Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
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Zeichen, Signo, Signe, Segno, Sign, (esper.) signoj

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Encyclopedia of Westerns Signs and Ideograms
Symbol-Histories - Dictionary of Symbols - Online Encyclopedia of Graphic Symbols
Enzyklopädie der Symbole - Graphische Symbole - Ideogramme - Symbol-Lexikon - Symbol-Geschichten

(E1)(L1) is published by HME Publishing, Stockholm, Sweden. Please read our support page before contacting us with support inquires. Using the below form, you can also get in touch with Carl G. Liungman, the author of Symbols -- Encyclopedia of Westerns Signs and Ideograms.

An "ideogram" is a special type of symbol, a graphic sign for an idea or concept. For instance, the graph represents the G-clef in musical notation and the switch for treble range on sound reproducing appliances. It is therefore an ideogram.

Alphabetic letters are not considered ideograms proper in this work. But as the first letter in the alphabet A not only is a sign for a specific sound, but also denotes the idea of something that comes first. Consider expressions like "A grade" and "A-team". A may therefore be regarded as a sign.

A "sign" is called iconic if it has some perceivable likeness to what it denotes. In the opposite case, it is called aniconic.

However, whether iconic or aniconic, graphical symbols and signs that are not pictures of easily recognized objects are called non-pictorial. These non-pictorial symbols and signs are the subject matter of

The world's largest online encyclopedia of graphic symbols! contains more than 2,500 Western signs, arranged into 54 groups according to their graphic characteristics. In 1,600 articles their histories, uses, and meanings are thoroughly discussed. The signs range from ideograms carved in mammoth teeth by Cro-Magnon men, to hobo signs and subway graffiti. - Search for the meaning or history of a sign.

Use the Graphic Index to search for the meaning or history of a sign. If you want to see an ideogram with a certain meaning, use the Word Index.

Symbols ist eine kommerzielle Site; aber ansehen ist erlaubt. Es ist kaum zu glauben, wie viele unterschiedliche Symbole man mit ein paar Strichen und Kreisbögen zaubern kann.
Und zu vielen Zeichen, Symbole und Ideogramme (Von der Höhlenmalerei bis zum Graffitto der westlichen Welt) gibt es auch Informationen zum Hintergrund.

Man kann einerseits nach einem Zeichen durch Angabe von Kriterien suchen:

Und es gibt eine lange Liste mit den Bezeichnungen der Zeichen: Und da es zu vielen Zeichen auch Hinweise zu deren Entwicklungsgeschichte gibt, halte ich die Aufnahme ins Etymologie-Portal für gerechtfertigt.

Hier noch ein Beispiel:


This was a sign for zinc in eighteenth-century chemistry. Zinc was usually represented by one of the signs for Jupiter, which also stood for tin.

(Andere Zeichen-Geschichten können sich auch über eine Seite erstrecken.)

1 | 1,000 | 10 | 150 degrees from each other in the zodiac | 2 | 3 | 45 degree angle | 5 | 7 | 90

A is less than B or greater than B | abandoned mine shaft | ability to judge what is right and wrong | ability to understand and adapt to the established social structure | aborted fetus of unknown sex | abscess | absence | absolute | absolute center | absolute temperature | absolute time | accidents and misfortune | accounted for | accumulator | acetic acid | acetic acid, many signs for assembled | acetum | Achen, S.T. | acid | acid | acid sign | acide vitriolique | acids | acidum arsenici | acting individual | active intellect | addition | adrenal glands | Aesculapii staff | Aesir | aether | affection | African sign | African signs | Afrikaaner Weerstandsbeweging | agents accepted | agua regalis | air | air conditioning | air cooling system with several levels | air transportation | air, the astrological element, def. of | airplane is badly damaged | Akkadian | Akkadian signs | Akkadians | Al-Hadj---the pilgrimage to the holy city, Mecca | Al-Shahadah---the profession of faith | alcali fixe | alcali volatile | alchemical art | alcohol | alembic | alembic, def. of | Algol | Algorab | Alinea | alkali | alkaline salt | all is well | all possibilities | all that in one way or another exists | all that lacks existence | all the doors | Alliance des pays celtes | all types of waves | alloy based on antimony | alloy of gold and silver | alloy of mercury and silver | alloys with mercury | almanac signs | Almighty Father | almost clear sky | alpha | Alphecca | Altamira cave signs | altered or higher states of awareness | alternating current | alternating current of a frequency that is above the audible level | alternating current that is within the audible frequency range | alum | alum, def. of | alumen | aluminium earth | Alviella, Count | amalgam | amalgame | amber oil | amendment to the main text | American Indian signs | ammeter | ammonia | ammoniac | ammonium salt | ammonium salts | ammunition and firearms are needed | Amor | Amor, attributes of | ampere meter | | amphetamines | amulet seal sign | Anael | anarchism | anarchistic graph | anarchy | ANC | anchor cross | ancient monuments | ancient remains | and | and so on | Angel Sachiel | angels, signs for | anger | angle | angle sign | angled cross | animal kingdom | animalia | Animus | ankh | annulment | Annunciation Day | Antares | anthroposophy | anti-aircraft gun | anti-Nazi party | anti-nuclear emblem | anti-Semitic signs | anti-tank grenade launcher | antimonite | antimonium sulphuratum | antimony | antimony cinnabar | antimony flower | antimony oxide | Anu | Anu, god of heavens, attribute of | apartheid | Aphrodite | Aphrodite and the young Bull | Aphrodite Temples | Apollo | Apollo, attributes of | apothecaries' signs | appliance is intended for direct current | appliance and grounding | apprehension | approximately equal to | approximately the same as | Aqauarius | aqua fortis | aqua regia | Aquarius | Arabian parts, calculation of | Arabic League | Arabic signs | Arathron | archangel Gabriel | archangel Michael | archangel Raphael | archangels | archepiscopal cross | Archer | Arcturus | arena | Ares, the war god | argent vif | argentum auratum | argentum cuprofoetum | argilla | Aries | arpeggio | arrow cross | arrow sign | arsenic | arsenic acid | arsenic sulphate | arsenic sulphide | arsenic, many signs for assembled | arsenicum album | arsenicum sulphuratum | art of alchemy | art of esoteric alchemy | art of healing | artistic creativity | as a result | As-Salah---the prayer | As-Siam---fasting in the month of Ramadan | ascendant | ash | Asian Pals of the Planet | assimilating, receptive aspect of man | Assur | Assur's attribute | Assyria | Assyrian empire | Assyrian signs | Astarte | asteroides, def. of | asteroids, signs for | astrological element of earth | astrological element of fire | astrological element of water | astrological elements | astrological elements, signs for | astronomical signs | astronomy | asymmetrically curved line of dots | Athena | atom | atom bomb | atomic energy | atrament | attribute of Eros | attribute of Hermes | attribute of Taranis | Audi | augurs' staff | aum | auripigmentum | aurochs | aurora borealis | aurum | aurum cum caloric | aurum foliatum | aurum fulminans | aurum musivum | Australian aboriginee signs | authorities | authority | automatic function | automatically operated keyboard | autumn | autumn equinox | autumn season | average | average light intensity | avoid this place | avoid this place, risk of being arrested | avoid this place, risk of being arrested | avoid this place, it is dangerous | awareness | awareness levels, signs for | awareness symbols | Az-Zakah---giving to the poor | Aztec signs | azur

