Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Diktionär, Diccionario, Dictionnaire, Dizionario, Dictionary, (esper.) vortaroj


British English Dictionary

Dictionary of British English - from Arabella Figg's Hogwarts Express website


with a lot of language-related links

Search the Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English (online)



The Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English contains 145,000 words, phrases, and definitions.

Die Worterklärungen bieten auch kurze etymologische Hinweise.

Dictionaries and Meanings


This site traces the history of English dictionaries from the 1500s to the present day. You can examine how words change their meaning over time, and how scholars have argued over ideas of 'correct' spellings. You can see how new words have travelled into the English language from all over the world, having been transported in scholars' books, woven into the tales of sailors, carted about in merchants' crates, or brought from overseas by migrants. You will also discover how English words have travelled out of England, to the Caribbean for instance, where they have developed new forms. You can read about the secret languages of pickpockets and vagabonds, and learn how much toilet humour there was in 18th century England.
Dictionaries and Meanings

Erstellt: 2016-04

Cambridge Dictionaries Online


English dictionaries

Translation dictionaries

Erstellt: 2023-03


The home of living English, with more than 725,000 words, meanings and phrases

Erstellt: 2019-01


Dictionary (W3)



English Dictionaries



British English Dictionary


freesearch is a UK based search destination, offering the best of Web Search, Picture Search and an Online Dictionary.
Searching over 3,151,743,117 web pages

The freesearch online British English dictionary contains around 150,000 terms with examples and related words.
From Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary © Cambridge University Press 2003


The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce




Examining the OED


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Erstellt: 2011-01


Grandiloquent Dictionary
Rare words in the English language


This is the result of an ongoing project to collect and distribute the most obscure and rare words in the English language. It also contains a few words which do not have equivalent words in English. At present, the dictionary contains approximately 2700 words, though it is constantly growing.

Following a large number of requests, pronounciations are now being (slowly) added to the listing, although it will be a long time before they are all added.


| abacinate | abderian | abecedarian | abligurition | ablutophobia | acarophobia | acarophobia | acarophobia | accipitrine | accubation | acerbophobia | acerophobia | achluophobia | acouasm | acousticophobia | acrocephalic | acronycal | acronyx | adelphepothia | adelphirexia | adelphithymia | adhocracy | adoxography | aelurophobia | aeolist | aeroacrophobia | aeromancy | aerophobia | aerophobia | agapetae | agathocacological | agelast | agenhina | agerasia | agiotage | aglet | agoraphobia | agraffe | agrizoophobia | agroof | agyiophobia | ai | aichmophobia | aichmorhabdophobia | aichurophobia | ailuromancy | ailurophobia | albophobia | albuminuriaphobia | alectryomancy | alektorophobia | aleuromancy | algerining | algology | algophobia | alieniloquent | alliaceous | alliumphobia | allodoxaphobia | allotheism | alopeciaphobia | alopecist | alphamegamia | alphitomancy | alterocentric | altiloquent | altitonant | altophobia | alychiphobia | amathophobia | amaxophobia | ambeer | ambiguphobia | ambulomancy | ambulophobia | amentia | amomaxiaphobia | ampherotokous | amphigory | amphigory | amrita | amychophobia | anablepophobia | anacardic | anadipsia | anasarkas | androcracy | androlepsia | androphobia | anemophobia | angelocracy | anginophobia | anililagnia | anklyosis | ankylophobia | anoegenetic | anonymuncle | anopisthographic | anserine | anthomancy | anthophobia | anthracomancy | anthrophobia | anthropoglot | anthropolatry | anthropomancy | anthropopathy | anthropophobia | anthroposcopy | anthropotheism | antiscian | antlophobia | anuptaphobia | anxiolytic | apanthropia | apeirophobia | aphephobia | apikoros | apiophobia | apocatastasis | apodyopsis | apotheosis | apricate | aprosexia | | aquaphobia | arachibutyrophobia | arachnivorous | arachnophobia | arctophilist | arietate | aristology | aristophren | arithmophobia | armomancy | arrhenophobia | arrhenotokous | arsle | ascian | aspergillum | aspersorium | assanka | astereognosis | asthenic | asthenophobia | astragalomancy | astrapophobia | astrophobia | ataxiophobia | atelophobia | atephobia | atychiphobia | aubade | augury | aulophobia | aureate | aurophobia | austromancy | autodeist | autodidact | autodysomophobia | autohagiographer | autolatry | autology | automysophobia | autotheist | autotonsorialist | autovoxiphillia | aval | avenage | avenage | averruncator | aviatophobia |


| bacillophobia | bailiwick | baize | balatron | baldric | ballistophobia | balnearii | balnearil | barathrum | barophobia | barophobia | basiphobia | basistasiphobia | basophobia | basorexia | bataphobia | bathophobia | bathysiderodromophobia | batophobia | batrachoid | batrachophagous | batrachophobia | battology | bdellophobia | beaze | beldam | belomancy | belonephobia | bibliomancy | bibliophobia | bibliopolist | bicorne | biometeorology | bitheism | blandiloquent | blatherskite | blatteroon | blattoid | blellum | blennophobia | blepharospasm | bletcherous | blodder | boanthropy | bogyphobia | bombilate | bonnyclabber | borborygmus | botanomancy | botanophobia | bourdon | boustrophedon | bowdlerize | brachiation | brachistichrone | brachycephalic | breve | breviloquent | brevirostrate | brimborion | bromatology | bromidrosiphobia | bronteum | brontide | brontomancy | brontophobia | brump | bruxomania | buccula | buffarilla | bufoniform | burghbote | burladero | butyraceous | byrthynsak | byrthynsak


| cacestogenous | cacestogenous | cachinnation | cacodaemonomania | cacoethes | cacogen | cacohydrophobia | cacophonophilist | cacophonophilist | cacospectamania | cagamosis | cagophilist | cainophobia | cainotophobia | caitiff | callet | calligyniaphobia | callithumpian | cameralistics | campanology | cancatervate | cantabank | capernoited | capnomancy | carapace | carcinomatophobia | carcinophobia | carker | carnophobia | carphologia | cartomancy | cartomaniac | casuist | catagelophobia | catapedaphobia | cathartic | cathisophobia | catholicon | catoptomancy | catoptromancy | catoptrophobia | causeuse | ceilidh | ceilidh | cenacle | cenatory | ceneromancy | cenogamy | cephalalgic | cephalomancy | ceraunomancy | cercopithecan | cerebropathophobia | chaetophobia | chafferer | chalcenterous | chankings | charette | Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg | charientism | chavish | cheiloproclitic | cheimaphobia | cheimatophobia | chelonian | cherophobia | chiliad | chiliasm | chionophobia | chirocracy | chirognomy | chiromancy | chirotonsor | chirotony | cholangiocholecystocholedochectomy | choregus | chorophobia | chorophobia | chrematistic | chrematophobia | chrematophobia | chrestomathic | chromatophobia | chromophobia | chromotocracy | chronomancy | chronophobia | chryselephantine | chrysocracy | chrysology | chrysophobia | cibophobia | cingulomania | circumlocution | clapperdudgeon | cleidomancy | cleisiophobia | clepsammia | cleptobiosis | cleptophobia | cleromancy | climacophobia | clinomania | clinophobia | clithrophobia | cloffin | cnidophobia | cnidosiphobia | cockalorum | coenesthesis | coimetrophobia | collieshangie | colporteur | colposinquanonia | comestion | comiconomenclaturist | comprachico | comprivigni | conchologist | conchomancy | concilliabule | concionative | conventicle | coprophagan | coprophagous | coprophobia | coprostasiphobia | coriaceous | coriaceous | corsned | cosherer | cosmolatry | cosmopoietic | costermonger | cotquean | couther | crambazzle | crantara | crapulent | cremnophobia | cremnophobia | creophagous | crepitation | crepuscle | cretaceous | cribble | crithomancy | criticasters | cromnyomancy | croodle | croosle | crose | crosier | crotaline | cruciverbalist | crurophilous | cryophobia | cryptarchy | cucurbitaceous | culacino | culch | cullion | cultrivorous | cummock | cunctipotent | curglaff | curpin | cyesolagnia | cymophobia | cynanthropy | cynocephalous | cynophobia | cyprianophobia | cypridophobia | cypridophobia | cypripareuniaphile | cytology | czarevna


| dactyliology | dactylion | dactylonomy | daedalian | deasil | decidophobia | decollate | decubitis | defalcation | defecalgesiophobia | defenestrate | deiparous | deipnophobia | deipnosophy | deisidaimonia | deltiologist | dementophobia | demitoilet | demiurge | demonocracy | demonomancy | demonophobia | demophobia | dendrochronology | dendrology | dendrophillia | dendrophobia | dentiloquent | deoppilate | deorsumversion | dephlegmate | dephlogisticate | dermatoglyphics | dermatopathophobia | dermatophobia | deuterogamist | dextrophobia | dextrosinistral | dghaisa | dharna | diabolarchy | diacritics | didaskaleinophobia | didine | dikephobia | dinmont | dinophobia | diophysitic | diplasiasmus | dippoldism | dipsomanophobia | dipsophobia | discophoran | dishabillophobia | dithyramb | ditokous | diurnation | divigate | divitiphobia | doctiloquent | dolabriform | doles | dolichocephalic | dolichprosopic | dolorifuge | domatologist | domatophobia | dommerer | dompteuse | doraphobia | dorsodynia | doytin | drapetomania | dratchell | dringle | drintling | dririmancy | dromophobia | droud | dulocracy | dunnage | dunnage | dunnage | dwaible | dwale | dysania | dysepulotic | dysesthesia | dysmorphophobia | dysnomy | dysphoria | dysteleogist | dystychiphobia | dyvors


| eccedentesiast | ecclesiarchy | ecclesioclastic | ecclesiolatry | ecclesiophobia | ecdysiophile | echinoproctous | ecophobia | ectomorphic | edacious | efter | eidolism | eisegesis | eisoptrophobia | electrophobia | eleutherophillist | eleutherophobia | elurophobia | emacity | emetophobia | empleomania | emunction | encephalasthenia | endomorphic | enetophobia | engastration | enigmatology | enissophobia | enochlophobia | enoptromancy | enoptrophobia | enosiophobia | entheate | entomophobia | entredentolignumologist | eosophobia | ephemeromorph | epincion | episcopicide | epistaxiophobia | eponym | equinophobia | eremikophobia | eremology | eremophobia | eremophobia | ereuthrophobia | ergasophobia | ergophobia | eroteme | erotographophobia | erythrophobia | escutcheon | estafette | estiferous | estivation | estrapade | ethnocracy | ethnomethodology | ethnomusicology | eudemonics | eunomy | euonym | euphobia | eupsychics | eutectic | exclaustration | exennium | eximious | explaterate | exsibilation | exsufflicate | extispex | extispicy


