Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Ismus, Ismo, Isme, Ismo, Ism, (esper.) ismoj
G - EwfAl
English words from Algonquian
the language of a group of American Indian tribes that lived in the valleys of the Ottawa River and of the northern tributaries of the St. Lawrence River
- caribou (s) (noun), caribous (pl)
- caucus (s) (noun), caucuses (pl)
- chinquapin (s) (noun), chinquapins (pl)
- chipmunk (s) (noun), chipmunks (pl)
- hickory (s) (noun), hickories (pl)
- hominy (s) (noun), hominies (pl)
- manito (s) (noun), manitos, manito (pl)
- menhaden (s) (noun); menhaden, menhadens (pl)
- moccasin (s) (noun), moccasins (pl)
- moose (s) (noun), moose (pl)
- muskeg (s) (noun), muskegs (pl)
- muskellunge (s) (noun), muskellunge (pl)
- opossum, possum (s) (noun), opossums, possums (pl)
- pogy (s) (noun), pogies (pl)
- powpow (verb), powwows; powwowed; powwowing
- powwow, pow wow (s) (noun); powwows, pow wows (pl)
- raccoon (s) (noun), raccoons (pl)
- sachem (s) (noun), sachems (pl)
- sagamore (s) (noun), sagamores (pl)
- skunk (s) (noun), skunks (pl)
- succotash (s) (noun) (usually, only singular).
- tamarack (s) (noun), tamaracks (pl)
- terrapin (TER uh pin) (s) (noun), terrapins (pl)
- toboggan (s) (noun), toboggans (pl)
- toboggan (verb), toboggans; tobogganed; tobogganing
- tobogganist (s) (noun), tobogganists (pl)
- tomahawk (verb), tomahawks; tomahawked; tomahawking
- totem (s) (noun), totems (pl)
- totem pole (s) (noun), totem poles (pl)
- totemism (s) (noun), (usually only in the singular)
- tupelo (s) (noun), tupelos (pl)
- wampum (s) (noun), wampums (or) wampum (pl)
- wigwam (s) (noun), wigwams (pl)
Erstellt: 2020-05 - EwfAm
English Words from Amerind
an American Indian or an Eskimo
any of the languages of certain American Indians or Eskimos
- Adirondacks (plural used as singular) (noun)
- barbecue (verb), barbecues; barbecued; barbecuing
- barbecue, barbeque (s) (noun); barbecues, barbeques (pl)
- bayou (s) (noun), bayous (pl)
- cannibal (s) (noun), cannibals (pl)
- cannibalism (s) (noun) (no plural)
- cannibalistic (adjective), more cannibalistic, most cannibalistic
- canoe (s) (noun), canoes (pl)
- canoe (verb), canoes; canoed; canoeing
- canoeist (s) (noun), canoeists (pl)
- canoer (s) (noun), conoers (pl)
- cassava (s) (noun), cassavas (pl)
- catalpa (s) (noun), catalpas (pl)
- cavy (s) (noun), cavies (pl)
- coypu (s) (noun); coypus, coypu (pl)
- hammock (s) (noun), hammocks (pl)
- henequen, henequin (s) (noun); henequens, henequins (pl)
- hogan (s) (noun), hogans (pl)
- hurricane (s) (noun), hurricanes (pl)
- iguana (s) (noun), iguanas (pl)
- Kachina (s) (noun), Kachinas (pl)
- key (s) (noun), keys (pl)
- kiva (s) (noun), kivas (pl)
- maguey (s) (noun), magueys (pl)
- maize (s) (noun) (no plural)
- mugwump (s) (noun), mugwumps (pl)
- mugwumpery, mugwampism (s) (noun), (usually no plural)
- mugwumpish (adjective), more mugwumpish, most mugwumpish
- papoose, pap poose (s) (noun); papooses, pap pooses (pl)
- pecan (s) (noun), pecans (pl)
- peccary (s) (noun), peccaries (pl)