Babylon | Babylonian signs | back to zero | backup off- line operation | baculus pastoralis | bad or questionable move | bad-tempered people live here | Baden-Powell, Robert | Bahai religion | balance control | balance control for two sound channels | balm | balsamum | Bancroft, H. H. | band frequency filter | baptized | barbiturates | base | basic design for fortresses | basic element in Westem ideography | basic gestalts in Western ideography | basic graphic elements | bass clef | bathing facilities | battery | battle | battle against tuberculosis | battle sign | be | be careful---dogs in the yard | be careful---otherwise they'll call the police | be careful, there are dogs in the yard | be prepared to defend yourself | beacon | bear track | because of | beforehand defined process, specified elsewhere | beginning | beginning of a new train of thought | beginning of the summer half- year | beginnings and maxima | being in love | belief systems | belong together | belongs to the field of electricity | Belorus | Bern convention | best | best and most effective or potent part of a substance | best part of a chemical substance | Bethlehem star | Biedermann | biennal plants, many signs for assembled | biennial plant | biennial plants | big farm or manor house | biggest banking corporation of the world | binary system | Biohazard warning | biologically dangerous substances | birch | birth chart (horoscope) pattern | birth date | bishops' croziers | bismuth | black | black mercuric sulphide | black mercury | black sulphur | blanc d'Espagne | blasting or other type of destruction has been prepared | blend | Bliss' system | blood | blood relations | blood revenge group | bloodstone | board used for games | boat | Bode's law | Bode's law, def. of | bodily death | boil | bolus | borax | border case signs, belonging to two groups | boric acid | born | Bosch's | botanical signs | bottle | boundary | bow and arrow | bowl | bowl hollows | Boy Scout sign | braces | brakes | braking | branding of criminals | brands | brass | break into parts | breakthroughs | Bretagne | brevis | bridge | bright prospects | brightness control | Brigitine Order | brimstone | Bringer of Light | bringer of sorrow | British flag | British lawyers' folders | British motor vehicle inspection | British Nazi parties | bronze flower | brutal people, be careful | bull | bundle of thunderbolts | bureaucracy | burial | buried | burn | burn out, by making white-hot | burning of gold to powder | burning out all impurities | business | button cross | button for switching on or off | Byblos | Byzantine signs | Byzantium

C-clef | Cabbalistic signs | cadency, marks of | caduceus, the staff of the two snakes | calcinare | calcinated copper | calcinated gold | calcinatio auri | calcination | calcination, def. of | calm | calming salt | Caloric | caltrap | Cambodia | camera signs | camp | camphor | can be bleached | can be used outdoors under cover | cancel the lowered tone | cancel the raised half tone | cancellation | cancelled | Cancer | cannon | cannot be dry-cleaned | cannot take tumble drying | capitals of countries | Capricorn | capture, capturing | caput draconis | caput mortuum | carbo | carbon | card symbols | cardinal | cardinal quality or quadruplicity | cardinal signs | cardinal's or archbishops rank | careful treatment | cargo handling | cartouche | case is closed | Cassiel | cataract | cattle or livestock | caustic soda | cave | cave signs | celebration of the winter solstice | Celtic cross | Celtic signs | cement | centaur | center of communication | center of gravity | center of rotation | centers from which energy and communicatio | centers of communication | central station | Ceres | certain pitch of the notes | certain type of winding | chalybs | changes to | chapel | character of the individual's intellect | charity | chaste goddess of fire and the home hearth | check! | checks | chemistry, signs used in | chess signs | chevron | chief gods of pagan Scandinavia | child dies | child is born | child power | childbirth | childhood, youth, middle age and old age | chimneys | China | Chinese signs | Chinese writing | Chiron | chloride of mercury | choice between the good | choose! | Christ | Christ and His twelve apostles | Christ as the first and the last | Christ as the first and the last | Christ is the center of the Holy Trinity | Christ monogram | Christ monograms | Christ's death on the cross | Christ's oil | Christian cross signs, origins and history of | Christian faith | Christian symbolism | Christian trilogy of faith, hope and charity | Christianity | Christmas | Christmas star | Christmas symbols in Scandinavia | Chronos | chrysocolla | church | Cimbrians | cinis | cinnabar | circle divided by a horizontal line | circle divided by a vertical line | circle filled with straight lines | circle with a point at its center | circle with an arrow positioned diagonally upwards | circle, very small | cirro-stratus clouds | Citicorp | cities | Citro'n | clay | clay containing iron oxide | clear air | clear sky | cleave | cleft | climbing plant | clockwise rotation | clog almanacs | clog almanacs, signs on | close in | closed room | closest male relatives | clothes signs | cloudiness | cloudy weather | clubs | clubs | coagulare | coagulate | coagulatio | coal | coat of arms of the Medici family | coat of arms symbol | coating of ice | cobalt | coca | coils | cold | colour control | colour intensity control | combustion | combustion process | come back and fetch it | comet | comets | comic strips, signs used in | commanding officer | communication | communication ability | communication links | communications emanate | Communism | communities | community | compass and map needed | competition | compound of a metal and sulphur | compound of copper and silver | compound of iron and sulphur | compound of lead and sulphur | compound of mercury and sulphur | compund word | computer signs | concern for other persons' needs | concerns two notes | conditions for program step | Confederate battle flag | conference | confidence, warmth, love, protection | confrontation | confused | confused mental state | confusion | congelation | congruent with | coniferous trees | coniunctio | coniunctio, or uniting of opposites | conjunction | conjunction of the sun and the moon | connected | connections that cross one another without making contact | conscience | consecration cross | consequently | conservation area protected by law | constant winds | Constantinople | constellations of fixed stars | constellations of stars | construction-iconic symbol | contact | contact between the lower and the higher | contain | contains a text | continence | continuous moderate raining | continuously increasing variable | contrast control | control button for pause | control button for playing a tape | control for automatic adjustment of picture quality | control for interrupting recording or play | control for lessening of pressure | control for lightness | control for reducing the middle sound range | control for the sound balance of two loudspeakers | control for the wiping out of taped messages | control for volume or intensity | cooler | Copernicus | copper | copper alloys | copper mines | copper oxide | copper oxide in powder form | copper sulphate | Coptic Church | Coptic cross | Coptic cross with four nails | copyright | coquere | coral | corn snow | corner of wall | count | Count Goblet d'Alviella | country | courage and daring | courage and energy | court of law | cow | Crab | craftmen's marks | cranium | Crayfish | creates a completely ordered field | creativity | creeds | cremated | crime against ourselves that is peculiarly Saturnine | crime has been committed here: the place i | Cro-Magnon mammoth hunters | crocus veneris | cromlech stones | crop circle | cross containing a swastika | cross fitchŽ | cross of Christ | Cross of Freedom | cross of Golgatha | cross of infinity | cross of invocation | cross of Lazarus | cross of Lorraine | cross of Palestine | cross of Philip | cross of Promise | cross of St John | cross of St. Andrew | cross of St. Anthony | cross of St. John | cross of the archangels | cross of the Evangelists | cross of the Greek Orthodox Church | cross of the Holy Cross | cross of the pope | cross of the robbers | cross of the Russian Orthodox Church | cross of the Russian Orthotox Church | cross over the globe | cross with arms of equal length | cross with equal arms circumscribed by a square | cross with precious stones | crossbreed between different species, var | crossed cross | crossed square | crotchet | crucible | crucibulum | crucifixion of the son of the Venus goddess | cruelty, selfishness, lust for war | crusader knights patron | Crusaders' Kingdom of Jerusalem | crush | crutch cross | crux ansata | crux capitata | crux commissa | crux dissimulata | crux gemmata | crux immissa | crux stellata | crystal | crystalline copper acetate | crystallization processes in general or their results | crystallus | Cuba | cubic | Cueva de los Letreros, signs in | cultural remains | culturally invaluable building or monument | cumulus clouds | Cupid | Cupid, attributes of | cuprum arsenicatum | cuprum auratum | current | curses | curved arrow | Cyprian | Cyprus | cyrillic alphabet

