British English Dictionary
(E?)(L?) of British English - from Arabella Figg's Hogwarts Express website
- 400 Language and languages
- 403 Encyclopedias and dictionaries
- 411 Acronyms, Abbreviations, Alphabet, Hieroglyphics, Picture writing, Writing, (Smileys), (Online shorthand), (Computer jargon), (Chat acronyms), (E-mail shorthand), (Writing systems)
- 414.6 Accents and accentuation
- 418 Modern languages - Conversations and phrases, Translating and interpreting, (Translation), (Translations), (Machine translating), (Mechanical translating)
- 419 Sign language, Deaf - Means of communication, Signs and symbols, (Nonverbal communication), (Language and languages)
- 420.7 English as a second language, (ESL), (English as a foreign language), (EFL), (English for foreigners)
- 421 English language - Spelling
- 422 English language - Etymology, (English language - History)
- 423 English language - Dictionaries, (Dictionary), English language - Synonyms and antonyms, (Synonym), (Antonym), (Thesaurus), (Thesauri), English language - English language - Terms and phrases
- 425 English language - Grammar, (English grammar)
- 427 English language - Slang
- 428 English language - Errors
- 430 German language
- 437.947 Yiddish language
- 439.7 Swedish language
- 439.8 Danish language, Norwegian language
- 440 French language
- 450 Italian language
- 460 Spanish language
- 469 Portuguese language
- 470 Latin language
- 491.55 Persian language
- 495.1 Chinese language
- 495.6 Japanese language
The Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English contains 145,000 words, phrases, and definitions.
This site traces the history of English dictionaries from the 1500s to the present day. You can examine how words change their meaning over time, and how scholars have argued over ideas of 'correct' spellings. You can see how new words have travelled into the English language from all over the world, having been transported in scholars' books, woven into the tales of sailors, carted about in merchants' crates, or brought from overseas by migrants. You will also discover how English words have travelled out of England, to the Caribbean for instance, where they have developed new forms. You can read about the secret languages of pickpockets and vagabonds, and learn how much toilet humour there was in 18th century England.
Dictionaries and Meanings
- 1582 - Mulcaster's Elementarie
- 1604 - Cawdrey's Table Alphabeticall
- 1656 - Blount's Glossographia
- 1730 - Bailey's Dictionarium Britannicum
- 1755 - Johnson's Dictionary
- 1785 - Grose's Vulgar Tongue
- 1879 - 1928 Oxford English Dictionary
- 1968 - Rosten's Joys of Yiddish
- 1996 - Allsopp's Caribbean Dictionary
- 2000 - OED Online
English dictionaries
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- Learner’s Dictionary
- Essential British English
- Essential American English
- Grammar
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Translation dictionaries
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The home of living English, with more than 725,000 words, meanings and phrases
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| About the project | Importance of quotations | Aims and findings | Acknowledgements | About us | Initial results | Outline material | 1150-1899 | 1150-1499 | 1500-1899 | STC 1500-1799 | Top sources | 18th-century | 18c dip | 18c sources | First quotations | FQ 18c sources | FQ% 18c sources | S. Richardson | FQ 1500-1899 | FQ% by century | Fe/male sources | Top female sources | More female sources | 20c female sources | 20c male sources | Literary sources | OED1 | Supplement | Literature and the lexicon? | Lexicographical reservations | Auden | Joyce | OED3 | OED3 quotation sources | Wills and inventories | Online sources | OED3 1150-1499 | OED3 1500-1899 | OED3 1500-1599 | Top female sources | More female sources | Role of quotations | World and Book | World and OED | Counterview | Johnson | Pleasure and instruction | Historical development of word | 'Genealogy of sentiments' | Explaining meaning | Identification and discrimination | Raw material for a dictionary | C. Richardson | Replacing definitions | Extended range | Treasure | OED1 intellectual climate | 19c science | Fossil poetry | Patriotism | Literature and the nation | Language and morality | Language and usage | OED1 source collection | Initial aims | Initial practice | Early progress | Period coverage | Medieval | Early Modern | 18th century | 19th century | 20th century | Reading and readers | Individuals | Furnivall, F. J. | Minor, W. C. | Hall, Fitzedward | Laski, Marghanita | Hall, Roland | Wexler, P. J. | Instructions | Complaints | Issues and problems | Writers and the dictionary | Literary issues | The canon | OED1 | Burchfield's Supplement | Language and literature? | Indexes and inconsistencies | Connotation vs. denotation | Writers and dictionaries | Treasure-house | Auden | Auden and dictionaries | Auden in OED Supplement | Types of source | 18th-century | Reading and recording | Jean Adam | Nae Luck | Misc. Poems | Unrecorded | New words or senses | Antedatings | Postdatings | 18c gap | Early 18c gap | Penelope Aubin | Aubin and OED | Unrecorded | 18c gap | Early 18c gap | Anna Seward | Seward's poetry | Justified neglect? | Unrecorded (poetry) | New words or senses | Antedatings | Postdatings | 18c gap | 18c top-up | Seward's letters | First quotations | Hapax legomena | Seward and OED3 | Women's distinctive vocabulary | Distaff and kitchen | Courtship and marriage | Men and women compared | Culture and society | Historical documents | OED1's compilation | Phil Soc's Proposal | FJF's notebook | List of books 1861 | Müller's advice 1878 | Directions to Readers 1879 | Defining basic words | Spoof slip for radium | Murray's death 1915 | OED1's completion | Periodical 1928 | 1928 banquet | Programme | Speeches | Baldwin | Craigie | Pope | Pember | Conclusion | Seating plan | 1933 Supplement | 1933 lunch | Periodical 1934 | Photos | Herbert Coleridge | Four editors | J. A. H. Murray | Murray's house | Blue plaque | Murray family | Murray and staff | Murray 1915 | Murray's successors | Other editors 1915 | Basket of slips | Old Ashmolean staff | Encaenia 1928 | Craigie aged | 40 Walton Crescent | Supplement staff 1971 | Quotations Room | Burchfield 1972 | Printing Supplement vol. 1 | Supplement staff 1974-6 | Supplement staff 1982 | OED editions | Which edition contains what? | Review of OED3 | How to search OED | Preparation | Author quotations | Author quotations in alphabetical range | First quotations by author | Hapax legomena | Note on Willinsky 1994 | Bibliography | Dictionaries | On OED | By OED editors | 18th-century | Auden | Johnson | C. Richardson | S. Richardson | Other cited works | Unpublished sources | Work in progress | Library | Glossary | Who's who | Bradley, Henry | Burchfield, R. W. | Chapman, R. W. | Coleridge, Herbert | Craigie, W. A. | Furnivall, F. J. | Hall, Fitzedward | Hall, Roland | Laski, Marghanita | Minor, W. C. | Murray, J. A. H. | Murray, K. M. Elisabeth | Onions, C. T. | Sisam, Kenneth | Skeat, W. W. | Trench, R. C. | Wexler, Peter | Wyllie, J. M. | How to cite us | Site history
This is the result of an ongoing project to collect and distribute the most obscure and rare words in the English language. It also contains a few words which do not have equivalent words in English. At present, the dictionary contains approximately 2700 words, though it is constantly growing.