| famulus | farctate | fashimite | favillous | feaque | feazings | febriphobia | felinophobia | felly | feriae | feriation | ferrule | ferrule | ferrule | festinate | fettler | fewterer | fibriophobia | fideism | fidimplicitary | filiopietistic | filipendulous | filipendulous | fimicoloud | fissilingual | fittie-lan | flavescent | fletcherize | flexiloquent | floccillation | floccinaucinihilipilification | fluctisonant | flyndrig | fomentation | foof | formication | fossick | franion | fremescence | friendorphobia | frisson | fritinancy | frustling | frustraneous | fruzz | fucoid | fudgeon | fulmination | fumifugist | funambulist | fungy | funkify | furfuraceous | furr-ahin | fuscoferuginous | fustilug | fyerk | fysigunkus


| gaberlunzie | galea | galeanthropy | galeophobia | galeophobia | galligantus | gambrinous | gametophobia | gamomania | gamophobia | gargalesthesia | gastromancy | gatophobia | gaum | geck | gelophobia | geloscopy | genethliacon | genethliacon | geniophobia | genuphobia | geophagy | gephyrophobia | gerasophobia | gerontocomium | gerontocracry | gerontophillia | gerontophobia | geumaphobia | geumatophobia | gigantomachize | gigantomachy | gigmania | girouettism | gliriform | glossophobia | gork | gormandizer | graminivorous | grammaticaster | grandgousier | grapholagnia | graphophobia | graptomancy | gressible | griffonage | grimthorpe | grinagog | groak | gubernator | gubernatrix | gudgeons | guidfather | guttersnipe | gymnogynomania | gymnophobia | gymnophoria | gynarchy | gynecocracy | gynephobia | gynocracy | gynonudomania | gynophobia | gynotikolobomassophilia | gyromancy | gyrovague


| hadeharia | hagiarchy | hagiocracy | hagiolatry | haingle | hajj | halidom | haliography | halomancy | hamartiologist | hamartithia | hamartophobia | hamiform | hamirostrate | haphephobia | haptephobia | haptodysphoria | harengiform | harpactophage | harpaxophobia | harridan | | haruspication | haruspicy | hasenpfeffer | havelock | hawsehole | heautontimorumenos | heautontimorumenos | hebephobia | hebesphalmology | hecatomb | hecatompedon | hederaceous | hederate | hednon | hedonophobia | heliolater | heliophobia | heliotropism | Hellenologophobia | hellenomania | helminthophobia | helminthous | hemaphobia | hematomancy | hematophagous | hematophobia | hemeralopia | hemeraphonia | hemophobia | heresyphobia | hermeneutics | herpetiform | herpetophobia | heteropraxy | hibernicism | hierocracy | hierofastidia | hieromachy | hieromancy | hierophobia | hieroscopy | higgler | hippanthropy | hippobosca | hippomancy | hippophobia | hirci | hircine | hirrient | hirsutophilia | hirsutophilia | hirudinoid | hisbid | hodophobia | homichlophobia | homilophobia | hominist | honorificabilitudinitatibus | hordarian | hormephobia | horology | horripilate | howdah | hoxter | humicubate | humuhumunukunukuapuaa | hyalophobia | hydragyophobia | hydromancy | hydrophobia | hydrophobophobia | hydrophobophobia | hyetophobia | hygrophobia | hygrophobia | hylephobia | hylephobia | hylophobia | hylotheism | hylozoism | hypegiaphobia | hypengyophobia | hyperhedonia | hypermnesia | hyperprosexia | hyperthemalgesia | hypnomancy | hypnophobia | hypnopompic | hypobulia | hypophobia | hyposmia | hypselotimophobia | hypsiphobia


| iatrapistia | iatrogenic | iatrophobia | ichnography | ichnology | ichnomancy | ichor | ichthyomancy | icker | iconomancy | icthyophobia | idolomancy | ignipotent | illeism | illyngophobia | impecunious | impecunious | inaniloquent | incicurable | incunabula | infracaninophile | interamnian | interfenestration | interfenestration | intrapreneur | iophobia | iophobia | ipsedixitism | irenology | isocracy | isopterophobia | izles


| jactancy | jactitate | jaculiferous | jarble | jauk | jecoral | jeeter | jejunator | jentacular | jeofail | jerque | jookerie | joola | jowfair | jowter | jubate | jumentous | junta


| kaffiyeh | kainophobia | kainotophobia | kakidrosiphobia | kakistocracy | kakorrhaphiophobia | kalling | kalogram | kalology | kalopsia | kamalayka | kantele | karao | katagelophobia | kathenotheism | kathisophobia | keb | kebbie | keedug | keelivine | kenophobia | kepi | keraunophobia | keraunoscopia | kerdomeletia | kerf | kevel | kinesipathy | kinesophobia | kirkbuzzer | kiyoodle | klebenleiben | klebenleiben | knissomancy | koimetrophobia | koinoniphobia | koniophobia | kopophobia | korophilia | kosmokrator | krobylos | krukolibidinous | kurveyor | kymatology | kymophobia | kynophobia | kyphophobia | kyphorrhinos | kyphotic


| labeorphilist | lachanophobia | lachanophobia | laliophobia | lalochezia | lalophobia | lanigerous | Laodicean | lapidate | lapidicolous | larging | latitudinarian | latrate | latrinalia | latrinology | latrocination | lavacultophilia | leister | lepidophobia | leptorrhinian | lestobiosis | lethologica | leukophobia | levirate | levophobia | lexiconophilist | lexiphanicism | ligyrophobia | lilapsophobia | limacine | limicolous | limnology | limnophobia | linonophobia | lirp | lithomancy | litigaphobia | loganamnosis | logastellus | logocracy | logodaedaly | logogogue | logographer | logomachist | logomachize | logomachy | logomancy | logomaniac | logomaniac | logophile | logophobia | logorrhea | lohock | longanimity | longiloquent | lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon | lorgnette | loupe | lubberland | lucubrator | lustration | lychnobite | lygerastia | lygophobia | lypothymia | lysistrataphobia | lyssophobia | lyssophobia


| machiaphobia | mackabroin | macrobian | macrologist | macromancy | macron | maculate | maculomancy | magniloquent | maieusiophobia | maieuticophobia | malacissation | malacodermous | malaxophobia | maledicent | maledictaphobia | malophile | malversation | mammothrept | manducable | margaritomancy | mariticide | maritodespotism | maritorious | martext | mastigophobia | mataeotechny | mathemancy | matronolagnia | matutolypea | meacock | mechanophobia | meconomancy | megalophobia | megamalophile | megamalophile | melissophobia | melittology | melliloquent | mellisugent | melolagnia | melophobia | mendaciloquent | mentimutation | merdivorous | merdurinous | merinthophobia | meritocracy | mesocracy | mesomorphic | metallophobia | metapneustic | meteoromancy | meteorophobia | metopomancy | metrocracry | metrophobia | metrophobia | metutials | microlipet | micromancy | microphobia | mimp | minimifidian | misandronist | misapodysis | misarchist | misocapnist | misodoctakleidist | misogamist | misologist | misomaniac | misomath | misoneist | misopedist | misopolemiac | misoscopist | misosophist | misotramontanist | misotyrannist | misoxene | misoxeny | miter | mnemophobia | molendinaceous | molendinaceous | molysomophobia | momiology | monandry | monogenism | monomath | monopathophobia | monophobia | morologist | moromancy | mucopurulent | muleta | multiloquent | multisonous | multivious | muriphobia | museology | musophobia | mutchkin | muzhik | myctophobia | myomancy | myrmecology | myrmecophobia | myrmidon | mysophobia | mysophobia | mystacial | mytacism | mythomane | myxophobia


| nanophilia | naology | napiform | naprapathy | narcokleptocracy | narcomancy | nasicornous | nassology | natalitious | natatorium | naufragous | naupathia | navicular | neanilagnia | neanimorphism | nearomatria | nebulaphobia | nebulochaotic | necrologist | necromancy | necromimesis | necrophobia | necropoliphobia | necroponent | necyomancy | nelipot | nelophobia | neocracy | neopharmaphobia | neophillia | neophobia | neossology | neoteinia | neoteinic | nepenthe | nepheligenous | nephelophobia | nephophobia | nepiomania | nepotal | nesiote | neuromancer | nexum | nicitate | nidificate | nidor | nidorosity | nikhedonia | nippitatum | noctiphobia | noctivagant | noctivagant | noematachograph | nomancy | nomatophobia | nomiatrist | nomographer | noology | nosism | nosocomephrenia | nosocomology | nosomaniaphobia | nosophobia | nostology | nostomania | nostophobia | novercal | novercaphobia | noyade | nucamentaceous | nuciverous | nucleomitophobia | nudiustertian | nullibiety | nullipara | numerophobia | numismatist | nummamorous | nundinal | nutation | nychthemeron | nyctalopia | nycterent | nyctophobia


| obdormition | obesophobia | obliviscence | obmutescent | obnubilate | obnubilate | obsolagnium | obstipation | ochlochracy | ochlophobia | ochophobia | octan | oculoplania | odontalgia | odontomancy | odontophobia | odynophobia | oenomancy | oenophlygia | oenophobia | oikology | oikomania | oikonisus | oikophobia | oinomancy | oinophobia | olecranon | olfactphobia | oligarchy | oligophagous | oligophrenic | oligotokous | ombibulus | ombrometer | ombrophilous | ombrophobia | ombrosalgia | ommatophobia | omniana | omnierudite | omniloquent | omophagist | omoplatoscopy | omphacine | omphalomancy | omphalophobia | omphalopsychite | onamatophobia | oneirocritic | oneiromancy | oneirophobia | onimancy | oniomania | onomancy | ontology | onychomancy | onychophagy | oologist | oomancy | ophidiophobia | ophiomancy | ophiophagous | ophiophagy | ophiophobia | ophthalmophobia | opsablepsia | opsimath | opsimathiphobia | opsimatria | opsipatria | opsiproligery | opsomaniac | opsophagy | optophobia | orant | orcheotomy | orchidectomy | ornithomancy | ornithophobia | ornithoscelidaphilia | ornithoscelidaphobia | orology | orthophobia | orthopter | orthpolitiphobia | orthpraxy | oryctomancy | oryzivorous | osculant | osculaphobia | osmidrosiphobia | osmology | osmophilia | osmophobia | osphresiophobia | ossomancy | osteomancy | ostraconophobia | ostreophobia | otolaryngologist | otology | oubliette | ouranomancy | ouranophobia | outfangtheft | ovine | ovivorous | oxter | oxyacanthous | oxyesthesia | oxygeusia | oxyosphresia | oxythymous | ozostomia


