Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Geographie, Geografía, Géographie, Geografia, Geography, (esper.) geografio







Fläche von UK
Fläche von United Kingdom

Fläche von UK - Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien u. Nordirland) ist 000.243.305 km^2.


Erstellt: 2012-07


Geographische Lage von UK
Geographische Lage von United Kingdom

Geographische Lage von UK - Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien u. Nordirland) ist "002°W-008°W/049°N-062°N".



Erstellt: 2012-07













statistics - Geography Glossary


United Kingdom: Counties and Unitary Administrations, 1998


UK Map Collection

Maps are an excellent means of visualising and understanding geography, and the Beginners' Guide to UK Geography is accordingly supported by a range of reference maps. These can be downloaded directly by clicking on the appropriate link below. The maps may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium for research, private study or internal circulation within an organisation, subject to being reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. Any other use of the material is prohibited without prior permission - please contact us.

geography: introduction | geography bulletins | beginners' guide to UK geography (includes UK maps) | area names & codes | geographic initiatives | super output areas | geographic products | best practice guidance | rural/urban classification | ONS geography | frequently asked questions | contacts | links to other sites | glossary/index | Open consultations

Geography Glossary

Welcome to the National Statistics geography glossary, a collection of over 180 terms relating to: Many of the entries also contain links to further information on the NS website geography pages, or to relevant external websites.

In addition to the web-interface version, the glossary is also available in pdf format for those that would like to print off a copy. The pdf glossary (254Kb) will be updated in line with the web version, but note that it does not include links to further information.


theodolite, Theodolit, theadelite, Theater (W3)

Das engl. "theodolite" (dt. "Theodolit") ist ein Gerät zur Vermessung von horizontalen und Höhenwinkeln.

A theodolite is just a device to measure the precise direction in three-dimensional space from one’s own location to any object within sight.
As for the etymology, I told my fellow-workers at the time (an overeducated bunch) that "theo-dol-ite" should mean "an instrument to fool the gods". We looked it up, and Webster’s or Funk and Wagnall’s or whoever it was said that it means "an instrument for seeing clearly". If so, the inventor messed up two of the vowels, since that should be a "theadelite".

(vgl. "theãsthai" = "anschauen", woraus auch das "Theater" entstand.)

Leider ist damit jedoch die Herkunft von "Theodolit" noch nicht sicher erklärt. - Es sei den es entstand wirklich durch die Vertauschung zweier Buchstaben.


Uni Edingburgh
GIS - Geographical Information System
Geographic Information System
Acronyms - Dictionary



Da der Link nicht mehr verfügbar ist, hier der Link zum Internet-Archiv:

Glossary of geographic research terms.
AGI online GIS dictionary is a major enhancement of the original dictionary developed during 1996 by the University of Edinburgh Department of Geography.
The dictionary includes definitions for 980 terms compiled from a variety of sources which either relate directly to GIS or which GIS users may come across in the course of their work. The dictionary is also supplemented by 52 diagrams.

Unter dem Stichwort "GIS" findet man:

GIS - Geographical Information System - Geographic Information System
A computer system for capturing, storing, checking, integrating, manipulating, analysing and displaying data related to positions on the Earth's surface. Typically, a Geographical Information System (or Spatial Information System) is used for handling maps of one kind or another. These might be represented as several different layers where each layer holds data about a particular kind of feature. Each feature is linked to a position on the graphical image of a map.
Layers of data are organised to be studied and to perform statistical analysis. Uses are primarily government related, town planning, local authority and public utility management, environmental, resource management, engineering, business, marketing, and distribution.


Volcano (W3)

Engl. "Volcano" (1610) geht über altengl. "vulcano" (c. 1611) = "burning mountain" und ital. "vulcano" zurück auf lat. "Vulcanus", "Volcanus" = engl. "Vulcan", den römischen Gott des Feuers und der Metallverarbeitung. Der Sohn von Jupiter und Juno hatte seine Entsprechung im griechischen Gott "Hephaestus". Schon die Römer übertrugen den Götternamen auf den "Ätna", engl. "Mt. Etna" und sahen in ihm den Sitz des Gottes. Man interpretierte die Ausbrüche des Ätnas als Folge der Tätigkeit des Gottes.