- petunia (s) (noun), petunias (pl)
- pipsissewa (s) (noun), pipsissewas (pl)
- pirogue (s) (noun), pirogues (pl)
- Podunk (s) (noun) (no plural)
- poncho (s) (noun), ponchos (pl)
- potato (s) (noun), potatoes
- punk (s) (noun), punks (pl)
- savanna, savannah (s) (noun), savannas, , savannahs (pl)
- squash (s) (noun); squash, squashes (pl)
- squaw (s) (noun), squaws (pl)
- tautog (s) (noun), tautogs (pl)
- tepee, teepe (s) (noun), tepees, teepes (pl)
- tobacco (s) (noun), tobaccos, tobaccoes (pl)
- tuna (s) (noun), tunas (pl)
- wahoo (s) (noun), wahoos (pl)
- wapiti (s) (noun), wapiti, wapitis (pl)
- woodchuck (s) (noun), woodchucks (pl)
Erstellt: 2020-05
Skunk, Bayou, and Other Words with Native American Origins
10 Words from Nahuatl, the Language of the Aztecs
- Skunk
- chipmunk
- opossum
- Micmac
- Woodchuck
- Bayou
- Hickory
- Catalpa
- tupelo
- pecan
- persimmon
- Tepee
- Toboggan
- Powwow
- Squash
- Totem
Geographical Terms
- Illinois
- Delaware
- Massachusett
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Alabama
- Missouri
- Miami
- Montauk
- Mobile
- Biloxi
- Cheyenne
- Natchez
- Wichita
- Spokan
- Walla Walla
- Yuma
- Erie
- Huron
- Missouri
- Apalachee
- Teton
- Mohave
- Shasta
- Connecticut
- Wyoming
10 Words from Nahuatl, the Language of the Aztecs
- Chocolate
- Coyote
- Avocado
- Tomato
- Chili
- Ocelot
- Axolotl
- Chipotle
- Mesquite
- Tamale
Erstellt: 2024-01
Words in English from Amerindian Languages
Amerindian words in English
Mots anglais d'origine amérindienne
Compiled by Mark Rosenfelder. This list may seem exhaustive, but it’s not-- the OED lists a few hundred more words. But they’re pretty obscure.
abalone | achiote | agouti | alpaca | annatto | | atlatl | avocado | axolotl | bayou | cacique | cacomistle | caiman | cannibal | canoe | capybara | caribou | carnauba [wax] | cassava | cashew | caucho | caucus | cavy | cayenne | chocolate | chayote | cherimoya | chigger | chile, chili | chinchilla | chipmunk | chunkey [game] | cigar | coati | coca | cocoa, cacao | coho [salmon] | condor | copal | cougar | coyote | coypu | curare | dory | enchilada | Great Spirit | grouper [fish] | guacamole | guano | guacharo | guarana | | guava | guanaco | hammock | high muckamuck | hickory | hoatzin | hogan | hominy | how [greeting] | hurricane | husky [dog] | igloo | iguana | Inca | ipecac | jacana | jackaranda | jaguar | jerky | jicama | kachina | kayak | kiva | lagniappe | lima [bean] | llama | macaw | maguey | mahogany | maize | malamute | mangrove | manioc | maraca | maté | mescal | mesquite | moccasin | mole | moose | mugwump | mukluk | muktuk | muskrat | ocelot | opossum | papaya | paca | | papoose | parka | pawpaw | pecan | peccary | pekan | pemmican | persimmon | petunia | peyote | piranha | pirogue | poncho | pone | potato | powwow | pulque | puma | pung [work sled] | quahog | quetzal | quipu | quinoa | quinine | raccoon | sachem | saguaro | samp | sapodilla | sasquatch | savannah | seapoose [riptide] | scuppernong | shack | shark | skunk | squash | squaw | sockeye [salmon] | sofkee | succotash | tamale | tamandua | tamarack | tamarin [monkey] | tanager | Tanis | tapioca | tapir | teocalli | teosinte | tepee | terrapin | tinamou | tobacco | tomahawk | toboggan | totem | tomato | tonka [bean] | toucan | umiak | vicuña | wampum | wapiti | wickiup | wigwam | | woodchuck | yautia | yucca