| paedarchy | paedocracy | pagophagia | pagophagia | pagophobia | paleography | paleozoology | pancratic | pandiculation | pantagamy | pantaphobia | pantomancer | pantophobia | papaphobia | paparchy | papyrocracy | papyrophobia | parabolanus | paralian | paralipophobia | paramnesia | paranymph | parapraxis | parasitophobia | paraskevidekatriaphobia | parateresiomania | parergon | parisologist | parorexia | parosmia | parousiamania | parrhesiastic | parsonarchy | partheniad | parthenolagnia | parthenolatry | parthenophobia | pasilaly | passalorynchite | passulation | pataphysics | patavinity | pathenophillia | pathenophobia | pathophobia | patroiophobia | pauciloquent | paxophobia | peccatiphobia | peckerwood | pecunious | pedantrocracy | pediatricophobia | pediculophobia | pediophobia | pediophobia | pedipulate | pedotrophy | pegomancy | peladophobia | pelargic | pelology | peniaphobia | penotherapy | penphobia | pentapopemptic | pentheraphobia | perendinate | perfuncturate | periblebsis | periclitate | peripatetic | periphrastic | perissopedics | peristerophilist | peristerophily | peristerophobia | pernoctation | pernoctator | pervulgate | pessomancy | phagomania | phagophobia | phalacrophobia | phalacrophobia | phanerolagniast | phaneromania | pharmacophobia | pharology | phasmophobia | phengophobia | phigerophobia | philalethist | philandrist | philatelist | philemaphobia | philematophobia | philiater | phillumenist | philocalist | philodespot | philodox | philogeant | philographer | philogynist | philologist | philomath | philomythist | philoneist | philonoist | philophobia | philopolemicist | philoprogeneity | philosophaster | philosophobia | philosophunculist | philotherian | philoxenist | philtrum | phobologophobia | phobophobia | phonophobia | photoaugiaphobia | photophobia | phrenology | phronemophobia | phrontifugic | phrontistery | phthiriophobia | phthirophagous | phthisiophobia | phylactery | phyllomancy | physiognomancy | physitheism | physitism | phytivorous | pica | Pickelhaube | pilcrow | pillion | pillion | pilosism | pilpul | pintle | piobalreachd | piscatology | pismirism | placophobia | plangent | plangonologist | planiloquent | planomania | plastron | platyopic | pleionosis | pleniloquent | plenilune | plousiocracy | plumassier | plutarchy | plutocracy | plutocrat | plutolatry | plutomania | pluviophobia | pneumatophobia | pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis | pnigophobia | podoscaph | pogonophobia | poikilothermal | poikilothermal | poinephobia | polemology | politicaster | politicophobia | pollarchy | poltophagy | polyandry | polyapopemptic | polygyny | polylogize | polyloquent | polymath | polyphage | polyphloisboian | polyphobia | polytheism | pomology | ponerologist | ponophobia | porphyrophobia | posology | posthetomist | potamophobia | potophobia | poulaine | preantepenultimate | precibal | prelapsarian | presbycusis | presbyopia | prescient | preterist | preterition | preterpluperfect | proboscidiform | procrescophobia | proficuous | prognathous | propinquiphobia | prosophobia | prosopography | prosopolepsy | prosopolethy | psaphonic | psellism | psellismophobia | psephology | psephomancy | pseudandry | pseudoantidisestablishmentarianism | pseudogyny | pseudomancy | psilanthropism | psilanthropy | psithurism | psithurism | psychomancy | psychophobia | psychrophobia | pteridology | pteronophobia | pterylology | ptochocracy | puellaphillist | pulicose | pygalgia | pyknic | pyosis | pyrexiophobia | pyrgology | pyriform | pyrography | pyromancy | pyrophobia | pyrrhonist | pysmatic | pythogenic | pyx


| qasida | qiviut | quadragenerian | quadrel | quadrifid | quadrigamist | quadriliteral | quadrumane | quaestuary | qualtagh | quartan | quasihemidemisemiquaver | quatrayle | quean | quean | quercine | quiddler | quidnunc | quinquagesimal | quinquepartite | quisquilian | quodlibertarian | quodlibet | quoin | quomodocunquize | quotidian


| radiophobia | raith | rampasture | rasorial | reasty | recrudescence | rectalgia | rectigrade | rectiphobia | rectirostal | rectopathic | recumbentibus | recuse | redactophobia | redhibition | redubber | reest | regiphobia | rehibition | remiped | remontado | remplissage | renidification | resipiscent | resistentialism | rhabdomancy | rhabdophobia | rhabdophobia | rhabdophobia | rhadamanthine | rhapsodomancy | rhinophonia | rhombicosidodecahedron | rhypophobia | rhytiphobia | rhytiscopia | rixatrix | roil | roorback | rosacea | rouleau | rubedinous | ructation | | rugulose | rumbelow | rumbelow | rumbelow | runcation | rupestrian | rupicoline | rupophobia | rurigenous | rustication


| sabbulonarium | salutatorian | sanctiloquent | sanguinivorous | sanguivorous | saponaceous | saponaceous | saprogenic | saprophagous | saprophilous | saprostomous | saraad | sarcle | sarcophagic | sarculation | sardanapalian | sarmassophobia | sartorial | sarwan | satanophany | satrapess | saturnalian | saulie | saxatile | saxify | scacchic | scaldabanco | scapulimancy | scarpology | scatology | scatomancy | scatophagous | scatophobia | scelerophobia | schadenfreude | schematomancy | schizocarp | schoenobatist | scholaptitude | schwa | sciamachy | sciamachy | sciaphobia | sciapodous | scintillation | sciolist | sciomancy | sciophobia | scobiform | scoleciphobia | scolecophagous | scolionophobia | scopolagnia | scotch | scotomaphobia | scotophobia | scriptophobia | scutiferous | scutiferous | sebaceous | secundogeniture | secundogeniture | selachostomous | selacophobia | selaphobia | selenocentric | selenography | selenomancy | selenophobia | self-agglandize | senectitude | sepicolous | septemplicate | septimanarian | septophobia | sermocination | sesquialteral | sgiomlaireached | sgriob | shaconian | shakos | shapka | shistaceous | shoat | shurocracy | sialagogue | sialoquent | siderodromophobia | sideromancy | sideromancy | siderophobia | siffilate | siffleur | sigillate | silential | silentium | simphobia | sinistrophobia | sitiophobia | skiaphobia | skirl | skookum | skoptsy | slavocracy | sloken | sloyd | slubberdegullion | smaragdine | smatchet | smellfungus | snarf | snarf | snath | snead | snipsnapsnorum | snoach | snollygosters | snood | snup | snurl | snurt | snuzzle | soceraphobia | sociophobia | sodality | solfeggio | solivagant | solleret | somatology | somnifugous | somniloquent | sophist | sophophobia | sophophobia | sophrosyne | sorbile | sorocide | sororate | soterial | soteriology | spaneria | spanogyny | sparge | spargefaction | spartle | spasmatomancy | spatilomancy | spatulamancy | spectocloacaphobia | spectroheliokinematograph | spectrophobia | sphallolalia | spheksophobia | spheromancy | sphragistics | sphygmomanometer | spiculate | spilikins | spindrift | splanchnology | spodogenous | spodomancy | sprag | squamous | squamulose | squirearchy | stagiary | stagnicolous | stalko | stasibasiphobia | stasiphobia | staurolatry | staurophobia | steatopygic | stellionate | stenophobia | stentorian | stentorophonic | stercoricolous | sterculius | stereognosis | sternutation | sternutatory | sterquilinous | stertorous | stichomancy | stigmeology | storiology | stratephrenia | stratocracy | stridulation | strikhedonia | strumpetocracy | struthious | stultiloquent | stygiophobia | suaviloquent | suggilated | suoid | supernaculum | suppedaneum | surfeitigo | suriphobia | sutler | swarf | swinophobia | sycomancy | symmetrophobia | symposiarch | syndyasmia | syngenesophobia


| tachophobia | tachydidactic | tachydidaxy | tachygraphy | tachyphagia | tachyphrasia | taeniophobia | talaria | taligrade | tallith | tam-o-shanter | tanquam | taphephillia | taphephobia | taphephobia | tapinophobia | tarantism | tartarology | tath | tatterdemalion | taurophobia | technocracy | technophobia | tegestologist | teleophobia | telmatology | temerity | teniophobia | teratophobia | teratophobia | terebration | termagant | tessaraglot | textophobia | thaasophobia | thalassophobia | thanatophobia | thanatopsis | thaumatology | theandric | theanthropism | theanthropist | theanthropos | theanthropy | thearchy | thelyotokous | theochristic | theocracy | theocrasy | theodemocracy | theogamy | theoktony | theologaster | theologicophobia | theologoumenon | theomachy | theomancy | theomania | theomastix | theomicrist | theomorphic | theonomy | theophagy | theophany | theophilanthropist | theophobia | theophobia | theopneusty | therianthropic | theriolater | theriolatry | theriomancy | thermophobia | thixophobia | thole | threpterophilia | thrioboly | thrip | thurible | thurification | thygatrilagnia | tibialoconcupiscent | timbromaniac | timmynoggy | timocracy | tirocinium | tocology | tocophobia | toggy | tolutiloquent | tomalley | tomecide | tomentose | tomophobia | tonitrous | tonitruone | tonitruphobia | topomancy | toponymics | topophobia | topophobia | torschlusspanik | tortfeaser | toxicophobia | toxiphobia | traumatophobia | tregetour | tremophobia | trichinophobia | trichology | trichopathophobia | trichophobia | trichotillomania | tricorne | triskaidekaphobia | tritavia | tritavus | tritheism | triturate | trochilidist | trochomancy | tropoclastics | tropophobia | trullization | truttaceous | trypanophobia | tsiology | tubicination | turistaphobia | turistaphobia | tychopotamic | tycolosis | tyg | typhlology | typp | tyrannophobia | tyromancy


| uloid | ulotrichous | ultimogeniture | ultracrepidarian | ultracrepidarianism | ultroneous | unasinous | undecillion | undigenous | undinism | unigravida | uranomancy | uranomania | uranophobia | urbicolous | uredinology | uredinology | uredophobia | urimancy | urophobia | urticariaphobia | urticate | urticate | ustulate | usufruct | utlesse | uvate | uxoricide | uxorious | uxorodespotic


| vaccinophobia | valetudinarian | valgus | vaniloquent | vapulate | vastation | vaticide | vauntie | veneniferous | ventripotent | venustaphobia | verbigerate | verbivore | verbophobia | veriloquent | vermiform | vermiphobia | vernalagnia | vernorexia | vespertillian | vespertine | vespine | vesthibitionism | vestiphobia | vexillologist | vexillology | viaticum | viaticum | vibratiunculation | vibrissae | viciniphobia | vigesimation | vilipend | viraginity | virgivitiphobia | virgulate | virvestitism | vitricophobia | vittate | voidee | volower | voraginous


| waggoner | wanweird | wapperjawed | warison | wegotism | wheeple | whiddin | wimple | winx | wittol | witzchoura | witzelsucht | wlatsome | wommacky | wuntee


| xanthippe | xanthochroid | xanthous | xenarthral | xeniatrophobia | xenium | xenobombulate | xenodochiophobia | xenodochium | xenomancy | xenonosocomiophobia | xerophagy | xerophilous | xerophobia | xertz | ximelolagnia | ximelolagnia | xiphoid | xylology | xylomancy | xylophagous | xylophobia | xylopolist | xyresic


| yashmak | yataghan | yaud


| zarf | zeitgeist | zelophobia | zenzizenzizenzic | zills | zizith | zoanthropy | zob | zoonosis | zoophobia | zori | zucchetto | zygodactyl | zymology | zythepsary

Erstellt: 2011-06








Macmillan Dictionary

Erstellt: 2019-01


There's a good article in the NY Times about some of the new words that have made it into the recently revised Shorter OED.


