Ananas (W3)
Es gibt im Deutschen auch Wörter aus ganz entfernten Gegenden, die im Zuge des weltweiten Handels und des Imports von exotischen Früchten und Tieren in das Land kamen, darunter viele Wörter der Tupi, einem Stamm im Amazonasgebiet: "Ananas" = dt. "Frucht", "gut riechende Frucht".Die dt. "Ananas" wurde aus der Guarani-Sprache der Tupí übernommen, die in Paraguay, Brasilien und Argentinien gesprochen wurde/wird.
Christoph Kolumbus machte angeblich im Jahr 1493 auf Guadeloupe Bekanntschaft mit der exotischen Frucht, als die Ureinwohner ihm Ananas als Willkommens-Geschenk überreichten.
Die Ausgangsbezeichnung in der Sprache der Tupí, Guaraní und im Karibischen war "naná", mit der Bedeutung dt. "parfümiert". Der Name deutete auf das volle Aroma der reifen Frucht hin. Die Portugiesen hängten den Artikel port. "a" davor und setzten es mit dem Pluralzeichen "s" in den Plural, port. "ananás". Im 16. Jh. erreichte port. "ananás" auch Frankreich (frz. "ananas"), Deutschland (frz. "Ananas") und andere europäische Sprachen.
In Bayern bezeichnt "Ananas" eine "Erdbeere. Das könnte darauf zurückgehen, dass man früher eine Sorte Gartenerdbeeren mit großen Früchten als "Ananaserdbeere" bezeichnete, wovon dann in Bayern nur noch die "Ananas" übrig blieb.
Die Engländer fanden, dass die "Ananas" eine große Ähnlichkeit mit einem Tannenzapfen hat und nannten sie engl. "pineappel".
Der 27. Juni wurde als "Internationaler Tag der Ananas", engl. "International Pineapple Day" ausgerufen.
Ananas P. Mill. - pineapple
Classification: Ananas P. Mill.
- Kingdom Plantae – Plants
- Subkingdom Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
- Superdivision Spermatophyta – Seed plants
- Division Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
- Class Liliopsida – Monocotyledons
- Subclass Zingiberidae –
- Order Bromeliales –
- Family Bromeliaceae – Bromeliad family
- Genus Ananas P. Mill. – pineapple
"Pineapple" (Eng.); "Piña" (Sp.); "Nana" (Fr.); "Ananas" (Germ.)
When Columbus landed in Guadeloupe in 1493, he found "pineapples", which probably had originally come from Brazil. As Father de Acosta observed as early as 1589, the Spanish thought this new fruit resembled a "pine cone"; hence, the Spanish name of "pinya", and the English name of "pineapple" (the fruit was often just called a "pine" when it was first introduced into Britain). The word "nanais" a portion of the Brazilian Guarani word that means "perfumed" and was retained in both French and German.
"ananas", noun (ananas, ses)
(botany) "pineapple", "Pineapple"
Etymology: From "Ananassa sativa", probably with influence from foreign languages
Other demands on my time have made posting here rather spotty, but I have always tried to keep notes on possible posts for when some time appears. One of the 17th century sources cited for peanuts (with a small diversion on sharks) was Jean-Baptiste du Tertre. In the same work, Histoire generales des Antilles habitees par les Francais (1667), he has a chapter on "l'Ananas", le Roy des fruits” "pineapple, the king of fruits".
Having recently finished "The Pineapple: King of Fruits" by Fran Beauman, I was reminded of this and of an analogy:
orange : orangery ? pineapple : pinery
The word for "pineapple" in most languages is something like "ananas". This comes from the Tupi-Guarani name for the fruit, "na´na", which I have seen glossed variously as "fragrant" and "excellent". (Some sources, such as Skeat, also claim that "nana" is the plant and "anana" the fruit.)
The word is first reported by André Thevet, who writes (Singularitez de la France antarctique, 1558, pp. 89-90):
Le fruit duquel plus cõmunem?t ils v?ent en leurs maladies, e?t nommé "Nana", gros comme vne moyenne citrouille, fait tout autour cõme vne "pomme de pin", an?i que pourrez voir par la pre?ente figure. Ce fruit deuient iaune en maturité, lequel e?t merueilleu?ement excellent, tant pour ?a douceur que ?aueur, autant amoureu?e que fin ?ucre, & plus.
The fruit which they most commonly use for their illnesses is named "nana", as big as a medium pumpkin, formed overall like a "pinecone", as you can see from the present figure. This fruit turns yellow when ripe; it is marvelously excellent, as much for the sweetness as the taste, as lovely as fine sugar, and more so.