How Volcanoes Work
by Tom Harris

World Plates & Volcanoes Map

The World's Volcanoes Map

Abu (Honshu-Japan) | Acamarachi (Chile-N) | Acatenango (Guatemala) | Acigöl-Nevsehir (Turkey) | Acotango (Chile-N) | Adagdak (Aleutian Is) | Adams (US-Washington) | Adams Seamount (Pacific-C) | Adatara (Honshu-Japan) | Adwa (Ethiopia) | Afderà (Ethiopia) | Agrigan (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Agua (Guatemala) | Agua de Pau (Azores and Madeira) | Aguilera (Chile-S) | Agung (Lesser Sunda Is) | Ahyi (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Akademia Nauk (Kamchatka) | Akagi (Honshu-Japan) | Akan (Hokkaido-Japan) | Akhtang (Kamchatka) | Akita-Komaga-take (Honshu-Japan) | Akita-Yake-yama (Honshu-Japan) | Akuseki-jima (Ryukyu Is) | Akutan (Aleutian Is) | Alaid (Kuril Is) | Alamagan (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Alayta (Ethiopia) | Alban Hills (Italy) | Alcedo (Galápagos) | Ale Bagu (Ethiopia) | Alid (Ethiopia) | Alligator Lake (Canada) | Almolonga (Guatemala) | Alney-Chashakondzha (Kamchatka) | Alngey (Kamchatka) | Alu (Ethiopia) | Alutu (Ethiopia) | Amak (Aleutian Is) | Amasing (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Ambalatungan Group (Luzon-Philippines) | Ambang (Sulawesi-Indonesia) | Ambitle (New Ireland-SW Pacific) | Ambre-Bobaomby (Madagascar) | Ambrym (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Amorong (Luzon-Philippines) | Amsterdam Island (Indian O.-S) | Amukta (Aleutian Is) | Anatahan (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Anaun (Kamchatka) | Andahua-Orcopampa (Perú) | Andrus (Antarctica) | Aneityum (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Aniakchak (Alaska Peninsula) | Ankaizina Field (Madagascar) | Ankaratra Field (Madagascar) | Antillanca Group (Chile-C) | Antipodes Island (Pacific-S) | Antisana (Ecuador) | Antofagasta de la Sierra (Argentina) | Antuco (Chile-C) | Aoba (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Aoga-shima (Izu Is-Japan) | Apagado (Chile-S) | Apaneca Range (El Salvador) | Apastepeque Field (El Salvador) | Apo (Mindanao-Philippines) | Apoyeque (Nicaragua) | Aracar (Argentina) | Aragats (Armenia) | Aramuaca, Laguna (El Salvador) | Ararat (Turkey) | Arayat (Luzon-Philippines) | Ardoukôba (Djibouti) | Arenal (Costa Rica) | Arenales (Chile-S) | Arhab, Harra of (Arabia-S) | Arintica (Chile-N) | Arjuno-Welirang (Java) | Asacha (Kamchatka) | Asama (Honshu-Japan) | Asavyo (Ethiopia) | Ascensión (Atlantic-C) | Askja (Iceland-NE) | Aso (Kyushu-Japan) | Assab Volc Field (Ethiopia) | Asuncion (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Atacazo (Ecuador) | Atitlán (Guatemala) | Atka (Aleutian Is) | Atlin Volc Field (Canada) | Atlixcos, Los (México) | Atsonupuri (Kuril Is) | Atuel, Caldera del (Argentina) | Aucanquilcha (Chile-N) | Auckland Field (New Zealand) | Augustine (Alaska-SW) | Auquihuato, Cerro (Perú) | Avachinsky (Kamchatka) | Awu (Sangihe Is-Indonesia) | Axial Seamount (Pacific-NE) | Ayelu (Ethiopia) | Azas Plateau (Russia-SE) | Azufral (Colombia) | Azufre, Cerro del (Chile-N) | Azul, Cerro (Chile-C) | Azul, Cerro (Galápagos) | Azul, Volcán (Nicaragua) | Azuma (Honshu-Japan) | Babuyan Claro (Luzon-N of) | Bachelor (US-Oregon) | Bagana (Bougainville-SW Pacific) | Baitoushan (China-E) | Bakening (Kamchatka) | Baker (US-Washington) | Bal Haf, Harra of (Arabia-S) | Balagan-Tas (Russia-NE) | Balatukan (Mindanao-Philippines) | Balbi (Bougainville-SW Pacific) | Bald Knoll (US-Utah) | Baluan (Admiralty Is-SW Pacific) | Baluran (Java) | Balut (Mindanao-Philippines) | Bam (New Guinea-NE of) | | Banáhao (Luzon-Philippines) | Banda Api (Banda Sea) | Bandai (Honshu-Japan) | Banua Wuhu (Sangihe Is-Indonesia) | Baransky (Kuril Is) | Bárcena (México-Is) | Bárdarbunga (Iceland-NE) | Barkhatnaya Sopka (Kamchatka) | Barren Island (Andaman Is-Indian O) | Barrier, The (Africa-E) | Barú (Panamá) | Barva (Costa Rica) | Bas Dong Nai (SE Asia) | Batur (Lesser Sunda Is) | Bayo, Cerro (Chile-N) | Bayonnaise Rocks (Izu Is-Japan) | Bayuda Volc Field (Africa-N) | Bazman (Iran) | Behm Canal-Rudyerd Bay (Alaska-E) | Belenkaya (Kamchatka) | Belirang-Beriti (Sumatra) | Belknap (US-Oregon) | Bely (Kamchatka) | Berlin (Antarctica) | Beru (Ethiopia) | Berutarube (Kuril Is) | Besar (Sumatra) | Bezymianny (Kamchatka) | Bibinoi (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Bilate River Field (Ethiopia) | Biliran (Philippines-C) | Billy Mitchell (Bougainville-SW Pacific) | Bir Borhut (Arabia-S) | Birk, Harrat al (Arabia-W) | Bishoftu Volc Field (Ethiopia) | Biu Plateau (Africa-W) | Black Peak (Alaska Peninsula) | Black Rock Desert (US-Utah) | Blancas, Lomas (Chile-C) | Bliznets (Kamchatka) | Bliznetsy (Kamchatka) | Blue Lake Crater (US-Oregon) | Blup Blup (New Guinea-NE of) | Bobrof (Aleutian Is) | Bogatyr Ridge (Kuril Is) | Bogoslof (Aleutian Is) | Boisa (New Guinea-NE of) | | Bolshe-Bannaya (Kamchatka) | Bolshoi Payalpan (Kamchatka) | Bolshoi Semiachik (Kamchatka) | Bolshoi-Kekuknaysky (Kamchatka) | Bombalai (Borneo) | Boomerang Seamount (Indian O.-S) | Bora-Bericcio (Ethiopia) | Borale Ale (Ethiopia) | Borawli (Ethiopia) | Borawli (Ethiopia) | Boset-Bericha (Ethiopia) | Bouvet (Atlantic-S) | Bratan (Lesser Sunda Is) | Brava (Cape Verde Is) | Bravo, Cerro (Colombia) | Brennisteinsfjöll (Iceland-SW) | Bridge River Cones (Canada) | Bridgeman Island (Antarctica) | Bristol Island (Antarctica) | Brothers (New Zealand) | Brushy Butte (US-California) | Buckle Island (Antarctica) | Bufumbira (Africa-C) | Buldir (Aleutian Is) | Bulusan (Luzon-Philippines) | Bunyaruguru Field (Africa-C) | Burney, Monte (Chile-S) | Bus-Obo (Mongolia) | Butajiri-Silti Field (Ethiopia) | Buzzard Creek (Alaska-E) | Cabalían (Philippines-C) | Caburgua-Huelemolle (Chile-C) | Cagua (Luzon-Philippines) | Caichinque (Chile-N) | Calabozos (Chile-C) | Calatrava Volc Field (Spain) | Calbuco (Chile-S) | Callaqui (Chile-C) | Cameroon (Africa-W) | Camiguin (Mindanao-Philippines) | Camiguin de Babuyanes (Luzon-N of) | Campi Flegrei (Italy) | Campi Flegrei Mar Sicilia (Italy) | Candlemas Island (Antarctica) | Canlaon (Philippines-C) | Carlisle (Aleutian Is) | Carrán-Los Venados (Chile-C) | Carrizozo (US-New Mexico) | Casiri, Nevados (Perú) | Cay (Chile-S) | Cayambe (Ecuador) | Cayutué-La Viguería (Chile-S) | Ceboruco (México) | Cendres, Ile des (SE Asia) | Central Island (Africa-E) | Cereme (Java) | Ch'uga-ryong (Korea) | Chacana (Ecuador) | Chachani, Nevado (Perú) | Chagulak (Aleutian Is) | Chaîne des Puys (France) | Chaitén (Chile-S) | Cherny (Kamchatka) | Cherpuk Group (Kamchatka) | Chichinautzin (México) | Chichón, El (México) | Chiginagak (Alaska Peninsula) | Chikurachki (Kuril Is) | Chiliques (Chile-N) | Chillán, Nevados de (Chile-C) | Chimborazo (Ecuador) | Chinameca (El Salvador) | Chingo (Guatemala) | Chiquimula Volc Field (Guatemala) | Chiracha (Ethiopia) | Chirinkotan (Kuril Is) | Chirip (Kuril Is) | Chirpoi (Kuril Is) | Chokai (Honshu-Japan) | Churchill (Alaska-E) | Chyulu Hills (Africa-E) | Ciguatepe, Cerro el (Nicaragua) | Cinnamon Butte (US-Oregon) | Cinotepeque, Cerro (El Salvador) | Clark (New Zealand) | Clear Lake (US-California) | Cleft Segment (Pacific-NE) | Cleveland (Aleutian Is) | Coatepeque Caldera (El Salvador) | CoAxial Segment (Pacific-NE) | Cobb Segment (Pacific-NE) | Cochiquito Volc Group (Argentina) | Cochons, Ile aux (Indian O.