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Word Appeal List

Oxford English Dictionary und British Broadcasting Corporation suchen gemeinsam nach dem ersten Auftreten von Worten und Begriffen. Hilfe ist dabei ausdrücklich gesucht.

The OED seeks to find the earliest verifiable usage of every single word in the English language. The 50 words on the appeal list all have a date next to them, corresponding to the earliest evidence the dictionary currently has for that word or phrase. Can you trump that?

balti* [1984] | Beeb [1967] | boffin* [1941] | bog-standard [1983] | bomber jacket [1973] | bonk (sexual intercourse) [1975] | bouncy castle [1986] | chattering classes [1985] | codswallop* [1963] | Crimble [1963] | ditsy* [1978] | dosh* [1953] | full monty* [1985] | gas mark [1963] | gay (homosexual sense) [1935] | handbags (at dawn) [1987] | her indoors [1979] | jaffa* (cricketing term) | Mackem [1991] | made-up [1980] | minger [1995] | minted [1995] | moony, moonie [1990] | muller* [1993] | mullet* (hairstyle) [1994] | mushy peas [1975] | naff* [1966] | nerd* [1951] | nip and tuck [1980] | nit nurse [1985] | nutmeg* (football use) [1979] | Old Bill (police) [1958] | on the pull [1988] | pass the parcel [1967] | pear-shaped [1983] | phwoar [1980] | pick'n'mix [1959] | ploughman's lunch [1970] | pop one's clogs [1977] | porky [1985] | posh* [1915] | ska* [1964] | smart casual [1945] | snazzy* [1932] | something for the weekend [1990] | throw one's toys out of the pram (or cot) [1989] | tikka masala [1975]
Oxford English Dictionary

The OED is a historical dictionary of the English language from earliest times to the present day. It contains the meaning, history, usage, and pronunciation of over half a million words.

Whenever an etymological question arises, the first place to look shoud be the OED.

An expensive subscription service, but some background documents and a Word of the Day are available free.

Oxford English Dictionary OED: Das OED ist das umfassendste und wichtigste Wörterbuch der englischen Sprache. 600.000 Wortformen mit 2,5 Millionen Belegen. - Das Suchen in der Online-Version ist kostenpflichtig.

Oxford English Dictionary News is a newsletter designed to keep OED users abreast of current research and developments on the OED.

In den "News" erfährt man, was beim "Oxford English Dictionary" gerade bearbeitet wird.

Das "Newsletter archive" enthält interessante Beiträge seit Januar 1995:

Appeals list:

The list given below contains words and phrases which have appeared in the OED News "Appeals Lists" since 1995. Items marked with an asterisk appear in the most recent issue of OED News.

Words or phrases which appear on the "Appeals List" are those currently being drafted or revised for the Oxford English Dictionary for which the documentary evidence is incomplete. Often these are slang or colloquial items which cannot be researched in specialist texts and are most likely to be turned up by a general reader in popular or non-specialized literature.

Usually the appeal is for an earlier example than our current earliest (e.g. "antedate 1970" for a word for which our earliest example comes from 1970), but sometimes the appeal is for an interdating where there is a large gap in the OED's quotation evidence (e.g. "interdate 1589-1910"). Occasionally we ask for a postdating (e.g. "postdate 1875"), if an editor feels that an item being revised is still current but has failed to find any recent examples through the usual avenues of research.

If you can help with any of these appeals, please send information to


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"	Release notes: a big antedating for white lie - and introducing Shakespeare's world
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"	Release notes: Beltway
"	June 2017 update
"	New words notes June 2017
"	Release notes: coming out
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"	Release notes: Canada and the OED
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"	December 2016 update
"	Release notes: Lexicographical Brexit: in the OED
"	Release notes: Making sense of sense
"	Release notes: Bama and shaka: how two local words went global
"	Release notes: The OED Surf Report: macking A-frames and occasional bombs
"	New words list December 2016
"	Release notes: Exploring the sources of OED quotations
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"	Release notes: have, look, large, late
"	New words list March 2015
"	September 2014 update
"	New words notes September 2014
"	Release notes: lasting the course
"	Release notes: hi-fi, sci-fi, DIY
"	New words list September 2014
"	December 2014 update
"	New words notes December 2014
"	Release notes: words in 'un' - patterns and surprises
"	Release notes: an unravelled mystery
"	New words list December 2014
"	June 2015 update
"	New words notes June 2015
"	Release notes: capturing the interweb of words
"	Release notes: adore the fedora
"	Release notes: the story of go
"	Release notes: new Filipino words
"	New words list June 2015
"	New Filipino words list
"	June 2014 update
"	Chief Editor's notes June 2014
"	Release notes: The language of World War I
"	WWI revised words list
"	100 words that define World War I
"	New words list June 2014
"	New words notes June 2014
"	March 2014 update
"	New words notes
"	Release notes: how the French 'toile' cloth came to be toilet
"	Release notes: the changes in empathy, employ, and empire
"	New words list March 2014
"	December 2013 update
"	Release notes: twists in the tale of fairy and the history of beauty
"	New word notes: December 2013
"	New words list December 2013
"	September 2013 update
"	A coalition of all the talents: the OED in the future
"	New words list September 2013
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"	Vowels are hard
"	New words List September 2012
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"	New words list: June 2012
"	A sublime and superlative quarter of contrasts
"	March 2012 update
"	New words: March 2012
"	New words list: March 2012
"	A time capsule of English
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"	New words: December 2011
"	New words list: December 2011
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"	New Words List September 2011
"	New Words September 2011
"	Who thought small was beautiful?
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"	'engine'
"	'information'
"	'mammoth'
"	Nachos, anyone?
"	'precarious'
"	'rum'
"	The AUTO- age
"	'digital'
"	The dog: man's best friend?
"	'go'
"	'Kaffir'
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"	'Fly in the ointment'? Assessing the influence of the King James Bible (1611)
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"	Breaking the code
"	Can-do: the all capable '-buster'
"	Lights, camera, lexicon: the language of films in the OED
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"	Raw-head, bloody bones, and other terrors of the nursery
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Erstellt: 2019-01






retrodict (W3)

Das engl. "retrodict" = "predicting the past" kam im 17. Jh. auf und setzt sich zusammen aus lat. "retro-" = "zurück" und lat. "dicere" = "reden", "sagen".
Es kam um 1950 auf und stellt den Gegensatz zu "predict" = "vorhersagen" ("pre" und "dicere") dar.

Weiter englische "dicere"-Abkömmlinge sind "contradict", "benediction", "dictate", "diction", "interdict", "malediction" und "dictionary".


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Erstellt: 2014-09


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The main source of TheFreeDictionary's general English dictionary is Houghton Mifflin's premier dictionary, the American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. This authoritative work is the largest of the American Heritage® dictionaries and contains over 200,000 boldface terms and more than 33,000 written examples. The Fourth Edition also incorporates more than 10,000 new words.

Containing 260,000 entries, the general dictionary is augmented with Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged, and is enhanced by 30,000 illustrations, an audio pronunciation feature, etymologies, abbreviations, biographical entries, and more. Definitions are accompanied by usage examples from classic works of literature, courtesy of The Free Library.

Additionally, translations to Spanish, French, German, and Italian are provided by HarperCollins and feature contemporary vocabulary and expressions—including everyday terms relating to business, computing, current events, tourism and many other topics.
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Erstellt: 2012-04
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Der Schwerpunkt dieses englischsprachigen Diktionärs liegt zwar nicht auf der Etymologie, aber die Wörterklärungen enthalten meist auch einen Hinweis auf die lat. Herkunft eines Wortes.

Selbst beim "Hangman"-Spiel (weiter unten) kann man man nach der Lösung eine entsprechende Seite öffnen.

Einige Links bewirken, dass das Etymologie-Portal durch die Seite von "The Free Dictionary" ersetzt wird. Drücken Sie deshalb beim Anklicken eines Links gleichzeitig die "Umschalttaste", wenn das Etymologie geöffnet bleiben soll.

Die folgenden Features gibt es auch in einem "Daily Content Archive".


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big break

A fortuitous moment, opportunity, or turn of events of great consequence, especially as relates to one's career.

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Word Trivia

Today's topic: spotted

cheetah - Taken from Sanskrit citraka, "leopard," related to citra, "spotted, speckled, variegated." More...

fleck - Of Scandinavian origin, it came from the adjective flecked, "spotted." More...

piebald, skewbald - Piebald is being spotted with irregular patches of different colors, especially black and white; skewbald is spotted white and a color other than black. More...

pinto - As in horse and beans, it is Spanish for "painted, mottled, spotted." More...


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Uni Chicago - English
ARTFL Project
English dictionaries of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries
ARTFL Reference Collection - User Manual



English: These dictionaries are open to the public.
  • Roget's Thesaurus, 1911 Edition.
  • Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, 1913 Edition.
  • The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus

Uni Paderborn


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Uni Toronto
The Dictionary of Old English - DOE


The Dictionary of Old English (DOE) defines the vocabulary of the first six centuries (C.E. 600-1150) of the English language, using twenty-first century technology. The DOE complements the Middle English Dictionary (which covers the period C.E. 1100-1500) and the Oxford English Dictionary, the three together providing a full description of the vocabulary of English.
Word of the Week


The 2018 Release of the Dictionary of Old English: A to I online has been produced in part with the support of the Canada Foundation for Innovation through the TAPoR project, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the British Academy, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Salamander Foundation, and the Triangle Community Foundation, among others.