- abalone - Costanoan aulun
- achiote - Nahuatl achiotl
- agouti - Guarani acutí
- alpaca - Quechua allpaka
- annatto - Caribbean
- atlatl - Nahuatl atlatl ‘spear-thrower’
- avocado - Nahuatl ahuacatl
- axolotl - Nahuatl atl ‘water’ + xolotl ‘spirit’
- barbecue - Carib barbricot
- bayou - Choctaw bayuk
- buccaneer - Tupi mocaen ‘grill for frying or curing meat’
- cacique - Arawak kassequa ‘chief’
- cacomistle - Nahuatl tlacomiztli
- caiman - Carib acayuman
- cannibal - Tupi caryba ‘superior man’
- canoe - Caribbean
- capybara - Tupi
- caribou - Algonquian
- carnauba [wax] - Tupi
- cassava - Taino caçábi
- cashew - Tupi acajú
- caucho, Fr. caoutchouc - Quechua kawchu
- caucus - Algonquian caucauasu ‘counselor’
- cavy - Galibi cabiai, or perhaps Quechua qowi
- cayenne - Tupi kyinha
- chocolate - Aztec chikolatl possibly ‘water (made with a) chikol (stick)’
- chayote - Nahuatl chayotli
- cherimoya - Quechua chirimuya
- chigger - Cariban chigo
- chile, chili - Nahuatl chilli
- chinchilla - Aymara chinchilla
- chipmunk - Algonquian chitmunk
- chunkey [game] - Catawba chenco
- cigar - Maya sik’ar ‘smoke’
- coati - Tupi coatí
- coca - Quechua kuka
- cocoa, cacao - Nahuatl cacahuatl (Note: French cacahuète is from Nahuatl tlacucahuatl)
- coho [salmon] - Salish
- condor - Quechua kuntur
- copal - Nahuatl copalli ‘resin’
- cougar - Tupi suasuarana ‘like a deer’
- coyote - Nahuatl cóyotl
- coypu - Araucanian kóypu
- curare - Cariban kurari
- dory - Miskito dóri
- enchilada - ultimately from chile
- Great Spirit - loan translation of Ojibwa kitchi manitou
- grouper [fish] - Ge-Pano-Carib?
- guacamole - Nahuatl ahuaca-molli ‘avocado sauce’
- guano - Quechua wanu
- guacharo - Quechua wachu
- guarana - Tupi guaraná
- gaucho - Quechua wakcha ‘poor person’
- guava - Caribbean
- guanaco - Quechua wanaku
- hammock - Taino
- high muckamuck - Chinook hiu muckamuck
- hickory - Algonquian pawcohiccora
- hoatzin - Nahuatl uatzin
- hogan - Navajo hogan
- hominy - Algonquian
- how [greeting] - Dakota háo, Omaha hau
- hurricane - Carib huracan ‘his one leg’ - the name of a god
- husky [dog] - corruption of ‘Eskimo’, ultimately Algonquian
- igloo - Eskimo iglu
- iguana - Arawak iwana
- Inca - Quechua inka
- ipecac - Tupi ipe-kaa-guéne ‘medicinal plant’
- jacana - Tupi-Guarani jasaná
- jackaranda - Tupi yacarandá
- jaguar - Guarani jaguá
- jerky - Quechua ch’arki
- jicama - Nahuatl xicamatl
- kachina - Hopi qacina
- kayak - Eskimo qajaq
- kiva - Hopi
- lagniappe - Quechua yapay ‘add, addition’
- lima [bean] - Quechua rimay ‘speak’ (Lima, the city, is named after the river Rimaq, i.e ‘Speaking’)
- llama - Quechua llama
- macaw - Tupi macahuba
- maguey - Taino
- mahogany - of unknown origin, but the tree is Caribbean...