-S) | Cofre de Perote (México) | Colachi (Chile-N) | Coleman Seamount (Solomon Is-SW Pacific) | Colima (México) | Colo [Una Una] (Sulawesi-Indonesia) | Comondú-La Purísima (México) | Concepción (Nicaragua) | Conchagua (El Salvador) | Conchagüita (El Salvador) | Cóndor, Cerro el (Argentina) | Copahue (Chile-C) | Copiapó (Chile-N) | Corbetti Caldera (Ethiopia) | Corcovado (Chile-S) | Cordón de Puntas Negras (Chile-N) | Cordón del Azufre (Chile-N) | Coronado (México) | Coropuna (Perú) | Corvo (Azores and Madeira) | Cosigüina (Nicaragua) | Coso Volc Field (US-California) | Cotopaxi (Ecuador) | Crater Basalt Volc Field (Chile-S/Argentina) | Crater Lake (US-Oregon) | Crater Mountain (New Guinea) | Craters of the Moon (US-Idaho) | Crow Lagoon (Canada) | Cù-Lao Ré Group (SE Asia) | Cuernos de Negros (Philippines-C) | Cuernos del Diablo (Chile-S) | Cuicocha (Ecuador) | Cuilapa-Barbarena (Guatemala) | Cumbal (Colombia) | Cumbres, Las (México) | Curacoa (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Curtis Island (Kermadec Is) | Dabbahu (Ethiopia) | Dabbayra (Ethiopia) | Dacht-i-Navar Group (Afghanistan) | Daikoku (Volcano Is-Japan) | Daisetsu (Hokkaido-Japan) | | Dalaffilla (Ethiopia) | Dallol (Ethiopia) | Dama Ali (Ethiopia) | Damavand (Iran) | Dana (Alaska Peninsula) | Dar-Alages (Armenia) | Dariganga Volc Field (Mongolia) | Darwin (Galápagos) | Daun, Bukit (Sumatra) | Davidof (Aleutian Is) | Davis Lake (US-Oregon) | Dawson Strait Group (D'Entrecasteaux Is) | Deception Island (Antarctica) | Demon (Kuril Is) | Dempo (Sumatra) | Denison (Alaska Peninsula) | Descabezado Grande (Chile-C) | Devils Garden (US-Oregon) | Dhamar, Harras of (Arabia-S) | Diables, Morne aux (W Indies) | Diablotins, Morne (W Indies) | Diamond Craters (US-Oregon) | Didicas (Luzon-N of) | Dieng Volc Complex (Java) | Diky Greben (Kamchatka) | Dofen (Ethiopia) | Doma Peaks (New Guinea) | Domuyo (Argentina) | Don Joao de Castro Bank (Azores and Madeira) | Doña Juana (Colombia) | Dotsero (US-Colorado) | Douglas (Alaska Peninsula) | Doyo Seamount (Izu Is-Japan) | Druze, Jabal ad (Syria) | Dubbi (Ethiopia) | Dukono (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Duncan Canal (Alaska-E) | Durango Volc Field (México) | Dutton (Alaska Peninsula) | Dzenzursky (Kamchatka) | E-san (Hokkaido-Japan) | Eagle Lake Field (US-California) | East Diamante (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | East Zway (Ethiopia) | Easter Island (Chile-Is) | Eastern Gemini Seamount (SW Pacific) | Ebeko (Kuril Is) | Ebulobo (Lesser Sunda Is) | Eburru, Ol Doinyo (Africa-E) | Ecuador (Galápagos) | Edgecumbe (Alaska-E) | Edziza (Canada) | Eggella (Kamchatka) | Egmont [Taranaki] (New Zealand) | Egon (Lesser Sunda Is) | Ekarma (Kuril Is) | Elbrus (Russia-SW) | Elmenteita Badlands (Africa-E) | Elovsky (Kamchatka) | Emmons Lake (Alaska Peninsula) | Emperor of China (Banda Sea) | Emuruangogolak (Africa-E) | Endeavour Ridge (Pacific-NE) | Epi (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Erciyes Dagi (Turkey) | Erebus (Antarctica) | Erta Ale (Ethiopia) | Es Safa (Syria) | Escala (Bolivia) | Escanaba Segment (Pacific-NE) | Escorial, Cerro (Chile-N) | Esjufjöll (Iceland-SE) | Esmeralda Bank (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Est, Ile de l' (Indian O.-S) | Estelí (Nicaragua) | Etna (Italy) | Eyjafjöll (Iceland-S) | Falcon Island (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Falso Azufre (Chile-N) | Farallon de Pajaros (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Fayal (Azores and Madeira) | Fedotych (Kamchatka) | Fentale (Ethiopia) | Fernandina (Galápagos) | Fisher (Aleutian Is) | Flores (Azores and Madeira) | Flores (Guatemala) | Fogo (Cape Verde Is) | Fonualei (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Forecast Seamount (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Fort Portal Field (Africa-C) | Fort Selkirk (Canada) | Four Craters Lava Field (US-Oregon) | Fournaise, Piton de la (Indian O.-W) | Fourpeaked (Alaska Peninsula) | Fremrinamur (Iceland-NE) | Frosty (Alaska Peninsula) | Fuego (Guatemala) | Fueguino (Chile-S) | Fuerteventura (Canary Is) | Fuji (Honshu-Japan) | Fukue-jima (Kyushu-Japan) | Fukujin (Volcano Is-Japan) | Fukutoku-Okanoba (Volcano Is-Japan) | Furnas (Azores and Madeira) | Fuss Peak (Kuril Is) | Gabillema (Ethiopia) | Gada Ale (Ethiopia) | Gaja-jima (Ryukyu Is) | Galápagos Rift (Pacific-E) | Galeras (Colombia) | Gallego (Solomon Is-SW Pacific) | Galunggung (Java) | Gamalama (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Gamchen (Kamchatka) | Gamkonora (Halmahera-Indonesia) | | Gareloi (Aleutian Is) | Garibaldi (Canada) | Garibaldi Lake (Canada) | | Gaua (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Gedamsa Caldera (Ethiopia) | Gede (Java) | Genovesa (Galápagos) | Geodesistoy (Kamchatka) | Geureudong (Sumatra) | Ghegam Ridge (Armenia) | Giggenbach (Kermadec Is) | Girekol (Turkey) | Glacier Peak (US-Washington) | Gloria, La (México) | Golan Heights (Syria) | Golaya (Kamchatka) | Golden Trout Creek (US-California) | Golets-Tornyi Group (Kuril Is) | Göllü Dag (Turkey) | Golovnin (Kuril Is) | Goodenough (D'Entrecasteaux Is) | Gordon (Alaska-E) | Gorely (Kamchatka) | Goriaschaia Sopka (Kuril Is) | Gorny Institute (Kamchatka) | Graciosa (Azores and Madeira) | Gran Canaria (Canary Is) | Granada (Nicaragua) | Great Sitkin (Aleutian Is) | Griggs (Alaska Peninsula) | Grille, La (Indian O.-W) | Grímsnes (Iceland-SW) | Grímsvötn (Iceland-NE) | Groppo (Ethiopia) | Grozny Group (Kuril Is) | Guadalupe (México) | Guagua Pichincha (Ecuador) | Guallatiri (Chile-N) | Guayaques (Chile-N) | Guazapa (El Salvador) | Gufa (Ethiopia) | Guguan (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Guntur (Java) | Gunungapi Wetar (Banda Sea) | Hachijo-jima (Izu Is-Japan) | Hachimantai (Honshu-Japan) | Hakkoda Group (Honshu-Japan) | Hakone (Honshu-Japan) | Haku-san (Honshu-Japan) | Haleakala (Hawaiian Is) | Halla (Korea) | Hanish (Red Sea) | | Harrah, Al (Arabia-W) | Haruj (Africa-N) | Haruna (Honshu-Japan) | Hasan Dagi (Turkey) | Haut Dong Nai (SE Asia) | Hayes (Alaska-SW) | Haylan, Jabal (Arabia-S) | Hayli Gubbi (Ethiopia) | Healy (New Zealand) | Heard (Indian O.