Following a large number of requests, pronounciations are now being (slowly) added to the listing, although it will be a long time before they are all added.
| abacinate | abderian | abecedarian | abligurition | ablutophobia | acarophobia | acarophobia | acarophobia | accipitrine | accubation | acerbophobia | acerophobia | achluophobia | acouasm | acousticophobia | acrocephalic | acronycal | acronyx | adelphepothia | adelphirexia | adelphithymia | adhocracy | adoxography | aelurophobia | aeolist | aeroacrophobia | aeromancy | aerophobia | aerophobia | agapetae | agathocacological | agelast | agenhina | agerasia | agiotage | aglet | agoraphobia | agraffe | agrizoophobia | agroof | agyiophobia | ai | aichmophobia | aichmorhabdophobia | aichurophobia | ailuromancy | ailurophobia | albophobia | albuminuriaphobia | alectryomancy | alektorophobia | aleuromancy | algerining | algology | algophobia | alieniloquent | alliaceous | alliumphobia | allodoxaphobia | allotheism | alopeciaphobia | alopecist | alphamegamia | alphitomancy | alterocentric | altiloquent | altitonant | altophobia | alychiphobia | amathophobia | amaxophobia | ambeer | ambiguphobia | ambulomancy | ambulophobia | amentia | amomaxiaphobia | ampherotokous | amphigory | amphigory | amrita | amychophobia | anablepophobia | anacardic | anadipsia | anasarkas | androcracy | androlepsia | androphobia | anemophobia | angelocracy | anginophobia | anililagnia | anklyosis | ankylophobia | anoegenetic | anonymuncle | anopisthographic | anserine | anthomancy | anthophobia | anthracomancy | anthrophobia | anthropoglot | anthropolatry | anthropomancy | anthropopathy | anthropophobia | anthroposcopy | anthropotheism | antiscian | antlophobia | anuptaphobia | anxiolytic | apanthropia | apeirophobia | aphephobia | apikoros | apiophobia | apocatastasis | apodyopsis | apotheosis | apricate | aprosexia | | aquaphobia | arachibutyrophobia | arachnivorous | arachnophobia | arctophilist | arietate | aristology | aristophren | arithmophobia | armomancy | arrhenophobia | arrhenotokous | arsle | ascian | aspergillum | aspersorium | assanka | astereognosis | asthenic | asthenophobia | astragalomancy | astrapophobia | astrophobia | ataxiophobia | atelophobia | atephobia | atychiphobia | aubade | augury | aulophobia | aureate | aurophobia | austromancy | autodeist | autodidact | autodysomophobia | autohagiographer | autolatry | autology | automysophobia | autotheist | autotonsorialist | autovoxiphillia | aval | avenage | avenage | averruncator | aviatophobia |
| bacillophobia | bailiwick | baize | balatron | baldric | ballistophobia | balnearii | balnearil | barathrum | barophobia | barophobia | basiphobia | basistasiphobia | basophobia | basorexia | bataphobia | bathophobia | bathysiderodromophobia | batophobia | batrachoid | batrachophagous | batrachophobia | battology | bdellophobia | beaze | beldam | belomancy | belonephobia | bibliomancy | bibliophobia | bibliopolist | bicorne | biometeorology | bitheism | blandiloquent | blatherskite | blatteroon | blattoid | blellum | blennophobia | blepharospasm | bletcherous | blodder | boanthropy | bogyphobia | bombilate | bonnyclabber | borborygmus | botanomancy | botanophobia | bourdon | boustrophedon | bowdlerize | brachiation | brachistichrone | brachycephalic | breve | breviloquent | brevirostrate | brimborion | bromatology | bromidrosiphobia | bronteum | brontide | brontomancy | brontophobia | brump | bruxomania | buccula | buffarilla | bufoniform | burghbote | burladero | butyraceous | byrthynsak | byrthynsak
| cacestogenous | cacestogenous | cachinnation | cacodaemonomania | cacoethes | cacogen | cacohydrophobia | cacophonophilist | cacophonophilist | cacospectamania | cagamosis | cagophilist | cainophobia | cainotophobia | caitiff | callet | calligyniaphobia | callithumpian | cameralistics | campanology | cancatervate | cantabank | capernoited | capnomancy | carapace | carcinomatophobia | carcinophobia | carker | carnophobia | carphologia | cartomancy | cartomaniac | casuist | catagelophobia | catapedaphobia | cathartic | cathisophobia | catholicon | catoptomancy | catoptromancy | catoptrophobia | causeuse | ceilidh | ceilidh | cenacle | cenatory | ceneromancy | cenogamy | cephalalgic | cephalomancy | ceraunomancy | cercopithecan | cerebropathophobia | chaetophobia | chafferer | chalcenterous | chankings | charette | Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg | charientism | chavish | cheiloproclitic | cheimaphobia | cheimatophobia | chelonian | cherophobia | chiliad | chiliasm | chionophobia | chirocracy | chirognomy | chiromancy | chirotonsor | chirotony | cholangiocholecystocholedochectomy | choregus | chorophobia | chorophobia | chrematistic | chrematophobia | chrematophobia | chrestomathic | chromatophobia | chromophobia | chromotocracy | chronomancy | chronophobia | chryselephantine | chrysocracy | chrysology | chrysophobia | cibophobia | cingulomania | circumlocution | clapperdudgeon | cleidomancy | cleisiophobia | clepsammia | cleptobiosis | cleptophobia | cleromancy | climacophobia | clinomania | clinophobia | clithrophobia | cloffin | cnidophobia | cnidosiphobia | cockalorum | coenesthesis | coimetrophobia | collieshangie | colporteur | colposinquanonia | comestion | comiconomenclaturist | comprachico | comprivigni | conchologist | conchomancy | concilliabule | concionative | conventicle | coprophagan | coprophagous | coprophobia | coprostasiphobia | coriaceous | coriaceous | corsned | cosherer | cosmolatry | cosmopoietic | costermonger | cotquean | couther | crambazzle | crantara | crapulent | cremnophobia | cremnophobia | creophagous | crepitation | crepuscle | cretaceous | cribble | crithomancy | criticasters | cromnyomancy | croodle | croosle | crose | crosier | crotaline | cruciverbalist | crurophilous | cryophobia | cryptarchy | cucurbitaceous | culacino | culch | cullion | cultrivorous | cummock | cunctipotent | curglaff | curpin | cyesolagnia | cymophobia | cynanthropy | cynocephalous | cynophobia | cyprianophobia | cypridophobia | cypridophobia | cypripareuniaphile | cytology | czarevna