dagger | Dalton | damage | damp mist | danger for habituation | danger of landslide | danger, barking dogs! | danger, here they try to get you arrested | danger, people here will try to have you arrested | danger, people living here will try to have you arrested | danger, signs for | danger, angry dog | danger, radiation from laser emitter | dangerous | dangerous neighborhood | dangerous poison | dangerous power over life | dangerous radiation | dangerous radioactivity | dangerous wreck at water's edge | Dannebrogen | dash | date of birth | date of death | daughter of the moon | day | day and night | day of Tiburtius, April | day of Woden or Odin | days of the week | de Coubertin, Pierre | dead | dead female | dead flat | dead man's skull | deaf persons | death | death god | death signs | death's head | death, sin, guilt | decanates, def. of | deceased | decoction | decrease in volume | defecations | defense | degree of waterproofness | degrees | degrees of coldness | Deimos | deleatur | delicate fabrics | demarcating and dividing meaning | Demeter | demisemiquaver | demodulator | Deneb Algedi | denial | deposit | derived from | Descartes | desire for total dominance | despair | destillare | detriment | Deutsche Bank | Devil | devils, signs associated with | dew | diagonal cross | dialectical materialism | diameter | Diamonds | diatonic scale | dictatorial tendencies | dictatorships | dictionary signs | died in battle | different in magnitude from | differs from | digerere | digest | digestio | digestion | diminuendo | Diogenes Laertius | Dionysos | direct current | direction finding station | disc | disease and death | disguised or dissimilar cross | disordered intellect | dissolute | dissolvant | dissolve | distance | distance between walls or other entities | distance from | distance reference points | distance to | distill | distillation | distillation flask | distilled oil | distillery tube | distilling | divide | divine power | divine triangle crowned with the cross of Christ | divinity | divinity of fertility | division | divorced | do not bleach | domination | don't knock here | don't take this road | don't talk at all | done | Donnerkeil | dose of medicine | dot | dotted areas | double cross | double exposure | double-sexed | double-sexed plant | down with! | drachma | Dracula | dragon's head | dream is suddenly annihilated by an instant awakening or realization | Dreyfuss, Henry | drink! | drinkable gold | drinkable water in this direction | driving wheel | drop | dross | drug intoxication | drug that can slow down reactions | dry haze | drying | dust devils | duststorm | Dutch Nazi party | dwelling place

earth | earth connection | earth contact | earth element | earth surrounded by the great ocean | earth wire | earthed | earthed connection | earthly life | Eastern Empire | Eastern hemisphere | Eastern star | eau de vie | eau regale | ebb tide stream | ebullire | eclipse of the moon | eclipse of the sun | eclipsed sun | eclipses of the moon, def. of | ecliptic | ecliptic, def. of | ecstasy | ecurne de nitre | eddy | edible | edible after parboiling | effect | egotism | Egyptian cross | Egyptian hieroglyphs | Egyptians | eight qualities of a knight | eightfolded way | eighth note | eightpointed star | eightpointed Venus star | Eira d'os Mouros signs | Eisernes Kreuz | either A or B, but not both | either... or | eject control | eject switch | eldest son | electric eye | electric impulses in the nervous system | electric motors | electric power plants | electrical signs | electricity on | electricity signs | electrons | electrostatic current | electrum | electrum, def. of | element of water | elements or substances fundamental to society | elements, many signs for assembled | elements, signs for | eletricity signs | elf cross | elixir | elixir of life | ella cross | emanation of spiritual power | embarrassing situation | embarrassment | emblem of medicine | emblem of Nazism | emergency exit | empathy | emperor | Empire of the Middle | empty class | empty set | "empty" orbit between Mars and Jupiter | enclosed space | end | end and beginning | end of a passage to be repeated | end of programming | endless | energy | enlightened government | enneagram | enough of the envelope is left to show the | epitomy of decline and decay | equal to | equals sign | equilateral triangle | equivalence | Eris | ermine | Eros | Eros, attributes of | esoteric alchemists | esoteric astrology | esoteric philosophy of Gourdieff | espionage | esprit | | essence of a substance | essence of being | essence, def of | establishment | eternal | eternal life | eternity | ether | ether, def. of | Etheric oil | Ethiopian emblem | Euphrates-Tigris | Eurasia | evaporare | evaporate | evaporatio | evaporation | eventual return | evergreen perennials | evil and angry men or dogs | Evil One, Satan | evil person | extremely good visibility | excellent marks | exclamation mark | excluded material that should be filled in | excrement | exiled Cubans | exist | exit | exit ramp | expand in knowledge | expansion | expansion in all directions | expects or desires a peaceful relation | explosions | exponentialization | exteriorized state | external memory | extra-sensory perception | extraction of gold | extraterrestrial signs | extravagance | extremely good visibility | eye of fire | eye of the dragon | eye of the medicine man | eye of the sun god Horus | eyes

F-clef | faculty of reason, sense | Faistos disco | faith, hope and love | Falling pressure | family | family life | family marks or crosses | family signs | family system | family system, signs in the | faraway suns | farm | farmhouse | fascist signs | fast backwards winding | fast forward movement | fast forward winding | Fata Morgana | Father Christmas | Father, Son, and Holy Ghost | favorable opportunities | feathered snake | feeling akward | feeling of sorrow | fehe | female | female sex | female winged angel holding an ear of corn in her hand | fermata | fermata, def. of | fermentatio | ferrohydrosulphate | ferrum auretum | ferrum sulphuratum | fertility | festivities | feu de roiie | feu de Roue | field | field or subject of electricity | fiery triplicity | fifth element | fifth of the Olympic spirits | fighting, destiny, logical thinking, and death | filled circle | filled or closed cross | film plane | filter that reduces the high frequency band | filter that reduces the lower freguency band | filter that strengthens the middle sound range | filtrate | finest | finest or best | finger sign for victory | Finland | Finnish air force | fire | fire god | fire water | fire, many signs for assembled | first | first day of the winter half year | first Olympic spirit | first phase of the moon | first quarter | fish-spear | fits of rage | five pillars of Islam | five wounds of Christ | five-day week | fivepointed star | fixation | fixed quadruplicity | fixed qualities | fixed signs | fixed star | flag signs | flash bulb | flash of summer lightning | flashes of lightning | flashlight | flask, bottle, or recipient that is not transparent | flat | flat, grooved rockface | flat, scored rock face | flesh | fleur d'airain | fleur d'antimoine | fleur de lis | flow | flow charting | flow restriction | flying bird | focal plane | focus | following note or notes should be played two half-tones higher | follows logically from | fool's gold | footnote | forbidden | forces of nature which create interruption or cessations | forge | fort | fortified camps | fortress | fortresses | forts | Fortuna | four ages of man | four corners of the earth and the vault of the heavens | four elements | four evangelists | four points of the compass | four states of consciousness | fourpointed star | Frank Waters | French lily | French resistance movement | French Revolution | frequency | Friday | friendship between men | friturate | frost | frosty mist | frozen raindrops | fruit trees | fruit trees in the garden | Fu | Fuencaliente signs | fulcrum | full and new moons | full moon | fundere | furca | fuse | futhark | fylfot

G- clef | Gaia | galmeja | garment can be drip-dried | Gauls | geba | Gemini | genealogical signs | genealogy | general pause | generous women (without men) | genievre | geological signs | geometrical signs | geometry, signs in | Germanic signs | Germanic tribes | gestalts in Western ideography | get through this village/town as fast as possible. | get up to | Ghana signs | giants | gif | gift | gift from a chief to a loyal warrior or subject | gifts and resources available without them having been sought | gilded copper | gimlet | gin | give way to crossing traffic | glass | glass flask | globe | gloria | glue | Gnostic mystic tradition | Gnostic philosophy | Gnostic signs | go on in this direction | go on, they will give | go this way | goal | Goat, the | god of fertility and harvest | god of law and order | god of medicine or healing in Egypt | god of sexual love | god of the kingdom of death | god of thieves | god of vegetation | god of victory | goddess of childbirth | goddess of hunting and warfare | goddess of sexual pleasures | goddess of war | goddess of war, beauty, and love | goddess of war, sex and fertility | gods of the week days | gods' staff signs | gold | gold foil | gold from mines | gold, many signs for assembled | gold-leaf | golden fivepointed star without crossing l | golden fleece of the ram | Golden Horn | golden numbers, def. of | golden numbers, signs for | Golgata cross | good | good fortune | good harvests | good haystack for the night | good move | good omen | good physique | good place to enter | good prospects | good prospects for the future | good quality product or achievement | good road to follow | good year's crop | gossip between neighbours | Goths | gound partly covered by snow | graphic exclusiveness of power symbols, law of the | graphic family names | graphic model of a theory | graphical opposite | gravel | great danger | great luck | great number of stamens | great power | Greater Benefic | Greater Malefic | greater than | greatest power | Greece | Greek alphabet | Greek cross | Greek letter psi | Greek signs | Greek-Russian cross | greeting of peace | grenade thrower | grief | grind | ground | ground dry and frozen hard | ground is covered with snow | ground is flooded | ground is wet | ground-to-air emergency code | ground-to-air emergency code, def. of | grounded | group is in conflict | growing, (re)birth, genesis | growth | grupetto | guardian of the underworld | guerilla fighters | guidance | gummi-resina | Gutenberg

