Blue Moon - Rose
once in a blue moon (W3)
00 Hinweis: ----------------------------------- | Hinweis: -------------------------------------------------------------- |
01 Hinweis: Bild | |
02 Hinweis: Bemerkung | |
03 Hinweis: Literatur | |
10 Name: -------------------------------------- | Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
11 Name: Sortier Name | |
12 Name: Exhibition Name | |
13 Name: Registration Name | |
14 Name: Synonyme | Blue Moon, Blå Måndag, Blue Monday, Mainzer Fastnacht, Mainzer Rad, Navo-Rose, Sissi, Sissy, Tannacht, TANnacht, TANsi, TANsi0343 |
15 Name: Auszeichnungen / Awards | ADR-Rose 1964 |
20 Genealogie: -------------------------------- | Genealogie: ----------------------------------------------------------- |
21 Genealogie: Gattung / Sektion / Art | Teehybride, Hybrid Tea, Edelrose |
22 Genealogie: Elternrosen / Herkunft / Parentage | Sämling von 'Sterling Silver' × Sämling |
23 Genealogie: Kinderrosen / Nachkommen | |
24 Genealogie: Sports / Mutationen | |
25 Genealogie: Verwendung / Utilisation / Gebruik / Use | Bush |
26 Genealogie: Erscheinungsjahr / DOB (Date of Birth) | 1964 / 1965, introduction: 1951 - 1965 |
27 Genealogie: Züchter / Entdecker / Breeder / Hybridizer | Mathias Tantau, Jr., DE, 1964 / 1965 |
30 Blüte: ------------------------------------- | Blüte: ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
31 Blüte: Farbe / Bloemkleur / Flower Colour | hellblau-rosa, blue, silver-lilac, light mauve, lila, Mauve blend, mid colour shade of Purple, Strong Pink |
32 Blüte: Duft / Fragrance / Geurend / Scent Strength | starker fruchtiger Duft, nicht so sehr nach Rose, aber schön intensiv, Fragrant, Good or wonderful old rose scent, intense scent, moderate |
33 Blüte: Eigenschaften / Flowering Habit | |
34 Blüte: Blütenblätter-Anzahl / Petals | |
35 Blüte: Form / Forme de la fleur / Bloom Shape | |
36 Blüte: Größe / Bloem / Bloom Size | large blooms |
37 Blüte: Typ / Bloom Type | |
38 Blüte: Zeit / Floraison / Bloeitijd / Flowering Period | |
39 Blüte: Bienenfreundlichkeit | |
40 Pflanze: ----------------------------------- | Pflanze: -------------------------------------------------------------- |
41 Pflanze: Blätter, Laub / Feuillage / Foliage | |
42 Pflanze: Dornen / Stacheln / Thornyness | Some thorns (5 / 10) |
43 Pflanze: Hagebutten / Hips / Hip Colour / Hip Shape | |
44 Pflanze: Knospen / Buds | |
45 Pflanze: Stiele / Stems | |
50 Wuchs: ------------------------------------- | Wuchs: ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
51 Wuchs: Form / Vorm / Growth Habit | |
52 Wuchs: Abstand / Dist. de plantation | |
53 Wuchs: Höhe / Taille / Height / Hauteur | 60 - 150 cm |
54 Wuchs: Weite / Width | 60 cm |
60 Gesundheit: -------------------------------- | Gesundheit: ----------------------------------------------------------- |
61 Gesundheit: Bodenansprüche / Cultivation | |
62 Gesundheit: Bakterien, Pilze, Viren | |
63 Gesundheit: Tierische Schädlinge | |
64 Gesundheit: Hitze | |
65 Gesundheit: Kälte | |
66 Gesundheit: Nässe | |
67 Gesundheit: Trockenheit | |
68 Gesundheit: Schatten | |
99 -------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
"Blue Moon" heisst (gängigerweise) der zweite Vollmond eines Kalendermonats - a rather rare occurrence - eben so selten wie ein "blauer Mond".