| dactyliology | dactylion | dactylonomy | daedalian | deasil | decidophobia | decollate | decubitis | defalcation | defecalgesiophobia | defenestrate | deiparous | deipnophobia | deipnosophy | deisidaimonia | deltiologist | dementophobia | demitoilet | demiurge | demonocracy | demonomancy | demonophobia | demophobia | dendrochronology | dendrology | dendrophillia | dendrophobia | dentiloquent | deoppilate | deorsumversion | dephlegmate | dephlogisticate | dermatoglyphics | dermatopathophobia | dermatophobia | deuterogamist | dextrophobia | dextrosinistral | dghaisa | dharna | diabolarchy | diacritics | didaskaleinophobia | didine | dikephobia | dinmont | dinophobia | diophysitic | diplasiasmus | dippoldism | dipsomanophobia | dipsophobia | discophoran | dishabillophobia | dithyramb | ditokous | diurnation | divigate | divitiphobia | doctiloquent | dolabriform | doles | dolichocephalic | dolichprosopic | dolorifuge | domatologist | domatophobia | dommerer | dompteuse | doraphobia | dorsodynia | doytin | drapetomania | dratchell | dringle | drintling | dririmancy | dromophobia | droud | dulocracy | dunnage | dunnage | dunnage | dwaible | dwale | dysania | dysepulotic | dysesthesia | dysmorphophobia | dysnomy | dysphoria | dysteleogist | dystychiphobia | dyvors
| eccedentesiast | ecclesiarchy | ecclesioclastic | ecclesiolatry | ecclesiophobia | ecdysiophile | echinoproctous | ecophobia | ectomorphic | edacious | efter | eidolism | eisegesis | eisoptrophobia | electrophobia | eleutherophillist | eleutherophobia | elurophobia | emacity | emetophobia | empleomania | emunction | encephalasthenia | endomorphic | enetophobia | engastration | enigmatology | enissophobia | enochlophobia | enoptromancy | enoptrophobia | enosiophobia | entheate | entomophobia | entredentolignumologist | eosophobia | ephemeromorph | epincion | episcopicide | epistaxiophobia | eponym | equinophobia | eremikophobia | eremology | eremophobia | eremophobia | ereuthrophobia | ergasophobia | ergophobia | eroteme | erotographophobia | erythrophobia | escutcheon | estafette | estiferous | estivation | estrapade | ethnocracy | ethnomethodology | ethnomusicology | eudemonics | eunomy | euonym | euphobia | eupsychics | eutectic | exclaustration | exennium | eximious | explaterate | exsibilation | exsufflicate | extispex | extispicy
| famulus | farctate | fashimite | favillous | feaque | feazings | febriphobia | felinophobia | felly | feriae | feriation | ferrule | ferrule | ferrule | festinate | fettler | fewterer | fibriophobia | fideism | fidimplicitary | filiopietistic | filipendulous | filipendulous | fimicoloud | fissilingual | fittie-lan | flavescent | fletcherize | flexiloquent | floccillation | floccinaucinihilipilification | fluctisonant | flyndrig | fomentation | foof | formication | fossick | franion | fremescence | friendorphobia | frisson | fritinancy | frustling | frustraneous | fruzz | fucoid | fudgeon | fulmination | fumifugist | funambulist | fungy | funkify | furfuraceous | furr-ahin | fuscoferuginous | fustilug | fyerk | fysigunkus
| gaberlunzie | galea | galeanthropy | galeophobia | galeophobia | galligantus | gambrinous | gametophobia | gamomania | gamophobia | gargalesthesia | gastromancy | gatophobia | gaum | geck | gelophobia | geloscopy | genethliacon | genethliacon | geniophobia | genuphobia | geophagy | gephyrophobia | gerasophobia | gerontocomium | gerontocracry | gerontophillia | gerontophobia | geumaphobia | geumatophobia | gigantomachize | gigantomachy | gigmania | girouettism | gliriform | glossophobia | gork | gormandizer | graminivorous | grammaticaster | grandgousier | grapholagnia | graphophobia | graptomancy | gressible | griffonage | grimthorpe | grinagog | groak | gubernator | gubernatrix | gudgeons | guidfather | guttersnipe | gymnogynomania | gymnophobia | gymnophoria | gynarchy | gynecocracy | gynephobia | gynocracy | gynonudomania | gynophobia | gynotikolobomassophilia | gyromancy | gyrovague
| hadeharia | hagiarchy | hagiocracy | hagiolatry | haingle | hajj | halidom | haliography | halomancy | hamartiologist | hamartithia | hamartophobia | hamiform | hamirostrate | haphephobia | haptephobia | haptodysphoria | harengiform | harpactophage | harpaxophobia | harridan | | haruspication | haruspicy | hasenpfeffer | havelock | hawsehole | heautontimorumenos | heautontimorumenos | hebephobia | hebesphalmology | hecatomb | hecatompedon | hederaceous | hederate | hednon | hedonophobia | heliolater | heliophobia | heliotropism | Hellenologophobia | hellenomania | helminthophobia | helminthous | hemaphobia | hematomancy | hematophagous | hematophobia | hemeralopia | hemeraphonia | hemophobia | heresyphobia | hermeneutics | herpetiform | herpetophobia | heteropraxy | hibernicism | hierocracy | hierofastidia | hieromachy | hieromancy | hierophobia | hieroscopy | higgler | hippanthropy | hippobosca | hippomancy | hippophobia | hirci | hircine | hirrient | hirsutophilia | hirsutophilia | hirudinoid | hisbid | hodophobia | homichlophobia | homilophobia | hominist | honorificabilitudinitatibus | hordarian | hormephobia | horology | horripilate | howdah | hoxter | humicubate | humuhumunukunukuapuaa | hyalophobia | hydragyophobia | hydromancy | hydrophobia | hydrophobophobia | hydrophobophobia | hyetophobia | hygrophobia | hygrophobia | hylephobia | hylephobia | hylophobia | hylotheism | hylozoism | hypegiaphobia | hypengyophobia | hyperhedonia | hypermnesia | hyperprosexia | hyperthemalgesia | hypnomancy | hypnophobia | hypnopompic | hypobulia | hypophobia | hyposmia | hypselotimophobia | hypsiphobia