habitat | Hades | haematite | Hagith | hail | Hakenkreuz | half a right angle | half of something | halo | halo around the moon | halt after having travelled at high speed | hand of Fatima | Hand, Robert | handful | handlebar cross | hands | happiness | hard supporting structures of the body | hard, fixed structures of the world of matter | harmful or corroding chemical | harmonics | harmony in general | has defecated | Hathor | have not understood | head | healer | healing | healthy | heart sign | Hearts | heat | heat haze | heat oven | heaven | heavenly mother of all borne by women | heavy downpours | heavy snowstorm | Hegel | height above sea level | heil! | help against soot, sorrow, and disputes | help center for wounded | hemisphere north of the equator | Henriksson, Gšran | hepar calcis | hepar magnesiae | hepar terraepond | heptagram | heraldic signs | here are dogs in the yard, watch out! | here are watchful neighbours | here it is | here it is dangerous | here live angry dogs and brutal people | here live bad-tempered people | here live generous people | here live greedy people, but easy to steal from | here live kind-hearted women | here live only a mistress with maids | here live only women | here live only women and old men | here live scared people | here live very generous people | here live very hospitable people | here live working people---talk a lot | here lives a bad-tempered man | here lives a kind woman | here lives a man with a bad temper | here lives a woman alone | here lives an authority official | here nobody lives | here one can get a couple of days' work | here one is allowed to sleep in the barn | here people are afraid of tramps | here people are dangerous and | here people regard gypsies as thieves | here people tell you to go to hell | here police treat tramps roughly | here starts a new paragraph | here the locks are easily opened | here there are friends | here there is lots of money, but carefully hidden | here there is nothing of any interest | here there is nothing to be afraid of, go on begging | here they demand that you work hard | here they give alms | here they give no money but one may get food | here they give nothing | here they give only if you are ill | here they give you a place to sleep | here they give you food | here they give you food if you work | here they have a vicious dog | here they have stones for hearts and give nothing | here they let you sleep for the night | here they sometimes give food | here they'll rough you up | here they'll take care of you if you are ill | here we have to take revenge | here you can get food and money | here you can get job | here you can get money | here you can get whatever you want | here you can sleep, but they give nothing | here you get nothing | here you must take care | here you will find food, work, and money | here you will get a day's work | hermaphrodite | Hermes | heroin | Herschel | Hesperos | hexachord | hexadecimal numbers | hexagram | hi-fi appliances | high driving snow | high pressure | high rank | high structures | high voltage electric current | high, thin clouds | higher reason | highest | highest divinities/B> | highest god | highest permitted speed | highest power | highest priest, highest teacher, and chief shepherd | hindrance to be overcome in that direction | hindrances | Hindu god Vishnu | Hindu, Hinduism | Hitler's Nazi party emblem | Hittite hieroglyphs | Hittites | hoarfrost | hobo dots | hobo signs | holiday | holiness | holy fire | Holy Ghost | holy name | holy place | Holy Spirit | Holy Trinity | Holy Virgin | Homburg's phosphorus | homecoming | homography, def. of | homosexual love | homosexuals, symbol for | honey | honey, many signs for assembled | hope | hope of an eternal life | Hopi Indian signs | horizontal rectangle | horizontal, vertical or circular rows of dots | horoscope pattern | horse | horse dung | horse dung, many signs for assembled | Horus eye | hot and humid element of air | hour | hour, many signs for assembled | hourglass | house | house occupiers | house owner is in | household appliances, signs on | howitzer | huile de Christ | Huitzilopochtlis' coat of arms | human | human being | human sacrifice | human skull | human speech heard through an electronic medium | humanistic ideals | humming sound | Hungarians | Hungary | hunter | hurricane | hybrid | hydrochloric acid | hydrogen

I am afraid of nothing but God | I change or transform my life | I have gone home | I/we can not continue | I/we proceed in this direction | ice | ice grains, small, frozen raindrops | ice granules | ice needles | ice, many signs for assembled | identical with | identity | Iesus | illusory reality | Illyricum | image of personified Death | Imkotep | immediately take off from this road | impacts in fistfights | Imperator | implacable powers | important part of the body | in between | in this community they don't trouble hobos | Inanna | Inanna, Ischtar, Astarte | inauguration cross | Inca signs | incarnations, previous | incinerare | inclination of the ecliptic | inconjunct | increase in pressure | increase/decrease control | incredible, strange, very important, or unusual | indefinite number of petals | indefinite number of stamens | indefinite sum or number | independent movement | India, signs from | indian sign | individual human spirit | individual of unknown or not stated sex | inductance | inductor | infinite | infinitely great | infinitely great sum or number | infinity | information | ing rune | Ingveons | ingz | inhibited rage | initiation | ink | inlet for antenna | inn | innocence | input | inrease the height of | insist, they give at last | institutionalized religion | intellect | intended for direct current | intense heat | intensive | interior of a building | intimate relation | | invaluable ancient relic | invention of the wheel | inventiveness | invocation cross | invocation of magic | inward movement | Inyo County signs | io fusio | Iraq | Ireland | iron | Iron Cross | iron filings | iron mines | iron sulphate | iron vitriol | iron, many signs for assembled | is a complement of | is forbidden | is not the same as | is similar to | is the result of | is the same as | is wrong | Ischtar | Ischtar's star | Ischtar, queen of the Heavens | Islam | Islamic faith | Isle of Man | isomorph with | Israel | Istanbul | it is no use getting in here | Italic god of sowing and harvest

Jahve | Japanese signs | JŠrrestad, rock ingraved signs in | Jason | jealous rage | jealousy | Jerusalem | Jerusalem cross | Jesus | Jesus Christ | Jesus monograms | Jesus symbol | Jeune Bretagne | Jewish kingdom | Johann Bode | Johannites-Maltese Order | joyful togetherness | juice | Jungian psychoanalysis | Juno | Jupiter | Jupiter's staff

