus dem Französischen und heisst "König". Ein durchaus passender Name für den eitlen Zauberer ...


Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen | Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens | Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban | Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch

Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch (2005, KF) | Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban (2004, KF) | Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix (2007, KF) | Harry Potter und der Stein des Weisen (2001, KF) | Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens (2002, KF)


11.07.2007 Harry Potter gibt´s inzwischen weltweit ? erschienen in 200 Ländern, übersetzt in 65 Sprachen. Egal ob sie altgriechisch, gälisch, zulu, friesisch oder bengalisch sprechen: Die Welt von Harry Potter liegt ihnen zu Füssen. Harry Potter heißt auch überall auf der Welt Harry Potter ? nur ein Land tanzt aus der Reihe ? da wurde er umgetauft ? wo ist das ? Und wie heißt Harry Potter da? In China/Taiwan heißt Harry Potter ?Hali Bote

03.06.2004 Welche Sportgeräte kennen wir alle unter dem Namen Klatscher, Quaffel und Goldener Schnatz ?? Klatscher, Quaffel und Goldener Schnatz sind Bälle beim Quidditch Spiel bei Harry Potter – so ne Art Rugby auf Besen. Klatscher ist der schwarze Ball, der versucht die Spieler vom Besen zu stossen, Quaffel ist der rote Ball und der goldene Schnatz ist der Ball mit Flügeln, hinter dem alle her sind.

14.11.2002: Wieso heißt "Harry Potter" eigentlich "Harry Potter"?

"Potter" war der Nachname eines Schulfreundes aus der Kindheit von Autorin Joanne Rowling, den sie einfach viel lieber mochte als ihren eigenen. Und "Harry" ist schlicht und einfach ihr Lieblingskindername.

16.11.2001 Welche Tiersprache beherrscht Harry Potter ?? Die Schlangensprache Parsel


Harry Potter schlechtes Geschäft

Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban

Auch in Harry Potter hat "Monty Python" Spuren hinterlassen:

JKR says "British comedy is an obsession of mine. I love Monty Python." The ideas for "Cockroach Cluster" and for "Chocolate Frogs" are tributes to Monty Python sketches.



Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch | Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban | Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz | Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix | Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen | Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens

Harry Potter Trailor

Harry Potter


9. Juli 2011
Web-Fundstück: Potter tickt nicht richtig
"Es endet alles am 14. Juli", versprechen die Kinoplakate. Alles? Wirklich alles?
Vor vier Jahren erstellte Neil Cicierega mit "Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise" die bis zum heutigen Tag wohl beste "Harry Potter"-Verballhornung, die im Netz kursiert: Der Puppenclip ist kurz, simpel, melodisch und - nicht zu unterschätzen - auch für Muggel ohne Hogwartsausbildung verständlich. Ob sich das jetzt auf der Zielgeraden noch toppen lässt?

J K Rowling created the magical Harry while living in Edinburgh

Harry Potter has taken the world by storm. First it was the books by J. K. Rowling. Then it was the first magical film (to be followed by others). In the light of the wide interest in all aspects of Harry Potter, Vivien Devlin, an Edinburgh-based writer like J. K. Rowling, has written this feature about Harry and the places in Scotland and Britain where you can experience some of the magic.

Dies ist eine große Linksammlung mit folgenden Themenbereichen rund um "Harry Potter".

Harry Potter

Harry Potter Und Der Orden Des Phoenix



List of Harry Potter Wikia

The Harry Potter Wiki reveals plot details about the series.

Herzlich willkommen im Harry-Potter-Lexikon

Witamy w Harry Potter Wiki, encyklopedii Harry'ego Pottera, która kazdy moze tworzyc.

Welcome to the Harry Potter Fanon Wiki, where those loyal Harry Potter fans can bring to life their own creations!

Potterindustrie, Pottermeter, Potterversum

"Wizard" and "Harry Potter" - among the Words of the year 2001

7. "Wizard" - On the list due to Harry Potter's course of study at the Hogwarts School, with strong support from Gandalf and company in "The Lord of the Rings".

6. "Harry Potter" - The literary sensation of the year is an honor student as the Hogwarts School.

Harry Potter Stock Index (W3)

Die Bezeichnung eines "Stock Index" als "Harry Potter Stock Index" bezieht sich auf einen Aktienindex in dem Firmen im Umfeld der "Harry Potter Maschinerie" gelistet sind.


A collection of stocks from companies related to the "Harry Potter" series franchise. Created by StockPickr, this index seeks to capture some of Harry Potter's success by investing in selected movie producers, merchandisers and advertisers currently associated with the franchise.

(E1)(L1) Potter Stock Index
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Harry Potter Stock Index" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Harry Wheatcroft - Rose


Harry Wheatcroft | Harry Wheatcroft, Cl.



Erstellt: 2011-07

Dictionnaires Harry Potter
Harry Potter - Dictionnaires


Erstellt: 2010-02

Harry Potter - Dictionary


In unserem Lexikon findest du Artikel über die Welt von Harry Potter, wie sie J.K. Rowling in ihren Büchern darstellt. Unser Lexikon-Team hat ausführliche Artikel zu den Personen, Orten, magischen Gegenständen, Ereignissen, Zaubersprüchen und sonstigen Begriffen aus den Harry-Potter-Büchern verfasst und arbeitet auch weiterhin daran, die Artikel zu aktualisieren und Fehler auszubessern.

Derzeit befinden sich 677 Artikel im Lexikon.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Harry Potter Spells



“Muffliato!” Are the spells in “Harry Potter” real words? “Riddikulus!”
November 20, 2010
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I” is now in theaters. The newest movie in the series promises to be packed with magic spells. There are dozens of spells that are used by the characters in Harry Potter’s fictional world of wizardry. But are any of them real words?
The names of many of the spells are indeed derived from other languages, especially Latin. However, for the most


“Harry Potter” author may face plagiarism trial. What is the precise meaning of plagiarism?
October 15, 2010
This week a British judge refused to dismiss a plagiarism lawsuit against best-selling author J.K. Rowling. The claims against the wildly successful creator of “Harry Potter” say that she stole ideas from an obscure fantasy book. The judge said that a proper hearing should be held to consider the matter.
Is plagiarism simply copying words? Or is it more complicated than that?
The dictionary defines plagiarism as “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the

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Harry Potter


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Inside 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'
by Gerri Miller
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Erstellt: 2011-07

Harry Potter - Lexicon
Harry Potter - Terms



These pages present a very complete encyclopedia of the Harry Potter Universe.
Nearly every entry is followed by one or more icons identifying the categories to which that item belongs. While this seems hardly necessary in the case of things like "dragon" or "Hogwarts School," it become more helpful when you're trying to figure out what a "dom" or "Malecrit" is. On top of that, they not only look cool, but actually permit a certain level of support for the visually impaired as long as the pages are prepared in a certain way.

This lexicon is a list of terms that describe various aspects of the Harry Potter universe. It is arranged by topic, but is searchable by word. The site includes a timeline, and origins and sources for the terms used. It also has a web resource list.


Abbott, Hannah | Abbott, Mrs. | abbreviations | Abercrombie, Euan | Aberdeen | Abergavenny | Aboard the Hogwarts Express (reader's guide) | Abominable Snowman | about the books | about the books and films | about the films | Abraxan | "abstinence" | Abyssinia | Abyssinian Shrivelfig | Acanthia Way | Accidental Magic Reversal Squad / Department | Accio | Achievements in Charming | Acid Pops | Ackerley, Stewart | Ackerly Town Hall | aconite | | Acromantula | Acromantula venom | action figure | Advanced Potion-Making | Advanced Rune Translation | Advance Guard, The (reader's guide) | Adventures of Martin Miggs, the Mad Muggle, The | adversaries | Aeaea | Aesalon, Falco | Aethonon | Africa | "afters" | After the Burial (reader's guide) | Ageing Potion (U.S. Aging Potion) | ageing wizard, Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures | Age Line | Age of the Weasleys, The | Agnes | Agrippa, Cornelius | Aguamenti | Aingingein | "airing cupboard" | Alarte Ascendare | Albania | alchemy | Alderton, Archibald | Alecto | Algie, Great Uncle | Alguff the Awful | "Alice band" | All-Africa Cup | All-England Wizarding Duelling Competition | alley behind the Leaky Cauldron | All Saints Parish Church | Almond, David | Alnwick Castle, Northumberland | Alohomora | America | Amnesty International | Amortentia | Amycus | Anapneo | Anatol, Giselle Liza | Ancient Broom Games (reader's guide) | ancient magic | Ancient Magic: Magic from Before the Dawn of Time? | Ancient Runes | Ancient Runes Made Easy | ...and I Grew Up with Percy... | Andorra | Andros the Invincible | anger | Anglesey | Animagi | Animagi registry | Animagus Transfiguration | Annual Broom Race of Sweden | Annual Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw | Annual International Wizarding Gardening Competition | Another View of Magic, Genes, and Pure Blood | antechambers: | to the Entrance Hall | to the Great Hall | Anthology of Eighteenth Century Charms, An | Anti-Apparition | Anti-Burglar Buzzer | Anti-Cheating Spell | Anti-Disapparition | antidotes | anti-gravity mist | Anti-Muggle Precautions (reader's guide) | Antipodean Opaleye | antler jinx | Aparecium | Apothecary | Apparator | Apparition (Apparate) | Apparition, Side-Along | Apparition Test Center | Appleby | Appleby Arrows | Appraisal of Magical Education in Europe, An | Aquavirius Maggot | Aragog | Aragog (reader's guide) | Arania Exumai | Arantes, Jorge | Arbroath | Archie | Argentina | Argyllshire | Arjeplog | armadillo | armadillo bile | armour | armour, goblin-made | armour-bewitching charm | armour gallery | Arresto Momentum | Arrival of the Golden Snitch, The (reader's guide) | Arrows, Appleby | arrows, wand | art historian | artists who contribute to the Lexicon | Art of Unfinishing: HP fanfiction and the Art of Storytelling, The | artwork | Ascendio | Ashwinder | Ashwinder eggs | Asia | Asiatic Anti-Venoms | asphodel | Assyria | astrology | astronomical models | astronomy | Astronomy Tower | Atlantic Ocean | Atlas, A Wizard's | Atlas of Hogwarts | Atlas of Magical Creatures | Atlas of Quidditch | Atlas of Wizarding Britain | Aubrey, Bertram | Augurey | Aunt Marge's Big Mistake (reader's guide) | Aurors | Austen, Jane | Australia | Australia House | Australian League | authors of books | Auto-Answer Quill | automobile | Avada Kedavra | Avalon | Avery | Avery | Avifors | Avis | awards, trophies, and honours | "Axminster" | Axminster flying carpet | "aye" | Azkaban


Babayaga | Babbling, Bathsheba | Babbling Beverage | Babbling Curse | Back to the Burrow (reader's guide) | Baddock, Malcolm | badger | Bagman and Crouch (reader's guide) | Bagman, Ludovic ("Ludo") | Bagman, Otto | Bagman (senior) | Bagnold, Millicent | Bagshot, Bathilda | "balaclava" | balderdash | balloons, non-explodable, luminous | Ballycastle | Ballycastle Bats | Ban on Experimental Breeding | Ban on Importing Flying Carpets | "banana fritters" | Banchory | Banchory Bangers | Bandon | Bandon Banshee | Bane | Bangers, Banchory | Bangladesh | Banishing Charm | banshee | Barbary, Heathcote | Barkwith, Musidora | Barnabas the Barmy | Barnsley | Barnton | Barny the Fruitbat | Baruffio | Bashir, Ali | Basil | basilisk | Bat-Bogey Hex | Bath | "bathing costume" | bats | Bats, Ballycastle | bats' spleens | bat, Beater's | Battle of the Department of Mysteries | Battle of the Tower | Battle of the Department of Mysteries: An Analysis of the Chase and Battle, June 1996, The | battles | Baubillius | Bayliss, Hettie | Beamish, Oswald | "beast" | Beater | Beaters' Bible, The | Beating the Bludgers-- A Study of Defensive Strategies in Quidditch | Beautifying Potion / Beautification Potion | Beauxbatons Academy of Magic | Beauxbatons and Durmstrang (reader's guide) | Beauxbatons carriage | beetle | Beetle at Bay, The (reader's guide) | Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration, A | Beginning, The (reader's guide) | "being" | Being Division | Belby, Flavius | Belby, Marcus | Belcher, Humphrey | Belch Powder | Bell, Katie | belladonna | Benedict, Brother | Benjamin, Tiana | Benson, Amy | "berk" | Bermuda Triangle | Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans | Bestiary, The | Bethnal Green | Beyond the Veil (reader's guide) | bicorn | bicorn parts | Bigfoot | "Bighead Boy" | Bigonville | Bigonville Bombers | Bilius | Billywig | "bin" ("binned", "bin bag") | binding/fastening magic | Binky | Binns, Professor | birds and bird-like creatures | Birmingham | Birthday Surprises (reader's guide) | "biscuit" | Bishop, Dennis | "bit keen", "bit rich" | biting fairy | Black, Alphard | Black, Andromeda (see Tonks, Andromeda Black) | Black, Araminta Melliflua | Black, Arcturus (1884 - 1959) | Black, Arcturus (1901 - 1991) | Black, Bellatrix (see Lestrange, Bellatrix Black) | Black, Belvina | | Black, Callidora | Black, Cassiopeia | Black, Cedrella | Black, Charis | Black, Cygnus (1889 - 1943) | Black, Cygnus (1938 - 1992) | Black, Dorea | Black, Elladora (1850 - 1931) | Black, Elladora (aunt of Sirius and Regulus) | Black, Isla | Black, Lucretia | Black, Lycoris | Black, Marius | Black, Narcissa (see Malfoy, Narcissa Black) | Black, Orion | Black, Phineas Nigellus | Black, Regulus (1906 - 1959) | Black, Regulus (1906 - 1959) | Black, Regulus (1961 - 1979) | Black, Sirius (1845 - 1853) | Black, Sirius (1877 - 1952) | Black, Sirius | Black, Sirius' grandfather | Black, Walburga (Sirius' mother) | "black beetle" | black beetle parts | Black family | Black family tree | Black Forest | Black Park, Iver | Blackpool Pier | "black pudding" | Black Sea | bladvak | blagging | Blake, Andrew | blancmange | Blane, Balfour | Blast-Ended Skrewt | Blasting Curse | blatching | Blenkinsop, Barnabus | Blenkinsop, Timothy | Bletchley, Miles | Blibbering Humdinger | "blimey" | Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires | blood-flavored lollipops | bloodhound, albino | Blood-Replenishing Potion | Blood-Sucking Bugbear | Bloody Baron, the | Bloomsbury PLC | Bloxam, Beatrix | Bludd, Blodwyn | Bludger | Bludger Backbeat | bluebell flames | Bluebottle | blurting | | boa constrictor | Boardman, Stubby | boarhound | "boater" | boats | Bobbin, Melinda | Bode, Broderick | | Bodmin Moor | B.O.G. | boggart | Boggart in the Wardrobe, The (reader's guide) | bogies | Bogies, Curse of the | "bog-standard" | boil cure potion | Bole | Bombarda | Bombers, Bigonville | Bonaccord, Pierre | Bones, Amelia Susan | Bones, Edgar | Bones family | Bones, Mrs. | Bones, Susan | "Bonfire Night" | Bonham, Mungo | Boniface, Brother | boogers | bookshop, Muggle, Charing Cross Road | bookbag | books | authors of | by title | by topic | dangerous | Harry Potter | boomslang | boomslang parts | Booster, Invisibility | "boot" | boot - see Portkey | Boot, Trevor (Terry) | Boothby, Gladys | Borage, Libatius | Borgin (Mr.) | Borgin and Burkes | Boris the Bewildered | Borneo | Bott, Bertie | "bottom-of-the-table" | bouillabaisse | Bournemouth | Bournville Hotel | bowler hat | bowtruckle | "Boy Who Lived" | Boy Who Lived, The (reader's guide) | Bozo | Bracchiam Emendo ("Braccium Emendo") | Bradley | Bradley, David | Braga | Braga Broomfleet | Bragge, Barberus | Braking Charm | Bran the Bloodthirsty | Branagh, Kenneth | Brand, Rudolf | Brankovitch, Maximus, III | Branstone, Eleanor | Brazil | Break With A Banshee | Bridger, Francis (The Reverend) | Bristol | Britain | British Schooling in the 1970s | Broadmoor, Karl | Broadmoor, Kevin | Brockdale Bridge | Brocklehurst, Mandy | Broken Balls: When Fortunes Turn Foul | Brookstanton, Rupert 'Axebanger' | broom cupboard | broom maker | Broom Race of Sweden, Annual | broom race trophy | Broom Regulatory Control | brooms | broomshed | broomstick magic | Broomstick Servicing Kit | Brotherhood of Goblins, The | Brown, Lavender | bruise-healing paste | Brush, Self-Straightening | Bryce, Frank | Bubble-Head Charm | bubbles | bubotuber | Buckbeak | "budge up" | "budgie", "budgerigar" | Budleigh Babberton | Bugbear, Blood-Sucking | buildings | Bulbadox Powder | Bulgaria | Bulgarian (language) | Bulgarian Quidditch team | Bulstrode, Millicent | Bulstrode, Violetta | bumphing | Bundimun | Bundy, K. | "bung" | Bungs, Rosalind Antigone | Burke, Caractacus | Burke, Herbert | Burkina Faso | burn-healing paste | Burrow, the | Burrow, The (reader's guide) | butterbeer | Buzzer, Anti-Burglar