| iatrapistia | iatrogenic | iatrophobia | ichnography | ichnology | ichnomancy | ichor | ichthyomancy | icker | iconomancy | icthyophobia | idolomancy | ignipotent | illeism | illyngophobia | impecunious | impecunious | inaniloquent | incicurable | incunabula | infracaninophile | interamnian | interfenestration | interfenestration | intrapreneur | iophobia | iophobia | ipsedixitism | irenology | isocracy | isopterophobia | izles
| jactancy | jactitate | jaculiferous | jarble | jauk | jecoral | jeeter | jejunator | jentacular | jeofail | jerque | jookerie | joola | jowfair | jowter | jubate | jumentous | junta
| kaffiyeh | kainophobia | kainotophobia | kakidrosiphobia | kakistocracy | kakorrhaphiophobia | kalling | kalogram | kalology | kalopsia | kamalayka | kantele | karao | katagelophobia | kathenotheism | kathisophobia | keb | kebbie | keedug | keelivine | kenophobia | kepi | keraunophobia | keraunoscopia | kerdomeletia | kerf | kevel | kinesipathy | kinesophobia | kirkbuzzer | kiyoodle | klebenleiben | klebenleiben | knissomancy | koimetrophobia | koinoniphobia | koniophobia | kopophobia | korophilia | kosmokrator | krobylos | krukolibidinous | kurveyor | kymatology | kymophobia | kynophobia | kyphophobia | kyphorrhinos | kyphotic
| labeorphilist | lachanophobia | lachanophobia | laliophobia | lalochezia | lalophobia | lanigerous | Laodicean | lapidate | lapidicolous | larging | latitudinarian | latrate | latrinalia | latrinology | latrocination | lavacultophilia | leister | lepidophobia | leptorrhinian | lestobiosis | lethologica | leukophobia | levirate | levophobia | lexiconophilist | lexiphanicism | ligyrophobia | lilapsophobia | limacine | limicolous | limnology | limnophobia | linonophobia | lirp | lithomancy | litigaphobia | loganamnosis | logastellus | logocracy | logodaedaly | logogogue | logographer | logomachist | logomachize | logomachy | logomancy | logomaniac | logomaniac | logophile | logophobia | logorrhea | lohock | longanimity | longiloquent | lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon | lorgnette | loupe | lubberland | lucubrator | lustration | lychnobite | lygerastia | lygophobia | lypothymia | lysistrataphobia | lyssophobia | lyssophobia
| machiaphobia | mackabroin | macrobian | macrologist | macromancy | macron | maculate | maculomancy | magniloquent | maieusiophobia | maieuticophobia | malacissation | malacodermous | malaxophobia | maledicent | maledictaphobia | malophile | malversation | mammothrept | manducable | margaritomancy | mariticide | maritodespotism | maritorious | martext | mastigophobia | mataeotechny | mathemancy | matronolagnia | matutolypea | meacock | mechanophobia | meconomancy | megalophobia | megamalophile | megamalophile | melissophobia | melittology | melliloquent | mellisugent | melolagnia | melophobia | mendaciloquent | mentimutation | merdivorous | merdurinous | merinthophobia | meritocracy | mesocracy | mesomorphic | metallophobia | metapneustic | meteoromancy | meteorophobia | metopomancy | metrocracry | metrophobia | metrophobia | metutials | microlipet | micromancy | microphobia | mimp | minimifidian | misandronist | misapodysis | misarchist | misocapnist | misodoctakleidist | misogamist | misologist | misomaniac | misomath | misoneist | misopedist | misopolemiac | misoscopist | misosophist | misotramontanist | misotyrannist | misoxene | misoxeny | miter | mnemophobia | molendinaceous | molendinaceous | molysomophobia | momiology | monandry | monogenism | monomath | monopathophobia | monophobia | morologist | moromancy | mucopurulent | muleta | multiloquent | multisonous | multivious | muriphobia | museology | musophobia | mutchkin | muzhik | myctophobia | myomancy | myrmecology | myrmecophobia | myrmidon | mysophobia | mysophobia | mystacial | mytacism | mythomane | myxophobia
| nanophilia | naology | napiform | naprapathy | narcokleptocracy | narcomancy | nasicornous | nassology | natalitious | natatorium | naufragous | naupathia | navicular | neanilagnia | neanimorphism | nearomatria | nebulaphobia | nebulochaotic | necrologist | necromancy | necromimesis | necrophobia | necropoliphobia | necroponent | necyomancy | nelipot | nelophobia | neocracy | neopharmaphobia | neophillia | neophobia | neossology | neoteinia | neoteinic | nepenthe | nepheligenous | nephelophobia | nephophobia | nepiomania | nepotal | nesiote | neuromancer | nexum | nicitate | nidificate | nidor | nidorosity | nikhedonia | nippitatum | noctiphobia | noctivagant | noctivagant | noematachograph | nomancy | nomatophobia | nomiatrist | nomographer | noology | nosism | nosocomephrenia | nosocomology | nosomaniaphobia | nosophobia | nostology | nostomania | nostophobia | novercal | novercaphobia | noyade | nucamentaceous | nuciverous | nucleomitophobia | nudiustertian | nullibiety | nullipara | numerophobia | numismatist | nummamorous | nundinal | nutation | nychthemeron | nyctalopia | nycterent | nyctophobia
| obdormition | obesophobia | obliviscence | obmutescent | obnubilate | obnubilate | obsolagnium | obstipation | ochlochracy | ochlophobia | ochophobia | octan | oculoplania | odontalgia | odontomancy | odontophobia | odynophobia | oenomancy | oenophlygia | oenophobia | oikology | oikomania | oikonisus | oikophobia | oinomancy | oinophobia | olecranon | olfactphobia | oligarchy | oligophagous | oligophrenic | oligotokous | ombibulus | ombrometer | ombrophilous | ombrophobia | ombrosalgia | ommatophobia | omniana | omnierudite | omniloquent | omophagist | omoplatoscopy | omphacine | omphalomancy | omphalophobia | omphalopsychite | onamatophobia | oneirocritic | oneiromancy | oneirophobia | onimancy | oniomania | onomancy | ontology | onychomancy | onychophagy | oologist | oomancy | ophidiophobia | ophiomancy | ophiophagous | ophiophagy | ophiophobia | ophthalmophobia | opsablepsia | opsimath | opsimathiphobia | opsimatria | opsipatria | opsiproligery | opsomaniac | opsophagy | optophobia | orant | orcheotomy | orchidectomy | ornithomancy | ornithophobia | ornithoscelidaphilia | ornithoscelidaphobia | orology | orthophobia | orthopter | orthpolitiphobia | orthpraxy | oryctomancy | oryzivorous | osculant | osculaphobia | osmidrosiphobia | osmology | osmophilia | osmophobia | osphresiophobia | ossomancy | osteomancy | ostraconophobia | ostreophobia | otolaryngologist | otology | oubliette | ouranomancy | ouranophobia | outfangtheft | ovine | ovivorous | oxter | oxyacanthous | oxyesthesia | oxygeusia | oxyosphresia | oxythymous | ozostomia