Kaaba | | keep | keep away---no use knocking | keep inside | key of the Nile | Key of Solomon | khamsa | Khmer Rouge | king | king is dead and the game over | king's water | kingdom | kingdom of death | Kivik mound, signs in | knock here---they buy if you have what they want | Koch, Rudolph | koph | Ku Klux Klan

ladder of transmigration | lamps | land | lapis | lapis lazuli | lapis philosophorum | large organizations | Lascaux cave signs | last phase of the moon | last quarter | Latin cross | Latin kingdom of Jerusalem | laton | law | law and order | law of the graphic exclusiveness of dominating symbols of power | law of the polarity of meanings of elementary graphs | Lazarus' cross | Lazzaretti, David | lead | lead foil | lead oxide | lead sulphate | lead, many signs for assembled | League for Spiritual Discovery | Leary, Timothy | leave quickly | lens sensitive to light | Leo | lesbian love | less than | lessen space between signs | lesser malefic | letter in this direction | letter within three paces the direction of the arrow | letter writing | liaison and signal company | Libra | lie on the water's edge | life | life rune | life transformation | life's path | light | light adjustment control | light flashes emitted by a lighthouse | light icing | light snowstorm | light socket with switch | lighthouse | lighthouse, many signs for assembled | lightning | lightning without thunder | lily cross | lime | lime, many signs for assembled | limestone | lines of longitude and latitude | Lion | liquids becoming gases | litharge | little | lituus | live! | loaf of bread | lock up | logic, signs used in | logotypes | long pause | look out---the authorities here are on the watch | loosen up | Lorraine | lost in action | Lothringen | Lothringenkreuz | loudness | loudspeaker | love | love affairs | love and relationships | love between men | love between women | low driving snow | low intensity | lower | lowered | lowering of the freezing point | lowering of the temperature | loyalty, piety, generosity, courage, honor | LSD | Lucifer | luck in battle | lunar halo | Lutheran | lye | lyre

m-sound | machine gun | machine-gun placement | mafiosi | Magen David | Magen David Adom | Magi | magic amulet seals, signs on | magic signs | magnes | magnesia | magnesium | magnet | magnetic iron | magnetic tape cassettes used for storing data | Magyarian tribes | make into, or having liquid form | making love | malachite | male | male homosexual love | male individual of dioecious plants | male sex | Maltese cross | Maltese merchant marine flag | man | man dies | man in the house is horny | man in this house is armed with a gun | mandorla | manganese | manhole | Mantuan cross | manual input | manual offline operation that does not require technical aids or facilities | manually operated | Mao | map of the world | map signs | marcasite | Marienglas | marijuana | marital love | marks of cadency | married | married couple | Mars | Mars-saffron | Marsoulas cave, signs in | Marx | Mas d'Azil cave signs | master of the house has just died | master of the seas, rivers, and earthquakes in Greek mythology | material wealth | mathematical signs | mating | matter | may it be useful | may this be good for you | maya, illusory reality | Mayan signs | maze | mean | mean distance | measurements, old, signs for | measuring instruments | meat | mechanic is needed, | meche | media and inventions as extensions of human faculties | medical signs | medicine | Medicis | meeting place | melt | melting | melting furnace | melting oven | melting pot | men | men fighting | mental state of confusion | mental state resulting from a blow to the head | Mercedes | mercuric compounds | Mercurius | mercurius sulphuratus | mercury | mercury, many signs for assembled | mercury precipitate | mercury sublimate | Mercury, the planet | Mercury, the staff of | messenger of the gods | metal | metallum | metallum sulphuratum | metals and sulphur compounds, many signs for assembled | meteorite iron | meteorological signs | mezzo-staccato | Michaelmas | microphone | microwave radiation | middle | midwinter festivals of Saturn | migration | migrations of tribes | MiklagŒrd (Constantinople) | military expression | military power | military signs | mill | millstone | mine | mineral kingdom | mineralia | minim, halfnote | minimal light aperture | Minotaurus monstre | minus | minus sign | mirage | mirage, def. of | mirror | miscarried fetus of unknown sex | misery | mist | mistress of this house is horny and shameless | Mitsubishi | mix | mixing of air masses | mixture | Mjšlner | model of the chemical structure of benzene | modem | moderate turbulence | modern science | modulator | molten gold | moment of death | money, wealth, work and luck | money-lenders | monogram of Christ | Mont Bego signs | Montezuma | month | monument | moon | moon god | moon god Nannan | moon god Sin | moon's first and last quarters | moon's north node | moon's south node | moon's variation | moose | morning | Morning star | morning stars | Moroccan banner | morphine | mortal danger | mortar | mosque | most perfect number---10 | most precious | most suitable reading distance from a lamp | mother | Mother and child | Mother earth | mother with child | motors with 3-phase or 6-phase winding | mountain | mountain of the gods, Olympus | mountain range | mouth | Mouvement populaire franais | moveable property | movement | movement and direction of movement | movement in a specific direction | movement of the sun | movement that is intermittentor slow | moves to | mu | mucus | mullet | multiplication of the sum by itself | multiplication sign | multiply | mundane astrology | murderer | murderous aggression, violence and warfare | muscle tissue | music in general | music style, sign for | musical notation, signs used in | musical note | Muslim signs | Mussolini | must not be subjected to freezing | mutable signs | mystery | mystical almond | mystical planet | mystical star | mythological signs | mythology, signs in | mythology

Naram-Sin | natal chart pattern | national reincarnation | natrium chloride | natron | natural calcium carbonate | natural gas | nature preserve protected by law | nautical charts, signs on | nazi signs | need fuel and oil | negation | negative | negative ion | negative pole | negative pole or terminal | negative unit | Neptune | Neptune staffs | Neptune, attribute of | nervous system | new and the waning moon | new moon | new or waning moon | new or waning moon together with a planet | Niaux cave signs | nickel | night | night's shelter given here | nigredo | nigredo, def. of | nimbus | nine gifts of the spirit | Nineveh | nitre | nitric acid | nitrogen | nitrogen dioxide | nitrogenous air | no bottom reached with sounding | no longer counts | no parking | nobody lives here | nonmovable property | Nordic religion before Christianity | Nordic rock carvings | north | northern lights | nose | not congruent with | not similar to | not the same as | note | note above, note itself, note below, and note itself | note sign | nothing | Nsibidi people | Nsoran | nuclear charge | Nuclear Disarmament | nuclear phenomena | nuclear physics | nuclear power | nuclear power plant | nuclear reactor | nuclear research | nucleus of the atom | number | number per hundred

obsolete word | obstruction | ocean current | octagram | octagram of creation | odal | Odin's cross | Odin, def. of | of the same form as | office machines, signs on | officer in command | offline data storage | offline memory storage | oil | oil well | oil, many signs for assembled | oil-drilling tower | oil-rig | oils | oils that evaporate easily | Oken, Alan | Old Testament's God | oldest son | oleum destillatum | oleum empyreumaticum | oleum essentiale | olive oil | | Olympic Games | Olympic spirits, signs for | omega | on and off switch | on and off switch, many signs for assembled | once cultivated but now wild growing plant | one becoming two | | one hundred | one whole wave | oneness | online storage of data | Only One | only real woman god in Babylon and Assyria | only a certified physician may prescribe this medicine | open vessel | opening up | openings | Ophiel | opium | opposing forces | opposite of P is true | opposition | optical signs | or de mine | orb | order medal signs | Order of Knight Templars | Order of the Garter | Order of the Holy Sepulchre | Order of the Temple Knights | orderly | ordinary angels | organization of matter on the microcosmic level | organs of vision and speech | oricalchum argentatum | orichalcum | origins of the universe | Orion | orpiment | Ottoman Empire | Ottoman Turks | ounce | outer sex organs | outlet for loudspeakers | outlet for tape recorder | outpost | output | output to screen or display | outward direction or movement | overcast sky | overseas explorations | owner of this house is a brute | owner or those that live here are brutal people | owners' marks or crosses | oxygen | oxygen principle