cabbage, Chinese Chomping | cabbages | Cadogan, Sir | Cadwallader | Caerphilly | Caerphilly Catapults | calendar | of Chamber of Secrets | of Goblet of Fire | of Half-Blood Prince | of Order of the Phoenix | of Prisoner of Azkaban | of Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone | year | Calming Draught | camera | Campaign for Greater Freedom for Wizards | "camp bed" | campground | Canada | Canary Creams | Canary Islands | canary transfiguration hex | candle, enchanted | candle, everlasting | candle, poisonous | candle magic | candy and sweets | Capper, S. | "caput draconis" | car | Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da | card games, magical | cards, Chocolate Frog | Cards, Exploding Snap | Cards, Self-Shuffling Playing | cards, trading card game | Careers Advice (reader's guide) | Care of Magical Creatures | Carmichael, Eddie | carpet, flying | carriage, flying | carriage, Hogwarts | Carrows, the | cart, Gringotts | Cassidy, Steve | Catchlove, Greta | caterpillars | "Catherine wheel" | Cat, Rat, and Dog (reader's guide) | cats and cat-like creatures | "Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love, A" | cauldrons | cauldron shop | Cauldron Cakes | Cauldwell, Owen | cave (Horcrux) | cave (Hogsmeade) | Cave, The (reader's guide) | Cecilia | ceiling, enchanted | centaurs | Centaur and the Sneak, The (reader's guide) | Centaur Liaison Office | chains, ragged man wearing | chains, magical | chamber music | Chamber of Secrets | Chamber of Secrets, The (reader's guide) | chambers of the Philosopher's Stone | chamber of the seven potions | chamber of the Stone | chamber pot room, magical | Chambers | Chameleon Ghouls | "Chancellor of the Exchequer" | Chang, Cho | Changes in Quidditch Since the Fourteenth Century (reader's guide) | changes from the book for the film adaptation | for Chamber of Secrets | for Goblet of Fire | for Prisoner of Azkaban | for Philosopher's Stone | Changing Image of Grownups in the Harry Potter Books, The | chapter synopses | Charing Cross Road | Charmers, Tchamba | Charm to Cure Reluctant Reversers, A | Charm Your Own Cheese | Charms | Charms Classroom | Charms Corridor | Chaser | "cheek, cheeked, cheeky" | Cheering Charm | Chepstow | cherry syrup and soda with ice and an umbrella | chess, wizard | chimaera | China | "chipolata" | Chipping Clodbury | Chipping Sodbury | "chips" | Chittock, Glenda | Chizpurfle | Chocoballs | chocolate | Chocolate Frogs | choir | Chorley, Herbert | Chowdhury, Shefali | Christ Church, Oxford University | Christmas | "Christmas Cake" | "Christmas Crackers" | Christmas on the Closed Ward (reader's guide) | "Christmas Pudding" (Flaming Christmas Pudding) | Chubb, Agatha | Chudleigh | Chudley | Chudley Cannons | Chudley Cannons robes | "chuffed" | Church Cottage | church hall | Church of Scotland | churchyard | Circe | Cistem Arapeo | Clabbert | Clagg, Elfrida | Clapham | Class A Non-Tradeable Goods | Class B Tradeable Materials | classes at Hogwarts | Classified Ads from the Daily Prophet (parody) | claws, snarled | cleaning solutions, magical | Cleansweep series | Cleansweep One | Cleansweep Two | Cleansweep Three | Cleansweep Five | Cleansweep Six | Cleansweep Seven | Cleansweep Eleven | Cleese, John | Cliodna (Cliodne) | cloak | Clogg, Edgar | clothing stores | clothing, Wizard | cobbing | cockatrice | Cockcroft, Jason | Cockroach Cluster | cockroaches | Code of Wand Use | "Codswallop" | Cokeworth | Colbert, David J. | Cole, Mrs. | Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle | Colloportus | Colour Change Charm | Coltrane, Robbie | Columbus, Christopher | Columbus, Eleanor | Comet 140 | Comet 180 | Comet 260 | Comet 290 | Comet Trading Company | Comic Relief UK | Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures | Committee on Experimental Charms | Common Magical Ailments and Afflictions | Common Room | Common Welsh Green | communication | Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter-Actions, A | Compleat (the 'Error' in the Title Graphic) | Complete Guide to Magic, the | Complications with Memory, The | Concordance of the Harry Potter Universe | conductor, Knight Bus | Confronting the Faceless | Confundus Charm | Confusing Concoction | Confusing & Befuddlement Draught | Congo | Conjunctivitis Curse | conjured items | Conjuring Spells | "conk" | Connolly | Contorting Cereals | contract, magical | cook, Riddle family | Cooper, Buckley | Coopey, Howland | Coote, Ritchie | Cork | Cornelius Fudge (reader's guide) | Corner, Michael | Cornfoot, Stephen | Cornish pixies | Cornwall | corridors (Hogwarts) | charms | kitchen | fourth floor | third floor | "cosy", "cozy" | Cotswolds | cough potion | Coulson, Christian | Council of Magical Law | countries | "cow" | Crabbe, Mr. | Crabbe, Vincent | "cracker" | "crack on" | Cragg, Elfrida | Creaothceann | creatures, magical | Creevey, Mr. | Creevey, Colin | Creevey, Dennis | Cresswell, Dirk | Cresswell, Mr. and Mrs. | Cribbage's Wizarding Crackers | crinolines | "crisp" | Croaker | Crockford, Doris | crocodile parts | Cronk, Crispin | Crookshanks | Cross-Species Switches | Crouch | Crouch family | Crouch, Bartemius "Barty" Jr. | Crouch, Bartemius "Barty" Sr. | Crouch, Mrs. | Cruciatus Curse | Crucio | Crumb, Gideon | "crumpet" | Crumple-Horned Snorkack | Crup | crystal balls | Cuaditich | Cuffe, Barnabas | Culpeper's Complete Herbal | Cunningham, Barry | "cupboard" | "cuppa" | Curd, Gerta | Curse Breaker, Gringotts | Curse of the Bogies | Curses and Counter-curses: | (Bewitch Your Friends and Befuddle Your Enemies with the Latest Revenges: | Hair Loss, Jelly-Legs, Tongue-Tying, and Much, Much More) | Cushioning Charm | Cyclops


D.A. | Dagworth-Granger, Hector | Dahl, Roald | Daily Prophet | Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw, Annual | Daily Prophet newsletter | Daily Prophet offices | daisy roots | Dale, Emily | Dale, Jim | Damocles (surname unknown, uncle of Marcus Belby) | dance | dancing skeletons | Dangerous Dai Commemorative Medal | Dark Arts | Dark Arts Outsmarted, The | Dark Creatures | Dark Detectors | Dark Force Defence League | Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, The | Dark Items | Dark Lord, The | Dark Mark (spell) (see Morsmordre) | Dark Mark (tattoo) (see Protean Charm) | Dark Mark, The (reader's guide) | Dark Wizard Catchers | Dartmouth College (New Hampshire) | Davies, Roger | Davis, Tracey | Davis, Warwick | Dawlish | de Mimsy-Porpington, Sir Nicholas | "dead clumsy", "dead depressing", "dead useful" | Deadman, Derek | Deadmarsh | Dearborn, Caradoc | Death Eaters | Death Eaters, The (reader's guide) | Death Omens: What To Do When You Know The Worst Is Coming | Deathday Party | Deathday Party, The (reader's guide) | Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry | Defence Against the Dark Arts | Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom | defensive charge | Defensive Charm | Defensive Magical Theory | Deflating Draught | de-gnoming | Delacour, Fleur | Delacour, Gabrielle | Delaney-Podmore, Sir Patrick | Deletrius | Demiguise | Demiguise Derby | de Montmorency, Laverne | Dennis | Densaugeo | Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures | Department of Accidental Magic Reversal | Department of International Magical Cooperation | Department of Magical Catastrophes | Department of Magical Games and Sports | Department of Magical Law Enforcement | Department of Magical Transportation | Department of Mysteries | Department of Mysteries, The (reader's guide) | Derek | Derrick | Dervish and Banges | Derwent, Dilys | Descriptive Words in the Books | Designating Years | detentions | Detention with Dolores (reader's guide) | Development of the Racing Broom, The (reader's guide) | Deverill, Philbert | Devil's Snare | Devil's Snare chamber | Devon | Dzou, Yen | Diagon Alley | Diagon Alley (reader's guide) | diary of Tom Riddle | Dickens, Charles | "dicky bird" | Dictionary of Phrase and Fable | | Didsbury | differences between British and U.S. versions of: | Chamber of Secrets | Goblet of Fire | Half-Blood Prince | Order of the Phoenix | Prisoner of Azkaban | Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone | Diffindo | Diggle, Dedalus | Diggory, Amos | Diggory, Cedric | Diggory family | Diggory, Mrs. | Dijon | Dimitrov | Dingle, Harold | Dippet, Armando | Diricawl | Disapparate | Disarming Charm | dishes, cups, and plates | dishwasher at the Leaky Cauldron | Dissendium | Disillusionment Charm | dittany | Divination | Divination classroom | Divination: The Theory and Practice of Prediction | Divination: Two Approaches | Divinity School, Oxford University | "Dobbin" | Dobbs, Emma | Dobby | Dobby's Reward (reader's guide) | Dobby's Warning (reader's guide) | Dodderidge, Daisy | "dodgy" | Dodgy Dirk | dodo | Doge, Elphias | dogs and dog-like creatures | Dolohov, Antonin | Dom | door opening spell | doors | Dopplebeater Defence | Dorkins, Mary | Dorkins, Ragmar | dormitories | Dorny, J. | Dorset | "doss" | Dot | Double Eight Loop | doxy | Doxycide | Doyle, Louis | Doyle, Roddy | Dr. Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks | "Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus" | Draco's Detour (reader's guide) | dragons | Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit | dragon feeder | dragon hide gloves | dragon keeper | dragon parts | Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau | dragon reservations | Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland | dragon's blood | Drakul, Count Vlad | Draught of Living Death | Draught of Peace | "drawing room" | draw up a chair | Dreadful Denizens of the Deep | Dream, The (reader's guide) | Dream Oracle, The | dreams, Harry's | Drear, Isle of | "dresser" | dress robes | driver of the Knight Bus | Drooble's Best Blowing Gum | Drought Charm | Dudley | Dudley Demented (reader's guide) | duel, wizard's | Duelling Club | Duelling Club, The (reader's guide) | Duelling Competition, All-England Wizarding | Dugbog | Duke, Kirley | Dundee | "dung brains" | Dungbomb | dungeon five | dungeons | Dunstan, B. | Durham Cathedral, County Durham | Durmstrang | Durmstrang Languages | Dursley | Dursley, Dudley | Dursley family | Dursley, Marjorie "Marge" | Dursley, Petunia Evans | Dursley, Vernon | "dust bin" | D'you Really Think They're Suited?


eagle feather quill | eagle owl | Eargit the Ugly | Early Life of Tom Riddle and the Second World War, The | ear muffs | Eccleshare, Julia | Echoes of the Past: Street Names of Little Whinging | Edgecombe, Madam | Edgecombe, Marietta | Edinburgh | Educational Decrees | Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four (reader's guide) | Eeylops Owl Emporium | "effing" | Egg and the Eye, The (reader's guide) | egg, dragon | egg, golden | Egg, Professor Mordicus | Egypt | Egypt, ancient | Elegantly Woven Tapestry: Plotlines in Prisoner of Azkaban, An | Elephant and Castle | Elfric the Eager | Elf Tails (reader's guide) | Elixir of Life | Ellerby | Ellis Moor | Elphick, Wilfred | elves (see house-elves) | Emeric the Evil | Enchanted Encounters | Enchantment In Baking | Encyclopedia of Potions | Encyclopedia of Quidditch | Encyclopedia of Spells | Encyclopedia of Toadstools | England | Engorgement Charm | Engorgio | Enid, Great Auntie | Ennervate | Enoch, Alfred | Entrail-Expelling Curse | Entrancing Enchantments | Entwhistle, Kevin | Episkey | Epoximise | Erised, Mirror of | Erkling | Errol | Errol | Erumpent | essays, index of | Ethelred the Ever-Ready | Ethics of Rowling, The | Ethiopia | Etna, Mount | Eton | Euphoria, an Elixir to Induce | Europe | etymology | Evanesce | Evanesco | Evans, Lily | Evans, Mark | Evans, Mr. (Lily's father) | Evans, Mrs. (Lily's mother) | Evans, Petunia (see Dursley, Petunia Evans) | Evens, Bryony | Everard | Everlasting Elixirs | Everte Statum | Every Flavor Beans, Bertie Bott's | Everything you Always Wanted to Know About Socks | Evolution of the Flying Broomstick, The (reader's guide) | Exeter | Exeter University | Exmoor | Expecto Patronum | Expelliarmus | Exploding Bonbons | Exploding fluid | Exploding Snap | exploding tuba | Extinguishing Spell | Eye of the Snake, The (reader's guide)


fairy and fairy-like creatures | Fairy (language) | "fairy lights" | fairy magic | fake wands | Falcon, the | Falcons, Falmouth | Falmouth | Falmouth Falcons | Familiarity: Key to Understanding Spellwork | Famous Fire Eaters | Famous Wizard cards | "fanciable" | Fancourt, Perpetua | "fancy" | Fang | Fanged Frisbees | fangs, strings of | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them | fantasy | Far East | Fat Friar, the | "Father Christmas" | Fat Lady, the | Fawcett family | Fawcett, Miss S. | Fawkes | Fawkes and Gryffindor | feather-light | feedback - send a question or comment | Felix Felicis | Felix Felicis (reader's guide) | Felton, Tom | fen | Fenwick, Benjy | Fera Verto | Fergus | ferrets | Ferris, Pam | Ferula | Fever Fudge | Fidelius Charm | Fiennes, Ralph | Fifteenth Century Fiends | Figg, Arabella Doreen (Mrs.) | Fight and Flight (reader's guide) | Fiji | Filch, Argus | Filibuster Fireworks | films, information about the Harry Potter | Finch-Fletchley, Justin | Finch-Fletchley, Mr. and Mrs. | Fingal the Fearless | fingernails | finger-removing jinx | Finite | Finite Incantatem | Finnigan, Mr. | Finnigan, Mrs. | Finnigan, Seamus | Firebolt | Firebolt, The (reader's guide) | Fire-Crab | fire magic | Firenze | fire omens | fire talking | Fire Slugs | fireworks | "first years" | First Task, The (reader's guide) | fish and other water creatures | Fitchburg | Fitchburg Finches | Fitch-Fletchley, Justin | Five Feathers | Fixing Charm | Fizzing Whizbees | flacking | Flagrate | Flame-Freezing Charm | Flamel, Nicolas | Flamel, Perenelle | Flanders | Flanders (Quidditch team) | "flap" | flashing paint charm | "flat" | Fleet, Angus | Flesh, Blood, and Bone (reader's guide) | Flesh-Eating Slug | Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent | Flesh-Eating Trees of the World | Fletcher, Mundungus | "flibbertigibbet" | Flight of the Fat Lady, The (reader's guide) | Flight of the Prince, The (reader's guide) | "Flint" | Flint, Marcus | Flipendo | Flitwick | Flitwick, Professor Filius | flobberworm | flobberworm parts | Floo Network | Floo Network Authority | Floo Network Regulators | Floo Powder | Floo Regulation Panel | Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour | Florence | Flourish and Blotts | Fluffy | Flume, Ambrosius | Flume, Mrs. | "flutter" | Flutterby Bush | fluxweed | Flying (class) | flying [item] | flying magic | Flying With The Cannons | Foe-Glass | food | "football" | forbidden forest | Forbidden Forest, The (reader's guide) | Ford Anglia, flying | Food and drink in the Potter Universe | Forbes List | Forbidden Forest | Ford Anglia | Forest of Dean | Forgetfulness Potion | Fortescue | Fortescue, Florean | fountain of wine | Four Champions, The (reader's guide) | Four-Point Spell | Fowl or Foul? A Study of Hippogriff Brutality | France | Fraser, Lindsey | Freezing Charm | French | friar and other monks | Friar, the Fat | Fridwulfa | "fringe" | Frobisher, Vicky | "frock coat" | frog | frog parts | Frog Spawn Soap | From Egg to Inferno, A Dragon Keeper's Guide | Fry, Stephen | Fubster, Colonel | Fudge, Cornelius Oswald | "fug" | Fulbert the Fearful | Full Body-Bind | Fumos | furball | Furmage, Dymphna | Furnunculus | fur spell | fwooper


Gallico, Paul | Gambon, Michael | "gaol" | Gadding With Ghouls | Galleon | "galumph" | Gambol & Japes Wizarding Joke Shop | games, sports, and diversions | Game from Queerditch Marsh, The (reader's guide) | Gardening Competition, Annual International Wizarding | gardens | gargoyle | gargoyle, stone | Gargoyles, Gorodok | Garotting Gas | Gaunt family | Gaunt, Genevieve | Gaunt house | Gaunt, Marvolo | Gaunt, Merope (see Riddle, Merope Gaunt) | Gaunt, Morfin | Gazetteer of the Wizarding World | Generations in the Wizarding World | Genes and Appearance in Animagi | George Weasley | Germany | "geroff" | ghost, portly man who was almost eating | ghosts | ghouls | giants | Giant-Slayers, Gimbi | Gibbon | Gilderoy Lockhart (reader's guide) | Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Household Pests | "gillyflower" | gillywater | gillyweed | Gimbi | Gimbi Giant-Slayers | ginger | Ginny Weasley: Baby Sister, Best Friend | Ginny Weasley: Gryffindor and a Match for Harry | Ginny Weasley, Why? | "git" | Gladrags Wizardwear | glen | Glen Coe, Scotland | Glenfinnan Viaduct, Scotland | Glumbumble | gnome | goat | Goathland Station, Yorkshire | Gobbledegook | Goblet of Fire | Goblet of Fire, The (reader's guide) | Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the | goblins | Goblin Liaison Office | Goblin Rights groups | Goblins, Grodzisk | Gobstones | Gobstones Tournament | | Godric's Hollow | Golden Egg | Golden Snitch | Goldenberg, Michael | Goldstein, Anthony | Goliath | Golpalott | Golpalott's Third Law | Gordon | Gorodok | Gorodok Gargoyles | Goshawk, Miranda | Goudge, Elizabeth | Goyle, Gregory | Goyle, Mr. | Grahame, Kenneth | GrandPré, Mary | Granger family | Granger, Hermione Jane | Granger, John | Granger, Dr. and Dr. | Graphorn | Graphorn parts | Graves, Merton | graveyard | Grawp | Grawp (reader's guide) | Gray, Francesca | Great Britain | Great Hall | Great Hangleton | Great Humberto, The (see Humberto, The Great) | Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century | Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century | "Gred and Forge" | Greece | Green Dragon, the | Greenfield, Giles | Greengrass, Daphne | Greenland | Gregorovitch | Gregory the Smarmy | Gregory's Unctuous Unction | Greyback, Fenrir | Grey Lady, the | griffin | Griffiths, Glynnis | Griffiths, Richard | Griffiths, Wilda | Grim | Grim Defeat (reader's guide) | Grimmauld Place | Grimmauld Square | Grimstone, Elias | Grindelwald | Grindylow | Gringott | Gringotts Wizarding Bank | Grint, Rupert | Griphook | Grodzisk | Grodzisk Goblins | Grow-Your-Own-Warts kit | Grubbly-Plank, Professor Wilhelmina | Grunnings | Grunnion, Alberic | Gryffindor, Godric | Gryffindor common room | Gryffindor House | Gryffindor Tower | Gryffindor Versus Ravenclaw (reader's guide) | Grymm, Malodora | guard, Platform Nine and Three Quarters | Gudgeon, Davy | Gudgeon, Galvin | Gudgeon, Gladys | Guffy, Elladora | Guide to Advanced Transfiguration | Guide to J.K. Rowling - Official Site | Guide to Magic, Complete | Guide to Medieval Sorcery, A | Gunhilda of Gorsemoor | Gupta, Suman | Gwenog | Gytrash