| paedarchy | paedocracy | pagophagia | pagophagia | pagophobia | paleography | paleozoology | pancratic | pandiculation | pantagamy | pantaphobia | pantomancer | pantophobia | papaphobia | paparchy | papyrocracy | papyrophobia | parabolanus | paralian | paralipophobia | paramnesia | paranymph | parapraxis | parasitophobia | paraskevidekatriaphobia | parateresiomania | parergon | parisologist | parorexia | parosmia | parousiamania | parrhesiastic | parsonarchy | partheniad | parthenolagnia | parthenolatry | parthenophobia | pasilaly | passalorynchite | passulation | pataphysics | patavinity | pathenophillia | pathenophobia | pathophobia | patroiophobia | pauciloquent | paxophobia | peccatiphobia | peckerwood | pecunious | pedantrocracy | pediatricophobia | pediculophobia | pediophobia | pediophobia | pedipulate | pedotrophy | pegomancy | peladophobia | pelargic | pelology | peniaphobia | penotherapy | penphobia | pentapopemptic | pentheraphobia | perendinate | perfuncturate | periblebsis | periclitate | peripatetic | periphrastic | perissopedics | peristerophilist | peristerophily | peristerophobia | pernoctation | pernoctator | pervulgate | pessomancy | phagomania | phagophobia | phalacrophobia | phalacrophobia | phanerolagniast | phaneromania | pharmacophobia | pharology | phasmophobia | phengophobia | phigerophobia | philalethist | philandrist | philatelist | philemaphobia | philematophobia | philiater | phillumenist | philocalist | philodespot | philodox | philogeant | philographer | philogynist | philologist | philomath | philomythist | philoneist | philonoist | philophobia | philopolemicist | philoprogeneity | philosophaster | philosophobia | philosophunculist | philotherian | philoxenist | philtrum | phobologophobia | phobophobia | phonophobia | photoaugiaphobia | photophobia | phrenology | phronemophobia | phrontifugic | phrontistery | phthiriophobia | phthirophagous | phthisiophobia | phylactery | phyllomancy | physiognomancy | physitheism | physitism | phytivorous | pica | Pickelhaube | pilcrow | pillion | pillion | pilosism | pilpul | pintle | piobalreachd | piscatology | pismirism | placophobia | plangent | plangonologist | planiloquent | planomania | plastron | platyopic | pleionosis | pleniloquent | plenilune | plousiocracy | plumassier | plutarchy | plutocracy | plutocrat | plutolatry | plutomania | pluviophobia | pneumatophobia | pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis | pnigophobia | podoscaph | pogonophobia | poikilothermal | poikilothermal | poinephobia | polemology | politicaster | politicophobia | pollarchy | poltophagy | polyandry | polyapopemptic | polygyny | polylogize | polyloquent | polymath | polyphage | polyphloisboian | polyphobia | polytheism | pomology | ponerologist | ponophobia | porphyrophobia | posology | posthetomist | potamophobia | potophobia | poulaine | preantepenultimate | precibal | prelapsarian | presbycusis | presbyopia | prescient | preterist | preterition | preterpluperfect | proboscidiform | procrescophobia | proficuous | prognathous | propinquiphobia | prosophobia | prosopography | prosopolepsy | prosopolethy | psaphonic | psellism | psellismophobia | psephology | psephomancy | pseudandry | pseudoantidisestablishmentarianism | pseudogyny | pseudomancy | psilanthropism | psilanthropy | psithurism | psithurism | psychomancy | psychophobia | psychrophobia | pteridology | pteronophobia | pterylology | ptochocracy | puellaphillist | pulicose | pygalgia | pyknic | pyosis | pyrexiophobia | pyrgology | pyriform | pyrography | pyromancy | pyrophobia | pyrrhonist | pysmatic | pythogenic | pyx
| qasida | qiviut | quadragenerian | quadrel | quadrifid | quadrigamist | quadriliteral | quadrumane | quaestuary | qualtagh | quartan | quasihemidemisemiquaver | quatrayle | quean | quean | quercine | quiddler | quidnunc | quinquagesimal | quinquepartite | quisquilian | quodlibertarian | quodlibet | quoin | quomodocunquize | quotidian
| radiophobia | raith | rampasture | rasorial | reasty | recrudescence | rectalgia | rectigrade | rectiphobia | rectirostal | rectopathic | recumbentibus | recuse | redactophobia | redhibition | redubber | reest | regiphobia | rehibition | remiped | remontado | remplissage | renidification | resipiscent | resistentialism | rhabdomancy | rhabdophobia | rhabdophobia | rhabdophobia | rhadamanthine | rhapsodomancy | rhinophonia | rhombicosidodecahedron | rhypophobia | rhytiphobia | rhytiscopia | rixatrix | roil | roorback | rosacea | rouleau | rubedinous | ructation | | rugulose | rumbelow | rumbelow | rumbelow | runcation | rupestrian | rupicoline | rupophobia | rurigenous | rustication