-S) | Heart Peaks (Canada) | Hekla (Iceland-S) | Hell's Half Acre (US-Idaho) | Hengill (Iceland-SW) | Herbert (Aleutian Is) | Hertali (Ethiopia) | Hierro (Canary Is) | Hijiori (Honshu-Japan) | Hiri (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Hiuchi (Honshu-Japan) | Hobicha Caldera (Ethiopia) | Hodson (Antarctica) | Hofsjökull (Iceland-SW) | Homa Mountain (Africa-E) | Home Reef (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Honggeertu (China-E) | Hood (US-Oregon) | Hoodoo Mountain (Canada) | Hornopirén (Chile-S) | Hualalai (Hawaiian Is) | Huambo (Perú) | Huanquihue Group (Argentina) | Huaynaputina (Perú) | Hudson Mountains (Antarctica) | Hudson, Cerro (Chile-S) | Huequi (Chile-S) | Huila, Nevado del (Colombia) | Hulubelu (Sumatra) | Humeros, Los (México) | Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Hunter Island (SW Pacific) | Hutapanjang (Sumatra) | Hydrographers Range (New Guinea) | Iamalele (D'Entrecasteaux Is) | Ibu (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Ibusuki Volc Field (Kyushu-Japan) | Ichinsky (Kamchatka) | Iettunup (Kamchatka) | Igwisi Hills (Africa-E) | Ijen (Java) | Iktunup (Kamchatka) | Iliamna (Alaska-SW) | Iliboleng (Lesser Sunda Is) | Ililabalekan (Lesser Sunda Is) | Ilimuda (Lesser Sunda Is) | Iliwerung (Lesser Sunda Is) | Illiniza (Ecuador) | Ilopango (El Salvador) | Ilyinsky (Kamchatka) | Imbabura (Ecuador) | Imun (Sumatra) | Imuruk Lake (Alaska-W) | Incahuasi, Nevado de (Chile-N) | Indian Heaven (US-Washington) | Ingakslugwat Hills (Alaska-W) | Inielika (Lesser Sunda Is) | Inierie (Lesser Sunda Is) | Inyo Craters (US-California) | Ipala (Guatemala) | Iraya (Luzon-N of) | Irazú (Costa Rica) | Iriga (Luzon-Philippines) | Iriomote-jima (Ryukyu Is) | Irruputuncu (Chile-N) | Isanotski (Aleutian Is) | Isarog (Luzon-Philippines) | Ischia (Italy) | Iskut-Unuk River Cones (Canada) | Isluga (Chile-N) | Itasy Volc Field (Madagascar) | Ithnayn, Harrat (Arabia-W) | Ivao Group (Kuril Is) | Iwaki (Honshu-Japan) | Iwate (Honshu-Japan) | Iwo-jima (Volcano Is-Japan) | Iwo-Tori-shima (Ryukyu Is) | Ixtepeque (Guatemala) | Iya (Lesser Sunda Is) | Iyang-Argapura (Java) | Izalco (El Salvador) | Iztaccíhuatl (México) | Izu-Tobu (Honshu-Japan) | Izumbwe-Mpoli (Africa-E) | Jailolo (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Jalua (Ethiopia) | Jan Mayen (Atlantic-N-Jan Mayen) | Jaraguay Volc Field (México) | Jayu Khota, Laguna (Bolivia) | Jefferson (US-Oregon) | Jingbo (China-E) | Jocotitlán (México) | Jolo (Sulu Is-Philippines) | Jorcada (Bolivia) | Jordan Craters (US-Oregon) | Jumaytepeque (Guatemala) | Kaba (Sumatra) | Kabargin Oth Group (Georgia) | Kadovar (New Guinea-NE of) | Kagamil (Aleutian Is) | Kaguyak (Alaska Peninsula) | Kaikata Seamount (Volcano Is-Japan) | Kaikohe-Bay of Islands (New Zealand) | Kaileney (Kamchatka) | Kaitoku Seamount (Volcano Is-Japan) | Kalatungan (Mindanao-Philippines) | Kambalny (Kamchatka) | Kamen (Kamchatka) | Kana Keoki (Solomon Is-SW Pacific) | Kanaga (Aleutian Is) | Kanpu (Honshu-Japan) | Kao (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Karaca Dag (Turkey) | Karaha, Kawah (Java) | Karang (Java) | Karangetang [Api Siau] (Sangihe Is-Indonesia) | Karapinar Field (Turkey) | Karisimbi (Africa-C) | Karkar (New Guinea-NE of) | Karpinsky Group (Kuril Is) | Kars Plateau (Turkey) | Karthala (Indian O.-W) | Karymsky (Kamchatka) | Kasatochi (Aleutian Is) | Kasbek (Georgia) | Kasuga (Volcano Is-Japan) | Katla (Iceland-S) | Katmai (Alaska Peninsula) | Katunga (Africa-C) | Katwe-Kikorongo Field (Africa-C) | Kavachi (Solomon Is-SW Pacific) | Kawi-Butak (Java) | Kebeney (Kamchatka) | Kekurny (Kamchatka) | Kelimutu (Lesser Sunda Is) | Kell (Kamchatka) | Keluo Group (China-E) | Kelut (Java) | Kendang (Java) | Kerguelen Islands (Indian O.-S) | Kerinci (Sumatra) | Kerlingarfjöll (Iceland-SW) | Ketoi (Kuril Is) | Khangar (Kamchatka) | Khanuy Gol (Mongolia) | Kharimkotan (Kuril Is) | Khaybar, Harrat (Arabia-W) | Khodutka (Kamchatka) | Kialagvik (Alaska Peninsula) | Kiaraberes-Gagak (Java) | Kick 'em Jenny (W Indies) | Kieyo (Africa-E) | Kikai (Ryukyu Is) | Kikhpinych (Kamchatka) | Kilauea (Hawaiian Is) | Kilimanjaro (Africa-E) | Kinenin (Kamchatka) | Kirishima (Kyushu-Japan) | Kishb, Harrat (Arabia-W) | Kiska (Aleutian Is) | Kita-Fukutokutai (Volcano Is-Japan) | Kita-Iwo-jima (Volcano Is-Japan) | Kizimen (Kamchatka) | Klabat (Sulawesi-Indonesia) | Kliuchevskoi (Kamchatka) | Kogaja-jima (Ryukyu Is) | Kolbeinsey Ridge (Iceland-N of) | Kolokol Group (Kuril Is) | Komaga-take (Hokkaido-Japan) | Komarov (Kamchatka) | Kone (Ethiopia) | Koniuji (Aleutian Is) | Kookooligit Mountains (Alaska-W) | Koranga (New Guinea) | Korath Range (Ethiopia) | Koro (Fiji Is-SW Pacific) | Korosi (Africa-E) | Koryaksky (Kamchatka) | Koshelev (Kamchatka) | Kostakan (Kamchatka) | Koussi, Emi (Africa-N) | Kozu-shima (Izu Is-Japan) | Kozyrevsky (Kamchatka) | Krafla (Iceland-NE) | Krainy (Kamchatka) | Krakatau (Indonesia) | Krasheninnikov (Kamchatka) | Krísuvík (Iceland-SW) | Kronotsky (Kamchatka) | Ksudach (Kamchatka) | Kuchino-shima (Ryukyu Is) | Kuchinoerabu-jima (Ryukyu Is) | Kuju (Kyushu-Japan) | Kukak (Alaska Peninsula) | Kula (Turkey) | Kulkev (Kamchatka) | Kunlun Volc Group (China-W) | Kunyit (Sumatra) | Kupreanof (Alaska Peninsula) | Kurikoma (Honshu-Japan) | Kurile Lake (Kamchatka) | Kurose Hole (Izu Is-Japan) | Kurub (Ethiopia) | Kusatsu-Shirane (Honshu-Japan) | Kutcharo (Hokkaido-Japan) | Kuttara (Hokkaido-Japan) | Kutum Volc Field (Africa-N) | Kuwae (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Kverkfjöll (Iceland-NE) | Kyatwa Volc Field (Africa-C) | La Palma (Canary Is) | Laguna Caldera (Luzon-Philippines) | Lajas, Las (Nicaragua) | Lamington (New Guinea) | Lamongan (Java) | | Langjökull (Iceland-SW) | Lanín (Chile-C) | Lanzarote (Canary Is) | Larderello (Italy) | Láscar (Chile-N) | Lassen Volc Center (US-California) | Lastarria (Chile-N) | Late (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Latukan (Mindanao-Philippines) | Lautaro (Chile-S) | Lavic Lake (US-California) | Lawu (Java) | Leizhou Bandao (SE Asia) | Lengai, Ol Doinyo (Africa-E) | Leon, Cerro del (Chile-N) | Leonard Range (Mindanao-Philippines) | Leroboleng (Lesser Sunda Is) | Leskov Island (Antarctica) | Leutongey (Kamchatka) | Level Mountain (Canada) | Lewotobi (Lesser Sunda Is) | Lewotolo (Lesser Sunda Is) | Liado Hayk (Ethiopia) | Liamuiga (W Indies) | Licancabur (Chile-N) | Licto (Ecuador) | Lihir (New Ireland-SW Pacific) | Linzor (Chile-N) | Lipari (Italy) | Little Sitkin (Aleutian Is) | Ljósufjöll (Iceland-W) | Llaima (Chile-C) | Llullaillaco (Chile-N) | Loihi (Hawaiian Is) | Loki-Fögrufjöll (Iceland-NE) | Lokon-Empung (Sulawesi-Indonesia) | | Loloru (Bougainville-SW Pacific) | Lomonosov Group (Kuril Is) | Long Island (New Guinea-NE of) | Longaví, Nevado de (Chile-C) | Longgang Group (China-E) | Longonot (Africa-E) | Lonquimay (Chile-C) | Lopevi (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Lower Chindwin (SE Asia) | Lubukraya (Sumatra) | Lumut Balai, Bukit (Sumatra) | Lunayyir, Harrat (Arabia-W) | Lurus (Java) | Lvinaya Past (Kuril Is) | Lysuhóll (Iceland-W) | Ma Alalta (Ethiopia) | Maca (Chile-S) | Macauley Island (Kermadec Is) | Macdonald (Austral Is-C Pacific) | Machín (Colombia) | Madeira (Azores and Madeira) | Maderas (Nicaragua) | Madilogo (New Guinea) | Mageik (Alaska Peninsula) | Mahagnoa (Philippines-C) | Mahawu (Sulawesi-Indonesia) | Maipo (Chile-C) | Makaturing (Mindanao-Philippines) | Makian (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Makushin (Aleutian Is) | Malabar (Java) | Malang Plain (Java) | Malinao (Luzon-Philippines) | Malinche, La (México) | Malindang (Mindanao-Philippines) | Malindig (Luzon-Philippines) | Mallahle (Ethiopia) | Maly Payalpan (Kamchatka) | Maly Semiachik (Kamchatka) | Mammoth Mountain (US-California) | Managlase Plateau (New Guinea) | Manam (New Guinea-NE of) | Manda Hararo (Ethiopia) | Manda-Inakir (Ethiopia) | Mandalagan (Philippines-C) | Manengouba (Africa-W) | Manuk (Banda Sea) | Marapi (Sumatra) | Marchena (Galápagos) | Mare (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Marha, Jabal el- (Arabia-S) | Mariñaqui, Laguna (Chile-C) | Marion Island (Indian O.