hags | haggis | Hagrid Sr. | Hagrid, Rubeus | Hagrid's Tale (reader's guide) | Haileybury | Haileybury Hammers | Hallowe'en | Hallowe'en (reader's guide) | hair care products, Lockhart's | Hair-Raising Potion | Hairy Snout, Human Heart | "half-blood" | Half-Blood Prince, The (reader's guide) | hamburger restaurant | "hamper" | Hampshire | Hand of Glory | Handbook of Do-It-Yourself Broom Care | Handbook of Hippogriff Psychology | Hanged Man, The | Hanged Man, landlord of the | Hanged Man, man at the bar in the | Hanged Man, woman at the bar in the | Hanged Man, woman in the corner in the | happy Christmas | Hardy, Robert | Harkiss, Ciceron | Harper | Harpies, Holyhead | Harriers, Heidelberg | Harris, Richard | Harris, Seán | Harris, Warty | Harry Potter and the Good Life | Harry Potter: Pureblood, Half-Blood, or "Mudblood"? | Harry Potter's Magic | Harry Potter: The Truest Gryffindor of All? | Harry Potter's Astrological Birth Chart | Harry's Things | "have a go" | haversacking | Hawkshead Attacking Formation | Head | Head Boy | Head Girl | Head Polo | "headlamp" | Headless Hunt | headlines (see entry for relevant publication, e.g. Quibbler, The) | Headmaster/Headmistress | Head's office and residence | Healer's Helpmate, The | Hearing, The (reader's guide) | Hebrides Islands | Hebridean Black | Hedwig | Hedwig, Saint (1174 - 1243) | He Flew Like a Madman | Heidelberg | Heidelberg Harriers | Heilman, Elizabeth E. | Heir of Slytherin | Heir of Slytherin, The (reader's guide) | "Hélas, Je me suis Transfiguré mes Pieds (Alas, I have Transfigured my Feet)" | Heliopath | hellebore | hellhound | help pages | Henderson, Shirley | Hengist of Upper Barnton | Hengist of Woodcroft | Herbe Garden | Herbology | Herdman, Joshua | Herefordshire | Hermes | Hermione's Family | Hermione's Helping Hand (reader's guide) | Hermione's Secret (reader's guide) | Herpo the Foul | "He-Who-Must-Not-be-Named" | Hex-Deflection | Heyman, David | Hiccuping Solution | Higgs, Bertie | Higgs, Terence | Highfield, Roger | High Street | High Table - see Great Hall | hinkypunk | hippocampus | hippogriff | Hipworth, Glover | "His Eyes Are as Green As A Fresh Pickled Toad" | Historical Quidditch teams of Britain | History of Magic | History of Magic (class) | History of Magic, A | History of the Ministry of Magic, The | Hit Wizards | Hobgoblins, the | Hog's Head, the | Hogsmeade | Hogsmeade Station | Hogwarts (see Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry) | Hogwarts: A History | Hogwarts Education: Well-Rounded or Not?, A | Hogwarts Express | Hogwarts High Inquisitor, The (reader's guide) | Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry | academics | Chamber of Secrets | classes | denizens | detentions | ghosts | grounds | holidays | houses | how big is Hogwarts? | inside the castle | map of the castle and environs | motto | schedules | school song | staff | students | students, how many at Hogwarts? | teachers | Hogwarts Ghosts | Hogwarts student, early 1940s | "holiday" | "holidaymakers" | Holidays With Hags | Holyhead | Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles | Homorphus Charm | Honeydukes | Hooch, Madam | Hooper, Geoffrey | Hopkins, Wayne | Hopkirk, Mafalda | Horace Slughorn (reader's guide) | Horcruxes | Horcruxes (reader's guide) | horklump | Horn Tongue | Hornby (wizard) | Hornby, Olive | horned slugs | horned toads | Horntail, Hungarian | horse, winged | horseless carriages | Horton, Basil | Horton-Keitch Braking Charm | "hosepipe" | Houghton, John | houses | Houses | House Championship | House Cup | House points | Chamber of Secrets | Goblet of Fire | Half-Blood Prince | Order of the Phoenix | Prisoner of Azkaban | Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone | House-Elf Liberation Front, The (reader's guide) | house-elves | House of Gaunt, The (reader's guide) | Hover Charm | How Big is Hogwarts? | How Do Duels Work? | How Does a Scarlet Steam Train... | Howler | How Many Students are there at Hogwarts? | How Safe is Privet Drive? | HP Education Fanon, Inc. ("HPEF") | Hubbard, Old Mother | Hufflepuff, Helga | Hufflepuff House | human-like creatures | Humberto, the Great | humbug | humor - parodies | Hungarian Horntail | Hungarian Horntail, The (reader's guide) | Hungary | Hurling Hex | hut, Hagrid's | Hut-on-the-Rock


Ice Mice | icicle, everlasting | "ickle" | "ickle Duddeykins" | "ickle Firsties" | "ickle Ronniekins" | Ilfracombe | Ilfracombe Incident | Ilkley Moor | Illegibilius | illustrators | Cockcroft, Jason | GrandPré, Mary | Taylor, Thomas | Imagicnation in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone | Imago, Inigo | Immobulus | Imp | Impediment Curse/Jinx | Impedimenta | Imperio | Imperius Curse | Impervius | Importance of Neville Longbottom, The | Important Modern Magical Discoveries | Incarcifors | Incendio | India | Indian Ocean | Inferius | Ingolfr the Iambic | ingredients, potion | Ink, Self-Correcting | "innit" | inns | In Search of...Grimmauld Place | In Search of Little Whinging | insects and insect-like creatures | Instant Scalping | Inquisitorial Squad | Intermediate Transfiguration | International Association of Quidditch | Inverness | Invigoration Draught | Invisibility Booster | Invisibility Cloak | Invisible Book of Invisibility, The | Invitation, The (reader's guide) | Iran | Ireland | Irish Phoenix | Ironbelly, Ukrainian | Isaacs, Jason | Is Dobby a Communist? | Is Godric's Hollow in Wales? | Is Harry a Horcrux? | islands | items and devices, magical | Ivanova


Japan | Jarvey | Jelly-Brain Jinx | Jelly-Fingers curse | Jelly-Legs Jinx | Jelly Slugs | Jenkins, Joey | Jewkes, Leonard | Jigger, Arsenius | jinxes | Jinxes for the Jinxed | J.K. Rowling - Official Site, Guide to | bulletin board | bookcase | desktop, main | diary entries archive | door openings of the Secret Door | news | Peeves | rumours | scrapbook | sounds | splash screen | timeline of JKR's website | tips and tricks for collecing the extras | Toots, Shoots 'n' Roots (transcript) | watch | Jobberknoll | Jobberknoll parts | Johnson, Angelina | "joint" | jokes | joke shops | Jones, Gemma | Jones, Gwenog | Jones, Hestia | Jones, Megan | Jones, Toby | Jordan, Lee | Jordan, Mr. | Jorkins, Albert | Jorkins, Bertha | Jorkins, Granville | Jorkins, Grimwold | Jorkins, Griselda Harmonia | | Jorkins, Stamford | Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, The (reader's guide) | Jugson | "jumper" | junk shop


Kappa | Karasjok | Karasjok Kites | Karkaroff, Igor | Keddle, Gertie | "keen" | Keeper | Keeper of the Keys, The (reader's guide) | Keeper of the Keys and Grounds | keeper of the Reptile House | Kegg, Roland | Keitch, Randolph | kelpie | Kenmare | Kenmare Kestrels | Kent | "kerfuffle" | Kern, Edmund M. | Kestrels, Kenmare | Ketteridge, Elladora | Kettleburn, Professor | Kevin | Kevin's mother | keys | kidney | Kiely, Aidan | Kiely, Aine | Killiechassie House | Killing Curse | Killinger, John | King, R. J. H. | King, Stephen | King of Serpents | King's Cross Station | "kip" | "kipper" | Kirk, Connie Ann | Kirke, Andrew | Kirke, Digory | kitchens | kitchen, Burrow | kitchens, Hogwarts | kitchen, Privet Drive | Kites, Karasjok | Kloves, Steven | knarl | kneazle | Kneen, Goodwin | Kneen, Gunhilda | knee-reversing hex | "Knickerbocker Glory" | "knickerbockers" | "knickers" | Knight Bus | Knight Bus, The (reader's guide) | Knightley, Montague | Knights of Walpurgis | knight with an arrow sticking out of his forehead | knitting charm | "knobbly" | Knockturn Alley | knotgrass | Knut | Kopparberg | Kronzek, Allan Zola & Kronzek, Elizabeth | Krum, Viktor | Krum, Mr. | Krum, Mrs. | Kwikspell


Laburnum Gardens | Lacarnum Inflamarae | lacewing flies | Lachlan the Lanky | LaFolle, Fifi | lake | Lancashire | Langlock | languages | Lapifors | Latin | lawns | Lawson, Artemius | Leaky Cauldron, the | Leaky Cauldron, The (reader's guide) | Leanne | Leaping toadstools | Leaving Feast | leech | leech juice | leek jinx | le Fay, Morgan | Legilimens | Legilimency | legislation about what you can conjure and what you can't | Leg-Locker Curse | Leith Academy | lemon drop | "lemon drop" | leprechaun | leprechaun gold | Lestoat, the vampire Amarillo | Lestrange, Bellatrix Black | Lestrange family | Lestrange, Rabastan | Lestrange, Rodolphus | Lethifold | Letters from No One, The (reader's guide) | Leung, Katie | Levicorpus | Levine, Arthur | Levitation Charm | Levski | Lewis, Clive Staples ('Jack') | Lewis, Matthew | Li, Su | Liberacorpus | library book spells | Library, Hogwarts | license to Apparate | Liechtenstein | Licorice Wands | Life, Elixir of | "lift" | light spell | lightening spell | Lightning-Struck Tower, The (reader's guide) | "like some common goblin" | Limits of Magic | lion | Lion and the Serpent, The (reader's guide) | Liondragon | lionfish parts | List, The | Little Agency (Christopher) | Little Dropping | Little Hangleton | Little Norton | Little Whinging | Liverpool | Living Death, Draught of | Llewellyn, "Dangerous" Dai | Lloyd-Pack, Roger | "load of old tosh" | Lobalug | locations in the films | lochs | Loch Lomond | Loch Ness | Loch Ness Monster | Lochrin, Guthrie | locket (number twelve, Grimmauld Place) | Lockhart, Gilderoy | Locomotor | Locomotor Mortis | London | Longbottom family | Longbottom, Alice | Longbottom, Frank | Longbottom, Augusta (Gran) | Longbottom, Neville | "long-haired pillock" (see pillock) | Longhorn, Romanian | "loo" | Lord Voldemort's Request (reader's guide) | Loser's Lurgy | Lost Prophecy, The (reader's guide) | "lousy, biased scumbag" | lovage | Love and Death in Harry Potter | Love Potion | Lovegoods, the | Lovegood, Luna | Lucius Malfoy's Daily Schedule (parody) | | Lumos | Lumos Duo | Lumos Maxima | Lumos Solem | Luna Lovegood (reader's guide) | lunascope | Luna's Place in the Expanding Circle of Friends | "lurgy" | Luxembourg | Lynch, Aidan | Lynch, Evanna


Macaws, Moutohora | Macdonald, Magnus "Dent-Head" | MacDougal, Morag | mackled malaclaw | Macmillan, Ernie | Macnair, Walden | Madam (Madame) | Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions | Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop | Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks | Maddock, Alasdair | "Mad-Eye" | Mad-Eye Moody (reader's guide) | Madley, Laura | Madness of Mr. Crouch, The (reader's guide) | Maeve, Queen | Magic, History of (timeline) | magic | magic items | magical [item] (see [item], magical) | Magical Ability and Magic Wands | Magical Devices and their Muggle Counterparts | Magical Drafts and Potions | Magical Hieroglyphs and Logograms | Magical Law Enforcement Squad | Magical Me | Magical Menagerie | Magical Theory | magical theory - how magic works | Harry Potter and Magic | Limits of Magic | Thoughts on wands | Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean | Magical Worldview, A | Magic, Genes, and Pure Blood | Magick Moste Evile | | Magpies, Monstrose | mahogany | Maidenhead | maid, Riddle family (see Riddles' maid) | Majorca | Malcolm | Malécrit | Malfoy family | | Malfoy, Draco | Malfoy, Lucius | Malfoy mansion | Malfoy, Narcissa "Cissy" Black | Malkin, Madam | mallowsweet | manager of Flourish and Blotts | Manchester | Mandragora | mandrake | Mandrake Restorative Draught | Man with Two Faces, The (reader's guide) | manky | manticore | maple | Mapping the Harry Potter Timeline | maps, magical | Marauder's Map | Marauder's Map, The (reader's guide) | marble staircase | Marjoribanks, Beaumont | Marks of a Villain, The | Marlboro Lights | "marmalade" | Marsh, Madam | Martha | Mason, Mr. and Mrs. | "master" | Matthewson, Emma | Mauritius | Maxime, Madam Olympe | Mayhem at the Ministry (reader's guide) | McDonald, Natalie s | McGonagall, M. G. | McGonagall, Minerva | McGonagall, William Topaz (Sir) | McGonagall's office | McGuffin, Jim | McKinnon family | McKinnon, Marlene | McLaggen, Cormac | McLeod, Cormack | Meadowes, Dorcas | Medal for Magical Merit | medical magic | medical procedures | Mediterranean Sea | mediwizard | meeting hall | megaphone, magical | Melling, Harry | Memory Charm | Memory Potions | mental | Men Who Love Dragons Too Much | Merlin | Merlin, God, and You-Know-Who: Religion in the Wizarding World | "Merlin's Beard" | merpeople | merpeople song | merpeople village | merrow | | Mersey River | Merwyn the Malicious | messenger spell | metal-charmer | Metamorphmagus | Metamorph medal | Meteorites, Moose Jaw | mickey | Midgen, Eloise | Midnight Duel, The (reader's guide) | Mimbulus mimbletonia | Minister of/for Magic | Ministries of Magic, world | Ministry Cars | Ministry of Magic | Ministry of Magic Departments | Ministry of Magic personnel | Ministry of Magic, The (reader's guide) | Minsk | Minutes of a Hogwarts Staff Meeting (parody) | mirrors | Mirror of Erised | mirrors, talking | mirrors, two-way | Mirror of Erised, The (reader's guide) | miscellaneous magic | Misericordia, Cordelia | Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office | Mitford, Jessica | Mnemosyne | Mnemosyne Clinic for Memory Modification | Moaning Myrtle (see Myrtle) | Mobiliarbus | Mobilicorpus | Mockridge, Cuthbert | Modern Magical History | Modesty Rabnott Golden Snidget Reservation | moke | "money-spinner" | money, wizard | Mongolia | monkshood | Monster Book Of Monsters, The | Montague | Montgomery brother | Montgomery sisters | Montrose | Monstrose Magpies | | Moody, Alastor "Mad-Eye" | Moody house | Moon | moon, globe of | mooncalf | moon frog | moonstone | Moontrimmer | Moony | Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs (reader's guide) | moors | Moose Jaw | Moose Jaw Meteorites | Mopsus | Moran | Mordaunt, Ethelbald | Morgana (see le Fay, Morgan) | Morholt | Morsmordre | Mortemore, Sally | Mortlake | Mortlake | Most Charming Smile Award | Mostafa, Hassan | Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers | | motion pictures (see films) | motorcycle, flying | mountain troll | Moutohora | Moutohora Macaws | Movement Magic | Mr / Mrs (see appropriate surname) | Mrs. Scower's Magical Mess Remover | MS Society Scotland | "mudblood" | Mudbloods and Murmurs (reader's guide) | Muffliato | Muggle | Muggle Encyclopedia | Muggle guard | Muggle places | Muggle Protection Act | Muggle-Repelling Charm | Muggle Studies | Muggle studies classroom | Muggle vs. Wizarding Technology | Muggles Who Notice | Mugwump | Mulciber | Muldoon, Burdock | mulled mead | Mullet | "mum", "mummy" | mummy | Murray, David Gordon Rowling | Murray, Devon | Murray, Mackenzie Jean Rowling | Murray, Neil | murtlap | murtlap essence | Museum of Quidditch | music, rhymes, and dance | music favourites, JKR | Mykonos | Myrtle | Myrtle's bathroom | mysteries and puzzles


Nabokov, Vladimir | Nagini | Nargle | Narnia, The Chronicles of | Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests (N.E.W.T.s) | National Council for One Parent Families | Nature's Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy | Neal, Connie | Nearly Headless Nick | necklace, opal | Nel, Philip | Nesbit, Edith | Ness, Loch | nettles | Nettles, Madam Z. | "Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon" | newsagent's | newsreader | newt | N.E.W.T.s | N.E.W.T.s and O.W.L.s | New Theory of Numerology | New Zealand | Nicolas Flamel (reader's guide) | Nicolas Flamel and the Philosopher's Stone | Nicolson's | nicking | nicknames | niffler | Nimbus series | Nimbus 1000 | Nimbus 1001 | Nimbus 1500 | Nimbus 1700 | Nimbus 2000 | Nimbus 2001 | Nimbus 2003 | Nine-and-Three-Quarters, Platform | Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, The (reader's guide) | Noble Sport of Warlocks, The | nogtail | non-explodable luminous balloons | Norbert | Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback (reader's guide) | Norfolk | North America | North Sea | North Tower | Northern Ireland | Norway | Norwegian Ridgeback | Nose-Biting Teacup | nosh | Notable Magical Names of Our Time | Nott | Nott, Theodore | Nottinghamshire | Nougat, Nosebleed | November 1, 1981 | Nox | number two, Laburnum Gardens | number eighteen, Acanthia Way | number eleven, Grimmauld Place | number four, Privet Drive | number seven, Privet Drive | Number Seven, The | Number Six, The | number ten, Downing Street | number thirteen, Grimmauld Place | Number Twelve, The | number twelve, Grimmauld Place | Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place (reader's guide) | Numerology and Gramatica | nundu | nuns, group of gloomy | Nutcombe, Honoria | "nutter"


oak | oak front doors | Oakshaft 79 | Obliteration Charm | Obliviate | Obliviator | Oblivious Unction, Dr. Ubbly's | Obscurus Books | "obsolete dingbat" | occamy | oceans | Occlumency | Occlumency (reader's guide) | Oculus Reparo | occupations | October 31, 1981 [Y1] | Oculus Reparo | "oddsbodkins" | Odo | Office of House-Elf Relocation | Office of Misinformation | offices | Ogden, Bob | Ogg | Oglethorpe, Dunbar | "Oh, Potter, you rotter" | Olaf | "Old Crowd" | old magic (ancient magic) | Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes | Oldman, Gary | Oldridge, Chauncey | Oliphant, Gondoline | Ollerton, Gifford | Ollivander, Mr. | Ollivander's | Omnioculars | "on about" | One Minute Feasts - It's Magic! | One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi | One-Eyed Witch | Only One He Ever Feared, The (reader's guide) | Oona | Opaleye, Antipodean | opal necklace | opera | "Opposition, the" | Oppugno | Orchideous | Order of Merlin | Order of the British Empire | Order of the Phoenix | Order of the Phoenix, The (reader's guide) | Ordinary Wizarding Levels (O.W.L.s) | organizations | orphanage | other forms of magic | fairy magic | house-elf magic | Other Minister, The (reader's guide) | otter | Ottery St. Catchpole | Ottery St. Mary | Ouagadougou | "outhouse" | Out of the Fire (reader's guide) | "over a thousand years ago...Britain at the Founding of Hogwarts | Owl Order | Owl Post | Owl Post (reader's guide) | Owl Post Again (reader's guide) | Owl Treats | Owlery | O.W.L.s (reader's guide) | O.W.L.s (see Ordinary Wizarding Levels) | owls | owner of the Railview Hotel (see Railview Hotel, owner of the) | Oxford University | | Christ Church | Divinity School | "Oy!"