| sabbulonarium | salutatorian | sanctiloquent | sanguinivorous | sanguivorous | saponaceous | saponaceous | saprogenic | saprophagous | saprophilous | saprostomous | saraad | sarcle | sarcophagic | sarculation | sardanapalian | sarmassophobia | sartorial | sarwan | satanophany | satrapess | saturnalian | saulie | saxatile | saxify | scacchic | scaldabanco | scapulimancy | scarpology | scatology | scatomancy | scatophagous | scatophobia | scelerophobia | schadenfreude | schematomancy | schizocarp | schoenobatist | scholaptitude | schwa | sciamachy | sciamachy | sciaphobia | sciapodous | scintillation | sciolist | sciomancy | sciophobia | scobiform | scoleciphobia | scolecophagous | scolionophobia | scopolagnia | scotch | scotomaphobia | scotophobia | scriptophobia | scutiferous | scutiferous | sebaceous | secundogeniture | secundogeniture | selachostomous | selacophobia | selaphobia | selenocentric | selenography | selenomancy | selenophobia | self-agglandize | senectitude | sepicolous | septemplicate | septimanarian | septophobia | sermocination | sesquialteral | sgiomlaireached | sgriob | shaconian | shakos | shapka | shistaceous | shoat | shurocracy | sialagogue | sialoquent | siderodromophobia | sideromancy | sideromancy | siderophobia | siffilate | siffleur | sigillate | silential | silentium | simphobia | sinistrophobia | sitiophobia | skiaphobia | skirl | skookum | skoptsy | slavocracy | sloken | sloyd | slubberdegullion | smaragdine | smatchet | smellfungus | snarf | snarf | snath | snead | snipsnapsnorum | snoach | snollygosters | snood | snup | snurl | snurt | snuzzle | soceraphobia | sociophobia | sodality | solfeggio | solivagant | solleret | somatology | somnifugous | somniloquent | sophist | sophophobia | sophophobia | sophrosyne | sorbile | sorocide | sororate | soterial | soteriology | spaneria | spanogyny | sparge | spargefaction | spartle | spasmatomancy | spatilomancy | spatulamancy | spectocloacaphobia | spectroheliokinematograph | spectrophobia | sphallolalia | spheksophobia | spheromancy | sphragistics | sphygmomanometer | spiculate | spilikins | spindrift | splanchnology | spodogenous | spodomancy | sprag | squamous | squamulose | squirearchy | stagiary | stagnicolous | stalko | stasibasiphobia | stasiphobia | staurolatry | staurophobia | steatopygic | stellionate | stenophobia | stentorian | stentorophonic | stercoricolous | sterculius | stereognosis | sternutation | sternutatory | sterquilinous | stertorous | stichomancy | stigmeology | storiology | stratephrenia | stratocracy | stridulation | strikhedonia | strumpetocracy | struthious | stultiloquent | stygiophobia | suaviloquent | suggilated | suoid | supernaculum | suppedaneum | surfeitigo | suriphobia | sutler | swarf | swinophobia | sycomancy | symmetrophobia | symposiarch | syndyasmia | syngenesophobia
| tachophobia | tachydidactic | tachydidaxy | tachygraphy | tachyphagia | tachyphrasia | taeniophobia | talaria | taligrade | tallith | tam-o-shanter | tanquam | taphephillia | taphephobia | taphephobia | tapinophobia | tarantism | tartarology | tath | tatterdemalion | taurophobia | technocracy | technophobia | tegestologist | teleophobia | telmatology | temerity | teniophobia | teratophobia | teratophobia | terebration | termagant | tessaraglot | textophobia | thaasophobia | thalassophobia | thanatophobia | thanatopsis | thaumatology | theandric | theanthropism | theanthropist | theanthropos | theanthropy | thearchy | thelyotokous | theochristic | theocracy | theocrasy | theodemocracy | theogamy | theoktony | theologaster | theologicophobia | theologoumenon | theomachy | theomancy | theomania | theomastix | theomicrist | theomorphic | theonomy | theophagy | theophany | theophilanthropist | theophobia | theophobia | theopneusty | therianthropic | theriolater | theriolatry | theriomancy | thermophobia | thixophobia | thole | threpterophilia | thrioboly | thrip | thurible | thurification | thygatrilagnia | tibialoconcupiscent | timbromaniac | timmynoggy | timocracy | tirocinium | tocology | tocophobia | toggy | tolutiloquent | tomalley | tomecide | tomentose | tomophobia | tonitrous | tonitruone | tonitruphobia | topomancy | toponymics | topophobia | topophobia | torschlusspanik | tortfeaser | toxicophobia | toxiphobia | traumatophobia | tregetour | tremophobia | trichinophobia | trichology | trichopathophobia | trichophobia | trichotillomania | tricorne | triskaidekaphobia | tritavia | tritavus | tritheism | triturate | trochilidist | trochomancy | tropoclastics | tropophobia | trullization | truttaceous | trypanophobia | tsiology | tubicination | turistaphobia | turistaphobia | tychopotamic | tycolosis | tyg | typhlology | typp | tyrannophobia | tyromancy
| uloid | ulotrichous | ultimogeniture | ultracrepidarian | ultracrepidarianism | ultroneous | unasinous | undecillion | undigenous | undinism | unigravida | uranomancy | uranomania | uranophobia | urbicolous | uredinology | uredinology | uredophobia | urimancy | urophobia | urticariaphobia | urticate | urticate | ustulate | usufruct | utlesse | uvate | uxoricide | uxorious | uxorodespotic
| vaccinophobia | valetudinarian | valgus | vaniloquent | vapulate | vastation | vaticide | vauntie | veneniferous | ventripotent | venustaphobia | verbigerate | verbivore | verbophobia | veriloquent | vermiform | vermiphobia | vernalagnia | vernorexia | vespertillian | vespertine | vespine | vesthibitionism | vestiphobia | vexillologist | vexillology | viaticum | viaticum | vibratiunculation | vibrissae | viciniphobia | vigesimation | vilipend | viraginity | virgivitiphobia | virgulate | virvestitism | vitricophobia | vittate | voidee | volower | voraginous
| waggoner | wanweird | wapperjawed | warison | wegotism | wheeple | whiddin | wimple | winx | wittol | witzchoura | witzelsucht | wlatsome | wommacky | wuntee
| xanthippe | xanthochroid | xanthous | xenarthral | xeniatrophobia | xenium | xenobombulate | xenodochiophobia | xenodochium | xenomancy | xenonosocomiophobia | xerophagy | xerophilous | xerophobia | xertz | ximelolagnia | ximelolagnia | xiphoid | xylology | xylomancy | xylophagous | xylophobia | xylopolist | xyresic
| yashmak | yataghan | yaud
| zarf | zeitgeist | zelophobia | zenzizenzizenzic | zills | zizith | zoanthropy | zob | zoonosis | zoophobia | zori | zucchetto | zygodactyl | zymology | zythepsary
Macmillan Dictionary
The OED seeks to find the earliest verifiable usage of every single word in the English language. The 50 words on the appeal list all have a date next to them, corresponding to the earliest evidence the dictionary currently has for that word or phrase. Can you trump that?
