Domino Day
(E6)(L1) http://www.dominodomain.com/(E6)(L?) http://www.netzeitung.de/medien/367938.html
(E6)(L?) http://www.pearl.de/p/RK3641-Domino-Day.html
(E6)(L?) http://www.presseportal.de/story.htx?nr=751650
(E6)(L?) http://www.rp-online.de/public/article/nachrichten/medien/tv/115566
(E6)(L?) http://www.rtl.de/quiz/quiz_899053.php
(E6)(L?) http://sbs6.sbs.nl/modules.php?site=sbs6&name=sbs6_programma&progid=135
(E6)(L?) http://www.tv-trash.de/TV_-_FATAL/Domino_Day/domino_day.html
Recent domino tradition in the Netherlands began in 1986: toppling over as many dominoes as possible by just pushing over the first one. The first attempt resulted in 755.836 fallen dominoes, and the second - around the theme Europe in Domino - achieved 1.382.101.
In 1988, 1.382.101 dominoes toppled in Rosmalen, The Netherlands, displaying Europe in domino.
Domino toppling received a new boost after 1998, when a total of 1.605.757 dominoes were toppled in the Dutch town of Leeuwarden around the "Visionland"-theme. A new world record was officially acknowledged by Guinness World Records. This magnificent feat was witnessed by 4 million viewers in the Netherlands (SBS 6 Television) and no fewer than 9.5 million viewers in Germany (RTL Television).