-S) | Mariveles (Luzon-Philippines) | Markagunt Plateau (US-Utah) | Maroa (New Zealand) | Marra, Jebel (Africa-N) | Marsabit (Africa-E) | Martin (Alaska Peninsula) | Masaraga (Luzon-Philippines) | Masaya (Nicaragua) | Mascota Volc Field (México) | Mashkovtsev (Kamchatka) | Mashu (Hokkaido-Japan) | Mat Ala (Ethiopia) | Matthew Island (SW Pacific) | Matutum (Mindanao-Philippines) | Maug Islands (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Maule, Laguna del (Chile-C) | Mauna Kea (Hawaiian Is) | Mauna Loa (Hawaiian Is) | May-ya-moto (Africa-C) | Mayon (Luzon-Philippines) | Mayor Island (New Zealand) | McDonald Islands (Indian O.-S) | Meager (Canada) | Medicine Lake (US-California) | Medvezhia (Kuril Is) | Mega Basalt Field (Ethiopia) | Megata (Honshu-Japan) | Mehetia (Society Is-C Pacific) | Meidob Volc Field (Africa-N) | Melbourne (Antarctica) | Melimoyu (Chile-S) | Mendeleev (Kuril Is) | Menengai (Africa-E) | Mentolat (Chile-S) | Merapi (Java) | Merbabu (Java) | Mere Lava (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Meru (Africa-E) | Methana (Greece) | Metis Shoal (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Mezhdusopochny (Kamchatka) | Michael (Antarctica) | Michoacán-Guanajuato (México) | Middle Gobi (Mongolia) | Mikura-jima (Izu Is-Japan) | Milbanke Sound Group (Canada) | Milne (Kuril Is) | Mílos (Greece) | Minami Kasuga (Volcano Is-Japan) | Minami-Hiyoshi (Volcano Is-Japan) | Minchinmávida (Chile-S) | Miñiques (Chile-N) | Miravalles (Costa Rica) | Misti, El (Perú) | Miyake-jima (Izu Is-Japan) | Mocho-Choshuenco (Chile-C) | Moffett (Aleutian Is) | Moiro, Cerro (Bolivia) | Mojanda (Ecuador) | Mokuyo Seamount (Izu Is-Japan) | Mombacho (Nicaragua) | Momotombo (Nicaragua) | Monaco Bank (Azores and Madeira) | Mono Craters (US-California) | Mono Lake Volc Field (US-California) | Monowai Seamount (Kermadec Is) | Montagu Island (Antarctica) | Moti (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Motlav (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Moua Pihaa (Society Is-C Pacific) | Mousa Alli (Ethiopia) | Moyuta (Guatemala) | Muhavura (Africa-C) | | Muria (Java) | Musa River (New Guinea) | Musuan (Mindanao-Philippines) | Mutnovsky (Kamchatka) | Myojin Knoll (Izu Is-Japan) | Myoko (Honshu-Japan) | Nabro (Ethiopia) | Nabukelevu (Fiji Is-SW Pacific) | Nakano-shima (Ryukyu Is) | Namarunu (Africa-E) | NAME (LOCATION) | Nantai (Honshu-Japan) | Naolinco Volc Field (México) | Narcondum (Andaman Is-Indian O) | Narugo (Honshu-Japan) | Nasu (Honshu-Japan) | Natib (Luzon-Philippines) | Nazko (Canada) | Ndete Napu (Lesser Sunda Is) | Negra, Sierra (Galápagos) | Negrillar, El (Chile-N) | Negrillar, La (Chile-N) | Negro de Mayasquer, Cerro (Colombia) | Negro, Cerro (Nicaragua) | Nejapa-Miraflores (Nicaragua) | Nemo Peak (Kuril Is) | Nemrut Dagi (Turkey) | Nevada, Sierra (Chile-N) | Nevis Peak (W Indies) | Newberry (US-Oregon) | Newer Volcanics Prov (Australia) | Ngaoundere Plateau (Africa-W) | Ngozi (Africa-E) | Nieuwerkerk (Banda Sea) | Nii-jima (Izu Is-Japan) | Niigata-Yake-yama (Honshu-Japan) | Nikko (Volcano Is-Japan) | Nikko-Shirane (Honshu-Japan) | Nila (Banda Sea) | Nipesotsu-Maruyama (Hokkaido-Japan) | Niseko (Hokkaido-Japan) | Nishino-shima (Volcano Is-Japan) | Nisyros (Greece) | Niuafo'ou (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Norikura (Honshu-Japan) | North Gorda Ridge (Pacific-NE) | North Island (Africa-E) | North Sister Field (US-Oregon) | North Vate (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Northern EPR-Segment RO2 (Pacific-E) | Northern EPR-Segment RO3 (Pacific-E) | Nosy-Be (Madagascar) | Novarupta (Alaska Peninsula) | Nuevo Mundo (Bolivia) | Numazawa (Honshu-Japan) | Nunivak Island (Alaska-W) | NW Eifuku (Volcano Is-Japan) | NW Rota-1 (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Nyambeni Hills (Africa-E) | Nyamuragira (Africa-C) | Nyiragongo (Africa-C) | Nylgimelkin (Kamchatka) | O'a Caldera (Ethiopia) | Ofu-Olosega (Samoa-SW Pacific) | Ojos del Salado, Nevados (Chile-N) | Oka Plateau (Russia-SE) | Okataina (New Zealand) | Oki-Dogo (Honshu-Japan) | Okmok (Aleutian Is) | Oku Volc Field (Africa-W) | Ol Kokwe (Africa-E) | Olca-Paruma (Chile-N) | Olkaria (Africa-E) | Olkoviy Volc Group (Kamchatka) | Ollagüe (Chile-N) | Olot Volc Field (Spain) | Omanago Group (Honshu-Japan) | On-take (Honshu-Japan) | Opala (Kamchatka) | Öraefajökull (Iceland-SE) | Orizaba, Pico de (México) | Orosí (Costa Rica) | Oshima (Izu Is-Japan) | Oshima-Oshima (Hokkaido-Japan) | Osore-yama (Honshu-Japan) | Osorno (Chile-S) | Ostanets (Kamchatka) | Ostry (Kamchatka) | Otdelniy (Kamchatka) | Ozernoy (Kamchatka) | Pacaya (Guatemala) | Paco (Mindanao-Philippines) | Pagan (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | | Paka (Africa-E) | Palei-Aike Volc Field (Chile-S) | Palena Volc Group (Chile-S) | Palomo (Chile-C) | Paluweh (Lesser Sunda Is) | Pampa Luxsar (Bolivia) | Panarea (Italy) | Paniri (Chile-N) | Pantelleria (Italy) | Pantoja, Cerro (Chile-C) | Papandayan (Java) | Papayo (México) | Parinacota (Chile-N) | Parker (Mindanao-Philippines) | Patah (Sumatra) | Patoc (Luzon-Philippines) | Patuha (Java) | Paulet (Antarctica) | Pavlof (Alaska Peninsula) | Pavlof Sister (Alaska Peninsula) | Payún Matru (Argentina) | Peinado (Argentina) | Pelée (W Indies) | Penanggungan (Java) | Pendan (Sumatra) | Penguin Island (Antarctica) | Perbakti (Java) | Petacas (Colombia) | Peter I Island (Antarctica) | Peuet Sague (Sumatra) | Pico (Azores and Madeira) | Picos Volc System (Azores and Madeira) | Piip (Kamchatka-E of) | Pilas, Las (Nicaragua) | Pinacate (México) | Pinatubo (Luzon-Philippines) | Pinta (Galápagos) | Piratkovsky (Kamchatka) | Planchón-Peteroa (Chile-C) | Plat Pays, Morne (W Indies) | Platanar (Costa Rica) | Pleiades, The (Antarctica) | Plosky (Kamchatka) | Plosky (Kamchatka) | Poás (Costa Rica) | Pocdol Mountains (Luzon-Philippines) | Poco Leok (Lesser Sunda Is) | Pogranychny (Kamchatka) | Popa (SE Asia) | Popocatépetl (México) | Porak (Armenia) | Possession, Ile de la (Indian O.-S) | Prestahnukur (Iceland-SW) | Prevo Peak (Kuril Is) | Prieto, Cerro (México) | Prince Edward Island (Indian O.