Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
NL Königreich der Niederlande, Reino de los Países Bajos, Royaume des Pays-Bas, Regno dei Paesi Bassi, Kingdom of the Netherlands, (esper.) Niederlando
Chemie, Química, Chimie, Chimica, Chemistry, (esper.) kemio, biokemio





Dubnium (W3)

Die Bezeichnung dieses chemischen Elements (105) bezieht sich auf das Kernforschungszentrum in "Dubna", wo im Jahre 1967 sowjetische Wissenschaftler unter der Leitung von G.N. Flerow die Synthese des zweiten Transaktinoidenelements meldeten.

Die Diskussion um die endgültige Namensgebung für das Element 105 scheint jedoch noch nicht abgeschlossen zu sein. So gibt es drei weitere Vorschläge:


105, Db, Dubnium
"Dubna", Rusland, de plaats van het instituut voor gemeenschappelijk kernonderzoek. In 1994 stelde IUPAC voor nr. 105 joliotium (Jl) te noemen, naar de Franse natuurkundige Frederick Jolie-Curie. De ACU prefereerde hahnium (Ha), maar IUPAC koos in 1997 voor dubnium. De naam hahnium is een jaar of 25 in gebruik geweest.
In Rusland en enkele omliggende landen prefereert men de naam nielsbohrium (Ns), zie element 107.






Germanium (W3)

Das chemische Element "Germanium" wurde nach lat. "Germania", dt. "Germanien", "Deutschland", engl. "Germany", benannt, da es - nach theoretischer Existenz-Voraussage - im Jahr 1885, in einer Mine in der Nähe von Freiberg in Sachsen, also in Deutschland, gefunden wurde.


"germanium" [chemisch element] {1898} - modern latijn "germanium", door de ontdekker, de Duitse chemicus Klemens Alexander Winkler (1838-1904) afgeleid van "Germania", de lat. naam voor zijn vaderland.

"Germanium" werd in 1886 ontdekt door de Duitse scheikundige Klemens Alexander Winkler (1838-1904). Hij leidde de naam af van "Germania", de Latijnse naam van zijn vaderland. "Germanium" is bros, zilvergrijs en zeldzaam: de aardkorst bevat gemiddeld 2 gram per ton.

"Germanium" ("Ge", 32). Ontdekt in 1886 door Clemens Winkler (1838—1904) in argyrodiet. Het bleek in eigenschappen overeen te komen met het door Mendelejeff voorspelde "eka-silicium". De naam werd gegeven ter ere van "Duitsland" (Lat. "Germánia"), het vaderland van den ontdekker.

Erstellt: 2021-11


Elementnamen meertalig
Eigenschappen van de elementen in meer talen
Namen van de chemische elementen
Chemical Elements Etymology


Elementnamen meertalig:
F A Q (also in English)
Nederlands, Fries, Engels, Frans, Duits, Italiaans, Spaans, Portugees, Potjeslatijn, Roemeens, Esperanto, Galicisch, Catalaans, Occitaans, Bretons, Welsh, Iers, Schots, Zweeds, Deens, Noors, IJslands, Grieks, Fins, Estlands, Hongaars, Turks, Litouws, Lets, Russisch, Ukraïens, Wit-Russisch, Bulgaars, Servisch (Cyr.), Macedonisch, Pools, Tsjechisch, Slowaaks, Sloveens, Servisch (Lat.), Kroatisch, Bosnisch, Mongools (Cyr.), Indonesisch, Chinees, Japans, Koreaans, Thai (Macintosh), Thai (Windows), Vietnamees, Etymologie


Etymologie: Namen van de chemische elementen

Er werden zo veel mogelijk bronnen en woordenboeken geraadpleegd. Merk op dat veel Amerikaanse bronnen en hun talrijke kopieën taalkundig nogal slordige verklaringen geven. Geprobeerd werd het beter te doen, maar als u suggesties heeft, dan graag. De lichtblauwe tabelkop wordt herhaald bij iedere start van een nieuwe (sub)periode.

