Epitaph (W3)
Dt. "Epitaph", Frz. "épitaphe", Engl. "Epitaph" (14. Jh., altfrz. "epitaphe" (12. Jh.)), (auch "Epitaphium") = dt. "Aufschrift", "Denkmal", "Gedächtnismal für einen Verstorbenen", "Gedenktafel" (Gedenktafel mit Inschrift für einen Verstorbenen an einer Kirchenwand), "Grabinschrift", "Grabmal mit Inschrift", "Grabrede", "Grabschrift", geht zurück auf altfrz. "epitaphe", lat. "epitaphium" und griech. "epitaphion", "epitáphion", heißt wörtlich dt. "zum Grab Gehörendes", "zur Bestattung gehörendes", und setzt sich zusammen aus griech. "epi" = dt. "darauf", "daneben", "bei", "darüber" und griech. "táphos" = dt. "Bestattung".Als Wurzel für griech. "táphos" wird ide. "*dhembh-" = engl. "to bury" postuliert.
Es gibt ein weiteres Wort in dem man griech. "táphos" finden kann: dt. "Kenotaph", "Zenotaph", engl. "cenotaph", lat. "cenotaphium", griech. "kenotáphion". Zusammen mit griech. "kenós" = dt. "leer" ergibt sich "ein leeres Grabmal zur Erinnerung an einen Toten, der an anderer Stelle begraben ist".
Etwa im 14. Jh. fing man damit an, einen Verstorbenen mit einer Inschrift an einer Wand oder einem Pfeiler oder auch an der Außenmauer von Kirchen zu ehren. Daraus entwickelte sich fast eine eigene Kunstform.
Der 02. November wurde übrigens (vor mindestens 10 Jahren) zum "Plan Your Epitaph Day" ausgerufen.
Eric Ambler, Schriftsteller (28.06.1909 (London) - 22.10.1998 (London)), Werke:
- Der dunkle Grenzbezirk ("The Dark Frontier") - Roman (1936 (deutsch: 1976))
- Nachruf auf einen Spion ("Epitaph for a Spy") - Roman (1938 (deutsch: 1979))
- Anlaß zur Unruhe ("Cause for Alarm") - Roman (1938 (deutsch: 1979))
- Die Maske des Dimitrios ("The Mask of Dimitrios") - Roman (1939 (deutsch: 1950; verfilmt 1944))
- Der Fall Deltschew ("Judgment on Deltchev") - Roman (1951 (deutsch: 1975))
- Die Begabung zu töten ("The Ability to Kill and Other Pieces") - Essay (1956 (deutsch: 1988))
- Waffenschmuggel ("Passage of Arms") - Roman (1959 (deutsch: 1963))
- Topkapi ("The Light of Day") - Roman (1962 (deutsch: 1969; verfilmt 1963))
- Eine Art von Zorn ("A Kind of Anger") - Roman (1965 (deutsch: 1975))
- Das Intercom-Komplott ("The Intercom Conspiracy") - Roman (1969 (deutsch: 1972))
(E?)(L?) http://www.alphadictionary.com/articles/english_grammar_style/difference_epithet_epitaph.html
What is the difference between an epithet and an epitaph?