DOE Web Corpus

Erstellt: 2021-04



Webster's Online Dictionary

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  • Quote of the Day - "God's mouth knows not how to speak falsehood, but he brings to pass every word." -- Aeschylus
  • Word of the Day: fireproofing
  • Word of the Hour: cash account
  • Word of the Minute: jumpstart



Webster´s Online Dictionary
with Multilingual Thesaurus Translation


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Ayto, John
Dictionary of Word Origins
Histories of More Than 8,000 English-Language Words

Taschenbuch: 592 Seiten
Verlag: Arcade Publishing; Auflage: Reprint (November 1993)
Sprache: Englisch

Learn about the hidden and often surprising histories of and connections between English words and their non-English ancestors. Perhaps the best inexpensive etymological dictionary available today.

Ayto, John
Oxford School Dictionary of Word Origins

Gebundene Ausgabe: 512 Seiten
Verlag: Oxford Childrens Books (Juli 2002)
Sprache: Englisch

The most comprehensive etymological dictionary of the English language - written for today's school students. Each headword entry gives the complete story of how a particular word came into the English language and evolved over time.

This work is trialled and tested in schools. For the first time a comprehensive dictionary of word origins will be available for all school students. Each headword entry gives a complete and fascinating story about how a particular word came into the English language and evolved over time. In addition, each headword entry includes meanings and how each word is used in context. It also includes 40 extended panels covering a range of themes like: other languages which gave vocabulary to the English language form Arabic and Australian-Aboriginal to Urdu and Yiddish; acronyms (AIDS, NATO), eponyms (Wellingtons), invented words (nylon, spoof), shortened words (photo, exam), blends (motor and hotel became motel) and folk etymology; and subjects students are interested in, ranging from food and drink, animals, sports, space, to first names and illnesses.


Bailey, Nathaniel
Universal Etymological English Dictionary

Gebundene Ausgabe: 486 Seiten
Verlag: G. Olms (1969)

Barnhart, Robert K. (Ed.)
Chambers Dictionary of Etymology
The origins and development of over 25,000 English words

This is a dictionary of word origin designed to be a useful reference source for the general reader as well as an important etymological resource for the expert. It contains over 30,000 entries.


1320 Seiten, Maße: 25,6 cm, Gebunden, Englisch
Verlag: Chambers
ISBN-10: 0550142304
ISBN-13: 9780550142306


Repr. 2000. XXVII, 1284 p. 25,5 cm; Geb; Englisch
Ed. by Robert K. Barnhart
GB, 2000


Edited by Robert K Barnhart

There are quite a number of books dealing with the origins of individual words, but most are highly selective in their choice of terms and they are variably reliable. (The best and most scholarly is probably John Ayto’s Dictionary of Word Origins, but I would also mention The Merriam-Webster New Book of Word Histories, which has longish articles on a small range of key words.)
This book will be most useful to students of the language and to general readers who want more detail than can be gleaned from the average dictionary. Despite its physical size, approaching that of a desk dictionary, its scope is limited to the most common 25,000 or so words (only a small proportion of those in the average desk dictionary, though many more than in the other works cited above). Deep delvers will need to seek out a more detailed etymological work for less common terms. And its 1988 date of publication means that very recent words are excluded.

Erstellt: 2015-02

Barnhart, Robert K. (Autor)
Concise Dictionary of Etymology

Gebundene Ausgabe: 944 Seiten
Verlag: Collins Reference; Auflage: 1 (1. Januar 1900)
Sprache: Englisch

As all lovers of language know, words are the source of our very understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Often, however, our use of language is so automatic that we neglect to consider where those words came from and what they assume. What are the implications, beyond the simple dictionary definitions, of using words such as "privilege", "hysteria", "seminal" and "gyp"? Browsing through the pages of "The Barhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology" is likeexploring the historical, political, and rhetorical wonderland of our linguistic heritage. We see the evolution of ideas, as rootword connections that now seem arbitrary are traced to schools of thought from the past. We also find an opportunity to examine how the sometimes backwards, sometimes hilarious, and sometimes illuminating ideologies built into our language affect our modern thinking. Written in a fresh, accessible style, this book provides the derivations of over 21,000 English-language words without resorting to the use of abbreviations, symbols, or technical terminology. Drawing on the most current American scholarship, and focusing onthe core words in contemporary English, "The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology" is both a diverting browse and a thinking person's Bible.

Über den Autor
Robert K. Barnhart is a respected lexicographer and author of several dictionaries, including The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology, the World Book Dictionary, the Thorndlike-Barnhart School Dictionaries and the Barnhart Dictionaries of New English.


Erstellt: 2011-06

Berg, Donna Lee
A Guide to the Oxford English Dictionary

Gebundene Ausgabe: 224 Seiten
Verlag: Oxford University Press (August 1993)
Sprache: Englisch

Which other dictionary contains 290,500 entries, 616,500 word forms, and two-and-a-half million quotations? The "Oxford English Dictionary" is regarded as "the greatest reference book ever written", and this guide provides an insight into the conventions and compilation of its Second Edition. Donna Lee Berg gives an analysis of the components of a typical entry: pronunciation; part of speech; labels indicating, for example, areas of origin or use; variants; etymology; the definition itself; and the supporting quotation paragraph. There are sections on special types of entries such as acronyms and proper names, the history of the Dictionary, and fascinating facts and figures: word with the most meanings - set (464); most quoted author - Shakespeare (29,142); earliest dated words - town & priest (both AD 601-4); S has 34,556 entries compared to X's 152.


1879 - 1928 Oxford English Dictionary

The idea for this enormously complex dictionary was first dreamt up in the 1850s. The plan was to create a vast and comprehensive collection of English words, those from the Early Middle English period (1150) onwards, a lexicon of the language more complete than any English dictionary-maker had ever attempted.


You Could Look It Up



The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary.

By Simon Winchester.

Illustrated. 260 pp. New York:

IN 1875, more than 15 years after the "Philological Society of London" had set out to assemble a new English dictionary, the incumbent editor, Frederick Furnivall, acknowledged that he had simply bogged down. New blood was needed. A member of the society came across a 10-year-old application for employment in the British Museum Library. The applicant was one James Murray, son of a linen draper, sometime bank clerk, now 38 years old and seeking extra work to supplement his meager earnings from the Mill Hill School, where he was teaching schoolboys while raising his own 11 children.

Burchfield, Robert W.
Caught in the Web of Words
James Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary

Taschenbuch: 400 Seiten
Verlag: Yale University Press; Auflage: Reprint (März 2001)
Sprache: Englisch

Anthony Burgess
"It is a magnificent story of a magnificent man, one of the finest biographies of the twentieth century, as its subject was one of the finest human beings of the nineteenth."

The Times
"A moving and dramatic story ... sometimes tragic, often comic, ultimately triumphant." The Times


Cresswell, Julia (Autor)
Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins

Taschenbuch: 512 Seiten
Verlag: Oxford University Press; Auflage: 2nd edition. (10. Juli 2010)
Sprache: Englisch

Combining both accessibility and authority, the Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins describes the origins and development of over 3,000 words and phrases in the English language. The book draws on Oxford's unrivalled dictionary research programme and language monitoring, and relates the fascinating stories behind many of our most curious terms and expressions in order to offer the reader a much more explicit account than can be found in a general English dictionary. Organized A-Z, the entries include first known use along with examples that illustrate the many faces of the particular word or phrase, from 'handsome' to 'bachelor' and 'cute' to 'baby', from 'pagan' to 'palaver' and 'toff' to 'torpedo'. Also featured are almost 20 special panels that cover expressions common in English but drawn from other languages, such as 'coffee', 'sugar', and 'candy' from Arabic or 'booze', 'brandy', and 'gin' (Dutch). This absorbing volume is useful for language students and enthusiasts, but also an intriguing read for any person interested in the development of the English language and of language development in general. Includes an extended introduction on the history of the English language.

Über den Autor
Julia Cresswell is an experienced author and researcher who worked on the 4th edition of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary.


Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins
Second Edition
Julia Cresswell
Oxford Paperback Reference
512 pages | 196x129mm
978-0-19-954793-7 | Paperback | 09 September 2010
Price: £9.99

The origins of over 3,000 words and phrases uncovered
Almost 20 feature panels on expressions from other languages
Draws on Oxford's unrivalled dictionary research and language monitoring
An extended introduction on the history of the English language
Authority matched with accessibility

Readership: Suitable for language enthusiasts and language students, or any adult or young person interested in words and their development; academic libraries; dictionary compilers.

Erstellt: 2012-11




Friedrichsen, G. W. S.
Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology

Gebundene Ausgabe: 1042 Seiten
Verlag: Oxford University Press (Dezember 1966)
Sprache: Englisch

Dr. C.T. Onions first joined the staff of the Oxford English Dictionary in 1895. He worked on the OED, the Shorter OED, and then published his Shakespeare Glossary in 1911. A wonderful and learned scholar, he died in 1966 as the first edition of The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology was going to press. Assisted by G.W.S. Friedrichsen and R.W. Burchfield, Onions created a magnificent work of erudition, with 24,000 main entries. Including their derivatives, the dictionary delves into the origins of more than 38,000 words.
For each entry, the dictionary provides the correct pronunciation, followed by a short definition, and the century and source of the word's first recording. Then come the etymological notes. Thus one learns that "froth" (an aggregation of small bubbles on liquid) was first noted in the 14th century, in Sir Gawain and the Bible, that it comes from the Old Norse frooa, and was taken from there into German (fraup) and Old English (froth). Now in its fifth printing and a standard reference for scholars, Onions's opus is still the most comprehensive etymological dictionary of English ever to be published.
Stephanie Gold



Hoad, T. F.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology
Oxford - The Concise Dictionary of English Etymology

Taschenbuch: 568 Seiten
Verlag: Oxford University Press; Auflage: New Ed (3. Juni 1993)
Sprache: Englisch

Where did the words "bungalow" and "assassin" derive? What did "nice" mean in the Middle Ages? How were "adder", "anger", and "umpire" originally spelt? The answers can be found in this essential companion to any popular dictionary. With over 17,000 entries, this is the most authoritative and comprehensive guide to word origins available in paperback. Based on The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, the principal authority on the origin and development of English words, it contains a wealth of information about our language and its history.