Pacific Ocean | Pack | Paddington Station | Padfoot (see Black, Sirius) | Padfoot Returns (reader's guide) | Painswick | Paisley | Pakistan | palmistry | "pants" | paper shop | Papua, New Guinea | Parallels, Shipping, and Betrayal | Paracelsus | parchment | Paris | Parkin's Pincer | Parkin, Walter | Parkinson, Pansy | Parselmouth | Parseltongue | Parting of the Ways, The (reader's guide) | Partners and Friends: The Developing Relationship Between Harry and Hermione | passwords | "pastille" | "pasty" | Patil, Mr. and Mrs. | Patil, Padma | Patil, Parvati | Patonga | Patonga Proudsticks | Patronus | Patronus, The (reader's guide) | Patronus Charm | Payne, Mr. | "pea-brain" | Peace, Draught of | Peakes, Glanmore | Peakes, Jimmy | "peaky" | Peasegood, Arnold | Peck of Owls, A (reader's guide) | "peckish" | Peebles | Peeves | penfriend from a school in Brazil | penknife | Pennifold, Daisy | Pennifold Quaffle | "penny-farthing" | Penrose, Professor Phoebus | Pensieve | Pensieve, The (reader's guide) | Pepper, Octavius | pepper breath | Pepper Imps | peppermint | Peppermint Toads | Pepperup Potion | Percy and Padfoot (reader's guide) | "Perfect Percy" | Periculum | Perkins | Perks, Sally-Anne (also Perks, Sally-Ann) | Permanent Sticking Charm | personal assistant | Peru | Peruvian Vipertooth | Peskipiksi Pesternomi | Petrification | Petrificus Totalus | Pettigrew, Peter | Peverell | pewter | Phelps, James | Phelps, Oliver | phials, crystal | Phillips, Leslie | Philosopher's Stone | Philosophy of the Mundane, The: Why Muggles Prefer Not to Know | Philpott, Arkie | phoenix | Phoenix Lament, The (reader's guide) | phoenix song | photograph potions | photographer for Daily Prophet | pickled animals | pictures with moving subjects | Pig (see Pigwidgeon) | "pig snout" | Pigwidgeon ("Pig") | Pilliwickle, Justus | "pillock" | Pince, Madam Irma | "pine fresh" | Pinkstone, Carlotta | Pittiman, Randolphus | pixie | Placement Charm | plants | plants, magical | Platform 9 and 3/4 | Platt, Yardley | PlayStation | Plimpies, Gulping | Plimpy | Plumpton Pass | Plumpton, Roderick | Plunkett, Mirabella | "plus-fours" | Pocket Sneakoscope | Podmore, Sturgis | Poésy, Clémence | Pogrebin | Point Me | Points | Pokeby, Gulliver | Poland | Poliakoff | police pathologists, Great Hangleton | police, Great Hangleton | police station | Polkiss, Mrs. | Polkiss, Piers | Polyjuice Potion | Polyjuice Potion, The (reader's guide) | pomegranate juice | Pomona | Pomfrey, Madam Poppy | Pontner, Roddy | "popkin" | porcupine parts | porlock | "porridge" | Porskoff Ploy | Porskoff, Petrova | Portkey | Portkey, The (reader's guide) | Portkey terminus | Porto, Portugal | Portree | Portsmouth | Portus | "post" | posters | post office (Hogsmeade) | post office (Ottery St. Catchpole) | post office tower (London) | post owl | potion bottles | potion ingredients | potion riddle | potion-making kit | Potioneers, Most Extraordinary Society of | Potions | Potions classroom | potions encyclopedia | Potions Master, The (reader's guide) | "pot plant" | Potter family | Potter, Beatrix | Potter, Charlus | Potter, Dorea (Black) | Potter, Harry James | Potter, James | Potter, Lily Evans | Potts, Nugent | "Potty and the Weasel" | "potty wee Potter" | "pouffe" | pound notes | Powers You Never Knew You Had and What to Do with Them Now You've Wised Up | Practical Defensive Magic and Its Use Against the Dark Arts | "prang" | Prang, Ernie | "prat" | Pratchett, Terry | Predicting the Unpredictable: Insulate Yourself Against Shocks | "prefects" | Prefects' Bathroom | Prefects Who Gained Power | Prejudice: A Great Theme of the Books | Prentice, Mr. | Prewett family | Prewett, Fabian | Prewett, Gideon | Prewett, Ignatius | Prewett, Jill | Prewett, Molly | Pride of Portree | Prime Minister (character) | "Prime Minister" (title) | Primpernelle, Madam | Prince, Eileen | Pringle, Apollyon | Prior Incantato | Priori Incantatem | Priori Incantatem (reader's guide) | Pritchard, Graham | private hospital | privet | Privet Drive | Prod, Demetrius J. | Prod, Elsie | Professor | Professorhead | Professor Trelawney's Prediction (reader's guide) | Professor Umbridge (reader's guide) | "Prongs" | pronunciations | prophecy | proprietor of Magical Menagerie (see Magical Menagerie, proprietor of) | Protean Charm | Protego | Proudfoot | Proudsticks, Patonga | Prudence | Ptolemy, Claudius | "pub" | publication trivia | Pucey, Adrian | Puddifoot, Madam | "pudding" | Puddlemere | Puddlemere United | Puffapod | puffer-fish eyes | puffskein | "pull a Crouch" | Pullman, Philip | punching telescope | "punt" | "pure-blood" | pure-blood (password) | Purge and Dowse, Ltd. | Purkiss, Doris | Put-Outer | Put-Outer and Magic on Privet Drive, The | puzzles, mysteries and | Pye, Augustus | Pygmy Puff | Pyramids


Q.U.A.B.B.L.E | Quaffle | Quafflepunchers, Quiberon | Quality Quidditch Supplies | Queerditch Marsh | "queue" | Quibbler, The | Quiberon | Quiberon Quafflepunchers | Quick-Quotes Quill | Quidditch | Quidditch (reader's guide) | Quidditch Cup | Quidditch field/pitch | Quidditch Final, The (reader's guide) | Quidditch items | Quidditch-related places | Quidditch season | Quidditch spells | Quidditch stadiums | Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland | Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland (reader's guide) | Quidditch Through The Ages | Quidditch Today (reader's guide) | Quidditch Union for the Administration and Betterment of the British League and its Endeavors | Quidditch World Cup | Quidditch World Cup, The (reader's guide) | Quidditch World Cup Stadium | Quietus | Quigley | Quigley, Finbar | quill | quill, anti-cheating | Quill, Auto-Answer | quill, magical (Hogwarts) | Quill, Quick-Quotes | quill, Self-Inking | quill, Smart-Answer | quill, Spell-Checking/Spell-Check | quill, Umbridge's detention | Quintaped | | Quirke, Orla | Quirrell, Professor | Quirrell's Leave of Absence | Quod | Quodpot | Quodpot Solution | Quong Po


rabbit | rabbit, white, that changed into a top hat and back | "rabbiting" | Radcliffe, Daniel | Radulf | Railview Hotel, Cokeworth | Railview Hotel, owner of the | railway stations | Ramora | Rankin, Chris | Rastrick, Xavier | rat | rat parts | rat tonic | rats, rather more intelligent than normal rats | raven | Ravenclaw | Ravenclaw common room and dormitories | Ravenclaw, Rowena | Rawle, Jeff | Rawlins, Adrian | recipes | record store, Muggle | Red Cap | red currant rum | Reducio | Reducto | Reductor Curse | Re'em | Re'em blood | reference, magical | Refilling Charm | Registry of Proscribed Charmable Objects | Relashio | Reluctant Reversers, A Charm To Cure | Remembrall | Rennervate | Reparo | Repelling Spell | reservations | resources | Restoring Spell | Revealer | Reverse Pass | rhymes | "rich" | Richardson, Miranda | Rickman, Alan | Rictusempra | Riddikulus | Riddle family | Riddle House | Riddle House, The (reader's guide) | Riddle, Merope Gaunt | Riddle of the Potions, The | Riddle, Mr. | Riddle, Mrs. | Riddles' cook | Riddles' gardener (see Bryce, Frank) | Riddles' maid | Riddle, Tom Marvolo | Riddle, Tom Sr. | Ridley, Mr. | Ripper | Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, The | Rita Skeeter's Scoop (reader's guide) | rivers | Robards, Gawain | Roberts family (husband, wife, two children) | robes | robes, dress | Robins, Demelza | "rock cake" | Rolls-Royce engine plant | Romania | Romanian Longhorn | Romanian Longhorn dragon horn | Romanian Longhorn dragon reservation | Ronan | Rookwood, Augustus | room 11, the Leaky Cauldron | room 12, the Leaky Cauldron | room 17, Railview Hotel | Room of Requirement | room-sealing spell | ropes, magical | Rose Growth | Rosier, Evan | Rosmerta, Madam | Rotfang Conspiracy | Rogue Bludger, The (reader's guide) | "row" | rowboat owner | rowboat spell | Rowling, Anne Volant | Rowling, Dianne | Rowling, Ernie | Rowling, Janet (Gallivan) | Rowling, Jessica Isabel | Rowling, Kathleen | Rowling, Peter James | "rucksack" | "ruddy" | "ruff" | Rufford, Grugwyn | Rules and regulations, Ministry | Rune Dictionary | Runes, Ancient | Runespoor | Runespoor eggs | runner bean | Russia | Ryan


"sack, sacked, sacking" | sadness | Sahara Desert | salamander | salamander parts | Salem | Salem Witches' Institute | Sanguina, Lady Carmilla | Sanguini | Sardinia | "satsuma" | Saucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts | Sawbridge, Almeric | Scabbers | scales for weighing potion ingredients | Scamander, Newton "Newt" | Scamander, Porpentina | Scandinavia | Scar, The (reader's guide) | scarab beetles | "Scarhead" | Scarpin's Revelaspell | Schafer, Elizabeth D. | schedules, Hogwarts | Schmidt, Bruno | Schmidt (father) | Scholastic | schools, magic | school owls (see owls) | school song | school year | scientific instruments | Scintillation Solution | Scops owl (see owls) | Scottish Arts Council | Scottish Book Trust | Scotland | Scourgify | Scouring Charm | Screaming Yo-Yos | screech owl (see owls) | Scribbulus Everchanging Inks | Scrimgeour, Brutus | Scrimgeour, Rufus | Scrivenshaft's | "scrubbed wood table" | "scurvy cur" | scurvy-grass | sea, the | sealing spell | sea serpent | Search | second, duelling | second cousin, Bertha Jorkins' | second floor, Hogwarts Castle | second hand robe shop | Second Task, The (reader's guide) | Second War Begins, The (reader's guide) | Secrecy Sensor | secret doors | secret passageway | Secret Riddle, The (reader's guide) | Secrets of the Classlist | Section 13 of the International Confederation of Warlock's Statute of Secrecy | Sectumsempra | Sectumsempra (reader's guide) | Sedbury | Seeker | Seen and Unforeseen (reader's guide) | Seer | Seer Overheard, The (reader's guide) | Self-Defensive Spellwork | self-shuffling playing cards | Self-Stirring Cauldrons | Self-Straightening Brush | "Sellotape" | Sensitive Writing on a Difficult Subject | separation | Serpensortia | Servant of Lord Voldemort, The (reader's guide) | seven, the number | Seven-lock Trunk | Seventh Floor | Severing Charm | shack | Shacklebolt, Kingsley | Shaken, Not Stirred: The Allegiance(s) of a Certain Potions Master and Spy Extraordinaire | Shapiro, Marc | Shaw, Fiona | Shepherd, Lucy | sherbet balls | "sherbet lemon" | sherry | Shield Charm | "shifty" | Shimpling, Derwent | Shingleton, Gaspard | ship, magical | "shirty" | Shock Spells | Shooting Star | shops and stores | Short-Snout, Swedish | shrake | Shrieking Shack | Shrinking Solution | shrivelfig, Abyssinian | "shufti" | Shunpike, Stan | Shuntbumps | "shut it" | Sibylls, Pythia, and Prophecies | Sickle | Silencing Charm | Silencio | Silver and Opals (reader's guide) | Silver Arrow | Simpsons, The | | Sinistra, Professor | Sites of Historical Sorcery | six, the number | Sixth Floor | Skeeter, Rita | Skele-Gro | Skeoch, Charlotte | "skip" | "skive, skiving" | Skively, Harold | Skrewts | Sladden, Susan | slang expressions | Sleekeazy's Hair Potion | sleep, bewitched | Sleeping Draft/Draught/Potion | Sloth Grip Roll | Sluggish Memory, A (reader's guide) | Slug & Jiggers Apothecary | Slug Club | Slug Club, The (reader's guide) | slug-vomiting charm | Slughorn, Horace E. F. | Slytherin House | Slytherin dungeon common room | Slytherin, Salazar | "smarmy" | Nestle Smarties Book Prize | Smeltings School | Smeltings stick | Smethley, Veronica | Smethwyk, Elliot | Smethwyck, Leopoldina | Smith, Dodie | Smith, Hepzibah | Smith house | Smith, Mr. | Smith, Jennifer | Smith, Maggie (Dame) | Smith, Sean | Smith, Zacharias | smoking (a long pipe) | "smoking jacket" | snails | snake fangs | snakes and snake-like creatures | Snape | Snape house | Snape, Severus | Snape's Change of Allegiance | Snape's second chance | Snape's Grudge (reader's guide) | Snape's office and private stores | Snape's Worst Memory (reader's guide) | Snape, Tobias | Snape Victorious (reader's guide) | Sneakoscope | Sneakoscope, Pocket | sneezewort | Snidget | Snitch, Golden | snitch jinx | snitchnip | "snog, snogging" | snow, enchanted | snowball, enchanted | snowy owl (see owls) | Snuffles (see Black, Sirius) | Society for Distressed Witches | Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare | Society for the Reformation of Hags | Society for the Tolerance of Vampires | Society for the Tolerance of Vampires Head Office | socks | socks and wristwatches | Somerset | Somerville, Geraldine | Some Thoughts on House-Elves | Somnolens, Leticia | song and dance routine (spider) | Sonnets of a Sorcerer | Sonorus | Sorcerer | Sorcerer's Stone (see Philosopher's Stone) | Sorting ceremony | Sorting Hat | Sorting Hat, The (reader's guide) | Sorting Hat's New Song, The (reader's guide) | Sorting Hat's songs | South America | souvenirs at the Quidditch World Cup | Spain | Spall, Timothy | "spare", "going spare" | Special Award for Services to the School | spectacles | Spectrespecs | Spellman's Syllabary | Spellotape | Spells and Charms: The Nature of Magic | Spells, Encyclopedia of | S.P.E.W. | sphinx | Sphinx's riddle | spiders and spider-like creatures | Spinner's End | Spinner's End (reader's guide) | Spinnet, Alicia | Spirit Division | splinched | Splinter and Kreek's | Spore, Phyllida | "spotted dick" | Spread of Quidditch Worldwide, The (reader's guide) | Spriggs, Elizabeth | Sprout, Professor Pomona | Spurs | Squib | squid, giant | St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys | St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries | St. Mungo's patients (Muggles) | staff room | staircases | Stalk, Blenheim | Standard Book of Spells, The | Standard Book of Spells, The, Grade 1 | Standard Book of Spells, The, Grade 2 | Standard Book of Spells, The, Grade 3 | Standard Book of Spells, The, Grade 4 | Standard Book of Spells, The, Grade 5 | Standard Book of Spells, The, Grade 5 | Standard Book of Spells, The, Grade 6 | Starfish and Stick | Starkey, Hesper | stationery store | steak and kidney pie | Stealth Sensoring Spells | Stebbins (male) | Stichstock | Stinging Hex | Stink Pellet | stoat | "stoat sandwiches" | Stoatshead Hill | Stouffer, Nancy | Stonewall | Stonewall High | Stonewall Stormers | Stormers, Stonewall | Streeler | streets and roads | Strengthening Solution | Strictly British (glossary of British terms and phrases) | Stroulger, Edgar | Stubbs, Billy | students, Hogwarts | Students' Store Cupboard | Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry, A | Stump, Grogan | Stunner | Stupefy | Substantive Charm | "sugared" | sugar quills | "sugar tongs" | Sumbawanga | Sumbawanga Sunrays | "summat" | Summerbee, Felix | Summerby (male) | Summers (male) | Summoning Charm | Sunrays, Sumbawanga | supplies and equipment | Supreme Mugwump | Surrey | sweater | Sweden | Swedish Short-Snout | Swedish Short-Snout dragon reservation | sweet | Sweeting, Havelock | "sweet-shop" | Sweetwater | Sweetwater All-Stars | Swelling Solution | Swiftstick | Swing | Switch, Emeric | Switching Spells | Swivenhodge | swords, knives, and weapons | "swot", "swotty" | Sykes, Jocunda