Pineapple, (Ananas comosus)
The earliest written references to pineapple are by Christopher Columbus, Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, and Sir Walter Raleigh, who found "pineapple" growing in the West Indies, where it was used for food and wine making.
The Portuguese were apparently responsible for early dissemination of the "pineapple". They introduced it to "Saint Helena" shortly after they discovered that island in 1502. Soon after, they carried it to "Africa" and, by about 1550, to "India". Before the end of the 16th century, cultivation of the plant had spread over most of the tropical areas of the world, including some of the islands of the South Pacific. Major modern growers of pineapple include "Costa Rica", "Brazil", "China", "India", and "Thailand".
Fragaria × ananassa (plant)
Botanary: Ananas
Meaning: Pineapple
Botanary: "Pseudananas"
Meaning: From the Greek "pseudo" ("false") and "Ananas" ("pineapple" genus)
Botanary: x ananassa
Meaning: "Hybrid strawberry"; the name alludes to the fact the fruit smells like "pineapple" ("Ananas genus")
Word History and Origins
Origin of ananas1
C17: from the native name in Peru
"Ananas": The "ananas comosus" - the "pineapple" - is the most well-known ananas plant. In tropical areas, "ananas" ("pineapple") plants are used to make strong and secure hedges.
French or Spanish; French, from Spanish ananás, from Portuguese, modification of Tupi naná
First Known Use
1600, in the meaning defined at sense 2
- Bromella ananas
- Bromella pinguin
- Bromella Karatas
Limericks on Ananas
Sorting Ananas names
There are many more "apples" which don't grow on apple trees. Logically, a "pineapple" should be a fruit of the pine tree so it should be no surprise to discover that this is, originally, what "pine apple" meant - a "pine cone". This explains why the architectural ornament known as a "pineapple" bears no resemblance to the juicy edible fruit of "Ananassa sativa" which we know by that name (and which is no more an "apple" than it is a "pine").
Pain in the ananas: etymology maps
Who would have thought that the marriage of two tiny little words - "pine" from the Latin "pinus" meaning "sap", "juice" and "apple" from "apple" meaning "apple" would have split the UK from the rest of the world way back when it was first recorded in 1398?
And what about the word "orange"? Or "beer"? Or "bear"? Or "church"? Do our language lands collide or do they coincide? Find out with these eight fun etymology maps complete with terrible puns.
Who made this? The maps appear to have been originally posted by Reddit user Bezbojnicul.
Mona Chalabi, Thursday 14 November 2013 12.01 GMT
- 1. Ananas vs Them
- 2. Put on your beer goggles
- 3. Does a bear drinking beer sound poetic everywhere?
- 4. Arancia happy you're finding out about oranges?
- 5. It's all looking rosy
- 6. Tea-sing out differences
- 7. Rotten apples
- 8. Cucumber island
This article was amended on 14 November 2013 to include the source and link to the Reddit post where the maps originated.
The french word for "pineapple".
Also used in slang sometimes as fuck\fuck you
And can be used almost like cartmans word "nyah"
We are so cool...Ananas bitches!!!
The word for "Pineapple" but in every other country uses "Ananas".
- The UK: Ananas
- Germany: Ananas
- France: Ananas
- America: Pineapple
- Ananas a genus of tropical American plants have sword-shaped leaves and a fleshy compound fruits composed of the fruits of several flowers (such as pineapples)
- ananas large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated
- Ananas comosus a tropical American plant bearing a large fleshy edible fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated in the tropics
- Fragaria ananassa widely cultivated
- genus Ananas a genus of tropical American plants have sword-shaped leaves and a fleshy compound fruits composed of the fruits of several flowers (such as pineapples)
... pineapples are, in fact, native to South America. But the "pine cone" explanation you've heard is essentially the truth. When "pineapple" first appeared in English in the late 14th century, it referred to what we now call the "pine cone" or, a bit later, to the seeds ("pine nuts") of the "pine tree". During this period "apple" was indeed applied to nearly any sort of fruit, so "pineapple" meant simply the "fruit of the pine tree". When European explorers were introduced to "Ananas comosus" in the Caribbean, its shape reminded them of a "pineapple" from a "pine tree", so, in the 17th century, they applied that name to the new fruit. That meant, of course, that English had two "pineapples", so the one from the "pine tree" was gradually re-christened a "pine cone".
Origin of Ananas
Either directly from Old Tupi nanas (“excellent fruit”), or from the taxonomic name thence derived, Ananassa sativa / Ananas comosus, likely under the influence of the many other languages which use the Old Tupi-derived designation ananas for the fruit.
How to say "pineapple" in different European Languages, With complete etymology - Follow For More Language Maps
"Pineapple", "Piña", or "Ananas"
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Ananas" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1680 auf.
Erstellt: 2024-04