Ac actinium | Al aluminium | Am americium | Sb antimoon | Ar argon | As arseen | At astaat | Ba barium | Bk berkelium | Be beryllium | Bi bismut | Bh bohrium | B boor | Br broom | Cd cadmium | Ca calcium | Cf californium | Ce cerium | Cs cesium | Cl chloor | Cr chroom | Cm curium | Ds darmstadtium | Dy dysprosium | Es einsteinium | Er erbium | Eu europium | Fm fermium | F fluor | P fosfor | Fr francium | Gd gadolinium | Ga gallium | | Au goud | Hf hafnium | Hs hassium | He helium | Ho holmium | Fe ijzer | In indium | Ir iridium | I jood | K kalium | Co kobalt | C koolstof | Cu koper | Hg kwik | La lanthaan | Lr lawrencium | Li lithium | Pb lood | Lu lutetium | Mg magnesium | Mn mangaan | Mt meitnerium | Md mendelevium | Mo molybdeen | Na natrium | Nd neodymium | Ne neon | Np neptunium | Ni nikkel | Nb niobium | No nobelium | Os osmium | Pd palladium | Pt platina | Pu plutonium | Po polonium | Pr praseodymium | Pm promethium | Pa protactinium | Ra radium | Rn radon | | Rh rhodium | Rb rubidium | Ru ruthenium | Rf rutherfordium | Sm samarium | Sc scandium | Sg seaborgium | Se seleen | Si silicium | N stikstof | Sr strontium | Ta tantaal | Tc technetium | Te telluur | Tb terbium | Th thorium | Tm thulium | Sn tin | Ti titaan | Uub ununbium | U uraan | | H waterstof | W wolfraam | Xe xenon | Yb ytterbium | Y yttrium | Ag zilver | Zn zink | Zr zirkoon | O zuurstof | S zwavel















Vanadium (W3)


"vanadium" [chemisch element] {1831} - modern latijn "vanadium", door een der ontdekkers, de Zweedse chemicus en mineraloog Nils Gabriel Sefström (1787-1854), genoemd naar "Vanadis [Freya]", de schone Scandinavische godin, vanwege de fraaie kleur van de oplossingen.

"vanadium" znw. o., dit door de Zweed Sefström in 1830 ontdekte element werd genoemd naar de naam "Vanadis", een oudnoorse bijnaam van de godin "Freyja".

"Vanadium" (V, 23). In 1830 ontdekt door Sefström (1787—1845) in Zweeds ijzer. Hij noemde het "vanadium" naar de Noordse godin "Vanadis".

Spoedig daarna bleek dat het identiek was met het in 1801 door Del Rio (1765—1849) ontdekte element, dat hij "erythronium" of "panchromium" genoemd had, wegens de fraaie kleur der verbindingen - Gr. "erythrós" = ndl. "rood"; Gr. "pân" = neutr. "pâs" = ndl. "geheel", + "chroma" = ndl. "kleur"; lett. "geheel gekleurd".


1835 - "vanadium" - chemisch element - MODERN LATIJN


Vanadium – Vanadium – Vanadium – Vanadio – ...

Moderately dark gray metal

1801 Andrés Manuel del Río, Mexico, and 1830 Nils Gabriel Sefström, Sweden

"Vanadis" = Scandinavian goddes of beauty

Named by Sefström and Berzelius

Multilingual dictionary

History & Etymology

In 1801, Andrés Manuel del Río (1764-1849), a professor of mineralogy in Mexico, found in brown lead from Zimapán (Mexico) a new metal similar to Chromium and Uranium. He found the colours reminiscent of those shown by "Chromium", so he called the element "panchromium" (= "something which can take or have any color"). He later renamed the element "erythronium" (from the Greek "erythros" that means "red"), since the metal produced red salts when treated with acids. He withdrew his claim of the discovery of a new element, when, four years later, it was (incorrectly) suggested by the Frenchman, Hippolyte Victor Collet-Descotils (1773-1815), that the mineral was actually basic lead chromate.