-S) | Protector Shoal (Antarctica) | Puesto Cortaderas (Argentina) | Pular (Chile-N) | Pulosari (Java) | Pululagua (Ecuador) | Puntiagudo-Cordón Cenizos (Chile-C) | Puracé (Colombia) | Purico Complex (Chile-N) | Putana (Chile-N) | Puyehue-Cordón Caulle (Chile-C) | Puyuhuapi (Chile-S) | Qal'eh Hasan Ali (Iran) | Qualibou (W Indies) | Quetena (Bolivia) | Quetrupillan (Chile-C) | Quezaltepeque (Guatemala) | Quill, The (W Indies) | Quilotoa (Ecuador) | Quimsachata (Perú) | | Ragang (Mindanao-Philippines) | Rahah, Harrat ar (Arabia-W) | Rahat, Harrat (Arabia-W) | Raikoke (Kuril Is) | Rainier (US-Washington) | Rajabasa (Sumatra) | Ranakah (Lesser Sunda Is) | Ranau (Sumatra) | Raoul Island (Kermadec Is) | Rasshua (Kuril Is) | Raung (Java) | Rausu (Hokkaido-Japan) | Recheschnoi (Aleutian Is) | Reclus (Chile-S) | Redoubt (Alaska-SW) | Reporoa (New Zealand) | Resago (Chile-C) | Reventador (Ecuador) | Reykjanes (Iceland-SW) | Reykjaneshryggur (Iceland-SW) | Riang Kotang (Lesser Sunda Is) | Rincón de la Vieja (Costa Rica) | Rinjani (Lesser Sunda Is) | Río Murta (Chile-S) | Risco Plateado (Argentina) | Rishiri (Hokkaido-Japan) | Ritter Island (New Guinea-NE of) | Robinson Crusoe (Chile-Is) | Robledo (Argentina) | Rocard (Society Is-C Pacific) | Romanovka (Kamchatka) | Romeral (Colombia) | Rota (Nicaragua) | Roundtop (Aleutian Is) | Royal Society Range (Antarctica) | Ruang (Sangihe Is-Indonesia) | Ruapehu (New Zealand) | Ruby (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Rudakov (Kuril Is) | Ruiz, Nevado del (Colombia) | Rumble II West (New Zealand) | Rumble III (New Zealand) | Rumble IV (New Zealand) | Rumble V (New Zealand) | Rungwe (Africa-E) | Sabalan (Iran) | Sabancaya (Perú) | Sahand (Iran) | Sairecabur (Chile-N) | Sakar (New Guinea-NE of) | Sakura-jima (Kyushu-Japan) | Salak (Java) | San Agustín, Cerro (Bolivia) | San Borja Volc Field (México) | San Carlos (Africa-W) | San Cristóbal (Nicaragua) | San Cristóbal (Galápagos) | San Diego (El Salvador) | San Félix (Chile-Is) | San Joaquin (Africa-W) | San Jorge (Azores and Madeira) | San José (Chile-C) | San Luis, Isla (México) | San Martín (México) | San Miguel (El Salvador) | San Pablo Volc Field (Luzon-Philippines) | San Pedro (Chile-N) | San Pedro-Pellado (Chile-C) | San Quintín Volc Field (México) | San Salvador (El Salvador) | San Vicente (El Salvador) | Sanbe (Honshu-Japan) | Sand Mountain Field (US-Oregon) | Sanford (Alaska-E) | Sangangüey (México) | Sangay (Ecuador) | Sangeang Api (Lesser Sunda Is) | Sano, Wai (Lesser Sunda Is) | Santa Ana (El Salvador) | Santa Clara (US-Utah) | Santa Cruz (Galápagos) | Santa Isabel (Colombia) | Santa Isabel (Africa-W) | Santa Isabel, Cerro (Bolivia) | Santa María (Guatemala) | Santiago (Galápagos) | Santiago, Cerro (Guatemala) | Santo Tomas (Luzon-Philippines) | Santorini (Greece) | Sao Tome (Africa-W) | Sao Vicente (Cape Verde Is) | Sara Sara (Perú) | Sarigan (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Sarik-Gajah (Sumatra) | Sarychev Peak (Kuril Is) | Satah Mountain (Canada) | Savai'i (Samoa-SW Pacific) | Savo (Solomon Is-SW Pacific) | Sawâd, Harra es- (Arabia-S) | Schmidt (Kamchatka) | Seal Nunataks Group (Antarctica) | Seamount X (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Sedankinsky (Kamchatka) | Segererua Plateau (Africa-E) | Seguam (Aleutian Is) | Segula (Aleutian Is) | Sekincau Belirang (Sumatra) | Semeru (Java) | Semisopochnoi (Aleutian Is) | Sempu (Sulawesi-Indonesia) | Serdán-Oriental (México) | Sergief (Aleutian Is) | Serua (Banda Sea) | Sessagara (New Guinea) | Sete Cidades (Azores and Madeira) | Seulawah Agam (Sumatra) | Severny (Kamchatka) | Sharat Kovakab (Syria) | Shasta (US-California) | Shiga (Honshu-Japan) | Shikaribetsu Group (Hokkaido-Japan) | Shikotsu (Hokkaido-Japan) | Shiretoko-Iwo-zan (Hokkaido-Japan) | Shiribetsu (Hokkaido-Japan) | Shirinki (Kuril Is) | Shishaldin (Aleutian Is) | Shisheika (Kamchatka) | Shishel (Kamchatka) | Shiveluch (Kamchatka) | Shoshone Lava Field (US-Idaho) | Sibayak (Sumatra) | Sibualbuali (Sumatra) | Sikhote-Alin (Russia-SE) | Silali (Africa-E) | Silay (Philippines-C) | Silver Lake (US-California) | Silverthrone (Canada) | Simbo (Solomon Is-SW Pacific) | Sinabung (Sumatra) | Sinarka (Kuril Is) | Singu Plateau (SE Asia) | Singüil, Cerro (El Salvador) | Siple (Antarctica) | Sirung (Lesser Sunda Is) | Slamet (Java) | Smirnov (Kuril Is) | Smith Rock (Izu Is-Japan) | Snaefellsjökull (Iceland-W) | Snegovoy (Kamchatka) | Snezhniy (Kamchatka) | Snowy Mountain (Alaska Peninsula) | Soche (Ecuador) | Socompa (Chile-N) | Socorro (México-Is) | Soda Lakes (US-Nevada) | Sodore (Ethiopia) | Sofugan (Izu Is-Japan) | Sollipulli (Chile-C) | Solo, El (Chile-N) | Soputan (Sulawesi-Indonesia) | Sorikmarapi (Sumatra) | Sork Ale (Ethiopia) | Sotará (Colombia) | Soufrière Guadeloupe (W Indies) | Soufrière Hills (W Indies) | Soufrière St. Vincent (W Indies) | South Island (Africa-E) | South Sister (US-Oregon) | Southern EPR-Segment I (Pacific-E) | Southern EPR-Segment J (Pacific-E) | Southern EPR-Segment K (Pacific-E) | Spectrum Range (Canada) | Spokoiny (Kamchatka) | Spurr (Alaska-SW) | Squaw Ridge Lava Field (US-Oregon) | Srednii (Kuril Is) | St. Andrew Strait (Admiralty Is-SW Pacific) | St. Catherine (W Indies) | St. Helens (US-Washington) | St. Michael (Alaska-W) | St. Paul (Indian O.-S) | St. Paul Island (Alaska-W) | Steller (Alaska Peninsula) | Stepovak (Alaska Peninsula) | Stromboli (Italy) | Sturge Island (Antarctica) | Suchitán (Guatemala) | Suiyo Seamount (Izu Is-Japan) | Sukaria Caldera (Lesser Sunda Is) | | Sumaco (Ecuador) | Sumbing (Sumatra) | Sumbing (Java) | Sumiyoshi-ike (Kyushu-Japan) | Sundoro (Java) | Sunset Crater (US-Arizona) | Suoh (Sumatra) | Süphan Dagi (Turkey) | Supply Reef (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Suretamatai (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Suswa (Africa-E) | Suwanose-jima (Ryukyu Is) | SW Usangu Basin (Africa-E) | Ta'u (Samoa-SW Pacific) | Taal (Luzon-Philippines) | Taapaca (Chile-N) | Table Top-Wide Bay (Aleutian Is) | Taburete (El Salvador) | Tacaná (México) | Tacora (Chile-N) | Tafahi (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Taftan (Iran) | Tahual (Guatemala) | Tair, Jebel at (Red Sea) | Tajumulco (Guatemala) | Takahara (Honshu-Japan) | Takahe (Antarctica) | Takawangha (Aleutian Is) | Takuan Group (Bougainville-SW Pacific) | Talagabodas (Java) | Talakmau (Sumatra) | Talang (Sumatra) | Tambo Quemado (Bolivia) | Tambora (Lesser Sunda Is) | Tampomas (Java) | Tana (Aleutian Is) | Tanaga (Aleutian Is) | Tandikat (Sumatra) | Tangaroa (New Zealand) | Tangkubanparahu (Java) | Tao-Rusyr Caldera (Kuril Is) | Tara, Batu (Lesser Sunda Is) | Tarakan (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Taryatu-Chulutu (Mongolia) | Tat Ali (Ethiopia) | Tata Sabaya (Bolivia) | Tate-yama (Honshu-Japan) | Tateshina (Honshu-Japan) | Taunshits (Kamchatka) | Taupo (New Zealand) | Taveuni (Fiji Is-SW