paddle | pagoda | Pain | pain resulting from a blow or injury | Painted Cave, signs in | pairing | Pakistan | Palestine1 | Pallas | paper document | paragraph | paragraph sign | parallel | parallel with | parentheses | part of a larger unit that is divided into even parts | Part of Fortune | Part of Spirit | Part of the Cross | Part of the Heart | parties | partly overcast | parts of the earth | party | passage of time | passing out | passive intellect | path | patriarchal cross | patrole | pause for all parts | pawnshops | peace sign | pearl | pebbles | pedal should be used | pedestrian crossing | Pedra de Ingˆ signs | pentacle | people here call the police | people living here are malevolent and evil | per thousand | percent | Percival Lowell | perennial plants | perfection | perfection, quinta essentia | period between January 20 and February | permanent navigation mark with unestablished form | permanent settlement | permillage | personality | persons who work underground | Peru | petals, signs with | peyote | Phaistos disco | Phalec | Phantom's Good Sign | pharmacy, signs in in | philanthropy | Philosopher's Stone | phlegme | phlogiston | phlogiston theory | Phobos | Phoenician Empire | Phoenician signs | Phoenician staff | phonetics | Phosphoros | phosphorus | photo sensitivity | Phul | physics, signs used in | piece of artillery | pierced cross | pill | pilot is badly wounded and in need of a doctor | pineal glands | Pisces | pit-head or mine-shaft | pitch a half step lower | plabets, signs for | place for sleeping | plane of physical existence | planet earth | planet Neptune | planet Saturn | planet signs | planet star | planet Venus | planetary nebula | planetary system within the sun system | planets, signs for | plant kingdom | plant or part of it is very poisonous | plant with a one year life cycle | plant with a woody stem | plants of tree type | plants used for the purpose of intoxication | plants with life cycles of many years, which are not bush-like | platinum | platinum, def. of | play | play a group of four notes | pleasure drug ecstasy and psychedelic drug LSD | Pleiades | Plimsoll mark | plug and socket | plug-in for a record player | plus sign | Pluto | plutocrat | plutonium | point | point of the compass | pointed cross | points in time or space from which distances or rhythms are measured | poison | poisonous | poisonous water | Polaris | polarity of meanings of elementary graphs, law of | Pole star | police badges, forms of | police here is very alert | police station | policeman in this village is an okay fellow | policeman lives here | Polish resistance movement during World War II | political signs | Polska Walczy | Pompeii | pope's threefold rule | Portugal, signs used in | Portuguese cross | | positive ions | positive pole | positive pole or terminal or charge | positron | post office | potash | potassium carbonate | potassium hydrogen tartrate | potential movement | powder | power | power element | power off | power on | power or right to inflict capital punishment | power symbols | power transmission | pre-Columbian signs | precious metals | precipitate | precipitation | precipitation falling close to, but not at, the station | precipitation falling far from the observation station | precipitation in sight but none directly over the weather station | precipitation, def. of | precognition | pregnant woman | prehistoric signs | prepared for destruction | prescribed | present yourselves as former army soldiers | preserve | previous remark should not be taken seriously | prime matter | prince of Byblos | printing | printing error | prison | private soldier | probably safe to land here | process in wind furnace | process of dissolution | process of distillation | process of fermentation | process of purification in alchemy | processes of symbolism | Procyon | progress | prohibition | prohibitory sign | projection of self toward new horizons | proofreading sign | proofreading signs | proportion | prosperity | protect from the cold | protecting ideogram | protecting sign | protection against evil forces | protection against lightning | protection against trolls and evil | protective sign against evil powers | protective signs | protector and ruler of the state and the established society | proton | prz | psi-function or ESP | psilocybine mushroom | psychological principle of contraction and consolidation | publishing companies | pulverisare | pulverize | pulvis | punched tape | punishment | pupil | purificatio | purification | purification process | purity | pushbutton | pushbutton for door opening | pustule | put in wind furnace | putrefaction | putreficatio | putty | pyrite | pyrophorus | Pythagoras | Pythagorean signs | Pythagoreans | Pythagoreans, signs used by

quadrangle | quadruplicities | quadruplicities, def. of | qualities | quarternote | quarteron | quaver | queen of the heavens | question mark | Quetzacoatl | quick alternation of two notes a tone or semitone apart | quick-footed messenger of the gods | quicklime | quinta essentia

radar station | radiation | radiation of light | radiation of light and heat | radiation source | radiation, signs for | radio | radio beacon | radio station | radioactivity | raid | raido | rain | rain clouds | rain showers | rain that does not reach the ground | rain, many assembled signs for assembled | rainbow | raise | raise a half tone | Ram, the | Ramadan | rank | rank in the chain of military command | rapid winding | rarely used | ready | ready to print | real estate | realgar | realgar, def. of | realgar, many signs for assembled | Reaper, the | rebirth | receiving inlet | recipe | record | record player | record player, outlet for | recording control | rectory | recurring migrations | recycling | Red Cross | red heart sign | red iron oxide | red mercuric sulphide | red mercury sulphide | reference to a source of information | refrigeration | regulary recurring journeys to the temple | regule d'antimoine | regulus | reincarnation | related or relevant, but specialized material | relation or correspondence exists | release of energy | relentless natural forces | religiosity | remainder | repeat | repeat mark | repeat sign | repetition | reproduction | residue | residuum | resin | resina | resinous drugs | resistance | resisting | resistor | restoration cross | restrictions impossible to overcome | restrictions of matter | result of a distillation | result of crossbreeding | resurrection, rebirth, salvation | retain | retort | retrogradation | retrograde movement | return | return and fetch it! | reverberating furnace | reversed grupetto | reversible reaction | Rhea | rheostat | rhombus | rhythm reference points | rice paddy | ring around the moon | ring cross | rinsing | Rio Majes valley signs | Rio Majes valley, signs from | rising | rising pressure | rising trill | river | road obstruction | road to be taken for trucks with dangerous cargo | robber crucified on the right side of Christ | robbers crucified on both sides of Christ | robbers' cross | rock salt | rock-crystal | Roerich sign | Roman Catholic Church | Roman Catholic cross | Roman Empire | Roman Empire of the German Nation | Roman god Pluto | Roman god Mercurius | Roman goddess | Roman holy cross | Roman numerals | Roman signs | room | rotation | rotation coefficient | rotting | round brackets | rowel of a spur | rubber | ruin | ruins | ruler and protector of the home and the family life | ruler of the forces of weather | rune | rune of death | rune of victory | runic alphabet | runic signs | runic stones, facts about | Russell, Bertrand Lord | Russian cross | ruthlessness