In 1830, Nils Gabriel Sefström (1787-1845), physician and chemistry professor at the Falun School of Mines, described a new mineral that had been found a remarkably soft iron ore from the Taberg mine (Sweden). Bringing a large sample of this ore to Stockholm, Sefström and Jakob Berzelius investigated for three weeks finding many common elements including a new substance. After Sefström's departure, Berzelius continued to determine many additional properties. Sefström and Berzelius named the element "vanadium", in honor of "Vanadis", goddess of beauty, due to the brilliant colors of its compounds.

In 1831, F. Wöhler discovered that Del Rio's "erythronium" was identical with Sefström's "vanadium".

Finally, in 1867, Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe (1833-1915) isolated the metal and established its relationship with the nitrogen family.

Erstellt: 2024-02

Eine Spitzen-Site zur chemischen Namensgebung und Chemie-Geschichte
Elementymology & Elements Multidict by Peter van der Krogt
Multilingual & Name Origin Periodic Table
Elements Multidict
Element names in 72 languages
Chronology of the discovery
Persons involved in the discovery and naming
Name origin
Names that did not make it
Seven metals known from antiquity in 100 languages (Fe Cu Ag Sn Au Hg Pb)
History of the Chemical Symbols
Chemistianity 1873
Non-chemical and non-English periodic tables



mit guter etymologischer Erklärung und "Multilingual Dictionary" zu jedem chemischen Element.


Language Codes (ISO-639)

Fe Cu Ag Sn Au Hg Pb - Iron, Copper, Silver, Tin, Gold, Mercury, & Lead
Seven metals known from antiquity in 119 languages


Lavoisier 1789 - 33 elements
Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) introduced the system of chemical nomenclature. His Traité Élémentaire de Chimie (1789) was the first modern chemical textbook, and presented a unified view of new theories of chemistry. In addition, it contained a list of 33 elements, or substances that could not be broken down further. His list also included light (lumière) and caloric (calorique), which he believed to be material substances. Lavoisier himself grouped them into four categories on the basis of their chemical properties:
Dalton 1808 - 36 elements
John Dalton (1766-1844) was an English meteorologist who switched to chemistry when he saw the applications for chemistry of his ideas about the atmosphere. He proposed the Atomic Theory in 1803 which stated that
Berzelius 1813-14 - 47 elements
As we see in the complete list of Daltin symbols, the symbol for newly discovered elements was a letter or two letters in a circle. It is therefor quite logical that a few years later, in Sweden, Berzelius suggested just using letters, argumenting those are easier to write and print.
Mendeleev 1869 - 63 elements
Dmitrij Ivanovic Mendeleev (1834-1907) (how to spell his name? click here) had in 1869 assembled detailed descriptions of more than 60 elements and, on 6 March 1869 a formal presentation was made to the Russian Chemical Society entitled "The Dependence Between the Properties of the Atomic Weights of the Elements." Unfortunately, Mendeleev was ill and the presentation was given by his colleague Professor Menshutken. The same year, a summary of this paper was published in German in the Zeitschrift für Chemie (note). There were eight points to his presentation:
Henry Moseley 1913
When Argon was discovered, the masses of Argon and Potassium were reversed. Henry Moseley found the reason for these apparent exceptions to the rule. As a result of Moseley's work, the periodic law was revised. He stated that physical and chemical properties are a periodic function of their atomic number, rather than mass. This better explained the gaps in the table. The atomic number of an element indicates the number of protons in the nucleus of each atom of the element. The atomic number also indicates the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus. Herewith he created the modern periodic table in which each succeeding element has one more proton and electron than the former element.

Hier habe ich einen Hinweis zur Bildung der Elementsymbole gefunden, die auf Berzelius zurückgeht. Danach werden die Symbole der chemischen Elemente wie folgt gebildet.

Als Beispiele sind aufgeführt:

Ob diese Bildungsregel bei allen chemischen Symbolen bis heute eingehalten wurde habe ich nicht überprüft. Zumindest findet man in einem Dokument den Hinweis:

1818, gerade 10 Jahre nach Dalton's "New System of Chemical Philosophy", schlug J. J. Berzelius die heute noch verwendeten chemischen Zeichen der Fachöffentlichkeit vor.


mit guter etymologischer Erklärung und "Multilingual Dictionary" zu jedem chemischen Element.