Tabor, Danielle | tadfoal | tail clippers | "take the Mickey" | talon-clipping charm | Talons and Tea Leaves (reader's guide) | "taradiddle" | Tarantallegra | tarantula, giant | Tarapoto | Tarapoto Tree-Skimmers | "tatting" | Tatting | tawny owl (see owls) | Taylor, Thomas | Tchamba | Tchamba Charmers | tea | Teachers and Curriculum: Would You Want This For Your Child? | "tea cosy, tea cozy" | Teacup, Nose-Biting | teakettle, biting | tea leaves | tea set, enchanted | tea trolley, Hogwarts Express | Tebo | Ted | "telephone box" | telescope | telescope, punching | Tena, Natalia | Tenebrus | Tengu, Toyohashi | tents | Tergeo | Terrortours | textbooks | Textbooks | That Had to Hurt...Or Did It? | Theories of Transubstantial Transfiguration | thestrals | Thewlis, David | "thick" | Thickey, Janus | Thief's Curse | third floor | third floor corridor | Third Task, The (reader's guide) | Thomas, Dean | Thomas, Mr. | Thomas, Mrs. | Thompson, Emma | Thoughts About Wands | Thoughts on Socks | Three Broomsticks | three D's | Through the Trapdoor (reader's guide) | Thruston, Orsino | Thundelarra | Thundelarra Thunderers | Thunderers, Thundelarra | Thurkell, Thaddeus | Tibbles | Tiberius | Tibet | "ticked" | Tickling Charm | time, questions about | timeline, death of the Potters | timeline, history of magic | Timeline Facts | timeline from 382 BC to the present | Timeline of Carpet and Broomstick Avionics (parody) | timelines | timelines, character | time travel | timepieces | Time-Turner | Timms, Agatha | Tinderblast | "tinned" | "titchy" | Titillando | titles, names, and honorifics | toads and frogs | Toads, Peppermint | toads, purple | Toadstool Tales | toenail-growing hex | "toerag" | "toffee" | Toffee, Ton-Tongue | Tofty | Toke, Tilly | Tolkien, J.R.R. | Tom | Tonks, Andromeda Black | Tonks, Nymphadora | Tonks, Ted | Ton-Tongue Toffee | "top-of-the-range" | Topsham | Toothflossing Stringmints | Toothill, Alberta | Toots, Tilden | toothless old man (see rowboat owner) | Toronto | tortoise | "tosh" | Towler, Kenneth | Toyohashi | Toyohashi Tengu | toys | Tragedy of Petunia Dursley, The | "trainer" | trains | Transfiguration | Transfiguration classroom | Transguration Today | Transmogrifian Torture | Transmogrify | transportation | Transportation, Department of Magical | Transylvania | Transylvanian Tackle | Travels With Trolls | Travers | treacle (as in treacle pudding or treacle tart) | treat | Tree-Skimmers, Tarapoto | Trelawney, Cassandra | Trelawney, Sibyll | Trelawney's residence | Tremlett, Donaghan | Trevor | trifle | Trimble, Quentin | Trip Jinx | "tripe" | Triwizard Cup | Triwizard Tournament | Triwizard Tournament, The (reader's guide) | troll | Troll Chamber | trophies | trophy room | Troubles with Time | Troy | Troy | Trueblood | trunk, Seven-Lock | Truth Potion/Serum | tubeworms | "tuck in" | "tuffet" | Tufnell Park | Tufty | Tugwood, Sacharissa | "turf out" | Turkey | Turpin, Lisa | Tutshill | Tutshill Tornados | Twelve, the Number | "twiddled" | Twiddle, Mallory | Twig Trimmer | Twigger 90 | twill | Twilfitt | Twilfitt and Tattings | Twitchy Ears Hex | Twonk, Norvel | Twycross, Wilkie


Ubbly, Dr. | Ug the Unreliable | Uganda | Ugga | Ukraine | Ukrainian Ironbelly | umbrella-shaped flowers | Umbridge, Dolores | Umfraville, Quintius | Umgubular Slashkilter | Unbreakable Charm | Unbreakable Vow | Unbreakable Vow, The (reader's guide) | "Underground" | Underground guard | Underground stations | Unexpected Task, The (reader's guide) | Unfogging the Future | Unforgivable Curses | Unforgivable Curses, The (reader's guide) | unicorns | unicorn parts | Unifying Theory, A | United Kingdom | United States | Unknowable Room, The (reader's guide) | U-No-Poo | Unplottable | Unspeakables | Upper Barnton | Urg the Unclean | Uric the Oddball | Urquhart


Vablatsky, Cassandra | Vaisey | | valerian | vampire | Vance, Emmeline | Vane, Romilda | Vanishing Cabinet | Vanishing Glass, The (reader's guide) | Vanishing Magic | Vanishing Spell | Varney, Sir Herbert | variety store | Vauxhall Road, London | Vector, Septima (?) | Veela | vegetable gardens | Venomous Tentacula | venom | Vera Verto | Verdemillius | Vermilius | Veritaserum | Veritaserum (reader's guide) | Verity | Very Frosty Christmas, A (reader's guide) | Very Secret Diary, The (reader's guide) | View of the Map, A | Violet | Vipera Evanesca | Vipertooth, Peruvian | Viridian, Professor Vindictus | Volant, Frieda | Volant, Stan | Voldemort (see Riddle, Tom Marvolo) | Voldemort's Agents, Malfoy's Cronies, and Hagrid's Chums: Friendship in Harry Potter | Voldemort's potions | Volkov | von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (see Agrippa) | Voyages With Vampires | Vratsa | Vratsa Vultures | Vulchanov | vulture, stuffed | Vultures, Vratsa


Wadcock, Joscelind | Waddiwasi | Waffling, Adalbert | Wagga Wagga | Wagga Wagga Werewolf | Wagstaff, "Honest Willy" | Wagtail, Myron | Wailing Widow from Kent | Wales | Walters, Julie | Wanamaker, Zoë | wand effects | Wanderers, Wigtown | Wanderings With Werewolves | wands | Wands, Thoughts About | wand sparks | Wand, Word, and Will: How Magic Works | wand writing | Warbeck, Celestina | "wardrobe" | warlock | Warrington, C. | Warriors, Woollongong | Wasps, Wimbourne | watch, pocket | Water Plants of the Mediterranean, Magical | Waters, Galadriel | Watkins, Fabius | Watson, Emma | "wattlebird" | Waylett, Jamie | Weasley, Arthur | Weasley, Bilius | Weasley, Bill | Weasley, Charlie | Weasley, Fred | Weasley, George | Weasley, Ginevra "Ginny" | Weasley, Molly Prewett | Weasley, Percy | Weasley, Ronald "Ron" Bilius | Weasley, Septimus | Weasley cousin | Weasley family | Weasley grandfather | Weasleys' money (or lack of it) | Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes | Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes (reader's guide) | Weasley twins | weather | "Weatherby" | web resources | Weighing of the Wands, The (reader's guide) | Weird Sisters, the | Weird Wizarding Dilemmas and Their Solutions | Welcoming Feast | Wellbeloved, Dorcas | Wellington | | Welsh Green | Wendelin the Weird | Wenlock, Bridget | Werewolf Capture Unit | Werewolf Code of Conduct (1637) | Werewolf Register | Werewolf Support Services | werewolves | West Country | West Ham | West Tower | Whalley, Eric | What did the centaurs mean by "Mars is bright tonight"? | What does Madam Hooch do with all her spare time? | What Is Magical Power in the Potterverse? | "What's new?" | What was Professor Trelawney's FIRST correct prediction? | "whelk" | When did Arthur and Molly Weasley attend Hogwarts? | When Magic Meets Muggle Technology | Where Are the Longbottoms From? | Where did Snape go at the end of GF? | Where Does the Name "Knight Bus" Come From? | Where Is Privet Drive? | Where Is Spinner's End? | Where There's A Wand, There's A Way | Which Broomstick | Whisp, Kennilworthy | whistle | Whitbread Prize | Whitby, Kevin | Whited, Lana | Whitehorn, Devlin | White Tomb, The (reader's guide) | WhizzHard Books | Whizzing Worm | Who Am I? | Who are Harry's family? | Whomping Willow | Whomping Willow, The (reader's guide) | | Who's going to end up in love with whom? | Why Change the Triwizard Cup into a Portkey? | Why Did Harry Do That? | Why did Voldemort consider it so important to kill Harry? | Why Do All the Kids Have to Go to King's Cross? | Why I Didn't Die When the Augurey Cried | Wiblin, Samson | Widdershins, Willy | Wight, Isle of | Wiggleswade, Dempster | Wigtown | Wigtown Wanderers | Wigworthy, Wilhelm | wildebeest | Wildsmith, Ignatia | Wilfrid the Wistful | Wilkes | Will | Will and Won't (reader's guide) | Williams, Benjy | Williams, Mark | Williamson | Willis, Heliotrope | willow | Willow, Whomping | Wiltshire | Wimbledon | Wimbourne | Wimbourne Minster | Wimbourne Wasps | Wimple, Gilbert | "windscreen" | Wingardium Leviosa | winged boars, statues of | winged horse | Winky | Winterbourne | winter cloak (with silver fastenings) | Wintringham, Herman | Wisteria Walk | witch | Witch Weekly | Witching Hour | Witching Hour | Withers, Lord Stoddard | Wit-Sharpening Potion | wizard | "wizard" | Wizard Banking | wizard chess | wizard's duel | wizard space | Wizard's Wireless | Wizard Wireless Network | wizard with a walrus mustache | Woes of Mrs. Weasley, The (reader's guide) | wolfsbane | Wolfsbane Potion | W.O.M.B.A.T. | Wonder of the Wigtown Wanderers | "wonky" | Wood, Mr. | Wood, Mrs. | Wood, Oliver | Woodcroft | woodlouse | wood nymph | Woollongong | Woollongong Shimmy | Woollongong Warriors | Worcestershire | word sources | words, magic | "working like house-elves" | Worldview, A Magical | Worm, Whizzing | Worme, Augustus | "Wormtail" (see Pettigrew, Peter) | Wormtail's victims | wormwood | Worple, Eldred | Worst Birthday, The (reader's guide) | "Wotcher!" | wound-cleaning potion | Wrackspurt | Wright, Bonnie | Wright, Bowman | Wright, Cliff | Writing on the Wall, The (reader's guide) | Wronski, Josef | Wronski Defensive Feint | Wye River


x-rayed, feeling as though one is being


Yate | Yates, David | Yaxley | Yaxley, Lysandra | Year with the Yeti | yellow | Yeti | yew | Yorkshire | "Yorkshire pudding" | "You Charmed the Heart Right Out of Me" | Youdle, Cyprian | "You-Know-Who" | Youngblood, Luke | "Your Wheezy" | "You Stole My Cauldron But You Can't Have My Heart" | Yo-Yo, Screaming | Yule Ball, The (reader's guide) | Yvonne


Zabini, Blaise | Zabini, Mrs. | Zaire | Zamojski, Ladislaw | Zeller, Rose | Zipes, Jack | Zograf | Zombie Trail | Zonko | Zonko's Joke Shop | zoo | zoo director |


Pueblo Pottery



Erstellt: 2011-07


J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter
comment la saga a été créée



Erstellt: 2011-07


Glossary of studio pottery terms


Glossary of studio pottery terms used through this site

| Bisque | Ceramic | Clay | Dipping | Earthenware | Firing | Glaze | Kiln | Leather Hard | Matured Bisque | Salt Glaze | Slip | Throwing | Turning |

Erstellt: 2011-07



Mary Potter - Rose


Erstellt: 2011-07

Harry Potter - Etymological Lexicon


The Akashic Record
Being a Compendium of Lore, Onomatology, Miscellanea, and Pareidolia
Relating to the Universe of Harry Potter
With Commentary Esoteric and Exoteric

Nicht zu allen Lexikoneinträgen gibt es auch etymologische Hinweise. Es sind jedoch ausreichend viele, um das Lexikon als "Etymologisches Lexikon" einzustufen.


Abbott, Hannah | Abercrombie, Euan | Abergavenny | Abraxan horse | | Acanthia Way | Accidental Magic Reversal Squad | Accio | Achievement in Charming | Ackerley, Stewart [Acker] | Acid Pops | acromantula | Adalbert Waffling | Adrian Pucey | Advanced Potion-Making | Advanced Rune Translation | Agatha Timms | Age Line | Aging Potion | Agnes | Agrippa | Aguamenti | Aidan Lynch | akashic record | Alastor Moody | Alberic Grunnion | Alecto | Algie | Ali Bashir | Alice Longbottom | Alicia Spinnet | Alohomora | Alphard | Amelia Susan Bones | Ambrosius Flume | Amortentia | Amos Diggory | Amy Benson | Amycus | Anapneo | Ancient Runes | Ancient Runes Made Easy | Andrew Kirke | Andromeda Black Tonks | Angelina Johnson | Angus Fleet | Animagus | Anthology of Eighteenth-Century Charms, An | Anthony Goldstein | Anti-Cheating Charms | Anti-Cheating Spell | Anti-Disapparation Jinx | Antigone Bungs, Romilda | Antonin Dolohov | Aparecium | Apparate | Apparation Test Center | Apparation | Apparation Test | Apparition | Appraisal of Magical Education in Europe, An | Apollyon Pringle | Aquavirius maggots | Arabella Doreen Figg | Aragog | Araminta Meliflua | Archie [Archibald] | Argus Filch | Argyllshire | Arkie Philpott | armadillo bile | Armando Dippet | Arnold | Arnold Peasegood | Arsenius Jigger | Arthur Weasley | ash | asphodel | Asiatic Anti-Venoms | Aubrey, Bertram | Augusta Longbottom | Augustus Pye | Augustus Rookwood | Aurors | Auror Headquarters | Auto-Answer Quills | Avada Kedavra | Avery | Avis | Axebanger | Axminster | Azkaban


Babbling Beverage | Babbling Curse | Baddock, Malcolm | Bagman, Ludo | Bagman, Otto | Bagnold, Millicent | Bagshot, Bathilda | Ballycastle Bats | Bandon Banshee | Banishing Charm | banshee | Bane [Banes or Bain] | Barnabas Cuffe | Barnabas the Barmy | Barnsley | Barry Ryan | Bartemius Crouch | Baruffio | Baruffio's Brain Elixir | Bashir, Ali | Basil | basilisk | Bat-Bogey Hex | Bathilda Bagshot | Bayliss, Hetty | Beast Division | Beater | Beauxbatons Academy | beechwood | Befuddlement Draught | Beginner's Guide to Transformation, A | Being Division | Belby, Marcus | Belcher, Humphrey | Belch Powder | Bell, Katie | belladonna | Bellatrix Black Lestrange | Benjy Fenwick [Benjamin] | Benson, Amy | Bertha Jorkins | Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans | Bertie Higgs [Bertram] | Bertram Aubrey | Bethnal Green | bicorn | Bilius | Bilius, Ron Weasley | Bill Weasley [William] | Billy Stubbs [William] | Binky | Binns | Bishop, Dennis | Black Forest | Black | Black | Black Lestrange, Bellatrix | Black, Madam | Black Malfoy, Narcissa | Black, Regulus | Black, Sirius | Black Tonks, Andromeda | bladvak | Blaise Zabini | Blast-Ended Skrewts | Blaze Box | Bletchley, Miles | Blibbering Humdinger | Blood Blisterpod | Blood Brothers | Blood-Replenishing Potion | Blood-Sucking Bugbear | Bloody Baron | Bludger | bluebell fire | Bluebottle | Boardman, Stubby | Bob Ogden [Robert] | Bobbin, Melinda | Bode, Broderick | Body-Bind | Bodrod the Bearded | boggart | Bole | Bonaccord, Pierre | Bonder | Bones, Amelia Susan | Bones, Edgar | Bones, Susan | Bonfire Night | boomslang | Boot, Terry | Borage, Libatius | Borgin and Burkes | Borgin, Mr. | Boris the Bewildered | bouillabaisse | Bouncing Bulbs | bowtruckle | Bozo | Bradley | Branstone, Eleanor | Break with a Banshee | Bring-and-Fly Sale | British and Irish Quidditch League | Brockdale Bridge | Brockelhurst, Mandy | Broderick Bode | Broken Balls | Brookstanton, Rupert "Axebanger" | brooms | Broom Compass | Broom Regulatory Control | Brown, Lavender | brown owl | Bryce, Frank | Bubotuber | Buckbeak | budgie | Budleigh Babberton | bugbear | Bulbadox Powder | Bulstrode, Millicent | Bungs, Rosalind Antigone | Bungy | Burke, Caractacus | Burning Day | Burrow, The | butterbeer