The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology
Edited by T. F. Hoad
Oxford Paperbacks Oxford Paperback Reference
576 pages | 196x129mm
978-0-19-283098-2 | Paperback | 03 June 1993
Price: £10.99

A fascinating guide to our language and its history.
The principal authority on the origin and development of English words.


Reissued ed. 1996. 568 p. 20 cm; Kt; Englisch Ed. by T. F. Hoad Oxford University Press, 1996

Erstellt: 2012-11

Hulbert, James R.
Dictionaries: British and American

Gebundene Ausgabe: 112 Seiten
Verlag: Ashgate Publishing Group (Mai 1968)





Landau, Sidney
Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicography

Taschenbuch: 494 Seiten
Verlag: Cambridge University Press; Auflage: 2nd (April 2001)
Sprache: Englisch

This second edition of Sidney I. Landau's landmark work offers a comprehensive and completely up-to-date description of how dictionaries are researched and written, with particular attention to the ways in which computer technology has changed modern lexicography. A completely new chapter has been added and every chapter has been updated and reorganized to reflect the changes. Landau has an insider's practical knowledge of making dictionaries and every feature of the dictionary is examined and explained, with frequent examples given from the latest dictionaries of the US and Britain. A history of English lexicography is also included. The book is both practically grounded and soundly based on current lexicographic scholarship. Written in a readable style, free of jargon and unnecessary technical language, it will appeal to readers who are simply interested in dictionaries, with no specialist knowledge of the field, as well as to professional lexicographers.

Liberman, Anatoly (Autor)
Mitchell, J. Lawrence (Künstler)
An Analytic Dictionary of English Etymology
An Introduction

Gebundene Ausgabe: 368 Seiten
Verlag: Univ of Minnesota Pr; Auflage: Revised and Sec. (6. März 2008)
Sprache: Englisch

This work introduces renowned linguistics scholar Anatoly Liberman’s comprehensive dictionary and bibliography of the etymology of English words. The English etymological dictionaries published in the past claim to have solved the mysteries of word origins even when those origins have been widely disputed. An Analytic Dictionary of English Etymology by contrast, discusses all of the existing derivations of English words and proposes the best one.

In the inaugural volume, Liberman addresses fifty-five words traditionally dismissed as being of unknown etymology. Some of the entries are among the most commonly used words in English, including "man", "boy", "girl", "bird", "brain", "understand", "key", "ever", and "yet". Others are slang: "mooch", "nudge", "pimp", "filch", "gawk", and "skedaddle". Many, such as "beacon", "oat", "hemlock", "ivy", and "toad", have existed for centuries, whereas some have appeared more recently, for example, "slang", "kitty-corner", and "Jeep". They are all united by their etymological obscurity.

This unique resource book discusses the main problems in the methodology of etymological research and contains indexes of subjects, names, and all of the root words. Each entry is a full-fledged article, shedding light for the first time on the source of some of the most widely disputed word origins in the English language.

“Anatoly Liberman is one of the leading scholars in the field of English etymology. Undoubtedly his work will be an indispensable tool for the ongoing revision of the etymological component of the entries in the Oxford English Dictionary.” —Bernhard Diensberg, OED consultant, French etymologies

Anatoly Liberman is professor of Germanic philology at the University of Minnesota. He has published many works, including 16 books, most recently Word Origins . . . and How We Know Them: Etymology for Everyone.

Liberman (Germanic philology, University of Minnesota) doesn't tell us the root of every word in English. Instead he picks some of the one that interest him most, like "boy", "jeep", "mooch", "fag", and "witch". His long training in the sources of words gives him the expertise to sift through centuries of theories.

Erstellt: 2010-09

M (Herausgeber)
Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary

Taschenbuch: 2032 Seiten
Verlag: Merriam Webster Dictionaries; Auflage: illustrated edition (1. Oktober 2008)
Sprache: Englisch

Erstellt: 2011-06

Morris, William (Autor)
Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins

Gebundene Ausgabe: 688 Seiten
Verlag: Collins Reference; Auflage: 0002 (27. April 1988)
Sprache: Englisch

The first Edition of the "Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins detailed the fascinating and little known stories behind thousands of words and phrases that we use every day. In this new edition, William and Mary Morris update and expand their classic work to keep pace with our ever changing language. New entries include: "New trends" - "crack", "glitch", "greenmail", Harrier attack airplanes "Foreign terms" - "falafel", "geisha", "jihad", "paparazzi" People - "batman", "dead end kid", "Dutch uncle", "hatchet man", "Young Turks" "Given names" - "Chester", "Edith", "Jennifer" and others "Food" - "Adam and Eve on a raft", "alligator pear", "grapefruit", "Harriet Lane" "Sports" - "box score", "cheese champions", "full court press" "and many more" Throughout the Morris' s present the histories of intriguing expressions in an eminently entertaining and readable fashion.

Erstellt: 2011-06

Morton, Herbert C.
The Story of Webster's Third
Philip Gove's Controversial Dictionary and Its Critics

Broschiert: 348 Seiten
Verlag: Cambridge University Press; Auflage: Reprint (7. September 1995)
Sprache: Englisch

The publication of Webster's Third New International Dictionary in 1961 set off a storm of controversy in both the popular press and in scholarly journals that was virtually unprecedented in its scope and intensity. This is the first full account of the controversy, set within the larger background of how the dictionary was planned and put together by its editor-in-chief, Philip Babcock Gove. Based on original research and interviews with the people who knew and worked with Gove, this is a human story as well as the story of the making of a dictionary. The author skilfully interweaves an account of Gove's character and working habits with the evolution of the dictionary. The reception given Webster's Third - now widely regarded as one of the greatest dictionaries of our time - illuminates public misconceptions about language and the role of dictionaries.

Mugglestone, Lynda
Lexicography and the OED
Pioneers in the Untrodden Forest
(Oxford Studies in Lexicography and Lexicology)

Gebundene Ausgabe: 304 Seiten
Verlag: Oxford University Press (Mai 2000)
Sprache: Englisch

Lexicography and the OED: Pioneers in the Untrodden Forest sets out to explore the pioneering endeavours in both lexicography and lexicology which led to the making of the first English dictionary published by Oxford. Deliberately conceived as a new departure in English lexicography, the first OED, as James Murray stressed, was to be founded on an unequivocal return to first principles, both in the nature of its construction and in the evidence amassed for its compilation. It also produced, as this book shows, a host of problems: on the nature of Englishness, correctness, and general standards of language use, as well as in aspects of pronunciation, semantics, and syntax. Often making use of previously unpublished archive material, this collection of twelve essays provides both a range of perspectives from which the dictionary can be approached, and also explores the particular problems posed by the attempt to realize the pioneering acts of lexicography integral to the making of the dictionary.



Onions, Charles Talbut
Friedrichsen, G. W. S.
Burchfield, Robert W. (Hg.)
Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology

Gebundene Ausgabe: 1042 Seiten
Verlag: Oxford University Press (Dez. 1966)
Sprache: Englisch

Dr. C.T. Onions first joined the staff of the Oxford English Dictionary in 1895. He worked on the OED, the Shorter OED, and then published his Shakespeare Glossary in 1911. A wonderful and learned scholar, he died in 1966 as the first edition of The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology was going to press.

Assisted by G.W.S. Friedrichsen and R.W. Burchfield, Onions created a magnificent work of erudition, with 24,000 main entries. Including their derivatives, the dictionary delves into the origins of more than 38,000 words.

For each entry, the dictionary provides the correct pronunciation, followed by a short definition, and the century and source of the word's first recording. Then come the etymological notes. Thus one learns that "froth" (an aggregation of small bubbles on liquid) was first noted in the 14th century, in Sir Gawain and the Bible, that it comes from the Old Norse frooa, and was taken from there into German (fraup) and Old English (froth). Now in its fifth printing and a standard reference for scholars, Onions's opus is still the most comprehensive etymological dictionary of English ever to be published.
Stephanie Gold

With the assistance of: Friedrichsen, G. W. S.; Unknown function: Burchfield, R. W.


Oxford dictionary editor dies
LONDON (AP) - Robert Burchfield, a daring and innovative lexicographer who was chief editor of the Oxford English Dictionaries from 1971 to 1984, has died at the age of 81, Oxford University Press said Tuesday.
C.T. Onions, a former OED editor, encouraged his interest in lexicography, and Burchfield helped Onions on his Dictionary of English Etymology, published in 1966.

  • 7. The Oxford Dictionary of English etymology - Onions, Charles T.. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1967

  • (E?)(L?)

    Onions, C. T. (Charles Talbut Onions), 1873-1965, English philologist, lexicographer, author, and editor. After a post with British Naval Intelligence in World War I, he held a fellowship at Magdalen College, Oxford, and from 1927 to 1949 was a reader at Oxford. Onions served as coeditor of the Oxford English Dictionary until its completion in 1933. He also edited the two-volume Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (1933, 1936, 1944) and was preparing the Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology when he died. His other works include A Shakespeare Glossary (1911).



    Oxford University Press
    Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English

    Gebundene Ausgabe: 1920 Seiten
    Verlag: Oxford University Press; Auflage: 7. Auflage (2005)

    Erstellt: 2011-06

    Oxford University Press (Herausgeber)
    Shorter Oxford English Dictionary

    Gebundene Ausgabe: 3742 Seiten
    Verlag: Oxford University Press; Auflage: 6th ed. (20. September 2007)
    Sprache: Englisch

    Encompassing all words current in general English from 1700 to the present day, this dictionary provides more than 500,000 definitions and more than 83,000 quotations from seven thousand authors.


    Shorter Oxford English Dictionary
    Sixth Edition
    Oxford Dictionaries
    3,804 pages | 279x216mm
    978-0-19-920687-2 | Hardback | 20 September 2007
    Also available as: Software CD-ROM | Pack | Hardback
    Price: £95.00

    Now includes a free six month subscription to OED Online - worth over £100

    Contains more than 600,000 words, phrases, and definitions, with coverage of language from the entire English-speaking world, from North America and the UK to South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, and the Caribbean

    Fully updated with 2,500 new words and meanings based on the ongoing research programme of Oxford Dictionaries and the Oxford English Corpus

    Contains all the vocabulary current in general English from 1700 to the present day, as well as earlier major literary works, including Shakespeare, Milton's poetry, the Authorized Version of the Bible, and Spenser's Faerie Queene

    Excellent coverage of all types of English encompassing slang, dialect words, technical, historical, and literary terms, and rare and obsolete words Contains over 80,000 quotations illustrating words in use throughout the centuries and thousands of newly discovered antedatings based on the ongoing research for the OED

    A never-before-published, introductory essay by the eminent language commentator David Crystal on the History of English provides a stimulating insight into the development of the English language

    Completely refreshed design and layout highlights the links between meanings and quotations for ease of use and aesthetic appeal

    From the beginning, the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary was intended to be an abridgement of the full Oxford English Dictionary. The first editor, William Little, was appointed in 1902. He worked on it until his death in 1922, after which the dictionary was completed by H. W. Fowler, Jessie Coulson, and C. T. Onions. The First Edition was published in 1933, in two volumes.