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and introducing Shakespeare's world " Release notes: Indian English " Release notes: Beltway " June 2017 update " New words notes June 2017 " Release notes: coming out " Reading Norman Mailer's letters " Release notes: tennis terms " New words list June 2017 " March 2017 update " New words notes March 2017 " Release notes: Canada and the OED " New words list March 2017 " December 2016 update " Release notes: Lexicographical Brexit: in the OED " Release notes: Making sense of sense " Release notes: Bama and shaka: how two local words went global " Release notes: The OED Surf Report: macking A-frames and occasional bombs " New words list December 2016 " Release notes: Exploring the sources of OED quotations " September 2016 update " New words notes September 2016 " New words list September 2016 " Previous updates " June 2016 update " New words notes June 2016 " Release notes: new features and functions " Release notes: the Long Knife " Release notes: World English pronunciations " Release notes: new features " New words list June 2016 " March 2016 update " New words notes March 2016 " Release notes: the Luck of Eden Hall " New words list March 2016 " New Singapore English words " New Hong Kong English words " December 2015 update " New words notes December 2015 " Release notes: new features in OED Online " Release notes: audio pronunciations in OED Online " Release notes: etymology summaries " New words list December 2015 " September 2015 update " New words list September 2015 " New words notes September 2015 " March 2015 update " New words notes March 2015 " Release notes: have, look, large, late " New words list March 2015 " September 2014 update " New words notes September 2014 " Release notes: lasting the course " Release notes: hi-fi, sci-fi, DIY " New words list September 2014 " December 2014 update " New words notes December 2014 " Release notes: words in 'un' - patterns and surprises " Release notes: an unravelled mystery " New words list December 2014 " June 2015 update " New words notes June 2015 " Release notes: capturing the interweb of words " Release notes: adore the fedora " Release notes: the story of go " Release notes: new Filipino words " New words list June 2015 " New Filipino words list " June 2014 update " Chief Editor's notes June 2014 " Release notes: The language of World War I " WWI revised words list " 100 words that define World War I " New words list June 2014 " New words notes June 2014 " March 2014 update " New words notes " Release notes: how the French 'toile' cloth came to be toilet " Release notes: the changes in empathy, employ, and empire " New words list March 2014 " December 2013 update " Release notes: twists in the tale of fairy and the history of beauty " New word notes: December 2013 " New words list December 2013 " September 2013 update " A coalition of all the talents: the OED in the future " New words list September 2013 " June 2013 update " A heads up for the June 2013 OED release " New words list June 2013 " March 2013 update " New words list March 2013 " Volcanos and bluestockings in the OED " OED statistics: a look around the leader board " December 2012 update " Transport fever, new entrants, and the latest OED appeals " New words list December 2012 " September 2012 update " Vowels are hard " New words List September 2012 " Changes to the way an entry's editing history is shown online " June 2012 update " New words list: June 2012 " A sublime and superlative quarter of contrasts " March 2012 update " New words: March 2012 " New words list: March 2012 " A time capsule of English " December 2011 update " New words: December 2011 " New words list: December 2011 " 100,000 entries published and counting " September 2011 update " New Words List September 2011 " New Words September 2011 " Who thought small was beautiful? " June 2011 update " New words June 2011 " New words list June 2011 " Auto-suggestion, gender politics, and the North-South divide " March 2011 update " December 2010 update " September 2010 update " June 2010 update " March 2010 update " December 2009 update " September 2009 update " June 2009 update " March 2009 update " December 2008 update " September 2008 update " June 2008 update " March 2008 update " December 2007 update " September 2007 update " June 2007 update " March 2007 update " December 2006 update " September 2006 update " June 2006 update " March 2006 update " December 2005 update " September 2005 update " June 2005 update " March 2005 update " December 2004 update " September 2004 update " June 2004 update " March 2004 update " December 2003 update " September 2003 update " June 2003 update " March 2003 update " December 2002 update " September 2002 update " June 2002 update " March 2002 update " December 2001 update " September 2001 update " June 2001 update " March 2001 update " December 2000 update " September 2000 update " June 2000 update " March 2000 update o Guide to the Third Edition of the OED o Using the OED Online " ToggleAspects of English o Shapers of English " P.G. Wodehouse in the OED " Material world: the language of textiles " A hat, a hypnotist, and one (partially) bad egg " Genes and genetics: the language of scientific discovery " Place names in the Oxford English Dictionary " Surnames as sources in the OED " The rise of global English " Personal names and the development of English " Shakespeare in the OED o Word stories " 'engine' " 'information' " 'mammoth' " Nachos, anyone? " 'precarious' " 'rum' " The AUTO- age " 'digital' " The dog: man's best friend? " 'go' " 'Kaffir' o English in time " Early modern English - an overview " Early modern English pronunciation and spelling " 'Fly in the ointment'? Assessing the influence of the King James Bible (1611) " Grammar in early modern English " Middle English-an overview " Nineteenth-century English-an overview " Old English-an overview " Old English in the OED " The first dictionaries of English " Twentieth century English - an overview " First World War Centenary o English in use " Breaking the code " Can-do: the all capable '-buster' " Lights, camera, lexicon: the language of films in the OED " Pigskin and gridiron: notes on the American Football lexicon " Raw-head, bloody bones, and other terrors of the nursery " Tex-Mex terms in English " The 'gate' suffix " The most distinctive counting system in English? Indian cardinal numbers " Through a glass: how the language of cocktails shapes English " Why the OED's Word of the Day is special " English dialect study - an overview " Cockney " Australian English in the twentieth century " East Anglian English " North-east English dialects " Canadian English " South African English " ToggleHistorical Thesaurus of the OED o What is the Historical Thesaurus of the OED o How to use the Historical Thesaurus o Men, women, and children in the Historical Thesaurus: a case study " ToggleHistory of the OED o OED editions " First Edition of the OED " First edition staff and contributors " Second Edition of the OED " Pronunciation in the Second Edition " Second edition staff and contributors " Other contributors " Bibliography to the Second Edition " A-Am " An-Ay " B-Ba " Be-Bla " Ble-Brn " Bro-By " C-Ce " Ch-Cle " Cli-Cos " Cot-Cy " D-De " Di-Dy " E " F-Fl " Fo-Fy " G-Gol " Gom-Gz " H-Hars " Hart-He " Hi-Hop " Hor-Hy " I " J " K " L-Lh " Li-Ly " M-Man " Map-May " Me-Mol " Mon-My " N " O " P-Peg " Pei-Pol " Pom-Py " Q " R-Ris " Rit-Ry " S-Sc " Se-Sig " Sil-Sot " Sou-Ste " Sti-Sy " T-Th " Ti-Ty " U " V " W-Web " Wed-Will " Wilm-Wy " X " Y " Z " Additions to the Second Edition " Supplements to the OED " 1933 Supplement: staff and contributors " A Supplement to the OED: staff and contributors o Archived documents " Appeal for American readers " Appeal for American Readers 1859 " April 1879 Appeal " April 1879 Appeal " June 1879 Appeal " June 1879 Appeal " January 1880 Appeal " January 1880 Appeal " List of books already read (1879) " List of books already read (1879) " On some deficiencies (1860) " On some deficiencies (1860) Appendix " The Romanes Lecture (1900) o Reading Programme o Dictionary Milestones " Dictionary milestones in reverse order o Dictionary Facts o Dictionary Editors o Contributors " Biographical Information o Newsletter archive " Balderdash and Piffle " Harmless drudgery: getting started at the OED " Tracking down tofu: library research in the US " Reading for the OED " OED Online for A level " Lex in the City: reflections on a year in the North American Editorial Unit " J.R.R. Tolkien and the OED " Varieties of English: World English and the OED " The OED and its cousins " 'Ware man-traps: rethinking an OED entry Popular tags abbreviations A level Australian English bibliography Canadian English categories Cockney cocktails comic contributors Early modern English Edwardian English by place etymology FAQs film football glossary grammar guide history of English history of the OED how to how to use HTOED James Murray King James Bible middle English names novels OED Appeals old English place names pronunciation science slang sources South African English subscribe subscriber services symbols timelines Tolkien updates Wodehouse
Editor's Favourites
- Balderdash! And Piffle!