Cadwallader | Cadogan, Sir | Callisto | Calming Draught | Canary Creams | Caput Draconis | Caractacus Burke | Caradoc Dearborn | Care of Magical Creatures | Carmichael, Eddie | Carrow | Cassandra Trelawney | Cassandra Vablatsky | Cauldron Cakes | Cauldwell, Owen | Cecilia | Cedric Diggory | Celestina Warbeck | centaur | Chamber of Secrets | chamberpot room | Chambers | Chameleon Ghoul | Chang, Cho | Charing Cross Road | Charlie Weasley [Charles] | Charm to Cure Reluctant Reversers, A | Charms | Charm Your Own Cheese | Chaser | Cheering Charm | Chinese Chomping Cabbage | chipolata | Cho Chang | Chocoballs | Chocolate Frogs | | Chorley, Herbert | Christmas pudding | Chudley Cannons | Ciceron Harkiss | Circe | Clapham | Class C Non-Tradeable Substance | Cleansweep Five | Cleansweep Seven | Cleansweep Six | Cliodna | cobbing | cockatrice | Cockroach Cluster | Cokeworth | Cole, Mrs. | Colin Creevey | Colloportus | Color-Change Charm | Come and Go Room | Comet Two Ninety | Comet Two Sixty | Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures | Committee on Experimental Charms | Common Apparition Mistakes and How to Avoid Them | Common Magical Ailments and Afflictions | Common Welsh Green | Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter-Actions, A | Confronting the Faceless | Confundus Charm | Confusing Concoction | Confusing Draught | Conjunctivitis Curse | Conjuring Spells | conk | Connolly | Coote, Ritchie | Cormac McLaggen | Cornelius Oswald Fudge | Corner, Michael | Cornish pasty | Cornish pixies | counterjinx | Courtroom Ten | Crabbe senior | Crabbe, Vincent | Cragg, Elfrida | Cresswell, Dirk | Cribbages Wizarding Crackers | Creevey, Colin | Creevey, Dennis | crinolines | crisps | Croaker | Crockford, Doris | Crookshanks | Crouch, Bartemius, junior | Crouch, Bartemius, senior | Cruciatus Curse | Crucio | Crumple-Horned Snorkack | crup | Cuffe, Barnabas | curses | Curses and Countercurses | Curse of the Bogies | Cuthbert Mockridge


D.A. | Dagworth-Granger, Hector | Dai Llewellyn Ward | Daily Prophet | Damocles | | Daphne Greengrass | Dark Arts Outsmarted, The | Dark Force Defense League | Dark Forces, The | Davies, Roger | Davy Gudgeon [David] | Dawlish | | Dean Thomas | Dearborn, Caradoc | deathday | Death Chamber | Death Eaters | Killed in the first war | Killed in Voldemort's service since | Captured or recaptured recently | Still free | Renounced Voldemort (and killed) in the first war | Renounced Voldemort (and killed) since | Who the hell knows | Death Omens | Decoy Detonator | Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Wizardry | Dedalus Diggle | Defense Against the Dark Arts | Defensive Magical Theory | Deflagration Deluxe | Deflating Draft | Delacour, Fleur | Delacour, Gabrielle: | Delaney-Podmore, Sir Patrick | Deletrius | Demelza Robins | de Mimsy-Porpington | Dennis | Dennis Bishop | Dennis Creevey | Densaugeo | Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures | Department of International Magical Cooperation | Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes | Department of Magical Games and Sports | Department of Magical Law Enforcement | Department of Magical Transport | Department of Magical Transportation | Department of Mysteries | Derek | Derrick | Dervish and Banges | Derwent, Dilys | Detachable Cribbing Cuffs | Devil's Snare | Devon | Diagon Alley | Diffindo | Diggle, Dedalus | Diggory, Amos | Diggory, Cedric | Dijon | dilligrout | Dilys Derwent | Dimitrov | Dingle, Harold | Dippet, Armando | Dirk Cresswell | Disapparation | Disarming Charm | Disillusion | Disillusionment Charm | Dissendium | dittany | Divination | Dobbs, Emma | Dobby | Doge, Elphias | Dolohov, Antonin | Dolores Jane Umbridge | Dorcas Meadowes | Doreen Figg, Arabella | Doris Crockford | Doris Purkiss | Dorkins, Mary | Dot [Dorothy] | doxy | Doxycide | Draco Malfoy | dragons | Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit | Dragon Keeper's Guide, A | dragon pox | Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland | Draught of Living Death | Draught of Peace | Dreadful Denizens of the Deep | Dream Oracle, The | Dr. Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks | Dr. Ubbly's Oblivious Unction | Drooble's Best Blowing Gum | Drought Charm | Dudley Dursley | Dundee | Durmstrang Institute | Dursley, Dudley | Dursley, Marge | Dursley, Petunia Evans | Dursley, Vernon


eagle owl | Eddie Carmichael | Edgar Bones | Edgecombe, Marietta | Edible Dark Mark | Educational Degree Number Twenty-eight | Educational Degree Number Twenty-five | Educational Degree Number Twenty-four | Educational Degree Number Twenty-nine | Educational Degree Number Twenty-seven | Educational Degree Number Twenty-three | Educational Degree Number Twenty-two | Eeylops Owl Emporium | Eileen Prince Snape | elderflower wine | Eldred Worple | Eleanor Branstone | Elephant and Castle | Elfric the Eager | Elixir of Life | Elixir to Induce Euphoria, An | Elfrida Cragg | Elladora | Eloise Midgen | Elphias Doge | Emeric the Evil | Emeric Switch | Emma Dobbs | Emmeline Vance | Enchantment in Baking | Encyclopedia of Toadstools | Enervate | Engorgement Charm | Engorgio | Enid | Enlarging Spell | Entrail-Expelling Curse | Entrancing Enchantments | Episkey | Eric Munch | Eric Whalley | Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi | Ernie Macmillan [Ernest] | Ernie Prang [Ernest] | Errol | Eton | Euan Abercrombie | Europa | Evan Rosier | Evanesco | Evans Dursley, Petunia | Evans, Mark | Evans Potter, Lily | Evening Prophet | Everard | Ever-Bashing Boomerangs | Everlasting Elixirs | Expecto Patronum | Expelliarmus | Expellimellius | Exploding Snap | Extendable Ears | Extinguishing Spell


Fabian Prewett | Fainting Fancy | fairy lights | Famous Witches and Wizards | Fang | Fanged Frisbees | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them | Fat Friar | Fat Lady | Fawcett | Fawcetts senior | Fawkes | Felix Felicis | Fenrir Greyback | Fenwick, Benjy | Ferula | Fever Fudge | Fidelius Charm | Figg, Arabella Doreen | Filch, Argus | Filius Flitwick | Finch-Fletchley, Justin | Finite | Finite Incantatem | Finnigan, Seamus | fire-crabs | Firebolt | Firenze | Five Feathers | Fizzing Whizbee | Flagrate | Flamel, Nicholas | Flamel, Perenelle | Fleet, Angus | Fleetwood's High-Finish Handle Polish | Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent | Fletcher, Mundungus | Fleur Delacour | Flint, Marcus | Flitterbloom | Flitwick, Filius | flobberworm | Floo Network | Floo Network Authority | Floo powder | Floo Regulation Panel | Florean Fortescue | Florence | Flourish and Blotts | Fluffy | Flume, Ambrosius | Flutterby Bush | fluxweed | Flying with the Cannons | Foe-Glass | Forbidden Forest | Ford Anglia | Forgetfulness Potion | Fortescue | Fortescue, Florean | Fountain of Magical Brethren | Four-Point Spell | Fowl or Foul? A Study of Hippogriff Brutality | Frank Bryce [Francis] | Frank Longbottom [Francis] | Fred Weasley [Frederick] | Freezing Charm | Fridwulfa | Frobisher, Vicky | Frog Spawn Soap | From Egg to Inferno | Fubster, Colonel | Fudge, Cornelius Oswald | Fudge Flies | Furnunculus | Furunculus


Gabrielle Delacour | | Galleon | Gambol and Japes | Ganymede | gargoyles | garlic | Garroting Gas | Gaunt, Marvolo | Gaunt | Gaunt, Morfin | Geoffrey Hooper | George Weasley | ghosts | ghoul | giants | Gibbon | Gideon Prewett | Gilbert Wimple | Gilderoy Lockhart | Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Household Pests | gillywater | gillyweed | Ginger Newt | Ginny Molly Weasley (Ginevra) | Gladrags Wizardwear | Gladys Gudgeon | gnomes | Gobbledegook | Goblet of Fire | goblins | Goblin Liaison Office | Gobstones | Godric Gryffindor | Godric's Hollow | Golden Snitch | Goldstein, Anthony | Golgomath | Golpalott's Third Law | Gordon | Goshawk, Miranda | governors, board of | Goyle, Gregory | Goyle senior | Graham Pritchard | Granger, Hermione Jane | Grawp | great grey owl | Great Hall | Great Hangleton | Great Humberto, The | Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century | Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century | Greengrass, Daphne | greenhouse one | greenhouse three | Gregorovitch | Gregory Goyle | Gregory the Smarmy | Greyback, Fenrir | Grey Lady | Grim | Grimmauld Place | Grindelwald | grindylow | Gringotts | Griphook | Griselda Marchbanks | Growth Charm | Grubbly-Plank, Wilhelmina | Grunnings | Grunnion, Alberic | Gryffindor, Godric | Gryffindor House | Gubraithian fire | Gudgeon, Davy | Gudgeon, Gladys | Guidelines for the Treatment of Non-Wizard Part-Humans | Guide to Advanced Transfiguration, A | Guide to Medieval Sorcery, A | Gulping Plimpies | Gurdyroot | Gurg | Gwenog Jones


haggis | Hair-Raising Potion | Hair-Thickening Charm | Handbook of Do-It-Yourself Broomcare | Handbook of Hippogriff Psychology | Hand of Glory | Hanged Man, The | Hannah Abbott | Harkiss, Ciceron | Harold Dingle | Harper | Harry James Potter | Hassan Mostafa | Hawkshead Attacking Formation | Head Boy | Head Girl | | Headless Hat | Headless Hunt | Head Polo | Healer | Healer's Helpmate, The | Hebridean Black | Hector Dagworth-Granger | Hedwig | Helga Hufflepuff | heliopath | hellebore | Hengist of Woodcroft | Heptomology | Hepzibah Smith | Herbert Chorley | Hestia Jones | Hetty Bayliss [Henrietta] | Herbology | Hermes | Hermione Jane Granger | Hiccuping Solution | Hiccup Sweet | Higgs, Bertie | Higgs, Terence | High Inquisitor | hinkypunk | Hippocrates Smethwyck | hippogriff | History of Magic | Hit Wizards | Hobgoblins, The | Hog's Head, The | Hogsmeade | Hogwarts | Hogwarts Express | Hogwarts, a History | Holidays with Hags | Hokey | holly | Holyhead Harpies | Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles | Homorphus Charm | Honeydukes | honking daffodils | Hooch, Madam | Hooper, Geoffrey | Hopkirk, Mafalda | Horace E. F. Slughorn | Horcrux | hornbeam | Hornby, Olive | house-elf | House-Elf Liberation Front | Hover Charm | Howler | Hufflepuff, Helga | Hufflepuff House | Humberto | Humphrey Belcher | Hungarian Horntail | Hurling Hex


Ice Mice | Ignatius Weasley, Percy | Igor Karkaroff | Imago, Inigo | Impedimenta | Impediment Curse | Impediment Jinx | Imperio | Imperius Curse | Imperturbable Charm | Impervius | Important Modern Magical Discoveries | Improper Use of Magic Office | Inanimatus Conjurus | incantations | Incarcerous | Incendio | Inferius | Inigo Imago | Instant Darkness Powder | Inquisitorial Squad | Inner Eye | InterCity 125 | Inter-House Championship | Intermediate Transfiguration | International Association of Quidditch | International Ban on Dueling | International Confederation of Warlocks | International Confederation of Wizards | International Federation of Warlocks | International Magical Office of Law | International Magical Trading Standards Body | Invigoration Draught | Invisible Book of Invisibility | Invisibility Booster | invisibility cloak | Io | Irma Pince | Ivanova


Jack Sloper | James Potter | Jane Granger, Hermione | Jane Umbridge, Dolores | Janus Thickey Ward | Jelly-Legs Jinx | Jelly Slugs | Jenkins, Joey | Jigger, Arsenius | Jimmy Peakes [James] | Jinxes for the Jinxed | Joey Jenkins [Joseph] | Johnson, Angelina | Jones, Gwenog | Jones, Hestia | Jordan, Lee | Jorkins, Bertha | Jugson | Justin Finch-Fletchley


kappa | Karkus | Katie Bell [Katherine] | Keeper | kelpie | Kenmare Kestrels | Kenneth Towler | Kent | Kettleburn | Kevin | Kevin Whitby | Killing Curse | King's Cross | Kingsley Shacklebolt | Kirke, Andrew | knarl | kneazle | knickerbocker glory | Knight Bus | Knights of Walpurgis | Knockturn Alley | knotgrass | Knut | Kreacher | Krum, Viktor | Kwikspell


Laburnum Gardens | lacewing flies | Lachlan the Lanky | Ladislaw Zamojski | Lavender Brown | Leaky Cauldron, The | Leanne | Leaving Feast | Lee Jordan | leeches | Legilimency | Legilimens | Leg-Locker Curse | Lestrange, Bellatrix Black | Lestrange, Rabastan | Lestrange, Rodolphus | Levicorpus | Levski | Libatius Borage | Liberacorpus | Licorice Wands | Lily Evans Potter | lionfish | Lisa Turpin | Little Hangleton | Little Norton | Little Whinging | Lockhart, Gilderoy | Favorite color | Locomotor | Locomotor Mortis | Longbottom, Alice | Longbottom, Augusta | Longbottom, Frank | Longbottom, Neville | Loser's Lurgy | lovage | Lovegoods | Lovegood, Luna | Lucius Malfoy | Ludicrous Patents Office | Ludo (Ludovic) Bagman | Lumos | Luna Lovegood | Lynch, Aidan


MacDougal, Morag | Macmillan, Ernie | Macnair, Walden | Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks | Madley, Laura | Mafalda Hopkirk | Magical Drafts and Potions | Magical Hieroglyphs and Logograms | Magical Law Enforcement Patrol | Magical Law Enforcement Squad | Magical Maintenance | Magical Me | Magical Menagerie | Magical Theory | Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean | Magick Moste Evile | Magorian | mahogany | Malcolm Baddock | Malcolm | Malfoy, Draco | Malfoy, Lucius | Malfoy, Narcissa Black | Malkin, Madam | mallowsweet | mandrake | Mandy Brockelhurst [Amanda] | manticore | maple | Marauders, the | Marauder's Map | Marchbanks, Griselda | Marcus Belby | Marcus Flint | Marge | Marietta Edgecombe | Mark Evans | Marlene McKinnon | Mars | Marsh, Madam | Martha | Mary Dorkins | Marvolo Gaunt | Marvolo Riddle, Tom | Masons | Maxime, Olympe | McDonald, Natalie | McGonagall, Minerva | McGuffin, Jim | McKinnon, Marlene | McLaggen, Cormac | Meadowes, Dorcas | Medal for Magical Merit | Medieval Assembly of European Wizards | mediwizard | Meliflua, Araminta | Melinda Bobbin | Memory Charm | Men Who Love Dragons Too Much | Merlin | Mermish | Merope Gaunt (Riddle) | merpeople | | Metamorphmagus | Metamorph-Medal | Michael Corner | Midgen, Eloise | Miles Bletchley | Millicent Bagnold | Millicent Bulstrode | Mimbulus mimbletonia | Mimsy-Porpington, Sir Nicholas de | Minerva McGonagall | Minister of Magic | Ministry of Magic | The Ministry is divided into these departments, which contain further subentities (see the department entries for lists): | Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures | Department of International Magical Cooperation | Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes | Department of Magical Games and Sports | Department of Magical Law Enforcement | Department of Magical Transportation | Department of Mysteries | We don't know which departments these belong to | Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures (probably the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures) | Committee on Experimental Charms | Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office | Minsk | Miranda Goshawk | Miriam Strout | Mirror of Erised | Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office | Moaning Myrtle | Mobiliarbus | Mobilicorpus | Mockridge, Cuthbert | Modern Magical History | Molly Prewett Weasley | Molly Weasley, Ginny | Mollywobbles | monkshood | Monster Book of Monsters, The | Montague | Montgomery | Moody, Alastor | Moon | moonstone | Moony | Mopsus | Morag MacDougal | Moran | Morfin Gaunt | Morgana | Morsmordre | Mortlake | Mosag | Mostafa, Hassan | Most Charming Smile Award | | Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers | mountain troll | Mr. Paws | Mrs. Skower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover | Mudblood | Muffliato | Muggle | Muggle Protection Act | Muggle Repelling Charms | Muggle Studies | Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee | Mugwump | Mulciber | Mullet | Mundungus Fletcher | Murcus | Muriel | murtlap


Nagini | Narcissa Black Malfoy | nargles | Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests | Nature's Nobility | Nearly Headless Nick | Nettles, Madam Z., of Topsham | nettle wine | Neville Longbottom | N.E.W.T.s | Newt Scamander [Newton] | newts, double-ended | New Theory of Numerology | Nicholas Flamel | Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington | niffler | Nigellus, Phineas | Nimbus Two Thousand | Nimbus Two Thousand and One | nogtail | Norbert | Norfolk | Norris, Mrs. | Norwegian Ridgeback | Nose-Biting Teacup | Nosebleed Nougat | Notable Magical Names of Our Time | Nott, Theodore | Nott senior | Nox | Numerology and Gramatica | Nymphadora Tonks


oak | Oblansk | Obalonsk | Obliteration Charm | Obliviate | Obliviator | Occlumency | Occlumens | Odo | Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects | Official Gobstones Club | Ogden, Bob | Ogden's Old Firewhisky | Ogden, Tiberius | Ogg | Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes | Olive Hornby | Oliver Wood | Ollivander, Mr. | Olympe Maxime | Omnioculars | One Minute Feasts -- It's Magic! | One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi | Oppugno | Order of Merlin | Order of the Phoenix, The | Casualties of the first war | Survivors of the first war | Order of Suspension | Ordinary Wizarding Levels | Orla Quirke | Ornithomancy | Oswald Fudge, Cornelius | Ottery St. Catchpole | Otto Bagman | Ouagadougou | Owen Cauldwell | owls | O.W.L.s | Owlery | Owl Treats