- maize - Carib mahiz
- malamute - Eskimo Mahlemut ethnonym
- mangrove - Taino mangle
- manioc - Tupi mandioca
- maraca - Tupi
- maté - Quechua mati
- mescal - Nahuatl mexcalli
- mesquite - Nahuatl mizquitl
- moccasin - Natick mohkussin
- mole - Nahuatl -molli ‘sauce’
- moose - Natick moos
- mugwump - Natick mugquomp ‘captain’
- mukluk - Eskimo muklok ‘large seal’
- muktuk - Eskimo maktak
- muskrat - Natick musquash + ‘rat’
- ocelot - Nahuatl ocelotl
- opossum - Powhatan aposoum
- papaya - Carib
- paca - Tupi páca
- pampa - Quechua pampa ‘flat’
- papoose - Algonquian papoos
- parka - Aleut parka ‘skin’ (- Russian - Samoyed!)
- pawpaw - Carib (same source as papaya)
- pecan - Algonquian paccan
- peccary - Carib pakira
- pekan - Abnaki pékané
- pemmican - Cree pimikân
- persimmon - Cree pasiminan ‘dried fruit’
- petunia - Tupi petyn
- peyote - Nahuatl peyotl
- piranha - Tupi pirátsainha
- pirogue - Carib
- poncho - Araucanian pontho
- pone - Algonquian äpân
- potato - Taino batata
- potlatch - Nootka patshatl
- powwow - Algonquian
- pulque - Nahuatl poliuhqui ‘spoiled’
- puma - Quechua puma
- pung [work sled] - Algonquian tom-pong
- quahog - Narraganset poquaúhock
- quetzal - Nahuatl quetzall
- quipu - Quechua khipu ’knot’
- quinoa - Quechua kinwa
- quinine - Quechua kinakina
- raccoon - Algonquian arathkone
- sachem - Narraganset sâchim
- saguaro - Pima
- samp - Narraganset nasàump
- sapodilla - Nahuatl tzapotl
- sasquatch - Halkomelem sesq?c
- savannah - Taino zabana
- seapoose [riptide] - Munsee sepoûs
- scuppernong - Algonquian (from a river name)
- shack - Nahuatl xacalli ‘thatched cabin’
- shark - Maya xoc
- skunk - Massachuset squnck
- squash - Massachuset askootasquash
- squaw - Massachuset squa
- sockeye [salmon] - Salish sukkegh, or Northern Straits Salish seqey’
- sofkee - Muskogean safki
- succotash - Narraganset msíckquatash
- tamale - Nahuatl tamalli
- tamandua - Tupi tamanduá ‘ant-catcher’
- tamarack - Algonquian
- tamarin [monkey] - Galibi
- tanager - Tupi atá ‘walk’ + carâ ‘around’
- Tanis - Cree ‘little daughter’
- tapioca - Tupi tipioca ‘residue’
- tapir - Guarani tapiira
- teocalli - Nahuatl teocalli
- teosinte - Nahuatl teocentli
- tepee - Dakota thipi
- terrapin - Algonquian *toolepeiwa
- tinamou - Galibi tinamu
- tobacco - Arawak tzibatl
- tomahawk - Algonquian tamahaac
- toboggan - Micmac tobakan
- totem - Ojibwa nintotem
- tomato - Nahuatl tomatl
- tonka [bean] - Galibi
- toucan - Tupi tucana
- umiak - Eskimo
- vicuña - Quechua wik’uña
- wampum - Algonquian wampumpeage
- wapiti - Shawnee wapiti ‘white rump’
- wickiup - Fox wikiyapi
- wigwam - Abnaki wikewam
- Winona - Dakota Winunã
- woodchuck - Algonquian otchek
- yautia - Taino
- yucca - Arawak
Erstellt: 2020-06