Browser Compatibility
(E?)(L?) http://www.quirksmode.org/
QuirksMode.org is the prime source for browser compatibility information on the Internet. It is maintained by Peter-Paul Koch, freelance front-end consultant, agent, and trainer in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
QuirksMode.org is the home of the Browser Compatibility Tables, where you’ll find hype-free assessments of the major browsers’ CSS and JavaScript capabilities, as well as their adherence to the W3C standards.
(E?)(L?) http://www.quirksmode.org/sitemap.html
Texte und Beispielscripte zu den Themen:
Introduction - Table of contents - Links - Building blocks - Placing JavaScript - Object detection - Statements - Functions - Strings - Level 0 DOM - Accessibility - Boolean logic - Intermediate DOMs - Associative arrays - Miscellaneous scripts - Mouseover - Click - Print - Browser detect - Keep IE apart - Flash detect - ActionScript and JavaScript - Get selection - Writing into layers - Forms - Introduction to forms - Example form - Select box navigation - Dynamic options - Disabling form fields - Frames and windows - Introduction to frames - Popups - Cross-window scripting - Customized framesets - Frame busting - Iframes - Date and time - Introduction to date and time - Date and time - Checking a date - Internet Beat - Last modified - DHTML - Introduction to DHTML - DHTML micro API - DHTML examples - Navigation: layers - Navigation: display - Find position - Scrolling layer - Sticky menu - Bilingual pages - CSS Disabling - Events - Introduction to Events - The events - Early event handlers - Traditional model - Advanced models - Event accessing - Event properties - Event order - Mouse events - Netscape 4 - Event compatibility tables
Introduction - Mailing list - Table of contents - Links - Tests - Compatibility - Core - Compatibility - HTML - Compatibility - CSS - Compatibility - Events - W3C methods vs. innerHTML - Scripts - Import XML - Usable Forms - Edit text - Get styles - Change style sheet - Extending forms - TOC - Image replacement
Table of contents - CSS Hacks - Conditional comments - JavaScript in CSS files - Links - Selectors - * selector - > selector - + selector - [attr] selector - Multiple classes - Pseudo- classes - :hover and :active - :before and :after - :focus - :first-child and :last-child - :first-line and :first-letter - :not and :empty - :root - Declarations - position - display - overflow - min and max - cursor - List styles - outline - Fun with tables - Scrollbar colors - opacity - visibility: collapse - white-space - content - Tasks - - 100% height - background-attachment on any element - Tableless forms - Centering a site - img and display - Browser bugs - IE5 Mac Horizontal scrollbar bug - IE5Mac overflow: hidden - IE5Mac overflow: auto - IE5Win position: relative - IE6 Pure CSS Popups - Mozilla Tables as containers - Explorer Windows, widths on TD's and colspans
Introduction - Browser compatibility - Experiments
Introduction - Table of contents - Browser history - Multiple Explorers - Current browsers - Explorer 5 and 6 Windows - Explorer 5 Mac - Mozilla - Opera 7 - Netscape 4 - Rare browsers - Old Mozilla's - Konqueror - Explorer 4 - Opera 5 and 6 - WebTV - iCab - Netscape 3 - OmniWeb - Very rare browsers - Ice Storm - Escape - Opera 3 - Opera 4 - Hotjava 3 - QNX Voyager - Explorer 3 - Netscape 2
About this site and myself - Why QuirksMode? - Why frames? - The making of QuirksMode.org - Copyright - QuirksMode.org history - My CV - My publications
Freelance web developer - Client side - Skills - Services - CSS1 reader - Portfolio - Wanadoo - TAJ Dental Cosmetics - Beng - ING formulieren - Bache - Kuitenbrouwser - Valkieser Intranet - WIAB navigation editors - VPRO Homepage - Arisz et al. - World Press Photo - Galerie Carla Koch
Odds and ends