(E?)(L?) http://www.atlasobscura.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&lat=40.77&lng=-73.98&q=epitaph&formatted_address=&source=desktop
- 1 Tallinn, Estonia - Epitaphs of The Cathedral of Saint Mary
- 2 Left No Ball Unchased: Endearing Epitaphs in America's Oldest Pet Cemetery
- 3 Boltzmann's Grave - Vienna, Austria
- 4 Nick Drake's Grave - Tanworth in Arden, England
- 5 Grave of Rainer Maria Rilke - Raron, Switzerland
- 6 Grave of Midnight Mary - New Haven, Connecticut
- 7 Obscura Day 2015: Hartsdale Pet Cemetery - Hartsdale, New York
- 8 Rodeo Animal Cemetery - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- 9 Chain Reaction - Santa Monica, California
- 10 Ernest Hemingway's Grave - Sun Valley, Idaho
- 11 Graves of Henry and William James - Cambridge, Massachusetts
- 12 Graves of the Smuttynose Murder Victims - Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- 13 Stevenson Bridge - Winters, California
- 14 Mystery Tomb - Plymouth, Trinidad and Tobago
- 15 Sacrario Militare del Monte Grappa - Treviso, Italy
- 16 Showmen's Rest - Hugo, Oklahoma
- 17 Whispering Gallery at St. Paul’s Cathedral - Greater London, England
- 18 Monument Arthur Rimbaud - Marseille, France
- 19 Mogosoaia Palace - Mogosoaia, Romania
- 20 Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard - Waterbury, Vermont
- 21 Spooner Well - Brookfield, Massachusetts
- 22 York Witch Grave - York, Maine
- 23 The Merry Cemetery - Sapânta, Romania
- 24 Notes from the Field: The Cemetery of the Dogs
(E?)(L?) http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/epitaphs-of-the-cathedral-of-saint-mary
Tallinn, Estonia
Epitaphs of The Cathedral of Saint Mary
The oldest church in the Estonian capital is home to over 100 fantastical cemetery coats-of-arms
(E?)(L?) http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/epitaphs-of-hartsdale-pet-cemetery
Left No Ball Unchased: Endearing Epitaphs in America's Oldest Pet Cemetery
by Allison Meier / 16 Jun 2014
(E?)(L1) http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/nick-drakes-grave-2
Nick Drake's Grave
Tanworth in Arden, Warwickshire
The gravestone of a delicate singer-songwriter bears a fittingly introspective epitaph
gravestones, music
18 Nov 2013
(E?)(L1) http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/boltzmanns-grave
Boltzmann's Grave
Vienna, Austria
Physicist's epitaph provides final confirmation to a career of turmoil
Catacombs, Crypts, & Cemeteries
01 Feb 2010
(E?)(L?) https://www.bartleby.com/4/110.html
John Milton. (1608-1674). Complete Poems.
The Harvard Classics. 1909-14.
An Epitaph on the marchioness of Winchester
(E?)(L?) https://www.bartleby.com/6/index1.html
- Epitaph on William Hood, Senior
- Epitaph on James Grieve
- Epitaph on William Muir
- Epitaph on my Ever Honoured Father
- Epitaph on a Noisy Polemic
- Epitaph on a Henpecked Squire
- Epitaph on John Rankine
- Epitaph on Holy Willie
- Epitaph on John Dove, Innkeeper
- Epitaph for James Smith
- A Bard's Epitaph
- Epitaph for Robert Aiken, Esq.
- Epitaph for Gavin Hamilton, Esq.
- Epitaph on "Wee Johnnie"
- Epitaph for William Nicol, High School, Edinburgh
- Epitaph for Mr. William Michie, Schoolmaster
- Epitaph for Mr. W. Cruickshank
- The Epitaph on Captain Matthew Henderson
- Epitaph on a Lap-dog
- Epitaph on the same
- Epitaph for Mr. Walter Riddell
- Epitaph on a noted coxcomb
- Epitaph on Captain Lascelles
- Epitaph on Wm. Graham, Esq., of Mossknowe
- Epitaph on John Busby, Esq., Tinwald Downs
- Epitaph for Mr. Gabriel Richardson, Brewer
(E?)(L?) https://www.bartleby.com/6/index2.html
- A Bard's Epitaph
- Epitaph for Gavin Hamilton, Esq.
- Epitaph for James Smith
- Epitaph for Mr. Gabriel Richardson, Brewer
- Epitaph for Mr. Walter Riddell
- Epitaph for Mr. W. Cruickshank
- Epitaph for Mr. William Michie, Schoolmaster
- Epitaph for Robert Aiken, Esq.