Elementymology & Elements Multidict
Multilingual dictionary of the names of chemical elements

Es ist ja auch nicht uninteressant, welche vorgeschlagenen Elementnamen nicht zum Zuge kamen.


Accretium | Actin(e)on (An) | Actinium | Actinium Emanation | Actinium-A to D, K, X | Actino-uranium | Agusterde | Alabamine (Ab), | Alabamium (Am) | Alcaligène | Alcalinium, Alkalinium | Aldebaranium | Alkalinium, Alcalinium | Alumium | Andronia, Andronium | Anglium | Anglohelvetium (Ah) | Angularium | Antimonium | Archonium | Argon (A) | Aridium | Asterium | Athenium (An) | Aurum paradoxium | Ausonium (Ao) | Austrium | Azote (Az) | Barytium | Berzelium | Bohemium (Bo) | Boracium | Brevium (Bv) | Carolinium | Cassiopeium (Cp) | Celtium (Ct) | Centium | Centurium (Ct) | Cererium | Ceresium | Colonium | Columbium (Cb) | Coronium | Crodonium | Cyclonium | Cyclotronium | Dakin | Danium | Danubium (Da) | Davyum | Decipium (Dp) | Demonium | Denebium | Deuterium | Dianium | Didymium (Di) | Diplogenium | Donarium | Dor (Do) | Dubhium | DVI = Two (Sanskrite) | Dvi-Manganese | Dvi-Rubidium | Dvi-Tellurium (Dt) | EKA = One (Sanskrite) | Eka-Aluminium | Eka-Boron | Eka-Caesium | Eka-Gold (Eka-Aurum?) | Eka-Iodine | Eka-Iridium | Eka-Manganese | Eka-Osmium | Eka-Platinum | Eka-Rhenium | Eka-Silicon | Eka-Tantalum | Emanium | En(ne)actinium | Eosium | Erythronium | Esperium, Hesperium (Es) | Euprosium | Eurosamarium | Euxenium | Exactinio | Exradio | Exthorio | Extremium | Florentium (Fr) | Francium (Fa) | Geocoronium | Glucinium, Glucium | Gourium | Helvetium (Hv) | Hesperium, Esperium (Es) | Hibernium | Illinium (Il) | Ilmenium (Il) | Incognitium | Infra-Carbon | Ionium | Jargonium | Jargonium (Jg) | Joliotium | Junonium | Klaprothium | Kosmium | Lawrencium | Lawrencium (Lw) | Leptin | Lewisium | Littorium | Lucium | Magnium | Masrium (Ms) | Masurium (Ma) | Meitnium (Mt) | Melinium | Menachin | Mendelevium | Mesothorium | Metargon | Moldavium | Mosandrum | Muriaticum | Muride | Nebulium | Neo-erbium | Neokosmium | Neothulium | Neoytterbium (Ny) | Neptunium | Newium | Newtonium (Nw) | Nielsbohrium (Ns) | Nigrium | Nipponium | Niton (Ni) or (Nt) | Nonactinium | Norium (No) | Norwegium (Ng) | Novum | Ochroite | Odinium (Od) | Offium | Orthohelium | Ostranium | Panchromium | Panormium | Parahelium | Pelopium (Pe) | Percentium | Philippium (Pp) | Phtor | Pluranium | Plutonium | Polinium | Potassium | Praedicium | Prodaniukium | Protofluorine | Protohydrogen | Ptene | Radioactinium | Radiobismuth | Radiolead | Radiotellurium | Radium Emanation | Radium-A to G | Radlabium | Rolandium | Russium | Samarium (Sa) | Scheelium | Scotium | Sequanium (Sq) | Sirium | Sodium (So) | Spectrium (Sp) | Thelike | Therine (Te) | Thor(e)on (Tn) | Thorium (T) | Thorium Emanation | Thulium (Tu or Tu) | Tritium | Tungsten (Tn, Tu) | Tyrium (Ty) | Ultimium | Universitium | Uranium | Vesbium | Vestaeium or Vestium | Vestium | Virginium (Vi, Vm) | Wasium | Welsium | Wodanium | Yorkium | Yttrium (Yt)