    The Second Edition, published in 1936, contained about 3,000 revisions and additions. The Third Edition (1944) contained an appendix of addenda and corrigenda, and this edition was reprinted several times with corrections and additions, the most significant being in 1973, with enlarged addenda (now running to over 70 pages) and a major revision of all the etymologies.

    The New Shorter was prepared under the editorship of Lesley Brown 1980-1993. It was the first complete revision of the dictionary, being in fact not so much an overhaul of the existing text as a reabridgement of the OED and its Supplements. The Fifth Edition was published in 2002, and reverted to the name Shorter Oxford English Dictionary to emphasize the link between this 2-volume dictionary and the original 20-volume OED.

    The Sixth Edition of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary provides a complete update of this unique reference work. Based on the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary, the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary contains an incredible one-third of the coverage of the Oxford English Dictionary, is just one-tenth of the size, and includes all words in current English from 1700 to the present day, plus the vocabulary of Shakespeare, the Bible and other major works in English from before 1700.

    The new edition, with a new introductory essay by language expert David Crystal on the History of English, includes 2,500 new words and senses, plus thousands of antedatings of existing words, drawing on the huge ongoing research project for the Oxford English Dictionary and the wealth of information on language in use provided by the Oxford English Corpus. In addition, the work includes many new quotations from recent authors, a refreshed design, and a complete review of spelling forms and defining vocabulary, making it the most authoritative reference work available for both modern and historical English.

    For scholars and everyone with a serious interest in the English language, the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary is an unrivalled resource, providing a unique description of the historical development of the language together with excellent coverage of current English. The Sixth Edition showcases the best of the traditional strengths of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, while bringing it up to date in its scholarship and research, in the design and layout, and in its treatment of the changing face of English.

    Readership: Scholars, researchers, and anyone with a serious interest in, and love for, the English language. With new coverage of global English, as well as slang, dialect, technical, historical, and literary terms, and rare and obsolete words, the Sixth Edition of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary allows the general reader access to an unparalleled level of scholarship, as well as being an essential tool for academics and researchers.

    Erstellt: 2012-11


    Partridge, Eric
    A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English


    2008. 972 Seiten
    Sprache : Englisch



    Denison, Corrie see Partridge, Eric Honeywood
    Partridge, Eric Honeywood (1894-1979) lexicographer, writer and soldier


    • Partridge, Eric (British lexicographer)
    • Partridge, Eric Honeywood (British lexicographer)

    Erstellt: 2014-10

    Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

    Gebundene Ausgabe: 1632 Seiten
    Verlag: Klett; Auflage: 3., veränd. A. (31. August 2008)
    Sprache: Englisch

    Vollständige Neubearbeitung: Seine große Benutzerfreundlichkeit, fundierter sprachlicher Input und intuitiv bedienbare Software der Spitzenklasse machen das Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary zum idealen Lernerwörterbuch für Fortgeschrittene.
    • Hochaktueller Wortschatz mit zahlreichen Neuwörtern (z. B. drill down, food miles, life coach)
    • Übersichtliches Layout, hervorgehobene Haupteinträge
    • Phonetische Umschrift für britisches und amerikanisches Englisch, Angabe des Sprachniveaus und regionaler Verwendung
    • Klare und verständliche Definitionen, veranschaulicht an authentischen Beispielsätzen aus dem Cambridge International Corpus sowie an zahlreichen Illustrationen und Farbfotos
    • Word Partner Boxes veranschaulichen Verwendung der Wörter im Zusammenhang
    • Kennzeichnung der wichtigsten und am häufigsten gebrauchten Wörter mit Schlüsselsymbolen
    • Hinweise auf häufige Fehlerquellen, die anhand des Cambridge Learner Corpus ermittelt wurden
    • Thesaurus-Boxes zeigen Alternativen zu übermäßig gebrauchten Wörtern
    • Extra help section behandelt häufige sprachliche Schwierigkeiten
    • Talk section fördert gezielt den mündlichen Ausdruck
    • Zahlreiche Extras im Anhang, wie z.B. Idiom Finder, Infos zu Wortbildungsmustern, unregelmäßigen Verben und Eigennamen
    CD-ROM Enthält das gesamte Wörterbuch und zusätzlich
    • Komplette Sprachausgabe: britisches und amerikanisches Englisch
    • Sprachlaborfunktion
    • SMART Thesaurus-Funktion: mit nur einem Klick Verwandlung in Synonymwörterbuch
    • QUICKfind: automatisches Nachschlagen im Direktsuche-Fenster mittels Cursor
    • SUPERwrite Schreibassistent: Findet schnell das treffenden Wort
    • Tausende Wendungen und Beispielsätze zusätzlich zum Buch
    • Hunderte interaktiver Übungen zu Grammatik Wortschatz und Cambridge Exams (FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS und BEC)
    Über das Produkt
    A brand new edition of the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary and CD-ROM, that is now more user-friendly than ever.

    Erstellt: 2011-06

    Cobuild English Learner's Dictionary

    Taschenbuch: 1322 Seiten
    Verlag: Klett (Juni 2003)

    Lernerwörterbuch mit ca. 60.000 Stichwörtern und Wendungen. Einfacher Definitionswortschatz. Jetzt mit blauen Stichwörtern. Für Sekundarstufe I ab Klasse 9/10 und Sekundarstufe II. Format: 14,8 x 22 cm. 1.344 Seiten.

    Vollständige Neubearbeitung und Neukonzeption
    Basierend auf dem Bank of English Korpus mit mehr als 250 Millionen Wörtern

    Erweitert: Jetzt ca. 60000 Stichwörter und Wendungen mit zahlreichen Neuwörtern und neuen Bedeutungen
    Ca. 55000 neue Beispielsätze aus dem Bank of English Korpus
    Lernfreundlich: leichtverständliche Definitionen erklären in vollständigen Sätzen die verschiedenen Bedeutungen eines Stichworts
    Übersichtlich: Angaben zu Grammatik, regionalem und stilistischem Gebrauch in der bewährten Randleiste
    Neu: Angabe zur Frequenz der Wörter
    Berücksichtigung des amerikanischen Englisch


    PONS Cobuild English Learner's Dictionary
    Das bewährte einsprachig englische Wörterbuch bietet rund 60.000 Stichwörter und Wendungen unter Berücksichtigung des amerikanischen Englisch. Mit mit zahlreichen neuen Bedeutungen und neuen Wörtern ist es eine sehr gute Basis für die gezielte Wortschatzerweiterung. Verständliche Definitionen erklären in vollständigen Sätzen die verschiedenen Bedeutungen eines Stichworts. Besonders hilfreich sind die Angaben zur Aussprache, zur Grammatik sowie zum regionalen und stilistischen Gebrauch. Eine wertvolle Unterstützung für alle, die auf Englisch kommunizieren wollen.
    2001. 1.322 S., Anhang m. Begriffen a. d. Alltag, geogr. Namen, Maßen u. Gewichten, geb. Klett.



    Reddick, Allen
    The Making of Johnson's Dictionary 1746-1773
    (Cambridge Studies in Publishing and Printing History)

    Taschenbuch: 282 Seiten
    Verlag: Cambridge University Press; Auflage: Revised (März 1996)
    Sprache: Englisch

    Following the discovery of manuscript materials, including hundreds of unpublished additions and changes, for Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language, Allen Reddick describes the conception, composition, writing, and subsequent revision of the first great English dictionary, and the only dictionary created by a great writer. In this second edition of his acclaimed study, Reddick incorporates new commentary and scholarship, and situates The Making of Johnson's Dictionary in current critical and scholarly debate.


    Shipley, Joseph T.
    Dictionary of Word Origins

    Gebundene Ausgabe: 448 Seiten
    Verlag: Barnes & Noble (29. April 1993)
    2nd Edition,
    New York: Philosophical Library, 1945.

    Simpson, John (Herausgeber)
    Oxford English Dictionary on CD ROM Version 4.0

    CD-ROM: 12 Seiten
    Verlag: Oxford University Press; Auflage: 2 Cdr (4. Juni 2009)

    The Oxford English Dictionary is the internationally recognized authority on the English Language, defining more than 500,000 words and tracing their usage through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of literary and other sources. The text on the CD-ROM comprises the full text of the OED 2nd Edition, plus the three Additions volumes, as well as 7,000 new entries from the OED's continuing research. Most importantly, OED v4.0 on CD-ROM boasts superb search-and-retrieval software, designed specifically for the electronic version, enabling you to investigate the Dictionary in ways not possible with the print edition. Questions which might have taken years of patient research can now be answered in seconds. Existing functionality retained from earlier versions includes:
    • Installation to the hard drive, so the CD is not required during use of the Dictionary;
    • Options to customize the entry display and show or hide pronunciations, spellings, etymology, and quotation text;
    • Flexible full text search options, with search filters and an option to rank entries and search results alphabetically or by date. New to this version:
    • Now available to Mac users;
    • Flash-base;
    • Smoother and faster performance providing instantaneous search results;
    • New word-wheel which supports incremental letter-by-letter browsing;
    • 7,000 new words and meanings; Windows upgrades available to registered users of Versions 2.0 upwards.
    System Requirements Windows: Intel(r) Pentium(r) 4 1.6GHz processor or equivalent (2GHz recommended); Microsoft(r) Windows(r) Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000. Macintosh: Power PC(r) G4 867MHz or faster processor; Intel Core Duo 2.13GHz or faster processor; Mac OS X v.10.4x or 10.5x. All platforms: 512MB of RAM; 1Gb free hard disk space; minimum monitor capability: 1024 x 768 pixels and high colour (16 bits per pixel, ie 65,536 colours); local CD-ROM/DVD drive (for installation); runs from hard drive only.