- Epitaph for William Nicol, High School, Edinburgh
- Epitaph on a Henpecked Squire
- Epitaph on a Lap-dog
- Epitaph on a Noisy Polemic
- Epitaph on a noted coxcomb
- Epitaph on Captain Lascelles
- Epitaph on Holy Willie
- Epitaph on James Grieve
- Epitaph on John Busby, Esq., Tinwald Downs
- Epitaph on John Dove, Innkeeper
- Epitaph on John Rankine
- Epitaph on my Ever Honoured Father
- Epitaph on the same
- Epitaph on "Wee Johnnie"
- Epitaph on William Hood, Senior
- Epitaph on William Muir
- Epitaph on Wm. Graham, Esq., of Mossknowe
- The Epitaph on Captain Matthew Henderson
(E?)(L?) http://web.archive.org/web/20080627155016/https://www.bartleby.com/68/a12.html
- epigram, epigraph, epilogue, epitaph
- epitaph
(E?)(L?) https://www.bartleby.com/70/index2.html
Or I shall live your epitaph to make\
(E?)(L?) http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=epitaph
"epitaph" (n.) "inscription on a tomb or monument", mid-14c., from Old French "epitaphe" (12c.) and directly from Medieval Latin "epitaphium" "funeral oration", "eulogy", from Greek "epitaphion" "a funeral oration", noun use of neuter of "epitaphios (logos)" "(words) spoken on the occasion of a funeral", from "epi" "at", "over" (see "epi-") + "taphos" "tomb", "funeral rites", from PIE root "*dhembh-" "to bury". Related: "Epitaphial". Among the Old English equivalents was "byrgelsleoð".
(E?)(L?) http://www.fernsehserien.de/index.php?abc=E
Epitaph for a Spy (GB 1953)
(E?)(L?) http://getwords.com/results/epitaph
(E?)(L?) http://www.gutenberg.org/files/12513/12513-h/12513-h.htm
In der "Dewey Decimal Classification" findet man: 929 - Epitaphs
(E?)(L1) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/n
Norfolk, Horatio Edward: Gleanings in Graveyards - a collection of Curious Epitaphs (English) (as Author)
(E?)(L1) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/v
Curious Epitaphs (English) (as Author) Quaint Epitaphs (English) (as Author)
(E?)(L?) http://people.howstuffworks.com/11-memorable-epitaphs.htm
20 Memorable Epitaphs
(E?)(L?) http://www.lookingatbuildings.org.uk/glossary/glossary.html
"Epitaph": Inscription on a tomb or monument.
(E?)(L?) http://archimedes.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/cgi-bin/archim/dict/hw?col=e&id=d002&step=list
(E?)(L?) http://www.oedilf.com/db/Lim.php?Word=epitaph
Limericks on "epitaph"
(E?)(L?) http://openliterature.net/?s=epitaph
(E?)(L?) http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/concordance/
(E?)(L?) http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/concordance/o/?i=767887
epitaph (14)
(E?)(L?) http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/concordance/o/?i=774896
epitaphs (3)
(E2)(L1) https://www.dictionary.com/browse/epitaph
(E?)(L?) http://www.spamula.net/col/index_lost.html
14.Barbier’s Epitaph
(E?)(L?) https://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/glossary
(E1)(L1) http://www.visualthesaurus.com/landing/?w1=epitaph
(E?)(L?) http://wheatoncollege.edu/vive-voix/titres/
Epitaphe (Gérard DE NERVAL)
(E1)(L1) http://www.word-detective.com/080805.html#epitaph
(E?)(L?) http://wordinfo.info/unit/744/s:epitaph
"epi-", "ep-": (Greek: above, over, on, upon; besides; in addition to; toward; among)
(E?)(L?) http://wordinfo.info/unit/2995/s:epitaph
(E?)(L?) http://wordinfo.info/unit/2085/s:epitaph
"tapho-", "taph-", "-taphia" + (Greek: burial, grave; tomb; funeral)
(E6)(L?) http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/
(E?)(L?) http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html
"epigram" / "epigraph" / "epitaph" / "epithet"
(E?)(L?) https://www.yourdictionary.com/epitaph
(E1)(L1) http://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?corpus=0&content=Epitaph
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Epitaph" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1580 auf.
Erstellt: 2015-08