SS | saccharum | sacrificial animal | safe against splash | safety | saffron | saffron yellow copper | safran de Venus | Sagittarius | Saint Anthony | saintliness | sal alcalinus | sal ammoniacus | sal sedativum | sal sedativus | salt | salt alkali | salt derived from alkali metals, many signs for assembled | salt water | salts derived from alkali metals | saltpeter | saltpeter flower | salts of tartaric acid | salvation | samadhi | Samael | sand | sandstorm | sandy areas | sangdarac | sap | sapo | Satanists | satori | Saturday | Saturn | saturn crystal | Saturn in Roman mythology | saturn mercury | Saturn, Kronos | Saturn, the god | Saturnalia | sauvastikas | Saviour | Saxons | say nothing | Scales, the | Schutzstaffeln | science fiction religion Scientology | Scientology | Scorpio | Scottish flag | Scottish independency party | scruple | scrupulum | sea | sea currents | sea salt | sea voyages with safe returns | seal of Solomon | seal of the City of Jerusalem | seal of the Prince of Byblos | Seal of the World | searchlight | Second Olympic Spirit, Bethor | second son | second, third, and fifth sons | secret | sect logotypes | sect signs | section | sections amidships | sedatives | see | seed of life | seed of the universe | segregation, signs used for | sel armoniac | sel vitri | seldom used | selector | selector for compact disc | selector for TV | self | self-fulfillment | semibreve, whole note | semiquaver | sensitivity to all feelings and emotions | sentence | sentinel | separate from | separation | Serbia | series of four tone and one semitone | serious and solemn warning | seriousness | sesquiquadrate | Seth-Sirius | setting | seven-day week | sevenpointed star | several returns | severe turbulence | sex, signs for | sextile aspect | sexual contacts that lead to childbirth | sexual intercourse | sexual love | sexual mores of society | sexual relationships | sexual union | sfinxes | Shadow, the | Shamash | shards of ice | sharing of similar topographic characteristics | sharp | sheep | shepherd's staff | sheriff's star | shield of David | shield of the God of Dawn | shintoist symbol | shoal | short castling | short comment or explanation | short journeys | should be brought together | should be merged | Siberian rock engraved sign | Sig-rune Šhnlich | sight worth seeing | sign for impartiality and objectivity | signals | signs | signs belonging to two groups | signs for curses or great wrath | signs for old measurements | signs indicating beginning phases | signs indicating ending phases | signs indication phases with no change | Sigrune | silver | silver coated brass | silver, many signs for assembled | Simca | similarity so strong that there is no real difference | Sin | singing | single-phase current | siren | Sirius | sixpointed star | sixteenth note | sixth Olympic spirit | sixth sense | sixth son | skeleton | skeleton in black hood with a scythe | skull | sky | sky obscured by mist, smoke or dust | slag | slave owner | sleeping | sleeping pills | sliding contact | slime | small amount | small bushes with woody stems | smallest part of matter | smile or acid sign | smile sign | smoke | smoky atmosphere | snow | snow showers | snowstorm | soap | Societies of Jesus | society | socket for connecting the antenna | socket for plugging in a loudspeaker wire | soda | sodium carbonate | sodium chloride | sodium hydroxide | soft soap | solar aclipses | solar energy | solar halo | solar system within the solar system | Solomon's shield | solutio | solution | solution or dissolving of a substance | solvere | some risk for habituation | something negative in a closed room | something small | something small or focused, or of short duration | something that is left out | somewhat overcast | Son of God | sons' birth order, signs for | soot | soprano clef | sorrow | sorting | Sothis' year | soufre des philosophes | soul | soul's pilgrimage to paradise | sound signal sent out from under the water | sound volume | sources of light | south | Southern states | Spades | Spain, rock engraved signs in | Sparta | spears used by the smaller devils | specimen, typical of a species | speech bands | speech registration machine | speech uttered under extreme circumstances | speed of the current | sphere | Spica | spin drying | spiral of life | spiral of potential energy | spirals with clockwise rotation | spirit | spirit of Jupiter | spirit of Mars | spirit of Mercury | spirit of Saturn | spirit of the moon | spirit of Venus | spiritus | spiritus, the spirit | split | spoiled, too many have been here | spread of the Christian faith | spreading of the holy gospel | spring | spring equinox | squalls | square | square within a square | squaredance | squatters | squeeze section | SS | St. Andrew | St. Anthony's cross | St. Brigit or Bridget cross | St. George's cross | St. Hans' cross | St. John's cross | St. Peter's cross | St. Peter's game | staccato | staccato passages | staff of Adad | staff of Aesculape | staff of Apollo | staff of Mercurius | staff of Neptune | | staff of the Devil | staffs carried by bishops and abbots | stairs | stairs up to main decks | stamen | stamp that are not postmarked | standing still | stannum sulphuratum | star | star of Bethlehem | star signs | stardust | stars | stars, signs for | start | state of mind confronted with the supernatural | state of transcendental consciousness | station sign | stay here | steady snowfall | steam | steaming | Steiner, Rudolf | stereo sound | stiff fuse | still | stone | stone bottom at the water's edge | stone of the wise | Stone of Wisdom | Stonemason's emblem | stones | stop | stop, show on display | stopping prohibited | STORA | storage in the internal memory | storage place for firefighting equipment | storage spaces for safety equipment | storm | | straight vertical line | strain | stream | streaming or flowing water | street | strength | string of hexadecimal numerals | strong | strong fire | strong water | strong winds, signs for | stupa | subconscious complex called the shadow | subconscious psychological processes in humans | sublimate | sublimate made with sulphur | sublimation | sublimation, def. of | submerged wreck, not dangerous to surface navigation | subordinate process | subspecies | success | successively bigger quantity | sugar | suit of diamonds | suitable for photographing in sunlight | suitable for photograping in hazy or cloudy weather | sulphite | sulphur | sulphur of the wise men | sulphur, many signs for assembled | sulphuric acid | sum of everything contained in | Sumerian queen of the heavens | Sumerian signs | Sumerian Venus goddess | summer | summer freeboard in sweet water | sun | sun and its counterpart, the king, | sun crosses | sun god | sun god Shamash | sun god's staff | sun haze | sun rune | sun symbol | sun wheel | sun's center | sun's mass | sun, many signs for assembled | Sunday | sunlight | sunrise | sunshine | superlative | supplement or supplements are enclosed | support group | supreme god | supreme power and lifeforce | surgeon | swallow! | swastika | swearing | Sweden, rock engraved signs in | sweating | swimming pool | switch for record | switch for recording with reduced noise | Switzerland | symbol for battle and military power | symbol for Christ | symbol for hope | symbol for Jerusalem | symbol for justice | symbol for Pisces | symbol for potential power | symbol for the Ottoman-Turkish Empire | symbol has been found | symbol of Constantinople | symbol of ideologies | symbol of justice | symbol of loyalty to the chief | symbol of orientation | symbol of victory | symbol of virginity | symbols of symbols | system | system of the four elements, Spanish

T-cross | table salt | Tac | take this road, it's better | take with God's blessing | take-off will be attempted | takes | takes and checks | talc | tank | tank trap | Tanum rocj engraved signs | tape recorder | Taranis, Celtic god | target | tartar | tartaric acid | tartaric acid salts | tartrate | tau cross | Taurus | teacher | technical and natural science institutions | teeth | tele-engineering | telegraph and telephone station | telepathy | telephone | telephone answering machine | telephones, signs on | television station | tell a moving story | Tellus | temple | temple in Karnak, Egypt | temporary runway | ten-day week | tendencies or energies inherited from previous incarnations | tent camp | term or expression is interchangeable with | termination of the function | terra silicea | terrorists | test, to | teste morte | tetraskele | tetraskelion | Teutonic Crusaders' Order | Teutonic Order, knights of the | Teutons | that water is dangerous to drink | that which is outstanding | that which is without beginning or end | that's it | Theophile of Antioch | theosophic societies | there are more tramps on this road | therefore | these people pity the ill and the invalids | thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis | thickening agents | thieves are operating in this neighborhood | thin mist | third Olympic spirit | third son | Thirty Year's war | thirty-second note | this apartment/house is a good project for | this home is very hospitable | this house/apartment is alarm wired | this house/apartment is already burgled | this is a good house for work | this is not a safe place | Thor's hammer | thought bubbles | thought, beginning of new train of | thread | threat | threatening skies | three | Three Crowns | threefoil cross | three kingdoms: heaven, earth, and hell | three units | three wise men | three-phased alternating current | threepointed star | three-foil cross | three-leg | throw down a signalling lantern | thunder | thunder and lightning | thunderbolt | thunderstorm of moderate intensity | thunderstorms | Thursdays | thus | Tibetan world symbol | tick (to check and mark off lists, etc.) | tidal stream at high tide | Tiger Balm | time | time signs | time, many signs for assembled | tin | tin foil | tin oxide | tinkal | titans | Tlaloc, the god of rain | to be deleted | to be taken | to bring notes covered together in one pitch | to hell with! | to test | Todesrune | togetherness | toilet | Tomoye | tone | tone should be hold longer than its normal time | tone that has a specific length | toneless sounds | tones | tones are to be played in quick succession | tornado | Tor's hammer | total and sudden change or upheaval | total clearance | total transformation | tourist information | tower | | Toyota | track of the thunderbird | trade | traffic signs | trails | tranquilizers | transform into a liquid | transformation of self | transformer | transformer station | transmission of radiation | traps inside the fence; do not enter | travelled away at high speed | treble clef | treble tones register filter | triangle of dots | triangle within a circle | tribal migration, cyclical in nature | tribal wanderings | tribunals | triceps | trident | trident staff | trident with barbs or flukes | trill | trine | Trinity symbol | triplicities, def. of | triquetra | triskelion | Trois frres cave signs | Troy | Troy fortresses | truth | truth, true | Tuesday | Tulare signs | Tulare, signs from | tumble-drying | Tupamaros | Turkey | Turks | turn back and fetch it | turnoff | tutia | TV is connected to a remote control | twentyfour hours | twentyfive leafs of gold-foil | Twins | twisted rock formations | two complete entities | two opposing directed movements | two water holes | two witnesses contradict each other, and one is telling the truth | two-way implication | type is damaged or faulty | type of compressor | type of music | type of transformer winding | types of rain | typical specimen of a species | typographical signs | Tyr rune