    Oxford English Dictionary




    History of the Oxford English Dictionary, OED


    Erstellt: 2011-01

    Simpson, John A.
    Weiner, Edmund S. (Hg.)
    The Oxford English Dictionary

    (20 Vols.)
    Gebundene Ausgabe: 22.000 Seiten
    Verlag: Clarendon Press; Auflage: 2 (März 1989)
    Sprache: Englisch

    The Oxford English Dictionary has long been considered the ultimate reference work in English lexicography. Compiled by the legendary editor James Murray and a staff of brilliant philologists and lexicographers (not to mention one homicidal maniac), the OED was originally conceived in 1857 as a four-volume set, but by the time the last volume was published in 1928, it had swelled to 10 volumes containing over 400,000 entries. In the years since, the staff of the OED has continued to keep pace with our ever-evolving language, and today the dictionary weighs in at a whopping 20 volumes. The great joy of this dictionary lies in its extensive cross-references and word etymologies, which can run a full page or more. These features not only make the OED the most comprehensive and authoritative dictionary of the English language, but a delight to browse.

    The 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. It traces the usage of words through 2.4 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources. The OED has a unique historical focus. Accompanying each definition is a chronologically arranged group of quotations that trace the usage of words, and show the contexts in which they can be used. The quotations are drawn from a huge variety of sources worldwide - literary, scholarly, technical, and popular - and represent authors as disparate as Geoffrey Chaucer and Erica Jong, William Shakespeare, Charles Darwin and Isabella Beeton. Other features distinguishing the entries in the Dictionary are authoritative definitions; detailed information on pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet; listings of variant spellings used throughout each word's history; extensive treatment of etymology; and details of area of usage and of any regional characteristics. SPECIAL OFFER: you can buy the OED for GBP499 until 31 January 2007 (thereafter GBP850). Alongside the print edition is the Oxford English Dictionary Online ( Updated quarterly, this award winning online resource allows the Dictionary to evolve with the English language while the print edition remains as a historical record. Subscriptions are available to OED Online on an individual or institutional basis.
    Visit for details. Buy the OED on CD-ROM and PRINT EDITION together and save 50% Standard price GBP1100 NOW GBP550 (GBP468 +VAT). Offer available until the end of January 2007.


    The Oxford English Dictionary
    Second Edition
    Edited by John Simpson and Edmund Weiner

    Price: £850.00 (hardback)
    ISBN-10: 0-19-861186-2
    ISBN-13: 978-0-19-861186-8
    Publication date: 30 March 1989
    22000 pages, 305x225 mm

    A sample of this book is available in PDF format

    'The OED has been to me a teacher, a companion, a source of endless discovery. I could not have become a writer without it.-- Anthony Burgess ' -
    ' The greatest treasure of wordsall the raw material a writer needs for a lifetime of work.-- Annie Proulx ' -
    'The Oxford English Dictionary is more than a national monument to lexicography. The vast storehouse of the words and phrases that constitute the vocabulary of the English-speaking people is the ultimate authority on the English language as well as a history of English speech and thought from its infancy to the present day.-- The Times ' -
    ' The gigantic total picture of the English languagean epic achievement.-- The Observer ' -
    'The greatest dictionary ever compiled.-- Sunday Telegraph ' -
    'The greatest dictionary in any language.-- The Telegraph ' -
    ' It is a remarkable work of scholarship, and must rank high among the wonders of the world of learning.-- The Times Educational Supplement ' -
    'The greatest work in dictionary making ever undertaken.-- The New York Times ' -

    The 20 volume Oxford English Dictionary is an unrivalled guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words
    The Dictionary traces the evolution of over 600,000 words from across the English-speaking world through 2.4 million quotations
    Historical in focus, each of the OED 's entries contain the word's earliest known use, as well as later examples which help plot the word's subsequent development in English
    Its quotations are taken from a broad range of English language sources - from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books
    Elegantly designed for maximum legibility and printed to the highest standards on the finest quality paper

    The 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. It traces the usage of words through 2.4 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources. The OED has a unique historical focus. Accompanying each definition is a chronologically arranged group of quotations that trace the usage of words, and show the contexts in which they can be used. The quotations are drawn from a huge variety of sources worldwide - literary, scholarly, technical, and popular - and represent authors as disparate as Geoffrey Chaucer and Erica Jong, William Shakespeare, Charles Darwin and Isabella Beeton. Other features distinguishing the entries in the Dictionary are authoritative definitions; detailed information on pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet; listings of variant spellings used throughout each word's history; extensive treatment of etymology; and details of area of usage and of any regional characteristics. Alongside the print edition is the Oxford English Dictionary Online ( Updated quarterly, this award winning online resource allows the Dictionary to evolve with the English language while the print edition remains as a historical record. Subscriptions are available to OED Online on an individual or institutional basis.
    Visit for details. Buy the OED on CD-ROM and PRINT EDITION together and save 50% Standard price £1100.

    Soanes, Catherine
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary

    von Catherine Soanes, Angus Stevenson
    Sprache: Englisch
    Gebundene Ausgabe - 1708 Seiten - Oxford University Press
    Erscheinungsdatum: 15. August 2004
    Auflage: 11th
    ISBN: 0198608640

    Authoritative and up to date, this eleventh edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary contains over 240,000 words, phrases, and definitions, including 900 new words. It offers rich vocabulary coverage, with full treatment of World English, rare, historical, and archaic terms, as well as scientific and technical vocabulary, and provides hundreds of helpful notes on grammar and usage. New to this edition is a fascinating Word Histories feature, telling the often bizarre stories of the origins and development of 100s of words. For example, did you know that the word "grammar" is related to "glamour", or that "cockney" used to mean a "spoilt child"? This dictionary contains full appendices on topics such as alphabets, currencies, electronic English, and the registers of language, from formal to slang, plus a useful Guide to Good English with advice on grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

    Concise Oxford English Dictionary, thumb index edition
    von Catherine Soanes, Angus Stevenson
    Sprache: Englisch
    Gebundene Ausgabe - 1728 Seiten - Oxford University Press
    Erscheinungsdatum: 8. Juli 2004
    ISBN: 0198610106


    Trumble, William R.
    Brown, Lesley
    Stevenson, Angus (Hg.)
    Shorter Oxford English Dictionary

    Gebundene Ausgabe: 3750 Seiten
    Verlag: Oxford University Press; Auflage: 5th (26. September 2002)
    Sprache: Englisch

    3.500 englische Begriffe, wurden 2003 (seit der letzten Auflage 1993) neu in das Wörterbuch aufgenommen.
    Darunter befinden sich:
    • asymmetrical warfare
    • body-piercing
    • snail mail
    • Taliban
    • text-messaging
    • to text
    • Viagra
    Das Wörterbuch hat zum Ziel jedes benutzte Wort seit 1700 in chronologischer Ordnung der ersten Erscheinung in der Sprache zu erfassen.




    Wedgwood, Hensleigh
    A Dictionary of English Etymology
    With an Introdroduction on the Origin of Language


    A Dictionary of English Etymology. [With an Introd. on the Origin of Language] with Notes and Additions by George P. Marsh Volume 1
    by Hensleigh Wedgwood (Created by)


    A dictionary of English etymology - Wedgwood, Hensleigh, 1803-1891
    Book digitized by Google from the library of the New York Public Library and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.
    Book digitized by Google from the library of Oxford University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.
    A dictionary of English etymology. [With an introd. on the origin of language] With notes and additions by George P. Marsh (Volume 1) - Wedgwood, Hensleigh, 1803-1891


    • A dictionary of english etymology. 2, E - P
    • Wedgwood, Hensleigh ... London : Trübner, 1862 ... Englisch ... IV, 567 S. ... ... urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10582373-0 ... München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- L.g.sept. 66 gi-2 ...

    • A dictionary of english etymology. 1, A - D
    • Wedgwood, Hensleigh ... London : Trübner, 1859 ... Englisch ... XXIV, 507 S. ... ... urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10582372-5 ... München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- L.g.sept. 66 gi-1 ...

    • A dictionary of english etymology. 3,2, Q - Z ; 2
    • Wedgwood, Hensleigh ... London : Trübner, 1865 ... Englisch ... S. 367 - 571 ... ... urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10582375-1 ... München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- L.g.sept. 66 gi-3,2 ...

    • A dictionary of english etymology. 3[,1], Q - Z ; 1
    • Wedgwood, Hensleigh ... London : Trübner, 1865 ... Englisch ... [1] Bl., 366 S. ... ... urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10582374-6 ... München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- L.g.sept. 66 gi-3,1 ...

    Erstellt: 2013-12

    Willinsky, John
    Empire of Words
    The Reign of the OED

    Gebundene Ausgabe: 258 Seiten
    Verlag: Princeton University Press (Januar 1995)
    Sprache: Englisch

    From Booklist
    At first glance, this appears to update Caught in the Web of Words: James Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary (1977). Indeed, it does describe how the supplements to and the second edition of the OED were compiled and the ongoing work on the database today. But it is really a scholarly study of the more than two million citations in the dictionary that are used to show shades of meanings of words. Willinsky questions the authority of the OED by demonstrating how idiosyncratic the choice of citations often has been. He describes the shift in citations over time from English literature to American sources. Tables show the leading sources for citations in various editions of the dictionary - it was Shakespeare in the first edition, Shaw in the supplements.
    Sandy Whiteley

    Winchester, Simon
    Der Mann, der die Wörter liebte
    Eine wahre Geschichte

    284 Seiten
    Sprache: Deutsch

    Simon Winchesters erstes Buch in bibliophiler Ausstattung Simon Winchester erzählt die wahre Geschichte der außergewöhnlichen Freundschaft zwischen Professor Murray, dem Herausgeber des legendären Oxford English Dictionary, und einem sprachverliebten Mörder, der zum wichtigsten Mitarbeiter an diesem Projekt wird. Ein packender Roman über Genie, Wahnsinn und die Liebe zu den Wörtern.

    "Ein brillanter Sachbuch-Roman, der sich wie ein Krimi liest."
    Die Welt

    Winchester, Simon
    Meaning of Everything
    deutscher Titel: Der Mann, der die Wörter liebte
    The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary






    Broschiert - Btb Bei Goldmann
    Erscheinungsdatum: August 2000
    ISBN: 3442726433

    Im Jahre 1857 wurde ein ungewöhnliches Projekt in London initiiert. Die englische Sprache sollte in ihrer ganzen Vielfalt in einem Wörterbuch festgeschrieben werden. Erst 70 Jahre später war das vollendet, was wir heute als "The New Oxford Dictionary of English" kennen.
    Der Mann, der diese Inventur der englischen Sprache in die Hand nahm, war "Dr. James Murray", der stets vom Wissensdurst getrieben wurde, fasziniert war von Wörtern und den verschiedensten Sprachen. Mit Flugblättern suchte Murray freiwillige Helfer, die die englische Literatur nach Wörter durchforsten sollten. Einer tritt bei dieser Arbeit hervor: William Minor. Per Post versorgt er Murray mit unzähligen Wörtern.