Padfoot | Padma Patil | Pansy Parkinson | paper airplanes | Paracelsus | Parkinson, Pansy | Parselmouth | Parseltongue | Partial Vanishment | Parvati Patil | Patil, Padma | Patil, Parvati | Patricia Stimpson | Patricia Trelawney, Sybill | Patrick Delaney-Podmore | Patronus Charm | Payne | Peakes, Jimmy | Peasegood, Arnold | Peebles | Peeves the Poltergeist | Pensieve | Pepper Imps | Peppermint Toad | Pepperup Potion | Percy Ignatius Weasley | Perenelle Flamel | Perkins | Perks, Sally-Anne | Permanent Sticking Charm | Peskipiski Pesternomi | Pest Advisory Bureau | Peter Pettigrew | Petrificatus Totalus | Pettigrew, Peter | Petunia Evans Dursley | Philosopher's Stone | Philpott, Arkie | Phineas Nigellus | phoenix | Phlegm | Phyllida Spore | Pierre Bonaccord | Piers Polkiss | Pigwidgeon | Pince, Irma | Platform 9 3/4 | Pocket Sneakoscope | Podmore | Podmore, Sturgis | Point Me | Poliakoff | Polkiss, Piers | Polyjuice Potion | pomegranate | Pomfrey, Poppy | Pomona Sprout | Pontner, Roddy | Poppy Pomfrey | porlock | Porskoff Ploy | Portable Swamp | Portkey | Portkey Office | Portus | Potions | Potter, Harry James | Potter, James | Potter, Lily Evans | Powers You Never Knew You Had and What to Do With Them Now You've Wised Up | Practical Defensive Magic and Its Use Against the Dark Arts | Prang, Ernie | Predicting the Unpredictable | prefect | Prefects Who Gained Power | Prentice, Mr. | Prewett, Fabian | Prewett, Gideon | Prewett, Molly Weasley | Pride of Portree | Prime Minister | Prince Snape, Eileen | Principles of Rematerialization, The | Pringle, Apollyon | Priori Incantatem | Prior Incantato | Pritchard, Graham | Privet Drive | Probity Probe | Prod, Warlock D. J., of Didsbury | Prongs | Protean Charm | Protego | Proudfoot | Pucey, Adrian | Puddifoot, Madam | Puddlemere United | puffer fish | puffskein | Puking Pastilles | pure-blood | Purge and Dowse Ltd. | Purkiss, Doris | Put-Outer | Pye, Augustus | Pygmy Puff


Quaffle | Quality Quidditch Supplies | Quentin Trimble | Quibbler, The | Quick-Quotes Quill | Quidditch | Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland | Quidditch Through the Ages | Quidditch World Cup | Quietus | Quigley | | Quirke, Orla | Quirrell


R. A. B. | Rackharrow, Urquhart | Ragnok | Railview Hotel | Ravenclaw House | Ravenclaw, Rowena | Red Caps | Reducio | Reducto | Reductor Curse | Refilling Charm | Registry of Proscribed Charmable Objects | Regulus Black | Relashio | Remembrall | Renervate | Rennervate | Reparo | Restricted Section | Reusable Hangman | Revealer | Reverse Spell Effect | Rictusempra | Riddle House | Riddle, Tom Marvolo | Riddle, Tom, senior | Riddikulus | Ripper | Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, The | Rita Skeeter | Ritchie Coote | Roberts | Robins, Demelza | rock cakes | Roddy Pontner | Rodolphus Lestrange | Roger Davies | Romilda Vane | Ron Bilius Weasley [Ronald] | Ronan | Rookwood, Augustus | Room of Requirement | Rosalind Antigone Bungs | Rose Zeller | Rosier, Evan | Rosmerta, Madam | Rowena Ravenclaw | Rubeus Hagrid | Rufus Scrimgeour | Rupert Brookstanton | Ryan, Barry


sage | Salazar Slytherin | Salem Witches' Institute | Sally-Anne Perks | Sanguini | Saucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts | Savage | Scabbers | Scamander, Newt | Scarpin's Revelaspell | Scintillation Solution | Scops owl | Scourgify | Scouring Charm | Screaming Yo-yos | screech owl | Screechsnap | Scrimgeour, Rufus | Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop | scrofungulus | scurvy-grass | Seamus Finnigan | Sectumsempra | Secrecy Sensor | Secret-Keeper | Seeker | Self-Correcting Ink | Self-Defensive Spellwork | Self-Fertilizing Shrubs | Self-Inking Quill | Serpensortia | Severing Charm | Severus Snape | Shacklebolt, Kingsley | shade | Shield Charm | Shield Hat | Shock Spells | Shooting Star | Shrieking Shack | Shrinking Solution | shrivelfig | Shunpike, Stan | Sibyll Patricia Trelawney | Sickle | Side-Along Apparition | Silencing Charm | Silencio | Silver Arrow | Sinistra | Sirius Black | Sites of Historical Sorcery | Skeeter, Rita | Skele-Gro | skinning | Skiving Snackbox | Sleekeazy's Hair Potion | Sleeping Draft | Sleeping Draught | Sleeping Potion | Slinkhard, Wilbert | Sloper, Jack | Sloth Grip Roll | Slug Club, The | Slughorn, Horace E. F. | Slytherin House | The head of the house is Professor Snape. Badge | Slytherin, Salazar | Smart-Answer Quill | Smeltings | Smethley, Veronica | Smethwyck, Hippocrates | Smith, Hepzibah | Smith, Zacharias | Snape, Eileen Prince | Snape, Severus | Snape, Tobias | Snargaluff | sneezewort | Snowy | Snuffles | Society for the Protection of Elfish Welfare | Sonnets of a Sorcerer | Sonorus | Sorceror's Stone | Sorting Ceremony | Sorting Hat | spattergroit | Special Award for Services to the School | Specialis Revelio | Spectrespecs | Spell-Checking Quill | Spellman's Syllabary | Spellotape | S.P.E.W. | Spinner's End | Spinnet, Alicia | Spirit Division | splinched | Spore, Phyllida | spotted dick | Sprout, Pomona | Squib | squid, giant | Stan Shunpike [Stanley] | Standard Book of Spells, The | Statute of Secrecy | Stealth Sensoring Spell | St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys | Stebbins senior | Stebbins | Stewart Ackerley | Stimpson, Patricia | Stinging Hex | Stink Pellets | Stinkpellet | stinksap | St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries | Stoatshead Hill | Stonewall | Strengthening Solution | Stretching Jinx | Strout, Miriam | Stubbs, Billy | Stubby Boardman | Study of Ancient Runes | Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry, A | Stunner | Stunning Spell | Stupefy | Sturgis Podmore | Substantive Charm | sugar quills | Summerby | Summers | Summoning Charm | Supreme Mugwump | Surrey | Susan Bones | Susan Bones, Amelia | Swedish Short-Snout | Swelling Solution | Switch, Emeric | Switching Spells


Tail-Twig Clippers | Tarantallegra | Ted [Theodore] | Ted Tonks [Theodore] | Tenebrus | Terence Higgs | Tergeo | Terry Boot [Terence] | Theodore Nott | thestrals | Thomas, Dean | Three Broomsticks | Tibbles, Mr. | Tiberius Ogden | Tiberius | Time Room | Timms, Agatha | Tobias Snape | Tofty, Professor | Toujours Pur | Tom | Tom Marvolo Riddle [Thomas] | Tonks, Andromeda Black | Tonks, Nymphadora | Tonks, Ted | Ton-Tongue Toffee | Toothflossing Stringmints | Towler, Kenneth | trading cards | Transfiguration | Transfiguration Today | Transmogrifian Torture | Travels with Trolls | Travers | treacle tart | Trelawney, Cassandra | Trelawney, Sibyll Patricia | Trevor | Trip Jinx | trifle | Trimble, Quentin | Triwizard Cup | Triwizard Tournament | trolls | Troy | True Seer | tubeworms | Tufty | Turpin, Lisa | Tutshill Tornadoes | Twilfitt and Tatting | Twitchy Ears | Twycross, Wilkie


Umbridge, Dolores Jane | Umgumbular Slashkilter | Unbreakable Charm | Unbreakable Vow | Undetectable Poisons | Unfogging the Future | Unforgivable Curses | unicorns | U-No-Poo | Unplottable | Unspeakable | Urg the Unclean | Uric the Oddball | Urquhart Rackharrow | Urquhart


Vablatsky, Cassandra | Vaisey | vampires | Vance, Emmeline | Vane, Romilda | Vanishing Cabinet | vanishing sickness | Vanishing Spell | Vauxhall Road | Vector | veela | Venemous Tentacula | Veritaserum | Verity | Vernon Dursley | Veronica Smethley | Vicky Frobisher [Victoria] | Viktor Krum | Vincent Crabbe | Vindictus Viridian | Violet | Viridian, Vindictus | Voldemort | Volkov | Voyages with Vampires | Vulchanov


Waddiwasi | Waffling, Adalbert | Wagga Wagga Werewolf | | Walden Macnair | wands | Wanderings with Werewolves | Warbeck, Celestina | Warlocks' Convention | Warrington | Weasley, Arthur [Wesseley] | Weasley, Bill | Weasley, Charlie | Weasley, Fred and George | Weasley, Fred and George | Weasley, Ginny Molly | Weasley, Molly | Weasley, Percy Ignatius | Weasley, Ron Bilius | Wand | Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz-Bangs | Weasley's Wizard Wheezes | Weird Sisters | Weird Wizarding Dilemmas and Their Solutions | Wendelin the Weird | werewolf | Werewolf Code of Conduct | West Country | Whalley, Eric | Where There's a Wand, There's a Way | Whitby, Kevin | Which Broomstick | Whizzing Worms | Whomping Willow | Widdershins, Willy | Wilbert Slinkhard | Wilfred the Wistful | Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank | Wilkes | Wilkie Twycross [Wilkins] | Williamson | willow | Willy Widdershins [William] | Wiltshire | Wimbledon | Wimbourne Wasps | Wimple, Gilbert | Wingardium Leviosa | Winky | Wisteria Walk | Witching Hour | Witch Weekly | Witherwings | Wizarding Examinations Authority | Wizarding Wireless Network | Wizengamot | wolfsbane | Wolfsbane Potion | Wood, Oliver | Wormtail | wormwood | Worple, Eldred | Wronski Defensive Feint | WWN




Yaxley | Year with the Yeti | yew | Yorkshire | Yorkshire pudding | Yvonne


Zabini, Blaise | Zacharias Smith | Zamojski, Ladislaw | Zeller, Rose | Zograf | Zonko's Joke Shop

Magnolia Crescent (W3)

Hinter allen Bezeichnungen mit "Crescent" steckt der "aufgehende Halbmond".

Und auch mondsichelförmig geschwungene Strassen wurden oft "Crescent" genannt. Und auch bei Harry Potter gibt es solche Strassen.


alley between Wisteria Walk and Magnolia Crescent

Magnolia Crescent

number two, Magnolia Crescent


Magnolia Road (W3)

Bei Harry Potter gibt es ein Strasse mit dem Namen "Magnolia Road". Harry Potter Fans können vielleicht beurteilen, ob in dieser Strasse "Magnolien" zu finden sind.



Die Zauberpflanzen des Harry Potter


Welche Pflanzen aus den Harry-Potter-Büchern gibt es wirklich? "Blutblasenschote", "Zitternder Ginsterbusch", "Fangzähnige Geranie" oder "Affodillwurzel" werden Sie in keinem botanischen Lexikon finden. Doch J.K. Rowling hat sich nicht alles ausgedacht: In Hogwarts wird auch mit so manchem Kraut und Gehölz aus der echten Welt gezaubert.

GEHÖLZE: Für die Herstellung von Zauberstäben wurden in der Harry Potter-Welt die unterschiedlichsten Holzarten verwendet. Hier eine kleine Übersicht:


Harry Potter - Questionnaire de Lecture


Erstellt: 2011-07
In the Future, We'll All Be Harry Potter


In the Future, We'll All Be Harry Potter (December 9, 2002)

Erstellt: 2011-07



Paul Potter - Rose


PAUL POTTER (1625-1654), Dutch animal painter, was born at Enkhuizen, Holland. He was instructed in art by his father, Peter Potter, a landscape and figure painter of some merit, and by Nicolas Moeyaert, of Amsterdam.



Potter, Paul (1625-1654)
Rose: Paul Potter, Williams, J. B. (USA) 1997

Erstellt: 2011-07

post-Potter (W3)

Einige Menschen denken schon an die Zeit nach Harry Potter, die "post-Potter"-Zeit (2002).


Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "post-Potter" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

potter (W3)

Das verb engl. "potter" = dt. "schlendern" hat Ableger wie "potter about" = dt. "herumwerkeln", "herumhantieren", "herumtrödeln", engl. "potter at" = dt. "herumspielen an", "herumpfuschen an", engl. "potter away" = dt. "Zeit vertrödeln". In diesem Sinne ist der engl. "potterer" ein dt. "Trödelheini", "Trödelsuse".





Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "potter" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1520 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Potter (W3)

Der Familienname engl. "Potter" ist eine Berufsbezeichnung, dt. "Töpfer". "Potter" und "Pötter" kann man auch als niederdeutsche Berufsnamen finden, wo er bereits seit dem 12.Jh. zu finden ist. Weitere Varianten sind die Familiennamen "Pott", "Pöttger", "Pütjer", "Pottbecker".

Der eher umgangssprachliche dt. "Pott" = dt. "Topf", oft auch eingeengt auf "Nachttopf", geht über ndt. "pot", ndl. "pot", mfrz. "pot" zurück auf lat. "pottus", "potus" = dt. "Trinkbecher", das als mittellateinische Neubildung an lat. "potus" = dt. "Trank" angelehnt wurde.

Deutsche Entsprechungen des Namens sind "Haffner", "Hafner", "Hefner", "Heffner", u.a.

Potter, Charles Francis (* 1885)

Potter | Alonzo Potter | Henry Codman Potter | John Potter | Philip Cipriani Hambley Potter | The Potteries

Potter, Beatrix | Potter, Paulus

Potter, Robert



Zunftwappen (1880-1898): Deutsche Zunftwappen: Töpfer - Potters

Potter, Maurice


The Works of Beatrix Potter


Helen Beatrix Potter (1866-1943)
works in: ENGLISH

Miss Potter


(E2)(L1), Beatrix
Potter, (Helen) Beatrix to preconcert



Beatrix Potter - die Erfinderin von "Peter Hase"


POTTER, Paulus: Dutch painter (b. 1625, Enkhuizen, d. 1654, Amsterdam)
Paulus Potter: Maler (20.11.1625 (Enkhuizen) - 17.01.1654 (Amsterdam)

POTTER, Pieter Symonsz.: Dutch painter (b. ca. 1598, Enkhuizen, d. 1652, Amsterdam)

Potter, Beatrix | Potter, Harry


Potter Stewart (January 23, 1915 - December 7, 1985) was an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. During his tenure, he made, among other areas, major contributions to criminal justice reform, civil rights, access to the courts, and Fourth Amendment jurisprudence.

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Potter" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1570 / 1660 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

potter about (W3)

Engl. "potter about" (1740) = dt. "herumwerkeln", "herumhantieren", "herumtrödeln", ursprünglich "to poke again and again", geht zurück auf engl. "poten" = dt. "stoßen", "schieben", "stoßen", "puffen", "knuffen" und weiter auf altengl. "potian" = dt. "schieben", "stoßen".


(E1)(L1) about
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "potter about" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1730 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Potter and Moore - Rose



POTTER and MOORE - English Garden Roses


Erstellt: 2011-07

Potter syndrome (W3)

Das "Potter syndrome" hat nichts mit "Harry Potter" zu tun sondern ist benannt nach der Ärztin "Edith Potter", die die Krankheit im Jahr 1946 beschrieben hat.



Was ist das Potter Syndrom?

Der Ausdruck "Potter Syndrom" beschreibt die vollständige Abwesenheit (Agenesie) oder Missbildung der Nieren beim Baby. Das Leiden bekam seinen Namen von der Ärztin "Edith Potter", die es als erste 1946 im Chicago Lying-In Hospital beschrieben hat. Zuvor wurden vereinzelte Studien über betroffene Kinder gemacht, einige sogar bereits im 16. Jahrhundert, doch man nahm an, dass es sich um ein aussergewöhnlich rares Krankheitsbild handle.

Dr. Potters Forschungen konzentrierten sich ausschliesslich auf die vollständige Abwesenheit der Nieren (Nierenagenesie / Renal Agenesis), doch seither wurde der Name "Potter Syndrom" auf jeglichen Zustand ausgeweitet, bei dem sich die Nieren nicht korrekt ausbilden.

(E1)(L1) syndrome
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Potter syndrome" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1950 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Potter Wasp (W3)

Die engl. "Potter Wasp" verdankt ihren Namen den vasenartigen Nestbauten.


(E2)(L1) Wasp

Potter Wasps and Mason Wasps

(E1)(L1) Wasp
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Potter Wasp" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1900 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Potter, Venus, Crater (W3)

Der Krater "Potter" auf der Venus wurde nach "Helen Beatrix Potter" (1866 - 1943), einer englischen Autorin, Illustratorin und Naturwissenschaftlerin, benannt.



Origin: Beatrix; English children's author (1866-1943).


Helen Beatrix Potter (28 July 1866 - 22 December 1943) was an English author, illustrator, natural scientist and conservationist best known for children's books featuring anthropomorphic characters such as in The Tale of Peter Rabbit which celebrated the British landscape and country life.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Potterhead (W3)

Der "Potterhead" (1999) hat nur "Harry Potter" im Kopf.


Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Potterhead" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Pottermania (W3)

Die "Pottermania" bezieht sich natürlich auf "Harry Potter".


Episode 26 : Les Grandes Arnaques de la Pottermania (23/09/2008)


Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Dt. "Pottermania" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1995 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

potter's clay (W3)

Engl. "potter's clay" ist ein spezieller Ton (z.B. der richtigen Plastizität und ohne Eisen), der von Töpfern benutzt wird.

(E2)(L1)'s clay

(E1)(L1)'s clay
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "potter's clay" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1580 / 1750 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

potter's field
thirty pieces of silver with one on potter's field (W3)

Die Geschichte von engl. "potter's field" (1520-30) beginnt mit Jesu Tod.

Nachdem Judas Ischariot seinen Verrat am Jesus bereute nahm er die erhaltenen 30 Silberlinge und brachte sie in den Tempel. Die Priester wollten das Blutgeld jedoch nicht annehmen. Allerdings entschied der "Sanhedrin", "Sanhedrim", die Ratsversammlung der Juden, das Geld für den Kauf für den Kauf eines Grundstückes zu verwenden, auf dem Fremde beerdigt werden könnten. Dieser Friedhof für Arme und Fremde wird in der englischen Übersetzung als "potter's field" bezeichnet. Im Original hieß er aram. "Aceldama", "Hakeldama" = dt. "Blutacker". Und seit vielen hundert Jahren war engl. "potter's field" ein öffentlicher Friedhof für Fremde, Unbekannte, Mittellose und Kriminelle.

Potters field

Im Matthäusevangelium, engl. "Gospel of Saint Matthew" findet man die Zeile engl. "And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in."


