Tassel (W3)
Engl. "tassel" (~ 1300) bezeichnet ein Büschel aus Fäden zum Schmücken von Kleidern, Schuhen oder Vorhängen ("Quaste", "Troddel"), auch "Verschluß eines Umhangs, eines Mantels, oder auch Blüten oder Blütengruppen auf Getreidehalmen oder Maispflanzen, die ein ähnliches Aussehen haben. Auch eine Vogelart (Hühnerhabicht ?) wird engl. "Tassel" genannt.Engl. "tassel" wurde übernommen von altfrz. "tassel", "tassiel" = dt. "Franse", "Besatz", "Saum", "Kleiderschließe", "Haken", "Schnalle", "Spange", frz. "tasseau", vulg.-lat. "*tassellus", zu lat. "taxillus" = dt. "Würfel", "Kubus", als Verkleinerungsform zu lat. "talus" = dt. "Knöchelchen" (das neim Würfelspiel benutzt wurde).
Das Mineral dt. "Vantasselit", span. "Vantasselita", frz. "Vantasselite", engl. "Vantasselite" ist benannt nach dem belgischen Mineralogen René Van Tassel (1916-2013).
Der Name "Van Tassel" bezieht sich auf die Insel "Tessel" oder "Texel" im Norden der Niederlande.
Der Name "Tassel" könnte sich ebenfalls auf die Insel "Tessel" oder "Texel" im Norden der Niederlande beziehen. Möglich wäre aber auch ein Bezug des ersten Namensträgers zu einer Vorliebe für mit Tasseln befestigten Umhängen.
(E?)(L?) https://agfax.com/2020/07/10/corn-tassel-emergence-and-pollen-shed/
Corn: Tassel Emergence and Pollen Shed
July 10, 2020
By Bob Nielsen, Purdue University Extension Agronomist
(E?)(L?) https://www.agraria.org/faunaselvatica/biscia-tassellata.htm
Biscia Tassellata - Natrix tessellata Laurenti 1768
Atlante della Fauna selvatica italiana - Rettili
(E?)(L?) https://www.cornbeanspigskids.com/2013/07/farm-friday-tasseling-corn.html
Friday, July 26, 2013
What is a Corn Tassel?
What is a tassel?
Simply put, the "tassel" is the top most part of a corn plant. Here is a picture that shows a corn plant with the "tassel" fully opened or out.
The "corn tassel" is the part of the plant where the pollen comes from. The pollen pollinates the ear of corn, which causes the ear of corn to grow. Pollination occurs when pollen falls off the tassel and then blows through the wind and eventually comes in contact with the silk on the top of the ear of corn. Ears of corn start growing silk at the beginning of the R stages. When the silks dry and turn brown, the pollination process is done and the ear of corn will continue to grow.
(E?)(L?) https://www.davesgarden.com/guides/terms/go/909/
Definition of "tassel"
1. A bunch of loose threads or cords bound at one end and hanging free at the other, used as an ornament on curtains or clothing, for example.
2. Something that resembles such an ornament, especially the pollen-bearing inflorescence of a corn plant.
The staminate or male inflorescence produced at the top of the maize or corn plant.
(E?)(L?) https://www.dictionary.com/browse/tassel
- noun
- 1. a pendent ornament consisting commonly of a bunch of threads, small cords, or other strands hanging from a roundish knob or head, used on clothing, in jewelry, on curtains, etc.
- 2. something resembling this, as the inflorescence of certain plants, especially that at the summit of a stalk of corn.
- verb (used with object), tas·seled, tas·sel·ing or (especially British) tas·selled, tas·sel·ling.
- 3. to furnish or adorn with tassels.
- 4. to form into a tassel or tassels.
- 5. to remove the tassel from (growing corn) in order to improve the crop.
- verb (used without object), tas·seled, tas·sel·ing or (especially British) tas·selled, tas·sel·ling.
- 6. (of corn) to put forth tassels (often followed by out).
(E?)(L?) https://emergence.fbn.com/agronomy/what-to-know-about-tassel-corn
What to Know About Tassel Corn
By Tracy Pell | Aug. 21, 2018
(E?)(L?) https://www.garden.eco/corn-tassel
What IS That Thing Growing on the Top of My Corn?
At approximately 50 days after planting corn, depending on the variety, you will notice a tall, thin growth coming out of the top of your corn stalk. It starts as one shoot, then rapidly grows additional shoots which have a feathered appearance. The entire part is called the "tassel" and indeed looks like a "tassel" you might find at the end of a pull cord.
(E?)(L?) https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/corn/early-corn-tasseling.htm
What are Corn Plant Tassels?
The male flower of the corn plant is known as a "corn tassel". After the bulk of the plant growth is complete, tassels will appear on top of the plant. Corn plant tassels can be green, purple, or yellow.
The tassel’s job is to produce pollen that encourages the growth and ripening of the corn ear. Wind carries the pollen to the female flower, or the silk, on the corn plant.
Corn is not overly difficult to grow; however, some gardeners have concerns when their corn tassels too soon.
(E?)(L?) http://www.habitas.org.uk/flora/species.asp?item=2148
Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande - Spiral Tasselweed - Ruppiaceae
(E?)(L?) http://www.habitas.org.uk/flora/species.asp?item=2149
Ruppia maritima L. - Beaked Tasselweed - Ruppiaceae
(E?)(L?) http://www.hollowaysdetasseling.com/what.htm
What is a corn tassel?
The "tassel" is the top most part of a corn plant. The bottom left picture shows a corn plant with the tassel fully opened or out, and the middle picture is one with the "tassel" stilled rolled up in the top leaves of the corn plant. This middle picture is normally what the plant looks like when we actually "detassel", or "remove the tassel" from the plant. This process is done by simply pulling it out with your hand, then throwing it on the grown. The bottom right picture is what the plant looks like after the "tassel" has been removed.
(E?)(L?) https://www.ent.iastate.edu/imagegal/homoptera/aphid/1343.17aphidsoncornmr.html
Aphids on corn tassel
(E?)(L?) https://www.ent.iastate.edu/imagegal/orthoptera/3936.14ghnymphoncorn.html
Grasshoppers on pretassel-stage corn
(E?)(L?) https://www.ent.iastate.edu/imagegal/plants/corn/1345.3corntassle.html
Corn tasseling
(E?)(L?) https://www.pioneer.com/us/agronomy/tassel-ears-cropfocus.html
Tassel Ears in Corn
(E?)(L?) https://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/corn/news/timeless/TasselEars.html
Tassel Ears in Corn
(E1)(L1) http://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?corpus=0&content=Tassel
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Tassel" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1770 auf.
Erstellt: 2020-08