- The OED's Chief Editor assesses consultation through television (June 2006)
- A story from the archives: Edith and Ellen Perronet Thompson
- An article by the OED archivist, Beverley Hunt (March 2006)
- The contribution of women to the OED
- An article by Meraud Grant Ferguson and Jemma Best (December 2005)
- A brief history of Sri Lankan English
- An examination of the contribution of Sri Lankan English to the OED (Richard Boyle, September 2005)
- Tracking down 'tofu': library research in the US
- A US Library Researcher describes her search for antedatings in the libraries of Washington, DC. (Pamela Roper Wagner, June 2005)
- OED Online for A level
- An investigation of the benefits of increasing the use of OED Online among A level students. (Jessica Stevens, March 2005)
- Introducing the OED Archivist
- The new OED Archivist relects on her first year at OUP (Beverley Hunt, December 2004)
- Life as a library researcher
- An insight into this crucial aspect of the OED's work (Brigid Allen, September 2004)
- 19 April 2004: a day in the life of the OED
- A snapshot of the OED revision project
- Exotic words in the OED
- The OED's treatment of words of non-European origin (Sarah Ogilvie and Joanna Tulloch, September 2003)
- OED: 75 years and more
- A brief history of the OED (Peter Gilliver, June 2003)
- Lex in the City: reflections on a year in the North American Editorial Unit
- The work of two new American editors based in New York (Madeline McDonnell and Abigail Zitin, March 2003)
- J. R. R. Tolkien and the OED
- Waggle to warlock: Tolkien's contribution to the OED (Peter Gilliver, June 2002)
- 'Doh!' before Homer: the Appeals list and the process of continuous revision
- How the OED is able to incorporate readers' contributions even after a revised entry has been published (Juliet Field, March 2002)
- Varieties of English: World English and the OED
- The task of increasing the OED's coverage of vocabulary from the major varieties of world English (Jennie Price, June 2001)
- Some recent OED releases: a tale of two treats
- The OED's treatment of marzipan and marchpane in the light of new evidence (Peter Gilliver, March 2001)
- The OED and its cousins
- A comparison of the progress of the OED with other historical dictionaries (Edmund Weiner, December 2000)
Previous newsletters
- June 2006: Editorial | Balderdash! And Piffle! | Harmless drudgery | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- March 2006: Editorial | A story from the archives | From barmaid to "Balderdash" | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- December 2005: Editorial | Contribution of women | Project news | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- June 2005: Editorial | Tracking down tofu | Reading for the OED | Project news | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- September 2005: Editorial | Sri Lankan English | Memories of the Oxford English Dictionaries, 1972-2005 | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- March 2005: Editorial | OED Online for A level | The interests of Arthur Maling | Project news | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- December 2004: Editorial | Introducing the OED archivist | The Frozen Sea | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- September 2004: Editorial | Life as a library researcher | Court in controversy | Project news | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes | R. W. Burchfield 1923-2004
- June 2004: Editorial | 19 April 2004: a day in the life of the OED | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- March 2004: Editorial | Pinning them down | Where in the multiverse...? | Sheep might fly | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- December 2003: Editorial | The OED's Artist in Residence | Words of choice | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- September 2003: Editorial | Exotic words in the OED | Raving bonkers, much! | Project news | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
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- March 2003: Editorial | The world of bird names | North American Editorial Unit | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- December 2002: Editorial | Midgets and matrimony | Mining the Web | The OED's first Oxford home | Jenny McMorris | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- September 2002: Editorial | The essence of the OED | Two poets at work on the OED | Project news | Appeal | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- June 2002: Editorial | J. R. R. Tolkien & the OED | North American Editorial Unit | Old English in the OED | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- March 2002: Editorial | The process of continuous revision | Charles Kingsley in the OED | Special characters | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes
- December 2001: Editorial | South African words in the OED | Pronunciation in the OED | Revising etymologies | Appeals | Interesting antedatings | Quotable quotes | Staff news
- September 2001: Editorial | It's earlier than you think... | OED Bibliography Group | Eliza Haywood | Staff news | Quotable quotes | Interesting antedatings | Appeals
- June 2001: Editorial | For when things go badly wrong... | For those who are frightened of their computers... | World English and the OED | Just ask OWLS | Staff news | Quotable Quotes | Interesting antedatings | Appeals list
- March 2001: Editorial | Recent OED releases | | The OED forum | Quotable quotes | Appeals
- December 2000: Editorial | The OED and its cousins | Florence conference | The Inventory of Henry VIII | Quotable quotes | News from the OED archives | Appeals
- October 2000: Editorial | Rethinking OED entries | A day in the life | Richard Palmer | Appeals
- July 2000: Editorial | OED3 | Web site launch | George Chowdharay-Best | Quotable quotes | Appeals
- February 2000: Editorial | First reading scheme | North American Reading Program | UK reading programme | Historical Reading Programme | On being a reader | Appeals list | Paul Beale
- July 1999: Editorial | OED Online | Nachos, anyone? | Incorporating Decorporation | News from the OED Archives | Quotable quotes | Appeals list
- January 1999: Editorial | Antedating | Quotable quotes | North American Ethnonymy | News from the OED Archives | Appeals list
- June 1998: Editorial | The meeting of Murray and Minor | Work in progress | Quotable Quotes | English Nautical Vocabulary | News from the OED Archives | Appeals list
- January 1998: Editorial | Quotable quotes | News from the OED Archives | Dash and squash | Appeals list | Additions series, vol. 3
- July 1997: Editorial | 1993-1997 | Revising etymologies | OED on CD-ROM | Appeals list
- January 1997: Editorial | Algonquin Round Table | Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage | Appeals list
- June 1996: Editorial | Working in the Dictionary Department | Vissernet | Reading Programme | Appeals list
- January 1996: Editorial | Competition | Reading Programme | Historical corpus | Appeals list
- June 1995: Editorial | 'A poet doomed at last to wake a lexicographer' | Light reading | Competition | Information request | Appeals list | Publications | Historical Reading Programme | The Dictionary of South African English
- January 1995: Editorial | A call for research materials | An approach to revising quotations | Background | New staff | Early Modern English Materials | OED Additions Series
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