27:3 Then Judas, who betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought back the "thirty pieces of silver" to the chief priests and elders, 27:4 saying, I have sinned in that I betrayed innocent blood. But they said, What is that to us? see thou to it. 27:5 And he cast down the pieces of silver into the sanctuary, and departed; and he went away and hanged himself. 27:6 And the chief priests took the pieces of silver, and said, It is not lawful to put them into the treasury, since it is the price of blood. 27:7 And they took counsel, and bought with them the "potter's field", to bury strangers in. 27:8 Wherefore that field was called, the field of blood, unto this day. 27:9 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet, saying, And they took the "thirty pieces of silver", the price of him that was priced, whom certain of the children of Israel did price; 27:10 and they gave them for the "potter's field", as the Lord appointed me.


The Potter’s Field (§468-469)


(E2)(L1)'s field






(E1)(L1)'s field
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "potter's field" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1710 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Potter's Ore (W3)

Das Mineral engl. "Potter's Ore" = wörtlich dt. "Töpfererz" verdankt seinen Namen der Verwendung bei der Töpferei.



"Al_qui_fou" (#), n. [Equiv. to "arquifoux", F. "alquifoux", Sp. "alquifól", fr. the same Arabic word as "alcohol". See Alcohol.] A lead ore found in Cornwall, England, and used by potters to give a green glaze to their wares; "potter's ore".

(E1)(L1)'s Ore
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Potter's Ore" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Potter's Wheel (W3)

Das engl. "Potter's Wheel" (1720) ist / war das eines der wichtigsten Produktionsmittel des Töpfers.

(E2)(L1)'s Wheel

(E1)(L1)'s Wheel
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Potter's Wheel" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1730 / 1830 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Psion (W3)

Der Markenname "Psion" ist die Abkürzung "Potter Scientific Instruments Or Nothing". Der britische Mathematiker David Potter gründete die Firma im Jahr 1980. Die Handhelds, die ab 1984 verkauft wurden hießen "Psion". David Potter machte damit die Abkürzung seiner Redewendung "Potter scientific investment or nothing" zum Markennamen.



Psion - Modell: Organiser | Organiser II Model LZ | Serie 3a | Serie 5 | Revo Plus



Seit mehr als 40 Jahren vertrauen Unternehmen aus aller Welt auf Psion als führenden Anbieter innovativer und robuster Handhelds für mobiles Computing, die echten Mehrwert für unsere Kunden bieten, indem sie Geschäftsprozesse optimieren. Siehe Unternehmensprofil.



Psion - UK computer company named by its founder, South Africa-born Dr David Potter, from Potter Scientific Instruments Or Nothing.

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Psion" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1800 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07




Harry Potter Book Leaked on BitTorrent


15 Aug 2007 Assurance and electronic voting machines, Harry Potter leak, liquid terrorist plot details, House of Lords on computer security, conversation with Kip Hawley
New Harry Potter Book Leaked on BitTorrent

A week before publication, digital photographs of every page were available on BitTorrent.

I fielded a lot of press calls on this, mostly from reporters asking me what the publisher could have done differently. Honestly, I don't think it was possible to keep the book under wraps. Millions of copies of the book were headed to all four corners of the globe. There were simply too many people who must be trusted in order for the security to hold. And all it took was one untrustworthy person -- one truck driver, one bookstore owner, one warehouse worker -- to leak the book.

But conversely, I don't think the publishers should care. Anyone fan-crazed enough to read digital photographs of the pages a few days before the real copy comes out is also someone who is going to buy a real copy. And anyone who will read the digital photographs *instead* of the real book would have borrowed a copy from a friend. My guess is that the publishers lost zero sales, and that the pre-release simply increased the press frenzy.

I'm kind of amazed the book hadn't leaked sooner.

And that was just the first leak. Shortly thereafter, versions in Word, plain text, and formatted PDF were likewise available via BitTorrent.

Some of the security measures the publisher took with the manuscript.

The camera has a unique serial number embedded in each of the digital photos which might be used to track the author.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Harry Potter - Glossary
Harry Potter - Words

Pronunciation Guide gives pronunciations for tough Harry Potter words



Hier bekommt man einige Namen vorgesprochen


Pronunciation Guide
Find out how to say Hermione, Eeylops, and Azkaban!

Die Zauberwelt von Harry Potter, Hogwarts und Co

Der Beitrag auf der Blog-Seite von "studyglobal" bietet keine etymologischen Erkenntnisse zu den Personennamen und Ortsnamen der Harry Potter Geschichten. Aber wer sich für das Umfeld der Entstehung der Bücher und Filme interessiert, findet hier vielleicht einen guten Anknüpfungspunkt.


In England können Sie nicht nur eine Menge Kultur und atemberaubende Landschaft genießen, sondern auch auf die Spuren einer der bekanntesten Romanhelden aller Zeit gehen, Harry Potter.

Wenn Sie eingefleischter Harry Potter Fan sind und Ihre Sprachreise England nutzen wollen, um in das Leben des Stars von Jane K. Rowling einzutauchen, gibt es spezielle Touren, die Sie an den Drehorten des Schauspielers vorbeiführen. Cs Travel bietet beispielsweise eine solche Tour über 6 Tage und 5 Nächte an. Sie lernen dabei außerdem landestypische Orte kennen und können ihr Englisch ein wenig auffrischen.

Erstellt: 2012-10

What's In a Name
Harry Potter - Name Etymology


Welcome to the newly-revamped "What's in a Name?", your resource for "Harry Potter name etymology".

Hier findet man eine grosse Anzahl von Namen, die in den Geschichten um Harry Potter vorkommen, mit einer kurzen Erklärung. Einmal nach Büchern und einmal alphabetisch.

The Guide To Harry Potter Name Etymology.
Etymology resource for names, words, and phrases in Harry Potter
The guide to the historical and mythological background behind the names of people, places, objects, and more in "Harry Potter".

Site Contents:
The full Alphabetical list: Beware, contains material from book 5!


Tom, Dick, and Harry (W3)

Ähnlich wie in Deutschland die beliebten und häufigen Vornamen "Heinrich und Konrad" zu "Hinz und Kunz" wurden, bezeichnet man in England "jedermann" als "Tom, Dick, and Harry" (1805), "the common man", das aber - wie im Deutschen - auch negativ "jeder dahergelaufene Kerl" bedeuten kann.

Dabei sind "Tom", "Dick", "Harry" die Nicknamen für "Thomas", "Richard", "Harry".

Tom, Dick and Mary (USA 1964-1965)


Reed, Talbot Baines, 1852-1893: Tom, Dick and Harry (English) (as Author)

Tom, Dick, and Harry

(E2)(L1), Dick, and Harry


Any Tom, Dick or Harry

Any Tom, Dick or Harry | Every Tom, Dick and Harry

(E1)(L1) Dick and Harry
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Tom, Dick, and Harry" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1860 auf.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Harry Potter - Games

Harry Potter Games

Erstellt: 2011-07



Harry Potter - Vokabeln

Hier findet man neben den Downloads für Langenscheidt Vokabeltrainer auch viele Online-Tabellen mit Vokabeln. Dazu klickt man unter "Vokabel Download" jeweils auf die "Vorschau".

Englisch - Harry Potter 1-4
419 Vokabeln Englisch - Deutsch. Vokabeln aus Band 1-4 von Harry Potter nach der persönlichen Auswahl eines Lesers. Erstellt von Benedikt B. , 2., erweiterte Fassung. Komprimiert 21 KB, 29.03.2007. Vorschau


Vokabeltrainer - Download englische Vokabeln
Vorschau der Vokabeldatei 'Englisch - Harry Potter 1-4'
Englisch - Deutsch, 419 Vokabeln

Die Vokabeldatei 'Englisch - Harry Potter 1-4' ist eine kostenlose Zusatzdatei zum Vokabeltrainer von Langenscheidt.

Harry Potter


Erstellt: 2011-07

Harry Potter


Erstellt: 2011-07

Harry Potter - Wiki


Bisher besteht diese Seite aus 2.680 Artikeln.

Erstellt: 2011-07

Harry Potter - Fictional Books
Harry Potter - Places

List of fictional books within the Harry Potter series

List of places in the Harry Potter books

Harry Potter - words


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows : billycan, vol-au-vent, berk, orifice, diadem, besom, plinth, fraught

The final book in the Harry Potter series hit the bookstores last weekend and has been, as expected, a smashing success. So it seems appropriate to devote this week to words from that book.


August 2005 Archives

Erstellt: 2011-07




Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Harry Potter


Ayto, John (Autor)
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable

Taschenbuch: 1560 Seiten
Verlag: Weidenfeld & Nicolson; Auflage: 17th Revised edition (1. April 2007)
Sprache: Englisch

Includes words and phrases ("Al-Qaeda", "9/11"), characters, places (and monsters) from fantasy literature (including "The Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter"), political and sporting nicknames. This dictionary includes 'list entries' like misattributed quotations, first lines of novels, and the 'etymologies' of rock group names.

Dr Brewer's classic work of reference, revised and updated for the millennium, and now available in paperback. 1,000 entirely new entries are included, with vastly increased coverage of the present-day idiom.

Erstellt: 2011-07








Hein, Rudi
Kennen Sie Severus Snape?
Auf den Spuren der sprechenden Namen bei Harry Potter

Taschenbuch: 159 Seiten
Verlag: Collibri (Januar 2001)
Sprache: Deutsch

Der Autor über sein Buch
Warum dieses Buch?
Fantasyromane lese ich schon, seitdem ich das Alphabet beherrsche. Selten hat mich ein Romanheld mehr fasziniert als Harry Potter.
Beim zweiten Lesen , als ich, nicht mehr von Spannung zerfressen, in aller Ruhe die kleinen witzigen Details und Anspielungen genießen konnte, fingen die sprechenden Namen der Figuren und Orte an, Wirkung zu zeigen, der Sprachwissenschaftler in mir verlangte nach Erklärungen.

J.K. Rowling hat eine Zeit lang als Sekretärin gearbeitet. In einem Interview bekennt sie: „Bei Besprechungen war ich nie sehr aufmerksam, weil ich andauernd am Rand des Notizblockes an meiner neuesten Geschichte weiterschrieb oder mir richtig schöne Namen für die Personen ausdachte.“

So einfach ausgedacht sind die „Randnotizen“ aber doch nicht. Die Dame hat sich aus vielen Quellen bedient, teils offen, teils auf Umwegen. Ihren verschlungenen Gedankengängen nachzuspüren hat viele Stunden ausgefüllt, die ich sonst vielleicht damit verbracht hätte, ungeduldig auf den nächsten Roman zu warten.

Ob ich alles richtig getroffen habe, mag ich nicht beschwören. Tausende Leser der Internetfassung dieses Lexikons hatten bisher nicht allzu viel auszusetzen.







Grosses Zauberwörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch

Rund 7.500 Stichwörter und Wendungen
304 Seiten, gebunden
EURO 11,95

Rund 7.500 "magische" Stichwörter und Wendungen, die unter anderem gezielt aus den Harry Potter-Bänden eins bis fünf ausgewählt und mit entsprechenden deutschen Übersetzungen versehen wurden.

In rund 350 Info-Fenstern finden die interessierten Leser Unterhaltsames und Wissenswertes rund um Magie und Zauberei. So erfährt man, dass mit "brownie" hier nicht etwa eine Kuchensorte gemeint ist, sondern ein freundlicher englischer Kobold, der für Milch oder Sahne liegen gebliebene Hausarbeiten erledigt. Auch die Bedeutung und Herkunft der Eigennamen und Zaubersprüche, die in den Romanen vorkommen, wird beleuchtet: "The Quibbler" zum Beispiel, der Name des alternativen Nachrichtenmagazins für Hexen und Zauberer, kommt von "quibble" = "Spitzfindigkeit", "Wortklauberei". Die vielen Querverweise führen alle Wissbegierigen noch weiter in das zauberhafte Geschehen ein.

Le français retrouvé 40
Millet, Gilbert
Les mots du merveilleux et du fantastique

de Gilbert Millet, Denis Labbé
Langue : Français
Éditeur : Belin (7 mars 2003)
Format : Broché - 490 pages

Présentation de l'éditeur
De Harry Potter au Seigneur des Anneaux, le cinéma a récemment ravivé l’intérêt du grand public pour le merveilleux et le fantastique, même si ces films n’en donnent qu’une certaine vision. Ce livre, dans une collecte impressionnante, rassemble plusieurs centaines de mots dont beaucoup trouvent leur source dans les contes et les mythes. Les articles sont classés par ordre alphabétique, selon le principe de la collection. Mais, bien plus qu’un dictionnaire, ce volume est une exploration savante et documentée de la littérature fantastique et de celle des contes, dont se dessinent les grands thèmes, à travers de très nombreuses citations. En fin d’ouvrage, index et bibliographie.

L'auteur vu par l'éditeur
L’un et l’autre, écrivains et enseignants, vivent dans le Nord, où Gilbert Millet anime la revue Hauteurs. Ils sont auteurs, en collaboration ou séparément, de plusieurs publications sur la littérature fantastique et la science-fiction, dont ils sont des spécialistes reconnus. Ensemble, ils ont publié en janvier 2002, aux Editions Belin, La Science Fiction (collection Sujets).

(E1)(L1) français retrouvé





Piffault, Olivier (Autor)
Livres d'enfants d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
Babar, Harry Potter et Cie

Taschenbuch: 580 Seiten
Verlag: Bibliothèque Nationale de France - BNF (23. Oktober 2008)
Sprache: Französisch

Présentation de l'éditeur

Vous êtes proche de Spiderman ou plutôt de Fantômette, vous lisez Harry Potter en anglais, vous êtes adepte de Moustache et Trotinette mais pour endormir vos enfants, qui cachent Titeuf sous l'oreiller, vous choisissez Max et les Maximonstres ? Vous préférez Lucky Luke aux Pieds Nickelés, vous vous sentez plus Fifi Brindacier que petite fille modèle, vous pleurez en lisant Le Petit Nicolas et vous abordez L'île au trésor comme Jim Hawkins, " glacé d'épouvante et en même temps dévoré de curiosité " ? Ouvrez ce livre ! Vous avez grandi dans Babar, appris à lire avec Delphine et Marinette, vous connaissez par cœur les Malheurs de Sophie ? Avec le " Chat qui s'en va tout seul " de Kipling vous avez parcouru " les Chemins Mouillés du Bois Sauvage ", vous vous souvenez de vos premiers Club des cinq, de Zig et Puce ou de Bicot, mais vous n'avez jamais entendu parler des Moumines, ni de Macao, ni de Casseboufigue et encore moins de Longue-Carabine ? Feuilletez ce livre ! Parents, enfants, spécialistes de l'éducation, formateurs, bibliothécaires, écrivains ou illustrateurs, amateurs de Jules Verne, collectionneurs des cartonnages de Hetzel, vous êtes férus de Rousseau ou de Fénelon mais vous n'avez jamais fabriqué une tête de moine dans un marron d'Inde et vous ignorez tout de Zénaïde Fleuriot comme de Zulma Carraud ? Lisez ce livre ! Vous aimez les surprises ou vous ne savez pas lire ? Déployez l'ABC de Babar ! En même temps qu'elle reçoit le don exceptionnel des dessins originaux de trois albums de Babar par la famille de Brunhoff, la Bibliothèque nationale de France accueille la Joie par les livres, créant ainsi le Centre national de la littérature pour la jeunesse. Après De Balzc à Jules Verne, un grand éditeur du XIXe siècle, PJ Hetzel (1966), Maîtres de la bande dessinée européenne (2000), puis Il était une fois les contes de fées (2001), ce volume nous invite à découvrir sous une forme synthétique et à travers 300 illustrations un patrimoine qui touche en chacun de nous une part des plus sensibles.


Erstellt: 2011-07



Rowling, J. K. (Autor)
Needham, Peter (Übersetzer)
Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis (Latin)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter auf Latein

Gebundene Ausgabe: 256 Seiten
Verlag: Bloomsbury Publishing; Auflage: 1., Aufl. (7. Juli 2003)
Sprache: Latein

Harry Potter hat sich bisher für einen ganz normalen Jungen gehalten. Er hat sich getäuscht! Er ist ein Hexer, einer in den die Zauberer und Hexen große Hoffnungen setzen. Er muß die Zauberei von der Pike auf lernen, viele Abenteuer bestehen und er gewinnt vor allem gute Freunde. So ganz nebenbei rettet er die Welt der guten Zauberer und Hexen vor dem Untergang, aber das ist fast schon selbstverständlich.

Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis; Caput Primum; Puer qui Vixit; 'Dominus et Domina Dursley, qui vivebant in aedibus Gestationis Ligustrorum numero quattor signatis...' this opening, also known as 'Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive...' has become one of the most read opening chapters in the world. Newly translated into Latin for the first time, this is following in the steps of other great children's classics, including Winnie the Pooh (winnie ille pu) and Paddington Bear (ursus nomine paddington). The huge task of translating into Latin (most translations are done from Latin) has been undertaken by Peter Needham, who taught Latin at Eton for over 30 years. James Morwood, of Oxford University, has said of the translation, 'The translation is great stuff. It is accurate and fluent, but it is much more than that. It has been carried off with wit, inventiveness, sensitivity and panache. I find it impossible to think of its being better done.'

Erstellt: 2012-05






Wajnryb, Ruth (Autor)
Cheerio Tom, Dick and Harry
Despatches from the Hospice of Fading Words

Taschenbuch: 288 Seiten
Verlag: Allen & Unwin Inc (1. Juli 2007)
Sprache: Englisch

Wajnryb is the grammarian you always wanted: wise, wearing her erudition lightly and enlivening it with sly humour. - Kirkus Reviews Ruth Wajnryb embarks on a voyage of discovery among the words that once peppered the language of baby boomers and their parents to discover why they seem to be slipping from common use. Why is it that people don't say "cheerio" any more, and, come to think of it, why did they in the first place? Do people still tinker with jalopies? And whatever happened to "Tom, Dick and Harry", not to mention all those other folk who provided us with such excellent conversational shorthand? Filled with entertaining vignettes and intriguing etymology, Ruth has created an imaginary hospice that offers a caring refuge for pre-loved words that are in imminent danger of being dismissed as "obs" (for "obsolete") or "arch" (for "archaic") in English dictionaries. Written with Ruth Wajnryb's characteristic intelligence, sly wit and elan, "Cheerio Tom, Dick and Harry" examines the way in which our everyday language reflects and gives expression to the enormous changes that have taken place in our physical and social landscape over the last fifty years or so.

Erstellt: 2011-07