UFO:s, signs on | ultimate destruction | ultra marine | un-similar cross | uncertainty | undecided | understation with rotating machines | underwater cables | underworld | | union | Union Jack | unity | universal brotherhood | universe | unknown | unknown number | unknown person | unmarried | unpredictability | unscrew | unsettled | unslaked lime | unspecified danger | unspecified traffic | unstable barometric readings | unsympathetic and irritable people | upwards directed movement | uranium | Uranus | urine | urine salt | US currency | uterus of a heifer

vagina | Val Camonica signs | Val des Merveilles signs | Valium | valve | vanity | variation | varies as | varying quality from mediocrity to excellence | vegetabilia | vehicle driver | Vehmic Courts, sign of the | Venus | Venus as the Morning star | Venus goddess | Venus saffron | Venus star | Venus-saffron | | verre d'anti | vertical rectangle | very dangerous here, watch out! | very poisonous | vesica piscis | vessel | Vesta | Vesta's altar | Vestals | via solis | Viasc˜n, rock carved signs | victory | victory rune | video | vigorous heating | Viking signs | village | village policeman is a bad one | vinegar | violence | Virgin | Virgin dances | Virgin Mary | virginity | Virgo | visibility is worsened by fog or dust | visibility reduced by smoke | vitriol | vitriol blanc | vitriol oil | viva! | Vlad, the Pole Piercer | volcano | volume changecontrol | vulva

wait here | wait, not ready | waning moon | waning moon and Venus | war | war god | warm or hot water | warming up | warning | warning lights | warning triangle | warrior | washing signs | watch out for a dog! | watch out for police | water | water and liquids | water catchment | water catchment area | water drop | water, many signs for assembled | water of awareness | water of intuition | water, salt | water, signs for | water, stream, or sea | water, the passive element | water vapor | water, watercourse, water surface | waterproof | wave or waves | wavy arrow | wavy line | wax | wax, many signs for assembled | way | way out | ways | we have already been here | weak | weak stimulants or depressants | weak tones | weak wind | weather gods | wedlocked love | Wednesday | weeds | week | week days' planets | weekday heptagram | Wehrmacht | well | well smelling oils | well-being | werewolf | Western alphabet | Western Europe | Western triple cross | wheel cross | wheel of life | wheel of the teaching | which is true of all possible facts? | whip | whirlpool | whirls of wind that lift up dust and chaff | whist, bridge | whistling | white arsenic | white frost | white lead | white vitriol | whole universe | whore and madonna-complex | widest part of a ship's hull | widest section of a ship | wife | wife of Jupiter | wild growing plants | wind furnace | wind power station | winding wall | windings | winds of different strengths | winds of varying strengths | winds, many signs for assembled | wine spirit | wine spirit, many signs for assembled | wine vinegar | winter | winter freeboard in the North Atlantic | wisdom | wise man's sulphur | with a reduction of... | with distinct brakes between tones | Woden's cross | woman | woman with child | woman with children---tell moving story about own children | woman's coat of arms | women | women in general | women's liberation movement | wood | words left out | words likely to cause embarrassment or anger | words that have been referred to earlier | work | world evangelization | World wheel | wrath | wrong, to be corrected

Xenocrate | xomsa

yang | yang, def. of | yantra | yarn | year | yew tree rune | yin | yin, def. of | yin, the passive, receptive, material dimension of the universe | yin-yang philosophy | yleaster | yod | yoga | youth nationalist movement | ypsilon cross | yule

Zehren, Erich | zenith of the sun | zero | zest for life | Zeus | Zeus, many signs for assembled | Zeus/Jupiter | zinc | zinc oxide | zinc, many signs for assembled | Zionist movement | zoom





W in Schweden, dubbel-v (W3)


In die schwedische Sprache hat sich ein dort bisher kaum beachteter Buchstabe eingeschlichen: In der 13. Ausgabe des Wörterbuchs der Schwedischen Akademie erhält das "W" zum ersten Mal offiziell den Status eines selbständigen Buchstaben.
Zu verdanken haben die Schweden dies den fremdsprachlichen Einflüssen, die mit Wörtern wie "Whisky", "Wok" und "Web" ins Land kamen.


Ein weiteres Kuriosum des schwedischen Alphabets sind die Umlaute, die eben gerade keine solchen sind, sondern als eigene Buchstaben gesehen werden. Å, Ä und Ö haben ihren Platz in dieser Reihenfolge am Ende des Alphabets - wichtig beim Nachschlagen.


Trettonde upplagan inför slutligen något så ovanligt som ytterligare en självständig bokstav, nämligen "w" ("dubbel-v") som inte längre sorteras in under enkelt v utan - som i många andra språk, även nordiska - blir en bokstav med egen placering efter bokstaven v.


Wie mächtig das Internet und besonders das World Wide Web und natürlich auch das WWWW aus der norddeutschen Tiefebene ist, zeigt die Aufnahme des kompletten Buchstabens "W" in die schwedische Sprache, weil ausgerechnet "Web" und "Wannabee" ins offizielle Wörterbuch der schwedischen Akademie Eingang fanden. Genau wie "Blogg", "Cookie", "Interface" und "Pesto". In Schweden heißt der neue Buchstabe genau wie im Englischen "Double-V" und erinnert damit praktischerweise gleich mit daran, dass die Vorfahren von George W. Bush aus Schweden stammten. Das Ganze läuft unter dem ebenfalls neu aufgenommenen franzschwedischem Wort "miljöanpassa", der Anpassung an das Milieu. Früh krümmt sich, was ein Häkchen werden will, schrieb einstmals Jerzy Lec.


Freitag, 21. April 2006 / 21:56 h
Das «W» wird offizieller Buchstabe in Schweden




Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
SE Schweden, Suecia, Suède, Svezia, Sweden, (esper.) Svedujo
Zeichen, Signo, Signe, Segno, Sign, (esper.) signoj





Dieterich, Udo Waldemar
Das Runen-Wörterbuch
Abstammung und Begriffsbildung der ältesten Sprachdenkmäler Skandinaviens

Gebundene Ausgabe: 387 Seiten
Verlag: Marixverlag; Auflage: unveränd. Neuausg. (Januar 2004)
Sprache: Deutsch
Reprint von 1844

Dietrich hat im "Runen-Wörterbuch" Begriffe und Namen nach ihren Anfangsbuchstaben geordnet und etymologisch gedeutet. Er lieferte ein sprachwissenschaftliches Kompendium ab, das sich sicher nicht als Lektüre zwischendurch eignet, wohl aber als fundiertes Nachschlagwerk. Der Marixverlag legte Dieterichs Klassiker 2004 in "alterthümlicher" Originalsprache neu auf; dennoch zeitgemäß, wie ich meine. Deutsch ist von Grammatik, Syntax und der Mehrzahl der Vokabeln her eine germanische Sprache, und obwohl wir im Alltag längst nicht mehr mit Runen schreiben, lebt viel von deren Wortsinn bis heute fort. So gesehen ein Wörterbuch als Brücke zwischen Vorgeschichte und Postmoderne.









Liungman, Carl G.
Encyclopedia of Western Signs and Ideograms

Taschenbuch: 644 Seiten
Verlag: Unknown (30. April 2004)
Sprache: Englisch

Symbols - Encyclopedia of Western Signs and Ideograms contains approximately 2,500 Western signs. In 1,600 articles their histories, uses, and meanings are thoroughly discussed. The signs range from ideograms carved in mammoth teeth by Cro-Magnon men to modern corporate logos and subway graffiti. A unique system for classifying signs according to graphic structure lets the reader look up the meaning of any sign in seconds. A comprehensive Word Index and a large number of cross-references throughout the book make it equally easy to find signs that are related to each other. In addition, the Appendices contain discussions on especially interesting aspects of ideograms, including the historical development of signs and meanings, ancient American ideograms, the signs of the alchemists and much more. This book serves both as a resource for professionals and a general reference tool for anyone interested in our graphic cultural heritage.