Der Ausdruck engl. "blue moon" (1528) bzw. "once in a blue moon" = dt. "alle Jubeljahre einmal", "ganz selten" kam schon vor etwa 400 Jahren auf. Ursprünglich bezeichnete es etwas Unmögliches. Daraus entstand ein zeitlicher Bezug mit der Bedeutung dt. "etwas, das nie geschehen kann". Eine Hochzeit, die auf den Tag gelegt wird, an dem der Mond blau ist, wird wohl nicht stattfinden.
Anfang des 19. Jh. erschien engl. "blue moon" erstmals in gedruckter Form.
Dann aber explodierte im Jahr 1883 der Krakatoa Vulkan in Indonesien, im Jahr 1927 blies der indische Monsun nach einer langen Trockenperiode sehr viel Staub in die Atmosphäre und im Jahr 1951 förderten großflächige Brände in Kanada viele Rauchpartikel in die Luft. Und die immense Partikelanreicherung in der Atmosphäre bewirkte jeweils eine "Blaufärbung des Mondes".
Also erkannte man ab Mitte des 19. Jh. daß sich der Mond doch blau färben kann. Allerdings kam es wirklich sehr selten vor, und so nahm die Redewendung (nachweisbar seit 1821) die Bedeutung "sehr selten" an.
Im Film "Blue Moon" geht es um die Liebe:
Die Liebe treibt den wortkargen Geldboten Johnny Pichler aus dem sicheren Westen tief in den Osten Europas, wo er die geheimnisvolle blonde Shirley sucht. Die Odyssee der Gefühle endet in Odessa, wo der blaue Mond aufzieht. - Josef Hader und Detlev Buck in einem modernen Märchen-Roadmovie. "Blue Moon" ist das Spielfilmdebüt der Österreicherin Andrea Maria Dusl.
Blue Moon Tavern
Seattle, Washington
This popular bar has been blurring the line between normal and edgy for more than 75 years
Bizarre Restaurants and Bars
04 Feb 2012
Blue Moon.
Once in a blue moon. Very rarely indeed.
Allersheimer Blue Moon - Holzminden
Blue Moon - Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald
Blue moon, you saw me standin' alone
Without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own
Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for
You heard me sayin' a prayer for
Someone I really could care for
28.04.2009 once in a blue moon
Titel Deutschland: Blue Moon
Titel USA: Blue Moon
Genre: Drama
Farbe, Österreich, 2002
blue moon (green moon,blue sun,green sun)
Phenomenon caused by the presence of large quantities of suspended particles in the atmosphere which selectively remove the longer lunar or solar visible wavelengths more than the blue or green wavelengths.
Traditional English Names of Full Moons, and the "Blue Moon"
Hosta Blue Moon 'Blue Moon'
Nom Latin : Hosta 'Blue Moon'
Rosier buisson à grandes fleurs x Thé moderne 'Blue Moon'
Housman, Laurence, 1865-1959: The Blue Moon (English) (as Author)
"BLUE MOON BOYS" - This Rockabilly band from Indiana named themselves after the first band Elvis put together.
Clematis, Klematis: Blue Moon
Blue Moon | Blue Moon City
2012 September 01: On a Blue Moon
2010 January 02: Blue Moon Eclipse
2010 January 01: Not a Blue Moon
2004 July 31: Tonight: A Blue Moon
How often does a full moon occur twice in a single month? Exactly once in a Blue Moon. In fact, the modern usage of the term "Blue Moon" refers to the second Full Moon in a single month. Tonight's Blue Moon will be the first since November 2001. A Blue Moon typically occurs every few years. The reason for the rarity of the Blue Moon is that the 29.53 days between full moons is just slightly shorter than the number of days in the average month. Don't, however, expect the moon to look blue tonight! The term "Blue Moon" has recently been traced to an error in a magazine article in 1946. It is possible for the Moon to appear tinged by a blue hue, sometimes caused by fine dirt circulating in the Earth's atmosphere, possibly from a volcanic explosion. The above picture was taken not during a full moon but through a morning sky that appeared dark blue. The bright crescent is the only part directly exposed to sunlight - the rest of the Moon glows from sunlight reflected from the Earth. In this dramatic photo, however, the planet Jupiter is also visible along with its four largest moons.