Pacific) | | Teahitia (Society Is-C Pacific) | Tecapa (El Salvador) | Tecuamburro (Guatemala) | Telica (Nicaragua) | Telomoyo (Java) | Tendürek Dagi (Turkey) | Tenerife (Canary Is) | Tengchong (SE Asia) | Tengger Caldera (Java) | Tenorio (Costa Rica) | Teon (Banda Sea) | Tepi (Ethiopia) | Terceira (Azores and Madeira) | Terpuk (Kamchatka) | Theistareykjarbunga (Iceland-NE) | Thompson Island (Atlantic-S) | Thule Islands (Antarctica) | Tianshan Volc Group (China-W) | Tiatia (Kuril Is) | Ticsani (Perú) | Tidore (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Tigalalu (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Tigre, El (El Salvador) | Tigre, Isla el (Honduras) | Tilocalar (Chile-N) | Tinakula (Santa Cruz Is-SW Pacific) | Tindfjallajökull (Iceland-S) | Tinguiririca (Chile-C) | Tipas (Argentina) | Titila (Kamchatka) | | Tlevak Strait-Suemez Is. (Alaska-E) | To-shima (Izu Is-Japan) | Toba (Sumatra) | Tobaru (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Tocorpuri, Cerros de (Chile-N) | Todoko-Ranu (Halmahera-Indonesia) | Tofua (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Tôh, Tarso (Africa-N) | Tokachi (Hokkaido-Japan) | Tolbachik (Kamchatka) | Tolguaca (Chile-C) | Tolima, Nevado del (Colombia) | Tolimán (Guatemala) | Tolmachev Dol (Kamchatka) | Toluca, Nevado de (México) | Tombel Graben (Africa-W) | Tondano Caldera (Sulawesi-Indonesia) | Toney Mountain (Antarctica) | Tongariro (New Zealand) | Tongkoko (Sulawesi-Indonesia) | Tore (Bougainville-SW Pacific) | Torfajökull (Iceland-S) | Tori-shima (Izu Is-Japan) | Toroeng Prong (SE Asia) | Tortuga, Isla (México) | Tosa Sucha (Ethiopia) | Toussidé, Tarso (Africa-N) | Towada (Honshu-Japan) | Traitor's Head (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Tres Vírgenes (México) | Tri Sestry (Kuril Is) | Trident (Alaska Peninsula) | Trindade (Atlantic-C) | Tristan da Cunha (Atlantic-S) | Trocon (Argentina) | Trois Pitons, Morne (W Indies) | Tromen (Argentina) | Tronador (Chile-S) | Tseax River Cone (Canada) | Tshibinda (Africa-C) | Tskhouk-Karckar (Armenia) | Tsurumi (Kyushu-Japan) | Tujle, Cerro (Chile-N) | Tullu Moje (Ethiopia) | Tumble Buttes (US-California) | Tungnafellsjökull (Iceland-NE) | Tungurahua (Ecuador) | Tunkin Depression (Russia-SE) | Tupungatito (Chile-C) | Turfan (China-W) | Turrialba (Costa Rica) | Tutuila (Samoa-SW Pacific) | Tutupaca (Perú) | Tuya Volc Field (Canada) | Tuzgle, Cerro (Argentina) | Tuzovsky (Kamchatka) | Twin Buttes (US-California) | Ubehebe Craters (US-California) | Ubinas (Perú) | Udina (Kamchatka) | Udokan Plateau (Russia-SE) | Ugashik-Peulik (Alaska Peninsula) | Uinkaret Field (US-Arizona) | Uka (Kamchatka) | Ukinrek Maars (Alaska Peninsula) | Uksichan (Kamchatka) | | Uliaga (Aleutian Is) | Ulreung (Korea) | Umboi (New Guinea-NE of) | Umm Arafieb, Jebel (Africa-N) | Ungaran (Java) | Unnamed (Taiwan-E of) | Unnamed (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Unnamed (Ethiopia) | Unnamed (Atlantic-N) | Unnamed (Iran) | Unnamed (Taiwan-E of) | Unnamed (Kamchatka) | Unnamed (Kamchatka) | Unnamed (China-W) | Unnamed (Kamchatka) | Unnamed (Africa-E) | Unnamed (Syria) | Unnamed (Kamchatka) | Unnamed (Atlantic-C) | Unnamed (Atlantic-C) | Unnamed (Arabia-S) | Unnamed (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Unnamed (Hawaiian Is) | Unnamed (Ethiopia) | Unnamed (Pacific-E) | Unnamed (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Unnamed (Indian O.-E) | Unnamed (Taiwan-E of) | Unnamed (Admiralty Is-SW Pacific) | Unnamed (New Guinea-NE of) | Unnamed (Kamchatka) | Unnamed (Taiwan-E of) | Unnamed (Pacific-NE) | Unnamed (Ethiopia) | Unnamed (Pacific-S) | Unnamed (Ethiopia) | Unnamed (Sangihe Is-Indonesia) | Unnamed (Hawaiian Is) | Unnamed (Alaska Peninsula) | Unnamed (Atlantic-N) | Unnamed (Iran) | Unnamed (Pacific-E) | Unnamed (Atlantic-C) | Unnamed (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Unnamed (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Unnamed (Antarctica) | | Unnamed (Antarctica) | Unnamed (Atlantic-C) | Unnamed (SW Pacific) | Unnamed (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Unnamed (Pacific-E) | Unnamed (Arctic Ocean) | Unnamed (Kuril Is) | Unnamed (Arctic Ocean) | Unnamed (Luzon-N of) | Unnamed (Kuril Is) | Unnamed (Kuril Is) | Unnamed (Georgia) | Unnamed (Kamchatka) | Unnamed (Solomon Is-SW Pacific) | Unnamed (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Unnamed (México) | Unnamed (Taiwan-N of) | Unnamed (Pacific-S) | Unnamed (Syria) | Unnamed (Georgia) | Unnamed (Argentina) | Unnamed (Atlantic-N) | Unnamed (Volcano Is-Japan) | Unnamed (Kuril Is) | Unnamed (Chile-Is) | | Unnamed (Tonga-SW Pacific) | Unzen (Kyushu-Japan) | Upolu (Samoa-SW Pacific) | Urataman (Kuril Is) | Ushishur (Kuril Is) | Ushkovsky (Kamchatka) | Usu (Hokkaido-Japan) | Usulután (El Salvador) | Utila Island (Honduras) | Uwayrid, Harrat (Arabia-W) | Uzon (Kamchatka) | Vailulu'u (Samoa-SW Pacific) | Vakak Group (Afghanistan) | Valle, El (Panamá) | Vatnafjöll (Iceland-S) | Veer (Kamchatka) | Veniaminof (Alaska Peninsula) | Verde, Laguna (Chile-N) | Verkhovoy (Kamchatka) | Vernadskii Ridge (Kuril Is) | Vestmannaeyjar (Iceland-S) | Vesuvius (Italy) | Veteran (SE Asia) | Victory (New Guinea) | Viedma (Argentina) | Villarrica (Chile-C) | Vilyuchik (Kamchatka) | Visoke (Africa-C) | Visokiy (Kamchatka) | Vitim Plateau (Russia-SE) | Volcán, El (Chile-N) | Volcano W (Kermadec Is) | Voon, Tarso (Africa-N) | Voyampolsky (Kamchatka) | Vsevidof (Aleutian Is) | Vulcano (Italy) | Vulsini (Italy) | Vysoky (Kamchatka) | Waesche (Antarctica) | Waiowa (New Guinea) | Wallis Islands (SW Pacific) | Wapi Lava Field (US-Idaho) | Washiba-Kumonotaira (Honshu-Japan) | Watt, Morne (W Indies) | Wau-en-Namus (Africa-N) | Wayang-Windu (Java) | Wells Gray-Clearwater (Canada) | West Crater (US-Washington) | West Eifel Volc Field (Germany) | Westdahl (Aleutian Is) | Whangarei (New Zealand) | White Island (New Zealand) | Wilis (Java) | Wolf (Galápagos) | Wrangell (Alaska-E) | Wudalianchi (China-E) | Wurlali (Banda Sea) | Xianjindao (Korea) | Yake-dake (Honshu-Japan) | Yali (Greece) | Yangudi (Ethiopia) | Yantarni (Alaska Peninsula) | Yanteles (Chile-S) | Yar, Jabal (Arabia-W) | Yasur (Vanuatu-SW Pacific) | Yate (Chile-S) | Yeguada, La (Panamá) | Yelia (New Guinea) | Yellowstone (US-Wyoming) | Yersey (Lesser Sunda Is) | Yojoa, Lake (Honduras) | Yokoate-jima (Ryukyu Is) | Yomba (New Guinea-NE of) | Yotei (Hokkaido-Japan) | Young Island (Antarctica) | Yucamane (Perú) | Yumia, Cerro (Bolivia) | Yunaska (Aleutian Is) | Zacate Grande, Isla (Honduras) | Zao (Honshu-Japan) | Zaozerny (Kamchatka) | Zapatera (Nicaragua) | Zavaritsky (Kamchatka) | Zavaritzki Caldera (Kuril Is) | Zavodovski (Antarctica) | Zealandia Bank (Mariana Is-C Pacific) | Zengyu (Taiwan-N of) | Zheltovsky (Kamchatka) | Zhupanovsky (Kamchatka) | Zimina (Kamchatka) | Zitácuaro-Valle de Bravo (México) | Zubair, Jebel (Red Sea) | Zukur (Red Sea) | Zuni-Bandera (US-New Mexico)

