Thai-English - TH-UK - UK-TH
(E?)(L?) http://www.thai2english.com/
Thai2English enables anyone to easily read, understand and translate Thai text, even with little or no knowledge of Thai grammar.
It will automatically transliterate Thai to roman letters so it can be read without needing to know Thai script, and tone marks are added to each syllable to show how they're pronounced. The text is then spaced out dictionary definitions are shown for each word when you move your mouse over them, to make translating and understanding the text quick and straightforward.
The two way Thai<>English Thai2English dictionary contains over 110,000 Thai words, 90,000 English words, 190,000 example sentences, and also the Thai and English names of all of Thailand's thousands of villages, subdistricts, districts and provinces. Designed for the foreign learner of Thai, it's fully useable and searchable without needing to be able to read or type in Thai script.
You can search the online dictionary by entering Thai script or English in the text box in the top right of any page.
Erstellt: 2014-06