July 30 1996: Tonight: A Blue Moon
(E?)(L?) moon
Limericks on "blue moon"
blue moon
once in a blue moon
Once in a blue moon
(E2)(L1) moon
What's a Blue Moon?
The trendy definition of "blue Moon" as the second full Moon in a month is a mistake.
July 27, 2006
by Donald W. Olson, Richard Tresch Fienberg, and Roger Sinnott
Recent decades have seen widespread popular embrace of the idea that when a calendar month contains two full Moons, the second one is called a "Blue Moon." The unusual pattern of lunar phases in early 1999 — two full Moons each in January and March, and none at all in February — triggered a groundswell of public interest. Countless newspapers and radio and TV stations ran stories about Blue Moons.
In an article entitled Once in a Blue Moon, folklorist Philip Hiscock traced the calendrical meaning of the term "Blue Moon" to the Maine Farmers' Almanac for 1937. But a page from that almanac belies the second-full-Moon-in-a-month interpretation.
Once in a Blue Moon
August 24, 2012
by Philip Hiscock
August 31st will see the second of two full moons in the same month (the other was on the 1st in North America or on the 2nd in Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia). You've probably heard the second of those full moons referred to as a "blue moon" — but you might be surprised at the origin of the phrase.
"According to old folklore," some people say, the second full Moon in a calendar month is called a "blue Moon." They go on to explain that this is the origin of the expression "once in a blue Moon." But it isn't true! The term "blue Moon" has been around a long time, well over 400 years, but its calendrical meaning has become widespread only in the last 25 years.
A Variety of Meanings
While he was well aware of the phrase a blue moon (meaning an indeterminate but extremely long period of time), he was perplexed to discover that in the U.S. it also means "the second full moon to occur within one calendar month".
When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again - by Elvis Presley
Blue Moon - by The Marcels
Blue Moon With Heartache - by Rosanne Cash
Once In A Blue Moon - by Earl Thomas Conley
Does The Blue Moon Ever Shine On You - by Toby Keith
Once in a blue moon
(E1)(L1) Moon
Mainzer Fastnacht ® ADR-Rose 1964
Mainz ist eine Hochburg des Karnevals; diese Rose narrt ein wenig, zählt sie doch zu "blauen" Rosen. Der Züchter Tantau wurde überredet, die deutsche Bezeichnung Mainzer Fastnacht in Sissi zu ändern, da viele Ausländer Probleme mit der Aussprache hatten; da aber Sissi im Englischen Schwächling heißt, wurde sie dort letztendlich 'Blue Moon' genannt.
The following table lists all blue moons from 1990 to 2010 for dates in universal time. Note that because the full moon occurs at different times (and therefore potentially on different calendar days and in different calendar months) in different time zones, the occurrence of blue moons is time zone (and daylight saving time) dependent. For example, a blue moon occurs on May 31, 2007 in the Eastern Daylight Time zone, but on June 30, 2007 in universal time. Blue moons cannot occur in February, since the Moon's synodic period is 29.531 days, but February is 29 days at its longest (during a leap year).
After several hours of searching the Internet, I came up with two explanations.
The older of these has to do with the rare occurrence of dust particles in the air and certain atmospheric conditions at night. When dust and the right conditions are present, the moon will appear blue.
The other derivation of the term, blue moon, is more recent and has to do with the appearance of two full moons in the same month. This also occurs infrequently. If you create a composite of these two explanations, you will have a good understanding of the meaning of a blue moon event.
There is another kind of "blue moon," however. On extremely rare occasions the moon actually appears to be blue. The blue color of a true "blue moon" on these occasions is thought to be due to various dust and smoke particles suspended in the Earth's atmosphere. These "blue moons" have no connection to how many full moons there have been in that particular month, and may well not even be full moons.
The idea of a blue moon has been traced back to 1528, to a sceptical little item entitled "Rede Me and Be Not Wrothe": “Yf they say the mone is belewe, we must believe that it is true”. This implies the expression had a meaning of something that was absurd, very like another moon-related proverb first recorded in the following year “They woulde make men beleue ... that ye Moone is made of grene chese”. Because it was absurd, saying that something happened only once in a blue moon was the same as saying it never happened. And this was what the phrase meant for several hundred years.
Erstellt: 2013-10