Volcano World


| A Place in Time | A'a | Active Volcanoes - Japan | Air Pressure | Altiplano 09 Acknowledgements | Ammonium Dichromate | Ape Cave Exploration | Average Compositions and Trace Gases | Base Metals | Bauxite | Caldera Box | Cameras | Cardboard Shield Volcano | Cardboard Stratovolcano | Case Studies | Channels | Cinder Cones | City of Antofagasta | City of Calama | Clay | Climate Cooling | Columbia River Basalts: Climate | Columbia River Basalts: Features of a Typical Flow | Columbia River Basalts: Further Information | Columbia River Basalts: Lava Deltas | Columbia River Basalts: Photo Tour | Columbia River Basalts: Rate of Emplacement | Cones, Eruptions, and Pyroclasts | Continental Rifting | Continuous Sampling | COSPEC | Cost of Volcanic Eruptions | Dangers of Lava Domes | Deadliest Eruption | Deadly Gases | Diamonds | Direct Sampling | Direct Sampling | Dissolved Volatiles in Rocks/Minerals/Inclusions | Dormant Volcanoes - Japan | Early Alkalics | Earth Windows | Earthquakes and Volcanoes | EDM | El Chichon, Mexico - 1982 | El Nino? | Eruption Rates | Eruption Simulation | Evacuating for a Volcano | Even More About Etna | Famous Lava Domes | Fast: 10-20 cm/yr | Features and Deposits | Features of Lava Domes | Field Guide Stops 1-10 | Field Guide Stops 11-20 | Field Guide Stops 21-30 | Field Guide Stops 31-35 | Flood Basalts | Flow Rates | For More Information | For More Information | For More Information | Gas Compositions and Tectonic Setting | Geology of the Altiplano | Global Climate Impacts | Gold | Hawaiian Calderas | Hawaiian Volcanism | Historical Eruption Sounds | History of Volcanic Lightning | Hot Spot Volcanism | Hot Spots | Hotter Side of Obsidian | How Big are Eruptions? | How Does a Lava Dome Form? | Human Response Handouts | Human Responses | Hydrovolcanic Landforms | Hydrovolcanic Processes and Deposits | Hydrovolcansim | Komagatake | Krakatau - 1883 | Laki, Iceland - 1783 | Large Scale Features | Largest Eruptions since 1400 AD | Lava Domes | Lava Falls Walk | Lava Flows | Lava Transport | Lava Tubes | Leveling Measurements | Life on a Fiery Planet | Life Stages of Hawaiian Volcanoes | Looking back to 1980 | Magnetotellurics | Main Tholeite Shield Stage | Man Versus the Volcano | Measuring Volcanic Gases | Measuring Volcanic Gases | Medium: 5-10 cm/yr | Mid-ocean ridges | Modelling Caldera Collapse | Monitoring Volcanic Gases | Monogenetic fields | More about Etna | Mount Saint Helens Living Laboratory Curriculum (under reconstruction) | Mount St. Helens | Mountain Myths | Mt St Helens | Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines - 1991 | Nickel | Obsidian and its Groovy Flow Emplacement | Oshima-Oshima | Overview of US Volcanic National Parks | Ozone destruction | Pahoehoe | Paper and Cardboard | Pit Craters | Plate Tectonic Setting | Plate Tectonics | Play Dough | Post Erosional Rejuvenation | Post Shield Alkalic Stage | Prehistoric Earth | Printable Paper | Recording Volcano Sounds | Reference Material | References Cited | Relief Maps | Remote Sensing | Rhyolite caldera complexes | Rift Zones | Ritter | Rocks and Minerals | Satellitic Shields | Shape and Size of Lava Domes | Shield Volcanoes | Simple Eruptions | Slow: 1-5 cm/yr | Spatter Vents | Stop 10: Divisaco Ignimbrite | Stop 11: Village of Turi | Stop 12: Chao | Stop 13: Sifon Ignimbrite | Stop 14: Village of Tocance | Stop 15: Caspana Ignimbrite | Stop 16: Castle Rock and the Tocance Formation | Stop 17: Chillahuita Dome | Stop 18: Copacoya Dome | Stop 19: El Tatio | Stop 1: The Upper Rio San Pedro Ignimbrite | Stop 20: La Torta | Stop 21: The City of San Pedro de Atacama | Stop 22: Tocanao Quarry | Stop 23.5: Silapeti | Stop 23: Corrales Blancos | Stop 24: Purico Complex (Overview) | Stop 25: Aspero | Stop 26: Chascon | Stop 27: Dome D | Stop 28: La Pacana Caldera | Stop 29: Cerro Bola | Stop 2: The Lower Rio San Pedro Ignimbrite | Stop 30: Filo Delgado Ignimbrite | Stop 31: Valley of the Spires | Stop 32: Salar de Tara | Stop 33: Guacha / Tara / Atana Ig's | Stop 34: Co-Ignimbrite Ash | Stop 35: Jarellon | Stop 36: Lascar | Stop 3: La Poruna | Stop 4: San Pedro Volcano | Stop 5: Carcote Ignimbrite | Stop 6: Sifon Ignimbrite | Stop 7: Salar de Ascotan | Stop 8: Salar de Carcote | Stop 9: Chanka | Stratovolcanoes | Subduction Zone Volcanism | Submarine Eruptions | Submarine Volcanic Ecosystems | Submarine Volcanoes | Submarine Volcanoes at Convergent Plate Boundaries | Submarine Volcanoes at Divergent Plate Boundaries | Tambora | Tambora, Indonesia, 1815 | The Fly Style of Obsidian | The Origin of the Atmosphere | Theodolite | Thermocouples | Time and Time Again: A Stratigraphy Activity | Toba, Indonesia, 75,000 years ago | Topographic Cardboard | Trashcano | Types of Lava Domes | Types of volcano - Japan | Types of Volcanoes | Unzen | Vents | Vesuvius | Virtual Altiplano | Volcanic Emissions - Plumes | Volcanic Gases | Volcanic Hazards - Japan | Volcanic Lightning | Volcanic Lightning Videos | Volcanic Minerals | Volcanic Tsunamis | Volcano Factoids | Volcano Languages | Volcano Models | Volcano Observatories | Volcano Sounds | Volcano Sounds Before Eruptions | Volcano Sounds During Eruptions | Volcanoes in National Parks | Volcanoes of Japan | Volcanogenic Tsunamis | Vulcan's Vocabulary | Water Plus Obsidian | What Are Lava Domes Made Of? | Where do Lava Domes Form? | Working on Volcanoes

What is the etymology of volcano?

erupting the volcano


Map 248 Killed by Volcanoes

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Volcano" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1700 signifikant auf.

Erstellt: 2011-02

Volcano - Rose






Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Geographie, Geografía, Géographie, Geografia, Geography, (esper.) geografio




















Sharp, Harold S. (Autor)
Handbook of Geographical Nicknames

Taschenbuch: 160 Seiten
Verlag: Scarecrow Pr Inc (März 2002)
Sprache: Englisch

New in Paper! Can you identify the Bride of the Adriatic?, the Home of Bock Beer?, the Eye of Greece?, the Home of the Great Bed?, the Sick Man of Europe? These nicknames and many others - appellations of countries, cities, mountains, rivers, capes and places of historical interest - are identified in Harold Sharp's concise but thorough volume. Arranged in one alphabetical listing, the book includes nicknames cross-referenced to the official name of each unit, shown as a main entry.

Erstellt: 2011-11